Author Topic: PROBLEMS WITH E-PURCHASES and their RESOLUTIONS  (Read 31066 times)


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« on: March 12, 2011, 06:59:58 PM »
WANTED: Victorian brass letter rack with ornate filigree, cherubs playing musical instruments, and two inkwells... and I've GOT IT.

Offer submitted yesterday, and accepted.

MINE, all mine!
PROBLEM - this arrived today, and it was in two pieces.

The back part of the letter rack (the higher section with the cherubs) was broken off from the rest of the piece. (The sockets where it is supposed to sit in the appropriate holes are damaged, and it had been "repaired" with glue. I didn't have to guess; the remnants of the glue are still there.)

I have communicated with the seller and asked for a refund. It's useless as a collectible in this condition, and damage was certainly not disclosed in the listing. (It actually stated "excellent condition".)

We'll see what he says. This is quite disappointing...  :tanty: :vent: :drama: :hanky: :violin:
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« Reply #1 on: March 13, 2011, 11:24:49 PM »
Well, that was resolved without any difficulties.

I let the seller know that there was a problem. (He may well have known nothing of the item's having been glued together with damage having occurred in the past, since the glue probably held until the letter rack was in international transit. I had the impression he bought lots of things from deceased estates and so on.)

The seller was apologetic. He didn't ask for photos although I offered to send them. He asked me what sort of recompense I'd require, and whether the item was repairable.

I replied that the item would probably need welding or something like that in order to be usable. (I'll certainly try. Any other suggestions?) I asked for the item's cost (not the postage) to be refunded, since it's not a collectible in this damaged condition. He promptly refunded.

This is a great example of how a buyer and seller can resolve a problem situation without resorting to a PayPal dispute or flinging accusations around. It was amicable, fair and eventuated in a satisfactory outcome.

But now I'll be on the hunt for a non-damaged Victorian letter rack. Perhaps I should look for silver...?
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« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2011, 12:06:10 PM »
So glad it turned out OK with the seller.  Disappointing though that you have to start hunting again.


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« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2011, 12:56:13 PM »
Another problem.

I'd ordered some copies of a not-available-here audiobook title on CD from Amazon Marketplace sellers. One of them arrived here today - or rather, the wrong thing arrived. Same book title, wrong edition (abridged, read by different person, different publisher).

The seller didn't include an invoice in the padded envelope, and the return address was a personal one, not a seller address. At first I was stumped; who WAS the seller? Because I'd bought several copies for 3 different people who wanted this, I couldn't tell just by checking in my Amazon account.

But I did a bit of detective work, using the name and address, googling, checking some casting information for a movie, tracking down the movie name, and thus arriving at a match between the movie name and the seller's Marketplace name. Success! They can run, but they can't hide!

I've now contacted the seller letting him know he's sent the wrong item; we'll see what solution he has.
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« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2011, 05:35:51 PM »
Can anyone tell me - are pre-orders allowed on Ebay. I remember a problem with EBS some years ago......

Item = Nintendo Console

Item Number = 170611687000

The seller has a message up saying that they are out of present stock.... next shipment due 30/4. Paypal claims = 21 days???

I note a number of other sellers with similar offers

Your thoughts please.


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« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2011, 05:46:03 PM »
yes Loco , unfortunatley they are allowed ... it is supposed to be shown clearly in the listing ,I think it should at least have to be clearly shown in the title ... there was some talk of this before , I will find a link to ebays listing rule on this matter and be back !


Pre-sales or pre-orders are permitted on eBay, but the condition (certainly on eBay Australia) is as follows:

Pre-sale listings are those that describe items for sale that are not in the possession of the seller at the time of the listing.

eBay permits pre-sale listings only on a limited basis. The seller must ensure that the item will be shipped within 20 days from receiving payment. The seller must clearly indicate within the listing that it's a pre-sale item with postage no later than 20 days after payment, including the date on which the item will be available to post. This text must be no less than the default font size of the eBay Sell Your Item form. Currently, the default font size is HTML font size 3.

