Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2930235 times)


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2 bowls of fruit salad with thickened fresh cream please


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You did say "Please".



Don't they feed you in OZ?
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Whats the point of having this food van here , if we cant get any tucker?


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What's any point?
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The Ministry of Truth Is Back
May 30, 2022

The news rocked America: The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) launched a program to control what you can hear, see and say ... but paused it, then launched it AGAIN—all in a matter of days!

Amid Memorial Day celebrations remembering the ultimate sacrifice of those who served in our military, our government is launching a program that will, in essence, spit on the graves of the men and women who died for our freedom. Let us remember them today by continuing freedom on our watch.

The DHS program is called the “Disinformation Governance Board,” which states it will target “disinformation and misinformation.” This is rich coming from the Biden administration, which claims “men” can bear children.

Below, I’ll explain why our government is SO DESPERATE TO CONTROL what “facts” you can know or talk about (Hint: It has something to do with the upcoming midterms).

We cannot allow this to stand in America. It is straight out of the communist playbook. It will be the end of free speech and freedom in our nation. We can fight it with a new bill in the U.S. House. If passed, it will defund this “board.” Overwhelm Congress with your faxes to demand that they support, co-sponsor and pass this bill immediately. —Mat

If you wonder whether Barack Obama is still pulling the strings to control America, wonder no more. In a recent presentation at Stanford University, he said the following:

“The good news is that almost all of the big tech platforms now acknowledge some responsibility for content on their platforms, and they’re investing in large teams of people to monitor it. Given the sheer volume of content, this strategy can feel like a game of Whac-A-Mole … but while content moderation can limit the distribution of clearly dangerous content, it doesn’t go far enough.”

Just six days later, DHS launched its new “Disinformation Governance Board.”

That is a very quick turnaround!

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas let slip the purpose of this board. He said it would be heavily focused on limiting the spread of disinformation ahead of the 2022 midterm elections, according to a Fox News report.

Biden, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are terrified they are going to lose the midterm election if they don’t act now to seize power and silence dissent. This is why they are so desperate to activate this board.

This board might be just the beginning of a massive censorship campaign to keep radicals in power. Our free speech should never be threatened by the wishes and whims of our government. Send your urgent faxes to Congress to demand an end to the Disinformation Board NOW.

The term of Joe Biden’s first “Disinfo Czar” was short-lived. Nina Jankowicz was caught on camera singing, “What does it take to be famous and powerful? Santa, if you’re listening, please tell me what to do. Who do I f--k to be famous and powerful … ”

Jankowicz parrots some of the biggest government cover-ups, saying the Hunter Biden laptop was just a “Russian influence op” and that it should be dismissed as a "Trump campaign product." She also promoted the false Steele dossier and said, “Most of the disinformation that we've seen … is coming from the right.”

After bipartisan outcry, the board was paused, and Nina resigned, but I am much more concerned about the new “Disinfo Czar” who has been picked in the relaunch of this “Ministry of Truth” (a term Tulsi Gabbard [D-HI] used to slam the board). We must stop Biden before it’s too late!

Former DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff will be head of the relaunched board. He is most infamous for co-authoring the USA Patriot Act, which is responsible for the “indefinite confinement” workaround of our constitutional rights. Most notably, this law has been used to jail, without a trial, rally participants who entered the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, and it even applied to peaceful participants.

Now the person who figured out how to throw Americans in jail permanently will oversee what you can hear, write and say! That is absolutely chilling!

A bill has been announced in the U.S. House that will strip all funding from the Disinformation Governance Board. Free speech should never be threatened by a government who thinks it should decide what you can hear, write or say. Send your urgent faxes to Congress to demand an end to the Disinformation Board NOW.

There appears to be some bipartisan opposition to this censorship board. As I noted, Democrat Rep. Gabbard stepped up and called the board the “Ministry of Truth,” as in George Orwell’s book 1984.

This “board” is one of the most dangerous attacks on the future of America. The “Ministry of Truth” will censor information about the elections, COVID and much more. And this DHS board was launched just in time for the midterm elections. That’s not my speculation but comes directly from the mouth of DHS Secretary Mayorkas.

We have to stop this Ministry of Truth, and with this new bill, there is a way. But we need your help. Members of Congress must hear from you.

LC Action will be working hard on Capitol Hill to stop this DHS board. In addition to sending faxes and signing the petition, please support our ministry through a donation to our Challenge Grant. This will DOUBLE the impact of your donation today.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Eternally vigilant,

Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action

P.S. You can also sign a petition to demand Congress act immediately to defund this DHS board.
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What Happens When the Trucks Stop?

What Happens When the Trucks Stop?

Ever since the beginning of COVID, shortages have been a way of life. That first emptying of the grocery stores was a shock to us all. It was months before the stores filled back up.

But as soon as things were back to normal, a new wave of shortages began, this one caused largely by shipping problems. As of this writing, we have yet to see the end of that string of shortages.

If that wasn’t bad enough, gasoline prices going up. There are a variety of reasons for this. Some of it is due to government spending, some of it is due to supply chain problems, and some of it is due to the war in Ukraine. Some experts are saying that it’s going to go higher still.

The unseen side of this is that diesel prices have gone up even more. While it varies from state to state, diesel is running an average of $1.10 more per gallon than gasoline is. That’s about $2.40 more per gallon than truckers were paying a year ago, and it’s the highest recorded average price.

