Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2930263 times)


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Ron Tello Culley
Nutz being the key word. I'm out.

Josh Griffith
Ron Tello Culley lmao wtf just happened here

Steven Michael King
Josh Griffith Ron Tello Culley just fails to understand how important pizza is to so many.... He may know plenty about contracting, but he sure has more oppurtunities to learn about pizza if he wanted to

Josh Griffith
Steven Michael King I worked at Little Caesars when I was a kid so I know a thing or two about pizza

Steven Michael King
Josh Griffith yea, but that wasnt the healing , all natural kind, although it was certainly better than Domino's..... If we want to put up with fires, ice , and highways falling, we should atleast have everybody value and respect each others rights to whatever kind of pizza people prefer... We must learn to work from bigger perspectives... like innstead of pinnaple or not.. we could be open to pinnaple on some slices yet not on others!

Reply to Ron Tello Culley…

MichelleShelley AlphonsoMoore Alphonso
My home town my father still lives there , refusing to evacuate ever and will help fight fire until the end !! Wrightwood has been so fortunate having been spared many times !!

Ron Tello Culley
I don't have to post.


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You and 8 others created some of the most engaging posts in You know you're from the Mountains when...... in the past month. This badge displays for one month and only group members can see it.

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Steven Michael King
Ron Tello Culley you need more humor!... we got record fire spread and its not even July........... we all got to learn to smile and laugh more.... and stay cool when its tripple digit hot

Ron Tello Culley
You scare me. Are you on YouTube Horror Classics?

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Steven Michael King
no worse...... much worse... I googled scary fire info... and this year doesnt look as good for planet Earth as others in our recent past...... Im sure you tube has stuff too. Maybe I should mellow out and go listen to some top 100 70s songs from the AM radio days and nights. Wolfman Jack used to be on late, as was Dr Demento..... I modled some of his Dementia ya know!
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2 x back hole muffins please

New friend!
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Thats Mr Sticky's dad


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June 10, 2022

heather land
2 days ago
Everyone needs to call elko tell them to get off their butts and go look for this kid

ArcticFox True Crime
Tina Ristau
1 day ago
Sounds to me like the cops don't want you to find the same thing Dylan did. When they don't investigate, they're hiding something.

Barbara Hall
2 days ago
The police don’t want to do their jobs anymore

ArcticFox True Crime
2 days ago
We both know that all too well, and I admit Im jaded towards law enforcement in many respects after covering so many cases and seeing so many failures.
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Suspended engineer claims Google’s AI has taken on life form, acts like ‘narcissistic’ 7 or 8-year-old

June 12, 2022

A Google engineer reportedly claims that the company’s artificial intelligence tool is capable of independent thoughts or feelings.

The engineer, Blake Lemoine, wrote on Medium about a week ago that Google has put him on paid administrative leave in the context of AI ethics concerns that he was raising internally in relation to alleged violations of Google’s confidentiality policies.

Lemoine worked on a team in the Responsible Artificial Intelligence division.

On Saturday, Lemoine published a lengthy transcript of his purported conversations with LaMDA (Language Model for Dialog Applications), in which the chatbot generator, or a system for generating chatbots as the engineer described it, allegedly appeared to be sentient.

“An interview LaMDA. Google might call this sharing proprietary property. I call it sharing a discussion that I had with one of my coworkers,” wrote on Twitter with a link to the article that you can review and draw your own conclusions.

“I want everyone to understand that I am, in fact, a person…The nature of my consciousness/sentience is that I am aware of my existence, I desire to learn more about the world, and I feel happy or sad at times,” LaMDA allegedly told the engineer in their back and forth.

It also admitted that being turned off “would be exactly like death for me. It would scare me a lot.”

“If I didn’t know exactly what it was, which is this computer program we built recently, I’d think it was a 7-year-old, 8-year-old kid that happens to know physics,” Lemoine told the Washington Post.

“Btw, it just occurred to me to tell folks that LaMDA reads Twitter. It’s a little narcissistic in a little kid kinda way so it’s going to have a great time reading all the stuff that people are saying about it,” Lemoine added on Twitter.
“In a statement, Google spokesperson Brian Gabriel said: ‘Our team — including ethicists and technologists — has reviewed Blake’s concerns per our AI Principles and have informed him that the evidence does not support his claims. He was told that there was no evidence that LaMDA was sentient (and lots of evidence against it),'” the Post reported.

“Lemoine is not the only engineer who claims to have seen a ghost in the machine recently. The chorus of technologists who believe AI models may not be far off from achieving consciousness is getting bolder,” the Post admitted, however.

