Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2930227 times)


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What was Jimi Hendrix like as a person?

Jimmy was a very unusual person, especially considering he was a bonafide rockstar. He was not comfortable being that public persona. He was not very interested in anything but playing music, and doing that to the best of his abilities.

Yes he was shy, and in my opinion for good reason. He hated the way people acted towards him, especially when they wanted something - which was the case more often than not.

I met Jimmy when he first came to the UK. He befriended a lot of people (musicians) I used to work with in those days. He was very different. Friendly, polite, extremely intelligent, a real pleasure to be around, as long as you were prepared to accommodate a person AND a guitar.

One thing that has always upset me is that Jimmy is often portrayed as an out-of-control drug addict. That is so untrue. In those day, especially in the music business, everyone did drugs. In fact, as music was (and still is) my business, my circle of friends consisted mainly of musicians and I knew two I knew two- yes, two! - who were completely clean. And one of those had a reputation in the media as “must be on something”, just because of his live performance! I never saw Jimmy “out of it” to an extent that it affected his performance, not live and not in the studio.

In summary, an unusually intelligent and sweet guy with an enormous talent.

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Unhinged Joy Reid: GOP & NRA's Tolerance for Slaughter Is Bottomless

May 25th, 2022

MSNBC’s Joy Reid once again proved how deep her hatred runs for her fellow Americans who share a different political opinion, especially on gun rights. During the opening segment on her show The ReidOut, she lashed out at Republicans and the National Rifle Association (NRA) and made the recklessly irresponsible claim that their “tolerance for slaughter [is] bottomless.”
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Levin: ‘Huge Mistake’ for Schools Not to Want Armed Guards

May 25, 2022

( — Schools must prioritize the safety of their students and it is a ‘huge mistake’ for schools not to want armed guards, radio host Mark Levin stated Tuesday on "The Mark Levin Show.”

Levin noted that hiring armed guards was not a question of resources, given the hundreds of billions in funding allocated during the pandemic.
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Ruins, for me, are the beginning. With the debris, you can construct new ideas.

-Anselm Kiefer

Anselm Kiefer is a prolific visual artist. In his decades-long career, he has created countless paintings, installations, sculptures, prints, and photographs, often incorporating material such as lead, clay, and ash into his finished works. A lifelong resident of Germany, he draws inspiration from the history and culture of Europe. He often revisits the same material — say, a wheat field — over and over, so his work becomes a sort of historical record in itself, showing how something can come into being, pass away, and rise again. This is a theme of Kiefer’s work: Everything comes from something, and sometimes ruins are, in fact, just the beginning.
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:tello: "Hello everybody and Lurkers!
I have a life and been having it too.
What's new?"

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This is Crazy....

Blaming mental health for mass shooting ‘intentionally disingenuous’, insults people with mental issues, expert says

May 31, 2022

The left has produced an expert who squarely blames the Uvalde massacre on guns, not on the mental health shortcomings of the psychotic killer who brutally and mercilessly took the lives of 19 children and two teachers.

Dr. Joel Dvoskin, a clinical psychologist at the Washington D.C.-based American Psychological Association, asserts that blaming mental health problems for mass shootings such as the Uvalde tragedy is “intentionally disingenuous” and “insulting” to those suffering from those sorts of conditions.

Dvoskin is reportedly a self-proclaimed gun control expert who says that the blame for the massacre should be leveled at access to guns, stalled gun regulation reforms, and stress events that could potentially trigger such an event.

As mass shootings capture headlines across the nation following not only the Texas shooting, but others in Philadelphia, Maryland, and Chicago, the left is going full bore against guns.

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Biden keeps repeating this LIE!
Law Professor Slams President Biden For Repeating Lie That Second Amendment Banned Cannon Ownership

MAY 31, 2022

Constitutional law scholar Jonathan Turley hammered President Biden for continuing to promote the false claim that the Second Amendment never allowed for cannon ownership.

Biden made the comments speaking to reporters on the South Lawn of the White House Monday.

“The Constitution, the Second Amendment was never absolute,” he asserted. “You couldn’t buy a cannon when the Second Amendment was passed.”

It is a claim Biden repeats quite often and one which his aides seemingly haven’t bothered to inform him is completely false.

Biden Repeats Second Amendment Cannon Lie
Turley blasted Biden for using an obvious falsehood to debate gun control – something that should be dealt with “on a factual rather than purely rhetorical way.”

“It’s got to start with the president. Today he repeated a clearly false statement about the Second Amendment,” Turley said in a weekend appearance on Fox News Live.

“Many of us have repeatedly said that his statement that you could not own a cannon or other weapons when the Second Amendment was ratified is untrue,” he added.

“Yet the president keeps on repeating that as a defense for his call for gun control. He’s undermining his own case by repeating what is ironically disinformation.”

Biden Spreading Misinformation
Turley has called out President Biden for his Second Amendment cannon misinformation in the past.

“What is weird is that he keeps raising a point that undermines his position because this was not the view in the early Republic,” he said in a tweet last month following Biden’s claim at that time.

Biden said something similar in a gun control speech last June.

“The Second Amendment, from the day it was passed, limited the type of people who could own a gun and what type of weapon you could own,” he claimed. “You couldn’t buy a cannon.”

The Washington Post at the time debunked the claim, noting he had made similar comments during his 2020 campaign. Though, they said Biden was ‘tripped up’ by a “parenthetical aside.”

It can no longer be chalked up to an aside.

In addition to the cannon screed, the President offered up another odd statement suggesting that a 9mm handgun is a “high-caliber weapon” in which a bullet “blows the lung out of the body.”
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Disturbing Details Emerge On What’s Happening Behind WH Closed Doors … Biden’s a Confused, Ticking Time Bomb
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Disinformation Board Is Back

May 31, 2022

Nina Jankowicz caused an outcry, so Joe Biden temporarily “paused” the Department of Homeland Security’s “Disinformation Governance Board.” I knew he would not give up. After less than two weeks, the board is back with a vengeance. And the new head is far worse than Jankowicz.

Midterm elections are coming. Democrats unable to pass election fraud- enabling bills are scared, so they are trying to silence you and me and ALL opposition to their dastardly agenda. This Disinformation Board was created to censor any narrative contrary to Biden’s destructive agenda—including elections, COVID, LGBTQ, border security,
smee and much more. Read on to learn how we can stop them. — Mat
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These claims are absolutely false.
Biden Has Some Very Interesting Theories About 9mm Handguns, ‘High-Caliber Weapons’

MAY 31, 2022

President Biden, speaking to reporters on the South Lawn of the White House Monday, shared dubious information as part of his effort to increase gun control in America.

