Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2929942 times)


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EXPOSED: Far-left ideology is spreading to EVERY community

:tello: "Now you guys look like TOTAL Azzh@les for NOT believing me!!!!"

No, it’s not just San Francisco and New York City residents witnessing how progressive policies can RUIN cities and towns. Not ONE U.S. community is safe from the dangerous far-left, Glenn says, and that includes areas you may think are redder than red. In fact, Glenn explains how one Utah County Attorney in Provo — a district considered ‘conservative’ by many — is making his community less and less safe, and less MORMON.

We CANNOT forget, Glenn says, that this kind of ideology can permeate YOUR town just as easily, too… Look out for wolves in smee's clothing. lol


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I can't believe this guy is still alive!
Is he a Hologram? CGI? Photoshopped? A Myth? A CardBoard Cut-Out?

Kissinger Rails Against ‘Divided’ America

Henry Kissinger, the 99-year-old statesman with few if any American peers, detailed to a British newspaper why he believes the nation is more divided now than during the Vietnam War.

The list of people who have both won a Nobel Peace Prize and been branded a war criminal is quite short. So short that only Kissinger immediately comes to mind. Hillary Clinton once bragged that Kissinger told her she’d run the State Department better than anyone in a while.

In a wide-ranging interview with the U.K.’s Sunday Times, Kissinger said the partisan differences in the U.S. are “infinitely” greater than even the years of Vietnam and Watergate. He adds there is little possibility of real bipartisanship on key issues.

The former Secretary of State and National Security advisor played prominent roles in the presidencies of both Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford. The lifelong Republican declared the “national interest” in those days was a meaningful and real concept — as opposed to now.

Presently, he said, every president faces “the unremitting hostility of the opposition.” Every commander-in-chief faced political enemies, but Kissinger believes the nation’s basic values are under fire.

Biden’s inaugural speech focused on his determination to “unify” America. He said “my whole soul is in this” program to unite the country. There was also much banter about letting the “healing” begin.

That stated goal, if it ever was a goal, is as far from realized as it might ever be.

Kissinger should know. While the leftist radicals of the 1960s and 70s get much attention, they were never more than a small but loud minority. During the Vietnam War and even as the Watergate issue was slowly building, Nixon won 49 of 50 states in 1972.

The former foreign policy giant also had much to say about the “progressive left” and their perception of American values. Far from simply seeking progress, Kissinger said their goal is to overturn these basic principles and invalidate what the nation does domestically and abroad.

He noted their dominance in universities and the legacy media.

Far from the ramblings of a has-been or never-was leader, Kissinger’s remarks show deep understanding of the state of U.S. affairs in 2022. Lincoln’s admonition of a “house divided” and Kissinger’s observations ring true right now.

And he out-lived Richard Nixon by about 28 years, LOL!
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I can pick my nose,
pick a fight,
pick a friend
and pick a number.



But I have a scab that needs working.....
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Gay Guns, Aborted Vaginas, Gas Pirates, Penis Burgers and Internet Weenies
Under Suspicion for Treason of Reason in California, New York and all points in between.

Film at 11.
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WTF is wrong with America?
One man, very successful has an opinion and the World of Weenies goes BONKERS!!
It's unacceptable, wrong and INSANE!!!!

And I don't wanna be a part of it!!!

Mike Lindell lashes out at Walmart for ‘canceling’ him
by shelving MyPillow products

Walmart has pulled MyPillow products off its store shelves, prompting CEO Mike Lindell to lash out at the retail giant for “canceling” him.

Lindell, the pillow entrepreneur who has made headlines in recent months for insisting that Donald Trump won the 2020 election, told Insider that he was informed by a Walmart representative that his products would only be available online.

Shoppers who go to Walmart stores will not have the option of buying MyPillow products, according to Lindell.

“They dropped MyPillow, and it really hurt my employees because they were our biggest distributor,” Lindell said.

“They were by far and away number one.”

Lindell blasted Walmart as “absolutely disgusting.” He said his MyPillow line is “one of the top-selling products in the history of Walmart.”

The Post has reached out to Walmart seeking comment.

Lindell told Insider that he was informed Walmart would no longer be carrying his products in its stores.

Lindell told Insider that he was informed Walmart would no longer be carrying his products in its stores.

