Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2930000 times)


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:tello: "LOL! I know a guy that doesn't take prisoners. He takes OVER! I love my New Team on our way to Montello!"
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BTW: 483
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Can you imagine if Kurt Russel played Edward Scissorhands
Johnny Depp played Snake" Plissken ?

I don't want to live in that world.
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Is this Real?


And why?

:tello: "WTF? I have slaved over a hot internet for the past 12 years in the kitchen of your mind and all I get is more of the same? Except for the Netflix! THX!!!



:bigcalibre: :mobbing: :troll2: :snipe:


SHUT UP SMEE! :drummer:
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Ron Tello Culley
INFO Please! I'm dealing with peel and stick vinyl floor tiles on a primered plywood subfloor. They are not sticking at the edges. What to do? Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Steven Michael King
Super GLue .. Gorrilla glue... other

Ron Tello Culley
Steven Michael King Hey, if your idea fails, I'm coming after you, lol.

Steven Michael King
good.... Ill talk you into driving just a bit further to either The Cottage or Lou Eddies to buy us pizza...

Richard Sandoval
A lil Liquid nails, or sub floor adhesive.

Ron Tello Culley
Thx guys! I found this:
Self-Adhesive Vinyl Floor Tiles Not Sticking (Reasons & Fix Tips)

"Glue you guys....I'm going home".

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Ron Tello Culley
SMK...DID YOU KNOW.....The tool to install caulk is called a Caulk Gun, and the tool to remove caulk is called a Caulk Sucker.

Steven Michael King
No. You're the contractor. I'll volunteer to help eat whatever food so nothing waisted. I forgot to add cheesecake so know I'll help d
With desert too

Ron Tello Culley
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Newsom Signs Law Allowing Medical Board To
Punish Doctors For ‘Misinformation’

Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a new bill into state law that provides medical boards to discipline medical practitioners they believe to have spread COVID-19 “misinformation.”

Newsom said in a press statement that the new law makes the “dissemination of misinformation or disinformation related to COVID-19” by doctors “unprofessional conduct.” He said the new rule applies to discussions within a physician-client relationship that are “directly related to COVID-19 treatment.”

The law says that misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccines has “weakened public confidence and placed lives at serious risk.” The state legislature also found that licensed California doctors are “some of the most dangerous propagators of inaccurate information.”

The law says that the Federation of State Medical Boards has warned that physicians guilty of spreading “misinformation” should “risk losing their medical license.” It adds that every doctor has a duty to provide patients with “accurate, science-based information.”

The rules of the Medical Board of California provide that the minimum level of discipline for unprofessional conduct is five years of licensure probation. The maximum penalty is the revocation of a medical license.

The new law describes “misinformation” as “false or misleading information regarding the nature and risks of the virus, its prevention and treatment; and the development, safety, and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.”

Stanford University School of Medicine professor of Health Policy Dr. Jay Bhattacharya was one of many California physicians who strongly opposed the new law. He wrote in April that the proposed law would mean that doctors who dare to “deviate from an authorized set of beliefs would do so at risk to their medical license.”

He added that the standard set out in the law is “intentionally vague” and will require doctors to carefully examine what politicians are saying about science so they do not run the risk of going against “the government line.”

Bhattacharya said the law is nothing less than a “chilling interference” by politicians with the actual scientific practice of medicine. He added that the law as written contains a multitude of actual medical misinformation.

Republican state legislator Kevin Kiley said that Newsom “took a sledgehammer to the First Amendment” when he signed the bill that amounts to medical censorship. He expressed his confidence that the courts will quickly act to strike the law down as unconstitutional.
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I stepped outside for a smoke and gaze upon the full moon behind the clouds.
I hear what sounds like coyotes howling.

There's a house party up the street.

That duzzint negate the UFOs out tonight, and they are Jolly!

Me? Not Jolly.

I'll get over it.

Except for the Narc in my life.

(See next post)
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How do narcissists destroy their own relationships?

When they see something good, whether it be you as a person, or a trait that you have, or something about you that is positive, or even just your good mood, they will move right in to destroy it, or at least take it away from you so that you can’t have it anymore.

In doing this, they don’t care that they’ve wrecked you or your life. They don’t care that you would’ve gone on to do great things if they hadn’t sabotaged you. They are completely unconcerned that they are ruining things like happiness, joy, productivity, and even life itself. The destruction they leave in their wake doesn’t matter to them. At all.
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We found smee's house!
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And now, these messages.....
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Brian Thompson
Numbers are back to front.

