Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2930202 times)


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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #20100 on: December 02, 2021, 04:14:19 AM »
Colorado to Ban the Term “Sex Offender”

As you well know, the cancel culture of the political left has sought to drastically change our society in recent years. And a massive part of that movement has been to simply change the language we use in reference to some things.

Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has banned the use of “mother,” “father,” “brother,” “sister,” and so on in the Lower House so as to not be so offensive to those who might consider themselves not one gender or the other. In places where homelessness is careening out of control, such as California, the homeless are now referred to as the “unhoused,” and those who find themselves charged with crimes, you know, criminals are being called “justice-involved individuals.”

Apparently, the thought process is that if we stop calling these poor souls bad names or referring to them with words that have negative connotations, they will suddenly not feel the need to act inappropriately or feel sad about who they are. As if a murderer will stop killing if we stop calling him a killer.

The latest example of this comes to us from Colorado, where liberalism has a rather strong foothold. Here, the state’s Sex Offender Management Board has decided that just like the terms “he” or “she” might be offensive to some, “sex offender” might also be an ill choice of words. And so, they have voted to have it replaced.

According to CBS News Denver, “The board that sets state standards voted today (November 19) to change the term ‘sex offender’ to reflect so-called ‘person-first’ language.”

The outlet explains that the change will only apply to the “standards and guidelines for treatments providers” for now as it will take actual legislation to have the term banned in law or the criminal justice system. However, it’s a step in that direction, some believe.

The board passed the replacement of the term by a vote of 10-6 and has chosen the phrase “adults who commit sexual offenses” to take its place.

Apparently, this term will be less offensive or stigmatizing for people who have committed sexual offenses. People like Derek Logue who say, “Referring to me by a label for something I did half my life ago is inappropriate and downright offensive.” Instead, he thinks the term “client” or something as equally acceptable would be better.

And as CBS reports, Logue is not the only one. Those within the criminal justice system in favor of the change even support that it could lower recidivism rates or the likelihood of second and third offenses.

Now, as you and I both know, that argument is pretty much the most ridiculous thing ever. I mean, who really thinks that simply changing how we refer to someone who commits crimes will encourage them to never do it again? Does a convicted thief suddenly have no urge to steal when people start calling them a “person who takes things without permission?”

Does a drug addict stop using simply because we refer to them as “someone addicted to drugs?” Absolutely not.

But, don’t just take my word for it. Instead, why don’t we hear from a sex offenders’ victim?

Someone like Kimberly Corbin who survived a rape several years ago has thoughts on the matter. She agreed that terminology could indeed be offensive and even “damaging” to some. But that really only applies to those who don’t really have a choice in a certain matter, such as with many race, gender, or sexuality issues. Those people were born a certain way, and they might be offended by certain terms that label them.

However, Corbin argues that it’s much different for those like sex offenders and other convicted criminals. For them, their choices led them to where they are in life. As she says, “these are choices that sex offenders make.”

And she certainly has a point.

The other problem with the change in terminology, as Jessica Dotter of the Colorado District Attorney’s Council says, is that it “remove(s) accountability from offenders” and makes light of the “experience of the victims.”

Instead of holding these people responsible for their actions and offering justice for their victims, this name change suddenly makes it seem like nothing much has gone wrong, as if being molested or raped isn’t a big deal. And let me tell you, it’s nothing short of life-changing.

It’s only fitting that those who commit such atrocities should have to live with a label that reminds them of their crimes.

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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #20101 on: December 02, 2021, 04:20:26 AM »
A Liberal Mayor Gets Mugged by Reality
Her city beset by violence, Oakland's Libby Schaff denounces the "defund the cops" madness.

We can stick a fork in it. The "Defund the Police" movement is dead in America.

Democrat politicians have mostly been running away from it ever since they realized it was bad politically. Many have even denied that the idea was theirs all along, instead trying to shift the blame to Republicans.

Defenestrating the defund movement when it proved politically poisonous was the wrong reason, of course, but the will to stay in power is all that seems to govern these people. It's deep down in their lizard brain, their amygdala. Still, it's hard to know how many lives would've been saved if a few more mayors in big cities and leftist enclaves had only had the guts to denounce this madness from the start.

To her credit, Oakland's Libby Schaff was never really down with the Defund movement. She's a proud progressive, to be sure, and we disagree with just about everything she does. But some ideas are so bad that they can't be entertained, even by hard-left politicians. For Schaff, defunding the police was one such bad idea. She'd been resisting her hard-left city council's anti-cop campaign almost from its inception, which came with the George Floyd riots and the Black Lives Matter movement. Schaff even cast the tiebreaking vote last year to slash roughly $150 million from the police department's budget.

For that vote, for her efforts to make Oakland's notoriously mean streets a bit less mean, her home was vandalized with splatters of red paint and messages such as "Wake Up Libby," "Take Responsibility Now," and "Black Blood On Your Hands" on the sidewalk and garage door.

Clearly, these vandals don't understand the inverse relationship between law enforcement and lawlessness.

That effort to intimidate the mayor doesn't appear to have worked, though. As the Washington Examiner reports, "Schaaf announced Monday that she wants to reverse planned cuts to the city's police department and even hire additional officers following its 127th homicide this year."