I still believe that they shouldnt be allowed at all , and if they are , at the very least it should mention it in the title not just in the listing but thats JMO


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« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2011, 05:48:32 PM »
smee - you're a kind man. Thanks for the advice. No need to find a link. I thought it would have been outlawed...... remember something to do with "drop shippers".


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« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2011, 05:51:10 PM »

Pre-sales or pre-orders are permitted on eBay, but the condition (certainly on eBay Australia) is as follows:

Pre-sale listings are those that describe items for sale that are not in the possession of the seller at the time of the listing.

eBay permits pre-sale listings only on a limited basis. The seller must ensure that the item will be shipped within 20 days from receiving payment. The seller must clearly indicate within the listing that it's a pre-sale item with postage no later than 20 days after payment, including the date on which the item will be available to post. This text must be no less than the default font size of the eBay Sell Your Item form. Currently, the default font size is HTML font size 3.

This policy does not apply to items covered by the ‘Event Tickets’ policy, which is available here:

Violations of this policy may result in a range of actions, including:

    *      Listing cancellation
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« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2011, 05:56:30 PM »
Thankyou too Countess....

So, in this case as listed.... (with immediate payment I might add).....


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« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2011, 06:24:56 PM »
Loco, that listing is definitely in violation of eBay's policy.

You might want to contact the seller to let him know. Some people would report his listing (which wouldn't be good for him).

And it also wouldn't be good for any purchasers. It may well leave purchasers vulnerable in the event of a problem. I seem to recall something of that sort happening... where the fact that the listing for a pre-sale item violated eBay's or PayPal's terms meant that the buyer didn't have protection.
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« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2011, 07:02:35 PM »
Listing is Gonski ...caput ...pushing up daisys ...finito is no more .... its flockin' snuffed it !


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« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2011, 07:04:29 PM »
I sent a quick message to the seller letting him know about the potential problems; he replied with a quick thank you, and as you can see, the listing has been ended.

A responsible seller - he did exactly the right thing.
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« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2011, 05:11:13 PM »
I have a doooozie

sold a Cobb & Co leather wallet for $50 ... have sold lots of this particular wallet

buyer emails saying how annoyed he is that the wallet is vinyl and that I have falsely advertised the product

I reply saying I am more then happy to give him a refund but assured him the wallet is in fact genuine leather

he replies .... please advice any authority in Melbourne to check on the item. If it is leather? I would add $100 to the amount to make it worth who
Lie for both of us. This is if you truly profoundly disappointed.
You would match my offer I understand?

I called him ..... (angry sounding Yugoslavic sounding voice) ..... he went on and on about how I sell fake, he will cut up wallet and prove, he get authority with one hundred dollar etc etc

I said how about I get the CEO of Cobb & Co to call you ... he agreed to that ... I said the CEO will call monday

he emailed again today ... I want an independent acsessor and you ate welcome to choose
any in Melbourne so I can take the wallet there. Leather wallet means that it made out of leather

I called eBay they said he has two options ... keep it or return it for a refund

I wonder what happen tomorrow

the really weird thing is when I looked up his address on Google Earth it's a shoe shop


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« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2011, 05:26:49 PM »
Perhaps he sells "Vegan leather" shoes?
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« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2011, 05:36:20 PM »
did you send in a chicken nugget box ?


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« Reply #15 on: April 04, 2011, 10:16:19 AM »
I have done a little more digging

did a GoofBay search to see what else he buys

weird !!!  ...... he spends about $1000 a week on eBay .... he buys lots of scissors and shaving brushes ... plus a pile of other odd stuff, plastic googles and things a jeweller would use

then I thought to google his name ..... BINGO

he's not Yugoslav he's Ukranian

Barber cuts losses and admits bribery attempt
By Chee Chee Leung
October 1, 2004

A barber known as Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx became entangled in a hairy situation when he was caught with a salon of stolen goods. In a bid to avoid charges, the hairdresser tried to cut a $3000 deal with a policeman - but the attempted bribe was caught on tape.

