Author Topic: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...  (Read 81352 times)


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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #50 on: December 18, 2013, 12:49:12 AM »
Here now, I give you a heavily edited and condensed version of the major action on my facebook wall, all day, on 12-16-13.
Key: C is a townie gal. Jen is an East Coast gal. Augie is a Utah guy who brought Lester here, and I'm Ron Tello.
Deal widdit....

Cattle rustling is a Hanging Offense,
but I'm not using cattle as heating fuel.

C: Did someone take your wood too?

Tello: "Too"????
What's your story?

C: My story is....somebody stole at least 3 loads of firewood off our wood pile.

Tello: When? Fresh tracks? Usual suspects?

C: A couple weeks ago or so, we noticed the pile gettin smaller & one afternoon, just before dark we heard thumps like wood being tossed in a truck. We looked out to see a tan 68ish looking chevy pickup leaving the property. Full of our wood, we estimated about 3 full truckloads are gone. Mostly cedars.

Tello: Truck fits the description of Paul Toschak's. I'm telling ya, he's a VARMINT for firewood. 2 other horror stories besides mine are known to me.

C: Hmmmm..thats good to know That jerk acts like a friend to ur face & steals from you, what a jerk. I need a game get proof & take it to the sherrifs.

Tello: prolly find the evidence in his yard. Call the copshop.

C: I'd rather put a bullet twixt his eyes tho.

Tello: hurry up about it already...
Sure truck is tan? PT's is grey. Was the lighting good?

C: I thought it looked tan..hmm, and it was just before dark..dusk. saw a guy in a cap like a painters cap or white or lite colored ball cap.

Tello: Do a sample/DNA test on yer woodpile and what's at Polz'

C: hes probably 'burned' all the evidence already, or sold it. Brian in the store asked hubby if he knew anybody in a grey primer 68 pickup cuz someone in a truck like that was caught in town stealing wood.

Tello: Like I say: Find out who took delivery of the merchandise...

C: you think he took mine just to sell it? Problem being, it was 3 weeks ago or more & its most likely burned, cops will tell me the burden of proof is on MY shoulders.

Tello: you should email [the Sheriffs]. Tell him u have "reasonable evidence to believe" Paul did it. He needs more grief!!! The D.A. wants to bury him.

C: and I ask questions all over the place around here & everyone is tight-lipped as hell...even if they themselves are getting hit.

Tello: oh yeah, true. KILL EM ALL and let's sort out their firewood!

C: lol, I like that idea, better! Halfsies!?

Tello: IT'S ON!
Do u have friendly access to several shitkickers around here? Hire them to do a "task" and pay with cookies.

C: lol...just my son. Theres no such thing as 'friends' out here. Just backstabbers..who call you friend to ur face for their own selfish needs, cuz you have something they want maybe...
Oh boy, I'd pay with a 7 course meal & home made pie for dessert! lol

Maybe? Try FOR SURE! Can I quote ya on that?
7 course eats? Heck, I'd go for a SAMMICH!

C: I just read & saw pix on that 'link'. Boy is toschak fulla shite!!! He sold ur wood!
The piles dont match.

Tello: Good answer. The ONLY answer....

C: You never pay them in advance.

Tello: According to the evil gossip mill, I dont pay AT ALL... Bollocks!

C: you got effed, did you at least get kissed?

Tello: This aint over. It's just getting started...

C: I agree..

Tello: You call the Firewood Police yet? Or are ya adjusting the sights of yer Varminter?

C: Got my nightvision goggles & laser sight ready

Tello: A long, cold night awaits you. Good luck, and good shot!

C: thanx, but no luck needed..I'm known in my family as Dead-eye. I never miss!
OOOPS just 1 BLAM!

Tello: BLA.......
fucken dud.


Tello: 2 out of 3 ain't bad....

C: Yeah, anybody shows up after dark over here, better have obamacare. No more miss nice guy.

Augie: The Bigger the Pile the Bigger The Woody

Tello: Augie, please...

Augie: Sorry

Tello: Accepted.

C: Augie, I had no Idea you felt that way about firewood.

Tello: Heads up, Augie! GF is coming atcha!

C: GF?

Tello: girlfriend. It's "text-speak".

C: ya sure

Tello: SAY! How do you know Augie?
Are you cheating on me?

C: Thats just it, I DONT know Augie! except on here.

Tello: On facebook, who REALLY knows anybody?


Augie: A big pile of wood makes happy ppl.