Andy Simpson
Brian Thompson no there not

Andy Simpson
Brian Thompson might be where you are brother but here in the UK.the 1 was up top

Annette Shewan
Brian Thompson That's a left-handed phone!

Brian Thompson
Andy , yeah well we all know about the UK and how they get things back to

Andy Simpson
Brian Thompson typical stupid comment

Brian Thompson
Andy Simpson oooh..ha ha! ha.Can't hack it huh and have to get personal lol.loosen up before you die of a heart attack from all the stress.

Andy Simpson
Brian Thompson retard

Amy Black
Andy Simpson it's also missing 3 letters in the alphabet. 🤣

Donna Glynn
Annette Shewan Don't know if it's left-handed, but it is F'd up. lol

Ben Rehak
Brian Thompson Think of a song...

Ron Tello Culley
Tommy 2 Tone.

Paul Sanders
Ron Tello Culley At least somebody gets it x

Ron Tello Culley
Ya hadda be there....

John Perrin
Brian Thompson all rotary phones were like that!

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:tello: "Excerpts from The Dark Side".

There has to be more than this to life........

Yes ...its all a load of poppycock , buncome , piffle , bulltwange
rubbish , spit , bollocks , fibs , rhubarb , a figment of the BOMs imagination and phoenominumnumnumnumnumnumn theyve created to try and pull the wool over the eyes of the guilible general public .... Bit like the millenium bug and global warming
Hyped up balderdash
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How Much Sushi Is It Safe To Eat Per Week?
No one comes between me and my rainbow roll.

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SMK posted:
Animal Antics posted a video to playlist Animal Antics Compilations.
Halloween isn't for every animal, but it is for some. 🎃

Ron Tello Culley
SMK should have adult supervision this year. His posting mind seems to be slipping.

Steven Michael King
my mind is no where near.....its too busy trying to figure out how to kill people Im mad at without getting caught....those damn license plate readers need to be disclosed... cant seem to dump any bodies without getting the plates time stamped. Where do you hide your bodies, and how do you get around the cops?

Ron Tello Culley
I don't hide bodies. I friend them on fb.

Steven Michael King
Ron Tello Culley I dont have much patience these days.... it feels better, the idea of torture...the list of people deserving is getting long

Steven Michael King
and how many people can you thow down a mine shaft before the shaft fills up?

Ron Tello Culley
'Tis the Season to be Deadly!

Steven Michael King
Ron Tello Culley atleast if we wear a costume....we only need to dress like some others in costume.... them frame them

Ron Tello Culley
You are giving the children ideas that may not be suitable for adult audiences.

Ron Tello Culley
You leave the mines out of this.

Steven Michael King
Ron Tello Culley some mines have crystals in them... then atleast we dont leave empty handed...

Ron Tello Culley
What? Sorry, I was out for a quick smoke. Racoon Jerky is a bit frisky.

Steven Michael King
Speaking of frisky...can I borrow a couple grand to take this high class gal out who only Fs rich guys. Im thinking a couple grand here..... a couple there....she wants to do it on a 50 foot yachtthose things rent kind of high... I probably cant pay back for a while, but I can tell you how she was...

Ron Tello Culley
You. Sick. Thing.
This is a FAMILY SHOW!

Steven Michael King
thats what happens when I dont eat as much and as often of what I want..... you think this is bad....wait till I have another difficult nights sleep...Im gonna be more grumpy and demanding... Maybe go out and start punching cops just to try to start something....

Ron Tello Culley
Film at 11.

Steven Michael King
folks think maybe I should smoke some weed to mellow out....Im too pissed, Im too grouchy...and Im kind of used to being the grouchiest most difficult person to deal with....its more fun to beat people up than smoke weed....beating people up feels good, its theraputic... makes ya feel we can do something...

Ron Tello Culley
What fb page are we on?

Steven Michael King
the one that comes up when I click on the long as Im not confessing to a crime on the sherrifs page Im good right?

Ron Tello Culley
I got a crime for ya: I can't score a Dime Bag and I'm advertising for one. It's a CRIME I tell ya...can't score a decent bud in Big Bear Cali and I'm left to my own devices...and they're not prideful....

