Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2929970 times)


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Talk with me, Tessa!

I just got off the phone with Lucifer.

I have issues.
They are not complicated.

It's just there's more than my normal Case Load.

I either work overtime or farm-out the overload.

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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I field 100 potential homicides a day.

I'm not trying to save the world or anybody in it.

This about keeping me and mine in good condition.

Numero Uno is not a lonely number. We are in here!
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Talk with me, Tessa!

I just got off the phone with Lucifer.

I have issues.
They are not complicated.

It's just there's more than my normal Case Load.

I either work overtime or farm-out the overload.


I bet you had a devil of a time getting connected ( hell no , is not a funny answer)


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And Tessa, I need that urine sample within 5 days before it ferments.

Goddamn smee again, What can he offer now?

His spelling has improved!
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Let's Review, shall we?

We here at The Tello Files experience and share in the hardship and joys of contemporary life as we know it.
It's pretty f&king boring but we have fun with it.

For example, on rare occaision you will see desicration, decimation, murder, disease, injustice and a good old fashion lynching just for kicks.

And then, you will see posts that resemble a Martha Stewart Love Fest on a greased baking pan.

The Cultural Differences is the Theme.
The Bridge between them is unfinished.

We try, and don't care. That's the Love you never had as a child.

So don't Trip, Dog! We are not in this together.
We're neighbours.

That's when "Trust Issues" come into play.

Choose: a bad dream vs. a bad day.

Go ahead, choose badly.

We'll read about here.

And that's what The Tello Files offers to morons like you!!!

This is so much fun!

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Hey Tessa! I hacked into your cell phone & I heard you fart.

It's going viral.


Gas trumps Royalty everytime.
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Pity nobody cares about smee.

He should hide with the Horse more often.

He's cool.

And ready to ride in a moments notice, the lazy sot he is....

My wheelbarrow moves faster than him.
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I'm waxing nostalgic, so FELAFEL U.
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I'm still chomping at the bit for a piece of Admin.

Epic tale of The Have Nots and The Gonna Gets.
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Dutch Doit
So guitar center BANNED the practice drum room INDEFINITELY?

Humberto J. Vanegas Jr.
any Drum getting hit by an Unproven player.

Brandon Barnes
Practice room? You mean the room where you are supposed to be able to test gear if you are seriously considering buying it that everyone thinks is their “practice” or “jam” room? 🙄🤦???

Danny Lynch
The 100th reason stay away

Tracy Crowell
“Practice Room”... I think you’ve answered the question of why they would close it?
Demo a product that you are considering purchasing and can afford to purchase.. otherwise keep your grubby stick breaking hands off the merch 🤣

Tyler Mortimer
I honestly hate going in there and some kid who can hardly play drums is banging away on a poorly tuned drumset .

David Dowell
Is that free Drumming they’ve cancelled?
Genuinely interested

Tony Edwards
Just one too many Phil Collins drum breaks for sure...

Kevin Finn

Matt Tecu
Maybe there is a god

Blake Rehling
It’s for the best

Shiva Umesh
Guitar center is complete trash for those who don't play a stringed instrument

Ed Genovese
Shiva Umesh Maybe that's why it's called 'Guitar center!' At least they were up front about it, or they would have named it 'Drum center' Stop being a victim... Can you not find a store that has a good selection in drum gear? Ya gotta look for your specialty. You don't find Bongs at Walmart~ Stop expecting everything to be at your finger tips.
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When I get murdered and dumped in the trash, I want Olivia Benson and Lenny Briscoe to care about me.

My families won't.
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Oh dear ...they will never get the smell out of the trash bin


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Yer a good friend, smee.

To whom, I don't know.

Are you pissed off cuz I hate you again?
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Don't make me drop names.

I can't lie for you anymore.

Truth be known, it will put a major dent in your corrupt enterprise.

I like extortion.
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Hey smee, remember that part where I told you STFU?

Yeah, well that's working out very well.


Don't tarnish your Track Record now.
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Hey Tessa, remember the, nevermind.
I don't wanna give up the spoilers to the kids....
I don't wanna corrupt them anymore than I have already.
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What I want is a world full of OZ!
Giant spiders, killer bears and dead Irwins.
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And kinky foreign private Jerky.


