Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2930277 times)


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The BEST line of all:

" Boy, I bet you'd stick your head in the fire if I told you you could see Hell ".

Everyday is Halloween in
The House of Tello.
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Oh yeah, and

"The Boogeyman is real...and you found him"
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"The smeegyman is real, and he's around here somewhere... "
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Western states are entering an active
wildfire season just as coronavirus cases spike

By Diana Leonard
June 13, 2020 at 7:42 a.m. PDT
Coronavirus and the West’s wildfire season are on a collision course, with the virus on an upswing in several western states that are starting to see increased fire activity, especially those at heightened fire risk during July.

This year’s wildfire season will present unprecedented challenges for firefighters, emergency managers and the public, particularly when it comes to evacuations. For example, fire-related evacuations can be hasty when compared to a hurricane, whose track forecast is usually known a few days in advance.

Hurricane preparedness meets coronavirus caution as Cristobal bears down

There has been particular concern about a so-called second wave of the virus coinciding with autumn fires in California, which have historically been the most disruptive and deadly blazes. However, it has become clearer in recent weeks that the threat for fires and coronavirus to overlap would start earlier.

Already this week, for example, wildfires have prompted evacuations in Arizona and California.

Wildfire outlook for July 2020, showing above average significant wildland fire potential during July.
Wildfire outlook for July 2020, showing above average significant wildland fire potential during July. (National Interagency Fire Center)
With increasingly fast-moving wildfires in recent years, and nearly 150 fatalities in California in 2017 and 2018 combined, wildfire evacuations have already become an immense challenge. But during a dangerous wildfire this year, those in a fire’s path will be asked to do the opposite of what they’ve been doing for the last several months: leave home in the middle of a pandemic.

Steve Jensen, an emergency management adviser and lecturer at California State University at Long Beach, who has been working on issues surrounding wildfire and covid-19, the illness the coronavirus causes, said that emergency agencies will need “a more precise, tighter and coordinated messaging strategy, to make sure that residents understand the gravity of a situation and are ready to move at a moment’s notice.”

Wildfire and coronavirus converge in the West
In a worrying sign, covid-19 hospitalizations are steeply rising in seven states, including Arizona, New Mexico, Oregon and California. These states, along with Utah, also recorded their highest incidence of new cases this week since the start of the pandemic, a spike that likely was not due simply to increases in testing, according to a Washington Post analysis.

As the summer progresses, these same areas may be grappling with significant wildfires while trying to control the highly contagious virus.

The National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC) in Boise, Idaho, expects heightened fire activity across much of the western U.S. this summer because of “increasing drought conditions, early loss of mountain snowpack, anticipated lightning activity, and overall hot and dry conditions that should persist through August,” according to its latest report.

The Climate Prediction Center, which is part of the National Weather Service, is projecting the likelihood of a hotter and drier than average summer across much of the West.

A hot summer will intensify already widespread drought in the region, further drying out vegetation and making wildfires worse.

U.S. Drought Monitor for June 9, 2020 showing widespread drought in the West. (U.S. Drought Monitor)
U.S. Drought Monitor for June 9, 2020 showing widespread drought in the West. (U.S. Drought Monitor)
Now is the time to plan
Being prepared for wildfire is imperative in 2020, but the public may have a difficult time navigating this newly fraught territory on their own. Local agencies will need to engage directly with their communities, well before there is a fire, about what evacuating during a pandemic may involve.

Erica Kuligowski, a wildfire evacuation expert formerly with the National Institute of Standards and Technology, said it’s important for local law enforcement, emergency managers, fire departments and other first responders to provide advice on how to prepare for wildfires this year. Specifically, people need to know in advance how to receive warnings, what warning platforms or apps to sign up for, the planned locations of shelters in their area, and what evacuation routes and transportation options are available.

“This is information that will help households develop their own evacuation plan — such as when will they leave, what and who will they take with them, where will they go, how will they travel there, and what route will they take to get there,” she said in an email. In addition, she recommends that those in wildfire-prone locations assemble an emergency supply kit and pack belongings ahead of time “so that they are ready to leave as soon as evacuation orders are given."

