Author Topic: Tales From The Narc Side  (Read 37504 times)


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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1400 on: September 19, 2024, 06:09:18 PM »
Page 29
Do narcissists feel accomplished when
they make you cry?

Absolutely yes. Narcissists enjoy it when they make you cry. Narcissists make you cry when things don't go their way. Narcissists will relentlessly punish you to make you feel sad, angry, and helpless. When you start crying, it makes narcissists feel powerful and under control. When you cry, narcissists see it as a victory.

Narcissists are like, "If you spoil my mood, I will make you pay for it." Narcissists main motive is that if you don't listen to them, you will pay the price in the future again. Narcissists are so wicked and cruel; they will make you cry, and they will have a good time with someone else.

Narcissists just don't care about your feelings. Narcissists do get their narcissistic supply from you when you cry for a sense of power and satisfaction. In some cases, a narcissist will make you cry and then console you to show they are feeling bad for you; it's all fake.

Narcissists never feel accomplished. That's the problem, right? If sadistic, they would have some level of joy over your tears, power on sexual satisfaction.

Me, I can't stand it. I get really nasty if I get that. It's always some trial on emotional blackmail. And it can't work. I always listen and give a straight answer, but I am not having that.

I think if someone has ever cried for me, that would be in solitude, not stamping a foot down at the same time.

Yes, many (NPD) narcissists will feel a sense of accomplishment or satisfaction when they make someone cry or cause them severe emotional pain.

This reaction stems from their need for control, validation, and superiority.

They may derive pleasure from seeing others in severe distress, as it reinforces their sense of power and importance.

This behavior is another way to boost their self-esteem, as it allows them to feel dominant in the relationship.

However, this satisfaction is shallow (transient) and rooted in their own insecurities rather than genuine emotional connection.

Oh absolutely—they get off on watching their victims cry. It’s a sense of satisfaction, the tears solidify that s/he got his victim in an emotional chokehold and s/he’ll soak up those fuel-filled tears..

Narcissists aren’t real people, and they don’t believe anyone else is real either.

Its all fake.

Narcissists are weaponized versions of humans, designed to gain as much social status in the moment as they can. They will do whatever they can in any social situation to rise to the top of the hierarchy.

Our narcissist doesn’t believe you’re real either. You’re just pretending to like all those things that you pretend to like, deep down, you know life is all about being the Best too, but you’re not as good as our narcissist - nobody is.

Our narcissist is going to prove that you’re fake, just like them. You know that the competition to be on top is all that matters. They are better than you are, they’re the Best. They’re going to pull down all your interests, dismantle all your relationships. None of it mattered, you didn’t defend any of it, you let it all go.

You’re a phony.
Make believe.
A pretender.

You knew it was all fake too, you knew deep down, just as our narcissist does, that you’re worthless, that all your hobbies, interests, relationships were nothing. You are not real either, just like our narcissist.

Nothing meant anything, and now you’re here, with nothing, and our narcissist is better than you, and you are worse than them, just as they suspected after all. Your only purpose in life is to acknowledge our narcissist’s superiority over you. That is it.

Narcissists don’t feel accomplished until they level you to your foundations.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1401 on: September 19, 2024, 06:24:58 PM »

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1402 on: September 19, 2024, 06:34:59 PM »
Do narcissists ever come to a point where they understand how badly they hurt someone?

Absolutely yes. Narcissists know they hurt people. Narcissists lack empathy, so narcissists don't understand the pain people feel. Narcissists lack remorse; they don't feel guilty for hurting people, so they keep repeating the same mistakes again and again. Narcissists have cognitive empathy; they do understand how their behavior can impact people. Using cognitive empathy, narcissists study the weaknesses and strengths of people to use against them.

Narcissists believe they can hurt people because they have the right to punish them. Any person who stands against narcissists, threatens the image of narcissists, or doesn't give narcissists what they want is likely to receive punishment from narcissists. Narcissists change their behavior depending upon the people they are with; narcissists do understand they are hurting people.

Narcissists know they have hurt people; they simply don't care. Narcissists live life with a don't care attitude; their ego just doesn't allow them to change their behavior.

Narcissists? Oh, they absolutely know when they’re hurting you—and they love it. It’s like their twisted little hobby. You see, they’re too emotionally stunted to understand real feelings because empathy is as foreign to them as good taste in movies.

Why? Because when they were kids, they probably got more hugs from a cactus than their own parents. So, expecting them to understand your emotions is like expecting a rock to grow a brain—ain’t gonna happen!!

When they hurt you, don’t expect an apology. Instead, brace yourself for the most mind-bending blame-shifting you’ve ever seen. They’ll twist it until you’re the one feeling guilty, even though you’re the one who got hurt. It’s like you’re in a game where they’re always the victim, and you’re somehow the bad guy for pointing out their nonsense.

Their “apologies” are MASTERPIECE OF MANIPULATION . It’s never “I’m sorry for what I did.” It’s more like, “I’m sorry you’re too sensitive,” or “I’m sorry the situation made me do it.”

TRANSLATION: “I’m never wrong, and it’s all your fault.”period.

And if you’re their prime source of ego fuel? Oh, they’ll turn into the world’s best actor, love-bombing you like they’re auditioning for a role in a rom-com. But don’t be fooled—underneath the sweet talk is a soul as hollow as a cheap chocolate Easter bunny.

Their game is all about control, manipulation, and making you doubt your own reality. If you confront them, get ready for a full-blown meltdown. They can’t handle criticism because their fragile ego shatters like glass at the slightest touch.

In short, narcissists are like emotional BLACK HOLES—no matter how much you give, it’s never enough, and they’ll suck the life out of you without a second thought. The best move? Get the hell away and never look back.

Absolutely - narcs know exactly what buttons they need to press to hurt partners During the devaluation phase they are literally only happy when their partner is unhappy. They not only fully understand when they hurt their partner but they use what they know to hurt them over and over and over again.

They’ll experiment with new things to find out out what hurts them the most - when something new works they’ll add it to their arsenal. If of course the partner implies that the narc is doing something just to hurt them then the narc will accuse them of being crazy to hurt them a bit more.

Whilst most of us go through our lives trying to build, grow and improve things, the narc’s raison d'etre is just to destroy things. They try and make themselves look and feel good by bringing others down. Stay away from them and never enter into a relationship with anybody with strong narcissistic traits - all such relationships are destined for disaster.

Nope. No one exists to them unless they profit from it transactionally. I don’t think normal people even realize just how devoid of anything these things are. I can’t even call them people, they are literally things.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1403 on: September 19, 2024, 06:48:48 PM »
Why does a narcissist never admit to anything even when you know the truth?

Lie? Oh no. It’s not a lie, don’t you see?

It’s technically true, in his eyes, at least, in my experience.

“I’m going to the grocery store. I’ll see you later.”

True, but what he didn’t mention?

After I go to the grocery store, and before I come home, I’m gonna stop off to f*ck Jenny…….