Biden began by implying a 9mm bullet has the capacity to cause damage heretofore unknown.

The President claimed that a trauma doctor had once conveyed to him that “a .22-caliber bullet will lodge in the lung, and we can probably get it out,” while a “9mm bullet blows the lung out of the body.”

“So the idea of these high-caliber weapons … there’s simply no rational basis for it in terms of thinking about self-protection, hunting,” Biden asserted.

It’s unclear from the transcript if Biden is referring to 9mm as “high caliber,” or why high caliber weapons would be a poor choice for self-protection or hunting.

Biden followed up with his favorite claim, saying, “And remember, the Constitution, the Second Amendment was never absolute.”

Biden’s 9mm Claims
President Biden made the claims after visiting the site of a mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, where 21-people, including 19 children, were murdered.

The shooter in that horrific event did not use a 9mm handgun.

According to Shooting Industry Magazine, the 9mm is the most popular caliber handgun in the United States and has been for quite some time.

A member of a U.S. Marshal fugitive recovery taskforce spoke to Breitbart News and responded to the “high-caliber” claim made by the President with laughter and said, “9mm is the smallest round we use.”

Other experts speaking to Breitbart said Biden’s claim of the damage done by the 9mm bullet is also false.

“Bulls***,” one federal agent with over 15 years of experience replied when told Biden had stated the bullet will “blow the lung out of the body.”

Fact-Checking Biden’s Claims
Interestingly, Politifact in 2020 leaped to Joe Biden’s defense when the National Rifle Association (NRA) claimed the future President wanted to ban 9mm handguns.

“Why should we allow people to have military-style weapons including pistols with 9-mm bullets and can hold 10 or more rounds?” Biden asked at a 2019 fundraiser.

Politifact explained that Biden was “referring to the high-capacity magazines that sometimes come standard, or are added onto, those types of guns.”

They rated the claim false after stating “his campaign says no” to the NRA’s interpretation.

It’ll be curious to see if that same standard applies after, as is typical of the Biden camp, his aides clean up the mess that sputtered out of Biden’s mouth on 9mm handguns.

In addition to his claim regarding the 9mm handgun, Biden also continued to spread the consistently debunked claim that the Second Amendment never allowed for cannon ownership.

“The Constitution, the Second Amendment was never absolute,” he asserted. “You couldn’t buy a cannon when the Second Amendment was passed.”

Constitutional law scholar Jonathan Turley called the claim “completely false” and said it undermines the President’s drive for gun control measures by spreading such misinformation.

Biden, in a speech in the immediate aftermath of the Uvalde massacre, called for a ban on “assault weapons,” suggesting the need for such weaponry is unnecessary since ‘deer don’t have Kevlar vests.’

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It's these kind of IDIOTS that inspire The Tello Files to stay On The Air.
FEMA: If Under Nuclear Attack, Don’t Forget Your Mask And Remember To Socially Distance

FEBRUARY 28, 2022

As war efforts are being conducted in Ukraine and the specter of direct conflict between nuclear powers arises once again, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is warning Americans that in the event of a nuclear explosion they should maintain social distancing and wear a mask. provides a series of suggestions on what one can do in the event of a nuclear attack.

They begin by advising those in the vicinity of a strike to gain access to the nearest building – preferably brick or concrete – to avoid further exposure to radiation. They add that clothing must be removed and the skin cleaned.

From there, you’ll want to be sure to have remembered your mask and to practice safe social distancing recommendations.

“Try to maintain a distance of at least six feet between yourself and people who are not part of your household,” the government website advises. “If possible, wear a mask if you’re sheltering with people who are not a part of your household.”

FEMA Says Social Distance, Wear a Mask After Nuclear Explosion
FEMA’s site, which prominently states on its home page that it is “an official website of the United States government,” continues to suggest maintaining COVID protocols while a nuclear explosion has just taken place.

“Stay inside for 24 hours unless local authorities provide other instructions. Continue to practice social distancing by wearing a mask and by keeping a distance of at least six feet between yourself and people who (are) not part of your household,” they write.

It gets worse.

Assuming a nuclear explosion has taken place and the need to evacuate to a public shelter arises, FEMA suggests gathering up your COVID-related belongings and bringing them with you.

“If you are told by authorities to evacuate to a public shelter, try to bring items that can help protect yourself and your family from COVID-19, such as hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol, cleaning materials, and two masks per person,” they advise.

Sure, your skin might be melting clean off your body, but dammit, omicron is still out there people!

A warning points out that the hand sanitizer “does not protect against (nuclear) fall out.”

High Alert
It’s good to know FEMA is all over a nuclear attack by diverting attention to relatively minor ailments when the world outside may be ending.

Why not remind Americans to bring their OTC acid reflux meds or a little bottle of baby aspirin in case they get a mild headache? Sure your bones may have disintegrated at this point, but you can never be too careful.

The site does note that a nuclear threat might be a stressful situation – one that exacerbates the stress already felt from the pandemic.

“Many people may already feel fear and anxiety about the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19),” the PSA reads. “The threat of a nuclear explosion can add additional stress.”

Ya think?

Putin has ordered Russia’s “deterrence forces” – which wield nuclear weapons – on high alert as the invasion of Ukraine drags on.

“Top officials in leading NATO countries have allowed themselves to make aggressive comments about our country, therefore I hereby order the Minister of Defense and the chief of the General Staff to place the Russian Army Deterrence Force on combat alert,” he said during a meeting with top Russian defense officials.

Yes, but will they adhere to COVID protocols?

While FEMA is advising Americans to social distance and wear masks in the event of a nuclear strike, lawmakers will no longer be required to do so at President Biden’s State of the Union address.

Biden’s speech will likely be far more stressful than COVID or a nuclear explosion.
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Dont spose theres any chance of getting a BLT ?

Bat (live) , lettuce and tommy sammich ?


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Schizoaffective Disorder & Mental Health Support
Sara Emily Stanley   
I get so tired of being misunderstood and judged and treated wrongly that I just want to cease to exist at times. People are overrated and life is hard. Im tired.

Steven Hildebrand
Life is hard, at least for me it is. Sounds like it is for you too. Sorry. Head up, shoulders back, ever forward, regardless.

