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The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on April 27, 2024, 10:55:09 PM »
Confessions - Why Sigma Males Are Giving Up On Friendship


This inspires me to commit to the wholesale liquidation of my facebook friends list. Like, FLOCK OFF you phonies. Talk or die. What have you done for me? Why are you so lame? Etc.

I have very few friends because most ppl are not qualified.

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on April 27, 2024, 10:31:24 PM »
What happens when a narcissist feels shame?

I think that when they get ashamed its like they are staring at the empty void that is actually their real state of mind. Its so scary and terrifying that they quickly find someone else to blame or replace the shame with epic rage. They NEED to block it.

As far as I understand, shame is at the core of their problem. They were shamed by their parents and grew up so ashamed that they develop incredibly messed up behaviors to cope with it.

So, I think they can "be ashamed" but not "feel ashamed", because they block it. In my experience the worst episodes that they have is when they are ashamed but block it by acting insane. They cannot admit to the shame because it would mean both vulnerability and perceived inferiority. So they instead rage at the scapegoat I guess.

So on the outside it looks like they never feel shame, but from what I've read and pondered shame is actually a big part of what has them flocked up all the time.

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on April 27, 2024, 10:19:58 PM »
Why do empaths make narcissists uncomfortable?

This is easily answered with a direct quotation from the most malignant narcissist I had a relationship with, identifies male (not the most malignant one I know, identifies female*), “I don't do self- reflection.“

It's that simple. Even during casual conversation, empaths, by virtue of their natures, tend to constantly self-reflect and seek self improvement. Not the showy, Tony Robbins fire-walking method (that's designed for narcissists by a narcissist), but going back to school, getting sober, or going on a silent yoga retreat (things that take actual work and commitment).

Because this drive for improvement is in the forefront of empaths’ minds, not only for themselves but for the world (remember, when with another person, an empath’s instinct is to see from other's POV), the empaths can't help but bring the subject up in conversation in some form. The narcissist will always take this as criticism.

To suggest that the narcissist isn't already perfect, that he needs any improvement, is anathema to his self image. To realize that someone he's chosen for supply needs improvement, and will readily admit it, makes her not only weak and pathetic in his eyes but tells him that he made a mistake! She's not the perfect source he's always searching for. But he CAN'T make mistakes because he's perfect, so she must have deliberately, malignly tricked him. But he CAN'T be tricked because his intellect is perfect.

And so it goes …

No matter what intellectual gymnastics the narcissist performs to figure out how this horror occurred, he will make her pay for not being the perfect source.

But the narcissist is compelled, over and over, to search for this perfect empath, a human battery that will never run dry, never criticize, and always meet the impossible demands of his empty soul. He knows this is his fatal flaw, his greatest weakness, but like an addict he keeps going back, unable, even with a new source, to stop searching for MORE FUEL.

So, when you get down to it, a strong empath to a narcissist is analogous to a shaky-handed alcoholic staring at a bottle of booze -- he fears and desires it in equal measure.

*Editorial Note: I feel I need to address my pronoun selection for this particular answer. I'm well aware that there are a hefty number of women narcissists & narcissistic mothers do extraordinary damage. I also know and empathize with the men who've suffered from those same women.

I'm also keenly aware that women aren't the planet's sole empaths, personally and statistically.

My original intent of pronoun selection stemmed from simple mathematics; the percentage of men per capita who fall under the NPD diagnostic criteria is far greater than that of women.

This being said, I do plan to do some editing to eliminate some pronouns, but should I change one element to the neutral “they,” I have to change both, otherwise I'm playing editorial favorites. At that point, clarity & readability goes out the window.

This, I think, is my best answer until grammar catches up to society.

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on April 27, 2024, 09:49:00 PM »
How do narcissists
destroy you?

For starters, the narcissist couldn’t give a ff about you once they’ve left you in a heap of misery. What they do care about is what they can take and exploit from you with zero reciprocity. They’ll destroy your health, finances, friendships, employment, family or anything else you hold dear. But here’s how they destroy you bit by bit over time;

Manipulation, exploitation, gaslighting

Pathological lying / deceit

Leading doubles lives

Infidelity; promiscuity, serial cheating, having hidden dating profiles and hookup apps across multiple platforms

Physical health; subjecting you to the possibility of contracting a raft of STDs as they feign exclusivity while banging tf out of multiple sex partners simultaneously throughout your relationship

Blame shifting, sidestepping accountability for their countless misdeeds and betrayals

Addictions; drugs, alcohol, pornography, compulsive masturbation, sex and / or gambling

Financial abuse

Triangulation; introducing third parties into the relationship to create jealousy

Verbal abuse, put downs, shaming and blaming

Intimacy avoidance / withdrawal

Shirking domestic responsibilities; failing to maintain the home, clean, cook, shop for groceries or pay bills - they’ll expect all this from you

Intermittent dosing; when you’re into devaluation, you’ll be sprinkled with reminders of how they were during the love bombing phase to keep you in the game and supply them with zero fs given and no reciprocity

Future faking; promising you a bright future with no intent on following through

Grooming and lining up your replacement at a time of their choosing - this doesn’t include the string of infidelities prior to the new replacement being found

Smear campaigning; playing the victim, trashing your good name to anyone who will listen to elicit sympathy to set the storyline in place for their discard

Duper’s delight; the feeling of power and control they get to sadistically gratify themselves when they deceive you relentlessly. This gives them a sense of power and control over you and the relationship dynamic

By the end of it all, you’ll even question your own sense of reality due to the mind f’ckery at every turn. Narcissists destroy people and do so with hatred and contempt for you.

They then walk away without even a backwards glance blowing up each relationship they enter.

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on April 27, 2024, 08:11:01 AM »
Six Kinds of People That God
Cannot Save | the list will
shock you.

2 months ago
To say God "cannot save" is denying God's omnipotence . . . More accurate to say "will not save because they choose not to be saved"
The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on April 27, 2024, 07:38:30 AM »
8 CLEAR Signs You Are a Chosen One
All Chosen One's Must Watch This

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on April 27, 2024, 06:51:51 AM »
5 Types of people every
CHOSEN person must
be careful of

While it is essential to remain open and loving towards others, we must also protect ourselves from negative influences. Remember that the energy you put out into the world often reflects back on you. Be kind, supportive and loving, but also pray for discernment.

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on April 27, 2024, 06:42:35 AM »
You Are One of the Chosen:
9 Undeniable Signs

2 days ago
It all makes sense to me now!  If you have not put this content out for me to hear I would still be lost and not knowing my purpose in life!  Now I know the role I need to play out and have a profound purpose! For the first time in my life I feel free!  Thank You so much for your service in these contents in your videos have helped me in many ways!  It’s hard to accept being a chosen one!  But I know I can do it!

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on April 27, 2024, 06:09:19 AM »
7 Social Mistakes That Make
You Look Low Status | stoicism

Discover how to transform your presence and elevate your value in personal and professional spheres with our new video. This video delves into the timeless wisdom of Stoicism, offering practical, transformative steps for self-empowerment and respect. Learn to value your time, prioritize self-care, master the art of listening, and embrace continuous growth. Join us on a journey towards a more respected and valued you, where each strategy opens a new door to being acknowledged and celebrated for who you are.

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on April 27, 2024, 05:57:45 AM »
You already won!
Be silent about
what happens next.

19 hours ago
DIVINE timing is always so very... PERFECT.
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