Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2929724 times)


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Useless Blighters, you 2.   :troll2: :keelhaul: :snipe:
Now hear this:

Steven Michael King
June 16 at 10:21 AM ·
She didnt want kids to suffer starving to death...
she ran out of help and options
economy been this bad for years..

Mom denied food stamps shoots kids, kills self
Texas woman who shot her 2 children, then killed herself during standoff in welfare office had been denied food stamps

Alisa Johnson Griffis That was mental illness, Steven. She could have gotten food from probably 25 different local churches. Food is available in huge quantities in Texas at the churches.

Steven Michael King here in banks have been running low the last 20 years.....Mom's with kids are first.....guys still in good health have to resort to "dumpster diving" because the laws will not allow unsold food to go to the I figured its similar all over....Alisa Johnson Griffis...also it was illegal to feed homeless in many parts of Ca and Fl....and other....until the recent Supreme Court decision.....

Ty Hatfield Steven Michael King Again it is a California issue if they were anywhere else except for New York I guess in Chicago they would be helped

Xavier Yepremian Wilks How the felafel do you Know What that Women's Options was?? Do you Realize how Desperate and Defeated she had to be tp go to THAT Extreme???

Alisa Johnson Griffis Xavier Yepremian Wilks Xavier - please forgive me for sounding rude and terse. I've worked with people living in extreme poverty as a teacher for decades, and I am not hard-hearted. I have felt the unbearable frustration that is experienced by famili…See More

Xavier Yepremian Wilks Alisa Johnson Griffis ok Let's speak on the Mental Illness.. If she cant afford Food she can't Afford Healthcare Either!! Which means she couldn't evem afford Meds for her mental Health and that's IF she was Even Diagnosed!!!

Alisa Johnson Griffis Xavier Yepremian Wilks Yes. That is correct. And Texas is particularly hard on health care. The couple that is in our home was denied medical care, even though without it the dad cannot get a job because if he's gushing blood and cannot function, he…See More

Xavier Yepremian Wilks Alisa Johnson Griffis it's About More than Having Health care! It's about Certain Factions who are Trusted to run this Goverment having ZERO compassion for anyone below Middle Class!!

Alisa Johnson Griffis Xavier Yepremian Wilks Seriously - I agree with you. Liberals are causing terrible problems with their unworkable ideals! They hate on us Conservatives and call us all sorts of wicked names and blame us for so many things without rationally taking a…See More

Xavier Yepremian Wilks Alisa Johnson Griffis. You walked right in to that.
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Alisa Johnson Griffis Xavier Yepremian Wilks I was having fun with you. I was pretty sure that you were a liberal by the way you unforgivingly processed information I gave you and refused to acknowledge any kindness on my part.

Xavier Yepremian Wilks Alisa Johnson Griffis define "Liberal" I'll Gueantee you're Wrong.

Alisa Johnson Griffis Xavier Yepremian Wilks Tell you what - why don't you share your beliefs?

Xavier Yepremian Wilks My beliefs are Wide and Varied. But the cliff note version. I Believe People Who call themselves "Decent" shouldn't want to Live in a Society where a Women sees Killing herself and her babies as an option because sje can't afford to feed them. She shou…See More

Xavier Yepremian Wilks Alisa Johnson Griffis oh..and Welfare is more of a TRAP than a Handout!!

Monica Irene Bennett Steven Michael King, A relative of mine is considered homeless, ,lives in an RV & he still goes to food banks in Cali.

Nancy Wallace NOT THE ECONOMY!!! Profound Mental Illness.

Tommy Lola OMFG speak out, you who surely must know!

Kristine Brock The government is not fair with its' distribution--- people get depressed & disappointed--- frankly, "people" GIVE UP !! And, I don't blame them.
It is easy to be optimistic when you have EVERYTHING ----
Not everyone has family, Church and helpful friends supporting them
I'm talking about mental, emotional, psychological, physical AND continual spiritual support !!
Alisa, do you not understand what it is to feel mentally tired and best up from life ??
Most people do not have unconditional love in their lives ---
Democrats are bull shite artists ---- talk, talk, talk and it goes on AND on ~
In MY opinion-- most people do not "walk their talk"

Alisa Johnson Griffis Kristine - please go up and read my response to Xavier, above.

