Author Topic: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"  (Read 341715 times)


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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #650 on: November 01, 2009, 09:57:14 AM »
English, pls.
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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #651 on: November 01, 2009, 10:41:49 AM »
 :rofl: :corkhat:  I gave you a strine dictionary link didn't I?.

It means trip or fall over = cumagutsa    :ozflag:


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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #652 on: November 01, 2009, 10:45:58 AM »

Same as "Klutz".
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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #653 on: November 01, 2009, 10:54:29 AM »
Na...a klutz is a klutz....cumagutsa is an expression Aussies used to use when someone had bad luck, fell over, came off a dirtbike or a horse pummeled in big surf, got bucked off a bucking brahman bull at an outback rodeo.....Ah....Cumagutsa !!!!!

Also applies to being caught out...i.e. Your misses catches you tom cattin around, and your mates down the pub all say.....ah Cumagutsa !!! 


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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #654 on: November 01, 2009, 10:59:16 AM »
That's a bizzie word.
None of that has happened to me.
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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #655 on: November 01, 2009, 11:03:27 AM »
Lucky you've never 'flocked up' in your life time?  in our own way we all cumagutsa eventually....


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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #656 on: November 01, 2009, 11:16:04 AM »
Oh sure, I got to flock up, but nobody got hurt. Regrets? That's another list....
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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #657 on: November 01, 2009, 11:29:52 AM »
cumagutsa : smeeipedia
; - derives from the words come a gutser meaning fell over, or went ar$e over turkey or just plain flocked up

heres a sentence you could use it in

Tello went to the saloon for happy hour after 10 pints he tried to go and have a slash he tripped on the bar stool and "CUMAGUTSA!"


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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #658 on: November 01, 2009, 11:32:54 AM »
Yep.....that one too....

Nobody uses the word much anymore.....bit like 'Drongo'.....a great Aussie word don't ya think??  I can think of a few drongo's I've met in my time.


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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #659 on: November 01, 2009, 11:39:54 AM »
Oy Cue! What about 'dingbats',  'ratbags' and ninkumpoops! Still usem regularly!


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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #660 on: November 01, 2009, 11:42:07 AM »
did you know the term Drongo actually started because of a racehorse named Drongo ( foaled in 1921) he was a bit of a loser he had 30 odd race starts and never won a thing so people started refering to losers as drongo's ................


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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #661 on: November 01, 2009, 11:45:12 AM »
Ah here we go , I just googled the little feller ....

Drongo  - The loser horse that stayed a loser horse

  Drongo was a racehorse during the early 1920s.  He looked promising and often came close to winning major races, but in 37 starts he never won anything.  Soon after his retirement, 'Drongo'  became an affectionate term for 'hopeless cases' , 'no-hopers', and thereafter 'fools'. In the 1940s it was applied to recruits in the Royal Australian Air Force.


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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #662 on: November 01, 2009, 11:49:56 AM »
Cumagutsa = "Come a guts-er"

Work it out from there...


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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #663 on: November 01, 2009, 11:50:42 AM »

Did you know that the word "nincompoop" probably has a biblical origin? Strictly speaking, it means "a foolish or stupid person".

Many writers have tried hard to find an origin for it, though most dictionaries play safe and list it as “origin unknown”. The good Dr Johnson, in his famous Dictionary of 1755, said it was from Latin non compos, as in the medical and legal phrase non compos mentis, not mentally competent. But as the Oxford English Dictionary commented 150 years later, this supposed origin doesn’t explain versions of the word that were around in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries, such as nicompoop and nickumpoop. The first edition of the OED concluded that the word was simply a fanciful formation.
The late John Ciardi, in A Browser’s Dictionary, dismissively calls the OED’s idea “a clerk’s guess” and asserts that it comes instead from the Dutch phrase nicht om poep, meaning “the female relative of a fool”. He added, “And if that does not work out ... I will be a monkey’s uncle”. Such a stretched derivation from a foreign language is typical of a type of folk etymology that turns up a lot. Though there was once an English verb poop, to fool or cheat, and it did come from Dutch poep, the original Dutch word meant a sh*t or a fart — the English slang poop for sh*t comes from this. The association with a fool came through a slang use of the word by the Dutch in the seventeenth century for a migrant worker from northern Germany. Modern Dutch speakers use nicht specifically for a niece, not just any female relative, but it is also slang for an effeminate homosexual. So nicht om poep might be construed with quite a different meaning.