While this was standard guidance for wildfire evacuation before the pandemic, there are added recommendations now. That go-bag, for example, should now include face masks, hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes.

Residents should make arrangements now to stay with friends or family (and avoid staying with anyone at high risk for severe illness); they should also check that hotels and campgrounds are open. Those who need special assistance need to know what is available, like help with hotel costs or special sheltering options for those who are sick with the virus.

Shelters will be different
The Red Cross, which operates emergency shelters at the request of local officials, is planning major changes to its sheltering practices this year.

“Having 500 people in a gym with coronavirus,” said Tony Briggs, CEO for the Central California Region of the American Red Cross, “that’s not a smart way to keep the public safe.”

Instead, expect smaller shelters, but more of them, so that fewer people are housed in each location and social distancing can be maintained.

With many universities out of session and hotels largely empty, private rooms in college dormitories or hotels are also an option. That “is definitely a goal we are working toward,” Briggs said.

In group shelters, new safety measures will be in place, including temperature checks and other screenings at check-in as well as cots spaced six feet apart to maintain social distancing. Those showing symptoms or a history of possible exposure to the virus will be housed in a separate location, in coordination with local health departments, Briggs said.

According to Kuligowski, the evacuation expert, the public should be notified of these safety measures, to ensure that they evacuate.

“During COVID-19, people will benefit from understanding how they will be protected if and when they leave home,” Kuligowski said.

Wireless alerts honed for wildfire evacuation
Wildfire air attack helicopters continue to battle the Bighorn Fire along the western side of the Santa Catalina Mountains on Friday in Oro Valley, Ariz. (Matt York/AP)
Wildfire air attack helicopters continue to battle the Bighorn Fire along the western side of the Santa Catalina Mountains on Friday in Oro Valley, Ariz. (Matt York/AP)
Wireless Emergency Alerts, sent to targeted locations usually by local sheriff’s offices, will be a critical tool to notify the public of fast-moving fires.

Jensen, the emergency management adviser, said that wildfire alerts have improved since the deadly California fires of 2017 and 2018.

“They are doing a better job than they ever have before, but that will need to be stepped up several levels during the pandemic,” Jensen said, because people are fatigued from their experience with covid-19 over the last few months. Law enforcement will need to be “more precise about how the fire front is moving and which areas need to be evacuated,” he said.

Research by Kuligowski and others has helped to tailor WEA messaging so that residents in a wildfire’s path understand that they are in danger and are more likely to act on the alert.

“We know from research that a credible source should provide an at-risk community with certain accurate, specific, consistent and clear information about the wildfire hazard and its consequences, who is at risk, when they need to act, exactly what they need to do (in most cases, to evacuate), and why evacuation is a safer option,” she said.

Briggs said agencies in his region are aiming for coordinated messaging.

“We know big fires are coming, and we understand that,” Briggs said. “So we want to make sure we are ready.”

But Jensen cautions that, even with recent improvements in alerts, “it is not a perfect system and there are going to be times when people need to evacuate on their own,” and will need to closely monitor wildfire conditions, he said.

“It’s going to be incumbent upon people who live in [wildfire-prone] areas to be on high alert and to move out if necessary.”

:tello: " Yeah but this was last year's post, what about today? I can bail.... just need to know why! "
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And another thing..

all these UFO TV Shows are great
but they miss the point
that I keep making:

"The more you keep looking for Aliens
the more you ARE them!"
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Ron Tello Culley
Oh yeah, and I am opposed to war if everybody would dispose of themselves in a proscribed, discreet manner, then I think we can tidy up The Universe quite nicely, Cheers!!
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:tello: " It's been a butt-load of years but now I think I got it figured out, again:

There's NO point to any of it all.

In the end, the end is always the same.

Life izzint Cheap--it's FREE!

It's all about PERSPECTIVE.