Seeing as over-the-road trucks have two fuel tanks, each of which holds 120 to 150 gallons, truckers could be paying over $1,500 per fill-up.

What makes that even worse (if possible) is that 91.5% of the trucking companies in the US operate 6 or fewer trucks; 97.4% of them operate less than 20. These are small companies we’re talking about, so they don’t have a lot of cash reserves.

Unless truckers are able to charge enough to cover their costs, especially all those small businesses, they’re going to have to shut down their trucks in a matter of days.

But it may not be the truckers who make the decision to shut off their trucks, as the worldwide shortage of diesel is even worse than that of other petroleum products. Diesel is critical to all kinds of industrial engines, from the tractors that farmers use to grow our food to the ships that ply their commerce upon the open seas.

Trucks are just one more category of user that are suffering from those shortages. Right now, that’s driving prices up, but it could quickly turn into there not being fuel to even keep the trucks on the road. It’s not like there are non-essential uses of diesel fuel that can be shut off to alleviate the shortage.

Some people may think that’s no big deal; but it is. Literally everything we depend on is moved by trucks, carrying raw materials and parts to factories, then carrying finished goods to warehouses, and finally carrying the products to the retail stores where we buy them.

Both UPS and FedEx have been working on moving their respective fleets of vehicles away from traditional fuel sources to hybrid, natural gas, and more renewable fuel sources. But don’t think that’s going to save the day.

The more that our nation’s fleet of 2 million trucks fall short of moving necessary goods, the more pressure that will be put on UPS and FedEx. Their combined fleets don’t quite make a tenth of the semis, and their average truck size is much smaller.

So, what’s going to happen when the truckers are forced to park their trucks, waiting for fuel?

First Day
The first day that the trucks stop, nobody will notice. The roads will be clearer and people won’t be complaining about not being able to see around the semis. But in reality, few people will even notice.

Shortages won’t actually show up, although the groundwork for them will already be laid. By the next morning, local deliveries will be off, leaving empty spaces on grocery store shelves.

Second Day
It won’t take long for shortages to start showing up in our local grocery stores. The first shelves to go empty will be the fresh foods. Supermarkets receive shipments of fresh foods of all kinds on a daily basis. Milk, eggs, meat, bread, fish and produce all arrive at their docks early in the morning, giving the workers time to stock the shelves before the store fills up.

Most of those shipments won’t arrive this morning. Even Frito-Lay makes daily deliveries to all their retail outlets; but not this day, unless they’ve got their own stash of diesel fuel.

If things are bad enough, trucks from the gas companies won’t be able to make deliveries of gasoline and diesel to our local gas stations, although it would seem that they would take care of their own trucks first.

Still, the typical gas station receives deliveries of fuel every day, so by the end of this day, we can expect them to start putting out signs saying “Out of Fuel.”

People will see what is happening and start scrambling. We’ve all lived through the COVID-induced shortages in our stores, so people will be rushing to stock up while they can. It is quite possible that our grocery stores will be largely wiped out by the end of the day.

Third Day
Grocery stores only stock about three days’ worth of food; so even without a run on the stores, those grocery stores are going to be running dry. Even things that never sell out, like flour and condiments, will be running short as people buy whatever they can.

The shortages will start spreading out from there to other stores. As people begin to realize the seriousness of the situation, they’ll start hitting hardware stores, sporting goods stores, and liquor stores; basically, anyplace which has anything that might help them survive.

Camping gear, firearms, fishing gear, and ammunition will all be popular purchases. Not all choices will be that logical though. Even so, the sheer mass of purchases will pretty much ensure that anything useful is cleared off the shelves.

Some retail businesses will start shutting down, as they reach a point where their inventory is too low to meet their customers’ needs. Staying open would be risky for those businesses, even with the inventory they still have, because of angry customers getting out of hand.

Manufacturers and wholesalers will be shutting the doors as well, as they can’t get materials in and out the door without shipping. Retail businesses in some areas will be broken into, with people looting whatever they can find.

Some people will think they’re smarter than others and “beating the system” by ordering online, instead of filling the stores. Those people will be shocked to find that the items they were accustomed to having delivered in a day or two are going to take a week to 10 days.

They’ll be even more shocked when most of those items never arrive.

After a Week
Within a week, the country will largely shut down as a large percentage of businesses will have closed, even if it is only intended to be temporarily. Shortages will be widespread, even to the point where Amazon doesn’t have inventory to ship out anymore.

The big issue at this point is that many people will be running out of food in their homes. Most will be out of gas too, making it more or less impossible to go out looking for more, other than locally.

Tensions will rise and people will be looking for a way to let the government know about their concerns. Local demonstrations will form in front of government buildings, with some turning violent.

Relief organizations such as the Red Cross will be rolling out, setting up soup kitchens to feed those who don’t have food. Those kitchens probably won’t last long though, as every one of those non-profit organizations depends on the same supply system that won’t be getting food to the grocery stores.

People who are already living on the edge of lawlessness will begin to look for ways to get what they need, whether through home invasions, kidnapping for profit, or other means. Police will be hard-pressed to keep up with the increase in crime.