Admin: Post edited to reflect available jerky choices
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I fancy the unconventional.

That's how I got here.

I was invited, remember?

Bunch of Freaks ISO more Freaks.

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I so want to sample the Blonde DNA!
End the controversy over Red vs. Blonde Admin Jerky.
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And in other news: I got 5 and one thousand dollars USD.

Sell me something you Limeys!

And it better taste like chicken, fit in my Bug Out Bag or grease my wheels!

I'm always receptive of Greeting Cards with a Cash Filling!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Anybody wanna buy a gently used Three Amigos T-Shirt?

Buy it now--ask me how.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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One has-been Admin with great references and hair.

Goes by the name of Tessa. Potty-Trained. Great with Noobs.
Papers and shots. Available now!
Call Ron @ 909 555-0404
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Refurbished smee.

As is. $25 USD.
PM me.
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You will have more luck getting Leonard Nimoy DNA, Tello.

<a href="" target="_blank" class="new_win"></a>
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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This is not a competition, Sweetie!
It's Sandlot.
Take yer lumps!

And dammit yer avatar does not say Blonde to me.

I see Red, and not cuz I'm angry. No.

And you ain't seen the age of 50 yet, ya punk!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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LOL, a new low. I called Admin a Punk.
That's cool!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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My sandlot, my rules, your lumps.  :boop-oop:
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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My Life. Our Love. Your mistake.

Game on, Girlfriend....

And you really need to stop hiding behind the badge of Admin.
It's just not that intimidating anymore, now that we know we are all Humans.
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"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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And this concludes another Broadcast Day.
Thank you, goodnight, Flock off and get outta here.
We have wounds to lick, ok?

Shut up, smee!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Like I suppose you had nothing to do with this: 1124802 Views
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I like it when smee has nothing to say.
I am always able to read between the lines.

Never a good report outta that, but I keep it on the down low.
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Tello, have you ever watched the show Whose Line Is It Anyway?

The host gives away many, many points, but says (pointedly), "The points don't matter."
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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I need an Altoids to get the taste of old Poster Dockit outta my mouth.

Docks don't matter, either, Sweetie!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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I am amazed that Tessa would take time out of her busy Concert Schedule to watch some crappy TV.
Just amazing.
And a Full House of 10,000 ain't nuthin' but a Thang.

That's Power, Arrogance and a Paycheck!

It's your flocking Smiley, deal with it!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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You know, I'm am NOT seeing Blonde. You need to photoshop that junk, girlfrenn!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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I remember when Roo got wet for me.
Those were the good old days.
Now, everybody is a dry towel in a wet room moist environment.
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Regarding your avatar, there's no such thing as too much clevage. Release the Twins!
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Crossed what line?
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Oh, this social harrassment has gone too far. There oughtta be a law. Somebodies' Mom should get involved. Call the Gov'nor! Alert the Media. Phone a friend. Tell a sinner, ask a Saint. Collect them all. Give me five bucks USD. Anything to shut you up already. We're not open yet and you gotta make a pre-open noise? FELAFELEN stupid. Stop it. Sit in line and shut up. Yelp this. FELAFEL U very much!

Ya want the link to "Dirty Desert Rats in The Pink"? That'll cost ya. Contact our Manager at 1-800 MIRANDA. Ask for Kelly.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Nothing further.
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Vaccine passports coming to America...

Mat Staver, Liberty Counsel <>
Ron Culley

Thu, Apr 8 at 10:51 AM

Government agents are rolling out a COVID "vaccine passport" in America. First in New York, then in Las Vegas, and now every state is under pressure from the Biden administration to launch a worldwide medical passport that will include tracking and tracing!

This is the single greatest threat to your freedom to travel, your health, and, indeed, even to live a normal life. This is the high-tech equivalent of the Nazi demand of "Papers, please" — and it is coming unless we stop it NOW. I'll explain how below. — Mat


Communist China used the COVID pandemic to mandate a "health passport" phone app for every citizen. Promoted as a safety measure over illness, the app now invades every aspect of Chinese life. The "status color" the government sends to a person's app determines whether individuals are allowed to go to work, enter stores and public places or even leave their own homes at all.

