Author Topic: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **  (Read 59190 times)


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I couldn't stand it any more, I posted on ebay to come here about the paypal mongrels, I worded it with no links so I'm hoping I have not breached any policy... welcome to any ebay / paypal refugees...sign up may be the best forum you've ever joined.

{ countessa start mixing the soothing lotion for my botty. }

[ I will keep bumping it as long as I can till ebay remove it ]


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Good one Yib...... Even if people don't wish to join - they can at least have read access to what is happening - without the fear of persecution.

Well done!


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I just also bumped it Yib so it is up the top of the page.


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The bulk of the information is under the link: Red Ink.. an interesting read on the new PP 30% Holding rule


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Thanks Ivy...I don't know how long it will be long as many members can see it and come here to find all the facts about the new changes...I have nothing to loose anymore and I don't give a crap about ebay...I just want to see the paypal mongrel face our laws and abide by them... this may be the very site that the offensive will be launched from...I'm up for another fight just like last time...bring it on !...


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*Big pat on the back for opening up free speech for consumers Yib*...a brave sacrifice...but a worthy one...let's face it...Ebay have developed a special 'members only', not for public the public and regulators can't see what they're doing????.....oh yeah????.

Poddy, you stay out of this......or.....Use protection....hehehehe (He

Good Boy Yib !!!


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If some one is able it would be a good move to send the Accc and any other authority a link to the most relevant thread on this site regarding paypal horror policies.... lets face it they can't see what is happening on RT anymore to get information like when the rebellion was on.... it's too censored now...this is the only Aussie site they can get the latest...


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Yib, nothing is stopping us sending disgruntled ebay members (fellow consumers) an email to tell them about this there?....those with Posting ID's?....identify and invite....simple as pinks here...only pink botty ointment !!!..oh by the way, can you post a link to the thread you posted?...very helpful for the Ebay exhausted...and those who have to cut and paste for the Countess.....hehehehe 



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Yib, nothing is stopping us sending disgruntled ebay members (fellow consumers) an email to tell them about this there?....those with Posting ID's?....identify and invite....simple as pinks here...only pink botty ointment !!!..oh by the way, can you post a link to the thread you posted?...very helpful for the Ebay exhausted...and those who have to cut and paste for the Countess.....hehehehe 


Thanks Cue, I didn't want to risk the post being pulled so I went about it cautiously...monman has already climbed on his high horse [ as predicted ] and challenged the statement...


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2009, 06:18:17 PM »
openthevault_seewhat..  has posted the link...I hope in doesn't jeopardize the post..


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2009, 06:18:37 PM »
I noted that too Yib..... yet I fail to see the link to A: Rolling Reserves or B: 30% Holding fees.

There was another item last night that did speak to a percentage being collected from a fund transfer to another party. Perhaps this is what monman was referring to?


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2009, 06:19:53 PM »

If he comes here "r".... he may be enlightened...


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2009, 06:22:16 PM »
No worries Yib!


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #14 on: September 12, 2009, 06:24:21 PM »
Yib...I mean post it here (i.e. the link to the ebay thread) so we don't have to go looking?....doh !!


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #15 on: September 12, 2009, 06:26:07 PM »
OK, it...doh !!!...long day for the


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #16 on: September 12, 2009, 06:26:37 PM »
> "This post may not be here long so will we see how long before the repression starts"
> What rubbish
> I suggest some more information here, and decent links, because as far as I can determine all PP are doing is to ensure commercial/business transactions that are disguised as "personal" are charged. Also the Australian eBay transactions (all I use PP for, not as a de facto bank) will remain exactly the same.
> Read THIS
> There is a mixture of alarmists(??) and a few who have checked!
> jº??

Just get down off that horse monman and follow the yellow brick road to ozrt...all will be know very well what happens if links to other sites are posted...get it.


Where is ozrt? I have looked at community in Oztion but no obvious thread!
> Regardless of that, how can one conduct a debate here, by going elsewhere?
> I wan't to "talk" about it here with links, some facts and figures, or perhaps YB ypu could tell me "how much money I stand to loose and can do nothing about it" as an Australian seller with a personal PP account used very occaionally?
> "get all the information" so get it all, and put it here, I want to know if I stand to loose money!
> jº??

Google is your friend "ozround table" know no debate is fair's not a debate it's fact...."ozround table" of the list.


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #17 on: September 12, 2009, 06:30:11 PM »

The offensive is always the first reaction....then information is digested and discussed rationally.


