Author Topic: Tales From The Narc Side  (Read 37519 times)


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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #400 on: April 25, 2024, 12:47:42 PM »
How are narcissists created?
What makes a narc a narc?

Some studies have shown that most narcissistic personalities are present from birth. Different people are born with different psyche and different characters. Some are more relaxed and tolerant, while others are more complicated, problematic, and cold.

From day one, a narcissist already has certain tendencies and inclinations towards specific, dysfunctional, and abnormal behaviours - he is programmed this way. The narcissist is configured to have a need for control, to have a demanding attitude, and to believe that he deserves everything there is .

It’s genes. It’s genetic, it’s in his DNA.

In some people, it is passed down from generation to generation and is clearly visible for several generations, also among siblings. These traits and character were passed on to the narcissist by his parents, but they can also be shaped by the way he was raised, by his surroundings, family, environment and the way he was treated. A narcissist may have experienced unimaginable and traumatic things in his childhood, which has resulted in his development being stunted and impaired.

These may include various types of neglect, physical, mental and emotional abuse, lack of acceptance, lack of love. The parent could demand more and criticize until the child finally realized that this was how it had to be.

Perhaps the child was not given as much attention as he should have been, was left alone, as a result of which child acquired very low expectations and learned not to worry about anything or anyone.

The child may also have been taught that superficial and shallow things are important. A narcissist may have been taught in his youth that money, success, or appearance were qualities that would make him accepted.

Maybe he was given an example of rich people who lie to get what they want, such role models could be wealthy, beautiful, seemingly perfect people. It was here that the narcissist formulated his hopes and ambitions and where he was heading.

A narcissist may be a narcissist because he was treated erratically and inconsistently by his parents, perhaps the parent used sporadic reinforcement, perhaps the parent suffered from the same or a different disorder. There is often a family history of other mental disorders or illnesses. Sometimes the parent was interested in the narcissist, but then he was cold and distant, so the narcissist learned that he could not trust and could not rely on anyone, then he became a narcissist, he became selfish, everything had to focus only on him.

The narcissist has learned that people do not help each other, he has learned that everyone must take care of themselves, because the lack of consistency has made the narcissist insecure, fragile and weak. This led to the belief that he needed to be in control to make sure everything went his way.

To a large extent, a narcissist’s behavior is acquired and learned behavior. A narcissist was never taught how to behave, how to behave in a conflict situation, he was never taught how to solve difficult problems, he was never taught responsibility, he was never taught how to deal with his problems, he was never taught how to reconcile and do not escalate the conflict.

Many narcissistic people are not interested in it at all, so you may get the impression that they never talk about it. A narcissist doesn’t want to be honest and open, he doesn’t want to be sensitive, because that would mean that someone could hurt him, it would mean weakness, and the narcissist cannot afford that.

A narcissist chooses manipulation, he may have learned the art of manipulation from various sources, from movies, books, parents and the environment. Pay attention to what interests the narcissist the most, what he spends the most time on... on the phone, however, it’s more about what he watches, what he reads, what topics interest him, what he spends his time on, this can give you many answers.

The narcissist acts this way because he believes that life is a game that must be played to win, which is exactly what the narcissist thinks. He learned that if you manipulate people and coerce them, shape them like plasticine, that means you are winning, which is why he is a narcissist. There’s a reason he is. You may want him to be different, you may want him to understand, but there’s really nothing you can do about it.

There’s nothing you can do about it, you can’t change a narcissist because these traits and characteristics are programmed from day one. This is not something you can change, only a narcissist can, but you must understand that it is a choice. The narcissist does not want to change anything, there is no such initiative on his part. This happens because the narcissist perceives manipulation as something that gives him advantage, control and power, and in this way he wins, he is in a better situation - this is what he was taught and this is what he learned himself.

The only thing you can do is be aware of this and manage your expectations better, then you can focus on your own development and improving your life, because you cannot count on a narcissist and if you rely on him, you will only be disappointed and let down.

Let the narcissist be an example of what you don’t want to be.

Let the narcissist be an example of what you don’t want to become.

NPDs are created by childhood experience and trauma. When a parent or caregiver fails them, by teaching them that the parent or caregiver can't be trusted for their emotional needs when going thru the stages of life. When they are pushed aside when they need reassurance, ignored when they need comfort, when who they are is taught that will never be good enough. When it is reinforced that who and what they are is not enough, when they are told they repeatesly can't because of who they are. When their likes aren't what the parent/caregiver want them to do.

I was told I was too tall, and not pretty enough to be a cheerleader everytime I tried out no matter how much I practiced.
When my mother never came to my horseback riding shows because it wasn't her thing.
When she never came to my swim meets because I never won my heats.
Never came to a band competition or a parade I was in.
Insisted I do things I didn't want to and had no intrest in, because all little Jewish girls did that.
When I was told that because I was adopted I wasn't her class of people.
When she let me believe my father left because I wasn't good enough.
When I got dragged to 3 different therapists because I had “mental" problems.
When she hated my friends for being losers.
When I was a tomboy and never wore dresses I was punished.
Was told I didn't appreciate her because I never wore the clothes she bought for me that were not my style and didn't like because she went clothes shopping for me.
My childhood could have easily made me into an NPD but I had my dad and he made sure I knew I WAS enough, and smart and could do anything I set my mind to.

One can say genetically there is a predisposition that a narcissist can be created if one of the parents and other family members was a narcissist or dealt with some other mental illness, but foremost it's what a child sees/experiences/learns in his own skin, in his own family as how people around him interact with each other, all reflected upon the child is what creates a monster out of him for a lifetime!

His parents neglected/abused/tortured/spoiled him when he was just a little baby creature (put on a pedestal, put down, a scapegoat, a golden child, never good enough, never learned to accept NO as an answer, never learned to trust and commit to anyone physically and emotionally), etc…

All of such profiles of children develop narcissism as a defense mechanism and way of behaviour as they couldn't trust their parents out of them mistreating them (frankly what I wrote in the last paragraph is abuse) so they see their way of moving in the world, on their own, selfish and arrogant, never growing up!

They also have cognitive dissonance, which means that out of 3 cognitions (reflexive, emotional and emphatical) they lack in the third cognitive department: emphatical.

Eg. A child sees mummy smiling, a child smiles back to her = a reflexive cognition (a child reflects back on itself mummy's behaviour)

A child sees mummy crying, the child is aware that mummy is hurt and sad = emotional cognition (a child is aware of mummy's pain)

But in the third department (emphatical) they are lacking as they simply do not have empathy which means they cannot feel mummy's pain nor help her and comfort her with compassion and understanding.