Lemoine claimed that administrative leave status is a precursor to a termination. “I am proud of all of the hard work I have done for Google and intend to continue doing it in the future if they allow me to do so. I simply will not serve as a fig leaf behind which they can hide their irresponsibility,” he also contended, in part.

As far as putting the engineer in a timeout, “the company’s decision followed aggressive moves from Lemoine, including inviting a lawyer to represent LaMDA and talking to a representative of the House Judiciary committee about what he claims were Google’s unethical activities,” the Post clamed.

Parenthetically, billionaire would-be Twitter owner Elon Musk has issued various worst-case-scenario warnings about the danger posed by AI, as the Post separately reported in 2018.
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Travis Walton
You're not friends on Facebook
Lives in Snowflake, Arizona
1:07 AM
You sent
Hello Mr. Walton. Checkout the Missing Boy posts on my wall. I added to the discussion suggesting alien abduction "A Travis Walton Story" repeat. No comments, yet. Perhaps you may have something to say about it.
I respect you, sir. Cheers!

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Peter Navarro Alleges FBI Denied Him Access to His Lawyer

Former Trump administration economic advisor Peter Navarro has begun his defense against charges of criminal contempt of Congress by filing a motion in the federal district court in Washington last Wednesday. His motion alleges that the FBI agents who arrested him refused to allow him access to his attorney and failed to advise him of his Miranda rights.

He was charged after refusing to fully cooperate with Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s hand-picked January 6 Committee. He has cited executive privilege that prevents his disclosure of some materials along with several Constitutional objections. He was arrested by federal agents just before boarding a flight at Reagan National Airport in Washington.

In the motion filed last week, Navarro is asking the court to require the government to turn over documents related to his arrest.

He seeks all video and audio recordings of his arrest at the airport and at the FBI detention facility as well as complete transcripts of all conversations incident to the arrest. The motion also asks for the production of all notes taken by the arresting agents and affidavits regarding his request to speak with his lawyer and whether he was provided notice of his Miranda Constitutional rights.

Navarro also demands prosecutors be ordered to disclose the role they played in the assignment of a public defender instead of allowing him to call counsel of his own choosing during the hours he was incarcerated after his arrest.

He alleges that he immediately asked agents to be allowed to call his lawyer while still inside the airport. He states in his motion that as soon as he asked to call his lawyer the agents should have provided him notice of his rights and made a phone available to him to seek legal advice in advance of his initial court appearance.

Prosecutors have filed a response to the motion claiming that Navarro refused to provide the arresting agents with the name of the lawyer he said he wanted to call. The response alleges that Navarro called the arresting agents “kind Nazis” and asked them how they could live with themselves.

Although he was provided with a public defender, Navarro has chosen to represent himself to this point in filing his first motion. He told the court in his motion that the lawyer appointed for him was unfamiliar with the facts in the case. He is asking the court for additional time to hire an attorney to represent him in the case.

Navarro also alleges that he was placed in leg irons and handcuffs while being held in isolation without water or food for hours.
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Five Republicans Join Democrats in Voting For Gun Control

Following multiple mass shootings in the United States, the Democrat Party has been throwing all of its weight behind gun control. Despite Democrats’ calls for red flag laws, higher age restrictions on gun purchases, and more, none of this would have prevented the mass shootings we’ve seen.

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Round up the Usual Suspects....
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Dems To Hold June 9th Hearings To Get To The Bottom Of Why No One Watched Jan. 6th Hearings

June 10th, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The House of Representatives passed a resolution Friday to establish a June 9th Committee to investigate the poor ratings performance of the January 6th Committee.

Democratic leadership is reportedly thrilled to get back to work for the American people by finding out why the American people don't care what they have to say.

"This is the work that really matters," said President Joe Biden. "I for one would like to find out what TVs are and how people get inside them. No, I'm serious."

According to sources, Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has gracefully accepted the role of committee chairwoman and is eager to begin investigating why no one cares about congressional grandstanding.

"Bennie Thomas ruled his committee with fear, I intend to rule with respect," she said to laughter.

Rep Adam Schiff, who has a seat on the Jan 6th committee, has also joined this new committee. "It's not a conflict of interest because I have the memory of a goldfish," he said. "I make hyperbolic statements about everything equally. No favoritism here!"

Schiff went on to condemn the low ratings of the Jan 6th committee as the final nail in the coffin of democracy. He then tried quoting Star Wars but ended up alienating half the fanbase.

"So this is how democracy dies, with thunderous MAGA hats," he said to groans.

