Oz Round Table

The Oz Round Table boards => The Round Table => Topic started by: tellomon on April 12, 2024, 08:29:53 AM

Title: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 12, 2024, 08:29:53 AM
A NEW Tello Blog.

Exclusively dealing with Narcissism, from a personal point of view.

Trust me, I'm a Professional.

Not just a "Survivor", but currently a "Steady Customer".

Nothing is easy, so when there's a Narc in your life...

...everything is a Sh!t Show.

Please stand by, this Blog is evolving, one impulse at a time.

Buckle up. Here It Goes.

Shut up smee.

:smee!: :troll2:                                                               :mop:

Celebrity Smiley impersonated.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 12, 2024, 08:36:11 AM

:tello: "Welcome. Check it out: this is more about Therapy for us than them."

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 12, 2024, 08:44:08 AM
If you are interested in sending correspondence, please do it. I'll post the nasty stuff first.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 12, 2024, 08:47:45 AM
And then there's this:
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 12, 2024, 09:02:37 AM
Production Note:

What you can expect: Random Posts.

What you can get: Random Posts.

You got a better idea?
This is not easy.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 12, 2024, 09:12:24 AM
Narcissistic personality disorder

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder characterized by a life-long pattern of exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a diminished ability to empathize with other people's feelings. Narcissistic personality disorder is one of the sub-types of the broader category known as personality disorders.[1][2] It is often comorbid with other mental disorders and associated with significant functional impairment and psychosocial disability.[1] It's some really flocked up sh!t, man.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 12, 2024, 09:20:17 AM
10 Ways To Tell A "Normal" Relationship
One With A Narcissist


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 12, 2024, 09:34:06 AM
Do narcissist know they are using you?

Yes, they do. They know exactly what they're doing and how much it will hurt you. Even knowing this, they continue to use you. They understand that the relationship won't last.

You may not have known or wanted to believe it, but it's true.

It was never about love; it was about control.

Narcissists enjoy manipulating your feelings to get what they want. They lack empathy and truly don't care about others.

They treat their target like an object, such as a doll or toy. They play with it for a while, but when it's no longer perfect in their eyes, they start mistreating it. Eventually, they get bored because abusing you isn't fun anymore, so they leave.


Oftentimes, they do not.

For they are just following their natural state, impulses, instincts.

Narcissists use you, to elevate them to new heights.

That's right, they want to –

Run faster,

Jump higher,

Perform new tricks,

Ultimately, achieve a new level of greatness.

You are nothing but a tool.

You may be good–looking, you may be smart, you may be impressive.

Nevertheless, you are nothing but their tool.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 12, 2024, 09:52:18 AM
What Happens When You No Longer Play Into A Narcissist's Games

When you've had repeated exposures to a narcissist, weariness settles in as you think: "I can do better than this."  Dr. Les Carter details how necessary it is to reclaim your good mannerisms so the narcissist is no longer setting your pace.  He describes 5 distinct adjustments you can make to show that you are no longer willing to be manipulated and treated poorly.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 12, 2024, 10:03:15 AM
Tales from the Narc side - Presented by Ron Tello with a DRUM show!!

Watcher of Crazy
1.09K subscribers

814 views  Streamed live on Jan 18, 2024
Please join me and panel guest Ron Tello as we discuss his Tales from the Narc side. Many of you know him as Ron Tello the "Mayor" of Montello, the creative, eccentric, funny and long haired dude that used to live in Montello, NV and known to build and beat a mean drum. After exercising his 2nd Ammendment right to protect himself, he was held in Elko Co. jail for 357 days. Once released he was unable to return back to his home and he now considers himself a Political Refugee and resides in California. We will also celebrate his 66th birthday with him. If you would like to send him a few dollars to say Happy Birthday, his paypal info is below.
Paypal email for Ron: m86thecat@yahoo.com

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 12, 2024, 10:17:34 AM

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 12, 2024, 10:33:41 AM
What makes a narcissist panic?

Being around a narcissist can make you lose your confidence and courage, and you may start to feel nervous or even scared.

This is because you never know what the narcissist will do next. You don’t know what might happen in 5 minutes. His standards and behaviour drop dramatically quickly, and his mask begins to slip away for longer.

A narcissist will do something reprehensible and forbidden to gain attention and gain an advantage over you.

However, there is a way to turn the situation around. There is a way to gain an advantage. A narcissist may seem scary, terrifying, and may intimidate you, but in reality, he is a very insecure, fragile, and oversensitive creature.

A narcissist is built on a sense of shame. He does everything to avoid responsibility, and he does everything to avoid feeling shame and not to think about what he has done. Nothing scares a narcissist more than shame and the possibility of being exposed.

If you want the narcissist to panic, start talking about what he is doing, start pointing out his faults and mistakes, start mentioning that his story makes no sense and that there are many inaccuracies in it. Tell him that he gets lost even in his own lies. Tell him you don’t believe a word he says, tell him he’s a pathological liar, and back it up with undeniable evidence.

The narcissist may not agree with this, but this will cause him to panic. This is because the narcissist knows that what he is saying is stupid and untrue, so when you talk about it, you start to expose him, and you show him that you know who he really is.

This makes a narcissist  :panic:

Nothing scares him more than not being protected from something harmful and dangerous to him. Nothing scares him more than having his embarrassing and harmful behaviour exposed than having his secret revealed. A narcissist must have control over other people’s perceptions, must have control over how they perceive him, and must have control over what they think of him.

The narcissist achieves this through manipulation, but if he feels that he is unable to manipulate someone’s perception, someone’s point of view, then the narcissist will panic.

A narcissist will panic around anyone who is confident in themselves and their worth. A narcissist will panic around anyone who respects and accepts themselves. A narcissist will panic around anyone who has a strong, unwavering opinion of themselves and will panic around anyone who is happy and satisfied with their life. A narcissist will panic around people who have power and who are in control. He can’t be around authentic people. He can’t be around people who have character and strong boundaries. This is because then the narcissist can not manipulate or control that person.

Then the narcissist can’t control how you see yourself, he can’t control how you see others, he can’t control how you see him, and all of this creates anxiety and instability for him because then he has no power and no control, he is at a disadvantage and unfavorable position.

A narcissist must feel that he has power and control, because only then can he feel stable, and only then can he feel safe. The narcissist must keep you in a state of threat, fear and shame, and the threat of loss. But if you are sure of your self-worth, a narcissist can not bring you to such a state that he will not be successful.

The narcissist has to make you lose your own identity and make you give up who you are. He has to do this first so that you will be afraid of losing him.

As long as you stick to your identity, you won’t be afraid of losing the narcissist. This, in turn, will trigger his problems and fears of abandonment and rejection, which will cause the narcissist to panic.

So, to make a narcissist panic, you must first stay calm and avoid emotional reactions such as surprise, nervousness, or worry. A narcissist is only looking for a reaction to what he says or does, so he will try to provoke you, threaten you, and intimidate you. A narcissist will use various types of threats, both direct and indirect, but if he cannot upset, worry or irritate you, if he cannot lead to extreme emotions or arguments, this will give you an advantage over him and cause the narcissist to panic. As long as you respond to what the narcissist does, then he will feel comfortable, then he will feel powerful, and then he will feel in control. As long as you are emotionally involved, the narcissist will have control over you. To create a narcissistic panic, you can start to control him. You can stop seeing him as an authority. You can tell him about his mistakes and shortcomings, and you can use the grey rock method. To make a narcissist panic, you need to avoid contact, then he will seek contact, but if he doesn’t get a response from you, he will feel insignificant, unimportant, and worthless, and this tells him that he doesn’t deserve your attention and time, and that causes that he panics.

For a narcissist to panic, he must know that he cannot reach you and cannot influence you, he cannot control you and cannot manipulate you, he must know that he cannot get any reaction from you, then the narcissist cannot gain fuel this is because then you are the one rejecting the narcissist, not the narcissist rejecting you.


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 12, 2024, 10:53:54 AM
Dear Narc:
I'm not saying you're STUPID.
I'm saying your Father was RIGHT.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 12, 2024, 07:26:15 PM
Are narcissists bad people?

Yes, narcissists are bad and evil. Narcissism is a personality disorder where someone thinks they are very important and cares too much about themselves. People with this problem are hard to deal with because they don't understand others' feelings, struggle to build good relationships, act bossy, have trouble socializing, feel better than everyone else, and use others for their benefit.

Narcissists want attention and approval from others to feel secure and special. They often do tricky things like lying or bragging to make themselves seem better or more successful than they really are. If things don't go the way they want, they get very mad and might even be mean, especially if someone disobeys them. This makes it tough for people close to the narcissist, as any small disagreement can lead to a big angry reaction.

In terms of having healthy relationships, it's not easy because good relationships need both sides to give and take. But if one person insists on being in control all the time, it makes things even harder, leading to frustration and hurt feelings. This is especially true if the person had narcissistic tendencies before entering the relationship.

Some say that getting treatment might help those with this disorder understand themselves better and learn how to interact with others while staying true to themselves. But, in the end, only the person with narcissism can make real changes. At the end of the day, yes, we can definitely say that narcissists are not good people.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 12, 2024, 08:40:23 PM
What will a narcissist never do?

1. They don’t let anyone prove them wrong. If you try to show them that they are mistaken, they will either dismiss your attempt or get angry and defensive.

2. They will never apologize. They just don’t care, and if you ask them to apologize, they’ll probably just say something like: “it’s not my fault, you’re too sensitive”. So if you’re waiting for them to apologize, you’re waiting forever.

3. They will never forgive and forget. Because they are incapable of forgiving or forgetting someone who was wrong them, even if that person made an apology. They don’t just hold a grudge and let it fester, they actively try to hurt you in the same way that breaks them.

4. They will not appreciate you. They will never thank you for being there or helping them out when needed, they will never even acknowledge that your presence in their life is something to be thankful for. They will just expect you to be there for them because they feel entitled to it.

5. They will never put you before them. They love to put themselves first and they will always put their needs before yours and never think twice about it.

6. They will not care about what you feel. It’s for them hard to deal with because they cannot care about anyone but themselves. They don’t want to hear about your problems and don’t want to listen to your complaints. They might pretend to care sometimes but it’s all for the show.

7. They will never be responsible for their actions. They will never take responsibility for any mistakes they make, they always make you feel crazy and unstable all a part of their game plan. They want to keep you on your toes so that you’ll never get a chance to figure out what’s really going on with them.

8. They will never love you. When you are in a relationship with a narcissist, it’s important to remember that you’ll never be the center of their Universe. They don’t act out of love; they act out of neediness and self-interest.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 12, 2024, 09:10:57 PM
What causes narcissists to feel humiliation?

Narcissists aren't able to handle the truth. Narcissists, at any cost, don't want to know they have flaws. The truth triggers the shame in narcissists. When you bombard narcissists with the truth, they will run away. You will see them angry.

Narcissists can't handle constructive criticism; it's like how dare you point at their flaws. Narcissists will blame you for everything by projecting their flaws onto you. Constructive criticism makes them feel insulted and humiliated.

Narcissists are very afraid of being exposed. Being exposed makes them feel shamed; they can't handle when people view them negatively. Being exposed destroys narcissists false reality.

Narcissists live in a world of fantasy where they believe they are perfect individuals.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 12, 2024, 10:14:43 PM
The Sign That A Narcissist Is Beyond Redemption

Healthy individuals are in an ongoing effort to grow and make personal improvements where necessary.  Dr. Les Carter draws upon solid research, identifying the primary indicator that illustrates if a person is not only unhealthy, but destined to create perpetual strain in relationships.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 12, 2024, 10:27:10 PM
What To Do With Stored Up Anger Toward A Narcissist

Even as you pull away from a narcissist, the emotional damage can linger.  Dr. Les Carter describes how you can have stored up anger for an extended time, but as you understand why it is there and how to manage it, you can keep it from consuming you.


"Your anger is the part of you that knows that your abuse and mistreatment are unacceptable. Your anger knows that you deserve to be treated well and with kindness. Your anger is a part of you that loves you." - Lindsay Gallant
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 12, 2024, 10:57:53 PM
This Causes the Most Pain in a Narcissist More Than Anything Else

Hey everyone, welcome back to our platform! Today, let's delve into the intricate world of narcissists and their intricate reactions to unmet expectations, particularly within the realm of personal relationships.

Narcissists, with their self-absorbed nature, constantly crave attention and adulation. Yet, beneath this facade lies a vulnerability to criticism and setbacks, especially when their grandiose expectations fall short.

In relationships, narcissists have clear objectives. They seldom invest in genuine, intimate connections unless they foresee an opportunity for dominance. Dominance serves as their tool for controlling and manipulating relationships, with the ultimate aim of rendering their partner so dependent that opposing them seems inconceivable.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 12, 2024, 11:40:15 PM
:tello:  "Narcs will and DO abuse the Courts to do their dirty work when they know they have failed to get the Narc Supply that they incessantly crave."

From: Sherry K
To: Ron Tello

Mon, Jan 15 at 10:15 PM

Attention, Ronald Culley.
When I saw you on the 6th of January, 2024, you had received an eviction notice, which will be carried out if you don't accept my offer by the 30th of January, 2024.
I had offered to pay your moving expenses, and to also pay your property taxes. I'm letting you know that the total cost of the moving expenses and the cost of your property taxes will NOT exceed $3,000.00...I will pay you what ever is left  after the move is completed, which will be done  by February 6th, 2024. We can both sign an agreement to this offer.
Keep in mind, that by accepting this offer, your move must be completed by February 6th, 2024. This offer will be void on midnight, January 30th, 2024, and the money that would have gone to help you will go to an unlawful detainer, instead. To be  delivered to XXXX San Bernardino Ave.
Sugarloaf, Ca. -92386-

How the Narcissist Reacts When You STOP Playing Their Mind Games?

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 12, 2024, 11:58:27 PM
:tello: "On January 6, 2024 I received a 30-Day Notice. It was Defective on its face. No Proof of Service page attached. It was not filed with The Court. I have not yet received an Unlawful Detainer. NO FOLLOW-THRU. Totally incompetent, this one.

I got over a dozen 30-Day Notices over the past 8 years. It shows a Pattern of Abuse, and there is NO legit legal defense for her.

Narcissistic Injury is not a Legal Complaint.

And what about the Lawyer who provided it? Shady, and subject to scrutiny too!"

No Image
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 12:21:46 AM
Here's where I Flip The Script.

This is Why the CHOSEN ONE Suffers

The concept of the "Chosen One" is deeply rooted in spiritual, mythical, and religious narratives across various cultures and traditions. Often portrayed as a figure destined for great purpose, the Chosen One's journey is not just a path of triumph and glory but also of profound suffering and challenge.

Being chosen has various meanings for different people. However, when we talk about being chosen by God, It means that God has personally selected you to fulfill a unique role that involves helping others in your time. This selection is not random; it's like being handpicked for an important task.

Being chosen is indeed a great honor. It's a blessing that comes with its own set of challenges. Those who are chosen often face difficulties because they possess special spiritual gifts. These individuals are highly aware and alert, with a deep consciousness that sets them apart.

They have the ability to understand and feel what others are going through in a way that most people can't. Their minds work in ways that are different from the majority, which makes them exceptional.
Learn more from the Video.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 12:28:56 AM
8 Signs You Are a Chosen One | All Chosen One’s Must Watch This

Every chosen one comes into this world with a mission. They bring light and hope to humanity, and once their tasks are completed, they return. It is precisely because they carry such extraordinary missions that their lives are often filled with hardships, trials, and emotional turmoil, but they ultimately achieve greatness.

When the higher power chooses you, it doesn't hand you a manual. It gives you clues, signs, and whispers. Don't dismiss signs as mere coincidences. Acknowledge them. Delve into their depths and you might discover their arrows pointing you toward your destiny.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 12:54:43 AM
Don't Mess With the
Chosen Ones

From the courageously misunderstood to the bearers of knowledge, the chosen ones have remarkable depth. This video reveals the why of their divine protection, the intellect they carry, their influence on societal dynamics, their profound intuitive sense, and the ancient secrets they hold.

- Why are they referred to as "the chosen ones"?
- The depth of their spiritual power
- Their intellectual giftedness
- How they influence our emotions and transformation
- Society's misunderstanding consequence
- The power of their intuitive sense
- Their ability to transmute negativity into positivity
- Their possessive of hidden knowledge

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 02:59:01 AM
10 Reasons Why Sigma Males Are Way Different
Than 95% of Men

Sigma males have long been considered outsiders in society. They are constantly misunderstood, and many people don't know how to classify them. While alpha males are recognized for their dominance and assertiveness, sigma males tend to be more introverted and independent.
Alpha males may be the most familiar in the dominance hierarchy, but Sigma males are a rare breed that stands out for their unique qualities, while others may view them as mysterious and hard to understand. Here are  reasons why Sigma men are way different than 95% of men, and *Smee.


* http://www.ozroundtable.com/index.php?topic=8293.0
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 04:26:03 AM

How a Covert Narcissist Seeks Revenge

Narcissists are vengeful and revengeful and vindictive. And they are cold hearted and heartless and cruel and unforgiving. This is what they are. And this is who they are. And that’s why they are so dangerous. They love to argue. And they love to fight. And they love picking fights. This is what they love. So how can they possibly love anyone else but themselves? So never, ever trust them with your heart or with your mind for that matter. Or you will live to regret it for the rest of your life.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 05:30:04 AM
The Narcissist's Most Cruel Desire...
Don't Let This To Happen To You

It's hard to believe that someone who seems normal can be so hateful and evil but this is spot on. These people are so fake but they mirror you so you're blind to what's happening until you're hooked, then they start to break and devalue and you end up being so confused. They put on such a convincing act, other people believe them. They're the victim, but the reality is they are cold blooded sick individuals.

They are very happy to destroy as many lives as they can.... Quite proud actually.

Narcissists don't seem to understand the concept of working together for mutual growth and success because they view everyone as a threat.

Narcs are quite strategic before carrying out their plans to trap their victims and know exactly when to strike. They spy and watch every move of their target, knowing their schedule from when they leave and return to their homes.

Finding out their true colors…and refusing to have anything more to do with them…is the best feeling in the whole world. Bye bye, Bozo!! And let them worry forever…that their next source of supply finds out the truth about them…much faster than you did.

These monsters have to be put in PRISON!

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 05:39:29 AM
8 Lame Tactics Narcissistic Women Use To Manipulate Sigma Males

Gentlemen, beware – not every danger in the realms of love and relationships announces itself loudly. In the shadows, a subtle challenge is emerging, catching numerous men off guard. Many find themselves ensnared by the manipulative tactics of self-centered women, entrapped in a web of control and emotional turmoil, often without their immediate realization. These individuals grapple with breaking free from the tight grip of manipulation, a force that's silent yet overwhelmingly destructive.

It's crucial to recognize that no man is immune to such manipulations, regardless of his independence or mental fortitude. Even the most self-sufficient and strong-willed among us can fall prey to these cunning strategies if we're not vigilant about the signs.

I'll unveil eight sophisticated techniques that self-centered women employ to ensnare independent men, directly from the playbook of manipulation itself. Whether you see yourself as a leader, a follower, or staunchly independent, these indicators are essential knowledge for every man. Being aware of them is your first step towards sidestepping a life mired in unnecessary drama, disappointments, and chaos. Let's explore these insights together.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 06:26:40 AM
Hidden Gifts Every Sigma Male Is Born With

For  a long time, people believed that the best type of men were those strong, dominant alpha males who were seen as the ultimate winners. But recently, a new kind of man, known as Sigma males, has come forward and challenged this idea. Sigma males have become the new role models, surpassing alphas in many ways. They've become the ones others look up to. No longer do boys dream of growing up to be alphas; instead, they aim to be Sigma males. These Sigma men have set a high standard for others and have earned a wise and respected status among those who admire them. But what makes Sigma males so special? Let's explore the unique hidden gifts that all Sigma males possess.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 06:43:57 AM
If Narcissists Are So Special,
Why Do They Run People Off?

It takes a special person to repel almost every one they know.
Narcissists are empty to their core so even when they are surrounded by their flying monkeys they are and will always be alone in their own hell.

Narcissists are legends in their own minds.

They run off everyone that isn't an enabler. If you're not enabling their bad behaviors, they don't want you around.

They are NOT interested in your reasoning or arguments.
They ARE interested in how much you are willing (or prone) to let them dominate and exploit you, because they believe they are much smarter than you are.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 07:10:20 AM
How The Narcissist Multiplies

A huge, overwhelming chunk of abuse is at the hands of family members. Family members can be narcs too, and this is difficult for many to accept.

We are conditioned to believe that family loves you no matter what they do, and non-relatives are the enemy and narcs.  Learned behaviors start in the home for children. The acting mask is worn not only outside but inside for narc victims.

Right, the family unit for some is not in their best interest, and victims are confused about whether or not to walk away from the madness. However, victims hardly have no one to turn to in seeking validation in cutting off toxic families. We are aware that the victim's families are against it, but it's not surprising that most outsiders are as well.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 07:39:59 AM
The Darkness At The Core
Of Narcissism

It's amazing that people that you thought were so smart and mentally together were actually quite simple minded and mentally disfigured, horrid, evil, malicious, boring people. Run for the hills & save your soul & mind

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 07:55:29 AM
Why does it seem that narcissists
are immune when it comes to karma?

First of all the nature of the narcissistic personality does not allow the narcissist to ever be satisfied with their lives.

Why do you think they dumped you?

You were probably the perfect partner and bent over backwards to please them, but they still criticized and found fault in you. The better you treated them, or the more you tried, the more you were devalued and manipulated.

Narcissists are never happy. They always are in search of more or comparing themselves to others and then deeming their lives better. Narcissists often feel the “grass is always greener” and love to upgrade the things and people in their lives without feeling bad.

Sometimes the narcissist who lacks empathy may feel a twinge of guilt about the horrible or super petty things they have done to others, and this will lead them to be even more abusive to others to mask their guilt and keep the uncomfortable feelings at bay by projecting the bad feelings they feel for themselves onto others.

So feel free to ignore all the happy, and smiling pictures you see on social media, trust me it’s a mask. If you could have a glimpse into what is really going on, you would see that the narcissist is sad, lonely and miserable just like they want you to feel when they dump you as if you were yesterday’s trash.

One karmic penalty you have seemed to forgotten is, THE NARC DUMPED YOU! You were waiting on them hand and foot or you rooted for them when times were hard for them. You were the best you could be to them and even though they treated you badly, you didn’t leave.


Only a narcissist would play their hand so badly because no one in their position would dump someone so devoted to them. They will never get another you, and this means they are already losing. You are the best thing to happen to them and they had the nerve to get rid of you. They will have to now go through life without out your greatness.


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 08:20:54 AM
:tello: "Elko County Nevada is a Narcissist."

Being a Criminal in Elko County pays

Being a burglar in Elko county is a high paying job with little or no personal risk.
Ya, there might be a risk of having a landowner/homeowner shoot you, but being caught by law enforcement does not appear to be a risk at all.

Recently some of my family members had their shop broken into and during the burglary a vehicle was set on fire and a pistol was stolen along with a side by side, a 4-wheeler, and countless tools.

They called the Sheriff's department and requested an officer to come out and take a statement, begin an investigation, and follow up with attempting to catch the criminals. We were all assuming that meant getting fingerprints, doing an arson investigation, investigate possible suspects, and protect the victim. They collected a statement, nothing else.

The suspects are known to the officers/detectives, yet they have done nothing to interview, question or obtain search warrants for their residence. The way these type of cases work from the Sheriff's office point of view is "We will have to wait until we catch them redhanded". That is a scary proposition. What if next time they accomplish their goal and burn the entire house down with victims inside?

Crime is on the rise, drug activity is on the rise, victims are on the rise in large numbers across Elko County, and from where I sit, not much is being done to get these criminals off the street. All the while the victim sits alone and scarred waiting for something to happen. They have now armed themselves to protect their pursuit of life, liberty and happiness while the criminal walks free without fear of being held accountable.

I get up every day to go to work to earn a paycheck, medical benefits for me and my kids, and pay taxes for a sense of security and community. Maybe it's time to quit my job, get on government subsistence, get free health care and take what I want when I want it. Then maybe I will have the freedom that the criminals in this county get handed to them.

-Scott Stewart
[Published in the Opinion section of the Elko Daily Free Press 8/30/14]

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 08:38:51 AM
What To Say to a Narcissist to Shut Them Down Permanently

2 years ago
I’ll never walk on eggshells for anyone ever again.
I’m done apologizing for who I am.
I’m done living in fear.
I’m done approval seeking.
I’m done defending myself to a deeply dysfunctional person.
I’m done giving myself to people who aren’t worth my time.
Do what I want to do.  Say what I want to say.  Don’t fear anyone’s reaction.
I don’t care what they think or what their opinion is.  I can’t please the unpleasable. 
I don’t owe anyone an explanation about anything.
I’m calling the shots.
Don’t worry about losing them; remember that I am someone who can be lost too.
Never appease to the extent of compromising my own boundaries.
I will not lay down my intellect and conform to them.
Refuse to be controlled by the controller.
I don’t need their approval, affirmation, blessing, acceptance, support, endorsement, cooperation.
Their words & opinions are irrelevant.  They have no authority to assign value to me.
Stop trying.  (To be kind enough, good enough, understanding enough, communicative enough, loving enough, caring enough, etc.)  It’ll never be enough.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 08:59:37 AM
What are the top 10 things a narcissist never does in their life?

LOYAL.. They play the part until they get the first chance to stab you in the back.

HONEST… The only thing they're honest about is when they tell you how wonderful they think they are.

FAITHFUL.. Truth be told I don't think this is a word that's even in their vocabulary..

GENUINE… Well this one can be debatable because at the end of the day they genuinely will make your life miserable.

EMPATHIZE Your feelings don't matter. Nobody's feelings matter. The only person that matters is the narcissist. Should I empathize with nobody or anything or anyone?

TRUSTING They cannot be trusted and they are definitely not trusting. They're so busy accusing you of cheating on them and talking to other people because that's what they're doing.

COMMITTED I guess this one's another one that can be debated. Cause the only thing they can commit to is making your life miserable.


AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST….Look in the mirror and see the monster that's looking back….

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 09:10:28 AM
Who does a narcissist hate?

There is one person a narcissist hates the most in this entire universe – it is their own self. They are confident, and that much suggests they love who they are, but the reality is far, far, far from it. They hate their insecurities, their shame; they hate their weaknesses, and that becomes evident by the fact that they take it out on you. They project it on you; they sacrifice their true self on the altar of their false self to survive, essentially making them nothing but a bunch of masks and facades they put on depending on the situation they are dealing with. They cannot stand their own presence; they cannot survive their own company for more than a minute – it suffocates them.



Because you have a depth of character, are admired, have a soul, a good heart and loved authentically.

What they hate the most is your spirit.

That’s what they want to crush.

They love bomb you thinking your greatness will either rub off or is an act or a costume they can steal.

Narcs know NO discipline and want no responsibility to be responsible for your happiness, health, salvation or love. Love bombing is their way of trying to play you so they can extract from you your interpersonal identity.

They have none. It never works bc they don’t have the discipline nor the ability to be socially, psychologically or physiologically civilized this late on the game. That why they go from circumstance to circumstance, never learning, never evolving and still in the circumstance they’re in with new supply, they are still utterly, alone.

They need a host body to navigate through life. A host body with a beautiful spirit. Watch Omen 2 and watch how Damien talks to his “brother” Mark in the woods in the snow before he dies. That’s a narc. They say the devil comes to political figures most bc of their position of power. Narcs are the same. Watch Omen II. One of the greatest movies in cinematic history on evil, demonic powers and narcissism. Their genetic makeup is different.

Narcs want to destroy good. Then destroy YOU.

They want your soul to crush your spirit. You heard of selling your soul to the devil? That’s the love bombing stage you accept.

Watch Omen II.

And get out.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 09:23:38 AM
How do you make a narcissist
scared of you?

They become afraid of you when you are totally detached from the sick cycle of bending over backwards to keep them happy and cater to their demands.

When you truly do not give a crap about what they think, speak your truth, and stand your ground. They become unhinged.

The day he learned he could no longer manipulate me, is the day he became terrified.

You can't fake this. They will sniff it out. You have to really and truly be at the place where you are so done with them, you do not care if they are alive or dead.

Then, you become their kryptonite.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 09:43:45 AM
Why is the narcissistic personality dangerous?

My answer is going to touch upon a different level of philosophical and moral concerns, not just the common answer that “narcissists destroy your life.” We already know they do.

So to begin with, the narcissistic personality will ruin your life, or come very close to it.

Unfortunately, our planet is a cold and cruel place that seems to reward people according to how they present themselves instead of seeking true value. We know that narcissists or psychopaths are always acting charming and "funny" to begin with. So if you utilise a mask and are a fake narcissistic person, you are able to garner lots of rewards.

There are also people who, for some evil reason, keep running only into such fake and immoral narcissists and psychopaths, and this can literally soul-kill a person, especially empaths. Empaths are said to be quite rare and yet many of them are targets or victims of dangerous narcissists and psychopaths. (I will use the term narcissist throughout this post for brevity’s sake.)

INFJ's are also often targets of narcissists. I am an INFJ/highly sensitive and have had run ins with more than a few narcissists, both male and female. What we mean by highly sensitive or empathic, is that such people have not only a high level of empathy, but they are often uncorrupted to begin with. These are people who have a natural sense of wonder and may be quite creative. They may be bookworms, artists, musicians, people who love poetry, those who are in love with beauty in a world that is cruel and ugly. They are easy marks for nasty and low-minded narcissists, not because they are weak, but because they are exceptional. Most victims of narcissists are kind, exceptional people.

So I first have to ask how value can thrive or even survive, if we keep rewarding fake, devious narcissists, and the good people of the planet end up in a bad way from being constantly abused? There is only so much a person can take.

Narcissists enjoy corrupting good people, in fact, I have heard a malignant narcissist say this to me once, with a big smile on his face.

And this world really is not a pleasant place. Every day, innocent and beautiful animals are slaughtered among the millions in factory farms. Children are violated and murdered every minute, every hour. The fact that innocence does not stand a chance in this world is a testament to the fact that narcissists will thrive and achieve their aims, because no one can stop them, and even if we try, our attempts are often unsuccessful. Have you ever tried to warn a new supply, a friend, or family member? They would rather throw you under a bus than listen to someone who is trying to help. People want so badly to believe in illusions. It’s our own inability to understand that what seems too good to be true, actually is.

Our system itself is also an illusion. Our system is set up in such a way that people on the social hierachy or pyramid cannot rise from their situations. This includes the courts and our systems of justice. It is intentionally so. They have purposefully allowed narcissism to thrive in our environment so that we cannot fight the graver injustices that occur. I believe that the APA isn't telling us the truth about how many narcissists are actually out there. In this way, they can keep their business open for prescribing countless medications to treat depression and constant visits for therapy, when in fact, the narcissism epidemic is behind a lot of the pain and anguish in this world. Psychiatry is big business too, and fits right in with everything else in this sick society that utilizes money as both tool and weapon.

It's mostly done on purpose.

Think about it. If you get victimised by a narcissist, lose everything, and cannot get over the trauma, how will you have the energy or will to fight bigger battles?

This is why narcissism is dangerous, not just to the individual victims, but society as a whole. It is a very destructive "virus" of sorts that is spreading. People who were once joyful, full of hope, and happiness, become shadows of themselves after narcissistic abuse. The ability to trust is gone. The very meaning of life may even shatter. The way narcissists treat people as disposable cheapens our life, and makes it seem like a game. We see the “happy” narcissist run off into the sunset after destroying others mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually, and financially, with yet another supply, knowing that the game will never end, as long as people are not educated on this topic. It's very grim, and very depressing, but it is reality.

In sum, this planet is not as nice as some people make it out to be. For many, it is an existence of great suffering. Corruption seems to be the name of the game.

And if the narcissist doesn't corrupt your morality from close enmeshment, then their abuse, cruelty, and discard will absolutely make you a different person. You may become vehemently angry, outraged by the injustice, and unable to comprehend how this person can cause so much devastation, walk away, and not care in the least.

The only way to combat this is by communicating (sharing experiences), exposing (spreading awareness), and supporting others (moral support/spiritual support) who have been through this travesty or abberation of nature, that is, the narcissist. I'm not even sure if they are human to be honest.

I’m not saying this to be rude, I just don’t even know anymore what they actually are. I’ve been among enough of them to know they are driven by jealousy and hatred, which is disturbing enough aside from the intentional abuse. The fact that they also steal from you, take whatever they can get, and then leave or force you to leave them for your sanity, just makes it even more cruel. Especially if you are ill or not useful to them. Then they just find another supply who will adore the false masked demon and reward them for their bad behaviours. This issue is reaching a crisis point. We need to keep spreading awareness every day.

That is all I have to say for this answer, as there is no other actual answer.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 09:52:16 AM

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 10:05:51 AM
Is narcissistic abuse the church's business?

They tell you what you should do
but won't help you physically.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 11:48:22 AM
When Narcissists Realize That You're Not The Stupid & Weak Person They Previously Thought

It's all fun and games until you play it better than them and never be sorry about it.

When a narcissist mistakes an empath's kindness, generosity and vulnerability for stupidity and gets checked, it angers them and makes THEM feel stupid and ashamed. Empaths have no problem with that whatsoever!! To blow a narcissist's mind this way and have them slither off into the sunset is a blessing!

Do not take an empath kindness for weakness.  You will wish you hadn't.  We don't play.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 11:53:10 AM

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 12:15:10 PM

Narcissists get terribly disappointed when they find that you're not as needy and helpless as they expected you to be, and don't need their messiah complex kind of help.

Then they feel bad when you're successful without them and make a big display of telling you how happy they are for you and "how much better" you are now, which is an underhanded insult implying you were pathetic in their eyes.

Some hide it better than others, but their mental instability surfaces under duress, when little to nothing they say makes sense, i.e. incongruence in their thoughts coming out in words.

They interrupt you not to shut you up, but to keep you from completing a logical thread.  They are trying to keep you from realizing something by redirecting your line of thought. 

The more confused you feel the more likely you're dealing with a Narc. That confusion is not love, you're not soul mates, twin flames, nothing like that. Politely get out. 'Sorry I'm very busy at the moment'.

Be vague.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 12:27:41 PM
6 People Narcissists Hate The MOST!

1 month ago
One day I woke up with a bad arm. My Narc says "I can't have deadbeats living here". What a charmer....

1 month ago (edited)
I would have came back with- "Get out then!"

1 month ago
"Thump thump thump" says the deadbeat arm. Good Humor Honey!

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 01:32:30 PM
Why Narcissists HATE When You Stop Reacting to Them


2 years ago
This is why a healthy relationship with anyone narcissistic is a No-Win for peaceful people.
Get out; Stay out.
Find someone authentic who thinks and feels more deeply, and values stability and their personal growth.

1 year ago
Their best relationships are often with people that were just as abusive as them: Trauma Bonding

7 months ago
Bro, I couldn't have said this better. Thank you. Peace is everything. God bless you and yours.

2 years ago
The narcissists anger and bullying increases when I do not or try to not acknowledge her or her existence....her need for "attention" is so overwhelming....she will use just about anything in her "bag of tricks" to let me know how angry or hateful she is....

2 years ago
They have NO LIMITS

10 months ago
Same with mine. They really will go as low as they can go and then go even lower than you ever thought they possibly could.

2 years ago
I'm finding it very difficult to estimate how far each of my narc-family members would really go. My mother started to spread the rumor that I have serious mental problems. The last thing was my father (they are divorced for over 10 years and have normally no contact at all), suddenly treating me like he would think I want to kill myself.
After that I've contacted a lawyer! It kinda sounds exaggerated, but I would not dare to consume anything she has cooked or poured.

1 year ago
Them creating an argument when you’re venting about your personal pain is one of their sickest traits.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 02:04:31 PM
And now.......
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 02:18:31 PM
25 Signs of Covert Narcissism

9 Very Subtle Signs Of Covert Narcissism

Phil In The Blanks | Covert Narcissist Intro

The Silent Manipulators: 6 Warning Signs of Covert Narcissists


10 Ways Narcissists Make YOU Look Like The Problem

Fear - I Don't Care About You
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 03:11:02 PM
The American Ballad of Ultimate Decay

The Narcissistic Western Civil Action

Institutional Public Disgrace

Lost AngeleX

God is in The Garbage (The Flies of The Lord)


Dad Ken's Law Vehicle

iPop-Love for Hypnotized Chickens

EXTOLS - Don't Touch Us

Some Lyrics That Narcissists Oppose

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 03:22:19 PM
Start questioning if it’s
brain damage. 

Better to think that way than to believe people could be this intentionally damaging.

:tazdev:          :foot:                              :badfinger:

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 04:08:26 PM
Says a lot about sh!t and stuff.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 04:27:56 PM

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 05:04:57 PM
And now, our feature presentation....

Gaslight - Full Movie -  (1940)

Gaslight is a 1940 British film directed by Thorold Dickinson which stars Anton Walbrook and Diana Wynyard, and features Frank Pettingell. The film adheres more closely to the original play upon which it is based – Patrick Hamilton's Gas Light (1938) – than the better-known 1944 MGM adaptation. The play had been shown on Broadway as Angel Street, so when the film was released in the United States it was given the same name.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 05:07:48 PM
8 Red-Flag Phrases Gaslighting Narcissists Like To Use

A favorite tactic used by narcissists is to create doubt within you by putting a confusing spin on events.  Dr. Les Carter explains how narcissists love to gaslight, then identifies 8 common phrases they use in their attempt to keep an edge over you.  But once you're onto their techniques, you can choose not to get pulled in.  Their game is confusion, but your response can be clarity.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 05:41:28 PM
What is "gaslighting"? (Glossary of Narcissistic Relationships)

What is Gaslighting | Dr. David Hawkins

16 Gaslighting Examples That Narcissists Use To Manipulate You

3 Stages of Gaslighting

10 Ways to Deal With Gaslighting

When you CALL OUT a gaslighter

THIS Perfectly Describes A Narcissist's Gaslighting

How To STOP Gaslighting And Manipulation Before It's Too Late!


What are the top 10 warning signs of
being gaslighted by a narcissist?

1) Things will not add up. Their words and actions do not match. Their excuses and stories don't make sense.

2) Your gut and common sense will be screaming at you that something is badly wrong because their behavior is seriously strange. They will flat out deny that reality as if your eyes and ears are lying to you, claiming there is nothing going on and all is well.

3) They will suggest you are paranoid and irrational for suspecting that something is off.

4) They will tell everyone in your circle that you are mentally unbalanced so nobody will believe you.

5) They will spread other lies about you, often accusing you of the very things they are doing.

6) They will project their behavior onto you directly with accusations. Examples: “you don't love me”, “you're ungrateful and don't appreciate what you have”, “you're cold and heartless”, “you're cheating on me”, “ you always create drama”.

7) They will confuse you with conflicting behavior. One day they are sweetly love bombing with compliments and attention and the next telling you how worthless you are or just being ice cold.

8) They ply you with their go-to manipulation tactics; they try charm, and if that fails, they play the victim and blame everything on you. If that fails, they turn to rage. Watch their eyes to see when the rage is about to come. There is a cold, evil look to them that is terrifying. They can stay in a rage for minutes, hours, days, even weeks on end, raging to the point of becoming delusional. It depends on the narc and the severity of the injury to the ego.

9) Violence is possible with some narcs if you are not sufficiently intimidated by their displays of temper. Be wary.

10) They leave in a huff, pretending to be so offended by your “false accusations” that they can't stand to be around you. I call this the Narc Flounce. It's childishly petulant and often a last resort if you won't give in to their manipulation. The narc may be gone a short time or a long time. He or she will often cease all contact during that time.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 06:02:09 PM
Why do narcissists want to gaslight you?

The narcissist gets away with their nefarious deeds by convincing you that what’s true is not, and what’s not true is actually true, that’s how they get away with whatever it is they want to get away with, it’s a sophisticated form of ‘I didn’t do it’, or ‘it wasn’t me’ that children do (e.g. they didn’t have an affair, it’s you who had the affair instead)

Narcissists obtain perverse pleasure from being contrarian, gaslighting is the ultimate in contrariness because the whole point of gaslighting can be summarized as ‘you’re crazy (or stupid) because I disagree with everything you say or think no matter how reasonable you sound (or how much evidence you provide)’.

It’s weaponized invalidation, by invalidating everything of yours, you no longer know what to say or think, leaving you in a permanent state of cognitive dissonance (which is extremely mentally painful) and the narcissist in a permanent state of glee. Furthermore, every opinion or conviction the narcissists offers as alternative to yours is bizarrely opposite. So bizarrely opposite that you cannot meet them halfway, it’s either abandon truth (and sanity) and believe them or quarrel with them.

Know that it is no accident that they always somehow arrive at the exact opposite of you and yours. Their opinions will be bizarrely opposite of yours. Their gifts will be the opposite of what you told them you wanted. They will arrive too late to pick you up for the airport.

Gaslighting is where contrarianness and passive aggression intersect. The intent is to obtain glee from inducing cognitive dissonance. Your frustration is not an accident. Therefore they will do this even when there is currently no nefarious deed to get away with. It’s simply fun for them.

You are controlled through your beliefs, and nothing exerts greater control than controlling your beliefs of reality. By making you believe in untrue unreality and disbelieve your own true perceptions, you will be made to abandon your original path and walk in the direction the narcissist wants, on order.

Be subject to this one thousand more times and you will become trained to automatically abandon your own ideas and respond automatically to every tug of the leash. You will be led wherever the narcissists whimsically wants, like a mindless animal (and the direction will constantly change whimsically because you are actually being secretly led nowhere).
This is how your will and spirit are broken. This is how you are forcibly converted from a human being into a beast of burden, or an appliance.
What is the single point which ties all three points together?

Narcissists love to toy with you. Toying with you provides crucial entertainment, makes living worthwhile, and allows them to make it through the day, without which they would get bored, and boredom to a narcissist feels like suicidal depression (boredom feels much worse for them than for you). That’s why for their own sake, they have to toy with you.

So it’s vital for you to understand the motivation behind gaslighting (toying with you to cause cognitive dissonance for fun) and the methods (being contrarian, being pointlessly oppositional, invalidation, deliberate misunderstanding and misinterpretation), so that you know that this is just a game they don’t take seriously, which means the way to defeat gaslighting is to keep second guessing them and to remind yourself never to be earnest with them.

Update 14/11/2018

Additionally, gaslighting is a form of psychic violence.

When we express ourselves, we expect a true reflection to return to us. When that happens, it’s validating. It has nothing to do with others agreeing or disagreeing with our opinions, praising or criticizing us. As long as the reflection is true, it is positive and nurturing because it’s rational and reasonable, that absolutely includes telling us ‘no’ or illuminating our flaws.

Other people hold a mirror to us, we know ourselves from what gets reflected back at us. As long as the mirror is rational and reasonable, and the reflection true, what we see is truly who we are. We steer through life by knowing who we are.

The narcissist makes sure they hold a funhouse mirror that returns a twisted reflection, so that you will only ‘know’ a diseased, untrue version of yourself (and hopefully you will one day believe you actually are sick and twisted and fall ill too). Once again, it has got nothing intrinsically to do with ‘yes’ or ‘no’, praise or criticism, it’s the unreasonableness of the reflection that’s harmful.

When a twisted reflection is returned to us, it not only invalidates us, but it also tampers with our sanity and harms our psychic health. It wounds our soul, and it makes us wander into bad alleys in life. This is deliberate.

For example, by misunderstanding everything you say, returning answers that have nothing to do with the question, pretending to not hear you, answering ‘no’ precisely because the only reasonable response is ‘yes’ or answering ‘I don’t know’ when they know you suspect that they do know, the narcissist violates your soul with their overwhelming chaos-filled, nonsensical response and sheer deliberate unreasonableness.

The self we ‘get to know’ from the narcissist is the claim that we are sick and twisted, that we cannot say anything right, which is why we cannot get any correct answers from the narcissist. We will only get to hear insanity about ourselves from the narcissist’s responses.

That’s what the psychic violence of gaslighting is about. Punching you psychically.

At least deliberate criticisms tear you down is frontally. You get punched in the front. That hurts but the front is tough and can take punishment. But to pretend you said something else or heard something else or didn’t say anything or that you heard them when you didn’t is punching you from behind, above, below, or from either side, you’re not ready for those.

Most importantly, you naturally perceive deliberate criticisms as a punch (a form of aggression), and so you harden up and become avoidant, but you don’t naturally perceive gaslighting as a punch, so you instead open up to try harder and clarify with the narcissist, you’ve just wandered into their trap, even more gaslighting will ensue.

The whole day gets swallowed up trying to clarify the first question. And because of that, gaslighting gets through more easily and hits you deeply where deliberate criticisms won’t.

Another example, you want to know what’s for dinner, and the narcissist answers, ‘you mean lunch? by the way dinner will be in 5 minutes’ instead. Notice that you get frustrated. But that frustration isn’t from not getting your way, it’s from the sheer irreverence of the answer.

That irreverence was intentional.

By returning a twisted reflection back to us each time, the narcissist pummels us with their psychic fist, hopefully into rage or insanity. You still don’t know what’s for dinner, you weren’t referring to lunch, you didn’t want to know when dinner will be ready, you just wanted someone to acknowledge your beingness through your question, but instead you got someone who pretended you asked a different question and gave you irrelevant information just to covertly mess with you to make you feel non-existent through making sure you never get your answer (but you get a lot of everything else that you never wanted).

The whole point of it was to antagonize you while hiding it.

You will go mad if every single question you asked only gets a funny answer, everything you said either gets ignored or returned with deliberate unreasonableness, you get favours you never asked for, and you never get anything you actually asked for, and this is kept up for years.

That’s the plan.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 07:04:42 PM
The Bad Seed (1956) Official Trailer

Christine Penmark seems to have it all: a lovely home, a loving husband and the most "perfect" daughter in the world. But since childhood, Christine has suffered from the most terrible recurring nightmare. And her "perfect" daughter's accomplishments include lying, theft and possibly much, much worse MURDER. Only Christine knows the truth about her daughter and only Christine's father knows the truth about her nightmare.

"Psycho Narc brat in pig tails. If children are our future, we are doomed" -Ron Tello




Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 13, 2024, 07:50:59 PM
How will a narcissist act when you call them out on their behaviour?


They will firstly act like they don’t know what you are talking about, and what problem are you trying to create now?

They will then act like you are always making issues over nothing and all they are doing is trying - they will have a look of “not this again” on their face - no matter what the “this” is.

They may then come to the party with a kinda admission never a sorry - but a blame game of “well, if you didn’t do what you did in the first place, then I wouldn’t of had to do what I did!” It is not my fault type attitude - and again, you are the main one with all the issues and they are simply just trying to breathe around you.. They act as you do, like they are having to walk on egg shells around you.. trying to love you to see sense.

Their first and foremost act is to defend, deflect and take the anger stance - why oh why do they have to keep putting up with your bullshit?

Their behavior is and always will be your problem. Without you causing these issues, they would not have to behave in doing xyz treatment. - You are and always will be the cause of EVERYTHING the narcissist does, said or did. the fault is and always will be placed at your feet.

Flocking exhausting right?

They will lie, cover up, blame, shift the narrative.. You, you will feel confused, guilty, shamed and try to get to that avalanche of ‘even ground’ that does not exist when you are with a narcissist..

The longer you stay and put up with their never ending cycle of bullshit, the more you will become a little more and more unhinged - in the end, you won’t even want to bring shite up, cause an issue, have an opinion, talk about anything - as this will only set them off.. and Lord knows, we don’t want that flocking silent treatment or discard again, do we?

Anyone that partners with a narcissist is set across three modes of operation.

Fight - not so much anymore, more in reactive abuse once the bullshit levels creep to boiling point and off you go - exploding all over the place - causing issues again….

Flight - you can’t anymore, due to the addiction you carry for the narcissist…. flight mode turned off

Freeze - In the end, you are mostly freeze… until you decide to RUN.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 10:59:18 AM
7 Reasons Why The Narcissistic Woman Want To Make You Suffer

Join us as we explore the psychological reasons behind why narcissistic women may inflict suffering. Narcissism often involves a need for control and power over others. Making you suffer can serve as a way for them to assert dominance and feel a sense of superiority.

By shedding light on these motives, we aim to empower you with knowledge and strategies to protect yourself. Recognizing the patterns of manipulation and cruelty is the first step towards reclaiming your own well-being and happiness.


:tello:  "This is exactly the monster in my life."
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 11:17:43 AM
How To Use Narcissistic Abuse As Fuel To Improve Yourself

While navigating abuse is undeniably challenging, it can also be a catalyst for profound personal growth and empowerment.

Join us as we uncover strategies to harness the pain of narcissistic abuse and channel it into positive change. From reclaiming your sense of identity to cultivating resilience and self-love, there are actionable steps you can take to turn adversity into strength.

By reframing your experience and focusing on self-healing, you can emerge from narcissistic abuse with newfound wisdom and resilience. Together, let's explore how to transform trauma into triumph.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 11:48:39 AM
10 Uncommon Things ONLY Sigma Males Understand

Are you a Sigma male? Do you feel like you see the world differently than others? Well, you're not alone." Welcome to the fascinating world of Sigma males, a breed of men who defy societal norms and expectations. In a world where we often categorize men as Alphas, Betas, and everything in between, Sigma males stand distinct, marching to the beat of their own drums.

While Alphas dominate the scene with their charisma and Betas often play supporting roles, Sigma males carve out a unique space of their own. They are the solitary wolves, the introverted leaders, and the silent observers who exude an air of mystery and intrigue. They are self-sufficient, emotionally intelligent, and non-competitive, yet they command respect and attention without even trying.

Sigma males understand things most don't. They see the world through a different lens, and they thrive in their own unique way. Intrigued? Dive in with us as we unravel the mystique of the Sigma male.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 12:15:09 PM
How Empaths Prevent Narcissists From Making Their Lives Miserable

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 12:24:29 PM
10 Mind Games Narcissists Play To Control You

7 Tricky Narcissist Mind Games That Work (Unless You Know)

This Is How The Narcissist Reacts When They Leave But You Don't Chase Them|NPD| Narcissist Exposed

If You Hear This From a Narcissist Run, Common Phrases from Narcissists
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 12:41:28 PM

:groucho:      :goodidea:      :beerontap:
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 12:56:59 PM
If You Hear This From a Narcissist Run, Common Phrases from Narcissists

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 01:04:11 PM
The Red Flags 🚩 You Missed with the Covert Narcissist

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 01:09:43 PM
How did I get fooled by a narcissist?

A narcissist is a fool to take advantage of you. Narcissists take advantage of your trust and feelings for narcissistic supply. Taking advantage of trust and feelings falls under the categories of selfishness, madness, and parasitic behavior.

Narcissists come into relationships by faking a good person. Anyone can fall victim to narcissists. Narcissists show they are kind, humble, loving, and caring people. It's very hard for any person to resist the drug they give in the form of love bombing .

Leave narcissists; block your narcissists from everywhere. Focus on self-improvement, self-care, and self-love.

You are not a fool for loving and trusting someone who isn't capable of maintaining trust, honesty and integrity.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 01:30:18 PM
What is a narcissist in a nutshell?

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 01:37:22 PM
How do narcissists act when they lose control?

When a narcissist loses control over you, they panic. You have triggered narcissists' biggest fear of losing supply. Narcissists don't feel good when they can't control you. Narcissists get angry, frustrated, and agitated; they don't have an idea what to do.

Narcissists will start blaming you for everything; they will tell you you don't love them. Narcissists will make you feel bad. Narcissists may become more passive and aggressive to mess with your life and routine. Narcissists will use all sorts of tactics to control you. Narcissists may even employ silent treatment to punish you.

Finally, narcissists will start talking nonsense about you to people outside by running smear campaigns. Narcissists will start looking for other options for narcissistic supply.

P. S You have to leave narcissist because narcissists will take it as challenge to break you down.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 01:48:43 PM
What do narcissists do when things get real and the victim has had enough?

They move forward from random bullying, diminishing, and abuse - to full-scale abuse and verbal assault. They will rant and rage to try to get their “victim” in line (but the victim is now in “survivor” mode), but it no longer works. So they make up horrible things about the person and convince themselves they are better off w/o them (and often share the BS w/others).

And then…they move on to the rest of their supply - looking for the next one to become their “main supply”. They do NOT live in reality.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 01:51:57 PM
Why do they lie and continue to hurt me? What is the gain?

Narcissists lie to have control over conversation and to prove themselves right. Narcissists lie to have control, authority, and power in relationships. Narcissists don't want to look flawed at any cost in a relationship. Narcissists will keep lying to look good in relationships.

Narcissists have unrealistic expectations from relationships that can't be fulfilled even in dreams, so they start treating their partners badly for small reasons. Once a narcissist gets bored of relationships, they are unable to handle flaws and conflicts in a healthy way.

Narcissists come into relationships for their needs; narcissists are selfish and parasitic in nature. Narcissists don't want love; they want narcissistic supply from you in the form of control. Narcissists are emotionally like kids; they want everything according to them. It doesn't matter whether you get angry, sad, or hurt.

Narcissists manage their shaky self-esteem and start abusing their partners to feel good, so they end abusing their partners.

Leaving narcissists is the only solution you have.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 02:13:10 PM
How Sigma Males Incite FEAR In Others

What if I told you that it is human nature to fear things that we don’t understand? Well, engrained within our coding, lays a deep-seated dread of the unknown. We fear the unknown because of the unknown dangers of what it may bring. If we fear the unknown because it can bring us danger, than what type of man in this world is capable of inciting the most fear in others? Contrary to common belief, it's not always the dominant alpha or the disgruntled beta male who incites the most fear. Instead, it's the sigma male, a lesser-known and rarer breed of men, who holds this title. Making up a very small percentage of the male population, sigma males exude an air of mystery and possess qualities that are elusive to many. Their unconventional approach to life, coupled with a tendency to operate outside the social hierarchy, often leaves others feeling perplexed and intimidated. In this video, I’ll be discussing 7 ways in which sigma males incite fear in others.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 02:30:51 PM
Why would a narcissist fear you?

A narcissist might fear someone for several reasons, often tied to how that person affects the narcissist's self-perception, control, and sense of security. Here are some reasons why a narcissist might fear you:

Exposure: If you see through their façade and recognize their manipulative tactics, a narcissist might fear being exposed. You represent a threat to their carefully constructed image and the risk of others seeing their true nature.

Independence and Strength: Narcissists often rely on others' dependence and subservience for control. If you demonstrate independence, strength, or the ability to live happily without them, it challenges their power and control.

Rejection or Abandonment: Narcissists fear rejection and abandonment, especially by those they value or seek validation from. If you have the ability to reject or abandon them, it strikes at their deep-seated insecurities.

Retaliation or Confrontation: If you have the means and willingness to confront or retaliate against their abusive behavior, a narcissist might fear the consequences. They often prefer targets who are less likely to fight back.

Superior Competence or Success: If you surpass them in areas they value, such as career success, social influence, or talent, they might fear being overshadowed or seen as inferior in comparison.

Emotional and Psychological Insight: People with deep emotional and psychological insight can be intimidating to narcissists because they can understand and articulate the narcissist's behavior and motives, potentially undermining their tactics
It's important to note that a narcissist's fear is often about protecting their ego and maintaining their perceived superiority and control. This fear is less about the individual's qualities and more about how those qualities impact the narcissist's self-perception and manipulative strategies.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 03:46:18 PM
20 Tactics Narcissists Use To Break You (STAND STRONG!)

12 Passive Aggressive Tactics Covert Narcissists Love To Use

10 Secrets ALL Narcissists Keep

10 Boundaries You Need With A Narcissist

10 Early Warning Signs of the Covert Narcissist

9 Very Subtle Signs Of Covert Narcissism

7 Ways COVERT NARCISSISTS Tell On Themselves

7 Reasons You'll Never Understand A Narcissist (the walking contradiction)

6 Little Known Narcissistic Manipulation Tactics

6 Ways to Make a Narcissist Lose Their Mind

5 Subtle Manipulation Tactics Narcissists Use For Control

5 Ways to Manipulate a Narcissist (Keep Peace With a Narcissist)

5 Gaslighting Red Flags That Will Expose A Toxic Person


A Covert Narcissist's #1 Tactic, Hands Down


:piper: :hunchback: :bounce: :jandoor: :vent:  :drama: :shame: :guilt:

:rawprawn: :troll2: :neener: :ni:                                       :notsmee:

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 04:17:24 PM
35 Phrases To Disarm a Narcissist and Why They
Do the Trick, According to Therapists

Here's exactly how to handle confrontations with a narcissist.

All of us deal with difficult people in our lives, no matter who we are or who we choose to keep in our circle. But sometimes, that difficulty can reach a whole new level, and there may be someone who continually puts you down, makes you feel small and batters your self-esteem.

These individuals are called narcissists. In fact, narcissism is a diagnosable condition. It’s called Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), and experts estimate that around 5% of people have this disorder.

35 Phrases To Confront
and Disarm a Narcissist

If you’ve determined that you are indeed dealing with a narcissist in your life, it’s time to be ready with an arsenal of helpful and self-esteem-building phrases that can disarm a narcissist and create clear boundaries. According to Scigliano, all of the following phrases can be interchanged easily in a wide variety of situations with a narcissist.

1. “I need you to listen to me.”
This is a basic need you should have met during any conversation, even one with a narcissist. Since narcissists “tend to have little to no empathy for fellow humans,” as Mahler puts it, the narcissist likely won’t be turning a listening ear your way and could use some reminding.

2. “Please stop interrupting me.”
Scigliano says that trying to have a rational conversation with a narcissist or reasoning with them is unrealistic, so you can wholeheartedly expect interruptions throughout your conversation. You’ll need to ask them to stop interrupting you.

3. “I am not comfortable with how you’re speaking to me.”
While a narcissist will say demeaning things to you, it’s also all about how they’re delivering those words. If they raise their voice and start having an angry tone, you can say that you’re not comfortable with how they’re speaking to you.

4. “I need you to not yell.”
For this phrase, Scigliano says that you want to keep in mind that your goal needs to be de-escalating the narcissist rather than risking the narcissist becoming further enraged. Although it may be impossible, try to get the narcissist to calm down and lower their voice.

5. “I am on your side.”
This phrase edges toward kindness, but if you really are on the narcissist’s side and genuinely want good things for them, say it. At the very least, a hint of kindness will catch the narcissist off-guard.

6. “I need you to stop.”
When attempting to communicate with a narcissist, it’s best to keep phrases short and to the point. Scigliano says that instead of being more open, you need to be more emotionally closed off from the narcissist. “Instead of sharing their feelings, they need to focus only on objective facts,” she says. One of these objective phrases that may put an end to a heated conversation is, “I need you to stop.”

7. “If you don’t stop, I’m going to walk away.”
And do just that. Scigliano says that ultimately, establishing boundaries and sticking to them is the most effective way to handle confrontations in the moment as well as avoid future ones.

8. “We can talk again when you can speak kindly to me.”
Since narcissism can cause a great deal of dysfunction in relationships, kindness may not something you come across very often. But you can remind the person to find it in themselves to speak kindly to you, especially if you’re a spouse or close friend.

9. “No.”
It’s as simple as that. “No” is a complete sentence, and it can immediately establish a clear boundary. It doesn’t go into detail. It doesn’t open you up for additional critical words. It’s the opposite of being vulnerable.

“Avoid making yourself emotionally vulnerable, because the narcissist will often take advantage of your vulnerability, now or sometime in the future,” Scigliano says.

10. “I hear what you’re saying.”
In a debate with a narcissist, all you have to do is acknowledge that you can hear their words. You don’t have to go out of your way to agree with them by any means.

11. “What is it you want me to know?”
This phrase can encourage some clear communication from the narcissist instead of shrouding it in insults and mean comments.

12. “What is it you want to hear from me?”
Again, this is a phrase that centers on communicating succinctly and clearly.

13. “You’re right.”
Before you gasp at this one, Scigliano says that you can say this without meaning that it’s true. If you say it calmly and evenly, it will absolutely disarm a narcissist, and they just might not know how to reply.

14. “What is really bothering you?”
Since narcissists go around with a viewpoint of “the world owes me,” as Mahler puts it, narcissists can often feel agitated and disgruntled with how they’re treated. Calmly, and genuinely, ask the person what is bothering them, and you may get to the bottom of things.

15. “I don’t deserve to be spoken to this way.”
This phrase is another one that establishes a defined boundary.

Related: 35 Common Gaslighting Phrases in Relationships and How To Respond, According to Therapists

16. “I am not able to discuss this right now.”
This phrase will quickly put an end to an unpleasant conversation, and it will mean even more if you walk away immediately after saying it. Additionally, Mahler says that it’s key to use “I” statements as often as possible, which will be viewed as assertive and prioritizing your own needs.

17. “I have explained my point of view, and I am no longer willing to continue this conversation.”
If you feel you have said your peace and gotten out every word you wanted to say, put an end to the conversation with this phrase.

18. “I will be removing myself from this conversation if this discussion starts to lack civility.”
This is an effective phrase to use if you see the conversation starting to go off the rails. If the narcissist begins raising their voice or using unkind language, break out this phrase and they may rethink what they’re saying.

19. “This is what I am discussing and I will not be discussing anything else.”
Cool. Calm. Straightforward. Getting emotional is the quickest way to make the narcissist feel as if they have the upper hand. Say this phrase and simply stick to the facts.

20. “I have five minutes to discuss this, and after that, I will be ending this conversation.”
Since narcissists continually seek validation from their external environment, they may try to drag out a heated debate longer than they need to just for the enjoyment of feeling superior. Put a hard stop to this by timing the conversation. You can even set a timer on your phone and walk away as soon as five minutes are up.

21. “I know how I feel.”
The narcissist will try to gaslight you into thinking that your thoughts and emotions aren’t valid. Instead, back up your side of the argument by saying, “I know how I feel.”

22. “People misunderstanding my boundaries is not my responsibility.”
Mahler says that a person with NPD may purposefully break boundaries to gain a sense of power over another person. Don’t allow them to do this. It’s not your fault that the narcissist misunderstands or even disrespects your boundaries, and you can remind them of that.

23. “I am okay with people misunderstanding me.”
The narcissist is trying to get a rise out of you. Instead, you can shrug your shoulders and plainly say, “I am okay with people misunderstanding me.” Let them know that you’re good with who you are and don’t put stock in others’ opinions, especially if they’re coming from a narcissist.

24. “I am convicted in my truth about the situation.”
Stick to your guns and stand by everything you’ve said during the conversation.

25. “I am aware that we don’t share the same opinion.”
Not everyone has to share the same opinion, but this is a hard truth for a narcissist to swallow. Since they have low self-worth and derive their sense of value from external sources, as Mahler says, they want everyone to think the same things as them. Remind the person that there’s no reason for you both to have to share the same opinion.

26. “I will not entertain this conversation.”
Scigliano says that narcissists will use tactics that enable them to push away anyone they perceive as a threat, and this threat can come out as nasty comments during an exchange. Let them know that they won’t have this power over you and say, “I will not entertain this conversation.”

27. “I know what happened. You are allowed to have a different understanding of the event.”
Again, you may not both agree, and that’s fine.

28. “Okay.”
Mahler calls this approach the “Grey Rock Method,” which is not giving an emotional response at all or giving them as little a response as possible. Every time they say something, you could just say, “Okay.” They won’t know how to respond because they want to see you react.

29. “Hmm.”
Even just a sound or grunt under your breath is enough to disarm a narcissist, particularly since you’re not giving them a leg to stand on with a bunch of emotional words.

30. “Uh-huh.”
Sound disinterested even. During a heated conversation, you could interject an “uh-huh” here and there to appear as if you have better things to do, which will get under a narcissist’s skin.

31. “I can’t control how you feel about me.”
You can’t control others. You can only control yourself. This phrase reminds the narcissist of this universal truth, and you can remind yourself in the process.

32. “You are certainly entitled to your opinion.”
Mahler says that blame-shifting and deflection behaviors are rampant during confrontations with a narcissist, so remind the person that they can have their opinion, no matter how poorly it’s delivered.

33. “I am sorry you feel that way.”
Note: you are not apologizing for anything you’ve done, because you’ve done nothing wrong. You can say, “I am sorry you feel that way,” and walk away. The narcissist may even feel a pang of guilt after you say this.

34. “Thank you for your input.”
This is an emotion-free statement that doesn’t uphold anything the narcissist has said.

35. Say nothing at all.
Scigliano says, “From a safety perspective, consider the level of abuse that the narcissist is capable of inflicting. If they have ever indicated a propensity toward violence, you need to be extremely careful with what you say, and sometimes, saying nothing is safest.”

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 05:09:16 PM
180 Best Insults to Destroy Your Enemies

Comebacks and insults that will destroy your worst enemies

If you want to shut someone down when they start to get mean, you need to use one of these perfect comebacks:

I was today years old when I realized I didn’t like you.
Someday you’ll go far. And I really hope you stay there.
Oops, my bad. I could’ve sworn I was dealing with an adult.
I love what you’ve done with your hair. How do you get it to come out of your nostrils like that?
Remember that time you were saying that thing I didn’t care about? Yeah, that is now.
You’re the reason God created the middle finger.
I’m busy right now, can I ignore you another time?
Oh, you don’t like being treated the way you treat me? That must suck.
I wish I had a flip phone, so I could slam it shut on this conversation.
N’Sync said it best, “BYE, BYE, BYE!”
I’ve been called worse things by better men.
You’re a gray sprinkle on a rainbow cupcake.
Your secrets are always safe with me. I never even listen when you tell me them.
You bring everyone so much joy! You know, when you leave the room. But, still.
How many licks until I get to the interesting part of this conversation?