Out of not having empathy and no sense of Love all problems with a narcissist rise to a level of inner madness: he is driven by deadly sin feelings (greed, envy, jealousy, laziness, hate, etc…) merely imitating other people's positive traits (hapiness, compassion, understanding), not having it in the inside-not for himself nor for others so that is why he projects on others feelings of deadly sins.

A narcissist is a state of absence with a empty schizoid core, a cult of death that is, created, never to be changed.

Certainly a combination of genetic factors with traumas and upbringing.

My mind tries to wipe out the memories of my first years but some things I can remember.

I was born and grow up in a very tense familiar environment, my parents fought a lot. They had their differences but they also had two things in common: the temperament and the stuborness.

I'll not go to much in details about that stuff, but they end up divorcing. Of course, that couldn't do me very well…actually it was by this time (4-12 years of age) that I believe that my narcissistic personality started to develop.

The transition of my childhood to the adolescence was not much better. During this time I endured some of the most shaming situations of my life, most of them in home. I remember times that I spent hours crying in bed, without knowing exactly the why. I felt inadequate, weak, powerless, numb.

As the times were passing, I started to be a more “imaginative” kid. I would imagine people admiring me, being attracted to me, fighting for me. I would imagine me having the power to read people's minds. I become more entangled in the act of seeing myself in mirrors. This mental process would alleviate the shame and numbness.

Of course, I was very insecure and implausible. At that time I become fascinated with people that, in my vision, were popular. Sometimes I asked them how they managed to be like that. “How can they be so confident?”, I kept asking myself.

I started to study seduction and body language in order to develop a posture that inspired appealing. I also started to be obsessive about gathering culture of all kinds. Music, novels, movies, history, psychology. Some of these become entertainments that I preserve even nowadays, like the video-games.

When I was in my 14–16 years, I was still very introverted but at times I learned how to speak my mind properly and learned to have a kind attitude. But for the people that started to be more close to me, I had a posing and distrustful attitude. Hearing them said that always made me unsettling. But I would always rewrite the story to make me look like the right one.

In my 18 years, I had my first serious relationship. It was hell. I was unable to see how much of a selfish and controlling individual I had become. I had an imaginary set up in my mind, let's say that I imagined people dancing in this mental scenario. If the person didn't dance the way that I had idealized, I thought that I had the right to punish her.

When I gaslighted her and devalued her, it felt right. Nowadays, when I think about how much of a lunatic I was, I feel shame but not remorse. Very strange.

This first relationship ended, and others came, and I was getting worse. More vindictive, more resentful, less empathic at each day. I also become a very cynical person. Only I was right, only I had suffered, only I, I, I, I, I…

One day a very narcissistic guy, but also a very conscious person, said that he found me to be very histrionic. And I didn't know what the hell was that supposed to mean, so I devalued him and cut contact with him.

Even though my grandiose thoughts were at their peak, that shame and numbness that I talked at the beginning were still there. I still felt like that shamed kid even though I was an adult.

In addition to all of this, at that point of my life I already had a lot of enemies, a large history of failed relationships and jobs that didn't go well…

So I started to do some research about that histrionic thing. When I read the traits of Histrionic PD, I saw some things that made sense to me. But at the same time, I never had a strong need to be the center of attention like histrionic persons have. It was just the opposite; I always was very introverted and anxious about overtly showing myself. And the histrionics want attention, even if the attention is bad. That's not my case.

Borderline PD made sense because of my mood swings. But I never had suicidal ideations or had a great necessity for someone to look after me. Or even was that impulsive.

Antisocial PD was too aggressive and pervasive for me. For countless times I was petty and selfish but I never robbed anyone, never severely injured anyone, never suffered from substance abuse, never had a record, etc.

When I read the traits of Narcissist PD, my world fell. It was like I was reading how I felt my whole life. The grandiosity, the fantasies, the lack of empathy, the arrogance, the envy…it all made sense.

My realization didn't last very long… but this all I have for this answer.

The narcissist is searching for continuous confirmation of their own existence and value. They are stuck in a developmental stage, their behavior make us smile when they are 2 years old, but it is a behavior unbearable in an adult. The reason why it is stuck varies, it has to do a lot with the upbringing and caregiver emotional health.

They are disappointing partners in any relationship, they feel entitled as lovers, friends, bosses, or classmates. They could be charming like an engaging toddler and misled people into a connection that is unbalanced by definition. They are extremely needy and demand the attention they didn’t get when they could use it and develop in a healthy adult. It requires serious therapeutic work to change a narcissist. Compassion is of the essence because they actually suffer and find a palliative in their aberrant human interactions.

Picture two children playing on a beach:

One child works hard to make a sandcastle. They gain praise for it from people walking by. The other child didn’t want to put in the boring effort of making a castle. Instead they have been busy looking at other people on the beach all this time, and noticing how inferior they are. When they hear the strangers praising their sibling, the second child is surprised, hurt and most of all is jealous of the attention the sandcastle is getting, and the praise the creative child receives.

Consumed with envious rage, the second child destroys the sandcastle, which has narcissistically injured them by upstaging them. The first child is deeply upset, they go to their parents with their claim. The parents are narcissistic. They don’t like this creative child, who threatens to upstage them too. They make excuses for the destructive child, much to the first child’s distress.

The destroyer, our narcissist, learns that the easiest and safest way to get attention is to pick on people who are the victims of their abuse.

Alright, sit tight, because we're about to unwrap the delightful mystery box labeled "Narcissism."

Narcissists aren’t manufactured in a shady factory hidden in the depths of a mountain. Their creation is a fancy cocktail of various factors. Genetics might toss in a splash of predisposition, while early childhood environment pours in a generous dose of influences. If a child is excessively pampered or excessively criticized, it can lead to narcissistic traits. It's like overcooking or undercooking your food—either way, it's not palatable.

Now, toss in society's current obsession with selfie culture, and sprinkle in some good ol' validation-seeking from social media. Boom! You’ve got yourself a breeding ground for narcissistic tendencies.

But here's the gem: not everyone who takes a selfie or needs validation is a narcissist. True narcissism is deeper, marked by a lack of empathy, a need for admiration, and a tendency to exaggerate one's own importance.

Narcissism isn't just loving the reflection in the mirror; it's expecting the mirror to love you back. And if it doesn’t? Clearly, the mirror's broken, right? Understand the recipe, and you'll spot the dish from a mile away.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #401 on: April 25, 2024, 12:50:39 PM »
Send in the Clowns!