Tello: Get on the same page, Augie....Our wood got boosted. Understand now? And we know who [alledgedly] did it...
Here, have a Japanese Rock and Roll School Girl:
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #51 on: December 18, 2013, 12:57:14 AM »
Jen: Yipppppppeeee! You got some more wood.

Tello: Goddammit, NO I DONT!!! Read  post #37 at the link!!!
That pile in the pic aint even here...STOP!

Jen: HEY, I'm just catching up to speed. Damn. I thought you got more to replace what was stolen.

Augie: It's like the Seinfeld show. All about nothing. Not Real.

Jen: Augie, are you suggesting that his firewood was never stolen??

Augie: The pile of wood you don't own. Never had

Tello: Tell the truth Augie!

Jen: Mine is the truth. I made the choice. HEY RON... I'm stealing your thread.

Tello: Who cares?

Jen: I CARE. We will make a posse and find the bandit. Don't block know you love me.

Tello: Well, yeah.....

Augie: Be nice now!

Tello: F+^koff Augie. Tell me to be nice? I already got beat up for that...You started this shite. YOU FINISH IT!

Augie: Me, No Sir.

Jen: Hey, NOOOOO!!! You are fighting Augie. I'm taking the high road. hey...I'll turn the hose on you two. And its cold outside.

Augie: Haha, too far away

Tello: Augie: 1
Jen: 0
Fight Augie? He aint given me a reason. Yet.
Now Lester...he's a GONNER!!!

Jen: Has the police still not stepped in?

Tello: Not about what he stole from me.

Everytime the cops come to town I get blamed n called a "Cop Caller" and evil shite like shite. A lawless flockhead town don't like LAW. And they don't like me. I just wanna break into their houses, steal everything and ask 'em "How you like that, modderflockers???"!!!

Jen: I'm sorry, Ron.

Tello: Sorry is a condition, not an emotion.

Augie: I think some counseling is in order....


Jen: Okay, Mister Linguist. I have deep sympathy for your on going problems. You tend to trust thieves and I sympathize with you.

I trusted AMERICANS.
Case closed.

Jen: need to kill Lester. We are on a roll here.

Augie: This is get'n Serious..

Tello: Lester dint do the firewood caper. He boosted my hard liquor and stuff...

Jen: Well, then why are we harping on Lester?

Tello: cuz u butt-in mid-stream.

Augie: Maybe Santa will bring you some Crown Royal

Tello: Will somebody please piss on me????

Jen: Are you on fire Ron?

Tello: Traditionally, that's a "Show Stopper".

Jen: That sucks. I'm SYMPATHIZING with you Mr. Tello-Culley... doesn't like the word "sorry".

Augie: Ron needs a Spanking then, ur job Jen, lol

Tello: oh, f*(k your horse and you it rode in on...

Augie: She left

Tello: Yer right. Im in the middle, what, am I a scooter pie?

Augie: And The Saga Continues, Hell i don't know.

Tello: ok fine. all that offing musta made ya f@#k

Augie: A Long Thread.

Tello: Jen called. I'm getting bottled pee for Christmas.

Augie: Wow, ur special...I'm getting a bottle too?

Tello: No, but I'll share it with ya...
Well, it's about that time again, go out and shoot a train.

("show stopper")

[fade to black]

Jen: :P
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #52 on: December 18, 2013, 05:34:46 AM »
1 and a half years later, not a dime has been paid on this loan agreement made between myself and the Montello Charlatan/Poser/Loser known as Preacher John Gregory.
He says he duzzint want to pay.
I say I don't wanna get ripped-off.
Do I give him a beating he won't forget, bust into his house and take what I want in full measure plus 10%, hire a hitman, or go for the Public Humiliation route?

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #53 on: December 18, 2013, 10:36:38 AM »

Cheryl Howard: have you talked to a lawyer?

Ron Tello Culley: Oh sure. Get on the Small Claims merry-go-round. What's the
Defendant's defense--Insanity? Do I trust the Judge?

Ron Tello Culley: It's obvious I'm going for Door Number 4.

Corky Klein: looks like you've gone the "Public Humiliation Route"!?!?

Ron Tello Culley: Yeppers!

Sharon Keet Wise: Unfortunately smalls claims can only give you judgement. ....they can't
make him to pay.

Ron Tello Culley: Thank you, Sharon. Very good answer.