Since implementation last year, the Chinese government has sent regular updates to the apps, tracking more and more information and blocking people from public venues and participation for an ever-growing list of often secret reasons, including political ideology and personal debt.

Amazingly, this Communist China-styled COVID health passport is coming here.

Your right to travel, shop, dine or attend any public event is threatened by digital vaccine passports. Naomi Wolf, a liberal feminist author and former political advisor to both Bill Clinton and Al Gore, warned:

"I'm CEO of a tech company. I understand what this platform does. It's not about the vaccine, it's not about the virus, it's about data. And once this rolls out, you don't have a choice about being part of the system.

"What people have to understand is that any other functionality can be loaded onto that platform with no problem at all," she said. "They're trying to roll it out around the world.

"It is so much more than a vaccine pass. I can't stress this enough. It has the power to turn off your life. Or turn on your life. To let you engage in civil society or be marginalized. It's catastrophic. It cannot be allowed to continue."

COVID is being used as a weapon of fear to scare Americans into readily accepting government invasion in every aspect of our lives!

I warned this was coming in April of last year. Now New York, Las Vegas and Hawaii are announcing vaccination passport plans.

It's time to fight for our freedom to decide what we think best. Even if you have already taken the vaccine, please stand with those who still have concerns and want the freedom to make their own choice.

Regardless of vaccination status, I hope you will agree that Americans should retain their right to privacy from a government seeking to invade and control every aspect of our lives. Make your voice heard by sending an urgent fax to these leaders.

At least 25 nations have blocked the use of the AstraZeneca injection because of safety concerns. Canada has suspended it for people under 55 because of the risk of blood clotting and death.

Bill Gates and Joe Biden are aggressively pushing this vaccine passport through a body called the Federal Health IT Coordinating Council. The council's goals are (1) "coordination and alignment of vaccine credential activities across HHS agencies" and (2) "representing a unified HHS perspective with other Federal entities, private sector initiatives and international organizations."

The U.S. government is using everything at its disposal to push people to accept a worldwide vaccine passport by coordinating government, private businesses and international groups!

Are you ready to beg for permission to shop, dine or work? I'm not!

If you don't want companies and politicians making your health decisions or deciding if you can travel, dine, shop or work, make your voice heard NOW.

Send a fax to state and national leaders to demand that they reject mandatory vaccine passports.

I have deep concerns about COVID reporting. The WHO changed the definition of "pandemic" from (1) occurring over many countries, (2) infectious and (3) resulting in enormous numbers of deaths and illnesses. In the fall of 2020, WHO removed the third prong of that definition.

Already, the CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS, which is completely voluntary) has reported 2,250 DEATHS caused by COVID injections. A healthy member of a local church where I live recently died after taking the mRNA injection. This is becoming all too frequent.

There have been 50,000 reports of reactions to these injections through March 26, 2021. Keep in mind that this system reflects numbers compiled directly from government data. We have heard from multiple nurses that their hospitals are intentionally suppressing reporting to this system. Only about 1% of vaccine injuries are reported through VAERS.

The CDC report includes miscarriages occurring after the injection (which is something else I warned about). One of the young leaders we took to Israel shared that her boss had been a strong supporter of the injection. His wife was four months pregnant when she took the vaccine. Last week, she found out that their baby died.

Virginia Western Community College gave a pregnant student an ultimatum only 24 hours before her clinicals were supposed to start. Brittany was told she could not start without first having taken a COVID injection. She feels she's in an impossible situation because she cannot graduate without the clinicals but cannot take them without the vaccine. She is being forced to choose between her career and—potentially—her preborn child's life. We are fighting this with her.

We recently got the Louisiana State University School of Dentistry to back down from requiring faculty, staff and students to receive COVID injections. Federal law under the FDA's Emergency Use Authorization requires informed consent.

Demand that your state and federal leaders take action now to protect your freedom. Fax governors and legislators, demanding that Americans have the freedom to make our own decisions!

We are working on many fronts to defend freedom. Please consider DOUBLING the impact of your gift today through our Challenge Grant. Support Liberty Counsel by selecting here or the button below.

Psalm 94:17 reminds us, "If the Lord had not been my help, my soul would soon have dwelt in the abode of silence." Let us fix our eyes on Jesus and speak up while we have this window of opportunity.

