Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2930094 times)


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The Origins of 7 Famous Toys

Think back to holiday seasons and birthdays past — what was the toy you dreamed of unwrapping? Year after year, the “it” gift that every parent scrambles to find changes, from Cabbage Patch Dolls to Beanie Babies and Game Boys to Tamagotchis. While many are soon forgotten, others have stood the test of time. Discover how breakthrough experiments, bold innovation, and even bizarre accidents created some enduringly popular classic toys.
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The Common Denominator of Violence in America
The result of fatherlessness becomes even more tragically evident when the data connecting that absence to violence is irrefutable.
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Study: Climate Causing Young People Mental Health Issues?

JUNE 15, 2022

This year, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences gave $413,598 to researchers at Appalachian State University in North Carolina to study how climate change impacts the mental health of young people.

An abstract for the research project states that research shows environmental factors like increasing temperatures and heat waves might create negative mental health and well-being outcomes for youth.
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Seriously, who is doing this?!!!!!!


BOTS! The brothers of bots, the sons of bots, the daughters and sisters and wives of bots, the bots of bots, the butlers of bots, bots made of chewing gum and bots made of rubber bands... Bots, bots, bots, bots and bots.

Oh, and a spare bot or two.

Just a motley of bots.

"No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe; every man is ...a part of the maine; ...any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde"


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Private group
4.8K members

Michael Martinez
11h  ·
Teresa Ramos
What do you mean "Hot"?
Cassandra ARivera

Teresa Ramos what he means is be careful because the police are going to be stopping people just for random questioning or random reasons
Teresa Ramos
Cassandra ARivera T.U
David Martinez
Teresa Ramos if you get stopped you're going to be approached with Extreme Caution. Maybe with guns draw
Mauro Aguilar
David Martinez so a regular traffic stop in Friendly El Monte.
Joel Lara
Mauro Aguilar exactly. Lol
Teresa Ramos
David Martinez i know what youmeant Thank you.
Karen Gengnagel
I grew up in El Monte.
Garcia Rub
Maria Villegas
Yes. Tues at 5 pm. They passed at 9 pm. I watched the 11 o’clock news. Very sad. I’m praying. We need more pea cup times
Luke Claborn
Raised in El Monte, Live in El Monte, El Monte has changed, but it has changed everywhere.
Mauro Aguilar
Luke Claborn facts!
Luke Claborn
Mauro Aguilar Fact !!!
Diane Sandoval
The citizens of El Monte have changed. I have lived here since 1964 so I have witnessed the changes. No mater who or what these officers were they both were someone's FAMILY! May they rest in peace. Prayers for their families.
Rosario Gonzales
So sad, my god have in his glory. We did a moment of silence at our senior center
Rosario Gonzales
So sad, my god have in his glory. We did a moment of silence at our senior center
Anthony Rivera
Before the pandemic this type of stuff was rare now it seems everyone has a gun and these Cracked out fools can't fight so they pull a gun. All that stimulus $

Ron Tello Culley

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It is so meaningless.

A perfect cue to kill myself.
Disclaimer: "I'm taking you with me."
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Abortion is a popular, nasty issue.

Here's a Tello Take on it all........
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I don't care.

My Blog, my Risks.
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Brazil’s Bolsonaro Still Doesn’t Think Joe Biden is Legit

The rest of us are very much accustomed to Joe Biden being the laughingstock of the entire world by now. World leaders point and laugh as Biden teeters and totters around in his dotage and wanders off into the weeds, until a Secret Service agent or Nurse Jill grabs him by the elbow and steers him back in the right direction. It would be sad if he weren’t such an incompetent leader and weren’t so prone to fits of dementia rage. One world leader who still doesn’t think Joe Biden belongs in the White House and isn’t afraid to say it is Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro.

Bolsonaro is meeting with Joe Biden for the first time right now, at the Summit of the Americas. But before meeting with Biden, Bolsonaro gave an interview and said this:

“The American people are the ones who talk about it (election fraud). I will not discuss the sovereignty of another country. But Trump was doing really well. We don’t want that to happen in Brazil.”

That… is… glorious.

On the one hand, Bolsonaro has to be diplomatic. As the leader of another country, he’s showing respect for the sovereignty of America. He can’t just come right out and directly say that Joe Biden is a total fraud due to the 2020 election theft. And yet, that’s exactly what Bolsonaro is saying. He doesn’t want the election in Brazil this year to be stolen in the same way that the 2020 election was stolen here. He doesn’t believe that Joe Biden is a legitimately elected leader of a democratic nation. Biden is a fraud in his eyes.