“I’m in the city, honey, I swear!” (Oops, but, not the city you think I’m in, soooo…technically…it’s true, because I am in the city!)

There is nothing more twisted than the lies of a Narcissist, because it exists in their own minds, as the whole truth.

Sometimes they know they’re wrong, it’s just their ego is more important than facts. They can admit it, if it benefits their image. They can almost make everything relate to them.

Compliments are nice, but to them it is like a drug. They’re sucker for attention. They constantly think of ways to make others acknowledge them. It’s hard for them to make a genuine conversation without making it about themselves, that’s why you don’t have to expect that they’ll admit it.

The Narcissist’s Prayer

That didn’t happen.

And if it did, it wasn’t that bad.

And if it was, that’s not a big deal.

And if it is, that’s not my fault.

And if it was, I didn’t mean it.

And if I did, you deserved it.

That pretty much sums it up. No, they don’t feel they did anything bad or wrong and no, they will never admit it.

End of story there.

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1404 on: September 19, 2024, 07:25:02 PM »
Why does a narcissist, after no contact, suddenly say mean things to you?

They're not finished with you till they say they are. That's how felafelled up and petty they are. They think they own you because they invested so much in you. They don't see it from your end. That would require empathy and they don't see anything wrong in how they treated you.

They feel so entitled that they can justify hurting you because as far as they're concerned you deserve payback. You're nothing to them. You mean nothing to them. They also think all your worth depends on them.

They're evil f*cks. I know some people don't think they're evil and they've got a psychological disorder and blah blah blah… but they shouldn't be excused for what damage they inflict on others. They're acutely aware they're f*cking you over. They actually go out of their way to punish you if they believe you slighted them.

Once you know what pieces of sh!t they are you should no longer care for them. Don't believe anything they say and fob them off if they try to engage you. Be done with them so they can't hurt you anymore.

They are hurting because they have lost control of you. They want to continue to control you so they continue to abuse. They want your reaction. Do not react. Starve the beast!!

Because narcissists need to have the upper hand over everyone in every situation and at all times.

It’s why post-breakup, a narcissist ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend can’t just accept that it’s over and that you start to move on, heal and genuinely improve yourself without them.

Why they are very competitive in relationships and after breakups.

And why they will go out of their way to sabotage your new relationships, to pull you down, to breadcrumb and manipulate you.

They’re grown infants. A toddler stuck in the body of a fully grown adult.

They don’t want you to be happy and to thrive in life because they need you to be miserable, to obsess over them and to keep chasing them in order for them to feel worthy and powerful.

They will say anything just to see if you still have feelings for them. They want to see how often you will keep believing in their lies. Your belief that they have feelings for you couldn't be further from the truth. That just causes a rise in their ego when you keep falling for lie after lie

They are without empathy and they do these things to prove to themselves that they exist because they are soul less. This makes them dangerous and capable of anything. Inside they are a black void of nothingness

It's just a hoover. Understand they don't have any feelings for you or anybody else they just needed a pick me up moment to boost their ego up a little bit. His meaness towards you is how they really feel about you.

Stop reading into something that doesn't exist and don't respond anymore ever to him. They are pathological liars and game players. They are just looking for any kind of attention until you catch on to their games. You need to educate yourself further about their antics.

You went no contact so stay off their playing field if you don't want to get hurt any further.. because you will get hurt a lot more so do not respond to them ever. It's time for you to accept who and what they are and the damage they love to inflict upon you and anyone who falls into their clutches.

They will never change. They have lost their humanness. They just mimic and fake it. They are who they are and who they always will be.

I pray that you will come to your senses and escape from the trap of the devil who has taken you captive to do his will. 2 Timothy 2:26.

First thing that comes to mind is why haven’t you contacted them or they contacted you? Say you’ve been away, they(Narcissist) probably did miss what you provided for them, but it is common thought that they only care themselves. When you come back & contact them, you will be met with the punishment phase(meanness).

Of course, they are going to try to make you feel guilty for not being on “standby”. You are their regular supplier of what builds them up so they can just put you down again. Let them completely go, don’t wait around, get truly free & out of their control! They are grooming their next victim or supplier with someone else.

Run don’t walk. Be free. It all comes down to them wanting to CONTROL you, make you feel guilty so you won’t leave them. They like to keep a spare victim on standby because without someone to feed their overzealous self-esteem, they become irrational.

Think back to Pavlov & his dogs, they went through Classical Conditioning to follow the correct stimulus when they were fed. Think about how these animals became dependent personalities, their ability to eat dependent on behaving the correct way to a certain stimuli (pleasant or unpleasant) to stop their hunger.

They looked forward to their same scientist visiting them everyday & feeding them, teasing them. They loved their caregiver! Dogs have incredible emotional intelligence.

Now to be sure to emphasize that I’m not referring to Narcissists or victims of emotional abuse as animals. Pavlov truly earned his Nobel for his research. What happens when we true dog lovers have to leave our pets behind for a trip? I know there’s innumerable people out there that believe me when I say they punish, ignore or maybe be mean to us because we didn’t take them with us.

Because in their mind you need to be punished. You have given them a narcissistic injury by going no contact. They hold grudges too which can last years even a lifetime.

This is on the lines of what they call the Hoover tactic. They miss you they love you they want you back. But as soon as you do it's business as usual. These people have a disease and they are incapable of normal rational human emotions and feelings. Do not fault yourself for responding as a human.

In a normal situation when two stable people have a disagreement and one realizes that they were wrong and comes to the other for forgiveness they actually admit they were wrong and point out where they were wrong and apologize. This conversation will never take place with a narcissist.

They are incapable of having adult conversations and situations. So why do they do it? It's a game for them. And you are purely their entertainment. I am so sorry to sound so crass about it.

But it is the unfortunate truth.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1405 on: September 19, 2024, 07:49:38 PM »
A covert narcissist is a typical example of a wolf in sheep's clothing. It's just a matter of time before they show their true color; by then, they will have done you so much wrong.
Narcissism should be criminalized.

The Little Shaman
Deep Dive:
Covert Narcissists

8 months ago
A covert abuser gets everyone around them to buy into their hero/victim facade. The abuse behind closed doors would shock and horrify people in the covert's life. It's genuinely hard to believe it's the same person, even for the victims themselves. The abusers isolate their victims and control the narrative, presenting that they are "helping" their victims. People end up bullying the victim because they truly believe that the abuser is being harmed and needs "protection". It's incredibly insidious and I think it causes a lot of suicide in victims. We are so lucky to live in a time of information access.

2 years ago
The covert narcissist are the most DANGEROUS of them all. Mine is also a sociopath. RUN AWAY AS FAST AS YOU CAN!! They'll ruin your lives.

3 years ago (edited)
You KNOW if you've encountered one of these types. You KNOW! You may not know at the time but you know afterwards because you can't believe a person like that exists.

