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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #450 on: April 28, 2024, 10:00:08 AM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #451 on: April 28, 2024, 10:12:33 AM »
A Narcissist’s Gaslighting
Is Fueled By Paranoia

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #452 on: April 28, 2024, 10:48:14 AM »
It's Coming! Chosen Ones and Starseeds, Signs You Are Leaving Soon

In this captivating exploration, join us as we uncover the profound journey of the chosen ones and starseeds, and delve into the signs indicating your imminent departure from the mundane.

With each passing moment, the resonance of the cosmos grows stronger within you, beckoning you towards your destined path. Discover the signs of your awakening, from a deep sense of inner knowing to heightened sensitivity to energy and vibration.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #453 on: April 28, 2024, 11:54:21 AM »
:tello: "The first to fail and deny me is the church.
Never again!"

Why People CANNOT Reciprocate with
Chosen Ones

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #454 on: April 28, 2024, 01:59:31 PM »
Why Chosen Ones are alone
No friends & No relationship

1 month ago
People Think We Are Loners ... But The TRUTH is .... We Are Never Alone.

“The more I get to know people the more I like my dog.” 
-Mark Twain
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #455 on: April 28, 2024, 02:07:38 PM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #456 on: April 28, 2024, 02:30:09 PM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #457 on: April 29, 2024, 01:48:14 AM »
When a Narcissist is Afraid
of Your Presence,
This is What They Will Do

Narcissists try to hide their egotism and envy by acting like they are sorry and want to succeed. There is no doubt that they will reach their goals. They are only interested in making money. And it makes them very happy to spend money on things that make them look better and get people's attention.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #458 on: April 29, 2024, 02:10:41 AM »
Don't UNDERESTIMATE the Chosen Ones

Dive into the mystical realm where destiny intertwines with free will, and the Chosen Ones pave their extraordinary paths across the annals of time. Obsidian presents a captivating exploration into heroes marked by prophecy, balancing the scales of the world, and surpassing all expectations.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #459 on: April 29, 2024, 02:45:55 AM »
Do narcissists ever apologize or feel
remorse after discarding their partner
and moving on to another source
of supply?


The only time you will hear a sorry from a narcissists mouth is when they need to utilize such a word to garner something from you, use you for whatever it is they view you as being able to supply.

You see, a narcissist never really believes they have anything to ‘feel’ sorry for, nor should they ever feel the need to use that word remorsefully.

They don’t ‘feel’ remorse outwardly, ie for you. They will feel sorry for themselves.. maybe they ran out of a few things that others can supply, low on supply, they will feel a pang of feeling sorry for themselves. Never you. Ever, you.

I know, I know, they can be so convincing at times. But, don’t fall for the sorry bs. Once you are back under the wing of the narcissistic cycle, you will soon learn the word sorry and start feeling it for yourself.

Sorry you fell for their crap once again, sorry that you allowed yourself to be sucked in, sorry that this person you loved is not capable of loving you, even as much as you had wished and hoped for it to not be the case.

Save your sorrys by ignoring their sorrys.

Go an be happys. Happys are a lot better than sorrys.

No, nope, zero, nil…. why should they? They did nothing wrong but “fall madly, deeply and passionately in lust… oops i mean in love” for the next “love of their lives”. If they apologise that means they did something wrong, they are perfect and perfect people do no wrong.

It's easier to blame you, you must sit with their guilt and shame because they are not prepared to deal with your burdens…. after all, their lives are now perfect since you left and they have another who is 100,000 times better then you. Let the clown and the joker play happy in the circus they have created.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #460 on: April 29, 2024, 02:58:52 AM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #461 on: April 29, 2024, 03:13:38 AM »
Are covert narcissists that dangerous?

Absolutely yes.

What makes a covert narcissist dangerous?

Covert narcissists are extremely difficult to spot. They appear to be loving, caring, and kind. They can easily win the trust and confidence of people around them, including yourself.

Covert narcissist victim's mentality in every situation gives them the benefit of doubt. They exactly know how to play the victim card.

Covert narcissists are very cunning in spoiling your reputation; they will spoil your reputation by showing care and concern without using abusive words. People will believe that covert narcissists are very bothered about their partner.

Covert narcissists are very passive and aggressive in nature; you won't even realize for ages that you are being abused.

Covert narcissists are very good at covering up their cheating habits; it's very difficult to catch them cheating.

It's very hard to collect evidence and proof against covert narcissists because they know how to hide abusive behavior.

Covert narcissists will be sitting in front of you, talking nicely; they will be plotting something horrible about you with a cool and calm mind.

Covert narcissists are vindictive in nature; they will keep punishing people for things that have offended them.

Covert narcissists will drain your energy completely by acting like victims. They keep feeding on your empathy and sympathy.

It's very hard to leave Covert narcissists because you feel guilty for leaving them, and they make you addicted to them.

Covert narcissists are wolves in sheep's clothes.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #462 on: April 29, 2024, 03:37:59 AM »
How does a covert narcissist
treat you when you are sick?

Ron Culley

My ex-Narc is Malignant. That shouldn’t detract from the story.
One morning I woke up with my left arm being gimp. It musta been the way I slept on it.
I tell her “My arm is lame. I may need physical therapy”.
Then, in her infinite ignorance and disdain for life she decries:


What a Charmer.


A covert narcissist may treat you differently when you are sick, and their behavior can vary depending on their individual traits and coping mechanisms. It's essential to remember that not everyone with narcissistic traits will act the same way, and individual experiences may differ. However, some common patterns of behavior that a covert narcissist may display when you are sick include:

Lack of Empathy: Covert narcissists typically struggle with empathizing with others.

When you're sick, they may show little concern for your well-being or downplay the severity of your illness, making you feel unheard or invalidated.

Manipulation: Covert narcissists may use your vulnerability when you're sick to their advantage. They may employ manipulation tactics to gain control, attention, or sympathy from others, even using your illness to play the victim themselves.

Withholding Support: Instead of offering genuine support, a covert narcissist may withhold emotional or practical assistance when you need it most. They may be reluctant to take care of you or show concern for your recovery.

Making It About Themselves: Covert narcissists have a tendency to redirect the focus onto themselves. Even when you're sick, they might find a way to make the situation about their struggles or accomplishments, minimizing your feelings and experiences.

Gaslighting: A covert narcissist may gaslight you, making you doubt your own feelings and perceptions about your sickness. They might undermine your symptoms or make you question whether you are genuinely ill, further eroding your self-confidence.

Feigned Concern: Some covert narcissists may pretend to care for you when you're sick, but their concern is often superficial and self-serving. They might use your illness to garner praise or admiration from others for being a "caring" person.

Dismissing Your Needs: Instead of catering to your needs during your illness, a covert narcissist may dismiss them entirely, showing little interest in helping you feel better or providing any necessary care.

It's essential to recognize these patterns and set boundaries with individuals who consistently exhibit narcissistic behaviors. If you suspect that someone in your life is a covert narcissist and their treatment is negatively affecting you, consider seeking support from a mental health professional or counselor to help you navigate these challenging dynamics.

They mock you. Tell you that you are faking, slacking etc. No emotion, no concern, no empathy.

Reason being they are truly the sick one always. Its all about them. Forever.

So when they get sick, pretend not to notice.

Watch them go berserk! Such fun.

Have fun with your narc. Press those buttons.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #463 on: April 29, 2024, 03:52:55 AM »
What does ignoring the
narcissist really do to them?

Most narcissists can’t tolerate being ignored; the act of silent treatment strikes the narcissist much harder because of their need to feel validated. As the narcissist understands that you are intentionally ignoring them will deflate their inflated ego. Their self-esteem is connected by how much attention they can get from you and/or others.

A person with high levels of narcissism can get more aggressive when being ignored. When they think you are ignoring them, some won’t be able to control their temper, so they may lash out or change their approach by being aggressive with their calls or text messages demanding to talk or communicate with you.

They will never be ready to discuss or be accountable for what they did or said to you. They will just expect you to accept what they want or need while they will be very hypocritical by ignoring their actions. Yes, they will be mad or upset at you for ignoring them, but when or once you call them out on their behavior, they will get mad at you, and in return ignore you.

Even if you ignore a narcissist for whatever reason that may be, they will eventually get bored and seek attention from someone else.

The narcissist may replace you with someone else who won’t ignore them and give them the attention, and control that they seek.

This is why ignoring a narcissist should be more about you, and less about them. This is how they operate, and how they satisfy their narcissistic supply.

Solution: Ignoring them is one of the easiest ways to redeem your control, regain your sense of clarity, and restore your power by focusing your attention on yourself. As far as what happens to a narcissist when you ignore them is really irrelevant. May you know the signs. May you not become a victim. And may you be more concern about your healing, recovery, and emotional-mental health.

Oh, it almost always pisses them off.

Narcissists are all about manipulation and attention — that is to say, they manipulate people and situations to get the most attention. It’s how they get what they want.

So if you ignore them, they can’t work their charm on you. You can’t fall for their trap, so to speak.

Which is why it’s a very effective way of making sure you keep yourself away from relationships with narcissistic partners or minimizing the abuse they can do to you. You just ignore them.

And I know, it’s not always possible or even easy to do, but if you can, I suggest that’s what you do.

Sure, you’ll piss them off, but sooner or later, they’ll realize that their efforts are better spent somewhere else.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #464 on: April 29, 2024, 04:27:11 AM »
Are narcissists for narcissists?

No, probably not. Narcissists would probably be threatened by the presence of another narcissist. They look for people who they can gain control over or manipulate which results in some sort of gain, or SUPPLY for them.

Examples of this would be: gaining positive attention, self-esteem, praise etc. Notice that none of this is related to money—although it helps.

In the narcissists mind, the most important thing is being recognized, adored and validated. So, if another narcissist was in their world they would be afraid the other person would outshine them. In fact it is possible that they would actively dislike another narcissist and engage in activity to undermine each other.

Narcissists are for themselves. Narcs know when they’re in the presence of another narc. Narcs are non apologetic opportunists. They’re ALL users. If they can use each other…of course they will. Anything resembling loyalty is non existent. It’s 100% self centered.

I’m confused by this question. I’ll answer it though the best I can.