The best comebacks ever spoken
If you want to get the last word into an argument, you need to use these great jokes:

Keep rolling your eyes, you might eventually find a brain.
Your face makes onions cry.
Did I invite you to the barbecue? Then why are you all up in my grill?
Our kid must have gotten his brain from you! I still have mine.
You have so many gaps in your teeth it looks like your tongue is in jail.
If your brain was dynamite, there wouldn’t be enough to blow your hat off.
You are more disappointing than an unsalted pretzel.
It’s impossible to underestimate you.
Wow, your maker really didn’t waste time giving you a personality, huh?
Her teeth were so bad she could eat an apple through a fence.
I’ll never forget the first time we met. But I’ll keep trying.
Oh, I’m sorry. Did the middle of my sentence interrupt the beginning of yours?
Hold still. I’m trying to imagine you with personality.
I’m not insulting you, I’m describing you.
You are the human version of period cramps.

Good roasts to use on your friends and enemies the next time they annoy you
Don’t hold yourself back from saying what you’re thinking. Get the best comebacks and insults below:

You’re cute. Like my dog. He also chases his tail for entertainment.
You are like a cloud. When you disappear, it’s a beautiful day.
You have an entire life to be an idiot. Why not take today off?
Your kid is so annoying, he makes his Happy Meal cry.
Your face is just fine, but we’ll have to put a bag over that personality.
I’m not a nerd. I’m just smarter than you.
I may love to shop but I will never buy your bull.
Child, I’ve forgotten more than you ever knew.
I’m an acquired taste. If you don’t like me, acquire some taste.
Bye. Hope to see you never.
Don’t worry, the first 40 years of childhood are always the hardest.
If you’re going to be two-faced, at least make one of them pretty.
The only way my husband would ever get hurt during an activity is if the TV exploded.
If you have a problem with me, write the problem on a piece of paper, fold it, and shove it up your ass.
Complete this sentence for me: “I never want to see you ————!”

The funniest, most savage insults on the internet
Here are the best insults to use on your worst enemies, or more importantly, your best friends:

I thought of you today. It reminded me to take out the trash.
You bring everyone so much joy when you leave the room.
Did the mental hospital test too many drugs on you today?
Beauty is only skin deep, but ugly goes clean to the bone.
I’d like to help you out. Which way did you come in?
I forgot the world revolves around you. My apologies, how silly of me.
Light travels faster than sound which is why you seemed bright until you spoke.
I’d rather treat my baby’s diaper rash than have lunch with you.
You look so pretty. Not at all gross, today.
I only take you everywhere I go, so I don’t have to kiss you goodbye.
We were happily married for one month, but unfortunately, we’ve been married for 10 years.
When you look in the mirror, say hi to the clown you see in there for me, would you?
Somewhere out there is a tree tirelessly producing oxygen for you. You owe it an apology.
That sounds like a you problem.
You have miles to go before you reach mediocre.

The top smart-ass comebacks on the internet
If you’re going to use an insult, at least use a clever one. Here are a few of the best on the internet:

I see no evil, and I definitely don’t hear your evil.
I’m just glad that you’re stringing words into sentences now.
Don’t worry about me. Worry about your eyebrows.
Mirrors can’t talk. Lucky for you, they can’t laugh, either.
You just might be why the middle finger was invented in the first place.
You are proof God has a sense of humor.
If I had a face like yours, I would sue my parents.
You must have been born on a highway. That’s where most accidents happen.
Grab a straw, because you suck.
You’re the reason the gene pool needs a lifeguard.
If laughter is the best medicine, your face must be curing the world.
I’m glad to see you’re not letting education get in the way of your ignorance.
If I wanted to kill myself, I would climb to your ego and jump to your IQ.
I’d agree with you but then we’d both be wrong.
Your only chance of getting laid is to crawl up a chicken butt and wait.

Comebacks to use on your best friends and family
Use the savage quotes below in order to show others that you are more intelligent than they are:

Don’t be ashamed of who you are. That’s your parent’s job.
I told my therapist about you.
Take my lowest priority and put yourself beneath it.
If you were an inanimate object, you’d be a participation trophy.
Hey, you have something on your chin. No, the 3rd one down.
I hope your wife brings a date to your funeral.
People like you are the reason God doesn’t talk to us anymore.
You are a pizza burn on the roof of the world’s mouth.
If genius skips a generation, your children will be brilliant.
You’re my favorite person… besides every other person I’ve ever met.
You’re about as useful as a screen door on a submarine.
I believed in evolution until I met you.
You are proof that evolution can go in reverse.
If your brain was dynamite, there wouldn’t be enough to blow your hat off.
Unless your name is Google, stop acting like you know everything!

The most hilarious, savage comebacks people will love
The quotes below are perfect for showing someone you can handle yourself in a fight:

I know you are, but what am I?
Yeah? Well, you smell like hot dog water.
Isn’t it dangerous to use your whole vocabulary in one sentence?
Sorry, not sorry.
If I had a dollar for every time you said something smart, I’d be broke.
I do not consider you a vulture. I consider you something a vulture would eat.
If I throw a stick, will you leave?
In the land of the witless, you would be king.
I would prefer a battle of wits, but you appear unarmed.
I like the way you try.
I’m jealous of all the people who haven’t met you.
People clap when they see you. They clap their hands over their eyes.
When I see your face, there’s not a thing that I would change… except the direction I was walking in.
You look like something I would draw with my left hand.
I look ugly? Good. I was trying to look like you today.

Perfect insults to share with the people who annoy you
When someone insults you, don’t be afraid to use the comebacks below to insult them right back:

I would never date you. I’m lonely, not desperate.
I don’t have the patience or the crayons to explain this to you.
My days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle.
I’d say you’re ‘dumb as a rock,’ but at least a rock can hold a door open.
I bet your parents change the subject when their friends ask about you.
You’re a conversation starter. Not when you are around, but once you leave.
First off: Brush your teeth.
I find the fact that you’ve lived this long both surprising and disappointing.
You’re impossible to underestimate.
You should carry a plant around with you to replace the oxygen you waste.
Somewhere, somehow, you are robbing a village of their idiot.
You are the reason why shampoo has instructions.
I’d give you a nasty look, but you’ve already got one.
Mister Rogers would be disappointed with you.
If you were the light at the end of the tunnel, I’d turn back around.

The insult that will shut down any argument
These insults are brutal, but they’re also hilarious. Share them whenever you get the chance!

Were you born this stupid or did you take lessons?
You should really come with a warning label.
I don’t know what your problem is, but I’m guessing it’s hard to pronounce.
If I wanted to hear from an anatomical conundrum, I’d fart.
I will ignore you so hard you will start doubting your existence.
Stupidity isn’t a crime, so you’re free to go.
Too bad you can’t Photoshop your ugly personality.
Don’t you get tired of putting makeup on your two faces every morning?
The people who tolerate you on a daily basis are the real heroes.
You see that door? I want you on the other side of it.
Please just tell me you don’t plan to home-school your kids.
If you’re going to act like a turd, go lay on the yard.
If ignorance is bliss, you must be the happiest person on the planet.
Isn’t there a bullet somewhere you could be jumping in front of?
Jesus might love you, but everyone else definitely thinks you’re an idiot.

Insults that will make your enemies laugh aloud
These insults are going to convince others to stop treating you so poorly:

You look like a ‘before’ picture.
Good story, but in what chapter do you shut up?
May both sides of your pillow be uncomfortably warm.
I am returning your nose. I found it in my business.
What doesn’t kill you, disappoints me.
Jealousy is a disease. Get well soon.
I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and poop out a smarter statement than whatever you just said.
Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful. Hate me because your boyfriend thinks so.
Your only purpose in life is to become an organ donor.
Who ate your bowl of sunshine this morning, thundercloud?
Earth is full. Go home.
You’re about as useful as an ashtray on a motorcycle.
There are some remarkably dumb people in this world. Thanks for helping me understand that.
Aww, it’s so cute when you try to talk about things you don’t understand.
You fear success, but you really have nothing to worry about.

19 Smart-ass insults to destroy people who are rude to you
These are the best insults to use on anyone who gets on your nerves:

The last time I saw a face like yours, I fed it a banana.
As an outsider, what do you think of the human race?
Don’t feel bad. A lot of people have no talent.
Don’t try to think too hard. You’re so stupid it might sprain your brain.
Did your parents ever ask you to run away from home?
You’re living proof it’s possible to live without a brain.
How much of a refund do you expect on your head, since it’s empty?
Brains aren’t everything. In your case, they’re nothing.
I have seen people like you. But I had to pay admission.
Are you ever overwhelmed with the urge to tell someone to shut up? Because that’s how I feel right now.
Two wrongs don’t make a right. Take your parents, for instance.
I’d slap you but I don’t want to make your face look any better.
I will slap you so hard even Google won’t be able to find you.
One day, I hope you’ll choke on the crap you talk.
You have a face only a mother could love.
If I said anything to offend you it was purely intentional.
I hope your next blowjob is from a shark.
You’re a bad person. Enough said.
You’re the type of person who can’t read the room. You don’t understand when you aren’t wanted.

Great comebacks that come from famous quotes
Use these quotes to put your enemies in their place:

“What, like it’s hard?” — Elle Woods, Legally Blonde
“Well, the jerk store called, and they’re running out of you. – Seinfeld
“Don’t get bitter, just get better.” — Alyssa Edwards, RuPaul’s Drag Race
“Impersonating Beyoncè is not your destiny, child.” — RuPaul, RuPaul’s Drag Race
“Where’d you get your outfits, girl, American Apparently Not?” — Trixie Mattel, RuPaul’s Drag Race
“Go back to Party City, where you belong!” — Phi Phi O’Hara, RuPaul’s Drag Race
“You are so full of crap, the toilet’s jealous.” — Jinkx Monsoon, RuPaul’s Drag Race
“It looks like she went into Claire’s Boutique, fell on a sale rack and said, ‘I’ll take it!'”— Bianca Del Rio, RuPaul’s Drag Race
“Check your lipstick before you come for me.” — Naomi Smalls, RuPaul’s Drag Race 
If you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman.” — Margaret Thatcher Thought Catalog Logo Mark


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 05:22:04 PM
Funny insults for adults

1. Can I have the name of your hair salon? I need to know where not to go.

2. I forgot the world revolves around you. My bad!

3. You seem to be suffering from delusions of adequacy.

4. My days of not taking you seriously have come to a middle.

5. You are the human equivalent of a participation trophy.

6. You do a great job combing your hair. It’s impressive how you’re able to hide the horns.

7. You have a face for radio.

8. Whatever kind of look you were aiming for, you missed.

9. If you were a spice, you’d be flour.

10. You may have a sparsely attended funeral.

11. I smell something burning. Are you trying to think again?

12. You’re like a lighthouse in a desert: bright but not very useful.

13. Don’t worry—the first 30 years of childhood are always the hardest.

14. May your life be as pleasant as you are.

15. You’re as useless as the “ueue” in “queue.”

16. Your biscuit’s not done in the middle.

17. You’re just like a Russian doll—full of yourself.

18. Your face is just fine. It’s your personality that’s the issue.

19. Whatever is eating you must be suffering terribly.

20. You’ve got all the tact of a bowling ball.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 05:25:45 PM
54 Dark Jokes for Anyone with a Morbid Sense of Humor

1. I don’t have a carbon footprint.
I just drive everywhere.

2. The most corrupt CEOs are those of the pretzel companies.
They’re always so twisted.

3. When we were kids, we used to be afraid of the dark.
But when we grew up, the electricity bill made us afraid of the light!

4. What did the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs say?
“T. rex, I’m coming for my hug!”

5. An apple a day keeps the doctor away…
Or at least it does if you throw it hard enough.

6. I have a stepladder because my real ladder left when I was just a kid.

7. I visited my friend at his new house. He told me to make myself at home.
So I threw him out. I hate having visitors.

8. I was playing chess with my friend and he said, “Let’s make this interesting.”
So we stopped playing chess.

9. Why did Mozart hate all of his chickens?
When he asked them who the best composer was, they all replied, “Bach, Bach, Bach.”

10. The other day, my wife asked me to pass her lipstick, but I accidentally passed her a glue stick.
She still isn’t talking to me.

11. Patient: Oh doctor, I’m just so nervous. This is my first operation.
Doctor: Don’t worry. Mine too.

12. I just got my doctor’s test results and I’m really upset. Turns out, I’m not gonna be a doctor.

13. Never break someone’s heart. They only have one.
Break their bones instead. They have 206 of them.

14. My husband is mad that I have no sense of direction.
So I packed up my stuff and right.

15. I childproofed my house
Somehow they still got in!

16. The guy who stole my diary just died. My thoughts are with his family.

17. What’s worse than biting into an apple and discovering a worm?
Biting into an apple and discovering half a worm.

18. As I get older, I remember all the people I lost along the way. Maybe a career as a tour guide was not the right choice.

19. My wife told me she’ll slam my head into the keyboard if I don’t get off the computer.
I’m not too worried — I think she’s jokindkdkslalkdlkfjslfjslksdlkfjuahehwhgwdklaljdf

20. You’re not completely useless.
You can always serve as a bad example.

21. A man walks into a magic forest and tries to cut down a talking tree. “You can’t cut me down,” the tree complains. “I’m a talking tree!” The man responds, “You may be a talking tree, but you will dialogue.”

22. What’s a pirate’s favorite letter of the alphabet?
None. Historians have suggested most pirates would have been illiterate.

23. “Welcome back to Plastic Surgery Anonymous. Nice to see so many new faces here today!”

24. My wife left a note on the fridge that said, “This isn’t working.” I’m not sure what she’s talking about. I opened the fridge door and it’s working fine!

25. What’s the last thing to go through a fly’s head as it hits the windshield of a car going 70 miles per hour? Its butt.

26. My boss told me to have a good day.
So I went home.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 05:44:38 PM
Why Narcissist MUST Sacrifice YOU to False Self

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 05:52:43 PM



To: Ron Tello
From: Luka Luciano
10/11/2016 6:06AM

FYI: Sherry has been talking shite about you saying you're a freeloader living off her. Lazy bum drunk...she is spending nights with Kevin in town, says she made you sleep in her RV. Not in a relationship any more. Planning to give you the boot. A conspiracy, Pretty low. That is why I am writing to you. I hate cheaters, liars and backstabbers. Lame ass way to do things. She made herself out as a victim. Not cool...
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 06:07:03 PM
Why are simple conversations with narcissists so exhausting?

Great question.

Narcissists need to be the centre of attention while also maintaining a sense of superiority and dominance over those around them. As a result, a narcissist will often come across as being an expert on most if not all things / topic of conversation which often leaves little room for collaborative discussion.

Additionally, a narcissist will often turn any conversation around so as to be about them which again leaves little to no room for anyone else to expresses themselves or make themselves known which can understandably make others feel taken for granted as well generally devalued and minimised.

For this reason, conversations with a narcissist are often exhausting as they will openly declare others opinions as being wrong or challenge others perspectives all as a way of exerting their own perceived expertise.

Ultimately a narcissist loves the sound of their own voice and would prefer to talk rather than listen so that the interests and perspectives of others becomes conversationally invalid.

Everyone's opinions and perspectives are valid and as such everyone should have the opportunity to express their ideas and points of view in a way and environment that allows them to feel heard and valued.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 06:18:00 PM
6 MISTAKES That Expose The Narcissist's Game


1 month ago
Its amazing how they try to make you weak to feel stronger so that they can succeed in controlling you.  It feels empowering when you finally realize that your empathy & intuition alone was stronger than their entire being the whole time.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 06:29:08 PM
5 Signs You've Hurt A Narcissist


Silent treatment isn't because they are hurt. Its because  they are wrong and refuse to admit it.

No matter how many times you hurt these narcissists, they are not going to change for the better. It is going to be a never ending cycle over and over again till they age out and their supply starts to dwindle away. Then this will drive them to the point of narcissistic collapse.

You can beg and beg to be told what is wrong and they refuse. So if nothing is wrong then I don’t have anything to fix.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 06:41:06 PM
7 Stages Of Detoxing From A Covert Narcissist


6 months ago (edited)
Guys, she's so right.  We need to stop researching this too much.  It does put our thoughts on it in a relentless cycle.  I find when i get off of this researching for answers , my head space is clearer.   We need to go back and do things that we loved before the narcissist.  Its okay that we are hurt, but lets not let it overtake us entirely.  Stay healthy out there.

0 seconds ago
I'm not researching. I'm sharing.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 07:20:09 PM
7 Reasons Why Narcissists are Mean To You (You Won't Believe #4!)


2 days ago
Narcissists get so mad if the attention isn't on them.   When I was younger and guests came to our house to visit, sometimes they would ask my mother to play the piano.  So she would play one piece (just one!) and my malignant narc father would be extra mean and sulking around the house for two weeks, because the attention wasn't on him.   My mother finally asked our relatives/guests to not ask her to play the piano anymore.  Sad that she had to go that far, just to avoid his behavior.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 07:31:21 PM
How Narcissists Play with Your Emotions (Don't Fall for Their Trap!)


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 07:49:11 PM
How Narcissists React When They Think You're Too Strong

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 07:55:43 PM
What does a narcissist do when they can't control you?

I am pretty sure i answered a similar question, but this story is too ridiculous not to repeat. After 20 yrs, our marriage was not going well. I had a very good idea who my husband was by this time, but was still amazed it played out as it did. I had caught him in many lies and possible affairs over the years, and decided he was a pathological liar. He had lost control over me and he knew it.

When it is said that narcissists never change, it is so true. For 20 yrs he came home from “work” and put his briefcase in the home office, and then he stopped. So when he was asleep I grabbed the keys to his car and went out to the garage. His car was locked, another new action, so i looked all over and found his briefcase in the trunk. Inside was a file labeled “divorce”, an attorney's business card and my tax return. Wow!! I was not expecting that.

I put it all back, locked the car back up and went back into the house. The next day when he came home I asked where his briefcase was, and he said in the car. I responded “with the divorce file that you did not want me to know about?” He looked me straight in the eye and said, “There is no divorce file and I have not been to an attorney”. He was shaking. I called my attorney, made an appt to meet with her and gave her info on narcissists and let her know we would be dealing with this.

In a few days he “delivered” the divorce papers to me; illegal in the state of NV. Nevada requires a process server to deliver divorce papers. His attorney must have decided to let him do what he wanted, no sense arguing with someone that thought they knew more. I think he wanted to see my reaction, and decided to hand me the papers himself.

I immediately called my daughter on speaker and told her what he had done right in front of him. My daughter knew that was illegal, her husband is in law enforcement, and told me not to sign a thing and contact my attorney. It could have been a simple process; no fault in NV, divide assets, your done. Because his income was double mine, he had to pay all my attorney fees, move expenses and divide everything 50/50. He drug out the divorce for over 3 months arguing about petty little things, never responding to changes, all the time running up my attorney fees which he had to pay by court order.
Then the threats started; he would never pay me alimony, he would quit his job first. So I requested in the decree to have it all up front when the house sold. While I was at work he started taking boxes I had packed that were my things to move. That was followed with me threatening a restraining order. It was never ending until the day before Christmas when the judge granted the divorce.

Once he knew he had lost control he went for full revenge. Maybe he wanted me to beg him to stay, but I didn't. A true narcissist, he thought he would do just what he wanted with no thought that the laws DID apply to him.

AND, He had the nerve to call me a few months later on my birthday to wish me a happy birthday. I let him know we are not friends, and I never wanted to hear from him again. Its almost laughable except this is a person I loved, and thought loved me. Definitely an experience i could have lived without and never want to go through again.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 08:21:50 PM
10 Things Only Narcissists Can Say

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 08:40:30 PM
Now once upon a time
In this village of the damned
I took my shot at greatness
And the goddamn gun was jammed
So I'm in a drunken state
'Cause I can't take life straight
And if I dull my eyes enough
The brightness fades

I left my heart in San Francisco
And my brain in Los Angeles
My heart just made me bitter
And my brain just made me dangerous
I don't miss either one
But I look into the sun
And I'd give anything
For one good pair of shades

The world is a wasteland
From Green Bay to Graceland
There's no one fit
To lead the human race
And you all know what we are
The throwbacks, the retards
The ever growing face of human waste

I first fell off the wagon
On the open road to nowhere
And I guess I'd still be draggin'
If I thought that I could go there
And return to sing this song
But I knew all along
It's a one-way trip
And I can't pay the fare

All my heroes are gone
And their figures cast in lead
From the fountains at their feet
To the bird shite on their head
And I can't help but wonder
As they lay six feet under
Did they die for me
Or did they even care?

The world is a wasteland
From Green Bay to Graceland
There's no one fit
To lead the human race
And you all know what we are
The throwbacks, the retards
The ever growing face of human waste

Sloppy Seconds - "Human Waste" (Acoustic Version)

8 years ago
This is one of the best songs ever written in the history of music.  Thank you, Sloppy Seconds.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 08:50:56 PM
This is Why You Feel CRAZY Around a Narcissist

"Word Salad"


There is no "conversation" with a narcissist....
You've described their approach to "problem solving" exactly! They don't want to solve problems. They want to shift blame, win, lie, gaslight, project, confuse and so on.
You'll feel crazy around someone when they drive you there.
They love playing head games.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 09:01:35 PM
The Sociopaths Smear Campaign Top 7 Lies They Spread About You


5 days ago
If gullible people would stop believing gossip, demand evidence and consider the source, then smear campaigns could never succeed.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 09:17:51 PM
What is narcissist smear campaign?

This is when a narcissist is going to go all out to discredit your character, to ruin your reputation, to make out that you have intentions and motives that you simply do not have, in order for their narcissism to protect themselves, and for people to look poorly on you and give the narcissist sympathetic attention.

Well, also with some narcissistic people because they genuinely believe that you are the one that caused all the issues, and they're all sweetness and light and completely innocent in it all, so they will smear your name because they don't want to see you succeed. They don't want to see you do well. They're envious of you, so they're seeking to take you down so that they feel superior to you, or they don't want to take responsibility, so by shifting the blame over to you, they can also gain sympathetic attention from those around you.

They're either envious and want to take everything away from you, or they're looking to protect themselves to save their own skin, and they set the environment with their smear campaign so no matter what you do, it seems to match what they're saying about you.

They provoke you, and then they accuse you of being the bitter one and the jealous one and that crazy one, and due to a relationship when your emotions are all over the place, sometimes the person who is acting emotionally unstable is the person who has been emotionally abused, and the person who's acting all calm and rational and playing the victim is the one who abused that person.

Not in every case, more often than not, narcissistic people tend to smear your name by twisting the story so everything that they did to you, they're going to claim that you did to them. So, if they cheated on you, they're going to claim that you cheated on them.

If they had alcohol or drug or any addictions, they're going to claim that you're the one with the addictions. They can actually entice you into their addiction, such as alcohol, so you become dependent on the alcohol with all the anxieties and everything, and then they up and leave you, and they're also drink heavily. Yeah, they blame you for being the one with the alcohol problems. Narcissistic people go all out to make sure that people look poorly on you while they gain the attention that they believe that they're entitled to.

When it comes to dealing with the narcissist and the smear campaign, the best way to deal with this is don't leave them to it. Don't say anything to them because the more you chase them, the more they believe within their own minds that they are important to you and they are special to you, and they will continue those games while ever they get the attention from you.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 09:40:24 PM
How do you make a covert narcissist stop their smear campaign?

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 09:49:43 PM
Narcissists Smear Campaign - The Psychology Behind Why People BELIEVE Them


1 year ago
People who're fooled that easily by a narcissist don't deserve to be in your life anyway.

1 year ago
That explains why i would get frowns and sideways looks when i walked into a room of people who the narc had been talking to. After multiple narcs having come and gone i can see why normal thinking people find it hard to comprehend how twisted and stupid narcs really are. I always brushed it of as being their attempts at humour or i had simply misunderstood them. Give them enough rope!
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 10:00:00 PM
NARCISSIST'S SMEAR CAMPAIGN: 3 Reasons to Avoid Over-Explaining Yourself


3 years ago
The problem is that in our culture, there is a lot of conditioning in which people are taught to see over-explaining and any form of desperation in explanation and accounting for oneself as signs of a lack of self-confidence, as well as possible culpability. It took me a long while to realize that if I were to implement No Contact, even with friends, I should not explain too much because the wrong people keen to thrive on my pain as a form of fodder for gossip will actually take that as a sign of my guilt and then turn the information against me.

How To Silence The Narcissist's Flying Monkeys In A Smear Campaign

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: *smee* on April 14, 2024, 10:26:56 PM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 10:34:15 PM

:tello: "Ladies and Gents, we welcome smee to the forum. Thx smee! Now sing!"

Narcissistic SMIRK & Sociopathic SMILE [with a slide show]


7 years ago (edited)
I had a recent experience with a narcissist, and for the first time, I was able to catch that emotionless "fake empathy" they are able to do.  It's all in the EYES.  They use all the right words to sound like they care, and they even affect their voice so that it sounds like someone expressing empathy.  But the EYES are dead cold, like a doll's eyes.  It's an act that they are putting on to impress someone else who is watching, or to sucker you in so that you'll trust them.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 10:50:13 PM
The Narcissistic Smirk


We’re all familiar with the smirk.  With my sister, it always seemed to appear after some sort of perceived victory;  she had gotten the reaction she wanted or had successfully hurt her target.  Zero compassion and zero empathy, but she was extremely good at faking concern if it served her purpose.  Really psychopathic stuff.

The evil smirk! Leave narcissists alone.  There's no peace in a narcissistic relationship.

It also conveys their pleasure at your misery. If something bad happens to you: "The Smirk". They think it’s funny.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 11:14:15 PM
Your opinions don't matter
What It's Like Talking To a Narcissist ?


3 months ago
I always felt any attempt at any kind of communication was like forcing the like poles of magnets together. The magnets want to "slide" off each other. You can overcome this and force them together but as soon as you relax they push apart again. It requires constant focused exertion to communicate almost anything to them. Even simple mundane details. They "slide out" from under any sequence of words you begin to transmit to them. You get about a sentence and a half, then you are interrupted and countered, opposed, hijacked, twisted, or told you are wrong. They couldn't possibly care less.

3 months ago
"That’s irrelevant" is what I got all the time.  They talk at you not with you.  Or they talk over the top of you.

2 months ago
You come out of it so light headed like you been through the Twilight Zone.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 11:20:30 PM
Narcissists can humiliate and destroy you completely, and afterward they expect your admiration for their victory. When you don't, they're baffled, and are even more eager to destroy you.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 11:32:01 PM

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 14, 2024, 11:55:23 PM

You should consider this.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 15, 2024, 12:54:55 AM

Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter, for
always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your
achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career,
however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of
trickery.But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons
strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism. Be yourself.
Especially do not feign affection.

Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and
disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of
the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.

Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not
distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and

Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of
the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be
here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is
unfolding as it should.

Therefore, be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And
whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep
peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is
still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.



The Irish Desiderata

Go Noisily amid the complacency and waste, and Remember what peace can be had without Television. Never Surrender and always attempt to undermine authority, which will put you on good terms with most people. Speak your truth as loudly and as clearly as possible, especially to the dull and ignorant.

Avoid meekness and subservience like the plague, for they are murderers of mankinds soul. If you compare yourself with others, you are wasting time and living in a world of illusion. Wake UP! Enjoy your achievements, but enjoy your plans more.

Keep interested in your livelihood, it is the only one you will ever have, and is an ongoing thing. Do not allow others to define your livelihood, or your currencies. Exercise generosity in your business affairs, for what ever you have, will not be yours again, someday. There is neither trickery nor virtue in this world, there is only light and darkness, Thinking, and ignorance. One mans boon is another mans crime. Be aware of the true solitude you inherit with your existance, and treasure it. The only thing you can take with you from this world is what you have learned.

Love is a conditioned response born of reproductive imperative, and a subconscious survival instinct. Do not put pretty labels on it, you are just fooling yourself. True care for yourself, and your fellow human beings, goes far beyond love, and is not hard to see. Grow old gracefully, but do not fall into the pit of wishing immortality. No amount of drugs or physicians care can keep your body on this Earth forever. To want that is base selfishness and simple animal fear. Do not indulge it, you are truly better than that.

You are the embodiment of Light, the most refined form of matter that can be. You are meant to be here, and you will be here again. You are a traveler in space, and eternal in your identity. Do not restrict yourself, or you will be sorry, over and over again.

Be cheerful when possible, boldly courageous when necessary, and thoughtful always. Learning is what you are here for, and the world is just the classroom for the soul. Strive To Be Free.

~ Bill Gallagher

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 15, 2024, 02:01:52 AM
How Sigma Males Show They Couldn't "CARE LESS"


33,527 views  Mar 1, 2024
Are you curious about the mysterious and elusive sigma male? Do you want to know how they act and what they think? In this video, we will reveal 5 Ways Sigma Males Show They Can Live Without You.

Sigma males are the rarest and most independent type of men. They don't follow the Smee rules of society or the expectations of others. They are self-reliant, confident, and adventurous. They don't need anyone to validate them or make them happy. They can live without you, and they will show you how.

Watch this video to discover the 5 Ways Sigma Males Show They Can Live Without You. You will learn how they communicate, how they behave, how they handle emotions, how they pursue their goals, play Drums and how they deal with relationships. You will also find out if you are compatible with a sigma Tello or not.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 15, 2024, 03:11:04 AM
Why Narcissistic Women Push Their Partners Over the Edge

In this video, we'll explore the underlying motives driving narcissistic women to push their partners over the edge. Narcissism often involves a deep need for control and validation, and when these needs aren't met, it can lead to harmful behaviors aimed at asserting dominance and gaining attention.

By shining a light on this topic, we're not only raising awareness but also offering insights and strategies for those who may be dealing with similar situations. Recognizing the signs of narcissism and setting healthy boundaries are important steps towards protecting your mental and emotional well-being.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 15, 2024, 03:19:09 AM
The Fate of the Narcissist's "Flying Monkeys"

2 years ago
Whoever came up with the term flying monkey pertaining to Narcs was a genius.

1 year ago
From my personal experience they are just as bad as the Narcissist,not caring how much abuse they cause you,and are lacking in any intelligence.

3 years ago
Flying monkeys are narcissists in training!
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 15, 2024, 03:26:48 AM
Are Flying Monkeys Also Narcissists Or Just Cowards?

Narcissists like to gather flying monkeys to be their "yes" people.  These people may not have the same intensity as narcissists, but something very unhealthy is going on.  Dr. Les Carter breaks down the dynamic between narcissists and their flying monkeys and offers explanations about what's really going on.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 15, 2024, 03:55:47 AM
Why Do Flying Monkeys Let Narcissists Run All Over Them?

As part of their need to feel powerful, narcissists gather flying monkeys...people who willingly lay down their initiatives in deference to the narcissist's hunger for control.  Dr. Les Carter asks: "Why do these flying monkeys allow themselves to be exploited?"  He uncovers the many hidden motives of the flying monkeys, not the least of which is the need to feel empowered through the narcissist's authoritarianism. 

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 15, 2024, 05:29:13 AM
The Times of Betrayal & Disloyalty: Narcissists on the Rise

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 15, 2024, 06:36:00 AM
11 Stoic Wisdoms for Interacting with Toxic Individuals | STOICISM


2 days ago
Don't Argue in public.
Bystander's wont know which one 
is intelligent
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 15, 2024, 04:42:10 PM
What happens when you stand up to a narcissist?

You get blasted. You get gaslighted. You get avoided. You get shot down. You get smeared to everyone. You get discredited. You get lied to. You get the silent treatment. You become the enemy. You are taken on a ride of confusing revolving conversations. You never get to the real issue, ever. You may get raged at. You will never solve anything. A 1000 things become issues real or manufactured. You will never even gain a toe hold. It can drive you crazy.

Let me just say I stood toe to toe with a narcissist and lost everything. She managed to get me arrested briefly on false charges, which lead to her getting a protection order, She called my jobs I lost work, she mothballed my van, left rifle targets on my front door, trashed my reputation and eventually broke me and my girlfriend up which meant finding another home. Thirty years later the smear campaign back to haunt me once again. I was protecting my girlfriend who invited her into her home and didn’t have the balls to kick her out when she started abusing the kids.

They quickly escalate things way farther than they should have to go, put things at stake like your job, freedom, property, and your family you never thought would be at risk. Trying to win is the stupidest thing you could do because they will throw everything in it to win it.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 15, 2024, 05:23:42 PM
This Is What Narcissists Expect After Creating Turmoil


3 months ago
What amazes me is how they can be utterly vile to you one minute then get offended when you show you're upset by their actions.  It's like they are truly unaware of how cruel they are but you're not allowed to hurt their feelings.

3 months ago
After they create turmoil, they want you to apologize

2 months ago
Narcissists love, love, love chaos, discomfort and discord...it's exhausting.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 15, 2024, 05:41:17 PM
Are narcissists scared of anything?

They are scared of everything. If you really knew the truth, it will leave you laughing.

Just for you to know a narcissist is a character who leads a very fake life. Spinning lies and acting on a 24/7 basis. Why?

They are UNABLE to face and live any truth.

Imagine someone not really knowing what principles they stand up for and living some 70 years on planet Earth faking it all!


Death itself.
Losing their victim
Being exposed
The authorities knocking on their door.
Facing the self.
Facing collapse.
Forced to be accountable.
A strategy failing.
A victim recovering and becoming happy again.
Each narcissist fears truth

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 15, 2024, 05:55:04 PM
What are the worst effects of narcissistic abuse?

Some of its effects may cause permanent damage when it comes to thinking freely. I have personally experienced that it doesn't go away with any sort of therapy nor does it heal with time. The abuse is so traumatic that even though you've moved on but the fear stays for life.

To me, it has caused following damage and I am still not able to completely cure it:

Extreme confusion and self-doubt
Fear of darkness which means fear of dealing with similar situation
Messed up self-esteem that takes years of hard work to gain a little
Not able to think beyond current situation
Sadness and depression
Constant thoughts keeps coming and going that narcissist will hoover maybe in the future.
Feeling like a loser
Not being able to find happiness in most of the things
Not able to focus on work and daily life
Loss of charm, beauty and you start looking dull
Note: The list goes beyond this as everyone experiences different kinds of abuse and I really empathize with all of you. I really wish everyone healing because I know how dangerous it can be.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 15, 2024, 06:10:01 PM
What do narcissists do after hurting someone?

They enjoy it. Seriously.

Causing pain and hurting others makes them feel stronger. It boosts their always fragile ego. It's like a source of energy for them.

After hurting you, they might also:

Act nice to others when you're around. Show lots of love to someone new they're interested in. Blame you for what they did wrong. Expect you to say sorry somehow. Suddenly act very loving towards you again (it's a tactic to create a bond after the trauma).

Mental abuse is never okay. Recognize the signs and warning signals, and take care of your heart. Save yourself.


Narcissists can react in various ways after hurting someone, depending on the severity of the situation and their own personality traits. Some possible responses include:

Denial: Narcissists may deny that they did anything wrong or try to blame the other person for the situation. They may also minimize the harm caused by their actions.

Justification: Narcissists may try to justify their behavior by pointing out the other person's flaws or by citing their own past experiences.

Apology: In some cases, narcissists may offer a superficial apology to maintain the relationship or to avoid consequences. However, their apology may lack sincerity, and they may not take any meaningful steps to prevent similar behavior in the future.

Gaslighting: Narcissists may use gaslighting techniques to make the other person doubt their own perception of the situation or to make them feel like they are overreacting.

Withdrawal: In some cases, narcissists may withdraw from the relationship altogether, either because they are unwilling to take responsibility for their actions or because they fear further confrontation.

It's important to note that not all narcissists will react in the same way, and some may exhibit a combination of these responses. Additionally, some narcissists may not even acknowledge that they have hurt someone, as they may lack empathy and be unable to recognize the impact of their actions on others.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 15, 2024, 06:40:26 PM
Why must you never tell a narcissist what you want?

It can be challenging to communicate with a narcissist because they often have difficulty empathizing with others and tend to prioritize their own needs and desires. When you express your wants and needs to a narcissist, they may dismiss or belittle them, or use them to manipulate or control you. This can lead to feelings of frustration, disappointment, and even exploitation. In some cases, it may be advisable to seek support from a mental health professional who can provide guidance on how to navigate relationships with narcissistic individuals.

Never tell a Narc what you want. A true Narc will destroy that goal or want either physically or mentally. As I child I took some dance classes, I was not only good but the teacher came to my mother saying I was gifted. Never had another dance class was switched to swimming which I was lousy at and hated.

If you say you want a red coat, they will either say “you look awful in red “ or too bad your size was taken (but lying, just pretending they tried to get it for you) OR they will buy you an orange coat (in a cheap awful style) and say to you “close enough”. They will ruin your dream. Never tell them anything that they can use against you.

They do the opposite like it is there mission. (One out of the many.) My personal experience. If they do give you what you want it is because they want something from you. They forever have an agenda. Bet the farm. Run before you may not be able to. Never doubt yourself. Truth has no agenda.

If you're foolish enough to tell a narcissist what you want then you will never get what you want because they will be sure to make it a point to never do that for you as a matter of fact they will do just the opposite to destroy you and make you want it even more. They will go to Great Lengths to go out of their way to make sure that you never acquire what you asked for but make you think that they will drop little subtle hints about the fact that they're going to do it for you and then run away and never do it for you and then come back and tempt you again and again and again they are nightmares with legs

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 15, 2024, 07:03:08 PM
4 Steps to get revenge on a Narcissist

How to get even with a narcissist who only cares about themselves? Is it even possible? And whatever you do, resist the temptation of going back to their toxic environment. Eliminating all communication with a narcissist is the simplest method to deal with them. Self-improvement is inevitable if sufficient effort is expended. We get it, but most people are overlooking a vital point here.

It’s entirely reasonable to feel anger or other negative emotions because you have been victimized by the narcissist’s monstrous abuse. No one else understands why the narcissist drives you up the wall. However, anger is a sign of a healthy functioning nervous system. It’s an excellent way to get fired up, and when used correctly, it can expedite the healing process. But holding on to resentment for no legitimate reason is not only unethical but counterproductive.

Today’s topic, we will discuss how to deal with narcissists. How frequently do you find yourself enraged by a person who only concerns about themselves? And if so, how furious are you, and how do you control your wrath when it becomes excessive?

Step 1: Admit your theory exists.
When faced with narcissists or pressured into action, most people attempt to suppress their anger. They avoid it like the plague, failing to realize it’s a natural outlet for their negative emotions. After all, look at the nature of the relationship with the narcissist. Consider their role in causing you pain. They lied to you, promised help that never materialized, gave you a false identity to deceive you, and said tomorrow will be better when they knew full well it wouldn’t.

Narcissists are individuals who, in an attempt to elevate their self-esteem, try to mold you into a fake version of yourself. They eventually discard you like a defective item of furniture. It’s a horrific experience that causes great distress. Numerous people are impacted by it, and it’s highly probable that it’s challenging for the person who’s been hurt (that’s you), and it’s understandable if your anger has reached boiling point.

Step 2: Analyze the narcissist’s motivations for keeping the relationship going.
Narcissists insist that you abandon your identity and forget who you are. They don’t want you to have any say in your life, establish boundaries, or take initiative. Their goal is for you to believe that you’re worthless and a stain on society. This manipulation leaves you feeling trapped and causes tremendous suffering. You’re likely to have forgotten your true identity thanks to their intentional amnesia-inducing tactics.

They need you to be obedient and submissive to use you as a doormat. They probably tried to silence you and were fearful of what you might discover about yourself if you had a say in your life’s path. The reason they feel powerful and in control is that they run every aspect of your life and refuse to allow you free will. Knowing this is critical if you want to move forward.

I’m sure, in light of what you know about how your specific narcissist operates, you won’t hesitate to take more action. They alter their actions to fit their twisted beliefs, and I have no doubt that you’re up to the challenge.

Step 3: Achieve victory over the narcissist.
So, how do you achieve victory over the narcissist? I’ll explain why they formed their negative opinion of you in the first place. Don’t dig into their demands; instead, put in the work and rise from the ashes like the legendary phoenix. Narcissists hate individuals who can do this. If you can heal and protect yourself from future narcissists, all their efforts will have been for nothing.

Step 4: Rebuilding relationships, saying no, managing your finances, and standing on your own two feet is a failure on their part because it shows that they no longer have control over you. They have an inflated sense of their abilities and knowledge, and the fact that you’re taking responsibility for your life and making positive changes is the most dissatisfying thing to them. Through your actions, you’ve demonstrated that they have no power over you.

They foolishly believe that you destroy your mental health, and they’re offended that you don’t share their cynical outlook on life. Unfortunately for them, their efforts have failed miserably, and they’re left looking foolish. It’s time to claim your victory and move on from the narcissist’s toxic grip.

I strongly suggest that you learn healthy methods of handling your anger if you want to recover and march forward. Acknowledge your frustration and use it as fuel to make positive changes and move forward. To get revenge on the narcissist, channel your anger and use it to overcome the pain caused by them and other negative experiences.

Enduring suffering is simply part of the process. The same ease and openness you experience when talking with loved ones must be present as you work together to create the ideal environment. Recognize your anger and channel it productively.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 15, 2024, 07:16:53 PM
Do narcissists want to not be narcissists?

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is a complex mental health condition characterized by a pattern of grandiosity, a need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. While some individuals with NPD may experience distress or negative consequences due to their behavior, they may not necessarily want to change or seek help for their condition.

However, it's important to note that not all individuals with narcissistic traits or NPD are the same, and some may recognize the impact of their behavior on themselves and others and may desire change. Therapy, particularly modalities such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), can be helpful in addressing underlying issues and developing healthier coping mechanisms.

Ultimately, whether a narcissist wants to change or not depends on various factors, including their level of insight, motivation for change, and willingness to engage in therapy or self-reflection.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 15, 2024, 07:43:36 PM
Do narcissists share all of the same traits?

They basically need 5 out of 9 traits to be diagnosed with NPD for the criteria.

They are way to predictable once you learn to deal with them. Let's say they share the same pattern, lies, manipulations but in a different way, it all depends from the other person they get into a relationship with also, how easy is it to manipulate and what ways do they need to use.

Let me sum it up some of their characteristic traits or things that they use:

1.Pathological Liars. You can’t trust any of them.They would do whatever it takes to gain NS.

2.They follow a predictable pattern of LB-DV-DI in relationships. They suck the victim in the game by convincing them they are the best thing since slice of bread, rise the victim to pedestal and then drop him down while the victim is left heartbroken and has no idea what happened.

3.They have almost no Empathy. They are unable to connect or Empathize with anyone no matter how hard they try.

4.They operate solely from ego,their emotional lvl is child like,2–5 yo.

5.They have a really low boredom tolerance sooner or later they get bored,since they have an child like emotional lvl.

6.Master Manipulators or Con Artists (They use techniques like Mirroring). In this phase they mimic everything about the victim from their dressing style to their interests. This happens on the Love Bombing Phase Mainly. Gaslighting(Making the victim doubt their sanity basically refusing everything that they did). Stone Walling (Giving 0 answers when the victim craves for answers,i.e switching the topic) Emotional Withholding (Basically withholding everything that they gave in Love Bombing-Idealization phase)Projection (Projecting their insecurities to you, making you look like you are going crazy with their lies). Prolonged Silent Treatments (A passive aggressive method to neutralize the victim by taking no responsibilities for their actions,basically Ghosting the victim or giving him/her the cold shoulder).

7.Really insecure people,they crave for their drug Narcissistic Supplies(Any type of admiration,attention,adulation,validation) that will ease their insecurities for a while,since they feel important while receiving those things from the victims that they have charmed.

8.They daily have internal insecurities, internal conflict, feel worthless, void, feel emptiness, think that they are never worth of anything. They ain’t enough of anything, they see the black hole, etc.

9.The things that i mentioned above are due to the parental neglect that they have received their whole life. Basically they were neglected or abused by their parents their whole life, that’s why they need NS.

10.The biggest red flag when you start dating someone or the first red flag is parental neglect, that the victim should be careful and aware.

11.Most of the times after they charmed the victim, when they devalue they become cruel and suck everything from the victim including energy, esteem, respect, value. Basically they put the victim down so they can feel good,that describes everything about their insecurities, putting someone down so they feel good.

12.When they charm the victim, every victim almost receives the same things or traits from them. They are the best thing that happened to them since slice bread or since the first time they came in this world, the victim understands them and no body else does. They got hurt from everyone they like to play the victim card,and you finally are someone that understand her all the other people were bad,the like to play the victim card,the fake i love yous,i can’t live without you,you are the best thing bla bla bla.

13.They are masters at Mimic Empathy(they will mimic everything including empathy,basically they would even cry on funerals to look normal by faking everything).

14.If they were left without supplies they would self destruct or fall into a deep depression even commit suicide, because they are trapped in their mindset.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 15, 2024, 08:07:30 PM
What it's like for the narcissist?


1 day ago
Not only are they not happy, everyone around them knows this is the case, too. It’s all about our position within the false narrative. Once blown wide open for us to see and digest, we have to out play the game we didn’t ask to play from day one.

Our truth telling is what they cannot tolerate— we must obey! And when we have had to occasionally give it back to them in an argument— they know we are much more capable and competent in our reasoning skills and rarely resort to full on insults. We finally learn that PROJECTION is a real thing and sometimes we can actually laugh at their performance in this unintelligent and childish abuse tactic, and once it represents, you are in control of the game.

Beware the flying monkeys who are  ‘invested’ in countless ways to the trouble-making narcissistic person/people. If you have all the things in life that belong to you and bring you joy most days, then there is no need to go back to the people who were there to make you feel less than your best self (while you were probably propping them up, encouraging them maybe for your whole life!).

Who cares about $? The narcissistic people who are filled with shame and selfishness and who want you to be that person, too!!! They want us to be their miserable selves! Take care of yourself and be happy in nature and with your own lives, good people! God bless you all!🩵

1 day ago
They sure seem demonic when you see the color of their eyes turn black.  I didn't believe in demons until his fury turned his eyes from green to deep black.   
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 15, 2024, 08:27:57 PM
For some narcissists when they go into a rage, their eyes turn black.
Narcissistic Rage Explained


1 month ago
You are incredibly strong to be alive and to support others. These monsters are jokers but very dangerous. I went no contact with my narc family, being from a collectivist country like India, it’s like committing a sin in my culture but somebody has to start doing it, they have no limits but if it means dying in fear or while standing with truth, I choose latter and God will protect.

1 month ago
Omg. My dad would blow up for the most trivial odd times. He would yell with this devil look on his face with a voice that hissed like a demon. He would string to get her the most obscene foul language. Threatening violence. It was horrible. The last couple times he did it I laughed at him with a nervous laugh. He turned red.


1 month ago
What is the difference between Autistic Meltdown, and Narcissistic Rage?

1 month ago
Intention for one thing, motivation as well.  Autistic people cannot help it and are not trying to punish or humiliate anyone.  Narcissists know raging is wrong and abusive, and absolutely can control themselves but sincerely believe they are entitled to abuse other people.  And the rage is used to control others, punish and humiliate other people.  It’s used to emotionally regulate themselves at the expense of others to feed their never ending self obsessed ego.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 15, 2024, 08:46:46 PM
Why Does a Narcissist's Eyes turn


Nothing is more terrifying. You realize an actual demon is communicating their hatred towards you.

It’s not just their eyes turning black that’s terrifying.
It’s their facial features shifting so they don’t really look human anymore. I understand why people claim they’re demon possessed.
Reptiles are very territorial. What shows up in them is evil that stands exposed.

You do not often see this even with a narcissist but when you do, you will never forget those moments. It will freak you out.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 15, 2024, 09:41:49 PM
Behind Every Narcissist’s Evil Eyes

They get these crazed evil eyes when they have rage. Anger takes over and the narcissist's eyes get dark, their pupils dilate. It especially happens when they are confronted to keep from acknowledging accountability.
It is totally scary.

Call it the "Soulless Glare". It's like looking into a bottomless pit.

And they have this lop-sided stiff phony smile.
It's SO creepy that they all do this - it explains SO much
If there is abuse, there is no love.
We need to remove narcissists away from society.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 15, 2024, 10:45:43 PM
When The Narcissist Eyes Go BLACK!


7 months ago (edited)
When all of mine's eyes went black it was not the stare. When the eyes went black, the demon in them was manifested.  It was like a snake, and absolutely a demonic presence.

5 months ago
Yes, you can feel it and see it for sure. Definitely an evil presence. 

5 months ago
It is absolutely 1000% a demon. In fact, my abuser fled the moment I commanded it to depart in the name of Jesus, and took my ex-wife with it. Hallelujah!

5 months ago
Yes!!! They can not stand that name!!! So glad you got them out.

7 months ago
Eyes are the windows to the soul. Remember that

6 months ago
People used to tell me I was tripping out. Those eye's turning black are no joke and will haunt you. Until you deal with them, you have no idea what your dealing with.

6 months ago
I have experienced this from my wife. Not just the eyes, but the face changes as well. Scary AF.

8 months ago
I've come to the conclusion that these are dangerous people.... And I should do my best to stay away from them.

7 months ago
Oh yeah I have seen this before, many times. Narcissists are unpredictable and will turn into a demonic presence when you defy them.

5 months ago
A lot of people would like to give a narcissist a black eye.  :lol:

Why Narcissists Have Black Eyes!

Why do some narcissist eyes turn black?

The Narcissist’s Eyes, (Narcissistic Stare.)

Narcissists Black Eyes of Fury

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 15, 2024, 11:11:57 PM
What do people mean when they say you have soulless eyes?

Soulless eyes are eyes that appear not to be friendly. A person who has been through a lot of hardship tends to have such eyes. The eyes don’t seem to focus on anything in particular. Soulless eyes rarely show laughter. Soulless eyes rarely show sadness. They show only one emotion: Fear and Despair.

For one to have soulless eyes means the person does not have any emotion or passion in the look displayed in their eyes. The look isn't really displayed in the eyes but more about the dilation of the pupils position of lids and over all facial expression. I'm assuming you've seen some pretty terrible or felt some pretty terrible things so you're devoid of any emotions other than total complacency with what's happening and people can easily observe this by looking into your eyes.

Soulless eyes or dead eyes are usually seen in two types of people.
1. Being a sociopath. They lack empathy towards others and tend to not feel any emotions themselves. They have these eyes due to them seeing the world around them as a playground to cause destruction and evil. They see no fun in anything in life except when doing evil deeds.
2. Being the most common: Someone who has experienced a lot of trauma or experiences lots of pain on a day to day basis. This type of person usually has been depressed for lots of years, I like to call it level 5 depression, where the person’s depression hasn’t left since said trauma has happened and they are done with life.

This person will think about suicide on a day to day basis and negativity circulates them like a plague. They see no other escape and nothing can ever make them happy. Not love ones, not money, not cars, women/men, kids, drugs, etc… They also have maybe been through phrases in their lives where things seem to have gotten better, but then worse again causing them to view their life as a endless loop of pain and misery. This person has went through too much pain and trauma causing their body to adapt, this is called the “numbing effect”.

Emptiness. I Believe that our soul is the most inter link to all aspects of who are are.

When something so horrible interrupts your life, when the hurt you feel its unbearable , I always say it hurts to my soul; deepest place. Therefore, when you hurt, it shows in your eyes as well . BUT, not always. If you have a wounded soul, its not functioning like it normally does. In addition, our soul is the mainline to our existence . It is connected to us just as our skin is to our body. Our eyes are instruments. They display all of our emotions. When the soul is down, wounded from despair, our eyes look empty. That's ONE reason one could say you have soulless eyes.

Furthermore, and much further, ha, there could be one other reason. I hate to even mention it, but if the title “soulless eyes” is referred by somebody who studies the darker side; Witchcraft etc.etc. then soulless eyes could possibly be an interpretation of….the immortal side. Just my own theory.

Whenever your hear statements like that, ones made up , you have to see where it fits with you. In other words, think, …..why did they say that? Also, hey, what's wrong with asking what they meant by that?

Remember, I’m just throwing out my personal view. “Soulless eyes,” it is very diverse; can have many meanings. It might also be something temporary, said at a heated moment when angry. Also, on a lighter scale, it could just be saying somebody is ruthless. They have no emotions. They don't care.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 15, 2024, 11:48:31 PM
They are similar to gremlins cute and cuddly in the beginning but as time goes by they transform into monstrous reptilian creatures.
Why does the Narcissists EYES go BLACK?
Evil Demon or Science?

Why does the Narcissists EYES go BLACK? Reports of the Narcissists eyes turning black are all over the internet. What causes this phenomenon? Is it the jezebel spirit or can this be explained by science? Freedom Vivian explores the possible causes and puts forth her own theory that explains exactly why the Narcissists eyes turn black.

4 years ago
Darkness in their souls... ever notice, the atmosphere, temperature & vibe of the room changes, when around them? Makes me physically ill. If I’m not mistaking, I once witness a narc glide across the floor, instead of walking.


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 15, 2024, 11:55:02 PM
When A Narcissist Gives You An Evil Stare

Narcissists have evil in their hearts and it shows sometimes in those deathly looks that Narcissists give. Narcissists do give the malevolent stare or the evil eye, to the victims they want to destroy. They especially like to do it when you are not looking. But also when they are so angry that their mask begins to crack.

3 years ago
Yes, the evil eye is one of the scariest things I experienced from my husband. It was just that, I literally felt evilness looking at me. It was terrible.


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 12:33:17 AM
Why The Narcissist's Eyes Turn Black? WHEN THE NARCISSIST GIVES YOU AN EVIL STARE : Evil Eye

Narcissists Are Demons from Hell


Why You Can Never Know the Narcissist | Narcissism, Demons, Black Eyes & Evil Spirits

Black Eyes: The #Narcissist Feasts On Your Soul

Narcissist, Black Eyes, Evil & Demonic Attachments Pt. 1

BLACK EYES....NOT always because of NARCISSISTIC RAGE. Bipolar, depression.

Narcissists And Eye Contact

Narcissists, Black Eyes & Demon Mode

Can you spot a psychopath by looking at their eyes?

Confrontation and eye contact, disrupts a narcissist demons!


You Can See The Demon In The Narcissist Eyes

Do Narcissists eyes "change colour" and "go black" when in a Narcissistic Rage? No.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 01:25:06 AM
Why do narcissists deny the past?

Narcissists create their own reality based on what they feel. Feelings are facts. I know it sounds crazy, but they do not understand that facts matter. They do not understand that something that actually happened in the past can continue to matter. It’s done. It’s over. They can’t see it. They can’t touch it. It doesn’t exist. The past does not exist. Unless it serves their current motive, the past is irrelevant. It is whatever they want it to be.

Think about it… why do facts actually matter? They matter because other people were there and other people were and continue to be affected by what actually happened. If I call you a horrible name and I hurt you, you will continue to be affected by it in the future regardless of whether or not I completely forget about it. To me, the incident has vanished. To YOU, you are still hurt. If I’m a narcissist, that is not something that I can understand. You do not have feelings. You do not have your own memory. You do not have lingering affects of things that I actually did. If I decide that I never said some horrible thing to you, then that is now a fact. Your lingering issues are a nuisance. You will be seen as a petty, annoying, vindictive, difficult person if you cannot play along and adopt my new reality.

You do not matter. Your memory does not exist. Your feelings don’t matter. What is the point of determining the actual truth of what happened if the truth now makes the narcissist look bad?

Narcissists feel like life is a movie about them. The entire world is nothing but a giant stage on which this movie about them is set. You are a character in this movie about them. They write the story. If they want to scratch out a few lines from the past and re-write them, they feel like they should be able to. The world revolves around them and their story. You are supposed to read your lines. You are not supposed to have your own story. Especially if it conflicts with their story. The actual facts of what actually happened do not matter at all.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 01:50:52 AM
These Are The 8 Demonic Spirits Behind Narcissism - Why Narcissists Can Become So Evil

When the Devil can't reach you,
he sends you a narcissist.
Their behavior is truly demonic.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 01:55:42 AM
When God Exposes the
Narcissist, Expect This Predictable Pattern

God WILL expose the narcissist.  But if you're not careful, you could fall for more manipulative schemes if you don't know what to expect.  In this video, we're going to dive into the very predictable pattern you can expect when the narcissist is exposed.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 02:03:21 AM
What God Will Do After a
Narcissistic Relationship.

Perhaps you've finally broken free from the narcissist or at the very least, you're no longer a slave to their toxicity.  But now what?  In this video, we're breaking down what you can expect God to do in the months following a narcissistic relationship.  It doesn't matter if it was a parent, partner, pastor, coworker or friend - join me for this life changing process.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 02:19:31 AM

:beerontap: :sam2gun: :pigsfly: :operasinger:
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 02:37:09 AM
Do narcissists ever love their romantic partners?

Absolutely not. Narcissists don't have the capacity to love anyone. The basic elements of love are honesty, care, empathy, remorse, concern, trust, understanding, and feelings for each other. Narcissists don't have any of these qualities.

Narcissists only experience infatuation during the early stages of a relationship. With time, the infatuation of narcissists fades away. Narcissists only come into relationships for their own needs. When you give them narcissistic supplies, it's love for narcissists.

Narcissists make you suffer in a relationship; a person who makes you suffer in a relationship doesn't have feelings for you.

You never get love from narcissists.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 02:54:27 AM
:tello: "If you find this Public Service project to be helpful to your health and well-being, please consider tipping the Creator/Publisher with a generous donation. Please, give until it hurts. Thank You!"
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 03:25:35 AM
What happens if a narc cheats? Do they feel bad or guilty for it and why or why not? Why do they cheat in the first place?

Cheating narcissists will behave more badly with their partner. You can expect more fights, silent treatment, and passive aggressive behavior from narcissists. Narcissists will create conflicts on purpose to keep their partners away from their cheating.

Narcissists don't feel guilty for cheating because they feel you were never good enough to provide them with love, care, and attention, so your poor behavior forced them to cheat.

Narcissists don't understand the meaning of love, honesty, loyalty, and integrity to understand the value of a person. Narcissists don't have the remorse and empathy to understand the feelings of their partner. Narcissists are selfish; they are bothered about their needs in the form of narcissistic supply from other sources after getting bored with their current partner. Narcissists cheat for more narcissistic supply to regulate their self-esteem.

Not all narcissists cheat, but rates of cheating are higher among narcissists.


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 03:46:54 AM
Continue to offer your sincere prayers to the Father for your personal progress and for the progress of our work and activate your faith that these prayers are heard by Him and answered by Him and that they will always be heard and answered.

Be patient, know you are loved and not forsaken and that as you continue to bring your wills into alignment with the Father's Will for you, you will come into greater blessings than you have heretofore experienced or even imagined could be possible.


-Ron Henderson
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 04:13:26 AM
:tello: "I LIKE this girl! You should too!"

The Dangers of the Ego: Narcissists Want You to Act Like Them

"Ego is the false self. It's deep and mortifying going through the dark night of the soul, but a must to elevate to your true authentic self."

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 04:28:22 AM
Your Health When it Comes to Narcissistic Abuse Part 1

"Your health is literally everything you have."

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 04:44:39 AM
Patronizing is the Narcissist's Go-To

"They're NOT human beings."

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 05:03:50 AM
What are narcissist most afraid of?

A strong You. A self that no longer conforms to the expectations of others. They want you to do what they desire in order to fulfill their own wants. This is why they invested so much time and effort in you.

However, what happens when you suddenly change? When you stop reacting emotionally and don't acknowledge their presence anymore? It infuriates them at first and then terrifies them. It means they are powerless and unimportant. It's an overwhelming feeling for someone who lacks a sense of self.

They can always replace you with someone else who fulfills their needs. But the fact that they can't control you eats away at them. It's especially difficult when you have to interact with them regularly, like in a work setting.

To a narcissist, a strong individual means they are inferior. Power over others is their life's purpose, and feeling powerless during their upbringing is what led them to become a narcissist. You are poking at their deepest wound, and that's why it's so frightening for them.

If you want to make them afraid, work on building a powerful self. Once you achieve this, you'll be too focused on your own life to worry about them. They will fade into the background as you continue to grow and pursue new opportunities.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 05:33:04 AM
This ONE Thing EVERY Narcissist Wants From You

This stuff is serious.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 07:13:07 AM
Narcissists & Paranormal Activity

These narcs are pure evil.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 07:24:50 AM
The Narcissist vs. a
Typical A-Hole

"My narc would do anything for anyone but me."

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 08:39:45 AM
Pornography: The Gateway to the Rise of Worldwide Narcissism


Take this seriously as this epidemic continues to manifest
and grow in this dark world reality.

Pr0n makes my computer crash
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 09:05:40 AM
Frank Zappa  -  Moon Zappa 
Valley Girl

This is such a wholesome father-daughter project.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 09:54:31 AM
The One Thing the Narcissist
Wants From You!

"They absolutely want us dead whether that’s spiritually, mentally,
physically, financially and/or all the above!"

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 10:13:09 AM
Why does a narcissist get
away with the evil?

A narcissist gets away with "evil" for so many reasons.

First of all, there are millions of people who do not have the foggiest idea what narcissism is all about. Every one of these individuals is a possible target for a narcissist. Young people think narcissism is "cute" and they call each other "narcissists". Most people just don't take narcissism seriously.

There are also lots of people who don't have NPD but are highly narcissistic. It's so difficult to know who has NPD and who does not. People with some narcissistic tendencies can be difficult to work with or live with but they aren't going to emotionally abuse someone just to satisfy their primal instincts.

Then we have to consider the preponderance of narcissists who are covert and are masters at blending-in. These are people who will minimize narcissism and hide the truth from us. Narcissists at all levels in corporations large and small, narcissists at all levels of government who will make darn sure no legislation passes that addresses problems arising from narcissism. Narcissists next door, narcissists in the military, narcissists around the world in every country. Covert narcissists are hiding everywhere and sometimes - even their own family isn't sure what they are.

Another reason narcissists get away with evil is because they don't often violate any laws - the damage they do is purely emotional and every victim is free to choose whether they will put up with the abuse of leave.
You can't call the police and say "please help, my partner just gaslit me".

The police would either ask "what's that?" or they would ask if there has been any physical violence or threat of physical harm.

Probably the most significant reason narcissists get away with evil is because their victims allow it. They know they should not put up with the abuse but they are always hopeful "their" narcissist will change and things will be idealistic again as it was in the beginning. Victims may remain with a narcissist for many years although the average length of marriage is seven years. Most partners only stay with a narcissist for less than three years. If everyone in America were well educated about narcissism it might turn the tide, but for now, there will always be a fresh victim who will put up with the kind of emotional abuse only a pwNPD know how to administer.


In my experience, narcissists are continuously thinking! Planning! and covering all the bases they need to, to ensure their security. Every single move is strategic, much like a game of chess. They think 10 moves ahead and are prepared to sacrifice a few pawns along the way. They seem to have thought of everything. The lies they portray to others are always believed. Their status never blemished. They seem to work in packs like wolves stalking prey, with the flying monkeys flanking every move. The only real way to deal with them is to escape. Although they get away with murder, if you have the strength and determination to get away safely you’ll be a winner.

I’ve found that with each Evil act and deceptive, controlling behaviour I’ve experienced encourages my ability to share and hopefully help anyone who’s struggling with a narcissist.

Look after yourselves.


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 10:38:55 AM
What losses do narcissists fear the most?

You getting the last laugh...

When they do the "I'm going to threaten to break up with you to maintain control" game or the "If you don't meet my ultimatum you better find somewhere else to go" game. And instead of pleading with them, you just say "Alright, if that's what you want then I'm outta here." That's the biggest win you can have.

And after you end up with someone who is actually nice; who isn't abusive. Or you escape the situation and you are living somewhere you can be happy on your own terms and not have to jump through hoops.

DON'T MAKE THE MISTAKE OF RESUMING CONTACT. They will put on a mask of "I'm sorry I was so mean, I'll be nice now" but they are just trying to hoover you back in.

They'll get you back and they'll make you think things can be better, but they aren't self aware enough to stop being a Narcissist. If you go back and try to be everything they want it still won't be enough.

Leave on a high. Let "Alright, have it your way" be the last thing they get from you and let them stew over that. Don't get conned into going back to a person who will just keep abusing you and chipping away at your self worth and self confidence. You deserve someone better. Someone who fits in on your emotional spectrum, not someone who can't even feel feelings unless they are hurting someone else to feed off their pain.

A narcissist isn't worth second chances. A narcissist isn't worth you trying to fit their opinions to avoid their judgment. A narcissist isn't worth you sacrificing your own physical and emotional health. Your happiness is worth something despite whatever brainwashing they did to make you think it isn't.

Don't hate yourself because you aren't what they want. Don't hate yourself because they moved on to someone else. They were going to do that eventually anyway. They stopped getting what they wanted out of you: Your tasty emotions. Your pain. Your confusion. Your self blame. Your obedience. Leave them and learn to live beyond the roller coaster. It might seem like "home" but it isn't. Find home within yourself.

You don't need them and their toxicity. Build an emotional wall and no matter how desperately they beg, don't lower your wall to let them back in. They're just going to trash you up inside once you open up to them again.

Your power is your denial. Deny them what they want. No amount of crying, puppy eyes, curled upper lip or whatever else they throw at you to break you down and trick you should be enough to get you to go back to a narcissist.