Lindell told Insider that he first heard that Walmart would be pulling MyPillow products around two weeks ago.

He said he had been flying “all over the country” to deal with “the election stuff.”

Lindell said that he and a Walmart representative spoke via Zoom. During the conversation, Lindell proposed lowering the price of his pillows.

He said he didn’t hear back from Walmart for a week. It was then that he got word Walmart was dropping MyPillow products.

“I tell them what I’m offering them, and I’m saying: ‘Why are you doing this? Why are you kicking us out and canceling us?'” Lindell said.

Lindell has been shunned by major retailers for promoting the theory that Donald Trump won the 2020 election.

“When we were your biggest product, the biggest of all time!”

Lindell said he was told by the Walmart representative that the pillows didn’t meet the retailer’s customer satisfaction criteria.

“I said, ‘Shame on you, Walmart. You have over 10,000 vendors from China. I make all my pillows in Minnesota,'” Lindell said.

“I was so upset. I shut the computer.”

Lindell said Walmart would “never get to sell MyPillows again.”

“What they did is inexcusable! It’s cancel culture, and you don’t get to come back,” Lindell told Insider.

Several retailers have kept a distance from Lindell since late 2020, when he became one of the most active promoters of the theory that Joe Biden’s election victory was fraudulent.

Big-name brands like Costco, Bed Bath & Beyond, QVC, JCPenney, and Wayfair stopped selling MyPillow products last year due to Lindell’s public pronouncements.

Lindell has also been sued for defamation by voting systems company Dominion. Another company, Smartmatic, has also filed suit against Lindell.
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Sweet Grandma With A Shotgun Seeks Your Vote – Tyranny Must Never Be Allowed To Thrive [VIDEO]
"We need more good guys with guns."

JUNE 17, 2022

With crime, violence, and mass shootings happening in states all over the country, the Biden administration has demanded that gun control be discussed as a serious option to help protect citizens and children. While the Democrats promote banning certain assault rifles from being purchased and even putting an extremely heavy tax on guns, Republicans like State Senator Wendy Rogers had an entirely different approach.

Wanting the same outcome as all Americans, the GOP has continuously pointed out that many of the mass shootings taking place happened in gun-free zones. According to Rogers, the answer isn’t taking away guns but educating and arming individuals.

Releasing her campaign ad for reelection, as can be seen in the video below, Rogers said, “Hi, I’m Senator Wendy Rogers, conservative Republican running to be reelected to the Arizona Senate. Our nation has a crime problem. And I want to talk to you about self-defense and the right to keep and bear arms. Most of these tragic shootings we hear about occur in gun-free zones.

The shooters pick places they consider to be soft targets. That’s why I proposed campus carry, which cleared the Arizona Senate Judiciary Committee to allow students over 18, who have a concealed carry permit, to carry on campus for their own protection. That’s why I proposed and got passed into law declaring firearms manufacturers and retailers as essential businesses.”

Warning about the dangers of allowing a government to strip citizens of their guns, the State Senator added, “That is why I support school resource officers as well as arming trained teachers and administrators as they do in Israel and other states in our own country. And almost every instance where someone was on the scene with a firearm, the violent criminal was neutralized. We need more good guys with guns. The global communists in our country and around the world want Americans disarmed so they can treat us as the people of China are treated. Lockdowns where people are bolted into their homes and not allowed to leave. Parents being dragged off to COVID camps and children left to fend for themselves or worse.”

Rogers concluded her ad by once again detailing the importance of being able to bare arms and how it protected people. “Tyranny must never be allowed to thrive in this country. Our right to keep and bear arms protects everyone. It protects our schools. It protects our families. It protects you and me. To protect our gun rights, please reelect me to the Arizona Senate. Thank you, Wendy Rogers, out.”

Users online shared their beliefs, writing, “.. was waiting for her two shoot some rounz @ the end … preferably @some commie flag target!”

One person added, “Go, grandma, blast these fools.”
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Scholars Now Think '6.66' In Revelation Refers To Price Of Gas In The End Times

June 14th, 2022

GENEVA—This week, a panel of Bible scholars issued a joint statement clarifying that the Mark of the Beast is actually “$6.66”—the price of gas at the end of latter days.

