Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2929929 times)


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Ron Tello Culley
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It's Friends List Chopping Time!
Weigh-In to stay, remain silent and off you go. Half of you were never approved. Sneeks!

Ron Tello Culley
Diane Tobey is exempt.

Ron Tello Culley
We are such good friends.....we used to sniff each others diapers in 1959.
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A rookie police officer pulled a biker over for speeding and had the following exchange:

• Officer: May I see your driver's license?

• Biker: I don't have one. I had it suspended when I got my 5th DUI.

• Officer: May I see the owner's card for this vehicle?

• Biker: It's not my bike. I stole it.

• Officer: The motorcycle is stolen?

• Biker: That's right. But come to think of it, I think I saw the owner's card in the tool bag when I was putting my gun in there.

Officer: There's a gun in the tool bag?

• Biker: Yes sir. That's where I put it after I shot and killed the dude who owns this bike and stuffed his dope in the saddle bags.

• Officer: There's drugs in the saddle bags too?!?!?

• Biker: Yes, sir. Hearing this, the rookie immediately called his captain. The biker was quickly surrounded by police, and the captain approached the biker to handle the tense situation:

• Captain: Sir, can I see your license?

• Biker: Sure. Here it is. It was valid.

• Captain: Who's motorcycle is this?

• Biker: It's mine, officer. Here's the registration.

• Captain: Could you slowly open your tool bag so I can see if there's a gun in it?

• Biker: Yes, sir, but there's no gun in it. Sure enough, there was nothing in the tool bag.

• Captain: Would you mind opening your saddle bags? I was told you said there's drugs in them.

• Biker: No problem. The saddle bags were opened; no drugs.

• Captain: I don't understand it. The officer who stopped you said you told him you didn't have a license, stole this motorcycle, had a gun in the tool bag, and that there were drugs in the saddle bags.

• Biker: Yeah, I'll bet he told you I was speeding, too.
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Rob Bell  ·

How about we all remember the golden rule. If you don't have anything nice to say just shut up. Justin Rounds  and Candice Cooley don't need all this BS.  Let's stay positive and show our love and support for this wonderful family.
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Ron Tello Culley
I am SHUT UP. Thx for that.

Ron Tello Culley
I still say my "Alien Abduction Theory" is better than any other going around....

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Ron Tello Culley

You can't do this. You just did.

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Rob Bell
How about we all remember the golden rule. If you don't have anything nice to say just shut up. Justin Rounds  and Candice Cooley don't need all this BS.  Let's stay positive and show our love and support for this wonderful family.
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Ron Tello Culley
I am SHUT UP. Thx for that.

Ron Tello Culley
I still say my "Alien Abduction Theory" is better than any other going around....

Jeanne Pratt
Ron Tello Culley I don’t think anyone here appreciates your “humor”. If you have credible reason to believe this theory, I hope you’ve shared it with law enforcement before now. That’s the best place for theories. This group avoids theories and is based on confirmed facts only. Thank you for understanding.

Ron Tello Culley
Yes, I have an FBI guy on speed dial. I offered up valid info last month and nothing came of it. FACT! See ya!

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Exclusive to the OZRT:

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More Insider Scoop:

I have online women saying I am a Legend.

I won't publish any of it here cuz I don't wanna.....YET!

So pity the poor b@zturds out there scorning me.

The whole Dylan Rounds site has become a godamn prayer circle.

Homey don't pray.
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Must see fraudulent activity

Ron Tello <>

Fri, Jul 22 at 6:52 PM

Last night a new fb friend who is interested in my escapades
informed me of this:

Some joker on youtube hijacked my old case vid of 2013,
entitled Kidnapped, and is presenting it as part of the DR investigation.

Here's the bogus vid:

Here's the true story behind the original:

I never thot anything this stupid could happen.

I gotta shape up my thinking.


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10 Biggest Adjustments Fleeing Californians Have To Make In Their New States

Hundreds of thousands of people are fleeing California for states like Texas and Florida, but it's not always easy to adjust to life in an American state.

Let's look at the 10 biggest adjustments fleeing Californians have to make in their new states:

Strange wet stuff falls from the sky once in a while. Try not to drive your car into a pole when this happens. Take a deep breath. You will get through it.

People don't say "The" in front of highway names. If you're driving on I-10 in Texas, you'll feel the urge to say "The 10," but don't do it. It's wrong.

You can't wear flip-flops to church. Not even your "nice" Vans flip-flops. Put on shoes like an adult.