One will do for now...
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #402 on: April 25, 2024, 03:22:32 PM »
Can prayer cure a narcissist?


For some reason, God wants narcissists around.

He made them insufferable and incurable.

Nothing can cure a narcissist.

No medication, no therapy, no shaming, no prayer.

That's how they're intended to be.

Just incurable and not to be fraternized with.

Don't ask me why.

God works in mysterious ways.

And the useless existence of narcissists, is one of those mysteries.

God doesn't want you to waste your life away.

God doesn't want you to be with a narcissist.

But don’t they deserve to be loved, you ask?

No they don't.

Just take nuns for example.

No one is trying to be their partner.

Some people aren't meant to have a partner, according to God.

And Narcissists belong to that group of people.

It's just that nuns chose to live that life, expressing their conviction with words and actions.

And narcissists chose to live that life, expressing their conviction only with actions.

So anyway,


The answer is no.

What's meant to be, is meant to be.

Take your ass tf to sleep.

Crucifixion may help.

It’s religious.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #403 on: April 25, 2024, 04:11:43 PM »
How do you drive a narcissist
crazy and flip the script?

You refuse to let them destroy you.

Narcissists aim to bring others down to hide their own failures. If they can't succeed, they don't want anyone else to either.

They targeted you because they saw you as an easy target. You had strengths that made them feel small, but also weaknesses they could exploit.

They attacked by pretending to love you (though it's more like fake hate). They only go after people they truly dislike. The fake love is just a trick to get close and hurt you.

Their "supply" is just a way to control you.

Thinking narcissists can love is wrong - they lack empathy, so there's no real love.

Narcissists only feel hate.

During their fake love phase, they learned about you to create a false image they thought you'd like.

Once you fell for it, they tore down everything you cared about - your relationships, hobbies, career, everything.

Their goal was to destroy you, but by refusing to be broken, you beat them. You grew stronger from the experience, turning their attack into your strength. This drives them mad, reminding them of their own flaws.

They wish they could disappear, but they can't. They'll live in misery until the end.

Reclaim yourself, the person that made them crave you and the person you long to be again. Narcissists attack your frame of mind. They are a distraction from your life’s journey. But they are are not part of your journey. Only the reality check is.

Reality check

You always had the power. You were fine before they showed up, and you can be better when they're gone.

They needed you. Just as they now need others. Needing others to feel good about one’s self is weakness.

You never needed them. You liked a version of them that is long gone. But you always knew who you are. No matter how hard they blame shifted, lied about, and attacked your frame of mind, you knew it wasn't true.

They hated someone who is not you. Use this to reject the memory of their manipulations. Reclaim your truth as THE truth.

Knowing who you are, having an unwavering sense of self, is powerful. Living out good values is strength.

You always had the power because you knew who you were through it all. You passed the test. You are proven now. They pretend to be strong while hiding behind lies, victimhood, and dodging accountability. Cowards.


In your pain is incredible wisdom. Turn your anger, regret, or disappointment into disgust of the things they did. Focus on that disgust, listen to it. Latent in your disgust are your core values. It hurts because you would never treat another human that way. Rather than getting upset, use these feelings to find absolute certainty about who you are, what you value, and how you will live the rest of your life. You now know what you will not do to others and why.

Make lemonade.

Don't take actions with the intent of driving them crazy. Then I'm just behaving the same as the narcissistic person, usually because I felt this is all she would understand. In doing so, I give control to her over my actions. Best thing to do is work on you and your goals, not to hurt the narcissistic person but instead thinking of how much you care for yourself!!!! Don't give them space in your head.

Proving their insane lies seems to make my ex rage.

I won't speak to him on the phone and once I start the screenshots of all the shite I know he did, his voice texting gets all flocked up. I remember him telling me “I'm literally screaming at the phone!”. Lol


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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #404 on: April 25, 2024, 04:52:32 PM »
What did my narcissist
really feel about me?

When you read what NPDS write they tell you they are not attached to us. Some times they can switch empathy on & off with us. Depends on the NPD. Usually the way some one treats you is the way they feel about you.

When it comes down to it. They used us. They abused us. There were good times. There were bad times. The bad times start out-weighing the good. Then there's usually just bad. It's hard to say don't take your partner seriously. That is however the best thing to do.

It's realizing your partner was not in a relationship with you. They are disordered. We were there to learn a valuable lesson. I believe that. Just like the NPD needs to get help. We need that for ourselves as well. That's the best outcome. Regardless what they did feel. Or they didn't feel.

No one wants to be used and abused. No one wants to be treated like a toy/object/trash/dirt. NPD free.

The narcissist doesn't feel about you, they feel through you.

The narcissist wants you to open your Rage Vault, they want you to pour out your fury on them. Negative emotions they can work with, your achievements they cannot.

It's very tempting to unleash upon them, but if you're angry, they don't need to be. They project their hatred into you, you express it for them without them having to suffer the caustic sting of bile.

Let them hate you.

The best way to do this is to redirect their aggression; rather than giving it back with interest, repay them in kind — make them angry. Hurt the narcissist's feelings;

Make the narcissist envious.

By the way he or she behaves.

Actions speak louder than words, they say, and it’s true.

Are you given silence when you ask a question? Are your words ignored? Are their answers dismissive? Do you have a feeling you are being lied to? Do they disappear on you when you agree to speak or meet up? Are they being ambiguous so much that you experience confusion?

It’s not that complicated. When your communication becomes weird like that, it’s not hard to see the truth.

You are not respected and valued. You are a nuisance. You are not important enough to make an honest effort to communicate in a normal fashion. You’ve been “turned off” for the time being, saved for a rainy day.

What do they think of you? They don’t. Or, not much.

Analyze the actions.

Does a narcissist ever really like you?

From my experience, no. They loathe you. It's irrelevant that they idealized you in the beginning. It's the same with each partner, from the hidden ones in their phone, to the highest ranking ones.

When they say things like the following screenshot…Believe them. He would try to convince me all the horrific words weren't real, that he actually loved me. “You're the best I ever had" (which I would bet he said to everyone else before me) Months after this text, he cried about his love for me. I didn't believe him.

I believed him when he said he liked to Manipulate the moment.

Believe the horrific words. Not the ones that speak of love or even like.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #405 on: April 25, 2024, 05:00:26 PM »

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #406 on: April 25, 2024, 05:06:31 PM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #407 on: April 25, 2024, 05:56:56 PM »
Does a narcissist want to have
a relationship to look normal?