After a Month
By the time a month has passed, shortages of food will be driving people to starvation. While some local neighborhoods and communities will come together, in many cases the people trying to organize those efforts will be people who don’t have food either, so they may try to forcibly take food from people who do have it; not only preppers, but farmers as well.

It takes longer than a month to starve to death, so that won’t quite be happening yet, although people will be debilitated by the lack of nourishment. Many overweight people will lose weight, which is a good thing; but at the same time, they will lose strength, as their body cannibalizes muscle tissue for the protein needed to make new cells.

The people who will suffer the most are those who are on prescription medicines for chronic conditions. The first massive die-off will be of people who need medications to regulate their body. Most will have a month or less of those medications on-hand, so we can expect to see them starting to die off at about this time.

That will soon be followed by people starting to die of starvation. Hopefully, the trucks will never be down for that long, but it’s certainly possible. Right now, Sri Lanka is in a state of collapse with all the gas pumps empty.

You can hope nothing like that ever happens where you live, but don’t assume it will never happen. Start preparing now by stockpiling food, storing water, and beefing up your home security.
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Nation Excited To See How Much They Saved On This Year’s Memorial Day BBQ

May 30th, 2022

U.S.—On May 30, the nation held its collective breath to see what savings the Biden administration’s policies had yielded for their Memorial Day BBQ plans. The White House’s tweet from July 4th 2021, had boasted a $0.16 savings on cookout supplies, so everyone was ecstatic to learn what the haul would be for Memorial Day.

“I bet food prices will be at record lows!” local woman Rebecca Fisk refreshed the White House’s Twitter feed again, but eyewitnesses confirm that the last post was still a generic Memorial Day blurb. “Huh, there must be a glitch. Maybe Biden’s staffers are off work today, or they’re covering their feet, or maybe they’re on vacation?”

Widespread reports confirm that upon realizing it was Memorial Day this morning, groggy citizens rubbed sleep from their eyes and fumbled for their phones. Eyewitnesses report confusion and then frustration, however, as they realized that their expectations had been wrong, and that the "Putin Price Hike" beat out the "Biden Boom" yet again. “I thought we’d find out today that the economy had recovered, with inflation and prices at record lows. Come on, Jack!” Sources confirm that local comedian Joe Balmquist threw in his “Come on, Jack” zinger to twist the knife, but couldn’t shake his discouragement later that afternoon when he racked up a $450 shopping bill for a simple BBQ to feed his wife and two small children.

By the time this article was published, the price of hot dogs had risen to $18.
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Tulsi Gabbard Warns Of ‘Powerful Elite’ Who Want ‘To Silence And Control Us’

OCTOBER 8, 2021

On Thursday, former Democratic congresswoman and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard said that the Department of Justice targeting parents who protest mask mandates and Critical Race Theory at school board meeting is something “bigger” than just Democrat versus Republicans.

The military veteran gave a grave warning about a powerful elite that wants to silence Americans.

Gabbard made her remarks during an interview on “Fox News Primetime.”

“Every American should be concerned about what’s happening right now,” Gabbard told host Ben Domenech. “This is something that is bigger than Democrats vs. Republicans.”

Gabbard continued, “What we are seeing here is about the powerful elite in this country using their power to try to silence and control us.”

Gabbard said that “what is so dangerous about this situation is we have the attorney general essentially weaponizing our federal law enforcement agencies to intimidate and silence the American people to try to silence us into compliance, essentially.”

The Democrat observed Americans have free speech “whether our speech is quiet or obnoxious, our speech is protected by the First Amendment.”

Gabbard said that not only as a former member of Congress but as a member of the Army Reserve, she “took an oath to support and defend the Constitution and I may hate the speech that you say. I may completely disagree with it, but I will lay down my life to protect your right to say it.”

For Gabbard, her constitutional oath is everything.

She said it allows her “to stand up to speak out, to fight back, to take a stand for our freedom. The kind of action that we’re seeing from Attorney General [Merrick] Garland, it makes our country look more and more like we are moving to a police state rather than being the land of the free and so now is not the time to allow them to intimidate us into silence.”

Gabbard said Americans need to “stand for each other, for our civil liberties, for our freedoms.”

If Americans don’t take a stand, Gabbard warned that “those who are in power” will continue to try to take those rights away.
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Parents Begin Disguising School Buildings As The Capitol So Congress Will Spend Billions To Protect Them

May 27th, 2022

U.S.—Parents across the nation have begun disguising their kids' elementary schools as the Capitol Building in D.C. so the government will approve funding to keep them secure.

"Hello, welcome to Clem Elementary—um, I mean the Capitol Building!" said 1st-grade teacher Sally Russett to reporters. "We are so excited for our representatives to spend billions on security just like they did for the other Capitol Building in Washington! Maybe they'll put up a tall fence and metal detectors and hire men with guns—you know, like they did for themselves! That would be great!"

Experts say Congress has been very quick to secure funding to protect themselves at their workplace from violent Trump supporters who break windows and steal Nancy Pelosi's lectern, but has not been so fast to do anything about protecting kids in schools.

"To be fair, said Senator Chuck Schumer, "There aren't any important people like congressmen in elementary schools, so why would we waste taxpayer dollars protecting them? That doesn't make sense!"

