Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2929927 times)


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Does this link work for you?

Did for me!

Check it. When I was a boy my Fam went on vacay every summer 1959 to 1974.
In the early years, my brother and I invented adventure.
Turned out to be environmental protection and rehab.
We scavenge bottle tops.


(The precursor to pogs?)

We had a chant on the hunt: "Co-co...Co-laaaahhh...CAPS!"

Baby Boomers.
We couldda been mopping up after desert rat nuclear test ranging.

Life wazzint simple then.

Just like NOW, it's really fluqqin stupid, and I confess my trespasses on Federal Land.

Statute of Limitations over yet?
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I admit, confess and surrender: My eyeballs are deflating

Is/Are there 4 zeros on this one?


:huh:  One million and twenty-thousand? Do they still make numbers that high?
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Ron Tello Culley

Hi All! ISO FREE scrap plywood, 1/2" stock, 3' x 3' or better. Will pay negotiated delivery fee to Sugarloaf. What do you have? How much? Let's chat, thx!

Maya Brayton
I have a piece you can have. No delivery though.

Ron Tello Culley
If I only had a person with a truck who will work with me. This ain't easy... Don't lose me yet. I want it if it's in good to fair condition. 1/2" stock or better?

Susan Schoonenberg
Hello I have various sizes and one big size. Free

Ron Tello Culley
Big in good to fair condition? 4 x 8? Are you in the Loaf? I'll pay a courtesy fee for delivery. Trucking for me here is a sad prospect. Like, why trucks don't like me?

Ron Tello Culley
I'm not looking to cheat the lumber yard of my bizniss.
I'm circumventing the hi price of a volatile world commodities market at the retail level.*

Susan Schoonenberg
Call me 909 520 XXZZ.

Ron Tello Culley
That was wonderful chatting with you! THX!!

:tello: "Susan is sooo.... LOCAL, she knows Sherry and has seen me on campus. I have no clue about any of it and most everything else going forward without restraint on Planet You.
Is this where the small world finally reveals itself to my weary eyeballs and faulty ears again for twice?


-worry about a thing
-change that channel
-judge a post by its topic "

:panic:     :arrg:         :judge: :coder: :clickme:                                         :rawprawn:

                                                                    :smee!:                :duckling:     :cycle:

  *   :tosscoin: :money: :badscore:
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:tello: "BTW....shout out to Ned & Company!"
quick gotta find a relevant random pic or 3 from a narrow selection on-board me lappy.....
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And then, there's this...
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I'm hopin' & prayin' for some day soon when every mother's child Geek will come to my aid and teach me how to master Windows Paint Box.
The message stands out as the production quality takes a turn, about 20 degrees to and from the horizon.
I'm learning, 20 years late, and in detention for violating the "Act your Age" code of conduct.
I never said you were perfect. I said "Me too."
For real, I don't care, why bother? I mumble and I post. No diff, eh? Then death comes.
Dumb-Ass is looking for me in Nevada. LOL.
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Professor brought balloons to a school.
One was given to every student, who had to inflate it, write their name on it and throw it in the hallway.
The professors then mixed all the balloons.
The students were given 5 minutes to find their own balloon. Despite a hectic search, no one found their balloon.
At that point the professors told the students to take the first balloon that they found and hand it to the person whose name was written on it.
Within 5 minutes everyone had their own balloon.
The professors said to the students:
??These ballons are like happiness. We will never find it if everyone is looking for their own. But if we care about other people's happiness... we'll find ours too."
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 :tello:    You know, when a young man was a strong man, all the people, they stepped BACK when Frank Zappa walked by....

What is Frank Zappa's knowledge?
“Real Frank Zappa Book”, p.322, Simon and Schuster Information is not knowledge. Knowledge is not wisdom. Wisdom is not truth. Truth is not beauty. Beauty is not love. Love is not music. Music is THE BEST. It gets harder the more you know. Because the more you find out the uglier everything seems. Stupidity has a certain charm - ignorance does not.
TOP 25 QUOTES BY FRANK ZAPPA (of 373) | A-Z Quotes