3 years ago (edited)
Always blame shifting, there's never any accountability or responsibility for their actions. Both are equally demonic & dangerous.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1406 on: September 19, 2024, 08:25:22 PM »
They assign feelings and thoughts in your head that don't really exist.
The Little Shaman DEEP DIVE:
Dealing With Narcissists 
~How to~

4 years ago
The way a narcissist behaves would be almost comical if it wasn't so tragic and damaging to others.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1407 on: September 19, 2024, 08:49:00 PM »
They are the closest thing to a factory made demonic robot there is. Seriously. How are they so similar and lacking in originality?

When you stop giving the narcissist chances you will begin healing. This is when you recognize who they are and what they have done. The narcissist needs to have no access to you. Going no contact is the path. Controlling your own time and energy is imperative. Not giving a toxic person any chance is what needs to be done once we identify who these people are.

3 months ago
Living with a narcissist in your life feels like being slowly poisoned.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1408 on: September 19, 2024, 09:02:37 PM »
Oh once you block them never unblock them. Be strong and determined to shake them off forever.
We have to see evil as Evil.


The clearer you see people for who they are the better you understand humanity. The narcissist doesn’t want you to become clear and actually realize who they are. When the fog lifts and the clarity appears this is when you will see what you weren’t aware of..that narcissistic behavior is all around. As you begin to heal the narcissist will become smaller.

14 hours ago
You can tell how small they are by the number of “fish stories” they give.

They’re always presenting themselves as some kind of hero, or that they’ve got some kind of inside track on something, or that they’ve got some kind of special expertise you don’t have (it isn’t true in ANY case whatsoever) and only end up causing more problems as they screw everything up in the end.

When you actually see what they really are, they end up being much smaller.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1409 on: September 19, 2024, 09:16:19 PM »
The only two emotions they know are hate and anger.
Covert Narcissists
Hate Intimacy

5 days ago
Relationships are just a game to this person. They’re terrified of facing their own reality so they try to ruin yours. You can be the kindest person in the world and they’ll still want to destroy you. It’s a very sick game that they play. Get away and stay away as soon as you can.

4 days ago
Cold as ice

5 days ago
You are 100% right!  No cuddling, no  intimacy, no trust. Trusted family over me. That was the covert narcissist that I escaped. Yes, I was fooled in the beginning. But when that mask fell off, I kicked that covert narcissist out of my life forever. I allowed no hovering! Done! Over! Never looked back!

5 days ago
My female narc would ask to “cuddle”. I felt it was to entrap me to get emotionally attached. Also kiss, I always felt it was used as a manipulation tactic. She was always trying to get me dependent on her physically and/or emotionally. Her constant accusations of me, cheating on her and the tantrums and physical rage got her put in time out. Gotta put a child in time out. She’s now in forever no contact. She can take her trauma to someone else.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1410 on: September 19, 2024, 09:59:13 PM »
Are all narcissist criminals?

Yes all narcissists are criminals because they are emotional terrorist and that's just a little start. The answer is definitely yes and I stand by answer its the truth and the problem is its really difficult to prove and they plan their deceptive premeditated crimes and they do it over and over again so they are careers criminals and habitual criminals and they have and show no remorse for their crimes.

Yes, because they don’t believe the rules or laws apply to them, so they do whatever they want, plus they rebel against authority since they think they are the authority.

Do narcissists have a criminal mindset? I can only speak from my experience and I had many criminal and borderline criminalI things done to me by a narcissist. The rules don't apply to a narcissist. Why should they? After all , the world only revolves around them.

In a sense no they are not criminals, but due to the fact that they cannot or refuse to fit the norms of society they do not find nor want a place in society to function normal so they go outside the norms because of their own delusions.

1. The regular rules don't apply to them, they are above it all.

2. They don't respect boundaries which is what laws are.

3. They thrive for chaos, excitement and drama. Crime is good for that sort of thing.

4. Being pathologically parasitic makes them dependent on hosts and keeping the hosts happy.

5.Overdeveloped sense of entitlement.

They all break the rules, it's a matter of whether or not they get caught. Only then can they be marked as a criminal. They are good at making a big stink and people then leave them alone. They are good at setting up the big lie and Gaslighting with word salads to confuse your thoughts to leave them alone. Hard to prove their actions to others, most are just petty thieves.

It’s hard to say if it’s intentional or not, but they definitely display criminal behavior.

My ‘N-ex’, who of course knows everything about everything and is smarter than everyone else (as well as superior) got a notice in 2015 from the IRS for a tax lien in the amount of $660,000 for tax years 2009–2013……. btw he does his own taxes……hmm?!?! Kinda looks like criminal behavior, don’t you think?

His mother’s husband is an Accountant/CPA and helped him get it lowered to $116,000……. but still, that’s not chump change!!!! And I just think he figured he was SO smart and could just get away with cheating the tax man!

He’s also gotten a DUI, stopped making payments on ALL of his loans (financed items: 3 cars, 2 homes, 1 yacht) and at least 4 credit cards……where’s he’s been sued by several banks. And he’s been arrested for Domestic Violence and 2 other ‘regular’ battery arrests.

Just kinda seems like disobeying the law (criminal behavior) comes natural to them because they have the mindset that they ARE ABOVE THE LAW!!!!

Yes! I know my ex-narc killed my cat but I have no way of proving it! He worked for Terminix at the time & I believe he poisoned him! He wanted to get a dog, but I didn’t want it to be a problem for my cat who at the time was 16.

I found out he had put a deposit down in June 2015 on a litter of pups that were due to be born in August 2015 & my cat mysteriously got very ill & died July 2015! I was so naive at the time! They’re sadistic & disgusting!

People with a narcissistic personality disorder are “criminals” even if they do not ever get arrested. Their “sense of entitlement,” “unreasonable expectations” and “lack of sensitivity to the rules of others” result in injury to others.

They manipulate and exploit people in their unceasing efforts to build themselves up. Their “contemptuous” and “impatient” behavior has a negative impact on others. The people who suffer the most are those closest to them. Spouses, children, and work colleagues are ground down daily.

In order to peacefully coexist, they must try to satisfy the narcissist's insatiable psychological needs. A person who does not meet the expectations of the narcissist likely will have a very unpleasant encounter. Anyone may become a victim — a waiter, a sales lady, a receptionist — and bear the brunt of his disdain, condescension, and contempt.

A psychologist described his narcissistic client in the following manner: “This is a man who is used to doing what he wants regardless of someone else’s opinion or the impact of his behavior on others.

He acknowledges he goes for the jugular. He needs to be in control of all situations and will often do what he wants in blatant disregard of rules, others’ perceptions, or the impact of his behavior on others. He challenges, threatens, or cajoles to achieve his ends.”

Never underestimate the damage that such a person can do. A narcissist is a criminal who leaves a trail of injury behind.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1411 on: September 19, 2024, 10:21:36 PM »
What kind of damage can a narcissist do?