What are the typical fears of a narcissists?

It is truly hard to believe but narcs are just scared.

They are utterly terrified of being alone. This is by far their greatest fear. Being alone is the hardest punishment they could ever face. They have grown up alone through their own abuse and emotional abandonment and that is a space they refuse to go back to.

When they are alone it is way too quiet for them. There is no stimulation. They actually have to face themselves in their own silence. When they are alone there is no one to abuse, there is no sex, no one cooking and cleaning for them and no one to extract money from. No one to keep them financially in the manner they are accustomed to. Alone is boring. Alone, dreading that they are acquiring nothing.

They fear becoming unmasked. Nobody can ever know who they really are. No one can ever be privy to the blackness of their core. They work so hard to maintain their spotless image. If you unmask them, they will do everything in their power to discredit you. They have been storing every single bit of information that they have nefariously acquired about you, to use against you if you ever turn “states evidence” against them.

They fear criticism. They are so paranoid that any rational conversation you have with them can be perceived as a critical attack. You never know when this perceived criticism will ignite their demons. They especially fear criticism from peers and colleagues whom they hold in high regard.

They fear not having money. They will protect their money and financial security like nothing else. They will find a way to take your money while protecting theirs. Rarely will they take out their own wallets to pay for anything. They will cheat and steal. They will stoop as low as to manipulate the elderly and vulnerable to gain access to money. Watch a few episodes of American Greed to see the lengths they will go to. Or better yet, look at your own bank account to see the lengths they will go to. So many survivors have gone through financial ruin at the hands of these predators.

They act like such tough guys. They act like the big “man/woman about town”, but in actuality, they are weak, lazy and sad. The only thing going for them is that they are selfish manipulators. They are completely empty vessels.

They fear that you will be very happy without them. Take some comfort in the fact that they were attracted to you because they so desperately wanted to be you. You are innately good, kind and intelligent. Others love you genuinely and are drawn to your beautiful light. You are harmony and peace. That irritates the crap out of their demons. Know that after you leave and go zero contact, your light will continue to shine even brighter than before. You have moved on and are now living your best life full of so much happiness and peace! The precious life that you deserve!

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 10:49:25 AM



Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 12:07:06 PM
Directly… indirectly… never have anything to do with the narc ever again
Why You Seek the Narcissist´s Downfall?


Being single is freedom!
Why It's BETTER to Be SINGLE |


There are those that mock at making amends for wrongdoings to others , there is no goodwill in them , their only focus is selfish gain !
This Is How Narcissists React When You Stop Giving Them Attention!


Narcissist: I need your obedience, but I get to make the rules as I go along.
Healthy person: Hell will freeze over before I give you any blind obedience.

Your Disobedience Toward A Narcissist's Control


The narc has to be right about everything because of course they think they know everything.
The Narcissist Will Try to Break You & Your Boundaries

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 12:22:05 PM


3 hours ago
They are not on your side.  You are not a team. 
The narc is only out for himself!  Period!
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 12:41:29 PM
The 5 Most Common Manipulations of the Narcissist


5 days ago

1. They keep your text messages even if they pretend to don't read them (they read them and enjoy them)

2. If they blocked you before, they will have backed up everything (the smear campaign)

3. They have an agenda where they write down your reactions or moments that they find important to use against you (if you find it, don't read the contents)

4. They use silence both to punish you, and to make you feel guilty, and to manipulate you,  and to make you suffer. (They are looking for a way to restore the balance: you at the bottom, they at the top)

5.  Denying is the same as lying (they are pathological liars, never challenge them)
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 12:58:03 PM
5 Comments That Easily Trigger the Narcissist’s Rage


6 hours ago

1) I disagree. (How dare you disagree w me)

2) You hurt me. (Your needs trigger them) Gaslighting. Defensiveness. Denying. Lying.
3) I need space (Fear of abandonment. They see it as rejection)

4) You are being selfish. (They don’t see themselves this way. Sensitive to criticism)

5) I’m done/walking away. (Huge trigger. Toxic meltdown or guilt trip)
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 01:35:26 PM
Why Did The Narcissist Discard me? - (5 Reasons Narcissists Discard People)


They discard you if and when you bust them for cheating, or the narcissist can no longer control you or you are of no use to them anymore.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 01:58:27 PM
NARCISSIST’S DISCARD: 3 Reasons Narcissists Discard (And Why It's Not Your Fault)

NARCISSIST'S FINAL DISCARD: How To Know When Over is Really Over

The Narcissist's Final Discard: 3 Things to Do Immediately After Getting Rid of the Narcissist

NARCISSIST'S DISCARD PHASE: What to Expect and What to Do Next

The Narcissist and the Discard: The Real Reasons They Discarded You

Why Narcissists Discard Their Targets So Cruelly

Two Types Of #Discard By The Narcissist - (Discard Methods)

Narcissists Final Discard - How Final Is It?

7 Lightbulb Realizations After Narcissistic Discard

Seven Reasons why Narcissists Discard People

How To Respond Wisely When A Narcissist Discards You

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 02:23:42 PM


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 03:33:01 PM

I have no idea what this is about, but it looks bigger than my similar story.
It is a facebook post in the group "Expose Corruption, Civil Rights Violations, Judges, Cps"
I'm compelled to post this stuff here cuz it has the word GASLIGHTING.
And it looks ugly.
I presume this is in America. It fits the Profile.

DP Pertuit
These individuals stalking, harassing & plotting are so obvious, that other people that I see at the gym witness this and have said to me “Seems like you have some obsessive boyfriends following you, we see what’s going on”.
This is without these people knowing what has been going on for months.
So to do my best to avoid unnecessary drama, I move to another gym, they follow me to the new gym and do the same thing.
These individuals and group, as previously said have continually and intentionally sabotaged (4) sources of income for me since November 2022.  Attempting to make it impossible for me to have a business, job or income; because they follow me everywhere, cause scenes and purposely ruin professional relationships. They do this by using the justice system illegally with blatant lies and also by telling my business relationships / partnerships blatant lies about me.
The truth is, the lies they continually use to sabotage every aspect of life; are in fact exactly what they are doing themselves.
Again, here is the simple list of what they have been doing, have done and continue on trying:
1. Stole property and money belonging to me.
2. Identity fraud
3. Mail fraud
4. Kidnapping, Unaliving & Trafficking attempts
5. Hidden & illegal recording devices inside my own house.
6. My own house temporarily taken from me (this is not a house I was renting, my name is on the title to this house & property).
7. Cut off my cameras on my property that I had access to, put their own cameras, threw my children’s stuff outside & changed the locks.
8. Repeatedly filed false reports to the authorities with blatant lies attempting to set me up for false criminal charges. This has happened many times over a long period of time.
9. Gang stalking, stalking, harassing and threatening myself & my children.
10. Using our reports about the actions and crimes against myself & children to take my children away from me and give me I’m to individuals who are also involved in what has been happening to us.
11. Sabotaged (4) sources of income / business since November 2022
12. Used my reports and truth speaking to illegally put me in a psychiatric facility, while intentionally ignoring our reports and requests for help, also knowing the basis for this was based on blatant and provable lies and doing it anyway.
13. These individuals lie under oath; also provable.
14. They continue to do anything they can to prevent me from speaking the truth, exposing them, going to prison and to prevent me being “able” to testify against them in court.
15. Continuous gas lighting
16. Blaming each other and admitting everything
17. Fraudulent life insurance policies & unaliving for the payout.
18. Hacking
19. “Energy harvesting & spell work (in the worst aspects), including death spells against me & my children” this was told to me by one of them directly
20. Bribery
21. Coverups
Also, from what I was told, it was part of a specific persons “initiation” into the “secret group” to “sacrifice me”. “Blood oath’s and selling their souls”.
Attacks and plots involving “Family”, “Family Court”, Government, Judges, DAs, Police Department, Sheriffs Office, CPS, Doctors, Nurses, Church leaders involved, Secret “Groups” and others. Individuals / names are known and have been shared

Ron Tello Culley
How did this start? What is the cause?

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 04:30:43 PM
:tello: "News to me...."

Shape Shifting Narcissist


6 years ago
this is more important to know than people realize- every one of these pieces of crap have attempted to clone me and then play out my good qualities  while attempting to make me out to look like them aka the copier empty one etc. 
and trying to explain this to normal based people is hell, because as you try to explain that you're being copied, they don't care or get how damaging it is and think you're the one being the problem by pointing it out etc.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 04:42:05 PM
When A Narcissist Realizes You Refuse To Be Controlled


3 years ago
I was told I was disrespectful. No, I was actually disobedient. The need for control is outrageous.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 04:58:10 PM
:tello: "This is pretty neat!"

The most powerful frequency of the universe
- you will feel God within you healing


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 06:12:42 PM
Why Chosen Ones Cannot Be Around A Lot of People - Revealed


@The Ron
Now I know why I'm hated by some people, even my own family.

It’s annoying to me to be intimidating to people while doing nothing at all. I have been told this numerous times and have felt that I make people uncomfortable at other times. I have no idea why and it’s very mind boggling.

I struggle with the common banter that everyone seems to relish. I have to be very careful of what I choose to say and what words I use. I am mindful of how I move through the abyss of humanity without attracting overt attention.

I'm stimulated by thinking new thoughts.
The more I learn, the more I realize what I don't know.

I’m proud of being a chosen one. It’s been one hell of a ride.
The only thing is that in my solitude I do not feel lonely. I love to be in peace, alone and enjoying my space! It humbles me.

I’d like to warn any chosen ones in the prime of their youth: Stay away from people who give you a bad vibe. Trust your instincts. They are always right.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 06:17:00 PM


"Do not act as if you were going to live ten thousand years. Death hangs over you. While you live, while it is in your power, be good." - Marcus Aurelius
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 06:25:06 PM
How to Escape Mediocrity and Mental Illness - The Road Less Traveled


4 months ago (edited)
The journey to transcend mediocrity and mental illness is often mistaken for a path of gentle self-improvement, yet it demands a confrontation with the darkest aspects of our psyche.

Many embark on this journey seeking solace, only to discover that it requires dismantling deeply ingrained habits and beliefs. True transformation is not just about self-reflection; it's a radical upheaval of our very identity and the narratives we've clung to for comfort.

Remember: pain is inevitable but suffering is optional.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 06:30:14 PM
"Narcissism" is the Modern Word that Replaced "Evil"


2 years ago
Another term they used for psychopathy was "morally insane" and yes society profits big off addiction and dysfunction.
I can't even stand the word "content" anymore. People just live consuming this "content" everyday to the point where we have no more real content within ourselves in REALITY.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 06:34:37 PM
What is "projection"? (Glossary of Narcissistic Relationships)


3 years ago (edited)
Projection is actually my favorite Narc trait!  It is like he/she is giving you hand written list of his/her own transgressions and flaws.   It’s confession by projection.   Once you understand it and can see it, it makes everything so much easier to accurately assess your relationship.  That’s the first step to getting out.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 06:47:14 PM
I'm beginning to feel as though the whole world is one big Narcissistic Theme Park.
DARVO | The Abuser's tactic of blame-shifting that causes you to blame yourself for the abuse


5 years ago
Unfortunately many manipulative people learn how to blame others very well to make it feel like it was the other persons fault.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 06:50:52 PM
How to Handle the DARVO Method

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 06:52:38 PM
Narcissists Manipulate w D.A.R.V.O. Technique

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 06:59:04 PM
10 Steps to Crush a Narcissist's Smear Campaign Permanently


7 months ago
And most importantly, DON'T WAIT!
They're not going to change. They won't learn by example. They won't be inspired by your loyalty. They'll never grow to respect others boundaries etc.
It's all just a waste of time and energy.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 07:05:17 PM
Narcissism and the D.E.E.P. Technique


2 years ago
Having a conversation with a narcissist is like a nightmare you can't wake up from.
This means you cannot talk to them at all ever. They're like invisible black holes swallowing and destroying nice people nearby them.
Move on and lessons learned.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 07:21:50 PM
What does it mean to go "gray rock"? (Glossary of Narcissistic Relationships)


4 years ago
My tip: get an actual  small gray rock, and keep in in your hand.  In convo, squeeze it, run your fingers over it, and remember the game that's being played.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 07:27:07 PM
Use This Gray Rock Method to Conquer Narcissists

How to use the Grey Rock method effectively

to Upgrade Your Gray Rock Game

This is NOT how narcissists gray rock

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 07:40:47 PM
How to Respond to Narcissists When They Disrespect You

Get Rid Of A Narcissist With These 5 Steps

10 Ways to Manipulate a Narcissist | (Keeping the Peace with a Narcissist)

5 Ways To Torture a Narcissist

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 08:11:51 PM
Why did the narcissist leave you ?

The narcissist had to leave you at some point because he/she really had no other option. And it's not about justifying it. The narcissist lied to you from the start; you were manipulated.

They made you believe they were serious. It was all so believable but the narcissist sold you a lot of lies. They lied about their plans, abilities, and character. And finally, at some point, everything started to fall apart. Narcissist began to have many difficulties and problems. There were many fights and arguments. All this happened because the narcissist couldn't live up to the high expectations they set for you in the beginning.

(In the case of Ron Tello, he went Gray Rock on the Old Bag and refused to buy into her bullshit any longer. He reached his threshold of pain and the breaking point of mediocrity.
Simply stated: Narcissistic Supply has an Expiration Date and his number was up.

Now, his Narc has abandoned him in Big Bear holding his own, while she sunk her hooks into the New Supply, living in a camper van at the beach without an umbrella or sunscreen.)

Therefore, at some point, the narcissist has no choice but to run away like a typical thief, a con artist and a coward. The narcissist runs away because it has all become too difficult  and overwhelming for them. That's why everything started to fall apart  That's why the narcissist started to get mad. They couldn't carry out what they told you because it was all a lie.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 08:29:57 PM
When you tell a narcissist “I am not playing your mind games”, what will happen?

Narcissists, of the evil triads, know that when you say something like this you are playing their mind games. To a narcissist with no sense of values there is only loss and temporary satisfactions. There is no love. It simply doesn’t exist. I know this to be 100% true.

The narcissist wants your love and admiration and they observe this from a distance. The truth is they don’t know what you see in them. Their entire life is mind games. That’s why they are such experts at it. The only thing they fear of you is the opposite of love and admiration - indifference.

They know this trait very well. They use it on you all the time. They want you to be humbled by them. They feel great joy knowing they had the power to break you. In reality that is all that matters. To beat a narcissist at their own game you need to mimic their behaviours. One key thing to master is indifference.

This is not narcissistic injury. But remember you need to be convincing against the consummate actor. You don’t warn your enemies you are going to shoot them in the back. You just do it. But be prepared to start a new life.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 10:02:22 PM
The Universe Will Compensate You
for Your Wasted Years

In this enlightening video, we explore a captivating concept that could significantly alter your perspective on your past and future. We unravel the universe's secret power to transform what seems like lost time into the foundation of a new beginning. This journey reveals how the universe orchestrates subtle signs, serendipitous encounters, and unexpected opportunities not as mere coincidences but as part of a grander scheme aimed at guiding us towards spiritual renewal and fulfillment.


1 month ago
Never second guess how you spend your time if you know you're doing your best to live and enjoy life.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 10:32:05 PM
Do relationships with narcissists always
have to end badly?

Absolutely yes. Narcissists never end relationships peacefully because, by the end of the relationship, they start hating you to the core. Narcissists believe you are the biggest reason relationships don't work. Had you put more effort into pleasing narcissists, then relationships would have worked.

Narcissists are completely irritated and annoyed by your presence; they just can't tolerate you. Narcissists will vent out their anger and hate while ending relationships. Narcissists will discard you like you never mattered to them. Sometimes narcissists will behave badly toward you because they want you to leave them. Sometimes narcissists will vanish from your life without giving any explanation; this will cause pain, anxiety, helplessness, and worthlessness.

Narcissists don't have empathy or remorse; they end relationships badly because they don't care about you or your relationship. Narcissists just want to replace you.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 10:44:03 PM
A narcissist is a fraud

A narcissist uses tricks, manipulation, persuasion and deception to make people believe something that is not true. The narcissist paints an image of himself that is not consistent with facts and reality. The narcissist will use suggestions aimed at pointing out specific facts or situations, knowing that they do not apply to him. The narcissist deceives you through deception, intentionally making you believe something that is not true.

He forces you to believe it, he does it for his own gain. Deliberately creates a false impression. The narcissist tricks you into believing that you have something great with him. Makes you believe you have understanding. The narcissist tells you that he has something to offer that will benefit you. He’s telling you he has something you can appreciate.

You decide to get involved, you commit your time and efforts. You decide to devote your energy and money to this specific goal, expecting satisfactory results. You expect it to be worth it, that it will be important and meaningful. You expect it to have the meaning you give it. You expect it to be as important as it is important to you. A narcissist is very persuasive, he uses persuasion, he convinces you through arguments or temptations, he makes you believe that you will get a return on your investment and this is where the problems begin.

The problems begin even though the narcissist has been very persuasive, suggesting that he has so much to offer and many things that will benefit you. The narcissist is only involved with you because you have something to offer. The narcissist caught your interest, attracted your attention, only because he wanted to participate in what you had to offer. The narcissist knew you wouldn’t be interested in someone who couldn’t give you anything in return. Who is not able to reciprocate what you give, that is why the narcissist deceived you, lied about his abilities, lied about his personality. He made you believe that your investment would pay off.

Depending on the goal and the situation, the narcissist likes to use another trick. This is a very predatory and exploitative tactic, but it is also very effective, which is why the narcissist uses it. The narcissist exploits your weak points.

The narcissist takes advantage of your weaknesses, targets your loneliness, difficult family or financial situation, your uncertainty and health problems. The narcissist takes advantage of your lack of knowledge and awareness, lack of information. A narcissist has no conscience, he is so focused on himself and his goals that he doesn’t even think about how it will affect you.

A narcissist only cares about what he wants, and you have what he wants, so he will do everything in his power to get it from you, extort it, steal it, and exploit it. The narcissist plays the role of a charming, unique and wonderful and charismatic person, he plays the role of a very persuasive person. This is how he gains your trust and confidence and continues to do so until he gets what he wants, get what he wants from you.

You begin to realize that nothing he said, nothing he suggested, nothing he promised came true. There is a confrontation and then you feel bad, you feel guilty and ashamed because you decided to discuss this topic with him, because you had expectations, because you expected something from him. The narcissist makes you feel like you are not worthYou begin to realize that nothing he said, nothing he suggested, nothing he promised came true.

There is a confrontation and then you feel bad, you feel guilty and ashamed because you decided to discuss this topic with him, because you had expectations, because you expected something from him. The narcissist makes you feel like you are not worth it.

It makes you feel like you don’t deserve anything valuable or meaningful. This happens regardless of how much you have invested in the narcissist, how much of yourself you have invested in such a relationship. The narcissist may even convince you that you just need to be patient, that you need to wait a little longer, or they may convince you that you need to invest more time and resources. This is how the narcissist manages your expectations by using empty, false promises. The narcissist makes you believe that there is some reward waiting for you in the future.

But no matter how long you stay with a narcissist, nothing will ever change, no promises will ever be fulfilled. The narcissist lets you down so often that disappointment becomes the norm. You expect the narcissist to fail to live up to your expectations and hopes, and this helps him even more. As you start expecting less and less from a narcissist, he gets away with more and more.

When you have invested all your time and all your resources in a narcissist, you don’t want to leave, you don’t want to accept that you have invested all your time and all your energy, all your efforts, money, feelings and emotions. You have invested everything in something that will never pay off in the way it will benefit you. It won’t pay you back like you expected.

You want to believe the narcissist’s lies, you want to believe that if you stick it out a little longer, it will be worth it. You believe that it will be worth everything you’ve been through, all the pain and suffering you’ve had to endure, and the narcissist knows it. He knows what’s going on in your head. The narcissist knows that you are completely hurt, he knows that you are willing to believe anything.

You still have hope, you still want future events, that’s why the narcissist uses manipulation, uses empty, false promises. A narcissist plays on your emotions, plays on your feelings, plays on your hope. Hope for the future, for a different outcome, for change. The narcissist wants to convince you that staying with him, that his charm, strength and attractiveness will somehow benefit you or protects you from danger, from the outside world.

Its purpose is to trap you and make you addicted. The narcissist wants to make you feel like you can’t leave, like you can’t start over on your own. This is intended to make you feel like you can’t live without the narcissist. The costs of staying with a narcissist far outweigh the benefits. Losses outweigh gains. The closer you are to the narcissist, the more you rely on him, the more trapped you become, the more the narcissist will take advantage of you and deprive you of your resources.

When you find out who you are dealing with, when you refrain from investing, from giving up your time and resources, the narcissist will move on to another source of supply, to someone else, and the whole cycle, the whole process, starts all over again.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 11:09:46 PM
Dear Narc,
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 16, 2024, 11:36:57 PM
Fun With Your Narcissist! How To Beat Them At Their Own Game And Enjoy It
Since this video has been published, narcissists have gone out of control. Check out the world they are creating, here:

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 17, 2024, 12:00:30 AM
Why don't narcissists get
the help they need?

They literally don’t think there’s anything wrong with them, in fact, they believe there’s something wrong with you.

It’s too painful for them to accept their issues, so instead they avoid accountability by blaming their victims.

They have to want help, but they’re too busy GASLIGHTING and JUSTIFYING THEIR ACTIONS; no matter how bad they are. So sad!

Getting help requires self reflection , atonement, and accepting the truth. Something a narcissist can NEVER do nor face because they would be forced to acknowledge that all this time they were the monsters in the manipulationship. They are emotionally undeveloped people who lack the ability to process pain nor understand the full impact of their decisions. It’s just easier for them to create a character and pretend rather than face reality .

Because society enables and rewards their awful behavior! Lundy Bancroft sums it up best when he speaks about how they turn everything around on the abused. It's way too easy to let them bully everyone else out of fear of becoming a target.  We need to Collectively STAND UP to these bullies!

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 17, 2024, 12:14:02 AM
Ten Signs of Narcissistic Neglect

Tricking narcissists into feeling bad for their actions

7 Things Narcissists Do When They Lose Control Over You

7 Comments That Easily Trigger A Narcissist's Anger

Top 5 Problems Created By Narcissists

Top 10 Indicators That Narcissists Can't Manage Life Maturely

How to Trigger Narcissist Collapse by Asking THIS Question

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 17, 2024, 01:25:21 AM
Narcissists are Satan's Agents: Proof that They're Evil!

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 17, 2024, 01:51:16 AM
How to Beat a Narcissist at Their Own Game | Story time


5 months ago
I believe to defeat a narc, you need to stop caring what they think. Be true to yourself and your feelings. Set boundaries!
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 17, 2024, 01:56:06 AM
This Is Why Narcissists Can't Maintain Relationships


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 17, 2024, 02:04:10 AM
Clear Warnings From The Universe Of An Evil Person


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 17, 2024, 02:15:50 AM
What is "love-bombing"? (Glossary of Narcissistic Relationships)


4 years ago
It's freaky how they all instinctively have the same personality patterns...
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 17, 2024, 04:59:06 AM
Why do narcissists seem to
get away with it all,
all of the time?

This is all smoke and mirrors.

The female narcissist ex that I personally have experience with exuded an aura of confidence and self-assuredness when I got to know her from a distance. Once I got closer, her insecurities about her age (she was 47 but carried around a fake driver’s license that said she was 40), appearance (she was physically attractive but held onto hurtful things that a classmate had once said to her in high school), and her abilities seeped out like pus from an old infection. Shortly after starting a romantic and sexual relationship with her, she revealed so much rage, jealousy, and overall bitterness that her negative energy slowly consumed me.

Narcissists are incredibly flocked up children who live in a fantasy world — unable to deal with reality, they live in a permanent state of denial where they can pretend to not be the lying, cheating whores, con artists, or useless social parasites they are. They are too weak to live their lives as responsible adults so they are relegated to a merely pretend life where they are admirable and looked up to by those they secretly want to be. In order to do this, they become great liars and manipulators while remaining generally secretive about how miserable their lives are. Because I find attention whores so incredibly off-putting, I was initially attracted to how private she was, thinking that this was someone with a strong sense of boundaries. Lesson learned. There is a big difference between private and secretive.

Once I started to discover the painful reality that the real version of her was not like the person she pretended to be in the beginning, I started to ask her questions to things I already knew — such as whether she lived in a house or apartment — just to see if she would lie. Of course, these on-going tests proved that she was a compulsive liar, which all narcissists are. They are shame-based individuals so anytime they are put in the spotlight, they panic and end up lying. It is a sub-conscious reaction; they really can’t help it.

So in the end, after I brutally dumped her and called her out on everything she had lied about with proof, screenshots of text messages that she had forgotten about, etc. she just sat there with a glazed look in her eyes, looking off into space and muttering anything she could say to either shift the blame to someone else, shift the blame to the pandemic for her bad behavior, shift the blame to me for making her feel insecure, or shift the blame to her husband for neglecting her or not knowing how to get her off like I could.

In other words, she is a crazy, delusional, irrelevant hag who goes out of her way to feel validation in an attempt to feel like she’s not a complete loser in life (which she is). I’d bet money that she has not told her husband about the affair and will continue to pretend that everything is peachy around him but I wouldn’t say that she is getting away with anything. It’s just that she is always in denial and lies to herself constantly about who she really is and what she does. In the end, there is no escaping who she is and living through the consequences of all her poor life decisions over the years.

One day, it is all going to hit her and when it does, it’s going to hit her hard. As I told her the last time I saw her, “You don’t deserve me. You deserve your life and every flocked up thing about it.”

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 17, 2024, 05:22:49 AM
How does a covert narcissist attack their victims?

The covert Narcissist uses some “poor me” victim story or drama to draw in a sympathizer.

She asks that compassionate, listening person for her thoughts and feelings about this kind of situation. She flatters her new “friend” for being so wise and understanding. She looks at her rescuer with awe, wondering aloud how she ever functioned without this wonderful hero.

Then the day comes when she “achieves” something: stands up to the boss, pays her own electricity bill, gets a nice haircut. Something “better” than her hero.

And she smugly turns to the hero and says, “This is something you’re not so great at, eh?”

But while she’s on that subject, haha, so funny, look at this other thing you’re so silly about. And SERIOUSLY? You’re going to wear THAT??

And then a sigh because you’ve let her down. And then a little outburst of rage because her problem came back and you had promised to fix that for her.

Then she is using all your deepest insecurities against you, mentioning them in an inappropriate context. Like sympathetically talking about your constipation problem while you’re chatting with an important new business contact. Or pointing out how it’s your fault that she lost her temper and called her boss the “C” word because you are always going on about how you are superior to YOUR boss. Now she’s fired and can’t pay the bills so you’d better do it.

It continues in this vein until you are a worn out dishrag and you leave her because you don’t care about anything or have any more energy to deal with it. But you feel guilty, because, of course, she is right about some of the things she said about you. After all, they are things you told her yourself.

And she knows you feel guilty. Which is why she then tells all your closest friends and family about how much you abused her, using a carefully-curated list of your very own faults that you yourself revealed to her.

Because if you do anything whatsoever to defend or redeem yourself, it will prove that you were using her all along and that you are a worthless piece of shite who ruined her life.

She then takes on all your “heroic” qualities for herself and posts memes on Facebook about never putting up with someone who doesn’t appreciate her for exactly who she is.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 17, 2024, 05:32:42 AM
Why does a narcissistic do things transactional,
and where does it stem from?

Since narcissists do not have self-esteem, which is an internal, love-based source of validation, they are constantly seeking external validation in the form of adulation and admiration. That is their drug, and they valuate people and things based on the quality and quantity of validation those people offer to the narcissist.

Narcissists lack the empathy to process and reciprocate love, therefore they can’t and don’t value it like healthy people. The only kind of “love” they can feel is how important and exalted someone makes them feel. Subconsciously, narcissists see people as commodities who supply them with validation. Instead of bonding with people via love, they valuate people based on their supply and keep them around only until their supply runs out.

When a person no longer makes a narcissist feel exalted or superior, the narcissist no longer has a use for that person, so they discard them in favor of seeking a new source of supply. Obviously it’s a very cold and calculating thing to do, but that’s how narcissists operate. Regarding people as a commodity explains the transactional element of narcissistic behavior.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 17, 2024, 06:10:12 AM
What drives a narcissist insane?

Narcissists are easy to drive insane when you do any or all of the following:

Criticize them
One up them
Do something/anything better than them
Withhold praise
Withhold attention
Don't include them in a conversation at an event
Forget to introduce them in public
Fail to recognize things their preposterous fauxchievements
Forget your wallet after you invite them out for dinner
Withhold sex
Stop waiting on them hand and foot
Tell them you don't like their outfit, shoes, haircut
Wait longer to return their calls, texts, emails
Flirt with someone of the opposite sex in front of them - like they do to you
Tell them they are getting old and you see a few gray hairs
Tell them you think they are balding
Tell them they need to start working out or working out more
Minimize your sexual pleasure- say it was just “ok” or “alright”
Make them take care of the kids and have an expensive spa day without them
Ask them to pick up the tab
Ask for a date night, ha!
Tell them they need therapy or couples counseling
Tell them you are leaving or want a divorce
Make yourself the center of attention at a party and watch them squirm
Tell them you find another male/female astonishingly gorgeous
Buy a nicer house or car than them
Start talking over them
Stop listening to them
Give them the silent treatment
Discard them first after a devaluation
But beware bc narcissists are children in adult bodies with big words, a mean streak ten miles wide, no remorse, and a thirst for vengeance.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 17, 2024, 06:54:55 AM

What exactly does a narcissist want in a relationship?

There are the things the narcissist knows they want, and there are the things they subconsciously want.

What the narcissist knows they want:

Elevation of their status: Being with someone bright, attractive, successful, wealthy, connected, funny, or talented makes them feel more valuable than they do on their own. They want access to financial or other resources they otherwise don't have.

Loyalty: They expect you to confirm their story, eliminate relationships with friends and exes, and put them before everything else.

Respect for their boundaries: They expect you to not snoop around their belongings or talk when they're watching TV or want silence.

Unconditional trust: They expect you to not question them too much and blindly believe their stories. They want to always be right and win at everything.

Compliance: They expect you to not challenge them, to obey their commands without question, and to be in control.

What the narcissist subconsciously wants:

Regulation of their emotions: They can't control their emotions well, and they want you to prevent their feelings of low self-esteem and shame.

Narcissistic supply: They need attention to survive and will do anything to get it, whether through positive or negative means.

Validation: They want confirmation that they are correct and approval from you.

Admiration and praise: They want to be seen as unique, special, and admirable.

Confirmation of their false reality: They want you to validate the false narrative they've crafted since childhood.

In conclusion, above all else, the narcissist wants you to see them as the person they wish to be.

Great question,

There has been a popular meme getting around that says

“A narcissists demands that you give up everything in order to be their nothing”.

This simple and yet profound statement captures both very essence of a narcissistic relationship as well as the needs (or rather demands) of the narcissist.

A narcissists first and foremost concern will always be for themselves, their needs, their desires, and their wants. The concerns of others will always be secondary to a narcissist which eventually results in a narcissists significant other developing feelings of diminishment and insignificance. This sense of devaluation will eventually erode their significant others self-esteem and sense of self worth.

A narcissist only cares about themselves and sees others in terms of resource potential. Once that resource has been depleted, a narcissist will move on to the next and so on.

In simple terms, they want attention, validation and to get their way/have their needs met at all times and at any expense. They are adults who are emotionally stuck at the toddler level and are therefore very egocentric.

When you understand what toddlers want and what happens when they don’t get it, you’ll understand narcissism. The only thing being an adult does for them is it increases their viciousness and level of damage they can inflict on others.

And they can spend their "Time-Out" in Jail.

Control…. That's why when a narcissist loses control of you they lose their minds. A big reason that a narcissist needs control is because when they were children, they had no control of any of the bad situations or abuse that they endured.

In a way it makes them feel safe.

They want control over everything in the relationship. They live by their own rules and you live by a different set of rules.

They want you to behave like a good supply or else you will be of no longer any use to them.

At the end of the day they are extremely self absorbed while looking like the perfect citizen to most.

Again, control is what they need.

Better ask yourself why you are in a relationship with a narcissist!

No one screws a nut onto a nail. If you are/have been/want to be in a narcissistic relationship it is because you are as or even more narcissistic than your partner… just because you are a coward to prefer to accept miserable crumbs of something that is not even love instead of being brave and healing your heart, making you responsible for your life and your happiness.

A narcissist is someone who has a deep inner emptiness and tries to fill it by absorbing others. But that void is never filled, because nothing from the outside can fill an inner void. So when the narcissist feels empty again — that is, quickly — he leaves his absorbed and looks for another with the useless hope that it will fill him/her.

But there is another type of person —which I call a meta-narcissist— who also has a deep inner emptiness but tries to fill it by allowing himself / herself to be absorbed by another —the narcissist—. But when the narcissist finds that he/she does not fill his/her void, he/she abandons him/her and the meta-narcissist becomes depressed and feels abandoned. (The dumped person often hides under the name ‘victim.’)


The first thing that you must do is clean up all the blocked emotions and stress that you have —we all have— in your heart. Those are like ‘coloured glasses’ that tint everything we see and feel. They are, also, the way our mind controls us.

Then, you fill your heart with your own love, your own trust, and your own appreciation. You are the only one that can fill your heart. Nothing external will do. You’ll become responsible of your life and happiness.

You find your inner place of peace and joy. And intuition is developed. You’ll know from deep inside yourself all the answers —and the questions!— that you need to know.
To attain that, I use deep meditation. I use the Isha system.

Deep meditation means to let your thoughts pass by and give guidance of your life to your heart. You become responsible of your life and happiness. You find your inner place of peace and joy. And develop intuition.

Emotions are like water: if they flow, they are clear and healthy; if they stagnate, they root. If you totally block them —like a dam— then they most surely will explode.
So, let them flow. Just choose the right place to do that. Never in the face of another person, just in a matrix or pillow.

A wise person is the one that strives to achieve the perfect balance between mind, feelings and will, to become the best human being he/she can be.

Only if you love yourself, trust yourself, and appreciate yourself... those are the foundations of self-worth and self-esteem... will you be able to really love another person and be loved.

Remember that you learn to love by loving yourself; to trust in you is learned by trusting in you; to appreciate you is learned by appreciating you. Start small and soon you will see big changes.

Praise, bless, thank everyone, everywhere, every time.
It’s a change in your attitude toward life.

Give, do not take.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 17, 2024, 07:00:36 AM
Why can a narcissist not see who they really are?

They see. A narc sees but they have missing parts of their brain and it’s a shame-based disorder. The fact that they are so ashamed makes them try to hide what they are - even from themselves. You will never convince them - they would have to want to deal with it and they don’t, won’t and can’t.

A brain scan will show the missing parts of the frontal lobes and left anterior insula in the narc brain. They are disordered so they will never see. Yes there are a few “self aware” narcs but don’t hold your breath your narc will be that. 99.999% of the time narcs refuse to see who they are as they are too busy running from their shame.

My ex husband knew something was wrong - he saw he was “broken” but he would then double down making his shame anyone else’s fault by dodging accountability and in his mind re-writing reality instead of spending a nanosecond on introspection. He was happier trying to destroy me and his kid - hurting your own child is not a human with compassion and empathy.

A narc, to hide from their shame, will instead dodge accountability, and rewrite their history to suit their made up reality. It’s all fake. How they treat you when they say they love you, “commitment” etc. - all fake.

The narc will use hurting you to temporarily feel better. It’s complex and you should always educate yourself on the neurology behind narcissism because when you understand the science it helps you get your mind around the fact these are shells - not humans with empathy and compassion. Read more on Quora.

BAM - "Block Avoid and Move-on" from the narc.

So the narcs - they see - but they won’t believe what they are because they are too busy making up their own reality, hurting people to hide from their shame.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 17, 2024, 07:27:53 AM
How does a person develop narcissistic personality disorder?

What makes a Narcissist be the way they are is caused from childhood either their genetics and/or their environment. It is generally thought thought that Narcissists typically had parent(s) or caretaker who were not loving, accepting of them, nurturing, validative, caring or supportive to them.


Research has show they could eventually develop a Narcissistic Personality Disorder from the trauma they received between the ages of 2–7 years old when they are developing their personality. They could be affected through genetics or environment.


A natural parent who has Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) can pass their DNA to their offspring who then can possibly develop into NPD. Studies have shown that a child has to be in a dysfunctional family before it can develop into Narcissism.


The environment that a child grows up in if dysfunctional can cause a child to develop NPD. Family dynamics and parenting styles are especially critical to a child’s emotional and psychological well-being (or lack thereof), and it is the latter factor in particular that seems to be decisive factor in the onset of Narcissistic Personality Disorder during adulthood.

Based on research findings, mental health experts have identified several types of dysfunctional and ineffective parenting that are heavily implicated in the development of NPD:

Authoritarian Parenting Style
Permissive/indulgent parenting
Pathological or abusive parenting.
Abandonment of the parent to the child through work, drug addiction, alcoholism or left the family, etc.
Parent does not on a regular basis validate a child’s feelings or thoughts.
A parent that makes fun of a child’s physical behavior.
A parent who is very controlling.
Extension of a parent’s desires or goals and not the child’s.
A parent who requires a child to be in a sport or activity that the parent wants the child to do. The parent forces the child to do the activity so the child is an extension of the parent’s pride.

All of these things help contribute to the child loathing and feeling shame, uncertainties and insecurities about themselves. They are riddled with insecurities, unworthiness, uncertainty and lack of validation. They lack the ability to be able to love or care about another person or their feelings because they are dysfunctional in their Emotional Empathy.

As a result, they do not have an adult in their life who they can trust or feel secure. They do not believe they are a “good” person because they feel that no one loves them and they are a “bad” child. They are not validated by their parents and this begins their downhill journey in feelings of insecurities.


During the ages of 2–7 years when they are developing their personality, their personality eventually becomes disordered because they have an unstable ego, lack confidence and coping skills, and security in themselves. They often have to deal with an NPD parent as a little child. At least as adults we had some coping skills but NPD develop little.


As a result the child learns to turn toward themselves so that it is is the “child against the world” and becomes self-centered, selfish, untrusting of the world!. They begin to develop manipulation skills to get their needs met. Now all children are selfish and self-centered during their childhood and from a developmental perspective, having a "self-only" focus shifts toward a "self-and-others" focus as the child gets older and their brains mature. Some research suggests that the child’s abilities to control impulses, make decisions and think in a less self-centered way occurs between the ages of 6 and 13. However with a child who develops Narcissism they miss this developmental behavior.


During their childhood they are observing other people and slowly developing what I call their “Mask of Perfection” which helps them cope with all their insecurities. They hope that if they are perfect to the public then they will be accepted, valued and desired by the public.

They never received love and validation so they do not understand love and acceptance. They feel no one cared for them so they do not understand caring about someone's feelings and thoughts. They are terrified of the feelings they had in childhood and will do anything they can to avoid those same feelings. They actually loathe themselves.


As a child they are most likely treated to abuse/neglect, abandonment or overindulgence when very young, people who develop NPD fail to form a core sense of self or empathy. Narcissists do not establish emotionally mature and stable identities, self-esteem, and feelings of compassion for others.

Their fundamental psycho-emotional emptiness leads them to continuously seek validation externally rather than from within. Their parasitic need for validation from others exacerbates their lack of empathy, leading to highly manipulative and abusive behavior to feed their endless need for attention, admiration, power, superiority and control.


As the NPD reaches early adulthood (early 20s) they develop an unstable identity with a lack of self-esteem with low empathy. This results in the NPD being pathological or manipulative, exploitative, abusive personality that creates insidious devastation. People with NPD are exceptionally skilled abusers with a kind of technique that makes their abuse particularly destructive.


Those who are in a relationship with a NPD are familiar with Narcissists knowing too well their emotionally, psychologically, and often physically abusive behaviors which surface day to day, hour to hour. For those on the receiving end, people with NPD often seem monstrous and unrelenting. They cause extraordinary trauma, particularly in the lives of those closest to them, with little to no remorse but instead the belief that their behavior is justified and no apologies or remorse is seen.


Narcissists have different personalities however their abusive behavior manifests in remarkably consistent ways, including the following ways:

1. Pitting people, particularly their family members, against one another (e.g., divide and conquer) as a means of control and to deflect blame and accountability.

2. Refusal to take responsibility and blames the victim instead.

3. Projection of abusive behavior and selfish motives others.

4. Shaming, mocking, baiting, and ridiculing (often presented as “teasing”) to gain an advantage and feel superior.

5. Sudden often rages with a hurricane’s ferocity which will drop you to your knees.

6. Endless demands for agreement and NPD admiration.

7. Inability to share attention with others, even their children.

8. Scapegoating “loved” ones;

9. Bragging, prolific lying, cheating, and bullying.

10. Gaslighting which makes you think you’re crazy.

11. Entitled, arrogant abuse of those below them, such as employees, waitresses, clerks, and secretaries.

12. Grandiose assertions of superiority, omnipotence, and perfection.

13. Indifference, impatience, anger, and disassociation with/from others’ illness, loss, misfortune, and so on.

14. Denial, often outrageous in the face of blatant truth.

15. Calculated charm on the surface to others and appalling treatment of family members behind closed doors.


Those unfamiliar with NPD and narcissistic abuse typically find it incomprehensible. This is because the Narcissist’s lack of a moral compass is difficult to imagine without direct experience with it and because people with NPD generally work to present a picture of normalcy or even an ideal while wearing their “Mask of Perfection” life to outsiders.

Even most therapists are unschooled in NPD except for psychiatrists and its damage to those who live with Narcissists, which nearly invariably leads to depression, PTSD or Complex PTSD, changes in the brain, addiction, Trauma Bonding and a host of other lasting emotional and health effects like stress-related illnesses which includes heart disease, autoimmune disorders and anxiety.


Overt Narcissists are often publicly charismatic, making their family’s abusive experience invisible to others. Covert Narcissists are expert at keeping their pathology hidden in the shadows, often presenting themselves as devoted family member or wronged victims with outsiders unaware of their morally bankrupt behavior behind closed doors.


As a consequence, those harmed by Narcissistic abuse are further traumatized by the isolation from family and friends and self-doubt that comes with it. And they are vulnerable to judgment and ill-conceived advice from outsiders and therapists who don’t understand and may encourage them to forgive, confront, reconcile with, or otherwise open themselves to further and more abuse.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 17, 2024, 08:25:45 AM
How does a narcissist handle a strong minded person?

The truth is, a narcissist is not equipped to handle a strong-minded person. To them, the strong-minded individual represents an obstacle that stands in the way of their desire for power and control. A narcissist may try various strategies to get around this obstacle:

Setting boundaries: A narcissist will often attempt to manipulate others by setting unrealistic expectations or deadlines in an effort to test if they can bend someone's will and make them defer to their demands. This type of behavior rarely works with a strong-minded person as they are unlikely to bow down under such pressure or manipulation tactics; instead, they are likely to respond assertively and hold firm against any undue influence from the narcissist.

Playing games : Narcissists also employ psychological games such as "one-upmanship" or triangulation (a subtle form of competition between two people where one tries to gain superiority over the other) in order manipulate and control those around them . With strong minded individuals who have sound reasoning skills and good self esteem , these manipulative never work since these individuals can easily recognize what's being done and resist it accordingly .

Projecting blame: Finally, when all else fails, a narcissist may resort project blame on others – including those who are mentally stronger than themselves – either directly or indirectly through various means such as slurs, name calling , verbal abuse etc., in order make themselves feel better about their own shortcomings . While again this tactic may seem somewhat effective against weaker personalities , it is unlikely ever succeed against anyone with high standards of personal integrity .

In short then, while every situation is different based on dynamics between two people involved , it generally holds true that a narcissist struggles with handling a strong minded individual due largely because they lack any real capacity for understanding complex motives behind why someone might decide stand up for themselves or refuse comply with unjust demands imposed upon them by narcissistic manipulative tactics .

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 17, 2024, 08:32:31 AM
Why do narcissists exist? What causes them to be that way and why can't they change when they're so detrimental to society?

Narcissists are created in loveless homes, by loveless families.

There will always be people who love power more than anything else,

And these people will often seek each other out,

And they're very likely to give birth to narcissists.

Narcissists have always been with us, narcissists will always be with us. On the day you die, there will be more narcissists in existence than on the day you were born.

So what to do about it?

The anonymous Indian proverb has it that we can either cover the world with leather, or wear moccasins.

To protect yourself from narcissists, you need to get moving. You need to have goals, dreams, ambitions — not materialistic, mercenary, grasping ones like a narcissists and psychopaths do, but meaningful goals that will express your spirit, which will manifest your soul into the material world. Narcissists have no chance against a man or a woman on a mission, trying to slow down, bother, impede such a person will result in nothing but grievous narcissistic wounds.

Every badly sung tune with awkward guitar accompaniment, clumsy attempt at DIY, new friend made at the bus stop takes you further away from the nightmare realms of narcissists and narcissism, and one more step into the safety of the real world.

Investing yourself in the universe is your best protection against narcissism, both your own, and that of others too.

Narcissism is fundamentally about a lack of worth, and a retreat into fantasy to compensate. Doing things that you consider valuable, important, spiritual are your sword and shield against the evils of obsession with self image.

Light dispels the darkness.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 17, 2024, 08:41:44 AM
How do you treat a narcissist that says you're mean when he's the one who got caught being mean?

You treat them like the two year old they are, and leave ASAP. Do not try to reason, bargain, negotiate, or otherwise engage with the narcissist, except to the extent necessary for you to leave and never look back. The narcissist will never change, they will never see themselves for whom they really are, and they will never accept responsibility for their behavior. Instead, they will always blame you for their behavior, and accuse you of doing to them what they are in fact doing to you (i.e. being mean to you means they accuse you of being mean to them).

Narcissism is a profound and debilitating mental illness that is very difficult to spot and almost impossible to diagnose, because the narcissist will never agree to see a mental health professional, which is necessary for a diagnosis. Far too many narcissists are covert and their behavior in private, with their family and closest friends, is nothing like their behavior in public. Consequently, many people are confused because they cannot reconcile the two roles, and because the people who know the narcissist publicly would never believe the way a narcissist behaves in private. This is all by design, and provides the narcissist with a way to hide their behavior from the public eye. This leaves the victims of narcissistic abuse alone wondering what happened, without sympathy.

Narcissism is a terrible mental illness.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 17, 2024, 08:45:48 AM
How do you deal with a narcissist shifting blame onto you?

Only absolute amateurs bother arguing with narcissists. That leaves you with three choices.

Your first option is to make up a ridiculously weak excuse as to why you did whatever the narcissist is accusing you of. Have big eyes and act very sincere.

Your second option is to break into a deaths head grin, throw back your head, and laugh.

Your third option is to solemnly explain to the narcissist that yes, it's your fault - you are an incurably evil person, and that’s just what evil people do.

Don't care,
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 17, 2024, 09:49:35 AM
Do the majority of narcissists have trouble controlling their anger?

Narcissists are parasites.

They target you for your goodness, energy, connections and status.

They do this to suck the life energy out of you.

And when they can’t be like you they flocking HATE you…they want you flocking DEAD.

You go from the pedestal to the trash compactor and the butcher block from hades because you did ONE thing WRONG to them.

You are not perfect anymore so to them you are now going to pay the price.

Narcissists think all good or ALL BAD

But to keep you around they have to sometimes give you a little candy..you have to be sucked of every ounce of life before they move on to the next supply source.

When you are in the all bad category they will do everything in their power to destroy you, but they need you at the same time.

Look, these people are flocking insane okay…

Maybe it’s not registered yet in your skull but maybe this will convince you to CUT all TIES.

There are some malignant psychopaths who kill their victims, mutilate their bodies and return to the scene of the crime to “Relive those precious moments”when they were torturing their victims and (too violent to mention) activities they were doing.

Narcissists are a step below this.

They hoover you back to finish the job (they want you to take your own life).

Think about it for a second, but no longer.

These people are dangerous to your mental health.

They are angry at themselves and they project that anger onto you and they will keep doing it until you are only a shell of a human left.

Leave them behind as it’s your best option!!

Pack your bags and make an escape plan secretly.... NOW!!

What is the purpose of giving someone the "Silent Treatment"?

Narcissists gives silent treatment to keep you under control. When narcissists wants something from you or when they are grooming new supply, they will give you silent treatment.

Narcissists gives silent treatment when they don't get things their way, they will go silent to show they are hurt. In the end you have bow down to their demands.

Narcissists gives silent treatment when they want you to give them an apology for being wrong, unless you don't say sorry narcissists will be silent.

Narcissists gives silent treatment when they are grooming new supply or cheating on other supplies, in this narcissists will pick fights to give you silent treatment to focus on their cheating.

Narcissists can give silent treatment when they don't want you to question their activities coz they are doing something horrible, they don't want you to interfere. Narcissists will execute silent treatment to avoid being questioned.

Narcissists are childish, silent treatment is childish behavior to get what they want.

What did you learn from your narcissistic relationship?

Don’t lose yourself trying to hold on to someone who does not care about losing you .

Stop breaking your own heart by trying to make a foxy relationship work that clearly isn't meant to work.

You can't force someone to care about you. You can't force someone to be loyal.

You can't force someone to be the person you need them to be. Sometimes the person you want most is the person you're best without.

You got to understand some things are meant to happen, but just not meant to be. Some things are meant to come in your life, just not meant to stay.

Don't lose yourself by trying to fix what's meant to stay broken. You can't get the relationship you need from someone who's not ready to give it to you.

Don't put your happiness on hold for someone who isn't holding on to you. Just move on and never look back.

Some chapters just have to close without closure.

Straight up !

Did you feel traumatized after your relationship with a narcissist?

A narcissist will break you, break your spirit, strip you of your dignity, humiliate you, drag you down to the ground floor, and destroy your self-confidence and self-esteem. A narcissist will cause deep trauma, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and depression.

A narcissist will lead you to all kinds of fears and insecurities, which will lead to all kinds of psychosomatic symptoms, which will lead to a significant deterioration of your health. A narcissist will make you have trouble falling asleep, have trouble staying asleep, and will keep you awake at night. Narcissus is the cause of long-term high stress levels and high cortisol levels.

This is extremely harmful, many people have very serious problems getting back to themselves. It is extremely demanding and time-consuming, requires therapy and various types of additional help, as well as an individual approach that is not widely available. Few specialists have experienced this in practice, and most of them, if they know anything about it, know it only in theory.

Before asking for any help, think twice, because sometimes you may end up in the gutter due to rain. It’s darkest under the streetlights, people go to specialists thinking that something is wrong with them, and the cause lies completely somewhere else. If the diagnosis is incorrect, you may spend many more years with the narcissist on strong medications.

Some people were even considered disordered, and others were misdiagnosed because the narcissist managed to manipulate all parties. There is nothing worse than going to the wrong person - it’s like missing cancer, we all know what the consequences can be. Delayed diagnosis often has irreversible consequences.

Toxic people manipulate their victims so much that the victim thinks they have a problem with themselves. If this person also hears it from a specialist who confirms it, we have a serious problem. That is why awareness of narcissistic abuse is so important so that people can recognize it in time.

In a toxic relationship, the problem is not you. The problem is the fact that you were with a toxic person who brainwashed you and manipulated you into thinking that you were the problem. You blame yourself and think about the narcissist all the time.

Reversing this is an extremely difficult task. If a narcissist is not detected in time, the damage is often largely irreversible, and damage that has already occurred can be only minimized.

It’s one thing when you think there’s something wrong with you for half a year or a year, and another thing when you think like that for several decades. It all depends on when you start detox. It all depends on when you start rehabilitation. The sooner you start, the better the chances and the better the prognosis.

When you are already broken by a narcissist, when you are already on antidepressants, this is the beginning of the road where you should benefit from the best help and support.

What do narcissists want in a real friendship?

What they want is to find a way past your guard, so that they can sabotage you.

The narcissist is endlessly envious, and cannot stand your superiority. If they can convince you of your inferiority, then they feel they are better than you.

The narcissist attacks your foundations.

Narcissists begin with lots of flattery, gifts, accommodation of your wishes, and then when they have you addicted, they begin to cut off their supply, and replace it with abuse. This is done to make you feel worthless, the purpose is to collapse you, so that you stop doing the things you love. The idea is that you would have neglected those things while the narcissist was showering you with fake and phony love and affection.

I can't tell you how many people have tried to stop me from writing here, using this pathetic strategy. They are my inspiration to defiantly continue, they push me to work harder, and to create more.

Let's give all my narcissists

(for I have many)

a round of applause.

How does a narcissist live with himself?

Narcissists are mostly normal humans. They act normal. You expect this to continue. Then they do something out of left field that makes zero sense.

They come on strong and make it clear they are invested in you and you are both either best friends forever, soul mates, or something like that. They put you in that #1 role in their life and treat you well. They pretend to agree with you and like whatever you like.

Until they don’t. Then they treat you horribly. But it was just a joke. It was a misunderstanding. They didn’t mean it like that. Why are you so sensitive for no reason? You’re just trying to cause drama by being upset about one little comment. But we’re still soulmates and best friends though so they’ll forgive you for being dramatic. You were dramatic when you asked that they not call you fat.

You constantly have to piece together their words or behavior that makes sense with the moments that don’t make sense—at all.

For a normal human, unusual moments of not acting like ourselves can be attributed to some unusual situation (not sleeping for 3 days, coming out of anesthesia, etc), or an underlying cause (having a midlife crisis that’s been building for decades), which if you look into it, you can find. And then it makes sense.

Narcissists still don’t make sense even if you look into it.

You then project and think, “If I were to treat someone this horribly, it would only be because they had done something hideous to me and I truly hated them,” so then you try to remember if you acted in a hideous way and assume you must have done something to receive such awful treatment out of the blue.

Your mind grasps at straws trying to understand what the heck is going on. This drains your physical and mental energy. Exhausted, the narcissist then manipulates you further, adding further confusion and stress.

You will try to logically support why you’re upset, but it’s hard to pinpoint what was wrong with what they said or did. You told them you got a promotion and they avoid eye contact, say nothing, yawn, and then look at their phone, but is that really so bad? It hurt, but can you really expect them to jump up and down or what? You’ll struggle to figure out what’s going on and why it’s wrong.

When you bring up things, even stating them in a nice and careful way, they’ll rage and accuse you of whatever it is THEY are doing. If they refuse to clean, they’ll call you a slob. If they are selfish, they’ll say to you, “You always have to get your way, don’t you?” even if you’d asked for a tiny basic thing.

When you finally realize this is way over the line, you leave or end things. You’re finally away from the stress, though still confused.

But now the narcissist has a full explanation for everything and a long heart-felt apology and promises of how things will be different. Plus they use a lot of guilt, sympathy seeking, etc.

You feel for them because you have empathy and this makes things confusing again. They just want to talk on the phone real quick or get a coffee and they’re in your neighborhood anyway. Maybe you should? If it all was one silly misunderstanding, or even if it was your fault, it would be such a relief and you could still go on loving them…wouldn’t that be great? And you get sucked in again.

Most people who aren’t also narcissists will end up blaming themselves for how a narcissist acts, and will try to change themselves instead of realizing the narcissist is the problem.

That’s just where the narcissist wants you! Feeling horrible, confused, sad, but trying to cater to them.

If you ever can get away from them, thoughts may nag you for years wondering if it really was all your fault and they were right about you with the insults they said and the horrible ways they treated you. It can take a long time to undo the toxic affect a narcissist has on you.

Knowing the red flags and understanding the pattern is what allows the world to make sense again. Then you know not to blame yourself for the things they do/did, and instead can focus on your own self-development.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 17, 2024, 10:52:00 AM
What are signs that a covert narcissist has been defeated?

1. Their reaction to the truth.

When dealing with someone who has a destructive narcissist personality pattern, it takes nothing more than being a truth speaker to set them off and defeat them truly. All it takes is speaking the truth, and they are fully defeated, and that's obvious by their reaction. Now, whether or not they admit to that is a whole other thing. A narcissist is never going to admit defeat even when clearly and very plain for all to see they have indeed been defeated. Assuming you're safe and operating from a position of strength, all it takes is to speak the truth, and I assure you, you have the upper hand, which, in my view, is clearly evidenced by the way in which they react to the truth speaker. Now, will you be hated? Absolutely. Will you be targeted? For sure. You cannot be both a truth speaker and on the narcissist team. That's impossible. The truth and the narcissist are like oil and water. They cannot comfortably coexist. The truth is fully repellent to a destructive narcissist. Why? Because their entire lives are built on a mountain of lies and deception. It's all an illusion, not least of which being their "I'm such a wonderful human being" performance. So needless to say, anyone who comes along and dare speak some truth into the situation is going to upset the apple cart in a big way.

2. Their reaction to boundaries.

Wanna know who and what you're dealing with? Set a boundary, have limits. Draw a clear line in the sand, say no. The narcissist's reaction to boundaries is like their reaction to the truth, nothing short of ugly, and that, my friend, spells defeat. Begin with the dirt honest truth and some good old fashioned limits and boundaries. Boom. That's all it takes.

3. Gaslighting doesn't work anymore.

When a narcissist can't succeed in gaslighting you, again, you'll be in for a dose of narcissistic rage. This is when their true colors come to light. The mask slips entirely, and you get to see the real deal, the reality of who and what you're dealing with as opposed to the false image and fake phony persona they parade around with. Now again, you know you've defeated the narcissist when they cannot succeed in gaslighting you. They know it and you know it, and they are none too happy about it.

4. Social media stalking.

Another sign you've defeated the narcissist is when they're stalking your social media profiles for real. Green with envy, little lookie-loos that they are, they can't drop a like or a comment to endorse or support you in any way. No, they're far too envious in stingy of spirit for that, but they do stalk. They scan all the socials like creepy little voyeurs, peeping through your living room windows, thinking you don't know. It would actually be comical if it weren't so sad. You know you've defeated the narcissist when you're busy living your best life, walking off into the sunset, doing your thing, whatever it is you do best, happy as can be. Well, they seem to have nothing better to do with their time than to stalk you on the interwebs. I'd call that defeat, a clear defeat.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 17, 2024, 12:20:21 PM
The Darkest Form of Narcissism – How to Spot Them and How to Protect Yourself

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 17, 2024, 02:25:42 PM
Jesus said, Let the dead bury the dead.
The Narcissist is Dead Inside


1 year ago (edited)
One thing that I noticed about narcissist, is that they know that something is wrong with them, they just don’t know how to come out of it. They lack self awareness. They just don’t know how to fix it, because their pride and selfishness won’t allow it.

Have you ever noticed how narcissist constantly interrupts? It’s that darkness in them rising up not wanting your words to penetrate through to their host. Demons are like parasites that use humans as “Host”. That’s also why narcissist mimic humans behaviors, cuz those demons in them don’t have those feelings naturally.

Except for hatred for mankind. That’s also why the narcissist enjoys seeing that they hurt you. It’s that demon(s) in them enjoying watching you suffer…

1 year ago
They never stop putting your character and your perception of yourself through a chipper shredder... you will always walk away feeling like nothing because they find a way to diminish you constantly

3 months ago
I call them the walking dead.

1 year ago
I never saw dead eyes like that before I met him. It was like looking into the soul of a reptile, truly.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 17, 2024, 03:33:16 PM

Future faking is when they promise something about your future without taking the steps to make it a reality.
Most narcissists will do this.

What future faking IS vs what it is NOT

What is "future faking"? (Glossary of Narcissistic Relationships)

Phrases Narcissists Use to Future Fake You

What Is Future Faking? |  Explained!

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 18, 2024, 07:58:24 AM
A Private Detective's Take on a Narcissist



Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 18, 2024, 08:34:19 AM
What does a depressed narcissist look like?

A depressed narcissist is an interesting and complex character. While narcissists typically exhibit grandiose behaviors and an inflated sense of self-importance, depression can manifest in their lives as well. However, it's important to note that not all narcissists experience depression, and not all depressed individuals are narcissistic. Let's dive a bit deeper into what a depressed narcissist may look like.

Firstly, it's crucial to understand the basic characteristics of a narcissist. Narcissists often crave attention and admiration, have a sense of entitlement, lack empathy, and believe they are superior to others. They may constantly seek validation and engage in manipulative behavior to maintain their self-image. They tend to have fragile self-esteem that is easily shattered by criticism or failure.

When depression enters the picture, it can add another layer to their already complex personality. A depressed narcissist may experience feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness despite their grandiose facade. They may struggle with maintaining their highly polished image and may feel exhausted from constantly seeking validation.

One common trait you might notice in a depressed narcissist is a behavior change. While they typically exude confidence and charm, depression can lead to withdrawal and isolation. They may start to avoid social interactions, lose interest in activities they once enjoyed, and display a lack of motivation or energy.

Another sign could be a shift in their self-perception. A depressed narcissist might experience self-doubt and self-criticism, which can be quite challenging for their ego-driven personality. They may become hypersensitive to criticism or rejection, reacting more intensely than usual.

In some cases, depression can even lead to a "masking effect" where the narcissistic traits become less prominent temporarily. They may display vulnerability and express their feelings of sadness or despair, seeking comfort and support from others. However, this vulnerability could also be an attempt to gain sympathy or manipulate others into providing the attention they crave.

It's important to remember that diagnosing someone as a depressed narcissist should be left to mental health professionals. The combination of these two conditions can be complex and challenging to decipher without proper assessment.

In conclusion, a depressed narcissist may exhibit changes in behavior such as withdrawal and isolation, a shift in self-perception including self-doubt and sensitivity to criticism, and potentially even display temporary vulnerability. It's crucial to approach such individuals with empathy and understanding, as they are navigating the complexities of both depression and narcissism.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 18, 2024, 08:53:57 AM


Silence is powerful. You don't have to be a circus monkey and keep constantly talking.

A silent man is a very dangerous man, when you talk less, you keep people around you on their toes by making them guess what is going on in your mind.


Do what you say you're going to do. Accomplish your goals and people will pay attention. If people see and realize you're a man of your word and you do what you say you will, people won't dare to disrespect you.

They should know, when you say something, it has power. You can accomplish what you say you will.


When you stop caring, they start caring when you stop reacting to BS. When you stop reacting, it worries them as now they have no control over you and your emotions.


We fear what we don't understand/know, Don't let them know everything about you. Keep them guessing. Suspense can be used to your advantage.


Try making your bed in the morning. If you do this regularly, you will have accomplished the first task of the day. It will give you a small sense of pride and not be afraid to try again or make the next tough decision.


You don't have to answer and react to everything. There are certain things you can't control. So reacting to everything around you is a sign of impulsiveness.


You can't go to level 10 with level 1 habits.

- Start by reading one page.

- Start by writing one paragraph.

- Start by doing one workout Then focus on getting 1% better every day. Minor improvements over time lead to big changes.

If you complete read this Valuable post then Type 💯.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 02:30:25 AM
This is the Crazy Eating Habit of Narcissists

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 02:40:12 AM
Proof a Narcissist Doesn't Have Any Friends at all


1 day ago
Basically,  the narcissist has no friends also because everyone is sick and tired of his/her CRAP!!!!

0 seconds ago
HA! My ex Narc got out of town when all her friends shunned her. Good move!
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 02:55:02 AM
7 Dirty Secrets a Narcissist
will Never tell You


13 days ago
Narcissists view the world in a very competitive way. They need you to feel small - so they can feel big. They need you to feel broken - so they can appear whole. they need you to doubt yourself - so they can be the source of all knowledge. They’re trying to fix themselves by breaking you.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 03:09:36 AM
Chosen ones, 7 Signs You’re a Beacon in the Shadows


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 03:37:45 AM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 04:00:18 AM
Do narcissists care about what people think of them, or could they not care less?

Narcissists are very much bothered by how people view them. For narcissists, having a good reputation among people is everything.

Narcissism is a shame-based disorder. Narcissists can't cope with shame when people view them negatively. Narcissists feel humiliated and insulted when people think badly of them. Narcissists will go to any extent to look good in front of people.

Narcissists care about how people view them. It gives them narcissistic supplies like attention, admiration, appreciation, compliments, and validation. Getting positive attention from people regulates their self-esteem.

When narcissists maintain a positive image among people, they prove they are good people, and it's hard for people to believe victims of narcissists. It's easy for narcissists to hide their dark side.


Narcissists definitely care what people think as opposed to sociopaths. I think the difference between narcissism and sociopathy is ego. pwNPD cares very much about what people think. They work very hard at maintaining their public image. This is why they never take accountability for anything negative they ever do. They can’t be seen as flawed. This is also why they mirror their partners and others. They obtain favorable character traits from those around them so they can appear to be good decent people. They will also attach to people that can elevate their social standing. Even a good-looking partner can be a feather in the cap of an opportunistic narcissist. A sociopath, on the other hand, does whatever they want whenever they want and could care less about consequences or appearances. This was confusing to me at first as I was trying to decide whether my ex was a narc or a sociopath. Sometimes he cared and sometimes he didn’t. All the cluster Bs have overlapping traits but there are some differences. It is also on a continuum and sometimes a narcissist can have a bit of sociopathy in them like in the case of my ex.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 04:16:12 AM
A day-by-day guide to healing from a narcissistic relationship: Day 13

Remove all narcissists from your future by taking the universe’s lesson to heart

The narcissist was not meant to remain in your life, he was just passing by … placed there in your life for a specific reason.