  :tello:   " Hard to believe, easy to be true: FZ corrupted me too. Made me the effervescent *** character I've endured.
The Man persecutes me but they won't assassinate my Heroes. They died on their own.
And I Hmmm....."    :ni:


vivacious and enthusiastic.
"effervescent young people"
vivacious · lively · animated · full of life · spirited · high-spirited · bubbling · bubbly · ebullient · buoyant · sparkling · scintillating · lighthearted · carefree · happy-go-lucky · jaunty · merry · happy · jolly · joyful · full of fun · full of the joys of spring · cheery · cheerful · perky · sunny · airy · breezy · bright · enthusiastic · irrepressible · vibrant · vivid · vital · zestful · energetic · dynamic · vigorous · full of vim and vigor · lusty · bright-eyed and bushy-tailed · bright and breezy · peppy · zingy · zippy · bouncy · upbeat · chirpy · full of beans · chipper · peart · doing a Remo.
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There's NOTHING sexier than a chick with a chainsaw bigger than mine.

felafel you guys. I'm giving myself an award for this one!
On the "Clever Meter"....who is to say how well Public Education took hold in the American/So. Cal. 1960's?

Maybe it's best that Annette Funicello is not around to see this.
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Family Production Values.
Faith-based stress.
Interrupted kaos.
Sleep intervention.
Post romantic shock.
Elevated sense of Dungeon Happy Hour.
Curious arrays of foolishness.
Arroyo High School.

Initiate Apathy Protocol.

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This is the best that I could do, at that time.
Today, I'm trying to sell that Bucket.
Not much of a Market for my Groovy shite..ppl have their own grind and endure it all with glee.

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After this, my next feat will be absconding her car, with groceries in the back, even IF she does shop at Ralphs.
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There's NOTHING sexier than a chick with a chainsaw bigger than mine.

Resident Evil: The Forestry Edition!
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Meme spoiler alert: The producers used meme blood for this photo shoot. Celebrity chainsaw impersonated.
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A sweet BLAST from my past...the goop that shaped my fragile eggshell mind...
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Sunny Sheldrake
March 1, 2011  ·
My new brother Jim!

Lucy Hodge
Congrats, beautiful lady...I'm SO happy for you!

Gloria Keyian Bullinger
Explain this ... What is the scoop????

Sunny Sheldrake
Ok, last year I found a brother that was born in 1958 (Ron Culley) and this year a brother found us that was born in 1954 (Jim Martin). Two secrets my mother took to her grave. So happy we have them though!

Carrie Dahl

Karen Rascoe Farmer
love it!

Jackie Miller Burdette
so how did he find you? do you think there are any more brothers out there? you have such a large family..that is so cool..congrats on this new family member!!

Steve Pettise
What a lucky girl you are

Diane Bordy Seccull
So happy for you Sunny. May you and your new family members enjoy getting to know eachother.

Suzie Nordeman
We need to talk! LOL!

Paul Minuti
Wow Sonny that is fantastic news. love to catch up, call me xoxo

Debra Bandy Shewman
How many more....... I want a new brother...... Can you find me one too....

Debra Bandy Shewman
Or a new sister I am not picky.... lol

Ron Tello Culley

Ron Tello Culley
approves of this find.

Ron Tello Culley

Holly Collins
Happy to hear you found more family. 🙂

Ron Tello Culley
This has just begun...

Ron Tello Culley 10/12/20
No, it ended.
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These/Those ppl don't care about me.
The first landmark of a Horror Film is "Family".

And Steven King is nowhere to be found on this one!

Mother was loose.
Sisters are cold
the world revolves
around them to
exclusion for

Therein lies the mystery of history.

And it sucks, blows and
repeats the sins of the ages.

"Family Values" my ass....
When fam lies to you there's nowhere to come from, so there ya go...ya glitch & bitcherettes.
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This is the best that I could do, at that time.
Today, I'm trying to sell that Bucket.
Not much of a Market for my Groovy shite..ppl have their own grind and endure it all with glee.

Ron Tello Culley
Hi Jonny!