What are you looking at? "
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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If that ditty duzzint go viral by Tuesday I'm
and then
you'll be sorry.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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As a reminder--pay attention children-- in the Tello Book of words,
the concept of "sorry" is placed as such:

It is NOT an emotion,

It IS the condition you are in.

Class dismissed.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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If that ditty duzzint go viral by Tuesday I'm
and then
you'll be sorry.

Covid has gone viral


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Why Guns Are Necessary - Especially In 2021

Gun control is a hot and divisive topic among our nation in recent years. No doubt about that.

Judging by the way things are right now, there will be an ongoing and long debate on when it should be legal or illegal to carry firearms more openly. Then, there’s the entire “moral argument” of gun ownership as well… but that’s another story for another time.

The question that law-abiding citizens like us need to ponder right now, “what are the real reasons most law-abiding citizens like you and I really need to own a gun… especially in 2020 and beyond?”

Because, even if you and I are comfortable and responsible with our own firearms, not everybody would agree.

Let’s break down our arguments into pure logic below.


Whether you like it or not, we live in a potentially dangerous world. (now, more than ever really)

We can’t always trust our neighbors as much as before, and we can’t trust everyone we work with either. The fact that fraud, violence, and civil unrest is prevalent around us means that virtually anybody could become a victim of robbery, assault, identity theft, or rape.

While we cannot predict when and how other people might attempt to harm us, it is better to go out into the world prepared… especially for our own security, well-being and for our family’s sake! Even in the worst case scenario of a home-invasion, you can easily intimidate the aggressor with your own firearm - or if the worst case happens, you can save yourself and your family by pulling the trigger.

Hobby or Hunting

Owning a gun doesn’t always mean you’re ready to shoot the bad guy. Far from it.

Some law-abiding citizens love to collect guns just as much someone loves to collect coins, baseball cards, or even Hot Wheels! Moreover, there are hunter-friendly states such as Alaska, Montana, and Idaho, a lot more… and it’s obvious why that is. Hunting is an important part of culture and sport. It offers a fundamental method of bonding, getting in touch with nature, challenging ourselves, and so much more.

Opportunity To Educate People

Owning a firearm allows you to educate other people about what responsible gun ownership really is!

You can teach them about the dos and don’ts of acquiring and using a rifle, pistol, or shotgun. You can discuss the importance of understanding our right to bear arms as a crucial form of exercising freedoms in our country.

It is the best time to teach the younger generation on how to safely handle a firearm, and for us to lead by example! In this case, we also do our part to portray the importance of using a firearm to prevent violence, protect ourselves amongst riots, and even stop mass shootings before they happen.

Heritage and Legacy

This is the perfect material legacy you can leave for your children, grandchildren, and other members of the family. Passing the torch to the next generation doesn’t mean you’re encouraging violence by any means... in fact, it’s nowhere near it!

Some guns were never used, and gave sentimental value to the owner and its predecessors. It is a sign that a person who previously owned it will protect his/her family at all costs, and it is a great value to instill in younger generations.

The right to own a firearm!

Whether you’re a firearm enthusiast or owning it for self-defense, you have the legal right for gun possession. So do I.

As long as we all own firearms legally and safely, then we should be proud to exercise the right to do so!

Several irresponsible gun owners tarnish the viewpoint of us law-abiding citizens, and obviously the media blows these issues out of proportion. That said, it’s our responsibility to become a role model for the youth, set an example to society, and our own children, to show that we will not tolerate violence or attempts at violence when it comes to protecting our families, our property, and our-wellbeing.

Whether you like it or not, owning a gun makes a person safer and secure. It makes them feel more in-control when times are their scariest. There is nothing wrong with the weapon, whether it is a shotgun, utility blade, .45 cal pistol, or anything in between… in reality, it’s all about the attitude of the person possessing it!

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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You’ve probably heard about the FBI memo about how there are planned armed protests at all 50 state capitols on inauguration day.

If I were you, I’d avoid going to any such protests.


It’s the perfect trap.

We are about to have the most anti-gun, anti-freedom presidency in the history of our nation.
They would love nothing more than to eliminate the Second Amendment the moment they step in office.
And what better way to push this agenda forward due to some “crazy conservatives who shot up state capitol’s on inauguration day.”