Steven Michael King
the dime bags cost 10 bucks now..... inflation ya know

Ron Tello Culley
AVAILABILITY IS THE ISSUE. Somebody is holding out! And I can drop names....

Steven Michael King
well I dont remember if I took it , smoked it, put it in pizza or brownies....or what...

Ron Tello Culley
What works, just keep the labels upside.

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Steven Michael King
if there is treasure at the end of the shaft....we need only put each persons head on a stick sticking out of both sides of walls.... that should keep folks out...if thats not enough....we have "Jaws" music cued up tied to a motion detector Ron Tello Culley
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Ron Tello Culley
What if we try to bleach the squirrels and see what happens? It's all weird science to me.

Phyllis Anania-Ross
I never heard of bleaching pumpkins!

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:tello: "Kill the Raccoons!!!!!".
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Ron Tello Culley
Alan Bartchlett
Why move to Mars? people would just mess that up also.
Jesse G. Garcia
Sea water levels are rapidly rising with the melting of icebergs from polar caps. So storms are now more deadly & devastating with high storm surge due to the higher sea water level. Climate change is here. Let’s all move to Mars!
Kenneth Hodges
Jesse G. Garcia those icebergs have been melting for the last 5,000 years, ever since the ice age ended ! I guess going to Mars is about the only solution !!!!!
Bill Dougherty
When ice melts in a glass of water it doesn’t raise the water level in the glass of water
Donna Glynn
Bill Dougherty That's because the amount of water does not change. Ice just changes back to water.
Bill Dougherty
Donna Glynn I understand this other people don’t. They think ocean levels are going to rise 😵?💫
Donna Glynn
Bill Dougherty When all the glaciers do fall in the ocean, water levels will rise. The more ice you put in a glass makes the liquid level rise.
Mike Sebens
Bill Dougherty It will overflow the glass if the ice in it is like this picture, over the top of the glass to begin with. 90% of this iceberg is already in the water. Where does the ice/water go that is above the water line? It raises the water level!!
Bill Dougherty
Mike Sebens we have done this many times in science class no it doesn’t I’m right your wrong so there’s that
Jesse G. Garcia
Bill Dougherty Yes - the glass is never full - it’s either half-empty or half-full.😏
Greg Byrnes
Bill Dougherty if you were to take an ice cube from a table top (continent) and put it in water, the level rises. That's the argument.
Greg Byrnes
If the ice shelves in Antarctica and Greenland melt, there would be a hell of a problem.
Bill Dougherty
Greg Byrnes but they aren’t. There are a lot of politicians out there pushing this green new deal agenda with ocean front property when the sell it I’ll worry
Bill Dougherty
Jesse G. Garcia they are peddling bull## and you’re eating it when I was a kid the ozone had a hole in it before that it was acid rain, rain forest being decimated and we would be out of fossil fuels by 2020. Keep buying there bull ##😏
Jesse G. Garcia
Bill Dougherty BS is good - it makes the world esp politics go round…and round…
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Sherry Pittinger
Al Gore.
Jim Smyth
Jesse G. Garcia FYI we are in the middle of an ice age, one of several which means the polar caps have completely melted several times in the past, long before internal combustion engines and the first coal power plant in China. It won't be the last.
Look it up.
Bruce Welsch
Jim Smyth not being a scientist, The basic fact of what cools and warms the earth is an abstract for me. So from there I take the experts word. Something is changing the basic climate of the world. IF there is a way to slow this process down or stop it should we not at least try? I remember when most spray cans and bottle were taken off the market because of the ozone. My point is moving to a greener way does not hurt us. I live middle of America. So who knows maybe my grandchildren will have beach front property if this continues.
Jim Smyth
Bruce Welsch I don't think anyone has a problem with positions like yours, living cleaner, living better. The problem is with the take no prisoners environmental zealotry that are willing to destroy the world just to save it. Newtons third law also applies socially.
Bruce Welsch
Jim Smyth I saw a report about recycling plastic soda bottles. Where it was labor intensive. Because the little circle thing had to be removed. I have to wonder if at some point we do not go back to glass bottles that you have to pay a deposit on. OR if they start to do such a thing with plastic bottles