“Deeper study has revealed that we were misreading this passage—it’s not 666 or 616, it’s $6.66 for your basic Unleaded Petroleum Gasoline!” French Bible scholar Pierre LeGault spoke for the panel of academics that had gathered at Geneva to redress and correct the historic interpretation of the mysterious number in Revelation 13. “Numerology is tough and we’ll be the first to admit we botched this one—but we’re here to make things right!”

The panel answered questions, fleshing out their new interpretation. “It’s felt apocalyptic for a few years now—once we figured out that we had already been enduring the final stages of divine judgment, it all clicked!” Other scholars on the panel concurred, proceeding to roll out a massive end-times prophecy chart culminating in a $6.66 gas ticker on the far right side.

At publishing time, the scholars were scrambling to explain why they shouldn’t be stoned as false prophets despite the gas ticker blasting through the $7 and $8 marks.
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San Francisco Mayor Happily Reports Less Human Poop On City Streets Due To Food Shortages

June 14th, 2022

SAN FRANCISCO, CA—Mayor London Breed held a press briefing Tuesday in which she happily reported there was now less poop on the street as a result of ongoing food shortages.

"Since no one has any food to eat, no one is pooping!" said Breed. "Problem solved! I'm doing a good job!"

Breed was joined at the briefing by a representative from the city's Sanitation and Streets Department who appeared uncomfortable with the idea of public speaking and chimed in with pre-prepared quotes from Tony Bennett songs.

"The loveliness of Paris seems somehow sadly grey now that there's no excrement to see on Don Chee Way," said Sanitation Coordinator Randy Pailton. "So, uh, no need to leave your heart here. Why not stay?"

Mayor Breed ended the briefing with a hopeful message for the city's future.

"People of San Francisco, they said it could not be done but we have proven them wrong!" she said to massive applause. "If this food shortage keeps up we'll be able to wipe out poop once and for all!"

"That's why I'm introducing common-sense measures to further cut food supplies within our fair city. We've got to be less tolerant of all the poop that has destroyed our city!”

According to sources, city excrement is down over 35%. The strain on the sewage system is also diminished.

At publishing time, city officials did remind everyone to continue avoiding Castro Street for sanitation purposes.
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You know you're from the Mountains when......
Private group
14.3K members

Ron Tello Culley
BB Puddle. Say it, believe it, fix it. RAINDANCE!!!!

JohnandSue Fullam
Oh, my! Great picture, Kerry. Graphic depiction of our lake level. I hope we don't see the bottom of those rocks for too much longer... Always praying for 🌧 or??.

Kerry Vale
Thanks JohnandSue! Yes, hopefully this winter is a good one. 🙂
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The government is coming for your guns because they cannot control you while you still have then.

Gun Control in Washington State Has Caused Massive Gun Sales

Within the past several weeks, there have been growing conversations and arguments about gun control in America.

Supporters of gun control argue these measures are needed to prevent mass shootings in schools and other locations. Opponents of gun control point out how these restrictions will only hurt law-abiding Americans, rather than hindering criminals from doing harm.

However, Democrats have been pushing for gun control restrictions well before the horrific shootings in Uvalde, Texas and Buffalo, New York.

Back in March, Washington state passed fresh gun control measures. Yet, they’re having the opposite impact than Gov. Jay Inslee (D) clearly expected.

When Gun Control Backfires on Democrats
On March 23, laws cracking down on magazine sales and otherwise restricting firearm ownership were enacted by Washington state’s Democratic governor.

One goal of these measures was to prevent the sales of guns; however, precisely the opposite outcome has taken place.

As it turns out, multiple gun stores across Washington state have seen a rise in folks going out and buying firearms. Because Inslee’s gun control legislation doesn’t go into effect until July 1, 2022, people are doing all they can to stock up on magazines, ammunition, firearms, and other related paraphernalia.

Gun store owners in Washington state also aren’t confident that new gun control laws will hinder crime. At the end of these days, the coming measures are viewed as roadblocks that will simply force legal gun owners to jump through more hoops.

Criminals who are intent on getting firearms will still have the black market and other unsavory means of arming themselves accordingly.

The Unspoken Truth About Gun Control
Jay Inslee and other Democrats who support gun control restrictions continue to enjoy the protection of armed security guards. Everyday Americans, on the other hand, don’t have access to private protection details that can keep them safe.

