Oz Round Table

The Oz Round Table boards => The Round Table => Topic started by: Liisa-Sx on March 17, 2010, 02:30:49 AM

Title: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Liisa-Sx on March 17, 2010, 02:30:49 AM
The Australian Federal Government has announced it will introduce an amendment to the Broadcasting Services Act, which by 2011 will require all internet service providers in the country to implement and activate filtering technology.

Yet previously they said they would Consult the public...they claim it is to protect the children, is that not the job of parents and mentors..again they strip the onus from the adults and in turn treat them as though they are the children, just in case the government forgot in their zeal to strip us of our rights.. it's called parenting.

Apparently many Minority group Parents WANT this according to the polls... However many parents are (sadly) incapable of looking after their children and expect the government to do it for them.

Oddly every parent or adult I have discussed this with categorically do NOT want it, and not ONE was aware it was even happening.. NOT one.

Should it not be opt in or out IF it is such a neccesity ?

If they knew what they were doing they would be spending tax dollers on educating parents, children and the rest of Australia on safe browsing - rather then spending that on a filter. People who view restricted content will only be pushed underground and it will make them less trackable, this will cause it to thrive

What are your thoughts, personally I am sick to bloody death of the government telling us what we can and can't do, particularly pertaining to matters that we as adults should be governing for ourselves.

Is this not further taking from our rights as individuals to access content, in any form of media as we see fit?

They want to censor Utube for gods sake, just to name one.   Utube....

What's next? newspapers with sections blacked out? Radio announcers with set pre approved programming content beyond what it already is ?

A quote of interest...
“The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation.”[/i] -Adolph Hitler (Mein Kampf)

Why are so many Australians apathetic about such injustices..they foist a new tax on us every day.. we have a whinge and....let them do it, they decide to censor us and... we let them do it.., The sell off publically owned assets.......and we let them do it. I don't think anyone remembers what a referendum is.

Why does no one speak up any more, why is it just accepted?

I know I am being a tad "soapboxish" but it's just another thing in a long long LONG line of ridiculous and unjust decisions that everyone rolls over and accepts.

We are a Liberal democratic society.. thats starting to feel more and more like a dictatorship everyday.

Did you know?

The Australian Constitution can be amended only with the approval of the electorate through a national referendum in which all adults on the electoral roll must participate. Any constitutional changes must be approved by a double majority—a national majority of electors as well as a majority of electors in a majority of the states (at least four of the six). The double majority provision makes alterations to the Constitution difficult, and since Federation in 1901 only eight out of 44 proposals to amend the Constitution have been approved.

Instead they are changing the constitution by stealth, nibbling away at it bit by bit.

Does the senator in question have an alternative and sadly more personal reason for pushing the envelope ?

CANBERRA, Australia In one of the most startling revelations, Senator Stephen Conroy (Minister for Broadband and Communications of Australia) has revealed that the reason he hates the Internet so much is because he was sexually molested by it a few years ago.

This shocking news may finally shed some light on why Senator Conroy hates the Internet so much and why he is planning to single-underhandedly stop all Australians from accessing it eventually.

Whilst this is very sad and he has my sympathy, is he the right person to be making such a decision given his past history and any trauma he sustained due to his terrible experience? In fact in light of his sad revelation should he BE the Minister for Broadband and Communications in this country.. or any other for that matter, is there not a HUGE conflict of interest here?

I personally do not want this to go like so many legislations before it..with a whimper and a flash of light, I want to see a Referendum on this and not one that is led predominantly by Church groups or any other "group" that have a personal agenda, but by the broad Australian public in all it's Cowering glory.

Oh and let's not forget the amount of Money that has already been thrown at it and how much more will be in the future...your tax dollars at work yet again.

Welcome to the great firewall of China ladies and gentlemen, at least Krudd will be able to translate for you.

Whats next? Covet thy emails ? will the government have their sticky fingers in that next..

More illegal immigrants, higher tax, more tax, More tax on tax, tax on taxes that replaced previous tax, higher prices for basic necessities such as food and petrol and utilities, massive deficit, more and more restriction, higher unemployment, all of this within a period of less than 3 years. So what exactly is Rudd's legacy?

We are going to be the bloody laughing stock of the developed world if this trend keeps up.

No wait.. we already are.. there is a huge media cloud over this whole fiasco, the overseas news feeds are covering it FAR more than our domestic media.

Lastly and ironically here is a Utube Must see lol

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THe3FDe-aD4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THe3FDe-aD4)
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Brum6y* on March 17, 2010, 03:59:18 AM
Are they going to control VPN's as well?

Legislation requires objectivity to be fair and effective - and that would seem to be out the window from the outset.

This would be just like Prohibition in the USA ... but wait - that didn't work, did it?  Just try that sort of carp on a 'democratic' society and you'll just generate alternate industries.  

I can see it now - bootleg internet.  The radio amateurs of last century that communicated independently around the world by voice will be replaced by a new generation with digital transmission technology.  Have fun trying to censor a radio signal.  The ingenuity that some people bring to the table under difficult circumstances is astounding.  You can be assured that all the stories you've ever heard about 'the cable guy' and the things they've done will be as intersting as last weeks grocery flyer in comparison.

The challenge to 'beat the system' will just be too juicy - and the very people who will be inspired to try it are the ones who have the skills to do it.  Talk about a 'red rag to a bull'!!  I'd love to see how quickly they'd find workarounds.

If the government is stupid enough to push this through, the opposition will win
the next election in a landslide with the simplest and cheapest campaign ever - just had out flyers saying "We will repeal the internet censorship legislation".

The silent majority has a powerful and unswayed voice in the process of the secret ballot.  If it is intimidated in speaking out now, it will not be at election time...!
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Yibida* on March 17, 2010, 01:19:11 PM

  ""reason he hates the Internet so much is because he was sexually molested by it a few years ago""

Where can I get the DVD of the alleged attack... I want to see computer responsible for the sexual offence ?  was it Caucasian or coloured ?....
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Brum6y* on March 17, 2010, 02:29:39 PM

  ""reason he hates the Internet so much is because he was sexually molested by it a few years ago""

Where can I get the DVD of the alleged attack... I want to see computer responsible for the sexual offence ?  was it Caucasian or coloured ?....

What..?  Actually find the offender and deal with it? .... Nah - much easier to label the lot as troublemakers and crucify them as a group.  Stereotyping is so much less work than objective assessment.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Yibida* on March 17, 2010, 02:48:20 PM

  ""reason he hates the Internet so much is because he was sexually molested by it a few years ago""

Where can I get the DVD of the alleged attack... I want to see computer responsible for the sexual offence ?  was it Caucasian or coloured ?....

What..?  Actually find the offender and deal with it? .... Nah - much easier to label the lot as troublemakers and crucify them as a group.  Stereotyping is so much less work than objective assessment.

NO NO Brumby...what I meant was I want to see a computer sexually molesting a human...call me kinky...
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Brum6y* on March 17, 2010, 02:52:29 PM

  ""reason he hates the Internet so much is because he was sexually molested by it a few years ago""

Where can I get the DVD of the alleged attack... I want to see computer responsible for the sexual offence ?  was it Caucasian or coloured ?....

What..?  Actually find the offender and deal with it? .... Nah - much easier to label the lot as troublemakers and crucify them as a group.  Stereotyping is so much less work than objective assessment.

NO NO Brumby...what I meant was I want to see a computer sexually molesting a human...call me kinky...


How to go from the champion for the defense to the champion for the prosecution in one quick step.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Yibida* on March 17, 2010, 02:56:45 PM

Your not even curious ?...just a little bit ?...
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: tellomon on March 17, 2010, 03:01:52 PM
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: cueperkins on March 17, 2010, 03:02:51 PM
Oh...so you're awake and full of beans then tello?...what is it around 8 ish over there?
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Brum6y* on March 17, 2010, 03:03:45 PM

Your not even curious ?...just a little bit ?...

Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Yibida* on March 17, 2010, 03:07:31 PM
Oh...so you're awake and full of beans then tello?...what is it around 8 ish over there?

What do ya mean awake ?... he probably did a zombie flick night marathon and hasn't been to bed yet....Am I right dude ?...
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: tellomon on March 17, 2010, 03:10:55 PM


On some Meds now.
Went to "Painless Pete" 2day.
Lost another chopper.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *r3830* on March 17, 2010, 04:14:23 PM
Now isn't this change coincidental! Falls very much in line with Mr Obama's actions - giving the government full control of the net - and the ability to 'shut it down' on a whim to stop "terrorists". Or better still - to stop people communicating with each other and organising.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *CountessA* on March 17, 2010, 04:16:21 PM
I do not believe in state-decided censorship.

I have a fantastic anti-porn censor filter on my computer. Porn sites are not opened or viewed at all.

It's free, and adjustable, and it learns. It's called My Free Will™. Yes, I decide for myself not to visit porn sites.

This amazing filter also works for hate sites, or stupid sites, or badly designed slow-loading sites, or sites that hold no interest for me. My own ability to assess and decide is utilised with amazing precision, power and portability. My Free Will™ also functions without EVER NEEDING A BATTERY REPLACEMENT.

Look at all the functionality included!

Available from... everywhere.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: bnwt on March 17, 2010, 05:27:19 PM
just another reason to not vote for Labor
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *r3830* on March 17, 2010, 05:40:00 PM
just another reason to not vote for Labor

Agree with your thoughts BNWT - although, as per normal, once something like this is changed - the following mob after all the promises and rhetoric seem to be powerless to reverse or change it.

And Countess..... have you noticed how all of these so called 'protections' only serve to inhibit peoples' freedoms.... in this case, freedom of choice?

Australians all let us rejoice,
For we are young and free;

Truly!!! Well.... yes.... as long as we do as we're told - and don't question they who know sooooo much better how we should live!
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *CountessA* on March 17, 2010, 05:50:11 PM
Yes, I've noticed that, Loco.