Kristine Brock Alisa Johnson Griffis I just did ---- I don't find your comments fun, or kind
Your comments are quirky--- think the way you want. You think you are right --- I don't really care how you think---- be my guest to think as you do

Crickett Dyke It was her only option, from her perspective.

Gigi Snyder The saddest thing to me is the amount of food that goes to waste in this country anyways. It’s truly a crime of humanity that people starve while untouched food gets thrown away

Michele Wimmer Good ole laws and regulations!

Tina Bernard From 2011. Imagine things are worse now for many many families.

Steven Michael King way cant rent for less than $1,000 much

Alixandra Annette Vanderzon If you're going to be poor or mentally ill - live anywhere but Texas - ANYWHERE.

Crickett Dyke The food that restaurants and grocery stores throw out is appalling!

Ron Tello Culley I'm staying out of this one. I know too much about this. Anyone can find me....

:tello: "Have I not said it enuff? America is a dangerous place!"
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You've got the script - how's the screenplay coming along?


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Horror movie


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You've got the script - how's the screenplay coming along?

I ran out of toilet paper, and, well...try to guess what about that.   :guilt:    :shame:      :drama:               :vent:

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Horror movie

You can't be easily replaced,
but I can refer you to
The Rob Zombie Film School for Blighters.

                         :troll2:             :mug:                :smee!:
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Look what I plundered from another thread:

Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter, for
always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your
achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career,
however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of
trickery.But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons
strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself.
Especially do not feign affection.

Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and
disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of
the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not
distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of
the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be
here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is
unfolding as it should.

Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And
whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep
peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is
still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

And now...THIS!
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  :tello:     "Who the hell keeps jacking up the hit counter?
          Are they actually reading, or spamming/jamming?
          I need to cash-in on this junk, really."
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Here is this today:
Ron Burt
20 hrs · since 7:40pm PST
Now DirecTV can't broadcast channel 9? Worst cable service I have ever had, and I've tried them all. Makes my decision to cut the cord that much easier.

Teresa G Maze  We had them years ago I absolutely hated them and their customer service, Kirk actually got into a yelling match over the phone with them. We have had dish for the last 7 years and I absolutely love love love them. They fix things right away never had a problem great customer service.

Gail Burt  DirecTV was good for years, but man when they started going downhill, it was a gay ride to the bottom. We're happy with DISH, too

Steve Sirotnak I heard they might be losing cbs too. Get spectrum

Steve Sirotnak Or just get good internet and stream live TV on everything.. that's the way the world's headed

Starr Zerrenner Vorck Look into YouTube TV. It's all casting through wifi but its half the cost and I've never had issues with any channels. It also has local channels

Debbi Paul Kramer Unversed also dropped these channels.
Why do they do this? We pay enough. Every cable company has their problems. Time to cut the cord.

Sandy Rose Miller Direct is awful. Their installers are lazy. Rick got into it with their installer , Rick told him to get off the property. The guy was to lazy to put the dish where we wanted it, and wouldn't run fresh coax and install it under the house . He wanted to make lines run outside and too visible.

Kirk Murray My Direct Bill Went Up $60 and I Had to quit to get it lowered.They would not deal with Me until I Quit. Now I get a Much Lower Price and so it goes with the Territory. My AT&T internet I had to quit as well and they turned it off with a switch in an Office. Getting it back requires a Tech to come OUT??????????????????

Rich Gallego They lost me when they didn’t pick up the Dodger channel.

Jan Spencer Get a roku, Ron! Or apple tv 😁.

Ron Tello Culley
Kill Your Television

Ron Tello Culley You'll thank me later as I'm watching my favorite shows.