Here’s what I mean…
Everything I do, I try and do with my “intelligence officer” hat on.
You and I know that one of the reasons we live in the greatest country in the world is because of the Second Amendment.

It helps keep our government in check and other governments around the world in check too.
If I were a foreign adversary who wanted to lower America’s defenses, I would love to put together an operation on inauguration day that pinned the blame on “gun toting conservatives.”
Plus, if I were a foreign enemy, I know Biden would love this because he doesn’t care about the Second Amendment either.

I realize you might think this sounds crazy.
But, don’t you think this is the kind of thing the US government does overseas to mess with other countries?
All I’m saying is think for yourself and don’t believe everything you see on inauguration day.
And don’t put yourself in any place where you become the scapegoat for someone’s evil agenda.
Just my two cents.

I know I’ll get emails that say I’ve gone off the rails, but that’s not it at all. I just know how to think like a criminal if you want to destroy the freedom of a population.
(I also know the secret of preserving it, covered in this unusual book.)
On inauguration day, I’ll be at home in Utah in my small city. Not near any big cities.
You can obviously choose what you wish to do. Just be safe wherever you are.

Stay safe,
Jason Hanson
Former CIA Officer
Editor, Spy & Survival Briefing
Editor, Black Bag Confidential
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Does he realise wearing his intelligence hat doesnt make him intelligent? 


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That's why they are called

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Have you tried clown jerky ?


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André L. Paré
I’ve always known you were a conservative radical but from this present diatribe... surely, you must know, big brother is listening to every word spewing from your pie hole and that if you really believe that gun ownership sets us apart from the rest of the world, look to the facts my brother, from gun related suicide to murder stats to death by cop... we ain’t as civilized as you quote nor safe or free than any other
M/F’ers on this blue marble. Peezout. Pare’

Ron Tello Culley
Dude, it's all disinformation. Im not really anybody anymore. What--Me Worry?

Ron Tello Culley
I expect them to be in my grill. Have been since Arroyo!

Ron Tello Culley
And you heard about that guilt by association, right?

André L. Paré
Uh Oh!
A Scarlet A on my backside....

Ron Tello Culley
No, "M". That stands for MELT!😆

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Have you tried clown jerky ?


Dint like it.

Has a funny taste to it.
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Scariest Diseases of the 21st Century

According to World Health Organization, people around the world are getting bombarded with major health threats at an unparalleled rate. From recent Ebola cases to brain-eating amoeba, to antibiotic resistant superbugs, I wonder if we may lose half the population and plunge back into the dark ages in this decade. To help prepare myself (and you) for possible pandemics and epidemics and to avoid becoming “that one guy who died from that scary disease,” I have put together a list of some of the scariest diseases of the 21st century.

SARS or Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome has become a concern after the disease rampaged through China and other parts of Southeast Asia. SARS is an infectious disease with a high mortality rate. It transfers to humans from animas, primarily poultry, and causes respiratory symptoms, such as pneumonia-like symptoms, that range from mild to severe. It can spread and reach pandemic levels quickly.

Swine flu. Swine flu, or H1N1 virus was also on the list of health scares, resulting in thousands of people hospitalized around the world. The virus is a mutated version of the regular old flu that spread from pigs to humans (hence the name). It spreads like wildfire and causes moderate to severe flu symptoms, including severe respiratory and gastrointestinal symptoms.

MRSA. MRSA stands for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus. It is a strain of staph bacteria that has developed resistance to most antibiotics due to them being overprescribed in the preceding decades. MRSA spreads primarily in hospitals and nursing homes and can affect any part of the body. Most frequently it finds its way in through a broken skin and causes a painful boil that has to be surgically drained.

Ebola. Ebola is a deadly virus that is spread by direct contact with bodily fluids, such as saliva, blood, sweat, urine and diarrhea. The virus causes a wide range of symptoms including fever, vomiting, muscle pain and bleeding. The World Health Organization fears it may be a pandemic and unfortunately as of this writing African countries most affected by the virus are not at all prepared to deal with the outbreak.