Narcissists are lonely and desperate for approval. But, too insecure to accept others as they are. Basically, just big toddlers copying others and hoping to be noticed. My Dad is one. He wants to be no trouble, but also be cared for without lifting a finger. He won't ask for things directly, but passively. Hates vulnerability, but confused why he can't connect. Unfortunately, it's a disease that's hard to eliminate from your DNA. They want to be normal, but they don't know what that actually means.

Covert Narcissists are preoccupied with appearing normal, yes. So a marriage, house, kids, job, all help. Because behind the mask of normality, they are deeply anxious, insecure, bitter, jealous and resentful.

These type narcs NEED admiration, respect & a sort of fan club. So appearing perfect while having both family and work life, gives them the fan club smokescreen that soothes their fear of not being good enough, toxic snobbery, and desperation to be seen & admired.

They won't love or fancy their partner. They secretly wish to win the lottery. They are exhausted by being nice all the time. But they know the alternative is pure disappointment and shame from all the people they've impressed their whole lives.

Mine did for 21yrs! Image was everything for him! That's why after the discard the smear campaign works…outsiders would never believe that he would lie! This is all part of the game they play. Stay strong! No Contact, Love yourself more.

Heck YES! My crazy X narc loved to look normal with me and my young adult daughter. Like we were the perfect family and I made him PAY by always taking us to extremely expensive private restaurants, vacations and clubs.

Here’s the kicker with my crazy X: I literally saved his life: and he could NOT manipulate me and it drove him crazy because he was never so frightened in his life and I brought him back so guess what in the end he blocked me because I would just emasculate the heck out of him and he just was such a jerk. Even today we have each other blocked lol!
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #408 on: April 26, 2024, 04:13:39 AM »
This is Why Narcissists Never
Grow Up Emotionally and Mentally
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #409 on: April 26, 2024, 06:24:15 AM »
Want To Gain An Upper Hand
With A Narcissist? Try These Lines

1.  "Help me understand what makes you ask that question".
2.  "You certainly have your opinion, you and I think very differently".
3.  "I (honestly) have nothing (more) to add to the conversation".
4.  "Since you and I can't seem to agree to the basics,  the conversation can end here".
5.  "Being right seems to be very important to you".
6.  "My sense of self respect demands that I excuse myself from this conversation".
7.  "My sense of self is my top priority right now".
8.  "If you push me into a corner, that leaves me no other option but to say NO".
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #410 on: April 26, 2024, 08:47:34 AM »
BIDEN’S BAD DAY: Old Joe Spews Gibberish, Tries to Jog Off the Stage in Syracuse

Thursday, April 25, 2024

An exhausted Joe Biden spewed gibberish, lies, and abruptly ran off the stage at a campaign stop in Syracuse Thursday afternoon.

‘Inshted of imporing foreign products, we’re exporting… Em-ann… … Exporting American job! We’re exporting American products and creating American jobs!’ mumbled the President.

Ron Tello Culley
Face it: The "Greatest Nation on Earth" is gone. Today we are the Number One A*shole Clown State on Earth. Somebody has to be held accountable!!!! Flocking Narcissists...
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #411 on: April 26, 2024, 09:27:47 AM »
Why You Are Now Winning
Over The Narcissist,
But Now You Know It !

There is a strategy that can help you gain the upper hand when interacting with narcissists. By putting your own happiness and success first, you can demonstrate to the narcissist that you no longer require their presence in your life. This can be a powerful motivator for a narcissist, who may become anxious about losing control over you. But you are strong and capable, and you deserve to thrive without a narcissist dragging you down.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #412 on: April 26, 2024, 09:45:45 AM »
7 ABSURD Things That Make No Sense To Sigma Males

In this educational and thought-provoking video, we will debunk misconceptions that have perplexed many and shed light on the unique traits that set Sigma males apart. Whether you're curious about personality types, seeking to better understand these enigmatic individuals, or simply intrigued by human behavior, this video is for you about Ron Tello.

I hear them talking, using the English Language, but I have no idea what they are saying. It's all noise to me.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #413 on: April 26, 2024, 10:24:53 AM »
CHOSEN ONES - 8 Reasons Why
People Hate You

Have you ever noticed that sometimes the most capable and outstanding people are also the most criticized? In today's video, we'll delve into the intriguing world of the "chosen ones" and find out why they attract so much hate. Those who stand out, whether for their intelligence, kindness or talent, often face a wave of negativity. But why does this happen? This video explains why some people will never like you because your spirit bothers their darkness.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #414 on: April 26, 2024, 11:32:14 AM »
:tello: "This is a test. I'm low-tech but I can still make a new MEME".
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #415 on: April 26, 2024, 12:00:22 PM »

 :smee!:  And now, a post for our Sponsor....       

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #416 on: April 26, 2024, 12:04:14 PM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #417 on: April 26, 2024, 12:40:59 PM »
:tello: "Am I a Narc?"

Tales from the Narc side - Presented by Ron Tello with a DRUM show!!

 :notsmee: Don't flatter yourself Tello. Millions died for your freedom to be an amateur.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #418 on: April 26, 2024, 01:00:09 PM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #419 on: April 26, 2024, 01:19:43 PM »
   :ni:    And in other news.....
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #420 on: April 26, 2024, 02:08:44 PM »
These people are DANGEROUS:
This is how you
recognize envy
and falsehood in others

4 days ago
Marcus Aurelius once said, 'Whenever you are about to find fault with someone, ask yourself the following question: What fault of mine most nearly resembles the one I am about to criticize?'

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #421 on: April 26, 2024, 02:40:02 PM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #422 on: April 27, 2024, 02:26:04 AM »
Calm Before the Storm. Big Bear Getting ready for a little Spring Rain and Snow. Be Safe. 4/25/2024

12 hours ago
Beware of low-flying Pot Holes.

11 hours ago
You’re not gonna believe it but right as I’m checking out that message right now I just hit a new pothole. It’s a brand new one.  These bastard potholes.

0 seconds ago
Heed the Prophet's warnings.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #423 on: April 27, 2024, 04:03:06 AM »
Learn how a narcissist thinks and how
they feel about you, And You will
be surprised if you see this

Ever wondered what goes on in the mind of a narcissist when it comes to you? Well, if you're connected to a narcissist in any capacity – whether as family, boss, coworker, classmate, church member, partner, parent, or friend – it's crucial. Because whatever they think about you can influence how they treat you, or worse, how they plan to harm you behind your back. Narcissistic relationships follow distinct stages, and understanding where you stand and how to navigate interactions with the narcissist is key. Today, I'm delving into what exactly goes on in the mind of a narcissist regarding you.