This theme occurs in a book I recently read, and it gave me new insights into thinking about the narcissist without having to ruminate over ‘why did he do this to me?’, ‘doesn’t he know how much I care for him?’, ‘wasn’t he my soulmate?’.

He wasn’t made a part of your life to show you love. He wasn’t placed there so that you can have someone to cherish. He was placed there to prepare you, to let you know that such dark nature exists, and that not everyone has the same goodness of heart as you.

There is something that you need to learn in order to ensure that you will remain safe from future narcissists. The universe placed the narcissist there to help you realize your vulnerabilities, such that you can make the proper precautions and strengthening of your boundaries. If you don’t use this experience to take the lesson to heart, the universe will continue to place narcissists in your life until you fully understand and fully learn the lesson it has carved out for you.

So view the narcissist not as your soulmate, but simply an instrument that was used to teach you a needed life lesson. Accept that is what he is, learn the lesson, and let him go.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 04:28:51 AM

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 04:51:21 AM
Managing Conflict With Narcissists
in Family Law Cases:
Strategies for Success

A narcissist is a person with an inflated sense of self-importance, a deep need for admiration, and a lack of empathy for others. In family law cases, a narcissist often has difficulty understanding the needs of others, leading to conflict and difficulty in reaching a settlement agreement. Narcissists may also be more likely to engage in manipulative behavior and use legal tactics to gain an advantage in court. This can be especially problematic for ex-partners, children, and other family members who may be left feeling powerless and without a voice in the legal process.


Narcissism can have a major impact on family law cases, as it can lead to difficulty in negotiating agreements, lack of empathy, and an inability to accept responsibility. This can lead to a tumultuous court battle where both parties are not able to come to a resolution. It is important for family law attorneys to be aware of the potential for narcissism in their clients and to take this into account when crafting legal strategies.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 05:02:53 AM
How is a narcissist exposed in a court of law?

With truth backed by evidence. They’ve already planned the lies they will tell in response to everything wrong they’ve done.

For example, STBXGIC said under oath he was never unfaithful, abusive, or had homosexual hookups. Said I was crazy and a liar for stating he had.

Evidence was handwritten letters in which he admitted abuse and infidelity, his essay from attending domestic abuser classes, and his hookup gay profiles and emails. There was more, but the judge decided he’d seen enough.

Document as much as possible. Create an email account on a clean device, and BCC everything there. STBXGIC had installed spyware on all my devices, and deleted hundreds of messages and files. The bccs saved me in court.


I wasn’t aware that abuse of survivors from the bench was so extreme, and so common.

Do prepare your evidence, but expect that a corrupt system helmed by narcissistic, sexist, racist judges will ignore your evidence AND your rights.

I’m fighting back. Please join me.


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 05:16:54 AM
Finding an Attorney who Understands Narcissistic Abuse


2 years ago
You can’t. Unless the attorney has gone through the abuse himself he or she won’t “get it.”

3 weeks ago
Yes I never bothered trying to get an official diagnosis for my ex because it’s not illegal or unlawful to have a personality disorder. A court is not going to care about a diagnosis.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 05:23:57 AM
How to Use Lawyers Against Narcissists


3 years ago (edited)
Yes, finding lawyers who understand narcissism can be tricky. Unless they've experienced it themselves or studied it, they simply do not know. The good thing is that lawyers do like winning and don't want to lose the case for you, so they do not gaslight you as badly as the average person does. I think learning about narcissism should be mandatory in high schools.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 05:29:21 AM
Make Sure to Tell
Your Lawyer This.


2 years ago
It’s backwards to ask someone not to say “they’re a narcissist,” or not to get emotional. Of course you’re gonna get emotional, you’ve been abused psychologically! It’s considered psychological torture the way they skew your reality and cause you to even dissociate. The system needs to change.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 05:43:19 AM
How Narcissists Use the Courts to Continue Their Abuse

As if the abusive marriage, relationship or business partnership wasn't bad enough, the narcissist has to escalate the matter by threatening legal action. The legal system becomes an unknowing and unwilling extension of the narcissistic arm reaching out to cause as much damage as possible. Their take no prisoners attitude stops at nothing to seek revenge for causing pain over some perceived embarrassment.

Here are eight ways a narcissist uses the legal system to bully their opponent.

Frivolous Lawsuits. Filing senseless lawsuits that have little merit for the point of forcing the opposing party to hire an attorney and incur unnecessary expenses. Many times these lawsuits are dropped but not until after the opposing party takes the narcissists threats more seriously and perhaps has even succumbed to a demand.

False Accusations. Narcissists will often beat their opponent to court by falsely projecting their issues onto the opponent. This false accusation forces the opponent to be on the defensive and causes the court system to frown when the opponent makes a similar charge against the narcissist.

Entrapment. Narcissists will incite and encourage their victims to act irrationally and then call the police on them. While technically this is not entrapment because it isnt a law enforcement officer doing the act, the victim will none the less feel trapped. This event is then later used as a threat in another lawsuit or civil action.

Gaming the System. This is using the laws designed to protect a person as a point of manipulation against them. For instance, not allowing a child to see or speak to the other parent on their time because that would give the other parent more time than them. Child custody laws are there for the best interest of the child and if the child misses the other parent, they should be allowed to speak with them.

Senseless motions/hearings. In order to delay the process, the narcissist will file senseless motions, excessive hearing, and multiple postponements. This is again done to drain the financial resources of the opponent and create an atmosphere of the never-ending-lawsuit. For a narcissist, all attention is good so dragging things out longer only benefits their ego.

Committing Perjury. Narcissists will lie about matters that are not material and are inconsequential to the case just to anger their opponent. This is technically not perjury unless the lie is relevant to the outcome. This slight lie in the face of other statements further taints their whole testimony for the opponent and is intended by the narcissist to frustrate the process.

Using Loopholes. Narcissists love to find loopholes in the law and use it their favor. However, if their opponent were to utilize a loophole against them, the attacks would be ruthless. For the narcissist, this is a one-way street where only they can dodge an issue.

Jury Tampering. Bribing or intimidating members of a jury to make a decision a certain way. While this is usually the stuff movies are made of, it still does happen in the courtroom. Narcissists frequently believe they are above the law and will not get caught.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 05:51:26 AM
Lawyers and Narcissistic Entitlement Syndrome

The word "narcissism" comes from the character made famous by the Greek poet Ovid, Narcissus, who fell in love with his own reflection. In the story, Echo falls in love with Narcissus and gets rejected. The story makes clear that Narcissus is only able to love himself and not others. Conversely, Echo completely loses herself in her love for Narcissus and has no sense of self at all. At the end of the story, Narcissus tells Echo, "I would die before I give you power over me," and Echo responds that, "I give you power over me." Both Narcissus and Echo die because their love is unattainable. Like these characters, many of us cannot find a balance between ourselves and others.

One of the greatest problems facing young associates inside law firms is what I call Narcissistic Entitlement Syndrome ("NES"). Attorneys who suffer from NES often very quickly find themselves out of jobs -- whether or not they quit, are fired, or simply move between employers to deal with the disorder. I need to be clear that this, in my opinion, is an extremely serious subject and something I believe probably 10%+ of the associates in large and prestigious law firms suffer from. This is a disorder I see virtually every week in my conversations with attorneys and it is something that will cause problems in your career.

This article (a) defines NES and its symptoms, and (b) explores the effects of the Entitlement Syndrome on your career.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 05:56:23 AM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 06:04:23 AM
Crossing The Lines: Narcissists And Their Disregard For Laws, Rules, And Boundaries

Beneath the charismatic facade of a narcissist lies a troubling trait that extends beyond their interpersonal dynamics— a blatant disregard for laws, rules, and boundaries. In this blog, we delve into the concerning behaviors that showcase a narcissist’s cavalier attitude towards societal norms and personal limits.

Understanding the narcissist’s disregard for laws, rules, and boundaries is crucial for individuals navigating relationships with such individuals. Recognizing the signs empowers individuals to set firm boundaries, seek support, and, in some cases, distance themselves from the potentially harmful influence of a narcissist. Breaking free from the cycle often involves prioritizing personal well-being, fostering resilience, and avoiding entanglements with those who consistently cross ethical and legal lines.

Sense of Entitlement:
Narcissists carry a profound sense of entitlement, believing that rules and laws don’t apply to them. This entitlement stems from their conviction that they are exceptional and above the constraints that govern others, fostering a dangerous disregard for established norms.

Manipulative Evasion:
When faced with rules or boundaries, narcissists are adept at manipulating situations to suit their agenda. Whether it’s bending the rules, exploiting loopholes, or outright breaking them, their ability to sidestep consequences showcases their cunning disregard for societal and personal boundaries.

Legal Consequences as an Inconvenience:
The potential legal ramifications of their actions rarely deter narcissists. Their focus on immediate gratification and personal gain often outweighs any concerns about legal repercussions, leading them to engage in activities that others might find ethically or legally questionable.

Exploitation of Others:
Narcissists view relationships as opportunities for exploitation rather than mutual respect. This lack of regard for personal boundaries extends to using others for their own gain, often blurring the lines of legality and morality in their pursuit of self-interest.

Rules as Tools for Control:
Narcissists may manipulate rules and boundaries to control those around them. By selectively enforcing or ignoring certain guidelines, they create an environment where they hold the reins, reinforcing their perception of superiority and dominance.

Violation of Personal Boundaries:
On a personal level, narcissists often disregard the boundaries set by others. Whether it’s invading personal space, prying into private matters, or manipulating emotions, their lack of respect for personal limits contributes to a toxic dynamic in relationships.

Explosive Reactions to Constraints:
When confronted with rules or restrictions, narcissists may react explosively. This defiance reflects their deep-seated resistance to being controlled or confined, further illustrating their disdain for any form of external influence.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 06:09:01 AM

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 06:20:31 AM
Steps to Successfully Prove Narcissistic Abuse
in a Legal Setting

Are you ready to reclaim your power and hold narcissistic abusers accountable in a legal setting? Look no further. Our comprehensive guide features expert advice on successfully proving narcissistic abuse and increasing your chances of victory in the courtroom. Due to the insidious nature of this form of interpersonal aggression, survivors often face smears, disbelief, and disenfranchisement.

However, knowledge is power, and we have compiled a collection of methods to help you regain control and seek justice. From gathering evidence to building a robust case, we will guide you through each crucial step, ensuring you are well-prepared to navigate the legal system with confidence. Furthermore, we will provide invaluable insights from experts in the field, empowering you to effectively communicate your experience and present a compelling case.

What is narcissistic abuse?
Narcissistic abuse is a form of psychological manipulation and control that is inflicted upon individuals by narcissistic abusers. These individuals have an exaggerated sense of self-importance and a constant need for admiration and validation. They exploit and demean their victims, using tactics such as gaslighting, manipulation, and emotional blackmail to maintain power and control.

Understanding the dynamics of narcissistic abuse is crucial in successfully proving it in a legal setting. By familiarizing yourself with the common traits and behaviors exhibited by narcissistic abusers, you will be better equipped to identify and document the abuse.

Recognizing the signs of narcissistic abuse is the first step towards reclaiming your power. Victims of narcissistic abuse often experience a range of emotions, including confusion, self-doubt, and a diminished sense of self-worth. They may find themselves constantly walking on eggshells, afraid to displease their abuser and facing severe consequences if they do.

It is important to remember that narcissistic abusers are skilled manipulators who excel at hiding their true intentions and projecting a false image. By educating yourself on the red flags and patterns associated with narcissistic abuse, you can begin to unravel the web of manipulation and take steps towards proving the abuse in a legal setting.

The impact of narcissistic abuse on victims cannot be overstated. Survivors often suffer long-lasting emotional, psychological, and sometimes physical consequences. The relentless demeaning, belittling, and gaslighting erode their self-esteem and leave them feeling isolated and trapped. Victims of narcissistic abuse may experience symptoms of anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

These effects can be debilitating, making it difficult for survivors to gather the strength to seek legal recourse. However, by understanding the profound impact of narcissistic abuse, survivors can find the motivation to pursue justice and break free from the chains of their abusers.

Legal challenges in proving narcissistic abuse
Proving narcissistic abuse in a legal setting can be challenging due to various factors. The covert nature of narcissistic abuse makes it difficult to provide tangible evidence, as much of the abuse occurs behind closed doors and leaves no physical scars. Additionally, narcissistic abusers are often skilled at manipulating situations and people, making it hard for the victims to accurately convey their experiences and garner support.

These challenges can be disheartening, but with the right strategies and support, it is possible to overcome them and successfully prove narcissistic abuse. Moreover, the mere mention of the term narcissistic abuse in a courtroom can turn the judge and jury against you. So be sure to seek advice on using correct legal language that clearly defines which crimes were committed, i.e. fraud, labor law violations, intentional infliction of emotional distress, battery, etc.

Gathering evidence is a critical step in proving narcissistic abuse. While tangible evidence may be limited, documenting instances of abuse can still be powerful. Keep a detailed journal of incidents, recording dates, times, and descriptions of abusive behaviors. This documentation can serve as a timeline of the abuse and provide credibility to your case. Save any text messages, emails, or voicemails that contain evidence of the abuser’s manipulative tactics.

If possible, gather witness statements from friends, family members, or professionals who have observed the abusive behavior. By compiling a thorough collection of evidence, you strengthen your case and increase your chances of proving narcissistic abuse in a legal setting.

“When I’m dealing with a high-conflict personality in law, I take a very mechanical approach,” high-conflict strategist Samantha Drum told The Narcissistic Abuse Rehab Podcast, “I have a burden of proof that I need to show the judge. What evidence do I need to prove to the judge that this person is unreasonable, that they are being ridiculous, and outrageous. What can I give the judge so that they are more likely to rule in my favor.”

Finding support is crucial when dealing with narcissistic abuse and navigating the legal process. Therapy can provide survivors with a safe space to heal and process their experiences. A trained therapist can also offer guidance on coping mechanisms and strategies to manage the emotional toll of the legal proceedings. Support groups specifically tailored for survivors of narcissistic abuse can also be invaluable.

Connecting with others who have gone through similar experiences can provide validation, support, and a sense of community. These support networks can help survivors feel empowered and less alone as they embark on their journey to prove narcissistic abuse.

Working with a lawyer experienced in narcissistic abuse cases is essential in successfully navigating the legal system. Find a lawyer who specializes in family law or domestic abuse cases, as they will have the necessary expertise to handle your case effectively. A knowledgeable lawyer can help you understand your rights, guide you through the legal process, and advise you on the best course of action.

They can also assist in gathering evidence, preparing your case, and representing you in court. By partnering with a lawyer who understands the intricacies of narcissistic abuse, you increase your chances of making a compelling case and achieving justice.

“I always encourage people to have some form of written communication: e-mails, text messages, or special apps to record as much behavior as possible,” Divorce- and child custody attorney Derek Jacques told The Narcissistic Abuse Rehab Podcast. “Whether it’s by way of putting their phone in their pocket and turning on the video mode or audio recording function. Do pick ups and drop offs in public locations. [The court] wants you to have tangible evidence of the things that are happening.”

Presenting your case in court requires careful planning and strategic execution. When presenting your evidence, focus on the patterns and behaviors exhibited by the narcissistic abuser. Paint a vivid picture of the emotional and psychological impact the abuse has had on you. Emphasize the consistent manipulation, gaslighting, and control tactics utilized by the abuser.

Provide specific examples and reference any written or recorded evidence you have gathered. It is important to remain calm and composed throughout the proceedings, as narcissistic abusers may attempt to provoke emotional reactions or discredit your claims. By staying focused and presenting a well-documented case, you increase your chances of successfully proving narcissistic abuse in a legal setting.

Dealing with gaslighting, DARVO, and smear campaigns
Gaslighting, DARVO, and smear campaigns are common tactics used by narcissistic people to discredit their victims and maintain control. Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which the abuser distorts the victim’s perception of reality, making them question their own sanity and memory. In court, gaslighting usually escalates to the DARVO tactic, which stands for Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender.

This can make it incredibly challenging for victims to prove narcissistic abuse in a legal setting, as the abuser may attempt to portray themselves as the victim or question the validity of the victim’s claims. Overcoming these obstacles requires strength, resilience, and a solid support system.

A smear campaign is character assassination. It is a deliberate and calculated effort to damage someone’s reputation, often carried out by spreading false information or malicious rumors about them. It is a strategic tactic employed by manipulators to undermine the credibility, integrity, or public perception of the targeted person.

The purpose of a smear campaign is typically to discredit the person by sowing seeds of doubt and distrust among their peers or the public. When successful, smear campaigns have severe consequences, causing emotional distress, social isolation, and reputational harm to the targeted individual.

It is crucial to trust your own experiences and intuition when faced with gaslighting, DARVO, and smear campaigns. Keep a record of incidents, conversations, and interactions to help you stay grounded in your truth. Seek validation from trusted friends, family members, or professionals who can provide an objective perspective.

Educate yourself on gaslighting and DARVO techniques and tactics, as this knowledge will help you recognize when it is occurring and respond effectively. Remember, you are not alone in this battle. Reach out to support groups as well as legal and mental health professionals to help you navigate the challenges of gaslighting, DARVO, and smear campaigns.

Dealing with a narcissistic abuser’s manipulation can be emotionally draining and exhausting. They may attempt to twist your words, invalidate your emotions, or shift blame onto you. It is essential to establish boundaries and limit contact with the perpetrator of the abuse whenever possible.

Focus on self-care and prioritize your emotional well-being. Engage in activities that bring you comfort and provide a sense of peace and stability. Surround yourself with positive influences and individuals who uplift and support you. By prioritizing self-care and protecting your mental health, you can better navigate the obstacles presented by escalated narcissistic abuse in court.

The importance of self-care during the legal process
Engaging in self-care is crucial during the legal process of proving narcissistic abuse. The legal proceedings can be lengthy, emotionally draining, and stressful. Taking care of yourself and prioritizing your well-being is essential to maintain your strength, resilience, and focus. Here are some self-care practices to incorporate into your routine:

Practice mindfulness, prayer, and meditation. Engaging in mindfulness and meditation exercises can help you calm your mind, reduce stress, and gain clarity. Set aside a few minutes each day to focus on your breath and be present in the moment.
Engage in physical activity. Exercise is not only beneficial for your physical health but also your mental well-being. Engaging in regular physical activity can boost your mood, reduce anxiety, and increase your overall sense of well-being.

Consider therapy or coaching. Therapy and coaching can be valuable tools for survivors of narcissistic abuse. A trained therapist or certified coach can help you navigate the emotional challenges of the legal process, provide guidance, and offer coping strategies. Regular therapy and/or coaching sessions can provide a safe space for you to process your experiences and emotions.

Establish a support network. Surround yourself with individuals who support and uplift you. Connect with support groups for survivors of narcissistic abuse to find a sense of community and validation. Sharing your experiences with others who have gone through similar situations can be empowering and healing. Jacques underscores the importance of this step, “Having a support team in place is something I’ve found to be extremely important.”

Practice self-compassion. Be kind to yourself throughout the legal process. Recognize that you are strong and resilient for taking steps to seek justice. Treat yourself with compassion and understanding, and celebrate your progress along the way.

Proving narcissistic abuse in a legal setting is challenging, so it’s important that survivors know what they are up against so they can stand their ground with confidence and determination. By understanding the dynamics of narcissistic abuse, recognizing the signs, and gathering evidence, survivors can build a strong case and hold perpetrators of narcissistic abuse accountable.

Working with experienced professionals, such as specialized therapists and lawyers, provides essential support and guidance throughout the process. Recognizing and overcoming manipulation tactics like gaslighting, smear campaigns, and DARVO requires resilience, self-care, and a strong support system. By prioritizing self-care as they seek justice, survivors can reclaim their power and move toward an abuse-free future.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 07:20:25 AM
Are nice narcissists dangerous?

There's no such thing as a nice narcissist.

A covert or vulnerable narcissist come across as kindly, concerned, empathetic, and emotional people. They aren't any of these things, deep down, though. They mimic the behaviors of others—if you have one of these people in your life, stand back and just observe them.

You’ll see them switch their personality, their manner of speech, their viewpoint, EVERYTHING, depending on to whom they are around at the time. I don't mean the way people practice social situations, in that they're subdued at a funeral, boisterous at a football game, or flirtatious at a party. I mean, literally EVERYTHING about them changes—right down to their mannerisms, facial expressions, belief systems, ethics, morals…..EVERYTHING.

These “nice” narcissists will use their “niceness” as their most manipulative weapon in their arsenal — there's nothing like getting hit with “friendly fire”.


Unveiling the 'Nice Guy' Narcissist: 9 Red Flags in Your Relationship

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 07:30:11 AM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 07:39:56 AM
Top 10 Things to NEVER Do With A Narcissist

When dealing with a narcissist, it’s important to maintain your boundaries and protect your emotional well-being. Here are the top 10 things to never do when interacting with a narcissist:

1. **Don't try to change them**: Narcissists rarely respond to attempts to change their behavior. It's best to focus on how you can protect yourself rather than trying to alter your personality.

2. **Don't take their behavior personally**: Narcissists often use manipulation and criticism to maintain control. Remember, their actions and words are a reflection of them, not you.

3. **Don't argue or try to reason with them**: Narcissists thrive on conflict and may twist your words to maintain control or feed their egos. Instead, disengage from arguments and avoid getting pulled into their games.

4. **Don't share personal information**: Narcissists may use your vulnerabilities against you. Keep your personal life private and share only as much as necessary.

5. **Don't expect empathy or understanding**: Narcissists lack genuine empathy. Don't expect them to understand your perspective or emotions.

6. **Don't rely on them for validation**: Narcissists seek validation for themselves and are unlikely to give you the affirmation you may seek.

7. **Don't internalize their criticism**: Narcissists may criticize or belittle you to maintain a sense of superiority. Recognize this for what it is and don't internalize their negative remarks.

8. **Don't compromise your values**: Narcissists may pressure you to act against your values or beliefs to suit their own needs. Stand firm in your convictions.

9. **Don't give them control**: Keep control over your decisions and boundaries. Narcissists may try to dominate situations to their advantage.

10. **Don't ignore your own needs**: Prioritize your own emotional and mental health. If a relationship with a narcissist is causing harm, consider seeking support or distance from the situation.

Remember, dealing with a narcissist can be challenging, so it's important to take care of yourself and seek support from friends, family, or professionals if needed.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 08:12:23 AM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 08:40:15 AM
Do narcissists always think
that they can do better
than their current supply?

Narcissists don’t pick their supplies in terms of their ability to be better than their previous as you are thinking. They pick their supplies/victims in terms of what their current needs are that that particular supply can provide them at that particular time. It can be money, looks, status, sex……they are looked as an object that is going to make them feel better about themselves.

They fulfill a specific need. When they obtained that need or fulfilled it they seek another supply that can perhaps again fill another need. They get tired easily. This is why they cheat and lie so much. Perhaps one supply is chosen because they want to get married, that won’t last as we know. They will never find lasting happiness in any relationship. They will always be miserable so they want you to be miserable as well.

They do come back to you if you allow them, not because of love, but because they miss what they found in you alluring at the beginning, only to again manipulate you and treat you like s__t. Narcissists don’t have and will never be able to love or be empathetic…… they don’t have that ability.

Never think that they have left you for someone else because you think they are better than you, actually always be thankful, they are not normal. No one will ever be good enough for them, because they don’t even know what a good person is!

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 09:12:08 AM
What is it that survivors of narcissistic abuse really want to say?

Dear Narcissist:

You are weak and hated me for I have strength.

You didn’t hate me, you hated yourself.

You projected your hate onto me because I have the capacity to love and to be loved.

You abused me because you wanted to get back at your parent for not loving you. You deserved love, just as I deserved love.

You fool others so they won’t figure you out. Others always figure you out.

You’re full of fury because I can grow while you remain the same.

You leave others first, so you avoid abandonment. At the end of each day, you still feel abandoned.

Their is not a single thing on this planet that would make me want to feel how you feel.

I wouldn’t wish narcissism on a narcissist.

Everything you said about me was a lie. Everything I said about you, was the truth.

I have the ability to heal, while you don’t. This makes me sad for you and sad for all the victims that you will inflict harm upon.

I don’t regret our “relationship’ because it made me the person who will never tolerate someone like you.

It wasn’t me. All these years I took the blame, the shame, the guilt. It felt wrong every single time, but I accepted it as fact & wore it well. I was the best damn scapegoat ever. I mastered walking on egg shells, deferring to them, catering to them. I could teach classes on apologizing, begging, pleading & chasing. But my gut knew all along & I ignored it (sorry gut) never again.

Then Google led me to Quora. And I found my people. Narcissists are soul sucking black holes. My mom & brother both. Ones gone & I never shed a tear. The others here and I’ve administered no contact.

It wasn’t me. Oh I’m far from a perfect person. But I’m stable, balanced, centered & very real. I have so much light, love, hope, optimism still. Now that I know, not only is ok to be me… but it’s preferable to be me over the narcs I thought I’d never measure up to… My mind has been blown but in a good way.


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 09:57:36 AM
What is the best self care to take after narcissistic abuse?

Do loads of research. You need to fully understand what happened to you.

Stay away from other prospective relationships. You MUST heal first.

Recognize their tool box and keep yourself fully alert.

Stay no contact forever unless you share children

Be aware that narcissists get a thrill from your suffering

Get closer to God. I firmly believe none of this would have happened to me had I really had a very close relationship to God.

All this is about immorality.

Start loving yourself like crazy. I know how deep the hurt from a narcissist can reach. It is like you swallowed your own very nuclear bomb.

Recite loads of spiritual warfare prayers.

The spiritual world works differently to our world. Take off any rings or jewellery the narcissist gave you. That may give him/her authority over you.

Fight the trauma bond because your survival completely depends on that.

For the first year, make sure you stay around positive people. Avoid people who are negative.

Read Ron Tello's Blog | http://www.ozroundtable.com/index.php?topic=8312.0

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 10:07:16 AM
It’s NOT your fault...

It's not your fault that it took you so long to realise that you were being manipulated and gaslighted;

because you were being manipulated and gaslighted…

Because they were so very good at what they did!

Someone who plays the victim after they’ve continuously manipulated you, disrespected you, spread false accusations and lies about you, and shown no capacity at all for empathy, remorse, accountability, integrity, or the truth;

is NOT someone that you need in your life!

They knew EXACTLY what they were doing.

They KNEW they were hurting you!

They may like to play the role of the victim but they are NOT the victim by any stretch of the imagination.

They chose their behaviours.

They were intentional about what they did.

They showed no regard at all for your emotional well-being, for you, or for your heart.

Them continuing to play the victim and trying to paint you as the villain after they’ve very cleverly done this to you; is nothing more than them trying to continue their manipulation, their control, and their abuse over you.

It doesn’t matter that it took you a little while to figure it out, the point is you eventually did!

And now you know; that the moment you start to wonder if you deserve better, it’s because you do…

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 10:45:06 AM

Narcissism begins
at home.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 10:54:50 AM
How will a narcissist act when you call them out on their behaviour?

If you call a narcissist a narcissist, you can expect an unforeseen, aggressive reaction. So it's best not to do it and keep the knowledge to yourself.

Not all narcissists resort to physical aggression, but there are also cases where criminal threats or various types of dangerous objects come into play. The narcissist knows you know even if you haven't told them. Some things are better left unsaid. Narcissist will disappear like a cockroach under a cupboard or refrigerator and the chances of it coming back to you are negligible.

With knowledge you become too difficult a player to get and the narcissist has thousands of potential victims who suspect nothing so why would they waste their time and energy to go back to the conscious victim. The narcissist prefers to deal with someone else who has already bought his mask of perfection.

The narcissist's greatest fear is abandoning them and revealing who they really are to others. Once you know it, it changes your whole view of the situation and all the memories and the whole past you read completely differently. You weren't to blame for anything, you gave the narcissist the best of everything, but over time you grew wiser and the narcissist had to disappear.

When the narcissist knows you know, it's over. You have gone through the worst and survived emotional and psychological abuse and sometimes physical and financial abuse as well. You survived the brainwashing. You will pick yourself up and rebuild from the ruins and ashes that remain.

Every war comes to an end sooner or later. Your relationship with the narcissist was a war you weren’t aware of. It doesn’t matter if it’s a few years war, a world war, a local war or a war for independence, some of them lasted hundreds of years, but eventually every war comes to an end. Your war with the narcissist is over too. It ended the moment you found out who you were dealing with. And that it’s not a relationship based on love, it’s a psychological, emotional, financial or physical war.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 11:16:08 AM
Is it just me or is there a sudden obsession with narcissism these days, where did that come from?

It stems from a lot of emotionally harmed individuals who are understandably angry and hurt by ex-husbands/wives/whatevers wanting find a reason for a relationship full of pain. Some are correct, and true narcissism abounds in the former partner. But honestly, sometimes…people don't want to admit they married a garden variety azzhule. Or that it takes two to tango. So they pick a personality disorder with traits that are magnified through the (understandably) tinted lens of their bias and attribute it to the former partner.

While this is understandable, it's got to stop. Words mean things, and even more so with words for medical diagnoses - if you're going to label a person in that way, make sure you're right. Mental illness still has a stigma attached and much like with psychopathy and bipolar, people throw labels around far too carelessly. This causes greater negative impact on treating and identifying people with the disorder because it perpetuates incorrect information and more stigma.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 11:38:45 AM
People project at you, if your aura is calm and safe, they feel there is no danger and they can control you, in the process they reflect and project their own energy towards you. Don’t take things personally.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 11:49:32 AM
"What-About-Me-ism" is Ruining Our Common Sense

A few weeks ago, I saw a reel on Insta. It was this lady talking about how she thought Japanese haircare was the best, and showed how her hair looked using it. I looked in the comments, and it was literally FILLED with people commenting “it actually isn’t good, it made my *different texture* hair look different”

A lot of people were complaining that she didn’t account for their hair types when rating the products but… she was just talking about her hair type? You’d be surprised to see just how pissed most commenters were. If she’s only talking about HER hair type, and you have different hair, maybe just scroll away and look for a video about YOUR hair type instead of getting offended 💀💀💀

Another time, I saw a tiktok of this lady who made pilates clothes. She apparently had made these shorts, which were naturally, short. The lady was replying to a comment on her shorts video that said, “but what if I don’t like wearing shorts :(“. THEN DON’T BUY THE SHORTS???

If you look at the comment sections of pretty much anything, it’s filled with “what about my very specific issue” or “what about my very specific preference”. Like someone asking what to do if they don’t like beans, on a recipe for bean soup.

I feel like everything in our modern society caters to everyone. Because of that, most people have a severe case of main character syndrome. They don’t stop and use their common sense before typing. I have a STRONGGG feeling that our generation’s cognitive skills as a whole are severely underdeveloped.

Not everything is about you, so stop expecting it to be. It’s just really frustrating, and honestly concerning, to see the lack of common sense so many people have.


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 12:30:21 PM
What is the purpose
of narcissistic abuse?

Ahhhh. There are many purposes of narcissistic abuse and one primary one is to kill individuality. Narcissists are extremely jealous of people who posses what they lack, such as self-confidence, the Holy Spirit, and who are comfortable in their own skin.

Narcissists are uncomfortable with people who are unafraid to express themselves freely. So the narcissist must attack by misinterpreting their targets character and using word salad to try and induce confusion. The narcissists cannot handle anyone who isn’t afraid to be who they are.

People who remain true to themselves posses individuality and the game of narcissism doesn’t like that. I speak of about this on my YT channel:

From a psychological perspective, narcissistic abuse serves as a means for individuals with narcissistic traits to exert control, dominance, and power over their victims. The purpose is often rooted in the narcissist's deep-seated need for admiration, validation, and a constant sense of superiority.

Narcissistic abusers typically employ manipulative tactics, emotional exploitation, and psychological games to undermine their victims. By inflicting emotional pain and creating a dependency on the narcissist, they derive a distorted sense of satisfaction and maintain a false sense of self-importance. This behavior can be fueled by an underlying insecurity and a fear of inadequacy, driving the narcissist to seek external validation at the expense of others.

The cycle of narcissistic abuse often involves idealization, devaluation, and discard phases. In the idealization phase, the narcissist presents a charming and idealized version of themselves, drawing the victim in with flattery and attention. As the relationship progresses, the devaluation phase begins, marked by criticism, manipulation, and emotional neglect. Finally, the discard phase involves the narcissist abandoning or distancing themselves from the victim, only to potentially cycle back to the idealization phase.

Understanding the purpose of narcissistic abuse involves recognizing its complex interplay of psychological factors, including the narcissist's deep-seated insecurities, the need for control, and the distorted ways in which they derive a sense of self-worth through the manipulation of others.

Narcissistic abuse, is all about the narcissist offloading their internal suffering and torment onto you, the target.

There is no greater pain for the narcissist, than the pain which is self-generated from within.

They are their own worst enemy, in all respects.

No-one will ever hurt the narcissist, as much as the narcissist hurts themselves.

Every, single, day.

Narcissistic abuse, is how the narcissists shields themselves from themselves, and you are the shield.

The narcissist has chosen you, their shield, to protect them from themselves.

The purpose for the narcissist or the unfortunate soul that “dances” with the devil?

The “purpose” from the narcissistic side:

Control, they want complete control over you. And they will throw everything at you to make sure it happens.
You help them, see their damaged self in a alluring light. They bounce from person to person to keep that never ending honeymoon phase going. BUT if you continue the “worship” after the honeymoon phase, the will definitely keep you around.
In the end, you are nothing but a punching bag to the abuse they dish out. All while they project what they hate about themselves on to you. And if they are good at it, you will felafeling believe them. You become the sponge for all their self hate.
The purpose for the lost soul that fell for the deceit:

First, you think you found your soul mate. You actually felt like you found your person. Until it all starts to unravel and you don’t know who they are, and yourself for that matter.
You walked into hell so they could show you every unhealed trauma and character defect you have. And you will sit and watch as they carefully dissect your very weakness in front of you and lay it piece by piece right in front of your eyes.
You will frantically try to get back, what was. But you most likely don’t understand they painted a picture you wanted to see, that never existed. It was an illusion, that’s all it was.
In the end, it’s conflicting “purposes.”

One wants a relationship with a person they “thought” they knew. And the other wants a relationship of perfection so they don’t show the true person under the mask.

In the end, there is no purpose. It’s a lose lose for both sides. And generally the unaware keeps repeating a never ending cycle of brutal hell.

To brainwash you by truama bonding. It's the same thing as Stockholm syndrome. It's horrible, disgusting, and almost impossible to live normally… you'll ruminate for years bc no Empathetic individual could even begin to understand nor process the events that happened.
Control of another because they fear being abandoned. Just like everyone else, people who do this are seeking love, but they are going about it in a very scary way. And they lack the ability to love others. They are trying to get what they don’t know how to give. People copy what they learn. Some grow up and realize it’s not right. Many don’t.

Narcissistic abuse is any kind of domestic abuse that is carried out by somebody with narcissistic traits - meaning that their narcissistic behaviour will impact the way they behave towards you. This abuse could be physical, financial, emotional, or sexual.

Usually, the goal of the abuser is to manipulate, control and instill a sense of worthlessness in the other person. This can mean that the tactics used are similar to that of coercive control.

To understand narcissistic abuse, it's helpful to understand what a narcissist is and how they think. "A narcissist will often appear confident when underneath they lack self-worth and have trouble handling anything they perceive as criticism. They often have an excessive need for attention and want to create a sense of superiority over the other person, and this will affect the tactics that they use to control you.

An important thing to remember with any kind of domestic abuse is that it doesn't always need to come from an intimate partner, though this is the most common. A narcissistic abuser could also be a parent, family member, boss, colleague, or 'friend.

In a nutshell: To avoid shame.

An overt narcissist has experienced the consistent of grandiosity, of being better than others, and doesn’t want to give it up. They are addicted. They gloat, control, dominate and manipulate to ensure the balance is in their favour.

A covert narcissist has experienced immense toxic shame, and has dissociated from it. They therefore project it onto others to remain safe from it. They snipe, ridicule, manipulate, gaslight and brainwash to ensure they never approach the ‘hot zone,’ i.e. their shame trauma. If they ever approach it, or heaven forbid, fall into it, then they experience unfathomable suffering and a crushing sense of worthlessness, which to them feels worse than death.

In both cases, however, it is an aversion to shame which is the root cause of the abuse.


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 12:34:32 PM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 12:42:09 PM
Clearing the Cache
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 12:44:53 PM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 12:48:38 PM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 12:52:49 PM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 12:57:50 PM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 01:25:41 PM
Why are people
becoming more narcissistic?
It seems like humanity (empathy) is dying.

Noooooo, humans have been always like that if you think about it . We are born into survival modus so to speak which means = eat, survive , reproduce .

Most children are exactly like that , as soon as they don’t get what they want , food , mother , attention they will cry as loud and as long as it’s necessary until they get what they crave .

Sounds to you ( or anybody ) narcissistic and totally egocentric ?

Thats what I thought …

Sooooo, during our childhood, our caregivers ( parents , grandparents, church and society in general ) are responsible to teach us to become : caring, respectful , empathetic and all this yada yada so we become functioning members of the society.

Hard to believe ahh ?

Just spend 1/2 hour in a 1–2 year olds playground to understand our human nature … for that same reason it is by law required that adults supervise them otherwise they could end up killing each other , let me tell you, children are brutal .

Now… egocentric and way too narcissistic people have been around us all the time , the only difference is … social media and the me too movement and it appears that all narcissists in this planet have found the “ ideal “ platform to expose themselves .

Thats it … in the past, when people came up with that kind os behavior , society would set them straight again , nowadays if you say something against your “ perception “ you are going to be called out , cancelled and receive life threatening insults so most “ normal “ people just … do nothing .

You want a solution ? Errase your social media accounts now … when these people loose their platform , they will go back to their caves and stay there.

We all want to believe that humans in general are good… wrong !!!! To be honest , most people give a shite about you or your problems , don’t believe me ? Fake an emergency and call all your so called “ friends “ and find out how many of them answer our call … it hurts me to read so many stories of people finding out that in truth , they never had any real friends to begin with .

But life continues and we move on … it has been like this since dawn of civilization .

All the best folks and hope you all have a great day.

Narcissism is the highest form of evil. Yes, the society is narcissistic. The government is narcissistic. Divide and conquer is a narcissistic tool. Setting people up for failure is another narcissistic tool. Imagine needing money to go to school before you can get a job to make money. That's the system we are living in. Making the masses crumble under the pressure.

I see it as a problem influenced by three main factors:

1.Persistent generational trauma and frequency of trauma caused by poor parenting

This reminds me of a recent conversation I had with family members about my families history. In a conversation like that, I really was able to contextualize everyone in my family’s behavior. Some people incredibly kind. Some incredibly damaged. A couple that suffer from NPD. And then my brother and I who are still writing our stories. All in all, it made me come to realize how deep the trauma can go. I’ve come to see the statement ‘Hurt people hurt people’ come true in my life, time and time again. And I think that can apply to many families.

For example, you could have a grandmother that was abused relentlessly as a child by her mother. She ends up developing NPD and subsequently emotionally abuses her daughter. To her, she is better than her mother. There is no physical violence. But in reality, that emotional abuse is still abuse. That daughter then goes on to develop NPD herself. It can be a persistent pattern in families, and it doesn’t really get broken until someone breaks the cycle.

Whether that be a parent brave enough to separate from a spouse with NPD and love their children unconditionally. Whether it be someone with NPD going to therapy before having children (not one to count on). These generational cycles don’t seem to break on their own, and the saying above likely continues to run true. Even if the behavior looks ‘better’, it still could cause massive damage to a family. I think there needs to be a pretty radical shift in how children specifically come to deal with their home life, or at least the emotions surrounding it. Breaking the cycle before its too late.

2. The inability of our systems to deal with that trauma and properly diagnose & solve it

This is a pretty blatant case in the United States at least. If you track each person throughout their life, we largely pass through most of the same systems. It starts with school. Then its college, trade school or work. Then depending on how we live our lives, it could be prison. In certain cases, its protective services. Foster homes. Border shelters. Refugee camps.

Then you have more community based things that I wouldn’t really call systems, such as section 8 housing and ghettos. Or even community groups, such as groups for veterans. Each one of these things are very different, but the truth of the matter is, they are relatively uniform. People, like you and me, go through them. And people, like you and me, go through trauma. It is par for the course of being human. Almost everyone deals with something. I think a lot of our systems are largely out of touch with emotional matters. Some are impersonal. Some are outdated. Some are problematic.

For example, looking at an elementary school. Overall, an elementary school is structured for your ‘average’ student. Those with terrible home lifes are largely expected to accomplish the same thing as someone with a great one. A child that mimics behavior at home, could be reprimanded by being sent to the principal. Punished and shamed. All while no one actually knows what the child is experiencing. All in all, at least in America, we do not foster an unconditionally supportive environment. Our systems if anything compound on the trauma, opposed to finding ways to dissect or heal it.

3. A growingly egocentric and narcissistic world

As an American I can talk extensively about this one. America has been a very individualistic country for a while, but that has never been more true. Much of what is popular is focused on the ego. Dating apps are increasingly about validation and to boost ones ego. There is a consistent pressure to market yourself online. For some its authentic but for many its inauthentic.

Its a slippery slope of attention, validation and ego focused feelings. These things are leading us to fall out of touch with authentic things we build towards and living a life of instant gratification. Making money in the stock market. Blowing up on Tik Tok. A growing “hookup culture”. Me. Me. Me. Popular, successful, desirable, rich, famous. The more time goes on, the harder these things become. And the more our self esteem suffers and the more people feel slighted or insecure or worthless.

I don’t think 3 is the cause, as I think the development of NPD and narcissistic traits usually starts in early childhood before these things are too much of a factor. Falling into things grounded in the ego, that measure people on if they are “better” than others, that focus on instant gratification as well as on inauthentic & materialistic things. None of these things help, and the more we lean into this world, the more narcissistic we will become.

Because being honest and truthful is barely acknowledged. Such people are usually exploited to an extent that they want to shun away their values because it makes them fed up of being nice and still being kicked in the ass. So they become selfish, like the masses. It's easier to be mean and avoid getting hurt, isnt it?

On the contrary, it's good if you are still among the handful in this world who have retained a pure heart despite let downs. The world needs more of such people. so stop fretting upon those who are selfish, and take pride in the fact that you are special because you are not like them :)

Narcissism is part of a larger trend, Transhumanism.
We don't want to be subject to death, frustration, pain, sadness, anger, loneliness, we want everything bad to disappear and everything good to manifest. We will use technology to achieve this. See how the narcissist wishes to project their negativity into you, and make use of your creativity, positivity, energy.

We want to erase the downsides of being a man, by erasing masculinity.

We want to get rid of the problems of being a woman by vilifying femininity.

We will do away with the biological limitations of this fragile human form, change it's gender, and in the future, use the DNA of other organisms, machine parts, nanobots to perfect it.

This weak and worthless organism will be Perfected.

Our cellphones are the biggest manifestation of this technological narcissism. We look to them to raise our mood, give us information, obtain things. It's no wonder they are the coeval of planetary narcissism, the drive to transcend this life, while in this life.

Try live without your cellphone for a day. You'll have a narcissistic collapse.

As our technological and mechanical power increases exponentially, so does our grandiosity.

With technology does mankind seek to storm the gates of heaven.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 02:08:52 PM
This Is What You Should
Say to a Narcissist -
But They Don't Want To Hear It


1 month ago
The Worst Thing You Can Say To A Narcissist Is "NO"!
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 02:20:28 PM
What Happens When You Don't
Care What The Narcissist Thinks


7 months ago
The only person that should be in control of my life is me!
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 02:27:19 PM
When You Do This The Narcissist Knows
They Are Losing Control

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 02:31:08 PM
The Narcissist Discarded
You But It Makes Them Insane And Miserable!

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 02:36:18 PM
252 Posts
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 03:22:28 PM
5 Reasons why the CHOSEN ONES are hated the most

How Do Narcissists React When They Think You're Too Powerful ? I'm sure you will be surprised


Emotional rules for empaths in a world of narcissists

Demonic Activity - Never Underestimate the Power of Narcissism

8 Symptoms of Covert Narcissistic NEGLECT And How It Destroys You

A Narcissist's Love Bombing, Flattery, And Helpfulness

Spotting Covert Narcissist Mind Games

Don't Get Fooled: 8 Signs You're Dealing With An Evil Person

Your Greatest Revenge Against The Narcissist

The KEY to understand both narcissism and narcissistic abuse

The Narcissist Can Trick You With This

This Is Why You Cannot Trust A Narcissist

Why You Can Never Trust a Narcissist | Dr. David Hawkins

3 Things The Narcissist Destroys To Break You And Control You

How Narcissists Ultimately Implode

With Narcissists There Cannot Be Only One

5 Steps To Stop Ruminating And Evict The Narcissist From Your Head

Why Narcissists Self-Destruct

Trouble Every Day

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 03:47:22 PM
Is everything transactional for a narcissist?

I would describe a contract as two or more people entering into an agreement for some type of services rendered. All parties are knowingly and willingly in agreement with the contract. In the narcissist point of view, they don't have to be in any type of agreement with anyone or anything or go out of their way when in a relationship.
They are going to do whatever they want regardless. They are a spirit of contradiction and live their lives in secrecy. They make all the rules and regulations and don't follow any of them. They don't have to render any type of service and they always have a personal gain.They are solemnly interested in collecting, on all benefits without any effort put forth. They use you and abuse you all in the name of love. You always have to prove your love for them, your most loyalty, etc.

But, for the narcissist unless he is able to lie, con and false project himself into entering this false contract, he will find himself alone. It's all an illusion and a delusion. Very sad! Meanwhile he will drag everyone that he comes across thru the mudd for his own selfish, egotistical, grandiose, manipulative, abusive, toxic purpose. All his labors have been negative with no fruits to bare.

You are the only one that bares the burden of the contract, to always love them regardless of their bad behavior towards you. There is no contract for the narcissist, he is alone and will always be!

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 04:00:34 PM
Why is the narcissist suffering at least internally?

Let me try to explain this so called suffering. Let us first address the actions of the narcissist.

Greed for money
Negative attitude

Now when you squeeze a lemon, what comes out of it - lemon juice and likewise since the actions of the narcissist are the above, this is what he has inside him. Now if you have this kind of negative attitude, do you expect this human being to have happiness inside?

No of course not. There is a battle of negativity and shame.

And please this suffering is caused because they made a huge decision in life. A decision to lose their conscience, a decision to cause harm to other human beings.

They have a deep wound in their core. It isn't seen by everyone but actually I think many people can see that inner child in the narc and think it is the person being cute when actually it is dangerous to put up with that shite.

They are so hurt internally that they fail to accept certain truths of life: that no one is flawless, that everybody is an individual with his or her own needs, that there are boundaries in every relationship. They lack an ability to differentiate between their own inner perspective and the perspective of the other person. It is truly sad but I think they really feel that hurt that they project on you.

I give you an example.

My narc flatmate had a long term boyfriend that was very committed to her. She nonetheless had had a friend before she wanted to get into a relationship with. While she still had her boyfriend, she still couldn't let go of that other “friend" and want him as a relationship Partner.

The rejection was as real to her as if it was her partner. When that former friend had a date, which could have been un-bothering to her, she cut her legs. That's why i thought it was Borderline first, but it wasn't. She was completely lacking the ability to see that she didn't own this person . She raged and twisted and turned ignoring the fact that she actually had a committed boyfriend whom she claimed to love. She ignored the fact that this wasn't normal behaviour. All that counted was the hurt, which was perceived as very very real.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 04:08:34 PM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 04:38:15 PM
Why would a narcissist ever
admit they’re a narcissist?

NO. I'm willing to bet if you call him/her a narcissist to the person's face. That person will accuse … You … of being the narcissist!!!

My own personal experience … is like this …and … this isn't all of it.

Everyone, except the narcissist, will walk on eggshells every moment of every day to avoid getting into an outburst. Then the narcissist wonders why their family and friends don't come to visit them.

Every birthday party, holiday, or celebration will be ruined, either before you leave or on the way there because it's not about them. They must always be the center of attention.

There is no love with a narcissist. The words "I love you" are empty and have no meaning to them. They just say it to keep you under their control and to give you false hope.

They will always lie to you and deceive you. The truth is not in them. You will never be able to trust them. They will claim that you are the liar.

If you put your attention elsewhere, they can't handle it. So, you'll be screamed at or shamed in some way for paying attention to someone else's happiness. You should have kept your big mouth shut.

They feed off your pain, embarrassment, and tears. You'll never be happy around them. You don't even smile. You'll feel like you don't deserve happiness.

You'll look at them, begging them to understand and show compassion or empathy, but they won't. You can see it in their eyes; they don't care, and it empowers them.

Your thoughts, feelings and opinions don't matter to them, even if they ask for them. Making you feel so dumb or stupid for saying anything at all.

You'll want them out of the house, but you'll also crave their presence when they're gone.

While they're home, you don't want to be near them, but their presence somehow comforts you. You'll hide in your room while they are in another room, hoping they'll see you, but they won't.

You'll constantly wonder if you're good enough each day. Yesterday you were happy because you felt good enough, but today you're sad because you don't. Nothing you do will ever be good enough.

You'll become addicted to something just to escape the pain of feeling worthless and all alone. You'll feel like you can be thrown away at any point. You believe no one sees what is going on and nobody cares. You will even consider suicide.

You won't have access to money unless you hide it around the house. You'll feel like you're slowly burning from the inside out. You'll cry, staring at the wall, trying to figure out why your feelings are wrong. You'll feel like a defeated robot sent to please them.

You'll hide when you hear their car pull up, getting knots in your stomach. You'll be blamed, targeted, lied to, manipulated, and told to get a life when you do.

Their family and friends won't like you; they'll think you're worthless. They'll tell the narcissist to get rid of you because they believe you are a trouble maker. You'll constantly wonder if they'll come home happy or angry.

They will threatened you with death to keep you in line. You become a prisoner in your own home. You will not be able to go anywhere by yourself. They will take your things away from you or destroy them. They will take the children away from you and turn them against you. You will always live in fear, not knowing what is going to happen next.

You'll start to mimic their traits because you're lost inside. You'll beg for them to be removed from your life. You won't get a full night's sleep. You'll be responsible for everyone's emotional well-being in the house, neglecting yourself.

You'll be ignored for days or weeks, as if you're not even there. Then, everything is forgotten and swept under the rug until the next time you upset them. You'll lose sight of your hopes and dreams and doubt every move you make.

You'll never have someone meet you in the middle, no compromising. You do what they want, how they want, when they want. Your needs are neglected and insulted. You'll end up feeling crazy, lost, depleted, confused, and helpless. Love isn't supposed to feel like this, is it? They want you to stay like this, as long as you stay, it will be this way, forever.

You will finally feel like something is very wrong. You will not be able to remember anything you have said or done to deserve the way they treat you. You will get tired of feeling unloved and drained of energy. You will finally figure out they aren't worth all the pain they put you through.

I believe that the “aware” narcissists will, and if they do, best believe, they are proud of it. They will admit it in subtle ways by consciously projecting their own gross, and usually sadistic tendencies onto you. Nothing brings a narcissist more pleasure than to see you upset or confused or in pain, especially over them. That is the ultimate compliment. Your devastation for them is their fuel. The ultimate feast. They trifling asses. They’re predictable and annoying once you identify their “game”. They have very little originality and don’t do well under pressure. Oh yeah, and suffer from the most ridiculous delusions of grandeur. Embarrassing.

Narcissists will admit nothing. Except being pretty damn perfect.

In fact, Narcs will try to deny, avoid, dismiss, reject, most everything. Including you. Because they really don't care.

You will always be to blame. And accountable for all problems.

Accept this. See Narcs for what they really are.

Petulantly childish spoilt little brats. Who will never grow up.
They lack any real capacity or capability to change.

Clutching at straws, whilst getting shite smeared, is no good place to be.

So leave the Narc in the play pen/cess pit of their own life.

Let someone else have a go at changing Narc diapers, and become the shiny, new toy.

Say “fangs for the memory." Go “once bitten, twice shy.” No play time, no pay time.

Narc game over. Don't keep knocking yourself down. Because hell ain't a good place to be.

Rise above it. You said hello to a devilish imp. Time has now come to wave it goodbye.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 04:49:51 PM
What will happen if you don’t react to the narcissists sick games?

Narcissists play mind games in order to elicit emotional responses from their significant others..

They want their partners to react emotionally, either by talking or doing something. It could be a good or bad kind of attention, but the only bad one for them is when they're ignored.

When narcissists trick their partners and see them upset, it makes the narcissists feel powerful and in control. This feeling is like food for them; it gives them what they need to keep up their fake image.

If partners don't react to the mean games played by narcissists, the narcissists start feeling emotionally hungry. They need those reactions to feel satisfied.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 04:59:33 PM
Narc Stories: You Won’t Believe It


2 years ago
All the Narcs need to be sent to the War going on.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 05:16:35 PM
Who Can Drive A
Narcissist Crazy?


1 year ago
If you cause a Narcissist Injury to a Narcissist, you will have a lifetime enemy.  They will spend years and probably decades retaliating against you.

1 year ago
They also hate no contact or being ignored

9 months ago (edited)
Never fear the narcissist, expose the narcissist for who they really are and have no sympathy plus have no mercy whatsoever on the narcissist.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 05:40:33 PM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 06:00:32 PM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 06:18:46 PM
This is what narcissists go through in silence: they have one regret that they don't talk about


1 year ago
Apology from a Narcissist????? What is that??????? I was with a Narcissist, for, almost 16 years and in all that time, I never had the Narcissist apologize even one time, to me, or anyone else, for that matter. Why, you might ask? My Narcissist tells me that they are NEVER wrong...everyone else is wrong.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 06:36:51 PM
Why Chosen Ones Attract Monitoring Spirits


1 day ago
Thank you for posting this. I think we all need to discuss these "Monitoring Spirits" a lot more. I'm glad to see the shift in society, that wasn't present just a couple decades ago; as the internet allowed us to quickly share ideas across the world, so we don't feel alone, and now we know that others are going through the same challenges.

Even more exciting is the psychic field of information, where we don't even need the internet in order to evolve and grow and understand; as the collective consciousness is becoming more awakened.

It is so wonderful to witness that more and more people talk about spirits and negative entities, without hiding behind their religions out of fear and misunderstandings, thinking that some religious faction member will save them when it never does, or worse, blaming an innocent for being evil just because they were attacked or victimized their entire lives by something that scares the other person; or pretending things don't exist, and calling someone insane, just because something is invisible or it never happened to them. It is comforting to talk about spiritual things without everything being tainted by a religious perspective that often does more harm than good.

I've had negative entities interfere with my path all my life. In spirit form, they can and will do physical damage. But to access a person they need to get through a person's psychic and magnetic field; which is mostly possible if they target someone who has never known love, always been betrayed and abandoned, never had a friend, and who's self worth is very low because they never had protection or support in their lives. The only form of true protection you can have for yourself is self love. And they constantly try to interfere with that.

The moment you try to look at yourself in the mirror, after struggling with self worth and self image, the moment you look yourself in the eyes to see your real beauty, then there's a loud disruptive noise that shatters your foundations. The moment you think about a hug, or a kiss, or finding true love; the same loud disruption happens. The distractions and coincidences and interferences are calculated and orchestrated by beings that do not respect or honor us. They also use people, who have no psychic awareness or shielding, as puppets to make sure interference is always constant.

In my most key moments of vulnerability and growth, where I needed peace and happiness the most; always, every time, they interfere with that precious moment of self reflection and comfort by making someone nearby cough at the most horribly inappropriate moment, or use them to make a loud bang that frightens and disrupts my sense of peace. I have witnessed people become possessed, and watched their postures change, as they would glare over at me from a distance with a grin.

And nothing has ever protected or saved me. I can sense the presence of spirits, but when I call out to them, demanding an explanation for their allowance of these evil entities to interfere with each and every new beginning I am trying to embrace; I get no respect, no answers. I feel surrounded by beings that only mock and laugh and interfere, but not one good spirit exists to prevent this, or to comfort my mind. Not one random good spirit, drifting on by.

The only thing I feel from them is a mixture of hatred and fear. I've never been able to sense anything good. And they have succeeded in isolating me, and preventing any solid foundation from forming so I can launch off of that and build and grow and flourish. All I can try to believe in is karma and justice, but it's difficult only knowing the bad and never the good.

The only bit of advice I can give someone is: Protect yourself with self love and self worth; Try your best to not respond if they're trying to get you to react; And remove yourself from people who are easily manipulated to disrupt your happiness and wellbeing.

I hope that karma and justice come swiftly, because I'm ready for this nightmare to be over.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 06:46:43 PM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 06:53:53 PM
Don't Mess With
the Chosen Ones


1 month ago
Usually when I see the term “Chosen Ones” I skip, was led to click & it’s authentic…..Real ones know this isn’t an easy path but we understand that we’re different from day one. We innately know we’re protected.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 07:20:41 PM
Instant Regret For WOKE Google Staff!
30 ARRESTED & Instantly FIRED
For Pro-Palestine MELTDOWN


9:00 reminds me of NURSURY SCHOOL. Do we know where the Parents are?
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 11:10:26 PM
This is what makes narcissists regret throwing you away and making other people want to kill you|NPD


20 hours ago
The realization is being in relationship with the narcissist is like being a fly trapped in a spider web. The spider watches the fly suffer and struggle to get free as the spider creeps closer and closer then drain the fly from the inside.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 11:27:45 PM
When karma comes to narcissists, they are very tormented and will suffer to the point of death |NPD|


1 day ago
Is it not a crime against humanity when another human being treats another human being with cruelty and deliberate deception? Why is it that Narcissists seem to get away with their evil deliberate tactics of deception on their victims and with their "Flying Monkeys"? If 'others' can spot a Narcissist from a mile away, why then aren't these individuals being exposed to the police for the crimes that they commit? (Ex: like Stalking.)

Whatever happened to the saying: "IF YOU SEE SOMETHING - SAY SOMETHING". What of the legal crimes that Narcissists commit? (Ex: like hacking into cellphones and emails, stealing personal belongings, Polygamy, and defamation.) Where is the legal justice here?? Forget Karma!
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 11:39:03 PM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 19, 2024, 11:54:30 PM
Malignant Narcissism


"None of us is responsible for the events that shaped our personality, but we are responsible for what we do about it.
The better you come to know yourself, the more empowered you become to make better decisions."

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 20, 2024, 12:54:08 AM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 20, 2024, 02:10:59 AM
This is The Narcissist's Hidden Side


1 year ago
Hidden depression, a new revealing revelation.

1 year ago
Deep down they know that there is problem with them..but too afraid too confront it.

1 year ago
I think their depression is because they have chosen to be evil in the first place instead of trying to heal their trauma in a correct way.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 20, 2024, 02:31:48 AM
The Narcissist Does This To Avoid Self-Reflection


1 year ago
Narcissists need for drama, chaos, and lying will be exhausting to anyone that is involved with them.  Narcissists never get better and are constantly searching for new supply.  For your own peace and sanity, leave quietly, and go No Contact.  Helping a Narcissist is a waste of time because they incapable of learning and will make the same or similar mistakes over and over again.

1 year ago
You’re just an object to them. A transaction. A meal ticket. You never meant anything to the narcissist. They’re truly incapable of loving deeply and honestly. You were real, you are divine love and you are NOT crazy. You are worthy.

1 year ago
Obsessed with people and things.  Anything to take the focus off them.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 20, 2024, 02:52:39 AM
Here Are Six Reasons Why Narcissists Are Actually Unhappy And Miserable | NPD


1 year ago
They expect sympathy because boohoo they had a rough childhood…

Do you look at an arsonist and go - oh poor you, something bad must of happened to you in your life to make you like this.  Or do you shame them for their actions because they are an adult and should be held accountable.

My sympathy ran out - don’t feel bad for someone slowly poisoning you, life is too short.

1 year ago
They are always facing reality vs their fantasy narc world...

1 year ago
No one cares. Talk about the broken victims.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 20, 2024, 08:32:19 AM
4.19.24  3:05 PM PST Live Report.


"It's about the cesspool called YouTube, the ruins of the Dylan Rounds community.
Bob Farrell. His ticket to hell is paid in full.
This is c & p of his community page today; he's rolling out the Jim Terry wannabe rhetoric,
slamming on people and things in a most immature manner.
This is no way to broadcast in a Polite Society.
He and his remaining audience are possessed with THE DARK.
You be the Trained Observer".

Bob Farrell14 hours ago

Bob Farrell
Bob Farrell14 hours ago

Bob Farrell
Bob Farrell14 hours ago
Show less

Bob Farrell
Bob Farrell14 hours ago
Read more

 :tello:  "Truely, this may very well
be MY CUE to bust-out slingin'.
       TellOvision. TM
There's a pool, 5 to 1 Bob will be un-alived by August.
After that is the BF minion's problem, part 2. Interesting that ppl talk ABOUT me but will not talk WITH me. Cowards. I scare everybody, we know. Prolly a "Chosen One" thang.


    :smee!:        Deal with it M8

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 20, 2024, 09:37:10 AM
:tello: "And now, a Poem by my friend
Mister Fish".

Running as fast as I can from what I can't see.
Stumbling over and trying to avoid hitting the trees.
One eye looking over my shoulder, frantically.
Falling down hurting and scuffing my knee.
I better watch out.
I don't know what's about.
Wondering if this is only a dream.
Nightmarish feeling and wanting to scream.
Now tripping and rolling down a grassy like hill.
Till I hit the bottom, reeling from such a terrible spill.
But when I look up.
Quickly and abrupt.
No one around that I can possibly see.
I know I was being chased, so how could this be.
Then suddenly I'm sitting up in my bed.
Was that all just really inside of my head.
But I've been there before.
This I know for sure.
Is it me running from myself.
It's a question of mental health.

By Gregory Fish

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 21, 2024, 02:52:17 AM
Chosen Ones, You were Born into a FICTION IDENTITY
Don't Defend It

Dive deep into the heart of identity and authenticity with Obsidian's latest atmospheric exploration. In a world that often demands conformity, discover the courage it takes to shed the layers of societal expectation and embrace the raw, vibrant core of your true self. From the masks we wear to the profound journey toward living authentically, this video is a call to those seeking to untangle their essence from the web of imposed identities.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 21, 2024, 04:09:16 AM
Sketchy people I swear

645 views  Premiered Jun 26, 2023
Let’s do this.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 21, 2024, 04:20:13 AM
The Difficult Truth
Chosen Ones Must Face

1 day ago (edited)
You can save others by starting with yourself…learn to protect yourself…gain the right discernment for righteous vs false prophets. Once there is a will there is a way. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. All it takes is the will of a mustard seed within your soul.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 21, 2024, 04:35:07 AM
Your Inner Magic: Activate Your Hidden Energy
(Energy as Magic)

This video invites you on an enlightening exploration into the essence of your own power, your inner magic. Today, we strip away the mystery surrounding this profound concept to reveal how it is a tangible, pulsing force within you, capable of transforming both your life and the wider world.

With insights from ancient wisdom aligned with modern science, we delve into the real magic of energy work. Discover how to access, cultivate, and utilize this incredible energy to reshape your reality and unlock your true potential. Stay tuned to unearth how to turn the unseen into the seen and the impossible into the possible.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 21, 2024, 04:39:30 AM
How To Get Rid Of Negative
Thoughts Using Stoicism

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by your emotions or lost in the turbulence of negative thoughts? Discover how the ancient wisdom of Stoicism can be your guiding light through dark times. Join us on a transformative journey as we explore seven profound lessons from Stoicism that go beyond theory to become a way of life.

With a heart full of courage and a mind unwavering in its resolve, these lessons will empower you to take control of your emotions and navigate life's storms. Amidst the chaos of life, welcome to "How to Get Rid of Negative Thoughts Using Stoicism," your guide to finding inner peace.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 21, 2024, 04:51:15 AM

What is the best way to
expose a narcissist in a
family court to show their
true colors?

The best way to expose a narcissist is to not react to them as they put on their court show. When its your turn to talk, make sure you have PHYSICAL evidence of what they have done. Remain calm at all times. Do not even look at the narcissist. Keep your face stone cold with no emotions. This will cause the narcissist to lose their mind.

You can present facts and that is it. If you try too hard you will be made to look like you're the narc. Narc are very good at manipulating situations in their favor. Remember your daddy narc knows all your secrets

Think DARVO.

D = Deny

A = Attack

R = Reverse

V = Victim and

O = Offender

People who are trying to cover up their bad actions all use this process. In court, in domestic abuse. Think if a child abuser who's defence is this 3 year old was coming on to me, flashing her pants, giving me the eye. It's her fault she made me do it.

You can only control your behaviour. Go in with solid clear facts. One sheet of paper for a financial issue. Get it in judges hand as soon as you go in.

Be quiet and give him the stage. Let him cry rant lie make false accusations. Look at the judge. Bring a notepad and draw pictures. Don t look at him. Act like he don't exist. Be calm. The more the little fella gets no reaction from you the worse their behaviour will become as they are very weak people and without someone to feed off they get crazy and scared real quick. Their behaviour gets nutty real quick. Sit back.

Be respectful polite and factual with the judge.

Any questions to you from judge refer back to your one page if proof.

Accept they are there to divert attention away from their actions so will make accusations. Cry. Play the victim. Respond to none of it. Poker face. No reaction.

They have no energy themselves and feed of your fear. Without it they collapse.

Leave them to judge. Stick to facts. No emotion.

They will be so happy they got the stage and the judge's attention.