Virginia K D'Agostino
Sending hugs!

Ron Tello Culley
I agree. FTW!
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Dont spose theres any chance of getting a BLT ?

Bat (live) , lettuce and tommy sammich ?
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Thats not how you spell ignorant
Or ignoramous


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“It’s the gun, it’s not the sociopath
wielding it, folks!”
Don Jr UNLOADS ‘sick truth’ about TX shooting, deteriorating society: ‘Always a f—ing excuse and zero accountability!’

May 31, 2022
Donald Trump Jr. let loose regarding his honest thoughts on the Uvalde massacre Saturday and bluntly asserted that it is a lack of accountability that is to blame for mass shootings, not guns.

He started off referring to a New York Post article that quoted the alleged drug-addict mother of the shooter, Salvador Ramos. Adriana Reyes begged for forgiveness for her son, “Forgive me, forgive my son. I know he had his reasons.”

Her statement incensed Trump after the deranged psychopath slaughtered 19 children and two adults at Robb Elementary School. He showed no mercy as he executed them.

“He had his reasons for killing 19 — fourth graders?” Trump incredulously asked. “Young elementary schools? He had his reasons? Yeah, maybe you are the reason? Uh, but you know, we’re not supposed to judge this piece of crap who shot and killed 19 kids. He had his reasons, right? Screw you!”

“This is so much of the problem in our society. There’s always an excuse. There’s no accountability — ever. We’re not allowed to actually say anything about it, right? We’re supposed to ‘see something say something,’ but we all know that you actually see something and say something you’re labeled, you’re bigoted, I can’t believe you’d do that, maybe you misgendered the person,” he railed in a video titled, ‘The Sickening Truth about the Texas Shooting — My Honest Thoughts.”

“They’ll go after you for hate crimes, you’ll get sued for stating the obvious. You’re not allowed to actually say something, you’re supposed to… but we all know how it really works right?

“It’s the gun, it’s not the sociopath wielding it, folks!” he sarcastically proclaimed. “If it wasn’t for the gun, this kid would be a well-adjusted reasonable individual. He’d be a wonderful human being, right? He wouldn’t have done the exact same thing with a bat or a bomb or some other improvised device or a machete!” Trump declared, astutely pointing out that if evil individuals are bent on killing, they will likely find a way.

“We have to pretend that even the biggest psychos are great through fear of reprisal, through fear of the lawsuits, through fear of being stigmatized, and malign ourselves for stating those things and calling out the obvious,” he continued.

“Enough is enough. We have been coddled for too long, we teach to the lowest common denominator, failing anyone who ever had a chance beyond that. We pretend that everything is great and fine because we can’t acknowledge anymore that people are screwed up,” Trump charged.

“We can’t acknowledge what the actual causes are. It’s not, you know, a drug addict mother, and a missing father, and a lack of religion, indoctrination programs in our schools. You crazy teachers, you know, teaching some of the crap I’ve been talking about — It’s none of those things!” he asserted. “It’s obviously not the total lack of any discipline, patience, perseverance. You know, that’s just gone from society and has nothing to do with that guys.”

Then, Trump got to the heart of the matter and addressed what was really at fault in the tragedy, emotionally stating that it is “Our own stupidity, apathy, wokeness, and laziness!”

“Until we fix that, the rest is just talk and crap. They’ll blame it on the gun. They’ll blame it on everything — no one could possibly take responsibility for their actions. No one can admit that someone’s actually a piece of garbage and screwed up. Right? We can’t have that. That would be mean. That’s where we are folks! That’s where we are!” he concluded.

Donald Trump Jr.’s thoughts on the tragedy come as President Joe Biden is calling for a ban on 9 mm handguns and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is introducing legislation for a nationwide handgun ban in his country following the Texas mass shooting.
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Video emerges of grinning Uvalde shooter holding up blood-soaked cats

May 31, 2022

While President Biden and the Democratic Party pursue a political agenda involving gun control following the horrific shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, the emerging profile of now-deceased shooter Salvador Ramos is replete with red flags, including one of the more common traits seen among deranged gunmen — animal cruelty.

A video has emerged of the 18-year-old killer smiling while holding up a bag with two bloodied cats inside, the New York Post reported.  The sick trait is textbook behavior for psychopaths — the teenage suspect in Buffalo, New York, who killed 10 black Americans at a grocery store reportedly killed cats, even decapitating them.

The Post obtained the undated video showing Ramos grinning as he holds up a bag of blood-soaked dead cats while sitting in the passenger seat of a friend’s car.

In addition to this friend clearly being aware of the sick behavior, a classmate has said Ramos had a tendency to be “violent towards women” and an ex-girlfriend described him as “scary.”

“The shooter was known for hurting cats,” David Trevino Jr. told the Post.

Related to the shooter’s grandmother by marriage, Trevino suggested this was well known.

“He liked hurting animals,” he said. “I’m told he killed the cats and carried around the bag of bodies for s–ts and giggles.”

“The video shows he was not right in the head,” he added. “He’s not all there. The video raises all sorts of red flags.”

Ramos reportedly bought two AR-15 assault rifles after his 18th birthday earlier this month after asking his older sister to buy him a gun last year. The sister, who serves in the U.S. Navy, refused the request. Last week, Ramos reportedly got into an argument with his grandmother, whom he lived with, before shooting her. He then fled the house and headed to Robb Elementary School. Once there, he reportedly walked through a door that had been left propped open, according to authorities, and opened fire, killing 19 children and two adults. The mentally deranged teen even reportedly told the kids, “You’re all gonna die.”

Despite all the questionable actions of the Uvalde Police Department, the most egregious being to wait far too long to go into the school and confront Ramos, there were enough red flags at play involving the teen that should have been acted upon that could have prevented last week’s massacre. As popular podcaster Joe Rogan has said, America doesn’t have a gun problem, we have a mental health problem.
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Florida sheriff says parents ‘afraid’ to discipline kids, urges return to ‘old school’ tactics like knuckle wraps with ruler

May 31, 2022

While liberals everywhere resort to blaming the tool used to commit atrocities like the one in Uvalde, Texas, one Florida sheriff is calling for a return to “old school” and suggested the best way to root out evil could be learned from a nun.