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Ron Tello Culley  Of all the things to say that are gonna make us say "we're doomed", THIS just may very well be it.
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Steven Michael King shared a post.
Yesterday at 3:24 PM
How about lets bring this bat to our mountains to increase the diversity!
It will be both fun and interesting....dont ya think?

Historical Pictures
July 28, 2018
This is a hammerhead bat. It's a real creature, and it is exactly what nightmares are made of.

Patricia Calcott No thank you

Mon Maynor NO!!!

Ron Tello Culley NIGHTMARE FUEL: your tank is full.

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Who can we trust?

Ashley Risnes is looking for recommendations.
3 hrs
Who do I contact for a possible campfire/campers in the forest? Arrowhead area.

Christina Chumley should know...NO campfires here in the mountains

Ashley Risnes Christina Chumley well apparently they don’t 🤷???

Christina Chumley Ashley Risnes I know that's why I was informing her. If your not from here one could very well not know 👍🙂

Brenda Steinert Christina Chumley other than all the signage all over the mountain.

David Starinieri You want to have a fire or you see someone having a fire? Either way it’s illegal! If you see someone having a fire call 911.

Ron Tello Culley Stoke up a microwave oven instead, you can still make Smores.
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Marc Bynum
15 hrs ·
You may disagree with my point of view and you may be offended by it, but I am always willing to listen. You present your point of view, I present mine. But, nothing will ever move forward unless we both listen. Until that happens, everyone will be enemies and nothing, and I mean NOTHING will get better. Your choice. How people treat YOU is what matters. What they think is always up for debate. Without some kind of mutual respect, regardless of opinions, we'll be doomed to a tug-of-war in which there are no winners, only losers.

Charles de Young Exactly. Always been a good conversation or even debate that was exactly that. Whats changed is the amount of emotion attached to the subject. Some things are at an extreme now. So the feelings are as well. We are not in a time where an exchange of ideas and opinions is taken lightly.

If someone has an opinion, for example, to support some political ideas or some politicians, and voice those opinions or support to me, I have to ask why or try to explain my position if it runs against that politician. Because I made my decision to dislike that particular politician based on his agenda and how he votes and what he is doing.

If I have that level of dislike for a politician he has done something that directly effected me and my life negatively.
Not like the 80s when laws were passed and good or bad they didn't create a direct problem for me or my family.

Now the laws are felt.
One example is healthcare. I'm not talking about seeing a doctor every few months for a checkup, I'm talking about my M.S. and a real disability, me and a million others with disease or injury are directly affected by some politians agenda and policy.

With that said. An opinion supporting a politician is an emotional thing.
And depending on your stance is seen as a disregard for basic human needs or an attack on my quality of life.
Opinions and beliefs are more emotional now than ever before for those who lose quality of life because some politician is voting based on corp sponsorship.
The U.S. is losing to corp greed and the citizens are paying for it socially.

MaryWitchie Hall and it is totally irrational to expect everyone to agree with you....the beauty in our world is our diversity...we're not supposed to be the same.
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:wtf:             :evillaugh:                :keelhaul:                                      :deadhorse:
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829834 Views   :banana:
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You do know why the view count goes up, don't you?


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No, I dunno.

Please tell me!
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People see something new has been posted so they have a look at what it was.

... and it's just you posting the view count.


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Spot-on, M8.

That's been my design for years (and still no cash flow).

Just like Howard Stern: the masses tuning-in to see what he says next.

Blimey. Stupid world.

Where's the love I deserve?
    :jandoor: :tazdev: 

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In America today, having a brain and mouth is a crime, especially when yer associated with Nevada.
This shite won't stop as long as you are docile, complacent and Sheeple. Why bother anymore? END IT NOW!
Eat Snacky Smores.