Cholera. Cholera is not an old world disease as many tend to think. As we have seen in Haiti in 2010, cholera can affect areas that have been hit by natural disasters (namely hurricanes, typhoons and floods). You can get cholera by drinking contaminated water or eating contaminated food. Symptoms include gastrointestinal issues and fever. Many of the fatal cases occur due to dehydration.

Pneumonic Plague. This disease last occurred in India in 2002 and thankfully it was brought to a halt by swift action from health officials. Prior to this, India suffered from an outbreak in 1994 when the disease spread so quickly, the health system didn’t have a chance to blink before hundreds of people died from it.
Dengue fever. This disease is caused by bites by infected mosquitoes.

It is common in tropical areas. Symptoms include rash, fever headaches, muscle and joint pain. Dengue fever is a deadly disease and when an outbreak happened in Pakistan in 2011, around 300 people died.
Chronic diseases. These made an honorable mention. Due to poor food quality and environmental issues, more and more people are crippled by diabetes, cancer, heart disease and other chronic illnesses.

Are you scared? Keep reading my e-mails for expert advice on preparedness, prevention and treatment.

To your survival,
Richard Marshall
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Have you tried clown jerky ?


Dint like it.

Has a funny taste to it.

Maybe you got the parsons nose


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Yeah and maybe yer the Jack's ass.  :lol:
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Even Stevie Wonder would see them coming
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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High-level leaders in Russia, France, Norway, and the European Union are joining the outcry against the level of censorship happening in America.

YouTube is now blocking the President. Amazon shut down the popular Twitter-alternative called Parler.

The ability to freely communicate is essential for a free people. Help stop the censorship! Send your urgent fax to these allies and take a stand against massive censorship. - Mat


Facebook/Instagram deleted all "content containing the phrase 'stop the steal.'"

Facebook also announced it is "automatically disabling comments on posts in Groups that start to have a high rate of hate speech." Keep in mind Facebook throws a wide net to define "hate speech" as anything with which it disagrees. This has already included quoting the Bible, expressing views on marriage, protecting unborn life, helping individuals with unwanted romantic attractions, and other peaceful, patriotic, and Christian views.

In a telling fashion, it continued "We began preparing for Inauguration Day last year ... We've had emergency measures in place since before the US elections such as not recommending civic groups for people to join."

"We're now begging to be regulated," one Facebook employee predicted before the election, according to the NY Post.

And that is exactly what we have the opportunity to do within key states. States have the rights to restore the freedom of their citizens. Send your urgent fax to Republican state governors and attorneys general to urge them to protect the speech and freedom of people within their state.

In Hosea 4:1, the prophet says there is no "truth, no kindness, no knowledge of God in the land." A free people must enjoy freedom to speak for the nation to survive.

Late last year over two dozen state attorneys General filed an antitrust suit against Facebook to break up the monopoly. Remember, something similar happened to AT&T. More actions like this must be done.

Other options involve consumer fraud protections and legislative actions to protect your freedom to speak, your privacy, and your data. The documentary, "The Social Dilema," shows in shocking fashion how social media is intentionally modifying your behavior. One expert in the documentary was asked what he sees in the future because of social media. His response was "revolution" because social media sees you as a commodity to manipulate and sell for profit.

We must not allow social media to censor and control. We are not commodities for sale, and we must not be ruled by those who want to treat us like robots to program and manipulate.

I am meeting later this week with others to move forward on state intervention to stop the censorship.

It is essential for key state leaders to fight to restore the freedom and protections of liberty, including online in these forums. Send your urgent fax to Republican state leaders to urge them to act now.

Our nation needs prayer. At its inception following the American Revolution, our leaders were at a total impasse. After the Constitutional Convention was about to dissolve, Benjamin Franklin stood to remind those assembled that they must pray to God for help and wisdom. The group recessed for an extended time in prayer. They reconvened, and America was born. Our nation needs that same divine wisdom right now.