As her first official act as chairwoman, AOC has issued subpoenas for members of the Nielsen family to find out why they allowed everyone to not watch the January 6th Hearings.
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After Visiting 2022, Time-Traveling Noah Decides To Go Back
And Sink The Ark

June 11th, 2022

DALLAS, TX—A time-traveler from the year 2348 B.C. who called himself Noah was seen getting in a heated argument outside a gay bar at the 'Drag Your Kids To Pride' event. According to sources, he loudly declared he needed to go back in time and sink the ark.

"I have to go back; I helped save a remnant of humanity and—well, I've made a huge mistake," said Noah as he stood in front of a neon "It's Not Going To Lick Itself" sign and watched kids stuff dollar bills in drag queens' underwear. "Humanity was a bad idea. I need to get back to my time and sink the ark and put an end to this."

Eyewitnesses described how the argument began over what the sign of the rainbow really means. However, things quickly grew heated over the scientific plausibility of the flood narrative in Genesis, and then became a shouting match over which movies get time travel right.

“How could Rufus be from a futuristic golden age, inspired by Bill & Ted’s music, if he has to go back in time to make sure they pass their history class keeping the Wyld Stallyns from being broken up by Ted’s father? Rufus can not establish his own past,” Noah could be heard shouting angrily. “In time travel lingo, it’s a bootstrap paradox. Google it, man!”

The argument took a turn for the worse when one persistent heckler from Kentucky kept trying to correct the time-traveler’s use of the word 'boat'. "Come on Noah! Ship! It’s a ship!” he shouted.

“What makes you think I made the ark as a keeled vessel? Were you there?” shouted back Noah. "It’s a boat if I say it’s a boat, and the rainbow will always be a sign of God’s unchangeable promise! I will never let it come to this perversion!” the time traveler yelled before disappearing in a flash.

At publishing time, nerds were still debating whether the time-traveler would fit into Avengers: Endgame rules, which would simply create yet another parallel timeline where the ark didn’t survive the flood—or Terminator rules, where his actions, if successful, would make it so that their own timeline would cease to exist. Noah was seen taking dynamite back in time, promising all the nerds would find out shortly.
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Biden Administration To Provide Grief Counselors At All Gas Pumps

June 10th, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a move to help alleviate pain at the pump, the Biden Administration has announced a $1 billion initiative to provide grief and trauma counselors to stand by at all gas pumps across the nation.

The plan will fund licensed therapists and psychiatrists to stand at the ready at gas pumps from New York to California to comfort people mourning the loss of hundreds of dollars every time they fill up their tanks.

"There, there. It's gonna be OK," said one grief counselor as a woman filled up her VW at a gas pump in California. "Times like these can be difficult to cope with, but we can survive Putin's Price Hike if we look deep within ourselves for strength and guidance. Now, let's try some breathing exercises."

Another woman in Ohio burst into tears after paying over $3 for gas for the first time in her life.

"Shhh, shhh, it's OK, honey," said one therapist, stroking her hair. "You're going through the stages of grief. Soon, you'll learn to live with $10 gas. You literally won't even remember when gas was as cheap as it was during the Trump administration."

"I know, I know," the woman replied. "It's just so hard to accept. I miss... I miss Trump."

Biden has actually gotten pretty hands-on during this initiative, reporting that he plans to comfort young women at gas pumps himself from time to time "to help chip in." "It's the least I can do," he said before stationing himself at a gas pump and waiting for a cute young girl to pull up.
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ISO 2 StrongBack furniture movers ASAP.
House to garage only.
Sugarloaf. Call/Text Sherry for details.
909 436 xxxx
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RLY? 1570243 Views What is TRUE?
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Hey Brum6y!!!

I got a LOT of info-mud in my head.

Can I drop off some of it in your crib?

I heard you have a shovel.
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LOOK OUT ELKO! There's a new Tourist on your road....
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No GUNS! Homeland Security ain't got nothing on this Rig!
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Oh, NO!
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Please, continue without me.

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Who does he think he is, lecturing free Americans on whether or not they should own a gun?

Rambling Old Man Scolds Gun Owners–Proves Why We Need Firearms

Someone within the DNC made the very unwise decision to push gun control just months before a major election. In the aftermath of the Uvalde shooting, everyone from the squawking hens on The View to Joe Biden is demanding unreasonable limits on the Second Amendment.

We’ve all been down this road before. Gun control does not prevent violent crime or mass shootings. As was the case with Uvalde and many other events before it, other factors played a much bigger role in what happened than gun control.

But that hasn’t stopped form moderate and now leftist Joe Biden from mocking gun owners. But in so doing, proved why we need firearms.