A Narcissist doesn’t want another narcissist. They want an empath. They want some one that will give them supply. They want someone that they can manipulate, gaslight, confuse, control, use and abuse.

They want someone understanding, full of empathy, that easily forgives and trusts. They care about their needs only! Why would they want another narcissist? They need to be the most superior, most important, self-coddled and enabled. They need all the pampering, attention and pleasing. They have to have the best ideas and opinions! They will take anyone’s opinion or advice over yours.

Why would they want someone just like them that they have to constantly compete with? They want to win, gain, control and destroy all in the name of surviving their own shame, guilt, traumas and insecurities. They want to hide, not be seen.

Narcissists go after vulnerable and/or good hearted people. They don’t want to be the one being cheated on, used, discarded or manipulated! They need someone that’s a bit of a challenge and out of their league by success, respect or looks to boost their confidence and grandiose false image but they will soon kill this person's worth and value.

They don’t want someone that they cannot devalue. They don’t want another narcissist.

There can only be one to rule and destroy the relationship.

They ruin everything they touch or come into contact with. They will hurt the most innocent while coming off as victim. Narcissists are not aware they are narcissists. That would shatter their ego and false self-image. Often times they will accuse their victims and partners of being a narc.

Narcissists are all for themselves.... period!

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #465 on: April 29, 2024, 04:53:31 AM »
Do narcissists know beforehand when they're going to discard you?
I had no idea.

Ron Culley

11 months into the relationship with my ex-Narc at her homestead, I get this out-of-the blue PM:

10/11/2016 6:06AM

To: Ron
From: Luka

“FYI: Sherry has been talking sh!t about you saying you're a freeloader living off her. Lazy bum drunk...she is spending nights with Kevin in town, says she made you sleep in her RV. Not in a relationship any more. Planning to give you the boot. A conspiracy, Pretty low. That is why I am writing to you. I hate cheaters, liars and backstabbers. Lame ass way to do things. She made herself out as a victim. Not cool...”

So yeah, scheming and conniving is the name of that game.
Now, in 2024, she found new supply in the world of Boondocking, and left me here at her house.
“Abandonment” is the key word now. I have alerted the authorities bc I have no significant income and she maliciously denied me heating fuel. Breach of Duty of Care and Elderly Abuse.

What a Charmer….


Narcissists may not know the EXACT moment they will discard you, but they have pre-planned their ENTIRE relationship with you before you even realize it.

You don't know that when you first start speaking to them that they more than likely ALREADY have at least one more man/woman they're in a relationship with.

They just picked you next, because they're devaluing that other person.

And they've picked YOU to be their next “victim.”

So they love bomb you. Make you feel amazing. Tell you that you're the one they've been looking for.

And they act as though they are ready to start a long term relationship with you. They ask you if you would be willing to move where they live.

And you fall in love with them. And you tell them you love them. And they say the same back.

And then- it's perfect. You just admitted to the Narcissist that you're committed to them- because YOU love them. But they don't truly love YOU.

So- the moment you tell them you love them- they begin looking for ANOTHER new person to start dating.

And they use the same lines that worked on you on this new person.

And once this new person is secured- THIS is when they discard you.

Because you aren't “shiny and new” any longer.

Your routine of saying “good morning” to them and speaking with them throughout the day is too boring.

And you're completely shocked when they discard you, because it's completely out of nowhere.

You haven't even had one fight with them.

But this is what Narcissists do. Once you begin begging them to take you back- they know you're Trauma Bonded to them.

And this is when they start giving you the Silent Treatment, and the emotional abuse ramps up.

I’m going to go against what I used to think before.

Not always.

That is, they don’t necessarily always plan things to go an exact way, not all the time!

In some cases, they may have thought about utilizing you for long term plans, but something happened to change that. Maybe there was an easier way to do things, or another person who could make something happen for them.

Maybe they did try to get you to cooperate, but you refused. Maybe you didn’t understand at the time, that your refusal meant they would eventually look elsewhere, or were already planning, in case you couldn’t be a part of what they wanted.

So, not all of them actually deliberately discard you in a schematic way, which goes to say, they are still very self-centred, so if you’re not really going to cooperate, and they “want what they want NOW” they’re going to definitely leave or do something horrible, and in this case, it appears it was all a well-conceived plan. But it wasn’t actually that perfect, it only appeared that way.

Perhaps this can explain why they also get so cruel and mean in the end. They now know you’re not worth anything to them, and they need to move on.

And of course, they never like hearing “No.” The day I said “No” was the day the great Narcissistic Book of Revelation opened up, and I was aplomb in shock and awe. Hell hath no fury like a narcissist deprived of a compliant and meek slave.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #466 on: April 29, 2024, 05:11:08 AM »
Do narcissists miss their exes
after they discard them?

Yes, we never miss what we have until it’s gone, so of course they miss you. You may subconsciously miss them too. Missing someone is natural especially if you have created a connection with this person.

They miss what the person provided for them not the actual person, because they object their victims. To the narcissist, you existed to them as an object to be used at their advantage or convenience. They miss their ex, because they are always between relationships.

When the person that they are with sees them for who they are, and they get discarded by that person, it is an immediate reaction for a narcissist or an abuser to go back or miss the last person that they were with. So, missing their ex is a big oops in their lapse of judgment or distorted decision making, and less about missing you an individual. When dealing with a narcissist it is not about a relationship, it is about objectification, control, egomania, and power.

They miss you in their life so they can feed off your good energy, and ultimately try to destroy your self-confidence all over again. You can't believe their “apologies,” and “empty promises” to not hurt you anymore, it is a scheme meant to toy with your emotions in an effort for you to take them back. Which is everything that the person they were with didn't have or was not providing for them.

They missed the attention that you can gave them.

They missed how you stroked their egos.

They missed what you did for them, and how you made them feel as far as giving them adoration, praise, affection, loyalty, pleasure, money, time, energy, and validation. (the list goes on)

They missed that they had someone who truly loved them, and would do anything they can to make them happy which is narcissistic supply that you once offered them.

They missed the control, and power that they had over you.

They missed your obedience, forgiveness, faithfulness, and authenticity.

They missed that they were able to manipulate, mislead, abuse, use, and control you.

Narcissists don’t want you to heal, recover, and move on. This is why they come back even after the discard. They always do things with a purpose; they are cunning toxic individuals who aim to destroy your souls. Lasty, the critical thing is to remember that narcissists don’t miss you, they miss what you provided for them and the control and power they once had over you.

It is not you who they miss, they miss what you had to offer. May you know the signs, may not allow the abuser access into your life again, and may you continue to walk towards your healing.

Narcissistic personality disorder can manifest in various ways, and individuals with this disorder may have difficulty forming genuine emotional connections with others. While every person is unique, it's important to note that individuals with narcissistic traits may not experience the same emotions or attachments in relationships as others do.

Their focus is often on themselves and their own needs, rather than on the well-being of others. It's crucial to seek professional guidance and support if you or someone you know is dealing with the impact of a relationship involving narcissistic behavior.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #467 on: April 29, 2024, 05:28:57 AM »
What happens when a narcissist realizes they’re losing you?

They will always demean and minimize the contribution you brought to the relationship as a way to justify their lack of loyalty, lack of empathy, and cruelty to you when they're trying to discard you for someone else.

Keep on reminding yourself that nothing you have done or not done in that relationship justifies how they treated you. Got no contact and never look back as they do not change and in fact they get worse with age. You don't need people like that in your life. Don't take them back there are plenty of good people out there that will treat you in a way that you deserve.

They’ll either step up their love bombing or they’ll pull your chain. A therapist once compared how my ex treated me to a yo-yo… she’d give me some slack then yank me back. I now know this was a manifestation of control through the trauma bond… she played on my need for validation from her. Only, when that stopped working and I cared less, she became nice and flattering.

Unlike normal people who will have honest discussions about your relationship (even if difficult), narcissists tend to have one-sided, blaming, victim-role conversations. The best advice I can give is to just leave them if you’re thinking about it.

A relationship with one will not get better through honesty and vulnerability. It just won’t. And trying to salvage something ends up futile. Cutting them off is hard and drastic, but I found it to be the only way. Good luck.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #468 on: April 29, 2024, 05:40:11 AM »
Once You SPEAK Like This,
Reality Becomes Yours

Once you learn how to correctly speak to the universe, reality becomes yours. Allowing you to completely shift your reality. Imagine standing at the edge of a vast, shimmering ocean, the horizon stretching infinitely, blending the water with the sky.

This ocean is the realm of infinite possibilities, your potential realities. You're holding the key to unlock any reality you desire. This key? Your words. But to wield this key with precision, the first step is Awareness.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #469 on: April 29, 2024, 06:36:27 AM »
What is the reality of a narcissist?

Here is the biggest truth: no narcissist will ever be ready to acknowledge that nobody likes them.

This is the reason why they have to keep chasing different sources of supply. They know every supply they have in their life has an expiry date, and this supply, sooner or later, they'll be able to see through them and see through their facade, only to recognize them for who they are.

They know they make people miserable; they know they are miserable, and they do not want to acknowledge that. They just want to blame things on people because it's an easy way to escape situations. It's an easy way to bypass the situations that could have otherwise helped them to wake up to their truth.

And what is their truth? They are shame-filled individuals who do not take responsibility for anything at all.

Liam Harden
Self-Aware Closet Narcissist

My reality? You only see yourself to exist in this world. Everyday I wake up and everything that revolves something, I am always apart of the equation. When thinking of others, I think of myself. When thinking of plans, I think of myself. When I walk out in public, everyone around me is meshed into the background.

I am practically alone in the world at all times and boredom is what keeps me going. Talking to people does incite emotions but I am unable to have emotions for those people. Once I walk away, my emotions fleet away, and I go back to being bored looking for the next thing to do. I ‘disconnect’ from people on a dime once they are not in front of me. I do not think of others unless there is something I am seeking.

For example, when you think of others, you may be picturing them as they are and things about them that makes them, them. When I think of others, I without being conscience, think of myself gaining some enjoyment, goal, moment, etc.

I only exist in this world in terms of perception because my brain does not connect to you any differently than objects. I may receive emotional responses within once I am around people, and admiration lifts me up because something inciting those childish emotions that all children love, attention, but I am stuck not seeing anyone else.