Freedom is precious. It is not passed down in our DNA. Each generation must fight for it. You were born for such a time as this. We can restore freedom of speech and we must do so to remain free.

But with Google and Apple controlling 99.4% of all phones, these private companies now control the marketplace of ideas. And their power and censorship need to be reined in and returned to “We the People” in America.

Join our effort to work with key states and their leaders. Send your critical fax to Republican state governors and attorneys general to implore them to take action to protect the speech and freedom of people within their state.

Working together, we can restore our freedom to communicate. The time to act is urgent. Send a fax and sign the petition.

Our ministry is only possible because of your support. Right now, your gift to Liberty Counsel Action will be effectively DOUBLED by our extended Challenge Grant to help expand this ministry.

Pray that our nation will be healed.

Mat Staver
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Join our effort to work with key states and their leaders.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Working together, we can restore our freedom to communicate.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Ron Tello Culley
Shared with Public
A message to anyone who feels like ‘Winston’ in Orwell’s 1984
A message to anyone who feels like ‘Winston’ in Orwell’s 1984
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero

André L. Paré
AOC, our neophyte babe in arms, is promoting “The Ministry of Truth”... another Liberal tool to ban free speech, and so to that I say... Shut the F up beeyotch!

Ron Tello Culley
Who you calling F?

André L. Paré
A Global reply
first and foremost...Amerikuns, ZIP your piehole!

Ron Tello Culley
Oh, yer talking about YANKS, got ya!

André L. Paré
Are we having a conversation on F/B?
Gosh, I hope no one’s listening in.
Kill your computer!!

André L. Paré
Better yet, kill yourselves!

Ron Tello Culley
The Fate of our Country hangs in the
balance of the Political Gallows.
Lends a whole new meaning to "How's it hangin', Bro?"

André L. Paré
Why don’t you just felafeling call me.

Ron Tello Culley
André L. Paré When did you renounce your American Citizenship?

André L. Paré
Drama, everywhere I look, makes me wanna gag!

Ron Tello Culley
André L. Paré Call you what.....The Artist Formerly Known as Meltman?

Ron Tello Culley
When we were Young and Stupid, it shouldda stayed there. Young is long gone, but Stupid has Staying Power. I confess!
Image below:

André L. Paré
That’s rich, I Love you Man!
You are a cunning linguist.

Ron Tello Culley
LOL, no.
I fancy myself as a Heretic Hermit with a penchant for the Funny Pages. (SEE: The Tello Files)

Ron Tello Culley
Here's something I know will really felafel you up in the Logical Head:
When I was poor, I couldn't beg enuff to get things done around the Homestead. So not much got done.
Now that I have a few Clams...I can't HIRE enuff. Like as if my money ain't green enuff for the Work a Day world.
I've upgraded my strategy: I got a haircut to look like everybody else. I blend right in, until I begin to talk, that's where the trouble
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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André L. Paré
You have Clam idea?

Ron Tello Culley
Yeah, convert them into Working Capital.

Ron Tello Culley
Wait...are we talking about Currency or Janine?

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Poor Janine.
If only she finished some sort of School..
I would not need to have treated her as "Furniture".

[see Image]

Just because her mom was "Loose"
duzzint make it right,
but yeah.....
she was 16 and I was 20.
A bit opportunistic I suppose, but I was young and.....weary of my recent Travels.

I wanna think that the statutes of limitations has expired now.

Did I mention her mom was a sl>t?

Young and stupid. (That's CODE for "Adventurous".)

GOOD NEWS! I never never got
a knock
on my door
from squids
calling me
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Clam ydia


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Wake up, use bigger words, and more of them.
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Chandrashekar Shende
Lives in Louisville, Kentucky
Works at Stylist
6:14 PM
You sent Today at 6:14 PM
Hi, I'm curious, why do you want to be my fb friend?

Chandrashekar sent Today at 6:14 PM
I think I made a mistake but I think you're beautiful and I want to get to know you if you don't mind.