Ron Tello Culley: [I wouldda launched this "Payback Campaign" months ago, but I dint find
the document until yesterday. I said before "The Holidaze are REALLY gonna suck this
year". I dint say "for who".
Me? Naaa...gave 'em up years ago; No skin, no win.
Thx for playing my game!]

Libertina Grimm: Take the tyres off his car.

Kelli Parr: Hitman!

Ron Tello Culley: *I like women*

Ron Tello Culley: This [Shameless] Bast@rd has no desire to man-up to this. Won't even
buy me a drink, and he's in the Pub EVERY DAY!

Diane Tobey Franssen: first off something is not right here. You loaned him $500 on
April 17, 2012 tacking on a $100 for interest. Total due $600. Terms- 2 months at $50 a
month and to be paid in full by June 16, 2012. Not sure what calculator you are using over
there but the terms should have read..$300 a month for 2 months and paid in full would
be June. And again, where do you find these people???

Ron Tello Culley: Again: AMERICA> It was his deal, his terms, I agreed. It was cool until
he sat on his brain.

Augie A. Leonard: Take it to court!

Ron Tello Culley: That's a Dark Hole. Guess again!

Kelli Parr: ....hmmmm in the pub? everyday? gonna make hitmans job soooo easy! ;)~

Henry J. Casolari: --- THE ROCK AND THE HARD PLACE --- Sad to say but the word on
the street is you are beginning to appear as an "Easy Mark". The wood story, the bye
bye booze with Lester, the bag whore in Utah, the promissory note and maybe a few
more deals that haven't surfaced yet. -
The loan arrangement with the "so called Preacher John" aka charlatan, poser, loser
might have a legal footing in a Small Claims Court action. A civil claim if it was in fact
"cash" that was the object of the loan. If by chance the arrangement involved any other
substance of less than what fits a legal definition, well, the civil small claims action goes
out the window. Recovery will depend on what type of enforcement that best suits the
situation. - You may want to consider better screening of employees, the ladies you
choose to have an affair with, the people you lend or provide to and a little more closer
walk with God in prayer to establish direction and guidance resulting in "Peace of Mind".

Ron Tello Culley: Henry..PJG lives right next door to you. SCREEN THAT!
Some ppl do dope, others do religion. The issue is NOT what it's all

And you coddled Poshack. Nice goin', Hippie!
There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...

Ron Tello Culley: Oh, and the Utah Bag Ho...that was some GOOD shite while it lasted. I
wasted more money on eBay, so, all things being equal, I'd say f0kk you, too. IMHO.
SAY! dint yer buddy Jesus hangout with the scourge, whores and crooks of his time?
Dont make me launch the Hypocrite bomb at you.

Imma a Good Man in a shite World. So FTW cuz it's f\/kin' me!

Ron Tello Culley: [EDITORIAL: Check it out ppl: I get it from all sides of the human
garbage spectrum. The crooks play that psycho-diversion game, shouting from the
mountain tops that I'm the Rat Bastard, and SmallTown's Small Minds go with it.
Then there's God Clowns talkin' to me about "Forgiveness".
Right, let's suppose I go and forgive all the white trash (ppl of color have never given
me this kind of grief) who have done me hella~wrong.
Izzint that a license to continue their evil ways?
Ok, so given that dynamic: I'm going to, oh...say, Henry J's house. I'm gonna walk in while
he's watching the ballgame, and LOOT THE HOLY felafel outta the joint. It's sooo cool.
Why? Cuz he's gonna "forgive" me and he's gonna like it.
Me too. I got his shite. He ain't got's a WIN \0/ WIN!!!

It's a no-brainer actually. Suppose Criminal Law operated like that???

In Elko County....IT DOES!!!!

It's a 3-way Tellophonic Clusterflook:


(And ppl wonder what's wrong with me?)

I rest my case, and ARREST theirs.

Ron Tello Culley: Henry J said "..and maybe a few more deals that haven't surfaced yet."

You really wanna go there? We can summons the Nasties from your Camp.
Which ones do we start with?
I'm flocked/yer flocked. We're all fL0cked.
Merry Christmas, heathens!

Kimberly Greening: Wow! 1) what was the point of asking people vote? 2) I think there is
3 sides to every story 3) a wise man once told me its worth lending money to someone you
know won't pay you back, cuz you know they won't every ask you to borrow money again <
with that being said if you are nice enough to help some one out and they rip you off
YOU yourself have to be willing to fight to get back what is yours 4) a agree with diane^
where do you find these people 5) I don't listen to people in this town, this is how I feel
until you wrong me we are on good terms 6) Quit making it so easy for people to wrong

Ron Tello Culley: Oh, so am I the only one that believes in stupid shite like Capitalism,
Trust, Law, Property Rights?
Seems to me the ppl hereabouts aid and abet crime; they LIKE it.
Sry, I DON'T. That's my value system.
btw: I found them in AMERICA. Our Fellow Countrymen. 'Nuff said.

