Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2930117 times)


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Garage Report
SUBJECT: [tello]
Hunger: Voluntary eternal fasting. No problem.
Accumulating Food Stamps for a major drunken cheeze burger party
at an undisclosed location.

Pain: Constant and difficult.

Suffering: That's with it!

Assets: They hurt, too.

Outlook: Who's looking?

Summary: WE are still accepting donations to
The Great Exodus of the Tello Tribe.

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Cool is Warm!

Here's how:

Refrigerators generate heat.

We have 2 in the garage.

Very nice.

And the whole damn neighbourhood smells like
a fresh Monsoon rain.
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Later today, I have an appt to visit an alleged medical professional.

I'm going in under the pretense that I want
a full fizzical exam.

I don't think I'm gonna get it.

I have Options.

The first one is:

Play dead in the lobby.

I'll get a free ambulance ride to the ER for sure,
AND a helicopter chaser.

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These whacky Clinics....

They ask me to show up 20 minutes early, and then
I sit in the waiting room for 25, and then made to sit in an exam room
for another 20.

While most peeps would just stare at the lid,
I'm stealing rubber gloves.

I mean, they dint have magazines in there!!!!!
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G'night, M8s!  1230655 Views
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"Squeekers...." 1230700 Views
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"Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet."
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau   

Patience may be a virtue, but it's a difficult one to cultivate — especially in a world that is moving ever-faster. Yet with this quote, Enlightenment-era philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau reminds us that patience also comes with great rewards. Such rewards are never instant, but can increase over time, like an investment that must be allowed to mature. Research suggests that people who cultivate patience experience better mental and even physical health, and have happier relationships with others over the course of their lives.
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Abbott Orders Texas National Guard To Arrest Migrants

Last Tuesday, Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) ordered the Texas National Guard to help local law enforcement arrest migrants. This comes as the state continues to experience an influx of non-Americans crossing the US southern border.
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The corporate-controlled media is escalating its demands that all Americans submit to mandatory vaccinations.

Each day sees an ugly new message.

And Don Lemon issued a major threat to Americans who won’t take the coronavirus vaccine.

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What has a comedian said that has stayed with you?
From Dick Gregory:

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I understand there are a good many Southerners in the room tonight. I know the South very well. I spent twenty years there one night.

Last time I was down South I walked into this restaurant and this white waitress came up to me and said, "We don't serve colored people here." I said, "That's all right. I don't eat colored people. Bring me a whole fried chicken."

Then these three white boys came up to me and said, "Boy, we're giving you fair warning. Anything you do to that chicken, we're gonna do to you." So I put down my knife and fork, I picked up that chicken and I kissed it.
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Australian health officials have crossed the line with this latest demand on citizens

Power-hungry government officials have been working overtime during the coronavirus pandemic to ensure that people all over the world lose the most basic of freedoms.

The coronavirus has proven that most humans can’t be trusted with even an ounce of power.

Most of the time, when people hear Australia, they think of surfers, kangaroos, and koala bears, but COVID has opened the world’s eyes to a very different side of the country.

Chief Health Officer of New South Wales, Australia, Dr. Kerry Chant, made a public statement to the people of Australia that may just go down as the most insane thing said during the entire pandemic.

Chant stated that Australians need to avoid even talking with each other, even with a mask on, because that is the only way they’ll stop the spread of COVID.

That’s right.

No more talking.

Silence in Australia.

This woman is making Dr. Fauci look almost sane and not criminal.

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What is happiness except the simple harmony between a man and the life he leads?
-Albert Camus   

In French philosopher Albert Camus’ lyrical essay “The Desert,” written in 1938, he discusses what makes people happy. He advocates for living in the now — "to count on nothing and to see the present as the only truth given to us." When we stop fighting against the past or striving for the future, we can accept where we are, and what we’re doing in life at this very moment. That simple harmony can bring about peace and happiness.
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New York Times Reporter Deletes Tweet Calling Trump Supporters ‘Enemies of the State’

New York Times reporter Katie Benner deletes the tweets that suggested supporters of former President Donald Trump should be considered “enemies of the state.”

Why? Benner said she deleted the tweets because they were “unclearly worded.”
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“At the end of the day you can’t legislate decency.”

New Jersey Town Drops Case Against Profane Anti-Biden Flag Display

A town in New Jersey has decided to drop its lawsuit against a resident who had hung several anti-Biden flags on the fence of her property, some of which included the f-word.

The story: Officials in Roselle Park, a borough near New York City which has around 13,000, ended its effort to have the woman remove the signs after the state’s chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) took up the case to represent the woman.

Roselle Park Borough Attorney Jarrid Kantor filed an application to dismiss the case and Superior Court Judge John Deitch accepted it.

The ACLU said the ruling was a victory for the First Amendment rights of the homeowner and residents in the state, reports.

