Fri 11:44 PM
Wtf! That's really weird! What the hell happened!!!
Sat 4:22 AM
Ron Tello
Thursday nite's show, near the start, the panel was photobombed with a "dic pic". A violation of TOS. Bob need, did not take the show vid down, edit and re-post. He was under attack by the evil haters. They grinded Bob to extinction. Mr. X and I spoke on phone. He was stunned. Ty Corbin, also on a call suggested the haters were on duty and Bob needs "thick skin" to do utube. When I had called Bob, he sounded suicidal. X said he called Bob and has the same impression. We live in an evil world, and good is losing.
I tell ya, X aka Mark Terry is a fine man and good to me. If I was gay I'd stalk him for a