Children perceive the world this way but as an adult it is an issue because there are bigger roles and responsibilities that I am to be obligated to fill because of the fact I am not a child.

The reality of a narcissist is no reality at all.

This lack of contact with the reality of others, their feelings, renders the narcissist incapable of empathy. They live in a pre-socialized world where their interests and concerns are self centered. Their ego is weak. Their defenses are rigid. They are hyper vigilant and hyper reactive.

They are incapable of reciprocity. They tend to be exploitative. As such, they see others as tools for their own self aggrandizement. They skim the surface and tend to be manipulative and high strung. They are critical, indecisive and irrational. If you call this reality, “reality”, I suggest you think again.

Wouldn’t it be nice to live in the narcissist’s reality? You’re always right. You’re the best at everything. You’re an expert at all things you do or haven’t even tried.

The narcissist has a lot of pain from the past and is skilled at projecting that pain on everyone else. If you call the narcissist out on a cruel or inappropriate action or response, and he or she feels violated, criticized, demeaned, the narcissist will become the victim because that keeps the narcissist from having to look within.

This is referred to as a narcissistic injury. And the narcissist can play a very good victim. It takes the focus off what the narcissist did wrong, and it puts you on the defensive as the perpetrator.

If anything goes wrong it’s your fault, no matter the offender. Remember, narcissists believe they are perfect and everyone else is not. How could it be his or her fault?

With the narcissist, the punishment never fits the crime. Usually there’s not even a crime to begin with. The narcissist may dole out harsh criticism, the silent treatment or a combination of both to “punish” you and have you begging for forgiveness. Remember, the narcissist is great at being the injured party, even when the narcissist is actually the perpetrator.

There’s no proportion. The drama doesn’t end, no matter how much you tiptoe around your home.

Narcissists also believe they are so good at life, that they shouldn’t surround themselves with anyone “less than” them. (If you’ll notice they have few if any good friends.) That’s why the narcissist doesn’t engage with anyone he feels inferior or that can’t do something for the narcissist

The narcissist almost does something with the end in mind. The narcissist must get something from a situation or person, or the narcissist won’t take part. The narcissist looks at life like a Monopoly game. There’s a strategy or manipulative tactic put in place in order to gain money, people, and things, regardless if it hurts the other person financially or emotionally. I’ve known narcissists who leave an ex-wife and children homeless, while the narcissists walk away free of guilt and trauma. If it works for the narcissist, then that’s how the narcissist believes the game should be played.

The narcissist takes pride and pleasure in disrupting your world. Seeing you in emotional pain is something the narcissist relishes. Why? The more pain you carry, the easier it is for the narcissist to control you and those around you. The narcissist also understands that if you are isolated due to your pain or his control, then that’s even better. He has you at his disposal, broken down, ready to please.

Also, the narcissist likes for your home life, social life and professional life to revolve around him or her. The narcissist does it by causing disruption, then often fixing the problem he caused.

For example, I can recall numerous arguments the narcissist provoked, only to come back and give an empty apology such as, “I’m sorry, but you push my buttons. Can you calm down and we talk about this rationally?” The narcissist looks like the hero, and you’re left wondering what just happened.

Life with a narcissist is a rollercoaster. There are so many ups and downs, all orchestrated to have high control. But there are ways to get off the roller coaster. First of all, don’t get on board in the first place. Focus on your truth. Don’t let the narcissist sway your beliefs of what you know to be true. Journal or keep a notebook of incidents you know occurred.

Secondly, find some peace every day. Take the dog for a walk. Phone a trusted friend. Get grounded in reality. There are good people out there who want you to be healthy emotionally and physically.

Finally, live you're best life. Avoid toxic people. If you can’t avoid the narcissist, put strong boundaries in place. The narcissist won’t like it, but you will become stronger. Time away from toxic people helps you heal and see things clearly. You can more easily live your life. That’s the best karma out there. And you accelerate that karma by taking care of you

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #470 on: April 29, 2024, 06:50:21 AM »
Can a narcissist become really dangerous?
How dangerous?

My stock answer to this is as follows.


Assume very dangerous.

These are deeply maladaptive beings. We have no idea how maladaptive as we never really knew these people and what they were really up to when not with us. Anyone who thinks they know a narc is deluding themselves.

Experts say, on repeat, that the most dangerous time for a victim is when they are trying to leave. Especially if you are high quality supply / have significant ties with the narc such as children. Narcs are unpredictable and volatile and it is good that you treat them as such. They really are not well people.

I also think that the period after leaving can be problematic, It’s why I say on here, time and again, if you can get away from a narc and implement NC and go ‘dark’. Do it. Don’t look for revenge. Don’t show off via social media posts. Don’t feed info to flying monkeys. Go invisible. Disappear. And hope and pray that the narc finds new flesh to feed off so that you are forgotten and they well and truly move on. I think that the longer you are able to do this and stay low, the higher the likelihood that a narc will eventually leave you alone.

I am coming up on 2 1/2 years of NC and am still the recipient of intermittent hoovers/ anonymous gifts. I resolutely ignore and wait it out.

I want nothing more than for my nex to upgrade. Wealthier, prettier, younger, more malleable…I don’t care. Because once he has secured supply that he deems ‘superior’ I will well and truly be relegated to the trash bin and hopefully left completely alone. Zero hoovers, like I don’t exist? = Bliss.

Prisons are full of narcissists. Yes they can be extremely dangerous. Just picture a homicidal toddler with no ability or desire to control themselves or regulate their emotions in any way who is also large enough to very seriously hurt you.

Now you understand.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #471 on: April 29, 2024, 07:05:13 AM »
How do narcissists treat
their friends? Why would
some people believe the narcissist?

The word “narcissist” is thrown around very loosely, and can include a very wide number of people, who are all very different. All of those people treat their friends differently.

When we speak about narcissistic personality disorder it means meeting specific criteria in the diagnostic and statistical manual of mental health (DSM). This still encompasses a wide range of people who manifest a wide range of characteristics.

Fundamental to the mental health narcissistic adaptation is deep feelings of very low self-worth which are compensated by efforts to bolster their sense of self through external validation. This can present itself in many different ways, such as excessive bragging, acting like they are better than others, efforts to get others to see how incredible they are, etc. Ultimately, they need to be admired.

In some cases this can be over the top arrogance, and in others it can be very nuanced, and look like humility.

Because people who have adapted this way come in such wide variety of styles, it’s not always obvious.

I would say that people, in general, are often persuaded by what appears to be self-confidence. Even when this self-confidence is completely baseless, when a person walks about telling everyone they are great, or the smartest, or most creative, etc, a good percentage of people will believe them.

I find that the converse is true, as well. People who are very insecure, but have adapted a method of overt self-deprecation, as opposed to narcissistic adaptations, often convince others that they are “less than”. They might, in fact, have all kinds of desirable qualities, but their lack of confidence influences those around them.

Think about your personal experiences with others. Let’s say a visit with a medical doctor. A doctor who exudes confidence is likely to inspire confidence, whereas a doctor who acts uncertain might scare a patient off. The confidential doctor might be completely incompetent, while the uncertain doctor might be brilliant, but it’s likely you will be influenced by what they project.

People who exude confidence are generally seen as more charismatic and attractive, and overall more persuasive. It’s no accident that many of these individuals go into politics or other arenas that will put them in the spotlight.

People are drawn to what seems like certainty, and often prefer binary explanations, such as “right or wrong” or “good or bad”, rather than more complex nuanced explanations. If someone continually says, in one way or another, “I’m great”, people often believe it. It often goes along with, “They’re terrible”, as it helps inflate the individual making the claims, by making the unfavorable comparison. “I’m right, they’re wrong”, “I’m good, they’re bad”, “I’m smart, they’re dumb”, “I’m rich, they’re poor”, “I’m honest, they’re lying”, etc.

People often like simple answers, and if someone very confidently sells you one, there’s a good chance a high percentage of people will believe them, especially if they are not particularly confident or well informed. This is why critical thinking is such an important trait for everyone to develop. The world is a dangerous place without it.

In my experience, narcissists don’t really have friends, they have acquaintances that are much more similar to ‘flying monkeys’ than anything closer.

Narcissists treat all human beings as pawns’ to be sacrificed if the narcissistic demands are not met. Those who associate with narcissists in their inner circle or often ‘unaware’ individuals who are easily manipulated. They tend to have lower self esteem and need external validation. The narcissist has identified this vulnerability and manipulated them into “friendship”.

These individuals are unaware of the tactical manipulation and always believe what’s been said.

In some cases I’ve witnessed “friends” of the narcissist who seem aware, but are intimidated and afraid of being victimised due to witnessing the consequences first hand. These individuals are in a very precarious position as they understand if they stop agreement with the narcissist or the narcissist realises they are aware they will become the new target of abuse.

The best advice i can give, is to learn the red flags and as soon as you spot a narcissist keep your distance, but don’t upset them. Just move on quickly and quietly!

In my experience, there are a handful of “lifelong friends” who stick around even while the narcissist's more intimate relationships are constantly exploding around them. The reason this is possible is that the ties are superficial in nature, requiring no real responsibility/duty to upkeep and very little chance of the narcissist being rejected. They may text or talk with these friends regularly, but actual time spent with them will be rare — and often during the discard of a romantic partner or someone else in the narcissist's inner-circle.

It's very easy to glean a constant baseline supply from these friends, because the narcissist has succeeded in painting a picture their false-selves which their friends have no need to question. The charming facade has been upkept over the years, so it must be true. And since they require zero work to keep alive, it's easy to maintain these satellite friendships. The narcissist will even refer to these longterm strangers as “close friends”.

Think of these friends like the pegs in a pinball machine. When the narcissist is at odds with a romantic partner or another main supply, they either run away or get flicked away (just like a pinball). The narcissist must maintain their supply somehow — survival depends on it! — so they will bounce off their Friend Pegs until their confidence is boosted. They use the superficial friendships to convince themselves that they are good (*obviously*, look how many friends love me and are on my side!) and the enemy (you) is bad.

