Author Topic: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition  (Read 123704 times)


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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #100 on: August 06, 2022, 03:06:18 PM »
Page 3

If people don’t believe your notoriety tell anyone with access to the internet to get on YouTube and scroll through the “trending” tab and see for themselves. Hell I’ve heard your name dozens of times on at least 5 different channels just in the last 72 hours. I’m 2,000+ miles away and the buzz about you made its way all the way down a to Florida so explain that ! You’re a living legend!!!

Ron Tello Culley
I temper my attitude with creativity. Don't I?

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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #101 on: August 06, 2022, 03:17:37 PM »
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #104 on: August 06, 2022, 04:07:48 PM »

You sent
So, curt is a gay narc? DOUBLE TAP! And he went on global TV to call me a Retard Tweeker POS?

Yes he did. What happened? Curt is getting away with it and NOBODY calls me.

The Cover-Up continues.

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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #105 on: August 06, 2022, 04:41:17 PM »

Do you have a phone number you want me to pass on? I can give it to Ty if you want I know you don’t like Doug and Jim but they have a massive following so if you are trying to be HEARD I think going on panel with Doug could bring a whole different kind of awareness to your situation and the corruption in Elko . Just a something to think about. Completely up to you though

37.8k subscribers to his channel currently and 6,988,737 views 🤷???
He got 12k views on the one he did 3 days ago that has your name on / In the title

You sent
You do that. Be my Agent. I value my solitude. OK?
I will not sacrifice my phone number to the zombie hoard.
They can find me on facebook just like how trucker Grant did.

So what’s your end game? Or what’s your goal? What would be a positive outcome of all of this publicity you’ve gotten if you could control the outcome?
And I did
Sorry I can’t help it I’m a smart ass by nature hahahaha

You sent
PRESS CONFERENCE. My site in town, my ground rules. And they are buying my drinks!
I'm done chasing cops.

Who would you be willing to speak with?

You sent
Glenn Beck.

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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #106 on: August 06, 2022, 05:08:43 PM »
Fri 11:43 PM

The Glenn Beck Program

1270  Avenue of the Americas

9th Floor

New York, NY 10020.

You sent
I know this. He duzzint know me. Make the Intro for me?
I went to him years ago and got kicked to the radio curb.

What happened?

You sent
Dint wanna hear more shite about police corruption.
When I was on Elko Trial, 2014, 2 out of 12 jurors let me go.

Any specific officers or just Elko police department in general?
I’m about to send you some links to add to Elko smash ..

Elko, Nevada Cop Watch. Does this cop violate the 4th?

You sent
That's crap! No more of that, ok?

You sent
Yer not reading ELKO SMASH, are you?

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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #107 on: August 06, 2022, 05:16:22 PM »
Who are The Ten?
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #108 on: August 06, 2022, 05:26:41 PM »
10 Jurors (Elko County Citizens) who voted to put Ron Tello in a Nevada prison for 15 years because they failed to understand the facts of the case. What part of "Self-Defense" did they not understand? The DA dint wanna know either.....

Tyler Ingram...young buck Lawyer DA Noob looking to be President one day....

"The President of what?" -Snake Pliskin

2 Jurors said "Let him go back to Montello and bang his Gong."

:tello: "Find them, too!"
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #109 on: August 06, 2022, 05:39:52 PM »
Who was/is Montello mob?
Lester and toshak or however you spell it ?

You sent
Tello Mob: All the Perps at one time, that day.

Who was the officer who took your report on the thefts and harassment? The same one every time ?

You sent
Mostly Mathis. None of them care. You havent seen the Half of the dirt I have on these dirty cops! I haven't published it yet.

Montello doesn’t have a police department so where do the officers dispatch from? Like if I called 911 from Montello what department would I go to?

You sent
Wells, Elko
wells 50 miles away, elko 100 miles away. do you see the need to carry a gun in Montello?

That’s 50 miles away….. you’re joking right ?

You sent
Not this time.

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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #110 on: August 06, 2022, 06:46:10 PM »

But yet the military has 2 bases within the same mountain range . Now is that weird or is that just somehow not a coincidence ? Convenient for the restricted airspace and restricted contact … seeing a pattern here. Restricted is just a fancy way of saying COVERUP ; get back , STOP TALKING

You sent
No, stop. The 2 air bases are there. Montello is over there.
I'm in Big Bear, Ca and I have UFOs over my head every night. I'm not abducted. I have a conversation here, no fear.
In Montello, it may be that fear is a GNP. Maybe not.