Said Schaff: "Oakland needs more police. We have been impacted by staffing reductions. COVID interrupted our recruitment and training processes, and the defund rhetoric is challenging our ability to attract and retain recruits. And we know that that is not unique to Oakland."

Schaff also said, "There is nothing progressive about unbridled gun violence," and she did so in reference to police violence. But no one believes that. No one believes that police violence is what's plaguing our nation's big cities. Criminal-friendly leftist policies are what's plaguing our cities.

As for the straw that broke the Defund movement's back, that may have been the death of Kevin Nishita, a beloved retired cop who was working as a security guard for a TV news crew when he was cold-bloodedly gunned down last week by thieves trying to steal their equipment. Perhaps it was one too many murders for Schaff.

More than 80 years ago, upon seeing that her childhood home in Oakland had been torn down, author and poet Gertrude Stein remarked, "There is no there there." Some have misconstrued the quote to be a backhanded comparison to neighboring San Francisco, but it wasn't that. Nancy Pelosi's city, in fact, has plenty of its own problems, from rampant drug addiction and homelessness to shoplifting free-for-alls and a soaring murder rate. No wonder Pelosi recently bought a mansion in red-state Florida.

These days in Oakland, there still isn't much there there, but perhaps better days are ahead for the city now that its mayor has been forced fully around to the right way of thinking about law and order.
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #20102 on: December 02, 2021, 04:21:11 AM »
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #20103 on: December 02, 2021, 04:29:39 AM »
Santa To Replace 'Naughty Or Nice' List With
'Vaxxed Or Unvaxxed' List

NORTH POLE—In a major break with hundreds of years of Christmas tradition, Santa Claus will not be using his famous “Naughty or Nice” list this year. Instead, Father Christmas will be keeping a list of vaccinated and unvaccinated children.

 “With the pandemic entering its second Christmas season, Santa felt the traditional ‘Naughty or Nice’ list needed an update,” said North Pole spokes-elf Trudy Toymaker. “This year, he’ll be keeping track of all the good little children who get vaccinated, as well as the evil unvaccinated kids who want their family and friends to die.”

Vaccinated children will receive lots of toys and goodies from Santa, while the unvaccinated kids will get skunked this Christmas. “We don’t really give out coal anymore due to climate change,” Toymaker noted. “Instead, the unvaccinated kids will receive a box of masks, some hand sanitizer, and a pre-filled postcard to report their conspiracy-theorist parents to child services and the FBI.”

Toymaker said thousands of Elves on Shelves have been dispatched to pediatrician's offices around the country to keep track of which children are getting vaccinated. Santa’s tech team also plans to hack into children’s electronic medical records later this month to make sure nobody is missed.

In addition to the new vaccine requirements, Santa is asking families to include a $20 bill with his traditional plate of milk and cookies this year. “This will help Santa offset rising costs due to inflation and elf labor shortages,” Toymaker said.

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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #20104 on: December 02, 2021, 04:41:25 AM »
Seven tips for surviving the apocalypse

Billionaires who have made their fortunes in Silicon Valley seem to be worried about the future. So worried in fact, that some of them are reportedly buying vast estates in places such as New Zealand, as “apocalypse insurance”. Boltholes to head to in the event of doomsday scenarios such as nuclear attack or global political meltdown.

But what about the rest of us? What should the non-billionaires of the world do if we haven’t prepared at all? How do we go about making and doing everything for ourselves once again, and help post-apocalyptic society avoid another Dark Age – and reboot civilisation? As a scientist, this is the thought experiment I chose to explore in my book, The Knowledge. So here are my seven top tips for getting to grips with a global catastrophe…

1. Purify water
Ensuring your drinking water is safe so that you don’t succumb to disease in a post-apocalyptic world will be crucial. Although boiling works perfectly, it uses up a lot of fuel. Iodine tablets could be scavenged from the ruins of camping stores, and bleach (sodium hypochlorite) or even swimming pool chlorine (calcium hypochlorite) can be diluted to chemically disinfect suspect water. But even sunshine can be used to keep you safely hydrated. Solar disinfection is recommended by the World Health Organisation in developing nations. Simply fill plastic bottles and leave in the sun – the UV rays will pass right through the water to kill pathogens in a day or so.

2. Prevent infection
Aside from securing safe water, the single most important thing you can do to stay alive in a post-apocalyptic world without antibiotics is to stop yourself picking up infections. Soap is enormously effective at protecting against gastrointestinal and respiratory infections, and can be made by boiling animal fat or plant oil with quicklime (roasted chalk or limestone) and soda. Ethanol is effective at disinfecting wounds, and can be distilled from fermented fruit or grain.

3. Generate power
The power grids could be out of action almost immediately – and electricity isn’t a resource you can really stockpile. You could scavenge mobile diesel generators from roadwork sites, but in the longer term as fuel becomes scarce you’ll need to turn to renewable sources such as wind or solar energy. An alternator scavenged from any abandoned car can generate electricity from improvised water wheels and windmills, which can then be stored in large rechargeable batteries. Better than the 12V car battery, the batteries in golf buggies or mobility scooters are “deep cycle”, designed to provide a steady amount of current over a long period of time, so much better suited for storing your off-grid power supply.