Many supporters of gun control have likewise thrown their weight behind measures that would defund law enforcement. For everyday Americans, this creates a disaster scenario where they can’t protect themselves from harm or count on police officers to come protect them.

These are key reasons why people in Washington are rushing to arm themselves before the state’s new gun control restrictions go into effect.
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I refuse to believe this:

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Oh, yeah. Father's Day in Yank Town.

I posted on facebook:

Ron Tello Culley
4m  ·
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Hi dad. See you in The Next World, I won't be late!
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Ron Tello Culley
Insider's secret: I was Adopted. Ask my brother.

He gets his squids from In N Out.

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Not happening.

Walk away.

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Can I say "FKING IDIOT !" AND BE BELIEVED? Try this:

In Midst Of Sky High Gas Prices, John Kerry Says DUMBEST Thing Ever
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Uvalde police never tried to open doors to classrooms where shooter was, officer passed up shooting gunman before he entered school: Reports

June 18, 2022

New reports reveal that a Uvalde police officer passed up an opportunity to open fire on the Texas school shooter and that law enforcement never tried to open the classroom door where the gunman was.

The New York Times reported that a Uvalde police officer could have shot Salvador Ramos before he entered Robb Elementary School.

"At least two law enforcement cars arrived in close succession at the school," according to the New York Times. "One was driven by an officer from the small police force that patrols Uvalde’s schools. Another arrived less than a minute later, at 11:32 a.m., with officers from the Uvalde Police Department."

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D.C. Politicians On Edge As CDC Announces Arrival Of Lizardpox

June 16th, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Politicians in Washington are growing increasingly nervous, as the CDC has announced they have discovered the first case of Lizardpox on American shores.

"Thisss issss just terrible," said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi while eyeing a housefly buzzing around Adam Schiff's head. "For the lizards, I mean. Terrible for the lizards. I definitely don't know any lizards personally but I hope they're ssssssafe."

Pelosi then turned to snap at the fly only to discover Congressman Jerry Nadler was already munching on it.

The CDC insists Lizardpox is no threat to humans, but they are recommending a complete lockdown of the nation's capital just to be safe. "Lizardpox is a sexually transmitted disease that spreads among lizards whenever they have orgies," said CDC Director Bob CDC. "...Not that there are any lizard orgies happening in Washington D.C., that's just silly."

After inquiring of the CDC, Senator Mitch McConnell was relieved to be told the virus doesn't affect turtles.
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Ron Tello Culley
17m  ·
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For what it's worth, no matter if anybody reads my wall or not...I'm posting this in regards to Dylan Rounds.
I live in Big Bear, Ca., right? You heard that, yes? OK. I live in a shared house. One of the current her Jan, works for George Noori of Coast to Coast AM fame.
I spoke to her today about the DR case. I asked her to get George interested in the case.
My roomie, Jan  of George said that many ALIEN ABDUCTION cases involved footwear and storms.
Get it?

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So when its raining Aliens wearing shoes abduct people and anal probe them?

This needs to be rectumfied


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Line Item 1) Credibility issues are a major factor and concern

Line Item 2) Nobody cares

#3 Because fk you.


When you go missing, I'll suspect Yibs.
You will NEVER be found, @zzhule!!!! :lol:

Show some respect for peeps, will ya?
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1582600 Lies
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Uvalde Bombshell: New Video Refutes Police Story

Uvalde, Texas School Shooting

( – Based on a review of videos, new information concerning the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas is nothing short of a bombshell. A bombshell that will further tarnish the police there for years to come.

According to that review, the Uvalde, Texas, police did not attempt to open the door to the classroom where the killer was murdering 19 children and two teachers for upwards of an hour. This is contrary to what the public has been previously told, which was that the police were waiting for a key to unlock the door. In reality, they didn’t go to the door.

According to ABC News:

“In a new twist in the Uvalde elementary school mass shooting, a source has confirmed to ABC News that as police waited for more than an hour in a hallway outside the classrooms where a gunman killed 19 students and two teachers, none of the officers checked to see if the doors to the classrooms were locked…

“Surveillance footage showed that neither [Chief Pete Arredondo of the Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District Police] nor any other officers taking cover in the hallway outside the classrooms ever attempted to open the door before receiving the keys to the two connecting classrooms. That means there were 77 minutes between when the alleged 18-year-old gunman entered the school through an unlocked door and when police fatally shot him, a source with knowledge of the investigation told ABC News.” [emphasis added]

And had they checked, the police would’ve found the door unlocked.