:tello:  "I don't care what fascist you support...ya got the RIGHT to speak!!! Then the other fascists come along to shut you down for it. (Slap yo head, UPside)
"Greatest Nation in The World" does not apply anymore, so stop yer blatent lying and insipid beliefs in the myths of our neighbourhoods. The future is so bright, I have to wear HAZMAT goggles."
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[another facebook post]CRUNCH TIME has arrived Sweeties! I say it is now FOR REAL: Sharknado has more credibility than YOU!
I am done with you NON-entities...these so-called internet "Friends". Everybody knows it's all know this: I don't have a psychotic need to do this..ever again, and now I'm done with all you lumps, spots, stains and posers on this web poot. The Internet is beyond a contaminate; It's an enabler for any and all criminal elements of modern flocked-up Amerikan society to do damage on the levels of their choice.
Having said that; I openly invite each and every one of you interlopers to graciously exit my page. If you don't. I will harsh upon your good name in the name of Common Grace, and the elements of MY Underground agenda. (That's a secret to be revealed any minnit now...)
I'm saying: "Sharknado" is far more believable than you.
Flocken deal with it, and either stand-up, or get lost. I have come to the point where I REALLLLLY don't care about Amerika any more. And I clean my weapons frequently for my impending Stand-Off with Elko, the Mutant fascist inbred government entity.
I'm not drunk nor insane: This is the LUCID Ron Tello of a lost world in search of itself.. So flock you and eat Snacky Smores! Send all contributions of blood, sweat and cash to: The Ron at PO Box 5602 Sugarloaf, CA 92386.
Do it. Or don't. I know... and no longer care about who you are and what you were.
(Being over 60 years young takes a lot out of a Lad).

Hey! THIS IS THE INTERNET. It is the shite you eat, idiot!

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Ron Tello Culley

Now hear this:

All KUDOS and Praises to the Greater Metropolitan Big Bear Transit Authority! (The Red Bus) I claim it is a Blessing! It enables common and UNcommon folks to travel from Erwin to The Dam in air conditioned comfort (or Heated luxury in the winter time) for a reasonable, affordable fee. And they have bike racks, so cool!

Now, check this out: Route 11 is rarely "on time" and that's ok. Better late than never.

Recently I figured out why the bus runs late...a minimum of 5 to 8 minnits behind the posted schedule...(Sometimes it's 10 to 30 minnits late, and one time it went MIA).

It's because "They keep stopping" .

I spoke of this revelation recently to a female bus driver (name withheld cuz I don't know it) and she said to me "Stop Happens."

In all the world of public transpo and their lovely drivers, this gal put the "guy" in WISEGUY, turned it around my neck and has the last laff on my clown dime.

All Hail The Red Bus of the Big Bear Galaxy!!!

(It beats hitchhiking big rigs outta Montello, Nevada!)

And I wonder: with all that remodeling going on at Staters, will they install a covered bus bench out front? It's brutal past 1 PM, in the sun, the snow & rain and meteor showers...

3 Likes Diane Franssen and 2 others

Ron Tello Culley 3 "Likes"? That's all I get? I'm beginning to wanna not bother (you) anymore. But it only hurts when I don't keep trying..
 +And who is BettY? How she get to me? hummm...

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Luisa Jaquish Demorest
8 hrs ·
Does anyone recognize this dog? Found by the water tank and pretty beat up..

Shellie Sharp Christensen He’s cute as can be. I’m sure somebody is missing him.

Luisa Jaquish Demorest Shellie Sharp Christensen he is skin and bones so I think he has been wandering for awhile. But very well behaved.

Marsha Martin Poor baby

Joshua Lewis Stan Denning you seen him around any

Ray Lear Poor little guy.

Kenneth Henson Jr it looks like the printer ran out of ink, hope he finds his family

Ron Tello Culley Is that my stolen truck?
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #6178 on: September 02, 2019, 04:06:08 PM »
If I wazzint drunk right now, I'd tell all you Lurkers *  :astrofaint: where to go.

Sadly, it would involve my current location and there's shite like noise ordinances and traffic control, for example, and then there's my preferences of weapons and Alternative Energies Programs in place.

So, you Lurkers, do this: email me at, ---OR---  send a drone with 5000 Dollars USD to Ron_Tello@RonT.Ron Sugarloaf, Ca. before the year dies.