There's no need to call the police if you see someone with a gun strapped to their hip. It's OK. The guns can't jump out and hurt you, no matter what Newsom told you back in California.

"Bless your heart" doesn't mean "bless your heart." Well, it might mean "bless your heart," but it's a safer bet that it means "that person's weird," or "you're an idiot," or "I don't like you." Or, it's a simple ending to a statement you've made about someone that you don't want to feel bad about.

No one cares about your preferred pronouns. Go ahead and tell an old farmer in Oklahoma that you go by "they" pronouns. The look on his face will be worth it.

Man-buns are unacceptable in a professional setting. Or any setting.

You have to go into buildings without any kind of official warning that something inside there might cause cancer. You will just have to take the chance. Be strong.

The weather cycles from hot to cold and back again on an annual basis. Do not be alarmed. These are called "seasons."

You might have to make your own choices and take responsibility for your actions without the government taking care of you. This is the most difficult adjustment for Californians to make when they move to America, but with time, prayer (also acceptable in red states), and willpower, you can do it!

Those are just a few of the many adjustments ex-Californians will have to make. If you've thought of any others, please leave them in the comments below to help these poor communists to enjoy capitalism away from their homeland.

In a collaboration with The Babylon Bee, Professor Gorb McStevens lists all the countries where communism hasn't turned into a totalitarian hellscape where you have to eat your dog.
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The Boston Tea Party was a totally based political protest that took place on December 16, 1773 as a way of speaking out against taxation without representation — but let's face it — the tea got the raw end of that deal. We enjoy a good tea every now and then!
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Biden’s ATF Starts Nationwide Intimidation Of Gun Owners

Remember the ATF’s statement that no one is going to come for your weapons and no one is keeping track of them? Maybe they are.

According to the ATF, there are several sections of the Gun Control Act of 1968 that enable them to show up at your home unannounced and demand to see your newly acquired weapons. I was aware of the permission for unannounced NFA inspections (ATF can come without a warrant once a year for business premises inspection), but beyond that, the government needs a cause and that cause must be spelled out in a warrant signed by a judge. Even with an NFT, apparently, you still have 4th Amendment rights. Of course, the Gun Control Act applies to FFLs, but record keeping and weapon inspections do not apply to private residences. That appears to necessitate a warrant.

Nonetheless, ATF has the authority to enter private residences of gun owners without notice and request access to their weapons. If this appears to be in a dystopian novel or the feverish dreams of Biden’s nominees, you’re mistaken. It happened in Delaware, according to an Armed American News exclusive report and video. Most law-abiding individuals are intimidated by guys with badges and guns asking them questions. Getting pulled over for a defective taillight may cause anxiety, but if six armed men appear at your door requesting access to your firearms, you might be worried.

Last month, a guy in Delaware had the local cops and federal ATF agents knock on his door. He’s not a person of interest; he’s a legal gun owner. Of course, the police and ATF agents were all armed. The ATF wanted to inspect his weapons.

You may watch it here or at the Twitter link below.
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Ron Tello Culley
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It's Friends List Chopping Time!
Weigh-In to stay, remain silent and off you go. Half of you were never approved. Sneeks!

Ron Tello Culley
Diane Tobey is exempt.

Ron Tello Culley
We are such good friends.....we used to sniff each others diapers in 1959.

Stephen West
I just hung the cymbal...

Ron Tello Culley
I thot you were mad at me.

Allen Nagel
Well I lived in Montello as a kid so I'm almost family 😁

Ron Tello Culley
Evidence? Links? Drop names? If you dint follow me you would not have posted. Good work!

Dennis Pruitt
Remo Ron....
You wouldn't cut a fellow Knight would you?

Ron Tello Culley
I'm thinking.....

Ron Tello Culley
Oh yeah, I won't drop names for legal reasons, but yeah.....there's a few rotten apples I want to destroy.

Ron Tello Culley
I'm saying: I don't know you folks, and yet you friended me behind my monitor. What do you want of me? TALK!!!

Ron Tello Culley
NOT 1 of you participated in my FUNDRAISER to pay the taxes on The House of Tello. It's not too late, 100 friends at 10 bucks a head and I'm good.
Pledge TODAY!

Ron Tello Culley
Dee is safe. She's a National Treasure!

Ron Tello Culley
And JT: I respect his wishes to be quiet and safe from Fire Station bells on Christmas Eve.

Ron Tello Culley
Raya and Leigh? Have we been introduced?