But with new white-domed buildings popping up around the country, Congress seems to finally be warming up to the idea of keeping those buildings secure, as they recently announced a bill to send a Capitol Police force to all school buildings disguised as Capitol Buildings.

At publishing time, the Capitol Police plan backfired as they kept opening the doors and letting violent people inside.
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Lifeguard Waits An Hour For Backup Before Jumping In To Save Struggling Swimmer

May 27th, 2022

SAN FERNANDO, CA—A lifeguard at the San Fernando Community Pool reportedly refused to jump in and save a drowning child who was fighting for his life in 6 feet of water because it would constitute risking his life. The lifeguard in question, Peter Stroll, claimed to be following standard lifeguarding procedure.

"Are you kidding? I can't save you right now. I might drown!" said Stroll as he picked up the phone to call for help. "According to the procedure, I will block all access to the pool and call for highly trained Coast Guard rescue divers to arrive." 

The child's father attempted to jump into the pool and save his kid but was prevented by the determined lifeguard.

"Sir, I can't let you risk your own life. Let me do my job!" Stroll reportedly said in between whistle blows.

"Then do your job! Save him!" pleaded the parent.

"Sir, please. It's a liability for me to risk my life. Do you know how much the city would have to pay my family? Hundreds of dollars!"

The child was eventually rescued when a group of parents overpowered the masculine lifeguard and braved the dangerous chlorinated waters. Authorities arrived on the scene shortly after to assess the child's health and arrest everyone who tried to save the child.

"This is a pool of law and order!" Sheriff Witherdrew told reporters at the scene. "We can't just have people bypassing our sacred lifeguard institutions to take rescues into their own hands. Millions could be saved! It'd be total anarchy!"

At publishing time, lifeguard Peter Stroll was awarded a key to the city by Mayor Rankowicz for extreme bravery in following procedure to keep the city free of liability.
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#1 BEST reason why everybody should carry a gun!

Armed home invaders wearing ski masks shoot homeowner, send him to hospital. But victim also has a gun — and shoots both crooks dead.

May 30, 2022 

Two men entered a residence in Carbon Hill, Alabama, on Thursday morning and shot and injured the homeowner. But the homeowner was also armed and fatally shot both suspects.

What are the details?
“When I arrived on scene I noticed there were two subjects dead inside the home,” Police Chief Antoine Cobb told WIAT-TV. “They had ski masks on."

The deceased suspects were identified as Clifton Embry and Dewayne Turner Jr., both 47 and both from Talladega County, reported.

The 27-year-old owner of the home near Fourth Avenue Northeast and Marlin Jordan Road was shot multiple times and remained Friday at UAB Hospital in Birmingham, said. The victim was recovering after surgery, WIAT added.

Cobb said another person in the home was shaken up by the incident but not hurt, the station added.

Woman who allegedly helped suspects charged with murder
Walker County Sheriff's officials said a woman who helped Embry and Turner plan and carry out the home invasion and robbery has been charged, reported.

Paula Charlene Painter, 54, of Carbon Hill was charged with two counts of felony murder, one count of attempted murder, and one county of first-degree robbery, officials told the outlet, adding the warrants against her were issued Friday.

The deadly shooting rattled Councilwoman Cindy Killingsworth, WIAT reported.

“You don’t expect anything of this magnitude and this horrific to happen in this small town where most people are close knit and loving,” she told the station.

Councilwoman Oranetta Kirk added to WIAT that "we hate that it happened" and "pray to God that it don’t happen anymore.”

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Crazy Lady Goes Bonkers, Assaults Woman On NYC Subway While Bystanders Just Stand There [VIDEO]
Is this the same subway that climate activists want you to ride to save the planet?

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Highway Trust Fund Loses Average of $18B Per Year

MAY 26, 2022

The Highway Trust Fund that finances most federal government spending for highways and mass transit is projected to lose an average of $18 billion per year in the next several years.
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Democrats Humiliate Themselves With Embarrassing Gun Control Stunt

May 27, 2022

In the wake of the fatal shooting at the Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, Congressman Beto O’Rourke (D-TX), who pretends to be Hispanic and is running for governor of Texas, has done Governor Greg Abbott a huge favor. O’Rourke made himself look ridiculous during a serious press conference with Governor Abbott.
“Beto” decided that it was a good time to seek attention as the state of Texas deals with the shock, grief, and fury of the murders of elementary school children. O’Rourke made his move in the middle of Abbott handing off the microphone to Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick. He rose to his feet and began shouting at the officials, attempting to castigate them for not acting on guns. “You’re doing nothing,” he claimed.

Don McLaughlin, the mayor of Uvalde, ripped Beto a new one. “Mr., you are out of line. Please leave this auditorium, Mr. I can’t believe you are a sick son of a Irma Grese who’d deal with something like this to make a political issue,” he fumed.

That’s all there is for Beto O’Rourke, who is about as Hispanic as I am Asian. The Irishman didn’t have much of a chance of beating Abbott ; this little publicity stunt just sealed his future. It would be one thing if he had his own press conference or made a video in which he lambasted Abbott and other GOP officials for not doing enough to prevent these kinds of horrors. Whether you agree with him or not is irrelevant — it’s how issues like these should be addressed.