Edward Xxxxxxxx, of Balaclava's Edward Xxxxxxxx Men's Hairstyling, pleaded guilty to acts tending to and intended to pervert the course of public justice. The County Court heard that police found suspected stolen goods including computers, cigarettes and alcohol during raids on Xxxxxxxx's home and shop in October 2001.

In January and February the following year, Xxxxxxxx met Sergeant Cameron Duncan three times and offered $1000 for the cigarettes, and $2000 if his interview tape was destroyed.

He told Sergeant Duncan: "I'm a businessman. I think you are a businessman too... there must be a way out of this for me if I pay you." Tuchinsky asked if they could shift the blame to his wife, because "the court treats a woman better than a man".

Prosecutor Bob Johnson said Xxxxxxxxx tried to get the sergeant involved in a corrupt relationship, and passed him a wallet of cash. "It tears at the very fabric of law enforcement in this state," Mr Johnson said.

Xxxxxxxx, 40, of Mount Waverley, was fined $3000 without conviction by a magistrate in January 2003 after pleading guilty to handling more than 80 cartons of stolen cigarettes.

Defence lawyer Tom Danos said it was Sergeant Cameron who suggested destroying the tape. He told the court his client was a hard-working migrant from Ukraine, a country where, "as a matter of public record, corruption with officialdom is an almost accepted way of life".

Xxxxxxxx was bailed and will be sentenced next Friday.

when you look up the white pages for the salon mentioned in the story it's the address he gave me so I assume he took the premises over from the shoe shop


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« Reply #16 on: April 04, 2011, 02:14:40 PM »
That's more exciting than your average sale... It's almost like an episode of Underbelly: A Tale of a Ukrainian Barber.

Well, I presume if he tries anything on, you've got the information to deal with this man whose history shows he's dodgy (to say the least).
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« Reply #17 on: April 09, 2011, 03:29:15 PM »
Abridged item outcome: refund.


But the fun and games do not stop there...

I had ordered another o/p audiobook from the UK for the son of a friend of a friend. It arrived in excellent timeframe, well wrapped, all fine... except that it's only half the audiobook! The first 4 CDs weren't included. I know the publisher packaged this particular audiobook in two 4-CD boxes glued together. Only the second 4CD box was sent to me.

The seller obviously didn't even realise they only had half the audiobook!

Steps taken: contacted the seller
Response: seller refunded
Follow-up: I still needed the entire o/p audiobook, of course. Was I discouraged? NO! I found it, persuaded the seller to sell outside the UK, and am now awaiting its arrival.
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« Reply #18 on: May 15, 2011, 10:46:44 AM »

Tessa did you find someone to bronze up the letter rack?   You seem to be having a run of  bad luck with your purchases.

BNWT, did your barber convince himself it was

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« Reply #19 on: June 14, 2011, 09:31:49 PM »
Hello, Westie - I have not been able to fix the letter rack. I will keep trying, but I think it may be a lost cause.

Yet another problem today. I ordered an unabridged audiobook of "Dance of Death" from the US, from a seller who wouldn't sell to Australia. This was for a lady who's in palliative care. Lo and behold, what arrived? The unabridged audiobook "Book of the Dead" by the same authors!

I've contacted the seller, who is denying they sent the wrong item. I found their reply rather offensive in a polite way. It was all "we're a Christian seller and we don't deceive our customers" and "we were particularly careful" and so on. The clear implication was that I was being deceptive.

I'm really rather annoyed.
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« Reply #20 on: June 15, 2011, 08:12:47 PM »

I have severe issues against a seller who plays the 'Christian' card as a defence against mistakes.  It is elitist arrogance and quite unchristian in my book.

Here is a suggestion.  I don't expect it to be taken as final text, because I'm not you, Countessa, nor do I have the full details, but if they want to play that tune, then I'd be tempted to pick up on it.........

(Access to an online Concordance makes this easier  :) )

While I appreciate you make every effort to ensure the correct items are sent, it is inevitable that, on occasion, mistakes can occur.
Proverbs 20:9
Who can say, "I have kept my heart pure; I am clean and without sin"?