Jim Smyth
Bruce Welsch we pay deposit on plastic bottles of all kinds and milk and juice cartons where I live. Mostly people return them or save them for kids fund raising. Those, cast off are collected by the poor or the retired who patrol the highway ditches.
Bruce Welsch
Jim Smyth they just have to start doing so here.
Jesse G. Garcia
Jim Smyth Maybe - but way back since the Stone Age - there were no million combustion engines, no factories around.
Jim Smyth
Bruce Welsch we use bottle depots that manage all returns, beer, wine, liquor and all other beverage containers. My son eventually got around to clearing out his garage of several garbage bags full and received a refund of close to $200. Almost like found money. We usually give ours to kids programs that come around canvassing for bottle donations.
I tried to copy link but it didn't work. If you want to share the information with your legislators, look up Alberta Bottle Depot.
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Colin Pringle
Jesse G. Garcia Bull-sh!t...
Jesse G. Garcia
Colin Pringle U love BS, don’t ya? C’mon don’t be shy - admit it!
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Elvin Harder
Why would anybody live on a chunk of rock that close to the ocean in the first place? And to see something like that float past your house would make most people head for the hills I'm sure lol.
Bill Jay Grona
Elvin Harder I totally agree. The further away from something like that, the better.
Donna Glynn
Bill Jay Grona Icebergs won't hurt you.
Sarah Jane Shadowspawn
I'd gladly live there.
George P Hoskins
Elvin Harder because the people are lovely. Really friendly. Mostly Irish descent. It's an island twice the size of Britain and only 1/2 million people. I sailed there on a small yacht intending on staying just a fee weeks and ended up staying for 7 years. Married a Newfoundlander. Houses are very cheap. I have a four bedroom house on a large plot a few hundred metres from the sea. Great sea views, worth around £15,000.
And the ratio of women to men is around 4 to 1.
Elvin Harder
George P Hoskins Like the ratio part lol.
John Burnie
George P Hoskins Are many Newfoundland men working somewhere else - oilfields or mining? The house is a great location.
George P Hoskins
John Burnie traditionally a fishing industry island but since the moretoriam many young men have left the island to work on the oil fields of western Canada and in the cities on the mainland. And the desire for a university education takes people away.
Patricia Stocks
Elvin Harder rather that than a constant stream of cars and lorries!
Douglas Kelly
love it mind blowing
Bruce Welsch
think FLorida.....and less of a chance for a hurricane were that house is
Pat Barrett Cowherd Marsh
Bruce Welsch Florida gets less hurricanes than gulf coast and atlantic coast upward....I have always wondered why people think that Florida gets all the hurricanes....
Michael Morrone
Pat Barrett Cowherd Marsh A substantial part of Florida is the gulf coast. I live on the gulf coast and I'd like you to share your data with me.
Bruce Welsch
Pat Barrett Cowherd Marsh I am not an expert in hurricanes. I do know living at sea level or below, is dangerous when next to a large body of water. FL LA TX are some that come to mind. Just like most of the large fires are out west. Drought right now is pretty much everywhere. As far as weather this has been a lousy year world wide.
Vaughn Kerkorian
@ least there is peace of mind knowing that you will not be a neighbor - priceless!
Margaret Maher
Elvin Harder I would love to live there. Seeing those icebergs would be marvellous. The iceberg isn't going to shift the island you live on.
Pat Barrett Cowherd Marsh
Elvin Harder Cute comment
Donna Glynn
Elvin Harder Newfoundland is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and has been settled for over 500 years. Icebergs haven't hurt us yet.
Ric Allberry
The water must be VERY deep at that point! Methinks a bit of photoshop skullduggery!
George P Hoskins
Ric Allberry it's not. It's real
Donna Glynn
Ric Allberry No photoshop required for those in Newfoundland. Come see for yourself in the spring. Happens just about every year.
Randy Pace
Lived around Conception Bay for years. My mon was from there and there were bergs sometimes. Beautiful place. Don't go during fly season.
Kathi Malone Hutchinson
Randy Pace tell me about Fly season...
George P Hoskins
Have a look at the great videos on the Newfoundland and Labrador tourist information website. It'll make you want to go there!
Donna Glynn
Elvin Harder Newfoundland was settled over 500 years ago. They didn't know much about icebergs back then, but they knew there was plenty of fish to make a livng.