I represent myself the last few years as it's become easy. Almost a day out to see a funny show. Remember: You're the audience of a 3 year old tantrum. Shut up. Don't defend yourself. Let him go to town. They are so out of touch with reality that they will show arrogance. Disrespect to you and the judge. If you're lucky, they will start crying, demanding, being nasty to you and glaring at you and the judge.

If you do all this and master your fear the judge usually turns around and tells them to grow up.

Then judge turned to me and asked how I would like him to pay.

They are sad little people really. There is nothing there.

Believe me when I say it took me a long time to reach this point. If you have survived living with a true narcissist you are a super strong person. If you have escaped them you're a Superhero. Remember that. You're the winner. They are babies.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 21, 2024, 05:09:44 AM
     :nhj:             :judge:        :tanty:     

How do I beat a narcissist
in court?

100% use the element of surprise.

Here’s the most important rules prior to your court date:

Always feign IGNORANCE. You know nothing, have nothing, and suspect nothing to them.

Appear weak. This will encourage their arrogance and aggression. This will work to your advantage. They will show their hand and you can use it to show malice aforethought to the judge. Master the art of knowing when to show patience and when to show strength.
Tip them off with bad information and become irrationally upset as if you’ve been found out. They will run with what they believe to be your intel and you’ll nail them when you get to court with your real information.

Document EVERYTHING and make multiple copies. Tell several unrelated parties about the situation.

Go to several influential people that could support your plight and become the most inquisitive person and allow them to advise you and guide you. Make NO accusations or negative statements regarding the narc in question, allow the person to probe you and uncover your problem. It will automatically garner their support as people develop a vested interest in those we’ve helped solve a problem.

Make several reasonable documented attempts to resolve the issue with the narcissist and allow them to reject and/or stonewall you. This will serve as evidence of your good faith attempts to resolve the conflict.

Lose the battles to win the war. This is similar to the biblical concept of turn the other cheek. If they steal from you, give them something else they didn’t ask for. If they’ve lied on you, say nothing but kind words about them to others. Keep yourself above reproach.

Ask the judge for ONLY what would make you whole and empathize with the narcissists sob stories to the judge asking the judge to make concessions for them. Much like a zebra doesn’t change its stripes, so too does a narcissist. They will grow arrogant at your humility and graciousness. The judge will see their antagonistic attitude towards you and will deal accordingly.

Use QUESTIONS, not statements. Narcissists know how to deflect very well. By asking questions in a roundabout way, you’ll trap them in their own shitstorm indirectly. They won’t be prepared for this.

Ask for the things you DON’T actually want. This lowers their vigilance in fighting you on what you’re actually seeking and makes them ripe for ambush on your day in court when you quickly drop the issues you had no desire to even obtain that they fully prepared to fight you on. It will make them appear malicious which is what they are.

Remain CALM. No matter what, don’t show ANY emotion. Only show compassion and dignity. Kill them with kindness no matter what they say to you.

When faced with accusations/slander/lies/ never confirm nor deny. Ambiguity is your best friend. Answer questions with a question or a yes or no only.

Don’t go anywhere alone. Keep yourself in very visible dynamics with multiple people who are NOT aware of what you’re going through. These will be the best impartial eyewitnesses to defend you from any false allegations and accusations.

Best of luck, and remain positive. You’ll make it out ok. :)

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 21, 2024, 05:56:15 AM
Why are Americans so averse
to socialism?

Do you mean other than no one can point to a socialist system in history that has worked for people but only for those in charge?

The equation of socialism is so simple you’re left with people being so stupid and leaders so corrupt it’s an extremely poor commentary of humanity that it keeps falling for this rickety, house of cards system.

The most basic common denominator of a society is the individual. Individuals are intelligent and able, or they’re dumb and unable; degrees thereof.

Individuals make the next higher common denominator; the family unit.

Overwhelmingly, family members make the broader echelon: groups.

All groups make up the society.

To the degree individuals are smart and able, this will be a working, long-lasting society, and to the degree you have the opposite, it will be dysfunctional and won’t last long.

Socialism posits the group and society above the individual at the expense of the individual. The individual is a cog in the wheel. In practice, this lowers the individual to make them less intelligent, less able, less creative, less causative, etc., thus the family, group, and society.

If you concentrate on making the individual more important and not just a cog in the wheel, this automatically creates improved families, groups, and society, and not at the expense of society.

If individual rights don’t take sensible precedence, as is spelled out in the US Constitution, you end up with what has taken place throughout history, a dysfunctional society for people where the leaders are the only important individuals.


“Socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.”

--John Steinbeck

Seems to summarize things rather nicely.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 12:53:26 AM
What are some key phrases
to use when gray rocking
a narcissist?

Gray rock is powerful, and helped me survive a dangerously abusive marriage.

“OK” was the answer I used most often, no matter what lie XGIC concocted. It’s a universal shrug of indifference. Going up north for a long weekend with an equally married, closeted gay ‘friend’? “OK”

Just respond as minimally as possible. Don’t engage, and don’t show emotion. Use the softest, dullest, most monotonous voice possible. This extends to EVERYTHING, including disagreements. Be null, dull, and answer in monosyllables when possible. Show maximum indifference.

You’ll get complaints. Say, “OK”. ‘Yes’ and ‘No’ are also good answers.

By using Gray Rock, you’ll deprive the abuser of narcissistic supply, and they’ll get worse as they whore for attention. Give the most minimal attention possible. Replace eye contact with minimal glances. Don’t engage in any unnecessary chatter, that’s just boundary testing.

Stick with it. It works.

The bonus is that gray rock will help you achieve a healthy emotional distance from them and their insanity. It take time, practice, and patience. The first time I rocked the gray, he was raging, and I thought my heart would beat out my chest.

Later, I’d look at his red faced raging self, and feel nothing but contempt. Gray Rock provides invaluable objectivity.

Rock the Gray always, all ways.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 01:23:37 AM
How did you destroy your narcissist?

You don't have to waste time destroying narcissists. Focus on healing after leaving narcissists. You have to live a peaceful, happy life.

Narcissists live an empty, miserable life; they want to destroy you because they can't be you. Narcissists till they live will keep looking for narcissistic supply, but you will leave a peaceful, happy life.

What you have, like empathy, remorse, feelings, understanding, trust, and loyalty, will always be there with you. Narcissists don't have any of these qualities, which is punishment for them. Till their last breath, they are going to live a horrible life, looking for people to make them feel good. In the end, the narcissist will be left alone; karma is inevitable.

Let karma take care of narcissists.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 01:29:08 AM
Has my ex-narc said awful things about me to his new supply?

This is standard practice. Anyone who falls foul of a narcissist is always depicted as being nuts. This applies to so called toxic siblings, bosses, jealous friends or bitter and twisted ex partners who the narcissist allegedly bent over backwards to please only for their generosity to be thrown back in theitr face. And if you believe that you will believe anything!

But they get off on playing the victim and do what they can to win a newcomers sympathy vote which in the early days normally comes up trumps. Generally speaking they are serial liars at the best of times so to be slagged off with tales of fiction is nothing new. You have just joined their long list of ex partners being painted in a less than flattering light, one step in front of their latest who will no doubt go the same way. With a couple of months under her belt she’ll soon be asking herself if things really add up.

Suggest read chapter ‘Recovering from a narcissist’ in book entitled:

‘Prepare to be tortured. The price you will pay for dating a narcissist’.

Available amazon books and audio.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 01:33:30 AM
10/11/2016 6:06AM
Luka Luciano

Ron; fyi sherry has been talking shite about you saying your a freeloader living off her lazy bum drunk...she is spending night with kevin in vta says she made you sleep in her rv not in a relation ship any more planning to give you the boot. a conspiracy pretty low that is why i am writing hate cheaters liars backstabbers lame ass way to do things she made herself out as a victim not cool...

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 01:43:34 AM
Should you ever take a narcissist back?

Absolutely not.

Things will change from bad to worse in no time. When you patch up with a narcissist, they will make you feel special for some time, then they will go back to their abusive behavior.

Narcissists know they have treated you badly in relationships. When you patch up with narcissists, they start believing they haven't done anything wrong in a relationship; that's the reason they got another chance.

Narcissists will firmly believe you need them more than they need you, so narcissists will start looking down on you. Narcissists will start abusing you more than before. Get ready to see the worst phase of your life. Narcissists will vent out their anger and frustration because you left them or didn't let them into your life easily.

Giving another chance to narcissists is very dangerous. Narcissists will let the whole world know they have done nothing wrong in relationships; that's why you patched up with them. Narcissists will take advantage of taking people on their side; they will abuse you more.

Never patch up with narcissists.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 01:57:34 AM

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 02:43:31 AM
How can people make a narcissist feel guilty about their wrongdoings?

You can't make narcissists feel guilty. Narcissists don't think they have done anything wrong in a relationship. Narcissists have all sorts of reasons to blame you to avoid accountability and responsibility.

If you point out the mistakes of narcissists, then they blame you for provoking them. If you catch them doing something wrong, they will blame circumstances, you, or other people. Narcissists will always have someone to blame.

If narcissists had the capacity to feel guilty, then they would have changed their behavior; you wouldn't have called them narcissistic.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 03:05:32 AM
What happens when you expose
a narcissist to the whole world
and expose their fake image?

Narcissists will try their best to defend themselves. Narcissists will blame you or circumstances; they are never going to admit they have done anything wrong. Narcissists will create false stories to cover up their wrongdoing. Narcissists will also take the help of flying monkeys to be on the safer side.

Narcissists experience shame after being exposed. For narcissists, it's very hard to cope with shame. Some narcissists may shed tears to show they are the victim; everything is planned against them.

Some narcissists can be very vindictive. Make sure who you expose. Narcissists will teach you a lesson for exposing them. Narcissists can keep grudges forever. There are some narcissists who will vanish after being exposed.

Don't waste your time exposing narcissists; you never know what type of narcissists you are dealing with. Focus on moving on and healing after leaving narcissists.

Every narcissist will react in different way.


LMAO. If you are dealing with a narcissist, you will regret it. People don't believe you. They don't understand. They don't care. They don't like feeling stupid, so will not change their minds. And your own efforts will backfire on you in a bad way. They will ruin your life. You have no idea how dark and vindictive and sneaky they are.

It won't make any difference, apart from terrible stuff like their rage and revenge. They’ll make sure you leave the job with false accusations and you’ll be literally crying with despair at the way it all ends up on you. This will make you look unhinged, because you will be.

There's a video of someone who rings someone's doorbell and when they open the door and see an open tin of paint being chucked at them, immediately they slam the door shut. The paint hits the door and lands all over the chucker.

Nobody cares, nobody’s interested. The narc's specialty is deflecting anything chucked at them. Narcissism IS the shield.


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 03:15:05 AM
Do narcissists like to ignore messages
from their partners?

Absolutely yes. A narcissist ignores messages to gain power, control, and authority over you. Narcissists ignore messages to put themselves in control and make the person on the other end feel that they are wrong.

Narcissists tend to ignore messages that help them avoid compromising with others. Narcissists ignore messages to look very busy. This is the best way for narcissists to look more valuable and in demand.

Narcissists ignore messages to make you chase them; this gives narcissistic supply to narcissists.

Narcissists ignore messages to show they have other options. If you don't behave as they want, then they can give you the same treatment in the future.

Narcissists know what messages you have sent; they just don't open them.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 03:21:05 AM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 03:45:29 AM
The Difficult Truth Chosen Ones
Must Face

Dive deep into the transformative journey of personal evolution and the pursuit of 5D consciousness with Obsidian. In this immersive video, we explore the profound realization that despite our deepest desires, we cannot change others, especially those we hold dear. Embrace the art of letting go and the power of focusing on one's own spiritual path.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 04:16:22 AM
Scripture, Science and UFOs

In part two of this series, Pastor Jack discusses the link between recent reports of unidentified aerial phenomena and advances in artificial intelligence, connecting them to Biblical prophecies of deception in the last days. Jesus' teachings warn us of the need to stay grounded in scripture to guard against intensifying deceptions as His return nears.


7 months ago
There needs to be a huge push for the kind of preaching and teaching that Pastor Jack does. We only came across him a few months ago and have a renewed faith and world view, from all his teaching. A tell-it-like-it is, Bible based truth, common sense preaching. He's bold, he speaks the truth and we all know it. We can all feel that in our soul. Very few, I mean very, very few pastors have the boldness and courage in today's "woke" society to speak Biblical truth. May God continue to bless Pastor Jack Hibbs, his ministry, his family, his health and his mission.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 04:51:11 AM
Can you take a stand
against a narcissist?


You take a stand by leaving them tf alone.

Narcissists don’t need much to feel that you're a felafeling clown.

All they need is for you to remain in their life.

No matter which way.

This could be seeing them once a month just to sit quietly next to them.

Narcissists don't understand anything but for your absence.

Absence is their language.

Nothing else.

No words nor actions will be understood.

Speak absence.

Leave the damn narcissist.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 04:58:49 AM
Stay Away From Women Like This

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 05:21:44 AM
When a Narcissist Will Seek
Revenge - These Are Warning Signs
You Can't Ignore

A budding narcissist may appear charming at first, but excessive indulgence and idolization from parents or others can shape them into adults who perceive themselves as infallible. They dedicate years to manipulating others to conform to their idealized world, yet with time, they drift further from reality until they vanish like figures in a painting. Such is the essence of a narcissist's life.

Now, navigating frustration with a narcissist is an entirely different ordeal. Any slight inconvenience feels like a personal affront to them, and experiencing frustration in public is akin to public humiliation.

Their concept of frustration is peculiar as well—it encompasses not just disagreement, but also the mere act of asserting boundaries or refusing to comply with their wishes. Independence or differing opinions are interpreted as deliberate acts of harm, viewed as personal assaults aimed at tormenting them. It's a perplexing mindset, isn't it?

When confronted with frustration, narcissists experience a profound blow to their ego, instigating unease and triggering heightened stress and anxiety. This internal turmoil erodes their usual defenses and emotional equilibrium, often leading to a transformation resembling borderline behavior.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 05:30:22 AM
In the Mind of Narcissistic Mothers: Unveiling the Hidden Dangers

Narcissistic mothers exhibit a pattern of behavior characterized by extreme self-centeredness and a lack of empathy for their children's emotional needs. These individuals often prioritize their own desires, image, and success over the well-being of their offspring. They may use manipulation, emotional abuse, and guilt-tripping to control their children and maintain a sense of superiority. Narcissistic mothers can be highly critical, demanding perfection from their children while rarely offering praise or support. This upbringing can lead to emotional trauma, low self-esteem, and an enduring sense of inadequacy in their children. Breaking free from the influence of a narcissistic mother can be a challenging and complex journey, often requiring therapy and self-discovery to heal and establish healthy boundaries.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 05:50:42 AM
Chosen Ones, 7 Secrets of Your Unique Life

In this video, we're peeling back the layers of what makes you, well, you. Forget the idea that greatness is reserved for the few; we're here to show you that your life is brimming with unique significance. From the untapped reservoirs of inner strength to the subtle, yet profound, power of your choices, we'll explore the seven keys to unlocking your full potential. Each secret is a stepping stone to discovering how chosen you truly are. Ready to see yourself in a new light? Let's get started.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 06:35:18 AM
YOU WILL WIN! You Defeated
High-Rank Witches of the Underworld

Dive deep into the law of vibration to explore how your emotional and energy levels can drastically alter your world view and life experiences. Learn to harmonize your personal energy to attract positivity and fulfillment. By viewing your thoughts as seeds in your mind's garden, discover how cultivating positivity can sprout beneficial life outcomes. Join our channel and connect with a community eager to embrace these insights and simple strategies to elevate personal energy.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 06:38:44 AM

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 06:52:32 AM
8 Things That the Narcissist Hate the Most


2 weeks ago
These people have traded their soul for Narcissism and are now dead inside..And what they hate about you is that you have a healthy soul and they are very jealous of that and they very much WANT IT! This is why they get angry when you fight them on their Narcissism because THEY WANT A SOUL!

Every Time they get supply from you they take a piece of your soul and it feels soooooo good to them They want to take your soul and give you theirs..A soul exchange,. their dead soul for your healthy soul. Every time they get supply from you, there is an exchange, they feel good and you feel bad. This is why after a while you start feeling dead inside yourself.. This is why victims says they are evil. Because they feel this..
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 06:59:12 AM
10 ways to silence
the narcissist
In a world where narcissistic behavior seems increasingly prevalent, finding peace and maintaining your own power can feel like a constant battle. Our latest video delves deep into the psychology of narcissism and offers transformative strategies for those seeking to navigate these challenging dynamics effectively. We explore how understanding and resilience, combined with specific, nuanced tactics, can create a shield around your emotional well-being, allowing you to reclaim your voice and your life.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 07:30:25 AM
The Perfect Words To Say
to Defeat a Narcissist
Once and for All

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 07:37:07 AM
You Should Not Trust Or
Respect These 9 People | Stoicism

In this  video, we delve into the core principles of Stoicism while cautioning against nine types of individuals who may undermine its ethos. Drawing from ancient wisdom and contemporary insights, we explore how Stoic philosophy teaches us to cultivate resilience, virtue, and wisdom in the face of life's challenges.

From toxic influencers to manipulative acquaintances, we uncover traits that deviate from Stoic ideals and jeopardize our mental well-being. Join us on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment as we navigate the Stoic path and learn to discern who truly deserves our trust and respect.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 07:41:26 AM
Chosen One: 5 Things You SHOULD NEVER Reveal To Anyone EVER!

Many are called. Few are chosen.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 08:29:40 AM
How does a narc park?
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 08:53:16 AM
Why Narcissists Help People…
 4 Rotten Reason They Do It!

Narcissists may help people for various reasons, but their motivations are often self-serving and can be detrimental to those they claim to help. Here are four common reasons why narcissists might engage in helping behaviors:

1. **Manipulation and Control:** Narcissists may use acts of kindness or assistance as a way to manipulate and control others. By helping someone, they create a sense of indebtedness or obligation, which they can later leverage for their benefit.

2. **Seeking Validation and Admiration:** Narcissists crave admiration and validation from others. Helping people allows them to be seen as generous or compassionate, bolstering their self-image and feeding their need for admiration.

3. **Maintaining a Positive Image:** Narcissists are often concerned with how others perceive them. Helping behaviors can be a way for them to maintain a positive public image or to portray themselves as caring and benevolent individuals, regardless of their true intentions.

4. **Securing Narcissistic Supply:** Narcissists feed off attention, praise, and adoration, known as narcissistic supply. Helping others can be a way for them to garner admiration and attention, ensuring a steady supply of validation to boost their ego.

It's important to recognize that while narcissists may appear helpful on the surface, their motivations are typically self-serving and can lead to manipulation, exploitation, and harm to those they claim to be assisting. It's crucial for individuals to be mindful of the intentions behind someone's actions and to set boundaries to protect themselves from potential exploitation. If you suspect you're dealing with a narcissist, seeking support from a therapist or counselor can be beneficial in navigating these complex dynamics.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 09:02:12 AM

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 09:17:52 AM


1 hour ago
Nailed it with going from the frying pan into the fire. How can a person just hate to see someone flourish or be their best self??  They want to take everything from you, and more than anything, steal your light.  I just can't relate to that.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 09:22:38 AM
3 Crimes a Narcissist Commits out of their Jealousy

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 09:32:48 AM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 10:27:01 AM
5 Things a Strong Woman Should Never Do for a Man

As a strong and independent woman, it's essential to remember that your worth and identity shouldn't be defined by someone else's approval or attention. Here are 5 things you should never do for a man:

1. Change yourself to impress him. Be true to who you are, and don't compromise your personality or values to suit someone else's preferences.

2. Seek his approval for every decision. Trust your instincts and make your own choices – you're capable and intelligent enough to do so.

3. Alter your physical appearance to meet his standards. Your body is yours, and any changes should be for your own confidence and self-love, not to impress someone else.

4. Reschedule your plans constantly to accommodate him. Prioritize your own life, friends, and family – a healthy relationship should respect your time and boundaries.

5. Sacrifice your dreams and goals for him. Your passions and ambitions are yours to pursue, and no one should dictate what's right or wrong for your future.

Remember, a strong woman knows her worth and doesn't compromise her individuality for anyone.

Jay Pseudonym
#6- Learn to enjoy living, sleeping, and spending your old age alone. Relationships are built on compromise.

Junior Wattley
Relationships must be flexible on both sides.

My grandma said to me once . “Whenever you think you are too sharp, that’s when you will cut yourself.”

Compromise ,Communication ,Commitments are the 3 C rules for every successful couple.

No one is perfect.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 10:46:10 AM
Why would someone go back
to a narcissist once they know
what they're capable of doing?

We kept going back because we were willfully stupid and convinced ourselves that underneath all the bullsh*t, they actually loved us.

The truth is,


The only things they actually LOVE are getting drunk or doing drugs, flirting with their exes AND anyone else that moves, gambling, going to bars, having sex with strangers and getting attention from anyone BUT YOU.

Ego check! The sad fact is: given a choice between talking to someone who loves them (YOU) and talking to anyone else, they will choose to ignore your calls if anyone who will give them attention is on the other line.

BENEATH EVERYONE ELSE!!! This is because they don't respect you. They believe you are so dumb, you will always accept any pathetic excuse they give you.

They think you're too stupid to realize how much they cherish the idea that an ex who dumped their sorry ass will give them attention. But it's not just exes.

These dumb f*cks will ignore you for casual acquaintances, co-workers, waitresses at Hooters, cashiers at the gas station and bartenders.

They'll mute you or put you on hold while they blow up the phones of parents of their child's friends while trying to get attention by oversharing things anyone with two brain cells wouldn't talk about to casual acquaintances.

Their lack of COMMON SENSE lets their egos convince them that everyone loves them and enjoys their drunken rambling.

All of those things should make your gut scream at you that those behaviours are unacceptable. They are showing you the truth about what they are.






My wish is that those who have seen what these f*cks really are, will never be willing to put up with their games again.


Be firm. Go no contact, Delete their photographs and forget their name. DO NOT EVER GO BACK. If you do, you're giving them permission to do it all again.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 11:20:45 AM
Do narcissists mentally abuse those they supposedly
love the most?

The reason why they are able to do this is because they have no empathy. A person who has no empathy is able to be cruel without having an effect on them or moving them emotionally. They lack the ability to understand and share your feelings. They lack the ability to share your experiences by imagining what it would be like to be in your situation. So they are able to cause pain and suffering to you without fear or any concern about it.

The narcissist can be so cruel, not only because they lack empathy, but also because they lack object constancy. They are stuck in the mentality of a child.

If you have been in a long-term relationship with a narcissist, you probably don't remember what it was like to be you. You probably haven't been yourself for a very long time. Your existence undergoes a process of transformation into doing everything that the narcissist needs, so that they don't get angry or upset. But it doesn't matter how much you change, it doesn't matter how much you erase yourself, it doesn't matter if you remove all traces of the person you used to be.

They will still get angry, they will still get upset. Because the truth is it has nothing to do with you. You don't exist to be an emotional regulator for someone who cannot emotionally regulate themselves. Remember the person who used to be. Remember the things you loved to do. Start being you again.

The narcissist might get mad, but they're going to be mad anyway. They're never going to like anything you do, so start being you again.

Yes, but its not because they love you the most. They don't know what the feeling of love is. They don't have most in their love vocabulary be cause love does not exist for them. They go into a relationship as a fantasy that this person is the perfect one.

Their delusional expectations soon turn their feelings into a form of punishment. Because now the narcissist feels betrayed that thus person is challenging their manipulation, their words that don't show Action, their projection to blame. It does not matter if they are the most loved , because in the end they will be the most hated. .They can not build a relationship on trust. They can not nourish a relationship to stay healthy.

Love is everything a narcissist isn't. They may learn to love a person, but they will never feel the love to give it an act . To protect, to put then before oneself. They learned to control, to get what they need. They learned manipulation to feed their ego, to give them a sense of power over how one feels to cause fear, generate negative energy. So the narcissist can feel superior, to be the one who is important.

To take what they want and jump at circumstances that are better to advance his self worth. To build his arrogance and stoke his ego. He will mentally abuse anyone who will give him this power. Even those he hates from how they made him feel in the past. He will play them again, tell then what they want to hear , until they get angry. They cannot get their emotional needs met.

Then the narcissist trauma bond takes its affect. A narcissist is not able to love in a healthy way. They show their love by being in your life. They are the reason you exist in the first place. Without them you are not loved, you are someone else's trash. You are their newest game for mind flock. Good luck to escape.

I would say yes. Who'll put up with that nonsense but someone who loves them. Remember most narcs are immature, not completely stupid. Some narcs know, if they try to behave or talk disrespectful to a stranger or even an associate, the response from them would be unpleasant. Maybe physical.

Therefore, unfortunately, the husband, the wife and the partner deal with the narcs displaced anger. Most of the time the narc is mad at someone else. But come home to you and abuse you. Such cowards, some narcs are. Once again the saying “he's so mad, he's going home and kick his dog” is true. My opinion.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 11:37:56 AM
Why do narcissists want to stay with you if they don't truly love?

You are the old slippers they feel comfiest in.

They have invested a lot of time and effort in getting you trained to be docile and controlled.

They know how to shut you up if you complain, distract you if you accuse them of cheating, and keep you around.

They know you will support them in public, and maintain the facade of the happy family.

They have isolated you, so they know you have nowhere to turn to, and they control the money, so they know how difficult it will be for you to leave- so they can relax and assume you will always be there, cleaning house and washing their clothes- a housekeeper, but one with benefits if they ever feel like it.

You turn a blind eye to the obvious signs of cheating.

Your self esteem is on the floor, so they can use you as a whipping boy if they get angry or frustrated, and you will absorb it- maybe cry, but quietly, out of their earshot.

You make them look normal , and they can hide behind the “I´m in a relationship” card if one of their side supplies becomes demanding.

This is not love- it is all transactional.

And it could all end tomorrow if they find a better option (they will always look).

Please, if you are in this situation, read about narcissism, and confirm what you already suspect- that this is on the way out. Get ahead of it. See how they get to stay and why you should leave.

I like "Is there A Narcissist In Your Life?" by Amanda Clymont, Amazon.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 12:01:09 PM
Some things we never think about.....and should.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 12:35:02 PM
How do you beat a narcissist at his or her game?

Give it up. You have to pull out some pretty big guns to beat these salts of the earth. The way to beat them is to get away and forget about them. It's a good thing. Now you know these people exist. Trust me I've been exactly where you are. I was challenged the same way you are. It is not worth your time and effort. I have been there. Everything you say is familiar to me. I'm very very sorry that you got involved with someone like this, but get out completely, because things are at the point now for you where they can only get a lot worse. Do not fall for the hoovering... just GTFO.

Remove yourself and don’t play. The games they play stems from their inherent need for a constant flow of supply. Any supply. Supply is like oxygen for them and they depend on it to regulate themselves. They are at a loss without supply which makes securing supply paramount for their survival and they stop at nothing ...

Treat him/her like you are being treated. Total focus on you and only you. Totally ignore the other person needs and wants. Be unresectable. CONSIOUS focus on you. But!! Be happy, goofy and create positive thinking within you. Be cool, calm and collected. Slide off his/hers attempt to bring you down, respond in the same way, but do it classy. Give, what you are getting!!

You can't beat narcissists at their own game. You have empathy and remorse; it's going to make you more stressed, frustrated, angry, and anxious by getting involved in narcissistic games.

Narcissists don't have empathy or remorse; they can go way ahead than you can ever imagine. For narcissists, winning is so important that they are willing to lose you as well as their relationships to defeat you. You can't stay ahead of narcissists, as they don't care about any type of relations.

Narcissists love games; they play games all the time. The more you get into their games, the more they feel valuable and important.

You have to avoid or ignore narcissists. The best way to deal with narcissists is not to deal with narcissists. Leave a narcissistic relationship for your health and peace.

Ignoring narcissists is the best way to beat them. No response is a powerful response from your side.


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 01:10:16 PM
I think that people very often demonize narcissists. Do you actually understand that narcissists are human beings who need love like anyone else?

Ron Culley wrote:

They ARE Demons and not human. Until you get a belly full of a narc, I suggest you reconsider your question. Better to withdraw it altogether.

I disagree with this opinion voraciously. Nobody could have loved a person more than I loved my exCN. It was HE who did not love ME. The way that I was treated and discarded was nothing short of demonic and evil and he knew exactly what he was doing and did it anyway.

Nobody is perfect and believe me, I did the deep dive, got educated, and went to therapy because he had me believing that there was something wrong with ME. I took him in and cared for him, loved him, and forgave him endlessly for the horrible things he said and did to me. We were together for seven years until I got cancer.

What kind of person (assuming he actually is human) pretends to care about you but is actually engaged in a relationship with someone else and then just discards you like a piece of trash to marry her? What kind of person leaves their girlfriend with six dogs when she is so sick from the chemo she can hardly walk from room to room or even pick up their dishes so he can go see his “fiance” in another state and lie about where he was?

What kind of person lives off of you for years, never contributing or having any gratitude for anything? And not giving a damn or have any conscious about it? What kind of a person lives with you all summer while going through treatment only to sneak off and get married while you are recuperating before the next round of treatment? Just vanish and then ghost you? Not care if you live or die or who is going to help you or take care of you? Then plaster their happy new lives all over social media when your whole world is in turmoil and you will never be right again from cancer and the toxic abusive relationship?
All the psychic and emotional energy you put into the relationship? And all the financial energy?

No narcissists DO NOT love. The paradox is that they NEED love but they will never give it back as their disorder doesn’t allow it. You can’t love a narcissist into normalcy. There isn’t enough love in 1000 universes that will be good enough for a narcissist. If you even suspect you have met a narc...... RUN!

Don’t take this personally, but anyone who asks a question like this either has NPD or is just plain naive.

Understand this, there is much justification in the way someone feels who has been in a relationship with someone who has NPD, while at the same time there is no justification for the reason of the actions of the person with NPD that led to the person feeling this way.

What you are trying to convince others, is at the crux of why we can’t productively work on NPD tendencies. It has nothing to do with whatever love a person believes they can give another. This is where we have fooled ourselves. It is the biggest sham of existence.

The best anyone can do is to acknowledge and allow the love within another to be expressed. There is no giving or taking. If you do things in a way where you believe you are giving “love” to someone who has NPD, then you are in effect enabling their tendencies because they will only end up taking advantage of you.

The best and only way to deal with people who have NPD is to not enable their tendencies. You do this by setting firm and consistently reinforced boundaries and not letting them take advantage of your kindness.

NPD or not, all anyone can do with regards to “love,” is to learn to love themselves and acknowledge and respect the love within others. You do not do this by allowing others to abuse you.

No more stupid questions please.

Narcissists, specifically malignant narcissists or psychopaths, don't care about love, they only use "love" as a weapon against people.

But there are always those who want to go against the grain and show compassion to abusers and murderers. There’s a term for such people, maybe I will write about that here one day. I have a book written about this by a forensic psychologist.

Narcissists are technically human, I think, but that doesn’t mean they deserve love.

If you'd like to show someone like Ted Bundy love, then go on right ahead, despite that he killed 30 young women that we know about.

No, I really really do want to know. If you have or ever had a daughter, would you actually tell her to show Ted Bundy love? Let’s not demonize poor Theodore, right? Aw shucks, can’t hurt his feelings.

How about Chris Watts, who murdered his preganant wife and two little girls? He stuffed their bodies into oil containters. How sweet. Maybe he wasn't being loved enough.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 22, 2024, 01:39:39 PM
In The Daze of Deception - Part 2

7 months ago
There needs to be a huge push for the kind of preaching and teaching that Pastor Jack does. We only came across him a few months ago and have a renewed faith and world view, from all his teaching. A tell-it-like-it is, Bible based truth, common sense preaching. He's bold, he speaks the truth and we all know it. We can all feel that in our soul. Very few, I mean very, very few pastors have the boldness and courage in today's "woke" society to speak Biblical truth. May God continue to bless Pastor Jack Hibbs, his ministry, his family, his health and his mission.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 04:05:28 AM
How will a covert narc devalue a supply?

Covert narcissists are extremely passive and aggressive in nature.

The problem with covert narcissists is that they will keep devaluing you for little things because they are highly sensitive to their feelings. You won't even realize Covert narcissists are hurt by your simple words.

Abuse is planned by covert narcissists, like how to target your weaknesses, how to triangulate you, how to make you feel insecure and jealous, or how to mess with your feelings and important things.

A covert narcissist will be sitting in front of you and talking very nicely; you won't even realize they are planning something against you.

Covert narcissists passive-aggressive approach to devaluing you is very dangerous; sometimes you don't even realize you are being abused.

A covert narcissist will purposely devalue you in a very indirect way, so it's hard for you to point it out to them. Covert narcissists won't do anything for you; they create problems in your life, activities, and schedule by bringing their problems into the picture. Even if you are sick, they won't hesitate to create more problems in your life by avoiding you or by doing things you don't like. Covert narcissists will purposely do all the things you don't like to make you angry and frustrated.

Covert narcissists are wolves in sheep's clothes.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 04:17:56 AM
How Narcissists Weaponize
the Court System

HOW NARCISSISTS WEAPONIZE THE COURT SYSTEM//Are you dealing with a narcissist in court and feel as if they are using the court system as just another way to abuse you? Are you dealing with court related abuse, harassment, and bullying? Does your ex keep taking you back to court? Watch this video to learn about all the ways that narcissists use the court and legal system against you so that you can prepare and destroy them in court.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 04:27:35 AM
How to Catch a Narcissist
in Court


3 months ago
Best response for insane allegations is to neither admit or deny such allegations. Just keep 'em' talking and they'll tell on themselves. You won't even have to testify.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 05:21:42 AM
:tello: "This is what was done to me by that Evil Woman. She tricked me to take my tools to Nevada...and then what? I am forever perplexed about her objective. It was to keep me in the house and out of the Shop. I'm suing for loss of back and potential income."

What is a dark hobby or dark interest that a narcissist might have that he/she may not talk about?

The narcissist's most prized achievement, comes from watching their object of attention (aka their supply), focussing on something of value – their purpose perhaps – and causing that person to shift their attention away from all that is of value, and instead onto the narcissist.

The goal here, is to keep the person distracted for long enough, withdrawn from their personal endeavours sufficiently, such that all those things which were being created suffer a collapse, being left in ruin.

Here's the thing.

If you are a dedicated, determined, devoted individual – who feels purpose and meaning in that which you partake in – then how important does the narcissist feel by getting you to shift attention away from all those precious things and onto the narcissist instead?

The narcissist's hungry ego and grandiosity mean that, only by becoming the center of your world and watching everything else in your world collapse, are they satisfied.

And then of course, you are discarded.

The narcissist's purpose and hobby, is to kill yours.

A narcissist’s darkness is not one thing you can put your finger on. It’s an invisible linger that pours from them…

They secretively, but purposefully, put you through tests in an attempt to find a chink in your armour so they can play with you and control you. These tests are through ‘heartfelt’ conversations, in which the narcissist is really disarming you and data-collecting. These tests are also through subtle requests of you, inappropriate behaviours, triangulation, gaslighting, baiting, all intentionally orchestrated to push you to the edge and beyond your comfort zone to gauge your reaction. “Why does nothing bother this guy…” wonders the narc, “If I can’t hurt him, how can I gain control of him…”.

The narcissist keeps testing. Dragging your temperament left to right and back again. They are right there beside you with that little invisible poking stick, digging it into your ribs ever so slightly, but frequently. Eventually, you feel it too, but you’re confused….how can this person that loves me so much be so cruel. Any time you react (even not reacting is still a reaction), they are keeping score and taking note of the areas they can hurt you.

When they find the chink in your armour, they will attack that area through sickening baiting and manipulative games in an attempt to discolour your vibrancy, confuse you, ruin your peace, and get a reaction from you. When you react with retort, they feel elevated... they feel power. “Now who’s the one with problems. Poor you, searching for answers. I won’t give you them, pathetic person. I will give you my lies instead, and then I will give you my silence”. A nice injection of supply as they watch you plead for sense…an expression of regret… understanding… harmony, which you’ll never get. The narc now feels control.

They slowly reel you into their web, away from all your passions and hobbies. The things that contribute to your happiness and character. Months, or even years, go by and you didn’t realise it but you feel you’ve sort of lost your identity. You aren’t yourself, your surroundings are distant, you feel….fragile, confused, and lost. All the attention has been channelled toward the narcissist and their agenda, and their needs, and their expectations.

You have been robbed of your confidence, your self esteem, your worth, your optimism, your value, your brightness, and your dignity.

This is the dark interest of a narcissist that they will never tell you. Robbing you of who you are.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 05:38:14 AM
Why do narcissists like to play
the victim? Isn't that beneath them?

A narcissist acts like a victim to make you feel guilty. It's the easiest way for narcissists to change situations according to themselves without taking any responsibility or accountability. Narcissists get the upper hand in relationships when they behave like victims.

Being a victim gets them attention, empathy, sympathy, and understanding from other people and you. Narcissists know that when they behave like victims, they are less likely to be questioned for their bad behavior. Narcissists will lie and cheat, then act like victims to put all the blame on you. It's a childish act.

Being a victim gets them narcissistic supply. If narcissists stop acting like victims, then they won't get sympathy and empathy from people, including you. Narcissists have a victim's mentality in every situation.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 05:44:55 AM
The narcissist can’t be alone. It’s not possible as they would absolutely collapse. They always have someone lined up. Always. And you’ll see this because they suddenly no longer mirror you and their physical appearance and interests change overnight.

Suddenly the usual disdain and contempt is ramped up to the point you begin to fear for your life. Then they jump ship and the discard is complete. Don’t be sad. This is the best gift a narcissist can or will ever give you. Your freedom.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 05:53:00 AM
How do I get a narcissist to
actually love me?

That’s easy. If you want to get a narcissist to fall in love with you, just follow these ten little rules:

Believe everything he says and support everything he does.

Give him everything he wants without expecting anything in return.

Faithfully keep all of his secrets.

Trust that his version of events is true.

Never question, contradict or criticize him.

Believe that he would never cheat on you, despite any evidence to the contrary.

Cheerfully accept all of his verbal and/or physical “corrections,” as they’re for your own good.

Understand that his silent treatments are an important part of your self-improvement plan.

Never expect an apology or explanation for anything he has said or done.

Tell him every day how much you adore him, and how lucky you are to have him in your life.

Okay, got that? Sounds good, huh? He’s sure to love you forever if you just follow the rules, right? Well… not so much.

There’s one teensy thing that I forgot to mention: A NARCISSIST IS INCAPABLE OF LOVING *ANYONE* BUT HIMSELF. Period.

Get far, far away from every narcissist you encounter in your life.


And stay away, no matter how much sweet talk and/or abuse they pile on to get you to change your mind. If you don’t get out, your very survival will be at risk.

Take my word for it: I speak from way too many years of experience.

I wish you peace.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 06:56:16 AM
Does the narcissist treat the one after me as badly
as he did me?

This topic is the one that scrambles your heart and mind even more than it was…

It will appear that someone is getting all promised you. It will appear that another is getting what you only wished for, now stolen from you. This will linger as you watch, follow, hear about them after you, with someone else.

You may have been abruptly thrown away at your lowest, feeling less than in ways you can't even relate to. You may be relating to where they went and with who. You will either forget what you endured or believe it was just you. This is the most wicked lie you probably believe.

What makes it even worse is that an extremely emotionally and psychologically ill individual is rubbing someone else in your face or, you think that they moved on naturally….healthy and "normal" now. The first part, highly likely, the second part….a wicked deception in self deception as well.

By pure willpower and a fight for your own new "normal" you may try to do the same. They are doing it and seems to be working very well for them. The huge problem there is that they are the same person that abused you always, having nothing to do with you.

Sadly, you aren't the same for now and you may think that just "moving on" is the end-all-be-all cure in your potential state. That's not happening. Either you can't just "move on" as you desperately needed or you are extremely vulnerable to similarities in the lack of unhealthy attachments, the same, maybe worse for now.

In the attempt to do what they are capable of doing, your inability to do the same may just add to your unclear and unknowing state in a perpetual cycle of your own….

The abuser, the manipulator, the gaslighter, the one incapable of caring, making the choice in not caring will be who they were with you. They did it before you and after in continuum….

It wasn't you. But, the damage done to you needs healing and truth for any possibility of you "moving on" in your life, with someone who was everything opposite from the one that that is perpetually damaging no matter who they are with and how it appears to you.

Yep, yes, you got it, absolutely! The only thing that changes in a narcissist’s life is the supply. The narc will tell the new supply they are the best thing that ever happened to them, they are the love of their life. I can attest to the fact I was only one in a long string of “ loves of my life.”

When we first met she dumped the guy she was in a relationship with so she could love bomb me into being her new supply. When I asked about the nature of her relationship with him, she instantly denied any relationship. Jump forward to the present, her son asks whatever happened to this guy since they were always together. So. He too was one of a series of men she hooked through sex, used up, tossed away because each of them meant absolutely nothing to her.

Each was merely a d*ck to be used until a more interesting one came along. A supply is disposable, ALWAYS! The narc will tell the same tale of woe about each of the discarded supply - one would think all the supply were brothers from the same family with the exact same faults.

A narc will eventually treat a new supply exactly the same way when ready to discard the supply. In this way narcissists are very predictable, they show no imagination. They generally reserve imagination for hunting and snaring their next prey. So, know your ex narc will treat the next supply as badly if not worse. Just wait for it, sooner or later it will happen.

No, not always. Sometimes the narc uses the new one to “prove” that they are a nice person, that you were LYING or imagining it, so your allegations never have any credibility.

My abusive ex’s new partner, the ugly giant chinned beotch, testified in family court that he was not controlling or abusive in any way. What a dumb monkey but she did make me look a liar.

I knew that my ex was switching it off for her - eg. not being a narc with her, using her to make himself look good, and it worked, at least for a while.

Pretty much.

Do not be surprised if he would one day make a return out of mere curiosity to see if you would be miserable or even worse without them. The kicker would be if they would see that you would be miserable they would seem disgusted of such, yet if you would have managed and had moved on they then would seem even more tempted to make a return. They would seem to really like the chase.

Would it mean that if they would make a return that it would be better though? Nope. They would seem to repeat themselves', unable to ever reflect and would merely be repeating the process. So what you had gone through before it would likely happen once again this time around too.

They may be prone to cycling back to prior partners if they would be having a dry spell and not much luck.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 07:20:00 AM
The narc operates from The Dark Side.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 07:29:25 AM


10 months ago
People who say narcissists are not demons have not been with one. I married one and had kids with another and they both nearly drove me to action I wont verbalize. I did not believe in evil until this happened to me. They will terrorize you and leave you for dead if you allow it.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 07:38:23 AM
This is a tactic to put narcissists
in their place so they will
shut up and suffer


4 hours ago
They have ZERO empathy and life's only about them.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 07:46:24 AM
11 SMART Ways to Deal with

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 07:58:14 AM
This Is How Narcissists
Secretly Undermine You


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 08:07:47 AM
The Most Disturbing Twist
in Narcissistic Abuse


Not knowing is the worst part of dealing with one; but once you know, game over.
They are such simplistic, self defeating, li'l creatures.
On another note, narcissists are more harmful than real ghosts.
The best way is no contact-ignore them-block their phones and be happy and free!!! Game over for the narcissist!!!!!
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 08:15:38 AM
How Narcissists Play
Both Sides Of The
Victim Game


1 day ago (edited)
The narcissist insults you, belittles you, gaslights you, slanders and defames you, and when you express normal feelings about that such as: hurt, frustration, or anger, guess what the narcissist says? "You have a victim mentality".
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 08:29:45 AM
What will a narcissist do when
they know they can't win?

Narcissists never play fair. Narcissists make rules, break rules, and change rules according to their needs and situations. Narcissists want to prove themselves correct in every situation; proving themselves right is the ultimate goal of narcissists.

When narcissists feel they don't have a point or are unable to defend themselves, they'll start gaslighting and bringing back your past mistakes. Narcissists will create false stories, lie, cheat, manipulate and deceive to put you down. Narcissists might behave in a in a passive, aggressive way to punish you. Narcissists will give you silent treatment to punish you. The main motive of a narcissist is to break you down until you surrender. Narcissists don't have logic or understanding; they completely operate on ego.

You can win only when you leave a narcissist.

They play victim, justify their actions, and retell their skewed story of how the relationship ended to gain narcissistic supply from others. They take no genuine accountability, they offer no solace to those they have wronged, and remediation, especially public remediation, is out of the question. Narcissists will find a way to win, even if they have to recreate history to avoid consequences for their own actions.

Anything you possibly can think of.

They'll take you to court. Tell a sob story of how much YOU hurt them, when in reality, they were the ones who bankrupt you. Or didn't pay child support.

They'll get their friends or acquaintances to start messaging you. (Flying Monkeys)

But of course- these people have absolutely no idea what happened in your relationship with this Narc.

They hear the watered down version of your relationship- leaving out every single abusive thing they did or said to you.

They'll message you anonymously on Social Media. Leave cryptic messages you know that the two of you only understand.

They may even attempt to physically hurt you. They'll show up at your work, or house to intimidate you.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 08:39:22 AM
Don't MESS With the


4 days ago (edited)
We get attacked all the time & the demonic always try to pull us down. We get better at rebuking the devil.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 08:53:18 AM

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 09:28:37 AM
How does a narcissist feel most of the time?

People often say, "No, they don't hate themselves. Narcissists love themselves. That's what narcissism is."

But that's not quite right. Narcissism is like really bad self-love; it's toxic or poisonous. It's actually the opposite of love. Narcissists are all about themselves and what they need, that's true, but it's not love. It's just about their needs, that's all they understand.

It's hard for people who aren't narcissists to get this because their thoughts and feelings are more grown-up and complicated. But narcissists are more like little kids. They just think, "I want, I need," all the time.

Think about it like breathing. You don't breathe because you love yourself, you breathe because you have to stay alive. It's just a reaction to needing air. Narcissists are the same. They freak out over stuff that seems silly because deep down, they really hate themselves.

They hate themselves so much that they don't think they deserve anything, not even to live sometimes. To try and deal with those horrible feelings, they've convinced themselves of the opposite. They believe they deserve everything. They see things as either they don't deserve anything or they deserve everything, there's no in-between.

Every time they can't get what they want, it reminds them of how much they hate themselves. These feelings are so big and scary for them, and they don't know how to handle them very well. It feels like the worst thing ever, and they feel like they can't even go on living. This made-up idea that they deserve everything is all that keeps them from doing something really dangerous. So, when something messes with that idea, they freak out.

The safest, most secure thing the narcissist can feel, is nothing.

By feeling nothing, not experiencing any emotions whatsoever, narcissists are at low risk of suffering narcissistic injuries, as well as extreme paranoia, loneliness, shame, and so on.

But, feeling nothing (or feeling close to nothing) is not always easy, and it is a close cousin to the feeling of boredom. Narcissists do not like feeling bored, it's just not what they are about.

So the narcissist wants excitement and ego-boosts, but rely heavily on others to provide this. Narcissists do not like to admit they are extremely dependent on others, but they are.

So narcissists spend a lot of time bored and feeling almost dead inside, but actively pursue excitement and good supply. And when it comes, they have a blast.

But, by opening themselves up to feeling good, they are also opening themselves up to feeling bad. And usually, emotional crashes soon follow emotional highs.

The narcissist experiences an ongoing dilemma, of trying to feel nothing, or wanting to feel good.

Which puts them at risk of heavy narcissistic injuries.

Understanding how a narcissist feels most of the time requires a nuanced look into their internal experiences and external behaviors, which often reveal a profound and persistent unease concealed beneath a facade of confidence. At the heart of a narcissist's emotional landscape is a paradoxical mix of vulnerability and grandiosity, a complex dynamic that shapes much of their interaction with the world.

A narcissist often lives in a state of the constant need for attention and admiration. This manifests in their tendency to dominate conversations and steer interactions back to themselves, frequently overshadowing others and minimizing their contributions. This behavior isn't just a preference but a necessity, driven by an overwhelming desire to always appear favorable in the eyes of others. It's a relentless quest for external validation that, at its core, reflects a deep-seated insecurity about their worth.

This insecurity also ties into their notable lack of empathy, an inability to genuinely connect with the emotions and experiences of others. For a narcissist, relationships often serve as mere platforms for their self-aggrandizement rather than genuine connections.

People close to a narcissist may frequently notice a lack of genuine concern for others, particularly in situations where empathy is most needed. This deficiency can make their interpersonal relationships appear superficial and transactional, where others are valued primarily for their utility rather than their humanity.

Coupled with these emotional struggles is a pronounced sense of entitlement. Narcissists often harbor an exaggerated belief in their uniqueness, which fuels their expectations for special treatment and exemptions from the rules that bind others. This entitlement, however, is not just a superficial demand but stems from an inner narrative that reinforces their supposed superiority over others, a narrative they are compelled to protect at all costs.

Manipulative behaviors are integral to maintaining this narrative. A narcissist intricately weaves schemes designed to control others, not just physically but emotionally and perceptually. These tactics are often so embedded in their interactions that they can be challenging to detect. Through manipulation, a narcissist seeks to shape the world around them in a way that perpetually feeds their ego and shields them from the vulnerabilities they fear.

This avoidance of vulnerability is also evident in their lack of accountability. Faced with mistakes or criticisms, a narcissist often resorts to deflecting blame, making excuses, or reshaping the narrative to avoid any assault on their self-esteem. They are profoundly averse to acknowledging faults because doing so would undermine the fragile edifice of superiority they've constructed.

Criticism is particularly threatening to a narcissist. It triggers a range of defensive mechanisms, from dismissiveness to outright hostility. Rather than engaging with constructive feedback, a narcissist is more likely to reject it or retaliate, viewing it as a direct challenge to their self-conceived supremacy.

Overall, beneath the apparent confidence and control, a narcissist often feels a persistent unease, driven by an insatiable need for validation and a deep fear of inadequacy. Their emotional world is marked by a constant tension between their grandiose self-image and the underlying vulnerabilities they strive so desperately to conceal.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 09:41:43 AM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 10:03:10 AM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 10:20:16 AM
Banning guns does not violate the 2nd amendment. Are gun enthusiasts willing to reach a compromise or does the full weight of the US Constitution need to be used to enact promising change for the welfare of this nation?

Banning guns DOES INDEED VIOLATE THE 2ND AMENDMENT! Here's my compromise. You can have my gun when you pry it from my cold dead fingers. My ancestors tried comprising with you pale faces. NEVER AGAIN!

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 10:34:42 AM
Why are narcissists so mean
and vengeful?

Narcissists are extremely egoistic; when they feel they have been wronged, they will go to any extent to teach you a lesson. Narcissists can hold grudges for ages to teach you a lesson; they don't forget being wronged according to them so easily.

Narcissists can be mean and vengeful because they feel you have threatened their image by going against them. Narcissists see you as a big threat when you don't obey them. Narcissists feel insulted and humiliated when you go against them because, for narcissists, their reputation and image are everything.

To satisfy their ego, they will punish you.

Behind closed doors, narcissists are all about control and authority. Anything that goes against them is taken seriously. They will teach you a lesson by being passively aggressive, insulting, bullying, putting you down in front of people, opening your secrets, misplacing your items, etc.

Some narcissists can go to any extent to teach you a lesson, like destroying your life and property, hurting you, seriously harming you, taking away children, causing problems in your job, putting you behind bars through false allegations, and the list goes on.

Narcissists hold grudges; they will wait for the right opportunity to take revenge to satisfy their ego.

They are meaner than a demon. They are so vindictive, which means they are going to punish you, they love making up stuff about you, and then turning everyone against you on trumped up accusations.

They are hell-bent on hurting certain people. Ones they know they can get away with it. They have a sadistically bent mind. I think they have a violent heart and soul. They sure don’t want to piss off someone bigger and stronger than them, that could beat the hell out of them, so they generally go after women and kids. Most of them are massive cowards and even bigger bullies.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 10:59:05 AM
Do all narcissists think
we’re in fact the narcissist?

Name calling in a toxic relationship….

Many of us have called an abusive, toxic, destructive and crazy making partner, a narcissist.

Whether out of anger or discovery, the word may be spoken. Oddly, she referred to me with every other word possible, nothing associated with anything "crazy", emotionally or mentally ill. She knew those terms but stayed clear, perhaps a soft spot for HER.

Now, you know enough, you've tried to gain perspective, figure out what is, what was the issue and then it unfolds from there….maybe the "cliff notes" were enough, maybe you went for the deep dive….only you know.

Did you recall how difficult it was to wrap your head around how much was missing from someone you were deeply connected to, maybe you still do?

Do you think a narcissist knows what that is outside of an insult, the one word for a many worded monsters? A word unfortunately thrown around today without the truth behind the word in the world of Psychology?

A obscure insult or something so much more?

Some know the depths of abuse and destruction, the consequences of having a dynamic with a permanently emotionally and psychologically ill individual. (Damaged Goods)

With the advent of growing awareness of Narcissism, usually at the bravery of the experienced partner, it has also become a more detailed insult as opposed to someone just being "crazy". Sure, psychopath, sociopath and borderline is gaining momentum but in my opinion, narcissist takes the lead.

I've heard all those terms used as a more distinctive insult alluding to someone being the ultimate bastard, jerk, a*shole in the treatment of another, the emotional aftermath and I get it.

Is it true? I suspect in some if not many cases, it's the detailed words as reaction, just a reaction.

I challenged myself over and over again after being in a relationship dynamic with a narcissist to get to the most objective place I can. I don't use the word in some general way or reinforce, validate or support it's usage as an insult.

What does a true narcissist know? You'll never swim freely in their world behind the facade to really know.

You can surmise and conclude what they don't in the experienced at least.

Can a narcissist feel, see and fully understand emotional and psychological illness in another that resembles their own? No, it doesn't fit.

Does a narcissist feel what the abused feels? No. Can a narcissist be objective enough to conclude someone else is what they are? Only in skewed projection, a falsehood.

Sometimes people find words that align with their reaction and others learn or have a significantly different perspective.

A narcissist will look for more and more words to hurt, confuse, create doubt, use gaslighting and conditioning you may succumb to.

My experience with a narcissist had me believing something was seriously wrong with me, I was the confused and broken one. Yes, eventually pretty broken and most definitely confused.

How can a perpetually emotional and psychologically ill individual use a word that describes them projected onto you?

It's either just another word or they've heard it before from someone referring to them, a mental health care professional or a former partner.

A narcissist is very unlikely to use the word as a it means in a personality disorder, it's just another word.

I don't think they randomly think of us as Narcissists, however, if we say anything to them that indicates they are toxic, have deplorable behavior, are cheaters or liars they will deflect that back to us, telling us we are crazy, accusing us of cheating, lying and gaslighting them.

They are shame based and can't and won't accept any responsibility for any wrong doing. By blaming us, accusing us of being Narcisstic, they take the blame off theirselves.

I think they know it's not us, but don't care how that hurts us or affects us as long as they don't have to talk about what they did.


And if they find any description that would fit an a*shole,

Or if you decide to explain exactly the character traits of a sick degenerate.

They will assume it's you who's being described.

For the simple fact that they need to hold on to their conviction of being innocent and good people.

If it weren't for you being a raging a*shole, they would never treat you the way they do.

In this equation there's only room for one narcissist.

And it's not gonna be the narcissist.


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 11:06:50 AM

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 11:25:49 AM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 12:30:37 PM
Signs You've Encountered a Demon Inside Someone


1 year ago
The same demon shows up in a different person to try again,
over and over again.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 01:15:28 PM
Narcissists Will
Lose Their Minds Even Go Mad
If You Do These 10 Things

Let's dive into the intricate psyche of a narcissist, where even the slightest trigger can set off a tumultuous storm. Their capacity to handle frustration, rejection, or criticism is fragile, intertwined with deep-seated insecurities masked by a facade of grandiosity. Any reminder of their shortcomings can inflict what's termed as narcissistic injury, igniting a chaotic spiral, often directed at those who challenge their inflated self-image or hold them accountable.

While we don't endorse provoking or intentionally harming narcissists, it's essential to understand the triggers that unveil their true nature. In today's video, we'll explore ten scenarios that could send any narcissist into a tailspin, revealing the fragile core beneath their veneer of confidence.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 01:30:22 PM
Why Chosen Ones Thrive
(The REAL Power of Being Misunderstood)

Feeling like you don’t quite fit in can actually be your greatest strength. In today’s video, we explore the unique advantages of being misunderstood. We delve into how historical geniuses turned their isolation into innovation, and how you, too, can transform feelings of alienation into a catalyst for extraordinary achievements. Discover the hidden power of being different and learn how embracing your true self can lead to success and fulfillment. Join us as we uncover the real power of being misunderstood and how to harness it to revolutionize your life.


The thing is, as the world awakens, those that were misunderstood, are now being recognised as the hero's they always were.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 01:59:43 PM
I love being alone. That's when I don't feel lonely.
Chosen but Alone: Why You Can't Be Around a Lot of People

2 weeks ago (edited)
As a child, I could not understand where all the hate was coming from, but I realize now that I was a good kid. I wasn't like everyone else but I couldn't put my finger on where this barrier of hate was coming from. But now as an adult, I understand what the issue is and now I can see why people act that way.

Being a good person is the hardest thing to do in this earth. You will be going against a current your whole life. When you are truly a good person and that means even when nobody is looking. That's when the spiritual battle begins. Now you will be attacked in ways you can't see. You have to be spiritually ready for that.  That's the biggest reason why people give up, because it's too hard.  But that's why the pay off is so great. It's a marathon.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 03:01:06 PM
When Satan Weakens
In Narcissists Then They
Will Collapse Forever

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 03:06:37 PM
Why Chosen Ones Scare
and make people feel Intimidated


1 day ago
My presence attracts both positive and negative responses. What's shocking is hostile  behaviors from siblings. This video reminds me to embrace mindfulness and compassion towards people.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 03:12:50 PM
9 Signs You Are a Chosen One |
All Chosen One's Must Watch This

Are you feeling special? Chosen? Receiving a message from your higher power? Since you're here, it's most likely that you are one of the chosen ones. In this video, we're going to discuss some of the signs that you are a chosen one.

If you're feeling like you're special and you're getting guidance from a higher power, then you should watch this video! In it, we'll discuss some of the signs that point to you being a chosen one. From knowing your purpose to being a black sheep, these are the signs you need to watch for if you want to feel like you're on the path to something great!

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 23, 2024, 03:20:41 PM
The Magic WITHIN YOU &

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 12:33:36 AM
Be Careful Being Happy
Around Unhappy Narcissist


0 seconds ago
Unreal... My ex Narc got jealous and butt-hurt when I connected with another YouTube creator, Just Observing, a fine Lady who lives on the other side of the country. (I was a co-host on her shows). It was delightful to see her squirm because my attention was somewhere else and not on her. My happiness made her mad.
She found new supply who has no particular interests in life, so yeah, let them have each other's misery. I am sooooo HAPPY!

19 hours ago
Narcissistic not only hate you being happy....they hate when you are content with your circumstances.

20 hours ago
"Fun Suckers, Joy Killers, and Merchants of Chaos."...
Can't say it any better.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 12:41:46 AM
When Karma Strikes a Narcissist, The Truth You Won't Believe! | NPD | Narcissism Backfires

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 12:58:02 AM


3 days ago
The narc thinks because you are being nice...you are in agreement or not questioning their odd behavior.
You are still nice.... when there comes the time of not tolerating them & going No Contact.  Surprise narc, WE WIN!
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 01:14:38 AM
Discover the Top Fears Narcissists
Have When Losing Their
Former Supply


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 01:26:32 AM
The narcissist realizes they made
a mistake when they lost you.
You're the one that got away!


0 seconds ago
Narcs refuse to believe that consequences exist.

4 months ago
I knew I was going to be discarded the moment she kept making threats to break up and telling me to date other people. After she left I immediately got a new job at a law firm, got my driver's license, art in an art show in a museum and played in a short film. At this point I'm convinced that victims of narcissism will win

5 months ago
I would not let my narcissistic ex-wife back in my life for anything. She had her chance and she blew it.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 01:35:06 AM
When Narcissists Perform These
Stupid Behaviors, They Signal Their Own
Ultimate Demise Before You


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 01:40:29 AM


4 days ago (edited)
I would like to add that we are empaths, we care, we give, we TRULY love, etc. DON"T change who you are, change/discard the people that don't appreciate these wonderful qualities...someone will come along the way and appreciate for who you are and have to offer!!! VIBRATE HIGH
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 01:52:42 AM
When Empaths Decide To Face Narcissists
Head On, Here's What Can
Possibly Happen!


1 year ago
They nailed it. I think one of an empaths main problems is they let people walk all over them. We have to start saying no to people just like they always say no to us. It's a horrible feeling to feel like a doormat for these other people who clearly only care about themselves.

It's exhausting so like the video says we just ignore them, the problem is we always let some people back in. We gotta stop that and learn to be ok with just saying NO or learn to let these toxic people go. I wish you all luck and I myself know its easier said than done. Baby steps are fine.

2 years ago
They will run claiming you're wrong, but truth is... you simply called them out on their BS
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 01:59:57 AM
How Testing a Sigma Empath Leads
Narcissists to Embarrass Themselves
| Narcissism Backfires

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 02:54:17 AM

In today's deep dive, we discuss why certain things unfold the way they do and whether those who do wrong ever face consequences. We're examining the idea that what goes around, comes around, and why you should trust the universe to balance the scales.

Discover how facing adversity with grace can strengthen your spirit and align you closer to your higher goals. We'll explore how negative energies and challenging situations are not just random occurrences but tests of your resilience that prepare you for greatness.


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 03:22:49 AM
Is there anyone who has seen
a narcissist get their karma?

Ugh, I have read folks’ responses to this question act like the Narcissists never get what is coming to them. I am here to shock you. They do. They either get it here or in the next life.

Let me give these examples to help you folks:

If a tree falls in the forest, does it not make a sound when it lands? Just because you are not there, does not mean it does not.

Just because it is the night, does not the sun rise again? Just because you can’t see the sun at night, does not mean it will fail to resume rising in the morning.

Just because you are breathing, does not death wait for you? It is inevitable. Why would you doubt that or other things in nature?

Therefore, if a Narcissist does bad in the world, are you telling me that they will not face karma on a spiritual plane? I am here to tell you they will. You will just not be there to see it. Why? Because if you were smart, you would have gladly stayed away and not seen the narcissistic collapse which befall many of these folks.

Cluster B examples getting their comeuppance:

Psychopath or Sociopath: Bernie Madoff ended up in prison and lost everything

Covert Narcissist: Ellen Degeneres lost her show

Classic Narcissist: Trump losing the election and facing criminal charges

Malignant Narcissist: Scott Peterson in prison

Borderline: Angelina Jolie unable to secure work like she once did

Covert Narcissist: Amber Heard is blacklisted

I could keep going, but you get the idea.

Here are personal examples:

Covert Narcissist I know: Has Parkinson’s

Cover Narcissist: She is all alone. Has issues with her kids.

Finally, narcissists get what is coming to them, it just takes time.

Good luck to those that believe down the road a narcissist is free and clear without consequences. That is the final lie they want you to believe…it was not their fault, they are doing great, and they are better off without you. They are better off, because they won’t be around to bother you. And you are better off when they leave your life. These are just my opinions.

Narcissists live out their karma every single day. Imagine being a fugitive on the run, and not some mastermind either, just a regular person trying to outrun being hunted for your crimes against humanity. That’s the life a narcissist leads. But who they’re trying to outrun is themselves. And no matter where they go, there they are.

Imagine needing to rely on never being seen for who you really are to feel any sense of positive identity.

Imagine trying to keep up with a million and one lies at all times.

Imagine never being able to be alone with your thoughts.

Imagine having no control over your impulses.

Imagine losing everyone that ever truly loved you (the ones who saw the real you, behind the mask, and stayed) bc you did so much to hurt them.

Imagine never being able to love or be loved truly.

Imagine the only love you’ll ever get will never be for who you truly are bc who you are is nothing but that which you mirror of those around you.

Imagine the lack of peace they ever have.

Imagine the anxiety that comes with some part of them knowing the jig will eventually always be up.

Imagine being so miserable at your baseline your entire life revolves around chasing a distraction from that.

The narcissist live out their karma every single second of every single day. All they ever get is a brief and fleeting (and often self-destructive) distraction from the ass kicking karma is never not giving them.

While we may be left with CPTSD, we’re also left with a larger capacity for peace. The thing about being traumatized is that it’s extremely stressful, and so we come to more fully appreciate that which is…not. We find peace in the smallest places, we find peace where other people might be “bored”. We find joy in such small pleasures bc we have been so devoid of it for so long and we still suffer so we know to savor and cherish those sweet, small moments of bliss. We pour our effort into creating a peaceful and purposeful life. The narcissist will never know such joys, such purity, only distractions from how miserable they are.

Never could a narcissist sit with themselves in silence, no matter their view. Whether they’re at the DMV or somewhere beautiful. If they have to be alone with their thoughts and no distractions, they’re in their version of literal hell.

Never could a narcissist have an interesting internal dialogue, never could he control that voice, never could he separate himself from it. Never could the narcissist just be content being with himself.

Never would they awe at how the sunlight hits their favorite window just right, or marvel at a butterfly, or appreciate the way the bees love their flowers this year.

Never could they be so present, only distracted.

That is their karma, a life of mindless and meaningless distractions, while we go on to mindfully and meaningfully lives.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 03:32:22 AM
What will a narcissist do when you finally and continuously act like you don’t care about them & show them no attention?