Raya Brady
Ron Tello Culley Can’t remember rightly. I suppose I’m Not Right In the Head.

Ron Tello Culley
sounds correct! I got 86'd there along with 2 other gents.

Graham Vaughn
Ron Tello Culley I'm with her. 😌

Zoopy Cordero
Hah! You’d never unfr……………….

Ron Tello Culley
TRy aGAIn*

Devin Bynum
Didnt participate in the taxes, but the move I did 😛

Craig Rosenberg
May be an image of nature

Jeffrey Mitchell
Hey bro

Reobert E. Simmons

Debra Gonzales White
I’m sure I get to stay 💕

Christy Fox Russell
I know I'm s..

Stephen West
We are all mad at you thats why we stay.

Ron Tello Culley
That explains a LOT! 😎

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Biden Gets COVID, Exposing Huge Double Standard!
July 22, 2022

President Joe Biden has tested positive for COVID. We should all hope the president has an easy time. We should not ask for media nastiness and/or glee.

But this presents an obvious occasion to remember just how the "objective" press made a frenetic, mean-spirited and hyperbolic mess out of former President Donald Trump's bout with the virus, which was announced on Oct. 2, 2020. In their ardor to get Trump removed from office, they couldn't imagine acting with decency or restraint.

First and foremost, cable news channels couldn't pause for a day or two from their routine smear that Trump was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands. Take ex-GOP strategist Rick Tyler on Al Sharpton's show on MSNBC: "I look at this as a drunk driver who injured himself in a wreck, and killed the oncoming sober driver. Donald Trump has injured himself ... and 200,000 people, other drivers, have died due to the coronavirus."

After Trump was infected, CNN analyst Carl Bernstein just doubled down that "his response has been homicidal negligence." CNN brought on then-Washington Post opinion editor David Swerdlick, who couldn't get rid of Trump fast enough: "President Trump is the president until at least Jan. 20 at noon, and every day, people's lives are in the balance."

So let's just lay out the numbers again. When Trump left office, we had lost about 400,000 Americans to COVID. Since then, under Biden, the death toll is now 1.02 million. But the media blamed Trump for every single death on his watch -- and Biden was assigned zero blame for anyone's demise.

You can loathe Trump's remarks early in the pandemic trying to downplay the threat, but to accuse him of mass murder -- which was routine in 2020 -- was apparently what the liberals call "reality-based journalism." No "independent fact-checkers" objected.

On the reliably liberal program "Reliable Sources," former Fox News reporter Carl Cameron lost all sense of reality after Trump was infected, proclaiming, "This is the collapse of a democratic republic because of its leadership and its honesty." Democracy was always dying.
But that's not as bad as Masha Gessen, a Russian American writer for The New Yorker. She told Brian Stelter it could be compared to the Joseph Stalin death watch. "There have been a lot of comparisons to the Soviet Union in the last couple of days. I think they are not unwarranted. The particular period I am thinking about is something I have written about a lot, which were the days of Stalin's death watch, right? When the foreign correspondents and the domestic correspondents, such as they were, all knew what was going on. Nobody was giving them any information. Everybody was expecting the final call, right?"

Trump didn't die, but CNN wanted to speculate about it. For years, CNN loved comparing Trump to Stalin, Adolf Hitler and Mao Zedong. Stelter even put on his show a kook who proclaimed Trump would kill more people than all of those mass murderers combined.

The real irony of all this was CNN host Don Lemon then offering a glowing tribute to Biden for refusing to politicize Trump's infection. He proclaimed, "Here you see Joe Biden showing you what a real man does -- what a real human being does." It's not at all what they did at CNN!

Biden didn't have to exploit Trump's illness. He had an entire media-Democrat complex to do it for him. Remember this: Democrats will always find it easier to appear above the nasty fray when they have media hacks like CNN to do all their dirty work for them.
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It's here if you need it.....
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A Los Angeles-based trucker told the Daily Caller, "This kills the liberty of being a trucker and kills the American Dream."
Truckers shut down Port of Oakland in protest of Gavin Newsom's labor law as California's supply chain goes from bad to worse
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Veronica Escalera
What's going on in Cedar Glen?? Helicopter is asking for a woman that's 50-60 to call 9/11..

Noah Tolliver
I thought it was saying white male 26 years old.

Starlette Self
From what we heard, missing 6 year old female white shirt and blue jeans, call 911 if seen!

Veronica Escalera
I thought it said "50-60 female in white tank top. Call 9/11" Regardless I'm concerned...