Narcissists can cause unspeakable damage. The damage can be life changing to their victims, and sadly some victims never recover from the physical, emotional, verbal, financial, or psychological abuse.

Studies have shown children of narcissists develop brain damage from psychological abuse, and maltreatment. These changes can lead to devastating effects on the lives of their children as they grow up into adults. This is true for adults as well especially in relationships, marriages, friendships, family dynamics, and work relationships with someone has narcissistic personality.

Victims of narcissistic abuse have many of the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, including the following below:

Flashbacks, nightmares, or easily startled.

An overwhelming sense of guilt, regret, or shame.

Reliving the trauma from the narcissistic abuse.

Being on-alert 24/7 Easily startled by loud or unexpected noises.


Feeling detached from your emotions or body, not feeling like yourself.

Avoidance behavior or avoiding situations like large crowds or anything that reminds you of the abuse.

Avoiding relationships, or not being able to trust others.

Being preoccupied with the abusive relationship/person, or continuously thinking of revenge.

Collateral financial abuse or damage such a default on a loan, credit card debts, and some cases the victim filed for bankruptcy.

Narcissists are pathologically selfish, mean, and often extremely cruel. Most narcissist may not even acknowledge that they have a problem, so trying to reason or confront them often backfires into more manipulation, drama, and abuse for you.

Narcissists can cause emotional, verbal, and physical abuse. It is very possible as an adult to develop mental health issues such as anxieties, panic attacks, depression, self-doubt, low self-esteem, lack of self-worth, self-identity issues, and drugs and alcohol abuse or dependence as a way to cope with the psychological abuse.

Working in the healthcare field I have witnessed narcissistic abuse to the degree of victims being hospitalized or deemed as disabled due to the extent of the narcissistic abuse damage created by the narcissist.

Outpatient and inpatient psychiatric offices/hospitals are filled with patients due to a psychological collapse from narcissistic abuse. Some of their victims are on antidepressants, anti-anxiety, and antipsychotics meds due to the damage of narcissistic abuse.

If you’re a victim, leave if you can, join a support group, learn as much as you can about toxic personalities, and do whatever you can to protect your emotional-mental health. The debilitating damage is very real!

Lastly, take the time to google or look online at narcissistic abuse. Just look at many social media forums, platforms, blogs, videos, or just google or search. And you will find millions of unrelenting emotional and psychological pain-damage from victims all over the world as a direct result from a narcissist.

May you know the signs. May you factor in facts over feelings. May you take the time to heal and recover, and may you never ever again be a victim to any form of abuse.

The damage is beyond belief and unless you yourself were a victim, you may easily think that I may be exaggerating.

Let me describe the way I felt:

Like I swallowed my very own nuclear bomb.

Unable to face life.

Wanting to cry constantly and staring in space.

If I had the option, I don’t think that I would have ever got out of bed.
And without God, I would not have survived.

Kill them or cause a suicide. Gutting them emotionally leaving a ghost of the person they once was with self esteem issues and mental illness to wander the earth wrapped in emotional pain.

Suck everything good out leave them penniless, homeless and friendless to rebuild a shattered life.

Hundreds if not thousands of us are out here.

Financially - living, breathing leeches who will suck you dry if given the chance.

Emotionally - you will feel drained of life, if fulfilment, of hope and joy.

Psychologically - you will be left with a low self-esteem, masses of self doubt, guilty even though you did little to break the relationship, undermined, abandoned and betrayed.

Socially - you will be isolated from friends and family, smeared to everyone both of you know and you will all of a sudden lack the social skills to make friends or even know how to act in a social setting anymore.

Physically - if with an outwardly violent narc, you will be lucky to walk away with your body still intact. Even if not violent, they may accidentally hurt you in some way multiple times (though just in fun😜). You will also notice that you will age quickly in the last stages. Sleep will become erratic and you will not look after yourself as you have done in the past.

Spiritually - well your spirit is broken! You will question your beliefs and wonder why you were this unfortunate as to fall into the narcs trap!

You will also trust no-one, have no faith in your judgement, self-analyse, question everything you know, suffer confusion and humiliation and spend hours putting together the puzzle pieces to make any sense of the situation you found yourself in.

But the beginning was wonderful right?

break your spirit

cause depression

make you feel suicidal

break your confidence

lower your self esteem

make you feel useless and worthless



make you feel unloveable

the list is endless.

They can take your entire life from you. They can turn everyone against you before you even meet them. They can turn those closest to you against you, make them hate you.

They can isolate, alienate and triangulate you from everyone you love, any support system you might have. They can turn you against yourself. They can turn your children against you. They can and will destroy anything.

Narcissists are black holes, singularities of egoic suffering so unchecked they consume everything. They take all light from your life, leaving you alone in the existential agony of the dark vacuum that was once your love and life.

One of the worst things that a narcissist can do to you is gaslighting. I think it's the worst type of abuse because it's when someone denies something that actually happened.

This kind of abuse continues even after the narcissist is gone because you constantly question your thoughts and emotions. You're never sure what is real and what's not. Additionally, there's the trauma bond and the roller coaster effect, where your emotions fluctuate between high and low, leaving you feeling unstable.

As a result, you start doubting yourself. It's truly awful when this happens. The best way to overcome it is to remember who you were before you met the narcissist. Write it down and take some time to reflect on it.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1412 on: September 20, 2024, 12:04:48 AM »
Yes, they are the biggest users you'll ever meet.
And once they can't get anything out of you they're off
to the next. Take take take is what they want.

Are You Being Used by a
Narcissist Right Now?
5 Signs You Cannot Ignore

18 hours ago
For they cannot sleep till they do evil, they are robbed of slumber till they make someone fall. They eat the bread of wickedness and drink the wine of violence. Proverbs 4:16-17

19 hours ago
Narcissist are demons in human form.

5 days ago
Narcs are users.

2 days ago
It doesn't take long before one begins to notice that they're being used by a narc. I believe also that narcs show who they truly are when they show signs of being needy and dependent. Narcs need others. Others don't need them, which explains why they chase and terrorize those who cut them off and want nothing to do with them. I believe narcs know deep down they are different, and why others try to avoid them. However, narcs project their issues onto others to make them feel guilty and sorry for them. I don't and choose to not fall for it. There's nothing that I can do to change their behavior, and neither can they, so it appears.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1413 on: September 20, 2024, 12:15:28 AM »
Topics like these NEED to be taught in school !
5 Signs of Emotionally
Manipulative People

Are you being emotionally manipulated by the people in your life? This may be people you love who are applying emotional manipulation or emotional abuse tactics such as your parents or your friends or your husband or wife.

Emotional manipulation can show up in many different ways, and we may not always see if we are being emotionally manipulated. There are several signs of emotional manipulation, some more drastic or stark than others. This could manifest or look like toxic parents or narcissist parents or husband or wife or perhaps emotionally immature friends.