4. Grow food
Your post-apocalyptic community will only be able to dine out on the leftovers of a fallen civilisation for so long. Soon enough the preserved cans of food on abandoned supermarket shelves will have been consumed or gone off. And by the time that happens, you’re going to need to have redeveloped agriculture to avoid starving to death. You’ll need a starter stock of viable seeds. The Global Seed Vault on the Arctic island of Svalbard is a doomsday-proof facility dug deep into a freezing mountainside.

5. Drive tree-powered cars
Once all the remaining diesel and petrol fuel has gone you’ll still be able to benefit from mechanisation and vehicles. With a little modification, the internal combustion engine can be run on the flammable gases produced by the thermal breakdown of wood, a process known as “pyrolysis”. During the fuel shortages of World War II, there were more than a million wood gasifier cars driving around Europe. The “dry distillation” of wood – heating it without access to oxygen – was used from the 17th century to produce useful substances such as creosote, turpentine, methanol and acetone.

6. Restart a chemical industry
The advancement of our civilisation was not just the development of machinery in the industrial revolution, but also owes a great deal to providing vital chemical substances for society. One of the most useful categories of chemical throughout history has been alkalis such as potash (potassium carbonate) and soda (sodium carbonate), used for making everything from soap to glass and paper. Potash is extracted by trickling water through the ashes of a hardwood fire and then evaporating away the water again to leave white crystals. Soda is purified in the same way, but from burned seaweed or coastal plants such as barilla or salicornia.

7. Be scientific
Over the longer term, as our post-apocalyptic society recovers and grows, we’ll need to relearn knowledge for ourselves. The greatest invention of them all, what we would want to preserve if all else was lost, is the scientific method. It is only by thinking rationally and critically, observing the natural world and prodding it in particular ways with experiments, that you can have any confidence that your explanatory stories (or hypotheses) are likely to be right. The invention of the knowledge-generation machinery of science in the 16th century is what enabled us to build the modern world. And it is science that you would need to reboot civilization again from scratch.

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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #20105 on: December 02, 2021, 04:45:38 AM »
Kennedy: Fed Inflation Forecasts As Reliable As Psychic Hotline

Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) criticized Federal Reserve officials for inaccurate inflation forecasts. Last Tuesday, he scored Chairman Jerome Powell for insisting that inflation remains transitory.

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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #20106 on: December 02, 2021, 05:19:04 AM »
Study: Vaxxed Kids Get COVID at Same Rate as Unvaxxed Kids

As you’ve likely heard, our children, ages 5 to 12, are now eligible to be double jabbed with the COVID-19 vaccines per federal and CDC guidelines. And as such, the debate has begun on whether or not children in schools should be forced to get it.

Unsurprisingly, Big Tech companies like Pfizer are all for it, as they stand to make billions off of the endeavor.

But if you’re still hesitant about injecting your child with an unknown cocktail of chemicals, Pfizer wants to calm your nerves and offer proof that their BioNTech vaccine is both safe and effective in adolescents. To do so, they have recently released a four-month study showing that the rate of COVID infection is higher in children who were not vaccinated when compared to those that were.

The only problem? Well, that rate of difference isn’t all that different.

Per the study, 2,228 kids between the ages of 12 to 15 were assessed for a period of four months. As with most studies, about half of the students were vaccinated, and the other half were not.

Of the 1,100 who were, none tested positive during the months of the study. In contrast, 30 of those who weren’t vaccinated did end up testing positive.

By Pfizer’s line of thinking, this means that their vaccine is indeed safe and effective, even for the ‘long term.’

According to Pfizer Chairman and CEO Albert Bourla, this study and its data offer “confidence” in the safety and efficacy of the vaccine in adolescents.

But you might notice that 30 positive tests, all of which were either asymptomatic or had very mild symptoms, is only a small percentage. Only 2.7 percent, in fact. So yeah, while Pfizer can say their vaccine supposedly works, it only works about 2.7 percent more than having no vaccine at all.

Starting to feel more secure in the vaccine’s effectiveness in children?

I didn’t think so.

Furthermore, as I mentioned, the study was conducted over a mere four-month time span. And as several social media users noted, that’s not exactly ‘long term.’

And that is the number one reason why Dr. Douglas Opel, interim director at the Treuman Katz Center for Pediatric Bioethics at Seattle Children’s Hospital, says he doesn’t think vaccines should be mandated for schools.

He said, “I think it’s premature to mandate COVID-19 vaccines for elementary and high school students. A primary reason for my position is that a prerequisite for mandating a vaccine is having really high confidence that it’s safe – and we’re just still gathering this data for younger age groups.”

Wendy Jonathan, a Desert Sands Unified School District Trustee, agrees, saying that while the vaccine might be good for some, she can’t in good conscience mandate it for all. “I’ve made my choices, but my choices don’t need to be imposed on anyone else.” Especially with so little information on its long-term effects.

What a concept, huh? That people should be given a choice to vaccinate or not, to take extra health precautions or not. I mean, isn’t that what the same group of liberals demand when it comes to the idea of abortion? That it’s a choice?