2 hours ago
The narcissist can't fool me anymore.  I know the in and out of his personality.  He better not try to psych me off.  The boomerang will come back to him harder.  I don't appreciate love bombings, showering me with flowers or gifts. Showing fake kindness.  I know what he is up to.  He better not fool himself.  He'll be disappointed.  I'm not born yesterday to be manipulated forever.  He's fooling himself if he doesn't understand that I know he's a coward narcissist.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #424 on: April 27, 2024, 04:46:46 AM »
Let's talk about why you all hate me
so much

Bob Farrell

1 waiting
Scheduled for Apr 27, 2024
All is welcome

Kerry Lou You do what JT tells you to do yet you won't listen to Justin Rounds and take
Dylan's photo down ? ?
Ronald Culley You LIED about me on multiple occasions and slandered my good name.
You deserve every shite stain you get. It's Karma, buddy. Get used to it!

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #425 on: April 27, 2024, 05:13:36 AM »
The TRUE Evil Of A Narcissist

It’s not just how narcissist behave that's evil.
Narcissist are inherently evil characters!

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #426 on: April 27, 2024, 05:22:25 AM »
The Vicious Karma Narcissists Face
for All That They Have Done to You!

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #427 on: April 27, 2024, 05:32:49 AM »
Can Narcissists TRULY Change-
Here’s the Scientific Facts

3 days ago
It took me yrs to figure out the "broken" aspect of them. How could such a self-centered greedy animal, also be so self destructive is quite the contradiction.  Broken keeps them in perpetual victim mode. They are broken because not only do they hate you, but they also hate themselves. Hows that for a concept?
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #428 on: April 27, 2024, 05:45:09 AM »
Why a Narcissist
Can’t Change

4 days ago
They have no compassion. They don’t believe they have a reason to change.

4 days ago
The only thing they change is the character they play for the next supply. Shape-shifting Cowards.

4 days ago
The older the narcissist gets, the more they have learned to fake empathy.

4 days ago
Yes and they become MASTERS at gaslighting.

4 days ago
Because they are never wrong.

4 days ago
They can't even keep a job, so who is going to put up with that?
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #429 on: April 27, 2024, 05:50:23 AM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #430 on: April 27, 2024, 05:57:45 AM »
You already won!
Be silent about
what happens next.

19 hours ago
DIVINE timing is always so very... PERFECT.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #431 on: April 27, 2024, 06:09:19 AM »
7 Social Mistakes That Make
You Look Low Status | stoicism

Discover how to transform your presence and elevate your value in personal and professional spheres with our new video. This video delves into the timeless wisdom of Stoicism, offering practical, transformative steps for self-empowerment and respect. Learn to value your time, prioritize self-care, master the art of listening, and embrace continuous growth. Join us on a journey towards a more respected and valued you, where each strategy opens a new door to being acknowledged and celebrated for who you are.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #432 on: April 27, 2024, 06:42:35 AM »
You Are One of the Chosen:
9 Undeniable Signs

2 days ago
It all makes sense to me now!  If you have not put this content out for me to hear I would still be lost and not knowing my purpose in life!  Now I know the role I need to play out and have a profound purpose! For the first time in my life I feel free!  Thank You so much for your service in these contents in your videos have helped me in many ways!  It’s hard to accept being a chosen one!  But I know I can do it!

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #433 on: April 27, 2024, 06:51:51 AM »
5 Types of people every
CHOSEN person must
be careful of

While it is essential to remain open and loving towards others, we must also protect ourselves from negative influences. Remember that the energy you put out into the world often reflects back on you. Be kind, supportive and loving, but also pray for discernment.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #434 on: April 27, 2024, 07:38:30 AM »
8 CLEAR Signs You Are a Chosen One
All Chosen One's Must Watch This

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #435 on: April 27, 2024, 08:11:01 AM »
Six Kinds of People That God
Cannot Save | the list will
shock you.

2 months ago
To say God "cannot save" is denying God's omnipotence . . . More accurate to say "will not save because they choose not to be saved"
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #436 on: April 27, 2024, 09:49:00 PM »
How do narcissists
destroy you?

For starters, the narcissist couldn’t give a ff about you once they’ve left you in a heap of misery. What they do care about is what they can take and exploit from you with zero reciprocity. They’ll destroy your health, finances, friendships, employment, family or anything else you hold dear. But here’s how they destroy you bit by bit over time;

Manipulation, exploitation, gaslighting

Pathological lying / deceit

Leading doubles lives

Infidelity; promiscuity, serial cheating, having hidden dating profiles and hookup apps across multiple platforms

Physical health; subjecting you to the possibility of contracting a raft of STDs as they feign exclusivity while banging tf out of multiple sex partners simultaneously throughout your relationship

Blame shifting, sidestepping accountability for their countless misdeeds and betrayals

Addictions; drugs, alcohol, pornography, compulsive masturbation, sex and / or gambling

Financial abuse

Triangulation; introducing third parties into the relationship to create jealousy

Verbal abuse, put downs, shaming and blaming

Intimacy avoidance / withdrawal

Shirking domestic responsibilities; failing to maintain the home, clean, cook, shop for groceries or pay bills - they’ll expect all this from you

Intermittent dosing; when you’re into devaluation, you’ll be sprinkled with reminders of how they were during the love bombing phase to keep you in the game and supply them with zero fs given and no reciprocity

Future faking; promising you a bright future with no intent on following through

Grooming and lining up your replacement at a time of their choosing - this doesn’t include the string of infidelities prior to the new replacement being found

Smear campaigning; playing the victim, trashing your good name to anyone who will listen to elicit sympathy to set the storyline in place for their discard

Duper’s delight; the feeling of power and control they get to sadistically gratify themselves when they deceive you relentlessly. This gives them a sense of power and control over you and the relationship dynamic

By the end of it all, you’ll even question your own sense of reality due to the mind f’ckery at every turn. Narcissists destroy people and do so with hatred and contempt for you.

They then walk away without even a backwards glance blowing up each relationship they enter.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #437 on: April 27, 2024, 10:19:58 PM »
Why do empaths make narcissists uncomfortable?