You sent Today at 6:15 PM
Well Im not beautiful and what attracts you to me?

Chandrashekar sent Today at 6:16 PM
Nice to meet you too, where do you live?

You sent Today at 6:16 PM
Im not doing this.

Chandrashekar sent Today at 6:16 PM
OK bye

:tello: "felafeling HACK accounts. ..."
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"Where do I live????"

Read my Profile, dummy!

It says Sugarloaf, California

so believe it.

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Boy I can't wait to see the surprised look on smee's mug
when he finds out that I sent the Hack/Troll to him!!!

10 to 1 odds he makes Troll Jerky outta her!!!

(NO Dental Records required)
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Ppl like/as that are clearly in

Sargent Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club GROUPIES.

a SAD, BUT EXPECTED state of The Human Circumstance.

Not my fault.

Pizz orf, Haters!

Here's some love:  1072347 Views   :grouphug: :banana: :beerontap:   
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If the weight of the world were on my shoulders,
I'd delegate it all to the Immigrants.

They know how to disperse structural
engineering weights
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Is there anybody in The Peanut Gallery
whom I have
mentioned, offended, entertained or enraged?

My work day has come to a close.

Come 2moro, watch the felafel OUT!!!!!
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It's After Hours now, smee.

You can come out of hiding from yourself.

Take it away.......
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Tasha Tennison asked a question .

Would like to get bead board and base boards installed in a room that is approx 12'x10'. Ceiling height is 8' on one side and approx 12' on the other. Must be professional, have experience installing bead board/wainscoting, must have own tools and ladder.
Prefer license and bonded but will work with some who has experience, references and photos.
Would love recommendations too. TIA
NO Picture for reference only

Leana States Wanstreet
Terry Kellie Rocheleau ??????

Ron Tello Culley
Do it yourself or it will never get done. IMHO

Tasha Tennison
Ron Tello Culley seems to be the name of the game up here.

Ron Tello Culley
It's worse: A Lifestyle.

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Greg Bloomfield
Regarding fires from power lines, and catastrophic loss of life and property, there is only one solution, underground utilities.
Underground power lines eliminates the hazard entirely and therefore the need for power interruptions.

Stacy Gregg
And who will fund this? Certainly not the limited populations of the mountain communities. But ideally a perfect scenario. It's like the mountain hills ..Mother nature is kind some years and others not so much ..and we become at the mercy of maintenance and crews and funding.

Greg Bloomfield
Stacy Gregg
I understand you’re concerns.
I admire the wisdom of people who have lived on the mountain for generations. And like the United States, a small fraction are indigenous.
I’ve been here continually for 10yrs and kept quiet for the first four or five years.
I’ve been involved in many community and civic organizations from schools to zoning in the course of my life.
About 4 of the 60 who have reacted think the idea is laughable. I’m ok with that.
Also you can see from replies to this post from others and mine that areas on the mountain have underground electric already.
As to criticisms.
- Most of my experience is in residential architecture in the Santa Monica mountains, some Lake Tahoe, and several between Crestline and Big Bear. Many of these mountain locations have underground utilities. Not all.
- Cost is more emotional than realistic considering the “velocity of money”. Simply put creating jobs creates spending which creates taxes. Every dollar We spend creating jobs is a dollar that passes through many hands and at each exchange taxes are paid. Think about it. It’s the “velocity of money”.
Somehow we managed to build aqua ducts, railroads and build a vast network of infrastructure and social services and get to the moon.
- Geology and typography are a constant problem in many places, sand, clay, rock, landslides, flood basins, watercourse, etc.. Water and gas are the most vulnerable to underground devices because they can leak. Yet there are means and methods to ameliorate the risks.
- Large projects. Hetch-Hetchy dam and reservoir was created and conducts water to San Francisco after the big fire.

The California Aqua duct started in 1963 was a huge 400 mile long project and pumps water to many counties over the state with many pumping stations and over the Tehachapi Mtns and up to Castaic and Silverwood lakes.