But again: it's all superficial. They may talk about sports, video games, “the old days”, etc., but that's about as deep as conversation ever gets. It's just enough to satisfying the starving narcissist without ever giving themselves away and losing their Safety Network.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #472 on: April 29, 2024, 07:18:10 AM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #473 on: April 29, 2024, 07:40:10 AM »
Is it common for a
narcissist to act immature?

Ron Culley
Its common knowledge. Everybody knows.

We read Quora!

Yes, narcissistic people can, and often are emotionally immature. Some people have compared them to the Eternal Youth Archetype which Jung wrote about, or Peter Pan, The Prince or Princess, The Golden Boy, etc. Freud’s mom, by the way, called him “ My Golden Ziggy,” oy.

Narcissism is an early developmental stage for human beings, when the infant and young child thinks the world revolves around them, like the earth revolving around the sun. That’s normal, healthy for the child to expect this.

When the response to this normal need is frustrated or ignored the consequence is to be traumatized and fixated at this place, with subsequent development halted. The self may be then filled with holes like a piece of swiss cheese. The individual still maintains the craving for a good fill of what wasn’t supplied, and this is the case seen in pathological narcissism, when the infant-child was habitually insulted within the mirroring pole of the Self.

We all know what it is like to be with someone “who acts just like a child, “ whose personality seems child like. This is often associated with narcissistic wounding in childhood, and the adult continues to look for narcissistic supplies from others, sometimes even their own children, without ever really feeling they are getting a satiated, and coupled with a hyper sensitivity to insults (narcissistic wounding)

The result is an adult who acts easily hurt, has difficulty with reciprocal responsibilities, not having empathy and being able to see things from the other’s point of view, and an overall fragile sense of Self that is either overblown and realistic, or demoralized and deadened.

From their subjective experience, when others don’t meet their demands, they conclude the lack of responsiveness is evidence of their unworthiness, not being good enough to secure what they still hunger for and need (i.e., interest, attention, affective mirroring, concern and love).

Yes, narcissism and immaturity are kissin’ cousins.

Absolutely! It’s been said they are emotionally between the ages of 3 to 6.

In my experience (Covert Narc) he would throw tantrums, or pout and sulk like a child if he didn’t get his way. At the time I didn’t know about narcissism and knew he was a spoiled kid that was put on a pedestal (an oops baby born into a wealthy family with much older brothers and sisters to add to the little King scenario) and just thought he was so used to getting his way that he had to learn patience and fairness as an adult. While he aged, it never got better, and it’s SO hard to deal with.

It’s no longer cute and funny when a middle aged man says inappropriate comments to people in public, slams doors, or throws fits (and cell phones, glasses, etc.) because they want what they want and when THEY want it.

The best you can hope for is a teenager mentality with fun actions like just hanging up on you when you have a disagreement, and then not answering for hours or even days.

Or when they know they’ve been drinking all day and are drunk but don’t think the rules apply to them. You beg them not to drive and take their keys, but they have a hidden set and take off. Like a teenager they think they are invincible and don’t care about consequences or who they could hurt or kill.

They love phrases like “If you haven’t grown up by 50 - You don’t have to!” Ugh. I’m sure he used that line at 30, 40, and will at 60 and 70 or however long the universe is stuck with him.

It’s exhausting. Get out and stay away from these snakes!

If a person has narcissistic personality disorder, they are, by definition, immature in many ways, especially psychologically and emotionally. That they will act immaturely is inevitable.

Immaturity is built into the original definition of “borderline,” which, at first, wasn’t limited to what is now known as “borderline personality disorder,” but encompassed a range between what one now here’s as “neurotypical,” and “psychotic” (having a psychosis causing severe difficulties to perceive reality sufficiently well to function in society). “Borderline” meant “I’m between,” hence not psychotic, able to function in society, but not normal (or “neurotypical”) either.

This “in between” range included the following area:

Fragmented sense of self
Skewed perception of reality
Immature defense mechanisms
Those with narcissistic personality disorder fall in this range, and “immature defense mechanisms” is one of the characteristics.

Narcissistic personality disorder is an arrested development caused by early childhood trauma in the above mentioned areas, and involving problems with

Splitting (people are “all good” or “all bad”)
Lack of object constancy
Inability to repair shame

These result in the symptoms of:

Exaggerated sense of entitlement
Lack of empathy
Exploitative behavior

All of these are immature. The little child thinks everything revolves around them, and can you imagine a three year old saying,”Why don’t you take a break Mommy? Taking care of me must be exhausting! You don’t need to take care of my needs right now. I’ll just wait a bit.”

A narcissist is like a three year old. They can’t wait. Their needs need to be taken care of right now. RIGHT NOW.

Your needs can wait, because they’re not important. There are as important to the narcissist as Mommy’s needs are to the three year old.

The list is endless in ways narcissists are immature.

Here are some examples:

A narcissist will brag about themselves. Most children learn this is socially unacceptable, and don’t brag, but a narcissist will go on and on.

In addition to learning not to brag, children learn not to talk about themselves all the time, but to bring others into the conversation. This is a trait older children learn if they’re well socializes, but certainly by the time one is a teenager one learns to listen to others, but narcissists have never learned to listen, because they don’t care about others, both of which is immature (both not listening and not caring).

Not only are narcissists immature by their bragging about themselves, by the things they brag about is also immature. They want to be admired for the shiny toys they have, not for their character.

As mentioned above, the defense mechanisms of narcissists are immature. The following are common:

Rewriting history
Blame shifting
Self justification
Word salad

Here are a couple of examples:
You bring to the narcissist’s attention something you don’t like. They respond,”Oh no! That wasn’t my intention. You misunderstood me!”


“So you’re saying X” where X has nothing to do with anything you said.

What you won’t hear is,”Oh, I see your point. That was unthoughtful of me.”

Narcissists get upset at the smallest things. For example, there a trash can which needs to be dumped in the garage can ten feet away. Rather than emptying the trash themselves, they throw a hissy fit.

Anyone who has lived with a narcissist could give a hundred examples like this.

The mindset of a narcissist is “It’s all about me.” (aka “Look at me! Aren’t I cute?”)

To summarize: Narcissists are immature to their core, because they’re thinking, never developed past a certain point, beyond that of a three year old. In certain areas (non emotional and non psychological) narcissists are like adults, but in the emotional and psychological realm, they’re extremely immature, which makes them extraordinarily difficult to understand, because you don’t expect adults to act like three year olds.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #474 on: April 29, 2024, 08:12:14 AM »
Do narcissists ever lose anything?

Well I must say… a narcissist is the one who loses everything in their life. They are so cursed that they can't even value what they are gifted with. Great friends, huge money, a dream life, great partner, everything they just lose because of not valuing them; because  of being so self centered.

I feel pity on them, but they are doomed to have this destiny to rotate in a circle of getting more and more. They are never satisfied with anything that God has given them.

I think God intentionally gives them everything in their life, whatever they manifest they achieve, so that one day… they fall from the peak of success so bad, that they can't even stand again.

A life of a narcissist is a living hell.

YES, Heavens YES! They lost THE single most important thing any human being can possibly ever lose. They lost their soul and that’s not metaphor!

It’s not some religious dogma or airy fairy bullshit. They literally have ZERO sense of self. Their world is as if they’re trapped inside of a mirror, everything is backwards, nothing makes sense. It’s literally like their human soul was ripped out of their body and replaced with a vindictive reflection, the nightmare being from the far side of the mirror. Alice in Wonderland, Through the Looking Glass; The Twilight Zone.

For them, these are VERY real places, and the real world is the fairy land. Every time they’re alone it’s like a black hole is swallowing them and they RUN so far and so fast yet it’s always faster and they’re just so tired. The ONLY way to get a momentary reprieve is when they’re around other people.

They seem selfish but they have no self at all. They seem confident but all they have is The Void. Everything they have and are..... is a lie. Everything they have they will destroy from jealousy because the other person can have real emotions, real happiness. You have NO idea what a precious thing they lost and they can never recover it.

Yes they do and if you are lucky you will even find out, or God might let you watch. See, there is nothing that a narcissist fears more than being alone, or worse, growing old.

Yes the love bombing, the lies and all that will drastically catch up to them when that clock starts to tick they will eventually be too old for anything that actually fueled their narcissism. So if you think they don’t have their share of loss, grief and pain... think again.

If you ever took a good look at any narc and thought to yourself "Can they truly be happy?" They stay with that narcissistic behavior and not once they noticed they lost a good relationship over those exaggerated tendencies of cheating and ruining their past relationships; oh think again!

They can’t feel a thing.

That’s exactly how the end will reach out to them, except reality will still be reality. They will miss the person that was in their life and not with emotions, just all the things the person did for them. They might not be able to express themselves since they lack emotions yet nothing goes unpunished.

Call it Destiny or Karma. Call it whatever you want. Yeah, that will catch up to them.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #475 on: April 29, 2024, 08:31:54 AM »
How dangerous is
a malignant narcissist?

Deadly dangerous.

Seriously, they have no problem ending your life and will if they can get away with it. The malignant narcissist is a psychopath and capable of cold murder.

If you are in a relationship with one, your life is in danger. I know from personal experience. Mine tried to end my life, twice.

And I still spent months ruminating!

Oh yes, they are dangerous. Survivors (if you survive) find their lives destroyed. Nobody walks away with their health, career, friends, and family intact. You crawl away broken, beaten, spent, and scarred. Isolated and broke. Sick. You are in therapy.

Listen well, a malignant narcissist will destroy you. Yes, they will kill you. They don't feel remorse. I've read the stories of these psychopaths. Your life is in danger, usually in a cowardly and indirect way including poison, arson, “accidents", etc.

You don't read some of these stories, because the victim is dead. Let that sink in.

“My narcissist killed me and got away with it” is not a Quora post. Why?

Because dead people don't post on Quora.

It's critical to realize that fact. On here you only read about the survivors. I've read of narcissists drugging their victims and setting their houses on fire. Just think of the double insurance from the house AND the life insurance policy! Loosening the lug nuts on your tires. Never hike with a narcissist around cliffs. They will shove you to your death, and who would know differently?

These sick people are cold and calculating and will end you without remorse. There are no statistics kept, but trust me, it absolutely does happen.