But I digress…

It should also be noted that this study just happened to come out just before the company is set to send their double shot and supposedly child-friendly vaccine to the Food and Drug Administration or FDA to be fully approved. Right now, the use of the vaccine is only authorized under the Emergency Use authorization.

As Bourla says, he and Ugur Sahin, the CEO and co-founder of BioNTech, are really excited about “sharing these data with the FDA and other regulators.”

Of course, they are. I mean, when the data is shared, the FDA is likely to do exactly what Pfizer did and take this measly amount of information as proof that their efforts can quash COVID. And if that happens, the FDA’s approval will only do more to convince our liberal leaders that vaccines should be mandated, even for the most innocent and vulnerable of us.

We can only hope that the FDA and other regulators will demand more data and more actual long-term results before agreeing to anything that could possibly endanger the lives of our kids.

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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #20107 on: December 02, 2021, 10:14:16 AM »

I'm going off the air tonight.
Lappy is leaving town with Sherry.

It's been my agony to be here with you BOTS.

My therapy, this is not.
More like: getting out of doing chores day and night.

Remember the HOTLINE number:
I may pick up next week.

Otherwise, feel free to post pix of your dog's butthole.
Admin won't mind.

Watch-out for smee...he might wanna get more info.
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I minnit post.

I have no lappy. HooRay to Lotus for a day trip here!

I did have pneumonia Dec. 23 to 29.

Never watch a Food Channel in the hospital.

I have arrived at the edge of madness and
I'm too lazy to jump.

Prospects of prosperity are slim.

I had more socialization in the 6 days of hospital than I have had in the 6 years in Big Bear.

Beyond pathetic.

Life sucks cuzza peeps in decay.

No thx for your support.


I have posted.

January 18:    :birthdaycrowd:
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Numb nuts !


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Woo Hoo! Lotus is back in town.

Let's suffer what I have done recently online
and nevermind the Ratings.

They're fake. Not my fault.

Boo to my 2 friens up there in previous meaningful posts.

Set your brains on Zero and move forward into this enlightened darkness...
the sort of human swill that even Tessa would Love for a price. (And smee would Barter)

And she wants change for a Quid.


The following is Tello Messaging a selcet batch of facebook friends.

Strictly a COPY AND PASTE Production.

Driven by need.
Powered by delirium and plonck in the same session.

Avant Garde needs protection here.

Warning has been issued.
Ratings mean nothing when they don't produce hate mail or choccy dollars on the half shell.

This is no longer an oddessy.

Enter the revised version of an old madness:

Wasted Aging Youth Without a Car. (Long story)

Are we gonna do this now?
You bet!


7:01 PM
You sent
Hi, Let's do something different together, at my House in Nevada. "TelloVision" Call me for details. I need all the help and interest I can get and I believe you are good for some. Remo ain't dead but Tello is taking a few hits at 64 years ON. Call me 909 547 0411 for a riteous chat will ya? THX!
7:18 PM
Gregory Puente
Absolutely Remo Ron when I get some quality time during the week I will follow up and call you… I’m an actor doing some crazy far out inhumane hours

You sent
You are my kind of man, yeppers! see ya soon!


6:18 PM
You sent
Hello Bro. Here is a c n p of what I wrote to Bryan Herrera. It applies to you too. I remember ya sed ya wanted to do "Video" at my house..... Start something now!

6:10 PM
You sent
Hi Bry! I trust all is well with you now. Me? Let's discuss. I've been in Big Bear Cal 6 years in exile from Montello. I need to return, need to upgrade my act and life there. Really need to put on a Net-based TV show in my show format about REAL shite, like Bad Elko for example, plus a live house band and I'm the drummer. Looking to start it by asking you to help me start. Need people who care about what is right and fine. My house is a play pen, unlimited potential except murder, arson and bar fights. lol. Love to hear from you and your friends. Video heads wanted. Go to "The Ron" (Logan McFarlane started that, remember?) on facebook and click the 4 major links for history. I am re-starting myself now, again. I will  always remember how well you treated me after I got out of jail. You are the finest of young men in my life..I should do a show segment on that! I am currently cash poor and cant replace my dead laptop. This is a loaner. CALL ME! 909 547 0411 and tell me anything, just so it is you are saying it! Peace on!


5:46 PM
You sent
Hi. I am preparing to return to Montello in spring or summer. Need a new gig there. I wanna do a tv show featuring the things you and I discuss. Need your input to put together a team, in my House. Please be interested. It's all I wanna do there. Call me 909 547 0411 THX!


6:45 PM
You sent
Hello again! I wanna do another THANG at my house. Asking for input and interest: Net-based real TV show/.Working title: TelloVision. Backstory,
 click the 4 links..

Call me 909 547 0411 thx! love ya!!!
Icon for this message's header
The Ron


6:55 PM
You sent
Hello Ed!. I wanna set up my House for a Web-based video show: "TelloVision" Will you help me start it up and make it go? Call me 909 547 0411 for details, and go to The Ron here and click the 4 major links for background info. I have been Hermitied last 6 years in Big Bear, CA; I'm  breaking out to go home soon, need support team to live and succeed or die. Get it all on Video. Wanna hear from you soon, thx!
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Numby is back


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One night only, Yankee time.