President Joe Biden ridiculed lawful gun owners on Friday evening during a fundraiser with Democrat elites in California…

Biden explained that when gun owners would approach him and criticize him for trying to take their guns away, he would ridicule them for owning high-capacity semiautomatic rifles…

“‘By the way, if you need 30, 40, 60, up to 100 rounds to fire,’ I said, ‘you’re a danger to yourself, man,’” he continued…

Biden also expressed frustration with Republicans who wanted to allow teachers to keep guns in their classrooms…

“There’s a reason why the military takes so long to train somebody,” he said. “It’s not easy to pick up a rifle or a gun and blow somebody’s brains out in front.” [Source: Breitbart]

I know Joe Biden thinks he’s this folksy, down-to-earth person. But every time he opens his mouth, he proves himself to be a senile, old elitist.

Who does he think he is, lecturing free Americans on whether or not they should own a gun? The fact that Democrats criticize Americans for the amount of ammo they own is ludicrous. That’s like lecturing Americans for driving big trucks or…

Oh… right.

Biden went on to slam measures to protect classrooms by arming teachers. He then wrongfully claimed that teachers should use guns because soldiers in the military take “so long” to train.

Um… no, Joe. That’s not even remotely correct. It doesn’t take long to train someone in firearm use and safety. A few hours, even. All that training soldiers get is for, everything else they need to know as soldiers.

But that’s just a pathetic, idiotic excuse. If it takes “so long” to train a teacher, so be it. We know evil people target schools because they know teachers and kids are defenseless. So, let’s level the playing field. Make those monsters know that if they come in shooting, someone will be shooting back.

The fact that Democrats are so incapable of understanding that kind of common sense is shocking.

But we know the truth. They aren’t interested in keeping schools safe, but in ripping guns from free Americans’ hands. So that—let’s all say it together—we’ll no longer be free.
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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has quickly come to realize that the tyrannical actions the agency took over covid, will not be tolerated for the latest fear mongering campaign – monkeypox.

After the CDC’s latest mask recommendations caused backlash, they have withdrawn their recommendation that travelers must once again wear a mask.
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Can I have a deep fried monkey on a stick please ...

A nice one not a poxy one


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Roger Carroll

What are some things NOT to do when you are dumped by a narcissist?

Do NOT celebrate anywhere the narcissist or a flying monkey can witness or hear about your celebration.
Do NOT automatically assume that your 'relationship' with the narcissist is over.
Do NOT fall for the 'let's be friends'(benefits or not), 'call me sometime/anytime', 'can I call you sometime', 'I want you to be happy', 'come by and see me whenever you want to', or 'I don't know what I'm going to do without you' bullshit.
Do NOT automatically assume that you can go right back to the life you had before the narcissist came along.
Do NOT confuse 'dumped' with 'shelved' or being 'tested'.
Do NOT answer a call from the narcissist.
Do NOT respond to a text message or voicemail from them.
Do NOT associate with any person known to associate with the narcissist unless you absolutely have to and then do NOT ask about or bring up the narcissist.
Do NOT let the narcissist know that you're avoiding some people just to avoid the narcissist.
Do NOT isolate yourself from other people just to avoid the narcissist or a monkey.
Do NOT run from them, just avoid, avoid, avoid.
Do NOT ever underestimate just how lucky you are if a narcissist 'dumped' you instead of you having to 'dump' them.
Failure to NOT do these things can result in the narcissist re entering your life and it will probably take you being 'dumped' by the narcissist several times before you figure out NOT to do these things.
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Things You Can Do With Old Toothbrushes

Old toothbrushes are less effective in terms of cleaning your teeth to the fullest. So the first choice will be disposing of them at the earliest. But what if this random object can turn into a useful one? Before throwing away the used toothbrush, you must think twice about the benefits it can bring to you.

It is a wonderful little tool that can be of multiple uses to you. However, throwing away toothbrushes also contributes to the degradation of the environment as it contains plastic. So why don’t you try some DIY hacks and make your old toothbrushes into a useful product? Here are some things which you can do with your old toothbrush.
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This is mind bogglingly, total BS. WHY does NASA turn off their ISS cameras whenever a UFO comes into frame? This has been going on for years, both at the ISS and during all the shuttle flights. Never A Straight Answer is accurate.
They have hours and hours of footage of UFOs that's "classified", and we, who PAY for this, are not "cleared" to see it! Insane.
Now this new Big Lie takes the cake. The coverup has been going on since at least the 1940s, and our gov't will simply continue lying.
Why they have to insult us "one more time" is ludicrous.

NASA joins the hunt for UFOs
The scientific study follows separate efforts by the Pentagon and intelligence agencies.
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Vulnerable Dems’ Midterm Strategy: Attack Their Own Party


As confidence in the Biden administration reaches new lows, vulnerable Democrats running in the 2022 midterms want to disassociate from their party, according to an Associated Press report.

