Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2930206 times)


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How am I sposed to follow that act?
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Oh! I know...this!!!

6850 Replies
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Overstock loves me while my families don't.

Overstock Customer Care <>

Fri, Nov 13 at 6:54 AM

Dear Ron,

I’m writing regarding your request to correct the shipping address on order 316907822.

Ron, we have sent a request to our warehouse to see if they can change the shipping address for the above order. You will receive an update on this request in the next 3-4 business days via email or phone. Your patience and understanding are very much appreciated.

If the shipping address cannot be changed, we request that you contact the carrier once the order is shipped to see if they can correct the address from their end. We will email you the carrier details once the order is shipped.

I’m always here to lend a hand if needed, so don’t hesitate to reach out!

We pray for Health & happiness as well! Thank you for contacting Overstock and have a Wonderful time.


Wilson V.
Overstock Customer Care.

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Many people choose to have a stash of cash buried someplace.

If you choose to build a money cache to bury, here’s exactly how to do it.  :t2:

First, you’ll want to build a PVC cache.
Here are the materials you need that you can get from Home Depot or any other home improvement store.

Materials Needed
- 4 inch schedule 40 PVC pipe (4 inches wide and 24 inches long. Home Depot sells this standard size.)
- 4 inch PVC cap
- 4 inch DWV cleanout plug
- 4 inch female adaptor (to screw into the cleanout plug)
- Oatey handy pack (a combination of PVC purple primer and PVC cement)
Once you put together your cache, it will look like the picture below. (the purple stuff is the primer that ran down the sides.)

Before you insert your money in this tube, you will want to first put the money inside a mylar bag.
Put an oxygen absorber inside the mylar bag too.

Then, using a hot iron, seal the mylar bag closed and put the mylar bag full of money inside the tube.

Most importantly, remember where you bury the tube of cash, Dumb ASS!
So, make sure you have some type of coded map that tells you where your cache of money is located.

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Thats an idea I will keep in the pipeline


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:tello: " Dear Admin:

Ingrid! Please come back to me.
I'm sad and lonely and getting away with Forum Rules Violations.

What's the matter with you?

Ya let me carry on in ways that can only be classified by an ignornt world as "Brash", "Subversive" and "Questionable".
So what other damages am I ALLOWED to deliver without restraint?

Are PinkSlaps dead?

:pinkslap:    :snipe:  :guilt:                                   :duckling:
I need to know my limits, and EXCEED them.
Info pls, THX!

The Boyfriend Roo never had. "
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Thats an idea I will keep in the pipeline

Right, then.
Can you believe this joint?
It's just me and you and 300 Hits per day even IF I don't post.

Too Ghosty for the Commonwealth.

This stays Underground.
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André L. Paré
Lee: (That's Ronald's middle name)
The photo with you and the gun pointed to your head is disturbing and may have negative repercussions for other people suffering with suicide ideation.
Your  { :tello: "SPELLING!!!" > a thoughtful caring man and I know the provocateur in you and the anal antics of gorilla theatre are well intended.
(:tello: "My antics come from my ass & not my mind? I was paroled from High School to live to see this? shite why not, we're smoking pot, drinking beer and fingerbanging the local Herd".)

Am I wrong ? Take that shite down...
Your snoozed/ fired

Ronald Lee Culley
Melt the Liberal? What? That can't be, but if so, so what? It's a photo, not a Crime Scene photo. Art is a CRIME & I surrender to no one. (Sounds good to me!)

Ron Leelo Culley
Oh that part about "other peeps suffering"...yeah they all do and are we not involved with that? Tie your shoes and walk with me...

Ron Teello Culley
Or slide on yer sandals....

Ron Fello Culley
Crypto-shoe-ology at play. Stand by, the footwhere has come to town.