Over Memorial Day weekend, Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno drew attention for the arrest of a 10-year-old boy who was charged with making a written threat in a text message stating he intended to conduct a mass shooting at his school in Cape Coral, Florida. The sheriff joined “Fox & Friends” Tuesday where he explained to co-host Steve Doocy that parents have been conditioned into being “afraid to discipline their kids.”

“When I was growing up, the nun hit you with a ruler, a wooden ruler. You understood what was right and wrong,” Marceno explained. “And today what do we do? Society says, well if your parent disciplines you and there’s any kind of abuse, come forward so we can report your parent.”

“So parents are afraid,” he lamented, “they’re afraid to discipline their kids. Let’s get back to the old school.”

Doocy had asked about the arrest of the 10-year-old suspect and Marceno explained the importance of taking threats seriously. He detailed how his team had not hesitated to respond in communicating the alleged threat to their Youth Services Criminal Investigations Division, and that they used every resource at their disposal to act before another tragedy could take place.

“It’s simple for me. I’m going to do it every single time,” the sheriff stated. “It’s consistent. My message is consistent. No matter what age. If a 10-year-old, 12-year-old, 18-year-old presses a trigger, the aftermath is the same.”

Following the arrest, Marceno had said, “Right now is not the time to act like a little delinquent. It’s not funny. This child made a fake threat, and now he’s experiencing real consequences.”

The Fox News co-host brought up that campaign promoted by the sheriff who detailed the importance of parents establishing where the lines were that should not be crossed. “Sit your child down and explain, cause we know children make mistakes,” he acknowledged, “but we need the parents and guardians to sit down and tell them, ‘fake threat, real consequence,’ and here we are today. We need to get back to the old school.”

As with corporal punishment dished out by nuns as he grew up, Marceno expressed that the best way to stem the tide of violence was to stop the behavior before it got out of hand. Children are meant to be parented, not negotiated with.

“When I was growing up,” the sheriff offered, “my parents just looked at me and I knew all bets were off. We need to get back to the old school and hold people accountable.”
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Polish up your spatchelor buddy

Warm up your flipping wrist

Im about to order a Punxsutawney Phil burger , with carameized onion , cheese and egg

Please dont give me the slice with Phil's sphincter in it

I await my number to be called ....hold the fries


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Please refrain from frying up the nose too
It looks a tad rubbery


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Grandpa of Uvalde victim says America is no longer ‘One nation under God’: ‘We’re under guns’

May 31, 2022

Media descended on Uvalde, Texas in the aftermath of last week’s horrific mass murder at a local elementary school, seeking out the grieving family members of the young victims in pursuit of ratings as well as to push the left’s fanatical anti-gun agenda, and the grandfather of one slain child provided MSNBC with a perfect sound bite.

According to Victor Cabrales whose 10-year-old granddaughter Eliahna Torres was among the 19 children who were slaughtered along with two adult teachers in their classroom last Tuesday, the United States is no longer a nation under God, but a nation under guns.

In an interview that aired Monday, Cabrales spoke with MSNBC reporter Sam Brock, expressing criticism of President Joe Biden’s trip to Uvalde on Sunday where he consoled family members of the victims and visited a makeshift memorial at Robb Elementary School with members of the assembled crowd shouting at him to “do something” about guns.

Brock laid the emotional groundwork as he told viewers that Torres’ grandfather wrote a personal letter to be delivered to Biden, allowing Cabrales to provide details on what he said in the message.

“Well, I was, you know, like I hear him say we are one nation under God, and really we ain’t no more,” he said. “We’re under guns.”

“He has power to change it,” said Laura Cabrales, the slain child’s aunt, “and he can do it, he can, and it needs to change because how many more lives are gonna be taken and another family’s gonna lose their child, or their niece, their cousins.”

The emotionally distraught grandfather added “Two weeks ago we were playing here, playing here,” he said, “I bought her a new glove. She never had a chance to play in a game.”

Pressure on Biden to “do something” about guns continues to mount with the left seizing on the Uvalde carnage to push for severe new restrictions on the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding Americans in the finest tradition of the Rahm Emanuel maxim of never letting a really good crisis “go to waste,” a golden opportunity that the gun-grabbers are determined not to squander as a step towards the left’s Holy Grail of disarmament.

On Monday, Biden seemed to shift the goal posts away from semi-automatic rifles to ordinary handguns, especially the hugely popular 9mm handgun, a weapon that is the choice of millions of Americans for home defense.

“A 9 millimeter bullet blows the lung out of the body,” Biden said. “So the idea of these high-caliber weapons — there’s simply no rational basis for it in terms of self-protection, hunting.”

North of the border in what U.S. leftists will see as a perfect example of what they are demanding domestically, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau – a darling of liberals – took a major step towards total gun confiscation when surrounded by creepy masked parliament members, he declared a “freeze” on handguns.

“Today, we’re moving forward. We’re introducing legislation to implement a national freeze on handgun ownership. What this means is it will no longer be possible to buy, sell, transfer, or import handguns anywhere in Canada,” the preening young fascist decreed.

“In other words, we’re capping the market on handguns,” he added, charting a course for Canada to follow Australia with the most Draconian gun restrictions in the western world.

It will be up to Republicans in Congress to hold the line against the coming hyper-aggressive push to move the ball down the field on disarmament, whether they are up to the task remains to be seen but the anti-gun propaganda will be relentless.
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911 calls, new details of ’77 gut-wrenching min’ of children trapped in Uvalde school: ‘Child is advising he is in the room’

May 31, 2022

Terrified children run from their school during a gunman’s rampage as a 911 dispatcher talks to a child trapped in the classroom with the gunman in a chilling new video from last week’s massacre in Uvalde, Texas. the latest insight into the day that shocked America.

In excerpts from the video obtained by ABC News that aired on Monday’s edition of “Good Morning America,” children flee Robb Elementary School where 19 young kids and two teachers were methodically slaughtered by 18-year-old Salvadore Ramos.

Police officers who responded to the scene broke windows as they tried to evacuate students after the gunman opened fire. Also captured in the footage was the dispatcher’s audio of a phone call to law enforcement from a child who was trapped in the classroom that Ramos had entered.

“…advise we do have a child on the line,” the dispatcher said, “Room 12, are we able to… is anybody inside of the building at this…?”

“2-1, child is advising he is in the room, full of victims. Full of victims at this moment.”

“She identified herself and whispered that she’s in room 112,” said a visibly shaken Col. Steven McCraw, Director of the Texas Department of Public Safety as he described a call from a student who was also trapped inside the classroom with the shooter. ‘At 12:10pm she called back in room 12 advised there are multiple dead, again at 12:16pm she called back and said there was 8 to 9 students alive,’ according to ABC News.