Jeez....ya think you Blighters have problems...look again!

"LABOR DAY WeekEND" surfin'USA.... 

* You know who you are, and I need you to introduce yerselves or I will...ummm, uh,well so I don't care about you, ok?   :troll2:                           :deadhorse:

BLA! I like my misery in Paisley.[/b][/size]

[Image not available but there is this VVV below!VVVV]
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #6179 on: September 02, 2019, 04:48:40 PM »
Luisa Jaquish Demorest is with Debbie Cook and 8 others.
8 hrs ·
*Apparently none of my Pilot Valley friends recognize their description either! Hmm.. and yes I always carry*
 :tello:  "THIS IS MONTELLO shite!"
Ok Pilot Valley friends, I'm going to rant.. as some of you know I have property west(ish) of you. I have been up here all day when I noticed dust coming up my road from pilot valley road. With all the thieves running amuck I watched. First they went to the new place below me.. they turned around and headed towards Audrey Crowes. They turned around yet again and headed back towards my place. When they reached my cross road they turned south, then backed up and came straight up my 2nd road which dead ends at a fence(with no traspassing marked). They proceeded to go around my fence through the brush, headed to the mountains.
I of course went in hot pursuit. I caught them at the mine shafts. They are driving a newer white flatbed truck, extended cab with a white toolbox on the back. The driver was an older small Hispanic guy. One passenger was a female, one male both probably 30ish. The driver was extremely rude when I told him he had just trespassed through my property and wanted me to prove I owned it. They also tried telling me the road disappeared at my place (well duh, you just were on a perfectly fine road). The older man told me to go back to "where the felafel I came from"
So my question is, who are the people? They claim to live in Pilot Valley but wouldn't give a name!

18JT Trevathan and 17 others

Wendy Marie Rachal So awful. Sorry😢

Staci Seidler-Fowler Just be careful out there by yourself don't know what they might do

Rick Young I hope you were armed! You never know what nits are around

Debbie Cook This place is crawling with hunters. I'll keep my eye open for that truck.
Tonya Evans I guess I would've pulled that piece on out... Crazy Gringo!

Marsha Martin Things are changing for the worse around here.

Ammy E Pearson SHOOT THEM!

Katie Hughes Get a whole set of "im a crazy beatch" and "youve trespassed on the wrong f'ing property" signs... like in the movie Secondhand Lions... line your road with em. Then shoot their tires and call the authorities. They can walk back to town.

Cheri Weighall So sorry this happened to you
JT Trevathan Always carry

Kathy Warren I'll keep an eye out too. stay safe!

Shellie Sharp Christensen I’ll keep an eye out.

Don Adair That sucks.there are some new people that want to pull city stuff out here and it ain’t gonna work

Kelley Tuttle Get a double barrel 410 and when they question you shove that sucker up there nose and ask very nicely to repeat that!!

Mary Bossen Last Tuesday at 1:40 am a silver or grey truck drove down Pilot as far as Penny’s place, turned around and came down the access road that crosses my property. Soon as they cleared the old camp trailer they started spot lighting. I as armed and expected them to come back down. Watched as they drove all the way down to poll line then cut across past Tom Hardy’s place. Headed toward Montello from there. Not a vehicle I recognize and they were smart enough not to come back past cause you can bet I was armed.
Will definitely keep an eye out for that flat bed.
Ron Tello Culley Am I supposed to read all that? (*cleaning guns as I post*)+
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #6180 on: September 02, 2019, 06:28:43 PM »
:tello: "I dint become a Part Time Philosopher only to end up being an eternal Jack Ass.
That gig happened with those other guys."

Me? Get used to the fact that I dont ride the Short Bus. I drive it.

All aboard!!

:r3830:              :smee!:                 :duckling:
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #6181 on: September 02, 2019, 06:41:54 PM »
:tello:    Do not pardon my intrusion post as I have no idea what's going on, off or over here...sniope-a-lot!