Ron Tello Culley
The Winds of Dawn will kiss you with darkness. Call in sick.
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Dee Levey

😫Make some sense out if this shite: We live in a small mountain resort community.
They,(Our Mayor & his band of merry genius's),banned our children from Trick or Treat outdoors in the Village.
But our mayor and his afore mentioned merry genius's,had a large,mask free,outdoor event to unveil a statue at Snow Summit,no social distancing .
Then they allowed a large outdoor bicycle event in the Village,(many came from other cities,)2 days,mask free no social distancing.
A 2nd bicycle event,was held outdoors the following weekend,at Bear Mtn.( many came from different cities), Mask free,no social distancing.
They cancelled our annual outdoor Turkey Trot?
And now we are told they are cancelling our annual Outdoor Christmas Tree lighting in the Village?
Cancelled Outdoor Santa in the Village?
4th of July was cancelled,but Oktoberfest went on as usual,and our outdoor Farmers Market went on as usual.
How does this and of this make any damn sense?
I wasn't aware that Covid-19 had the ability to pick and choose the outdoor events it infects.😳
What the hell am I missing?😡

Denise Terranova
I’ts sickening Dee! And very sad!

Roberta Antoinette
Thanks for saying some thing Dee it’s ridiculous that they’re canceling the lighting of the tree and Halloween was ridiculous so what do we do what is the answer to make them listen to the people of this community?!

Ron Tello Culley
Hide their toilet paper!!!

Kyle R Grover
Money talks. Lined pockets get treated different. The stupid ass people vote these people in. they get what they voted for.

Denise K Monteilh
That eat in tent is the (or one of the) WORST ideas!! 🙁

Jac Elton
Yeah, nothing makes any sense anymore.

Kathy Reddington
You are so right on

Jeannie Alviz
Do we elect these people? We could vote them out.

Carol Craig
Spot on Dee!

Jorge Molne
I find it rather ironic that most of the people that argue with me and say “ follow the science” , Are literally doing the exact opposite. We had a limited amount of information at the beginning of the pandemic, now months later we have millions of data points that contradict the lockdowns and many of our misconceptions about the disease and its effect on our populace, and yet if you bring that up you’re a “science denier” and a heretic for all intents and purposes .

Margie Silva
Evidently they only allow money makers and piss on the locals that are put in precarious situations to catch all the Covid germs these people spread. It's way too biased and totally obvious. 😡🤬🤯😡🤬🤯

Shyanne Melina Stratton
The poor workers at the October fest where dancing out in a snow storm and still serving food in 32°F weather

Christina Delucchi

Ron Tello Culley
I want a meeting on my desk first thing Monday afternoon!!!

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Add something, but it better be worth it!

NO REFUNDS for Dummies.

:troll2: :troll2: :troll2: :smee!: :troll2: :troll2:
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Why would God save the Queen?
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We mean it MANNNN !!!   :keelhaul:
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Ron Tello Culley
The Winds of Dawn will kiss you with darkness. Call in sick.

André L. Paré
Let me come down off my cross first
and these sandals were made by the village idiot as well... not Gucci!
And the winds of change can kiss me were the sun don’t shine. I hate change, elevators and cleaning hair balls out of the bathtub drain, I like skunk that weird?

André L. Paré
You still have a way with turds..

Ron Tello Culley
Clearly, being "felafelled up" is an objective that Public School is not equipped to handle. We are Evidence!

:leadguitar: :drummer:        :jester:                        :beerontap:
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Ron Tello Culley
Say Melt, welcome to the Tello Files!!!
There's no body cept Smee there. Worse than the Remo Ron/ZAN Press incident of the 1980's....
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Ron Tello Culley
Pay attention people, this is real history going on here. We're Celebrities in da "Hood" . Monte Northside, eh? 2 Self Made simmering on a woodpile covered with a painter's dropcloth. Or something iconic in the So.Cal. POV.
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Trader Joe's sammich wrappers all over the place....careful where you shop!

Read their Flyer magazine! It doubles as a Coloring Book. Crayons not included.
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André L. Paré
On a sweltering day, Two putrescent carcasses heaped upon a vile dung pile of

Ron Tello Culley
of Freshman Arroyo Cheerleaders.

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Bud Cannarella shared a link.

It’s so sad but COVID-19 numbers continue to increase and cancel events in Big Bear. Now the latest casualty is the holiday tree lightings. The Turkey Trot, normally held on Thanksgiving morning, was actually canceled a while back but remained on the calendar by mistake.