The video details the “77 gut-wrenching minutes that the gunman was inside the school before law enforcement breached the locked door with a key and killed the shooter,” ABC News reported. “The investigation revealing the school district police chief wrongly believed the situation was no longer an active shooter but instead a barricaded subject and had ordered tactical teams not to enter the classroom.”

“It was a wrong decision. Period. There was no excuse for that,” Col. McCraw said.

Sources told ABC News that eventually federal officers “defied local authorities, going in and fatally shooting the gunman.”

A 9-year-old survivor whose cousin was murdered by the gunman described his experience to “Good Morning America,” recalling how teacher Elsa Abala who was shot twice survived by playing dead.

“She ran to the door quickly, she got her key, she broke the key and then she was running cause she got shot, and then she just like dropped on the floor and she was like playing dead,” said Daniel Garza.

He recalled the moment that he first saw Ramos, “He’s like staring at like people through a little window,” Garza said. “He was just like standing there with his gun like tapping on like the window.”

On Sunday, as he paid a visit to Uvalde to meet with the victims’ families, President Joe Biden was faced with calls to “do something” from the crowd.

Also on Sunday, the Justice Department announced that it will be conducting a “Critical Incident Review” of the Uvalde police response to the shooting.

According to a statement from DOJ spokesman Anthony Coley, “At the request of Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin, the U.S. Department of Justice will conduct a Critical Incident Review of the law enforcement response to the mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, on May 24.”

“The goal of the review is to provide an independent account of law enforcement actions and responses that day, and to identify lessons learned and best practices to help first responders prepare for and respond to active shooter events. The review will be conducted with the Department’s Office of Community Oriented Policing,” the statement reads. “As with prior Justice Department after-action reviews of mass shootings and other critical incidents, this assessment will be fair, transparent, and independent. The Justice Department will publish a report with its findings at the conclusion of its review.”
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The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you.

David Foster Wallace

It’s a fact of life that the truth can hurt, as David Foster Wallace expresses in this line from his epic 1996 novel "Infinite Jest." In this philosophical comic novel, Wallace explores our relationship with entertainment, which can serve as a distraction from the hard realities of life.

Finding out the truth — about ourselves, others, or our relationships — can be devastating at first, but it also provides a kind of hopeful freedom. When we face and accept the truth, we're able to see more clearly, and can move forward stronger than before.
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The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.

Carl Rogers

American psychologist Carl Rogers, one of the founding fathers of psychotherapy research, presents this “curious paradox” in his 1961 book “On Becoming a Person: A Therapist’s View of Psychotherapy.” Rogers encourages us to stop focusing our energy on trying to improve ourselves and simply learn to accept who we are, flaws and all. Ironically, it’s often that very acceptance that creates space for personal growth and change.
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Imagination, not intelligence, made us human.

Terry Pratchett

Writer Terry Pratchett is best known for his 41-book “Discworld” fantasy series, which is based around the idea of a disc-shaped world that rests on the backs of four elephants, all standing atop an enormous turtle. His other work shows similar whimsy, from his 1971 novel about a fantastical world within a carpet (“The Carpet People”) to his 1991 collaboration with author Neil Gaiman about angels and demons (“Good Omens”). Pratchett’s creative prowess earned him numerous awards and accolades, including a British knighthood in 2009. With this advice, he encourages us to give more attention to the unique vision each of us offers, because the ability to see beyond what is in front of us is the very essence of humanity.
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Things You Can Do With A Cardboard Box

If you’re looking for some creative ways to use up that cardboard box sitting in your recycling bin, look no further! From simple art projects to more complex DIY creations, there are plenty of fun things you can do with a cardboard box. Is there anything a cardboard box can’t do? In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the fantastic things you can do with a cardboard box. So before you toss that empty box in the recycling bin, check out these ideas!

1 Cardboard Chair
2 Cardboard Christmas Star
3 Cardboard Cat Scratching Post
4 Cardboard Craft Storage Box
5 DIY Apartment Door Numbers
6 Cardboard Marker Caddy
7 Cardboard Photo Frame
8 Cardboard Playhouse
9 DIY Cardboard Art
10 Makeshift Coffins

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Lab-Grown Wood Could Be a Solution to Deforestation

Deforestation — and its negative impact on the environment — may one day be a thing of the past. Researchers at MIT have invented a technique that allows them to grow wood in a lab without cutting down a single tree. By manipulating the hormones of plant cells and utilizing 3D bioprinting, the team was able to produce wood that grew at twice the rate of a normal tree and control for desired qualities, such as stiffness and density.

This low-waste process could potentially be used to create an alternative for industries that contribute most to deforestation. The lumber required to build furniture, for example, could be developed to meet custom size and shape requirements. “The idea is that you can grow these plant materials in exactly the shape that you need, so you don’t need to do any subtractive manufacturing after the fact, which reduces the amount of energy and waste,” said lead study author Ashley Beckwith. The innovative idea is just one way scientists are trying to turn a new leaf in the fight against climate change.

The irony of the world is that almost every ‘save the forests’ meeting and conference happens inside a well-furnished room that is decorated with furniture made by cutting trees. The market for wood-derived products stood at $631 billion in 2021, and despite all the efforts that environmentalists have been putting in to prevent deforestation activities, it is expected to cross the mark of $900 billion by 2026. So have we already lost the fight to save our forests?

Well, not yet because there is a new solution that promises an end to our need of cutting trees. A team of researchers at MIT claims that lab-grown timber can replace deforestation driving products made from real wood. They have developed a technique using which timber can be produced in any shape and size, so for example, if you need a new wooden chair, using the researcher’s technique, you can create it in a lab without cutting a single tree.   

How did the researchers create wood in a lab? 
The researchers at MIT performed an experiment that gave stem cell-like properties to normal plant cells. They extracted cells from the leaves of a flowering plant called Common zinnia (Zinnia elegans) and then stored the same in a liquid medium for a couple of days. In the next step, the researchers treated the plant cells with a gel-based medium enriched with nutrients and hormones.   

After some time, the cells gave rise to new plant cells. The researchers also noticed that by changing the hormonal concentration in the gel medium, they could control the physical and mechanical properties of the newly grown cells. During the experiments, plant material that contained high hormone concentrations turned stiff.