I suppose we all acknowledge there are some limits that must be imposed - ergo, laws - but when it comes to censoring information, I am worried.

China is the perfect example of how this results in an isolated world, but even worse - political cocooning.

The intentions of the filter may be good - but can adults not be trusted to make choices themselves? It's only by the combination of good teaching/learning AND exercise of our free will that we develop some of the most interesting and useful character qualities.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Brum6y* on March 17, 2010, 05:59:26 PM
I do not believe in state-decided censorship.

I have a fantastic anti-porn censor filter on my computer. Porn sites are not opened or viewed at all.

It's free, and adjustable, and it learns. It's called My Free Will™. Yes, I decide for myself not to visit porn sites.

This amazing filter also works for hate sites, or stupid sites, or badly designed slow-loading sites, or sites that hold no interest for me. My own ability to assess and decide is utilised with amazing precision, power and portability. My Free Will™ also functions without EVER NEEDING A BATTERY REPLACEMENT.

Look at all the functionality included!

  • My Free Will™ is automatically set to different criteria for each individual, catering for specific tastes, levels and interests;
  • My Free Will™ costs nothing; upgrades occur gradually and naturally through life experience;
  • My Free Will™ has an extremely intuitive interface, requiring no user's manual or special courses;
  • My Free Will™ comes in more languages than you can possibly imagine;
  • My Free Will™ is suitable for home use, work use, social use, religious use, political use, financial use, philosophical use - in fact, its universal application is outstanding;
  • My Free Will™ puts YOU in the driver's seat;
  • My Free Will™ caters for any and every religious or philosphical or cultural belief, allowing interactive SmartLearning from experience, from third-party information and from all connected LogicWare™, MoralWare™, EthicsWare™ and GutFeelingWare™.

Available from... everywhere.


Such heresy!!!!!!!!!! .... That we should take on some responsibility ...?!!!

* I'm stopping right here - otherwise I'd be tempted to set a new record for a topic being 'brumbified' !!! *
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *r3830* on March 17, 2010, 06:05:44 PM
By the way - really good to see you Countess - I trust that you're well!

I should have mentioned.... at home here we run a four system network. We don't want our kids exposed to porn - amongst other things... and go to a great deal of trouble to prevent this occurring. That's not because some bureaucrat tells us to... it's because we feel the matter to be important.

I am firmly starting to believe that the agenda for these 'supportive changes' is not as it is described to be. Sort of along the line of the global warming debate. How would the information regarding that deception have been passed around the world to people at such speed were it not for the net? How much easier would it be to crash through with yet another brilliant idea were the people of the world made incapable of communication?

Trust in government has become an issue of interest in recent times. Not something that I would have believed possible some years ago.

And Brumby..... feel free to 'get into it' my friend. Whatever floats your boat!  ;D
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: tellomon on March 17, 2010, 07:13:55 PM
I'm 101% on board with ya'll on this topic!

How much easier would it be to crash through with yet another brilliant idea were the people of the world made incapable of communication?

On the thread "Any computer experts here????????", I reported a horrible meltdown with my IP connection and the downing of my 'VOIP'-like phone service, ie "Magic Jack" on Monday night, March 8.

First I thot I blew up my stuff on scene. 2 days later I was told the whole flippin' grid from Montello to Reno was "OUT".

Soon after that, my Homey & I are at the Pub & he tells me a veritable horror story about disconnected communication systems.

He's got a Country Honey in Elko, fixin' on moving in with him in town here.

He tells me the Girl is pissed at him cuz he dint call, text or Facebook her Monday night.
He told her, "Hey, shitbroke. Everybody was out of bizness..."

Good thing this was easily verifyable to the Girl, or she'd still be whinging at the Hero.

So, combine a clingy-needy Girl *, Robert, and busted wires...and we've got a Calamity of epic porportion!

See what I'm sayin'?

* my words here. She's just really worried and concerned for the good of all!
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *r3830* on March 17, 2010, 09:46:06 PM

THE DEATH OF AUSTRALIA - Australian Internet Censorship, Alex Jones, Asia Pacific Union, Carbon Tax

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wilYgDaCo8Y (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wilYgDaCo8Y)

Hitler - Internet Censorship Australia    (Includes some very naughty words!)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tH35CVig3fQ&feature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tH35CVig3fQ&feature=related)

And..... TELLO - Have a look at this!

Howard drum show!!! [HQ].mp4

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJG9Tol1a0U (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJG9Tol1a0U)
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Centuries on March 18, 2010, 04:27:32 PM
To think that 1984 was published in 1949.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: golden on March 18, 2010, 05:02:14 PM
Did HSC in 1984 Cent.  Yes it was a novel we had to read/study/interpret.  We also watched shows like "towards 2000" and "beyond 2000" My goodness, feels like 10 minutes ago!
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *smee* on March 18, 2010, 05:08:47 PM
Nanna Centuries ..... does the replica of the "Endeavour'  look like the original ?
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Poddy on March 18, 2010, 05:52:15 PM
Now this issue is nice and meaty (sorry vegetarians) to sink our collective fangs into.

This must not be allowed to happen otherwise we are one more step down the road to 'The New World Order'

It seems that every day there is a new plot to limit our LIBERTY in the name of SAFETY and SECURITY.

It has infiltrated the PC industry, the lengths the all types of software go to 'cuddle' you and 'keep you safe' is nothing short of monumental.

In my opinion it is the DUTY of all people to resist such moves.

Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *r3830* on March 18, 2010, 06:31:39 PM
Poddy - Couldn't agree more!  :applause:

Before much longer, these same 'people' who hold such serious concern for our safety will do so from inside our homes.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *smee* on March 18, 2010, 07:09:28 PM
goodness me ..... next thing you know they will bring out a law that doesnt allow you to smack your own children on the bottom !!
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *CountessA* on March 18, 2010, 10:20:57 PM
As though a good spanking is not beneficial at times...  :evil:
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: tellomon on March 18, 2010, 10:45:29 PM
Are talking about America?

Seems like it.....
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: tellomon on March 18, 2010, 10:46:31 PM
As though a good spanking is not beneficial at times...  :evil:

I was just chatting with Roo. Damn! I forgot to ask her about that....

Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Hermit on March 18, 2010, 11:02:19 PM
If they are so worried about the evil internet, why don't they just turn it off all together. No wait, I better not give them any ideas.

I've been on the net for one third of my life. I never grew up with it, but there's a whole generation that have always had it. The net has changed the way we do things on a global scale. If we are going to have censorship of the net, then let's agree on one that fits all, everywhere around the world for all countries. Otherwise, how are we supposed to be all assimilated into this BORG collective of our own making?   ;D
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: tellomon on March 18, 2010, 11:10:13 PM
BORG Soup.

Simmer until cooked.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: cueperkins on March 18, 2010, 11:50:42 PM
CANBERRA, Australia In one of the most startling revelations, Senator Stephen Conroy (Minister for Broadband and Communications of Australia) has revealed that the reason he hates the Internet so much is because he was sexually molested by it a few years ago.

 :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Yes Yib...that bit got my attention too.....Number Five is Alive.....

 :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I'm with you Tess re: avoiding porn sites.....but you have to ask....why are Porn sites so prolific or acceptable anyway?...why not regulate them?...if opening up a website required some kind of verification, and accountability as to content?...maybe they could regulate extreme content a bit more efficiently than trying to censor the majority of net users.  Make those sites strictly members only...even that would have it's problems...

But imposing a filter on all net users in Australia....is no different to China, and seems a bit like lowering the river instead of raising the bridge...
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Yibida* on March 19, 2010, 12:17:55 AM
CANBERRA, Australia In one of the most startling revelations, Senator Stephen Conroy (Minister for Broadband and Communications of Australia) has revealed that the reason he hates the Internet so much is because he was sexually molested by it a few years ago.

 :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Yes Yib...that bit got my attention too.....Number Five is Alive.....

 :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

I'm with you Tess re: avoiding porn sites.....but you have to ask....why are Porn sites so prolific or acceptable anyway?...why not regulate them?...if opening up a website required some kind of verification, and accountability as to content?...maybe they could regulate extreme content a bit more efficiently than trying to censor the majority of net users.  Make those sites strictly members only...even that would have it's problems...

But imposing a filter on all net users in Australia....is no different to China, and seems a bit like lowering the river instead of raising the bridge...

With porn sites you do have to register to see the full show... the opening page just has little teasers on it...... at this point I'm compelled to say so I'm told ...
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Poddy on March 19, 2010, 12:18:09 AM
I can see a great proliferation in pirate ISPs ;)

In fact I would be duty bound to add anything I could to aid and abet those pirates.

Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: tellomon on March 19, 2010, 12:27:28 AM
With porn sites you do have to register to see the full show... the opening page just has little teasers on it...... at this point I'm compelled to say so I'm told ...

No reliance there, eh Yibsky?
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Liisa-Sx on March 19, 2010, 01:01:18 AM
Google Says No To Australia's Request To Censor YouTube Videos

After Google announced plans to no longer censor content in China, we wondered if they would do the same in other countries, like Australia, which was pushing for much greater censorship online. So it's nice to see that Google is pushing back in Australia and telling the government that it will not voluntarily censor YouTube videos based on Australia's classification. YouTube already has rules in place to block certain types of videos, but it feels that Australia's rules go too far in blocking what could just be political speech that the government disagrees with. What's really amazing (and worrisome, if you're Australian) is that the government referred to the rather oppressive censorship of the internet done in China and Thailand as good examples of how Google should censor the internet in Australia.

So the Australian government wants to censor us WAY MORE than China and Thailand...are they freaking serious ?????????

I say Google for Prime minister LOL, they couldn't do a worse job, and possibly an infinitely better one.

I'm beginning to think KRudd is a reincarnated Asian despot and he is regressing at an alarming rate.

Conroy needs to pull his head out of his backside and realise we do NOT want to be opressed by some  raging zealot.