Angie Henyan
It sounded like a six year old girl with a white shirt and jeans. Whatever it is we are praying

Jessica Menell

Veronica Escalera
Jessica Menell thank you SO much for giving the link

Heather Dufford
May be an image of text that says 'Mountain Reporter 10m MISSING CHILD Lake Arrwhead/ Ceda Glen Last seen in the area of Hook Creek and Cappy roads. White female, blonde hair, 6 years old, white T shirt, blue jeans, white flip flops. If seen, CALL 911'

Angie Henyan
She’s found!

Brandi Eastin
Found safe!

Jan Platner-Forgerson
She has been found 🙏

Alex Mendoza
Found her

Ron Tello Culley
I heard "Come out with your hands up".

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:tello: "The time I go MISSING, just look in around the back.

I'm in the shed, jacking your meth lab."
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Coming up next:

I am the new narcissist on the block, and you don't matter to me.

Now make me a sammich, bitc#!!!!!!
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I don't like smee.

Make it go away or I will have a tanty like you have never seen.

And stop that noise behind my back or I will slash your car.

Do it or you are all out of here!!!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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In other words,
go back!
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Whatever.....I do what
I want!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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6 Things You Might Not Know
About the Vikings

The Vikings are mostly known as a group of aggressive invaders who pillaged and plundered their way from Scandinavia to other European nations from about the eighth to the 11th century. In fact, the word "Viking" means “pirate invader” in the Old Norse language.

Though they were a fearsome lot, the Vikings were also skilled boatbuilders and seafarers who sailed to other lands for many reasons, seeking riches and profitable trade routes. Historians have uncovered former Viking sites as far away as Iceland, Greenland, and Canada that reveal fascinating history about historic civilizations. Here are six things about the Vikings you might not know.
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‘Goodfellas,’ ‘Law & Order’ Actor Paul Sorvino Dead At 83

“Goodfellas” and “Law & Order” actor Paul Sorvino died Monday in Florida. He was 83.

Sorvino passed away of natural causes at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, his publicist Roger Neal told The Associated Press (AP).
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Kayli Danielle Dorminy
You're not friends on Facebook
Works at stay at home mom
3:13 PM
Kayli Danielle Dorminy
Hey Ron! I’ve been reading some of “The Tello Files” and I’m truly fascinated with your perspective and your extremely blunt way of getting straight to the point. You're awesome! So I wanna know about the flocking  assclowns in Montello. What’s the deal with these “Wadsworth characters “ ? I know you have the scoop and I’m just dying to hear your perspective on these flocks! Lol

8:04 PM
You sent
Hi, you make it seem like it's easy to reciprocate on this. First tell me about yourself. How did you get here?

You can now message and call each other and see info like Active Status and when you've read messages.
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:tello: "Wow! Just when I was thinking all is lost...I get this!

Seems like ppl dig my cutting edge style.

Not so much on the Homefront. Here, anything I say is offensive.

Pity the fools."
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Here's the unedited previous dirt I've been pocketing.

WTF? I only die twice...

Laur Rhoades
You're friends on Facebook
Jun 27, 2022, 6:17 PM
Laur Rhoades
Ron,  do You know something?  Do You still have that building next to the Cowboy?
You sent
Hi, yes, I know stuff. That's my House next to the Cowboy. The FBI is supposed to be getting my permission to go in and snoop for evidence. They are dragging ass. I know stuff, but I'm not there.
Laur Rhoades
Just got home from work and trying to catch up.
You sent
I have secret info, shared with the FBI and Jaz Girlson.
Laur Rhoades
Does anyone have access to your place?
You sent
That's classified info, sry.
Laur Rhoades
I understand
You sent
You sent
Do you The Tello Files?
You sent
Laur Rhoades
Rumor has it that You are a drummer
You sent
Where are the Tell Files?
Laur Rhoades
You sent
I post links on my wall. Let me send u a link....hold on....
Laur Rhoades
You sent