Jake GreenPlanet Robbins: You gave at the office then

Ron Tello Culley: Until it hurt.

Kimberly Greening: Hey don't get huffy with me, I agree that it is messed up that the
people you have helped has screwed you, I also believe in defending what is yours or at
least was yours, lol

Ron Tello Culley: Not huffy at you; never consider it. You know me and my style. A bit
fool, a bit foul. It's how I roll....downhill.

Jake GreenPlanet Robbins: In beer or actual cash?

Ron Tello Culley: C notes.

Jake GreenPlanet Robbins: Doesn't it hurt not to forgive?

Ron Tello Culley: Not at all. It's a grueler to be wronged and be accused of being the
wronger. I'm surrounded by vultures with seemingly no natural preditors. Last man
standing is a man's last stand. Or something...

Jake GreenPlanet Robbins: Can you contact him and tell him you feel bad that he didn't repay you?

Ron Tello Culley: Brother, at this point..feelings are for pussies. I'm a thinking man. Goto the discussion of this on my wall!

Jake GreenPlanet Robbins I'd be of little help. Getting in touch with your personal feelings about this alleged wrongdoing might be step one, f.y.i.

Ron Tello Culley: Been there done that. It dont pay the freight.

Ron Tello Culley: It's partly about Respect.
Another endangered species for ya.

Ron Tello Culley: Again: Law, or Anarchy. Which one do you choose for your
"Best Interests"?
It's not complicated.
Oh yes it is.

This one seems appropriate for this particular occasion...everyday.

This speaks volumes in ways I cannot imitate...

Don't worry about me.
I'm just making Lemonade.

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #54 on: December 18, 2013, 02:08:29 PM »
Car: Right it off on your taxes.

Ron Tello Culley: I don't play that.
I'm living in a Horror Film now.
Montello is The Land of The Brain Dead.
They think I don't hear them. I hear ALL.

I'm in a horrable place.

I'm in a dangerous situation that can only end in bloodshed.

Why don't they be human?

The level of ignorance has reached DEFCON 5000. No joke.
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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #55 on: December 18, 2013, 02:43:34 PM »
I go for the public humiliation route

or you could just do the whole Encholada

Ask Judge Judy.

Dear Horse: Rope's End.
I'm there.
Look for me at:
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #56 on: December 18, 2013, 02:46:46 PM »
Augie: U got wood now?

Ron Tello Culley Forget that. I'm fixing on gunplay right now.
Pretty newsworthy...NOT around here it won't be...
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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #57 on: December 18, 2013, 05:36:30 PM »
Ron Tello Culley: Now that My Good Intentions are posted, let there be NO surprize when I become a News Item.
Freedom izzint free.
I got spare change.
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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #58 on: December 18, 2013, 05:49:43 PM »

Good-bye everybody.

Thanks for all the bandwidth.

Wait, no. I'm not done here yet..
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #59 on: December 18, 2013, 06:49:23 PM »
To CountessA
Today at 11:45 PM
Read my Law-Anarchy thread.
It's more true than you n me combined.
I'm under mortal attack here and I aim to strike back.
I'm gonna use lethal force to neutralize my adversaries and I'm going to jail.
My plight, my decision.
I'm losing my Empire.
I will not surrender my dignity to ZOMBIES.
Wish you were here.
Please post with all the English language ya got, in yer most elloquent style you command.

I love you. I hate you. I beg of you: do right by me this one last time.

I'm not weeping. Ever have icycles under yer eyes? They don't wipe; they scrape. Not good.

I am an American. I hold fast to the American Ideals. I am living in a world where none of that happy horseshit exists anymore.

I am The Last Patriot Standing in a land of Jackels.


I'm depending on you to know what to do.
The Cowboy Bar phone # is 775-776-2466. Ask for Troy.

And postpone that loan until further notice.

Perhaps for the last time, I say unto you my Dear: Cheers M8!

I am Tello, and I have spoken eMailed.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #60 on: December 18, 2013, 07:47:31 PM »
Tello, let's see if we can do something about this.

Full restitution of your wrongs may not be possible, but what basically can we hope to achieve?