“The First Amendment exists specifically to make sure people can express strong opinions on political issues – or any other matter – without fear of punishment by the government,” NJ Executive Director Amol Sinha said in a statement. “Today’s decision confirms that our position was correct: Roselle Park had no grounds to issue fines for a political sign and the town’s use of its obscenity ordinance infringed upon fundamental rights protected by the First Amendment.

“It was an uncomplicated case,” Sinha added.

Worth noting: Roselle Park Mayor Joseph Signorello said on CNN that the costs of the legal challenge played a role in the decision.

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GOP Governors Reject Biden Admin’s New Mask Guidance, Blast Additional Mandates

Republican governors are slamming updated guidance from the Biden administration instructing vaccinated people to mask indoors and pushing universal masking in K-12 schools.

A group of GOP governors announced that their states would not be following the CDC’s guidance, which “revised” some of the CDC’s previous recommendations. The CDC changed its guidance because of the spread of COVID-19’s Delta variant.

“We believe the vast majority of transmission is occurring in unvaccinated people and through unvaccinated people, but unlike the Alpha variant that we had back in May — where we didn’t believe that if you were vaccinated you could transmit further – this is different now, with the Delta variant, and we’re seeing now that it’s actually possible if you are a rare breakthrough infection that you can transmit further, which is the reason for the change,” said CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky.

Governors argued that the availability and widespread use of vaccines has negated any need for additional mask requirements.

Missouri Governor Mike Parson called the new guidance “disappointing and concerning” that the agency would make a seemingly political decision not based on science in crafting its masking guidelines.

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CNN Anchor: ‘Credibility Question’ Swirls Around CDC’s Ever-Evolving Mask Policy

The very liberal CNN network has been all in with Team Biden on COVID-19 from the beginning.

But one nightly anchor had some serious questions on Tuesday after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reversed its stance and urged all people to once again wear masks, even those who have been vaccinated against the virus.

Host Erin Burnett sat down with Dr. Jonathan Reiner, CNN’s medical analyst. And she got laid it all perfectly.

“I understand what you’re saying, but I also take a step back here and I say OK, first they said — and science and information can change, right? But we all remember at the very beginning here, mask up even if you’re vaccinated because you could spread it. And then, yay, guess what, you can’t spread it. And now, oh my gosh, now you can maybe spread it. And they’re making the change to the masking guidance based on unpublished data,” Burnett said.
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Pelosi Can’t Stand The Heat As Police Around The Nation Call For War

Let’s get one thing straight. Nancy Pelosi’s January 6 “Commission” is total garbage. It is yet another anti-Trump stunt meant to discredit the man—so he’ll have a harder time running for president. Much like the Russian hoax and two impeachment circuses, the Democrats are wasting our time and money on a pointless brigade, just because they fear and hate the man so much.

We all know there was more to the January 6 event than meets the eye. Evidence suggests that far-left agitators were behind the dust-up. Even if there were sincere Trump supporters caught up in the chaos, they were simply manipulated by powerful forces surrounding them. They are obviously not “insurrectionists” trying to overthrow the government.

Many, many people have pointed out the obvious hypocrisy of Democrats launching a commission over one event—when hundreds of riots took place last year all over the country (including in D.C., many nights). And now, a major police group is slamming Congress over this bogus commission.

The National Police Association, a lobbying group representing law enforcement, said Wednesday that the House select committee on the Jan. 6 Capitol riot is politically motivated, and they should turn their attention to the multitude of protests and riots that erupted across the country last year…

“I find this whole Jan. 6 Commission, frankly, a dog and pony show. It doesn’t tell the whole story.”…

“There were at least 574 violent riots in 2020, and yet today’s Congressional hearings are focusing on only one riot, January 6th, 2021, and hearing testimony from only a few of the police officers involved,” Smith told The Washington Times on Tuesday. [Source: Just the News]
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7 Signs You Might Have Been Brainwashed by the Media

You probably think you haven't been brainwashed by the media. But that's exactly what someone who has been brainwashed by the media would think! Whoa! Not good!

Here are seven signs you might have been indoctrinated by biased news sources:

1) You often begin conversations with "You know, the experts are saying..." - If you find yourself citing "the experts" all the time, you might be relying too much on biased news sources.

2) You don't know what to think about an issue until you check what Jimmy Kimmel has to say about it. - Needing the late-night comedians to help you form an opinion is a bad sign.

3) You're starting to think The Last Jedi isn't that bad of a movie. - A sure sign you're listening to journalists too much.

4) You swoon every time you see a picture of Biden eating ice cream. - You might be beyond help at this point.

5) You always check under your bed for Russian spies. - If you do this every night, start to get worried.

6) You've been hiding in your basement eating emergency rations since spring of 2020. - This might mean you're paying too much attention to the doomsday news prophets.