It’s another thing altogether to interrupt a media conference in which Gov. Abbott is explaining how the tragedy occurred while the state is in mourning. Even though the murdered children and two teachers are still not in their graves, but O’Rourke tries to use their deaths to advance his political agenda. Sure, this kind of stuff appeals to his fellow leftists who have no problem capitalizing on fatalities for gun control, but it isn’t good enough for most Texans. Or Society at large.

To begin with, his stunt was most certainly the most indecent thing I can think of. He took a tragedy and turned it into yet another opportunity to advance his political career. Second, he’s doing this in order to advocate for even more gun restrictions, which is not a popular viewpoint in Texas.
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School Shooting Witnesses Report Bizarre Police Behavior

May 27, 2022

One of the most disputed issues since news broke of the grisly school shooting in Uvalde, TX, was how police were allegedly at the scene even before Salvador Ramos arrived, yet he was able to kill so many children.
The first arriving cops were said to have waited for a “tactical team,” which sounded so cartoonish that most people ignored it. That is, according to eye-witnesses who spoke with the Associated Press, what happened. There is also footage that shed further light on the terrible incident.

Please note that I’m not implying that the individuals cited in the following account are not mistaken. But if they are, law enforcement should come out and clarify it plainly. This is not a question that should be left unresolved.

If the police really took 40 minutes to arrive at the school, that’s inexcusable. Whoever made that call should be fired on the spot, along with every officer who followed it. I understand it’s a difficult job. I realize that making money isn’t easy.

But law enforcement has a duty to serve and protect citizens.

At some point, you must attempt to play hero ball and see what happens. I understand that this might have resulted in the death of an officer, but you can’t allow a gunman to enter a school and kill 21 people before barricading himself inside a classroom. There’s no excuse for it. No amount of procedure or risk justifies standing outside and delaying parents who are begging the cops to go indoors and do something.

I’ve got no words to express how devastating it is for parents who have lost children in this horrible tragedy to learn that there was a time when nothing was done. It’s impossible to think about losing a child, but having a son or daughter murdered is far worse.

People are arguing about useless background checks while there should be a genuine discussion about what occurred with law enforcement. This cannot be covered up and left to pass with a simple shrug. If the narrative is confirmed further and officers did in fact stand around waiting for a stupid Tactical Team, not confronting the gunman, heads must roll.

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Letter: Police group endorses Gaylor for sheriff
May 27, 2022


Recently, the Elko Police Officer’s Association gathered to discuss an endorsement for the upcoming Sheriff. The members sat in a closed-door meeting with each candidate. The members of the association express their gratitude for each candidate taking the time out of their schedules to be addressed.

At the end of the meeting, the association voted to endorse candidate John Gaylor for the Elko County Sheriff’s Office position.

Gaylor, who has experience at the Sheriff’s Office serving his community by working patrol and as a detective, also boasts previous management experience. Gaylor, among many things, spoke about the need for cohesion and cooperation among the Elko Police Department and the Sheriff’s Office, improvement upon morale issues, and increasing training opportunities for deputies. Gaylor also advised, if not elected, he would return for the next election.

The association recognizes Gaylor’s continued dedication to our community, his work ethic, and experience. The association has determined Gaylor as the superior candidate for the future Sheriff of Elko County. We look forward to positive change and a spirit of cooperation in the service of our community. The Elko Police Officer’s Association is proud to endorse John Gaylor for Elko County Sheriff.

Katie Weaver
2 days ago
Assume you want to re-elect our Hollywood Sheriff, who has no management experience and has 50% turnover. Popularity and being elected does not mean you can lead.

matt roy
27 May, 2022
Well that police group just lost all of its credibility , they endorse a drunk that crashed his patrol truck while drunk driving!

Ron Tello
May 30, 2022
Gaylor is a Putz.
I know. I was his favorite indignant jailbird when he was a Jailer at the Elko Graybar Hotel, 2014.

They are ALL corrupt and inefficient to do anything, except sweep the floors.
And deny Human Rights of the Citizens of Elko County.

I can go on, but why bother? Anything said against the System is now considered "Domestic Terrorism".
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Recent Graduation Party Drives Home the Importance of Gun Rights
And the Anti-Gun crowd in OZ can STFU, please...

In the wake of two recent and tragic mass shootings, the push for gun control is back in full force. Democrats have made their views on firearms very clear; no one should be in possession of “weapons of war” or “assault weapons,” according to them

The argument against gun control continues to stand and be reiterated. Supporters of the Second Amendment have pointed out that the issue of mass shootings isn’t guns themselves, but the individuals who choose to pull the trigger.

Typically, the gun control crowd ignores people who make this claim. Although, a recent incident at a graduation party in West Virginia is one that can’t be overlooked.

A Good Woman With a Gun
In Charleston, 27-year-old Dennis Butler used Wednesday evening as the time to bring and unleash a rifle against people gathered for a graduation party.

What Butler wasn’t counting on, however, was for a female concealed carry permit holder to stop him from getting off any shots. Before yet another mass shooting could break out, the woman in question shot Butler with her handgun.

"Girl Power!"

The graduation party also had children in attendance. Had this good woman with a gun not been in the position to stop this bad man with a gun, the outcome could have been very different.

Later, Charleston police officers praised the woman for taking measured and effective action that saved lives.

This incident out of West Virginia is a proven testament to the reality that the best defense against a bad individual who is armed is a good individual who is also armed.

