Author Topic: Welcome to the Oz Round Table  (Read 340715 times)


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #100 on: April 16, 2009, 10:14:23 PM »
That's true. Anyone can read the posts, but to ask a question or reply to something, people will need to register.

This will not only stop most disruptive would-be posters, but also prevent a great many spam members trying to link to their websites offering "firmaceuticals" and so on... if you know what I mean.
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #101 on: April 16, 2009, 10:16:24 PM »
Goodnight guys

I'm ging to sleep well tonight, what a great, fun, welcoming, warm place we have now...I feel very lucky to of met you all!!

Thank you!!!! :-*


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #102 on: April 16, 2009, 10:26:40 PM »
Hi again Countess

Lovely place !  And the registration process was smooth as silk

Ahhhh -- nice to be able to relax  :)  It's like walking on glass in the bay fora.

So glad you went ahead with this  :)


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #103 on: April 16, 2009, 10:30:58 PM »
Hi, Frangi - kick back, heels off, relax, feel safe from sanctimonious sand flies. This section is viewable to the general public, and of course it has a relaxed atmosphere plus lots of appreciation for the people.
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #104 on: April 16, 2009, 10:37:03 PM »
Hi Frangi,

You have found the place of peace.

I was going to mail you later on in anycase, glad you made it here. I hope you are able ti give some of you expertise and all round common sense and of course some of your brilliamt verbosity.

You manage that so well that I am envious of you and Contessa and a whole heap of people in here for their tallent.
Not that I dont have any talent mind you but it is in other areas involving armour and stuff like that.

Frangi a Huge welcome to the Knights and Knightesses


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #105 on: April 16, 2009, 10:47:19 PM »
Hi Poddy  :)

I'm dizzy, honestly !  This has all gone to my head !  The freeeeeeeeedom and peace and friendliness.  And the sense of security is lovely !  So I'm going mad with emoticons and exclamation marks .. and in a minute I'm going to find something nice in the liquor cabinet so I can have a belated drink in honour of this forum's founders and our abused but now-happy little gang  :bounce: :rofl: :green:

Happy to see everyone here .. it feels the same as getting your first grown-up apartment, doesn't it ?

Lovely, lovely, lovely .. going to mix myself a little celebration drink now .. cheers everyone  :bounce:


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #106 on: April 16, 2009, 10:59:46 PM »
Hi frangi, welcome, welcome, welcome :)


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #107 on: April 16, 2009, 11:10:42 PM »
Welcome frangi

I see numb has added some new smiley emoticons

numb a request please, we don't seem to have a little devil one

[img width= height=][/img]


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #108 on: April 16, 2009, 11:11:46 PM »
Helloooooooooooooooo[/color][/b] :bounce:


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #109 on: April 16, 2009, 11:12:33 PM »
Obviously need more practice ;D ;D ;D


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #110 on: April 16, 2009, 11:14:34 PM »
Hello lola :green:


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #111 on: April 16, 2009, 11:16:22 PM »
Maybe we should start a Ridiculious Slap Thread

Here is the first candidate

Posting disruptive or hostile comments, including interpersonal disputes. which is not permitted at eBay. This is a copy of your post:

patkin123 ,
Your mirth is only exceeded by your girth
Now lets see how many smileys I can get
 :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #112 on: April 16, 2009, 11:18:32 PM »
Hello, Saint_Lola - you are haloed!!!!

I remember someone telling me once that there was a patron saint of computers. Can you believe this? A patron saint of COMPUTERS...

St. Isidore of Seville, apparently.
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #113 on: April 16, 2009, 11:20:44 PM »
Any relation to the barber I wonder?


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #114 on: April 16, 2009, 11:22:14 PM »
Maybe we should start a Ridiculious Slap Thread

Here is the first candidate

Posting disruptive or hostile comments, including interpersonal disputes. which is not permitted at eBay. This is a copy of your post:

patkin123 ,
Your mirth is only exceeded by your girth
Now lets see how many smileys I can get
 :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

LMAO love patkin

gee maybe one day will post a copy of my um post when I let rip at someone....was very funny, was proud of my slap as well, very few times do I break my bite my tongue rule.


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #115 on: April 16, 2009, 11:26:03 PM »
Ivy I got a slap for that Grrrrr

I diobt that patkin reported it though, it was in fun with reference to the avatar


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #116 on: April 16, 2009, 11:30:17 PM »
Thanks Prim, Ivy, Lola .. everyone  :-*

I've been running through the new premises with my arms out, playing aeroplanes

Very happy -- happy happy happy  :bounce:


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #117 on: April 16, 2009, 11:31:53 PM »
poddy was you picking on patkin.......norti norti......very norti

now she might get the handcuffs outa storage as being a former law enforcement officer.


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #118 on: April 16, 2009, 11:36:52 PM »
get the handcuffs outa storage

hmmm now where is that devil smiley ::)


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #119 on: April 16, 2009, 11:36:58 PM »
frangi welcome, you have a lovely way with words...


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #120 on: April 16, 2009, 11:41:21 PM »
 :D Hawk

I think I have a set here somewhere, haven't had to use them for a good long while though.


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #121 on: April 16, 2009, 11:43:33 PM »
welcome frangi  :)

sorry I forgot my manners I got excited at the thought of Ivy and habdcuffs.


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #122 on: April 17, 2009, 12:04:41 AM »
Hiya gr8 (is it 'grrr' ?) and thanks.   Looking forward to the cruise tomorrow ?  I'm a book nut too, so I'll try to find you.  I'm looking for some affordable T.C. Lethbridges  :)

Hi Night Hawk .. nice to see you again too  :)


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #123 on: April 17, 2009, 01:01:06 AM »
Well, ANOTHER thread to catch up on - but, hey, it was delightfully fast ot load the pages - even on my old PIII 500MHz running WIN 98 (Yes, Countess - it still goes, doesn't it?)