Narcissists will find ways to get your attention. If they are not getting your attention, then they will use passive-aggressive tactics or throw tantrums to get your attention. A narcissist can't live without your attention. Narcissists fear losing you if they lose control, power, and authority over you. When narcissists get your attention, they are sure they have control over you.

If you don't give narcissists attention, then they will say you don't love them. Narcissists will use different ways to get your attention.

Attention is like a drug for narcissists. If narcissists aren't able to get your attention, then they will probably look for other supplies to get attention. If a narcissist has the habit of cheating, then they'll look to cheat on someone who gives them attention.

If narcissists have a very good supply, then they are likely to discard you or ghost you.

At first he will assume you are pouting and go about his merry way amused.

Then when you continue to not respond he gets curious. He will bait you with cryptic text messages.

He will turn off his locations hoping you will notice. Then worried that you assumed the worst, he will be sweet - briefly but it is only to see if you even noticed.

He’ll namedrop hoping to triangulate you against others.

After a few days it becomes seriously offensive- what if he was dying? How can you be so callous.

He will accuse you of seeing someone else. Still no response? If you shared a TV subscription with him, passwords will get changed and you will be locked out. He may apply for credit in your name or get his license updated to yours so guard shack lets him in as if he lives there.

Mine went out and got a second phone apparently believing that somehow I was able to see everything on his old phone and that was why I stopped talking to him.

Reportedly drove the 100 miles to my place 19 times in 60 days of silence.

I was unaware I was being tracked through a gas card app but fortunately I led a very dull life so no cause for drama.

The paranoia that grips them confirms they have a guilty conscience. Once they feel safe again after deleting all incriminating evidence they review all your emails and texts and rediscover what you might want to hear so they have the perfect thing to say.

They figure out how to unblock themselves. Takes a day or so but a script is run to unblock iCloud messaging.

They know you want to be validated for your pain and that they caused it. That is the trump card they don’t want to play unless it is a last resort. But don’t get excited just yet. Confession is not an admission of guilt as you will soon realize as soon as you fall for that trap.

You see, they only did what they did because YOU triggered them. You realize they know exactly what they are doing - the brain injury story was just how to excuse behavior. He goes on full attack mode gaslighting galore until… you either serve, break down, or explode in fury and feed the me me only me monster.

He is back in time out again and you would think he would give up realizing he has played his last trump. Nope. He realizes you are clinging to your faith to get through this. So… he starts reading in a Bible app and letting you see he is active in the app. You ignore him knowing those words will sting and evil shrinks from raw truth. But after weeks of seeing he is reading you accept an invite to a 7 day plan - and all is well. Or so you think. Who doesn’t want to guide the lost back to safety?

Of course as you as working to better yourself you can’t help but have trauma brain and want to vent in a discreet way. He reads your comments and though it’s veiled he knows it is somehow about him and receives it as an attack. He wins again. He is in your head AGAIN. He drops the apps as soon as he realizes the ruse succeeded. But not before he shares with other Christian’s that he is reading and to complete the illusion he will even show up to church of his mentor/sponsor.

It will be ground hog day over and over until you get a new unlisted number and go off grid. Many of them are OCD and will contact you 15 different ways to remind you they are still breathing. This latest narcissist is determined to never give up, but he will. They all get ignored, forgotten, replaced in the end.

How dare you think you can ignore The King of Chaos? You must think you are something special… Guess what? You are fearfully and wonderfully made… God be with you because there is nothing a narcissist hates more than a resolute Christ follower. Well he hates smokers too but I like to breathe so smoking is not an option. At least going to church doesn’t give you cancer yet.


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 03:47:11 AM

I sure wish meme-makers could check their spelling and sh!t...
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 03:57:30 AM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 04:12:54 AM
We don’t associate narcissists with empathy or understanding of human feelings, so how do they react when they bother you? What goes through their mind when a narcissist sees you crying? Here are 13 things you can expect.

13 Things to expect when a narcissist sees you crying

“Narcissistic love rides a roller coaster of disaster with a heart full of tears.” – Sherri Griffin

Narcissists will not comfort you when you cry
Don’t expect a hug or cuddle from a narcissist when you cry. If they don’t take away your pain, they will feel uncomfortable and embarrassed. It’s a “lousy” thing for them to deal with.

They will not acknowledge your tears
When you cry, you distract the narcissist. You can yell, scream or scream as much as you want, but they won’t react. They will continue the conversation completely undisturbed, and go back to what they were doing before.

They accuse you of being too sensitive
Narcissists justify their destructive behavior by blaming you. You are very sensitive. You cannot accept a joke or constructive criticism. You should calm down and not offend.

They stare at you
Narcissists don’t experience emotions the way we do, so seeing you cry piques their curiosity. They stare at you as if you were a laboratory animal being experimented on. There is nothing behind their eyes. No emotion or feeling.
Some victims of narcissists describe the narcissist’s eyes turning black or looking dull. Others smile at your distress. Narcissists can make their partner cry over something they did, and feel no remorse while watching. It’s worrying.

They will ignore your tears
When a narcissist sees you crying, he will do his best to ignore your tears. They continue as if nothing happened. You might be dazed in the fetal position, and they’ll turn the TV up louder.

They will laugh at you
It is not unusual for narcissists to laugh at your plight. These are empty, emotionally devoid shells of people. Seeing you upset shows them that their tactics are working. Your tears feed their ego. It’s a fun experience for them. When you cry, they win.
They will say that you are crying just to manipulate the situation

“Often the narcissist believes that others are ‘faking it’, taking advantage of emotional displays to achieve a goal. He is convinced that their superficial ‘feelings’ are based on ulterior, unemotional motives.” -Sam Vaknin

Narcissists use crying as a tool of manipulation, so it’s no surprise that they think everyone else does too. They do not understand that tears mean sadness or sadness. It’s projection. They project their actions onto you. Yes, he would accuse me of manipulating him or trying to make him feel bad.

They make you cry for fear of accountability
Crying shows how upset or hurt we are. Narcissists worry that they will be revealed as a bad person. They minimize your feelings so they can get away with unacceptable behavior. If you cry for no good reason, you are not to blame.

They will underestimate you
For a narcissist, crying is a sign of weakness. However, they also consider it a good thing. They break you. You are surrendering to their controlling tactics. They affect you negatively.
This gives them a huge boost of power. They know that you are now under their spell, so they can go further.

They don’t understand why you’re crying
Narcissists don’t understand why people cry. They can’t relate what they did to your reaction. After all, it’s not about you. It’s all about them.
This is a sick, soulless person who has no conscience and no remorse. Narcissists may feel angry or upset with you for crying, but they do not feel the emotion behind the tears.

They get angry

“She could feel him, staring at her with a psychotic look in his eyes, reveling in her suffering, using it to fuel his next move.” – Aarti Manani

If being ignored won’t stop her crying, sometimes getting angry will do the trick. The narcissist will accuse you of crying to get attention or to avoid dealing with a problem. These are all things narcissists do, of course, so they associate them with you.

Narcissists know they use emotions as a tool for manipulation, but they get angry when they think you do too. It is impossible for them to understand that you are sad or upset.

They are turned on
Has your narcissistic partner tried to have sex while you were crying? Some narcissists are upset by your tears. Malignant narcissists are sadists who enjoy seeing you distraught.
However, there is also a condition called Dacryphilia which describes a person who becomes sexually aroused by the sight or sounds of crying. Crying or seeing others cry excites some people.

They will remind you all the time
When a narcissist sees you crying, he remembers it for future reference. They can then use it to humiliate you further. They will constantly remind you of a time when you were weak and re-traumatize you all over again.
There are some narcissists who deliberately bring up past traumas to comfort and comfort you. They can’t do it at the time because their focus is on enjoying the moment.

But once they have time to think about the situation, they realize they can use it to their advantage.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 04:30:01 AM
I like to lie and deceive others.
Am I a narcissist?

Ron Culley
Not yet. Right now, you are a small child. Where are your parents?

Well, we know you are a liar and cannot be trusted, but never mind. Just being deceiving liar who enjoys lying and deception doesn’t make you a narcissist. It just makes you untrustworthy, unreliable, not available to others as your true self.

The question is why? Why do you lie and deceive others and enjoy it?

Maybe you are in shame and self-hate and pretend to be someone, something else. You don’t fool yourself but you do fool others, and you like that little bit of satisfaction.

Maybe you’re a total loner and want people to stay away. The right kind of lies will accomplish that aim.

No idea if the question is real, or just another one of your alleged deceptions.

No matter. Just being a liar doesn’t make you a narcissist.

Not necessarily.

Do you love yourself more than anybody else around you or in your life?

Do you put yourself above others in all situations?

Do you care more about your own happiness and enjoy controlling people around you and get mad when you can’t control them?

If not, then you are not a narcissist.

If you do enjoy all of the above, then yes. You are a narcissist.


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 04:39:41 AM
Do narcissists actually believe
their own lies, or are they just really
good at lying?

They do believe their own lies in that moment. Their entire world is the truth, and their “lies” are no exception. They suffer from one-mindness. However, they can also be very inconsistent with their “lies”.

One day they admit that they are racists, then 2 months down the line they declared that they never hate anyone in their entire life. One day, their mother is both meek and mild but on other days, when she had a mind set of a settee, he called her a beotch when she exerted some independence.

My point is that this inconsistent cycle of their character repeats itself again and again until the recipients becomes utterly confused by the unstable change in character. It did my head in until I became insane because I did not know WHO and WHAT he was as a person. He, even now, is still shrouded in enigma.

I no longer want to peek inside a narcissist’s head. It's a world that invokes insanity in the person who wants to draw them to the narcissist. Even their “lies” are inconsistent.

I'm going to answer YES they do believe their lies and they are EXPERTS in lying, that's why they get so angry when you call them out on their lies and boy, you're in trouble now, but don't worry, narcissist will always come up with another way to lie or to get back at you for pointing out he's not as perfect as he thinks he is.

Limerick. That’s a Narcissist. In all things they rewrite and fill in the blanks to suit them. Sometimes they know it’s a lie (gaslighting), sometimes they BELIEVE in their limericks. Either way, you’re screwed because it just won’t matter to them. Don’t expect truth here. It’s like trying to breathe underwater. Not going to happen, you’ll drown.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 05:05:17 AM
Why do narcissists bring up the only thing you have done wrong?

Ron Culley
Because I can’t do anything right. That’s what she told me anyways….

They’ll bring up the only thing you did wrong, and they’ll also rewrite history to make things you didn’t do wrong (or do at all) into faults, and twist your words present day to make things you didn’t say wrong (or say at all) into faults. They’ll latch on to the real thing you did wrong, and twist and spin other things into things you did wrong, because they need this as ammunition.

Your real or made up wrongdoings:

give them ammo to attack your character
allow them to blame you for every mistreatment and wronging you’ve ever experienced from them, past or present
make it easier for them to project
make it easier for them to blame shift
make it easier for them to gaslight
make it easier for them to smear campaign

let them convince themselves that because you did something wrong, it puts you on an even playing field (or, in their minds, makes you worse) when it comes to all they’ve put you through, and means that everything they’ve ever tortured you with over the years is canceled out or doesn’t matter.

give them (in their minds, not in reality) free reign to do anything they want to you forever. They will genuinely believe that because you did this one wrong thing, they are entitled to harass you, stalk you, threaten you, push your pain point buttons, use your pain points to hurt you, try on purpose to make you panic (my ex outright admitted to me that he does this and will do it for the rest of his life), follow you, deploy flying monkeys, rewrite your entire history into things that it never was, rewrite your entire personality and character into things it isn’t (object constancy), inaccurately, incorrectly, and unfairly demonize your entire family comprised of wonderful human beings because they’re mad at one member, rewrite and spin what your family members have said too, call you back to back to back until you answer, corner you, falsely accuse you of things they know for a fact aren’t true, and try with all of their effort to break you and make you hate your life, the list goes on… and they’ll use the make believe wrongdoings in the same way.

The wrong thing you actually did will give them their strongest feeling of justification to do all of the above, but the non-wrongdoings they’ve rewritten will be used the same way.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 06:16:21 AM
These 7 Changes Would Wipe Out Narcissism


1. change reflex to control to desire to serve
2. Change indifference to conscientiousness: blend, reliability, curiosity, helpful, take initiative to inclusiveness
3. Change conniving to being open: authentic, accountable, safe, available
4. Change sense of agitation to respect: maintain dignity, be constructive, be civil, appreciate the value of all
5. Change binary thinking to analytical
6. Change judgmental thinking to descriptive
7. Change disdain for goodness to integrity
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 06:18:51 AM
The Hidden Evil Beneath Narcissism


7 months ago
Honestly, no low is too low for them to stoop to. They're lowdown and dirty, and they will do anything to get what they want.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 06:30:55 AM
What is a malignant narcissist?

A malignant narcissist is an extreme manifestation of narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), characterized by a toxic combination of narcissism, antisocial behavior, aggression, and a complete lack of empathy. These individuals exhibit a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, a need for admiration, and a lack of regard for others' feelings or rights. What distinguishes malignant narcissism from the typical narcissistic traits is the presence of more severe and malicious behaviors, often leading to destructive and harmful outcomes for those around them.

One defining aspect of a malignant narcissist is their manipulative and exploitative nature. They use others for their own benefit without any remorse or guilt. They often possess a charming and charismatic facade that they use to manipulate and control people, seeking power and dominance in relationships and situations.

Additionally, these individuals often display a callous disregard for the well-being of others. They can be exceptionally cruel, enjoying the suffering or downfall of those they perceive as threats or adversaries. Their lack of empathy allows them to inflict emotional, psychological, or even physical harm on others without feeling any remorse.

Malignant narcissists tend to have an inflated sense of self-importance, believing they are superior to everyone else and deserving of special treatment. They demand constant admiration and validation, and any criticism or perceived slight can trigger intense reactions, leading to aggressive or vengeful behavior.

Their impulsivity, combined with a lack of remorse and empathy, can make them prone to engaging in risky or harmful behaviors without considering the consequences. This impulsivity can result in manipulation, deceit, and exploitation in both personal and professional relationships.

Overall, the term "malignant narcissist" encapsulates individuals who exhibit the core traits of narcissistic personality disorder but with heightened levels of malevolence, manipulation, aggression, and a pervasive disregard for the well-being of others. Their actions often cause significant harm and distress to those around them, making relationships with them challenging and often deeply damaging.

Ugh…..a malignant narcissist has a terrifying sadistic streak, is manipulative, is aggressive, is paranoid, has no conscience, thinks they deserve to be treated like the gods/goddesses they think they are, and has little to no empathy. If you tell a malignant narcissist that you want to have nothing to do with them, they will turn around with a big smile on their face, run to maybe the police, and file a complaint against you stating that you were stalking them and that they want nothing to do with you.

Their revenge is painfully traumatic and immediate. They are the most damaging. They may, at first, come across as warm, intelligent, high functioning, charming, gracious, a great humanitarian, good manners even! They are in actuality the polar opposite of all the good things they like to embody. They will take all the things you say, or do, your gestures even, the way you dress, and mimic you.

It feels like they ripped your skin off and draped it over themselves, only no one can see what they have done except you. One more thing, the malignant narcissist who I know would sometimes stare at me in an intense manner with dead eyes….I cannot really put it into words….their face would be expressionless…their eyes looked like they had no soul. Their pupils would be enlarged to the point where it was hard to see their cornea. It was the most terrifying experience.

These people will cut your throat and watch you bleed out and get off on it.

They will go behind your back and throw you under the bus every chance they get.

If you think for one second that you are on their team and that they have your interests at heart YOU ARE GRAVELY MISTAKEN.

They have absolutely no loyalty to anyone but themselves.

You will be discarded and destroyed just like everyone else.

Many so called “Leaders” are malignants.

If you pay any attention to these things (most of you don’t as you actually have lives) the doors are constantly revolving with these people. They can’t seem to stop the doors from revolving…new people constantly trying to please these black holes.

They are thrown away in the trash just like everyone else.

What is a malignant?

They are comorbid with ASPD (anti social personality disorder) which are psychopaths (psychopathy) and NPD (Narcisistic personality disorder). Which means they are essentially psychopaths but they need to be around people. They are also ultra paranoid and think that everyone is out to get them. So they plan, they plot to trip you up to destroy you first. Essentially they are baby demons that successfully convince people that they are Jesus.

They manipulate you and you haven’t a clue. You will be abused even if you have internal boundaries up. They will destroy any kind of wall you put up and you won’t have any idea how they did it. Unless you have had this experience you don’t truly understand what a complete mind flock it is.

Are you family? Wife, husband? Best friend? Oh my, well, count your days because you have no chance of escaping unscathed…It does not matter as they have no allegiance to anyone but themselves. They will set you up, watch you fall into a pit of cobras and completely get off on your screams, pain, torture and misery.

They absolutely live for this. Especially your death. My father when I went No Contact with him sent the police to my door. Do you think it was because he cared? Well, the truth is this HE DESPERATELY WANTED ME DEAD. He wanted to know that it was him that would have caused my suicide.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 06:42:36 AM
Why Chosen Ones Attract Most Hatred


1 month ago
I went to my Psychiatrist and therapist with "There must be something so unbelievably horrible about me for people to have such a reaction to me just living life! Do I have a personality disorder?" 

Everyone said "No. You have unbelievable trauma and you make people uncomfortable because you're a light"
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 06:55:59 AM
Why do narcissists try to kill you?

My mother believes that my ex-narcissist (malignant narcissist) was trying to kill me.

I am not the type who gets sick, and when I was living with him, I was vomiting quite a lot, and no it wasn't morning sickness. I have always had horrible endometriosis and cannot have children.

This went on for quite a while, and it was very strange.

After he was gone, my mother found antifreeze.

Every night, because he went to "work," the narcissist used to make me green tea and other types of tea. I now believe he was poisoning me.

I recall that when he would set the tea down by my bedside, he was very attentive and even "affectionate," but only during that time.

He probably thought it was funny that he was putting antifreeze into my drinks while pretending he loved me.

The reason why narcissists try to kill you is to get rid of you, or to make you so sick that they can get away from you.

They also kill people for life insurance and material reasons.

In my case, even though the bastard convinced me to stay with him, he was playing a sick game with me and wanted to “win.”

Let me tell you why:

They are shameless and have zero decency. Especially with OWN children.

They have little self control

They easily blow up like a volcano over the slightest of things

They envy normal human beings because they know they live at a much lower level than us. Lower level as in possibility of experiencing happiness.

The narcissist is always about self gain. Don’t dare come in the way or you will be easily wiped off planet Earth.

Narcissists love money. They don’t like to divorce but prefer the partner eliminated to get everything themselves.

If you are the scapegoat, watch out. You are a constant threat to the narcissist.

Mine just smirked at me when I was groaning away with renal failure. Thank God for that little emergency button on the phone. That's the last thing I could do. The narc had gone into the bedroom and closed the door. When the ambulance came they scooped me off the couch and that's it.

The reason? I guess control of material stuff and new supply. Cold hearted .

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 07:02:59 AM
What are weird habits of covert narcissist?

1. Muttering things under their breath, then claiming they didn’t say anything.

2. You can’t finish a story without them interrupting on how they’ve done better or suffered worse.

3. They walk ahead of you.

4. Blames their childhood or other people for their toxic behavior.

5. They don’t like sharing their things, happy to take yours.

6. They would rather impress strangers than care for their own family.

7. They avoid family occasions while blaming others for being a no show.

8. Their words do not match their action.

9. They stare at you.

10. They are weird about gift giving.

11. They are like chameleons.

12. They take credit for your ideas.

13. They act like they are strong but they also play the victim.

If you point out a something that is bothering or affecting you, even if you do it politely, instead of taking it as “I did a mistake, I’ll try to do better” they take it as “I guess am a horrible person” so you back down I you feel bad for pointing it out in the first place.

Using self deprecation as a tactic to get constant validation from people around them.

They try to farm compliments all the time.

They use self-pity to manipulate you and get what they want from you (money, energy, time, regardless if it has a negative impact on you, regardless if is truly fair for you).

If you share something good that happened to you with them, they either diminish it, make it about themselves or passive-aggressively undermine your accomplishment.

They’re maliciously envious of other people, even the people who love them. If you are the target of their envy they would plot your downfall.

Inconsistent opinions about other people. One day a person is awful, the other day they’re actually “good”. They will do the same to you eventually.

If they go to therapy, most likely they lie about what happens there or they stop going the moment the therapist says something they don’t like. They think therapy exists to validate their distorted sense of reality.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 09:06:38 AM
What are some things a narcissist
will never tell you about him/herself?

Narcissists won't tell you they are needy, insecure, selfish, parasitic, and weak individuals.

Narcissists won't tell you that you are lovable and better than them. Narcissists will never tell you that they are jealous of your qualities and behavior; they have come to destroy everything you have.

Narcissists won't tell you they need you more than you need them; they will replace you when they find a new person.

Narcissists won't tell you that they feel terrible, miserable, and unhappy inside; they hate you for who you are. Narcissists don't want you to know they don't have any good qualities; everything they do has motives.

Narcissists won't tell you; they have been faking everything to get you in a relationship and to continue a relationship with you.

Narcissists won't tell you they have been carrying out horrible activities behind your back, which they can't tell anyone.

Narcissists won't tell you they can't live without narcissistic supply; they wear masks only to gain narcissistic supply from everyone.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 10:31:54 AM
How does a narcissist react
when you threaten them?

A NPD does not react positively when they are threatened!

When you threaten to expose who they really are underneath the “mask” of perfection, you expose their secret to the outside world and it becomes a fighting war to them to protect that mask! They have to protect that “mask” at all costs to the world!

So the reaction that you will get is a Rage which is a two-year-old temper tantrum, adult style! Early in our marriage I realized my husband did not tell the entire truth to me only half truth which means he lied to me. Next thing I knew he was up in my face telling me he has never lied a day in his life and who was I to judge him.

Next thing I knew he shouted out to me that I was the real liar! I thought what is he talking about??? He had me so terrified that I just nodded my head just to get away from him. And I thought "what the heck happened just now???!?!?!?!!!!" This is a method they use to control you so that you will never bring up that topic again.

You need to understand they manipulate you to control and confuse you. They also NEVER loved you ever because they are incapable of ever loving you or anybody. Their sole purpose in having you in their life is to criticize you and put you down so that they feel good about themselves!


Make no mistake, NPD is a disorder but it seems to be a diagnosis/phrase that it's getting thrown around a lot these days.

Supposedly NPD is on the rise at an alarming rate. Let's remember that we cannot diagnose our exes as actual narcissists because we are not doctors. At least I'm not. But it was the doctors, psychiatrist, the numerous and never-ending articles I read while I was doing my research and getting educated, ALL of the “this quiz is not a diagnosis” I took to see if I was a narcissist, if my friends were narcissists, my family members, to make sure that HE WAS a narcissist.

Was my mother a narcissist?! I knew there was something mentally wrong with her. I also knew growing up there was something mentally wrong with me as well. And now I know. I believe she was Bipolar. Absolutely suffered from depression. She could have been BPD for all I know. Back then nobody gave a shite if you were mental and weren't getting any treatment. They would just call you crazy and move on.

You weren't able to leave your narcissist because nobody believed you. Sometimes you didn't even believe yourself.

The brainwashing.

The trauma bond.

If somebody heard you were in therapy, counseling or separated from your spouse, you were automatically crazy. Nut House crazy the kids would say. Now depression/anxiety and mental disorders are being recognized as symptoms of mental abuse.

It seems like it is looked at like everyone is suffering from it.

You can be upset about a situation in your life and get really sad and not be depressed. You have to be clinically diagnosed. And depression can sometimes only last a few months, depending on the person and the situation.

A diagnosis will usually involve circumstances that have been occurring most of your life or long-term. Nobody knew what NPD even was back then. I didn't even know what it was until a year ago. And then after the discard, while I was going through the worst pain ever, I educated myself about it. It became my new obsession instead of the pain I was feeling.

Now I know everything there is to know pretty much. And I still haven't made a dent in the research. All those quizzes I took with different perspectives to see if any of my ex-boyfriends were narcissists. Turns out my first, original narcissist was a 5-year relationship I had when I was 18!l. I had no clue. (this is all the crazy stuff I did when I wasn't curled up in a ball, crying my eyes out and wanting to die while I was trying to break my trauma bond) etc. All of that was worth it but a lot of people are struggling with mental disorders right now. More so than ever before.

I have a feeling that narcissism has a lot to do with that. Yes, it's just my opinion which I am entitled to, but I think the fact that narcissism is running rampant right now and is being recognized much quicker and by more people than it ever has been before, I think these narcissistic a*sholes are the reason some of us have disorders and are mentally disabled.

Putting up with their sh!t all these years! I truly believe that. At least we're getting help and we're in therapy for our issues. They don't give a jack sh!t! They're never going to be well.


It took a while but I may finally start to pity the narcissist instead of despise them. Maybe. And hopefully someday you will get there too.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 10:47:27 AM

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 11:09:56 AM
Why do narcissists constantly lose friendships?

:banana: :rofl: :lmao: :lol: :roflmao: :crayfish:

Many reasons, which all boil down to one essential characteristic: a narcissist is only focused on his/her gratification. If they think they can get it from you, they’ll pursue you as a friend or romantic partner or colleague. Once they’ve established a bond (ie, ensnared you in their web), they proceed to drain you, and when you’re empty, or when you’ve figured them out and confronted them, or when you tell them “no”…then you’re no longer useful, and you get thrown on the trash heap.

Overnight, you become no one to them, and they move on to the next target, who they’ve been grooming behind your back for ages. They always knew it was just temporary; just until they were outed as the horrifying parasites they are, or until they’d taken everything from you. Including your soul.

A narcissist always has to have some kind of supply once they can’t get it they detach themselves rather quickly from their friends. That is one of the reasons they lose their friends. Another way is that grandiose image they have to be the center of attention.

Treating their friends like property rather then being a true friend.

In plain English they screw their friends and manipulate them as well.

Narcissists push their need for supply to the extreme, while also undercutting their supply. Then they blame the target for removing supply from them.

Basically they lash out at their friends and act surprised and indignant when those friends decide to stop talking to them.

Take a teenager for instance. They want independence, but they also want you to be there for them. If you don’t help them, they are insecure and lash out, and if you DO help, they yell at you to leave them be because they yearn for independence. You can get away with it while you are a child, not when you are a young adult. Young adults who grow up move on and become functional adults, while narcissists stay behind and complain that they were victimized by people who achieved maturity.

A narcissist is like a teenager, and some people never grow out of it because of how deeply insecure they are.

For instance, a covert narcissist has lost my friendship, my sympathy, my help and my supply recently.

I’m in Law school and I’m helping the younger students. Not in a tutoring capacity, but like helping classmates with classes I already aced in which they are struggling. I do it out of the goodness of my heart, and because it’s nice to have friends. I don’t expect thanks, and I get something out of it: I’m ADHD and it’s a kind of body-doubling for me to help someone (i.e., I can annul my symptoms).

The narcissist in question begs me to help him every week at the same time, on Tuesday nights, before his weekly paper is due. Then each time I offer him to study at the library with a group I set up, he declines and says he’s got it this time.

He trolls the Whatsapp group chats asking people to basically write his paper for him, and he moves on to the next supply to write the next paragraph. He thinks people are Google or ChatGPT. There is a general chat for the whole promotion, and a private chat for our little study group. And then there are one-to-one interactions.

But the other day, after an exam, I gave my own outline of the paper I thought would fetch a good mark. This particular guy then came onto the general chat, and said enough already, we went through the whole thing, WE KNOW HOW TO WRITE AN ESSAY, PFFF. STOP STRESSING US WITH THINGS OF THE PAST, NOBODY WANTS TO TALK ABOUT THAT ANYMORE.

First thing, it’s mid-term, so the topic will definitely pop up again. Discussing it is of interest for everyone, and unlike in Humanities, all of Law School serves for professional use later, so if you don’t get it now, you’ll be in trouble later on.

Second, I was addressing the whole group that’s dedicated to such discussions. You don’t tell people to stop talking to each other just because you don’t want to take part, like WTF.

Thirdly, he is always asking for help and has benefitted from my help on numerous occasions, and yet he built up a YOU-vs-US rethoric, that is typical of moral harassment.

I’m helping him with his homework and he’s thanking me with moral harassment and public humiliation.

That is one big narc baby.

Narcissists often find themselves in a cycle of gaining and losing friendships, a pattern deeply rooted in their behavior and interpersonal dynamics.

Initially, they can be incredibly charming, well-groomed, and seemingly lead an enviable life, often portrayed through glamorous social media posts. This allure can make people feel special and honored to be considered a friend of such an individual. However, the initial charm and allure of a narcissist often mask a more complex and problematic reality.

Once a narcissist feels they have 'hooked' someone into their circle, the dynamics of the relationship often change dramatically. They may start to show less consideration and empathy towards their friends. The focus in the relationship shifts predominantly to their needs, desires, and issues, with little regard for the other person's feelings or boundaries. They might begin to demand more attention and validation, becoming upset or retaliatory if they don't receive the level of admiration they feel entitled to.

Over time, the narcissist's friends may start to feel more like an audience or a source of narcissistic supply rather than equal partners in a friendship. The narcissist may use manipulation tactics such as guilt-tripping, gaslighting, or belittling to maintain control and keep their friends around. These behaviors can be emotionally draining and damaging for those on the receiving end.

As the true nature of the relationship becomes apparent, many friends may choose to distance themselves to protect their well-being. The narcissist's inability to form and maintain healthy, reciprocal relationships often leads to a pattern of short-lived friendships. Despite their outward appearance and initial charm, the core issue lies in their self-centered approach to relationships and lack of genuine empathy for others.

They are terrible, immoral, pathological, non-empathetic, soulless, disordered Creatures, walking around in human husks, and pretending to be normal! Oddly enough, that’s not why they lose friendships though. 

They Don’t lose friendships, because they don’t have friends to begin with. Narcissists have opportunities and transactions with people. They can pretend, and they love make-believe, but there’s never any love, attachment, friendship, respect, care, bond, etc…

Everybody is just an Object that’s allowed to play a small role in the narcissist’s life, and only as long as we serve them in some way. Once a narc has taken everything they want and need, we no longer serve any purpose, and are quickly trashed and replaced. They can’t and don’t see anyone as a real person. We are all just as important to a narcissist as a chair or a toaster is. Are you and your toaster good friends?

There are two main reasons why narcissists lose friendships:

The narcissist’s looming fear of being judged causes them to interpret harmless, constructive criticism as personal attacks. As a defense mechanism, they kick their perceived attackers out of their life.

Narcissists have a track record of falling-outs and burned bridges, leading to loneliness and depression.

Narcissists believe they are sweet, lovable, honest, empathetic people living in a world full of judgmental, narcissistic, intolerant, apathetic fakes. They project everything negative about themselves onto others, and it simply drives people away.

:tello: "Utility over Humanity".

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 11:48:12 AM
What do you say when a narcissist asks if you’re okay?

:tello: Or, in the alternative "How are you doing?" Keep reading....

Ron Culley
Of all the noise I heard spewed from her pie hole, that was not one of them.

There was this one time (all the time), she shouldda asked me “How are you doing?”
But no, I get “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?”

Transpose the demeanor.

Don't respond and don't react. No response is the best response. Narcissists don't care about your feelings, narcissists are bothered about how much you have been affected by their behavior.

For narcissists everything is about your reaction and the way you respond. The more you are sad and angry, the more narcissist feels better. The more you react, the more narcissist proves you crazy in front of everyone. Narcissist feels great when you are affected by them. It makes them feel good, powerful and in authority.

You say “All is well" and do not expand. What they are trying to do is what I call.. Fish.

They know when they upset you and if you tell them you're upset…Bingo! They love it even more. They will then turn it around and gaslight you. …Ex: Why are you upset when you're the one who did…? … They are the one who you hurt, after everything they've done for you… You're so sensitive, making a big deal out of nothing…

Don't ever give them fuel to make a fire. Grey rock them.

Say very little

Allow your behavior to speak for itself.

My response would be short and simple.

Fine thank you. And continue on my way.

I would avoid eye contact and pretend to answer a text or phone call, Laugh heartily! And continue on my way!



Why does a narcissist ask “how are you doing”?

They dont give a damn how your doing. Its probably just so you ask them how they are. That way they can start a Conversation about themselves. That's all that matters to them.

Just to see if they can get you to engage with them. They never listen to me completely……they NEVER CARE HOW YOU ARE DOING.


How are you doing? Are you doing ok?

Please tell me if there is anything bothering you.

I would love to hear about your worries and problems, so I can plan the best way of weaponising this information against you.

If I know what bothers you and makes you feel down, then I can use that information as a tool to control your mood and emotions, and therefore control you.

And the best part is, by asking how you are doing, I am coming across as a caring and considerate person. Who has your best interests in mind.

I come across as a nice and caring person, while gathering ammunition to take you down, it really suits me. How lovely. I can't lose.

That's where the narcissist is coming from, when they ask how you are doing.

They just wont say it. It's up to you to be smart before sharing information about yourself.


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 12:04:36 PM
What are some examples of horrible things done by narcissists?

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 12:17:12 PM
Do narcissists criticize
their partners constantly?

Ron Culley
You bet! And I have the nightmares and battle scars to prove it.

Absolutely yes. Narcissists criticize their partners to make them feel worthless and valueless. Narcissists want to show they are better than you in every field. The main motive of narcissists is to gain control, authority, and power over their spouses.

Once partners of narcissists start doubting themselves, it becomes easier for narcissists to control them. Another reason for criticism is to regulate their self-esteem. Getting narcissistic supplies from you in the form of reactions and responses makes narcissists feel powerful in relationships.

Narcissists will erode your self-esteem and destroy your confidence. Constant criticism from narcissists will make you dependent on their validation.

Narcissists want to show you that you are responsible and accountable for whatever is wrong in a relationship.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 01:14:28 PM
Will a covert narcissist call
the police on you?

Ron Culley
Any Brand-Name Narc will do it. Why should it just be the Covert Narc? They are all Batshit Crazy and have no regard for reality and everybody in it. Calling the cops is their final hand at one-ups-manship in the Battle of The Wits behind enemy lines. They will do ANYTHING to get their (sick, twisted) way, including performing “favors” on them.

Abusing the Law is their BIG GUN from their bag of tricks.

When the Heat is on, I either get a Lawyer or BE a Lawyer. It’s always 50/50. Gamble with your life wisely.


It's free to do so and unfortunately no consequences when using such a freedom to do so.

Their goal at the time? Maybe you'll learn your lesson in complying with whatever far out rules they demand of you.

"Stay away" until…..I call you, summon you, want to see you, approach you.

"Stay away", you're messing up my new life, potential for my new relationship….my narrative.

An argument they not only can't reasonably win may end up in a call to the police with a story of assault, something that ends up in a "win".

Ali it takes is a scratch, folks, and your world will be upside down. That "scratch" could be self administered.

They won't return your stuff, a back and forth to get it or texts, emails they initiate in keeping you available but thrown away at the same time.

Come over one day, a few days later, "I never want to see you again" in cycles until you may find yourself fighting a restraining order, order of protection.

Any of these scenarios are possible and most will be very costly to you in more ways than one.

Still confused about the "connection" you share? You may have been through a destructive wringer, most don't know how bad it can get in a snap.

I never had the police called personally but the threat would make me run.

I would show up at her job as she is leaving, unannounced (I was wrong). Sometimes met with hugs and kisses, my intentions to sit have a drink or eat together, sometimes welcomed and wanting to sit.

One day and what I did wasn't frequent by any means, I was met with great anger and threats to call the police….I didn't return or reach out.

Two days later, a request for my presence at her home, she wants to make me dinner and "hang". I went wanting to forget what threats she made and anything could have happened. There were times I was requested to show up only to be threatened when I did.

Is a narcissist limited to the type of, amount of punishment you aren't even considering?

Anything goes, nothing ruffling their feathers in doing so.

Flock yeah they will! And rightly so. Have you seen the way you “react” to their abuse? I mean, it’s some academy award winning sh!t, not your anger and reaction, but their manipulation.

You will do everything in your power to hold back from beating the flock out of them. They will push you to that extreme. You will begin to think jail is worth one flocking throat punch.

A punch you’d throw with instant regret, then crave, and beg as you apologize as they smirk and grasp control. Not of the situation, but of you.

Remember that academy award winning performance I spoke of? Here it comes when the cops show up, that’s if you are stupid enough to stick around. And if you are dealing with a female covert, I’m sorry, just go ahead and put the handcuffs on yourself.

They’d suck the cops dick if they had to to get you arrested. Exactly what Ron Culley said.

Try and maintain calmness when the law shows up, because that’s your only hope. But you and I both know that’s impossible. You are in such a rage the law doesn’t scare you, what’s festering inside of you needs to be released.

On your way to jail, you will being pondering your “reaction” in back of the patrol car. You will begin to feel guilt, and almost believe you over reacted.

Then you start to miss them.

You get to the jail, and with your one call, you use it to apologize to the one person who has cheated, lied, betrayed, and pushed you to the brink of insanity.

You’re defeated. You are sorry, and don’t know why.

They ignore your call, and there you sit.

Waiting to post bail to repeat a cycle not many escape.

Next time you might snap and hit them.

Think about that.

Are they worth it?

Hell yes. It’ll be their justification. Don’t do it. Walk way. They are a waste of space.

Y E S.

A covert narc will spend their time building a smear campaign against you. Calling the police for safety checks, claiming you assaulted them, that you are scaring them, that you are a monster, that you’ve always been a monster, etc.

Grandparents will sue for a right to visit their grandchildren, etc.

See Karen ? Narcissists. They call the police.


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 02:31:16 PM
What happens
when a narcissist realizes he
is a narcissist?

Well as a recovering narcissist, I can tell you that it sucks. All my life I though everyone was the problem. After a series of unfortunate events I realized that it was me. I was a compulsive liar, I thought there were no consequences for my actions, I mentally and emotionally manipulated all to get whatever I wanted. My romantic relationships suffered the most. That’s where the beast really thrived.

All in all it sucks to know that it’s been you all along, but that’s when you really start to live. When I was finally able to see that it was MY FAULT I was having a miserable life and not others, I started doing research. Years on years on years of research and most importantly, I found God. I was able to fix a lot of what went wrong.

I was able to trace everything back to specific moments in my childhood, and I found that a lot happened to me, and the suppression lead to me being a narc. Also my mother is a full blown stage 12 narcissist. So I learned from the best.

I literally had to go through a mental breakdown that landed me in the psych ward for a few days while fixing myself. It was almost as if my brain couldn’t deal with me shedding all that trauma, wickedness and heartlessness in such a short period of time.

In there I wasn’t medicated or anything I just laid in bed thinking, how did I get here. That’s when the trauma tracing started and I solved it, by the grace of God. I shared a lot of my traumas, and Sins with random people, and just being able to utter the words made me feel free.

It felt like a reset. But for the first time in my life I feel alive. I want to sing, dance, eat, and just all around live. And I guess I can’t explain the freedom I feel.

My case is not like every other narcs though. Everyone is different. I still catch a lot of my narc traits showing up. And it’s a lot of work making sure I never revert back to what I was. I try to use it to help others when I can.

I Hope that answered you question.

A narcissist’s hypersensitivity to perceived criticism makes them sense negative judgement coming from people even when it isn’t. Therefore the emotional pain they feel is everyone else’s doing, and not their own. They see themselves as loving, empathic, innocent people being unjustly judged and attacked by hostile enemies. A person who possesses this warped view of their situation cannot see themselves as a narcissist. In their mind, all those enemies are the narcissists.

If you explain to a narcissist that they are a narcissist, they’ll vehemently deny it and deflect the accusation back onto you. Only a reformed narcissist, who has taken the steps and time to rebuild their self-esteem, can understand and admit they were a narcissist.

It’s terrible.

I would equate the experience to being raised in a religious home, living a faithful/religious life, and then one day coming to the conclusion that none of it is real.

This was my experience, and it was terrible. I remember shaking my head to get the thought/realization out, but it kept coming back. That lasted about a day until I gave in to the understanding. And then I spent weeks reliving my young adult life, really seeing who I’d been.

I was/am embarrassed and ashamed of how I treated people, the way I thought about people, the way I thought about myself, and that everyone around me was completely aware that I was a psycho-calligraphic masterpiece-from-hell. I knew I had problems, but finding out how really broken I was was humiliating.

It’s been 25 years since that happened. As much as I’ve monitored myself and made progress, I have definitely experienced periods of remission. The stresses of marriage and parenting were more than I could handle while staying aware. So I’m definitely still working on it.

The best thing I’ve learned is to listen to my family when they bring up the past, acknowledge my behavior, and apologize/express regret for the impact it had.

The most recent revelation/issue, is the realization that I don’t seem to have a sense of self. I behave consistently on a day to day basis, I have a job, and my husband says he experiences me as “solid” (as opposed to chameleon-like), but I can’t see myself.

This has come up because I’ve recently been trying to identify my enneagram number. I’ve taken tests, spent a great deal of time reading books/articles and listening to podcasts. And I’m all over the place…. I see myself in nearly every number. The tests yield inconsistent results, and I hate taking them because they ask questions involving self observation.

After months of this, I’ve finally realized I can’t see myself. It seems like I’m “in there”, but I can’t see me. I feel like the best I can do is to experience myself vicariously via a consistent life with family, friends, jobs, & routines. These things allow me know how I behave, but not who I am.

So that’s where I’m at.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 02:44:46 PM
Do narcissists realize when you’ve finally had enough?

Oh yes they realize it by how you act, how you react to their childishness and foolishness, your attitude in general, you start calling to them out on their crap, being unfazed by their attempts to grab control and annoy you. They notice all of that, it angers them because what you are doing is conflicting with their false self, swinging at their ego.

They will either rage at you to reestablish control over what's happening which can turn violent depending on the narcissist. Or they will discard you and probably seek revenge on you how they see fit for having the balls to be fed up with them in the first place.

No! They always assume that you will “get over it” in a timely manner - so that they can do it to you again (or something like it, or worse).

Here’s an example: after 30+ years of marriage, I FINALLY busted him for serial cheating and pathological lying. I was finishing up my class (I was teaching at the time) and preparing to leave him as soon as it was over. He had the nerve to say to me: Geez, it’s been two weeks! I thought you’d be over this by now.” Literal quote!

This is how they think. That what they do is ALWAYS forgivable, but if you just sneeze the wrong way, they get to PUNISH you for as long as they choose. When I asked him how he could live w/himself…he told me he has an “Etch-A-Sketch” in his head, and all he has to do is go to sleep and it’s gone in the morning. YOU have to make it clear you’ve had enough. YOU need to document everything they do. And YOU need to expose them to everyone for what they do.

Narcissists are spoiled, selfish, self-absorbed, angry, NEEDY, ungiving and unloving, toddler brats in an adult body! And unlike most children, they do NOT learn to be better…but they sure do learn how to lie and cheat better - the more they get away with something, the further they push the boundaries.

If you’ve had enough, your only recourse is to LEAVE if you have the resources to do so…they rarely get better.

Narcissists may struggle to recognize or understand when someone has had enough of their behavior. Their focus is often on their own needs and desires, and they may have difficulty empathizing with others.

It's important to set clear boundaries and communicate openly about your needs in relationships with narcissistic individuals. However, it's also important to prioritize your own well-being and seek support from friends, family, or professionals if you're dealing with a challenging relationship.

They know but they are in denial. Since they have this narrative going on that they are perfect and perfectly reasonable, they will probably blame other people for trying to make you think like that about the narc.

The response is usually anger and threats in a pathetic attempt to regain control - unfortunately, that is their default way of trying to deal with a situation instead of using a cool head. That is the way they live their lives, trying to control, raging and seething when unable to, and wallowing in self-pity when caught out.

The sad thing is they never pause to think that the fault may lie with them and the way they treat their loved ones. That does not fit with their narrative and even if they know deep inside that they are not doing the right, it is a fleeting thought at best and the mask that they are perfect and everyone else is a fool falls back firmly in place.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 02:55:41 PM
At what point will a narcissist
realize they can no longer
control you?

Losing control of gaining our immediate emotional attention will cause any narcissist sharp pain. Unable to reel us back in quickly brings any narcissist sheer panic. Give any narcissist no/low contact and now your the devil.

Narcissists believe they can end any game (person/object) with winning (destroy/kill).

Narcissists are masters at patience when moving in for the kill. Underestimating our narcissist will be our doom. Narcissists never think they no longer control you. At present time, during your no/low contact, the narcissist will believe he/she will outlast and outsmart you. It may be 7 years later, when you least expect it, that they reappear hoping you will let your guard down for the chance at controlling you again.

Narcissists believe they are superior to everyone. Believing a narcissist would accept defeat and move on is total rubbish.

They are like thieves that hide behind bushes, stalk and obsess over us in order to attack us when we least expect it.

Never stop anticipating a narcissists return.

They have to win to end the game.

When you truly give up trying to make them happy and trying to get through to them. When the switch finally flips and you fully understand and realize that you will never appease them and you stop trying. When you only listen to their provocative statements and you stop “leaping into action”.

When you finally lose all hope and you really, truly give up. They lose their leverage. The chain slips off of the gears. They sense it immediately. They panic. They might try to reassert control for a while, but unless you develop some toxic, renewed hope, it’s too late. And that’s where it ends.

A narcissist will realize he/she’s lost control when they ACTUALLY have. You can’t fake it.

When you are completely done, no contact and no longer care about what they do or don’t do. As long as you are fighting with them, arguing, calling them names, talking to them in any form (text, e-mail, Facebook) they know they still have control over you. Why? Because they do! Think about it; if you truly no longer care about them why do you respond to their 5 year old mentality. Why are you, a normal grown ass adult, still debating a 5 year old spoiled brat? As long as you do, they are in control.

Your question is an example of how a person abdicates his power to someone else: you are waiting for someone else to relinquish control instead of taking it back and owning it. He’ll know he can no longer control you when you start taking control of yourself. He won’t give it up; you have to take it back.

Make a point of showing your independence and then stick to it. No Contact. Learn to say No and mean it. Stop caring about what he thinks, says or does.

You have to stop thinking in terms of how he controls you, and start thinking in terms of taking control of yourself. Once you do that - take control of yourself - he will not be able to control you. But you have to step up to the plate and take control of yourself, otherwise you are handing it over to someone else.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 03:02:32 PM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 24, 2024, 03:21:32 PM
Can you manipulate a narcissist?

Oh yeah, totally! I figured out a cool trick to get what I want - reverse psychology. Basically, instead of asking for something directly, I do the opposite or act like I don't really care about it. Like, if I wanted my brother to close the garage door, I would pretend like I didn't care and then he would do it.

Or if I needed something from the store, I wouldn't ask him directly, I would wait for him to ask me what I wanted and then he would get it for me. It's like a secret way to get people to do what you want without them even realizing it. So sneaky, right?

Absolutely. Narcissistic types crave control, attention, and in my experience, respect. They desperately want to be seen a certain way by those outside the house. Whether it's playing the victim, bragging, ect. Whatever it takes to hide or justify their behaviour. Public persona can be very important to them.

My Narcissist, we'll call him Mark, was literally brought down like this. He was a devil behind closed doors, but an angelic figure to the public. All the time I'd have people telling me “how lucky I was” to have him in my life…No thanks.

Most effective methods are for starters, phase them out. They love nothing more than feeling important, gotta keep that ego fed. Deprive them of that. Keep busy, DONT adhere and cave to their whims because they are pushing them on you. Always make it seem like you have something to do that's more important, ’cause let's be honest, anything is more important than wasting time with a narc.

If they still aren't getting the message, then jolt their public reputation. I made recordings of his behaviour. His real attitude towards those he claimed were friends, his real attitude towards his family. Then I played it to one rather well known gossip whilst “drunk” in the local pub, and left it there.

Within the week I had people coming up to me telling me they had no idea he was truly like that. His friends engaged with him a LOT less. People starting calling him out on his grand stories, picking out the plot holes in them.

Now a warning here, a lot of narcs don't like being challenged, and some can resort to extreme, and sometimes unsettling methods to regain control. With Mark, it was the threat of violence and taking over the finances. So do what you can to establish independence beforehand if you're deeply involved with them. Separate accounts, make sure what's yours should stay yours, and if need be, ALWAYS contact the police if you feel youre in danger.

My little narc story ended with him going to court and getting named and shamed in the local news. It was a hard slog to deal with him, and I'm talking years. But eventually he was so shamed he had to leave the area. But it is possible.

But the best advice - if you smell a narc, stay away!! If you have even the tiniest suspicion about their behaviour, get out. Even insignificant things, like love-bombing. They smother you with attention, then take it away when they can't get their own way. Trying to change you to suit them, convincing you that their ideas are better ect.

You just need to pretend to be someone you're not.

Someone tougher.

More aggressive.

More cheerful.

I say aggressive as it's crucial to keep momentum up, to maintain high energy, to keep things moving in the direction you want them to go. To let the narcissist dictate the direction for too long will lead to abuse.

The energy you expend in emotional display feeds the narcissist. It's good to do this because they love it. Acting impressed makes you someone they want to deal with, because you make the feel good. Simple creatures are our narcissists, so if you can bring a suitable gift of food or something else small, it helps to grease the ratwheel that spins constantly in their mind.

Acting like this is draining and so you must keep the interaction short. Run out of energy and you will blow your cover.

You'll need to make a character the narcissist will like, but not too much.

I suggest someone optimistic, foolish, constantly on the move, and strangely bulletproof.

What the narcissist wants to do is isolate you, and abuse you.

What you want to do is extract goods or services from the narcissist.

You are going to let the narcissist abuse this character a little, in exchange for the goods and services. If they abuse you too much, you can use the character to innocuously stand on their little fingers and toes just before you leave.

How do you let the narcissist abuse you? You must be awed by their knowledge and or superiority. You praise the impressive things they have done.

However, you do this in a fearless and high energy way. You are playing inferior here, so you cannot afford to let things slow down too much, or you will get that old familiar sinking feeling as they begin to maul you.

Get in first, maul them with your enthusiasm.

The difference here from how you normally behave is that you're not being a filthy *mpath who just wants some nasty narcsex, you are a smooth operator looking out for you and yours, taking care of your Goal.

If you do not have a good or service that you want — do not engage! We do not talk to narcissists for fun, or to be social. We only ever manipulate and use them.

It is important to pull back, and not allow the abuse to begin in earnest. It is incredibly easy to hurt narcissists' feelings once you've slipped into character, as you praise them they become grandiose, and display their corpulent belly, they leave unguarded their turkey neck.

Being someone stupid and cheerful allows you to give them an accidental elbow if you need to, or to cheerfully accept putdowns, because you're just being fake and phony anyways.

Always leave when things get heavy, the last thing you want to hang around and let the narcissist maul you until you break character and rage. The best way to ensure your safety is to always have somewhere else to go, something else to do.

Happy manipulating, campers!

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 25, 2024, 01:47:52 AM
:tello: "word".
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 25, 2024, 06:53:42 AM
That Narcissists Hate

In this video, we delve into the intriguing dynamic between narcissists and sigma empaths, exploring why narcissists often lose interest in sigma empaths. By understanding the manipulative tactics and mind games that narcissists play, sigma empaths can empower themselves to break free from toxic relationships and maintain their emotional well-being. Tune in to gain valuable insights into this complex relationship dynamic and learn how to protect yourself from falling victim to narcissistic behavior.
Stay informed, stay empowered.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 25, 2024, 07:17:03 AM
What is the surest way to
destroy a narcissist?

Let's think about this question for a moment.

If you have a car that has been totalled due to being in a horrible accident years ago, would you be thinking of ways to destroy it?

Just like a totalled vehicle, Narcs are already destroyed inside since childhood for whatever reason/s. You can not destroy someone who is already destroyed.

Instead, focus your energy on getting yourself back to a better state of mind.

You don't have to do a thing to destroy a Narcissist. Just let them live their life. They will destroy themselves eventually…and everyone who tries to be part of their life.

You can destroy narcissist, but not the way you think. Heal, live well, move forward, accomplish your goals, live your best life. Narcissists hate when you are doing better than them, or better without them. When you are doing good it's insult for narcissists . It drives them crazy.

If they are the ones that left you, they can not handle if you are doing great without them. Some Narcissists. will literally try to find out how doing to reassure themselves that you still want them.

Your good life can literally destroy narcissists ego, so live life in very healthy way by being happy and successful.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 25, 2024, 07:29:14 AM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 25, 2024, 09:16:29 AM
:tello: "Real People, REAL Problems. A facebook post..."

Expose Corruption, Civil Rights Violations, Judges, Cps

Teresa Alison
10m  ·
The worst situation is knowing exactly how the corruption works after working in the system. When we have mentally ill pedophiles, addicts & abusive lawyers & social workers in your family - we know what's going on, they destroy our credibility with fake accusations, literally murder our parents & children.
We cry out for help watching ourselves being eaten alive.

Crickets ...

Don't just go after one sadistic social worker nor lawyer liar leech. They are all in on it. They know how it works and either cash in, or turn a blind eye. It's female abusers doing the dirty work. Unelected officials making decisions beyond their pay grade.

Start with the mental health of those in the system. I used to be a director of Psych Halfway House - the social workers and lawyers involved were mentally ill, not the clients.  It's a for profit system - like 90% of UNICEF funds going to corrupt government bureaucrats - using 10% to barely keep a population alive so they can continue to collect the funding.
My sister steals children for a living. She went berserk on fertility meds trying to conceive. Tried to kill her ex husband so he couldn't leave her.  Now she carries out her illness taking away your babies & training Massachusetts lawyers to do the same. They can literally reach over state borders to steal children.

The other sister is a pedophile working in Maine Social Services. She'll get your child drunk and have her way with them. She's been doing it for over 50 years. Has a record of buying alcohol for minors- caught on camera. Instead of prosecuting, they gave her a job in social services doing case management for disabled children. They pay to abuse children & create more victims.

If a parent complains? They take away the child.
When working for Child Development Services in Maine screening children 0-5 for developmental delays, we were instructed to automatically open case files for all children in Head Start who had divorced or single moms raising kids on their own. Anyone with a boyfriend, adult male family around we left alone, even when there were clear signs of bruises and physical abuse.

My boss called women raising children on their own "The path if least resistance" our job was to open case files to get federal funding or take them down if they resist.   
All we do is point calling her a drug addict that beats her kids- and that becomes her reputation for the rest of her life.  Can't get a job wiping noses at a daycare or nursing home with those types of charges in your life.
It's literally murder of a human life.

We become reluctant whistleblowers just trying to protect ourselves.
White female parents of multiracial families become the whipping post for society...

And the rest of the country drinks the Kool Aid.
We don't protect ex-legal secretaries and social workers who refuse to go along with the corruption.
Then, on paper, they mysteriously become drug addicts that beat children.
Calling it "Women & Children" issues get boys to run the other way.
It starts with your local school board selling out our children to get a new staff lounge & raise school taxes to get more funding to corrupt teachers union - who are also paid to steal our children.

Since when did we allow social workers into our public schools? They're paid to find and create problems - their jobs depend on it.
We tried warning the world 30+ years ago. The government is coming for your kids.
The new HIPPA laws are actually assisted suicide.  They're literally killing our children. Now lawyers are going to cash in on the corruption?
Don't listen to ex lawyers, legal secretaries, nor social workers who gave up their job security to stand up against corruption - we tried to protect your children.
You didn't protect us.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 25, 2024, 12:47:42 PM
How are narcissists created?
What makes a narc a narc?

Some studies have shown that most narcissistic personalities are present from birth. Different people are born with different psyche and different characters. Some are more relaxed and tolerant, while others are more complicated, problematic, and cold.

From day one, a narcissist already has certain tendencies and inclinations towards specific, dysfunctional, and abnormal behaviours - he is programmed this way. The narcissist is configured to have a need for control, to have a demanding attitude, and to believe that he deserves everything there is .

It’s genes. It’s genetic, it’s in his DNA.

In some people, it is passed down from generation to generation and is clearly visible for several generations, also among siblings. These traits and character were passed on to the narcissist by his parents, but they can also be shaped by the way he was raised, by his surroundings, family, environment and the way he was treated. A narcissist may have experienced unimaginable and traumatic things in his childhood, which has resulted in his development being stunted and impaired.

These may include various types of neglect, physical, mental and emotional abuse, lack of acceptance, lack of love. The parent could demand more and criticize until the child finally realized that this was how it had to be.

Perhaps the child was not given as much attention as he should have been, was left alone, as a result of which child acquired very low expectations and learned not to worry about anything or anyone.

The child may also have been taught that superficial and shallow things are important. A narcissist may have been taught in his youth that money, success, or appearance were qualities that would make him accepted.

Maybe he was given an example of rich people who lie to get what they want, such role models could be wealthy, beautiful, seemingly perfect people. It was here that the narcissist formulated his hopes and ambitions and where he was heading.

A narcissist may be a narcissist because he was treated erratically and inconsistently by his parents, perhaps the parent used sporadic reinforcement, perhaps the parent suffered from the same or a different disorder. There is often a family history of other mental disorders or illnesses. Sometimes the parent was interested in the narcissist, but then he was cold and distant, so the narcissist learned that he could not trust and could not rely on anyone, then he became a narcissist, he became selfish, everything had to focus only on him.

The narcissist has learned that people do not help each other, he has learned that everyone must take care of themselves, because the lack of consistency has made the narcissist insecure, fragile and weak. This led to the belief that he needed to be in control to make sure everything went his way.

To a large extent, a narcissist’s behavior is acquired and learned behavior. A narcissist was never taught how to behave, how to behave in a conflict situation, he was never taught how to solve difficult problems, he was never taught responsibility, he was never taught how to deal with his problems, he was never taught how to reconcile and do not escalate the conflict.

Many narcissistic people are not interested in it at all, so you may get the impression that they never talk about it. A narcissist doesn’t want to be honest and open, he doesn’t want to be sensitive, because that would mean that someone could hurt him, it would mean weakness, and the narcissist cannot afford that.

A narcissist chooses manipulation, he may have learned the art of manipulation from various sources, from movies, books, parents and the environment. Pay attention to what interests the narcissist the most, what he spends the most time on... on the phone, however, it’s more about what he watches, what he reads, what topics interest him, what he spends his time on, this can give you many answers.

The narcissist acts this way because he believes that life is a game that must be played to win, which is exactly what the narcissist thinks. He learned that if you manipulate people and coerce them, shape them like plasticine, that means you are winning, which is why he is a narcissist. There’s a reason he is. You may want him to be different, you may want him to understand, but there’s really nothing you can do about it.

There’s nothing you can do about it, you can’t change a narcissist because these traits and characteristics are programmed from day one. This is not something you can change, only a narcissist can, but you must understand that it is a choice. The narcissist does not want to change anything, there is no such initiative on his part. This happens because the narcissist perceives manipulation as something that gives him advantage, control and power, and in this way he wins, he is in a better situation - this is what he was taught and this is what he learned himself.

The only thing you can do is be aware of this and manage your expectations better, then you can focus on your own development and improving your life, because you cannot count on a narcissist and if you rely on him, you will only be disappointed and let down.

Let the narcissist be an example of what you don’t want to be.

Let the narcissist be an example of what you don’t want to become.

NPDs are created by childhood experience and trauma. When a parent or caregiver fails them, by teaching them that the parent or caregiver can't be trusted for their emotional needs when going thru the stages of life. When they are pushed aside when they need reassurance, ignored when they need comfort, when who they are is taught that will never be good enough. When it is reinforced that who and what they are is not enough, when they are told they repeatesly can't because of who they are. When their likes aren't what the parent/caregiver want them to do.

I was told I was too tall, and not pretty enough to be a cheerleader everytime I tried out no matter how much I practiced.
When my mother never came to my horseback riding shows because it wasn't her thing.
When she never came to my swim meets because I never won my heats.
Never came to a band competition or a parade I was in.
Insisted I do things I didn't want to and had no intrest in, because all little Jewish girls did that.
When I was told that because I was adopted I wasn't her class of people.
When she let me believe my father left because I wasn't good enough.
When I got dragged to 3 different therapists because I had “mental" problems.
When she hated my friends for being losers.
When I was a tomboy and never wore dresses I was punished.
Was told I didn't appreciate her because I never wore the clothes she bought for me that were not my style and didn't like because she went clothes shopping for me.
My childhood could have easily made me into an NPD but I had my dad and he made sure I knew I WAS enough, and smart and could do anything I set my mind to.

One can say genetically there is a predisposition that a narcissist can be created if one of the parents and other family members was a narcissist or dealt with some other mental illness, but foremost it's what a child sees/experiences/learns in his own skin, in his own family as how people around him interact with each other, all reflected upon the child is what creates a monster out of him for a lifetime!

His parents neglected/abused/tortured/spoiled him when he was just a little baby creature (put on a pedestal, put down, a scapegoat, a golden child, never good enough, never learned to accept NO as an answer, never learned to trust and commit to anyone physically and emotionally), etc…

All of such profiles of children develop narcissism as a defense mechanism and way of behaviour as they couldn't trust their parents out of them mistreating them (frankly what I wrote in the last paragraph is abuse) so they see their way of moving in the world, on their own, selfish and arrogant, never growing up!

They also have cognitive dissonance, which means that out of 3 cognitions (reflexive, emotional and emphatical) they lack in the third cognitive department: emphatical.

Eg. A child sees mummy smiling, a child smiles back to her = a reflexive cognition (a child reflects back on itself mummy's behaviour)

A child sees mummy crying, the child is aware that mummy is hurt and sad = emotional cognition (a child is aware of mummy's pain)

But in the third department (emphatical) they are lacking as they simply do not have empathy which means they cannot feel mummy's pain nor help her and comfort her with compassion and understanding.

Out of not having empathy and no sense of Love all problems with a narcissist rise to a level of inner madness: he is driven by deadly sin feelings (greed, envy, jealousy, laziness, hate, etc…) merely imitating other people's positive traits (hapiness, compassion, understanding), not having it in the inside-not for himself nor for others so that is why he projects on others feelings of deadly sins.

A narcissist is a state of absence with a empty schizoid core, a cult of death that is, created, never to be changed.

Certainly a combination of genetic factors with traumas and upbringing.

My mind tries to wipe out the memories of my first years but some things I can remember.

I was born and grow up in a very tense familiar environment, my parents fought a lot. They had their differences but they also had two things in common: the temperament and the stuborness.

I'll not go to much in details about that stuff, but they end up divorcing. Of course, that couldn't do me very well…actually it was by this time (4-12 years of age) that I believe that my narcissistic personality started to develop.

The transition of my childhood to the adolescence was not much better. During this time I endured some of the most shaming situations of my life, most of them in home. I remember times that I spent hours crying in bed, without knowing exactly the why. I felt inadequate, weak, powerless, numb.

As the times were passing, I started to be a more “imaginative” kid. I would imagine people admiring me, being attracted to me, fighting for me. I would imagine me having the power to read people's minds. I become more entangled in the act of seeing myself in mirrors. This mental process would alleviate the shame and numbness.

Of course, I was very insecure and implausible. At that time I become fascinated with people that, in my vision, were popular. Sometimes I asked them how they managed to be like that. “How can they be so confident?”, I kept asking myself.

I started to study seduction and body language in order to develop a posture that inspired appealing. I also started to be obsessive about gathering culture of all kinds. Music, novels, movies, history, psychology. Some of these become entertainments that I preserve even nowadays, like the video-games.

When I was in my 14–16 years, I was still very introverted but at times I learned how to speak my mind properly and learned to have a kind attitude. But for the people that started to be more close to me, I had a posing and distrustful attitude. Hearing them said that always made me unsettling. But I would always rewrite the story to make me look like the right one.

In my 18 years, I had my first serious relationship. It was hell. I was unable to see how much of a selfish and controlling individual I had become. I had an imaginary set up in my mind, let's say that I imagined people dancing in this mental scenario. If the person didn't dance the way that I had idealized, I thought that I had the right to punish her.

When I gaslighted her and devalued her, it felt right. Nowadays, when I think about how much of a lunatic I was, I feel shame but not remorse. Very strange.

This first relationship ended, and others came, and I was getting worse. More vindictive, more resentful, less empathic at each day. I also become a very cynical person. Only I was right, only I had suffered, only I, I, I, I, I…

One day a very narcissistic guy, but also a very conscious person, said that he found me to be very histrionic. And I didn't know what the hell was that supposed to mean, so I devalued him and cut contact with him.

Even though my grandiose thoughts were at their peak, that shame and numbness that I talked at the beginning were still there. I still felt like that shamed kid even though I was an adult.

In addition to all of this, at that point of my life I already had a lot of enemies, a large history of failed relationships and jobs that didn't go well…

So I started to do some research about that histrionic thing. When I read the traits of Histrionic PD, I saw some things that made sense to me. But at the same time, I never had a strong need to be the center of attention like histrionic persons have. It was just the opposite; I always was very introverted and anxious about overtly showing myself. And the histrionics want attention, even if the attention is bad. That's not my case.

Borderline PD made sense because of my mood swings. But I never had suicidal ideations or had a great necessity for someone to look after me. Or even was that impulsive.

Antisocial PD was too aggressive and pervasive for me. For countless times I was petty and selfish but I never robbed anyone, never severely injured anyone, never suffered from substance abuse, never had a record, etc.

When I read the traits of Narcissist PD, my world fell. It was like I was reading how I felt my whole life. The grandiosity, the fantasies, the lack of empathy, the arrogance, the envy…it all made sense.