   1. Repayment of the loan;
   2. Payment equal to the value of the wood which was stolen;
   3. Anything else?

For the future, your generous nature is going to have to go to boot camp. (We'll all help.)
We will pummel you into never never never NEVER doing business with a friend - unless you are prepared to lose that friend AND the money.
(Or unless you have very high level trust in that friend's ethics.)
It is ALWAYS necessary to get things in writing when giving loans or contracts, or hiring someone to undertake an action for you (as in the firewood case).

If some people have decided you are a "soft touch", they will see that it is not the case. You have trusted people in the past - but that is how communities function.
We all trust each other - our fellow human beings - to an extent we probably don't consciously realize. If we didn't, human society would collapse.
I trust the bank not to spend the money deposited with them. They trust me to repay business loans. Ergo - trust.
Mind you, it's always wise to do background checks or have assurances of reliability...
The bank checked my history. They found me to be trustworthy. Therefore they had (and have) trust in me.
I knew the history of the bank. I know it's subject to regulations, otherwise it could not continue to operate. Based on the bank's history AND the regulations (which involves further trust), I trust the bank with my money.
So - trust is not the problem.
You trusted individuals; that is scarcely a crime.
(But in future, you will have learned to give your trust after some hard scrutiny only. When it comes to money, you have to be a strong tough negotiator. The time to place conditions and consequences upon funds is before you lend it.)

We can talk about ways to seek financial redress from those who have not dealt fairly after having been given your trust. You can afford to pity those people, because they have lost their integrity by their behaviour. You can "forgive" them too - but that has nothing to do with seeking and GETTING financial redress. Emotional/spiritual forgiveness does not mean forgiving the actual debt. But forgiveness is a moot point at this stage as we need to focus on your right to be repaid.

Those discussions will be carried out in the appropriate setting/venue so as to protect your rights and maximise your chance of success.

You don't need to be beating yourself up now for any decisions made... The past is done; we're focusing on your present outcomes, and berating oneself achieves nothing. Peace...

"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"

***Mr Magoo 2U***

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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #61 on: December 18, 2013, 09:09:25 PM »

dont do anything crazy ron, it/they are not worth it, theres been times when i felt the same way as you about the Loo but resisting is good because you dont lower yourself to their level

as said before by me you are too talented to self inflict harm ;D

all the best m8 in this tough time

stand back from it and take a deep breath
May the Sprouts be wuth u Oscar .....


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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #62 on: December 18, 2013, 09:40:09 PM »

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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #63 on: December 18, 2013, 09:42:01 PM »
Yer good. Slick and magniffoscent, just as I expected.

I have posted somewhere before: "If ya wanna get on TV, use a gun. The World will know

you by all 3 names. Ya wanna get yer own TV Show? Hit yer mark and Justify it.
It works every time".
Here in this felafelled up land, criminals are our politicians. 'nuff said.

I am smart. I am riteous. I am the good guy. We know that, thankyouverymuch.

Logic, reason, yea the prevailing language has literally NO impact upon my human


"When words fail, PAIN does the talking. I hate crime. My enemies must be punished by

any means necessary."
I said that to Elko County Sheriff's Deputy Officer Marvin Morton.

( AKA Officer Friendly. He's on my side, will wonders ever

cease? He hates The System too; just waiting for retirement...

I asked him "Can I shoot them in the foot?".
He said "Yeah".

I'll hold him accountable on that when the shite hits the Fan Club.

Go see the old "OUTER LIMITS" episode called
"Behold, Eck".
I love that boy. He make me cry.
There's one part when he was asked about the world he came from, and he said

"You wouldn't understand. It's not even a world at all".

That sticks in my craw. He defines my house as you don't know it.

I love Eck. All he wanted to do is go home. He meant no harm.
I am Eck.
But unlike Eck, all I want to do is BE home. I mean no harm.

My Home, my World, my very Being is in perilous danger.

And I'm losing it all cuzza my failed investments in Americans. I hate those guys for valid

reasons. And they hate me for no good reasons. Fucken spinhead anatomical conundrums.....
"The friends that I trusted are the Rats that made me busted and you know that they're

comin' after me". A bit o'song from my former self.

I have a Legacy. I am a Legend. I am a mortal, dammit. And I shall defend all that remains

of me in these days and I shall die...on MY terms.