Read THIS   ------>    http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/opinion/1566179/australia-try-censor-internet (http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/opinion/1566179/australia-try-censor-internet)

Countries that do filter the Internet include Communist China and North Korea, the Islamic theocracies of Saudi Arabia and Iran, a number of other less than democratic countries in the Middle East and a few tin-pot dictatorships here and there.

Call me stupid but is anyone seeing a Theme here??

Help stop this Stupidity, stand up and be heard, to sit and do nothing is to agree to their outreageous proposition, if we don't speak up and think to ourselves.. oh someone else will... and everyone thinks that way..then it will become reality.

We have a choice.

Link below

>>>>>>>>  http://nocleanfeed.com/learn.html (http://nocleanfeed.com/learn.html)   <<<<<<<<
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Brum6y* on March 19, 2010, 03:21:04 AM
However the list will be compiled using a public complaints mechanism, Government censors and URLs provided by 'international agencies'. Of course no one can imagine how anything could go wrong with that.

Maybe that'll give the eBay trolls and button pushers something else to satiate their itchy fingers.

If Minister Conroy feels violated now - just stick him in the middle of the eBay boards.  Then again, maybe that's where he had his bad experience..... or maybe they'll use the Live World moderation software to drive the blacklist.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Brum6y* on March 19, 2010, 03:26:36 AM
I can see a great proliferation in pirate ISPs ;)

In fact I would be duty bound to add anything I could to aid and abet those pirates.


I can see it now .... PODDY - "The Cable Guy" of the internet backbone!
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: gr8-expectations on March 19, 2010, 12:48:10 PM

raises the question brumbs "Is our Poddy really Jim Carey in disguise?" lol (ps i hope so)
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: gr8-expectations on March 19, 2010, 12:50:48 PM
To think that 1984 was published in 1949.

i was "published" in '56 (the year of the Ross Sea expedition) and the year the ford customline was first produced (a gr8 v8) ....

centie dont forget our lil "rendezvous" this afternoon ... lol
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *wheels* on March 20, 2010, 12:13:41 AM
Liisa, talking of China ...

Google to leave China in April: reports


Google is reportedly preparing to pull out of China next month, shutting down all of its services there.

After Chinese hackers penetrated Gmail looking for details on activists, Google earlier this year said it would no longer censor its Chinese search engine.

This put the US internet giant on a collision course with Chinese authorities, who have required Google to censor its service in order to operate in the country.

According to Chinese media reports, Google will now shut down its Google.cn services on April 10.

The China Business News based its story on unnamed sources and Google is yet to confirm its plans.

The report also says that Google will announce its withdrawal from China possibly as early as next Monday.

The Financial Times reported last week that the company was "99.9 per cent" certain to abandon google.cn, citing an unnamed source.

The censorship issue has sparked a simmering war of words between China and the administration of US President Barack Obama, which has called on Beijing to allow an unfettered internet.

The dispute has exacerbated mounting tensions between the two over a range of trade and diplomatic issues.

Beijing tightly controls online content in a vast system dubbed the 'Great Firewall of China', removing information it deems harmful such as pornography and violent content as well as politically sensitive material.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Liisa-Sx on March 24, 2010, 03:19:55 AM
Just a heads Up the 7PM project are running a story on the Internet Clean Feed censorship bill tonight (Wednesday) on channel 10.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *r3830* on March 24, 2010, 08:28:41 AM
You've been busy Liisa. Well done - and thankyou for the advice.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Liisa-Sx on March 24, 2010, 09:55:24 AM
I have lol

Good to see the healthy debate rages on here on Ebay :
http://forums.ebay.com.au/topic/Community-Spirit/Compulsory-Australian-Internet/500123620&#msg504057320 (http://forums.ebay.com.au/topic/Community-Spirit/Compulsory-Australian-Internet/500123620&#msg504057320)

As we can see many were blissfully unaware of it's existance, just how Conroy and the other cronies wanted it.

I see this subject as the right of All Australians to access information freely given to the rest of the world generally speaking, and I will not give up another right without a fight.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *r3830* on March 24, 2010, 10:44:39 AM
Agree completely! Will see if I can assist.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Yibida* on March 24, 2010, 10:59:58 AM
I have lol

Good to see the healthy debate rages on here on Ebay :
http://forums.ebay.com.au/topic/Community-Spirit/Compulsory-Australian-Internet/500123620&#msg504057320 (http://forums.ebay.com.au/topic/Community-Spirit/Compulsory-Australian-Internet/500123620&#msg504057320)

As we can see many were blissfully unaware of it's existance, just how Conroy and the other cronies wanted it.

I see this subject as the right of All Australians to access information freely given to the rest of the world generally speaking, and I will not give up another right without a fight.

Reading the thread over ebay regarding this subject a member their posted a quote from the sexually abused...this is what the morrone said

  " This is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do; I was molested by the Internet. I was checking my fan email one night and after finishing some replies and a pop-up advertisement appeared telling me my computer was slow. I didn’t want my computer to be slow, so I clicked it. Soon after clicking it – pornography windows opened up everywhere and I was forced to watch it. I was terrified, I couldn’t leave my seat. It was the worse experience of my life,” recalls Senator Conroy. " ...

 So the FOOL clicked on an unknown email attachment, total wannker, so everyone must suffer because this uneducated pc idiot clicks where everyone else knows not to click....ahhhhhhhh !!!
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *smee* on March 24, 2010, 01:15:34 PM
yep and he was forced to watch it he couldnt leave his seat !!!!!!?????????

So he was straped to the seat and his computor didnt  have an off switch !!!!!!
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Brum6y* on March 24, 2010, 02:49:43 PM
I find myself in complete agreement with Smee.

Everyone else is to suffer the consequences of
 a) his stupidity
 b) his weak character.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: tellomon on March 24, 2010, 03:26:18 PM
My seat is padded leather...
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *CountessA* on March 24, 2010, 03:47:14 PM
I'm sorry - it's a great story, but it IS just a story!

Stephen Conroy did not actually say those words. They were attributed to him in a lovely piece of satire, on the website www.probablysucks.com. The direct link to the satirical article is http://probablysucks.com/senator-stephen-conroy-reveals-he-was-molested-by-the-internet/
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Brum6y* on March 24, 2010, 03:56:07 PM
Comment reserved (not withdrawn completely) subject to clarification of the facts of his claim.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Yibida* on March 24, 2010, 04:05:46 PM
I'm sorry - it's a great story, but it IS just a story!

Stephen Conroy did not actually say those words. They were attributed to him in a lovely piece of satire, on the website www.probablysucks.com. The direct link to the satirical article is http://probablysucks.com/senator-stephen-conroy-reveals-he-was-molested-by-the-internet/

Awwww common Tess !... it was fun bagging this stiff... my bad for copy and pasting unconfirmed information with no truth content... I'm ready fer me punishment Gov.... tie me down and pour the chocolate down me throat till I canna take no more !!
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Liisa-Sx on March 24, 2010, 04:20:12 PM
Hi Tess, yes I have since found out it is a piece that was satorised, however it does have some basis in truth, in an interview and I WILL find the bloody thing lol, he mentioned that he was looking at the internet and did in fact "click" on a pop up, which in turn threw up some Pr0n, while I am sure he was not riveted to his seat and unable to click off, he mentioned that it was distressing. He further mentioned that he disliked the email spam that arrived in his in box toting everything from offers of Russian brides to Viagra, gambling and Pr0n.

He has also said he dislikes the greater majority of internet content.. that to me is akin to saying I dislike the majority of books so I must burn those I dislike.

A better course of action would be not to pick up those sorts of books in the first place to continue the Analogy.

This is where I maintain the stance that Education rather than censorship or prohibition would be the better way forward.

The guy is a Tosser, you only have to take a good look at other policies he is dealing with.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: low-enghooi on March 24, 2010, 04:33:06 PM
Technically, is it possible to filter the internet? I doubt so.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Liisa-Sx on March 24, 2010, 04:38:24 PM
Technically, is it possible to filter the internet? I doubt so.

There is an interesting video and related article here on that very subject from 2008 when this was first proposed, link below.

http://www.zdnet.com.au/isp-level-content-filtering-won-t-work-339292158.htm (http://www.zdnet.com.au/isp-level-content-filtering-won-t-work-339292158.htm)

Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: gr8-expectations on March 24, 2010, 04:54:57 PM

DA Washington Post ;D
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: low-enghooi on March 24, 2010, 06:44:07 PM
There is an interesting video and related article here on that very subject from 2008 when this was first proposed, link below.

http://www.zdnet.com.au/isp-level-content-filtering-won-t-work-339292158.htm (http://www.zdnet.com.au/isp-level-content-filtering-won-t-work-339292158.htm)


In 2008, our government tried to block a political website, and they give up after few days. A real joke. People switched to third party proxy server. The government just can't do anything to stop it.

Last year our stupid minister proposed to implement the internet filter "Green Dam" but earlier this year they decided to drop the proposal. Waste of time.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *r3830* on March 24, 2010, 11:05:09 PM
I still reckon he was caught with his pants down...... by the missus! Had to blame something!
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *FluffyDuckee* on March 24, 2010, 11:07:00 PM
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *r3830* on March 24, 2010, 11:10:26 PM
Well..... it worked for Malcolm Fraser..... perhaps Conroy is a voyeur of history?  ;D
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Brum6y* on March 24, 2010, 11:58:18 PM
It is a sad reflection on society when taking responsibility for your actions is considered bizarre.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Centuries on March 25, 2010, 12:27:33 AM
It is a sad reflection on society when taking responsibility for your actions is considered bizarre.

Extremely sad.

Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: gr8-expectations on March 25, 2010, 12:34:50 AM

cent ur a little hidey flamigo tonight, goodnight my dear have a great rest of week
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Centuries on March 25, 2010, 12:48:04 AM
Night gr ;D ;D ;D

I have been quiet.. Sigh! Every time I come in to the site some darn "thing" calls me away. I believe the "thing"is reality. Has been popping up quite often, but I am working on it ;D
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *FluffyDuckee* on March 25, 2010, 12:48:57 AM
Night Centuries...
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Centuries on March 25, 2010, 01:05:55 AM
Night, fluffy ;D ;D ;D  You are looking cute ;D
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Centuries on March 25, 2010, 01:11:00 AM
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *r3830* on March 25, 2010, 10:39:03 AM
So, this is in the interest of making us all "safe". Perhaps a short look back in history would be helpful.

Other government decisions that "make us safe".

Firearm Buy-Back - Howard Government.

This catalyst for this change came about due to the Port Arthur incident in Tasmania.
The government instituted a buy-back scheme - where people would be compensated for the cost of their equipment. At the same time, various types of firearms became illegal for people to own. The 'logic' behind the scheme was to get these things out of people's homes. To cut a long story short... this idea cost the taxpayer $500 million.
Outcome: The government 'bought -back 125,000 firearms, which represented approximately 5% of what was believed to be in the community. In NSW alone, ownership of these things was guestimated to be around 3 million.... but no records of purchase existed prior to 1975.

Being involved in the sport at that time - I watched what was happening particularly closely. For a time there was an increase in break and enter complaints reported to the Police, particularly concerning firearms. Insurance claims were made against these losses.... while the items themselves were placed in safe places, and also taken off the registration lists. In effect, the changes pushed them underground. Incidentally, the funds from the buy-back were commonly invested in the purchase of new quality 'legal' hardware. Any law only impacts on law abiding people.

I wrote to PM John Howard at the time. The response I received back from him was that this matter was far bigger than simply firearm ownership. Between the lines - he simply wanted to establish himself in the pages of history.

Those who believed in the threat of the NWO saw this as a blatant attempt to disarm the population - inline with UN Charters.

Are you feeling safer yet?

How about the Anti-Biker Legislation?

The catalyst that provided the opportunity for government to introduce this 'thing' was the murder of a biker at Sydney airport. I'm sure many people here would remember the incident.
What we got from government was a piece of blanket legislation. It was not specific to bikers. The legislation gives the government an opportunity to effectively ban ANY particular group of people. All they need do is place the name of the target organisation into this legislation - and bang. Note particularly the fact that the government now has the ability to target a group - any group - that it doesn't like. Could be the Catholic Church - could be any group in the community. Public outrage certainly does provide good opportunities for governments. Effectively - we have crowd control... and it's enforceable!

And I forgot to mention..... Government do not have to give their reasons to anyone for these actions  - and there is no appeals process.

“It also creates the risk that outlawed groups will consolidate, move further underground, and engage in more clandestine, more dangerous, and more violent operations," he said.

http://www.uq.edu.au/news/index.html?article=19410 (http://www.uq.edu.au/news/index.html?article=19410)

Are you feeling any safer yet?

And now - the government is further attempting to protect us all yet again - the catalyst here being Child porn. Dreadful stuff that certainly and justifiably creates public outrage. (now isn't that coincidental! Yet another government opportunity!)It's certainly not the sort of stuff that I would want on my computer - but then, unlike Mr Conroy... I will deal with it if the need arises. But, again - even at the huge expense involved, as has been so widely reported, the net gain will be very little to nil. What it will do however, is dramatically affect the quality of net speed. It will also give government the opportunity to ban particular sites from being viewed in your home. people mention 'freedom of choice'. Well, that's something that is ceasing to exist.... but the government believes that it's in our best interests - that's why they are taking the decision on our part. Perhaps it's about making our trading partner, China, more sympathetic towards us? Perhaps it's about stifling the ability to communicate with others across the sea. Who knows? They do!

Surely, you're feeling safer by now..... aren't you?

Tello shared some insight into the US fourth amendment recently - which related to search procedures. The criteria included 'probable cause' and the satisfying of a judge to gain this approval to enter someone's home / place of business. By coincidence - we used to have the same criteria here.... but no longer. Police now only have to satisfy a test of 'reasonable suspicion' to go it alone. So, the scrutiny of a magistrate has been removed. The catalyst for this change came from terrorism. Again, caused great public outrage and fear across the world. People wanted to feel safe - so government gain acted. Just how considerate are these people, I hear you ask!

Funny you know - I remember the words of  gentleman who shared that when we change our lifestyles because of terrorism, the terrorist have achieved their goals.

Now surely, everyone should feel much safer. All of these good things have occurred with direct destruction of our fundamental rights.... but for our own good. It must be so - that's what the government tells me! And, what sort of ungrateful barsted would I be were I to question them while they offer me such great protection!

Apologies for the length of this post people!

Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *r3830* on March 25, 2010, 11:20:48 AM
The Top Ten Internet Filter Lies

http://www.thepunch.com.au/articles/top-ten-internet-filter-lies/?referrer=email&source=Punch_nl&emcmp=Punch&emchn=Newsletter&emlist=Member (http://www.thepunch.com.au/articles/top-ten-internet-filter-lies/?referrer=email&source=Punch_nl&emcmp=Punch&emchn=Newsletter&emlist=Member)
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Liisa-Sx on March 25, 2010, 03:36:36 PM
Interesting link Loco, more interesting is the comments made by informed people underneath it.

I am still amazed that after all the information people are given in other conversations I have had when asked what they intend on doing about it, the response is usually something like -
"What me? what can i do they wont listen and they will do it anyway"

Yes, that is what they WANT you to do, in fact they are banking on the Apathy of the masses to enforce it, they have earmarked 44 million dollars of taxpayers money over 4 years to impliment this, countless thousands have already been spent, it is unworkable, it is pointless, and conroy spouts nothing but spin and lies, it has loop holes you could drive a car through, and don't think the "opposition' will save you.. they BOTH wanted it initially and the other side are ominously silent in their opposition to it.

Conroy is lying through his teeth this HAS been proven.
He has now admitted that the core of his whole argument for this proposal "To stop children seeing Pr0n" is NOT true and it will NOT stop this happening.

This is a Breach of your RIGHTS, it WILL affect you much much more than you realise, it WILL slow down your internet, it WILL be another step in the direction of the government spying on YOU and everything YOU do.

Do NOT leave it up to "someone else" to deal with, doing so through inaction no matter how well intended is a vote FOR the Clean feed.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *r3830* on March 25, 2010, 08:13:24 PM
This is a concerning article......

Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *CountessA* on March 25, 2010, 10:23:12 PM
The violent talk and nonsensical stance in that article is doing proponents of freedom of access to information NO GOOD at all - in fact, the contrary.

Proponents of freedom of access to information, to whom this filtering proposal is anathema, ought to demonstrate intelligence, courtesy, fairness, a love of justice... rather than align themselves in any way with a proposal of violence, suicide, destruction or murder. To do otherwise is simply giving Conroy ammunition. The point to me is that PEACEFUL and VERY HIGHLY EDUCATED people who DO NOT CRUISE THE INTERNET FOR PORN and are NOT CHILD ABUSERS and have no interest in TERRORISM are among those who are adamantly against this filter.

What someone who wants to stage a violent riot and slash politicians' throats says on behalf of freedom of access to information does not impress me or interest me, nor would it convince me (if I were worried about the influence of sites with violent or pornographic content) that the freedom to choose is a good idea... because freedom of access to information has its downside - and the words and actions of that 4chan crowd seem to me to be it.

However, that is the price we pay for having free will. Some will choose to be vicious; we do not propose radical brain surgery to remove the ability to choose. We MUST remain free to choose. This is an essential aspect of being a human being. God help us... enforced compliance is as repugnant to me as choosing to be depraved, perverted and vile (in a different way).
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Liisa-Sx on March 26, 2010, 12:19:06 AM
I agree Tess,

There is NO place for violence in an enlightened and intelligent stance, unfortunately we only have to look to the news media these days to see that many of the youth today see violence as the way forward to getting their way.

The site mentioned and I am not going to name it again, is not to be taken lightly by any means, I have seen what they can do and I for one will not even go to their site, far too risky and I do not reccommend anyone else does either.

Sadly in an age where children take knives to school to resolve conflict, Snr conroy would be wise to take the threat very seriously, while I do not agree with his ridiculous proposition I agree even less with violence as a solution to anything.

If only they realised how these sorts of actions set back those trying to defend their rights peaceably.

By behaving in this manner they are inadvertantly casting a vote FOR the clean feed.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *r3830* on March 26, 2010, 09:13:50 AM
I also agree countess - as I agree with your post also Liisa.

And any reasonable person who reads that article will probably conclude that the people responsible for it are nothing short of terrorists - who are using the net for foul means. The same reasonable person would probably think it a good idea that the watchdogs ban the site. But then - do we have the freedom to post on a subject - or do we not. I don't believe that a position in between serves any useful purpose - for anyone. An article regarding child abuse could be interpreted by Mr Conroy as unacceptable - where Mr Nile may see it as a valued contribution.

The cynic would probably suggest that the article was written for effect - in favour of the censors.
The critic would argue that the ramifications created can, again, affect everyone - due to the actions of the few.

Don't think for a minute that the authorities wouldn't know how to locate the people responsible.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *CountessA* on March 26, 2010, 03:44:04 PM
Very good point, loco - "written for affect - in favour of the censors" rings true.

Liisa, that is a good warning - and your mention of children taking knives to school to resolve conflict is extremely timely. It's been appalling to see this sort of thing reported lately. I believe there is a real and disturbing abrogation of responsibility by some parents, and it is leading to children being exposed to, absorbing and accepting some deeply destructive ideas. I mean destructive to them... with a side effect of their actions being destructive to others. But the solution is not to impose a mass government-controlled ban; it's not only a futile proposal for its supposed purpose, but it puts power over personal choice into hands that should not have that power over personal choice.