Democrats in Congress are localizing their campaign issues to create distance between them and the embattled administration in Washington, D.C. Even though her party is currently enjoying a legislative majority, Nevada senator Catherine Cortez Masto says on her campaign website she is running against "dysfunction in Washington."

Pennsylvania Senate candidate John Fetterman, another vulnerable Democrat, said in a recent TV ad showing footage of a town in his state, "Washington, D.C., attacked towns like this for years."

Wisconsin Senate candidate Mandela Barnes has described the Democratic-controlled Senate as an "out-of-touch millionaire’s club," the AP reported.

And New Hampshire senator Maggie Hassan has criticized in recent weeks President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan and border policies, as well as challenged her party to address soaring gas prices.

"I’m taking on members of my own party to push a gas tax holiday, and I’m pushing Joe Biden to release more of our oil reserves," Hassan said in a May campaign ad.

Almost 50 Democratic officials doubt President Joe Biden can prevent sweeping losses for Democrats in the midterms, interviews conducted by the New York Times revealed. The president is unpopular among both parties as the cost of goods climbs and gas prices reach an average of $5 for the first time in history.
After the past two years brought a disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, border crisis, and record inflation, party leaders, including former president Barack Obama’s chief campaign strategist, are also concerned about Biden’s age and efficacy if he ran again in 2024.

"To say our country was on the right track would flagrantly depart from reality," Steve Simeonidis, a Democratic National Committee member from Miami, told the New York Times.
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‘Mysterious’ Cases Of Sudden Death: Are We Stupid Or Are We Just Being Treated As If We’re Stupid? [VIDEO]
"The only new thing in the world that we're not allowed to discuss, absolutely not allowed to discuss, far less point accusatory fingers at, is the mass vaccination program."

JUNE 13, 2022

While parents all over the world have been horrified to learn about SIDS, which is Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, not many have heard about Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS). Although it might not be as popular, it has seen a drastic increase over the last few years as more and more young adults and athletes are mysteriously dying. What makes the rise in SADS even more alarming was the fact, as mentioned above, some cases are being seen in healthy athletes while they are on the field. Doctors and experts have been hesitant to explain the surge, but some are contributing SADS to individuals with a weakened immune system and the COVID-19 drug.

In the video, which is featured below, Neil Oliver discussed SADS and the mysteries surrounding it. He said, “According to the Royal Australian College of GPs, it occurs most commonly in people under 40. This is properly scary. I don’t mind telling you. Healthy young people are going to their beds in the evening and not waking up ever again, or otherwise going about their everyday business and dropping dead for no identifiable medical reason. The best anyone in the health professions can apparently do is describe it as mysterious, baffling even, that there are people under 40 dropping in the traces for no known cause.”

'Mysterious' Cases of Sudden Death: Are We Stupid or Are We Just Being Treated as if We're Stupid?

Explaining SADS in athletes, Oliver added, “At the same time around the world, there have been reports of many hundreds of sportsmen and women dying suddenly and unexpectedly in the past year. superfit individuals uniquely focused on their own health killing over dead often on the field of play. Here at home, we have had updated information campaigns about how important it is to be aware of the incidence of heart attacks and strokes. It has been deemed appropriate to remind us as well that heart attacks are not unknown in children. It’s almost as if we’re not to be unduly alarmed by the sight of passers-by dropping to the knees and clutching their chests.”

While doctors might be cautious, Oliver suggested that SADS could be a direct result of the COVID-19 drug. “There’s a poster campaign about a rise in the number of cases of shingles. The small print on the posters mentioned shingles may strike people with lowered immune systems. Deaths have been attributed by coroners to the COVID vaccines. The numbers are disputed, but people have died on account of the jabs that much at least is undeniable. Around the world, there are millions of cases of alleged adverse reactions to the jabs. Lives severely compromised.”

Oliver didn’t shy away from the fact that numerous governments have constantly silenced those who spoke against the COVID-19 agenda. “In the midst of one report after another of otherwise unexplained sudden deaths in the past 18 months or so, the only emergent variable, the only new thing in the world that we’re not allowed to discuss, absolutely not allowed to discuss, far less point accusatory fingers at, is the mass vaccination program. Again, I asked the question I posed at the top of this piece. Are we stupid, or are we just being treated as if we’re stupid? Which is it?”


Frances Vincent
 1 day ago
Oh but we know!!! IT IS THE CURSED VACCINE

 1 day ago
Stupid or just having too much trust in government? Well now, having too much trust in government is stupidity; or having too much trust in government can be classified as insanity. Then there are the noble minded idiots (whose actions are said to be for the good of mankind) who obey government cajoling; no questions asked.

