Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2929960 times)


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Truth is, I DO need you
and know full well that you shall fail me again.

Fine. I expect that.

I will do this on my own, in concert with The Lotus Factor.

I don't need you, really,
and I especially don't trust you, so...
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17700 Replies
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Diane Franssen added a post to the album: Summer 2021 in Cali.
With all this waiting, I have planned my 7 day cruise to the Mexican Rivera. Just need to get on real computer to book it. These dang phones are impossible. Gotta confirm date with my cabin mate. Sorry Jodi and Nicole Mama needs a much needed vacation. Lol 🛳 ? 👙🍹

Ron Tello Culley
Stop complaining. Do you know of the millions of middle-class Suburbanites who are dying for a Vacay? Count yer blessings on your keypad. 😹
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THAT IS IT !!!!!

I want everybody to sit down and STFU!!!!!

We are going to share a Family Movie.

Find and watch

"The Virgin Suicides".

It's a Family Show.

With overt signs of dysfunction, you'll see.

All Star cast, which in my book is OK.

Now watch!!

Let me tell a story: I first discovered this Film while on an online stalking mission for A.J. Cook,
whom I first seen on Final Destination 2.

She captured my interests.
I used to jerk off to her, now I hate her guts.

Not really.

Oh, and this flick involves Sofia Coppola.

Good Cinematic works all around!

Aside from the grim carnage and shared mass stupidity, the most uncomfortable
part for me was the Party Scene.

AWKWARD doesn't quite say it all, but it's a good start.
If you were not a pre-teen youth, you cannot relate.

All others: suck it dry.

We were there.

Get used to it,
then get over it.

God made Movies for a reason.

You, for example.

Now sit down and watch the Movie with me.

I can rewind.
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:piano: :sing: :band: :leadguitar: :jester: :dance: :duckdance: :crayfish:              :banana:
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Diane Franssen added a post to the album: Summer 2021 in Cali.
With all this waiting, I have planned my 7 day cruise to the Mexican Rivera. Just need to get on real computer to book it. These dang phones are impossible. Gotta confirm date with my cabin mate. Sorry Jodi and Nicole Mama needs a much needed vacation. Lol 🛳 ? 👙🍹

Ron Tello Culley
Stop complaining. Do you know of the millions of middle-class Suburbanites who are dying for a Vacay? Count yer blessings on your keypad. 😹

Diane Franssen
Ron I and hubby worked long and hard for vacations and retirement. If people didn't plan ahead, sucks to be them. You live in the mountains, a vacation spot of its own. Enjoy

Ron Tello Culley
Are you kidding? I hate Big Bear!! They shut down our Paradise and WE are now on a mad scramble to evacuate to my Crib in Nevada. I'll PM you the link. I was on Permanent Vacay until the government showed up.
My story is worse than yours any day, but hey, I can't complain (to you).

Diane Franssen
Ron you mean all are getting eviction notices? Umm they won't be happy to have you back in Nev.

Ron Tello Culley
Did you ask them or are you being mean to me? Yeah, no....... it's time to get gone, return to reclaim the Glory and mishaps of my former Empire. I can still play drums.
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Little do I realize... I can't play drums.

I forgot how.

I can't figure out down beat from dead beat.
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Horrifying Vaccine Story Nobody's Talking About

Weapon Deals <>

Tue, Jul 20 at 1:22 PM

This is an urgent warning regarding the horrifying C-O-V-I-D vaccine story that nobody is talking about.

According to new sources… over 1,500 seniors have died after receiving their vaccine.

And that’s believed to be just 5% of the total death count based on historical data.

The reason for all this is simple...

These vaccines were rushed through FDA approval faster than any other in history -- with practically zero human safety research.

And why were they rushed through approval?

Because pharma companies paid our government millions of dollars in exchange for getting their vaccines to market.

And now Americans are paying the price.

But that’s not even the worst part...

This is NOT a simple case of greed and corruption.

According to bestselling survival author Damian Campbell, a dark group of Global Elites set up this vaccine disaster on purpose!

And these dark elites are controlling far more than just the vaccine going into your arm.

They’re working to manipulate every aspect of your life -- to keep you fat, dumb, and 100% reliant on the government.

And these dangerous vaccines are simply one part of their disgusting plan.

Campbell reveals all the shocking details in his new book, “Rulers of Darkness” -- which is available Free today right here.

Inside, you’ll discover how their evil plot could affect your family as soon as the next 3 weeks…

And what you must do NOW to protect yourself and fight back.

Fair Warning: Campbell has agreed to issue Free copies to the next 77 readers who request one.