I assure you that the item I received is the unabridged audiobook "Book of the Dead", not the unabridged audiobook of "Dance of Death", which I ordered.
Matthew 5:37
Simply let your 'Yes' be 'Yes,' and your 'No,' 'No'; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.

I do not accuse you of being deceptive, but I would ask that you accept the fact that a mistake has been made (as I have).
1 Peter 2:1
Therefore, rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind.

Could you please advise what steps are necessary to correct the situation.
Isaiah 2:11
The eyes of the arrogant man will be humbled and the pride of men brought low; the LORD alone will be exalted in that day.

I might leave out the quote and just have the reference .... that would be less 'in your face'.

Just an idea... 
(and quite probably theologically flawed)


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« Reply #21 on: June 15, 2011, 08:29:22 PM »
It's uncanny how close this is to how I actually replied, Brumby!

In the end, after a few emails back and forth, the seller apologised unreservedly, accepted he may have made an error, refunded me and sorted it out to my complete satisfaction.

We can all behave like prickly hedgehogs at times; it happens.

I've also ordered the right item from another source - more expensive but I should get it in time before the lady concerned passes away.
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« Reply #22 on: June 15, 2011, 09:07:33 PM »
I'm glad it has been resolved amicably.

We can all behave like prickly hedgehogs at times; it happens.

Indeed we can, especially when involved with consumer sales and if the seller has been exposed to the eBay culture, it can be very easy.


.... but I should get it in time before the lady concerned passes away.

That was my concern when the problem was encountered.  I do hope and pray that we don't have an INRIT (Item Not Received In Time).


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« Reply #23 on: August 02, 2011, 11:49:43 PM »
This is weird!!!!

I had bought some IELTS books for someone who's going to sit for the exam, and both books arrived looking as if someone had twisted them and tried to take a bite out of them.

I phoned the publisher in the UK, emailed photos of the damaged books, and they were very friendly and helpful; they said they'd immediately send replacements by courier.

Well, they did. The replacements arrived within - hmm... either 2 or 3 days. All was fine.

And today I received a second copy of the books...! I contacted them; they don't know why the replacement was sent twice; it would cost them more to have the books returned than for me to keep them, so they've said "Keep them". I will hunt for another potential IELTS candidate and give them an unexpected present.
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« Reply #24 on: October 05, 2011, 06:40:18 PM »

I'm a little embarrassed that I seem to be the only person who's having problems with online purchases... unless everyone else is sensibly not talking about their problems.

Anyway, my latest e-purchase problems:

I wanted a particular audiobook for a teenager with learning difficulties. He is notorious for being careless with CD cases, so I thought he really needed the library edition (stronger casing, much more durable). I found it listed by a UK seller. I bought it. It arrived...

... or - no IT DIDN'T!

A paperback book of the same title arrived.

The seller has taken his time in responding, wanting me to email him with the ISBN of the book. Well, I did that... Then he suggested I can keep the book and get a 50% refund. I don't WANT the book... The item was worth the cost only for a library edition audiobook (much more expensive). I've replied saying no, I would prefer full refund and I'll be happy to send back the parcel (with him to pay return postage).

Currently waiting...

... and in the meantime, I found the audiobook listed in the US, and bought it.

It arrived...

... or... NO IT DIDN'T!!

It's the retail edition (flimsy packaging, less durable CDs) that arrived.

I've had to email THAT seller today, stating that they've sent the wrong item.

This is turning into yet another Product Nightmare Saga.

Will I EVER get the right audiobook for this poor boy?
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« Reply #25 on: October 05, 2011, 07:26:52 PM »
you possibly have more problems Countess because its likely that you have more transactions than the average person and also a high percentage of those transactions are from overseas and also faiely unusual items in terms of percentage of issues to purchases you may not be doing as bad as it seems ...but of course im only making assumptions so disregard all I have said and wait for a decent response


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« Reply #26 on: October 05, 2011, 07:44:32 PM »
Sorry to hear of your E Purchases going awry Tess, I too have had a few lately go pear shaped, mainly with sellers not describing products correctly and sending inferior items.