This is easily answered with a direct quotation from the most malignant narcissist I had a relationship with, identifies male (not the most malignant one I know, identifies female*), “I don't do self- reflection.“

It's that simple. Even during casual conversation, empaths, by virtue of their natures, tend to constantly self-reflect and seek self improvement. Not the showy, Tony Robbins fire-walking method (that's designed for narcissists by a narcissist), but going back to school, getting sober, or going on a silent yoga retreat (things that take actual work and commitment).

Because this drive for improvement is in the forefront of empaths’ minds, not only for themselves but for the world (remember, when with another person, an empath’s instinct is to see from other's POV), the empaths can't help but bring the subject up in conversation in some form. The narcissist will always take this as criticism.

To suggest that the narcissist isn't already perfect, that he needs any improvement, is anathema to his self image. To realize that someone he's chosen for supply needs improvement, and will readily admit it, makes her not only weak and pathetic in his eyes but tells him that he made a mistake! She's not the perfect source he's always searching for. But he CAN'T make mistakes because he's perfect, so she must have deliberately, malignly tricked him. But he CAN'T be tricked because his intellect is perfect.

And so it goes …

No matter what intellectual gymnastics the narcissist performs to figure out how this horror occurred, he will make her pay for not being the perfect source.

But the narcissist is compelled, over and over, to search for this perfect empath, a human battery that will never run dry, never criticize, and always meet the impossible demands of his empty soul. He knows this is his fatal flaw, his greatest weakness, but like an addict he keeps going back, unable, even with a new source, to stop searching for MORE FUEL.

So, when you get down to it, a strong empath to a narcissist is analogous to a shaky-handed alcoholic staring at a bottle of booze -- he fears and desires it in equal measure.

*Editorial Note: I feel I need to address my pronoun selection for this particular answer. I'm well aware that there are a hefty number of women narcissists & narcissistic mothers do extraordinary damage. I also know and empathize with the men who've suffered from those same women.

I'm also keenly aware that women aren't the planet's sole empaths, personally and statistically.

My original intent of pronoun selection stemmed from simple mathematics; the percentage of men per capita who fall under the NPD diagnostic criteria is far greater than that of women.

This being said, I do plan to do some editing to eliminate some pronouns, but should I change one element to the neutral “they,” I have to change both, otherwise I'm playing editorial favorites. At that point, clarity & readability goes out the window.

This, I think, is my best answer until grammar catches up to society.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #438 on: April 27, 2024, 10:31:24 PM »
What happens when a narcissist feels shame?

I think that when they get ashamed its like they are staring at the empty void that is actually their real state of mind. Its so scary and terrifying that they quickly find someone else to blame or replace the shame with epic rage. They NEED to block it.

As far as I understand, shame is at the core of their problem. They were shamed by their parents and grew up so ashamed that they develop incredibly messed up behaviors to cope with it.

So, I think they can "be ashamed" but not "feel ashamed", because they block it. In my experience the worst episodes that they have is when they are ashamed but block it by acting insane. They cannot admit to the shame because it would mean both vulnerability and perceived inferiority. So they instead rage at the scapegoat I guess.

So on the outside it looks like they never feel shame, but from what I've read and pondered shame is actually a big part of what has them flocked up all the time.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #439 on: April 27, 2024, 10:55:09 PM »
Confessions - Why Sigma Males Are Giving Up On Friendship


This inspires me to commit to the wholesale liquidation of my facebook friends list. Like, FLOCK OFF you phonies. Talk or die. What have you done for me? Why are you so lame? Etc.

I have very few friends because most ppl are not qualified.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #440 on: April 27, 2024, 11:07:19 PM »
:tello: "In my House, ppl have one shot to fvck up, and they TOOK IT!"
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #441 on: April 27, 2024, 11:19:52 PM »
Enlightenment is like a flower that keeps opening its petals infinitely. When you feel you have grasped something, another mystery unravels. Life is a continuous learning curve as long as we humble ourselves.

It's Time To Wake Up - Alan Watts on Religion

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #442 on: April 28, 2024, 05:13:41 AM »
What are the smallest
signs that someone has narcissistic personality

I will give just one sign.

A narcissist will go out of their way, massively inconvenience themselves, spend $500 and an entire day spent shopping, just to get you an insignificant knick knack that wasn’t even that important to you just because they wanted to.

And then, tomorrow, when you need the narcissist to just lift a finger and spend 5 minutes helping you out with something that absolutely needs two people, otherwise your project would be ruined, they won’t lift that finger, or give you the 5 minutes just because they didn’t want to.

And then when you complain that you don’t need them to spend $500 getting you an unimportant knick knack, but you absolutely needed their help for your vital project, and it was just lifting a finger and 5 minutes, and how important it was for them to (please) understand that the 5 minutes and one finger lift means more to you than the $500 knick knack (the route to happiness is to be understood), they attack you for being ungrateful.

And you look at your project, and it’s still ruined because you had to do it alone (for just that 5 minutes), and because of that, it toppled and fell over. And you turn to look at the $500 knick knack that you never really wanted (now you want it even less). And you wonder why life is so complicated (you feel trapped).

That’s when you know you are dealing with a narcissist.

When the narcissist was still in your life, all you got was frustration (because they kept antagonizing you).

Later when it was all over, looking back, all you feel is sadness and grief (because everything was wasted, and you and everyone only had that much life to spend on anything).

Narcissists are good for nothing (as far as happiness is concerned), in other areas, I’m sure they are good for something.

Some people claim that narcissism is just pure, simple selfishness. And that it’s not complex.

I disagree. Narcissistic gaslighting justifications slip through conventional notions of selfishness with ease (see, I got you that $500 precious, life saving jewel).

I prefer this alternative definition of narcissism: it’s a will hostile to all other wills.

This is a form of crazymaking I call withholding care and concern.

The narcissist will walk a thousand miles ‘for you’, as long as it doesn’t involve care and concern for your welfare and feelings, but as soon as your welfare and feelings apply, their default ‘compulsively withhold care, concern, and civility to degrade and micro-abuse you’ suddenly kicks in.

So the narcissist will shower you with time, money, effort, as long as you do not actually benefit from it.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #443 on: April 28, 2024, 05:25:17 AM »
What are the biggest signs
that someone has
narcissistic personality disorder?

23.11.2017 Original answer

I will give brief showdown of some behaviors narcissist do and what’s motive behind those behaviors. Some behaviors are specifically to narcissist and can be considered as red flags. I will give you some insight in narcissist motivation and mindset.

There are multiple ways narcissism can show off in person.

There are overt narcissist who are proud of themselves. There’s covert narcissist which is trying to be your friend but secretly is using you for narcissistic supply.