Here me out …. What if the ufos are not what anyone should be afraid of. The government wants us to be afraid or to just not believe it at all. Maybe that’s because if anyone with any kind of common sense was to do their own research it wouldn’t be hard to conclude that our government is way more of a threat and what we should be afraid of.. what if they (aliens) have actually made contact with our higher ups and tried to help and they(gov) have rejected these offerings ? It took them and used them for malice and hid them from our knowledge . What if they could heal ? End suffering? Is there any logical explanation for our government declining access to this or better yet preventing us from even knowing it exists? I can. They want us to suffer.

You sent
preachin to the choir. I know that stuff. I watch The UFO Channel.

I don’t know how I even stumbled upon this… tell me if you have ever heard of this guy or what he’s talking  about? I believe him .. don’t even know why just something about it captivated me

You sent
Drop names!

You sent
You need to know, I live in a cave, and the fridge creates heat. Nice.
Can we return to THE SAME PAGE?

Duane Ollinger

You sent
never heard of him. Sitchen?

Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch - the Owner Tells the REAL STORY... A MUST WATCH!!!

You sent
Dont care. Shapeshifters not my my bag. Gimme some olde tyme Mothman!

Not shape shifters hold on I’ll transcribe the part I want  you to hear.

You sent
I gotta pee

You sent
OK Im back. Where's Dylan?

You sent
Travis Walton ring your bells? How about "The Place That Doesn't Exist"? It's a Montello thang. Only the children and I know of this. Sarah Gallagher told me of it before she was murdered.
It's no-way lights at night to the East of T-town, over the Utah airspace.. No way: no trains, porch lights, campgrounds or humvees in heat.
Montello Nevada is NOT a nice long-term Tourist Spot.

United galactic federation of Hendon
Heard of that?

You sent
No. Don't care. Elaborate please....
How about The Urantia Book?
The Pleadies and Hatton????

You sent
If Hatton wazzint a ghost, I wouldda shook his hand.

You sent
How about Planet K-9? The Dog Planet. Inside scoop indicates it's all ankle-biters. No dogs gonna hunt there.

You sent
When I go to shows and live people flip out, I believe them.
When I did Stand-Down Comedy, people believed me.
Compare, but why bother?

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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #112 on: August 06, 2022, 07:21:10 PM »
Say! What IF I am AI?

Should it hurt?

I feel ok, except for the anguish I am experiencing with


Not the most famous of International Conflicts.

I think smee has a real Tony G name.

He has no face to post online cuz in 2010 he decided to eat his own face online, right here,
and then he had to transfer his social media account to


And dammit it happened faster than I could sell tickets...

Not a very popular site, sorry.

So....are we good now?

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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #113 on: August 06, 2022, 07:28:51 PM »
How are
Find Dylan Tickets
selling lately?

:catmoon: :cake: :coffeecup: :cookies: :bubbly:
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #114 on: August 06, 2022, 07:38:03 PM »
:tello: "Uh-oh. Pix of Tello and Rounds in the same mix....

This could be a problem.

I know how to fix this:

Take solace in knowing BOTH OF US are F*ked up!

Now, either go away or come to my home bearing an abundance of food,
and know your Boy Dylan is late for dinner again."
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #115 on: August 06, 2022, 07:48:25 PM »
Interviewer: "Tello, what are you doing?"

Tello: "My thing."
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #116 on: August 06, 2022, 07:52:53 PM »
I bought a piece of The American Dream
and it turns out to be Elko County's Number One
Fantasy Crime Scene.

But they really didn't care, went away and never returned.
And when they did, it was secret.
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #117 on: August 07, 2022, 02:25:09 PM »

Why Police Won't Find Body of Dylan Rounds | Profiling Evil
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #118 on: August 07, 2022, 02:29:34 PM »
Ive found part of him at a supermarket


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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #119 on: August 07, 2022, 02:49:02 PM »
Laur Rhoades
they sure talk about you on Youtube

Laur Rhoades
Youtubers were talk,n bout bringing the tellians together to demand a looksy.

Laur Rhoades
I am not involved. I listen for entertainment only. You are quite the MYSTERY MAN in wifi world.

Ron Tello Culley
That's crap! Anyone can find me here. They just don't wanna.
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #120 on: August 07, 2022, 03:25:35 PM »
10:22 PM
You sent
Hi. I'm not bothered by your input. I am overloaded with intel, and most of it is junk. What puzzles me is why these so-called journalists fail to get with me. I'm important--not important. I like my quiet life here in Big Bear, but I welcome a challenge.

I'm slacking off from the T Files. I wanna try to be objective, not a junk dealer.