Bolsonaro muses in the same interview over whether other nations in the World Economic Forum also have falsely installed rulers. That’s a fair question. Look at how the leaders of Canada, Australia and New Zealand, for example, all turned into authoritarian dictatorships during COVID. That wasn’t an accident. They did it in lockstep, as if someone or something else was telling them exactly what to do. Are they just a bunch of drones installed by the WEF in fake, manipulated “elections?”

The Brazilian president’s concerns are well-founded. Because Democrats cheat in elections. Another one went to jail for electoral fraud this week, in fact.

Former Congressman Ozzie Myers (D-PA) was busted for bribing election judges in Pennsylvania and rigging the votes there. He admitted to paying thousands of dollars to the judges he bribed. Myers, you may remember, was also one of the idiots who was sent to prison back in 1980, in the hilarious and awesome Abscam sting.

Back when the FBI used to be cool and useful, they had some agents pretend to be Arab sheiks who wanted to bribe Members of Congress. (Abscam is a contraction of “Arab scam.”) Myers took the money. In all, ten elected Democrats and one Republican went to prison for accepting bribes from the fake sheiks. It’s too bad the FBI totally sucks today. It would great to see them run a scam like that against Congress again today.

The US Attorney who secured a conviction against Myers – Jennifer Arbittier – said in a news release, “Votes are not things to be purchased and democracy is not for sale.” That’s great, but… could you possibly take a look at the 2020 election next, Jennifer? I mean, since we’re on the subject!

It has been frustrating that so few world leaders have had the courage to state the obvious about the 2020 election in America. They must realize that things were waaaay better with Donald John Trump running the show. Inflation and high gas prices aren’t just slaughtering Americans who make less than $300,000 a year. They’re hammering the EU as well. And it’s Joe Biden’s fault.

The world has been thrown into a big hot mess ever since the 2020 election was stolen. We’re closer to a nuclear war with Russia than our nation ever was during the Cold War against the Soviet Union. People are going hungry in some countries already – and there are going to be famines in some places by the end of summer. Oh, and baby formula.

President Bolsonaro is one of the brave ones for speaking out against Joe Biden. I’ll probably be accused of meddling in Brazil’s elections for saying this, but I hope Bolsonaro wins his reelection battle. We need other world leaders to keep speaking out about the stolen 2020 election.
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Biden's 'Ministry Of Truth': Docs Blow Whistle On Secret Plans To Monitor & Censor Speech

JUNE 15, 2022

More Americans are awakening to the fact that, as we have reported at MRCTV, the DHS Ministry of Truth - a.k.a., the Orwellian-titled “Disinformation Governance Board” (DGB) - is NOT dead, and its hive of spies and Palantiri propagandists have big plans to peer into our lives and portray traditionalists, Christians, libertarians, anti-war activists, medical freedom advocates, and concerned parents as “disinformation” peddlers, troublemakers, or downright threats to the government-domesticated USA.

But new documents blow the whistle on the fact that, as we suspected, the Ministry of Truth crew has not been content merely to spend our tax money unconstitutionally to “monitor” and “label” speech, but have been eager to (no surprise) leverage government power to silence us.

Republican Senators Chuck Grassley (IA), and Josh Hawley (MO) last week launched a telling press release offering details of the revelations, and of the sheer scope of the plan, noting that whistleblower-provided internal DHS documents:

…illustrate how the DGB was designed to exert powerful influence over the government’s efforts to crack down on disinformation in areas where there are ‘clear, objective facts.’ However, it remains unclear how DHS defines ‘clear, objective facts.’ Documents show that DHS was not just focused on foreign disinformation but also issues at the heart of longstanding political debate such as theories about the validity of elections, the origins and effects of COVID-19 vaccines, and the efficacy of wearing masks.

Sadly, the senators also engage in their own form of propagandistic promotion, by focusing on their “efforts” to send a “letter” to DHS head Alejandro Mayorkas to demand an explanation, and, in their press release, they add:

’Given the significant coordinating role the Department envisioned for the DGB, the consequences of installing Nina Jankowicz, a known trafficker of foreign disinformation and liberal conspiracy theories, as the DGB’s first Executive Director, would have been a disaster,’ the senators wrote.

Which, as usual, focuses on the personality – Jankowicz – rather then the source of the systemic problem: the unconstitutional DHS, itself.

It’s one thing to utilize a striking contemporary development in the news to highlight a deeper source of a problem. It’s another to use said development to score political points while allowing the source of the problem to continue unaddressed.

Grassley and Hawley do note that in their letter to Mayorkas, they stressed the unsound nature of calling for censorship, including in their press release this portion of their letter:

The First Amendment of the Constitution was designed precisely so that the government could not censor opposing viewpoints – even if those viewpoints were false. DHS should not in any way seek to enlist the private sector to curb or silence opposing viewpoints. It is therefore imperative for DHS to provide additional clarity regarding its policies and procedures for identifying and addressing ‘MDM,’ as well as its efforts to ‘operationalize’ public-private partnerships and the steps it is taking to ensure that it does not infringe on the constitutional rights of American citizens…

But in appearing to be so gung-ho about “constitutional rights” they forget that our rights are not granted to us by the Constitution, rights preexist the document. They also fail to note that the 2002 DC creators of the DHS offered zero enumerated constitutional justification to allow the US Government to have and run such a police force.