“In the human body, you have hormones that determine how your cells develop and how certain traits emerge. In the same way, by changing the hormone concentrations in the nutrient broth, the plant cells respond differently. Just by manipulating these tiny chemical quantities, we can elicit pretty dramatic changes in terms of the physical outcomes,” lead researcher Ashley Beckwith said, explaining the role of hormones in plant cell growth.

Moreover, Beckwith and her team were also able to 3D print custom-designed structures out of the cells cultured in the gel using a 3D bioprinting method. For three months, the lab-printed plant material was incubated in the dark, and the results were shocking. Not only did the lab wood manage to survive, but also grow at a rate twice that of a regular tree.

Growing furniture in the lab is also waste-free
An estimate suggests that the current furniture-making process leads to the loss of about 30% of the total wood as waste. Interestingly, the 3D bioprinting technique suggested by the researchers at MIT does not generate any waste and can be employed to produce plant material of any shape and size. “The idea is that you can grow these plant materials in exactly the shape that you need, so you don’t need to do any subtractive manufacturing after the fact, which reduces the amount of energy and waste," Beckwith said.

For now, scientists have been able to show that plant material can be grown in a lab and its mechanical properties can be manipulated, but the study is still in its early phase. More research and experiments are required to be done before the technique could be developed further and employed for producing 3D furniture in the lab on a commercial scale.

“Though still in its early days, this research demonstrates that lab-grown plant materials can be tuned to have specific characteristics, which could someday enable researchers to grow wood products with the exact features needed for a particular application,” senior author and scientist Luis Fernando Velásquez-García claims.

Every year, humans cut down about 15 billion trees. This massive deforestation is the root cause of many climate change-driven problems our world is facing at the moment. If it turns out to be successful, lab-grown wood can help us get rid of deforestation once and all. Let’s hope, this becomes a reality soon.
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Uvalde librarian thought about canceling storytime. Instead, she made it a refuge.

Staff members at the Uvalde, Texas, library decided the community needed a safe space for children after the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School.

May 25, 2022

UVALDE, Texas — Martha Carreon, a children’s librarian at El Progreso Memorial Library, wasn’t planning to come to work Wednesday morning.

“I felt like it was going to be too much to look at those little faces,” Carreon said, referring to the children who come to listen to her read during storytime each week. “I didn’t think I would be able to bear it.”

A day earlier, on Carreon’s 47th birthday, she and her fellow librarians heard shots ring out from a few blocks away at Robb Elementary School. In the initial panic, before authorities revealed that an 18-year-old had killed 19 fourth graders and two teachers, rumors swirled about where the gunman might be heading next.

One of Carreon’s four children called her from the high school, frantic: “Mom come get me. Please. He’s on his way here.”

Carreon ran to her car and sped to the high school, only to find it on lockdown. Another librarian zipped across town in search of her granddaughter, a third grader at Robb. Hours passed before both women learned that all of their loved ones were safe.

Initially Mendell Morgan, the public library director, thought about closing on Wednesday, out of respect for those who’d lost their children. Ultimately he decided to keep the library open. At a time when librarians across the country have faced baseless allegations and threats of criminal charges from parents who’ve accused them of providing pornography to children, Morgan wanted to show the community what, in his view, a library really is.

A refuge. A safe place. An escape.

Initially, Carreon told Morgan to count her out. How could she carry on after so much suffering? After fearing that she might lose her own daughter?

But when she awoke Wednesday, after barely sleeping, Carreon thought again about the children who come to see her each week. She owed it to them to be there, she thought.

And so, about 24 hours after the second deadliest school shooting in U.S. history, Carreon stood in front of a group of 10 smiling faces, struggling not to cry as the children giggled and sang along with her.

“Head, shoulders, knees and toes — knees and toes.”

Carreon thought she was there to comfort them. In the end, it was the other way around.
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A new low-cost gel film can pull drinking water from arid desert air
And someday, it's coming to your closest hardware store.

May 24, 2022
A new low-cost gel film can pull drinking water from arid desert air
An example of a different shape the water-capturing film can take.The University of Texas at Austin.

For every three people, one calls drylands home.

Though they contain some of the world's most valuable and rarest biodiversity in addition to being major contributors to the world's breadbasket, drylands are characterized by water scarcity and erratic rainfall.

Dryland communities primarily depend on groundwater as they don't have access to alternative freshwater sources. Additionally, climate change-related impacts have only worsened the situation.

But, fret not.

A low-cost gel film that can pull water from the air even in the driest climates has come to the rescue.

Scientists and engineers at The University of Texas at Austin have developed an innovative solution that could help people in these areas access clean drinking water. The research paper appears in Nature Communications.

It's not magic, it's simple and powerful science
The low-cost gel is made of abundant materials which help in facilitating this reaction. They cost a mere $2 per kilogram, and a single kilogram can produce more than six liters of water per day in areas with less than 15 percent relative humidity and 13 liters in areas with up to 30 percent relative humidity.

The team had earlier come up with solutions that could pull water out of the atmosphere and the application of that technology to create self-watering soil. However, these technologies were designed for relatively high-humidity environments.

"This new work is about practical solutions that people can use to get water in the hottest, driest places on Earth,” said Guihua Yu, professor of materials science and mechanical engineering in the Cockrell School of Engineering’s Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering. “This could allow millions of people without consistent access to drinking water to have simple, water generating devices at home that they can easily operate.”

Renewable cellulose and konjac gum, a common kitchen ingredient, were used as the main hydrophilic skeleton. The open-pore structure of gum accelerates the moisture-capturing process. Another designed component, thermo-responsive cellulose with hydrophobic interaction when heated, helps release the collected water immediately so that overall energy input to produce water is minimized.

The film is flexible and can easily be molded into a variety of shapes and sizes, as per the need of the user. Only the gel precursor is required to make the film, and it includes all the relevant ingredients poured into a mold.

“The gel takes two minutes to set simply. Then, it just needs to be freeze-dried, and it can be peeled off the mold and used immediately after that,” said Weixin Guan, a doctoral student on Yu’s team and a lead researcher of the work.

Low-cost gel
There have been attempts at pulling water from desert air. But they are typically energy-intensive and do not produce much. Though six liters may not sound like a lot, creating thicker films or absorbent beds or arrays with optimization could drastically increase the amount of water they yield, as per the researchers.

The reaction itself is a simple one, which reduces the challenges of scaling it up and achieving mass usage.