“Investigators now believe the alleged gunman, Salvador Ramos, could not have locked the doors to the classrooms from inside as officials first suspected.” [emphasis added]
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Democrats Scramble To Defend Biden’s 2024 Bid

Anyone with a brain would think that Joe Biden is done. Even the most simple promises made during the campaign were broken. His plan for the Build Back Better Agenda didn't work. Americans blame him for problems at home and around the world.

Old Joe says that he will be re-elected. He thinks it will be easy for him to win in 2024. I think his handlers are trying to hide the fact that Joe's government has had a hard time since last year because people don't like him.

Even so, some Democrats think Joe will run for office again.

Some Democratic senators backed President Joe Biden's plan to run for president again in 2024 on Thursday, even though the media was against it.

The Hill was told by Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE) that he plans to run for Joe Biden in 2024.

Bob Casey, a Democrat from Pennsylvania, thinks he will be the nominee and is a strong candidate.

Many mainstream media outlets tell Biden that he shouldn't run for president in 2024 because of his age, lack of interest, and bad record.

Laughable. Even the mainstream media on the left aren't sure about Biden's chances in 2024. If his low approval ratings don't kill him, his mental health and age will.

Several Democrats support him without question. Also, a win. They don't believe it.

Let's get more clear. Joe Biden won the 2020 presidential election because of unusual events. His campaign tried to hide him for months by saying that COVID was to blame. In the most important election in the country, there were no rallies, stops across the country, or tough events.

Not in 2024. Biden and the Democrats will not be protected by COVID. Joe, as usual, must run for president. Based on the results of his polls, he will be more likely to do them. Can he make it through the next six months if he can't finish a sentence?

Skeptical. Senators who say he will be strong are not telling the truth. They won't accept that Biden is dead. This would throw off the midterm elections and Biden's first term. To say so soon that Joe won't run again is to give up.

Even if Congress agrees with him, he will still be a "lame duck" president. Few Democrats want to support a party that will end in four years.

Biden and his friends are saying that he will run again to trick voters in the midterm elections. After that, he'll leave.
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An upper-level low-pressure system developing off the California coast will draw monsoon moisture into the region through tonight with clouds on the increase. As this low moves through the area tomorrow, showers and thunderstorms could become fairly widespread, and not confined to the mountains & deserts, storms could fire up just about anywhere at any time. The low will exit the area Thursday with convection focusing back over the mountains & deserts. As the flow turns southerly, we're already looking at some storms firing up over San Diego county, this activity may continue and move northward as moisture and instability increases through tonight tonight with a few nocturnal storms possible. Expect mostly cloudy skies on Wednesday with scattered showers and thunderstorms likely, highs in the mid 70's. Some storms may contain brief heavy downpours, gusty winds, frequent lightning, and small hail.

Seek shelter indoors if a thunderstorm approaches your area. Because we're dealing with an actual low, a few nocturnal storms cannot be ruled out Wednesday night as well. We'll experience the more diurnally driven afternoon convection on Thursday before a drier southwest flow develops Friday. As humidity decreases through the weekend temperatures will increase with highs back in the lower 80's by Saturday. The flow could turn more southeasterly again by Sunday with afternoon thundershowers returning early next week, summer is officially here!
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Harris Teeter, Kroger Remove Pro-America Can Koozies After Lefties Complain

JUNE 21, 2022

In the ongoing contest to see who can grovel to the most meaningless gripes from liberals, Kroger and Harris Teeter took the lead when they removed pro-American merchandise from their shelves at the dictate of a nobody on Twitter, as reported by The Daily Caller June 21 in an editorial.

Christy Clark, a lefty candidate for the North Carolina House in 2022 with 4k followers, condemned Harris Teeter and Kroger on Twitter for selling pro-America can koozies, one featuring American icon Patrick Henry’s famous quote, “Give me liberty or give me death,” and another reading, “Arms change, rights don’t” with depictions of an eagle and Thomas Jefferson.