Nothing in this Globalphobic Realm shall dictate the yes or no of my every movement or

the quality of my simple life, and I'll be goddammed if I allow braindead, evil-hearted,

hellbent-for-destruction white trash low-life salts of the earth to run me into oblivion to

their nefarious delight.

May it be 1 day or a thousand years, I shall prevail.
Grandma dint raise no fool, and I can show you her grave on g00gle maps right now! A

most pleasant location, prolly better than where you live. (There's a town in California

called Watsonville and there's a street named in her honor: Gonda Street. How epic is

that? How affected am I? I can't begin to say but thx for asking...)

Pleasantries notwithstanding, I say unto you my Dearest Ingrid...felafel THOSE GUYS!

They got it coming and I'm here to deliver, as I told them long ago: "You really piss me

off, I'll shoot you in the foot". Never said what calibre. I'm considering the 12 guage;

Game Loads. They'll live, but will never run away from their obligations ever again.

Permanent damage -- eternal misery, as they deserve.

What--they're gonna sue me? A good time cometh.
The cops, et al know my intentions, my grief, my angst & heart.

My house is Bail.

Jury selection is cake. (I know, Smee likes cake. Get him over here.) Done it before, do it

Compare "Jackets" (criminal records): me vs. them.
Add the features of past mis-performances of the Legal System here (you know what

I'm talking about) and BAM!
I win. And I get my TV Show!
Otherwise, I vaporize like a North Korean...Please make a note of it.

One thing I remember from Bizniss School: Make any decision; find out later if it was a

good one or not.
And I say: Education, don't fail me now.

Stay talking, but do it online. I need the public kudos.
I'm a Man. Yer not.
Yer gravity, Lady, is heavier than mine; PULL IT!

Wish you are here. Makin' sammiches. *:D big grin

-Tello, and his friends Remington, and Smith & Wesson, Nevada

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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #64 on: December 18, 2013, 09:49:41 PM »
So - trust is not the problem.


It's the crux of my ultimate downfall.

Civilization is gone.

Eat or be eaten.

If yer not at the table yer on the menu.

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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #65 on: December 18, 2013, 10:11:18 PM »
Emotional/spiritual forgiveness does not mean forgiving the actual debt. But forgiveness is a moot point at this stage as we need to focus on your right to be repaid.


I'm packin my rig and I'm hitting the stratosphere and I'm going after Jesus.
And when I find him,
I'm gonna kick him in the nuts.
And I'm gonna say "Forgive THIS ya son of a Deity!"

Forgiveness is for pussies.

Woe! unto they who enjoy plunder and loss
from which they may never recover.
Woe! unto they who grant free and clear license to those who
enjoy the spoils of evildoing!
Woe! unto they who prosper in the fullness of pirates at the expense
of the meek and mild.
Woe! unto they who sacrifice the Code of Man for the
betterment of The Devil's work
Woe! unto Woe!

I'm not done. Not by a longshot...
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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #66 on: December 18, 2013, 10:28:05 PM »
Close range is where it's at!

Here's my plan:

Real shotgun, real shells.

Shells devoid of shot and filled with a mixture of drywall mud and red paint.

And a modicum of fresh bacon bits for texture.

I promised the Pub Management I wouldn't do excessive damages,

but you know....

that sudden


from any distance in any room is guaranteed to make everybody
take notice that they just shart their trou
and they are now what others have been in a
popular whatever Movie.


You just shat yer britches right now.
I know ya did cuz I can smell it from here.

Theatre, Sweeties.


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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #67 on: December 18, 2013, 10:38:39 PM »
These Zombies are banking on that I won't ever do
nothin' about the somethin'.

I'm off to break that bank.

And when I'm done.....

they're done.

:tello: "Tello for the WIN \0/ !"
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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #68 on: December 18, 2013, 10:47:16 PM »
I'm still going to jail


somebody calls the cops.

That really don't happen much around here.

I'll make the call, and I'll get a

bizzy signal.

:tello: "Double-Tap WIN \0/ !"

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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #69 on: December 18, 2013, 10:53:25 PM »
So, send me away


give me a way


give me back


due and proper.
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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #70 on: December 18, 2013, 11:00:27 PM »

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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #71 on: December 18, 2013, 11:11:00 PM »
Hi Phil: Good reading here about some funny biznisss.

Phil Hendrie: That's your private bullshite

Tello: True. Making it public is the name of this game. Thx for the reply!