Jonny Dodge
Ron Tello Culley Hey man! Still up to no good I see. Thats good my friend! LOL

Ron Tello Culley
I wish you knew the half of it. Peek here:
The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)

Ron Tello Culley
The Rise and Fall of Tello; a brief history and tales of wow and dread

Ron Tello Culley
>**** ELKO SMASH ****<

Ian Toney

Ty Corbin
So Take all of this to the attorney generals office in Carson city and give him my name and number it's only a few cops most of what happened to you came from the DA s office and from the county managers office along with the county commissioners they all go to the same church they run a cleptocracy don't bother with the FBI in Elko they are worth less also

Ty Corbin
The AGs office in Carson city is pissed at ELKO county go give him the needed ammo and give him my name because my story duplicates yours and I have evidence that will hang all of them in a safety deposit box out of state

Ron Tello Culley
Ty, this is the juice I've been needing all along. No one wants to hear my story, even a lawyer refunded my consultation fee. It's a huge conspiracy, but you know that. THX, Im on it
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Ty Corbin

2:27 PM
You sent

Hey Bro, thx fpr the scoop. What is your number? Other details/info? Lay it on me!

775 ### xxxx

My details involve the Montello water project and money missing.article in state EPA water magazine show a alot of infrastructure that isn't there

The article I showed to a county commissioner when I confronted them in open forum about the missing infrastructure he completely denied ever seeing any of it

Demar Dahl the county Commissioner and Robert stokes the county manager and Lynn Forsberg a
I know are involved

You sent
You directed my attention to Dahl. He set up a meet with me and the Sheriff and chickened out at the last minute, saying I should take my gripe to the DA. My gripe IS the DA. felafelin' slackers one and all. Good to be with you again!
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André L. Paré
Are you trying for renumeration or revenge or both,? just wondering because what you giveth, so shall you receive in like form.
If your trying to prevent this from happening to someone else, then the cosmic forces are in your favor otherwise, maybe it’s better to move on and avoid “The ELKO hit squad” they gonna git you!

Ron Tello Culley
All the above, plus the joys of the Court of Public Opinion. Shame those felafelers for every bit of shame they are to the Body Politic.

Ron Tello Culley
I spent most of my life under the shadow of the working poor. I get a million bucks and buy a piece of the American Dream, and POW! That's another felafelin' lie, ends up a living nightmare. I own Real Estate, I have a receipt. Why can't I have it? I'm taking it back and Elko will be SMASHED, or so I intend....
I'm a Rebel without a car, but I can still ride the bus.

Ron Tello Culley
Tell me, who else in America does a year in jail, gets acquitted and forbidden to go home under penalty of more jail? That's what they did to me, and i have the evidence of my Homeless wanderings in Lancaster. The shelter was ok, I call it JAIL LIGHT: Light up, lock down.
Who else got what I got by the long hairy arm of the law?
What law? Whos law? Not OMER'S Law.

Ron Tello Culley
If anybody knows anything, they will join me in remembering the original "Walking Tall" with Joe Don Baker as Buford Pusser....the part where he's on the witness stand, tears off his shirt, faces the Jury and yells "Look what they did to me!" (They cut him into fish bait but he survived)
Buford was acquitted, was elected Sheriff and that's when the REAL trouble started.
Yeah, I do relate to cinema.

Ron Tello Culley
Am I on TV yet?

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It is very easy to establish a pattern of shite with elko county the attorney general is now a black guy and he doesn't like the Republican commissioners in Elko ..I am serious go there asap and file a complaint and I will too

You sent

word thx!

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Black attorney generals matter


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This is finally getting interestingly effective.
The action I want for the last 6 years.
Not funny, I DO feel older.
More to come if I live to tell.
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Mike Evil Irwin
September 14 at 5:58 PM  ·
Spot felafeling On
Nailed It !!!

Ron Tello Culley
Lisa Kilpatrick
Coletta Deitrick
Do the crime.... Do the Time!!!

Ron Tello Culley
This is plagerism. I said this in High School, 1975. So much how The Heavies in society get marginalized for the sake of the preservation of the Predominant paradigm/Status Quo. The Military/Industrial Complex, and June Cleaver's jewelry collection NEVER want to hear the kid's headspace. And that's their downfall!!!!

Ty Corbin
Yeah ..I guess they valued my belongings more than they valued their own life

Ron Tello Culley
Hey Man...AMEN!

Ron Tello Culley
Two Elko County Sheriffs walk into the Cowboy Bar. They shut it down just becuz. All the Patrons take their drinks and business to MY House and the Po Po with back-up can't do shite. They reported all of us. Big Elko is watching!!
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Ron Tello Culley
Not if I can help it you turds !

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If Shelly Marsh is a Civil Trial Lawyer...and I retained her on Contingency, and we went before the Court, laid down our case and WON.....

....wonderous beyond belief.