This emotional manipulation may have also been childhood emotional neglect; I talk more about childhood emotional neglect in the videos below. Here are the 5 signs of emotionally manipulative people; signs to look out for if you think you are being emotionally manipulated or emotionally abused by someone in your life.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1414 on: September 20, 2024, 12:51:41 AM »
There are billions of these narcissists out there and they all seem to be connected remotely.
5 Psychological Techniques
a Narcissist Uses To
Destroy You

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1415 on: September 20, 2024, 01:15:13 AM »
What are the indicators of
someone being a narcissist?

The narcissist is not human. Narcissist looks and speaks like a human, trying to be a human but in reality it is an alien creature.

It's a monster in a human's suit who trying at all cost to get the attention.
It's a monster that wants to take over your mind, that's wants to control every aspect of your life, that wants to isolate you from others.

Narcissist does not feel what others feel, he/she is unable to form a bond with anyone.

He/she is incapable of empathy, self-reflection, to admit his/her mistake, he/she has no feelings of guilt, conscience, regret or compassion.

To understand who you're dealing with, you need to ask yourself a question.
Is it still human without all this?

No, it has never been, is not and will never be human, even though it may look like human. He/she can only pretend to be a human.

To heal from the trauma after the relationship you have to dehumanize the narcissist. The thing is that the narcissist doesn't need to be dehumanized because he/she was never human, but he/she is human in your head, in your mind, and that's where you need to dehumanize the narcissist.

Can an individual who cannot sit still for five minutes, who constantly feels anger and hatred, who constantly pretends to be someone he/she is not, be human? The narcissist doesn't even know who he/she is.

The narcissist sees other people together holding hands, hugging, loving each other, sees elderly people who have been together for decades and the narcissist would like to have it all to himself/herself. A narcissist is very envious of everything he/she will never have. He/she can only imitate.

The narcissist is empty inside, its brain structure is different from the structure of the normal human brain. The narcissist would like to be happy with someone, but even when he/she is with someone, he/she not happy and never will be. but he/she will always look for happiness that he will never find.

The narcissist is unable to connect emotionally with another person. A relationship with a narcissist is a transaction. Can a calculator love you? Can you love a calculator? Is the calculator human? Narcissist is a primitive life form that hides what it really is, trying to be a higher life form than the others.

Narcissists know they are different from others. The narcissist's family knows that the narcissist is different from others. Very often, the narcissist's family is also disordered, not necessarily all of them, but it also happens.

When you're at the zoo, do you know you're different from the animals? This is how a narcissist feels around around people .... Different ... Narcissist is dead inside and desperately does everything to make someone notice that he/she is exist. He/she is like a ghost that no one notices, so he/she does everything to make him/her noticed.

Whether you believe in ghosts, vampires or zombies, the narcissist wants to bite you and leave a permanent mark on you. A narcissist watches other people and it's like a movie he/she can't act in, so he/she pretends to be someone he's/she’s not. He/she plays the role of making you watch the movie too.

The narcissist knows that no one will ever love him/her for who he/she really is. The narcissist is filled with anger, hatred, and shame. The narcissist is not human even though he/she would like to be and because he/she be he/she does what he/she has to do to survive. He/she just wants to fit in and hide around people.

This is how the narcissist proves to himself/herself that he/she is a real person. The narcissists lie to themselves and believes theirs lies, and believes them even more when others believe them too.

What makes us human?

It's not something that can be programmed, it's the power of the human heart.

A narcissist is an expert charmer. They will shower you with everything you thought you were missing in your life. You will feel like the most amazing person in the world. They will tell you how wonderful you are (not like their crazy ex’s - another red flag right there).

They are also expert liars. They will tell you whatever they think will impress you.

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

That being said, there are legitimate times where you have somebody fall head over heels in love with you because you really ARE that special too them. The legitimate ones, will continue to treat you well. The narcissist will start to pull away and become a bit cold as soon as they have hooked you.

If you start questioning how they feel about you early on, they are probably using you as their most recent supply.

A narcissist will often go through love affair after love affair. And their “crazy ex’s” will likely have done terrible things to them and cheated on them all the time. As a narcissist will project their own behaviours onto others, this is likely them telling you of the things they have done.

Always look out for the narcissist language. They will ALWAYS blame you for things THEY have done, are doing or plan to do.

Best advice? Don’t accept everything they tell you without asking questions. If it doesn’t hold up under some questioning, or they start getting mad at you for grilling them, giving them the third degree or not trusting them, instead of answering, they are probably a narcissist.

You will take years may be a decade to finally understand a person is narcissist. The few very prominent signs that I saw from the beginning but ignored are:

They will take credit of every little thing on themselves. In certain situations you will be shocked how they do it.

They will manipulate you every time you will want to discuss something. At the end they will NEVER agree to you or support your point of view. You WILL give up.

They will never appreciate you from their heart.

They will only find faults in you.

They are also super miserly with money.

They will never let you grow. They will crush all your potential.

They will control all your moves.

They will monitor every move that you make without you realizing. They will check phone logs. They will overhear every time you talk to some one. They will judge the way you talk to others.

You will feel like you are living in jail.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1416 on: September 20, 2024, 01:43:09 AM »
A narcissist can't face their own reality of their own behavior and actions against you and anyone else who unfortunately comes in contact with them!
The One Thing That Hurts Narcissists 1000% More Than You Think!

2 hours ago
You said in the that the narcissist needs therapy. That will not help a true narcissist, they cannot be helped. Spreading this kind of information around gives false hope to those in a relationship with one. Please learn more before spewing these falsities. The narcissist's deep rooted problems cant be repaired. They have little to no empathy and aren't capable of learning that.

23 hours ago
Disappear, free your mind the rest will follow.

1 day ago
I have hoped that there was many more in here because there's so many Narcissists out there.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1417 on: September 20, 2024, 01:52:49 AM »
"They'll provoke you to anger then
shame you for being angry."

A Narcissist's Playbook For Keeping You Subordinate

Narcissists are in a perpetual pattern of unhealthy self-preservation.  Dr. Les Carter identifies 12 highly predictable tactics they use as they seek to elevate Self at your expense.  As you gain insight into their psychological strategies, you can find freedom from their exploitive efforts.

18 hours ago
By constantly making you feel that they are more important than you, you feel totally unimportant. They have to be the big boss and keep you totally beneath them!!!

26 minutes ago
Surrounded by the family of narcissists I married into, the abuse went on for decades. But after listening to Surviving Videos for over two years now, I see it all clearly. Knowledge is freeing but I still have so much healing to do. Thank you, Dr. Carter and thank you for reminding us of civility, dignity, and respect. I need that reminder like you give it... over and over. Sometimes, I still just want to get them back and give them a taste of their own medicine. But getting power back for me to live my life will not come like that and will just keep me in a mess.