Interestingly enough, Democrats and gun control supporters haven’t been screaming about this story from the rooftops in any capacity.

The Importance of the Second Amendment
No matter how many anti-firearm laws the left rallies for, criminals are still going to find a way to get their hands on weapons. If gun control was effective and truly cut down on crime, then the city of Chicago, Illinois would be the safest place in America.

There are countless law-abiding gun owners who would never even dream of committing mass shootings, but would gladly step up to save lives as this woman in Charleston did.

Stories like this are a reminder of just how important the Second Amendment is. This story should also be a cautionary tale of the danger that can follow if law-abiding citizens end up being stripped of their Second Amendment rights.
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Another Elko behind the Iron Curtain Tale:

There was over-crowding.

Block cells had 2 beds.
There were 4 and 5 mooks per cell.

I slept on the floor for most of my visit.

Inmates expressed the concern to the Jailers, to no avail.
They did not care. Begin of Story.

I was in D Block, the upper-crust in low life. A good bunch.
I was "elected" to act in the best interests of all concerned.
I used the, called collect to the Bail Bonds office close by.

I articulated the issue, stressing that it's illegal for jailhouse overcrowding to prevail.


The Bail Clerk told me:

"The Fire Department Chief says he APPROVES OF OVERCROWDING".

That's the data I conveyed to the Block Mates.


"That's like saying Grave Robbers approve of shovels".

Yeah, Angry White Men are MADE, not born.
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The 5 Best Ways to Heat
Your Garage in Winter

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Texas Shooting: A Failure of Several Levels

May 31, 2022

There are no adjectives that can accurately describe the gruesome act committed by 18-year-old Salvador Ramos at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. He killed 19 children and two teachers. “Evil” is about as close as it gets.

President Biden and some fellow Democrats predictably called for more gun control laws without explaining why current laws are not obeyed by people intent on breaking them.

Texas state Sens. John Whitmire (D) and Roland Gutierrez (D) said Ramos had legally purchased one of the assault rifles from a federally licensed gun store on May 17, one day after he turned 18. The following day, reported the Houston Chronicle, he purchased 375 rounds of ammunition. Then, on May 20, he reportedly bought his second assault rifle.

At a news conference, Texas Governor Greg Abbott said Ramos posted on Facebook his intention to shoot his grandmother, posted again after he shot her, and then posted he was going to shoot-up an elementary school. Why did no one contact the police?

The most important question is could this tragedy have been prevented?

The initial narrative of a quick law enforcement response is now in question. The Associated Press reported police waited outside the school for at least 40 minutes and perhaps one hour while parents and onlookers urged them to do something. Authorities said Ramos lingered outside the school building firing shots for 12 minutes before going inside. That should have been enough time for the police to stop him.

Before the shooting, Ramos tagged a Los Angeles girl on Instagram, hinting at his intentions. The girl said she had never met him. Why didn’t she contact authorities? News reports quoted her as “afraid,” but after the shooting she regretted not doing so.

Ramos had taken a picture of two AR-15-style weapons he purchased and posted it on social media. One can support the Second Amendment and still favor bans on weapons of war. There should, at a minimum, be a waiting period, a full background check, a mental evaluation and a look into instances of anti-social and erratic behavior and family structure.

The Uvalde school district’s website says it has “proponents to curb and/or eliminate” elements of “violence, vandalism, disruptions and fear” in its schools to “provide a safe and secure environment for all.”

Clearly that failed. Lip Service does that.

At a news conference held Thursday, it was reported that Ramos was allowed to enter Robb Elementary without opposition, contradicting earlier reports that Uvalde police officers “engaged” the killer.

The website says “proponents” consist of four officers, including two within the school district … security staff that patrols door entrances and parking lots at secondary campuses … canine detection services, modern detectors and alarm systems; perimeter fencing at Robb and other schools and outside buzz-in systems; security cameras, a locked classroom door policy … and a threat reporting system.”

There's also a virtual puppet clown named Bunkko who tattles on Poopie Pants and tracks stolen lunch money by bullies.
That sounds good, but investigators, parents and relatives will want to know which, if any of these, were not operative or malfunctioned?

Parents have a right to expect schools to protect their children from harm. It wasn’t that long ago when parents could send their children off to school, expecting them to return safely. Schools, then, were considered as safe as one’s home. Faculty and staff saw it as their duty to protect students from injury. Even running in the hallway could require a child to stay after school as punishment or meet with the principal.

Today, it appears only homeschooling can guarantee a safe environment for kids. While some people in Uvalde and elsewhere may select that option, most won’t, or are unable to for various reasons.

Each time one of these evil acts occurs, we hear from politicians that we can’t go on like this. OK, then tell us how to stop it. Laws alone have not succeeded. Again, examining prospective purchasers more closely might help, along with waiting periods and more rigorous background checks.

There is also a moral element to this and other school shootings which should not be overlooked. Preachers, please, take note.


Readers may email Cal Thomas at Look for Cal Thomas’ latest book “America’s Expiration Date: The Fall of Empires and Superpowers and the Future of the United States” (HarperCollins/Zondervan).
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Jerry Guevara 
Anyone with  good  writing skills. I had a evaluation at my job and the raise they gave me  doesn't reflect my job responsibilities i am traing to Wright a latter to see if i get a better raise. I will pay for your service.  I am in crestline.