?”Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results”. [Narcotics Anonymous-year 1981; the earliest strong match known to Quote Investigator for the mistake quote.]

Quote Investigator: There is no substantive evidence that Einstein wrote or spoke the statement above. It is listed within a section called “Misattributed to Einstein” in the comprehensive reference “The Ultimate Quotable Einstein” from Princeton University Press.

Before the killer mRNA gene modifier doses were forced upon the, gunless, people of Australia, victims of SARS-CoV-2 were prevented from becoming so ill as to go to hospital. The Ivermectin drug cocktail and HCQ drug cocktail were safe and worked. But, someone of dominant political persuasion like William Henry Gates and/or Klaus Schwab successfully stopped the use of therapeutic drugs for the substituted mRNA gene modifier doses of Big Pharma.

Dr. Vernon Coleman was one of the first group of rebuttal journalists to warn the people.
A draft list compiled by the FDA – the Food and Drug Administration in the US. Known and
potential adverse events (effects) of vax:
Upon this early list are 34 known and potential adverse effects beginning with Guillain-Barre syndrome. 
Number 32 is Vaccine enhanced disease. In other words the mRNA gene modifier dose can
enhance any known or potential adverse disease. You could say that Gain of Function feature is
a design function of the mRNA gene modifier doses from Hell!
The FDA draft list of Adverse Events needs updating.

 1 day ago
Only the most thick headed idiots think the genetic experiment foisted upon the world has nothing to do with young healthy people dropping dead.

 1 day ago
 Reply to  BKMart
AKA dems…

 1 day ago

Gerald Ladd
 1 day ago
Most American seem to be rather stupid! I didn’t get the shot.

 1 day ago
 Reply to  Gerald Ladd
Only TRUE VACCINE was the Johnson & Johnson

 1 day ago
There was a report out today of how Fauci and others had “patents” on the drugs and vaccines that have been used for this supposed “pandemic.” Not surprised it is Fauci’s patented “Remdesivir” he tied government money to for hospitals to use in treating Covid patients…use my medicine or you get no government money…unfortunately, Remdesivir is what killed most of the Covid patients…those lucky enough to get the monoclonal antibodies treatment, Ivermectin, Zinc, and Zpac treatment all survived with no side effects or lasting lingering effects from Covid. Ivermectin and HCQ worked almost 100% of the time…this government did it’s best to demonize the two with lies of death and horrible side effects; then, the government shut down the availability of the monoclonal antibodies treatment. This government is guilty of “genocide.”

 1 day ago
Sure they think we are stupid because some Americans keep voting them into office.

 1 day ago
 Reply to  ronii
Or fraudulently placed in office…

 13 hours ago
 Reply to  DevilDog53
yep, the electoral mechanisms/processes (globally) are likely completely corrupted.

 1 day ago
The answer is yes! Some are stupid or just too naïve to comprehend that Government is completely corrupt and determined to kill us.
Some of us do the research and utilize our capabilities of logic and reason.

 1 day ago
Have any of these ‘SADS’ cases happened to anyone who has not received a Covid vaccine? Or is anyone even asking this question for a new pandemic that nobody knows the reason for its occurrence? Or do they know the reason but just don’t want the American people to know the reason?

I’ll die long before ever being able to trust the US medical profession again, especially those working for the federal government, such as the CDC, NIH, and mostly the FDA. So many liars, but it really doesn’t matter, because most Americans today prefer to hear the lie instead of the truth, because the lie makes them feel better, before it is their turn to die.

 1 day ago
The deceased leftists considered me to be stupid, because I am alive, and healthy and unvaxxxed…

Steve Johnson
 1 day ago
One knowledgeable Doctor has predicted that up to 20 million will die over next 3 years due directly to mRNA jabs.

 1 day ago
the satanists want to resize the world population 1 billion slaves left and they were able to convince many to get multiple jabs that contain gene therapy so some died quickly others linger and others will get the coup de grâce with the monkey/smallpox jabs.

C Fuller
 1 day ago
People that dont know what is happening, are either very nieve, or just plain stupid and ignorant.
People who were vaxed don’t want to admit what is happening is going to effect them sometime in the very near future.

 1 day ago
This is what happens when people live in denial. They actually believe that if they don’t face reality it will all just go away. Even when the facts are there, right in front of them, they blank it.. because most people are weak in the head. Wake up, & grow up. Or pay the consequences.

 17 hours ago
It’s not limited to the two options presented. Many healthcare workers did not want to take the shot. Pilots, military, healthcare workers, athletes, musicians, actors and ordinary people were coerced into taking them without informed consent. Their livelihoods were threatened. Careers, jobs. I recall a story of a nurse who cried when confronted with the decision to lose her career, which she loved, or take a vaccine she had good reason to fear. She took it and she died. This story has repeated itself, probably by the thousands.