7 hours ago
In their playbook, they are a main character and you are a side character. They are a hero and you are a villain.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1418 on: September 20, 2024, 10:07:57 AM »
They are like children.
3 Grueling Ways to
Handle a Narcissist

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1419 on: September 20, 2024, 02:21:15 PM »
Monsters walk among us!
The Spirit of Cain within
the Covert Narcissist

1 month ago
I love how you went from talking about narcissism from a psychological point for a long time to now explaining the spiritual.  There’s so much to it and hopefully people who aren’t believers will start to wake up to the truth you're speaking.  Keep exposing these demons that’s what they really are.

1 month ago
Everyone talks about the Narc that comes from Trauma. I will like to add that I have met more Narcs that come from a good life/childhood. They are like the mean popular/rich kid in school that grew up and can't stand to see others get ahead especially the "Poor Girl"...Like me. I get ahead and some guy wants to come knock me down to keep me down.

1 month ago
Being Jealous is an emotion that these Narc’s can never can control. The lengths they go to destroy innocent people who don’t even know them is staggering.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1420 on: September 20, 2024, 03:07:09 PM »

I listen to Yaz because her tone of voice is seething with hatred about narcissists.
Its very satisfying.

Covert Narcissists are Impossible

1 year ago
They are the fakest of the fake.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1421 on: September 20, 2024, 04:51:24 PM »
Do narcissists use your past against you?

Absolutely yes, because narcissists are cowards. During the love bombing phase, narcissists will try to know everything about your strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes, your past life, and your past connections with people. You will feel like narcissists are trying to connect with you, but the truth is they are gaining information to use against you.

Reason narcissists use the past against you because you shouldn't question them or argue with them. When they don't have any point to prove themselves right, then they will bring your past to pin you down.

Narcissists also use your past to create more problems in your life; they want to hurt you and make your life miserable. Narcissists will use your past to blackmail you. Never tell narcissists about your past.

Narcissists are cowards and weak-minded people.

The narcissist will bring up any topic or conversation, which is capable of causing you to experience an emotional downfall.

They want to see your mood crash, and stay down. Unless, of course, their ego needs some stroking… in which case they may demand that you uplift them. But otherwise, they do not want to see you feeling good.

Narcissists will remind you of the reasons you should be thankful to them, all the great things they have done for you. They will remind you of your most painful memories, and where you have failed or let people down in the past.

They will not do this all the time necessarily, but instead whenever they feel they need to get a handle on you, for whatever reason, which is quite often.

They will think up just the story / past event which will trigger certain thoughts/ memories in you, to do the trick. To get a grip on you.

It's all about the narcissist getting you to feel in whatever way they need you to feel, whenever they want.

Because, after all, they regulate themselves through you.

A narcissist will most definitely remember and bring up all and every single past indiscretion you have ever had. I believe they will mostly do this when they are threatened or have been caught out.

Its to try and make you out to be the bad one and to deflect any form of guilt they may get from being caught out. If you are the bad one well they are a shining angel, not sure if there intention is to try and hurt you so much but its definitely to ridicule and belittle you.

Yes they most certainly do!

During the love bomb stage, the narcissist usually has only one intention! That intention is to seduce the victim, into believing they are in love. So the manipulative behaviour has a clear purpose. Flattery, praise, and fake empathy, to trap the victim!

Now, after the poor victim has been lulled into the false sense of security, the devastation will begin. This is also when the Data mining will occur!

Data mining, is the narcissists greatest asset during the devaluation stage. They slowly devalue the victim to lower the self esteem and then probe into their weaknesses with intrusive questioning.

Every detail that the victim divulges to narcissistic character, is recorded and committed to memory. They dig so deep into the past experiences, and family upbringing, all in search of information to use as leverage!

This Data mining has actually been apparent from (day one) of the initial encounter. The victim was targeted and then the manipulation began!

Every single statement and comment regarding the victims past has been collected and documented to ensure the narcissist has enough information to maintain control over their target. This could be vulnerable situations such as family problems in childhood, criminal records, past relationships, the list is endless, and the narcissist has been listening, recording and planning the demise of the victim should they ever dare to escape!

This is not only to use against the victim while still in the relationship, to maintain control, but to use later as a smear campaign when the victim actually finds a way out!

Never give away too much information to anyone! Always stay vigilant, and listen to what questions are being asked of you. If they seem intrusive, and you feel uncomfortable, this is your red flag, offer nothing and walk away.

Please please please, trust your intuition! That gut feeling is your primitive early warning system alerting you to danger!

Trust it!

Anything you say will be used against you.

The person I dedicate my Q account to, would ask:

About relationships and use info against me.

About family and use it against me.

He even:

Used things I did not say against me.

They want you to confide in them, they act as if they care, only to later complain that you saw them as confidante and they did not want that..or that they never cared or that there was no bond between the 2 of you..(which is correct as they were only using you for supply).

ding ding! the million dollar question!!

christ oh mighty if this didn’t drive me to drink

why ??? because they can NEVER do any wrong.. and to make it even better, YOU have to do EVERYTHING wrong.

it is to save face? maybe.. is it to debunk their wrongdoing? yep..

remember: their false image, which they live by, must do no wrong. they will actually lose everything… home, wife, family.. before they admit and submit to any wrongdoing. they must deflect, duck, deter convo, flip .. anything to avoid being “wrong” or “apologizing”.


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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1422 on: September 20, 2024, 04:55:24 PM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1423 on: September 20, 2024, 05:11:37 PM »
How clever can a narcissist be when they tell on themselves constantly?

While some are genuinely clever in their pursuit of power/control over others (as some are extraordinarily manipulative), they do definitely trip up along the way and sometimes tell you about themselves or tell on themselves, lol.

In reality, narcissists tend to lack emotional self-control and may actually “break” at times, especially when they feel that someone is figuring them out/seeing through them or not “properly” responding to their attempts to manipulate, dominate, provoke, etc.

Narcissists are essentially “stuck” in their emotional development, so while some may be intelligent, they are also children living in adult bodies.

I tend to more look at it as “normal” human beings wanting to assume the best, and simply not realizing or wanting to believe that sh!t ass, moral-less human beings exist, lol.

If it weren’t for “normal” human beings, narcissists would not be able to survive/thrive. They essentially survive/thrive through “normal” human beings.

Because narcissists are the type who will smile in your face, seemingly say all the right things (especially during the beginning stages) while knowing full well that they’re simply presenting themselves as who/what they believe will draw you in (charming/flattering, generous, romantic, etc) and taking advantage of you.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1424 on: September 20, 2024, 08:08:16 PM »
How can one drive a narcissist mad?
                      :crazy:                                                        :tanty:

I love this question as honestly so many people are suffering way too much at the hands of these evil people.

You will drive the narcissist crazy:

When you are the hated one and you survive. You not only survive the hatred strategy but become happy again.

When no matter what the narcissist does to trigger your anger, you remain collected and polite. I love it! It takes enormous self discipline.

When we do not show emotions with them. No supply here you monster is the real message.