Coming up next: Renewing my Library card.

Try posting some respect for the Dying Life.

It is a wonderful Fail, one I'm sure you can appreciate.
If you dont....DOUBLE FAIL!

Nice goin' ya wankah.

Ring the number ya coward, You are not alone. The world declines in unison without an Agent.

(Mr. Sticky goes here)

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Hey smee, know this:

The price of Propane..

The price of your friendship....


One runs hot
one runs away..
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:tello: " If Yibs was here, he'd have no trouble finding a parking space. "
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:tello: " If Tessa was here, she would be working the Toll Booth on the Information Super Hiway in 3D. "
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Q: What's the diff between losing your way and
losing your mind?

A: Way has a map.
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Two bartenders walk into a bar.  :beerontap: :stay:
                                       :troll2:    :sick:    :getwell:
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If Roo was here, it would be 2008, and I'd be living in her meat freezer with all the other LARGE GAME.

Are we not men?

We are meatloaf.
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2 quadriplegics and Oscar Pistofforious walked into a bar ...


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Stiupd asshules dint realize it was closed due to Covideo with incriminating sideline chatter effects.
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All the ink pens have run dry.
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8:38 PM
Ed Walton
Been thinking about ya the last couple of days. Now I know why. LOL Will be gettin with ya soon!
You sent
Dream come true and I wazzint sleeping! see ya in the zone of Brains. Nice!
Write to Ed Walton

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Yeah, and in the FINAL CUT it's gonna be an edited lifeform.

I signed up for that part.
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Q: What's the diff between Brum6y and a Pony?

A: Pony has internet.

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Ed Walton
Been thinking about ya the last couple of days. Now I know why. LOL Will be gettin with ya soon!
You sent
Dream come true and I wazzint sleeping! see ya in the zone of Brains. Nice!
You sent

The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
Ed Walton
Cool. I work 9-5 at night at home in my basement office.  Workin now. Will check it all out!  Call ya soon!
You sent
IAM means we can fly!

Ed Walton
I am off Thursday and Friday nights.  Listen for a call then!
You sent
So fine and I thank you!
Write to Ed Walton

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None of this has to happen like this way.

It's just crazy.

But this is what we have become, and
I embrace it all the while
you try to suppress it all.

He who is not being bizzy born is bizzy legislating.

Can't fool me.
I read MAD Magazine!

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"Me and Mine...We are not Old.
We are Fresh....with beards."
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Show some respect to Australua day and eat some aboriginal jerky


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aboriginal jerky
Have you ignored the fiction that I was under suspicion of Culture Rape by the authorities?

Better than Elko...the grays in black gave me the doubt of the benefit!  \o/
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In 3...2..1.. POOF!

Not me.

Gonna be you.

Thx for stopping by.

Thank me for dropping in.

Next stop: Lappy Robbery.

See you in
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What's the worst that can happen?


That's gonna hurt.


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Can't fool me.
I read live MAD Magazine!

There ... fixed that for you.


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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #20136 on: February 04, 2022, 10:28:20 AM »
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #20137 on: February 04, 2022, 10:41:10 AM »
New lappie?


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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #20138 on: February 04, 2022, 04:23:28 PM »
Same suffering on a lovely day.
Call me/Ring 9095470411PST


9:20 PM
You sent
Hi ya. I didn't get your phone number, silly me. More: I'm ready to perform, let's make a show I wanna do! I dig the Big Bear Lakeside house idea. Take me there and roll video. EPIC, I promise. Are you in with me now? Call me, THX.
Cedar Circle Kids RULE!

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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #20139 on: February 04, 2022, 04:25:16 PM »

Can't fool me.
I read live MAD Magazine!


There ... fixed that for you.

:tello: "Why you I oughtta.... "
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #20140 on: February 04, 2022, 04:32:14 PM »
Hello Trolls.

Join me in saying "Good Bye".


Good Bye.

Very nice, Mates!

Raise your hands
chop them off
if you have well-thought out schemes up your loins, too.

:badfinger: :keelhaul: :spy: :motorbikeride:             :drummer:
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #20141 on: February 04, 2022, 04:39:48 PM »
Everything is becoming illegal more now than ever.

Now who's The Cop?

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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #20142 on: February 05, 2022, 12:48:12 PM »
Gregory Puente
Awesome Ron I like your energy I will keep you posted between Covid and my family and the busy acting schedule I'm really overwhelmed but I will keep an open mind sounds interesting... I communicate with Bruce Golden and Roger from Cedar Circle they know I spoke to you they were really interested and surprised...🇺🇸🤩

5:45 PM
You sent
Color me SURPRISED that surprises are going it something I did? LOL I'm on a deadline here. Better Line than Dead, ya see my priorities...intro me to other  people to discuss my challenge/ambitions. I'm looking to set up a Rave at my Nevada HQ on The Strip this summer.  Video Death beats polororid life. Or something acceptable in the Theatre of The Absurd, So. Cal.

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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #20143 on: February 05, 2022, 12:49:44 PM »
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #20144 on: February 05, 2022, 01:05:08 PM »
There's something in the air.
Smells like choccy.
Looks like shite.