7) You're worried about every little thing that happens because you forget that Whatever the news, the purpose of the Lord will stand. - The surest sign of all and not really satire.
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PolitiFact’s ‘Fact-Check’ That Biden and Harris ‘Distrusted’ the Vaccines Is Really Something Else

PolitiFact looks like they’re at it again, trying to clean up after Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

As we reported, after Joe Biden’s CNN’s town hall, Biden specifically said he wanted to eliminate guns that had the capacity to shoot 20 or more rounds, specifically naming nine-millimeter pistols and rifles. But Politifact said that the GOP was wrong to say he wanted to ban handguns and argued that he was talking about high capacity magazine banning although he was specifically talking about the guns themselves.

Now, they’re trying to justify what Biden and Harris actually said against the vaccines while President Donald Trump was in office. This PolitiFact “fact-check” really is something else.

They judged that this video, with clips of Biden and Harris talking, was “false” despite the fact it’s quoting exactly what they said. How did they manage to get around this?
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Turtle shells are made of the same material as what human body part?


You might remember from grade school that the human body is 60% water, but we also have a whole lot of keratin. Keratin is a fibrous protein found in animals and humans that makes up a lot of specialized tissues, including the ones that make up hair. But all keratin is not the same. One type, ?-keratin, make up hair, wool, nails, hooves, claws, and horns. The other type of keratin, ?-keratin, is more for our scaly and feathered friends. You can find ?-keratins in tortoise shells, scales of reptiles, reptile nails, bird claws, feathers, porcupine quills, and bird beaks.

Source: ThoughtCo. | Date Updated: July 20, 2021
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CIA insider exposes democrats
secret plan to retain power forever

I didn’t vote for him.

I don’t respect him.

I don’t like his radical policies…

His hatred for our country disgusts me.

He’s everything that’s wrong with our politics.

A career politician who’s never held down a real job.

A charlatan who tells one lie after another…

Plagiarizes speeches.

Inflames racial tensions.

Kowtows to our enemies.

Bows down to the far left.

In his first few months in office he’s already managed to cause inflation... kneecap the economic recovery… devalue the dollar... send gas prices surging… weaken our military… and trigger a border and immigration crisis.

Yet, despite his atrocious track record and plummeting approval...

Biden will be one of the most consequential leaders in world history.

You see, Biden is a front man. A friendly, non-threatening face used to disguise the ugly truth that’s going on behind the scenes. He’s nothing but a puppet of the most dangerous enemy our country has ever faced.

And his masters are using him to drive forward their masterplan…

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Biden’s Gun Control Plans…

Liberty Horn <>

Thu, Jul 29 at 5:13 PM

Breaking News from

Liberty Horn

Dear Fellow Patriot,

The United Nations’ “Small Arms Treaty” has been the Gun Control Lobby’s crown jewel for decades.

They’ve been waiting for an anti-gun President, like Joe Biden, to take the White House so they can launch an all-out effort to ratify it in the U.S. Senate.

Now, they think they finally see their opportunity to ram it through!

But you and I have a chance to stop them cold -- as long as we take IMMEDIATE action to help dismantle this dangerous Treaty.

As Dudley Brown, President of the National Association for Gun Rights, explains in the email below, it’s absolutely critical we act now!


The Hon. Rand Paul
U.S. Senator (R-KY)

Dear Fellow Patriot,

Anti-gun statists around the globe believe they have it made.

The United Nations is done with its dirty work finalizing the details of their so-called “Small Arms Treaty.”

After locking-arms with China, the latest nation to join the Treaty, they’re looking to force the United States into submission next.

Armed with the full backing of President Joe Biden -- and gun grabbers seemingly a majority of the United States Senate -- an all-out ratification showdown over the UN “Small Arms Treaty” is rapidly approaching.

If you and I are going to beat this Treaty, we simply must fight back NOW -- before it’s too late.

That’s why I’m counting on you to sign your OFFICIAL FIREARMS SOVEREIGNTY SURVEY to tell your U.S. Senators “NO UN GUN BAN” at once!

As you’ll see, this survey insists that your U.S. Senators do everything in their power to oppose the UN “Small Arms Treaty” in the U.S. Senate.

The fact is, Joe Biden has always been a puppet of the gun grabbers and a staunch advocate for the Treaty during his time as Vice President.

And following gains in the U.S. Senate, anti-gun Senate kingpin Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is itching to RAM this Treaty through too!

So it’s crucial for you and me to act now.

If we don’t, we’ll be playing with fire, and the gun grabbers could gain the votes they need for Treaty ratification.

I can’t explain what a DISASTER this would be.

This Treaty would effectively allow foreign bureaucrats to DESTROY your Second Amendment freedoms.

In fact, after reading through the details of the Treaty, it’s hard to see how our Second Amendment could survive such an assault.