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Jayme Russo
Yeah but what about climate change?
Donna Glynn
Jayme Russo We are gettng more pieces now WITH climate change.
Jayme Russo
We'll be dead by then
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Devki Jensen
Nice photoshop work!
Donna Glynn
Devki Jensen Come to Newfoundland in the spring and see them with your own eyes. They are very real and huge.
Devki Jensen
Donna Glynn Wow! Do they crash into land masses and cause destruction?
Donna Glynn
Devki Jensen No. They do get caught on the bottom if they drift into shallow water.
Devki Jensen
Donna Glynn Thank you!
Donna Glynn
Devki Jensen You're welcome.
Donna Glynn
It's the same that the ice in your glass does after you've drank all of the liquid in the glass. It sits on the bottom.
Kathie Jones
So the water there just off shore is over 300ft deep?
Donna Glynn
Kathie Jones More than that, in places.
Donna Glynn
A kilometre from shore, it could be 800 feet deep.
Jayson Prince
Kathie Jones I was thinking isn't it double the size in the water
Maria Fay
COOL Amazing if real!!!
George P Hoskins
Maria Fay it's real. I lived in Newfoundland for 7 years. My wife is from there. We have a house with views such as this. Hundreds of icebergs go past every year.
Patricia Stocks
Maria Fay marvellous!
Maria Fay
Patricia Stocks WOW exciting to watch 😊
Donna Glynn
Maria Fay Come see for yourself. We have icebergs almost every spring.
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Charles Jones
I thought all the icebergs melted.
Donna Glynn
Charles Jones There's a new crop every spring until the polar ice caps are all gone.
Charles Jones
Donna Glynn
So we are down to now 8 years before the earth is destroyed.
Really ?
Donna Glynn
Charles Jones I don't know the timeline.
Charles Jones
Donna Glynn
Neither does anyone else.
Dan Stokes
If icebergs are 90% underwater and 10% on top, this has to have been photoshopped.
Donna Glynn
Dan Stokes It isn't. Plenty of water under that.
Dan Stokes
Donna Glynn, I seriously doubt that channel is 9 times deeper, not even as deel in fact, than that iceberg is tall.
Donna Glynn
It's not a channel. It's the ocean. That berg could be a kilometre away from shore in that photo. The water at the mouth of our harbour is 500 feet deep and it's close enough that you could put a bullet in an ceberg if it was floating by.
Kevin Daniels
Not interested. It won’t fit in my glass of Scotch. 😂🤪
Jack Empty
Kevin Daniels You just need a bigger glass.. 😁
Donna Glynn
Kevin Daniels When small pieces break off and you chip off a piece for a drink, 1 piece will last all night, because it's so dense. and it's thousands of years old so it's very clean and pure.
Doug Seitz
Love the picture, that iceberg is huge and I would live there.
George P Hoskins
Doug Seitz I lived there for 7 years. Married a Newfoundlander. We are currently living in the UK but still have family and property there.
Sheila Jones
Would love to have seen that.(be s##t scared tho) 😆
Donna Glynn
Sheila Jones Nothing to be scared of.
Crystal Mcgill
That would be beautiful to see but I'm not so sure I'd want to look at the ice on the river all the time.
Donna Glynn
Crystal Mcgill It's not a river. It's the Atlantic Ocean and we only see icebergs in late spring.
Cyndy Salek
While spectacular, it is STILL a Depends moment.
Gotta be.
Donna Glynn
Cyndy Salek What do you mean?
Mick Pierce
But is it true you don't know these days, great pic if is a true pic 😉
Donna Glynn
Mick Pierce These icebergs are not uncommon in Newfoundland in the spring.
Charlotte Arona
That is kind of scary!!
Donna Glynn
Charlotte Arona What is scary about ice floating by?
Oon Mwetuluna
Great picture. And continue to celebrate. The fate is with the occupant of the house when the ice starts to melt away
Donna Glynn
Oon Mwetuluna It's no threat to the house. It's just floating by.
Ron Tello Culley
Donna Glynn
Ron Tello Culley It's not. We see icebergs almost every spring. Come see for yourself. Just because you have never seen something, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
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Bev Holdsworth
Imagine what is below the water. Wow it must be humungous!!!
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Blue and Gold Stargate Harp Gong
Mesmerising harmony and overtones from the Harp Gong
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Madeline Anderson Westover
Went to Lucerne valley market a bunch of times with my husband today. He was fixing a well and was in need of plumbing parts. The cashier was super friendly and Craig and Bill…well I can’t say enough about how helpful they were!! Best all around customer service EVER!!