I offer you choices you can't make.

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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #20145 on: February 05, 2022, 01:56:08 PM »
Cloud this:

Reply to McKinney EM final draft
Saturday, December 18, 2010 2:00 AM
"Ron Tello" <>
"Kevin McKinney" <>

Mr. Culley:


It has come to my attention that you sent a vaguely threatening e-mail to Deputy Mathes recently. OK...does this mean you could build a "vaguely solid case" against me? Also, why hasn't Mr. Mathes replied with his take on my writing style?

Thank you for your concern about the workings of the Sheriff’s Office, Concern? I agonize frequently over my past experiences and the OTHER  criminal reports I've submitted to you guys, and NOTHING has ever been done about them. however I assure you that at no time has your case been ignored. Oh yeah? Why have my previous inquiries to the D.A.'s office gone unanswered? And, why only NOW, after my Eye-Opening EM to Mr. Mathes do you care to communicate with me?


I did conduct a telephone interview with Mr. Brown in reference to your allegation of theft, and so your suspicions regarding the interview should hopefully now be put to rest.  I did submit the report to the Elko County District Attorney’s Office for review and charging. You score on this one.


Unfortunately, I misplaced your business card, and so was unable to send you an e-mail with the case number attached to it. FYI: Mr. Mathes has that info. My phone # is ON FILE & you could've called me. Gotcha on this one! I will correct this oversight now.  Your case number is: 10-11206.Too late. I got that myself after dogging Darla at the D.A.'s office. Why do I have to do the leg work?


I did not receive the original request from the District Attorney’s Office about the necessity of Mr. Brown’s date of birth.  I received an e-mail from the District Attorney’s Office on 12/14/10 at about 4:55 p.m., asking for Mr. Brown’s date of birth and I provided a supplement report to them that contained Mr. Brown’s date of birth on 12/15/10 at about 8:30 a.m. Why is his DOB a mitigating factor in determining his guilt? He's clearly over 18; BUST HIM ALREADY! As you can see, there was no stall tactic involved in this case, just a technological glitch whereby I did not get an intended message. Technology is often a scapegoat for human error. That's OK, I've done it myself on rare occaision.


I believe that your accusations that the Elko County Sheriff’s Office is corrupt, incompetent, indifferent and neglectful are without merit. Sorry: that's towing the thin blue party line. My evidence indicates otherwise, but I'm not gonna argue that's tangential. Your report, along with the other 15000+ calls for service that the Elko County Sheriff’s Office has received over the course of this year have been prioritized and investigated.  Unfortunately, The Elko County Sheriff’s Office does not have the resources to devote an investigator to your case full time. Where does my tax money go, then? (Donut comment deleted)


In October of 2010, I was the only deputy assigned to the Investigations Division of the Sheriff’s Office.  I worked on a total of 47 cases in October.  I believe that you would agree that your report and investigation should not be any more important than the other 46 cases that I investigated just as  it should not be any less important than the other 46 cases that I investigated. No, I do not agree, but that's just me.... With only 160 hours in a work month, not counting overtime, I was only able to devote an average of 3.4 hours to each case.  As you can see, this time restraint does not allow me to spend the amount of time on your case that would normally be spent.  This is the sad fact of a department that is perpetually shorthanded, due to budget and personnel restraints. Good one! Confuse me with the facts about your day. Good to know you're bizzy!


All of the name calling, What name? threatening  Please indicate. and blustering Please define. that you have done so far Is he expecting more? to Deputy Mathes has probably done more harm to your case than good, Pure speculation. since these e-mails will be submitted to the District Attorney’s Office as evidence. Cool! You would probably agree that when a person gets on the stand to testify, their credibility is in question.  If and when you were called upon the stand to testify  against Mr. Brown, his defense attorney will probably use the e-mails that you sent to Deputy Mathes to impeach you and paint you to the jury as a person who is dangerous and not credible. #1: I'm not on Trial. I dint do any crimes, and my Record proves it.
#2: Sure, and while yer bizzy ripping on me, why not ignore the Case Facts that Duke failed to keep up with the $ he owes me; he failed to complete the chores on the Property; he had NO written agreement; he cut the lock on the electric meter (submitted as evidence) and he posted two (2) nasty, threatening messages on my phone machine (submitted as evidence) and he looted the house as the photographic (submitted) evidence does indicate. He owes $ all over town; is a known drunk; he's selling pot out of his new flophouse, and there's no shortage of testimony in town stating that he's an "unsavory character and they don't like him being around here"; and, his ex-wife ain't digging on his shite, either.
Heck yeah! Let him walk. And his next caper may be YOUR HOUSE.

The jury might believe the defense and therefore acquit Mr. Brown based upon your actions, and not those of Mr. Brown or of the Elko County Sheriff’s Office. Will that be "The O.J. Jury"? What about my actions? I'm the Victim here; let's not lose sight of that or deviate from the Case Facts, shall we?