Nataliya Isom
Go to, pay $144 for a year access and start writing. This software rephrases your sentences to sound right for whatever setting you intend them. I use it for important work writing and I am non native English speaker. It is pretty good and definitely worth the $140 bucks. This way you will say something for your own self but it will suggest ways to say until great result is achieved. It explains what’s wrong with what you said and helps you find better words and structure.

Write your best with Grammarly.

Nataliya Isom
There might be free testing period, I forgot

Jonathan Burnette
Don't feel bad, I have two degrees and my grammar still sucks.

Ron Tello Culley
The OP is not a stunner. Needs work.

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What does Joe Know? He can't find his teleprompter with both hands....
Biden says 'you couldn't buy cannons' under Second Amendment in swipe at guns after Texas school massacre

May 30, 2022

President Joe Biden said Monday that gun rights are not absolute, claiming that ordinary American citizens “couldn’t buy cannons” when the Second Amendment was drafted.

Taking another swipe at extremist gun supporters after the Texas school massacre, Biden said there is no good reason for law-abiding citizens to buy assault weapons with high-capacity ammunition.

“It makes no sense to be able to purchase something that can fire up to 300 rounds,” Biden said. “There’s only one reason to buy a gun that can fire 100 rounds.”

“I think things have gotten so bad that everybody’s getting more rational, at least that’s my hope,” Biden told reporters on the White House lawn after returning to Washington.

In Congress, a bipartisan group of senators talked over the weekend to see if they could reach even a modest compromise on gun legislation after a decade of mostly failed efforts. That included encouraging state “red flag” laws to keep guns away from those with mental health problems.

Biden said he deliberately avoided talking policy with Republicans during his trip to Uvalde to console the families who lost children in the massacre and has not had any substantive negotiations with GOP leaders.

Biden defended the assault weapons ban that he helped usher into law in 1994. The measure, which was allowed to lapse a decade later by Republicans, helped limit mass shootings, he said.

The president said the Second Amendment does not exist in a vacuum and was never intended to confer a right for anyone to carry any weapon with no limits.

“The Constitution, the Second Amendment was never absolute,” he said.

Biden also added a controversial claim: “You couldn’t buy a cannon when the Second Amendment was passed.”

Fact-checkers dispute that assertion, noting that the Second Amendment, which was drafted in 1791, does not specifically exclude ownership of any weapon.

Biden said he had taken some executive actions on guns “but I can’t outlaw a weapon” and can’t “change the background checks.”

He said he didn’t know where congressional negotiations stand, but “there’s realization on the part of rational Republicans” that “we can’t keep repeating ourselves.”
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‘Guns Should Not Be In The Hands Of The Mentally Unstable,’ Says Senile Man With Nukes

WASHINGTON, D.C.—A senile old man in Washington who has a deadly nuclear arsenal at his fingertips is calling for dangerous weapons to be taken out of the hands of the mentally unstable.

"Listen, folks, this shouldn't be difficult," said the yammering old geriatric to a duck in the Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool. "The mentally unstable shouldn't have guns! It's dangerous! Think of what could happen, Jack! They could fire it blindly through their front door because they heard a noise, or leave it right out in the open where a Taliban terrorist could pick it up, or accidentally kill innocent people they thought were bad guys but turned out to be foreign aid workers!" The man then dove face-first into the pool because he thought he saw an ice cream cone there.

Many Democrats are warning of chaos and death if mentally unstable people such as themselves ever get their hands on a firearm. "It would be a disaster," said one Democratic strategist. "Think of putting weapons in the hands of people who can't even define what a 'woman' is! I shudder at the thought! Please disarm us immediately!"

"It's real simple," said the old man as he climbed out of the Reflecting Pool, disappointed to not have found any ice cream. "Guns, tanks, drones, nukes—all that stuff—we gotta take those away from people who aren't mentally fit!"

At publishing time, the man was on the run after taking an ice cream cone he mistook for a handgun out of the hands of a tourist.
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Marsha B Langaard
I need someone to help me move some boxes from my porch down to my buildup, take apart 2 sleigh beds and carry them and 2 box springs and one mattress to my front yard and assemble a futon bed. I also have a couple of things that need to be drilled. Anyone interested? I have $100 to spend. Please PM me if interested.

Alicia Cadena-Juarez
Robert Juarez 323.535.4034

Ron Tello Culley
Do you want FRIES with that? 😆

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Ok, let's look at this rationally:

There's shooting off your mouth


shooting guns.

BOTH are increasingly becoming a Felony


(Everybody secretly knew that this "Experiment in Democracy" would eventually fail.)

Ron Tello Culley
OK Tello follower friends...2 choices: "Like" or visit me. Big Bear is stupid this time of year. BYO RV.

Ron Tello Culley
UPDATE: Big Bear is stupid year around! No reservations required! Come up, sit down, drink on. And do some chores around the Ranch.
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"Come up, sit down, drink on."

smee never said this. Or the Horse he strolled in on.

I'm more clever than him, but he beats inspection as the worst orator in the Down Under, and I have the Evidence.

It's in "The Dark Side" of the OZRT, and believe me....there's NO human sacrifices
going on there... but the EGO BASHING is savage.