My realization didn't last very long… but this all I have for this answer.

The narcissist is searching for continuous confirmation of their own existence and value. They are stuck in a developmental stage, their behavior make us smile when they are 2 years old, but it is a behavior unbearable in an adult. The reason why it is stuck varies, it has to do a lot with the upbringing and caregiver emotional health.

They are disappointing partners in any relationship, they feel entitled as lovers, friends, bosses, or classmates. They could be charming like an engaging toddler and misled people into a connection that is unbalanced by definition. They are extremely needy and demand the attention they didn’t get when they could use it and develop in a healthy adult. It requires serious therapeutic work to change a narcissist. Compassion is of the essence because they actually suffer and find a palliative in their aberrant human interactions.

Picture two children playing on a beach:

One child works hard to make a sandcastle. They gain praise for it from people walking by. The other child didn’t want to put in the boring effort of making a castle. Instead they have been busy looking at other people on the beach all this time, and noticing how inferior they are. When they hear the strangers praising their sibling, the second child is surprised, hurt and most of all is jealous of the attention the sandcastle is getting, and the praise the creative child receives.

Consumed with envious rage, the second child destroys the sandcastle, which has narcissistically injured them by upstaging them. The first child is deeply upset, they go to their parents with their claim. The parents are narcissistic. They don’t like this creative child, who threatens to upstage them too. They make excuses for the destructive child, much to the first child’s distress.

The destroyer, our narcissist, learns that the easiest and safest way to get attention is to pick on people who are the victims of their abuse.

Alright, sit tight, because we're about to unwrap the delightful mystery box labeled "Narcissism."

Narcissists aren’t manufactured in a shady factory hidden in the depths of a mountain. Their creation is a fancy cocktail of various factors. Genetics might toss in a splash of predisposition, while early childhood environment pours in a generous dose of influences. If a child is excessively pampered or excessively criticized, it can lead to narcissistic traits. It's like overcooking or undercooking your food—either way, it's not palatable.

Now, toss in society's current obsession with selfie culture, and sprinkle in some good ol' validation-seeking from social media. Boom! You’ve got yourself a breeding ground for narcissistic tendencies.

But here's the gem: not everyone who takes a selfie or needs validation is a narcissist. True narcissism is deeper, marked by a lack of empathy, a need for admiration, and a tendency to exaggerate one's own importance.

Narcissism isn't just loving the reflection in the mirror; it's expecting the mirror to love you back. And if it doesn’t? Clearly, the mirror's broken, right? Understand the recipe, and you'll spot the dish from a mile away.


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 25, 2024, 12:50:39 PM
Send in the Clowns!

One will do for now...
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 25, 2024, 03:22:32 PM
Can prayer cure a narcissist?


For some reason, God wants narcissists around.

He made them insufferable and incurable.

Nothing can cure a narcissist.

No medication, no therapy, no shaming, no prayer.

That's how they're intended to be.

Just incurable and not to be fraternized with.

Don't ask me why.

God works in mysterious ways.

And the useless existence of narcissists, is one of those mysteries.

God doesn't want you to waste your life away.

God doesn't want you to be with a narcissist.

But don’t they deserve to be loved, you ask?

No they don't.

Just take nuns for example.

No one is trying to be their partner.

Some people aren't meant to have a partner, according to God.

And Narcissists belong to that group of people.

It's just that nuns chose to live that life, expressing their conviction with words and actions.

And narcissists chose to live that life, expressing their conviction only with actions.

So anyway,


The answer is no.

What's meant to be, is meant to be.

Take your ass tf to sleep.

Crucifixion may help.

It’s religious.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 25, 2024, 04:11:43 PM
How do you drive a narcissist
crazy and flip the script?

You refuse to let them destroy you.

Narcissists aim to bring others down to hide their own failures. If they can't succeed, they don't want anyone else to either.

They targeted you because they saw you as an easy target. You had strengths that made them feel small, but also weaknesses they could exploit.

They attacked by pretending to love you (though it's more like fake hate). They only go after people they truly dislike. The fake love is just a trick to get close and hurt you.

Their "supply" is just a way to control you.

Thinking narcissists can love is wrong - they lack empathy, so there's no real love.

Narcissists only feel hate.

During their fake love phase, they learned about you to create a false image they thought you'd like.

Once you fell for it, they tore down everything you cared about - your relationships, hobbies, career, everything.

Their goal was to destroy you, but by refusing to be broken, you beat them. You grew stronger from the experience, turning their attack into your strength. This drives them mad, reminding them of their own flaws.

They wish they could disappear, but they can't. They'll live in misery until the end.

Reclaim yourself, the person that made them crave you and the person you long to be again. Narcissists attack your frame of mind. They are a distraction from your life’s journey. But they are are not part of your journey. Only the reality check is.

Reality check

You always had the power. You were fine before they showed up, and you can be better when they're gone.

They needed you. Just as they now need others. Needing others to feel good about one’s self is weakness.

You never needed them. You liked a version of them that is long gone. But you always knew who you are. No matter how hard they blame shifted, lied about, and attacked your frame of mind, you knew it wasn't true.

They hated someone who is not you. Use this to reject the memory of their manipulations. Reclaim your truth as THE truth.

Knowing who you are, having an unwavering sense of self, is powerful. Living out good values is strength.

You always had the power because you knew who you were through it all. You passed the test. You are proven now. They pretend to be strong while hiding behind lies, victimhood, and dodging accountability. Cowards.


In your pain is incredible wisdom. Turn your anger, regret, or disappointment into disgust of the things they did. Focus on that disgust, listen to it. Latent in your disgust are your core values. It hurts because you would never treat another human that way. Rather than getting upset, use these feelings to find absolute certainty about who you are, what you value, and how you will live the rest of your life. You now know what you will not do to others and why.

Make lemonade.

Don't take actions with the intent of driving them crazy. Then I'm just behaving the same as the narcissistic person, usually because I felt this is all she would understand. In doing so, I give control to her over my actions. Best thing to do is work on you and your goals, not to hurt the narcissistic person but instead thinking of how much you care for yourself!!!! Don't give them space in your head.

Proving their insane lies seems to make my ex rage.

I won't speak to him on the phone and once I start the screenshots of all the shite I know he did, his voice texting gets all flocked up. I remember him telling me “I'm literally screaming at the phone!”. Lol


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 25, 2024, 04:52:32 PM
What did my narcissist
really feel about me?

When you read what NPDS write they tell you they are not attached to us. Some times they can switch empathy on & off with us. Depends on the NPD. Usually the way some one treats you is the way they feel about you.

When it comes down to it. They used us. They abused us. There were good times. There were bad times. The bad times start out-weighing the good. Then there's usually just bad. It's hard to say don't take your partner seriously. That is however the best thing to do.

It's realizing your partner was not in a relationship with you. They are disordered. We were there to learn a valuable lesson. I believe that. Just like the NPD needs to get help. We need that for ourselves as well. That's the best outcome. Regardless what they did feel. Or they didn't feel.

No one wants to be used and abused. No one wants to be treated like a toy/object/trash/dirt. NPD free.

The narcissist doesn't feel about you, they feel through you.

The narcissist wants you to open your Rage Vault, they want you to pour out your fury on them. Negative emotions they can work with, your achievements they cannot.

It's very tempting to unleash upon them, but if you're angry, they don't need to be. They project their hatred into you, you express it for them without them having to suffer the caustic sting of bile.

Let them hate you.

The best way to do this is to redirect their aggression; rather than giving it back with interest, repay them in kind — make them angry. Hurt the narcissist's feelings;

Make the narcissist envious.

By the way he or she behaves.

Actions speak louder than words, they say, and it’s true.

Are you given silence when you ask a question? Are your words ignored? Are their answers dismissive? Do you have a feeling you are being lied to? Do they disappear on you when you agree to speak or meet up? Are they being ambiguous so much that you experience confusion?

It’s not that complicated. When your communication becomes weird like that, it’s not hard to see the truth.

You are not respected and valued. You are a nuisance. You are not important enough to make an honest effort to communicate in a normal fashion. You’ve been “turned off” for the time being, saved for a rainy day.

What do they think of you? They don’t. Or, not much.

Analyze the actions.

Does a narcissist ever really like you?

From my experience, no. They loathe you. It's irrelevant that they idealized you in the beginning. It's the same with each partner, from the hidden ones in their phone, to the highest ranking ones.

When they say things like the following screenshot…Believe them. He would try to convince me all the horrific words weren't real, that he actually loved me. “You're the best I ever had" (which I would bet he said to everyone else before me) Months after this text, he cried about his love for me. I didn't believe him.

I believed him when he said he liked to Manipulate the moment.

Believe the horrific words. Not the ones that speak of love or even like.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 25, 2024, 05:00:26 PM

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 25, 2024, 05:06:31 PM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 25, 2024, 05:56:56 PM
Does a narcissist want to have
a relationship to look normal?

Narcissists are lonely and desperate for approval. But, too insecure to accept others as they are. Basically, just big toddlers copying others and hoping to be noticed. My Dad is one. He wants to be no trouble, but also be cared for without lifting a finger. He won't ask for things directly, but passively. Hates vulnerability, but confused why he can't connect. Unfortunately, it's a disease that's hard to eliminate from your DNA. They want to be normal, but they don't know what that actually means.

Covert Narcissists are preoccupied with appearing normal, yes. So a marriage, house, kids, job, all help. Because behind the mask of normality, they are deeply anxious, insecure, bitter, jealous and resentful.

These type narcs NEED admiration, respect & a sort of fan club. So appearing perfect while having both family and work life, gives them the fan club smokescreen that soothes their fear of not being good enough, toxic snobbery, and desperation to be seen & admired.

They won't love or fancy their partner. They secretly wish to win the lottery. They are exhausted by being nice all the time. But they know the alternative is pure disappointment and shame from all the people they've impressed their whole lives.

Mine did for 21yrs! Image was everything for him! That's why after the discard the smear campaign works…outsiders would never believe that he would lie! This is all part of the game they play. Stay strong! No Contact, Love yourself more.

Heck YES! My crazy X narc loved to look normal with me and my young adult daughter. Like we were the perfect family and I made him PAY by always taking us to extremely expensive private restaurants, vacations and clubs.

Here’s the kicker with my crazy X: I literally saved his life: and he could NOT manipulate me and it drove him crazy because he was never so frightened in his life and I brought him back so guess what in the end he blocked me because I would just emasculate the heck out of him and he just was such a jerk. Even today we have each other blocked lol!

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 26, 2024, 04:13:39 AM
This is Why Narcissists Never
Grow Up Emotionally and Mentally

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 26, 2024, 06:24:15 AM
Want To Gain An Upper Hand
With A Narcissist? Try These Lines


1.  "Help me understand what makes you ask that question".
2.  "You certainly have your opinion, you and I think very differently".
3.  "I (honestly) have nothing (more) to add to the conversation".
4.  "Since you and I can't seem to agree to the basics,  the conversation can end here".
5.  "Being right seems to be very important to you".
6.  "My sense of self respect demands that I excuse myself from this conversation".
7.  "My sense of self is my top priority right now".
8.  "If you push me into a corner, that leaves me no other option but to say NO".
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 26, 2024, 08:47:34 AM
BIDEN’S BAD DAY: Old Joe Spews Gibberish, Tries to Jog Off the Stage in Syracuse

Thursday, April 25, 2024

An exhausted Joe Biden spewed gibberish, lies, and abruptly ran off the stage at a campaign stop in Syracuse Thursday afternoon.

‘Inshted of imporing foreign products, we’re exporting… Em-ann… … Exporting American job! We’re exporting American products and creating American jobs!’ mumbled the President.


Ron Tello Culley
Face it: The "Greatest Nation on Earth" is gone. Today we are the Number One A*shole Clown State on Earth. Somebody has to be held accountable!!!! Flocking Narcissists...
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 26, 2024, 09:27:47 AM
Why You Are Now Winning
Over The Narcissist,
But Now You Know It !

There is a strategy that can help you gain the upper hand when interacting with narcissists. By putting your own happiness and success first, you can demonstrate to the narcissist that you no longer require their presence in your life. This can be a powerful motivator for a narcissist, who may become anxious about losing control over you. But you are strong and capable, and you deserve to thrive without a narcissist dragging you down.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 26, 2024, 09:45:45 AM
7 ABSURD Things That Make No Sense To Sigma Males

In this educational and thought-provoking video, we will debunk misconceptions that have perplexed many and shed light on the unique traits that set Sigma males apart. Whether you're curious about personality types, seeking to better understand these enigmatic individuals, or simply intrigued by human behavior, this video is for you about Ron Tello.


I hear them talking, using the English Language, but I have no idea what they are saying. It's all noise to me.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 26, 2024, 10:24:53 AM
CHOSEN ONES - 8 Reasons Why
People Hate You

Have you ever noticed that sometimes the most capable and outstanding people are also the most criticized? In today's video, we'll delve into the intriguing world of the "chosen ones" and find out why they attract so much hate. Those who stand out, whether for their intelligence, kindness or talent, often face a wave of negativity. But why does this happen? This video explains why some people will never like you because your spirit bothers their darkness.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 26, 2024, 11:32:14 AM
:tello: "This is a test. I'm low-tech but I can still make a new MEME".
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 26, 2024, 12:00:22 PM

 :smee!:  And now, a post for our Sponsor....       

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 26, 2024, 12:04:14 PM

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 26, 2024, 12:40:59 PM
:tello: "Am I a Narc?"

Tales from the Narc side - Presented by Ron Tello with a DRUM show!!


 :notsmee: Don't flatter yourself Tello. Millions died for your freedom to be an amateur.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 26, 2024, 01:00:09 PM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 26, 2024, 01:19:43 PM
   :ni:    And in other news.....
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 26, 2024, 02:08:44 PM
These people are DANGEROUS:
This is how you
recognize envy
and falsehood in others

4 days ago
Marcus Aurelius once said, 'Whenever you are about to find fault with someone, ask yourself the following question: What fault of mine most nearly resembles the one I am about to criticize?'

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 26, 2024, 02:40:02 PM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 27, 2024, 02:26:04 AM
Calm Before the Storm. Big Bear Getting ready for a little Spring Rain and Snow. Be Safe. 4/25/2024

12 hours ago
Beware of low-flying Pot Holes.

11 hours ago
You’re not gonna believe it but right as I’m checking out that message right now I just hit a new pothole. It’s a brand new one.  These bastard potholes.

0 seconds ago
Heed the Prophet's warnings.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 27, 2024, 04:03:06 AM
Learn how a narcissist thinks and how
they feel about you, And You will
be surprised if you see this

Ever wondered what goes on in the mind of a narcissist when it comes to you? Well, if you're connected to a narcissist in any capacity – whether as family, boss, coworker, classmate, church member, partner, parent, or friend – it's crucial. Because whatever they think about you can influence how they treat you, or worse, how they plan to harm you behind your back. Narcissistic relationships follow distinct stages, and understanding where you stand and how to navigate interactions with the narcissist is key. Today, I'm delving into what exactly goes on in the mind of a narcissist regarding you.


2 hours ago
The narcissist can't fool me anymore.  I know the in and out of his personality.  He better not try to psych me off.  The boomerang will come back to him harder.  I don't appreciate love bombings, showering me with flowers or gifts. Showing fake kindness.  I know what he is up to.  He better not fool himself.  He'll be disappointed.  I'm not born yesterday to be manipulated forever.  He's fooling himself if he doesn't understand that I know he's a coward narcissist.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 27, 2024, 04:46:46 AM
Let's talk about why you all hate me
so much

Bob Farrell

1 waiting
Scheduled for Apr 27, 2024
All is welcome

Kerry Lou You do what JT tells you to do yet you won't listen to Justin Rounds and take
Dylan's photo down ? ?
Ronald Culley You LIED about me on multiple occasions and slandered my good name.
You deserve every shite stain you get. It's Karma, buddy. Get used to it!


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 27, 2024, 05:13:36 AM
The TRUE Evil Of A Narcissist

It’s not just how narcissist behave that's evil.
Narcissist are inherently evil characters!

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 27, 2024, 05:22:25 AM
The Vicious Karma Narcissists Face
for All That They Have Done to You!

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 27, 2024, 05:32:49 AM
Can Narcissists TRULY Change-
Here’s the Scientific Facts


3 days ago
It took me yrs to figure out the "broken" aspect of them. How could such a self-centered greedy animal, also be so self destructive is quite the contradiction.  Broken keeps them in perpetual victim mode. They are broken because not only do they hate you, but they also hate themselves. Hows that for a concept?
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 27, 2024, 05:45:09 AM
Why a Narcissist
Can’t Change


4 days ago
They have no compassion. They don’t believe they have a reason to change.

4 days ago
The only thing they change is the character they play for the next supply. Shape-shifting Cowards.

4 days ago
The older the narcissist gets, the more they have learned to fake empathy.

4 days ago
Yes and they become MASTERS at gaslighting.

4 days ago
Because they are never wrong.

4 days ago
They can't even keep a job, so who is going to put up with that?
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 27, 2024, 05:50:23 AM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 27, 2024, 05:57:45 AM
You already won!
Be silent about
what happens next.


19 hours ago
DIVINE timing is always so very... PERFECT.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 27, 2024, 06:09:19 AM
7 Social Mistakes That Make
You Look Low Status | stoicism

Discover how to transform your presence and elevate your value in personal and professional spheres with our new video. This video delves into the timeless wisdom of Stoicism, offering practical, transformative steps for self-empowerment and respect. Learn to value your time, prioritize self-care, master the art of listening, and embrace continuous growth. Join us on a journey towards a more respected and valued you, where each strategy opens a new door to being acknowledged and celebrated for who you are.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 27, 2024, 06:42:35 AM
You Are One of the Chosen:
9 Undeniable Signs


2 days ago
It all makes sense to me now!  If you have not put this content out for me to hear I would still be lost and not knowing my purpose in life!  Now I know the role I need to play out and have a profound purpose! For the first time in my life I feel free!  Thank You so much for your service in these contents in your videos have helped me in many ways!  It’s hard to accept being a chosen one!  But I know I can do it!


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 27, 2024, 06:51:51 AM
5 Types of people every
CHOSEN person must
be careful of

While it is essential to remain open and loving towards others, we must also protect ourselves from negative influences. Remember that the energy you put out into the world often reflects back on you. Be kind, supportive and loving, but also pray for discernment.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 27, 2024, 07:38:30 AM
8 CLEAR Signs You Are a Chosen One
All Chosen One's Must Watch This


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 27, 2024, 08:11:01 AM
Six Kinds of People That God
Cannot Save | the list will
shock you.


2 months ago
To say God "cannot save" is denying God's omnipotence . . . More accurate to say "will not save because they choose not to be saved"
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 27, 2024, 09:49:00 PM
How do narcissists
destroy you?

For starters, the narcissist couldn’t give a ff about you once they’ve left you in a heap of misery. What they do care about is what they can take and exploit from you with zero reciprocity. They’ll destroy your health, finances, friendships, employment, family or anything else you hold dear. But here’s how they destroy you bit by bit over time;

Manipulation, exploitation, gaslighting

Pathological lying / deceit

Leading doubles lives

Infidelity; promiscuity, serial cheating, having hidden dating profiles and hookup apps across multiple platforms

Physical health; subjecting you to the possibility of contracting a raft of STDs as they feign exclusivity while banging tf out of multiple sex partners simultaneously throughout your relationship

Blame shifting, sidestepping accountability for their countless misdeeds and betrayals

Addictions; drugs, alcohol, pornography, compulsive masturbation, sex and / or gambling

Financial abuse

Triangulation; introducing third parties into the relationship to create jealousy

Verbal abuse, put downs, shaming and blaming

Intimacy avoidance / withdrawal

Shirking domestic responsibilities; failing to maintain the home, clean, cook, shop for groceries or pay bills - they’ll expect all this from you

Intermittent dosing; when you’re into devaluation, you’ll be sprinkled with reminders of how they were during the love bombing phase to keep you in the game and supply them with zero fs given and no reciprocity

Future faking; promising you a bright future with no intent on following through

Grooming and lining up your replacement at a time of their choosing - this doesn’t include the string of infidelities prior to the new replacement being found

Smear campaigning; playing the victim, trashing your good name to anyone who will listen to elicit sympathy to set the storyline in place for their discard

Duper’s delight; the feeling of power and control they get to sadistically gratify themselves when they deceive you relentlessly. This gives them a sense of power and control over you and the relationship dynamic

By the end of it all, you’ll even question your own sense of reality due to the mind f’ckery at every turn. Narcissists destroy people and do so with hatred and contempt for you.

They then walk away without even a backwards glance blowing up each relationship they enter.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 27, 2024, 10:19:58 PM
Why do empaths make narcissists uncomfortable?

This is easily answered with a direct quotation from the most malignant narcissist I had a relationship with, identifies male (not the most malignant one I know, identifies female*), “I don't do self- reflection.“

It's that simple. Even during casual conversation, empaths, by virtue of their natures, tend to constantly self-reflect and seek self improvement. Not the showy, Tony Robbins fire-walking method (that's designed for narcissists by a narcissist), but going back to school, getting sober, or going on a silent yoga retreat (things that take actual work and commitment).

Because this drive for improvement is in the forefront of empaths’ minds, not only for themselves but for the world (remember, when with another person, an empath’s instinct is to see from other's POV), the empaths can't help but bring the subject up in conversation in some form. The narcissist will always take this as criticism.

To suggest that the narcissist isn't already perfect, that he needs any improvement, is anathema to his self image. To realize that someone he's chosen for supply needs improvement, and will readily admit it, makes her not only weak and pathetic in his eyes but tells him that he made a mistake! She's not the perfect source he's always searching for. But he CAN'T make mistakes because he's perfect, so she must have deliberately, malignly tricked him. But he CAN'T be tricked because his intellect is perfect.

And so it goes …

No matter what intellectual gymnastics the narcissist performs to figure out how this horror occurred, he will make her pay for not being the perfect source.

But the narcissist is compelled, over and over, to search for this perfect empath, a human battery that will never run dry, never criticize, and always meet the impossible demands of his empty soul. He knows this is his fatal flaw, his greatest weakness, but like an addict he keeps going back, unable, even with a new source, to stop searching for MORE FUEL.

So, when you get down to it, a strong empath to a narcissist is analogous to a shaky-handed alcoholic staring at a bottle of booze -- he fears and desires it in equal measure.

*Editorial Note: I feel I need to address my pronoun selection for this particular answer. I'm well aware that there are a hefty number of women narcissists & narcissistic mothers do extraordinary damage. I also know and empathize with the men who've suffered from those same women.

I'm also keenly aware that women aren't the planet's sole empaths, personally and statistically.

My original intent of pronoun selection stemmed from simple mathematics; the percentage of men per capita who fall under the NPD diagnostic criteria is far greater than that of women.

This being said, I do plan to do some editing to eliminate some pronouns, but should I change one element to the neutral “they,” I have to change both, otherwise I'm playing editorial favorites. At that point, clarity & readability goes out the window.

This, I think, is my best answer until grammar catches up to society.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 27, 2024, 10:31:24 PM
What happens when a narcissist feels shame?

I think that when they get ashamed its like they are staring at the empty void that is actually their real state of mind. Its so scary and terrifying that they quickly find someone else to blame or replace the shame with epic rage. They NEED to block it.

As far as I understand, shame is at the core of their problem. They were shamed by their parents and grew up so ashamed that they develop incredibly messed up behaviors to cope with it.

So, I think they can "be ashamed" but not "feel ashamed", because they block it. In my experience the worst episodes that they have is when they are ashamed but block it by acting insane. They cannot admit to the shame because it would mean both vulnerability and perceived inferiority. So they instead rage at the scapegoat I guess.

So on the outside it looks like they never feel shame, but from what I've read and pondered shame is actually a big part of what has them flocked up all the time.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 27, 2024, 10:55:09 PM
Confessions - Why Sigma Males Are Giving Up On Friendship


This inspires me to commit to the wholesale liquidation of my facebook friends list. Like, FLOCK OFF you phonies. Talk or die. What have you done for me? Why are you so lame? Etc.

I have very few friends because most ppl are not qualified.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 27, 2024, 11:07:19 PM
:tello: "In my House, ppl have one shot to fvck up, and they TOOK IT!"
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 27, 2024, 11:19:52 PM
Enlightenment is like a flower that keeps opening its petals infinitely. When you feel you have grasped something, another mystery unravels. Life is a continuous learning curve as long as we humble ourselves.

It's Time To Wake Up - Alan Watts on Religion

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 28, 2024, 05:13:41 AM
What are the smallest
signs that someone has narcissistic personality

I will give just one sign.

A narcissist will go out of their way, massively inconvenience themselves, spend $500 and an entire day spent shopping, just to get you an insignificant knick knack that wasn’t even that important to you just because they wanted to.

And then, tomorrow, when you need the narcissist to just lift a finger and spend 5 minutes helping you out with something that absolutely needs two people, otherwise your project would be ruined, they won’t lift that finger, or give you the 5 minutes just because they didn’t want to.

And then when you complain that you don’t need them to spend $500 getting you an unimportant knick knack, but you absolutely needed their help for your vital project, and it was just lifting a finger and 5 minutes, and how important it was for them to (please) understand that the 5 minutes and one finger lift means more to you than the $500 knick knack (the route to happiness is to be understood), they attack you for being ungrateful.

And you look at your project, and it’s still ruined because you had to do it alone (for just that 5 minutes), and because of that, it toppled and fell over. And you turn to look at the $500 knick knack that you never really wanted (now you want it even less). And you wonder why life is so complicated (you feel trapped).

That’s when you know you are dealing with a narcissist.

When the narcissist was still in your life, all you got was frustration (because they kept antagonizing you).

Later when it was all over, looking back, all you feel is sadness and grief (because everything was wasted, and you and everyone only had that much life to spend on anything).

Narcissists are good for nothing (as far as happiness is concerned), in other areas, I’m sure they are good for something.

Some people claim that narcissism is just pure, simple selfishness. And that it’s not complex.

I disagree. Narcissistic gaslighting justifications slip through conventional notions of selfishness with ease (see, I got you that $500 precious, life saving jewel).

I prefer this alternative definition of narcissism: it’s a will hostile to all other wills.

This is a form of crazymaking I call withholding care and concern.

The narcissist will walk a thousand miles ‘for you’, as long as it doesn’t involve care and concern for your welfare and feelings, but as soon as your welfare and feelings apply, their default ‘compulsively withhold care, concern, and civility to degrade and micro-abuse you’ suddenly kicks in.

So the narcissist will shower you with time, money, effort, as long as you do not actually benefit from it.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 28, 2024, 05:25:17 AM
What are the biggest signs
that someone has
narcissistic personality disorder?

23.11.2017 Original answer

I will give brief showdown of some behaviors narcissist do and what’s motive behind those behaviors. Some behaviors are specifically to narcissist and can be considered as red flags. I will give you some insight in narcissist motivation and mindset.

There are multiple ways narcissism can show off in person.

There are overt narcissist who are proud of themselves. There’s covert narcissist which is trying to be your friend but secretly is using you for narcissistic supply.

There are somatic and cerebral types which use people for narcissistic supply trough their bodies(somatic) or their intellectual abilities (cerebral)

I have experience with cerebral , covert narcissist who is very intelligent but he has NPD.

Red flags are :

-Coming on from nowhere with laser pointed attention and looking like your soulmate.

-Constant lies which are manufactured in a way to make you feel close to them - those lies have mission to bond with you in a way that make you reliable source of narcissistic supply (covert narcissist do this).

Example : Hey i do that same as you , we are so alike. (You are being idolized and lied to in attempt to make you in reliable form of supply)

-No regard for personal boundaries. Narcissist see your boundaries as something which they have to overcome throughout manipulation. If you say you don’t eat meat they wouldn’t say ok it’s your choice but rather will give you 20 arguments why you should eat meat. They like to feel in control. They feel grandiose.

After idealization phase , they moved quickly on you and had laser pointed attention and you felt like you found soulmate. In reality they just conditioned you to be constant source of supply. That’s what they need to survive. Narcissist don’t have self love. They can’t generate their own worth , they must get that from others thus you can see them as addicts to attention.

They have strategies to attain attention. When everything seems harmonious narcissist makes drama. For example my NPD colleague said he is moving to another school. HE wanted validation that he exist , best way to do that for narc is drama.

REMEMBER narcs prefer good attention but if they can’t get good attention they will use bad form of attention - being feared , hated… They don’t care what you think but they want to be acknowledged.

Narcissist see humans as extension of themselves. They exist to support their fantasies. Narcissist have followers which are deceived in same way as narcissist (I am guilty of being follower but i know that’s what i have to do for peace with NPD). You only exist to serve narcissist needs for self importance.

Narcissist like attention , they want to be listened , they want your time and understanding , they want you to admire their intelligence. You can slowly see how they start to interact with you as a thing. When they need understanding and attention they will emit narcissistic signal and they expect you to and give resipricate them positive attention.

If you confront narcissist you immediately become enemy. That’s called splitting. Narcissist use splitting whole time. They split people in 2 groups. One that can give narc supply and others who can’t or won’t. Those that can’t or wont are worthless and ignored.

Narcissist can abuse you when you confront them , you are not idealized anymore. Their fantasy shatters down as you confrot them. They become enraged to see their fantastic source destroyed so they will be abusive. You are becoming target of their rage.

Good way to see if somebody is narcissist is to ask them what makes them happy. They will have hard time answering this question and you will see them making an effort in lying. They could also use this opportunity to lie to you and to make themselves appear more like you.

Another good way of identifying narcissist is their inconsistency with how they act towards others. If person of low value (in their eyes is not good supply) is wanting to interact with them , they will shrug them off with rudeness and rage. Opposite is true when high potential value comes near.

Tactic to maintain control over you and make you more easy to fall in their fantasy is gaslighting. Gaslighting is basically narcissist way of controlling your view of world. You might say something happened in certain way and they will tell you how it “truly ” happened . It’s like they know and you don’t you are a fool and they are *always* right.

After spending some time with narc they take you for granted and will comeback when they need reassurance and dose of supply , if you can’t provide they will abuse you or find some other source which is willing to do so.

You can see new people being charmed by narcissist and sucked in pathological fantasy world. You might feel sorry to see that happen and nobody believes you until they experience NPD person. You can see how they try to charm others and it’s same way you have been conditioned to be supply. Narcissist is expanding his pathological safe space or fantasy.

I have became good reader of NPD people and can identify them quickly. I am not psychiatrist. Their mindset is stunningly terrifying to me but also fascinating. Their way of going trough life for me seems stupendously hard to maintain. They have to maintain their false self all the time to feed their cravings for attention and to cure their anxiety in that way. AT same time i feel sorry for them having this anxiety but i hate them for their actions and disgusting behaviors sometime.

NPDs are fascinating to study , emotional roller coaster to be friends or partner with and terrible to be one.


EDIT / ADDITION as I have more things to say now. (21.8.2020)

Narcissist have selctive memory and gaslihting is actually then natural thing for them to do. They really don’t think that they are lying. Their memory and what happend and what they wished to happen is twisted. It’s again their fantasy taking away from reality.

So what you think and they think is equally valuable in some sense. It’s just that you are right and they probably aren’t when it comes to memory. But you can’t blame them for forgeting or not knowing, it isn’t their choice. Yeah it is frustrating to live trough that.

(Well this answers achieves everything i wanted, putting more stuff would make it complex and uncompresible in clear way which i tend to do now lol).


To conclude some red flags are :

Coming in on you quick and showering you with attention.

Inconsistency with dealing with people.

Superficial charm and mirroring your personality.

Empty eye stare (emotionless).

Constant need of attention and drama seeking.

Engagement in arguments only to win , not to conclude.

Gaslighting your view of reality.

Splitting people in 2 groups , ultimately good and ultimately bad.

Hard time talking about true emotions and their own character traits in meaningful way.

Hyper vigilant , always on guard for insults.

Using guilt to manipulate.

No respect of your boundaries , always trying to manipulate you in their ways either by reasons or guilt trips.

Brief displays of arrogance from time to time.

Wanting you to make commitments without you not knowing them very well.

They hate answering personal questions in early stages. They would rather ask you questions and collect data to form mirroring image of you.

First thanks for reading to end, and i hope this information can help you to be emotionally stable near narcissists and to predict their behavior.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 28, 2024, 05:33:56 AM
What does "breadcrumbing" mean?

A word used for random, non-committal crumbs of attention, random texts, comments, midnight voice notes.... enough to make you follow, keep you interested, allow you to form desires, longings, expectations, but without true fulfilment of anything concrete at the end of the trail.

Breadcrumbing is another way of hedging ones bets. No one wants to feel like an option so it allows someone to keep that thread loosely tied without the pressure of making a choice.

The thing is that people, like threads, can snap.

Are you being breadcrumbed? Well, ask yourself this:

Are you still hungry after you've eaten those crumbs? Are you longing for more?

Alternatively, how many times have you ignored the crumbs only to find that more are cast down because you haven't eaten the previous ones, in a display of “oh crap, they're slipping away, better up my crumb game or this option is gone for good.”

Breadcrumbing isn't an issue until it is. Not everyone is affected in the same way, some can shrug it off, others cannot, and there lies the problem. It is not even about consistency, as breadcrumbing can actually be consistent but the content of it does not nourish or fulfil in any way, it merely fosters attachment.

I don't breadcrumb, and I hate it being done to me.

We are worth more than being strung along as an option while somebody has their fun!

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 28, 2024, 05:45:57 AM
What are the signs
that someone is
breadcrumbing you?
Is this manipulative?

The “miss you” text is a #1 sign of breadcrumbing. The perpetrator, (pwNPD or just a lame jerk) who wants to keep you on the back burner of their dating rotation will put in a minimum investment of time or energy on their part to keep you as a back up plan to ensure they will never be too lonely.

People who breadcrumb are like hoarders. They operate at their core from a place of lack and fear. They are afraid that they will be lonely so they hoard people and keep relationships shallow and take as much attention from you as possible.

With two simple words “miss” and “you” they can elicit an emotional connection that will start a conversation with someone who will take the bait and give them attention. For all you know the “miss you” text could have been sent to every person in the sender’s dating list in a mass message.

And yes, breadcrumbing is manipulation. The breadcrumber invests almost nothing and hopes that the recipient will show them how important or powerful they are by having the recipient respond with enthusiasm. The breadcrumbs tend to stop, with possible “Hail Mary” exceptions on holidays or when the breadcrumber is reaching to the back burner people because they lost their primary sources of attention. Life is better when you block them.

Edit: To clarify how it is manipulative, the breadcrumber chooses if and when to connect and controls the relationship without communicating expectations to the other person and purposefully jerking a person around is manipulative.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 28, 2024, 06:14:30 AM
How do I spot a
narcissistic person?

To spot a narcissistic person, you must use the force - your life force.

In the presence of a narcissist, you will slowly feel worse and worse. This is because the narcissist is an emotional black hole, and being in close proximity causes you to be sucked in, and crushed.

Don't worry about looking for certain words, dilated pupils, or DSM-5 traits, the surest sign that you are interacting with a narcissist is that you slowly feel misery seeping deep into your core.

Your feelings you must trust.

How do you know for sure you are with a narcissist?

1.) Moody

2.) Controlling

3.) Manipulating

4.) Silent Treatment

5.) Gas lighting

6.) Distancing

7.) Always complaining about small little things

8.) Lazy

9.) Always on their phone

10.) Being disrespectful

11.) Liar

12.) Cheater

13.) Too sensitive

14.) Always need validation from their SO

15.) Too friendly to your friends but not you

16.) Out of nowhere suddenly being sweet then grumpy again

17.) Easily get jealous specially with opposite sex

18.) Possessive

19.) Don't want to talk about their past relationship

20.) Lack of interest about you

21.) Passive aggressive

22.) Arrogant

23. ) The mask falls off after you confront him/her

24.) (S)he thinks (s)he is the greatest thing ever created by God

25.) It feels like you are talking to yourself when the narc is presence

26.) Smearing your name to common friends and at the same time wants to be with you

27.) No appreciation of anything you do for him/her

28.) Always look depress

29.) Future faking

30.) Love bombing stop around 2–3 months and you will feel like you are just roommates after the love bombing stage

31.) Boring partner

32.) Using push and pull tactic on the SO

33.) Always want to receive but never give

34.) Impulsive and reckless behavior

35.) Entitled

36.) Always saying bad things to other people (imagine what the narc is saying about you when you are not around?)

37.) History of cheating

38.) Pretentious

39.) Always want to look good to other people but it is just a façade

40.) Ignorant when (s)he makes a mistake

41.) No real long term friends, just acquaintances

42.) No empathy

43.) Selfish

44.) Charming

45.) Narc can’t be alone. The famous harmless discard “can we just be friends for now?” I need to find myself and have peace. Have peace with the new supply b!tch! (You will be the back up plan just incase the new supply doesn’t work out.)

46.) No real hobbies

47.) Always want attention

48.) Absent minded

49.) Lack of sleep (bad karma takes over their brain cells due to bad things they have done to people). No matter how they try to ignore it and escape from it, It will always hunt and follow them around. That is why they have sleepless nights

50.) Always think and act like (s)he is superior over you, even though people know (s)he not

51.) Always look miserable (If (s)he see you happy or smiling, the narc will give you a funny look because (s)he doesn't know how it feels to be really happy or (s)he will get mad and give you dirty look because the narc is paranoid that you might be making fun of him/her.)

52.) The narc words doesn’t match his/her actions

53.) Always the victim

54.) Best actors and actresses who should win a movie award

55.) It feels like you are walking into an egg shells during the relationshit

56.) If you are more successful in life, the narc will try to sabotage the relationshit just because you are doing better than him/her

57.) Drama Queen/King

58.) Self-Centered who thinks everything revolved around him/her

59.) Being humble and shy in the beginning of the relationshit, but rotten tomato inside

60.) Blaming you that the relationshit didn’t work out because you have issues. But In reality, it did not work out because (s)he is a PATHOLOGICAL liar, fake, serial CHEATER, and all of the above I mentioned!

61.) No closure after the break up

62.) Stalking you after the break up

63.) Hoovering you after the break up

Note: When the hoover doesn’t work and (s)he is in a bad situation with the new supply, the narc will go to a deep depression. The narc will quickly remember the best supply or the grade A supply. The narc will be like, wow! I left my old supply with this new loser supply? What am I thinking?

However, it will be too late to go back because some victims don’t forget what the narc did and there is no second chance. Betrayal, pain and disrespect! The victims never forget this! The narc is delusional that every victim is the same, but (s)he is wrong!
Karma is a b!tch! Their karma is you! Because they cant have you anymore. Don’t entertained these fools. There is no happiness with these pathetic losers and just pain, drama and chaos!

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 28, 2024, 07:00:28 AM
15 Quotes To Change Your
Perspective on Getting Older

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 28, 2024, 08:39:05 AM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 28, 2024, 09:42:54 AM
9 Hidden Super Powers Every
Sigma Male Has

It's common knowledge that being a Sigma male comes with its own set of difficulties, especially in a world where conformity and criticism abound. But there are numerous strengths concealed within this distinct personality type. While Sigma men might not be the most popular figures, they often possess greater self-reliance and independence compared to others.

The Sigma male stands out in a crowd effortlessly and carries hidden strengths that might not be immediately obvious. He exudes confidence in himself and doesn't feel the need to prove anything to anyone.
Unlike the Alpha male who tends to be assertive and dominant, the Sigma man displays confidence without being forceful.

Moreover, he harbors numerous concealed strengths that only come to light when provided with the chance to shine. So, let's explore nine hidden powers of Sigma males.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 28, 2024, 10:00:08 AM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 28, 2024, 10:12:33 AM
A Narcissist’s Gaslighting
Is Fueled By Paranoia

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 28, 2024, 10:48:14 AM
It's Coming! Chosen Ones and Starseeds, Signs You Are Leaving Soon

In this captivating exploration, join us as we uncover the profound journey of the chosen ones and starseeds, and delve into the signs indicating your imminent departure from the mundane.

With each passing moment, the resonance of the cosmos grows stronger within you, beckoning you towards your destined path. Discover the signs of your awakening, from a deep sense of inner knowing to heightened sensitivity to energy and vibration.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 28, 2024, 11:54:21 AM
:tello: "The first to fail and deny me is the church.
Never again!"

Why People CANNOT Reciprocate with
Chosen Ones

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 28, 2024, 01:59:31 PM
Why Chosen Ones are alone
No friends & No relationship


1 month ago
People Think We Are Loners ... But The TRUTH is .... We Are Never Alone.

“The more I get to know people the more I like my dog.” 
-Mark Twain
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 28, 2024, 02:07:38 PM

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 28, 2024, 02:30:09 PM
The Loyal and Royal Wolves

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 01:48:14 AM
When a Narcissist is Afraid
of Your Presence,
This is What They Will Do

Narcissists try to hide their egotism and envy by acting like they are sorry and want to succeed. There is no doubt that they will reach their goals. They are only interested in making money. And it makes them very happy to spend money on things that make them look better and get people's attention.


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 02:10:41 AM
Don't UNDERESTIMATE the Chosen Ones

Dive into the mystical realm where destiny intertwines with free will, and the Chosen Ones pave their extraordinary paths across the annals of time. Obsidian presents a captivating exploration into heroes marked by prophecy, balancing the scales of the world, and surpassing all expectations.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 02:45:55 AM
Do narcissists ever apologize or feel
remorse after discarding their partner
and moving on to another source
of supply?


The only time you will hear a sorry from a narcissists mouth is when they need to utilize such a word to garner something from you, use you for whatever it is they view you as being able to supply.

You see, a narcissist never really believes they have anything to ‘feel’ sorry for, nor should they ever feel the need to use that word remorsefully.

They don’t ‘feel’ remorse outwardly, ie for you. They will feel sorry for themselves.. maybe they ran out of a few things that others can supply, low on supply, they will feel a pang of feeling sorry for themselves. Never you. Ever, you.

I know, I know, they can be so convincing at times. But, don’t fall for the sorry bs. Once you are back under the wing of the narcissistic cycle, you will soon learn the word sorry and start feeling it for yourself.

Sorry you fell for their crap once again, sorry that you allowed yourself to be sucked in, sorry that this person you loved is not capable of loving you, even as much as you had wished and hoped for it to not be the case.

Save your sorrys by ignoring their sorrys.

Go an be happys. Happys are a lot better than sorrys.

No, nope, zero, nil…. why should they? They did nothing wrong but “fall madly, deeply and passionately in lust… oops i mean in love” for the next “love of their lives”. If they apologise that means they did something wrong, they are perfect and perfect people do no wrong.

It's easier to blame you, you must sit with their guilt and shame because they are not prepared to deal with your burdens…. after all, their lives are now perfect since you left and they have another who is 100,000 times better then you. Let the clown and the joker play happy in the circus they have created.


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 02:58:52 AM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 03:13:38 AM
Are covert narcissists that dangerous?

Absolutely yes.

What makes a covert narcissist dangerous?

Covert narcissists are extremely difficult to spot. They appear to be loving, caring, and kind. They can easily win the trust and confidence of people around them, including yourself.

Covert narcissist victim's mentality in every situation gives them the benefit of doubt. They exactly know how to play the victim card.

Covert narcissists are very cunning in spoiling your reputation; they will spoil your reputation by showing care and concern without using abusive words. People will believe that covert narcissists are very bothered about their partner.

Covert narcissists are very passive and aggressive in nature; you won't even realize for ages that you are being abused.

Covert narcissists are very good at covering up their cheating habits; it's very difficult to catch them cheating.

It's very hard to collect evidence and proof against covert narcissists because they know how to hide abusive behavior.

Covert narcissists will be sitting in front of you, talking nicely; they will be plotting something horrible about you with a cool and calm mind.

Covert narcissists are vindictive in nature; they will keep punishing people for things that have offended them.

Covert narcissists will drain your energy completely by acting like victims. They keep feeding on your empathy and sympathy.

It's very hard to leave Covert narcissists because you feel guilty for leaving them, and they make you addicted to them.

Covert narcissists are wolves in sheep's clothes.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 03:37:59 AM
How does a covert narcissist
treat you when you are sick?

Ron Culley

My ex-Narc is Malignant. That shouldn’t detract from the story.
One morning I woke up with my left arm being gimp. It musta been the way I slept on it.
I tell her “My arm is lame. I may need physical therapy”.
Then, in her infinite ignorance and disdain for life she decries:


What a Charmer.


A covert narcissist may treat you differently when you are sick, and their behavior can vary depending on their individual traits and coping mechanisms. It's essential to remember that not everyone with narcissistic traits will act the same way, and individual experiences may differ. However, some common patterns of behavior that a covert narcissist may display when you are sick include:

Lack of Empathy: Covert narcissists typically struggle with empathizing with others.

When you're sick, they may show little concern for your well-being or downplay the severity of your illness, making you feel unheard or invalidated.

Manipulation: Covert narcissists may use your vulnerability when you're sick to their advantage. They may employ manipulation tactics to gain control, attention, or sympathy from others, even using your illness to play the victim themselves.

Withholding Support: Instead of offering genuine support, a covert narcissist may withhold emotional or practical assistance when you need it most. They may be reluctant to take care of you or show concern for your recovery.

Making It About Themselves: Covert narcissists have a tendency to redirect the focus onto themselves. Even when you're sick, they might find a way to make the situation about their struggles or accomplishments, minimizing your feelings and experiences.

Gaslighting: A covert narcissist may gaslight you, making you doubt your own feelings and perceptions about your sickness. They might undermine your symptoms or make you question whether you are genuinely ill, further eroding your self-confidence.

Feigned Concern: Some covert narcissists may pretend to care for you when you're sick, but their concern is often superficial and self-serving. They might use your illness to garner praise or admiration from others for being a "caring" person.

Dismissing Your Needs: Instead of catering to your needs during your illness, a covert narcissist may dismiss them entirely, showing little interest in helping you feel better or providing any necessary care.

It's essential to recognize these patterns and set boundaries with individuals who consistently exhibit narcissistic behaviors. If you suspect that someone in your life is a covert narcissist and their treatment is negatively affecting you, consider seeking support from a mental health professional or counselor to help you navigate these challenging dynamics.

They mock you. Tell you that you are faking, slacking etc. No emotion, no concern, no empathy.

Reason being they are truly the sick one always. Its all about them. Forever.

So when they get sick, pretend not to notice.

Watch them go berserk! Such fun.

Have fun with your narc. Press those buttons.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 03:52:55 AM
What does ignoring the
narcissist really do to them?

Most narcissists can’t tolerate being ignored; the act of silent treatment strikes the narcissist much harder because of their need to feel validated. As the narcissist understands that you are intentionally ignoring them will deflate their inflated ego. Their self-esteem is connected by how much attention they can get from you and/or others.

A person with high levels of narcissism can get more aggressive when being ignored. When they think you are ignoring them, some won’t be able to control their temper, so they may lash out or change their approach by being aggressive with their calls or text messages demanding to talk or communicate with you.

They will never be ready to discuss or be accountable for what they did or said to you. They will just expect you to accept what they want or need while they will be very hypocritical by ignoring their actions. Yes, they will be mad or upset at you for ignoring them, but when or once you call them out on their behavior, they will get mad at you, and in return ignore you.

Even if you ignore a narcissist for whatever reason that may be, they will eventually get bored and seek attention from someone else.

The narcissist may replace you with someone else who won’t ignore them and give them the attention, and control that they seek.

This is why ignoring a narcissist should be more about you, and less about them. This is how they operate, and how they satisfy their narcissistic supply.

Solution: Ignoring them is one of the easiest ways to redeem your control, regain your sense of clarity, and restore your power by focusing your attention on yourself. As far as what happens to a narcissist when you ignore them is really irrelevant. May you know the signs. May you not become a victim. And may you be more concern about your healing, recovery, and emotional-mental health.

Oh, it almost always pisses them off.

Narcissists are all about manipulation and attention — that is to say, they manipulate people and situations to get the most attention. It’s how they get what they want.

So if you ignore them, they can’t work their charm on you. You can’t fall for their trap, so to speak.

Which is why it’s a very effective way of making sure you keep yourself away from relationships with narcissistic partners or minimizing the abuse they can do to you. You just ignore them.

And I know, it’s not always possible or even easy to do, but if you can, I suggest that’s what you do.

Sure, you’ll piss them off, but sooner or later, they’ll realize that their efforts are better spent somewhere else.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 04:27:11 AM
Are narcissists for narcissists?

No, probably not. Narcissists would probably be threatened by the presence of another narcissist. They look for people who they can gain control over or manipulate which results in some sort of gain, or SUPPLY for them.

Examples of this would be: gaining positive attention, self-esteem, praise etc. Notice that none of this is related to money—although it helps.

In the narcissists mind, the most important thing is being recognized, adored and validated. So, if another narcissist was in their world they would be afraid the other person would outshine them. In fact it is possible that they would actively dislike another narcissist and engage in activity to undermine each other.

Narcissists are for themselves. Narcs know when they’re in the presence of another narc. Narcs are non apologetic opportunists. They’re ALL users. If they can use each other…of course they will. Anything resembling loyalty is non existent. It’s 100% self centered.

I’m confused by this question. I’ll answer it though the best I can.

A Narcissist doesn’t want another narcissist. They want an empath. They want some one that will give them supply. They want someone that they can manipulate, gaslight, confuse, control, use and abuse.

They want someone understanding, full of empathy, that easily forgives and trusts. They care about their needs only! Why would they want another narcissist? They need to be the most superior, most important, self-coddled and enabled. They need all the pampering, attention and pleasing. They have to have the best ideas and opinions! They will take anyone’s opinion or advice over yours.

Why would they want someone just like them that they have to constantly compete with? They want to win, gain, control and destroy all in the name of surviving their own shame, guilt, traumas and insecurities. They want to hide, not be seen.

Narcissists go after vulnerable and/or good hearted people. They don’t want to be the one being cheated on, used, discarded or manipulated! They need someone that’s a bit of a challenge and out of their league by success, respect or looks to boost their confidence and grandiose false image but they will soon kill this person's worth and value.

They don’t want someone that they cannot devalue. They don’t want another narcissist.

There can only be one to rule and destroy the relationship.

They ruin everything they touch or come into contact with. They will hurt the most innocent while coming off as victim. Narcissists are not aware they are narcissists. That would shatter their ego and false self-image. Often times they will accuse their victims and partners of being a narc.

Narcissists are all for themselves.... period!

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 04:53:31 AM
Do narcissists know beforehand when they're going to discard you?
I had no idea.

Ron Culley

11 months into the relationship with my ex-Narc at her homestead, I get this out-of-the blue PM:

10/11/2016 6:06AM

To: Ron
From: Luka

“FYI: Sherry has been talking sh!t about you saying you're a freeloader living off her. Lazy bum drunk...she is spending nights with Kevin in town, says she made you sleep in her RV. Not in a relationship any more. Planning to give you the boot. A conspiracy, Pretty low. That is why I am writing to you. I hate cheaters, liars and backstabbers. Lame ass way to do things. She made herself out as a victim. Not cool...”

So yeah, scheming and conniving is the name of that game.
Now, in 2024, she found new supply in the world of Boondocking, and left me here at her house.
“Abandonment” is the key word now. I have alerted the authorities bc I have no significant income and she maliciously denied me heating fuel. Breach of Duty of Care and Elderly Abuse.

What a Charmer….


Narcissists may not know the EXACT moment they will discard you, but they have pre-planned their ENTIRE relationship with you before you even realize it.

You don't know that when you first start speaking to them that they more than likely ALREADY have at least one more man/woman they're in a relationship with.

They just picked you next, because they're devaluing that other person.

And they've picked YOU to be their next “victim.”

So they love bomb you. Make you feel amazing. Tell you that you're the one they've been looking for.

And they act as though they are ready to start a long term relationship with you. They ask you if you would be willing to move where they live.

And you fall in love with them. And you tell them you love them. And they say the same back.

And then- it's perfect. You just admitted to the Narcissist that you're committed to them- because YOU love them. But they don't truly love YOU.

So- the moment you tell them you love them- they begin looking for ANOTHER new person to start dating.

And they use the same lines that worked on you on this new person.

And once this new person is secured- THIS is when they discard you.

Because you aren't “shiny and new” any longer.

Your routine of saying “good morning” to them and speaking with them throughout the day is too boring.

And you're completely shocked when they discard you, because it's completely out of nowhere.

You haven't even had one fight with them.

But this is what Narcissists do. Once you begin begging them to take you back- they know you're Trauma Bonded to them.

And this is when they start giving you the Silent Treatment, and the emotional abuse ramps up.

I’m going to go against what I used to think before.

Not always.

That is, they don’t necessarily always plan things to go an exact way, not all the time!

In some cases, they may have thought about utilizing you for long term plans, but something happened to change that. Maybe there was an easier way to do things, or another person who could make something happen for them.

Maybe they did try to get you to cooperate, but you refused. Maybe you didn’t understand at the time, that your refusal meant they would eventually look elsewhere, or were already planning, in case you couldn’t be a part of what they wanted.

So, not all of them actually deliberately discard you in a schematic way, which goes to say, they are still very self-centred, so if you’re not really going to cooperate, and they “want what they want NOW” they’re going to definitely leave or do something horrible, and in this case, it appears it was all a well-conceived plan. But it wasn’t actually that perfect, it only appeared that way.

Perhaps this can explain why they also get so cruel and mean in the end. They now know you’re not worth anything to them, and they need to move on.

And of course, they never like hearing “No.” The day I said “No” was the day the great Narcissistic Book of Revelation opened up, and I was aplomb in shock and awe. Hell hath no fury like a narcissist deprived of a compliant and meek slave.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 05:11:08 AM
Do narcissists miss their exes
after they discard them?

Yes, we never miss what we have until it’s gone, so of course they miss you. You may subconsciously miss them too. Missing someone is natural especially if you have created a connection with this person.

They miss what the person provided for them not the actual person, because they object their victims. To the narcissist, you existed to them as an object to be used at their advantage or convenience. They miss their ex, because they are always between relationships.

When the person that they are with sees them for who they are, and they get discarded by that person, it is an immediate reaction for a narcissist or an abuser to go back or miss the last person that they were with. So, missing their ex is a big oops in their lapse of judgment or distorted decision making, and less about missing you an individual. When dealing with a narcissist it is not about a relationship, it is about objectification, control, egomania, and power.

They miss you in their life so they can feed off your good energy, and ultimately try to destroy your self-confidence all over again. You can't believe their “apologies,” and “empty promises” to not hurt you anymore, it is a scheme meant to toy with your emotions in an effort for you to take them back. Which is everything that the person they were with didn't have or was not providing for them.

They missed the attention that you can gave them.

They missed how you stroked their egos.

They missed what you did for them, and how you made them feel as far as giving them adoration, praise, affection, loyalty, pleasure, money, time, energy, and validation. (the list goes on)

They missed that they had someone who truly loved them, and would do anything they can to make them happy which is narcissistic supply that you once offered them.

They missed the control, and power that they had over you.

They missed your obedience, forgiveness, faithfulness, and authenticity.

They missed that they were able to manipulate, mislead, abuse, use, and control you.

Narcissists don’t want you to heal, recover, and move on. This is why they come back even after the discard. They always do things with a purpose; they are cunning toxic individuals who aim to destroy your souls. Lasty, the critical thing is to remember that narcissists don’t miss you, they miss what you provided for them and the control and power they once had over you.

It is not you who they miss, they miss what you had to offer. May you know the signs, may not allow the abuser access into your life again, and may you continue to walk towards your healing.

Narcissistic personality disorder can manifest in various ways, and individuals with this disorder may have difficulty forming genuine emotional connections with others. While every person is unique, it's important to note that individuals with narcissistic traits may not experience the same emotions or attachments in relationships as others do.

Their focus is often on themselves and their own needs, rather than on the well-being of others. It's crucial to seek professional guidance and support if you or someone you know is dealing with the impact of a relationship involving narcissistic behavior.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 05:28:57 AM
What happens when a narcissist realizes they’re losing you?

They will always demean and minimize the contribution you brought to the relationship as a way to justify their lack of loyalty, lack of empathy, and cruelty to you when they're trying to discard you for someone else.

Keep on reminding yourself that nothing you have done or not done in that relationship justifies how they treated you. Got no contact and never look back as they do not change and in fact they get worse with age. You don't need people like that in your life. Don't take them back there are plenty of good people out there that will treat you in a way that you deserve.

They’ll either step up their love bombing or they’ll pull your chain. A therapist once compared how my ex treated me to a yo-yo… she’d give me some slack then yank me back. I now know this was a manifestation of control through the trauma bond… she played on my need for validation from her. Only, when that stopped working and I cared less, she became nice and flattering.

Unlike normal people who will have honest discussions about your relationship (even if difficult), narcissists tend to have one-sided, blaming, victim-role conversations. The best advice I can give is to just leave them if you’re thinking about it.

A relationship with one will not get better through honesty and vulnerability. It just won’t. And trying to salvage something ends up futile. Cutting them off is hard and drastic, but I found it to be the only way. Good luck.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 05:40:11 AM
Once You SPEAK Like This,
Reality Becomes Yours

Once you learn how to correctly speak to the universe, reality becomes yours. Allowing you to completely shift your reality. Imagine standing at the edge of a vast, shimmering ocean, the horizon stretching infinitely, blending the water with the sky.

This ocean is the realm of infinite possibilities, your potential realities. You're holding the key to unlock any reality you desire. This key? Your words. But to wield this key with precision, the first step is Awareness.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 06:36:27 AM
What is the reality of a narcissist?

Here is the biggest truth: no narcissist will ever be ready to acknowledge that nobody likes them.

This is the reason why they have to keep chasing different sources of supply. They know every supply they have in their life has an expiry date, and this supply, sooner or later, they'll be able to see through them and see through their facade, only to recognize them for who they are.

They know they make people miserable; they know they are miserable, and they do not want to acknowledge that. They just want to blame things on people because it's an easy way to escape situations. It's an easy way to bypass the situations that could have otherwise helped them to wake up to their truth.

And what is their truth? They are shame-filled individuals who do not take responsibility for anything at all.

Liam Harden
Self-Aware Closet Narcissist

My reality? You only see yourself to exist in this world. Everyday I wake up and everything that revolves something, I am always apart of the equation. When thinking of others, I think of myself. When thinking of plans, I think of myself. When I walk out in public, everyone around me is meshed into the background.

I am practically alone in the world at all times and boredom is what keeps me going. Talking to people does incite emotions but I am unable to have emotions for those people. Once I walk away, my emotions fleet away, and I go back to being bored looking for the next thing to do. I ‘disconnect’ from people on a dime once they are not in front of me. I do not think of others unless there is something I am seeking.

For example, when you think of others, you may be picturing them as they are and things about them that makes them, them. When I think of others, I without being conscience, think of myself gaining some enjoyment, goal, moment, etc.

I only exist in this world in terms of perception because my brain does not connect to you any differently than objects. I may receive emotional responses within once I am around people, and admiration lifts me up because something inciting those childish emotions that all children love, attention, but I am stuck not seeing anyone else.

Children perceive the world this way but as an adult it is an issue because there are bigger roles and responsibilities that I am to be obligated to fill because of the fact I am not a child.

The reality of a narcissist is no reality at all.

This lack of contact with the reality of others, their feelings, renders the narcissist incapable of empathy. They live in a pre-socialized world where their interests and concerns are self centered. Their ego is weak. Their defenses are rigid. They are hyper vigilant and hyper reactive.

They are incapable of reciprocity. They tend to be exploitative. As such, they see others as tools for their own self aggrandizement. They skim the surface and tend to be manipulative and high strung. They are critical, indecisive and irrational. If you call this reality, “reality”, I suggest you think again.

Wouldn’t it be nice to live in the narcissist’s reality? You’re always right. You’re the best at everything. You’re an expert at all things you do or haven’t even tried.

The narcissist has a lot of pain from the past and is skilled at projecting that pain on everyone else. If you call the narcissist out on a cruel or inappropriate action or response, and he or she feels violated, criticized, demeaned, the narcissist will become the victim because that keeps the narcissist from having to look within.

This is referred to as a narcissistic injury. And the narcissist can play a very good victim. It takes the focus off what the narcissist did wrong, and it puts you on the defensive as the perpetrator.

If anything goes wrong it’s your fault, no matter the offender. Remember, narcissists believe they are perfect and everyone else is not. How could it be his or her fault?

With the narcissist, the punishment never fits the crime. Usually there’s not even a crime to begin with. The narcissist may dole out harsh criticism, the silent treatment or a combination of both to “punish” you and have you begging for forgiveness. Remember, the narcissist is great at being the injured party, even when the narcissist is actually the perpetrator.

There’s no proportion. The drama doesn’t end, no matter how much you tiptoe around your home.

Narcissists also believe they are so good at life, that they shouldn’t surround themselves with anyone “less than” them. (If you’ll notice they have few if any good friends.) That’s why the narcissist doesn’t engage with anyone he feels inferior or that can’t do something for the narcissist

The narcissist almost does something with the end in mind. The narcissist must get something from a situation or person, or the narcissist won’t take part. The narcissist looks at life like a Monopoly game. There’s a strategy or manipulative tactic put in place in order to gain money, people, and things, regardless if it hurts the other person financially or emotionally. I’ve known narcissists who leave an ex-wife and children homeless, while the narcissists walk away free of guilt and trauma. If it works for the narcissist, then that’s how the narcissist believes the game should be played.

The narcissist takes pride and pleasure in disrupting your world. Seeing you in emotional pain is something the narcissist relishes. Why? The more pain you carry, the easier it is for the narcissist to control you and those around you. The narcissist also understands that if you are isolated due to your pain or his control, then that’s even better. He has you at his disposal, broken down, ready to please.

Also, the narcissist likes for your home life, social life and professional life to revolve around him or her. The narcissist does it by causing disruption, then often fixing the problem he caused.

For example, I can recall numerous arguments the narcissist provoked, only to come back and give an empty apology such as, “I’m sorry, but you push my buttons. Can you calm down and we talk about this rationally?” The narcissist looks like the hero, and you’re left wondering what just happened.

Life with a narcissist is a rollercoaster. There are so many ups and downs, all orchestrated to have high control. But there are ways to get off the roller coaster. First of all, don’t get on board in the first place. Focus on your truth. Don’t let the narcissist sway your beliefs of what you know to be true. Journal or keep a notebook of incidents you know occurred.

Secondly, find some peace every day. Take the dog for a walk. Phone a trusted friend. Get grounded in reality. There are good people out there who want you to be healthy emotionally and physically.

Finally, live you're best life. Avoid toxic people. If you can’t avoid the narcissist, put strong boundaries in place. The narcissist won’t like it, but you will become stronger. Time away from toxic people helps you heal and see things clearly. You can more easily live your life. That’s the best karma out there. And you accelerate that karma by taking care of you

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 06:50:21 AM
Can a narcissist become really dangerous?
How dangerous?

My stock answer to this is as follows.


Assume very dangerous.

These are deeply maladaptive beings. We have no idea how maladaptive as we never really knew these people and what they were really up to when not with us. Anyone who thinks they know a narc is deluding themselves.

Experts say, on repeat, that the most dangerous time for a victim is when they are trying to leave. Especially if you are high quality supply / have significant ties with the narc such as children. Narcs are unpredictable and volatile and it is good that you treat them as such. They really are not well people.

I also think that the period after leaving can be problematic, It’s why I say on here, time and again, if you can get away from a narc and implement NC and go ‘dark’. Do it. Don’t look for revenge. Don’t show off via social media posts. Don’t feed info to flying monkeys. Go invisible. Disappear. And hope and pray that the narc finds new flesh to feed off so that you are forgotten and they well and truly move on. I think that the longer you are able to do this and stay low, the higher the likelihood that a narc will eventually leave you alone.

I am coming up on 2 1/2 years of NC and am still the recipient of intermittent hoovers/ anonymous gifts. I resolutely ignore and wait it out.

I want nothing more than for my nex to upgrade. Wealthier, prettier, younger, more malleable…I don’t care. Because once he has secured supply that he deems ‘superior’ I will well and truly be relegated to the trash bin and hopefully left completely alone. Zero hoovers, like I don’t exist? = Bliss.

Prisons are full of narcissists. Yes they can be extremely dangerous. Just picture a homicidal toddler with no ability or desire to control themselves or regulate their emotions in any way who is also large enough to very seriously hurt you.

Now you understand.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 07:05:13 AM
How do narcissists treat
their friends? Why would
some people believe the narcissist?

The word “narcissist” is thrown around very loosely, and can include a very wide number of people, who are all very different. All of those people treat their friends differently.

When we speak about narcissistic personality disorder it means meeting specific criteria in the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental health (DSM). This still encompasses a wide range of people who manifest a wide range of characteristics.

Fundamental to the mental health narcissistic adaptation is deep feelings of very low self-worth which are compensated by efforts to bolster their sense of self through external validation. This can present itself in many different ways, such as excessive bragging, acting like they are better than others, efforts to get others to see how incredible they are, etc. Ultimately, they need to be admired.

In some cases this can be over the top arrogance, and in others it can be very nuanced, and look like humility.

Because people who have adapted this way come in such wide variety of styles, it’s not always obvious.

I would say that people, in general, are often persuaded by what appears to be self-confidence. Even when this self-confidence is completely baseless, when a person walks about telling everyone they are great, or the smartest, or most creative, etc, a good percentage of people will believe them.