“This is not something you need an advanced degree to use,” said Youhong “Nancy” Guo, the lead author of the paper and a former doctoral student in Yu’s lab, now a postdoctoral researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “It’s straightforward enough that anyone can make it at home if they have the materials.”

The research was funded by the U.S. Department of Defense’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and drinking water for soldiers in arid climates is a big part of the project. The researchers hope to see the low-cost gel as something that will be available at a hardware store and can be used in homes.
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No Crisis Goes To Waste: Democrats Looking To Pass
Several Gun Control Bills This Week

MAY 31, 2022

House Democrats will once again live by that tried and true adage – “Never let a crisis go to waste” – as they attempt to advance a surplus of gun control measures as early as this week.

House Judiciary Committee Chair Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) summoned House members back from Memorial Day break to consider eight gun bills.

They’re looking to advance the bills as soon as Thursday.

Throwing Everything In The Hopper
Democrats have a list of at least eight bills being considered.

The list includes:

The Raise the Age Act would raise the required age to purchase a semi-auto rifle 18 to 21.

The Keep Americans Safe Act prohibits the import, sale, manufacture, transfer or possession of magazines that hold more than 10 rounds.

Ethan’s Law, The Safe Guns, Safe Kids Act, and The Kimberly Vaughn Firearm Safety Storage Act all create new home storage requirements for homes with children.

The Prevent Gun Trafficking Act creates a new penalty for trafficking.

The Untraceable Firearms Act makes it illegal to 3d print firearms.

The Closing the Bump Stock Loophole Act would require so-called bump stocks to be registered with the ATF.

Sen. Ted Cruz represents the other side of the aisle, condemning gun control at the NRA annual convention:

Cruz also mentioned the one thing that Democrats will not when talking about guns:

Singing A Different Tune
When the subject of mental health comes up, it is promptly dismissed by Democrats, who are more in favor of taking guns away from law-abiding Americans.

But during the summer of 2020, when it was fashionable for Democrats was to “defund the police,” they were singing the praises of, wait for it, counselors and social workers. Wouldn’t they come under the umbrella of “mental health?”

A bill was introduced in July of 2020 by Democrats, including several members of the ‘Squad,’ called “The Counseling Not Criminalization Act.” The bill would “prohibit the use of federal funds for maintaining police in schools.”

The bill would have provided a $2.5 billion grant to “hire the counselors, social workers, nurses, school psychologists, and other personnel they need to support students and create safe schools without police.”

Perhaps the Squad and Ted Cruz can have a discussion now.

D.C. Clownshow On Guns Will Continue
As the debate over gun laws goes on, the political antics that are taking place on both sides of the aisle will go on. President Joe Biden continues to make completely untrue statements concerning guns.

When speaking to the media on the South Lawn of the White House on Monday, Biden spread dangerous disinformation, saying, “The Constitution, the Second Amendment was never absolute. You couldn’t buy a cannon when the Second Amendment was passed.”

Constitutional Law Scholar Jonathan Turley, during an appearance of “Fox News Live” over the weekend, remarked that, “He’s (Biden) undermining his own case by repeating what is ironically disinformation.”

The companion to the cannon comment from Biden was that a 9mm handgun is a “high-caliber weapon” in which a bullet “blows the lung out of the body.”

In another political stunt, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is “open” to voting on bills that pundits say will most likely fail in the Senate, so Republicans will be seen voting against gun laws.

Democrats may not get as much opposition as they might think. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY), said on Thursday that he had sent #2 GOP Senator John Cornyn to “negotiate” with Democrats on gun control.

Breanna Morello
Democrats only speak up on gun violence when it serves their political agenda.

These leeches control some of the filthiest, most violent cities in the United States but that doesn’t stop them from spewing their power-grabbing gun legislation rhetoric.

By Thursday afternoon a group of five Democrat and three Republican Senators including Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Bill Cassidy (R-LA), and Pat Toomey (R-PA) were meeting in the basement of the Capitol to discuss expanded background checks and “red flag” legislation.

That sure didn’t take long.
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“There’s an active shooter. Help. I love you.”
Off-duty Border Patrol agent rushed into Uvalde school with borrowed gun, says police stood outside in 'gear'

May 31, 2022  

Jacob Albarado, the off-duty Border Patrol agent who rushed into Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, to save his wife and daughter, joined NBC’s “Today" show on Tuesday to recount his harrowing experience. Albarado told host Savannah Guthrie that he believes police were "doing the best they could given the circumstances," but details he inadvertently revealed during the interview have raised new questions about the Uvalde police response.

Albarado explained that he was getting a haircut when he received a text message from his wife, Trisha, who is a fourth-grade teacher at the elementary school.

“There’s an active shooter. Help. I love you,” the text said, according to Albarado.

Albarado described how he borrowed his barber’s shotgun and rushed to the school to save his wife and 8-year-old daughter, Jayda. As he made his way into the school, he saw police officers in "their gear" gathered outside.

"Did you ever see those officers that were poised outside the door?" asked Guthrie. "Obviously, there's a lot of scrutiny now with [the police] actions and whether they should have gone in," she added.

"At one point, I was there at the door fixing to go in, but once again, I didn't have any of my gear," Albarado answered. "It wouldn't have been a smart move for me. All those guys had their gear and stuff. [...] My wife texted me, called me, that she was okay .... so I went on to find my daughter in her wing."

After finding and getting his daughter out safely, Albarado went on to evacuate the rest of the classrooms in that wing while two officers provided cover, according to the New York Times.

“Even more questions after this morning['s] interview on the Today show with the CBP agent who was off duty and went to rescue his daughter and wife at Robb Elementary. He said he was near the door where [the] gunman was while searching for his daughter. Saw officers with their ‘gear’ on," CNN correspondent Simon Prokupecz said in a tweet.

Abarado, who is currently "out of work" due to an unrelated surgery he had just two days after the shooting, has started a fundraiser on GoFundMe to help cover his family's expenses. He says his wife will not be teaching this summer "because she is too traumatized from the events that occurred on May 24th" and that his family will need "time and plenty of counseling" but promises to keep "pushing forward one day at a time."
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NRA board member schools CNN's Jim Acosta in fiery interview on gun control:
'Isn't this blood on your hands?'

May 31, 2022  

National Rifle Association board member Judge Phillip Journey schooled CNN host Jim Acosta on Sunday during a tense conversation about gun control.