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #18 on: September 12, 2009, 06:33:51 PM »
Yib...Monman rational?..oh really?.... :filenails:

lmao.....that guy is so pro-paypal, he may even be on the payroll, or Ebay's list of 'Favoured Sellers'.....!!!!  I dare him to join here and debate the real topic slaps, no button pushing...come on ya mug !!!  lol


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #19 on: September 12, 2009, 06:47:42 PM »
Give him heeps 'R'....weren't you a victim of one of Ebay's biggest fraud scams so far? (irrespective of the payment method?)....I'm sure you have a clue or go Guy !!!


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #20 on: September 12, 2009, 06:57:52 PM »
Yes Cupie... I was, and yes, it was Paypal. We were fortunate in having a happy ending after some months - for which I paid them accolades. Many were not so fortunate. But this 'thing' that they are proposing is just soooooo unfair! I respect monman for standing by his beliefs - but in reality, he too, along with many other good people could well lose money.

Yib - not my intention to tread on your toes with my post over there!


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #21 on: September 12, 2009, 07:06:38 PM »
  No toe treading r are a good friend but if the zombies start chasing us I'm tripping you.... Doh ! wrong thread...dam tello...LOLOL ...but seriously you have as much right as anyone to weigh into this subject... it effects so many people...keep up the good work.


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #22 on: September 12, 2009, 07:49:19 PM »
Yib, I salute your bravery... I'm honestly sorry to see anyone think that this site is focused on being negative about eBay or PayPal, as of course it's not. But when there IS something wrong, consumers have GOT TO BE FREE TO BE ABLE TO SAY SO.

Legitimate complaints must be able to be discussed. If many people are alarmed and unhappy and seeing a real and definite problem, what is the point in painting on a happy face and dancing about, singing "La la la la, I love PayPal"?

As probably everyone here knows, I use PayPal (occasionally and reluctantly) as a buyer. I don't sell on eBay. I do have a merchant account and can sell from other websites - to do with my profession(s). I have twice in my life accepted payments for web hosting via PayPal, and I vowed I would not do so again. It would be stupid; I pay a monthly total fee and no transaction fee for my merchant account and payment gateway, regardless of whether anyone pays me, hires me, books me or buys from me, so why would I wish to incur EXTRA fees to accept payment by PayPal? It makes no sense.

I've said I'm not a seller on eBay - and if I were, the mandatory nature of PayPal and the increasing control PayPal have exhibited and are continuing to exhibit would be enough to send me running away in the opposite direction.
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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #23 on: September 12, 2009, 08:04:18 PM »

Countessa... rational people do not take or believe a persons statement as truth... rational people will investigate and make up their minds on the evidence they find... if the people who find this site is not for them then so be it... it is so small minded and disrespectful to assume others have no mind and will follow your thoughts without any fact searching .... 


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #24 on: September 12, 2009, 08:16:35 PM »
I hope they do investigate properly, Yibs... I hope they do.
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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #25 on: September 12, 2009, 09:49:03 PM »
GAWD Yib..... apologies for the delay in answering..... Had to put my stand-by modem online. The other one appears to have karked it since I started typing the word Paypal!


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #26 on: September 12, 2009, 10:02:57 PM »
GAWD Yib..... apologies for the delay in answering..... Had to put my stand-by modem online. The other one appears to have karked it since I started typing the word Paypal!

LOL @ r ....yes I hate typing that word also....I get a facial twitch when I'm spelling it out in my head whilst typing it....LOL


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #27 on: September 12, 2009, 10:04:38 PM »
it tends to bring on tourettes doesnt it


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #28 on: September 12, 2009, 10:45:06 PM »
Isn't it amazing! The Paypal Blood Stone thread is no more!

Well, at least that adds to it's credibility! ;D

The specified topic [500115638] was not found.


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #29 on: September 12, 2009, 10:57:31 PM »
Yeah R numbers, I saw that. I currently have posts 18 to 39 up but if I refresh I'll lose the lot.
I wonder (ha ha) who reported or, did Ebay itself remove it so people would not get clued up on what's to come?


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #30 on: September 12, 2009, 11:04:32 PM »
Hello yibida,

Recently we became aware that your eBay registered account was involved in the following activity:

Using, or posting material to, eBay’s discussion boards to discourage others from using eBay or its related services (including PayPal).

which is not permitted at eBay.

This is a copy of your post:

12/09/2009 16:22 
This post may not be here long so will we see how long before the repression starts, have you read the new paypal changes ? do you know how much money you stand to loose and can do nothing about it, you can't talk about it here ?