We're talking about information... not the wholesale legalising of illegal sites and actions. The government rightly needs to set legislation and ensure its enforceability when it comes to child pornography, terrorism, etc., but that's not what this is about.

Conroy, as has been said, has a remarkable lack of technical knowledge when it comes to this issue. His comments on peer-to-peer communication were simply embarrassing.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Brum6y* on March 26, 2010, 07:39:07 PM
The one fundamental issue I have is that to hide these things insulates people from the realities of the world.  As insidious as many of them are these days, I feel that knowledge is far more practical than ignorance.

The security of a person, group or nation is, in my humble opinion, best obtained through an intelligent attitude towards a known risk, rather than playing 'make believe'.

This does, however, require those with an appropriate level of 'life experience' take up an appropriate portion of responsibility to guide and explain things to those who are impressionable and still learning.  The classic is the parent/child relationship.

But with a combination of parenting challenges ranging from apathetic parents to the 'do-gooders' that advocate the rights children have and encourage them to demand those rights without giving them the knowledge or the self-awareness they need to take on the responsibility that comes with those 'rights' - this task is all but impossible for many.


Practical example....

When each of my kids were going for their driving licence, I put it right in front of them... "I know you're going to hoon - but pick your time and place".

This acknowledged a couple of things - but the REASON I said this was that they realise they not only have the freedom to 'hoon' but that it was their responsibility, if they chose to do so.

I then gave them alternatives if they were tempted to 'race' .. first off at the lights; first across the intersection; first to the speed limit - making the point that these test the skill of the driver and that you can 'win' against a turbo V8, WRX or whatever.  This had a logic and appeal and - again - leaves them in control of their choices, but mindful of the responsibilities that accompany those choices.

This whole exercise was never a lecture of "Do this. Do that. Don't do this. Don't do that."  That only makes them switch off (remember what it was like..?)  Besides, I want them to learn HOW to assess situations that they've never been lectured on - so you give them some ideas and some reference points with guidance as opportunity presents.  This not only gives them the comfort to shoulder the responsibility, but the understanding to accommodate subtle variations and be able to approach completely unprecedented situations with some practical tools for an intelligent response.

I see the issues on handling internet content are rather parallel.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Brum6y* on March 26, 2010, 07:57:46 PM
Besides, when it comes to over-the-top activists, I think I'd rather be able to keep an eye on them than have them disappear underground.  If something untoward were to present itself, a conscientious web surfer could notify authorities and it could be monitored.

To prohibit access to something that society has woven into its fabric over time, based solely on the subjective opinion of somebody else is not a good move - for so many reasons.....  the most relevant of these is in answering this question: "DOES PROHIBITION WORK?"

Move over speakeasy - make room for surfeasy...
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: ernest_price on March 26, 2010, 08:26:57 PM
The violent talk and nonsensical stance in that article is doing proponents of freedom of access to information NO GOOD at all - in fact, the contrary.

It'a bit like the Cronulla single instance 'riot'. Many of the people causing the problem on that single day [compared to around 15 years of abuse at Cronulla by people from a fair distance away] weren't actually from the area, but really extreme people from another place a fair way away but in a slightly different direction.

Most of the people making these comments are nutters who aren't really that interested in the topic - but have found a great place to be noticed.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: emptyheadted on March 29, 2010, 12:05:47 AM
as australian we should stand up and say no to this filter, we going down a dangerous path, going to end up like china
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: wyzeguy60 on March 29, 2010, 04:28:46 PM
extract from the " australian " newspaper as posted on yahoo today

" The US government has raised concerns about Kevin Rudd's internet censorship plan, saying it flies in the face of the Obama administration's policy of a free and open internet.

The concerns come as the US State Department launches a "diplomatic assault" on the open internet in a bid to strengthen global economic ties and security, The Australian newspaper reports.

"The US and Australia are close partners on issues related to cyber matters generally, including national security and economic issues," US State Department Noel Clay told The Punch website.

"We do not discuss the details of specific diplomatic exchanges, but can say that in the context of that ongoing relationship, we have raised our concerns on this matter with Australian officials."

Under the plan, Australian ISPs would be forced to block access to websites which have been refused classification. The list of websites will be top-secret.

Recent reports by Microsoft, Yahoo and Google criticised the plan, saying it might slow internet speeds or that the list of blacklisted websites could be leaked to the public.

Online activists Anonymous last month launched attacks on several government websites, including the prime minister's, because of the censorship plan.

The operation — dubbed Titstorm — flooded the websites with so many requests that they crashed "
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: mandurahmum on March 29, 2010, 05:45:38 PM
Unfortunately this sort of filter is needed because parents are not doing their jobs.  How many times must they be told to supervise their children online - not to allow them to access the net in their bedrooms etc.

You just have to look at some of their myspace pages - I have been shocked by some of th pictures that some of my friends have on there for the world to see.  I have even told some of the parents - they were that bad - and most said they had no idea.  Which surprises me -  did they never look.  I made sure I was on my sons friends list - so I could see what he was doing and saying - and although I trusted my son - I never forgot that kids are kids - and they can be naughty when they think parents are not watching.

We are becoming a nanny state - why because of irresponsible parents.  Unfortunately the government must look after these children so that they are protected.

On another note - who bloody cares what the US Government has concerns with about Australia - they need to fix their country before interfering with other countries business.  They are not the boss of the world
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: wyzeguy60 on March 29, 2010, 06:52:21 PM
hi Mum, I think my post above may have been taken out of context.

Let me make this very clear. I am appalled at what KRudd and his ministers are doing and will fight to the bitter end to help stop them doing this to our Internet and censorship laws.

I have 2 teenage children and I keep a distant but careful watch on their activities. My son is a wiz on computers and has a powerful games capable machine. He has almost unlimited freedom on the internet but knows he would be serious trouble if he went into or viewed inappropriate content.

My daughter is also constantly reminded of the dangers of the internet, chat sites etc.

My post above was to in fact highlight how absurd the policy proposal is and if the US is opposed it in fact HELPS our fight to get rid of Rudd at the next election and his nanny state ideas.

This single issue is almost certain to bring them down when and if the details of the proposal are in fact released in time.

Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: low-enghooi on March 29, 2010, 07:43:59 PM
This single issue is almost certain to bring them down when and if the details of the proposal are in fact released in time.

Technically a failed proposal. Our stupid Information minister did propose similar thing but he withdrew it few months later after some comprehensive "study". I wonder what that stupid comprehensive "study" is. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to tell that is a completely stupid idea however you look at it. I don't believe there ever is any software solution that can limit your online activity.

The solution is rather simple, I wonder why those politician didn't see it. Get the kids to collect coins.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: mandurahmum on March 29, 2010, 08:06:23 PM
hi Mum, I think my post above may have been taken out of context.

Let me make this very clear. I am appalled at what KRudd and his ministers are doing and will fight to the bitter end to help stop them doing this to our Internet and censorship laws.

I have 2 teenage children and I keep a distant but careful watch on their activities. My son is a wiz on computers and has a powerful games capable machine. He has almost unlimited freedom on the internet but knows he would be serious trouble if he went into or viewed inappropriate content.

My daughter is also constantly reminded of the dangers of the internet, chat sites etc.

My post above was to in fact highlight how absurd the policy proposal is and if the US is opposed it in fact HELPS our fight to get rid of Rudd at the next election and his nanny state ideas.

This single issue is almost certain to bring them down when and if the details of the proposal are in fact released in time.


I really like K Rudd - I like a  lot of the things he has done and I actually think the country is in a better position because of him and his government. 

I dont blame him for us becoming a nanny state - I blame the parents that have forced the government to act to protect their kids. 

I will not be supporting the filter - but I do see the need for it unfortunately
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: gr8-expectations on March 29, 2010, 08:34:46 PM

wotif it filters your footy posts? hmmmm?
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: mandurahmum on March 29, 2010, 08:36:22 PM

wotif it filters your footy posts? hmmmm?

Well that could be a good thing - all my bragging about the dockers - could be embarrassing later
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: gr8-expectations on March 29, 2010, 08:42:07 PM

Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: wyzeguy60 on March 29, 2010, 09:17:10 PM
" I really like K Rudd - I like a  lot of the things he has done and I actually think the country is in a better position because of him and his government "

I try never to get involved in politics but I've got to bite on this one - no offence mum

I cannot remember a worse PM in terms of crippling debt, ridiculous stimulus policies and etc. ( and remember he is trying to screw WA right this very minute with GST revenue ).
Believe me when I say you aint seen nothing yet. I am terrified of the legacy this current government is leaving our future generation of taxpayers.
And even worse - I believe a large proportion of the debt is actually owed to China - the very country that has applied this internet technology with little success.

Now more importantly lets try a simplistic example of how this filter may work.

You want to check out what your local school has on offer on their canteen menu.
It won't let you bring up a search on " canteen " because it has the word " teen " in it.
Gawd help us if chicken " breast " fillets are on the menu.

Even worse - your internet connections will be slower and many of the sites you are used to using may become unusable. This is a real worry and will relate directly to the forums here which may come under scrutiny.

Lastly though, I resent being patronised by state and federal govermenments because a minority abuse privileges. Penalties already exist for crimes of this nature so why do we need a filter. I see a far bigger agenda here and it loosely follows restriction of freedom of speech.


Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Roo on March 29, 2010, 09:37:33 PM
A lot of very interesting takes on this issue.

My thoughts are....if the Government spent the same amount of funds as they are prepared to do if they follow through with this censorship deal....and direct them to education and providing top notch free filters for parents to use for their children's Internet browsing.....it would be money well spent.

How hard is it to provide a filter that a parent could click on or off with a password?

Therefore...safety for the kids....yet the Adult is free to use their freedom of choice.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Yibida* on March 29, 2010, 09:58:22 PM

Filters are available now and have been for eon's...free on the net or come with anti-virus programs... this is all a load of crock... it's the parents responsibility to do some thing about it ...no one else.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Brum6y* on March 29, 2010, 10:17:27 PM
Aside from the issues of practicality - including who decides on where the block/allow line is drawn (which will differ, depending on who you ask) - I have one HUGE issue.....