I would suggest to you that you cease with the threats, Please indicate in detail. and take no action whatsoever against Mr. Brown. Allow me to repeat: Mr. Brown, on two (2) separate times has gotten in my face; not the other way around. He's asking for trouble...why can't he have it? If he's your Boy, how about you keep him on a Short Leash? btw: Everybody knows I pack Heat. Obviously your Mr. Brown does not consider that as  deterant from messing with me--PROOF POSITIVE he's a certified Moron. I will NOT allow this cretin to get the drop on me. I trust you do understand this. At this point your allegations against Mr. Brown are being reviewed by the Elko County District Attorney’s Office for possible criminal prosecution. I read this as: "Expect us to drop the case without an explaination." Deputy Mathes was correct when he advised you that you could also file a civil suit against Mr. Brown for damages and lost revenue. Allow me to advise you: He has NOTHING; he's a total bum without clue..he owes money all over town; he's a cheat , a drunk & a liar. And he thinks he did no wrong..why do you suppose he's hasseling me? Cuz I booted him out of my house on multiple levels of EPIC FAIL!!!  And as such, the civil suit route is NOT an option! Prima Facia: he ripped me off & you guys & gals are playing footsie on my dime. (Just sayin'...) At this point, these are the legal recourses that you have against Mr. Brown. Right...and relying on The Law to deal with him is NOT an option?  I get that. It's a recurring theme in my life. Always a vote of "No Confidence". Is this Round going to be any different? Thrill me! Any other actions taken against Mr. Brown by you would probably be illegal. Excluding Self-Defense I presume. If I ruin him, I'll have my story & he will have his. And why do I get the feeling you are protecting him in the same way Curtis & Leslie Head were granted immunity for all their High Crimes exploits???


If you would like to have a conversation regarding your case, I would be happy to speak with you. I prefer in the company of other community members, at the Community House, by Appt. I will not however take any verbal abuse from you. Hey! I'm the guy who's taking it in the Shorts here. I don't have to be nice; I have to be HONEST. YOU have a DUTY to be Professional in any circumstance. I'll give it a reasonable effort to be restrained in word and deed. If I fail, make a note of it. I'm not the Offending Unit in this bogus Passion Play. Deal?


Again, I would like to thank you for your concern that's putting it mildly and want to assure you that we are trying to help you in your allegations against Mr. Brown in every way that we have a legal ability to do so. No comment as a Professional Courtesy.


Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. No, I Thank YOU. -RT



Sgt. Kevin McKinney

Investigations Division

Elko County Sheriff's Office

Elko, Nevada

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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #20146 on: February 05, 2022, 02:06:04 PM »
Tessa's take on McKinney EM 12-18-10
Z EMs McKinney

Ron Tello <>

Sat, Jan 1, 2011 at 12:43 AM

RE: Victim of Crime, the Law is slacking again; a briefing thru emails
Saturday, December 18, 2010 7:30 PM
"Ingrid Heyn" <>

Okay - here's a suggested reply:

Sgt. Kevin McKinney

Investigations Division

Elko County Sheriff's Office

Elko, Nevada


Dear Sir,


Thank you for your communication dated December 18th, 2010.


I appreciate the time you have taken to reply to me; however, I feel I must address certain points of inaccuracy, lack of context and skewing of perspective in your communication. I say this with all due respect.


Firstly – I must ask you to explain what you mean by “vaguely threatening e-mail to Deputy Mathes”. What was it I threatened? I am also not sure that “vaguely” as a qualifier to the adjective “threatening” makes logical sense, as either something is a threat or it is not. Is it possible you have misread the very natural frustration of a man pushed to his limits by what has seemed to him to be inaction from the forces on the law in respect of his report of a criminal act?


I do ask you to consider this point, and I will be happy to hear from you in explication if you do honestly feel I have been “vaguely threatening”.


Secondly – thank you for informing me now that you have indeed conducted a telephone interview with Mr. Brown and that you have submitted the report to the Elko County District Attorney’s Office for review and charging. You mention that you misplaced my business card and that this is why you were not able to send me an e-mail with the case number. I am at a loss to understand why what I can only describe as professional carelessness in losing the business card of a complainant concerning a criminal act excuses you, though, from contacting me. Mr. Mathes has my contact information. My phone number is on file. Can you explain to me why you did not phone me in respect of this information, as per procedural requirements? You call this an “oversight”; I am not sure that you ought to be so blasé about this. Being careless with the contact details of people who report crimes to you is certainly not something that is in your job description, and I must ask you to admit that I had a right to feel concerned that I was not contacted.


Thirdly, you state that you “did not receive the original request from the District Attorney’s Office about the necessity of Mr. Brown’s date of birth.” Was this request sent by email? Are you saying that an email from the D.A.’s office went missing in transit? I would be very concerned by this; what other emails have you failed to receive? In your position – investigating crimes – the failure of communication becomes not merely annoying, but possibly life-threatening if the information is in respect of dangerous crimes.


However, is it possible that you may simply have overlooked the email in question? Is it possible that this is not a “technological glitch” but rather a second example of an “oversight” as with the business card you misplaced? Is it perhaps even possible that it is a second example of your failure to follow through with appropriate action, such as your not looking at the file and phoning me with the case number?


Forgive me if I appear sceptical and somewhat fed up. But as you can see, so far there were TWO failures to either communicate or act on communication in respect of this case.