Big Bear tree lightings ceremonies canceled
COVID-19 continues to claim events in Big Bear. The latest casualties include the Turkey Trot and holiday tree lightings. The Turkey Trot, normally held on Thanksgiving morning, was actually canceled a while back but remained on the calendar by mistake, according to organizers. The details for the e...

Jeff White
no lighting of the tree but a shiteload of people will still be in the village.

Julie Cote'
But thousands of tourists allowed to roam freely.... that’s total BS...

Michelle Chambliss
That sucks hopefully they will still have Santa for the kids to visit????

Dee Levey
But they,(the shot callers),had no problem doing an outdoor event,many mask free, to unveil a statue.? I don't get any of it,I've stopped trying😥

Bud Cannarella
There’s no rhyme or reason as to why this council makes the decisions it does. I want to venture an opinion but I’m in a stress free mode and don’t want the backlash. Whatever, it’s terribly sad to see the changes in our beautiful town.

Lindy Ollila Dubuque
Dee Levey Along with the bike races....

Dee Levey
Lindy Ollila Dubuque yep,2 weekends in a row. One event was in the village,the other at Bear Mtn. BLATANT HYPOCRISY 😡

Ron Tello Culley
Mutiny is an option.
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Yet everyone blames Trumplestiltskin??


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Benjamin Virzi
November 7 at 1:30 PM  ·

"Does anybody have Flatlander repellant?"

TerryRay Gregson
If you find any, could you please ship some to Idaho??🤣

Shawna Fenison
O my goodness that brought back so many memories

Cathy Martin-Wymore
Image may contain: text that says 'NO PURCHASE REQUIRED FREE Blinker Fluid Plicks 1 Free Bottle Per Person Only at SUPER COUPON!'

Tanya Marquez
Ha ha ha

Germaine Fite
Your attitude will be repellant enough.

Mark Lucero
They're getting stuck all over they're not prepared for snow.

Donna Garcia
Mark Lucero and one of them will end up knocking out our Power Poles and then No Electricity!!Should not be allowed to travel the roads up here without chains if they don’t have 4x4 or AWD

Mark Lucero
Donna Garcia agree.. somehow they should be checking drivers here in town too

Michele Stover
Mark Lucero 10-1 a lot of that are locals.

Mark Lucero
Michele Stover u must not be a local.. they know how to drive in snow unless they had a run in with a flat lander that couldn't stop or steer their car.

Lisa Graham
Mark Lucero, we used to sit in my friend's window, drinking hot toddies and watching the flatlanders slip on the ice!

Michael Schneblin
You can’t repel stupid!

Michele Stover
Mark Lucero I learned how to drive up there and no I don’t live there anymore but I know how it goes. Locals think they don’t need chains and end up getting their asses stuck. Flatlanders end up putting on chains on the way up snd tend to leave them on… See More

Shawna Fenison

Julie Greenwood Ray
That’s funny but you know as soon as the weather gets like this they come up here like there’s a gold rush

Jack Winter
Benjamin Virzi You are the most stupid dumb “F” that I ever met. You don’t repel Flatlanders... you eat them. Besides, repellent is bad for the environment.

Jason Mcleod
And I got shoes depending on the weather

Kayla Mariee Gould
Jason Mcleod the slippers 🤣🤣🤣🤣😆😆😆

Michele Stover
Jason Mcleod I love me a good gun but this is such a lame comment. Are you going to start shooting people playing in the snow?

Jason Mcleod
Michele Stover don't be a dramma queen and putting things in people minds .I was clearly talking about the shoes . Witch pair would be better kicking them in the butt so hard they fly off the mountain. Only and only if they trash our mountain.

Michele Stover
Jason Mcleod yes because everybody keeps their guns on the floor by their shoes. How did I forget that?

Stephanie Hodges
It was a shitshow driving home from the beach today. People pulled over in slush with their hazards on😅

Michele Stover
Stephanie Hodges we don’t much care for the added traffic at the beach either. Works both ways.

Joan Miles

Verna Ann Sipes
The snow should work!

Rachelle Stevens
That's funny and don't live there.

Vyktor Xavier Cintron
I drive by and entertain myself. This morning 2 Teslas stuck on the side roads.