I suffered a sudden aortic dissection (worse than a heart attack) and as I called out for an ambulance, she looked at her phone on the end table…and looked away. Crossed her arms and settled in to watch me die.


No evidence. Crocodile tears, insurance money, new boyfriend, jackpot. These stories don't get reported. Falls, drownings, car crashes, “random" shooting, car jack “slipping"…you get the idea.

My daughter by chance stopped by the house and called an ambulance or I would not be telling you this story. The murderous narcissist would be just another poor widow who tragically lost her husband in a sudden cardiac event. Poor her.

Yes, they are deadly dangerous. Malignant narcissists are now classified as psychopaths by the psychiatric community and for good reason.

I barely escaped. You don't hear the stories of the ones who didn't.

Because they are dead.

Dangerous enough for you? Run for your life while you still can.

A moment of silence now, for those victims who did not escape.

Their stories are not told.

Malignant Narcissists are very dangerous. Malignant Narcissists can be very destructive and abusive, because they seek to dominate others, and enjoy the damage they inflict on their victims.

Interactions with them are likely to be extremely unhealthy, dangerous, and harmful. Their (Jekyll & Hyde) is beyond comprehensible, and these energy vampires are always on the edge. They are a slight existence away from their half siblings the psychopaths.

Most psychologists concluded that the malignant type is the personification of evil.

Malignant narcissists are considered to be associated with sadism, a sadist. They get pleasure from seeing pain in others and by finding joy or amusement in creating chaos, and confusion. Malignant narcissists tend to display some of the worst traits of NPD, and they often have severe dysfunction in their personal relationships.

Experts consider the malignant narcissist to be the most toxic, dangerous, and traumatic of all NPD subtypes. They have a tendency for destruction and will stop at nothing to pursue their own self-interests even if it means traumatically hurting someone. Which explains their lack of empathy that allows them to hurt others, and not feel anything at all.

Malignant Narcissists are extremely dangerous, cold-hearted, and the epitome of evil. Unfortunately, there's no road map to completely understand these troubled souls. They habitually live and exists by hurting and taking advantage of others physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, psychologically, or financially, without an ounce of remorse or accountability. Dangerous is an understatement, evil fits the description best! They should be placed on the world’s most dangerous people list!

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #476 on: April 29, 2024, 08:45:54 AM »
Can you stop being a narcissist?
Can it be fixed?

A lot of the time when I see questions like this, I want to tell the full truth. I want to tell the people what it takes for a narcissist to get better. Psychotherapy with a trained professional for 5–10 years, etc, etc. I want to tell them there are self aware narcissists. I want to tell them that there is a small sliver of a chance they change for the better.

I’m going to try a new approach though, because I honestly think a white lie is needed here.

No, they can’t.

And when I say that, I acknowledge that I am lying to you. But in reality, I want you to trust my next few sentences with all your heart. The 1% chance the narcissist in your life gets better, is not worth the 25–50% chance of you keeping them in your life to some degree. The 1% chance your narcissist goes to therapy, is not worth the the time or energy you waste on helping someone that is twice as hard to help and twice as likely to not want it.

The 1% chance your narcissist adjusts well to their affliction, is not worth your peace of mind. The 1% chance you help or see them change, is not worth the torment to your health, mind, heart & soul. If you want to hold out hope, do it from a very safe distance of No Contact and put the responsibility 1000% on them to take the steps necessary. At the very least, size-able distance emotionally.

So again, No they can’t.

The first thing that needs to be clarified here is what you mean by narcissist?

There are a lot of people with narcissistic traits, I would hazard a guess that the vast majority of people do to some degree. There are also those who have quite obvious narcissistic traits, but are largely just people that manifest as perhaps a bit self obsessed or manipulative etc. Then there is the small percentage of people who can truly be classified as suffering from narcissistic personality disorder, which is what I will assume you mean.

Seeing as true narcissists suffer from a personality disorder, I wouldn't go as far as to say they can be fixed, as personality disorders aren't known to just disappear; you wouldn't expect someone with borderline personality disorder to just be fixed. It is however entirely possible for the condition to be managed and consequently have it's detrimental effects considerably lessened.

The issue with narcissistic personality disorder sufferers is that by the very nature of the disorder, getting them to admit they need therapy and then indeed getting them through the door to actually access it are extremely difficult.

But in theory, they can be 'fixed’ or managed in much the same way that any other personality disorder can; the issue is convincing them that they need treatment.

This is only my opinion from what I have observed in my profession and personal life over the years.

I hope this helps.

Stop thinking you are better (more intelligent, better looking, more enlightened etc) than everyone else. Or, if you can’t do that, stop responding to people as though you believe you are better than they are. Keep it to yourself.

Listen to people when they talk. Actually pay attention to what they’re saying. Don’t immediately dismiss it as boring or unimportant and switch off - engage with them, try to really get absorbed in their experience of life.

Ask people questions. They exist! They are interesting! Not every conversation has to be all about you!

Stop fantasising about achieving power over others or success. Just accept that you do what you do in the moment and that’s good enough. Enjoy life in the now.

Stop exaggerating your status and achievements. Seriously. Don’t lie about yourself. Just tell people the truth.

Don’t get into relationships with people just because they adore you if you don’t adore them back. Don’t exploit them or use them. Just keep them as friends.

Stop seeing people’s flaws as weaknesses. If people show emotion it isn’t a weakness, if a person isn’t perfect they aren’t weak. They’re human. Show some compassion for them.

Don’t get angry at people and cut them out if they don’t immediately shower you with praise and admiration.

Don’t get annoyed at people who challenge you, and similarly, don’t immediately dismiss their criticism of you as ‘jealousy’. Take a look at what they’ve said about you and try to determine if any of it is even a tiny bit true.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #477 on: April 29, 2024, 09:07:53 AM »
Why do narcissists lie all the time?

A narcissist lies that way because most often, the truth makes them look bad. Someone showing traits of narcissism has an extremely difficult time admitting when they’re wrong.

A narcissistic person will go to great lengths to avoid accountability rather than admit fault. They already deep down feel like they are a bad person, so they run from anything negative that confirms it. A person with traits of narcissism will lie and stick with the lie even with evidence to the contrary.

Narcissists are pathological liars. Narcissists lie because they're arrogant; they feel as if they have a right to whatever they want, whenever they want, however they want. They lie to ensure they're able to dominate, manipulate, exploit, and silence people. They lie to maintain their false reality, and they lie because the truth makes them uncomfortable.

Narcissists also experience extreme shame; they feel shame when people find out they have made a mistake. A narcissist doesn't want to look flawed at any cost to avoid being shamed.

The worst thing is that narcissists believe they are telling the truth. Narcissists believe people, including you, are fools who will easily believe them. Narcissists feel it's very easy to outsmart people.

Narcissists just want to see themselves as right and perfect in front of people, so they keep lying.

It becomes second nature to them. It would be easier than having to face reality. This would be especially true if it would be of a negative case where it may have had ruined their image. Simply gaslighting themself out of it or to rephrase the situation to be in a better light would be much easier to do than to have to face the reality of it.

It may seem outlandish to an onlooker, but to the narcissist it would make sense, especially since they have had become so accustomed to lying. This would be especially true if lying would require less effort when upon their part. They then may unintentionally run themself into a corner while insisting otherwise to everyone else whom may notice.

The prior partners and people whom they may have misused would probably notice just how poorly they had become. They would insist otherwise of course or may even flip the situation and to paint themself as the true victim, be it they were the one whom partook in such horrific actions upon other people.

They also may forget what they had lied about too, so their narrative would seem to stop making sense.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #478 on: April 29, 2024, 09:36:11 AM »
What makes a narcissist
resent you?

A narcissist, certainly in a relationship capacity will do their absolute utmost to try and make their victim dependent on them.

For those prepared to stick around they usually succeed until the great day comes when victim either calls time, or as is more common gets traded in for someone fresh. The worst thing therefore is when these people not only move forward in their lives but make great strides ahead, having finally rid themselves of the shackles that were holding them back in the first place. Nothing worse for a narcissist than to be left behind when an ex appears to be doing so much better without them.

In the workplace those people of level pegging with narcissist who get singled out for promotion ahead of narcissist will reliably have their cards marked for some kind of smear campaign.

Ditto friends or siblings who in contrast to narcissists claims of some residual flaw or another also appear to be making something of their life, which is at odds with everything narcissist expected. [Or hoped more like. ]

In essence anyone who at one time was part of a narcissists inner circle, and appears to be leaving them in their wake will always have their no w ex narcissist seething with resentment. When you have been top dog up to now it can become somewhat galling to come across as now lying in second place.

That plus an innate jealousy which goes all the way back means it should always be them claiming credit an no one else. They always learn the hard way that they are no where near as sought after as thought.

Suggest read chapter ’50 stages to dating a narcissist’ in book entitled:

‘Prepare to be tortured. The price you will pay for dating a narcissist’.

Available amazon books and audio.


Every amazing character trait that makes you, you, will also be a beacon for narcissists.

Why will they resent you? Because you are every single thing in this world that they are not, will not, and can not ever be! Because they lack all of the morals and virtues that you were raised to have and Possessing only weak characters and accompanied with paranoid delusions.

They refuse to acknowledge that you are better than they are. At least outwardly. Their paranoid delusions will keep them convinced of their “superiority.” Yet still resent you.

Narcissists resent you for loving them.

Narcissists do, however, want to know they can make you fall in love with them.

It validates them.

Conquering your love, it is a game they want to win.

But –

the moment they have conquered you, your love and devotion,

the moment you prioritize them over all other things and people in your life,

they have reached their goal.

You are now no longer a challenge, your perceived utility falls, their interest in you wanes.

Feelings of love and compassion.

Narcissists view those who feel love and compassion intensely, as a weakness.

These feelings, are things which can make you vulnerable and susceptible, things which narcissists avoid at all cost. Now that you have shown these weaknesses, your value has also fallen.

Lastly, narcissists feel worthless and unlovable in their core. The fact that anyone, being you here, can love them, just means you yourself are worthless, clearly inferior to them and not worthy of occupying an important part of their life.

The game of love for the narcissist, is a game to validate them initially, and now that they have won you can now resettle into your new role –

being that dreadful object of devaluation.