Ron Tello Culley
I was there today. Road weary after 10 grueling hours from NE Nevada to The Suge. That store is a perfect respite on any road trip.

Janet Bathurst-Bell
I love that market!! Wish we had a store like Lucerne Market in Big Bear. Workers are so helpful and nice.

Larry Moore
It's so nice to hear something positive.

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American Democracy Isn't in Peril -- So Long as Americans Talk to Each Other
Ben Shapiro on Oct 19, 2022

American democracy, we have been told, is in grave peril.

It's a perspective we hear echoed dozens of times per day in the mainstream media: If this next election doesn't go precisely how our hallowed elitists desire, surely tyranny will follow. As one of those sagacious experts, MSNBC's Joy Reid, recently put it on Twitter, "It's terrifying how many Americans will choose literal fascism, female serfdom, climate collapse and the reversal of everything from Social Security & Medicare to student loan relief bc they think giving Republicans the power to investigate Hunter Biden will bring down gas prices."

Polls show that this message has filtered down to many Americans, mostly Democrats. According to the latest New York Times/Sienna poll, fully 11% of Democrats say "the state of our democracy" is the most important problem facing the country, compared with 17% who cite the economy and another 17% who cite inflation; 9% of independents feel the same way. More shocking, just 46% of Americans say that "America's political system can still address the nation's problems," compared with 48% who say that the nation is "too divided politically to solve its problems." And fully 74% of likely voters say American democracy is currently under threat.

All of which imply we should be pretty damned worried about the state of the republic.

And yet when we drill down, we see broad agreement among Americans that their neighbors aren't their enemies; that our institutions are worth upholding; that the only remedy for our current political ills is to continue to work within the constitutional system. According to that same poll, just 20% of voters say they've had a disagreement with family or friends over politics that hurt their relationship; just 14% say that someone's political views "tell you a lot about whether someone is a good person"; just 30% say that presidents should violate the laws to pursue "what they think is best."

Just 14% of likely voters say we will need to "go outside the law" to fix our democracy -- 16% of Democrats, 15% of independents and 9% of Republicans. Even among those who say we must "go outside the law," just 12% say Americans should take up arms or participate in violence -- meaning just 1.7% of likely voters advocate civil war. Meanwhile, 84% of likely voters say we can fix our democracy without destroying the system.

As for the media's favorite Trumpian conspiracy theory, QAnon, just 5% of likely voters call the theory believable.

So, why precisely are so many Americans worried about the state of democracy? They're worried that their political opponents will threaten the institutions they cherish. Forty-seven percent of voters declare former President Donald Trump a "major threat to democracy," and 39% declare President Joe Biden to be the same. But shockingly, the institution they blame most for threatening democracy is the mainstream media, with 59% of likely voters, including 54% of independents, calling the mainstream media a "major threat to democracy."

Perhaps that's the biggest takeaway from all this data: that Americans don't hate each other, but they're being polarized by a media determined to divide them from one another, whipping up madness where mere concern would suffice. And what's more, Americans can feel it.

All of which means that sanity may reign once again, so long as Americans reconnect with each other rather than believing everything they see on the news.
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Shelli Rossi-Carlisle
Has anyone been to Community Market lately?  We just bought a whole cooked chicken that cost $13. New owners jacking up the prices. Figures.

Michele K Salaga
should have went to vons or staters

Shelli Rossi-Carlisle
Michele K Salaga the whole idea of a community market is to serve our community they’ve always been a bit pricey but for the convenience it was worth it. The people that worked there were helpful and kind. I hate staters and Vons but can’t pay ridiculously high prices for something we paid half for a few weeks ago.

Dee Levey
🤬🥺 yes and sadly I will never go back there again. they're jacking up all the prices, they're doing away with some of the wonderful items that the old owner used to offer.
they let some of the best employees go and kept the ones that leave a lot to be desired🥺 it's heartbreaking that Community Market is no longer the community market it used to be🥺

Mike Moore
Yeah I went there day before yesterday and the shelves were pretty sparse. But I did get a chuck steak pretty cheap under $5 good enough for two meals but the rest of the products I noticed had gone way up. So it looks like they're in competition with Circle K for pricing. Which is a shame I guess I'll make the drive out to Stater Brothers from now on. Really is a shame.