There are somatic and cerebral types which use people for narcissistic supply trough their bodies(somatic) or their intellectual abilities (cerebral)

I have experience with cerebral , covert narcissist who is very intelligent but he has NPD.

Red flags are :

-Coming on from nowhere with laser pointed attention and looking like your soulmate.

-Constant lies which are manufactured in a way to make you feel close to them - those lies have mission to bond with you in a way that make you reliable source of narcissistic supply (covert narcissist do this).

Example : Hey i do that same as you , we are so alike. (You are being idolized and lied to in attempt to make you in reliable form of supply)

-No regard for personal boundaries. Narcissist see your boundaries as something which they have to overcome throughout manipulation. If you say you don’t eat meat they wouldn’t say ok it’s your choice but rather will give you 20 arguments why you should eat meat. They like to feel in control. They feel grandiose.

After idealization phase , they moved quickly on you and had laser pointed attention and you felt like you found soulmate. In reality they just conditioned you to be constant source of supply. That’s what they need to survive. Narcissist don’t have self love. They can’t generate their own worth , they must get that from others thus you can see them as addicts to attention.

They have strategies to attain attention. When everything seems harmonious narcissist makes drama. For example my NPD colleague said he is moving to another school. HE wanted validation that he exist , best way to do that for narc is drama.

REMEMBER narcs prefer good attention but if they can’t get good attention they will use bad form of attention - being feared , hated… They don’t care what you think but they want to be acknowledged.

Narcissist see humans as extension of themselves. They exist to support their fantasies. Narcissist have followers which are deceived in same way as narcissist (I am guilty of being follower but i know that’s what i have to do for peace with NPD). You only exist to serve narcissist needs for self importance.

Narcissist like attention , they want to be listened , they want your time and understanding , they want you to admire their intelligence. You can slowly see how they start to interact with you as a thing. When they need understanding and attention they will emit narcissistic signal and they expect you to and give resipricate them positive attention.

If you confront narcissist you immediately become enemy. That’s called splitting. Narcissist use splitting whole time. They split people in 2 groups. One that can give narc supply and others who can’t or won’t. Those that can’t or wont are worthless and ignored.

Narcissist can abuse you when you confront them , you are not idealized anymore. Their fantasy shatters down as you confrot them. They become enraged to see their fantastic source destroyed so they will be abusive. You are becoming target of their rage.

Good way to see if somebody is narcissist is to ask them what makes them happy. They will have hard time answering this question and you will see them making an effort in lying. They could also use this opportunity to lie to you and to make themselves appear more like you.

Another good way of identifying narcissist is their inconsistency with how they act towards others. If person of low value (in their eyes is not good supply) is wanting to interact with them , they will shrug them off with rudeness and rage. Opposite is true when high potential value comes near.

Tactic to maintain control over you and make you more easy to fall in their fantasy is gaslighting. Gaslighting is basically narcissist way of controlling your view of world. You might say something happened in certain way and they will tell you how it “truly ” happened . It’s like they know and you don’t you are a fool and they are *always* right.

After spending some time with narc they take you for granted and will comeback when they need reassurance and dose of supply , if you can’t provide they will abuse you or find some other source which is willing to do so.

You can see new people being charmed by narcissist and sucked in pathological fantasy world. You might feel sorry to see that happen and nobody believes you until they experience NPD person. You can see how they try to charm others and it’s same way you have been conditioned to be supply. Narcissist is expanding his pathological safe space or fantasy.

I have became good reader of NPD people and can identify them quickly. I am not psychiatrist. Their mindset is stunningly terrifying to me but also fascinating. Their way of going trough life for me seems stupendously hard to maintain. They have to maintain their false self all the time to feed their cravings for attention and to cure their anxiety in that way. AT same time i feel sorry for them having this anxiety but i hate them for their actions and disgusting behaviors sometime.

NPDs are fascinating to study , emotional roller coaster to be friends or partner with and terrible to be one.


EDIT / ADDITION as I have more things to say now. (21.8.2020)

Narcissist have selctive memory and gaslihting is actually then natural thing for them to do. They really don’t think that they are lying. Their memory and what happend and what they wished to happen is twisted. It’s again their fantasy taking away from reality.

So what you think and they think is equally valuable in some sense. It’s just that you are right and they probably aren’t when it comes to memory. But you can’t blame them for forgeting or not knowing, it isn’t their choice. Yeah it is frustrating to live trough that.

(Well this answers achieves everything i wanted, putting more stuff would make it complex and uncompresible in clear way which i tend to do now lol).


To conclude some red flags are :

Coming in on you quick and showering you with attention.

Inconsistency with dealing with people.

Superficial charm and mirroring your personality.

Empty eye stare (emotionless).

Constant need of attention and drama seeking.

Engagement in arguments only to win , not to conclude.

Gaslighting your view of reality.

Splitting people in 2 groups , ultimately good and ultimately bad.

Hard time talking about true emotions and their own character traits in meaningful way.

Hyper vigilant , always on guard for insults.

Using guilt to manipulate.

No respect of your boundaries , always trying to manipulate you in their ways either by reasons or guilt trips.

Brief displays of arrogance from time to time.

Wanting you to make commitments without you not knowing them very well.

They hate answering personal questions in early stages. They would rather ask you questions and collect data to form mirroring image of you.

First thanks for reading to end, and i hope this information can help you to be emotionally stable near narcissists and to predict their behavior.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #444 on: April 28, 2024, 05:33:56 AM »
What does "breadcrumbing" mean?

A word used for random, non-committal crumbs of attention, random texts, comments, midnight voice notes.... enough to make you follow, keep you interested, allow you to form desires, longings, expectations, but without true fulfilment of anything concrete at the end of the trail.

Breadcrumbing is another way of hedging ones bets. No one wants to feel like an option so it allows someone to keep that thread loosely tied without the pressure of making a choice.

The thing is that people, like threads, can snap.

Are you being breadcrumbed? Well, ask yourself this:

Are you still hungry after you've eaten those crumbs? Are you longing for more?

Alternatively, how many times have you ignored the crumbs only to find that more are cast down because you haven't eaten the previous ones, in a display of “oh crap, they're slipping away, better up my crumb game or this option is gone for good.”

Breadcrumbing isn't an issue until it is. Not everyone is affected in the same way, some can shrug it off, others cannot, and there lies the problem. It is not even about consistency, as breadcrumbing can actually be consistent but the content of it does not nourish or fulfil in any way, it merely fosters attachment.