I find that the converse is true, as well. People who are very insecure, but have adapted a method of overt self-deprecation, as opposed to narcissistic adaptations, often convince others that they are “less than”. They might, in fact, have all kinds of desirable qualities, but their lack of confidence influences those around them.

Think about your personal experiences with others. Let’s say a visit with a medical doctor. A doctor who exudes confidence is likely to inspire confidence, whereas a doctor who acts uncertain might scare a patient off. The confidential doctor might be completely incompetent, while the uncertain doctor might be brilliant, but it’s likely you will be influenced by what they project.

People who exude confidence are generally seen as more charismatic and attractive, and overall more persuasive. It’s no accident that many of these individuals go into politics or other arenas that will put them in the spotlight.

People are drawn to what seems like certainty, and often prefer binary explanations, such as “right or wrong” or “good or bad”, rather than more complex nuanced explanations. If someone continually says, in one way or another, “I’m great”, people often believe it. It often goes along with, “They’re terrible”, as it helps inflate the individual making the claims, by making the unfavorable comparison. “I’m right, they’re wrong”, “I’m good, they’re bad”, “I’m smart, they’re dumb”, “I’m rich, they’re poor”, “I’m honest, they’re lying”, etc.

People often like simple answers, and if someone very confidently sells you one, there’s a good chance a high percentage of people will believe them, especially if they are not particularly confident or well informed. This is why critical thinking is such an important trait for everyone to develop. The world is a dangerous place without it.

In my experience, narcissists don’t really have friends, they have acquaintances that are much more similar to ‘flying monkeys’ than anything closer.

Narcissists treat all human beings as pawns’ to be sacrificed if the narcissistic demands are not met. Those who associate with narcissists in their inner circle or often ‘unaware’ individuals who are easily manipulated. They tend to have lower self esteem and need external validation. The narcissist has identified this vulnerability and manipulated them into “friendship”.

These individuals are unaware of the tactical manipulation and always believe what’s been said.

In some cases I’ve witnessed “friends” of the narcissist who seem aware, but are intimidated and afraid of being victimised due to witnessing the consequences first hand. These individuals are in a very precarious position as they understand if they stop agreement with the narcissist or the narcissist realises they are aware they will become the new target of abuse.

The best advice i can give, is to learn the red flags and as soon as you spot a narcissist keep your distance, but don’t upset them. Just move on quickly and quietly!

In my experience, there are a handful of “lifelong friends” who stick around even while the narcissist's more intimate relationships are constantly exploding around them. The reason this is possible is that the ties are superficial in nature, requiring no real responsibility/duty to upkeep and very little chance of the narcissist being rejected. They may text or talk with these friends regularly, but actual time spent with them will be rare — and often during the discard of a romantic partner or someone else in the narcissist's inner-circle.

It's very easy to glean a constant baseline supply from these friends, because the narcissist has succeeded in painting a picture their false-selves which their friends have no need to question. The charming facade has been upkept over the years, so it must be true. And since they require zero work to keep alive, it's easy to maintain these satellite friendships. The narcissist will even refer to these longterm strangers as “close friends”.

Think of these friends like the pegs in a pinball machine. When the narcissist is at odds with a romantic partner or another main supply, they either run away or get flicked away (just like a pinball). The narcissist must maintain their supply somehow — survival depends on it! — so they will bounce off their Friend Pegs until their confidence is boosted. They use the superficial friendships to convince themselves that they are good (*obviously*, look how many friends love me and are on my side!) and the enemy (you) is bad.

But again: it's all superficial. They may talk about sports, video games, “the old days”, etc., but that's about as deep as conversation ever gets. It's just enough to satisfying the starving narcissist without ever giving themselves away and losing their Safety Network.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 07:18:10 AM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 07:40:10 AM
Is it common for a
narcissist to act immature?

Ron Culley
Its common knowledge. Everybody knows.

We read Quora!

Yes, narcissistic people can, and often are emotionally immature. Some people have compared them to the Eternal Youth Archetype which Jung wrote about, or Peter Pan, The Prince or Princess, The Golden Boy, etc. Freud’s mom, by the way, called him “ My Golden Ziggy,” oy.

Narcissism is an early developmental stage for human beings, when the infant and young child thinks the world revolves around them, like the earth revolving around the sun. That’s normal, healthy for the child to expect this.

When the response to this normal need is frustrated or ignored the consequence is to be traumatized and fixated at this place, with subsequent development halted. The self may be then filled with holes like a piece of swiss cheese. The individual still maintains the craving for a good fill of what wasn’t supplied, and this is the case seen in pathological narcissism, when the infant-child was habitually insulted within the mirroring pole of the Self.

We all know what it is like to be with someone “who acts just like a child, “ whose personality seems child like. This is often associated with narcissistic wounding in childhood, and the adult continues to look for narcissistic supplies from others, sometimes even their own children, without ever really feeling they are getting a satiated, and coupled with a hyper sensitivity to insults (narcissistic wounding)

The result is an adult who acts easily hurt, has difficulty with reciprocal responsibilities, not having empathy and being able to see things from the other’s point of view, and an overall fragile sense of Self that is either overblown and realistic, or demoralized and deadened.

From their subjective experience, when others don’t meet their demands, they conclude the lack of responsiveness is evidence of their unworthiness, not being good enough to secure what they still hunger for and need (i.e., interest, attention, affective mirroring, concern and love).

Yes, narcissism and immaturity are kissin’ cousins.

Absolutely! It’s been said they are emotionally between the ages of 3 to 6.

In my experience (Covert Narc) he would throw tantrums, or pout and sulk like a child if he didn’t get his way. At the time I didn’t know about narcissism and knew he was a spoiled kid that was put on a pedestal (an oops baby born into a wealthy family with much older brothers and sisters to add to the little King scenario) and just thought he was so used to getting his way that he had to learn patience and fairness as an adult. While he aged, it never got better, and it’s SO hard to deal with.

It’s no longer cute and funny when a middle aged man says inappropriate comments to people in public, slams doors, or throws fits (and cell phones, glasses, etc.) because they want what they want and when THEY want it.

The best you can hope for is a teenager mentality with fun actions like just hanging up on you when you have a disagreement, and then not answering for hours or even days.

Or when they know they’ve been drinking all day and are drunk but don’t think the rules apply to them. You beg them not to drive and take their keys, but they have a hidden set and take off. Like a teenager they think they are invincible and don’t care about consequences or who they could hurt or kill.

They love phrases like “If you haven’t grown up by 50 - You don’t have to!” Ugh. I’m sure he used that line at 30, 40, and will at 60 and 70 or however long the universe is stuck with him.

It’s exhausting. Get out and stay away from these snakes!

If a person has narcissistic personality disorder, they are, by definition, immature in many ways, especially psychologically and emotionally. That they will act immaturely is inevitable.

Immaturity is built into the original definition of “borderline,” which, at first, wasn’t limited to what is now known as “borderline personality disorder,” but encompassed a range between what one now here’s as “neurotypical,” and “psychotic” (having a psychosis causing severe difficulties to perceive reality sufficiently well to function in society). “Borderline” meant “I’m between,” hence not psychotic, able to function in society, but not normal (or “neurotypical”) either.

This “in between” range included the following area:

Fragmented sense of self
Skewed perception of reality
Immature defense mechanisms
Those with narcissistic personality disorder fall in this range, and “immature defense mechanisms” is one of the characteristics.

Narcissistic personality disorder is an arrested development caused by early childhood trauma in the above mentioned areas, and involving problems with

Splitting (people are “all good” or “all bad”)
Lack of object constancy
Inability to repair shame

These result in the symptoms of:

Exaggerated sense of entitlement
Lack of empathy
Exploitative behavior

All of these are immature. The little child thinks everything revolves around them, and can you imagine a three year old saying,”Why don’t you take a break Mommy? Taking care of me must be exhausting! You don’t need to take care of my needs right now. I’ll just wait a bit.”

A narcissist is like a three year old. They can’t wait. Their needs need to be taken care of right now. RIGHT NOW.

Your needs can wait, because they’re not important. There are as important to the narcissist as Mommy’s needs are to the three year old.

The list is endless in ways narcissists are immature.

Here are some examples:

A narcissist will brag about themselves. Most children learn this is socially unacceptable, and don’t brag, but a narcissist will go on and on.

In addition to learning not to brag, children learn not to talk about themselves all the time, but to bring others into the conversation. This is a trait older children learn if they’re well socializes, but certainly by the time one is a teenager one learns to listen to others, but narcissists have never learned to listen, because they don’t care about others, both of which is immature (both not listening and not caring).

Not only are narcissists immature by their bragging about themselves, by the things they brag about is also immature. They want to be admired for the shiny toys they have, not for their character.

As mentioned above, the defense mechanisms of narcissists are immature. The following are common:

Rewriting history
Blame shifting
Self justification
Word salad

Here are a couple of examples:
You bring to the narcissist’s attention something you don’t like. They respond,”Oh no! That wasn’t my intention. You misunderstood me!”


“So you’re saying X” where X has nothing to do with anything you said.

What you won’t hear is,”Oh, I see your point. That was unthoughtful of me.”

Narcissists get upset at the smallest things. For example, there a trash can which needs to be dumped in the garage can ten feet away. Rather than emptying the trash themselves, they throw a hissy fit.

Anyone who has lived with a narcissist could give a hundred examples like this.

The mindset of a narcissist is “It’s all about me.” (aka “Look at me! Aren’t I cute?”)

To summarize: Narcissists are immature to their core, because they’re thinking, never developed past a certain point, beyond that of a three year old. In certain areas (non emotional and non psychological) narcissists are like adults, but in the emotional and psychological realm, they’re extremely immature, which makes them extraordinarily difficult to understand, because you don’t expect adults to act like three year olds.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 08:12:14 AM
Do narcissists ever lose anything?

Well I must say… a narcissist is the one who loses everything in their life. They are so cursed that they can't even value what they are gifted with. Great friends, huge money, a dream life, great partner, everything they just lose because of not valuing them; because  of being so self centered.

I feel pity on them, but they are doomed to have this destiny to rotate in a circle of getting more and more. They are never satisfied with anything that God has given them.

I think God intentionally gives them everything in their life, whatever they manifest they achieve, so that one day… they fall from the peak of success so bad, that they can't even stand again.

A life of a narcissist is a living hell.

YES, Heavens YES! They lost THE single most important thing any human being can possibly ever lose. They lost their soul and that’s not metaphor!

It’s not some religious dogma or airy fairy bullshit. They literally have ZERO sense of self. Their world is as if they’re trapped inside of a mirror, everything is backwards, nothing makes sense. It’s literally like their human soul was ripped out of their body and replaced with a vindictive reflection, the nightmare being from the far side of the mirror. Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass; The Twilight Zone.

For them, these are VERY real places, and the real world is the fairy land. Every time they’re alone it’s like a black hole is swallowing them and they RUN so far and so fast yet it’s always faster and they’re just so tired. The ONLY way to get a momentary reprieve is when they’re around other people.

They seem selfish but they have no self at all. They seem confident but all they have is The Void. Everything they have and are..... is a lie. Everything they have they will destroy from jealousy because the other person can have real emotions, real happiness. You have NO idea what a precious thing they lost and they can never recover it.

Yes they do and if you are lucky you will even find out, or God might let you watch. See, there is nothing that a narcissist fears more than being alone, or worse, growing old.

Yes the love bombing, the lies and all that will drastically catch up to them when that clock starts to tick they will eventually be too old for anything that actually fueled their narcissism. So if you think they don’t have their share of loss, grief and pain... think again.

If you ever took a good look at any narc and thought to yourself "Can they truly be happy?" They stay with that narcissistic behavior and not once they noticed they lost a good relationship over those exaggerated tendencies of cheating and ruining their past relationships; oh think again!

They can’t feel a thing.

That’s exactly how the end will reach out to them, except reality will still be reality. They will miss the person that was in their life and not with emotions, just all the things the person did for them. They might not be able to express themselves since they lack emotions yet nothing goes unpunished.

Call it Destiny or Karma. Call it whatever you want. Yeah, that will catch up to them.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 08:31:54 AM
How dangerous is
a malignant narcissist?

Deadly dangerous.

Seriously, they have no problem ending your life and will if they can get away with it. The malignant narcissist is a psychopath and capable of cold murder.

If you are in a relationship with one, your life is in danger. I know from personal experience. Mine tried to end my life, twice.

And I still spent months ruminating!

Oh yes, they are dangerous. Survivors (if you survive) find their lives destroyed. Nobody walks away with their health, career, friends, and family intact. You crawl away broken, beaten, spent, and scarred. Isolated and broke. Sick. You are in therapy.

Listen well, a malignant narcissist will destroy you. Yes, they will kill you. They don't feel remorse. I've read the stories of these psychopaths. Your life is in danger, usually in a cowardly and indirect way including poison, arson, “accidents", etc.

You don't read some of these stories, because the victim is dead. Let that sink in.

“My narcissist killed me and got away with it” is not a Quora post. Why?

Because dead people don't post on Quora.

It's critical to realize that fact. On here you only read about the survivors. I've read of narcissists drugging their victims and setting their houses on fire. Just think of the double insurance from the house AND the life insurance policy! Loosening the lug nuts on your tires. Never hike with a narcissist around cliffs. They will shove you to your death, and who would know differently?

These sick people are cold and calculating and will end you without remorse. There are no statistics kept, but trust me, it absolutely does happen.

I suffered a sudden aortic dissection (worse than a heart attack) and as I called out for an ambulance, she looked at her phone on the end table…and looked away. Crossed her arms and settled in to watch me die.


No evidence. Crocodile tears, insurance money, new boyfriend, jackpot. These stories don't get reported. Falls, drownings, car crashes, “random" shooting, car jack “slipping"…you get the idea.

My daughter by chance stopped by the house and called an ambulance or I would not be telling you this story. The murderous narcissist would be just another poor widow who tragically lost her husband in a sudden cardiac event. Poor her.

Yes, they are deadly dangerous. Malignant narcissists are now classified as psychopaths by the psychiatric community and for good reason.

I barely escaped. You don't hear the stories of the ones who didn't.

Because they are dead.

Dangerous enough for you? Run for your life while you still can.

A moment of silence now, for those victims who did not escape.

Their stories are not told.

Malignant Narcissists are very dangerous. Malignant Narcissists can be very destructive and abusive, because they seek to dominate others, and enjoy the damage they inflict on their victims.

Interactions with them are likely to be extremely unhealthy, dangerous, and harmful. Their (Jekyll & Hyde) is beyond comprehensible, and these energy vampires are always on the edge. They are a slight existence away from their half siblings the psychopaths.

Most psychologists concluded that the malignant type is the personification of evil.

Malignant narcissists are considered to be associated with sadism, a sadist. They get pleasure from seeing pain in others and by finding joy or amusement in creating chaos, and confusion. Malignant narcissists tend to display some of the worst traits of NPD, and they often have severe dysfunction in their personal relationships.

Experts consider the malignant narcissist to be the most toxic, dangerous, and traumatic of all NPD subtypes. They have a tendency for destruction and will stop at nothing to pursue their own self-interests even if it means traumatically hurting someone. Which explains their lack of empathy that allows them to hurt others, and not feel anything at all.

Malignant Narcissists are extremely dangerous, cold-hearted, and the epitome of evil. Unfortunately, there's no road map to completely understand these troubled souls. They habitually live and exists by hurting and taking advantage of others physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, psychologically, or financially, without an ounce of remorse or accountability. Dangerous is an understatement, evil fits the description best! They should be placed on the world’s most dangerous people list!


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 08:45:54 AM
Can you stop being a narcissist?
Can it be fixed?

A lot of the time when I see questions like this, I want to tell the full truth. I want to tell the people what it takes for a narcissist to get better. Psychotherapy with a trained professional for 5–10 years, etc, etc. I want to tell them there are self aware narcissists. I want to tell them that there is a small sliver of a chance they change for the better.

I’m going to try a new approach though, because I honestly think a white lie is needed here.

No, they can’t.

And when I say that, I acknowledge that I am lying to you. But in reality, I want you to trust my next few sentences with all your heart. The 1% chance the narcissist in your life gets better, is not worth the 25–50% chance of you keeping them in your life to some degree. The 1% chance your narcissist goes to therapy, is not worth the the time or energy you waste on helping someone that is twice as hard to help and twice as likely to not want it.

The 1% chance your narcissist adjusts well to their affliction, is not worth your peace of mind. The 1% chance you help or see them change, is not worth the torment to your health, mind, heart & soul. If you want to hold out hope, do it from a very safe distance of No Contact and put the responsibility 1000% on them to take the steps necessary. At the very least, size-able distance emotionally.

So again, No they can’t.

The first thing that needs to be clarified here is what you mean by narcissist?

There are a lot of people with narcissistic traits, I would hazard a guess that the vast majority of people do to some degree. There are also those who have quite obvious narcissistic traits, but are largely just people that manifest as perhaps a bit self obsessed or manipulative etc. Then there is the small percentage of people who can truly be classified as suffering from narcissistic personality disorder, which is what I will assume you mean.

Seeing as true narcissists suffer from a personality disorder, I wouldn't go as far as to say they can be fixed, as personality disorders aren't known to just disappear; you wouldn't expect someone with borderline personality disorder to just be fixed. It is however entirely possible for the condition to be managed and consequently have it's detrimental effects considerably lessened.

The issue with narcissistic personality disorder sufferers is that by the very nature of the disorder, getting them to admit they need therapy and then indeed getting them through the door to actually access it are extremely difficult.

But in theory, they can be 'fixed’ or managed in much the same way that any other personality disorder can; the issue is convincing them that they need treatment.

This is only my opinion from what I have observed in my profession and personal life over the years.

I hope this helps.

Stop thinking you are better (more intelligent, better looking, more enlightened etc) than everyone else. Or, if you can’t do that, stop responding to people as though you believe you are better than they are. Keep it to yourself.

Listen to people when they talk. Actually pay attention to what they’re saying. Don’t immediately dismiss it as boring or unimportant and switch off - engage with them, try to really get absorbed in their experience of life.

Ask people questions. They exist! They are interesting! Not every conversation has to be all about you!

Stop fantasising about achieving power over others or success. Just accept that you do what you do in the moment and that’s good enough. Enjoy life in the now.

Stop exaggerating your status and achievements. Seriously. Don’t lie about yourself. Just tell people the truth.

Don’t get into relationships with people just because they adore you if you don’t adore them back. Don’t exploit them or use them. Just keep them as friends.

Stop seeing people’s flaws as weaknesses. If people show emotion it isn’t a weakness, if a person isn’t perfect they aren’t weak. They’re human. Show some compassion for them.

Don’t get angry at people and cut them out if they don’t immediately shower you with praise and admiration.

Don’t get annoyed at people who challenge you, and similarly, don’t immediately dismiss their criticism of you as ‘jealousy’. Take a look at what they’ve said about you and try to determine if any of it is even a tiny bit true.


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 09:07:53 AM
Why do narcissists lie all the time?

A narcissist lies that way because most often, the truth makes them look bad. Someone showing traits of narcissism has an extremely difficult time admitting when they’re wrong.

A narcissistic person will go to great lengths to avoid accountability rather than admit fault. They already deep down feel like they are a bad person, so they run from anything negative that confirms it. A person with traits of narcissism will lie and stick with the lie even with evidence to the contrary.

Narcissists are pathological liars. Narcissists lie because they're arrogant; they feel as if they have a right to whatever they want, whenever they want, however they want. They lie to ensure they're able to dominate, manipulate, exploit, and silence people. They lie to maintain their false reality, and they lie because the truth makes them uncomfortable.

Narcissists also experience extreme shame; they feel shame when people find out they have made a mistake. A narcissist doesn't want to look flawed at any cost to avoid being shamed.

The worst thing is that narcissists believe they are telling the truth. Narcissists believe people, including you, are fools who will easily believe them. Narcissists feel it's very easy to outsmart people.

Narcissists just want to see themselves as right and perfect in front of people, so they keep lying.

It becomes second nature to them. It would be easier than having to face reality. This would be especially true if it would be of a negative case where it may have had ruined their image. Simply gaslighting themself out of it or to rephrase the situation to be in a better light would be much easier to do than to have to face the reality of it.

It may seem outlandish to an onlooker, but to the narcissist it would make sense, especially since they have had become so accustomed to lying. This would be especially true if lying would require less effort when upon their part. They then may unintentionally run themself into a corner while insisting otherwise to everyone else whom may notice.

The prior partners and people whom they may have misused would probably notice just how poorly they had become. They would insist otherwise of course or may even flip the situation and to paint themself as the true victim, be it they were the one whom partook in such horrific actions upon other people.

They also may forget what they had lied about too, so their narrative would seem to stop making sense.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 09:36:11 AM
What makes a narcissist
resent you?

A narcissist, certainly in a relationship capacity will do their absolute utmost to try and make their victim dependent on them.

For those prepared to stick around they usually succeed until the great day comes when victim either calls time, or as is more common gets traded in for someone fresh. The worst thing therefore is when these people not only move forward in their lives but make great strides ahead, having finally rid themselves of the shackles that were holding them back in the first place. Nothing worse for a narcissist than to be left behind when an ex appears to be doing so much better without them.

In the workplace those people of level pegging with narcissist who get singled out for promotion ahead of narcissist will reliably have their cards marked for some kind of smear campaign.

Ditto friends or siblings who in contrast to narcissists claims of some residual flaw or another also appear to be making something of their life, which is at odds with everything narcissist expected. [Or hoped more like. ]

In essence anyone who at one time was part of a narcissists inner circle, and appears to be leaving them in their wake will always have their no w ex narcissist seething with resentment. When you have been top dog up to now it can become somewhat galling to come across as now lying in second place.

That plus an innate jealousy which goes all the way back means it should always be them claiming credit an no one else. They always learn the hard way that they are no where near as sought after as thought.

Suggest read chapter ’50 stages to dating a narcissist’ in book entitled:

‘Prepare to be tortured. The price you will pay for dating a narcissist’.

Available amazon books and audio.


Every amazing character trait that makes you, you, will also be a beacon for narcissists.

Why will they resent you? Because you are every single thing in this world that they are not, will not, and can not ever be! Because they lack all of the morals and virtues that you were raised to have and Possessing only weak characters and accompanied with paranoid delusions.

They refuse to acknowledge that you are better than they are. At least outwardly. Their paranoid delusions will keep them convinced of their “superiority.” Yet still resent you.

Narcissists resent you for loving them.

Narcissists do, however, want to know they can make you fall in love with them.

It validates them.

Conquering your love, it is a game they want to win.

But –

the moment they have conquered you, your love and devotion,

the moment you prioritize them over all other things and people in your life,

they have reached their goal.

You are now no longer a challenge, your perceived utility falls, their interest in you wanes.

Feelings of love and compassion.

Narcissists view those who feel love and compassion intensely, as a weakness.

These feelings, are things which can make you vulnerable and susceptible, things which narcissists avoid at all cost. Now that you have shown these weaknesses, your value has also fallen.

Lastly, narcissists feel worthless and unlovable in their core. The fact that anyone, being you here, can love them, just means you yourself are worthless, clearly inferior to them and not worthy of occupying an important part of their life.

The game of love for the narcissist, is a game to validate them initially, and now that they have won you can now resettle into your new role –

being that dreadful object of devaluation.

Any traits which reflect my humanity: connection with others, a sense of right and wrong, spirituality, creativity, enjoying the journey, growing as an individual, standing up for what is right.

Oh, and my self-worth is not determined by what I own, how I look, who I know or what I do for a living.

More than anything, he despises my quest for The Truth.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 10:02:33 AM
Are narcissists really oblivious
to their boundless selfishness?

Narcissists are selfish and even delusional, in the sense that they represent themselves to you as something they are not. Then they actually “live” this fantasy out.

They also don't care about morals, because they don't have any. All morals they proclaim to possess are only in relation to how choices affect them. This makes them supreme hypocrites.

I know there are some hoity-toity "professionals" who have been going around on different Quora accounts and making fun of the writers who said narcissists are delusional. They claim that narcissists aren't delusional.

I often point such scoffers to a well-known Ph.D. on Quora who writes about how narcissists are indeed quite delusional and can also bring you down into Delulu Island with them if you stick around them long enough.

And yet, quite a few non-narcissists actually already reside on Delulu Island, truth be told. We have expectations for people that they aren't capable of, and people represent themselves in the most false of ways, even to the extreme as narcissists do.

We also paint a picture of narcissists as something they are not, even when the red flags come along. I understand that sometimes the red flags aren't obvious, and people not versed in narcissism aren't often aware of them. But as of 2024, narcissistic abuse resources are everywhere now.

Almost everyone by now has heard of narcissism. And so I have hope things will improve.

But I digress.

Yes, narcissists are extremely selfish, and they capitalize on that they can bring out a lower level mode of existence out of their victims or hosts (because narcissists are parasites). At first, they feed you with "love" and endless attention. They give you what you want, and they lovebomb you to oblivion.

This develops an extreme attachment to a narcissist, and soon enough, your fantasties revolve around a happily ever after with them built on the lies of Disney movies and religious conditioning that keep you a slave to “love.” This is how they work both sides of the coin. Soon enough, they take this away and starve you. This is how you become "addicted." And yet, your idealisation gets worse with time. You don’t want to let go of feelings.

Narcissists are the most manipulative and selfish individuals to ever disgrace this planet. But we have to stop idealizing them. If you don't, you run the risk of becoming a bit like them, and not only that, you're worshipping a pile of garbage. Who wants that?

I understand though. It takes supreme willpower and mind over matter to fight this battle. You have to get out of your feelings, and also take control of your thoughts. No idealisation. Break that. I know that biology is also powerful here. Thankfully, some of us don't have as high a sex drive, and with age, that dies down, so that helps.

But for younger victims, this may be a major problem. The sex has blinded you and made you a slave to your feelings and sensations. This is exactly how a narcissist operates as they are also slaves to their sensations.I would recommend getting into a fitness routine or something that takes your mind off of sex. You are in a trauma bond and sexual addiction with the narcissist.

Realise that sex is also 90% mental and physical expression is only a reflection of this. (Sex with narcissists isn't even that good because they are selfish and they cannot connect to you.) I was just reading a post where a woman was going on and on about how "beautiful" the sex was with an ex-narcissist, and I was really stunned because I never experienced this. This is why I said that some victims are living on Delulu Island and need to stop idealising.

The idealising of a narcissist is also 90% of the "attraction" you have for them, I can guarantee this. That's why I said mind over matter. The power of the mind is more powerful than the heart and if you can elevate to a higher level, even our natural makeup or biology. When people say they love from the heart, I would also advise to not trust one's feelings, as mentioned. Love is different than feelings. Love is not the same.

So while we know narcissists are very selfish, abusive, and lack boundaries, it's also important to notice our own boundaries when it comes to how we view them. Wanting to hold onto false illusions and delusions creates a bond with the narcissist that will be more difficult to extricate from, and not only that, the emphasis on "feelings" and sensations creates the risk that we reside on the narcissist's lower level of existence.

We need to rise above their level and use our power of mind over matter, which is something the narcissist can never do because they lack the higher level thinking and morality to do so. Remember, they are boundless, egocentric creatures who thrive on a very base, animalistic level, even the ones who are more "cerebral" aren't as intelligent as they seem, just crafty, egotistical pieces of garbage who are trying to get ahead at your expense.

So while narcissists are oblivious to their own lower level mode of being, we don’t have to live on their Delulu Island. Let’s get back to the land of reality and common sense.

Just a bit of an explanation here. People have been plagiarizing my writing and Quora wants me to prove this after I alerted them. Even though they have access to all of my posts that are dated, I am still waiting for a response. One individual has basically copy-pasted my writing word for word, and isn’t even afraid of being found out. So on every post I am now including a copyright.
Copyright (c) 2024 by Gwen on Quora

:tello: "Thanks Gwen".

Narcissists often exhibit a lack of awareness or concern regarding the impact of their selfish behaviors on others, but whether they are truly oblivious to their boundless selfishness is a complex question.

Here are some factors to consider:

Lack of Empathy: Narcissists typically lack empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. This lack of empathy can make it difficult for them to recognize or acknowledge the emotional consequences of their selfish actions on others. They may be more focused on fulfilling their own needs and desires without considering how it affects those around them.

Grandiosity and Entitlement: Narcissists often have an inflated sense of self-importance and entitlement, believing they are superior to others and deserving of special treatment. This grandiosity can lead them to believe that their needs and desires are more important than those of others, making it easier for them to justify their selfish behaviors without feeling remorse or guilt.

Defense Mechanisms: Narcissists commonly use defense mechanisms such as denial, rationalization, and projection to protect their fragile self-esteem and avoid facing uncomfortable truths about themselves. They may deny or minimize their selfishness, rationalize their behavior as justified, or project their own flaws onto others to avoid taking responsibility for their actions.

Manipulation and Control: Narcissists often use manipulation and control tactics to get what they want from others. They may exploit the vulnerabilities or insecurities of others to manipulate them into fulfilling their needs or desires, without regard for the well-being of those individuals. This manipulation can further reinforce their sense of entitlement and diminish their awareness of their own selfishness.

Cognitive Dissonance: Some narcissists may experience cognitive dissonance, a psychological phenomenon where they hold contradictory beliefs or attitudes. They may simultaneously believe they are special and deserving of admiration while also engaging in selfish behaviors that contradict these beliefs. To resolve this cognitive dissonance, they may distort reality or engage in mental gymnastics to justify their actions and maintain their self-image.

While narcissists may not always be completely oblivious to their selfishness, their underlying psychological traits, defense mechanisms, and cognitive distortions often contribute to a lack of awareness or concern regarding the impact of their behavior on others. It's important to note that narcissism exists on a spectrum, and individuals may vary in their level of self-awareness and capacity for change.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 10:14:21 AM
Do children of narcissists
often avoid becoming
narcissists themselves?

No, children of Narcissists do not know what a Narcissist is. They believe their parents are normal, loving, and always correct. It’s very similar to how grown people fall for the Narcissist’s charm, only that we were kids and they were grownups who should have known better.

Children of Narcissists rarely realize that their parent/s are Narcissists. Instead, they tend to go two ways. One becomes a narcissist because that’s all they learned and know. The other tries very hard to fix themselves because they know that their narcissistic parent is correct about how messed up they are.

The 2nd will eventually wake up one day, and say oh my, I was deceived by the one person that I love the most. She is Mom. Then they wonder how can anyone ever love a monster like me, when my own mother couldn’t love me? Is it that perhaps I’m worse than her? Therapy helps a lot, but these questions linger.

You doubt your therapist a lot and wonder why are they even trying to be nice to you… I mean, I am the daughter of a Narcissist… The most vile creature of all. The one who pits her own children against each other and laughs. I thought all mothers did this…

Can you really trust the daughter of a Narcissist? I came from her. She taught me her ways. I’m I not just like her? My therapist will kindly reassure me that I’m nothing like my mother. He will point out how I love my children and always want what’s best for them. He will say how my husband adores me because I’m a good person.

But - I’m I really? Is that even possible? He is a good man, but I’m a damaged woman. I’m broken and no matter how hard I try to be the very best I can be, my past comes to hunt me.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 10:41:02 AM


2 hours ago
Their secret lives are another way they keep you off kilter. You catch them lying about where they’ve been and then you go down a rabbit hole of wondering WHAT ELSE they’ve been lying about and soon you’re questioning EVERYTHING they say and do and it makes you feel like you’re losing your mind. Then if you QUESTION where they’re going, what they’re doing, and who they’re doing it with, they tell you you’re paranoid or you’re crazy (which, in your mind, VALIDATES your fear that you’re losing your mind). It’s psychological torture and VERY cruel.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 11:44:00 AM

Hello all! Safeguarding your luminous energy is vital; it's precious, yet there are those who may seek to fade it. Let's unite to keep our radiance shining bright!

Our hearts are filled with gratitude towards Jesus, as our unwavering faith in Him guides us to illuminate our paths with our brightest lights

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 12:24:55 PM
:tello: "Come on now! I have been doing this for you...

482 Replies

Now do this for me!"
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 01:01:12 PM
"Hey! This is about us !!!"

7 Types of People a Narcissist
Deeply Hates

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 29, 2024, 01:30:30 PM
Topics That Sigma Males
Avoid Complaining About,
Unlike Everyone Else


:motorbikeride: "It's about the Destination AND the Ride".
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 30, 2024, 06:00:43 AM
Why does the narcissist view
you as the enemy when you
truly loved them?

Because it was never about you, including the so called “love” you had/have for them. They are not after your love. They are after dominance of control, power, goods, services, emotional and mental over lord kinda sh!t.

As Tina Turner once sang.. “What’s love got to do with it?” - she was right. Absolutely bloody zilch, nada and zero when you are in an entanglement with a narcissist.

You have to be the enemy, the baddie, the villain.... for if you are not, they are not “good” - for them to regulate their inner bs, you have to be bad. There is no room for two hero’s in a narcissists nightmare fairy tale.

You will turn yourself inside and out again trying to “love” that narcissist to see sense. The only thing you are doing is future proofing how much of the “enemy” you truly are.

I know, I know, its nuts isn’t it? Some would say insanity at it’s best and those folks would be right.

Most importantly, narcissists don't know the meaning of love. Getting unlimited narcissistic supply from you is love for narcissists. If you don't give them narcissistic supplies, then the narcissist feels you don't love them. There is nothing from the narcissist side; they will only put in effort during the love bombing phase.

Once the love bombing phase is over, narcissists start getting bored of you; they can't accept your flaws because they want you to be a perfect person. Narcissists don't want to hear about your problems because they don't have empathy or remorse.

Once they get bored of you, they will start treating you badly for more narcissistic supply to feel powerful. Narcissists don't want to take any responsibility or accountability for what they are doing in relationships.

Narcissists will make you an enemy by acting like a victim to escape accountability and responsibility. For narcissists, it's your job to please them without complaining. If you don't please narcissists, then you are the most horrible person in this world.

Because you were unwilling to tolerate their abusive mannerisms and could even manage to live on without them. In their bizarre mind they are unable to fathom the thought that anyone could ever manage to keep on going and especially when thriving without them. You managed to shine and to keep shining and to even outshine them even when they had tried to burn you out and to tarnish that flame and means of life.

They wanted a fan that couldn't function without them and whom would be dependent upon them and who also would tolerate their abusive actions. They also wanted someone whom would be fine in neglecting their own well being as they would continue to ruin them since they would be aware that they are not that say normal and can't appreciate and love people alike how a healthier person would.

Misery loves company afterall and they would utilize that to no end making life extremely miserable for whomever would be fine in tolerating their presence and less pleasant and more abusive mannerisms and actions.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 30, 2024, 06:03:58 AM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 30, 2024, 06:22:11 AM
Does a narcissist really
think you're stupid?

Absolutely yes. Narcissists are extremely manipulative and cunning; they will deceive you and then make you look stupid. Narcissists are liars, so they will challenge your knowledge, experience, and information with the help of lies and deception to put you down, and then they will call you stupid or a fool.

Narcissists believe they are smarter than you, so you deserve to be fooled; it's not their fault if you get tricked by them. Narcissists regulate their self-esteem by putting themselves up in front of everyone. For narcissists, their partners and people are stupid for easily believing their lies and deceptions. Narcissists call themselves smart by taking advantage of everyone's trust and kindness.

Narcissists only want to prove themselves correct to show they are smart and you are stupid.

No…or they wouldn't deal with you they just know that they can get over on you and they think that they are smarter than you because we have developed a trauma bond which keeps us glued to them even after their abuse but they definitely do not think that we are stupid…or they never would have ”picked” us to begin with…


I’ve had the misfortune to be closely related to 2 narcissists, and I worked with one as well. That’s 3 too many.

Do they think you’re stupid?

Yes they do.

Narcissists often project their own insecurities onto others, so if they call you stupid, it's more a reflection of their own mindset rather than an accurate assessment of you. They use such language to manipulate and control rather than to reflect reality.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 30, 2024, 06:38:59 AM
What is in the day
of a covert narcissist?

I suspect it’s something like this:

Get up, feel victimised and make up a narrative about who is to blame for this.

Travel to work feeling envious and bitter about other people’s cars or prime seat on the bus or train. Make up a paranoid narrative about how people have conspired to deny you happiness or success.

Breezily greet co-workers with feigned interest and faked compliments. Resent having to pretend to be nice to worthless idiots who don’t deserve what they have.

Complain long and hard about how difficult your life and job are in the hopes of guilting someone into taking some work off your hands.

Rub shoulders with management. Give a great impression of your own excellence (despite trying circumstances of being surrounded by incompetence), and loyalty, while disparaging whoever you consider your biggest rival.

Virtue signal.

Judge and criticize your scapegoat- preferably in front of enablers and flying monkeys.


Sabotage someone else’s work, then call them paranoid.

Intentionally ignore someone or dismiss/diminish whatever they said. Sigh at them and turn/walk away if they try harder to be heard.

Provoke someone until they react, then give them the silent treatment. Be extra cheerful and chummy with the next person who walks through the door to make the provoked person feel confused.

Wait until a co-worker completes something, then tell them the vital information that you were supposed to tell them at the outset, and watch, smirking, as they have to start over. Try to make them feel stupid for not knowing the thing that you deliberately withheld (or gaslight them that you did tell them).

Shirk responsibility, blame someone else, make a promise you don’t intend to keep.

Take credit for someone else’s work or idea. Call them petty if they point out that it was their idea/work.

Talk up what a busy day you’ve had. Try to make the other person feel unproductive by comparison.

Stay late at work to claim overtime that you didn’t earn, give the impression of a good work ethic, and the need for a re-evaluation of your (excessive) workload.

Travel home feeling envious and bitter about other people’s cars or prime seat on the bus or train. Make up a paranoid narrative about how people have conspired to deny you the happiness or success that you deserve.

Go to bed feeling bitter and victimised. Fantasise about omnipotence or publicly humiliating/punishing whoever you blame for making your life like this.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 30, 2024, 10:41:53 AM
How can a person
communicate effectively
with a narcissist?

Here are six rules for effective communication with a narcissist:

1. Use their name.

When speaking with a narcissist, be sure to use their name. It's polite, shows respect and empathy—things the narcissist knows little about. It also demonstrates emotional intelligence, something the narcissist lacks. Using their name throws them off and shows you're not intimidated by them.

2. Keep it to the main point.

When engaging with a narcissist, define and agree on the purpose of the conversation. Keep the conversation on track, as narcissists tend to lead discussions into circular, mind-bending, and unproductive paths. Don't let them drive you crazy with word salad and circular talks.

3. Have authentic curiosity.

Approach the conversation with authentic curiosity and compassion. While the narcissist may not reciprocate, bringing this positive tone can set the stage for a better interaction.

4. Ask them what they think.

Begin the conversation by asking the narcissist for their thoughts. Avoid assuming what they think and give them the space to express themselves. This attention and validation can make the conversation more positive.

5. Healthy limits and boundaries.

When dealing with a destructive narcissist, manage the conversation by setting healthy limits and boundaries. Stick to the main topic and enforce limits, showing you won't tolerate abusive behavior.

6. Ask them, how did you arrive at this conclusion?

Have authentic curiosity about their conclusions. It's fair to ask for specifics and how they arrived at their opinions. This helps you gather information to make decisions for yourself.

In my experience, with absolute silence.

If this narcissist is just a friend or partner (no marriage or children). Then complete and utter silence. Let them do all the talking and see how quickly their lies and manipulation become Chrystal clear to you. Do what you need to do to get this individual out of your life, but do it with the mute button on.

Now if this person is a blood relative or co parent this may be slightly more tricky. Remember every form of communication from you will be twisted and used against you for future attacks. So it’s incredibly important to use as little communication as possible. Keep a physical record of any conversations as proof as these shites will gaslight the hell out of you, if they spy the smallest vulnerablity.

Ideally a lawyer if things become ridiculous, expensive but it takes the pressure off, and helps you mentally deal with this person on an professional manner. Emotions are your enemy and a narcissists fuel. So you must blank off whenever you have to deal with their stress.

SILENCE is the only clear communication they’ll actually understand, it’s louder than any word or emotion you can use. Words and emotions are fuel to a narcissist. Silence is turning their emptiness back onto them, it’s the only healthy way to defeat them.

Waste no more time, compassion or empathy on them. Save your heart for people who really know and love you. Pity the narcissist and anyone still having to deal with them.

Hmmmmmmm………let’s see.

~they say it, you believe it, even if you know it’s a lie.

~that person, you know, they say is just a friend? believe that too, while she’s off felafeling him.

~ wait. What? You have a feeling you want to address, nope. Don’t do that either. Keep your damn feelings to yourself.

~ their overall disrespect is painful? Yep, you guessed it. Suck it up butter cup. You asked how to communicate with one right?

~ take their hand and lead. into the delusional bliss you are now a part of. Don’t question anything about them, that’s not proper communication.

~ you know it, they are the best damn “fill in the blank” that you know, and you best not question them. Whatever ego trip they’re on this week, run with it.

~ if it’s a covert, and they are low. Forget your needs and wants. Be there for them, be there to tell them the lies they need to hear while you grit your teeth as you mutter the horrible validation. Something they will rarely give you.

One last thing, you don’t communicate with one, you just exist. Sit, be quiet, no feelings, nothing. Sit and keep your flocking mouth shut.

When dealing with Cluster B, it's what you don't say that counts.

All of Cluster B are hyper-alert, hypersensitive, hyper-aware.

You probably noticed the way I didn't hyphenate “hypersensitive", and it bugged you — yes I know. And if it didn't then, it does now.

Cluster B pick up on silence, body language, facial expression. Being master manipulators, they can crunch an incredible amount of information at once — they read deeply into tiny cues.

They are akin to animals in this way, their brains are simpler, streamlined, focussed on the hunt, in this case on their endless hunt for supply.

Power for the psychopath

Status for the narcissist

Affection for the borderline

It is as though they have jettisoned the other parts of their brains in order to more easily acquire what it is they're after. By saying too much, you give away your position, and you allow them to more easily extort power, status or affection from you.

Try it for yourself.

Try saying less — notice how they will become uneasy, and speak more in order to prompt you into speaking, so that they know exactly where you are.

Try speaking with your body language — see what happens as you turn your body away, as you look as though you might be about to leave.

Use your facial expressions to answer a question, before you start talking.

Say less, watch more, move more.

You should never be fully present around a narcissist. Part of you, should always be somewhere else.

When you must communicate with a narcissist, make sure you have multiple things going on in your mind and the narcissist is just one of them.

You want to come across a bit distracted, aloof… like you want to help and be polite to the narcissist, but you just got a lot on your mind so you struggle to give them your undivided attention.

If you keep your mind full, you are not even faking it. You really do have a lot on your mind, the narcissist just being one of them. And they are not priority neither.

If the narcissist cannot get your full undivided attention, if they cannot get a grip on your energy, then they will struggle to give you a whirl.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 30, 2024, 11:08:07 AM
Do narcissists ever try to


That is their goal.

Narcissists want you DEAD.

They want you DESTROYED.

And they want to be responsible for your death (and don’t want anyone to know they were responsible).

They enjoy watching you slowly die inside from the various health ailments their abuse causes that will completely vanish if you leave them.

They enjoy you getting sick to the point that you no longer want to live.

They enjoy every minute of it.

And when you’re dead, they love the attention from people they receive over your dead body.

This is who they are, this is who you are dealing with, and this is how serious this can end up if you don’t get out of the relationship.


Most narcs try to kill their mates in the most cunning way. They do it slowly and cunningly. But I think in extreme cases they are capable of murder. I never understood why my ex in-laws locked their bedroom when they went to sleep. I guess they knew what their daughter was capable of.

I don't think that narcissists are out to kill you, but if they can drive you to take your own life or think they played a part in your decision to do so they will secretly be celebrating while trying to use their connection to you in order to get pity points from others.

I believe they could, they are evil..My ex narc used to say “I will choke you out“.
I knew then it was time to leave, but next day he acted so nice.

They are pathetic!

I can answer this question in a several ways. My ex narcissist was very abusive physically and on many occasions would hit me so hard on my head that my hearing would go. I blacked out once when he wanted his ring back and I didn't want to give it back. He pushed me against a wall and chocked me so I passed out.

I pressed charges against him. He got probation and spent a week in jail. Of course, this happened along time ago the laws were not that strict. I want to say that I struggled so much with depression and suicidal thoughts. I was very empty inside. He made me feel like nothing. I wasn't important, I wasn't smart enough, beautiful enough. I was never enough.

In my 32 years of suffering with his narcissism I tried to take my life. Your life is so dismal that anything is better. He made me feel like I was a dead woman walking. I thank the Lord he is no longer in my life. I know that God was with me and that it wasn't me who was causing all that I was feeling. It's been 7 years since he left.

I'm so happy now.

I occupy my time with work and family. I love myself and I hope that one day I can meet someone who deserves me. I know if I would have stayed with him I would have taken my life. So to answer your question yes a narcissist can kill you.

Yes, be prepared and on alert.

Never turn your back on these lowlife sneaks. He tried to suffocate me first, been proven guilty thanks to his Irma Grese of a stepmother. Then he tried to strangle me twice. The first time was horrible but the second time he nearly succeeded. My dog bit him he turned around and nearly strangled her because she bit him trying to protect me. My cats were abused. So I'm telling you if your in a relationship with a narc, get the FARK OUT OF there. It's dangerous. Very dangerous.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 30, 2024, 05:10:14 PM
The narcissist and the
shame-rage spiral


3 years ago
Me to the narc: "Please don't scream at me"

The narc to me: "I'm NOT SCREAMING...YOU ARE!!!!!!"
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 30, 2024, 05:26:34 PM
that a PERSON IS VERY....


2 months ago
As a lonely man, I rather be lonely than have any friends.  Most were trash.  Many discouraged me to achieve my goals.  Some got jealous and always tried to out do me.  Some took advantage of me. No one cared about me and cared more about themselves. I had enough of people.  I rather be alone.
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on April 30, 2024, 05:52:57 PM
You will never be angry
again after listening to this
stoic quotes about anger
remedy | STOICISM

In this video, we explore the power of stoicism to control and transform anger into something positive. Through carefully selected Stoic quotes and teachings, we reveal practical methods and thoughts that will help you maintain calm and composure in challenging situations. If anger has been an obstacle in your life, get ready for a profound change.


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on May 01, 2024, 04:00:23 AM
What is something a narcissist
won't see coming?

I think there are three essential things that a narcissist won’t see coming but that can help you so incredibly. Whether they’re narcissistic or just selfish or passive aggressive people, it applies equally I’d say.

1-No more anger: Narcissistic and passive aggressive people tend to thrive on your anger, so STOP giving it to them. Passive aggressive people actually WANT you to get angry because it’s a displacement of their own anger. So do yourself a favor and stop taking the bait.

I put a little paper up on my mirror that says “don’t take the bait” and it’s a GOOD reminder. Life is filled with little things and big things alike to make you angry, to get you to react, to make you lose it. Don’t let the baiters win, don’t give them what they need and want because it only hurts you. It hurts you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. So #1 is NO MORE ANGER.

2-Forgiveness: I think deep down a narcissist or passive aggressive knows they’re not treating you well, despite the level of denial and delusion, and since they also tend to thrive on your anger, the last thing they expect and perhaps care to have, is your forgiveness.

But here’s the thing, when you forgive them it just sets YOU free, makes YOU more whole, and brings YOU health. For them, they don’t expect it, and they might not care to have it for a long long time, but it matters, and they’ll never expect it.

3-Healthy Boundaries: When you’ve found the answers to less anger and forgiveness, this one comes naturally. And one thing a narcissist or passive aggressive will never expect (and will never like) is you establishing healthy boundaries. When you learn to deal with your anger and you learn to forgive you inherently grow as a person and you start to realize your fundamental value, and when you understand your value you realize that you don’t need to allow people to treat you horribly.

You establish basic healthy boundaries, and this takes all of a narcissist’s power away if you can keep those boundaries up. It’s not about building walls to shut out the world or other people, it’s just about recognizing that there’s a line you will no longer allow people to cross in their treatment of you. It also doesn’t require aggression or a mean spirited nature on your part, but simply a calm resolve to protect your sanity, physical health, spirituality, and so on.

I saw when I started taking control of these things in my life, it took control away from the narcissistic and passive aggressive people. It put them on confusing ground while I grew to understand more about myself that I really needed to know.

I think sometimes we deal with these people so long that we get into the mindset that they’re the problems in our lives, but would those problems exist if we didn’t have our own problems which allowed us time and again to accept their horrible behavior? The only one I can change is me, so I might as well give up the ghost of changing him or her, getting revenge on them, making some big poignant statement or point, because those things really don’t work. What works is helping myself, caring about myself, and THAT will always shock a narcissist, because they expect you to always and only care about them.

They are brilliant strategists and so whenever their victims discover their evil games, this is not something that they will take lightly.

I think that they are highly intuitive and so when their victim suddenly becomes indifferent, they will realize that the game is over.

And they have to face failure……….. their strategy failed.

May all victims of narcissism face the truth and stop trying to excuse abusive behavior. Abuse gets worse and never better.

Their host/target catching on to their lies and initiating effective counter measures against them. For a narcissist it’s all about control. Narcissists see themselves as mentally superior to their target, but in truth they rely heavily on their target’s response.

My ex wife would take my patient and understanding nature as a weakness, push boundaries,and take liberties. I caught on to this and stopped telling her things.she had to resort to spying on me and eavesdrop on my phone conversations. Knowing this, I used more profanity when referring to her, knowing she was listening. She was pissed but couldn’t say anything without revealing how she got her info.

I got a storage room and another apartment without her knowledge, and moved much of my property out with her unawares. She had some idea something was going on and tried to say the spirit of God told her something was wrong. I revealed nothing as she told me she was insecure and didn’t want us to break up. She said she realized that she took me for granted. I said nothing.

She tried guilt, fake tears, stories of impending doom “our marriage is on life support”. It didn’t matter. I was done. I packed up the rest of my stuff while she sat in the room staring at the wall wondering why she couldn’t trick me and had no idea where I worked or where I was going. Her best efforts failed. She had nothing left.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on May 01, 2024, 04:35:05 AM
Can a quiet narcissist be

Not only can quiet, covert narcissists be dangerous, based on personal experience they most definitely are.

And when covert turn malignant, like my NEX wife certainly did, they are toxically vicious and will try to exterminate your presence from anywhere. Metaphorically and physically, if they get their own way.

Full blown erasure was the name of this covert game.

Wherever they may actually emerge from, you are put on a “Highway to Hell".

If you want to find out how low a covert Narc can go, let me assure you they could “Take my breath away".

Still having escaped, now I'm no longer a “Beast of Burden" can start to feel again the soothing “Wind beneath my Wings".


One thing to understand about covert narcissists is that their ‘games’ are a shade more subtle. They are ALWAYS in competition with someone - even if they’ve only met the person seconds before - and they are always looking to be the boss in any situation.

I was watching my NEX deal with people and discovered that the moment he found or ‘discovered’ someone he thought he could control, he would step into their path. And he would brush it off as, ‘Ooops, sorry. Didn’t mean to block your way.’ But it was deliberate and calculated. It’s a small 2-second event which makes the person focus on him. And since they have to wait for him to move so they can continue on . . . he wins. Hundreds of these a week. The only person playing the game is him.

The other thing he will do is walk up to women in the store and start talking to them. He’s very charming and charismatic. But he will keep talking until they walk away. And, if they’re not pissed at him, he will follow them around the store. He can pull off old fat White-man very well.

He means no harm. He’s just lonely. They don’t know his past history. They don’t know his tendencies. It irritates them, sure, but to date nobody has called store security on him. When, really, they should have in the first 2 minutes and the first time he followed them around the store. In any case, any time he can control that portion of their day (by keeping their attention on him) that’s a win.

The problem with both these scenarios is that small win is not enough for him. It escalates. Usually where nobody else can see it. But it escalates. If he can get their name - and dear God how often women give their names out! - he looks them up on FB and IG and elsewhere. He does everything up to the point it’s not legal (that I know). And that’s only the stuff I have seen him do.

Just because you’re not seeing all the narcissist is doing does not mean you know all they have done. Far from it. The trouble with covert narcissists is they are very Very VERY good at convincing people around them they are harmless. Very good.


Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on May 01, 2024, 07:07:14 AM

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on May 01, 2024, 07:22:14 AM
Mass Narcissism: How Society is Collapsing


Trace Face-It
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on May 01, 2024, 07:56:17 AM
:tello: "Some things merit repeating..."

The Times of Betrayal
& Disloyalty:
Narcissists on the Rise

"...People will be lovers of Self .... without natural affection....."

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on May 01, 2024, 08:07:50 AM
"Is anybody listening to me?

Paying attention here?

Show me. I sense failure coming on...."

:smee!: Trust me, it isn't about beer money.....

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on May 01, 2024, 08:11:36 AM

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on May 01, 2024, 08:14:49 AM
:tello: "I'm not giving up. I'm taking a break."
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on May 01, 2024, 08:18:25 AM

:cycle:  3816 Views
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on May 10, 2024, 04:17:10 PM
The BIG Letter

Narcissistic Domestic Partner / Landlord Retaliatory Eviction / Felony / Torts Case

Thu, May 9 at 11:06 PM

Inland Fair Housing and Mediation Board
1500 South Haven Ave. Suite 100 | Ontario, CA 91761
Phone: 800-321-0911 | Fax: 909-460-0274


I am Ronald Culley, aka Ron Tello.

I believe I have contacted you before this year and received no satisfaction.
I have recently contacted Adult Protective Services (APS), who has given me your number. I have been going around in circles for several months trying to secure Legal Aid and now I am trying you again.

My ex-girlfriend is the landlord where I live in Big Bear. She is a Narcissist*, actively trying to evict me as a tenant. I am NOT a tenant.


I am disabled, unemployed, indigent, have no resources, forsaken and nowhere to go. (APS has set out to deal with SSI for I have been denied it in recent years.) My Bank shut me down from overdrafts (account will be closed 5/18 if I don't pay $198)

I HAVE NO MONEY, I am existing merely on Food Stamps, recyclables and the Good Graces of Others....I made a few bucks from fundraising on various YouTube talk show appearances.

In 2015 I was invited and physically brought here from a state of homelessness as it was the result of a corrupt Court System in Elko County, Nevada **. I declare myself a Political Refugee. Now, the Refuge is being compromised.

She is again abusing the law to have her way, i.e. she has done this a dozen times over the past 8 1/2 years (Pattern of Abuse). This is a Retaliatory Eviction because I refused to play her Narc games and endure her continuing abuses. She will not respect my Boundaries and insults my Humanity and Intelligence. At no time have I committed any legal/obligatory offenses.

She has NO Legal Grounds; she claims she is the Victim, as is standard behavior with all narcissists.This is pure irrational emotionalism.
In the alternative, emotional irrationality. Mental instability. Detachment from reality. Insane.

Since late last year she has been living in her RV in Ventura with another man ("New Supply") All has been well until now; repeat attempts and lies to remove me without empathy or remorse.

In the lexicon of Narcissistic Abuse, this is called "Narcissistic Discard" ***

In January this year she issued to me a harassing 30-day notice and threatened a 90-day. To date, no follow through. This I declare is Wilful Infliction of Emotional Distress, Judicial Abuse and Malice Aforethought.

Also, she issued a "Proposal", whereas, I can accept the 30-day and play that game, or I could accept her offer of $3,000 to pay my taxes for my Nevada (distressed, uninhabitable) Property and move out in 30 days.

Absolutely humanly impossible in this current unaffordable housing-shortage market. Without sustainable income, this is clearly NOT a rational offer. I went with the Eviction Process.

Banks refused me a Home Equity loan due to no credit history.
Family denies me and friends are poor and few. I'm holding out for hope on one man in Montello, Nevada, the location of my House.
It's always 50/50 in my life.

The 30-day Notice did not have a Proof of Service page, and I found out it was NOT filed with the Court. This is FRAUDULENT! An abuse of the Legal Process. Also, the issuing Law Office is culpable of malfeasance.

I am claiming Breach of Duty of Care, Breach of Trust, Breach of Covenant and Elderly Abuse. She deliberately denied me a regular stipend of money and heating fuel, plus, out of spite, she took away her unused blanket from my bed, claiming I was getting it dirty. (Oh but it stays clean on her bed, 3 feet away from mine. Sure.) 

I continue to live up to my end of our agreement: Chores in lieu of cash rent. I was never obligated to pay cash rent or utilities.

This action by the Landlord/Ex is violence, threatening my health and well being. A Quality of Life Offense. It is a HATE CRIME. I need to defend myself from this monstrous hostility and deprivation.

She has maliciously denied me all means of support and verbally stated she wants to see me homeless. I have it on audio tape and she knows it. She actually thanked me for recording her, thinking it would play-out in her favor. In reality, it's probative evidence against her.

As a Narcissist, she wants me to suffer. Mission accomplished.

I seek Mediation and Recompense; a Civil Suit settled out of Court.

All I need is for someone in Authority to encourage her to pay up or suffer the consequences of Felony Adult Abuse and Torts 1 thru 100 Lawsuit.

Please, will you help me?

Thank you.

-Ron Tello Culley
XXXX San Bernardino Ave.
PO Box 5602
Sugarloaf, CA 92386

* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissism

** http://www.ozroundtable.com/index.php?topic=7992.msg669609#msg669609

*** https://www.quora.com/What-is-a-narcissists-discard



Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on May 14, 2024, 04:15:59 AM
The "Proposal"

From: Sherry Kopack
To: m86thecat@yahoo.com
Sent: Monday, January 15, 2024 at 10:15:10 PM PST
Subject: Options/eviction

Attention, Ronald Culley.
When I saw you on the 6th of January, 2024, you had received an eviction notice, which will be carried out if you don't accept my offer by the 30th of January, 2024.

I had offered to pay your moving expenses, and to also pay your property taxes. I'm letting you know that the total cost of the moving expenses and the cost of your property taxes will NOT exceed $3,000.00...I will pay you what ever is left  after the move is completed, which will be done  by February 6th, 2024. We can both sign an agreement to this offer.

Keep in mind, that by accepting this offer, your move must be completed by February 6th, 2024. This offer will be void on midnight, January 30th, 2024, and the money that would have gone to help you will go to an unlawful detainer, instead.

To be  delivered to
XXXX San Bernardino Ave.
Sugarloaf, Ca. -92386-

Sherry Kopack
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on May 16, 2024, 04:28:06 AM

Wed, May 15 at 11:24 AM


Your office called me yesterday and I was not able to speak.
The lady said she would call back on Thursday.

I must add to my case notes the following:

My narcissistic landlord was here removing her possessions from the room which I occupy.

I laid low, no contact for the duration of her (and new guy) visit.

When no one was in the area, she entered my room and verbally assaulted me. Yelling. Accusing and abusing me, claiming I am no good, have not done my work here, etc. (Details in my notes)

The most chilling thing of all is: I yelled back "You are violating my Tenant Rights!"

Her exact response "YOU DON'T HAVE RIGHTS".

Also, she has removed my possessions from the room, a clear violation of everything.

The tension and level of violence has now escalated.
She has laid hands on me before.
Know this: Narcissists are volatile, unstable characters.
I predicted, and posted on social media that a confrontation would ensue. I was correct.

I now claim that she is willing and capable of taking her unfounded angst towards me to new levels of criminality.

Please enter this info into my Case File, and I look forward to hearing from your office tomorrow.

Thank you.

-Ron Tello Culley
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on May 16, 2024, 05:55:23 AM
What happens when you show
no emotions towards a narcissist?

They get confused.

They keep trying to make you upset.

They do something sneaky without you knowing, like lying, cheating, or stealing.

They might try to start a fight over something small or blame you for things to get a reaction.

They talk to other people who support them and say bad things about you.

Then, they start treating you badly, making you feel unimportant and confused.

They spend more time on social media, looking for attention.

When they find someone new who doesn't know them well but likes them, they keep trying to impress them.

Meanwhile, they treat you worse, showing less care and being mean.

You might decide to leave, or they might decide to end things with you.

The story is over until the narcissist gets bored. Then, they might try to come back (hoovering).

You can choose to stop talking to them completely, or the narcissist might start the same cycle again. This can happen over and over until you decide to cut off contact for real.
You might feel sad about the time you wasted and that someone tricked you. It's good to talk to someone for advice on why this happened and how to avoid it in the future.

Finally, because you are smart, you move on. Later, you might look back and laugh, realizing you can't believe you fell for someone like them.

Don't forget this, no matter how long it takes to feel better, find support, and you will get through it!

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on May 16, 2024, 05:08:30 PM
What do narcissists feel inside?

They feel :

Powerful in a relationship, they need to be seen as the dominant force. If you challenge them in any way, you’ve irreversibly harmed their pride and are likely on the road to being discarded.

More Important than you . They can’t be with someone who makes them feel inferior or take the spotlight away.

Noticed from their perspective, it always feels like the world isn’t recognizing their amazing talent . They think they're God’s gift to mankind.

Need to be worshiped . They need that partner to express their love to the fullest whenever they’re around, and especially when anyone else is around. Narcissists want others to see that their partner worships the ground they walk on.

They feel like you’re in control, at every moment. It’s that ego fragility that makes narcissists so dangerous to be around; they can snap at any moment when they feel threatened.

A narcissist wants you to fill in all the little cracks in their ego.

They want you to recognize all of their good qualities and ignore the unsavory ones.

They want you to make them look better whenever you’re together.

They want you to get out of the way when they are BORED with you and they go looking for a NEW SOURCE OF SUPPLY !

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on May 16, 2024, 06:03:57 PM
Why does a narcissist always try to defend his lies?


The narcissist has literally nothing else to offer you.


Upon those lies you build hope.

And there you have your narcissistic relationship.

Lies and futile hope.

There's nothing else in the stars for you.

Not as long as you entertain this narcissist.

The narcissist always defends his lies so you can always keep on hoping.

Hoping that you're wrong.

Hoping that he will understand.

Hoping that he will change.

Until one day you'll realize that you’ve been giving your all, for absolutely nothing in return.

Nothing but lies.

Some people wasted 6 months doing that.

Some wasted 45 years.

It all depends on your level of delusion.

Good luck.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on May 16, 2024, 06:16:46 PM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on May 16, 2024, 06:37:03 PM
Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on May 17, 2024, 02:57:03 AM
What does a narcissist
do when you told them you
know they are lying to you?

Deny it.

Lie about the lie.

Gaslight you to make you think you're going insane.

Blame shift.

Belittle you.

Demean you.


Change the subject.

Leave the room and come back like it never happened.

Any tactic possible to avoid taking full accountability.

A true narcissist will never accept accountability for their actions.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on May 17, 2024, 03:09:34 AM
Here's how narcissists lie
and get away when
they are caught

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on May 17, 2024, 04:54:28 AM

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on May 17, 2024, 05:18:19 PM
What does a narcissist do when they
know that their partner has
figured them out?

Omgeeee…. This is not a gud thing for them. It makes them angry and powerless. They realise they are no longer in control and because of this they will try to end the relationship.. not because they want to but because the realise u are not feeding their ego anymore.

My husband told me he doesn't want a wife who question anything he does. I should say ok to whatever and there will always be peace 😆.

He now realizes how strong willed I am and doesn't depend on him for anything. He doesn't like that either. He wants me to wrk one job even though he ain't giving me sh!t and I stood up to him and let him know that this is not his decision to make until he can at least try to assist in supporting me financially. Until then stfu.

Right now he wants me out. But I ain't going nowhere until am ready. Screw him.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on May 23, 2024, 04:28:18 AM
Why does everyone say you can't win against a narcissist?

You can't win against a narcissist, because they don't care, and you do –

It's a rigged playing field.

People who try to “win” against the narcissist, usually do so by trying to attain some form of moral high-ground, demonstrating to the narcissist all that is wrong with them, how bad they have been, etc.

Might as well be reading the narcissist a bedtime story, because while you are trying to show them the wrong of their ways, they are just awe-struck by how boring you have become now wishing you leave them for good and don't return.

You only “win” against the narcissist, by reaching that point of equally not-caring, and most people don't have it in them to reach that point. (After all, narcissists are humans too with at least some potential for good, or at least that is what many insist on believing…)

The point where you realize the narcissist's abuse against you, in a way, was your own allowing. Now your boundaries are stronger, and you no longer entertain these human pests, you have seen the light.

No hard feelings, it all served a purpose – you now have a new world, which they shall never partake in!

And, of course, you must withdraw yourself and engage in these things more interesting than them, where you no longer think, obsess, ruminate over them.

Because even if you do “move on” and do other things, if they continue to live in your mind rent-free, you feel their energy, it just shows they are the best, most interesting thing, you still have in your life. And you don't even have them!!

So where does that leave you?

Right where the narcissist wants you.

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on May 25, 2024, 07:09:34 AM
Why Narcissists Can't Maintain Relationships
and Instead Destroy Them

Title: Re: Tales From The Narc Side
Post by: tellomon on May 25, 2024, 07:19:08 AM

When there is, no one left to blame. One of the abusive techniques the narcissist uses is blame shifting they want to blame their partner blame their children blame their situations blame other people. This is shallow and hollow on the behalf of the narcissist, but this is how they exist. The narcissist cannot accept responsibility for any of their poor behavior rather they blame other people and they say things like if you didn’t do this I wouldn’t have done that etc.

The narcissist is stuck in their tiny little brain. They believe the world revolves around them, but they don’t realize eventually there will be no one left to blame, and the narcissist will have to come to terms with all of the relationships that they’ve blown up. Continue on the path moving forward every day. Namaste.