Any traits which reflect my humanity: connection with others, a sense of right and wrong, spirituality, creativity, enjoying the journey, growing as an individual, standing up for what is right.

Oh, and my self-worth is not determined by what I own, how I look, who I know or what I do for a living.

More than anything, he despises my quest for The Truth.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #479 on: April 29, 2024, 10:02:33 AM »
Are narcissists really oblivious
to their boundless selfishness?

Narcissists are selfish and even delusional, in the sense that they represent themselves to you as something they are not. Then they actually “live” this fantasy out.

They also don't care about morals, because they don't have any. All morals they proclaim to possess are only in relation to how choices affect them. This makes them supreme hypocrites.

I know there are some hoity-toity "professionals" who have been going around on different Quora accounts and making fun of the writers who said narcissists are delusional. They claim that narcissists aren't delusional.

I often point such scoffers to a well-known Ph.D. on Quora who writes about how narcissists are indeed quite delusional and can also bring you down into Delulu Island with them if you stick around them long enough.

And yet, quite a few non-narcissists actually already reside on Delulu Island, truth be told. We have expectations for people that they aren't capable of, and people represent themselves in the most false of ways, even to the extreme as narcissists do.

We also paint a picture of narcissists as something they are not, even when the red flags come along. I understand that sometimes the red flags aren't obvious, and people not versed in narcissism aren't often aware of them. But as of 2024, narcissistic abuse resources are everywhere now.

Almost everyone by now has heard of narcissism. And so I have hope things will improve.

But I digress.

Yes, narcissists are extremely selfish, and they capitalize on that they can bring out a lower level mode of existence out of their victims or hosts (because narcissists are parasites). At first, they feed you with "love" and endless attention. They give you what you want, and they lovebomb you to oblivion.

This develops an extreme attachment to a narcissist, and soon enough, your fantasties revolve around a happily ever after with them built on the lies of Disney movies and religious conditioning that keep you a slave to “love.” This is how they work both sides of the coin. Soon enough, they take this away and starve you. This is how you become "addicted." And yet, your idealisation gets worse with time. You don’t want to let go of feelings.

Narcissists are the most manipulative and selfish individuals to ever disgrace this planet. But we have to stop idealizing them. If you don't, you run the risk of becoming a bit like them, and not only that, you're worshipping a pile of garbage. Who wants that?

I understand though. It takes supreme willpower and mind over matter to fight this battle. You have to get out of your feelings, and also take control of your thoughts. No idealisation. Break that. I know that biology is also powerful here. Thankfully, some of us don't have as high a sex drive, and with age, that dies down, so that helps.

But for younger victims, this may be a major problem. The sex has blinded you and made you a slave to your feelings and sensations. This is exactly how a narcissist operates as they are also slaves to their sensations.I would recommend getting into a fitness routine or something that takes your mind off of sex. You are in a trauma bond and sexual addiction with the narcissist.

Realise that sex is also 90% mental and physical expression is only a reflection of this. (Sex with narcissists isn't even that good because they are selfish and they cannot connect to you.) I was just reading a post where a woman was going on and on about how "beautiful" the sex was with an ex-narcissist, and I was really stunned because I never experienced this. This is why I said that some victims are living on Delulu Island and need to stop idealising.

The idealising of a narcissist is also 90% of the "attraction" you have for them, I can guarantee this. That's why I said mind over matter. The power of the mind is more powerful than the heart and if you can elevate to a higher level, even our natural makeup or biology. When people say they love from the heart, I would also advise to not trust one's feelings, as mentioned. Love is different than feelings. Love is not the same.

So while we know narcissists are very selfish, abusive, and lack boundaries, it's also important to notice our own boundaries when it comes to how we view them. Wanting to hold onto false illusions and delusions creates a bond with the narcissist that will be more difficult to extricate from, and not only that, the emphasis on "feelings" and sensations creates the risk that we reside on the narcissist's lower level of existence.

We need to rise above their level and use our power of mind over matter, which is something the narcissist can never do because they lack the higher level thinking and morality to do so. Remember, they are boundless, egocentric creatures who thrive on a very base, animalistic level, even the ones who are more "cerebral" aren't as intelligent as they seem, just crafty, egotistical pieces of garbage who are trying to get ahead at your expense.

So while narcissists are oblivious to their own lower level mode of being, we don’t have to live on their Delulu Island. Let’s get back to the land of reality and common sense.

Just a bit of an explanation here. People have been plagiarizing my writing and Quora wants me to prove this after I alerted them. Even though they have access to all of my posts that are dated, I am still waiting for a response. One individual has basically copy-pasted my writing word for word, and isn’t even afraid of being found out. So on every post I am now including a copyright.
Copyright (c) 2024 by Gwen on Quora

:tello: "Thanks Gwen".

Narcissists often exhibit a lack of awareness or concern regarding the impact of their selfish behaviors on others, but whether they are truly oblivious to their boundless selfishness is a complex question.

Here are some factors to consider:

Lack of Empathy: Narcissists typically lack empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. This lack of empathy can make it difficult for them to recognize or acknowledge the emotional consequences of their selfish actions on others. They may be more focused on fulfilling their own needs and desires without considering how it affects those around them.

Grandiosity and Entitlement: Narcissists often have an inflated sense of self-importance and entitlement, believing they are superior to others and deserving of special treatment. This grandiosity can lead them to believe that their needs and desires are more important than those of others, making it easier for them to justify their selfish behaviors without feeling remorse or guilt.

Defense Mechanisms: Narcissists commonly use defense mechanisms such as denial, rationalization, and projection to protect their fragile self-esteem and avoid facing uncomfortable truths about themselves. They may deny or minimize their selfishness, rationalize their behavior as justified, or project their own flaws onto others to avoid taking responsibility for their actions.

Manipulation and Control: Narcissists often use manipulation and control tactics to get what they want from others. They may exploit the vulnerabilities or insecurities of others to manipulate them into fulfilling their needs or desires, without regard for the well-being of those individuals. This manipulation can further reinforce their sense of entitlement and diminish their awareness of their own selfishness.

Cognitive Dissonance: Some narcissists may experience cognitive dissonance, a psychological phenomenon where they hold contradictory beliefs or attitudes. They may simultaneously believe they are special and deserving of admiration while also engaging in selfish behaviors that contradict these beliefs. To resolve this cognitive dissonance, they may distort reality or engage in mental gymnastics to justify their actions and maintain their self-image.

While narcissists may not always be completely oblivious to their selfishness, their underlying psychological traits, defense mechanisms, and cognitive distortions often contribute to a lack of awareness or concern regarding the impact of their behavior on others. It's important to note that narcissism exists on a spectrum, and individuals may vary in their level of self-awareness and capacity for change.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #480 on: April 29, 2024, 10:14:21 AM »
Do children of narcissists
often avoid becoming
narcissists themselves?

No, children of Narcissists do not know what a Narcissist is. They believe their parents are normal, loving, and always correct. It’s very similar to how grown people fall for the Narcissist’s charm, only that we were kids and they were grownups who should have known better.

Children of Narcissists rarely realize that their parent/s are Narcissists. Instead, they tend to go two ways. One becomes a narcissist because that’s all they learned and know. The other tries very hard to fix themselves because they know that their narcissistic parent is correct about how messed up they are.

The 2nd will eventually wake up one day, and say oh my, I was deceived by the one person that I love the most. She is Mom. Then they wonder how can anyone ever love a monster like me, when my own mother couldn’t love me? Is it that perhaps I’m worse than her? Therapy helps a lot, but these questions linger.

You doubt your therapist a lot and wonder why are they even trying to be nice to you… I mean, I am the daughter of a Narcissist… The most vile creature of all. The one who pits her own children against each other and laughs. I thought all mothers did this…

Can you really trust the daughter of a Narcissist? I came from her. She taught me her ways. I’m I not just like her? My therapist will kindly reassure me that I’m nothing like my mother. He will point out how I love my children and always want what’s best for them. He will say how my husband adores me because I’m a good person.

But - I’m I really? Is that even possible? He is a good man, but I’m a damaged woman. I’m broken and no matter how hard I try to be the very best I can be, my past comes to hunt me.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #481 on: April 29, 2024, 10:41:02 AM »

2 hours ago
Their secret lives are another way they keep you off kilter. You catch them lying about where they’ve been and then you go down a rabbit hole of wondering WHAT ELSE they’ve been lying about and soon you’re questioning EVERYTHING they say and do and it makes you feel like you’re losing your mind. Then if you QUESTION where they’re going, what they’re doing, and who they’re doing it with, they tell you you’re paranoid or you’re crazy (which, in your mind, VALIDATES your fear that you’re losing your mind). It’s psychological torture and VERY cruel.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #482 on: April 29, 2024, 11:44:00 AM »

Hello all! Safeguarding your luminous energy is vital; it's precious, yet there are those who may seek to fade it. Let's unite to keep our radiance shining bright!

Our hearts are filled with gratitude towards Jesus, as our unwavering faith in Him guides us to illuminate our paths with our brightest lights

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #483 on: April 29, 2024, 12:24:55 PM »
:tello: "Come on now! I have been doing this for you...

482 Replies

Now do this for me!"
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #484 on: April 29, 2024, 01:01:12 PM »
"Hey! This is about us !!!"

7 Types of People a Narcissist
Deeply Hates

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #485 on: April 29, 2024, 01:30:30 PM »
Topics That Sigma Males
Avoid Complaining About,
Unlike Everyone Else

:motorbikeride: "It's about the Destination AND the Ride".
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #486 on: April 30, 2024, 06:00:43 AM »
Why does the narcissist view
you as the enemy when you
truly loved them?

Because it was never about you, including the so called “love” you had/have for them. They are not after your love. They are after dominance of control, power, goods, services, emotional and mental over lord kinda sh!t.

As Tina Turner once sang.. “What’s love got to do with it?” - she was right. Absolutely bloody zilch, nada and zero when you are in an entanglement with a narcissist.

You have to be the enemy, the baddie, the villain.... for if you are not, they are not “good” - for them to regulate their inner bs, you have to be bad. There is no room for two hero’s in a narcissists nightmare fairy tale.