I'm having issues with this.
Stuff comes true, and that's the stuff that drives the likes of Steven King et al to do their work.

My work has been shop without rent.
Now I get to buy into investments, finally.
Or not.

I know you....why?
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:tello: "watch this.".

Ron Tello Culley

Seriously, at some point in time, at least 1 human being and their cronies should consider looking at this, as follows.
The purpose of this film is to inform and educate the weepy masses on the effects of how felafeling lame they are cuz they can't TOP this photo post.
Wake up at 4.
Grab the cam and go outside beginning with the Eastern Horizon.
So simple, even a Desert Rat can do it!
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Chase Michael Heady
You're always just talkin shite lol. That's all I ever read from your posts is shite talking.

Chase Michael Heady
Why are you so angry ?

Ron Tello Culley
Chase: This is the Internet.
Why are you shaking me down on my page this evening?
Trying to kill my buzz?

Chase Michael Heady
Not trying to kill your buzz at all. Well maybe I am but it wasn't my intention if that contradiction makes any sense. It's just your posts are for all of your "Facebook Friends " and you're always posting some shite about how felafelled everything is. Beautiful photo if I may add.

Ron Tello Culley
Nice, I agree the pic and all. Will you please not visit here and forget about me until at least February 2021?

Chase Michael Heady
I have some folgers instant coffee want a cup ? Get us some water from the shower. ....
Grateful we are not partaking in the above mentioned shenanigans.

Ron Tello Culley
way sorry and sad that we were there. Now that we are out...what say we trash this joint?

Chase Michael Heady
I say let's felafelin wreck some shite

Ron Tello Culley
Do I join your Crusade or do you tag along with mine?
Really, I cant be bothered with shite out side of my work, chores and TV Time. I am not a team player right now. What shows do you like?
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:tello: " Filling your nightmare fuel tank since 2006, and climbing..."

Hornets nest formed around a mask in shed
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Paging Rod Serling.
Mr. Serling to the Reception Desk please.
Mr. Rod Serling front and center.
That is all.
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Ashley Lemaire
October 12 at 7:20 PM  ·
Take a minute and read this. The timber industry I worked in for years had always said the woods were gonna burn if the two sides for and against couldn't come together for the betterment of our environment:(
Welcome to the (Unnecessary) Mega Fire Generation!
By Del Albright, Fire Chief (retired)
25-30 years ago, a 10,000 – 15,000-acre fire was a huge conflagration.  Now we are experiencing 100,000 - 400,000-acre fires regularly.
I would like to offer an explanation based on over 30 years of government service including 26 years with the fire service, as well as beginning my fire career with a Master’s Degree based on Prescribed Burning.
NO!  It is not just global warming (climate change).
NO!  It is not understaffed or ill-trained firefighters.
NO!  It is not Mamma Nature getting even with our urban sprawl.
NO!  It is not careless campers or hunters.
NO!  It is not kids with matches.
YES!  It is a combination of many things but more importantly, it is the LACK of forest/brushland/grassland management caused by wacko, radical enviro groups imposing excessive regulations, and restrictions on our ability to keep the west safe from wildfire.
Here are the key takeaways from this article:
· The lack of controlled burning/prescribed fire is directly responsible for the huge build-ups of flammable fuels.
· The end of maintaining fire breaks (roads) in forested areas leaves firefighters with inadequate access.
· The end of logging and good timber management as we used to know it is directly responsible for forests that are now tinderboxes.
Let us take a deeper look at these reasons.
Going back to Native Americans in America, controlled burning (later called Prescribed Fire) have saved the west from huge conflagrations.  By burning large brush fields and using fire to thin understory brush in the forest, we kept the big boomers at bay. We had programs designed to reduce “chaparral” in the west, thus limiting the ability for fires to get ragingly out of control.
In the early days of settling the west, ranchers regularly burned brush fields to make way for grazing and wildlife habitat.
This entire program of controlled or prescribed fire is a near thing of the past.
When I started with the fire service in the 1970’s we had regularly scheduled building, repairing, cleaning, and maintaining fire breaks around rural housing areas and developments.  We kept fire roads cleared and usable for large fire equipment.  We had access to remote areas which allowed us to attack fires when they were small.  Roads provided a place to start a safe backfire.  Oh, backfires!  Another art nearly lost today due to liability and excessive oversight by the media and radical enviro groups who have political power.
If you live in the Pacific Northwest, you probably remember sawmills. They are all gone for the most part because the radical environmental rules have made logging a financial nightmare.  You wonder why wood is so expensive these days?  We cannot log; that’s why.   Yes, there are still a few holdouts logging here and there.  But the feds are hampered by so many regulations and restrictions that our timber stands either get bug infested or succumb to wildfires.
We used to thin forest stands regularly – fire crews, inmate crews, machines that munch up underbrush, and yes, even pesticides to keep the forests healthy.  Now, you can pick about any state in the west with timber and you see more bug-killed trees than live ones!
In our western grasslands, the lack of proactive landscape management in desert states has resulted in vast acreages dominated by a cheatgrass-fire cycle that is ruining wildlife habitat and causing bigger and more damaging conflagrations. This invasive species needs to be managed or these western deserts will never be the same – nor will our wildlife species.
In timber areas, for the most part, we no longer control pests and bugs; we no longer do any substantial thinning of the underbrush; logging is kaput, and forest management is a façade. It is not the fault of our public land managers; it is the imposition of radical regulation.  It is politics.
Public land management is no longer based on science but rather politics.  The same goes for wildlife management. Radical enviro groups lobby politicians (and raise untold dollars in support) to STOP all the things that will make our forests, brushlands, and deserts safe and healthy. It is ironic (and pathetic) because for all their efforts to “save the world” they are destroying our world, piece by piece. 
To see fires in California reach half a million acres is beyond belief!
What can we do?  We must STOP the silliness and over-regulation and allow sound public land management, never forgetting that public lands are FOR the public.   Help good politicians get elected and stay in office.  Recall bad politicians.  Do everything in your power to negate, refute, or STOP the radical movement that has stagnated management of our resources.