Scroll backwards, it makes sense either way, lol

The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
You sent
On your fb page, I don't see pix of you. are your related to Weezie?
No.  I am going to go backwards now.  July?  Similar to Walsh
Laur Rhoades
Almost identicle
You sent
Adam Walsh? Did you see the parts where I said "Alien Abduction.?" Travis Walton?
Laur Rhoades
You sent
I sense you have an Investigative Mind.
Very nice. How did we become fb friends?
Laur Rhoades
I sent U energy
  Have for years.  Most interested
You sent
Please elaborate! Who are you, and what do you wish of me? No poems here.....
Was investigating in Malhuer. On my way back , I took 233 and ended up in Montello.  My spiritual mind and soul was blown
 Such mystery AMD beauty
I listened a lot. You are a legend I always wanted to meet.
I love Alpacas and Llamas. Camlids
Took care of Phyllis's
I am Bria
The flood ruined me.  I returned because that area lives inside me.
I am originally from Sonoma, CA
I love drumming.
Very powerful magic
I saw a video of You a few years ago
Was an EMT until my partner committed suicide via cop.
Laur Rhoades
Am bored with the average mind.
You sent
That's DEEP! My kind of people. Quote me on that. Here's a test: Do you know about International Airport Montello/IAM?
Almost had a friend fly there to visit.  Between Phyllis's place and the burnt down old Whitehouse.
Laur Rhoades
You sent
very compelling documentary, this one!
You sent
That Legend part...for reals? So I'm not the only one who believes that hype??? lol
Laur Rhoades
Am of Thomas Rhoades.  I am in Missouri researching the lynching of Joseph Smith.
You sent
no way....rly? send me some production notes
Laur Rhoades
Give me some time.
You sent
Take the time. Show me the evidence. I like horror/mysteries/jokers movie plots. I have Stock in them.
What I find interesting is, Montello is full of LDS who know nothing about the journey.
Laur Rhoades
Montezuma gold.  The Lost Rhoades Mines. The giant redheads under the earth.
You sent
Remo Ron, So. Cal. ?
Laur Rhoades
Tell me
You sent
Google that name, you won't get results.

It's still me, when I was a boy. Famouse and a Person of Interest at 17 years young. I have a blog link for that...hold on
You sent
Imma writer. I wrote stuff. This is a thing, was an email to a Morman Bishop (Retired) and nothing. I c n p it to my blogsite. Some Fun!

The Rise and Fall of Tello; a brief history and tales of wow and dread
Jun 27, 2022, 7:40 PM
I know this.  Oh, the stories I could share.   I believe You are too brilliant and aware
Am thrilled that You shared this with me.  I feel content.
Laur Rhoades
Thank You.  Have wondered for years.
Laur Rhoades
Are YounCIA?
You sent
Thx. I am a threat to National INsecurity. Why me? What did I do? (see evidence).
Laur Rhoades
I have a hunger headache.  Have to pick up client at 7am tomorrow.  My brain hurts.  Still think You are awesome and delighted to correspond with You.   Just made some raw liver. Mixed with other raw organs for my wolfdog.   She is hungry also
  I personally am going to eat a meal of artichoke hearts and green olives aims go to bed.  Hope to talk to You again.
Jun 27, 2022, 8:27 PM
You sent
yes, I will like that! g'night....
Jun 28, 2022, 7:37 PM
Laur Rhoades

Embracing yourself
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One more set of secrets in the box, and they ain't coming out...yet.

Deal widdit, Lurkers!
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:tello: " I don't get Covid. Covid gets Tello. "

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I tell ya, when I need to hide my plonck behind toilet paper, homelife is jagged.
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Ron Tello Culley
Humble don't pay the rent, but I live for FREE!
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Rowen Dawn
Personal Growth Advocate- Writer-Avid ResearcherUpdated 2y

If you confront a narcissist (call them out on their bad behavior/defend yourself), will they discard you (go away) forever?

If you confront a narcissist, ie let them know you are on to their manipulative tactics, gaslighting, and their false mask, they will do more than discard you. They will make you pay. I would encourage reading about narcissistic injury. I wish I had known more about that four months ago.

In hindsight I can see where I created those injuries every time. The rage that instantly came out is their mask slipping and you getting a good look at what is deep beneath the facade they have perfected for the world and for their protection.

After we were no longer living together, I had called him “gross” once for an act he had done that felt like a violation of my privacy. That set off a series of actions by him that were so callous, sinister, and sadistic even despite being immature and equivalent to a toddlers tantrum of gritting teeth and holding their breath. Absolutely zero skill in coping or handling anything that isn’t adoration, ass kissing, and praise.

Once they have been discovered they will make you pay for that. To them, being revealed for who they really are which would destroy their false self is tantamount to death. They will prevent it at all costs. Their mind becomes delusional, splitting, makes you some evil demon in their mind out to get them. Even if it’s the farthest thing from the truth or reality of who you are, they have created their own story, as they always have to, that allows the false self to survive and for them to be a victim.

Discarding and going away forever would be two different things.