:mummy:             :keelhaul:                                                    :wtf:

                                                        :duckdance:                                                                                                      :smee!:

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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #6182 on: September 11, 2019, 07:50:03 PM »
Are you injecting champagne? Are you dancing the celery stalk? What's happening?
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #6183 on: September 12, 2019, 10:14:30 PM »
It's ALL happening!


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Tello ain't dead.

Suffer ye antagonists.

This is the page dedicated solely to the Rights of Passing thru.   
 Thus: Attention all avid followers of this mysterious web space: All is not well...for you.

Me? I'm ok,


For further information and an authentic autographed cigarette rolling paper, please send $3 in any coin of the realm denomination and a SASE to: Ron Tello Culley PO BOX 5602 Sugarloaf, CA 92386 USA.

How difficult is that?

Trust me, I don't wanna know, again!

So there ya go!

Pay or cry.

I feel for you.   :smee!:

Don't abuse my Good Will, or hassel my Won't.
I presume everyone here is an adult, or some variation of an Earthly Creature.
Get back to me on that one, too, ok?

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100 % Optimism
Zero results.

You have officially nullified my faith in humanity, south of the equatedor.

All of you, every one.

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Well, at least we know it's you - and that your account hasn't been hacked.


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Meanwhile in America...

[attachment deleted by admin]
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 Ask America about America. I'm OUT of that racket!

And now: HEAR THIS! UPDaTe:

I have recently acquired some fancy gov't money just bcuz, and I bot a lappy.
The wrong one I suppose.
It wont allow my use of the functions herein ie. BOLD, font, color, smileys..all the goodness of this site.

I am so unembolden to present my latest (today) gift of gab and other atrocity reports on my Homefront due to my continuous condition known as ElkoVirus2020.

This is session 2 with me Lappy-go-poop.
HP something, windows 10....
This mofo is of NAZI Spawndastics.
It offers more restrictions, oppression and aggravation than XP for sure!!!
It hates my Yahoo account.
Google is a threat to the Man of the machine.
It asked for my DNA.



Starting now.


[another cold one bite my dust}}}}  :tello:

I know how to code the tello icon. Pathetic. I sense Evil farces at work & behind the workings.

(Dig: they shot JFK cuz he Bogarted the Cuban Cigars, and I say he was killed in a drunken driver incident Who do you believe? Truth is a menace and logic is a threat.)

Truth is a menace and logic is a threat.
Could be the continuing plot to silence, suppress, quash and soil my pursuit of life in this American
cyber-nitemare-a-go-go. Why not? Everthing gone before fits the profile...

Call me; I have the house phone now, the one with the answering machine. 909-547-0411. So. Cal.

:smee!:  "Blimey! I can't marquee..he's right! That puter bloody'ell sucks!!"
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Woo-HOO! Now I got my own puter, checkout the shite I enjoy, for example.

It's not South Park. It's worse.
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IT's a special time on the facebook psycho-loco recovery page...
Here's what's new, in quick copy paste edit mode...(a labour of love and contempt)

Schizoaffective Disorder & Mental Health Support

Melissa Shipman
Just a bit of Fun

"Cottage Pie does not contain cottages. Play along!"

Melissa Shipman
Sausage dogs do not contain Sausages

Melissa Shipman
Baby powder does not contain babies

Jaden Kelley
Chicken pot pie does not contain pot

Emily Dove
Potato hash doesn’t contain any hash. Lol

Nathan Glass
Kumquats do not contain cum

Heather Izzard
Hot dogs have no dogs

Carolyn Strozier
Taylor Swift is not swift

Samuel Amboc
Shepherds pie has no shepherds

Sarah Jayne Fifi Morgan
Samuel Amboc some do

Samuel Amboc
Sarah Jayne Fifi Morgan ???

Steve Tamres
Ask Sweeney Todd

Louise Latto
Toad in the hole has no toads!!

Robyn Malovec
Mincemeat pies have no meat

Elise Decker
Pot pies contain no pot! I guess someone said that. Still funny!