Ted MacKechnie
Letter: Environmentalists not to blame for fires

Maria Skyberg

Ron Tello Culley
Yep. I heard long ago that the Fed denied folks legal access to the forest undergrowth (kindling, firewwod) for the fire abatement benefits that action provided.
The gov. is not our friend.

Nancy Altimus
But “i am here to help!"😁😂🤣😱

Ron Tello Culley
Suppose the gov wants us to burn and die.
It's about population control and decline.
Eliminate the excess population, etc.
Good for us we can resist with "turnouts"
turnouts/fire dept - Bing

Scott Haugen
Ron Tello Culley are you trying to tell me that you believe that Democrats want to eliminate some of the population!!!? Well if that was their plan why do they give welfare recipients a pay raise every time they have a new child why do they want open borders so that the poor and destitute from every country on this planet can pour into ours maybe Im misunderstanding what you're saying but if what you're saying is what I just said it was wow very irrational 🍺👊

Nancy Altimus
The points you mention, Scott, could substantiate Ron's theory. Lower population numbers and those remaining under the thumb of the govt for its handouts. They'd have a nice little slave-ish population. Trying to figure out how they got there.
In addition rural fires, ordinances now preventing homes to be rebuilt in fire prone areas. A set up for a lamd grab, remember Paradise? Folks relocate to urban areas, easy for govt to over see a croéd iñ 1 location as opposed to all those independent outlanders.
Just sayin'.

Lyle Barkley
Well said my friend

Scott Haugen
I heard an interview about a month ago I can't remember the guy's name but he was in the forestry service for a long time he stated this which just really shocked me and exposed the hypocrisy of liberal thinking 30 years ago the Forest service had crews that went through the forest identifying unhealthy dying trees and marking them then they would come back and they would cut them down and the sawmills had already bought them so they were already paid for so not only were they getting rid of the dead trees but they were generating income at the same time today it is illegal to remove those trees until they fall and once they fall the sawmills do not want them anymore the wood is no good so in 2020 we have forests full of unhealthy dying trees and trees that have already fallen and not been removed we have no logging we are not producing our own wood we are actually importing wood from Brazil which they are cutting down from the rainforest which is a key part of the planet's ecosystem another example of how liberals cause more harm than they do good we're going to ban logging in order to keep the air in California cleaner well I would think one huge fire takes care of that idea and since we have banned logging and we don't have wood now we will support the cutting down of the rainforest in Brazil and buy their wood 😲😲😲

Chet Hood
Why not brush hog these breaks and turn the mulch into fire logs to burn for heat and fire places. It would pay for itself. 2cents.