When we discard the narcissist but please be careful as this is bound to create a narcissistic injury and you can easily become the hated one.

When we don’t take the calls of the narcissist.

When we act unemotional with the flying monkeys.

When we deal with the narcissist in a smart manner.

When we show them that morality pays in life. Stick to the right path and heaven will provide enormous abundance.

When the child of a narcissist calls out the crap out of the narcissist parent. With partners, I do not suggest this but with the children of narcissists, yes I do. After all that torture, it will show the child has back bone to expose the parent for all the sick games.

When a narcissist has to face authorities. Bullshit has not managed to get them past this one.

When an alienated parent is reunited with the children!

Please drive all narcissists crazy. They must learn their lesson. Hating and destroying human beings is not a way to live your life.

Why should you?

They’re crazy anyways.
I think we know that.

I do understand the feeling of wanting to do something to get back at them for all their wrongs, but it’s not worth the effort because as we know, narcissists don’t even care.

It’s just fuel for them. Nothing will change. They can get that fuel from anyone, we don’t need to be their supply anymore. We don’t need to waste our time and energy on driving them crazy when they already are, and instead focus on ourselves, getting free and healing.

That’s the best we can do. When we gain back our independence and get free and heal, that’s what ‘drives them crazy’ because then they’re losing control of us. If they know in the end they couldn’t break us, that’s what drives them crazy.

Let’s just keep our independence and stay free.

Tell them they are wrong then have someone join you in claiming how wrong they are. They will explode in rage.

Narcissists expect you to be so intimidated by them that they expect you to just lose who you are and meld into who they are. But there are certain things that you can do that are just going to drive them purely nuts.

First, don't buy into their BS. They're not the ultimate arbiters of truth; keep that in mind. Beyond that, there's no need for you to justify who you are. They're not listening anyway.

Then, taking it further, live as a free person. They've assigned themselves as being your taskmaster, but that's a delusion that you don't have to play along with. Then, refuse to argue. Just simply don't jump into their mud hole.

And then, beyond that, have meaningful separate relationships and priorities. Your character is everything, so hold on to that. Be you, knowing full well that it's going to drive them mad.

And then, as you do so, get out of the way so that they can just be who they are. You can be a very separate and distinct person.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1425 on: September 20, 2024, 08:47:54 PM »
Never argue with a stupid person. They’ll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Narcissists Who Are Trapped By Their Own Stupidity

Stupidity is a very real phenomenon that impacts how a person treats others, makes decisions, and responds to power.  Dr. Les Carter describes how narcissistic individuals are uniquely positioned to become trapped by the problem of stupidity, then he discusses ways to overcome its ignorant patterns.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1426 on: Today at 05:54:41 AM »
You’re not hypersensitive. They are cold, there’s a huge difference.
How a Covert Narcissist Tries to Mind F*ck You

5 months ago
Passive aggressive is the WORST thing to live with! I married one and it was hell because I didn't know until I had three kids and a business. The constant smirk and ridicule  at everything I said and did was the worst. I was the crazy one when I noticed it and said something about it. Contempt for me was the default vibe in the house. Gone now for 15 years and freedom is wonderful!

1 year ago
These f ing narcissists turn everything we have been taught upside down. Remember all the "setting boundaries" bs? There is only ONE boundary that works on these demons from HELL, and that is NO CONTACT.  I'll be damned if I waste one more ounce of my precious life on these things.

9 months ago
They don't like their supplies. They're jealous and insecure.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1427 on: Today at 06:02:57 AM »
Will a narcissist ever find the person who changes them for the better?

No. They cannot find the one. And nobody can change them except themselves.

What they can find is someone they believe to be the one….someone who is thought to be perfect. So this person is idealized. At least until it's realized that they are not perfect. Then that person becomes ordinary and worthless. And they are devalued and discarded.

That is the narcissistic cycle. External love does not break it.

No, because is not about right person is about the narcissist. You need to understand the fact that a narcissist is incapable of loving anyone. Even the love that they have towards themselves is disordered is extremely self centred, self absorbed. Is not love it's self obsession. They don't know who they are. So how would they ever to connect with anyone when they are not connected with their own essence?

Their true self is dead. It's just the false self that exist. Is just shell of who they truly were. Narcissists can't sustain relationships.

They are emotional predators and use others to regulate their emotions. Narcissists want maximum gain with minimum efforts. They are extremely self centred They thrive on conflict and can't stand stability. Narcissists are hyper sensitive to anything that can be taken as criticism. They take responsibility for nothing and believe their own lies.


These pathetic, cruel, selfish liars can never recognize true love because they live is illusions. For them it’s their prime goal to catch hold of people who can take them high with lusty night outs, gifts, sweet surprises and finally end up with them in bed. They continuously keep hunting for new supplies and keep replacing them with yet another new ones.

Be it he or she, all narcissists are identically same cruel people who only ruin other people who love them. They destroy the person who loves them to such an extent that the victim suffers from all sides. Mentally, emotionally, financially, physically and becomes paralyzed for the rest of his/her life feeling worthless.

These ba**rds and bitc**s are only bothered about their selfish motives and are capable to sleep with their own fathers, mothers, sisters, daughters and sons as long as their momentary lusty need is taken care.

No one on this planet can change them till they are alive, PERIOD!!!

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1428 on: Today at 07:31:42 AM »
Would a narcissist ever
help anyone out?

Only if it makes them look good to others or they will benefit in some way. The benefit may not be noticeable to some people.

They will tell you they will help you and conveniently forget. Narcs are known for giving empty promises so they can look like the “good person”. Another example of telling you what you want to hear. It will rarely happen - Don’t ever rely on a narc. You will be constantly disappointed.

No. They would only help others if it somehow helps them.

Whether that be to make them look like a hero, victim, grandiose, generous etc

The priority will always be the narc's interest.

Like for a sadistic gang stalking of a person or other fun event, like the torture of a helpless animal or perhaps murdering a person? That kind of ”need?” Absolutely, they would be there if you needed them to help you with anything sickening or extremely sadistic, especially the Covert Narcissists, they are the most helpful and altruistic of all the cluster B's.

However if you mean “need", like say, help taking care of the Narcissist's ailing mother or father, or even just help with a few dinner dishes?

No, then I am afraid you won't see or hear from a Narcissist in months, even longer, sometimes years.

And don't ever try to find a Narcissist to help you with any sort of need like, “emotional support” because your mother just died and you simply “needed a shoulder to cry on". Narcissists don't really do those kind of needs, either but they may toss you a “sorry your b*tch mother's dead sympathy f*ck just for some “sh!ts and giggles" to help you better cope with your loss?

As long as they are the focus of your need, yeah they may be there for you then, other than that though? Not so much, but don't be hard on old Narcopath for not being able to help you with your needs, just know that they are always willing to have you give them a hand with any number of their needs.

It is after all why they have you around anyway. Just like a trusty old car battery, you can take a licking and you'll just keep ticking along, until it's time for a new one. Probably due to too many of your unreasonable, “needs”?