Nicole Briggs

Wanda Boyer
Used to live in lk arrowhead...raised my kids there...the FLATLANDER resentment will NEVER go away! There used to be graffiti on a restaurant restroom wall in Blue Jay " flush twice...flatlanders need the water"

Steve Little
Love em er leave em We need em\

Jeff Ridout
Snow works well if its deep enough

Dee Dee Walters
I wish

Steve Sanchez
Haha Just remember those flatlanders keep you guy's in business. I started school up there in 1976 and lived there till 2014. We said the same thing. Yes they are a pain in the ass but they have been for years. Get used to it.

Sandy Trefethen
If only!

Denise Manuel Petersen
I resent that. Just kidding. I am a flatlander with a cabin here but we respect the mountain and know how to drive on it. I would love to use repellent on the ones who trash the mountain though.

Catherine Yanda
if you have a cabin and dislike litterbugs you're a mountain family

Denise Manuel Petersen
Catherine Yanda I despise litterbugs! I dream about catching them littering. 😂

Catherine Yanda
Denise Manuel Peterson right there with you on litterbugs... one day we'll all have enough and break out the bearspray

Cj Friedrichsen
Says the guy from Mission Viejo 🤦🏼???🤣

David Reese
All these mountain folk complaining about tourists leaving the mountain to tourist somewhere else.

Trysten Barge
it’s like they totally forget we really rely on them spending money in our little town...

David Reese
Yep! Lived in Lake Arrowhead from LAE, MPH, and RIM. Then moved to Oceanside for 8 years. The Love/hate tourist thing for most of my life.

Lacey Nolen
I had a patient call them “cidiots” the other day 😂😂
Made my day lol

David Rasmussen
You didn't get the memo. In an effort to be more politically correct we are now referring to the 'flatlander' species as 'Vertically Challenged'. All have a good eve 👍🤣🤣🤣

Pamela Bray
Yes!!! U move to the mountain, then move off! U r no longer a flatlander!! 🤣🤣🤣

Deanna Corey
Let us not forget...most of us were once flatlanders!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Trisha Imel
Julie you are so funny

Ron Tello Culley

Richard Maynard
It's going to be a bad season this year

Katie Carson
Snow that sticks and needs shoveling.

Kathy Wenda Brody
Remember... As annoying as they are, they bri g money to support our local businesses.

Kathy Wenda Brody
And yes... Trash, too.

Michele Stover
Kathy Wenda Brody as if the locals never leave trash.

Jessica Worthy Casey
Back in the 80s/early 90s, I had a bumper sticker that said... flatlanders turn south at red rock wall!

Cynthia Schuster
What a Great Idea 💡

Sunny Jean Blubaugh Fletcher
Don’t move to a tourist trap! That will get rid of YOUR problem. Who do you think you are?

Catherine Yanda
Most mountain communities were never built for or expected the 2020 curated tourist season. It's special

Crickett Dyke
That’s the mountains. Every snow. Tourists will come in droves.

Lisa Graham
Well I live in Yucaipa now, but lived in the mountains for over 40 years, so NOT a flatlander! Never!

Kevin Reese
Lisa Graham I'm still Mountain man , Crestline raised.

Theresa Hughes
And get stuck in droves

Michele Stover
I’d be more worried about your neighbors.

Cheryl Best
Free shovel your own snow to take home with you. Shovel rental free the first hour.

Stephanie Cornwell
Very few cars driving down the 18 with me but so many coming up! 😬

Robert Opsal

Robert Holbrook
Lower elevation dwellers

Lisa Hames
Let me know if you find some. I need some too!!

Jensen Lonny

Sheldon Hopper
Yes called snow but it only repels them for a little while

Chris Kirkwood
i here predator pee works pretty good....

Ken Brafman
Love those license plate frames: "Save A Squirrel, Squash A Flatlander."

Tammy Marie Egler
Seriously they dont know how to drive in the snow

Dave J Sanchez
Very funny.

Dee Stapp
You better hope not as most business up there relies on tourism

Michelle O'Connor
How bout some socialist/ communist repellant?

Robyn Borden
Will the Hawaiian brand do ?

Joe Lind
Can’t stop me. 😂
Image may contain: car

Samantha Bowman-Fleurov
Joe Lind great plates!!