Through the RELIANCE on this filter (were it to be implemented) the current level of ABDICATION OF RESPONSIBILITY will reach stratospheric heights!!

WHEN - and it is only a matter of time - WHEN someone (who shouldn't) gets access to something they shouldn't and something happens ... where will the blame be placed?

The utter reliance on a third party's accuracy and diligence WILL occur in a significant proportion of the population - but it is hardly rocket science to those that know half of anything about the internet that this is a shaky trust at the best of times and definitely NOT the sort of thing you could 'bank on'.

Such an idea is merely extending the already pandemic problem of parental abdication.

By shielding people from the realities of the world, you are destroying their abilities to cope with them when brought face to face. 

Knowledge is power - and if there is a risk in the knowledge that kids make come into contact with, then the parents need to provide BETTER knowledge.  That might require some uncomfortable discussion on unsavoury subjects - but if the kids don't know what's involved, I'd rather be the one putting the framework of understanding in place.  Admit such-and-such occurs; give your thoughts; explain attitudes from the legal perspective ... whatever is appropriate to arm your kids with the tools and confidence to deal with the carp they encounter.

Remember - you're not going to be around forever and they're not going to tell you everything.  If you DON'T give them the knowledge, they are going to suffer at the hands of someone who will gladly take advantage of their naivety.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: mandurahmum on March 29, 2010, 10:31:03 PM
No offence taken wyzeguy.  I agree with what you said about WA - but every federal government has taken WA for a ride.  We have always contributed so much - but get very little in return.

It is a parents responsibility to protect their kids - a job most of us take very seriously - but unfortunately it is the same bad parents that make it hard on everyone else.

Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Brum6y* on March 29, 2010, 10:48:24 PM
- but unfortunately it is the same bad parents that make it hard on everyone else.

I agree - but I firmly believe that by insulating EVERYBODY you are just encouraging the laziness on those who don't try AND you are taking away those (less than desirable, but inevitable) opportunities for caring parents to help their kids be aware of and deal with REALITY.

It is similar to (but with far worse consequences, in my view) to the idea of not having Pass/Fail grades at school.  By protecting the 'fragile ego' of the young ones, you are setting them up for one almighty shock when they get out into the real world and encounter the cold hard facts about getting and keeping a job.

Hiding the truth from people - especially our kids - can only result in a disaster far worse in scale than exposure to it.

Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: mandurahmum on March 29, 2010, 11:05:04 PM
- but unfortunately it is the same bad parents that make it hard on everyone else.

I agree - but I firmly believe that by insulating EVERYBODY you are just encouraging the laziness on those who don't try AND you are taking away those (less than desirable, but inevitable) opportunities for caring parents to help their kids be aware of and deal with REALITY.

It is similar to (but with far worse consequences, in my view) to the idea of not having Pass/Fail grades at school.  By protecting the 'fragile ego' of the young ones, you are setting them up for one almighty shock when they get out into the real world and encounter the cold hard facts about getting and keeping a job.

Hiding the truth from people - especially our kids - can only result in a disaster far worse in scale than exposure to it.


and I agree with you.  

Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Liisa-Sx on March 29, 2010, 11:53:30 PM
The reality is.. and Senator Conroy has admitted publically as recently as a few days ago, I watched him say it, is that the filter will NOT stop children from accessing R rated content, it will NOT stop them from accessing ALL Terrorism related sites, it will NOT stop them from seeing sites on other distasteful content period. He was asked these questions specifically and he conceded that the content would still be there and able to be accessed in one form or another and that parents would need to continue with due diligence.

So I ask you.. WHAT purpose is this filter? What point is there to spending the further allocated 1.44 million dollars on top of the 200,000 already spent to implement a filter that will stop a few sites temporarily, the government will continually be chasing the "bad" sites across the web as they switch domains and proxy's.

We already have filters in place, there are commercial and free filters readily available for purchase, why are the concerned parents not already in possesion of one and implementing it right now, why are they waiting for a government fix?

Why do concerned parents not monitor their children's internet use? My son is NOT allowed to use the internet period without me right there with him, If he has a project I assist him with looking up the information he needs under his project criteria, he does the work but I ensure he is not viewing any content inadvertently unsuitable.

I educate my son, I do not want him wrapped in cotton wool, I want him to have "street smarts" as well as Book smarts, I want to give him the knowledge to survive in this world, not to become a mindless coddled sheep that has no life skills and no way of dealing with anything not considered the "norm" or slightly outside of the box, knowledge is power. I have seen sheltered people face adversity big and small and they fall apart because they do not have the skills needed to deal with certain situations, limiting the next generations to come from free thinking and experience good and bad can only be detrimental to society in the long run.

I realise this is only my opinion and I do not mean to offend anyone with  differing viewpoints, all I am saying is that each  one of us should think long and hard before merely accepting more Government spin.

The Government and in particular Senator Conroy and those who are behind him have a separate political agenda here, be it fundamentalist prohibition, censorship or merely a grab for their 15 minutes of fame.

I have used the net extensively for a VERY long time on a daily basis for work and leisure and to be honest, I have rarely ever hit on innappropriate content when using it correctly, on the occasion that i have seen innappropriate content on a page I have gone to it is usually a script on a site or an advertisement which I CHOSE not to click on, I keep my antivirus up to date, I use pop up blockers, I do not click on advertisements or links and cannot recall the last time I had to view any material I did not want to see. Google does have user set filters as well as does your Browser, most users do not even know they are there.

Permitting the incompetency and Nannying through scare tactics and spin from the government is Apathy at it's worst,  allowing the government to impose such breaches of our fundamental rights is a step too far and where will it stop?
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *r3830* on March 30, 2010, 12:31:52 AM
Agree with your post Liisa. May I expand it just a tad?

the government will continually be chasing the "bad" sites across the web as they switch domains and proxy's.

Yes - the Government will choose and control what is available content..... probably based along the lines of Mr Conroy's thinking. Being 'top secret' information - we won't know just what that is until it's gone. And - it could very well be sites similar to OZRT.

Why do concerned parents not monitor their children's internet use?

Concerned parents do. It's the unconcerned who don't. Can it be argued that the majority rests with the unconcerned factor? Personally, I think not. But it stands to reason - If you cane the whole class - you'll get the kid with the pea shooter. Was a lousy management practise years ago - and remains so today.

The Government and in particular Senator Conroy and those who are behind him have a separate political agenda here, be it fundamentalist prohibition, censorship or merely a grab for their 15 minutes of fame.

I'll go with option 2 - pure censorship. These people want to push their own barrows. They don't want the 'noise' (an Ebay term!) that exists when the populations can discuss what's happening. First, they have to get a foot in the door. They used the kids for that purpose. Then - they have the ability to change the terms of reference.

I have rarely ever hit on innappropriate content when using it correctly

Dare I suggest that reaching this content is a deliberate action - seldom an accidental one? Chat rooms are a little different - but that's why we as parents have logins to these places to ensure the safety of our kids.

Permitting the incompetency and Nannying through scare tactics and spin from the government is Apathy at it's worst,  allowing the government to impose such breaches of our fundamental rights is a step too far and where will it stop?

Where will it stop? Now that's a good question! How long is a piece of string?
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Brum6y* on March 30, 2010, 12:47:02 AM
First, they have to get a foot in the door. They used the kids for that purpose. Then - they have the ability to change the terms of reference.

Like a good many things... it's the political way.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: mandurahmum on March 30, 2010, 01:19:11 AM
Liisa - of course your correct.  But your a good parent, My computer has always been in the living room where I can see it - and my son was only allowed to connect his laptop once he was 17 and he had to have his door open.  Its not that I did not trust my son, but he was a teenager and his job seemed to be to find the boundaries of acceptable behaviour.  Thats what teenagers do.

But unfortunately its the bad parents and the bad people in general that make our lives more difficult.

I dont agree with the filter, I dont think it will work, and it will be the responsible people that have to suffer.  I think they should be spending the money on shutting down the 'disgusting' sites and getting stuff off the internet. 

Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Centuries on March 30, 2010, 04:32:13 AM
I agree with what is being said and I feel the money would be far better used to educate children and parents about the use, and potential dangers, of the internet, rather than attempting to follow the course of compulsory internet filtering, which, apparently, has the potential to affect all users of the internet in some way.   

There will, sadly, always be those who cannot be protected and those who will find the ways  to circumvent any laws, or controls, which are put in place by any Government. That applies to life in general..

Our Federal Government does not need to have a referendum if they decide to introduce this compulsory internet filtering. And, I do feel that this could have the potential to allow a present, or future, Government to alter the original terms of reference, simply if they deemed it to be necessary...for any one of a number of reasons. That is how I read the Constitution. I could be wrong.

The Federal and State Constitutions do appear to require some serious attention for quite a few reasons.

Off soap box now!

Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *smee* on March 30, 2010, 04:41:00 AM
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Centuries on March 30, 2010, 11:05:58 AM


:wine: :D
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *r3830* on March 30, 2010, 02:01:01 PM
So - Mr Conroy has told both Google and the US to get stuffed!

http://www.smh.com.au/technology/technology-news/government-goes-to-war-with-google-over-net-censorship-20100330-r9bp.html (http://www.smh.com.au/technology/technology-news/government-goes-to-war-with-google-over-net-censorship-20100330-r9bp.html)
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: wyzeguy60 on March 30, 2010, 04:33:28 PM
a fascinating read Loco and the key to the article is near the bottom.

The success of the introduction of these filters is going to depend on opposition support ( and I presume the independants )

I also took the poll and wasný surprised at the result

4% yes to filter
1 % indifferent
95 % NO to filter

Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Brum6y* on March 30, 2010, 04:51:00 PM
Read some of the comments...  Saw this one:

my goodness... government policy..

this will lose my vote

Posted By:  shaky | melbourne - March 30, 2010, 11:22AM

Reminds me of this statement.....