As Judge Andrew Napolitano said April 29:

DHS was the brainchild of the Bush (W) administration. Many of us (constitutionalists) argued against it at the time. I’m getting emails this morning from friends and colleagues – a lot of them former colleagues of mine at Fox – saying, ‘Hey, judge, you were right! This is just outrageous! And the powers that the Republican Congress gave to the Republican President, George W. Bush, are now in the hands of a bunch of crazy lefties.

The Epoch Times’ Mark Tapscott offers much more about the new revelations, and reading his story is time well-spent. Among the many points he makes, one sees that, despite Mayorkas’ sworn Senate testimony, offered in May, that the DGB had “not yet begun its work,” the “board” had been operating, unseen and unheard except by certain “friends,” for quite some time:

In addition, the papers show the DGB charter that was officially drafted in January 2022 was personally signed by Mayorkas on Feb. 24, 2022, with the stipulation in the document that the secretary’s approval marked the immediate effect of the charter.

Mayorkas told the Senate in May that the DGB hadn’t yet begun its work even as a meeting with social media executives was apparently being staffed by Nina Jankowicz, who had only been nominated in April by President Joe Biden to be the board’s executive director, according to the documents.


And one of the social media corporations was good ol’ censorious Twitter:

The Twitter meeting was, again according to the documents, scheduled for April 28 and would include Twitter head of global public policy Nick Pickles and head of site security Yoel Roth.

‘The meeting is off-the-record and closed to [the] press,’ one of the leaked documents stated.

This is fascist, star-chamber, crony-favoring, totalitarian stuff. And it gets worse:

The papers also suggest that DHS officials drafted legislation to codify a ‘Rumor Control Program of the Department of Homeland Security to Counter Mis-information, Dis-information, and Mal-information,’ including a public-facing website known as ‘Rumor Control.’

It’s all about political power.

In addition, the leaked documents concerning the Twitter meeting mention numerous ‘discussion points,’ including one noting that ‘the DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis (I&A) created a domestic terrorism branch within its counterterrorism mission center to ensure DHS develops the expertise necessary to produce sound and timely intelligence, at the lowest possible classification level in order to inform our stakeholders.’

And, remember, the Ministry of Truth continues without Nina Jankowicz. It is now under the re-tooling power of former George W. Bush Homeland Security figure Michael Chertoff, who, most of his career, has bounced back and forth between government security positions and corporate interests that are connected to government security interests.

Until Americans explore the unconstitutional roots of the DHS itself, these kinds of figures and these dangerous offices will not leave us alone.

Let’s spread the word about this, and offer the info to others.
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Move over homeless people, the Middle Class is moving in.

The White House’s Policies Are Increasing Poverty in America

Nationwide, the economy has continued to take various turns for the worse since Joe Biden got into the Oval Office.

Last week, inflation increased to a staggering rate of 8.6%. At the same time, gas prices also went up, making life even harder for everyday Americans.

Naturally, with prices getting higher across the board (and wages not following suit), fewer people are able to comfortably afford to live. Some folks even put their retirement plans aside, due to the current economic conditions.

As all this plays out, Biden and his White House aides continue to argue the economy is doing well and growing. Yet, the precise opposite reality couldn’t be more true.

The Reality of Biden-era Economic Policies
Under Joe Biden, gas prices today are multiple times higher than the $2.41 average that stood before former President Trump left the Oval Office.

Today’s 8.6% inflation rate also continues to stand far above wage gains of only 5.4%.

Inflation today comes after a litany of spending from Biden and the Democrat Party in Congress. However, the president insists that current price hikes are the fault of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Between wages and inflation, working-class families today are anticipated to have lost between $2,000 to $4,000. Yet, Biden claims the economy is bouncing back and doing well.

When Trump was in office, working-class families saw their median wages go up by roughly $6,000. Biden is said to call Trump the worst president ever in private; yet, Trump’s numbers on the economy alone have proven to be much better than Biden’s.

No Serious Solutions From the White House
Regardless of how great the current administration claims the economy is, data and lived experiences will always speak louder than political rhetoric.

Shortages in insulin, baby formula, and tampons are pressing issues facing the nation. Although, the baby formula shortage is expected to sort itself out by the end of July, thanks to resumed operations at Abbott Nutrition.