Mat Staver,
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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‘Biden-Harris Administration’ Unveils 6-Action Plan to ‘Address’ Gun Violence
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Shocking statements from former Pfizer VP scientist...

Mat Staver, LC Action Chairman <>
Ron Culley

Thu, Apr 8 at 12:48 PM

It is "entirely possible [the COVID injection] will be used for massive-scale depopulation." These are the words of former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer Dr. Mike Yeadon.

Dr. Yeadon was the first one to raise awareness of the potential for this vaccine to cause miscarriages and infertility. Already 81 miscarriages have been reported as caused by these injections. Sadly, this number is rising almost daily. Keep in mind that historically less than 1% of deaths or adverse vaccine reactions are submitted to this CDC reporting system.

Whether you've received, or want to receive, the COVID shot—it is critical to demand that this injection remains the free choice of the individual.

However, the Biden administration is lying about not pushing for mandatory vaccine passports. Internal documents prove the opposite. Stand up and send your fax demanding our governors and federal legislators stand against vaccine passports and tracking and tracing apps. — Mat


First, the lie: "The government is not now, nor will be, supporting a system that requires Americans to carry a [vaccine] credential," said White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki.

Now, the truth: We have a copy of a federal PowerPoint presentation that proves this lie. Dated March 2, 2021—the Federal Heath IT Coordinating Council launched a "COVID-19 Vaccine Credentials Discussion." This federal document makes the following statements:

"Vaccine Credentials—A Key Element of Recovery Efforts: Proof of vaccination for certain activities is not new. What is new is that such proof may be a critical driver for restoring baseline population health and promoting safe return to social, commercial and leisure activities."
Its goal is the "coordination and alignment of vaccine credential activities across HHS agencies."
" ... for an individual's return to day-to-day activities. Federal government will inevitably be involved with vaccine credential solutions ... "
"Federal entities, like their commercial counterparts, will likely require vaccine verification for a variety of purposes."
This federal group "will build a shared database of initiatives and contacts for future meetings as well as a resource for Federal agencies to work with each other."
"The VA [Veterans Affairs] Office of Information Technology is engaged with the Vaccine Credential Initiative. We are implementing a VA-issued vaccine credential."
"Will there be Federal uses?" It lists places that ask for vaccine passports such as "International and domestic travel," "Access to Federal facilities," "Access to VA/DOD and military facilities" and "Federal health care providers for continuity of care."
It is a "forum for raising awareness of initiatives across Federal agencies ... and communicating progress to the White House."
Biden and his press secretary are lying. There is an active government program working domestically and internationally to push a vaccine passport that will report its progress directly to the White House!

Vaccine passports are a serious threat! It's time to fight for the freedom to travel, shop, dine, work and just live life. Your health decisions must not be dictated by government or corporations. Demand our freedom now. Make your voice heard by sending an urgent fax to these leaders.

This former Pfizer VP warns, "I have absolutely no doubt that we are in the presence of evil (not a determination I've ever made before in a 40-year research career) and dangerous products." Remember Bill Gates' comment, "If we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive services, we can lower that (population) by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."

However, it is chilling that this federal program already has 17 separate technology initiatives coming together under one government plan to push "vaccine credentials." This includes invasive technology initiatives from MIT, IBM, MasterCard, the discredited World Health Organization and even the International Air Transport Association.

This federal program even created a flow chart of how it plans to distribute your private medical data in its vaccine "credential" plan.

I warned about vaccine passports a year ago! Now our government is publicly lying and quietly pushing this vaccine passport through multiple federal departments and internationally! Urge our governors to take the lead on keeping COVID vaccines the free choice of those who may receive them.

We are continuing to fight to protect freedom. Our team created a sample state executive order to distribute to sympathetic governors across the nation. We will ask them to protect your freedom to stop mandatory vaccine passports and tracking and tracing apps. Your faxes are critical to get them to act.

Our work is possible because of you! You are the reason we can fight back and protect freedom in America and around the world. Please DOUBLE the impact of your gift today through our Challenge Grant. Support Liberty Counsel Action by selecting here or the button below.

Psalm 40:13 states, "Be pleased, O Lord, to deliver me; Make haste, O Lord to help me." Pray for deliverance of our nation and for our liberties.


Mat Staver
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"