There is another safe site to tell your story and get all the information... [ ozrt ].... I can not say anymore. 

We realize that you may not have been aware there was a rule against this

To view the complete discussion board policy, please visit this

Please understand our goal is to help you understand our policies to ensure
successful experiences at eBay. Therefore, we respectfully request that you
refrain from this activity in the future to avoid the possibility of a
suspension of your eBay registration.

Thank you for your cooperation in this important matter.

eBay Moderation Team


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #31 on: September 12, 2009, 11:06:47 PM »
Well Ubbrd....... It appears that Yib created a "Martyr" thread! ;D

Just noted Yib's post

Hang on Yib::::: What a crocka....... All you did was inform people of a valid Paypal policy! How is that wrong!!!!!


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #32 on: September 12, 2009, 11:07:32 PM »
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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #33 on: September 12, 2009, 11:09:09 PM »


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #34 on: September 12, 2009, 11:09:43 PM »

The specified topic [500115638] was not found.

Lost in the annals of ebays bowel's for ever...countess wheres that lotion you have been mixing for just this foreseen event....ouch !


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #35 on: September 12, 2009, 11:12:14 PM »

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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #36 on: September 12, 2009, 11:12:45 PM »
Don't be angry Yib. It lasted a lot longer than I thought it would. Many posters expressed concern and posted good info & opinions. There was only one blatantly supportive of Ebay/Paypal (monman) and one just being generally derisive of this site.
In fact wasn't monman sarcasticaly  saying words to the effect, this thread hasn't been removed, when you expressed concern and the expectation that the thread would get the boot? If this is the case it is egg on his face.

It was also a good add for this site, while it lasted.


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #37 on: September 12, 2009, 11:18:19 PM »

Thanks for the support guy's and girls...will I loose sleep over this?... no fuggin way !...the ultimate proof of corruption by association...Ebay and Paypal two pea's in a rotting pod....

This reinforces to me why I came here to OZRT.... the best site on the net...fug em all over there...


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #38 on: September 12, 2009, 11:19:34 PM »
Yep.... thoroughly agree with Ubbrd! Actually, Imp was givin it to monman.....told him that it was a one sided argument - and that if he had something to add - he should do so..... else he was totally dissed (or words to that effect)

The critic was Bliss Charms - who started out with matches and sleeping meds regarding OZRT - and yet, later, posted the actual Paypal Blog announcement regarding the changes!

People did actually listen - strangely enough.

And..... Tello! Where the blardy hell were you to give us a hand..... fightin' your battles and all!

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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #39 on: September 12, 2009, 11:21:32 PM »
Hey Yib. this is a part quote of monmans sarcastic reply to your concerns about the thread not lasting

"You started a thread dissin PP without any research (or comprehension) YB and even included this silly statement:-
"This post may not be here long

Oh gosh it is here, still!



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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #40 on: September 12, 2009, 11:25:31 PM »
Oh those party poopers over there, bit sad it was removed Yib

just cause I know 'ebay/PP' are watching, a very special song for them


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #41 on: September 12, 2009, 11:26:46 PM »
And..... Tello! Where the blardy hell were you to give us a hand..... fightin' your battles and all!

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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #42 on: September 12, 2009, 11:28:09 PM »

Love the song..THX Ivy !

Eh you lot are a bunch of "fungi's" ...time for a group hug..LOLOL


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #43 on: September 12, 2009, 11:29:09 PM »
Yes Yib I thought it summoned them up nicely.

Well we could always sick the Cylons onto them lol.


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #44 on: September 12, 2009, 11:33:42 PM »

Love the song..THX Ivy !

Eh you lot are a bunch of "fungi's" ...time for a group hug..LOLOL

are you getting all "mushy" with us Yibster


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #45 on: September 12, 2009, 11:38:31 PM »
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #46 on: September 12, 2009, 11:45:35 PM »

Tello... I know you would have jumped in with me if I'd a let you know I was going in head is said "the first casualty of war is the truth"....

who ever said that was right on the money.


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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #47 on: September 12, 2009, 11:47:35 PM »
Apply to the affected area; rub well.

Do not allow to come into contact with ordure.

If swallowed, contact a horticulturalist immediately.
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Re: ** Ebay member life raft...start here if you read my paypal post on ebay. **
« Reply #48 on: September 12, 2009, 11:48:45 PM »

Tello... I know you would have jumped in with me if I'd a let you know I was going in head is said "the first casualty of war is the truth"....

who ever said that was right on the money.

for Yibster and Tello going into battle together