It's a nightmare trying to find good supply these days.

It's not old Narcopath's fault that they live this way, they are after all, damaged beyond all repair.

If there is enough audience!!

One of the most tricky personal trait that I have learned about closet narcissism (covert) is the love for charity.

Covert narcissists live on the fake false image that they reveal to others and hide behind that mask, and the next day they will brag how humble they are in front of their supply and themselves.

In addition to all the red flags that you can find in them, I think the two keys for helping others would be the.....

(pathological lying): this one makes them able to believe their own lies.

Charity lovers: this one is the smartest product that narcissism ever introduced to this world. The pearl of their industry. When you will find yourself beside a loving giving person who appreciates others needs and looks for them.

I am sure it reflects good on them when they are drawn in their self-loath and low self-esteem.

Covert narcissists will help you, listen to you if only there is something to be taken back instead. Nothing is free in their world, it's all paid and its all crap.

What can be taken from you instead could be any thing they need like validation, support, money, sex, etc….

Being with covert narcs is watching their show 24–7–365. Lucky you if you there is more audience.

Sure they can! But there is ALWAYS an ulterior motive. What might they get in return? Something to brag about, something to hold over you, something to show the world what a “great” person they are…

My ex narc NEVER ONCE asked me if I needed something, if there was anything he could do for me or ANYTHING after I was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. All through treatment, on the occasions he was around, I was still cooking for him and serving his lazy a**.

At that point he didn't have to try to impress me, he knew I wasn't just fighting for my life. He KNEW I was fighting for HIM. Fighting for us. And he gladly let me. The last time we were together, I asked him if he would take me to an upcoming doctors appointment. I just wanted him to meet my oncologist. He literally flipped out on me and told me that I don't know what I do to people, asking for rides because I don't drive.

Who does s**t like that???

A narcissist with nothing to gain.

I’m not sure what you mean by help. However, in the love bombing stage they will do any thing to please you. When they become bored with you, remember this is not love no matter how much you feel loved, they will become rude & disagreeable & mean.

Nothing will be the same ever again. That is why it hurts so much when you are discarded. The answer is they will go to lengths to please you for an undetermined amount of time; after that you are not worth the effort. They can't maintain the facade. Time for you to leave & start the recovery process. Good luck & speedy recovery.

Sure, some of them can be very sympathetic and supportive. They may bail you out of a bad situation, offer a shoulder to cry on, cheer you on when you need a boost, and offer good advice about a situation you’re trying to deal with.

It won’t be because they really care about you, though. There’s something in it for them. It may not be immediately obvious, but there’s no empathy involved here. They may be trying to convince you that they care in order to get you more deeply hooked, or trying to earn praise for being such a good person, or will want other people to know about it to boost their own reputation.

They may be keeping a mental tally of good deeds that you will owe them for later. They may even be doing the occasional good deed so that they can lie to themselves and convince themselves that this balances out the terrible things they’ve pulled on you before, and will continue to pull on you if you stick around.

They’re not all moustache-twirling villains. It’s more complicated than that. If they didn’t package themselves as nice, caring people, nobody would ever fall for them in the first place.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1429 on: Today at 07:55:10 AM »
Why are narcissists so horrible?

Narcissists are horrible because they lack empathy and remorse; they don't have the ability to self-reflect. Narcissists are selfish and parasitic; they come into relationships only to use and abuse you.

Narcissists feel they are entitled to do anything they want without being questioned. Narcissists are horrible because they lack genuine feelings for any person in this world; it's all about them.

In fact, narcissists are evil in human disguise who have come to destroy you emotionally, mentally, and even physically.

After taking everything from you and destroying you, they will blame you and spoil your reputation. Narcissists are truly evil and horrible people.

The worst thing is that there is not a single good quality in a narcissist that can benefit people directly or indirectly. If they do something good for someone, then it comes with a price. (Transactional Relationship)

Narcissists are horrible; their sole purpose is to take everything from you. It's the mask, which doesn't allow people to see who they are.

They are very insecure people with very fragile egos by nature, lack empathy for others and are incredibly self absorbed

When they treat you badly for no valid reason it is all in an attempt to control you and keep you at their disposal.

They don't feel bad either, they feel entitled and justified to treat you like sh!t.

It's actually rather pathetic when you see just how insecure these people are. They never developed fully. They are children, still playing make believe and pretend.

They have to hurt you to not feel bad about themselves. They rather feel in control of how they make you feel since they hate the way they feel about themself. They are little insecure people who can never be equally responsible in a healthy adult relationship.

A relationship to a narcissist is somewhat like a relationship you would have with a child. You are the adult they are the child. They throw tantrums, have no reasoning skills, and to argue with one is like trying to prove your point to a 4 year old. You will never win because they're reasoning does not make sense.

Deep down they have insurmountable insecurities and they avoid dealing with their own issues by mind-screwing people like you and I.

They lack empathy for whatever reason (could have been they had narcissistic parents and learned from them or perhaps they were given everything they wanted all their upbringing and never grew out of getting what they wanted by throwing a fit…etc., no excuse to be a brat still as an adult we grow out of that selfish childish nature and it's a choice).

They have no boundaries for others. They walk all over us with no regard or without ever feeling bad.

If unaware of what is going on, then its easy to get sucked into their deceptive world of bullshit without even knowing it. Once they gained your emotional attachment is when they most likely will demonstrate their ‘true’ nature by degrading, devaluing, sudden withdraw, gaslight, silent treatment, disappear, the list of vindictive tactics go on.

They feed off the attention of others. They feel the need to control you to keep you around to stroke their ego because they are so insecure. So pathetic most of them actually deep down under their mask have no true sense of self worth. And this reality they will avoid at all costs and especially at sake of harming others.

They just want people around to be involved in their lives to make them feel important and never have to deal with their insecurities. They are so fake. They are not fair. They want you to be devoted to them regardless if you want to or not. They don't care what you want. They care only about what is beneficial to them.

They need your validation. They need to demonstrate the power they have over you by treating you in unimaginable ways to create havoc and chaos in your mind thus keeping you forever bonded to their destructive and ugly secret nature of hating who they are.

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1430 on: Today at 08:03:02 AM »
10/11/2016 6:06AM
Luka Luciano
fyi sherry has been talking sh!t about you saying your a freeloader living off her lazy bum drunk...she is spending night with kevin in vta says she made you sleep in her rv not in a relation ship any more planning to give you the boot. a conspiracy pretty low that is why i am writing hate cheaters liars backstabbers lame ass way to do things she made herself out as a victim not cool...
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #1431 on: Today at 09:14:35 AM »
Why would you need transparency? That's illogical when dealing with vermin.
What a Narcissist Really Thinks of You
(Warning: Raw Truth)

24 minutes ago
Everybody in unison: "THAT SH!T WILL NEVER HAPPEN AGAIN!"


"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"