One was a dress stated as a particular brand, it arrived I was so pleased.. and yet when I took it out of the satchel it was clearly a fake, it was so sheer I could see my hand through it rendering it unwearable (should not have been sheer at all) and it had a small 1/2 cm hole in the side seam where the stitching had come undone, it was a battle to get a refund, I returned the dress and finally got my refund...whew.

The second, again a dress which was not posted at all for 12 days, no response from the seller then it took a further 5-6 to arrive, ahh well, it's here now I thought unwrapping it...POOOHHHH it stunk!! Cigarette smoke and overwhelming mouldy Op shop smell...Horrible, it was also covered in pulled threads and the elastic had perished....currently seeking a refund, of course no reply, that's it for me for a while with clothes online, especially dresses. This will be the second lot of return postage I will have had to pay to see nothing as a result, I should have just mailed $6 to each of the sellers instead of buying.. less stress, same result.
They said there would be cake....and there WAS!


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« Reply #28 on: May 10, 2012, 11:49:57 PM »
Another problem!

A Russian book which I purchased last year (November) from a seller in the UK but which I only started reading 2 weeks ago turns out to have a major problem. (You can tell I am a slow reader in Russian.)

Pages 64 to 96 are printed upside down.

I contacted the seller to let them know, and asked for a replacement to be sent; I said I'd be happy to return the faulty book.

Their response took me by surprise: the customer care lady - let's call her Murgatroyd to protect her identity - replied that they're so sorry about this, but they "honour all orders within a 3 month timeframe". She finished with an apology for the inconvenience.

I was not happy with this at all! They just wash their hands of any problem if it's more than three months ago????

I've just sent the following reply.

Dear [Murgatroyd],

Thank you for your reply.

I must say I'm surprised by what you have said. I've never heard of any shop refusing to remedy a problem where the goods have a manufacturing fault unless a complaint is made within 3 months.

Clearly this is not a fault I could have created, unless you assume I've ripped out the pages and reinserted them upside down.

I had expected a responsible and good seller to accept responsibility and issue a replacement or refund, and return the faulty item to the publisher. Most publishers don't require the entire book returned to them, but merely the front cover as proof that the book has been destroyed, and will issue the bookshop with a credit note or refund.

Under the Sale of Goods Act 1979, "Where the seller sells goods in the course of a business, there is an implied term that the goods supplied under the contract are of satisfactory quality", and "For the purposes of this Act, the quality of goods includes their state and condition and the following (among others) are in appropriate cases aspects of the quality of goods—

(a)fitness for all the purposes for which goods of the kind in question are commonly supplied,

(b)appearance and finish,

(c)freedom from minor defects,

(d)safety, and


Nowhere is it stated that the merchant can arbitrarily designate a period beyond which he/she will no longer be responsible for the goods not being fit for the purpose for which goods of the kind in question are commonly supplied, and not being free from minor defects, appearance and finish.

I am not satisfied that your response is in accordance with the Act.

[My name]

If I receive a refund or replacement, I will not take any further action. If they continue on the path of "It's not our problem", I will take it up with the appropriate authorities.

Never - never - never should a seller stomp all over the rights of consumers.  :indupitably: :mum: :judge: :doa: :gaol: :nhj: :roughend: :stopit:
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« Reply #29 on: May 12, 2012, 08:25:08 PM »
The seller probably thought you should appreciate the upside down pages Tessa, because you are down under.    She probably thinks it's an effort for you to read the pages the right way....

On a serious note, how annoying.  It's hard when the seller is so far away.  You can't march into the shop and insist they do something and they know that.