Was thinking though... I noticed some of you have kept your old ID and some have signed up with variations ... I wasn't sure which way to go, but I'd rather just be Brumby - I only added my initials because of uniqueness.

Let me guess ... I will need to kill this ID and re-register.  Correct?

PS - Is it just me or does the air seem so much clearer here? ;-)


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #124 on: April 17, 2009, 01:07:18 AM »
It's OK!!

I found an answer that works for me!!

Happy Now !!


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #125 on: April 17, 2009, 08:25:05 AM »
brumby one advantage of having the same ID in both places is that the ID should come up in google searches within a couple of days and it should be a simple task of telling ebay posters to search for it so they can find this site.

Countess what we could do with is a welcome section for this purpose.
then we all start a new thread telling averyone what our interests are with ebay and what we are trying to do and a final direct to the main index

that way the tread starters ID will come straigt up in internet searches.  :green:


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #126 on: April 17, 2009, 08:35:57 AM »
Hey guys check out riff's thread in the launch board

also i reprinted it in commie spirit

I planted a couple of seeds go water them hehehehe

Mention the Round tabl a few times but no direct mention of this site yet OK?

Key words are, round table, knights


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #127 on: April 17, 2009, 01:41:10 PM »
Hopefully we won't get lost in with King Arthur and Sir Lancelot!

So, here is a question, then, about ID's ... what will Gooogle pick up - my registered ID - which is brumbymg - or my display name - which is Brumby - ?


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #128 on: April 17, 2009, 01:45:25 PM »
Proximity of keywords is important in links... If you link back to something you've posted on eBay, with the keywords eBay, Round Table and Brumbymg, the link here becomes more likely to be prominent in a Google search.
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #129 on: April 17, 2009, 03:21:30 PM »
when can we spill our guts ?

or would it be a good thing to use what bruce uses and wait untill Shane clocks of for the weekend?

Getting the most exposure while ebay are a sleep.


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #130 on: April 17, 2009, 05:31:20 PM »
Welcome Dridi  :bounce:

Lady Rose

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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #131 on: April 17, 2009, 05:54:56 PM »
is anyone at home  ???


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #132 on: April 17, 2009, 06:44:26 PM »
Whats with the flags in your head Rosie?



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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #133 on: April 17, 2009, 08:52:14 PM »
Those must be question marks, not flags!
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #134 on: April 17, 2009, 09:04:33 PM »
Countess i think you are right .

still looks painful dont you think?


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #135 on: April 17, 2009, 10:50:15 PM »
Very painful - a bit like being Saint Sebastian except with his head being arrowed instead of his body...
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #136 on: April 18, 2009, 06:00:26 PM »
Now see, I told you they looked like flags....LOL


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #137 on: April 18, 2009, 07:06:42 PM »
In this new updated set of emoticons, the question marks look a little more like question marks. I still wouldn't like to have question marks embedded in my head.
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #138 on: April 18, 2009, 07:42:01 PM »
Countess, have you ever heard of Khrystyne Haje, an actress?  Your AV reminds me of her:


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #139 on: April 18, 2009, 09:13:16 PM »
I've actually never come across her...
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #140 on: April 19, 2009, 12:58:14 AM »
Evening all, sorry for the late arrival.  Love what you've done with the place Countessa!  :t2:  Great to see so many lovely people in one location.

Let me know if I can be of any help.



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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #141 on: April 19, 2009, 12:59:55 AM »
Hi Quality.  Welcome.   :kiss:


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #142 on: April 19, 2009, 08:36:45 AM »
Good morning nice to see you again Quality


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #143 on: April 19, 2009, 09:00:05 AM »
Hi Quality, Welcome  ;D


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #144 on: April 19, 2009, 11:20:19 AM »
really nice to see you catering, welcome home


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #145 on: April 19, 2009, 08:09:21 PM »
QualityCateringCo, you're very welcome! I was wondering when you'd be posting here...
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #146 on: April 20, 2009, 02:26:14 AM »
I'm back, a little sodden but happy to be home, and yes! I have finally unmasked and shed the Ebay lolcat, for the real me, something I would never have felt comfortable doing on "BigForumbay", in the background is a lovely shot of Tamworth from the lookout.

I am thoroughly exhausted, and yet I am still up at 2.30 am, I have read the UK RT till my eyes feel like shriveled raisins, I knew I would have a huge amount of posts to read but I was completely floored by the actual amount of posts.

Thank you so much to those involved in setting up the website, it feels like home, and its great to be back, i missed you all.  :wine:


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #147 on: April 20, 2009, 02:38:03 AM »
Hello, Lisa - your avatar (of you) is beautiful!

Welcome, and relax - the aim is to be comfortable and safe here, without fear of malicious finger-pressing.
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #148 on: April 20, 2009, 02:43:42 AM »
Hi there Liisa and welcome  :)

Like you, I'm burning the night oil.  Just been reading the posts and about to head off.   Lovely to relax in here, isn't it, without having to watch over your shoulder for approaching slaps.

Nice photo  :)   We drove through Tamworth several months ago on the way to and from the Gold Coast.  Don't see much of it from the road unfortunately.

Anyway, nice to see you here  .. you deserve a medal for getting through all the UK posts, lol


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Re: Welcome to the Oz Round Table
« Reply #149 on: April 20, 2009, 02:49:49 AM »
Hi Countess  :)    How do you keep up the pace, lol ? 

Wishing you goodnight and congrats on the Minties saga