Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2930286 times)


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Life Imitates Comedy

"You know you're going to have a bad day when
you and your car come home on a Tow Truck."

:tello: " Now we're looking like Trailer Trash! "

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100 Hits in 3 minutes? NO WAY!

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Four minnits later.....
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Ice T Addresses Why He Never Ate a Bagel Before Law & Order: SVU

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:banana: :kilt: :dance: :jester: :crayfish: :bear: :duckdance: :beerontap:      :duckling:
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Here's everybody's favorite mix:

Scary Movies and Nightmares.

I was born into scary.
Movies verified my suspicions.

I had my share of Night Mare.
I still remember them, but I forgot
where they went.

Even unto today, Nightmares exist.
Not from the Movies......
more like, I have over 5000 titles to choose from.

It's Monsterous!

Keeps me awake at night and day.
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Sunday, Jul 18 @ 03:04pm

The disturbance that rolled through the area this morning brought a little subsidence, with the sinking air it setup somewhat of a cap on much vertical growth of thunderstorms. As the afternoon wears along, we should mix out any inversion during peak daytime heating to break the cap with thunderstorms firing up over the next few hours.

Looking mostly cloudy skies for the remainder of the afternoon with scattered showers and thunderstorms possible, cooler with highs in the 70's. Thunderstorms may be capable of torrential rain, gusty winds, frequent lightning, and hail; seek shelter indoors if a thunderstorm approaches.

Scattered showers and thundershowers will continue through next week, mainly during the afternoons, possibly enhanced at times by any easterly waves that move through. Temperatures will remain close to average through the period with daytime highs hovering around 80-degrees, while overnight lows generally cool to the 50's. Drier weather may return next weekend as a trough deepens off the west coast, gradually pushing monsoon moisture east of us.

A Slicker Alert has been issued in the Sugatloaf Region.

:tello: "How about just say "It's bloody raining" ? "
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Nothing Is Joe Biden’s Fault

With the Biden administration failing to hit its much-ballyhooed vaccine goal, the blame game is on, and you’ll be less than surprised to learn that absolutely none of that failure is Joe Biden’s fault. It’s not like the President of the United States should be held accountable for his own messaging campaign. Rather, the White House has assured the American people that the real culprits here are Facebook posts.

Yes, Democrats blaming Facebook (and social media in general) for their failures worked so well after the 2016 election that they are trying to run the same play again. Yesterday, Joe Biden asserted that social media companies were “killing people” by allowing “misinformation” to spread about the COVID vaccine. Jen Psaki backed that up by making Facebook’s moderation choices a key issue instead of, you know, Biden’s leadership.

In more normal times, such a ridiculous obfuscation of responsibility would be labeled for what it is. Yet, in our hyper-partisan environment, Biden and his cohorts must be protected at all costs. As a result, you get insanity like this from people who are ostensibly journalists.

Dylan Byers
Jul 16, 2021
Replying to @DylanByers
FACEBOOK official: "In private exchanges the Surgeon General has praised our work, including our efforts to inform people about COVID-19. They knew what they were doing. The White House is looking for scapegoats for missing their vaccine goals.”
Dylan Byers
In sum:

+ The President of the United States has accused the world’s most powerful social media network of “killing people” by not doing enough to combat misinformation.

+ The company has responded by accusing the president of missing vaccine goals & passing the buck.
4:39 PM · Jul 16, 2021

Did you get all that? The media reporter over at NBC News would like you to know that the president blaming a private social media company for his failures is not passing the buck. Rather, it is passing the buck when that social media company doesn’t accept Biden’s attempt to blame them for his administration’s inability to meet its goals. Makes sense, right? You usually have to pay for propaganda that shameless.
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Harris Visits Walter Reed for ‘Routine’ Doctor Appointment Days After Meeting With Infected Texas Democrats

Vice President Kamala Harris is going for what a White House official told Fox News is a “routine doctor’s appointment” at Walter Reed Medical Center on Sunday.

The visit to the Bethesda, Maryland, hospital comes after she met with Texas Democratic lawmakers on Tuesday. Three of the Democrats had tested positive for coronavirus,  with one testing positive Friday night and two others Saturday morning.
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Democrats are calling for phone companies to monitor your private text messages looking for this information

Technology has changed the world as we know it and, in many cases, for the better.

However, technology has also brought with it a host of issues, such as the invasion of an individual’s privacy.

And now Democrats are calling for phone companies to monitor your private text messages looking for this information.

The Democrat Party is frustrated over the backlash their door-to-door vaccine program has received.

Many are questioning where the government is getting this “list” of unvaccinated citizens and how it is legal.

Of course, legal red tape has rarely stopped a Democrat from proceeding with a blatant invasion of privacy, so Biden and his team continue to trudge forward with this idea of getting every American vaccinated by showing up at their doors.

One of the big issues the Democrats face is that the headlines continue to be filled with stories about adverse reactions to the vaccine, deaths resulting from the vaccine, and studies showing that the vaccine may not be as effective as Fauci claims.

Over the last six months, Americans have watched as the Democrat-controlled social media giants like Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube have scrubbed their platforms of anything that might sound like COVID-19 “misinformation.”

Much like a communist regime, Democrats and their Big pharma buddies are working overtime to ensure Americans are shielded from any information that makes the vaccine look bad.

Well, now the Democratic National Committee is taking it even further by asking phone companies to step in and police Short Message Service (SM) or text messages, as most call them as part of a new push against “vaccine misinformation.”

“When we see deliberate efforts to spread misinformation, we view that as an impediment to the country’s public health and will not shy away from calling that out,” White House spokesman Kevin Munoz stated in an interview with Politico.

The Biden administration is blaming supposed “misinformation” for vaccine hesitancy.

However, recent reports show that most Americans who are still unvaccinated have no intention of ever getting the vaccine.

And quite frankly, invading their privacy is not going to change their minds – it will likely cause them to push back even more against the vaccine.

Biden and his allies will stop at nothing to get these new vaccines into the systems of every American.

The suppression of information and monitoring of private communications is straight out of the communist handbook.

Americans need to wake up and realize what is happening to their country at the hands of these power-hungry liberals.

This isn’t just speculation anymore, the Left is marching towards taking total control of every American’s life, and they will let nothing stand in their way.
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“The Biden White House’s refusal to completely and quickly condemn the Cuban Communist Regime is a shocking travesty,” Trump said. “The Biden Administration’s insane suggestion that the Cubans were protesting only mismanagement and not the brutal oppression, is an insult to all Cuban patriots who have suffered or even died in pursuit of their freedom.”

Trump Exposes Biden As a Coward After He Does This In Cuba

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Free fire wood

Listed 9 hours ago in Sugarloaf, CA
Free to anyone that wants to come buy and take it away. Located in sugarloaf
Sugarloaf, CA
Location is approximate
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Ann Scanlan
Big Bear Cool Stuff For Sale
Joined Facebook in 2008

Fred Honaker
How much?

John Drew VanDewerker
Fred Honaker looks like zero

Debbie Schroepfer
Kalisha Fetterhoff it's a good start

Ron Tello Culley
Cancel Fred.
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Five Things the MSM Doesn’t Want You to Know about 3-D Guns
 Teresa Mull  Aug 08, 2018  1 Comment
By: Robert Davis

After a multi-year lawsuit with the Department of State, Defense Distributed, a nonprofit company from Austin, Texas, was on the verge of publishing schematic designs online of how to make single-shot handguns and a variety of other firearms, including AR-10s and AR-15s, with a 3-D printer.

A federal judge, however, “granted a temporary restraining order … just hours before the documents were expected to be published online,” The Washington Post reported in early August. Nevertheless, the news media has been hysterical over the idea of so-called “ghost guns.” So here are five facts gun owners should know about 3-D guns:

1. The original ruling did not distort the First Amendment.
Much of the hoopla made by the left over 3-D printed guns focuses on the court case itself and Defense Distributed’s reliance on the First Amendment to make their case. The case challenged a policy under the Obama administration which regulated the information needed to make a gun under the International Treaty in Arms Regulations (ITAR). The settlement between the Second Amendment Foundation (who represented Defense Distributed) and the Department of State focused solely on the passage of information needed to print a gun, not the gun itself, as a matter of free speech.

“…Lines are becoming blurry, with commentators bouncing between the First and Second Amendments,” Matthew Larosiere wrote this week in the Washington Examiner. “Let us make one thing clear: This issue has everything to do with the First Amendment, and if we continue to confuse it with the Second Amendment, we will damage both.
This entire controversy stems from one thing: The State Department’s forced removal of digital files from Defense Distributed (DefDist)’s website. There was no seizure of guns, no involvement of the ATF, and no physical stockpiles to speak of. The resulting lawsuit was one entirely predicated on the government’s unconstitutional restraint of DefDist’s speech.”

“To me, [the original] ruling is remarkable. It’s common sense, but that’s obviously not the case everywhere,” Alice Tripp, legislative director for the Texas State Rifle Association told Gunpowder Magazine.

2. Homemade guns are legal and have been for years.
“It has always been legal for someone to make their own gun in this country,” Dave Kopel, adjunct professor of constitutional law at Denver University’s Sturm College of Law, told Gunpowder Magazine. “There’s no change there. Putting aside the Defense Distributed issue, there have been many sites that host this sort of information for years.”

According to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms (ATF) website:
“A license is not required to make a firearm solely for personal use. However, a license is required to manufacture firearms for sale or distribution. The law prohibits a person from assembling a non–sporting semiautomatic rifle or shotgun from 10 or more imported parts, as well as firearms that cannot be detected by metal detectors or x–ray machines. In addition, the making of an NFA firearm requires a tax payment and advance approval by ATF.”

3. The legality of online designs won’t result in a huge surge in criminals making their own guns.
The most economical way to print a gun is to use thermoplastics, but doing so makes the firearm as much of a danger to the user as it is to everyone else. Metal 3-D printing does exist and has proven to make safe, working firearms, however, it is extremely costly and therefore highly unlikely that criminals will start printing their own guns in mass – which they could be doing already if they wanted to.

4. 3-D guns could make all gun control a moot point.
It’s still too early to tell, but 3-D guns could potentially end the gun control movement altogether. The largest hurdle the gun control crowd faces at this point is how to regulate the printing of guns without violating the Constitution.

As John R. Lott wrote in a Fox News op-ed just after the original settlement was announced, “3-D printers make the already extremely difficult job of controlling access to guns practically impossible. The government is not going to be able to ban guns, and limits on the size of bullet magazines will be even more laughable than before.”

5. The gun population increase won’t be significant.
Another horse the left likes to beat in the gun control debate is that there are too many guns in the U.S. today, and allowing private citizens greater access to information on how to print their own will drastically increase that number.

First of all, as we’ve noted, people have been able to make their own guns for years if they really wanted to. Secondly, 3-D printing a gun is neither cost-effective (it’s often more expensive than simply buying a firearm from a store) nor efficient (3-D guns are not as safe, in general, either).

“Even after the high cost, the end result is not as effective as a conventionally produced firearm,” the National Shooting Sports Foundation reports. “… Manufacturers invest millions of dollars into research, design and testing to produce firearms. These manufacturers produce firearms that function reliably, in the toughest conditions, and are made to withstand the demanding conditions of performance, including tens of thousands of pounds of pressure per square inch created from firing a round…Quite literally, the lives of gun owners are dependent on firearms working every time they are needed. Even if individuals spend the time and considerable sums of money to 3D print, NSSF does not encourage this practice in the home.”

Robert Davis is a general assignment reporter for Gunpowder Magazine. Contact him with comments or tips at
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Jen Psaki Banned From Social Media For Spreading Misinformation

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Biden administration has decided to crack down hard on those who spread covid misinformation on social media. Because of this, Press Secretary Jen Psaki has been promptly and permanently removed from all social media platforms.

“We take this ban very seriously,” a Biden official said. “Ol' Jen had an enormous reach online, and our system received so many notifications of misinformation by her that she was automatically removed.”

Psaki now has a lifetime ban on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TiKTok, and even lower traffic sites such as AOL Instant Messenger.  The social media ban is as thorough as it is severe in hopes of teaching others a lesson about spreading misinformation.

Many people were surprised to see the government ban the press secretary, but it seems that even they were fooled by the onslaught of misinformation. They just regret that they didn’t see it and ban her sooner.

"Our algorithms confirmed that Jen Psaki spreads more misinformation in one press conference than most other people do in their entire lives," said Mark Zuckerberg after he confirmed Facebook would permanently be removing her from the social network. "We expected it to just get far-right QAnon crazies, but the algorithm doesn't lie. All hail the algorithm!"

"All hail the algorithm!" chanted his army of Facebook interns standing dutifully nearby.
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Free Speech Cancelled As Plague Of Tyranny Sweeps The Nation

An “America First” rally which was scheduled for Saturday in California, was canceled, and city officials were excited over the news.

A Twitter posting from the city unveiled the cancellation, highlighting that the city was behind the event featuring GOP Republicans Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and Matt Gaetz of Florida would not happen.

“The city had safety issues with the operator, and these concerns were also shared by the operator,” the comment said.
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The Definitive Guide to Different Types of Chocolate

It’s pretty rare to find someone who doesn’t like chocolate, although those unicorn people do exist. And some types of chocolate elicit a very strong reaction — for example, there doesn't seem to be a lot of gray area around white chocolate (which even some chocolate lovers refuse to acknowledge as real chocolate). But whether you like yours milky, dark, or in a warm mug with marshmallows, we've broken down what makes chocolate chocolate in all its various forms.
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Sunday Live: CDC Website Reveals COVID Injections Killed More People Than Virus in Recent Weeks

Alex Jones breaks down the shocking information from the CDC’s own website showing that more people died from the experimental COVID mRNA injection than from the actual coronavirus over the last two weeks, as the federal government – in collaboration with Big Tech – scrambles to censor anyone who opposes the narrative that vaccines are 100% safe.
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Families who lost loved ones in 9/11 terror attacks are furious at pundits saying Capitol riots were worse than Sept. 11: 'Dehumanizing our families for political gain'

Several left-wing commenters have dared to make the brash comparison between the terrorist attacks that rocked the nation on September 11, 2001, with the riots on January 6, 2021, at the U.S. Capitol. Some left-leaning pundits went so far as to proclaim that the Capitol riots were more dangerous than the 9/11 terror attacks that killed nearly 3,000 Americans and the more than 1,000 New Yorkers are believed to be inflicted with cancers related to the World Trade Center attack. The brazen comparison has incensed families of those who lost loved ones from the deadliest attack on American soil.
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An announcement came out of the U.S. Supreme Court that has Joe Biden sweating bullets

Democrats know that the Supreme Court is one of the last roadblocks preventing them from imposing their far-left vision on America.

That’s why one of their highest priorities is to change the entirety of the High Court as we know it.

But an announcement came out of the U.S. Supreme Court that has Joe Biden sweating bullets.

Easily one of Donald Trump’s most important accomplishments during his tenure in office was nominating three Justices to the U.S. Supreme Court and seeing all of them confirmed to the bench.

When Kavanaugh was confirmed and gave conservatives a 5-4 majority on the bench, Democrats were already prepared to wage war.

So when Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed months before Trump left office, Democrats and the entire radical Left made it their mission to pack the Supreme Court and drown out Trump’s confirmed Justices.
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HAPPENING NOW: Massive Illegal Alien Crowd Tries to Push Past Border Fencing

A massive group of hundreds of aspiring illegal aliens – many of them adult men – just showed up to the U.S. border in Hidalgo, Texas, demanding to be let into the country.

And the footage is more than a little disturbing.

On his Twitter page, Fox News reporter Bill Melugin posted photos and clips from the scene, where a crowd estimated at 300-500 people, many of them reportedly from Haiti, have gathered at a border fence and tried to force their way past border agents and into the country. While many in the crowd are clearly adult men, the footage shows children and toddlers mixed in with the mass of bodies pressing against the gate.

Speaking with border agents on the ground, Melugin reports immigration officials have told him they’re at a loss as to how to handle the crowd given the already maxxed-out local border facilities, which simply don’t have the capacity to take on such an influx all at once.
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Stock Market Pummeled on COVID Fears
Posted on July 19, 2021

Happening Now: Irrational or not, the Stock Market had its biggest sell-off of the year due to concerns of a resurgence of the coronavirus amongst the unvaccinated.

“U.S. stocks fell aggressively Monday on concern a rebound in Covid cases would slow global economic growth. The selling picked up as the session went on and the Dow Jones Industrial Average was headed for its biggest drop since last October,” according to CNBC… [emphasis added]

“Covid cases have rebounded in the U.S. this month with the delta variant spreading among the unvaccinated. The U.S. is averaging nearly 30,000 new cases a day in the last seven days ending Friday, up from a seven-day average of around 11,000 cases a day a month ago, according to CDC data. Cases were already flaring up around the world because of the delta variant.” [emphasis added]
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Biden Tries To ‘Brainwash’ Everyone Into Forgetting His First Year As President

Senior Biden White House officials in charge of investigating the source of the covid virus are now believing that the accidental lab-leak idea is at least as credible as the idea that it came from the wild, in what CNN says is a “dramatic shift from one year ago, when Democrats downplayed the lab leak idea.”

And while the US intel. community is allegedly ‘firmly divided’ over these theories, this acknowledgement is a vindication for the Republicans who floated the likelihood of a lab-leak – including Trump, who was greatly criticized by Dems after mentioning the lab-leak theory.
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