If the government is stupid enough to push this through, the opposition will win the next election in a landslide with the simplest and cheapest campaign ever - just had out flyers saying "We will repeal the internet censorship legislation".

The silent majority has a powerful and unswayed voice in the process of the secret ballot.  If it is intimidated in speaking out now, it will not be at election time...!

Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *r3830* on March 30, 2010, 05:21:25 PM
G'day Wyze,

So according to the poll results.... the 'ayes' have it! Well, according to Conroy anyhow.

And Brum..... the same would apply to me - I will seriously consider where my vote goes at the next election.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *r3830* on March 30, 2010, 05:27:47 PM
Thanks for mentioning the comments Brum - I hadn't read them....

As an australian mother I am fearful of this governments agenda, I have never ever seen child porn on the net , i thank Google for being a much more honest and open company than Senator Conroy has been as a Communications and Broadband Senator. I am maybe over the top but I cry today for my country , for the disappearance of freedom to information and ideas and the fact that democracy does not exist .Australia is no longer the lucky country under this dictator style of government, a government that will not listen to its people, and even goes so far as to use fear and repression of the truth for its own unwanted schemes.This government stance has made me feel ashamed of my country , until now I have always felt proud to be called Australian , now I am condemned by this governments innuendo to be labelled pro child porn because I do not agree with censorship, or the fear tactics and outright lies that Conroy uses

And this....

Can someone please tell Conroy to get out of my bedroom, loungeroom and kitchen. Why do these idiots feel the need to run my life for me?
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: wyzeguy60 on March 30, 2010, 06:34:27 PM
G'day Wyze,

So according to the poll results.... the 'ayes' have it! Well, according to Conroy anyhow.

And Brum..... the same would apply to me - I will seriously consider where my vote goes at the next election.

hi Loco

The NAY's overwhelmingly have it.

No to internet censorship that is - a staggering but not surprising 95 % don't want this filter or censorship of the internet

Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: golden on March 30, 2010, 09:21:05 PM
http://swz.salary.com/execcomp/layoutscripts/excl_companysearch.asp (http://swz.salary.com/execcomp/layoutscripts/excl_companysearch.asp)

So the PM gets $300,000,  some executives get 20 to 30 times that!  (see MYKI site) and they are FAILURES also! (would I want the job, no way get flocked, flock off.)  Conroy will fall asleep in Garretts arms tonight!
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Centuries on March 30, 2010, 10:35:44 PM
A few minutes ago the 'Nays' went t 96%  ;D
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *r3830* on March 30, 2010, 10:39:49 PM
Isn't it strange how history repeats! John Howard was always accused of not listening to the people. Although it's Senator Conroy apparently calling the shots on this one..... where is the PM? All the reputable evidence against this change - along with the public outcry..... and who's not listening now? Perhaps Conroy is just the scapegoat for a very poor decision.

Forgot to add: Wrote to Tony Abbott this afternoon regarding this matter - requesting his position on this idea. Will post response if forthcoming.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Centuries on March 30, 2010, 11:03:19 PM
I am not sure they care what anyone thinks and that is always a mistake. Or, Senator Conroy is being used to sound out the public reaction.

Either way, I have the feeling internet filtering will occur in some form unless the Opposition and Independents oppose it's introduction completely.  :(

The next Federal Election should prove interesting.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *r3830* on March 31, 2010, 11:39:21 AM
Well, This was certainly worth waiting for!

Thank you for your email to the Leader of the Opposition, the Hon Tony Abbott MP.

Your views are being brought to Mr Abbott’s attention.

It is vital that the Coalition knows what people are thinking so that we can represent the interests of all Australians, and present people with a credible and inspiring alternative at the next election. 

Sadly, the Rudd Government has broken many of the promises they made to the Australian people in 2007 and this Prime Minister is increasingly looking like he is all talk and no action.

You can be assured that in this election year, the Coalition will have a practical, direct and budgeted plan for Australia’s future.

If you would like to receive regular updates from my office, please sign up to our e-news updates by visiting www.tonyabbott.com.au/. For more detailed policy information please go to www.liberal.org.au/.

Thank you again for taking the time to pass on your thoughts.

On behalf of Tony Abbott MHR

Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: HellWest'nCrooked on March 31, 2010, 12:30:35 PM

Hi Loco

requesting his position on this idea

I see you got a response...but can't see where he answered your question...it infuriates me that they can't answer a simple goddamn question..or is it in there somewhere and I have missed it??

Westie :ivanhoe:
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Yibida* on March 31, 2010, 12:43:21 PM

Hi Loco

requesting his position on this idea

I see you got a response...but can't see where he answered your question...it infuriates me that they can't answer a simple goddamn question..or is it in there somewhere and I have missed it??

Westie :ivanhoe:

Hi Westie... before you can understand a politicians answer you must drop your iQ to -3 .... or alternatively beat yourself about ya head with a solid object for 10 minutes before attempting to read what they have written and class as text...
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: HellWest'nCrooked on March 31, 2010, 12:48:39 PM

Hi Loco

requesting his position on this idea

I see you got a response...but can't see where he answered your question...it infuriates me that they can't answer a simple goddamn question..or is it in there somewhere and I have missed it??

Westie :ivanhoe:

Hi Westie... before you can understand a politicians answer you must drop your iQ to -3 .... or alternatively beat yourself about ya head with a solid object for 10 minutes before attempting to read what they have written and class as text...

 :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
Howdy Yibs my friend...you just made my day.  Have a good break over  Easter that you are so looking forward to.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *r3830* on March 31, 2010, 01:17:11 PM
G'day Westie and Yibs...

No - no answer at all. Mind you - I did expect that. Non-committal barsteds politicians!
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: gr8-expectations on March 31, 2010, 01:19:15 PM

i am sorry loco and guys but really NEITHER of the parties imbue me with any confidence and Abbott seems so hell bent on being Rudd's perpetual critic he cant see the wood for the trees, Turnbull was better (and there were a lot of questions over him and the whole issue of the HIH collapse and hs advisory role at MacQuarie Bank  - i.e. what did he know that he should have disclosed so that thousands of Mum's and Dads did not lose their money on the collapse?) since Abbot has now had to about face virtually on health, he is eating his own words.

I tend to agree if leaning any way with Mandurah Mum, Rudd has done a ton more on health care than Abbot ever did or would now and at least they are building those super centres so successful elsewhere, they have done something for the pensioners (as opposed to nothing by previous) although still not enough and at least they are trying.

Its nothing to be proud of as Howard and Costello used to crow about running the country so well, when in fact the GST revenue which is massive (a "core" promise never to bring it in broken by Abbott's hero JH) means a child could effectively balance the books, not rocket science and precious little of that money went out to hospitals or the elderly sick and carers and Howard had three terms to improve the system and failed.

Anyway NONE of them really listen to the people who know in health care for example, look at Jenny Brockie's program last night on SBS as an example, neither party really listen and its a pity indeed we are a two horse system, just crazy, i just wonder under EITHER of the new plans if the real changes needed will be effected, somehow I doubt it, what we need are politicians who are REAL people with real concern to make REAL change not bureaucratic token gestures that end up sucking up countless funds in meaningless administration costs and legal advice, and inquiries, you wonder if any of these wallies have an ounce of common sense.

I dont agree with the internet filter, its using a sledgehammer to squash a gnat, a typical polly mistake, whatever Rudd's failings though at least he has followed through on some things which is probably why he is rating better than Abbott who only knows how to be an aggressive Rhodes Scholar yobbo
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Centuries on March 31, 2010, 02:05:49 PM
 "....NEITHER of the parties imbue me with any confidence..."

That is how I feel.

Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *CountessA* on March 31, 2010, 03:12:50 PM
Politicians in my view have many obligations - most of which are jettisoned by politicians in the corridors of oil-wheeling power-consolidation.

It has corrupted many a good person who thought that by having ideals, they could change politics.

They can't - and that's not because it's impossible, but because in any situation where a group of individuals has power or influence over the entire populace, considerations other than the well-being of the populace slide insensibly into first place - eroding the very responsibility of those individuals into degraded rubble.

No matter how wise or well-considered or morally right Mr Conroy thinks himself to be, or thinks his government to be, he ought to consider what power this filter is giving to the hands of anyone who comes after him. The power to screen and deny the flow of international information, debate and views... It ought not to be in the hands of a government.

(And this is not even taking into consideration Mr Conroy's lack of technical knowledge, his poorly based assumptions, the fact that I don't agree with his views or think he is wise, etc.)

I understand this restrictive choice-destroying procedure is being touted as Christian in some way...? But I can't imagine how anyone could see this as "Christian" at all! Mr Conroy has forgotten the bit in the Garden of Eden.

Or perhaps he's rewritten it as follows:

And the LORD Mr Conroy commanded the people, "You are NOT free to look at the sites uploaded on the world wide web; because I don't trust you and have to prevent you from ever looking at the sites that have content of which I disapprove, for when you view of it you will surely be corrupted. You are all such ignorant silly-billies in my sight and I must protect you from the whole free-will malarkey."

In the original, God is shown allowing people free will. In Mr Conroy's version, he's decided that's just a bad idea. God got it all wrong. Stop the mongrels from even THINKING about going near that fruit on the tree... That's how it should be done... right?
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *r3830* on March 31, 2010, 03:30:06 PM
In the original, God is shown allowing people free will. In Mr Conroy's version, he's decided that's just a bad idea. God got it all wrong. Stop the mongrels from even THINKING about going near that fruit on the tree... That's how it should be done... right?