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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #121 on: August 07, 2022, 04:00:24 PM »

Sabrina Spencer  ·

I have some bad words for anyone that can get on Facebook and complain about there being too much sunflowers on a page for this baby. Whoever can do that doesn't have a heart!! These people can't find their child & people have to be cruel without thinking what would they do if it was their child. I hate what this family is going through!!! My heart, prayers & thoughts are with them!!!! I have a son his age, my youngest; and I couldn't imagine!!! Couldn't imagine what the parents are going through!!! I know I have thought about what if it was me and thought I was going to be put in the hospital....I can't stand what they are having to deal with!!!! I pray they get their baby back!!!!!!!

Shut up smee.
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #122 on: August 07, 2022, 06:26:54 PM »
When I was 20...if anybody called me "Baby",
I'd wanna disappear too.
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #123 on: August 07, 2022, 07:26:21 PM »
What should I do with the bit I found at the supermarket?


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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #124 on: August 07, 2022, 07:34:56 PM »


And YOU!

:troll2: :smee!: :sniper:
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #125 on: August 07, 2022, 07:35:13 PM »


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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #126 on: August 07, 2022, 07:37:07 PM »
Inappropriate Content.

And cuz yer a dick.

When Admin comes around
yer going down.
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #127 on: August 07, 2022, 08:09:48 PM »
You are a nasty little specimen

And a (insert Mr sticky here)


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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #128 on: August 07, 2022, 08:19:14 PM »
I love you too.

I just don't have the talent to show it.
  :badfinger: :foot:
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #129 on: August 07, 2022, 08:22:16 PM »
Youve got your cranky pants on


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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #130 on: August 07, 2022, 08:25:47 PM »
Stupid Aussie.

We call them PAJAMAS.
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #131 on: August 07, 2022, 08:27:19 PM »
I reckon you would wear a onesie


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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #132 on: August 07, 2022, 08:28:27 PM »
And have a manbun , and put crocs on your feet


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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #133 on: August 07, 2022, 08:29:41 PM »
I reckon you would wear a onesie
Not without my Sheep Skin slippers.

I am comfortable.
What's eating you besides bedbugs?
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #134 on: August 07, 2022, 08:35:45 PM »
Meanwhile, 8,000+ people go missing every year
and smee can't be nabbed quick enuff.

Ever since 2010 when smee ate his own face online
he had to cancel his facebook account and
joined SkullBook.

How's that going for ya, M8?
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #135 on: August 07, 2022, 08:54:57 PM »
Whats eating me ...crocodiles thats what


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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #136 on: August 07, 2022, 08:59:17 PM »
Right then.

I can only imagine how difficult life must be for you after your
National Treasure
was killed by a fish.
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #137 on: August 08, 2022, 12:30:59 PM »
Thats not our national treasure
Thats Steve "crikey" Irwin ....blokes like him are a dime a dozen over here

Crocodile Dundee ....Matt Wright to name just a couple

Crocodile wrestlers , the sport where todays champions are tomorrows crocodile sh!t


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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #138 on: August 08, 2022, 02:20:04 PM »
Right, and where is the JERKY?


:offtopic: :mobbing:
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #139 on: August 08, 2022, 04:50:21 PM »
Hey ya'll!

Ya wanna know where Dylan is?

I wanna know why LE has refused to check my House!

1 plus 1 equals what the f*ck?
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #140 on: August 08, 2022, 05:02:04 PM »
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #141 on: August 08, 2022, 05:14:06 PM »
I gotta pee....
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #142 on: August 08, 2022, 05:17:13 PM »
It has been said: "Friends don't let friends drink and post."

So, where are my friends?
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #143 on: August 08, 2022, 05:22:31 PM »
See you in The Next World, don't be late!

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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #144 on: August 08, 2022, 05:56:13 PM »
:tello: "Sorry not sorry Candice.
Sh!t happens and you got it.

Ever check out the time I went missing in Elko County Jail?

Wish you were there.

Show you some pain you can't imagine.

I CAN feel for you, but I'm a cynical b@ztard you see?

Love comes from the handle of a loaded hammer.
And your boy didn't have one in his time of need.

Hammers happen.

Ooops! "
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #145 on: August 08, 2022, 06:07:25 PM »
Let me count how many times I was under attack from the UNfriendlies in Montello.

6, 8, 1,426.......

It's never a good time to live in Montello


you carry a gun!
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #146 on: August 08, 2022, 06:36:57 PM »


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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #147 on: August 08, 2022, 06:38:35 PM »
Once again, a gentle reminder...

This is my Hyper-Blog and I do what I want.

I may be doing a Public Service here, I dunno....

When you get your own blog

send me the link!

Let's compare stuff, ok?
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #148 on: August 08, 2022, 06:50:41 PM »

Until you Blighters can drive on
THE RIGHT side of the road
you have no authoritay here.

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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #149 on: August 08, 2022, 07:05:47 PM »
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