I don't breadcrumb, and I hate it being done to me.

We are worth more than being strung along as an option while somebody has their fun!

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #445 on: April 28, 2024, 05:45:57 AM »
What are the signs
that someone is
breadcrumbing you?
Is this manipulative?

The “miss you” text is a #1 sign of breadcrumbing. The perpetrator, (pwNPD or just a lame jerk) who wants to keep you on the back burner of their dating rotation will put in a minimum investment of time or energy on their part to keep you as a back up plan to ensure they will never be too lonely.

People who breadcrumb are like hoarders. They operate at their core from a place of lack and fear. They are afraid that they will be lonely so they hoard people and keep relationships shallow and take as much attention from you as possible.

With two simple words “miss” and “you” they can elicit an emotional connection that will start a conversation with someone who will take the bait and give them attention. For all you know the “miss you” text could have been sent to every person in the sender’s dating list in a mass message.

And yes, breadcrumbing is manipulation. The breadcrumber invests almost nothing and hopes that the recipient will show them how important or powerful they are by having the recipient respond with enthusiasm. The breadcrumbs tend to stop, with possible “Hail Mary” exceptions on holidays or when the breadcrumber is reaching to the back burner people because they lost their primary sources of attention. Life is better when you block them.

Edit: To clarify how it is manipulative, the breadcrumber chooses if and when to connect and controls the relationship without communicating expectations to the other person and purposefully jerking a person around is manipulative.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #446 on: April 28, 2024, 06:14:30 AM »
How do I spot a
narcissistic person?

To spot a narcissistic person, you must use the force - your life force.

In the presence of a narcissist, you will slowly feel worse and worse. This is because the narcissist is an emotional black hole, and being in close proximity causes you to be sucked in, and crushed.

Don't worry about looking for certain words, dilated pupils, or DSM-5 traits, the surest sign that you are interacting with a narcissist is that you slowly feel misery seeping deep into your core.

Your feelings you must trust.

How do you know for sure you are with a narcissist?

1.) Moody

2.) Controlling

3.) Manipulating

4.) Silent Treatment

5.) Gas lighting

6.) Distancing

7.) Always complaining about small little things

8.) Lazy

9.) Always on their phone

10.) Being disrespectful

11.) Liar

12.) Cheater

13.) Too sensitive

14.) Always need validation from their SO

15.) Too friendly to your friends but not you

16.) Out of nowhere suddenly being sweet then grumpy again

17.) Easily get jealous specially with opposite sex

18.) Possessive

19.) Don't want to talk about their past relationship

20.) Lack of interest about you

21.) Passive aggressive

22.) Arrogant

23. ) The mask falls off after you confront him/her

24.) (S)he thinks (s)he is the greatest thing ever created by God

25.) It feels like you are talking to yourself when the narc is presence

26.) Smearing your name to common friends and at the same time wants to be with you

27.) No appreciation of anything you do for him/her

28.) Always look depress

29.) Future faking

30.) Love bombing stop around 2–3 months and you will feel like you are just roommates after the love bombing stage

31.) Boring partner

32.) Using push and pull tactic on the SO

33.) Always want to receive but never give

34.) Impulsive and reckless behavior

35.) Entitled

36.) Always saying bad things to other people (imagine what the narc is saying about you when you are not around?)

37.) History of cheating

38.) Pretentious

39.) Always want to look good to other people but it is just a façade

40.) Ignorant when (s)he makes a mistake

41.) No real long term friends, just acquaintances

42.) No empathy

43.) Selfish

44.) Charming

45.) Narc can’t be alone. The famous harmless discard “can we just be friends for now?” I need to find myself and have peace. Have peace with the new supply b!tch! (You will be the back up plan just incase the new supply doesn’t work out.)

46.) No real hobbies

47.) Always want attention

48.) Absent minded

49.) Lack of sleep (bad karma takes over their brain cells due to bad things they have done to people). No matter how they try to ignore it and escape from it, It will always hunt and follow them around. That is why they have sleepless nights

50.) Always think and act like (s)he is superior over you, even though people know (s)he not

51.) Always look miserable (If (s)he see you happy or smiling, the narc will give you a funny look because (s)he doesn't know how it feels to be really happy or (s)he will get mad and give you dirty look because the narc is paranoid that you might be making fun of him/her.)

52.) The narc words doesn’t match his/her actions

53.) Always the victim

54.) Best actors and actresses who should win a movie award

55.) It feels like you are walking into an egg shells during the relationshit

56.) If you are more successful in life, the narc will try to sabotage the relationshit just because you are doing better than him/her

57.) Drama Queen/King

58.) Self-Centered who thinks everything revolved around him/her

59.) Being humble and shy in the beginning of the relationshit, but rotten tomato inside

60.) Blaming you that the relationshit didn’t work out because you have issues. But In reality, it did not work out because (s)he is a PATHOLOGICAL liar, fake, serial CHEATER, and all of the above I mentioned!

61.) No closure after the break up

62.) Stalking you after the break up

63.) Hoovering you after the break up

Note: When the hoover doesn’t work and (s)he is in a bad situation with the new supply, the narc will go to a deep depression. The narc will quickly remember the best supply or the grade A supply. The narc will be like, wow! I left my old supply with this new loser supply? What am I thinking?

However, it will be too late to go back because some victims don’t forget what the narc did and there is no second chance. Betrayal, pain and disrespect! The victims never forget this! The narc is delusional that every victim is the same, but (s)he is wrong!
Karma is a b!tch! Their karma is you! Because they cant have you anymore. Don’t entertained these fools. There is no happiness with these pathetic losers and just pain, drama and chaos!

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #448 on: April 28, 2024, 08:39:05 AM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #449 on: April 28, 2024, 09:42:54 AM »
9 Hidden Super Powers Every
Sigma Male Has

It's common knowledge that being a Sigma male comes with its own set of difficulties, especially in a world where conformity and criticism abound. But there are numerous strengths concealed within this distinct personality type. While Sigma men might not be the most popular figures, they often possess greater self-reliance and independence compared to others.

The Sigma male stands out in a crowd effortlessly and carries hidden strengths that might not be immediately obvious. He exudes confidence in himself and doesn't feel the need to prove anything to anyone.
Unlike the Alpha male who tends to be assertive and dominant, the Sigma man displays confidence without being forceful.

Moreover, he harbors numerous concealed strengths that only come to light when provided with the chance to shine. So, let's explore nine hidden powers of Sigma males.

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"