So - Mr Conroy considers himself to above God...... anyone care to kick in a few dollars for a new alter for him to stand atop? Or should that be a timber cross?
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *CountessA* on March 31, 2010, 03:41:35 PM
God: Don't eat from the fruit of that tree.
Stephen Conroy: That tree is blacklisted and I'm going to hide it under this white sheet so that you will not be tempted.
Stephen Conroy #2: Men, have we finished putting up that electrified fence around that tree?
Stephen Conroy #3: No, I am not telling you in which orchard that tree is.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Ubbie Max* on March 31, 2010, 05:55:29 PM

Now that I'm retired I reckon I will stand & seek election as a Federal politician. After winning a seat I will go for the top job (Prime Minister). Non of this Global Warming garbage, my main carrot danglers will be;

Money back if your horse doesn't run a place and;

Cut the Excise duty on beer.

There you have it. I will win by a landslide.

Other policy suggestions are welcome and will be considered.


Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *r3830* on March 31, 2010, 06:00:16 PM
Tax Deductable Pluto Pups - and an incentive plan for users of Pepsi Max wouldn't go astray.
FREE and COPIUS amounts of Brussell Sprouts for retired politicians.

Thinking..... thinking...
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Ubbie Max* on March 31, 2010, 06:03:39 PM
I think your onto something brilliant Loco. I'm a bit dubious about the Sprouts though.

I like your forward thinking. There could be a seat in Parliament for you. Minister for something, that can be worked out later.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *r3830* on March 31, 2010, 06:12:29 PM
Well Ubbie..... I did think seriously about the sprouts..... but - Pollies are full of crap anyhow...... they might as well be environmentally friendly! Think of it as a sacrifice..... if they eat them - the rest of us won't have to. It'll save the farmers going broke. Good for the country!

thinking...... pollies could also set their own targets..... 50 mtrs for a broad head arrow. ;D

Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Ubbie Max* on March 31, 2010, 06:20:28 PM
Yep I reckon your right Loco.

Gotta remember though If and when I gain power I will choose politicians who will be good for the country not a bunch of ratbag lying & deceitful fleabitten tree apes.

You would be a very good minister for Keelhauling. How good are you with a rope?
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *r3830* on March 31, 2010, 06:28:56 PM
Ubbie! What a wonderful and giving offer! I'm humbled. But - you know that I couldn't accept such an offer. You have conducted that task soooo well - ever since I came here.... and before. Mind you.... I would be honoured to assist you!

Not much good with a rope..... much better with a shotgun - but having said that - I certainly could improvise. 
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Ubbie Max* on March 31, 2010, 06:31:47 PM
I'll lend you my Barret 50 cal. It sorts out sinners.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *r3830* on March 31, 2010, 06:35:24 PM
DONE! I know..... I could be your minister for Loud Bangs. (the current or past mob have never bestowed such responsibility on a minister before)

Imagine that..... "Yes, Come in.... BOOOOOOM. Anything else that I can do for you?" (pinched the last bit from 'Live Help')
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: golden on March 31, 2010, 08:35:14 PM

In the original, God is shown allowing people free will. In Mr Conroy's version, he's decided that's just a bad idea. God got it all wrong. Stop the mongrels from even THINKING about going near that fruit on the tree... That's how it should be done... right?

So those mongrels names were???   EVE!!!  GENDER = ??    MEN should've put up the electric fence!! Of course we know better!   :lol:

Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: gr8-expectations on March 31, 2010, 08:58:15 PM

we wouldnt be here wuthout eve i should remind you goldie at this juncture .....
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: gr8-expectations on March 31, 2010, 08:59:07 PM

even eves come from eves .... and i don't mean the roofing business
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: gr8-expectations on March 31, 2010, 08:59:35 PM

adams help things along a little, sure ...
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: golden on March 31, 2010, 09:02:07 PM
Thanks STEVE :mankiss:  Or do I mean  :-*  I'm so confusssseeed!!  :airkiss:
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: gr8-expectations on March 31, 2010, 09:06:06 PM

yes ima but like some of these very fast african runners these days lol
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: gr8-expectations on March 31, 2010, 09:06:52 PM

and even i come from an eve .... but she could have also been a steve
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: gr8-expectations on March 31, 2010, 09:07:35 PM

and there folks is a very controversial "firecracker" thread totally trashed .... lol
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: golden on March 31, 2010, 09:11:38 PM
Who trashed what thread???   :idea: and where is  :ubbie: Thats the one in a skirt not the real ubbie.  nudge, nudge
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: gr8-expectations on March 31, 2010, 09:15:47 PM
ur a l8 loller goldie face ut, dunno ubbie has a twin? u mean we need a keel hauling?
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Yibida* on March 31, 2010, 09:21:48 PM
Who trashed what thread???   :idea: and where is  :ubbie: Thats the one in a skirt not the real ubbie.  nudge, nudge

 (http://i691.photobucket.com/albums/vv277/area_51_bucket/Marvin_Says_3_by_Dubhghall.jpg)So what wrong with wearing a skirt ?.....
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: golden on March 31, 2010, 09:24:45 PM
Yes BENNY HILL exactly... :rolleyes:

I see her emoticons been removed!!   :hornetsnest:

 :rofl: L8 yes, meaningful though!
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: gr8-expectations on April 03, 2010, 05:15:38 PM
a link to comment on Conroy's and labour government decision re the filter from Whirlpool, loco posted a linbk for internet plans on whirlpool or comments on speeds and allocations on whirlpool on another thread and they are worth looking at on whirlpool also -

Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Liisa-Sx on April 06, 2010, 05:19:24 AM
Two Thirds of Internet-connected households child free
Although the clean-feed policy is targeted solely at "vulnerable" children, official statistics show that a large majority of internet-connected households in Australia have no children under 15.

According to ABS research (Household use of information technology2006-07), the number of households with internet access was:

Households without children under 15: 3.356 million
Households with children under 15: 1.782 million
Total: 5.138 million

When the objective of an ISP based filtering system is “to give peace of mind to mums and dads” (as indicated in a Labor media release), it seems it would be an irresponsible waste of tax payer funding to implement a mandatory system applicable to 100% of households with Internet access (5.1 million) when only 34% have children under 15 years (1.8 million), due to the likelihood that most households without children would not particularly want a filtered service.

Further, the 34% of households with children under 15 years would include:
the third of parents of children aged 8 to 13 years who have a filter installed; and
the two-thirds of parents of children aged 8 to 13 years who do not have a filter installed, 67% of which choose not to install filtering software because either they trust their child or feel that installing software is redundant because of their use of other safeguards. It is highly questionable whether those parents would want mandatory ISP filtering.

The Current total cost of implementing ISP-level filtering (Clean feed) would be over $45 million for initial setup and over $33 million per annum, for something that will NOT work.

Good to see our hard earned taxpayer's dollars being spent wisely yet again.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Centuries on April 07, 2010, 10:42:16 PM
It annoys intensely me when I think of what that money should be used for. 
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *r3830* on April 08, 2010, 08:13:03 PM
Google: An open web helps keep the bastards honest

http://www.thepunch.com.au/articles/google-view-on-isp-filtering/ (http://www.thepunch.com.au/articles/google-view-on-isp-filtering/)
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Centuries on April 08, 2010, 09:51:22 PM
I agree.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Liisa-Sx on April 09, 2010, 01:45:19 AM
Loco, I must admit one of the comments below the article made me laugh, then frown with dismay at the inherent reality.

    Hades says:

    12:53pm | 29/03/10


    "Don't worry about it.  I attended a community book burning last night where all art books that had nudity in them were burnt. Although one lady tried to ruin the atmosphere with comments regarding free speech, I mentioned to our “leader” that she was casting spells to turn our children into free thinkers and the mob took care of her…..."
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *r3830* on April 09, 2010, 09:51:37 AM
GAWWWWD Liisa, I didn't think any asylum allowed the residents to play with matches!  ;D
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: gr8-expectations on April 09, 2010, 01:38:24 PM

book collectors of very old erotica have some amazing treasures in the way of ancient books, there was a doc on sbs or abc a few months back on it, much of it controversial, its an art form, erotica will survive filter or no filter and sadly just makes those wishing to push those boundaries even more cunning, but as long as society denies not everyone is plain vanilla and has to dictate to them what and when to read the problem gets exacerbated, i mean the roman had wild erotica, most cultures the more its suppressed imo the more outrageous it gets so its a catch 22, as mentioned here, there are tons of filters for the net for kids you can buy and do a way better job than the sledgehammer approach of a national filter

imo people like to bury their head sin the sand over these issues, tons of high court judges globally have been caught in public toilets and yet they would be the ones presiding over judgment of the people breaking the rules, society has many double standards and is complex, people are complex and not all intrinsically good or bad, usually a mixture of both with some notable exceptions like psychopaths and extremists etc. Look at countries for example where homosexuality is against the country's laws or religion its rife underground, a society thats open about issues like nudity and sex is usually the one that suffers least from radical behavior the mystery and "forbidden fruit" taken out there is less appeal
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Centuries on April 09, 2010, 08:41:44 PM
 I agree with Google's article.

 I hope that the comment below was a tongue in cheek. It does draw attention to a part of our society who would wish to place severe restrictions upon all people , not only the young.



 Hades says:

    12:53pm | 29/03/10


    "Don't worry about it.  I attended a community book burning last night where all art books that had nudity in them were burnt. Although one lady tried to ruin the atmosphere with comments regarding free speech, I mentioned to our “leader” that she was casting spells to turn our children into free thinkers and the mob took care of her…..."
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: *Brum6y* on April 10, 2010, 01:28:35 AM
I read that article and the comments Centuries ... and it was a very clear send-up of what 'Pippaspost' had written. No intelligent reader would have done anything more than laugh - it was a dig - and well phrased for the context.
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: Centuries on April 10, 2010, 01:38:03 AM
It made me laugh, brumb6y. It was well done.  ;D
Title: Re: Compulsory Australian Internet Filter Coming Mid-2010
Post by: gr8-expectations on April 17, 2010, 11:36:51 PM