Wind farms and solar fields are becoming common.
In the 1800’s the railroad was carved over the High Sierras.
- Highway 18 up to the Cliffhanger was a feat.
Think big and outside the box.
Kathleen Taylor
I believe the state will get involved similar to water 700 miles of aqua ducts in the state.
I believe the state should install underground throughout mountainous forested areas. Then the utility companies can buy power from the state and sell it to us and boost competition.

Stacy Gregg
Greg Bloomfield You are clearly right .. however, California and San Bernardino County are mired in debt and the mountains, except for helping with fires .. I don't see them coordinating funding for additional expenses.

Carol Kulvicki
I agree and said so once before! The cost shouldn’t be much more than what the are spending, continuously trimming the trees!

Brenda Steinert
Carol Kulvicki oh it's a lot more and then some. Still can't have trees within the easement.

Ron Tello Culley
No shortage of Manpower if ya let loose minimum security Inmates (Chain Gang).
Been there done that--I paid my fines to society in Sweat Equity. (Refer to "Cool Hand Luke")
It IS feasible, what's the Hang Up?
Oh yeah.....politics, right.....

Ron Tello Culley
The BOX was crowded; I was all alone with my thoughts.
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There is meaning

When farts go viral
anything is fair game.

Win, lose, drawing board.

Everybody plays,
no body wins.

It's just Meaning......
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Ron Tello Culley
It's worse: A Lifestyle.

Ron Tello Culley
Be not sad on my account. I only post here, lol

Jackie Savage
Joe Queen

Chris Woodbridge
Give me a call or text (562)443-0932

Ron Tello Culley
Tasha, if all else fails, I'll help you do it ourselves.
I have tools. Come get us and allow us to camp out on the job site--it cuts down transpo costs and I'm a Seasoned Camper kind o guy.
Options. You got them!

Ron Tello Culley
Go with Joe! The better candidate for the job, according to the Ratings he has.
On a side note: I can loan some tools as needed.
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Sarah Lemler
Ron Tello Culley I mean if you want it done quickly. I know a lot of people that do this kind of work up here, but the good ones are all booked like at least 6 months in advance for larger projects. Tasha Tennison bead board over existing walls isn't hard if you get the mdf panels they usually require minimal cutting and go up with panelling glue and a few nails. Here's my bathroom that a friend and I did over a weekend (please ignore the rough cut edges as I'm not done yet so the trim isn't on yet). But I would second the recommendation of Joe Queen if you don't want to do it yourself as he does great work and has a shorter waiting list than anyone else I know of atm.

Sarah Lemler
EUCATILE 32 sq. ft. 3/16 in. x 48 in. x 96 in. Beadboard White True Bead Panel-975-759 - The Home Depot

Sarah Lemler
Liquid Nails Paneling and Molding 10 oz. Tan Construction Adhesive-LN-606 - The Home Depot

Ron Tello Culley
This, and expanding foam can create a new world, or vandalize the old one. Use as directed.
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ATTN Lurkers:

If ya really wanna get into my head,

watch this:

The "suspension of disbelief" is strenuous.
Requires multiple viewings.
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And this one.

Your Matinee is Complete! Not.

In 1968, Pittsburgh native, George A. Romero, would direct a low budget film that would revolutionize the horror genre forever, Night of the Living Dead.

Through interviews with the talents involved, the story of this film creation is told and how it reflected its time with a grotesque and powerful immediacy.

Furthermore, the film's difficult and controversial release to an unsuspecting film public is also recounted as it survived the early revulsion to become a landmark cinematic creation with a profound effect on popular culture.

Box Office
Budget:$114,000 (estimated)
Opening Weekend USA: $5,452, 15 October 1968
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I have always had a soft spot
in my heart brain
for this


The Ghoul Next Door dot com

Kyra Schon. She cares about me.
You saw the pic, she's looking at me, not you!
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If it wazzint for Horror Cinema

I'd have nothing to

live for

or talk about,

in a realistic setting.

:ripzombie:    :zombieguy:      :mummy:                                               :smee!:
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Feature film:

"Night of The Living Chat Room"
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