Michelle Chambliss
staters rotisserie chicken 8 bucks

Johanna Burke Tropiano
Oh no! I was so afraid that would happen. I was in there and met the owner and begged him not to change anything.

Becky Gaines
Omg that's horrible.

LTerra Marquez
Becky Gaines Pancake syrup $7.00 🤦??? Lippys market sold me. .99cent value bread for $4.95 ?

Becky Gaines
LTerra Marquez did u know 2 yrs ago they changed 99 cent store. It's like Walmart

Becky Gaines
It's so sad what happened to Big Bear
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New Poll Reveals What REALLY is a ‘Threat to Democracy’

According to a new poll from the New York Times/Siena, most Americans do believe a “threat to democracy” exists. The threat just doesn’t come from what most might think. The poll showed that a huge plurality of voters believed that “the mainstream media” was the main culprit threatening “democracy.” The revelation is likely not news to many Americans, but for those who religiously stay glued to the mostly leftist mainstream news, it could be an awakening.

American Military News reports:

Seventy-one percent of voters told pollsters they think democracy is in danger. Of those respondents, 84 percent said the mainstream media is contributing to the political system’s peril.

Fifty-nine percent of those voters said the media is a “major threat to democracy,” while 25 percent said it is a “minor threat.”

Voters for both parties came out in high numbers against the media, according to the detailed breakdown. The fourth estate poses no threat to democracy whatsoever in the opinion of only 29 percent of Democrats, 3 percent of Republicans and 14 percent of independent voters.

More than half of Republicans also named Democrats, President Joe Biden, and mail voting as major threats. On the flipside, over 50 percent of Democrats said major threats included Republicans and … President Donald Trump.

The poll noted how 11 percent of voters ais a civil war or other violence was necessary to get the country back on track, while 17 percent of those who said democracy was under attack also said going “outside the law” was necessary.
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'Tis the Season to do
The Funky Squirrel!!!
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:tello: "Seriously....2 refrigerators really does heat up the room!"
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Dee Levey
  · 58m  ·
         $40.00 MINIMUM
Anybody that's interested in getting on our list this season Please Private Message me/or text
It's very helpful if you can send me the ADDRESS of your and a brief description of the area you would want cleared.
We offer free estimates,individual call out pricing and seasonal pricing.👍 Ty
Please note, if you are not on our list and you need last minute snow removal,our availability will be based on how many clients on the list are ahead of you.🐻 Take a number and wait.

Ron Tello Culley
It just keeps getting better!!!

Rebecca Jo Gaines
How in the heck did you get my picture. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Gary Keener
U have a great evening as well Dee and thanks

Debbie Olsen
Soo true!

Karen Dargis
Have a nice evening, Dee! ?

Eileen Harvey
Good night Dee, Family, Panda and Co. As always stay safe and sweet dreams.

Ron Tello Culley
Sounds like a reason to have a Yard Sale.

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I live here?
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Now, aint that puuurty!

I live here?


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Moon Zappa looks back at 'Valley Girl' 40 years later
Sep 30, 2022

Yahoo Entertainment
56.9K subscribers
Celebrating the 40th anniversary of Frank Zappa’s SoCal anthem “Valley Girl,” Moon Zappa talks to Yahoo Entertainment's Lyndsey Parker about how she ended up collaborating on the song with her famous father when she was just 14 years old.

Full story:

Frank Zappa, Moon Zappa - Valley Girl
Premiered Sep 16, 2022

Frank Zappa
129K subscribers
This year marks the 40th anniversary of “Valley Girl,” Frank Zappa’s sardonic, GRAMMY®-nominated Top 40 hit. To celebrate this milestone, Zappa Records/UMe has released the first-ever music video for “Valley Girl.”
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Here's my story about it:

I was involved with KROQ 106.7 FM in those days.
I went to the studio to do some Radio School work.

Frank Zappa was in the lobby.
Valley Girl just finished playing on the air, first time ever.

I was told Moon Unit left the building
out the back door.

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20 minutes with me and I will snap you back into shape
and proper form.

$29.99 out the door...

:tello: "Call me!"
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Quick and nifty for 29.50


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Fricken smee...always looking for discounts.

Clip coupons!
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                                                  -Stuart McCormick
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