A more intriguing idea, one with a fair level of acceptance that is given with some caution in the current revision of the OED, links it with the given name Nicodemus, especially the Pharisee of that name who questioned Christ so naively in the Gospel of St John. This word still exists in French as nicodème, a simpleton.
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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #664 on: November 01, 2009, 11:53:01 AM »
Not sure ninkompoop is originally Aussie strine though...ratbag certainly is.....


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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #665 on: November 01, 2009, 11:57:56 AM »

One entry found.

Main Entry: rat·bag
Pronunciation: \?rat-?bag\
Function: noun
Date: 1890

chiefly Australian : a stupid, eccentric, or disagreeable person


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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #666 on: November 01, 2009, 12:03:28 PM »
(2) General Australian. First attested in New Zealand 1911, in Australia 1920 (AND). Attested in numerous sources.

‘Dingbat’ meaning a ‘crazy, eccentric, or foolish person’ was current from 1879 (Lighter), and in the Australian context was used to refer to ‘a simpleton; a halfwit’. The term was formed on ‘ding’ (as a bell) and ‘bat’ as in ‘bats in the belfry’. It was then found in the phrase ‘to have dingbats’, meaning to suffer from delusions, often as a result of delirium tremens (AND).


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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #667 on: November 01, 2009, 12:07:21 PM »
A few here I haven't heard used in a long while!

Hyponyms: airhead, dimwit, nitwit, half-wit, doofus, dingbat, dumbbell, dummy, dope, boob, booby, pinhead, dunce, dunderhead, numskull, blockhead, bonehead, lunkhead, hammerhead, knucklehead, loggerhead, muttonhead, fool, sap, saphead, muggins, tomfool, idiot, imbecile, cretin, moron, changeling, retard, idiot savant, nebbish, nebbech, nincompoop, poop, ninny, scatterbrain, forgetful person, schlemiel, shlemiel, schnook, shnook, sheep, space cadet, square, lame, stupid, stupid person, dullard, dolt, pudding head, pudden-head, poor fish, pillock, subnormal, twerp, twirp, twit


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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #668 on: November 01, 2009, 12:08:21 PM »
dingbat isn't a Strine term either

Though dingbat as an insult didn't appear until 1911, the word dingbat first appeared in the 19th century. It was, at first, a plastic term, able to be used in several different contexts. In fact, an 1895 entry in Dialect Notes suggested seven current definitions for dingbat, such as
(1) Balls of dung on buttocks of sheep or cattle;
(2) A flying missile;
(3) An affectionate embrace of mothers hugging and kissing their children; or
(4) A term of admiration ('They are regular ding-bats' (speaking of girls)).

Around 1911 ding-bat took on another meaning, the one which dominates today--a term of disparagement denoting a foolish or stupid person. Whereas at first the term denoted a foolish man it then gradually morphed, to refer to a foolish woman. With the advent of "All in the Family," a sitcom of the 1970s, where Archie Bunker continually referred to his wife Edith as a "dingbat," the feminine association of the term was seared into our  consciousness.

And then there was Hey Hey it's Saturday's Dingbat and Daggy....and that's  another one...

Daggy, or Dag...that's an Aussie one......hehehehe


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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #669 on: November 01, 2009, 12:12:06 PM »
Remember when we used to call someone a 'Wally'...??? if they behaved like a nong?...stone the crows...there's another one...



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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #670 on: November 01, 2009, 12:15:03 PM »
"Well I'll be buggared sideways with a crowbar"!


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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #671 on: November 01, 2009, 02:00:12 PM »


Tee-heee  :tello:
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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #672 on: November 01, 2009, 02:01:02 PM »
well I'll be burgered !


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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #673 on: November 01, 2009, 02:21:33 PM »
... but will you be upsized? ... !!!


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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #674 on: November 01, 2009, 10:11:08 PM »
Don't try to side-order me!
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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #675 on: November 02, 2009, 10:15:23 AM »
I'll have fries with that.....


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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #676 on: November 02, 2009, 02:16:18 PM »

Extremely important  useless information. the 1840s, pomme frites ("fried potatoes") first appeared in Paris. Sadly, we don't know the name of the ingenious chef who first sliced the potato into long slender pieces and fried them. But they were immediately popular, and were sold on the streets of Paris by push-cart vendors.