Clark asked Kroger and Harris Teeter to “please remove them” because “110 Americans die every day from gun violence and most recently children, educators, health care providers, and family members were killed in mass shootings.”

Using deaths of Americans to engage in a self-righteous power trip. Seems like typical liberal behavior.

Both Harris Teeter and its parent company, Kroger, responded to Clark on Twitter saying they will remove the items from their stores, bending the knee to the liberal guilt bludgeon despite the fact that Clark's tweet received fewer than 500 "likes" with hundreds more calling her out for being triggered by freedom.

It seems the priorities of Kroger and Harris Teeter do not seem to be with their customers, but with catering to the whims of whining liberals on Twitter.
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Something is clearly being covered up.
Parents, reporters kicked out of Uvalde City Council meeting, officials felt ‘intimidated’

June 21, 2022

As the United States mourns the 19 lives lost in the Robb Elementary School shooting that took place in Uvalde, Texas, the people of the town are demanding answers. Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like the city council plans of giving them any time soon.

Several people including journalists and parents were asked to leave the Uvalde City Council meeting on Monday evening. The group was told they were getting the boot because the legislators and law enforcement present were “intimidated.”

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Starting off our monsoon season with a bang, courtesy of a low-pressure system off to our west. As is typical during monsoon season, rainfall amounts were highly variable, with upwards of a quarter to a half inch, even some heavy accumulating hail in the east end of the valley to a few hundredths across the west end of town. Activity will mellow out a bit through this evening as we lose our daytime heating, but an isolated shower or thunderstorm cannot be ruled out tonight with lows in the 40's. A drier southwest flow aloft will push moisture eastbound tomorrow with just a few afternoon thunderstorms possible, mainly across eastern portions of the valley. Highs in the mid to upper 70's Thursday with southwest winds 5-10 mph, except gusty around any storms. Humidity levels will decrease Friday through the weekend allowing temperatures to increase with highs back in the lower 80's. High pressure will build westward Sunday, possibly drawing monsoon moisture back into the area early next week for a returning chance of afternoon storms, summer is definitely here!


Ron Tello Culley
33m  ·

Jen Sandoval
Yep hail lots of it and rain omg don't forget the thunder yikes 😬

Ron Tello Culley
It came on like a hammer. I was outside when it hit. I used a metal trash can lid to shield my head to get indoors... This is not weather, this is an ADVENTURE.

Marlene Sears
Ron Tello Culley I’m not sure the metal trash can lid was a great idea 😂

Ron Tello Culley
It was perfect.
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Ron Tello Culley
It started out as a bit of rain drops, then "Plink...plinkity plink...BLAM!"

Bombs are more compassionate than this Mah.
It's a good time to be alive.
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"Yep. COVER UP. And a SET UP. Sacrificing innocent lives to promote the Democrat’s anti-gun agenda. Not the first time." -Ron Tello

What Are They Hiding? City Of Uvalde Hires Private Law Firm To Block Release Of Video, Audio, and Other Info From Shooting
Reeks of foul play...

JUNE 21, 2022

UVALDE, TX – New reports have been presented that the City of Uvalde has hired a private law firm to block the release of video and audio from the May 24 Robb Elementary mass shooting where 19 children and two adults were murdered by 18-year-old Salvador Ramos.

The records that the city is attempting to block include police body cam footage, photos, 911 calls, emails, text messages, criminal records, and “additional materials,” said the Post Millennial.

According to a letter obtained by Vice, the reasoning for the attempted block is because the images and messages could contain “highly embarrassing information.” Further, the letter states, they could include items that could cause “emotional/mental distress,” and that they are “not of legitimate concern to the public.”

Police also argue that some of the information should not be released because the incident is under investigation, plus some info would reveal “methods, techniques, and strategies for preventing and predicting crime .”

So far since the shooting, the city has received 148 separate public records requests, which have all gone without response thus far. They’re being lumped into one request for the purposes of not having to respond to them.

The letter was written to Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton by the city’s lawyer, Cynthia Trevino, who is with the private law firm Denton Navarro Rocha Bernal & Zech. “The City has not voluntarily released any information to a member of the public,” she said. The letter asks Paxton to clarify what information they’re required to release.