Shawn Rigsby
Have a B I D E N rally.
NOBODY will show up?

Michele Stover
Shawn Rigsby 74 million people might show up

Shawn Rigsby
Michele Stover
Truth by JAN 21'

Michele Stover
Shawn Rigsby you mean when Biden takes over because he really did win?

Shawn Rigsby
Michele Stover
You don't know ANYBODY who's votes weren't counted yet?

Michele Stover
Shawn Rigsby no I do not.

Mildred Steele
Shawn Rigsby Doesnt look that way if you watch what happened on TV.

Frank Amaya
Shawn Rigsby the current occupant of the White House will be shown the door on January 21st. Of that you can be assured.

Cathy Brown Garcia
Maybe you should live in a tourist destination..... just sayin 🤷???

Michele Stover
Cathy Brown Garcia he does live in a tourist destination.

Rich Sellers
Need some too!

Lyle Barkley
Pepper spray works well

Mike Severin
Move to the city.

Gerry Baade
When you have shoveled your driveway, put a car in it.

Jeanne Cruz

Jeanne Cruz

Lyn Gatherer
If there was, I would buy it🤣

Phillip Rombal
Yes, I might start selling the shirts.

Phillip Rombal

Kim Kidd
Those “flatlanders” pay many many mortgages up there on snob hill. I know you think your cool saying it but it’s OLD!

Judie Macinka
Kim Kidd that's true, but many of us "retirees" don't depend on flatlands, because we hate going dtm we buy up here. Although most flat landers are a pain. They just don't know how to drive up here. Most never use turn outs, they use there flashers at a drop of a hat, terrible in snow, don't bring chains and cause many needles accidents. I guess what I'm saying is the term "FLAT LANDERS" defines a group of drivers (as described above). It's old, yet so good.

Bob Carlisle
snow will slow them up!!!

Steve Jackson
They haven’t been as plentiful as I figured with a snowy weekend. Someone must a sprayed here. I usually can’t take a left out of my drive.

Pedro Marco
I'm sorry that you are well off to do ... But many rely upon that flatlander money.
You shouldn't be allowed off the mountain then . Or get anything from the flatlanders.

Donovan Cordell
Honestly the mountain use to be so nice but yall flatlanders ruined it so much trash they have no respect for our forests. its really sad but once an area is infected with a disease it speads just like all diseases they whont leave it will only get worse. can't go to heartrock without some ass asking how to get there or seeing trash every 10 feet the entire way it sucks

Donovan Cordell
Yeah tourists bring money wich is fine it helps everyone but it would be pretty cool if they left there trash and attitudes down there were they belong

Digory Frankenfurter
isnt it white and falls from the sky?
Michele Stover
Digory Frankenfurter that’s attractant not repellent.

Jesse Jobe
I would say snow but those dum asses still come up and get stuck

Karen Shaddox Zoc
In the 25 years I was there, I never came across any,

Theo Messina
Every year same thing....listening to a bunch of crybabies complain about flatlanders. If it bothers you so much someplace else.

Dennis Whittington
I think some of the mountain folks have shotguns😎

Danny Johnson
It's called BLACK ICE.

Renee Sinatra
Yeah it is called move off the mountain. 😁

Jeannie Levering
It's the sad truth 😞

Jean Allen
Hate to remind ya’ll but where would you be without the flatlanders?

Ron Tello Culley
Victorville. Phelan. Barstow. Montello, Nevada.

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Ron Tello Culley
Ya I'm strapped with a .38 Snubbie. It's The Wild West!
(That's the one I shot at Lester.)
Somewhat sorry cuz I went to jail for Self-Defense and he got to commit more crimes in town without Authority intervention.
(In Elko Jail, I met, knew and lived with some of the Finest Gentlemen Felons in all of me wee life!)

Ron Tello Culley
Gotta love the Fire Trucks! And peeps!!!!

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catch it at 6:20
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As long as its not 4:20


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F*n Hippie!!!
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This is not about drumming.
The focus is on Attitude and I got stuck with it....

Without saying, I was there so F you!
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Hey woe smee! I called you an A but not a B. Back away I'm Loaded!   word of warninging inggggggg.
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:tello: " All better now ".