After that, you may be forced to pay full price ($37) if you want one.

Click here to grab your Free copy while you can.

Thank You.
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War Hero Activist Trauma Syndrome.

"I fought in the war against the Haircut Gestapo."
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Involuntary Wood Collecting

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:tello: " I wanna diverge, for a moment, from News,
to something more lively...."

Posted on April 21, 2017, updated on March 14, 2017 by John Hawkins Jr., M.S., L.M.H.C., M.C.A.P.


Pop culture often references the stages of grief, but how much does the general population know about them? One thing generally missed: people should interpret the seven stages of grief loosely. No one person experiences loss the same way. In fact, people go through the different stages in their order and can even loop back to one they already “experienced.”

It’s helpful to know the seven stages of grief because it normalizes the difficult, sometimes isolating behaviors. For instance, it is normal for a person to go through an extended period of isolation, loneliness, and depression months after the initial loss. What feels like an abnormality is, in fact, perfectly healthy when dealing with grief. Below are the seven stages of grief clarified to better understand the difficult, but necessary, mourning process.

The initial reaction to loss includes a feeling of shock. Learning someone you love is gone creates a numbness and fills a person with doubt. This is a form of emotional protection and can last for weeks. The time experienced often reflects the suddenness of the death, but there is no cookie cutter recipe for grief. It’s not uncommon for someone to go through the shock phase throughout the duration of funeral preparation simply to get through the process.

The next stage of grief reflects the stubbornness of the human spirit. The mind goes into a state of denial to avoid the pain and reality of loss. A person can deny a loved one’s passing for weeks no matter the circumstances around the death. People experience other kinds of denial as well. For instance, a grieving person may deny that the loss affects them in a serious manner. Denial is a type of self-preservation much like shock.  A person’s experience with the stage helps shelter them from the eventual pain and ensuing stages of grief.

As a person begins to feel the full realization of someone’s death, their numbness leads the way to extreme emotional pain and suffering. Guilt often accompanies this pain. A person may feel survivor’s guilt or a constant sense of “what might have been.” They may feel remorse over missed opportunities or things they did or didn’t do with their loved one before their passing. It’s important to experience the full depth of pain when going through grief. Masking this stage with alcohol or drugs only makes things worse in the long run.

The negotiation phase occurs when a grieving person needs an emotional release from the shock and pain of loss. This phase involves wrestling with fate or “the powers that be” to try and make sense of loss. Of course, there is nothing one can do to bring someone back from the dead.

People going through this phase tend to lash out at the ones around them as an unwarranted reaction to the feelings of helplessness. One may place undue blame on someone else for the death. Grief strains the relationships of the living. To preserve these relationships, it’s imperative to find a way to release these extreme emotions in a healthy manner. Failing to do so may permanently damage ties you have with friends, family, or coworkers.

People who never experienced depression before have a hard time with this stage. Depression is all-encompassing and consumes your life. While it may seem extreme and worrying to go through a depression stage it is perfectly healthy to do so when grieving. After all the energy expelled and mental anguish of the other stages, depression gives you time to reflect and recover. Taking ample time to feel the loneliness and isolation make it easier to re-enter the world when you are ready.

When going through depression, avoid people who encourage you to “snap out of it.” For one, you cannot control your emotions that way. Instead, let yourself feel the despair and emptiness– just as you let yourself feel the other stages. This is a significant period of reflection and recuperation.

As a person adjusts to life without the person they grieve, the depression and other extreme feelings fade away. Common signs of acceptance include:

Restructuring life without the person
Cleaning out the loved one’s personal items
Working on financial and social problems
Seeking out old relationships and support systems
Beginning new projects or hobbies
Acceptance does not equate to happiness. Rather, acceptance is the stage where a grieving person makes a conscious decision to move on and work towards a feeling of normality again. After a significant loss, a person rarely feels the same way they were before again. Acceptance occurs when a person stops looking towards the past and focuses on the future.

When one experiences a tragic loss, it sometimes feels like things will ever be okay again. However, joy exists in the world and recovery is possible. It helps to talk with a neutral third party about your grief, emotions, and the ensuing fallout that comes with death. A grief therapist helps you express the complex web of feelings you experience and provides helpful tools for dealing with them.

If you are looking for a grief counselor in Boynton Beach, the team at Gateway Counseling provides people in the community with the support needed to get through the seven stages of grief. Call us at your convenience at (561) 797-0631.
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:tello: " The 8th Stage is Cowboy Up and get over it.
They're dead, you're not.

What are ya gonna do, eat a gun?


We don't wanna know about it, OK? "
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You Lurkers come here looking for "Content"
and I deliver.