The Texas Department of Public Safety sent a similar letter to AG Paxton last week, saying they didn’t want body cam footage to be released to the public, apparently because it could expose “weaknesses” that could be used by criminals. The department said they should not be required to release “police officer training guides, policy and procedure manuals, shift change schedules, security details, and blueprints of secured facilities,” lest criminals use the information to ascertain “methods, techniques, and strategies for preventing and predicting crime.”

Paxton will be sifting through information and footage to see what should be made available, according to reports.

This comes the same day that journalists, parents, and a chaplain were kicked out of the City Council meeting in Uvalde who were present to hear testimony told to Texas lawmakers by Uvalde Police, a school district officer, and a member of the Department of Public Safety.

This information was apparently not to be made public, as the attendees mentioned above were kicked out by the fire marshal.

Further, a photo was released Monday, the first from inside the school during the shooting incident, that showed police had heavy firepower (rifles) and ballistic shields down the hall from the school much sooner (within 19 minutes) than previously stated. There were, apparently, 11 officers on scene within three minutes, despite Chief Pete Arredondo saying that they had “only pistols” on scene.
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10 Times Socialism Actually Worked

June 21st, 2022

Bernie Sanders famously said that "real" socialism has never been tried. Frankly, we're shocked he would ever suggest such a thing because there are numerous examples of real socialist utopias that we have to pull from.

Here are just a few:

1) Star Trek's Federation of Planets: There's no money, but people still work for some reason. Workers of the world, set your phasers to Social Contract!

2) The Borg Collective: Like a more efficient Federation that tears through freedom-loving planets and subjects them to the will of the collective.

3) In the wonderful dream AOC had last night: Elon Musk even made an appearance.

4) In John Lennon's "Imagine": Everything works perfectly when you imagine it! Even marriage to Yoko Ono.

5) Smurf Village: Cheerful workers in a heavily regulated population. Just like China.

6) In Bernie Sander's serial fanfic: He's been writing Social Thunder for three years now. It's a big hit on his Substack.

7) A beaver dam: Everyone chips in or they all die.

8) The nuclear family: Too bad the nuclear family is RACIST.

9) An ant farm: It worked great until a kid came and shook it up.

10) Whatever South American country Che Guevara ruled: We're sure socialism worked there, otherwise people wouldn't still be wearing the shirt.

You see! Socialism is alive and well today. You only have to open yourself up to the imaginary world behind you and seize the means of production for the proletariat!
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It turns out it was actually another show of cowardice by those who were in charge of the response.

Report: Officer Wanted To Save Teacher Wife From Uvalde Classroom But Was Detained And Had His Gun Taken Away

JUNE 22, 2022

A police officer whose wife had called him from inside a Uvalde classroom as she lay bleeding heavily during the school shooting a month ago was reportedly detained and had his gun taken away when he tried to save her.

The news marks yet another in a long line of enraging responses by officials during the massacre at Robb Elementary school where a gunman shot and killed 19 children and two teachers.

An analysis of documents and security video by the Texas Tribune earlier this week revealed officers on the scene had the protective equipment and firepower necessary to confront the killer but waited over an hour for orders directing them to do so.

Over a dozen students in the classroom were still alive during that timeframe. Many of the victims were bleeding due to the wounds they suffered. One teacher died while being transported by ambulance.

Police Officer Husband Tried to Save Uvalde Teacher Wife
The Tribune report contradicts statements from Uvalde police chief Pete Arredondo who, according to a New York Times story on June 9th, advised heavily armed officers on the scene to wait “for protective equipment to lower the risk to law enforcement officers.”

They had the equipment and firepower, security footage shows.

It also contradicted his own statements to the Tribune about trying to get into the classroom doors, something they apparently didn’t attempt to do.

“A debate over whether the locked classroom doors could be breached gave way to the discovery that they may never have been locked at all,” the report revealed.

Sitting outside a classroom with an active shooter for over an hour while the doors may have been unlocked is infuriating enough. It had to be mind-numbingly maddening for Ruben Ruiz of the school district police force.

His wife, Eva Mireles, was a fourth-grade teacher at Uvalde. She called Ruiz to let her know she was bleeding heavily and likely dying.

“She says she is shot,” he told other officers on the scene.