You will turn yourself inside and out again trying to “love” that narcissist to see sense. The only thing you are doing is future proofing how much of the “enemy” you truly are.

I know, I know, its nuts isn’t it? Some would say insanity at it’s best and those folks would be right.

Most importantly, narcissists don't know the meaning of love. Getting unlimited narcissistic supply from you is love for narcissists. If you don't give them narcissistic supplies, then the narcissist feels you don't love them. There is nothing from the narcissist side; they will only put in effort during the love bombing phase.

Once the love bombing phase is over, narcissists start getting bored of you; they can't accept your flaws because they want you to be a perfect person. Narcissists don't want to hear about your problems because they don't have empathy or remorse.

Once they get bored of you, they will start treating you badly for more narcissistic supply to feel powerful. Narcissists don't want to take any responsibility or accountability for what they are doing in relationships.

Narcissists will make you an enemy by acting like a victim to escape accountability and responsibility. For narcissists, it's your job to please them without complaining. If you don't please narcissists, then you are the most horrible person in this world.

Because you were unwilling to tolerate their abusive mannerisms and could even manage to live on without them. In their bizarre mind they are unable to fathom the thought that anyone could ever manage to keep on going and especially when thriving without them. You managed to shine and to keep shining and to even outshine them even when they had tried to burn you out and to tarnish that flame and means of life.

They wanted a fan that couldn't function without them and whom would be dependent upon them and who also would tolerate their abusive actions. They also wanted someone whom would be fine in neglecting their own well being as they would continue to ruin them since they would be aware that they are not that say normal and can't appreciate and love people alike how a healthier person would.

Misery loves company afterall and they would utilize that to no end making life extremely miserable for whomever would be fine in tolerating their presence and less pleasant and more abusive mannerisms and actions.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #487 on: April 30, 2024, 06:03:58 AM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #488 on: April 30, 2024, 06:22:11 AM »
Does a narcissist really
think you're stupid?

Absolutely yes. Narcissists are extremely manipulative and cunning; they will deceive you and then make you look stupid. Narcissists are liars, so they will challenge your knowledge, experience, and information with the help of lies and deception to put you down, and then they will call you stupid or a fool.

Narcissists believe they are smarter than you, so you deserve to be fooled; it's not their fault if you get tricked by them. Narcissists regulate their self-esteem by putting themselves up in front of everyone. For narcissists, their partners and people are stupid for easily believing their lies and deceptions. Narcissists call themselves smart by taking advantage of everyone's trust and kindness.

Narcissists only want to prove themselves correct to show they are smart and you are stupid.

No…or they wouldn't deal with you they just know that they can get over on you and they think that they are smarter than you because we have developed a trauma bond which keeps us glued to them even after their abuse but they definitely do not think that we are stupid…or they never would have ”picked” us to begin with…


I’ve had the misfortune to be closely related to 2 narcissists, and I worked with one as well. That’s 3 too many.

Do they think you’re stupid?

Yes they do.

Narcissists often project their own insecurities onto others, so if they call you stupid, it's more a reflection of their own mindset rather than an accurate assessment of you. They use such language to manipulate and control rather than to reflect reality.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #489 on: April 30, 2024, 06:38:59 AM »
What is in the day
of a covert narcissist?

I suspect it’s something like this:

Get up, feel victimised and make up a narrative about who is to blame for this.

Travel to work feeling envious and bitter about other people’s cars or prime seat on the bus or train. Make up a paranoid narrative about how people have conspired to deny you happiness or success.

Breezily greet co-workers with feigned interest and faked compliments. Resent having to pretend to be nice to worthless idiots who don’t deserve what they have.

Complain long and hard about how difficult your life and job are in the hopes of guilting someone into taking some work off your hands.

Rub shoulders with management. Give a great impression of your own excellence (despite trying circumstances of being surrounded by incompetence), and loyalty, while disparaging whoever you consider your biggest rival.

Virtue signal.

Judge and criticize your scapegoat- preferably in front of enablers and flying monkeys.


Sabotage someone else’s work, then call them paranoid.

Intentionally ignore someone or dismiss/diminish whatever they said. Sigh at them and turn/walk away if they try harder to be heard.

Provoke someone until they react, then give them the silent treatment. Be extra cheerful and chummy with the next person who walks through the door to make the provoked person feel confused.

Wait until a co-worker completes something, then tell them the vital information that you were supposed to tell them at the outset, and watch, smirking, as they have to start over. Try to make them feel stupid for not knowing the thing that you deliberately withheld (or gaslight them that you did tell them).

Shirk responsibility, blame someone else, make a promise you don’t intend to keep.

Take credit for someone else’s work or idea. Call them petty if they point out that it was their idea/work.

Talk up what a busy day you’ve had. Try to make the other person feel unproductive by comparison.

Stay late at work to claim overtime that you didn’t earn, give the impression of a good work ethic, and the need for a re-evaluation of your (excessive) workload.

Travel home feeling envious and bitter about other people’s cars or prime seat on the bus or train. Make up a paranoid narrative about how people have conspired to deny you the happiness or success that you deserve.

Go to bed feeling bitter and victimised. Fantasise about omnipotence or publicly humiliating/punishing whoever you blame for making your life like this.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #490 on: April 30, 2024, 10:41:53 AM »
How can a person
communicate effectively
with a narcissist?

Here are six rules for effective communication with a narcissist:

1. Use their name.

When speaking with a narcissist, be sure to use their name. It's polite, shows respect and empathy—things the narcissist knows little about. It also demonstrates emotional intelligence, something the narcissist lacks. Using their name throws them off and shows you're not intimidated by them.

2. Keep it to the main point.

When engaging with a narcissist, define and agree on the purpose of the conversation. Keep the conversation on track, as narcissists tend to lead discussions into circular, mind-bending, and unproductive paths. Don't let them drive you crazy with word salad and circular talks.

3. Have authentic curiosity.

Approach the conversation with authentic curiosity and compassion. While the narcissist may not reciprocate, bringing this positive tone can set the stage for a better interaction.

4. Ask them what they think.

Begin the conversation by asking the narcissist for their thoughts. Avoid assuming what they think and give them the space to express themselves. This attention and validation can make the conversation more positive.

5. Healthy limits and boundaries.

When dealing with a destructive narcissist, manage the conversation by setting healthy limits and boundaries. Stick to the main topic and enforce limits, showing you won't tolerate abusive behavior.

6. Ask them, how did you arrive at this conclusion?

Have authentic curiosity about their conclusions. It's fair to ask for specifics and how they arrived at their opinions. This helps you gather information to make decisions for yourself.

In my experience, with absolute silence.

If this narcissist is just a friend or partner (no marriage or children). Then complete and utter silence. Let them do all the talking and see how quickly their lies and manipulation become Chrystal clear to you. Do what you need to do to get this individual out of your life, but do it with the mute button on.

Now if this person is a blood relative or co parent this may be slightly more tricky. Remember every form of communication from you will be twisted and used against you for future attacks. So it’s incredibly important to use as little communication as possible. Keep a physical record of any conversations as proof as these shites will gaslight the hell out of you, if they spy the smallest vulnerablity.

Ideally a lawyer if things become ridiculous, expensive but it takes the pressure off, and helps you mentally deal with this person on an professional manner. Emotions are your enemy and a narcissists fuel. So you must blank off whenever you have to deal with their stress.

SILENCE is the only clear communication they’ll actually understand, it’s louder than any word or emotion you can use. Words and emotions are fuel to a narcissist. Silence is turning their emptiness back onto them, it’s the only healthy way to defeat them.

Waste no more time, compassion or empathy on them. Save your heart for people who really know and love you. Pity the narcissist and anyone still having to deal with them.

Hmmmmmmm………let’s see.

~they say it, you believe it, even if you know it’s a lie.

~that person, you know, they say is just a friend? believe that too, while she’s off felafeling him.

~ wait. What? You have a feeling you want to address, nope. Don’t do that either. Keep your damn feelings to yourself.

~ their overall disrespect is painful? Yep, you guessed it. Suck it up butter cup. You asked how to communicate with one right?

~ take their hand and lead. into the delusional bliss you are now a part of. Don’t question anything about them, that’s not proper communication.

~ you know it, they are the best damn “fill in the blank” that you know, and you best not question them. Whatever ego trip they’re on this week, run with it.

~ if it’s a covert, and they are low. Forget your needs and wants. Be there for them, be there to tell them the lies they need to hear while you grit your teeth as you mutter the horrible validation. Something they will rarely give you.

One last thing, you don’t communicate with one, you just exist. Sit, be quiet, no feelings, nothing. Sit and keep your flocking mouth shut.

When dealing with Cluster B, it's what you don't say that counts.

All of Cluster B are hyper-alert, hypersensitive, hyper-aware.

You probably noticed the way I didn't hyphenate “hypersensitive", and it bugged you — yes I know. And if it didn't then, it does now.

Cluster B pick up on silence, body language, facial expression. Being master manipulators, they can crunch an incredible amount of information at once — they read deeply into tiny cues.

They are akin to animals in this way, their brains are simpler, streamlined, focussed on the hunt, in this case on their endless hunt for supply.

Power for the psychopath

Status for the narcissist

Affection for the borderline

It is as though they have jettisoned the other parts of their brains in order to more easily acquire what it is they're after. By saying too much, you give away your position, and you allow them to more easily extort power, status or affection from you.

Try it for yourself.

Try saying less — notice how they will become uneasy, and speak more in order to prompt you into speaking, so that they know exactly where you are.

Try speaking with your body language — see what happens as you turn your body away, as you look as though you might be about to leave.

Use your facial expressions to answer a question, before you start talking.

Say less, watch more, move more.

You should never be fully present around a narcissist. Part of you, should always be somewhere else.

When you must communicate with a narcissist, make sure you have multiple things going on in your mind and the narcissist is just one of them.

You want to come across a bit distracted, aloof… like you want to help and be polite to the narcissist, but you just got a lot on your mind so you struggle to give them your undivided attention.

If you keep your mind full, you are not even faking it. You really do have a lot on your mind, the narcissist just being one of them. And they are not priority neither.