I'm not completely Heartless.

I like Kitty Cats.

And Jerky.
(A scrubbed-up version of Bacon)

How to Cook a Cat
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Is this Therapeutic for me?


Shopping online between posts..... YES!

I got stuff I don't remember ordering.

Happens to everyone, right?

I'll show you mine if I can find it and you show me yours, if you can find it.
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I took Postal delivery on Weapons-Grade pepper spray today.

Flavor of the month.

Get some!

:pepper spray smiley:
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I can do things differently
but I can't calibrate the particulars.

I don't don't do math, cooking or heavy lifting.

I think I can walk, but not too far.

I'm gonna get my Scooter runnin'.
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I was on the phone.

Now I'm not.

I'm on the prowl.

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Ok, so I'm poking into and exploring places I don't naturally belong
and all I can find is cleaning supplies.

And stale pastries.

It's ok.

I own the joint. They only rent rooms.

You are NOT the only Lurkers in town.....

I have an annoying flying insect here now.

Do you want it back?
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Dear Tessa: Pls help me.


And then PayPal me $49.95 USD.

I'm in a special way at present.

If I'm "Going down", I'm taking you with me.

It's not Blackmail.

It's "Leverage".

I saw it on TV.

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Look, I'll ease off the Leverage thing
if you come get this flying insect out of my Crib.

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Good help is hard to find.
And I ain't found it yet.
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:smee!: You posted your face, something I don't have....
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Given that previous, devious act... I would and do like to
divert your short term attention to the Wonderful World of Tessa.

I don't recommend anyone outright declaring hair color is Racist.

But in this case, I make an exception.

And now ...... HeeeeeeeeR's ...... .Tess!
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The Internet was made for sickness.

Most of the Patients are on your Friends List.
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Sammiches are Trending again!!!!
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Hey, I know this guy!
He owes me a Buck.
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Diane Franssen added a post to the album: Summer 2021 in Cali — at Jackson's House of Love.
1h  · La Habra, CA  ·
Finally! Made it back to Cali in one piece. Thanks Ryan and Jodi  AKA my Uber drivers and to Andrew and Nicole for putting up with me while spoiling my Gbabies rotten for the month.  This old bat needs some beauty rest. Shhh please hold all calls until after 10 AM. I'm not checking out of my room early.  👄 ?

Ron Tello Culley
Sick. Get well soon!

Ron Tello Culley
Ya Freak!

Debbie Castro
Rest up! Glad you made it safely.

Bonnie Robinson
Glad your back home

Annette Kaighin
Glad you made it home😘🥰🤗

Tammy Dennis Malimban
Glad you are home I just got on here so I didnt see this post 😊??

Sharon Keet Wise
Welcome back to Cali!!!

Ron Tello Culley
Great. Yer back in Cali. What damages can we expect from you now?
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Tessa: About Ogden....

That's where the OzRT Geeks are.


I am geographically closer to them than you.

But YOU have the e-Juice Card.

Clean them up.

And get me the records of the Lurkers.

Are they Bots?

Need to know.

I love you.

Shut up, smee!

LOL that works every time!
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" I think, therefore I am posting about it."

So go for what ya don't know and take a chance !

Most average Starlings don't fuss with details.

Trash the joint.

There are people specialized in that sort of clean up work.
And they're non-Union.
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"Ya spend 30 years of picking up trash and all you get
is a batch of misplaced trash bags."
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I seriously tend to believe that the Col., Buehler, a Culley and all the others are mildly approaching this site
with huge skepticism and marginal intellect.

And I wonder about their wonder.

They ain't talking to me either, and that's my #1 Hate Mail crowd.

This OZ gig ain't right.

Pretty cool, huh?
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I can post pix of forbidden things, but we know google is your friend.
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" Oh, it's gonna be like that now.... "
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Physicians group: Biden’s home-vaccine visits unconstitutional, unethical

July 20, 2021 (WND News Center) – The Biden administration’s plan to send agents “door to door” to persuade the “vaccine-hesitant” to receive the experimental COVID-19 shots is unconstitutional and unethical, contends an association of physicians.

The American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) said in a statement that the federal government’s “solicitation violates the ethical principles of protecting the confidentiality and informed consent.”

“Health professionals need a patient’s implied consent even to be seen; they may not simply show up uninvited at a stranger’s home,” the doctors argue.

The AAPS declares that for “both legal and ethical reasons, the program should be discontinued at once.”

The group also notes a leaked script from the Lake County Health Department in Illinois that instructs “community health ambassadors” to keep track of the addresses and responses from residents in a “Doorknocking Spreadsheet.”
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