It's a virtual DEMOLITION DERBY OF SOULS, with repeat performances.

Aussies are no more weird than Yanks, except they drive on the WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD.

Soon they will claim we Yanks are SOOOooo yesterday.

16 hours diff from So Cal to Melbourne.

We have seafood too, M8s!

What was the question?
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Genius was before The Internet.
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After The Internet..there was only the OZRT.

Everybody else is FAKE.

And so are you.

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Oh FFS! Seriously?????

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:tello: "STFU, Niggah!!!!"

Tyrus calls for fair DOJ probe of Uvalde police: ‘To put more shame on them is irresponsible’

May 30, 2022

Professional wrestler and Fox News co-host Tyrus expressed his support for a fair investigation of Uvalde law enforcement’s response to last week’s horrific mass shooting at Robb Elementary School, but cautions that putting “more shame” on the officers would be “irresponsible.”

Tyrus appeared on Fox News’ “Big Sunday Show” to discuss the Justice Department’s announcement that it has launched a Critical Incident Review of law enforcement’s response to the situation.

At the start of the segment, host Alicia Acuna played a clip of Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas)  before asking Tyrus about his thoughts on the DOJ review. In the clip, Crenshaw, appearing on CNN’s “State of the Union,” reported that the Uvalde police chief did not even have a radio on him, preventing him from knowing that children inside the school were desperately calling 911, begging police to rescue them.

“I think, on the face of it, of course, you would investigate every situation to see what could obviously be done better,” Tyrus replied.

“But at the same time, if it’s a witch hunt, if it’s to try to point fingers squarely at law enforcement, to put another burden on the backs of law enforcement–” he added, before stopping himself and acknowledging that mistakes were obviously made that tragic day.

“Of course, mistakes were made,” he said. “If the police chief had the wrong information– he clearly made the wrong call, so, again, I’m in favor of him stepping down. As I said before, yesterday, I would step down.”

“But the investigation needs to be done by professionals looking to improve, not politicians looking to use it to get votes,” Tyrus stressed.

According to the “Gutfeld!” regular, the investigation needs to look at more than just the officers — strengthening the security of our nation’s schools must also be a priority.

“Someone said something about making our schools no longer soft targets,” Tyrus said, “because no matter how well you plan for anything, you don’t know what’s going to happen when you get punched in the mouth.”

“And that’s not just, unfortunately, with our schools,” he continued. “That’s in everyday life. There’s a great line: Everyone’s got a plan until they get hit.”

“And clearly,” he added, “law enforcement got hit.”

“Someone made the wrong call,” he said. “There were deaths. And, again, let’s not take it away from where we need to be pointing at — is the monster who did this.”

“Unfortunately, he won that day, and we lost, and we have to live with those losses,” Tyrus said. “And I guarantee, every law enforcement officer who was there is second-guessing themselves, and they are living with that. So, the idea to put more shame on them, I think is irresponsible.”

Tyrus urged investigators to look at the “bigger” picture when reviewing the events of that day.

“Find things to change,” he said, “but at the same time, the bigger argument should be, what can we do to make sure all our schools aren’t in this situation, to where they can be caught slipping by a casual door being open?”
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Biden Team Struggles To Keep Tricking You About Control Of The Southern Border

May 27, 2022

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas issued the warning this week that “already historic levels” of unlawful immigration are expected to increase, and migrants should be prepared to be “sent back” if they reach the southern border.

“The United States will continue to enforce its immigration laws,” Mayorkas stated in a video posted by the Department of Homeland Security. “Individuals and families should not put their lives in danger by attempting the hazardous trip just to be sent back.”

“The restrictions on our southwestern border have not altered in any way.” Under Title 42, single people and families will continue to be ejected where appropriate. Those who are unable to produce a legal basis for remaining in the United States will be deported, he stated.

The secretary’s comments come a few days after a federal court halted the Biden administration’s attempt to terminate Title 42, the Trump-era epidemic health order that requires asylum-seekers to wait outside of the country while their claims are processed and accelerates deportations of those who entered illegally. Immigration advocates have urged President Joe Biden to terminate the order, suggesting that the pandemic restrictions are no longer relevant and that the rule is motivated by racism or xenophobia.

However, when the CDC announced in April that Title 42 would be revoked, several Republican-led border states sued, claiming that the Biden administration had not adequately considered the expenses that states would take on as a result of an anticipated increase in illegal immigration once the restriction was lifted.

As many as 50,000 people are believed to be waiting in Mexican shelters for Title 42 to end so they can enter the United States, according to Axios. According to internal data from the DHS, approximately 8,000 individuals try to cross the southern border illegally every day.

“Numbers at historic levels are already being handled by the Border Patrol as a result of significant flows of people fleeing violence, corruption, poverty, climate change, and other difficulties. And numbers may increase still further from uncertainty over recent court orders and as smugglers continue to spread lies in order to make money. “

The Department of Homeland Security is collaborating with other federal agencies and South American governments to keep migrants from attempting to enter the United States, according to Mayorkas.

“The bottom line is that the United States’ borders are not open,” he continued.

“Do not show up at the border. Don’t risk your life just to be sent back.”

:tello: "Bullsh!t!!!"
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13 Things to Do Before the Economy Collapses

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