In my experience they don’t go away forever. If you make it known in any way that there is a sliver of a door open, they will test it to see if they can get back in, even if it’s just to pretend to love and miss you only so they can use you as a sex toy. They feel superior and clever that way. To dupe you. They have little conscience and next to none if not zero empathy.

In regards to discarding, they will eventually discard you (they will need new supply on the hook first, they can switch off the emotion as fast as they turned it on and with covert narcissism they are passive aggressive and really bad with communication) but the devaluation and discard will be a brutal and possibly dangerous game. Mine was.

You will need to go no contact for your own protection so they can’t manipulate you and sadistically try and ruin your life and break your spirit before claiming victim and moving on.

Add-on: They can make their moving on look like they are protecting themselves from you, wanting you to believe you’re the narcissist or accusing you of some other cluster B personality like Borderline Personality. They will then use that as a filter when seeing and engaging with you which will make the interactions all the more confusing. The way their mind works is dysfunctional at a level that I have seen go deep, impossible to untangle.

Don’t buy into it. It’s just more confusion they want for you and more denial for themselves. They will look up narcissism and what professionals say to do if you’re with someone that has these traits then do exactly that to you, treating you as the one with the disordered traits. It’s a game. Hurting you is validation for their ego. You are better than this.

Be proactive and don’t wait for it to “get worse”.

Update- I’ve recently had an experience with this person, it closed out a very important chapter for me with eyes wide open. I will be writing a book of my entire experience and everything I’ve learned through the pain and coming out the other side. My hope is to help men and women own their truth, get rid of the shame and doubt in their life caused by the effects of being in this kind of relationship, and to give a voice and a raw and vulnerable inside look into my truth that is so many others…to give you a hope and inspiration, validation, and guidance. This is my first time doing this and it’s scary and I’m nervous but I so want to help people heal and for them to know there is a beautiful life outside of this and you can get through it and past it. I hope you will come along with me on this journey…

-If the information I share resonates with you or helps in any way please share it and click the upvote button.
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:tello: " I don't get Covid. Covid gets Tello. "


Yeah well when the bogeyman goes to bed he checks to make sure Smee isnt waiting under the bed


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Sounds legit.

Thx for sharing.
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The Tello Files scours hundreds of stories each day with one goal in mind.

We want you to be entertained and informed about breaking news, important issues impacting the United States, local, national and international events, the political spectrum and corruption, the failing economy, Dylan Rounds and anything else that's troubling which may impact your day and life.

We care about you, but sometimes it's difficult to tell. Everybody has Hang-Ups, so deal widdit and don't sweat the details.

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All the colors of the Rainbow, and they bleed!

Crayola is Under Fire For Pushing Transgenderism

Over the past several years, a pattern of apolitical businesses getting involved in culture wars or politically/socially charged debates has emerged.

Many Americans believe businesses that are not political in nature should focus on what they do best, rather than trying to advance wokeness or win brownie points from the left.

When companies don’t take this advice, it usually results in them alienating significant portions of their customer base. Also, even when certain businesses try to get approval from the left, they’re often accused of not being far enough to the left.

The latest company to suffer the fallout of getting involved in culture wars is Crayola.

The Collapse of Crayola
There was a time when Crayola simply focused on selling the crayons that kids love to color with. However, those days are long gone.

On its Instagram and Facebook accounts, Crayola chose to post images of a biological male who identifies as female. Captioning this image was a message from the crayon company stating that the biological male is passionate about advocacy in the fashion world and gender ideology.

The images of the individual in question showed him wearing a jumpsuit, heels, and other attire that’s generally viewed as women’s apparel.

Interestingly enough, Crayola chose to prevent Instagram users from commenting on the photos, while capping comments from Facebook users as well.

Not a Good Business Strategy
After posting these images, Crayola was lambasted by much of the public. Concerned parents noted that promoting transgenderism wasn’t appropriate for their children.

The exposure that children have is a sensitive subject, amid drag queens and gender ideology making its way into elementary and middle school classrooms.

Other Americans questioned what Crayola’s post had to do with selling or promoting crayons for young children.

The prevailing view here is that Crayola should have left well enough alone and stayed away from hot-button social issues like transgenderism. Countless people across multiple social media sites subsequently stated they would no longer purchase any products from Crayola.

Amid the heavy backlash, the crayon company eventually took down the controversial posts. Yet, this did not stop #BoycottCrayola from trending on social media.

:tello: "Stupid tranny DICKS!"
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