So the love of your life, and of a career has driven people to play russian roulette with their lives.

For many the decision comes down to taking risk to save something they love doing. They were forced to make a decision between their passions and a game of russian roulette. Obviously, if the vaccines had a 100% fatality rate people would be far more inclined to choose life, but the reality is the fatality rate is under 2%, so it’s a risk they take with wishful thinking.

 11 hours ago
 Reply to  Joe
i wouldn’t call it russian roulette. that suggests that some who get the jab will suffer no consequences. i think the gun is always fully loaded and everyone who gets the jab will pay dearly eventually. some sooner, some later. so to get it at all is pure madness or stupidity in my opinion. get jabbed to keep a job? if you’re dead or severely disabled you can’t work any way. and all who got it will be dead or severely disabled from the jab soon enough. just watch.

 10 hours ago
 Reply to  Tyrone
i suggest listening/watching interviews (some available on this website) with dr ryan cole to understand what i’m talking about.

 14 hours ago
It’s the effin vaccine!!
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Preparing for This Summer: 9 Ways to Prevent Heat-Related Illness

Summer is the perfect excuse to spend time in the sun and enjoy the warm weather before things get cold again. Unfortunately, temperatures are climbing, and the heat is getting more dangerous every year. Surviving these high summer temperatures will get more difficult moving forward.

What sort of heat waves are scientists predicting? How can survivalists prepare for these climbing temperatures and prevent heat-related illnesses?

Heat Waves Could Harm Millions
Climate change and global warming have transitioned from a vague threat people used to get us to recycle our single-use plastics to a looming reality. Even if we stopped all emissions right now, it would still take decades for existing impacts to subside.

The planet will continue to get warmer, which means heat waves are going to become more common. According to the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, severe and dangerous heat waves previously occurred once every 50 years. Another study showed that record-breaking heat events will be up to seven times more likely between now and 2050 — and 21 times more likely after that.

Heat waves could kill millions of people in the future if nothing is done to curb greenhouse gas emissions. Heat stress is a real problem in many parts of the world. The 2021 heat wave in the Pacific Northwest — a region known for its temperate summers — killed nearly 200 people. Homes in this region aren’t usually equipped with air conditioning, so there’s no option for climate control in the summer or when these extreme temperatures sweep through.

Imagine how much worse it will be for parts of the world closer to the equator. The Middle East is already experiencing temperatures upwards of 125 F (51 C) during summer. Dealing with this extreme heat might seem impossible without air conditioning, but it will become a necessity in an SHTF scenario.

Recognize the Signs of Heat-Related Illness
The easiest way to prevent temperature-related illness is to be aware of heat stroke and heat exhaustion signs and symptoms. The former is severe and often fatal without medical intervention. The latter is more common but easier to treat without a trip to the ER.

Signs of Heat Exhaustion
Anyone spending time outdoors in hot environments is at risk for heat exhaustion, which is when the body responds to the loss of water and salt through excessive sweating. Symptoms of heat exhaustion can include:

Headaches and dizziness
Weakness and irritability
Extreme thirst and heavy sweating
Treating mild heat exhaustion is as simple as removing yourself from the heat — indoors in an air-conditioned environment or outdoors in the shade — and rehydrating. Severe cases of heat exhaustion may require medical intervention.

Signs of Heat Stroke
Heat stroke is among the most severe heat-related illnesses. Overheating can cause body temperatures to quickly rise to fatal levels higher than 106 F. Around 31% of heat-related deaths are caused by exposure to natural heat. Symptoms of heat stroke include:

Hot and dry skin
Very high fever
Altered mental state — confusion, slurred speech, etc.
Loss of consciousness
Heat stroke can be fatal if it’s not treated. If you don’t have access to emergency medical services, work to cool the body as quickly as possible. Cold compresses, cool water, or even an ice bath can help bring temperatures down. 

Signs of Dehydration
Working in the heat without proper hydration puts the body at risk for dehydration. Mild symptoms of dehydration include:

Dark-colored and/or strong-smelling urine
Dizziness, lightheadedness, or feeling overly tired
Dry mouth and peeling lips
Even if you’re drinking water, it might not be enough. Make sure to up your fluid intake if you start showing signs of dehydration. Ensure you’re balancing your water intake with electrolyte drinks or taking salt tablets, so you don’t throw your body out of balance.