That's why I am happy buying most things from US Amazon.  I have had a few issues and always been looked after.  Sometimes it involves a full refund and I get to keep the goods.  In one case I was fully refunded the cost of a 1/2 carat diamond heart shaped necklace, set in 14 carat gold necklace, because a diamond was missing - it was one of those heart shaped things with about 50 1 point diamonds)   A couple of weeks ago I bought a $5 usb laptop vacuum cleaner from a non Amazon seller, that listed on the Amazon site, (OK, stop laughing) and it was DOA.  Contacted Amazon, who gave me a $10 discount voucher and the seller resent the item.  Haven't got it yet, it still at my US address, (This one better work lol) but it's nice having the company actually stand behind the products listed on their site and having the power to keep sellers honest.  I have many instances of this.  On another occasion, a seller messed up big time on something I ordered - I order 4 and they sent 1.  Amazon stepped in and refunded my money AND the seller sent 4 replacements.

Good on you Amazon for looking after your international buyers.  Ebay, you should take a leaf out of Amazon's book.


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« Reply #30 on: May 12, 2012, 09:33:27 PM »
Fluffy, it's finished quickly with a good resolution. The seller has refunded the full amount and has again extended an apology.

Sometimes all it takes is a polite but firm reply pointing out their obligations under law.

I've just re-ordered the same book (but this time in the hardcover edition; I don't want to risk another copy from the same bad batch).
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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« Reply #31 on: May 12, 2012, 10:29:20 PM »
That's great Tessa.  Are there international laws covering online buyers who buy outside their own country?

*Ubbie Max*

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« Reply #32 on: May 12, 2012, 10:39:21 PM »
Countess. Is Book of the Dead about the Zombie hoards?

Tello would like that.


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« Reply #33 on: May 13, 2012, 01:03:34 AM »
Well, there are laws in the UK about distance purchasing. I was relying on those to help the seller make the right decision!

My last resort would have been a credit card chargeback - which I would rather avoid.

... Hmm, Ubbie... Book of the Dead in relation to zombies... The traditional Egyptian Book of the Dead is not about zombies, but I have no doubt one could adapt it to Tello's requirements.

Let my zombies be with me in the House of Zombies. Let my zombie-case be with me in the House of zombie-cases. Let my heart be with me, and let it rest in [me or] I shall not eat the cakes of the zombie cooks in the eastern side of the Lake of Flowers, nor have a boat wherein to float down the river, nor a boat to sail up the river to thee, nor be able to embark in a boat with thee. Let my mouth be to me that I may speak therewith. Let my legs be to me that I may walk therewith. Let my arms be to me that I may overthrow the decaying zombies therewith. Let the two doors of the sky be opened to me. May Keb, the Erpat of the gods, open his jaws to me. May he open my two eyes which are blinded by swathings. May he make me to lift up my legs in walking which are tied together. May Anpu make my thighs to become vigorous. May the screaming mama raise me, and lift me up. Let me ascend into Telloland, let that which I command be performed in Het-ka-Ptah. I know how to use my zombies. I am master of my zombie-case. I am master of my hands and arms. I am master of my legs. I have the power to do that which my KA desireth to do. My Heart-soul shall not be kept a prisoner in my body at the gates of Amentet when I would go in in peace and come forth in peace.
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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« Reply #34 on: July 04, 2012, 11:55:00 AM »
I am having the most frustrating experience with vPost in the UK.

I purchased something from within the UK, and had it sent by express courier to my vPost UK address.

I purchased something else from Italy, had it picked up by TNT (through another company) and delivered to my vPost UK address.

Both have been delivered to vPost. SIGNED FOR. I have the name of the signee for the Italian job (no minis involved)... Aaron. I have the image of the signature for the second parcel (sent within UK). They were delivered on 27th June and 25th June respectively.

It's more than a week later. I have not received any indication from vPost that these have arrived, nor have I received an invoice to pay so that they can be sent here to Australia.

I have emailed 8 times with explanations, tracking numbers, copies of the scanned images, reiterations, further iterations, and reiterations of the iterations.

I have phoned 3 times.

Their response on the phone has been "We'll follow this up with our UK office" plus requests for tracking numbers and going through the whole story again each time. Their response by email has been requests for tracking numbers, merchant name, courier name, description of parcel, all of which I provided in the second and third email.

This is so totally unsatisfactory... Once I get these parcels, assuming I ever do (and I'd better), I will NEVER use vPost again.

Does anyone have a direct number for the vPost UK address?
"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"