Timnesha Leeshawn
Girl scout cookies do not contain REAL girl scouts

Sarah Jayne Fifi Morgan
Domino’s are crap at dominos

Will Holt
Domino's normal pizza is square. You have to order square domino's especially.

Sarah Jayne Fifi Morgan
Dr Dre isn’t a real dr

Will Holt
No but I would support him getting an honorary Ph.D. in English for the work he did advancing hip hop during its formative years.

Joni A English
Dr Pepper contains no Pepper

Will Holt
It isn't a doctor, either!

Lynne Gerelus
Head cheese contains no head meat from the pig and no cheese

Veronica Page
Lynne Gerelus I'm gonna have to argue with you there. We always used the meat from the pig's head in our's. But, yeah, not cheese.

Jessica Crowley
Mountain Dew has no mountains

Samuel Amboc
Coke has no coke....anymore

Miranda Brooks
Shepherds pie doesnt contain shepherds??

Kylie Blevins
Catnip has no cats

Chantal Melissa
Wagonwheels have no wagons

Andijo KissItfb
Key lime pie doesn't contain any keys

Will Holt
Manhole covers do not cover holes in men.

Will Holt
High ways start neither high nor a way. Low obstruction.

Jackie Lapp
shite on a shingle doesn't have actual shite in it.

Laurie Biggs
Nor is it on a shingle

Taryn Clarkston Kimber
Country time lemonade doesn't contain time.

Elle Michaelson
Am I the only one who’s having trouble understanding this game?

Sharriek Rashaad
Elle Michaelson its a word play thing.
"Country time" is a brand of lemonade for example, but the lemonade doesnt contain "country" or "time" as ingredients

Elle Michaelson
Sharriek Rashaad ah. Yeah, I’m not great at word play things. Thanks for explaining though.

Jessica S King
Shepard’s pie does not contain a Shepard

Sharriek Rashaad
Babysitters dont even sit on babies

Justin Baer
Shepherds pie doesn’t have shepherds in it

William Wakefield
Mountain dew is not from a mountain.

William Wakefield
Snicker's bars don't make me laugh.

Jen Westbrook
Hamburgers have no ham!

Mickey Tunell
Aspergers are not!

Toni Sutton
Moon pies don’t have the moon in them.

Laurie Biggs
And they are not pies

Duc Tram
Buffalo wings does not have any buffalo meat 

Laurie Biggs
And they are not wings

Laurie Biggs
Sierra Mist has no mist and doesn't come from the Sierra's...

Laurie Biggs
True.... but it's not made by the Sierra's

Clare Jade
Hot dogs do not contain dogs.
Erica Holmes
There is no buddha in your buddha bowl.

Ron Tello Culley
Who put the Dong in Rama Lama Ding Dong?

Lisa Rountree
There is no fruit in fruit loops

Veronica Page
Blood Sausage does not contain...oh, wait

Samuel Amboc
Tiny teddies have no teddies

Lynsy Flyr
French fries doesn't contain the french


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 :tello:      Do I have to understand this (the following  c & p offering)?

The Mayonnaise Jar

When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day is not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar and two cups of coffee.

A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him.
When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and fills it with golf balls.

He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.
The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured it into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls.
He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.
The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else.

He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous “YES”.
The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.
“Now,” said the professor, as the laughter subsided, “I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things - God, family,
children, health, friends, and favorite passions.

Things, that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the things that matter like your job, house, and car. The sand is everything else -- the small stuff.” he said.
“If you put the sand into the jar first,” he continued, “There is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are
important to you...” he told them.

“So... pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Worship with your family. Play with your children. Take your partner out to dinner. Spend time with good friends. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the dripping tap. Take care of the golf balls first -- the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.”

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented.
The professor smiled and said, “I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend.”

Please share this with other "Golf Balls"

:tello:   "I'll do my best to stay out of this one."
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What if you havent got the balls to start with?


