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The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on Today at 09:14:35 AM »
Why would you need transparency? That's illogical when dealing with vermin.
What a Narcissist Really Thinks of You
(Warning: Raw Truth)

24 minutes ago
Everybody in unison: "THAT SH!T WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!"


The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on Today at 08:03:02 AM »
10/11/2016 6:06AM
Luka Luciano
fyi sherry has been talking sh!t about you saying your a freeloader living off her lazy bum drunk...she is spending night with kevin in vta says she made you sleep in her rv not in a relation ship any more planning to give you the boot. a conspiracy pretty low that is why i am writing hate cheaters liars backstabbers lame ass way to do things she made herself out as a victim not cool...
The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on Today at 07:55:10 AM »
Why are narcissists so horrible?

Narcissists are horrible because they lack empathy and remorse; they don't have the ability to self-reflect. Narcissists are selfish and parasitic; they come into relationships only to use and abuse you.

Narcissists feel they are entitled to do anything they want without being questioned. Narcissists are horrible because they lack genuine feelings for any person in this world; it's all about them.

In fact, narcissists are evil in human disguise who have come to destroy you emotionally, mentally, and even physically.

After taking everything from you and destroying you, they will blame you and spoil your reputation. Narcissists are truly evil and horrible people.

The worst thing is that there is not a single good quality in a narcissist that can benefit people directly or indirectly. If they do something good for someone, then it comes with a price. (Transactional Relationship)

Narcissists are horrible; their sole purpose is to take everything from you. It's the mask, which doesn't allow people to see who they are.

They are very insecure people with very fragile egos by nature, lack empathy for others and are incredibly self absorbed

When they treat you badly for no valid reason it is all in an attempt to control you and keep you at their disposal.

They don't feel bad either, they feel entitled and justified to treat you like sh!t.

It's actually rather pathetic when you see just how insecure these people are. They never developed fully. They are children, still playing make believe and pretend.

They have to hurt you to not feel bad about themselves. They rather feel in control of how they make you feel since they hate the way they feel about themself. They are little insecure people who can never be equally responsible in a healthy adult relationship.

A relationship to a narcissist is somewhat like a relationship you would have with a child. You are the adult they are the child. They throw tantrums, have no reasoning skills, and to argue with one is like trying to prove your point to a 4 year old. You will never win because they're reasoning does not make sense.

Deep down they have insurmountable insecurities and they avoid dealing with their own issues by mind-screwing people like you and I.

They lack empathy for whatever reason (could have been they had narcissistic parents and learned from them or perhaps they were given everything they wanted all their upbringing and never grew out of getting what they wanted by throwing a fit…etc., no excuse to be a brat still as an adult we grow out of that selfish childish nature and it's a choice).

They have no boundaries for others. They walk all over us with no regard or without ever feeling bad.

If unaware of what is going on, then its easy to get sucked into their deceptive world of bullshit without even knowing it. Once they gained your emotional attachment is when they most likely will demonstrate their ‘true’ nature by degrading, devaluing, sudden withdraw, gaslight, silent treatment, disappear, the list of vindictive tactics go on.

They feed off the attention of others. They feel the need to control you to keep you around to stroke their ego because they are so insecure. So pathetic most of them actually deep down under their mask have no true sense of self worth. And this reality they will avoid at all costs and especially at sake of harming others.

They just want people around to be involved in their lives to make them feel important and never have to deal with their insecurities. They are so fake. They are not fair. They want you to be devoted to them regardless if you want to or not. They don't care what you want. They care only about what is beneficial to them.

They need your validation. They need to demonstrate the power they have over you by treating you in unimaginable ways to create havoc and chaos in your mind thus keeping you forever bonded to their destructive and ugly secret nature of hating who they are.

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on Today at 07:31:42 AM »
Would a narcissist ever
help anyone out?

Only if it makes them look good to others or they will benefit in some way. The benefit may not be noticeable to some people.

They will tell you they will help you and conveniently forget. Narcs are known for giving empty promises so they can look like the “good person”. Another example of telling you what you want to hear. It will rarely happen - Don’t ever rely on a narc. You will be constantly disappointed.

No. They would only help others if it somehow helps them.

Whether that be to make them look like a hero, victim, grandiose, generous etc

The priority will always be the narc's interest.

Like for a sadistic gang stalking of a person or other fun event, like the torture of a helpless animal or perhaps murdering a person? That kind of ”need?” Absolutely, they would be there if you needed them to help you with anything sickening or extremely sadistic, especially the Covert Narcissists, they are the most helpful and altruistic of all the cluster B's.

However if you mean “need", like say, help taking care of the Narcissist's ailing mother or father, or even just help with a few dinner dishes?

No, then I am afraid you won't see or hear from a Narcissist in months, even longer, sometimes years.

And don't ever try to find a Narcissist to help you with any sort of need like, “emotional support” because your mother just died and you simply “needed a shoulder to cry on". Narcissists don't really do those kind of needs, either but they may toss you a “sorry your b*tch mother's dead sympathy f*ck just for some “sh!ts and giggles" to help you better cope with your loss?

As long as they are the focus of your need, yeah they may be there for you then, other than that though? Not so much, but don't be hard on old Narcopath for not being able to help you with your needs, just know that they are always willing to have you give them a hand with any number of their needs.

It is after all why they have you around anyway. Just like a trusty old car battery, you can take a licking and you'll just keep ticking along, until it's time for a new one. Probably due to too many of your unreasonable, “needs”?

It's a nightmare trying to find good supply these days.

It's not old Narcopath's fault that they live this way, they are after all, damaged beyond all repair.

If there is enough audience!!

One of the most tricky personal trait that I have learned about closet narcissism (covert) is the love for charity.

Covert narcissists live on the fake false image that they reveal to others and hide behind that mask, and the next day they will brag how humble they are in front of their supply and themselves.

In addition to all the red flags that you can find in them, I think the two keys for helping others would be the.....

(pathological lying): this one makes them able to believe their own lies.

Charity lovers: this one is the smartest product that narcissism ever introduced to this world. The pearl of their industry. When you will find yourself beside a loving giving person who appreciates others needs and looks for them.

I am sure it reflects good on them when they are drawn in their self-loath and low self-esteem.

Covert narcissists will help you, listen to you if only there is something to be taken back instead. Nothing is free in their world, it's all paid and its all crap.

What can be taken from you instead could be any thing they need like validation, support, money, sex, etc….

Being with covert narcs is watching their show 24–7–365. Lucky you if you there is more audience.

Sure they can! But there is ALWAYS an ulterior motive. What might they get in return? Something to brag about, something to hold over you, something to show the world what a “great” person they are…

My ex narc NEVER ONCE asked me if I needed something, if there was anything he could do for me or ANYTHING after I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. All through treatment, on the occasions he was around, I was still cooking for him and serving his lazy a**.

At that point he didn't have to try to impress me, he knew I wasn't just fighting for my life. He KNEW I was fighting for HIM. Fighting for us. And he gladly let me. The last time we were together, I asked him if he would take me to an upcoming doctors appointment. I just wanted him to meet my oncologist. He literally flipped out on me and told me that I don't know what I do to people, asking for rides because I don't drive.

Who does s**t like that???

A narcissist with nothing to gain.

I’m not sure what you mean by help. However, in the love bombing stage they will do any thing to please you. When they become bored with you, remember this is not love no matter how much you feel loved, they will become rude & disagreeable & mean.

Nothing will be the same ever again. That is why it hurts so much when you are discarded. The answer is they will go to lengths to please you for an undetermined amount of time; after that you are not worth the effort. They can't maintain the facade. Time for you to leave & start the recovery process. Good luck & speedy recovery.

Sure, some of them can be very sympathetic and supportive. They may bail you out of a bad situation, offer a shoulder to cry on, cheer you on when you need a boost, and offer good advice about a situation you’re trying to deal with.

It won’t be because they really care about you, though. There’s something in it for them. It may not be immediately obvious, but there’s no empathy involved here. They may be trying to convince you that they care in order to get you more deeply hooked, or trying to earn praise for being such a good person, or will want other people to know about it to boost their own reputation.

They may be keeping a mental tally of good deeds that you will owe them for later. They may even be doing the occasional good deed so that they can lie to themselves and convince themselves that this balances out the terrible things they’ve pulled on you before, and will continue to pull on you if you stick around.

They’re not all moustache-twirling villains. It’s more complicated than that. If they didn’t package themselves as nice, caring people, nobody would ever fall for them in the first place.

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on Today at 06:02:57 AM »
Will a narcissist ever find the person who changes them for the better?

No. They cannot find the one. And nobody can change them except themselves.

What they can find is someone they believe to be the one….someone who is thought to be perfect. So this person is idealized. At least until it's realized that they are not perfect. Then that person becomes ordinary and worthless. And they are devalued and discarded.

That is the narcissistic cycle. External love does not break it.

No, because is not about right person is about the narcissist. You need to understand the fact that a narcissist is incapable of loving anyone. Even the love that they have towards themselves is disordered is extremely self centred, self absorbed. Is not love it's self obsession. They don't know who they are. So how would they ever to connect with anyone when they are not connected with their own essence?

Their true self is dead. It's just the false self that exist. Is just shell of who they truly were. Narcissists can't sustain relationships.

They are emotional predators and use others to regulate their emotions. Narcissists want maximum gain with minimum efforts. They are extremely self centred They thrive on conflict and can't stand stability. Narcissists are hyper sensitive to anything that can be taken as criticism. They take responsibility for nothing and believe their own lies.


These pathetic, cruel, selfish liars can never recognize true love because they live is illusions. For them it’s their prime goal to catch hold of people who can take them high with lusty night outs, gifts, sweet surprises and finally end up with them in bed. They continuously keep hunting for new supplies and keep replacing them with yet another new ones.

Be it he or she, all narcissists are identically same cruel people who only ruin other people who love them. They destroy the person who loves them to such an extent that the victim suffers from all sides. Mentally, emotionally, financially, physically and becomes paralyzed for the rest of his/her life feeling worthless.

These ba**rds and bitc**s are only bothered about their selfish motives and are capable to sleep with their own fathers, mothers, sisters, daughters and sons as long as their momentary lusty need is taken care.

No one on this planet can change them till they are alive, PERIOD!!!

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on Today at 05:54:41 AM »
You’re not hypersensitive. They are cold, there’s a huge difference.
How a Covert Narcissist Tries to Mind F*ck You

5 months ago
Passive aggressive is the WORST thing to live with! I married one and it was hell because I didn't know until I had three kids and a business. The constant smirk and ridicule  at everything I said and did was the worst. I was the crazy one when I noticed it and said something about it. Contempt for me was the default vibe in the house. Gone now for 15 years and freedom is wonderful!

1 year ago
These f ing narcissists turn everything we have been taught upside down. Remember all the "setting boundaries" bs? There is only ONE boundary that works on these demons from HELL, and that is NO CONTACT.  I'll be damned if I waste one more ounce of my precious life on these things.

9 months ago
They don't like their supplies. They're jealous and insecure.

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on September 20, 2024, 08:47:54 PM »
Never argue with a stupid person. They’ll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Narcissists Who Are Trapped By Their Own Stupidity

Stupidity is a very real phenomenon that impacts how a person treats others, makes decisions, and responds to power.  Dr. Les Carter describes how narcissistic individuals are uniquely positioned to become trapped by the problem of stupidity, then he discusses ways to overcome its ignorant patterns.

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on September 20, 2024, 08:08:16 PM »
How can one drive a narcissist mad?
                      :crazy:                                                        :tanty:

I love this question as honestly so many people are suffering way too much at the hands of these evil people.

You will drive the narcissist crazy:

When you are the hated one and you survive. You not only survive the hatred strategy but become happy again.

When no matter what the narcissist does to trigger your anger, you remain collected and polite. I love it! It takes enormous self discipline.

When we do not show emotions with them. No supply here you monster is the real message.

When we discard the narcissist but please be careful as this is bound to create a narcissistic injury and you can easily become the hated one.

When we don’t take the calls of the narcissist.

When we act unemotional with the flying monkeys.

When we deal with the narcissist in a smart manner.

When we show them that morality pays in life. Stick to the right path and heaven will provide enormous abundance.

When the child of a narcissist calls out the crap out of the narcissist parent. With partners, I do not suggest this but with the children of narcissists, yes I do. After all that torture, it will show the child has back bone to expose the parent for all the sick games.

When a narcissist has to face authorities. Bullshit has not managed to get them past this one.

When an alienated parent is reunited with the children!

Please drive all narcissists crazy. They must learn their lesson. Hating and destroying human beings is not a way to live your life.

Why should you?

They’re crazy anyways.
I think we know that.

I do understand the feeling of wanting to do something to get back at them for all their wrongs, but it’s not worth the effort because as we know, narcissists don’t even care.

It’s just fuel for them. Nothing will change. They can get that fuel from anyone, we don’t need to be their supply anymore. We don’t need to waste our time and energy on driving them crazy when they already are, and instead focus on ourselves, getting free and healing.

That’s the best we can do. When we gain back our independence and get free and heal, that’s what ‘drives them crazy’ because then they’re losing control of us. If they know in the end they couldn’t break us, that’s what drives them crazy.

Let’s just keep our independence and stay free.

Tell them they are wrong then have someone join you in claiming how wrong they are. They will explode in rage.

Narcissists expect you to be so intimidated by them that they expect you to just lose who you are and meld into who they are. But there are certain things that you can do that are just going to drive them purely nuts.

First, don't buy into their BS. They're not the ultimate arbiters of truth; keep that in mind. Beyond that, there's no need for you to justify who you are. They're not listening anyway.

Then, taking it further, live as a free person. They've assigned themselves as being your taskmaster, but that's a delusion that you don't have to play along with. Then, refuse to argue. Just simply don't jump into their mud hole.

And then, beyond that, have meaningful separate relationships and priorities. Your character is everything, so hold on to that. Be you, knowing full well that it's going to drive them mad.

And then, as you do so, get out of the way so that they can just be who they are. You can be a very separate and distinct person.

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on September 20, 2024, 05:11:37 PM »
How clever can a narcissist be when they tell on themselves constantly?

While some are genuinely clever in their pursuit of power/control over others (as some are extraordinarily manipulative), they do definitely trip up along the way and sometimes tell you about themselves or tell on themselves, lol.

In reality, narcissists tend to lack emotional self-control and may actually “break” at times, especially when they feel that someone is figuring them out/seeing through them or not “properly” responding to their attempts to manipulate, dominate, provoke, etc.

Narcissists are essentially “stuck” in their emotional development, so while some may be intelligent, they are also children living in adult bodies.

I tend to more look at it as “normal” human beings wanting to assume the best, and simply not realizing or wanting to believe that sh!t ass, moral-less human beings exist, lol.

If it weren’t for “normal” human beings, narcissists would not be able to survive/thrive. They essentially survive/thrive through “normal” human beings.

Because narcissists are the type who will smile in your face, seemingly say all the right things (especially during the beginning stages) while knowing full well that they’re simply presenting themselves as who/what they believe will draw you in (charming/flattering, generous, romantic, etc) and taking advantage of you.

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on September 20, 2024, 04:55:24 PM »
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