Perhaps the worst of the Treaty’s provisions can be found in Article V, which mandates countries establish a “National Control List” -- a recordkeeping system to track “end users” of “small and light weapons” for a “minimum of ten years.”

This is an International Gun Registry, clearly designed to include detailed information on American gun owners.

Just imagine foreign dictators and governments -- or President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for that matter -- having unrestricted access to a list of every American gun owner!

You and I both know gun registration is just the first step toward outright CONFISCATION. And the UN is already plotting their next step -- developing new “International Small Arms Control Standards” (ISACS).

Treaty apologists’ goal is to impose these radical anti-gun initiatives on every nation who signs the UN “Small Arms Treaty.”

Introductory language already includes:
*** Mandated national “screening” for those seeking to own guns, giving bureaucrats the final say on whether or not you’re “competent” enough to own a gun;

*** Restrictive licensing for gun and ammo sales, and perhaps even bans on certain types of firearms. This could include anything from semi-auto rifles to shotguns and handguns;

*** Restrictions on the number of guns and amount of ammo any “properly-licensed” individual may legally own;

*** Bans on magazines holding more than ten rounds; and

*** Bans on owning a firearm for self-defense -- unless a citizen can somehow demonstrate need and get federal government approval.

That’s why your IMMEDIATE action is so important.

To those who think government holds all the answers, Americans’ Second Amendment freedoms are a threat to their grand “utopian” designs for all of us.

As long as we remain free to make our own decisions without being bossed around by bureaucrats, those who want big government on a global scale will be out of luck.

This explains why they’re so hell-bent on forcing the U.S. to submit to the UN “Small Arms Treaty”...

...and why we must defeat it!

Thanks to the help of good folks like you, the National Association for Gun Rights has taken the lead role in Washington, D.C., beating back gun control schemes year after year.

With the help of pro-gun U.S. Senator Rand Paul -- who’s fighting to defeat the Treaty from inside Capitol Hill -- NAGR stalled President Obama’s attempt to ratify it.

Sadly, the U.S. Senate never took action to kill the Treaty when they had the chance.

And now that gun grabbers have successfully installed President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in the White House, the UN “Small Arms Treaty” is back with a vengeance.

In order to beat it, you and I will have to mount a MASSIVE campaign targeting the U.S. Senate before it’s too late.

The good news is, just fighting the Treaty puts you and me in a win/win situation.

Either we get the votes we need to defeat this Treaty once and for all;

Or anti-gun U.S. Senators will go on record in support of arguably the WORST anti-gun initiative to come before either House of Congress in decades.

Believe me.

U.S. Senators who vote to allow foreign bureaucrats to trample on our gun rights will pay the price in the long run...

...just like they did in 2014 after their all-out push for gun control in the wake of the Newtown murders, and in 2016 after Hillary Clinton’s full embrace of every anti-gun policy imaginable.

But if we don’t fight, it could be our anti-gun enemies who get the last laugh!

After all, they’ve been battling for this scheme since President Bill Clinton’s administration.

They’re going to do whatever it takes to make their global gun control crown jewel a reality.

They’re clearly in this for the long haul.

Are you?

If so, please prove it by signing your survey to let your U.S. Senators know where you stand right away.

And if possible, please agree to your most generous financial support as well.

Once you have signed your survey, I am counting on your support to help the National Association for Gun Rights:
1) Contact and mobilize up to 10 million pro-Second Amendment Americans using mail, email and phone banks to turn up maximum pressure on the U.S. Senate;

2) Launch a full-scale online effort, including internet ads, op-eds, working highly-trafficked blogs, and using social media to generate even more heat to ensure the so-called “Small Arms Treaty” is rejected by the U.S. Senate; and

3) Craft hard-hitting radio, newspaper, and TV ads, which we’ll be ready to unleash at a moment’s notice if we can raise the resources to fund them.

Of course, a program of this scale won’t be cheap.

But as I explained, doing nothing would only play right into the gun grabbers’ hands.

That’s why I’m counting on you to please sign your OFFICIAL FIREARMS SOVEREIGNTY SURVEY IMMEDIATELY to tell your U.S. Senators “NO UN GUN BAN.”

But I hope you won’t stop there.

I’m committed to doing everything in my power to see the UN “Small Arms Treaty” killed in the U.S. Senate.

So along with your signed survey, could you please consider a generous contribution of $100 TODAY?

I know that’s a lot.

But without your immediate support, nothing I do will matter.

So please act -- and agree to give generously.

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For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
National Association for Gun Rights
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Mitchell Rosenberg asked a question .
When waiting to come in to a song are your pedals
down or are your feet off bass and hi hat ??


J Rodney Crow Jansen
Somewhere in the vicinity!

Jim Zoppi
Always down !

Ron Tello Culley
Depends on the song.
Slow, down. Hard Rock, UP (prepare to deliver thy *BLAM*)
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"