Her Husband Was Detained
Some social media users initially suggested this was another show of cowardice on the part of one police officer. It turns out it was actually another show of cowardice by those who were in charge of the response.

An official with the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) told the Tribune that “Ruiz was soon escorted away by other officers on the scene.”

DPS Director Col. Steven McCraw confirmed that Officer Ruiz was prevented from saving his wife, Uvalde teacher Eva Mireles.

“What happened to him, is he tried to move forward into the hallway,” McCraw said. “He was detained and they took his gun away from him and escorted him off the scene.”

Mireles later died from her injuries.

It is unclear – and McCraw did not reveal it – who had Ruiz detained and removed or what agency they worked for.

The latest update is obscene.

An armed officer trained to stop an active shooter, with protective equipment on hand and a potentially unlocked door in front of him, who had more motivation than those around him to stop the carnage, was arrested and disarmed long before the actual shooter was.

McCraw also referred to the police response to the Uvalde shooting as “an abject failure” Tuesday and suggested the shooter could have been taken down in minutes.

“Three minutes after the subject entered the west hallway, there was sufficient number of armed officers wearing body armor, to isolate distract and neutralize the subject,” he told a State Senate committee.

McCraw indicated one officer on the scene should have been enough for Arredondo to green light an attempt to take down the shooter.

“You don’t wait for a SWAT team. If you got one officer’s that enough. You don’t have to wait for 11, or 12, or 15 or 30. One’s enough,” McCraw stated. “If you’re there on the scene, you have an obligation to go and immediately engage the shooter, and really, stop the killing.”

“That’s preached, practiced and required in the state of Texas,” he added.

Ruiz may have been the one who could have stopped the shooter and reduced the excruciatingly long timeframe in which students and his wife, as well as another teacher, were bleeding in that Uvalde classroom.

And he was detained instead.

The incompetence, in this case, is nearly unbelievable.
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Texas' top law enforcement officer calls police response to Uvalde school massacre 'abject failure'
Col. Steve McCraw, director of the Texas Department of Public Safety, made comment when testified at a state Senate hearing on mass shooting.

June 21, 2022

Texas’ top law enforcement officer on Tuesday called the police response to the Uvalde school shooting last month an "abject failure."

Col. Steve McCraw, director of the Texas Department of Public Safety, made the comment when testifying at a state Senate hearing on the police handling of the May 24 mass shooting in which 19 elementary school students and two teachers were killed.

He also said law enforcement authorities had enough officers on the scene to have stopped the gunman three minutes after he entered the building, according to the Associated Press.

The response has been under intense scrutiny, amid reports the 18-year-old gunman was inside the school for about 58 minutes before being forced to surrender, as parents and others outside urged the officer in charge to take action.

Eight minutes after the shooter entered the building, an officer reported that police had a crowbar that they could use to break down the classroom door, McGraw also said.

Nineteen minutes after the gunman entered, the first ballistic shield was brought into the building by police, the witness testified.

McCraw told the Senate committee that Pete Arredondo, the Uvalde school district police chief, decided to put the lives of officers ahead of the lives of children.


Rudy Malmgren
3 minutes after the gunman entered everybody was already dead. Two officers were wounded trying to stop him and preventing more deaths. What is happening now is GRANDSTANDING and Monday morning quarterbacking. Shame on the Texas Col. Bowing to the media instead of looking at facts.

Desiree Lastname
A lot of people see the Uvalde shooting, as a reason to ban or further restrict gun ownership. The old adage about "Police are only minutes away when seconds count" seems to apply, even more so here. As a result, I'm of the opinion that more sane armed citizens, including armed teachers, would save more lives than the existing system or any gun ban.

The Uvalde shooting is just more evidence, that government doesn't work very well because it's not designed to work; it's designed to use force against individuals. It tells me, you are responsible to protect yourself.

Further, consider if this were a private school and a private police force. Both would be sued out of existence for good reason by the families of the dead assuming they acted as Uvalde government employees acted. But I believe private organizations, that have market incentives to do their job, would have done their jobs. Instead, Uvalde is stuck with their current government school and government "protection" whose employees prefer to protect themselves before doing their job saving a bunch of kids and teachers.

Tom Kuhn
There needs to be severe consequences for the person in charge during this unacceptable delay!
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