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And Fv(% the world. This is juicy! In a sour way. As a species, we are not sick. We are diseased.

  Erica Holmes "I lost my job today"

Nathan Glass
Really sorry to hear that! What happened?

Erica Holmes
Nathan Glass my boss sweetly told me that I am not a good fit for her small business.

Nathan Glass
Erica Holmes That sucks! No notice or anything? Can't you take it further, perhaps to a tribunal?

Erica Holmes
Nathan Glass no need she generously paid me for this week and promised to be a good reference.

Nathan Glass
Erica Holmes well I suppose that's some consolation I guess... I'm sure something else will come up soon!

Erica Holmes
Nathan Glass I'm confident it will. I have about 15 applications out there now.

Nathan Glass
Erica Holmes That's awesome! Good for you. Are you okay though?

Erica Holmes
Nathan Glass my brain is being mean to me. I'm trying to find the knob to turn down the voices. I'm dealing as best I can.

Nathan Glass
Erica Holmes Just try and distract yourself as much as possible, maybe with music or a podcasts. I hope you feel better soon, feel free to message me at any point if you need to talk.

Erica Holmes
Nathan Glass thank you Nathan I am currently watching funny youtube videos and having a beer. I will, thank you for your kindness.

Nathan Glass
Erica Holmes That sounds like a pretty good distraction to me. I'm currently doing the same, minus the beer (felafeling wish I had one though!)
That's okay, any time. Don't hesitate

Erica Holmes
Nathan Glass have one on me! I won't but how? Don't we have to be friends before we can message each other directly?

Nathan Glass
Erica Holmes That does look tasty! And no, we don't. We can message each other without being friends

Erica Holmes
Nathan Glass okay, lol. I spent several years away from FB. It's changed a lot lol

Erica Holmes
It is tasty! It's pretty close to an actual brown ale.

Nathan Glass
Erica Holmes I think that's always been a thing? Could be wrong though. Yeah if you message me it just comes up in my message requests
Sounds delicious!

Erica Holmes
Nathan Glass it might have been, lol. Like I said I've spent several years off this cursed SMS, lol.

Erica Holmes
It is delicious

Nathan Glass
Erica Holmes Haha, I don't blame you. It is a bit shite. Not all its cracked up to be. Lol.
And I don't doubt it!

Erica Holmes
Well look at that it does work!

Susan Sowell Siano
Erica Holmes, I’ve been “let go” for that same reason. Head up. You are enough.

Erica Holmes
Nathan Glass no it's not back in 07 I mainly used it to abuse my professors at university.

Erica Holmes
Susan Sowell Siano thank you lovie. I could tell she wasn't completely honest but she was doing her best to be kind.

Susan Sowell Siano
Erica Holmes, yea, I got the same vibe when I was let go. You can probably file for unemployment for you were terminated through no fault of your own. . It’s a bit of money each week.

Alyssa Cutler
What kind of job are you looking for?

Robert J Powell
Sorry to hear

Sandie Wallace
I'm so sorry. That sucks. 

Erica Holmes
Sandie Wallace thank you

Maddison Blackwood
That sucks r u ok?

Erica Holmes
Maddison Blackwood I'm dealing. Hopefully another job comes along soon.

Maddison Blackwood
Fingers crossed for u x

Lakaiyah Haggan
Im sorry you loat your job

Erica Holmes
Lakaiyah Haggan thank you

Debra Lynn Zoller
I'm very sorry Erica. I hope a better one is just around the corner.

Erica Holmes
Debra Lynn Zoller thank you

Mik Jong Soo Treichel
I’m sorry

[Editorial]:   :tello:  "Throw me a wet blanket, it's dryer than this swill".

(:-{=  ya first gotta have a job to lose it. Good luck with THAT ya whinger.
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One Million (1M), Really?

6193 Replies
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What if you havent got the balls to start with?

Then yer a grrL...
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That's where you lurking vultures need to go.

Current events.

Ageless kaos with a *TwIsT*.

:tello: "Friend me. I dare you."
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"