You have taken issue with the notion that the Elko County Sheriff’s Office is corrupt, incompetent, indifferent and neglectful. I certainly understand your perspective. Perhaps you can understand mine – as you have already shown by the two points above that there is a degree of indifference (failure to check the file to contact me), incompetence (loss of complainant’s business card; “glitch” with original request from the D.A.’s office), and neglect (I was not contacted by ANY means, and the request concerning Mr. Brown’s date of birth was not acted upon until 12/15/10). I accept that these may give the APPEARANCE of corruption while not actually being corrupt. Perhaps we can agree on this?


Fourthly, I am sorry to hear that the Elko County Sheriff’s Office is poorly resourced. I don’t expect a full-time investigator to be assigned to my case; just an email or phone call to advise me on the case status would be appreciated, and if you could possibly make sure that requests from the D.A.’s office are replied to in a timely manner, that would be wonderful. I hope there are sufficient resources for that.


Fifthly, I am sorry to hear that a crime reported to the police might be adversely affected by the complainant’s honestly expressed exasperation at hearing nothing of the case. I do hope that my e-mails (including this one) are indeed submitted to the District Attorney’s Office as evidence; they do demonstrate that I have not been kept informed, have been given the run-around, have had cause to feel ignored and neglected, and in general to feel that nothing was being done in respect of this case.


I am also sorry to hear that a person’s exasperation at feeling ignored in respect of a criminal case could possibly lead to him being depicted on the stand as “dangerous and not credible”. Are you sure you want to go down that path? Does not my legitimate concern at being neglected and having my complaint ignored (legitimate because I was not contacted, not kept informed even once) actually depict the Sheriff’s Office in a rather bad light, as having failed in respect of its duty towards me? You have already admitted to professional carelessness. I am prepared not to take that issue any further, but I wonder whether you are prepared to admit that this behaviour has CONTRIBUTED to my exasperation.


It would a shocking and sad thing if America’s laws involved the complainant being required not to be annoyed at being ignored, not to feel exasperated at the lack of evidence that his case is being pursued. Are complainants required to take a vow of meek and wordless suffering? If so, it’s the first I have heard of it. If, for example, a complainant’s annoyance (to put it no stronger than that) at his wife and children being murdered were to prejudice the jury against him in favour of the defense, my goodness! Are you sure about that?


Sixthly, we return to the issue of threats; you have not explained what threats I have made. If I have indeed made any threats, please outline them to me and of course I will comply with your suggestion that I “cease with the threats”.


Seventhly, you reiterate Deputy Mathes’ advise that I could file a civil suit against Mr. Brown. I must advise you in return that I can see no good outcome in a civil suit against Mr. Brown for damages and lost revenue, as Mr. Brown has no assets, is in debt to many in the town, is an habitual drunkard, is on record as an unsavoury character, and I strongly suspect is involved with selling marijuana from his current abode. If you can see any point in my filing suit against Mr. Brown in light of this information, by all means, please advise me to go ahead.


Yours sincerely,


Mr. Ron Culley

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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #20147 on: February 05, 2022, 02:15:03 PM »
If you are Elko, you are running scared.

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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #20148 on: February 05, 2022, 02:26:13 PM »
:tello: "I am assembling a complaint to the Attorney General.
Part of my evidence is court records.
Elko is holding out.
Jamming the phone so I can't call, and lying about it. And such.
Public Records are now TOP SECRET and we can't see them.

Heat rises."
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Re: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)
« Reply #20149 on: February 07, 2022, 05:06:17 AM »
This is my favorite article of EVIDENCE from 2014:

Being a Criminal in Elko County pays

Being a burglar in Elko county is a high paying job with little or no personal risk.
Ya, there might be a risk of having a landowner/homeowner shoot you, but being caught by law enforcement does not appear to be a risk at all.

Recently some of my family members had their shop broken into and during the burglary a vehicle was set on fire and a pistol was stolen along with a side by side, a 4-wheeler, and countless tools.

They called the Sheriff's department and requested an officer to come out and take a statement, begin an investigation, and follow up with attempting to catch the criminals. We were all assuming that meant getting fingerprints, doing an arson investigation, investigate possible suspects, and protect the victim. They collected a statement, nothing else.

The suspects are known to the officers/detectives, yet they have done nothing to interview, question or obtain search warrants for their residence. The way these type of cases work from the Sheriff's office point of view is "We will have to wait until we catch them redhanded". That is a scary proposition. What if next time they accomplish their goal and burn the entire house down with victims inside?

Crime is on the rise, drug activity is on the rise, victims are on the rise in large numbers across Elko County, and from where I sit, not much is being done to get these criminals off the street. All the while the victim sits alone and scarred waiting for something to happen. They have now armed themselves to protect their pursuit of life, liberty and happiness while the criminal walks free without fear of being held accountable.

I get up every day to go to work to earn a paycheck, medical benefits for me and my kids, and pay taxes for a sense of security and community. Maybe it's time to quit my job, get on government subsistence, get free health care and take what I want when I want it. Then maybe I will have the freedom that the criminals in this county get handed to them.
-Scott Stewart
[Published in the Opinion section of the Elko Daily Free Press 8/30/14]

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