Frites spread to America where they were called French fried potatoes. You asked how they got their name--pretty obvious, I'd say: they came from France, and they were fried potatoes, so they were called "French fried potatoes." The name was shortened to "french fries" in the 1930s.

By the way, the verb "to french" in cooking has come to mean to cut in long, slender strips, and some people insist that "french fries" come from that term. However, the French fried potato was known since the middle 1800s, while the OED cites the first use of the verb "to french" around 1895, so it appears pretty convincing that "french fried potatoes" came before the verb "frenching." The origin of the name is thus the country of origin French and not the cooking term french.

In the U.K., fried fish had been on sale by street vendors since the 1600s. In 1864, a brilliant (but, alas, unknown) Brit teamed French fried potatoes (called "chips" in English) with fried fish, to create the famous and popular fish and chips.

Today, of course, the worldwide popularity of McDonalds and Burger King and Wendy's and their ilk have brought French fries to the world. Amusingly, they are now often called "American fries" in many countries.

French fries are commonly eaten with ketchup in the U.S., but with malt vinegar (delicious) in the U.K., and with mayonnaise (appalling) in the Netherlands. The French mostly take them straight, but the Belgians have the best idea (as is so often the case with food): they eat frites with buckets full of mussels.

 :sing: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #677 on: November 02, 2009, 02:24:10 PM »
Isn't frenching then, like Julienne?...and if so which came first....

Oh, and I'll have gravy with mine.


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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #678 on: November 02, 2009, 05:01:48 PM »
 :devil: :devil: Done. Runny gravy? Thick gravy? Gravy with onions? Gravy with Herbs? Gravy with garlic/ Gravy with Mystery lumps???
“I can't explain myself, I'm afraid, because I'm not myself, you see”  Lewis Carroll


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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #679 on: November 02, 2009, 05:07:39 PM »
mystery lumps?....?????....????


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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #680 on: November 02, 2009, 05:08:09 PM »

Run for it!!!

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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #681 on: November 02, 2009, 05:25:31 PM »
Julienne----Pffft! Newfangled ;D

My Mystery Lumps gravy always makes a great impression on the diners--

Unless they investigate said lumps :evillaugh: :bounce:
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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #682 on: November 02, 2009, 05:40:39 PM »

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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #683 on: November 02, 2009, 05:56:15 PM »
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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #684 on: November 02, 2009, 10:26:27 PM »


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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #685 on: November 02, 2009, 10:55:29 PM »
 :castle: Tello and the Duck walk into a bar.
:tello: :duckling:
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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #686 on: November 02, 2009, 10:57:21 PM »
:duckling:  *I'll have a Fluffy duck please.. you're paying*


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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #687 on: November 02, 2009, 11:01:24 PM »
No problem kids. I got this one!
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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #689 on: November 05, 2009, 08:44:59 PM »


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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #690 on: November 05, 2009, 08:50:25 PM »
Ok! Yer talented!

Now go make a buck, and give me a third, will ya?
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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #691 on: November 05, 2009, 10:37:43 PM »


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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #692 on: November 05, 2009, 10:43:08 PM »
Dude...if you can't get THROWN in here, stay the F_OUT!
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Re: Why is the “eBafia Don” destroying eBay?
« Reply #693 on: November 06, 2009, 10:31:13 PM »


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Re: Why is the “eBafia Don” destroying eBay?
« Reply #694 on: November 06, 2009, 11:08:25 PM »
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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #695 on: November 06, 2009, 11:13:03 PM »
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #696 on: November 07, 2009, 02:28:32 AM »
“I can't explain myself, I'm afraid, because I'm not myself, you see”  Lewis Carroll


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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #697 on: November 07, 2009, 09:23:20 PM »
3000+ :mobbing: :mobbing: :mobbing: :smee!: :marvin: :duckling: :leprachaun: :pepsi: ~~~~  :motorbikeride: C):-{=<" stay alive one more day!!!"<<
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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #698 on: November 07, 2009, 10:00:55 PM »


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Re: Blatant hijacking - into the "Sin Bin"
« Reply #699 on: November 07, 2009, 10:50:37 PM »

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