Jeff Altmeyer
The fires start as out of control wildfires but soon after are managed burns today

Sandee Mercer
I absolutely agree the Forest needs to be maintained on an on going basis. Log it thin it dead trees dead brush. Crazy environmentalist are what's causing these fires to burn like infernos from hell. 😞

Tricia Kelly
People believe the ecosystem and our survival is South America - its every inch of this planet - is this a joke, or not a joke - we have had decades of Chemtrails, along with droughts in 'short for chemical trails, are what some call the white trails you see left behind as a plane passes overhead. - what goes up comes down, what's coming down... no idea what the purpose and not talking conspiracy, its just a common view if you look up. - and lets talk Hemp - the crop that could provide so much more, only took decades to redo, after once being used successfully... But there is one thing we don't want to wish for folks, coming soon GMO trees and no more seedlings... my land with have about 10,000 new cedar seedlings, and about 50 will take, or survive and about I will be 45 pulling out, along with oak seedlings, and other trees... the part we don't control - and please leave in the hands of God - earth, wind and fire are also part of the great divide....

Sharon Jahelka
Very good I agree completely

Dave J Sanchez

Nancy Altimus
Swiped-. Ty

Jen Seeley
..and prevent these pyros from destroying lives and the wilderness! Thank you for your services!

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I considered reading all of that but got as far as "take a minute"


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Eddy Van Halen in 3 easy steps.

Revolutionize the electric guitar.
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I considered reading all of that but got as far as "take a minute"

:tello: "All aboard! This means you, Smeester!"
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It's a long drive. Here's some muzak for your travel enjoyment:
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When I was at the homeless shelter in Lancaster, Ca. after I was released from jail, we rode a bus from the shelter HQ to the Fairgrounds, and this song.......FLOCK!!!!
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LOL. Is that the best ya got?

Yer slacking, M8!

:notsmee:                     :tello: "Yes, it IS!"

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Ron Tello Culley
I was there. Still have my ticket stub. $10 General admission.

What happened at Led Zeppelin concert in Tampa 1977?

Billy club-wielding policemen armed with tear gas fought off a mini-riot in a packed Tampa Stadium last night when a lightning-flashing thundershower canceled a Led Zeppelin concert two songs into the show. More than three dozen concert-goers and nine Tampa policemen were sent to three Hillsborough County hospitals with injuries.

As one fan from that day recalled, "For a good 45 minutes it rained like I've never seen before, then it totally cleared up, and we were expecting the show to go on. But with no explanation, the announcer came on and said the concert was cancelled. The fans couldn't understand why. Bottles of liquor were being hurled onto the stage, and then police in riot gear came charging over the barricades and swatting fans."
It didn't help that the tickets read, "GOOD THIS DATE ONLY/RAIN OR SHINE". After the riot the show was to be rescheduled for the next day, but the level of violence put a stop to any chances of that.
I used audience source #2 for the main portion of this video, but used AUD#1 for a longer beginning and AUD#3 for the end. All sources come from the "Stormwatch" fan release.

Ron Tello Culley
Violence was solely on the Cops. They started it. shiteheads finished it. Tampa Stadium never held concerts again. How felafeling lame is America?

Ron Tello Culley
This was the first of "Cancelled Culture". felafel management. It's all their fault!!! I was there! Best 10 bucks I ever spent.
Worst show ever.
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At the concert did you have to go in through the out door?

No wait '77 might have been a year or 2 early for that


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It was Nobodies Fault But Mine!
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Ramble on , then


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This is nice. At least we are not having a communication breakdown.
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Old Guys Rule!
HD The Eddie Van Halen Smithsonian

Ron Tello Culley
I am forever amazed how us young flockers were so pretty, and then aged GRACEFULLY!

Ron Tello Culley
You are next!
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And now, a cheap, shameless ad for The Cowboy Bar, and karaoke in Montello, Nevada 2008.

Wow....that long ago?
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:smee!: You had me, then lost me at "Billy club-wielding policemen armed with tear gas."
 Then I realized that Rock...rolls with the punches. No matter what wankah is dishing it out....

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Dont make me invite Mr Sticky to join the conversation


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The only thing I make you do is post.

Don't be laying that flap-crap on my road.

How's my driving?
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I hope you drive straighter than you shoot

  :roflmao: :roflmao: