Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2930180 times)


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If you spit blood a little bit
it's OK.
This shite's got a KICK!
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Works for me!
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I have lived a Grand Life.

Now that's over
I live to Tell.....

And I'm not afraid to


You have heard them all before
but this time
we get 'em on Audio, crying
like the little beeotches they are,

Amazing the Groovy stuff I can get on the Internet!

Check out the new, hip wallpaper in the Add-on!
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Not a Man Cave.

Tool Shed with an Ice Chest & milk crates.

And attitude.
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Paul Pillsbury

Shout out to the raccoon who got in my trash last night.  You left the In-N-Out wrapper in my driveway that I was hiding from my GF because we are "eating healthy" this're a dick!

Connie Rigney
Best FB post ever.

Rena Florez
Love it! 🤣🤣🤣 Thanks for my first laugh of the day!

Sharon Vogt
Maybe that was your neighbors wrapper....he just brought it to your house to eat...

Zermeno Maricella

Laura Curtis
Hilarious! 🤣

Jorge Dominguez
Busted. 😉😂

Terri Simpson
Hahaha good one 👍 🤣 👏 😆 😄 👌

Marlo Todd Hardee

Kim Vonk
Lol. Tell her it was a protein burger.. or damn neighbors throwing their trash in our can again... lol

Matthew Kritz
Haha that’s funny

Judith Lyon
Wonder if the raccoon is named Karma?

Debra Villescas
Best post ever
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Hey ... You yanks are going to have to start calling raccoons , raccheers

Iconic Australian food brand Coon Cheese will be rebranded as Cheer. The Coon name will be retired after 85 years amid concerns over its racist connotations. Saputo, the dairy company that owns the cheese, will relaunch the product as Cheer in July after six months of deliberations over a new name.21 hours ago › news-story
Coon cheese changes name to Cheer after racist connotations backlash | Herald Sun


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Wow, interesting.

Looks like this joint may be gaining
a bit of Decorum.
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Hmmm so let me get this right ....

Congress are inciting violence to counter act condemned incited violence

Seems legit 


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They are THE YANKS!

I'm staying out of it,
I'll live better and longer.
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I think its high time there was another American civil war

You live there I don't .... What % or sections of the population need culling?

Or is it Culleying? ......
round them up and string them up .....i believe this includes women ?
Im told American women are hung like men


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I'll get back to ya on the Herm question.

Revolution is always at hand.

Applause is in the air.
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Does that mean you are expecting to get a clap?


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America is gonna spank itself, again.
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And as I understand it , youve been practising this with a monkey?


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I cant answer you , because my device has stopped working


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That's good I dont wanna listen to your shite anyways....

Im bizzy

see ya!
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FYI Im sampling Roo flavored vodka.

With a Drop Bear chaser.
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Nevermind Dental Records

this is a case of


Please sign in....

1071352 Views can't be ALL wrong!
:fencing:       :dance:            :arrg:             :ni:                       :foot:                     :duckling:
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Dearest of reading trolling Readers;

Come this January 18 (2021)

my ID will lead Investigators to discover my age, in Number Form.

63 Earth Years.

Don't you know I'm beyond that?

Tessa, TAKE IT AWAY.....!!!!!!!!
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Oh, by the way

you framed my client

so I'm not a Lawyer anymore.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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21 is an odd number.

63 is an odd number.

smee is an odd numb-ber.

Doom has become an established pattern.

The matter of TIME is in your Kitchen.

Fry that Bacon just a little bit more, right?

And don't tell me it's Jerky.

I know the diff...
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Bacon! Dont go making rasher statements


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Quiet you

I'm frying BACON here!
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GARLIC bacon.

That'll keep your Vampire friends outta here!
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That filled a hole
gonna make a turd.

Izzint that what eating does?

Curious question to a people who
drive on the
wrong side of
the road.

What else is unusual about them?
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You think that hurts?

Wait for me (NOT a Yank anymore) to open up
on the
Prison Planet rant
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I'd be soooo disinterested
in my raunchy dissertation
that nothing matters actually
cuz I get
300 Hits a day when I DON'T post.

This is about Ratings
cuz everybody knows this
ain't about money.
(It's free entertainment with hazards)

Cheap-ass b@zturds!
   :tazdev: :badfinger:
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The more I drink
the more I care about Humanity.

More Booze please!

Have a random image!
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Judy Cuff asked a question .

I have several items posted on Big Bear Stuff for sale.  Someone contacted me
yesterday about an item they wanted, but didn’t want to come to my house when it’s dark.  I got an email this morning at 10:00 and said she is ready to come so I gave her my address right away.
 It’s now 3:15 and I have contacted her several times, but no response.  Now what- is it ok to to the next person who contacted me?

Denise Terranova
This happens all the time! I would move on to the next in line! There’s a saying, you snooze, you lose! Lol!

Stephenie Greene
Yep. First person to come gets it. Too many people flake on FB for sale sites. This is why most people won't hold things and say first one to show up gets it.

Susan A Todd
It’s up to you how much energy you want to put into trying to get ahold of someone who ignores you. You will learn really fast that there’s some ppl here that play games.

Ashley Herlan
Just move on so many flakes up here

Judy Cuff
I know right?!

Ron Tello Culley
Give it 24 hours and call it quits.

Marilynda Moore
Don’t deal with anyone who wants to come in dark or anyone who sounds fishy. If we sell anything my husband only meets them at park or staters (public area) cash only.

Susan A Todd
I had a guy negotiate a price for an item on FB one time, and when he got to my house to get it, he started to renegotiate the price. It wasn’t an item that looked worse when he saw it in person either. I told him the price was what was negotiated on F… See More

Tiana Burkhammer
Yes give time limit

Nora Yeates
I say sell to next in line. I've had many not come thru and lose buyers

Teresa Lynn Aguisanda
be careful they sound so flakey and don’t be home by yourself ok

Judy Cuff
Teresa Lynn Aguisanda - I have big dogs if someone else isn’t here!

Ron Tello Culley
Fear not! Bear Mace $20 +/- Walmart online.

Teresa Lynn Aguisanda
Judy Cuff good to know, I have an akita/husky and during the summer i keep my door open all night no problem

Teresa Lynn Aguisanda
Ron Tello Culley as long as the wind is blowing away from us lol

Judy Cuff
Ron Tello Culley - I need to order it for my trip to Yellowstone in July.

Ron Tello Culley
Buy a 6 Pack and save 20%. While supplies last.

Judy Cuff
Ron Tello Culley - Yes! We will be traveling for 3 weeks.

Ron Tello Culley
I appreciate that. I'm a World Traveler too.

Judy Cuff
Ron Tello Culley - What place is your favorite?

Ron Tello Culley
Orlando and Ogden

Rachelle Johnson
Sell to next person in line if no answer

Ron Tello Culley
Think "Swap Meet Rules" and you will be fine!

Judy Cuff
Ron Tello Culley - My one son loves the swap meet!

Ron Tello Culley
Yes, my World travels took me to Swap Meets, selling the crap that ppl want to buy!

Ain't that America?

Ron Tello Culley
Funny thing happened to me on my way to a Swap Meet.
1988 Pierce Collage, San Fernando Valley. 5AM Saturday, I'm in line. Set up to pay, get in and DO IT!
A crew of 5 Latino Gents accost me. Hand me $500 cash and declare they are going to clean out my Pick Up truck.

They did.

When the line began to move I flipped a Yoo-ee and went to Denny's.

Best work day ever!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Ron Tello Culley
Geez, I musta had some really Groovy stuff, eh?
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Deal of the Day

This Midnight Black Gun Gear Bag is perfect to conceal and carry all your gear.


...but will be gone fast, as this email just reached 167,858 Gun Owners.  (they are reading this right now, just like you, and only some will move fast enough to secure 1 of these 1000 bags.)

Here's why it's free:

American Tactical Sports has 1,000 units set aside to give out as their yearly Gun Rights promotion.

It's purpose is to help responsible gun owners keep their guns, IN THEIR HANDS, and this heavy duty concealed gun bag does that, no matter what happens inside our government.

This exclusive gun bag model regularly retails for $129, buttoday it's free here.
(just flip the shipping and handling fee, to have it sent right to your door.)

Claim Yours Now For Free While Supplies Last

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You should see the other bag they offer that I got!

It fits 1 short pistol, 1 rack of ammo and cigarettes.

Not a good deal in any increments.

Wadda ya want for 10 bucks USD?

At least the zippers ain't jammed...
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So, enuff of the Trailer Park jokes.

I wanna direct our attention to


(This won't take long to fizz away...)
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Bloody Coppers at it again!

Looking for evidence
and all they can get is
a partial print
suspect, inconclusive fluids.

I VOLUNTEERED my Phlegm long ago
and no one will admit it into evidence.

Case dismissed every time!
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Oh, by the way....

The Guilt weighs heavy upon me
that I am having

more fun than you

a better life than yours

and sex with your wife and she said felafel you!

I dint ask for this.
This is what happened when I was sleeping.
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Did ya see what happened when I was awake?

Click to Page One on The Tello Files.

No, I am Not posting the link.
If you can't navigate from here to there
then you are by all Bloody Standards...a

NOOB of Epic Proportion.

This is where Admin REALLY RUNS AWAY, and for good reason.

Ppl suck.
Everybody else Blows.

And that's how Weather begins!
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A Defendant, pleading for the Court's Mercy for being an
Orphan after they were convicted of killing their parents.
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More FUNNY????

Two Admins buy a Bar.

It's called "PINKS"

Two Admins sell a Bar.

It's called Creative Disruption.
It's an eBay thang.....

and WE "In The Know" shall despise that Act FOREVER!

>>>>THIS IS AN EBAY FORUM, idiot!!!!<<<<<<
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Donohoe and Whitman.

Memory check, Roger!
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I heard Satan walked away from those 2 Mooks!

That's soooo Hard Core I can't believe it!

Yes, I do.
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I spent $100,000 USD on eBay and all I got was 86'd from the Forums.

That REPORT Button is a deadly weapon there, and it's SICK!!!!
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Here's a shittee joke.

Two Amigoes walk into a sewage treatment facility.

smee had a tackle box.

Tello had a flashlight.

Guess who stayed until sundown....

The Croc-O-Shite Hunter!

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Not to worry, Sweeties.

No body is going to pull your Liquor License over this one.

Have some more sausage.
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I'm sorry about that dinner party where I was
accused of attempted Date Rape.

You see, I was chatting up a young and lovely
and then a hurricane came along and
THAT'S what tore her dress off.

Check out the sir vay lence tapes!

And The Weather Channel.
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All hair, some teeth and no tits.
Ya just can't have it all.

And besides, she's a murderer.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"