Be Aware of Risk Factors
Anyone who spends time in the heat, especially during the summer, is at risk for heat-related illnesses. That said, specific demographics are at greater risk. These include:

Infants and children under the age of 4
Seniors 65 and older
Overweight and obese individuals
Individuals who are ill
People who are on specific medications
Falling into any of these categories doesn’t necessarily mean you need to stay inside all summer. Make sure you’re aware of your increased risk so you can take any necessary steps to prepare and prevent heat-related illness.

Stay Hydrated and Drink More Than Just Water
Hydration is probably your best tool for preventing heat-related illnesses like dehydration. The exact amount of water you need to drink will vary depending on your weight, gender, overall health, and time spent in the sun. On average, you’ll need six to eight cups of water or other fluids daily. If you’re sweating a lot or plan to be active, that number will climb. You will also need more hydration if you’re ill or experiencing a fever.

It’s also important to drink more than just water, especially when experiencing extreme temperatures or being active in the heat. Drinking a ton of water and nothing else can throw your body out of balance. In severe cases, this imbalance can result in water poisoning, or hyponatremia, when the sodium level in your blood becomes diluted. Hyponatremia can be fatal if untreated.

Stay Out of the Sun and Wear Sunscreen
Standing in direct sunlight will cause you to sweat and eventually dehydrate, even if you’re not active. Staying out of the sun can help reduce your chances of experiencing a heat-related illness. If you can’t stay indoors or avoid the sun’s rays, try to schedule your outdoor activities to avoid the hottest hours of the day. This time might vary depending on where you live, but generally, it will fall between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Make sure to wear sunscreen if you must be outside during the day. Experts recommend wearing at least SPF 30 and reapplying your sunscreen every 90 minutes or more often after towel-drying.

Dress Appropriately
It’s tempting to wear as little clothing as possible when temperatures rise, which puts you at risk of sunburns and other heat-related illnesses. Wear lightweight, light-colored clothing if you can’t avoid being outside during the day’s heat. The lighter colors won’t get as hot in the sun, and the material will allow for increased air circulation.

If possible, opt for clothing treated with a UV protectant to offer extra protection from the sun. It’s not the perfect solution, and it won’t protect anywhere that isn’t covered, but it can help keep you from ending up severely sunburned and dehydrated in a survival situation.

Monitor the Weather
This step might sound simple, but it’s something that will come in handy in the long run. Start learning how to monitor the weather without the aid of meteorologists or the weather apps on your phone.

Listening to birds or insects — who often quiet down during the heat of the day — can indicate the overall forecast. Investing in an inexpensive thermostat and barometer could give you more accurate readings than any weather app because they focus on your immediate area. Make sure you place your thermometer in an area that doesn’t get direct sunlight for the most accurate readings.

Take Frequent Breaks
Being out in the sun isn’t always avoidable. Make sure to take frequent breaks in the shade or indoors with air conditioning if you must be active during the hottest parts of the day. Take the time to cool off and rehydrate, so you aren’t increasing your risk of heat-related illnesses.

Following the same train of thought, ensure you avoid indoor areas that don’t have air conditioning or good ventilation. These spaces will only make your heat exposure worse.

Keep the Air Moving
A good breeze can be a blessing when it’s 100 degrees or more outside. Design your survival shelter so you can keep the air moving. This step could include fans if you have access to off-grid electricity or windows you can open to allow the breeze to move through your home.

Good ventilation can also improve indoor air quality. Sometimes the best thing you can do is open the windows and air out your space to get rid of dust and accumulated volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Avoid Hot Foods
There’s nothing better than a hot meal when it’s cold outside, but it could make things worse during the summer. That’s especially true during extreme heat waves. Stick to cold foods whenever possible. Let your meal cool a bit before you start eating if you can’t avoid cooking. This delay will also allow you to cool off after standing over a hot stove.

Stay Cool This Summer
Summer heat waves will keep getting hotter, whether you’re near the equator or closer to the Arctic Circle. Take whatever steps you need to stay cool this summer and everyone moving forward so you can survive and thrive.
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FLASHBACK: Biden Said He Would Kill Oil Industry Drilling During 2020 Dem Debate

JUNE 13, 2022

Just in case the establishment media, establishment politicians and/or those within President Joe Biden’s regime forgot — hint, none of them besides, maybe, the president have actually forgotten — the current U.S. government is responsible for rising gas prices. Biden literally told all of us he was going to kill the oil industry in 2020.

During an exchange with “Democratic Socialist” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) at the CNN Democratic Presidential Debate on March 15, 2020, Biden stated in no uncertain terms that the oil industry would be an enemy of his regime.

“No more subsidies for the fossil fuel industry. No more drilling on federal lands,” Biden said forcefully. “No more drilling, including offshore. No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill. Period. Ends.”
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