:cello: :leadguitar: :band: :drummer: :brag:                            :troll2:
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Now what do we attack?

Language, faulty consumer products, corrupt Government, clogged BBQ's, ugly Earthlings or Hi-Jack Uber stories.... ????
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Lurkers are told to log in here:
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In the 1st Grade you were proven guilty of some crap that don't mean shite.
I was there.
I caught the mean shite, and the rancid details about your personal data. Most of it is irrelevant in this investigation. (Yer ALL sl@ts!)
Here goes the loud-out.


See ya!
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Hold that Link. I am outta here now. No questions, No lies.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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And dont think I didnt see you sneak in


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Chem Trails and Liquor.
How's your weekend going?

Authentic Montello photos.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Put some pants on


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You are obviously CAMO Blind.

No gun comment.
Sensitive issue.
You blew yer cue. Too late now!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Ron Tello Culley shared a post. Brace yerself, this could get LOUD!

(See photo under the flood plain below)

Chris Merrill
No. Healthy people shouldn't be wearing a mask, if you're sick stay inside. If you can't see this is being blown up for a presidential race, then I can't help. 😁

Don Clement
Chris Merrill Drinking Q-anon koolaid again.

Chris Merrill
Don Clement sorry, you really don't see that 130,000 pedo votes just happened to roll in at 330am in Michigan. And they're all marked pedo, none had anything else voted for on these? None for Trump. These dopes couldn't even cheat correctly, AND YOU VOTED FOR HIM... 😆😆😆😆

Don Clement
Chris Merrill What a loser.

Ron Tello Culley
I don't write or make news but I do share it generously.
All I know.

Dave Deloa

Randall Rabe
Unfortunately covid is more like a fart, you will smell it fast even through two layers of clothing....

Ron Tello Culley
Solid Gold!

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Size it up, M8!

PPL are not topping the Industrials Charts in the last 200 years. Industry in the Royal tense and Swap Meets is what drives everybody ( this means YOU!) insane.....and Dark Christmas, er, um....Black Friday is an atrocity on its way that only the mother of Jerry Springer could love.

All of Current Events puts a huge dent in the fender of conventional life in our nebourhoods, and it comes as no surprise in my house.

Air is thin.
Talk is flim
and chances are slim...if you don't Prep UP, Jim.

Coming soon to a Guerilla Theatre near you!

:tello: " BTW: Smee is not right since Two-Thousand I forget.
Me? Google ain't all that friendly to you. FAX the World 'cuz it's trolling me "!!!!

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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But Black Fridays matter


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Hold your position, Soldier.
Stand by for further crosstalk and Lunch Special reports.

Now I gotta fill-in the everlasting *OZ brand* dead air sequence event with a random pic  and images of other unindicted co-conspirators....buried in this crummy Lappy and it's so not happy ... cuz it aint


so it's NOT user friendly to me.

This is worse than grinding axes and chainsaws to power-out a grove of standing dead, and when ya hit the gate....
...... Boss comes out and says the contract is null and void.

We all are.

Your only hope for a brighter future is to remember your youth,
and do yer best impersonation of Catatonics and projectile vomiting.

It's maximum cover and diversion in any social circumstance.

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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AD sponsored by Ron Tello Industries, INC.

Celebrity INC impersonated.

Everything else be real as FLOCK!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Oh yeah, that part about "whereabouts unknown". yeah lemme tell ya....
Seclusion, not an illusion is my best currently running Trade Skill.
I don't get to listen to your shite
and you don't rat me out to the highest bidder
cuz quite frankly.... body gives a wet fart about it and themselves.

My position is secure, until further notice, SIR!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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You leave me no choice but to deal with you ....severely


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And ive sprayed my shoes with bullet repellent


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You leave me no choice but to deal with you ....severely

Oh! Wadda-ya Gonna-Doo.....put an end to me young life?
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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And ive sprayed my shoes with bullet repellent

Bravo. You are now in violation of penis code 77-69.2  Failure to perform proper care and feeding of shoes.

Put your hands up and yer back up against the wall, MoFo!

We love you, this is for your own good.
(And a promising financial portfolio outlook for the Lackeys who run this holiday yard sale shook-joint.)

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"