Over the course of the lengthy interview, which spanned multiple gun-related topics, Acosta repeatedly interrupted Journey, refused to allow him to finish speaking, and blamed shooting massacres on the NRA.

'Blood on NRA's hands'
Acosta began the interview by asking Journey whether the NRA is culpable for mass shootings, claiming the NRA works to block gun safety laws.

"Isn't some of this blood on the NRA's hands?" Acosta asked.

When Journey responded that the NRA and other pro-gun organizations have, in fact, worked to support commonsense, bipartisan legislation on firearms, Acosta accused Journey of saying "things that just aren't true." Acosta did not explain how Journey's remarks were false, but asked again, "Isn't this blood on your hands?"

"I'm not the one that pulled the trigger and neither are the members of the National Rifle Association," Journey fired back.

"I think Buffalo is a great example where the alarms were going off in New York and all the officials did was hit the snooze button. He could have easily been processed through care and treatment action. He was a danger to himself or others. He'd already threatened mass shooting prior and nobody did anything until that," Journey explained.

It's all about AR-15s
After playing video of children from Uvalde, Texas, saying they're scared to return to school, Acosta asked Journey if people are allowed to bring AR-15s into his courtroom.

Journey is a judge in Kansas, but it's not clear how the question was related to the discussion. Most, if not all, courthouses in America prohibit people from entering with firearms.

"Can people bring in AR-15 into your courtroom?" Acosta asked four times as he talked over Journey.

When Journey finally answered, "Well, of course not," Acosta followed up, "Why not?" But before Journey could respond, Acosta moved the discussion along without allowing Journey to speak.

"Why do people need an AR-15 anyway?" Acosta then asked.

That is when Journey took Acosta to school, pointing out that gun control advocates target the AR-15 because it is a scary-looking firearm. Journey also exposed the inconsistencies with the assault weapons ban of 1994, which focused on cosmetic features of firearms. An AR-15, after all, by function is no different from any other semi-automatic firearm.

"You know, it's just a semi-automatic rifle," Journey told Acosta.

"You know, if you want to be prejudiced about the way it looks, but I was aware of what happened in the '94 semi-automatic firearms ban, and there were rifles of similar function that just didn't look as ugly, they weren't black guns like a Mini 14, a Ruger Mini 14, and of course the Ruger Mini 14 was appropriate and the AR-15 was not," he continued.

After repeatedly stressing the Uvade killer legally purchased the firearms used in the crime, Journey attempted to introduce nuance into the discussion. But Acosta was having none of it.

Acosta ended the interview by telling Journey his "way" — focusing on mental health, ensuring the system catches potential mass killers before they act, and passing commonsense laws — "doesn't work," claimed AR-15s are "used to hunt people," and told Journey he needs to investigate his soul.

"I'm sorry to say it that way, sir, but you and your other board members need to look into your souls and see what can be done for these kids," Acosta said. "These kids who keep dying over and over again. Over and over again."
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Teacher closed school door before Uvalde shooting, Texas official says

A Texas official said Tuesday that a teacher closed a door to Robb Elementary School in Uvalde that had been propped open before a gunman entered the building and killed 19 kids and two teachers last week, retracting details on the shooting that they had previously provided, according to AP.

Why it matters: Steven McCraw, director of the Texas Department of Public Safety, said during a press conference on Friday that the shooter entered the school through a door that had been propped open by a teacher.

Investigators originally reported that the unnamed teacher propped open the door with a rock before the shooting started and did not remove it, giving the shooter access to the school.

Yes, but: Travis Considine, chief communications officer for the Texas Department of Public Safety, said that investigators have now determined that the teacher, who was on the phone with 911 at the time, removed the rock after hearing gunshots outside of the school and closed the door but the it did not lock, according to AP.

Considine said authorities are now investigating why the door did not lock.
The big picture: Local and state law enforcement officials in Texas are facing ferocious criticism and questioning on why it took so long for officers to confront and stop the Uvalde shooter after he locked himself inside two connected fourth-grade classrooms with teachers and students.

Texas authorities have also relayed then later retracted multiple key details about the shooting, including their initial report that a security officer hired by the school confronted the shooter before he entered the building.

McCraw said Friday that the security officer was not on campus when shooting near the school was first reported but immediately proceeded to the scene. He also claimed that the officer drove past the shooter and instead confronted a teacher after arriving on campus.

Go deeper: Texas governor issues disaster declaration for Uvalde
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Trump Outraged: ‘Our Legal System is CORRUPT…
Our Country is Going to HELL’

( – Angered by the jury’s acquittal today of Michael Sussmann — Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign lawyer who was charged with lying to the FBI as part of the “Russiagate” investigation being conducted by Special Counsel John Durham — former President Donald Trump said in a post on Truth Social that “Our Legal System is CORRUPT…our Country is going to HELL.”

The not-guilty verdict stunned Durham, who was handpicked to investigate “Russiagate” by Attorney General Will Barr during Trump’s presidential administration.

Durham has spent several years on the investigation of Hillary Clinton, the Clinton presidential campaign, and others. The criminal case against Sussmann was the first case brought to trial by Durham and his team of prosecutors and federal investigators.

Writing on Truth Social, Trump said:

“Our Legal System is CORRUPT, our Judges (and Justices!) are highly partisan, compromised or just plain scared, our Borders are OPEN, our Elections are Rigged, Inflation is RAMPANT, gas prices and food costs are “through the roof,” our Military “Leadership” is Woke, our Country is going to HELL, and Michael Sussmann is not guilty. How’s everything else doing? Enjoy your day!!!“

Like many others who’ve watched the Sussmann case, Trump believed Susmann would be found guilty.

However, the jury seemed thoroughly unimpressed by the prosecution’s case against Sussmann.

As the conservative Washington Times, which called the not guilty verdict a “major blow” to Durham’s investigation, noted in its report:

“After the verdict, one of the jurors, a woman who declined to give her name, spoke to the media. She said charges should never have been filed against Mr. Sussmann in the first place.

“‘I don’t think it should have been prosecuted,’ she said of the case. ‘There are bigger things that affect the nation than a possible lie to the FBI.'”

“‘It was the government’s job to prove it and they succeeded in some ways and not in others,’ she continued. ‘We broke it down and it did not pan out in the government’s favor.'”

It is unclear what Durham will do at this point. But it is apparent that Donald Trump is angry and believes justice has not been served.
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