Phil Hendrie: Good luck

Tello: Thx Phil. It means a lot to me, no bullshit. I got all your CD's, Long Live KFI!!/s/All+You+Can+Eat+Negro/2u9hG5?src=5

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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #72 on: December 18, 2013, 11:25:32 PM »

Hi Paul; long time... check this out:

Long Paul: Okay?

Tello: Hey! yes.

Long Paul: Yes what? Not sure what you're getting at..hello!

Tello: I'm sharing an article, an issue. Human drama. Stuff. No particular point per se, just sharing...

Long Paul: FB drama...yay

Tello: My small town drama on fb.
on the off-chance maybe I can get some media ink...

Long Paul: On a $500 personal loan gone bad? LOL... everyone likely has one of those stories.

Tello: this one's different.
most of what's posted on fb is going to:
There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
pls, just check me out. I'm being crucified..and I'm not going UP without a fight...

Long Paul: Keep UP the fight. Good luck.

Tello: thx. tell a friend about me.

Long Paul: No promises. I'm "in the biz", lol

Tello: You ROCK. I roll...
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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #73 on: December 19, 2013, 12:34:33 AM »

To Tanya Yell, Elko County D.A. Office, Downtown Flocktown Nebada USA
Dec 11
Yes, my question is: will you help me resolve the following issues?
Paul Toschak is a career criminal; you know his 'jacket'.
He has stolen my firewood, long rifle and other valuable high-dollar items from me.
I issued reports to Officer Marvin Morton, to no avail.
(My rifle has been reported stolen)
You can see the firewood story at post #37 here:

I don't have enough firewood in stock to survive this winter, nor do I have the resources to attain more.

MY next question, separate but related: Is your office going to act against Tony Blake/Second Chance Bail Bonds of Ogden?

John Hughes

has also perpetrated egregious crimes against me after all the good I did for him.
On top of the list, he has deliberately caused me financial harm. (At the bottom of the list, he acts like he does not know me. This is the Height of Indignities I suffer in your County.)
He now resides with Toschak, and together

the stench of the human garbage in this
town is becoming intolerable.

I had asked Marvin Morton if I can shoot them in the foot and he said "Yeah".
That day is coming if The Law will not lend itself to protecting my interests.

What will your office do for me now?

Info pls.
Thank You.
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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #74 on: December 19, 2013, 12:42:41 AM »
Answer, as I take it due to Radio Silence:

Take a slow train to a hot beach and pound sand.
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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #75 on: December 19, 2013, 01:12:32 AM »
I'm thinking about

staying home

lock and load

and operate under
cover of darkness..

Just a thot....
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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #76 on: December 19, 2013, 01:24:12 AM »
Heres a good thought .....

Stop thinking numb nuts .... Its not sumfinkyahgoodat!


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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #77 on: December 19, 2013, 01:36:46 AM »
When I commit my crimes against
this will be my "Get-Away Car"....

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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #78 on: December 19, 2013, 01:43:13 AM »
Ok then


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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #79 on: December 19, 2013, 01:59:58 AM »
By Law, and under the jurisprudence of my Attorney,
I have the duty to inform you that don't have to
be fockwithed by you and/or your Ganksta Crew,
you hairless freewheeling long-necked monkey choker.

I appreciate your cooper Opnation.

(But we can play marbles in the boneyard after Law School)
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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #80 on: December 19, 2013, 02:02:55 AM »


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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #81 on: December 19, 2013, 02:04:59 AM »
Dude, you really need to see a specialist about that.
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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #82 on: December 19, 2013, 02:09:18 AM »
Where am I?

This is not Radio,
and it's not High School.

Am I Remo Ron again?
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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #83 on: December 19, 2013, 02:37:43 AM »

 :deadhorse:  Coming from Tello, there's nowhere I can go with that  ^^^^

 :tello:  This is it dude. We're done.

There really is nowhere else to go from here.

This is Forum Nirvana.

Sorry to disappoint.
No dancing fireworks girls.
No German Ale enemas.

This is...."it". so let's move along then..

Shutter it up.

Lock it down
and don't come back.

Been ny snowing you.

Let stew lun stomtime.
Carl me.

G'day M8!
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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #84 on: December 19, 2013, 02:48:11 AM »

If you ain't got it,

don't bring it!
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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #85 on: December 19, 2013, 06:59:56 AM »

dont do anything crazy ron

Too late, man!
I am and I will.

See, these derelicts think they got attitude but I'm off to show 'em REAL attitude in ways they fail to expect.

They say I'm crazy...I'm gonna show 'em how personal that can be...right up their Baazooo.

This town will see the fire and fury of the Riteous for the first time and when it's over, I expect a
significant decline in the current population when Townies get sapped with the sudden realization that they can't get away with their crap anymore.

I yearn for the day when I can go to the signs at each end of town and replace the M with an R, and Pop. 300+ to 1.

It's good to dream; it's better to hustle.

See you on TV!   
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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #86 on: December 19, 2013, 07:38:26 AM »
O Yez O Yez, now here comes the re-posting of my 4 part video feature-ette known as KIDNAPPED,

John Hughes

Kidnapped Boy.
BIG story behind this one.

Basically, we were friends and comrades in Industry and Progress...and soon after when this incident occurred, he bailed to dwell in the Slum of Toschak to join forces in the Hate Tello Society.

This bastard is a cheat, a liar and a thief. Only after it was too late did I realize this is TRUE.

Bounty Hunters took him away. He NEVER told me he had an on-going court issue.

He figured he could come here from Ogden, post up and hide from the long hairy arm of The Law.

"Bail Jumper" is the Industry term for this Motleyfuck.

So, word as I have it is he's mad at me cuz he got took and I din't stop it.

The vids are "stand alone" tell all, as they be.

Because of this Rat B@strd's devaluation of trust and gratitude on my farm, I got heavy losses in all areas of my life.

He won't even look at me when he shamelessly comes around my end of town, and this is the pinnacle of disrespect.

And I'm gonna shoot him in the foot.

That is all for now.
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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #87 on: December 19, 2013, 08:47:02 AM »
To Marvin Morton
Today at 1:36 PM
Duke Brown just made threats to me against my life out front of my house.
I might shoot him.
He's a Zombie.
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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #88 on: December 19, 2013, 06:01:03 PM »
Hi guys.
So who needs to be told by Gary Duke Brown: "Yer a deadman walking, b!cth!"???

Thinking, I found out "this is not a dirtclod fite.


tomorrow dTown spirals into a black hole.

Pinky & the Brain n me got new weapons on

2morrow we strike!

gotta bum gas money

be home by 9

Send in the BoyScoooots

ok if u dont care feel or cry

ok,ok...boy scooots it is
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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #89 on: December 19, 2013, 06:16:54 PM »
I have come here to
chew bubblegum...and kick ass.

And I'm all out of bubblegum.
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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #90 on: December 19, 2013, 06:57:39 PM »
Are they not men?

They are not men.

What is the Law?

We are not men.

Are we not men?

What is the Law?

His is the House of Pain.
2 drink minimum, no cover charge.

We are d.t men?
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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #91 on: December 19, 2013, 07:00:10 PM »
Real men dont eat quiche


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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #92 on: December 20, 2013, 11:04:50 AM »
New day.
Same shite.

Consistency is important to me.
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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #93 on: December 20, 2013, 02:43:26 PM »
Are they not men?

They are not men.

What is the Law?

We are not men.

Are we not men?

What is the Law?

His is the House of Pain.
2 drink minimum, no cover charge.

We are d.t men?

we are devo ... lol
May the Sprouts be wuth u Oscar .....


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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #94 on: December 20, 2013, 04:53:39 PM »
Devo is not a dirty word


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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #95 on: December 21, 2013, 10:52:39 AM »
I might be a Terrorist.
I might be a Freedom Fighter.

I'm prolly Tello.

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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #96 on: December 21, 2013, 01:15:38 PM »
To Rick Culley

subject: "TONIGHT!"

I might go to jail.

I might die.

Going to jail and die is kinda "Wild West!"

Be sure that The Cowboy Bar gets their money, and Barbara Wadsworth too.

JT is the Admin here.. You supervise.

I command thee. Do it or I'll felafeling HAUNT you.

Keep my Lincoln Logs, but where's my Hot Wheels?

Did u invest some of my $ or not?
The Mormons swindled me, too.

Wanting The Truth is not feasible, I know that now.

What do ya want?

What do ya get?


I'll tell ya later if this msg is void.
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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #97 on: December 21, 2013, 02:21:15 PM »
To Marvin Morton
Today at 7:19 PM
I shot Lester in the foot.
He wouldn't back off.

I'm such a slop shot, I got him on the 3rd round.

I plan to go quietly
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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #98 on: December 21, 2013, 08:07:48 PM »
Please tell me they were licorice bullets...


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Re: There is LAW and there is ANARCHY...
« Reply #99 on: December 22, 2013, 01:09:26 AM »