If the narcissist cannot get your full undivided attention, if they cannot get a grip on your energy, then they will struggle to give you a whirl.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #491 on: April 30, 2024, 11:08:07 AM »
Do narcissists ever try to


That is their goal.

Narcissists want you DEAD.

They want you DESTROYED.

And they want to be responsible for your death (and don’t want anyone to know they were responsible).

They enjoy watching you slowly die inside from the various health ailments their abuse causes that will completely vanish if you leave them.

They enjoy you getting sick to the point that you no longer want to live.

They enjoy every minute of it.

And when you’re dead, they love the attention from people they receive over your dead body.

This is who they are, this is who you are dealing with, and this is how serious this can end up if you don’t get out of the relationship.


Most narcs try to kill their mates in the most cunning way. They do it slowly and cunningly. But I think in extreme cases they are capable of murder. I never understood why my ex in-laws locked their bedroom when they went to sleep. I guess they knew what their daughter was capable of.

I don't think that narcissists are out to kill you, but if they can drive you to take your own life or think they played a part in your decision to do so they will secretly be celebrating while trying to use their connection to you in order to get pity points from others.

I believe they could, they are evil..My ex narc used to say “I will choke you out“.
I knew then it was time to leave, but next day he acted so nice.

They are pathetic!

I can answer this question in a several ways. My ex narcissist was very abusive physically and on many occasions would hit me so hard on my head that my hearing would go. I blacked out once when he wanted his ring back and I didn't want to give it back. He pushed me against a wall and chocked me so I passed out.

I pressed charges against him. He got probation and spent a week in jail. Of course, this happened along time ago the laws were not that strict. I want to say that I struggled so much with depression and suicidal thoughts. I was very empty inside. He made me feel like nothing. I wasn't important, I wasn't smart enough, beautiful enough. I was never enough.

In my 32 years of suffering with his narcissism I tried to take my life. Your life is so dismal that anything is better. He made me feel like I was a dead woman walking. I thank the Lord he is no longer in my life. I know that God was with me and that it wasn't me who was causing all that I was feeling. It's been 7 years since he left.

I'm so happy now.

I occupy my time with work and family. I love myself and I hope that one day I can meet someone who deserves me. I know if I would have stayed with him I would have taken my life. So to answer your question yes a narcissist can kill you.

Yes, be prepared and on alert.

Never turn your back on these lowlife sneaks. He tried to suffocate me first, been proven guilty thanks to his Irma Grese of a stepmother. Then he tried to strangle me twice. The first time was horrible but the second time he nearly succeeded. My dog bit him he turned around and nearly strangled her because she bit him trying to protect me. My cats were abused. So I'm telling you if your in a relationship with a narc, get the FARK OUT OF there. It's dangerous. Very dangerous.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #492 on: April 30, 2024, 05:10:14 PM »
The narcissist and the
shame-rage spiral

3 years ago
Me to the narc: "Please don't scream at me"

The narc to me: "I'm NOT SCREAMING...YOU ARE!!!!!!"
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #493 on: April 30, 2024, 05:26:34 PM »
that a PERSON IS VERY....

2 months ago
As a lonely man, I rather be lonely than have any friends.  Most were trash.  Many discouraged me to achieve my goals.  Some got jealous and always tried to out do me.  Some took advantage of me. No one cared about me and cared more about themselves. I had enough of people.  I rather be alone.
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #494 on: April 30, 2024, 05:52:57 PM »
You will never be angry
again after listening to this
stoic quotes about anger
remedy | STOICISM

In this video, we explore the power of stoicism to control and transform anger into something positive. Through carefully selected Stoic quotes and teachings, we reveal practical methods and thoughts that will help you maintain calm and composure in challenging situations. If anger has been an obstacle in your life, get ready for a profound change.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #495 on: May 01, 2024, 04:00:23 AM »
What is something a narcissist
won't see coming?

I think there are three essential things that a narcissist won’t see coming but that can help you so incredibly. Whether they’re narcissistic or just selfish or passive aggressive people, it applies equally I’d say.

1-No more anger: Narcissistic and passive aggressive people tend to thrive on your anger, so STOP giving it to them. Passive aggressive people actually WANT you to get angry because it’s a displacement of their own anger. So do yourself a favor and stop taking the bait.

I put a little paper up on my mirror that says “don’t take the bait” and it’s a GOOD reminder. Life is filled with little things and big things alike to make you angry, to get you to react, to make you lose it. Don’t let the baiters win, don’t give them what they need and want because it only hurts you. It hurts you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. So #1 is NO MORE ANGER.

2-Forgiveness: I think deep down a narcissist or passive aggressive knows they’re not treating you well, despite the level of denial and delusion, and since they also tend to thrive on your anger, the last thing they expect and perhaps care to have, is your forgiveness.

But here’s the thing, when you forgive them it just sets YOU free, makes YOU more whole, and brings YOU health. For them, they don’t expect it, and they might not care to have it for a long long time, but it matters, and they’ll never expect it.

3-Healthy Boundaries: When you’ve found the answers to less anger and forgiveness, this one comes naturally. And one thing a narcissist or passive aggressive will never expect (and will never like) is you establishing healthy boundaries. When you learn to deal with your anger and you learn to forgive you inherently grow as a person and you start to realize your fundamental value, and when you understand your value you realize that you don’t need to allow people to treat you horribly.

You establish basic healthy boundaries, and this takes all of a narcissist’s power away if you can keep those boundaries up. It’s not about building walls to shut out the world or other people, it’s just about recognizing that there’s a line you will no longer allow people to cross in their treatment of you. It also doesn’t require aggression or a mean spirited nature on your part, but simply a calm resolve to protect your sanity, physical health, spirituality, and so on.

I saw when I started taking control of these things in my life, it took control away from the narcissistic and passive aggressive people. It put them on confusing ground while I grew to understand more about myself that I really needed to know.

I think sometimes we deal with these people so long that we get into the mindset that they’re the problems in our lives, but would those problems exist if we didn’t have our own problems which allowed us time and again to accept their horrible behavior? The only one I can change is me, so I might as well give up the ghost of changing him or her, getting revenge on them, making some big poignant statement or point, because those things really don’t work. What works is helping myself, caring about myself, and THAT will always shock a narcissist, because they expect you to always and only care about them.

They are brilliant strategists and so whenever their victims discover their evil games, this is not something that they will take lightly.

I think that they are highly intuitive and so when their victim suddenly becomes indifferent, they will realize that the game is over.

And they have to face failure……….. their strategy failed.

May all victims of narcissism face the truth and stop trying to excuse abusive behavior. Abuse gets worse and never better.

Their host/target catching on to their lies and initiating effective counter measures against them. For a narcissist it’s all about control. Narcissists see themselves as mentally superior to their target, but in truth they rely heavily on their target’s response.

My ex wife would take my patient and understanding nature as a weakness, push boundaries,and take liberties. I caught on to this and stopped telling her things.she had to resort to spying on me and eavesdrop on my phone conversations. Knowing this, I used more profanity when referring to her, knowing she was listening. She was pissed but couldn’t say anything without revealing how she got her info.

I got a storage room and another apartment without her knowledge, and moved much of my property out with her unawares. She had some idea something was going on and tried to say the spirit of God told her something was wrong. I revealed nothing as she told me she was insecure and didn’t want us to break up. She said she realized that she took me for granted. I said nothing.

She tried guilt, fake tears, stories of impending doom “our marriage is on life support”. It didn’t matter. I was done. I packed up the rest of my stuff while she sat in the room staring at the wall wondering why she couldn’t trick me and had no idea where I worked or where I was going. Her best efforts failed. She had nothing left.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #496 on: May 01, 2024, 04:35:05 AM »
Can a quiet narcissist be

Not only can quiet, covert narcissists be dangerous, based on personal experience they most definitely are.

And when covert turn malignant, like my NEX wife certainly did, they are toxically vicious and will try to exterminate your presence from anywhere. Metaphorically and physically, if they get their own way.

Full blown erasure was the name of this covert game.

Wherever they may actually emerge from, you are put on a “Highway to Hell".

If you want to find out how low a covert Narc can go, let me assure you they could “Take my breath away".

Still having escaped, now I'm no longer a “Beast of Burden" can start to feel again the soothing “Wind beneath my Wings".


One thing to understand about covert narcissists is that their ‘games’ are a shade more subtle. They are ALWAYS in competition with someone - even if they’ve only met the person seconds before - and they are always looking to be the boss in any situation.

I was watching my NEX deal with people and discovered that the moment he found or ‘discovered’ someone he thought he could control, he would step into their path. And he would brush it off as, ‘Ooops, sorry. Didn’t mean to block your way.’ But it was deliberate and calculated. It’s a small 2-second event which makes the person focus on him. And since they have to wait for him to move so they can continue on . . . he wins. Hundreds of these a week. The only person playing the game is him.

The other thing he will do is walk up to women in the store and start talking to them. He’s very charming and charismatic. But he will keep talking until they walk away. And, if they’re not pissed at him, he will follow them around the store. He can pull off old fat White-man very well.

He means no harm. He’s just lonely. They don’t know his past history. They don’t know his tendencies. It irritates them, sure, but to date nobody has called store security on him. When, really, they should have in the first 2 minutes and the first time he followed them around the store. In any case, any time he can control that portion of their day (by keeping their attention on him) that’s a win.

The problem with both these scenarios is that small win is not enough for him. It escalates. Usually where nobody else can see it. But it escalates. If he can get their name - and dear God how often women give their names out! - he looks them up on FB and IG and elsewhere. He does everything up to the point it’s not legal (that I know). And that’s only the stuff I have seen him do.

Just because you’re not seeing all the narcissist is doing does not mean you know all they have done. Far from it. The trouble with covert narcissists is they are very Very VERY good at convincing people around them they are harmless. Very good.

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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #497 on: May 01, 2024, 07:07:14 AM »
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #498 on: May 01, 2024, 07:22:14 AM »
Mass Narcissism: How Society is Collapsing

Trace Face-It
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Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Reply #499 on: May 01, 2024, 07:56:17 AM »
:tello: "Some things merit repeating..."

The Times of Betrayal
& Disloyalty:
Narcissists on the Rise

"...People will be lovers of Self .... without natural affection....."

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"