Biden could have prevented this formula shortage by acting on the knowledge he had months in advance. Yet, to this day, his administration remains silent about the shortages in both tampons and insulin.

The president and his administration continue to insist that gas prices can be fixed by people just buying electric vehicles. These vehicles are not only in short supply, but they’re also extremely unaffordable for the everyday American.

Between inflation, gas prices, stagnant wages, and other hardships, people can expect poverty to persist under this current White House.
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If you voted for Biden, you are the problem.

Higher Gas Prices Ahead

Jun 15, 2022

If you think gas prices are high now, just wait. They're going to get much higher, thanks to President Joe Biden's "irreversible" plan to eliminate fossil fuels. Truth is, your pain at the pump is being planned and executed by the White House.

Over the weekend, buyers paid $5 a gallon to fill the tank -- or roughly $100.

Gas prices have doubled since Biden took office. J.P. Morgan analysts predict $6 a gallon by August. And experts warn this crisis will continue even after Biden's term ends because he's dismantling fossil fuel production.

When Biden was running for president, he promised to shut down oil producers: "No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period." He pledged to put the country on "an irreversible" path toward "doing away with" fossil fuels."

On Day One as president, Biden shut down the Keystone Pipeline, sending a message of no new pipelines anywhere, period.

In the months that followed, he stopped all sales of leases to drill on federal lands or offshore meaning zero new leases allowing oil to be brought out of the ground.

And in September, House Democrats introduced legislation to stop banks from lending money or investing capital for new or expanded fossil fuel production. That legislation hasn't passed, but it sent a clear message. The oil industry is being shut down.

Now, as outrage over gas prices push Biden's poll numbers down, Biden is trying to shift the blame. He told Jimmy Kimmel last week that oil producers refuse to expand operations: "Why aren't they drilling? Because they make more money not producing more oil." He accused oil companies of deliberately "making things worse for American families."

Sorry, Mr. President, that doesn't pass the laugh test, even on late night TV. It's sheer demagoguery.

Biden confessed his actual plan just six weeks ago, when gas was already over $4 a gallon. He marveled at the "incredible transition" of the U.S. economy away from fossil fuels. "God willing, when it's over," we'll be "less reliant on fossil fuels."

In a congressional hearing that same week, Biden's Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland repeatedly declined to agree that gas prices were too high. Climate zealots in the Biden administration want high prices to deter the public from buying gas.

Biden's media toadies are singing the same song. High gas prices will force us to make "good choices," claims Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson. "The right-long term solution, for the sake of the planet, is not increasing the supply of fossil fuels." It's to compel consumers to switch to electric vehicles.

It's one thing to choose electric vehicles. Soviet-style compulsion is another matter. EVs are about one-third more expensive than gas-powered cars. Another problem, EVs generally go about 200 miles on a charge, and less in cold temperatures, according to Consumers Reports. About a quarter of charging stations are broken at any one time. Imagine running low on a charge and driving into a charging station that's out of order. When EVs are ready for prime time, the Wall Street Journal's Allysia Finley concludes, consumers will decide to buy them.

In the meantime, people are feeling pain at the pump. And Team Biden is rolling out the blame game.

Playing defense, a gas station outside St. Paul, Minnesota, put up a sign telling its customers, "We hate our gas prices too." That's credible. Gas stations are not to blame for today's prices, according to an analysis in Barron's.

House Democrats eyeing the polls are trying to fault "price gougers" and are urging the Federal Trade Commission to punish oil companies that charge "excessive" prices.

It's all theatrics. The FTC has concluded several times that gas prices are the result of market conditions, not illegalities -- rising demand and inadequate supply.

Who's to blame for inadequate supply? Worldwide, there are many factors, but here in the U.S., blame drivers with Biden bumper stickers. They heard candidate Biden announce his "irreversible" plan and they voted for him anyway.
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CDC Publishes Hidden Pfizer Document With An Admission That Proves Military Jab Mandates Illegal [VIDEO]
"it's so corrupt, it's mind blowing... it's clear under the law, you cannot force or mandate someone to take an emergency use authorized drug."

JUNE 11, 2022


While there aren’t many people around the world who haven’t heard of the COVID-19 drug that wasn’t promoted as the best option at fighting the coronavirus, not many know that it was also marketed as Comirnaty.

According to the FDA, “On August 23, 2021, FDA announced the first approval of a COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine has been known as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine and will now be marketed as Comirnaty, for the prevention of COVID-19 in individuals 16 years of age and older.” That might not sound suspicious, but attorney Thomas Renz, who has been a critic of the COVID-19 agenda, noted how Pfizer can’t make Comirnaty.

Appearing on His Glory, Renz used a statement from Pfizer to show how the COVID-19 drug that was used on military soldiers was illegal. In the video below, he said, “I’m quoting here – Pfizer received the initial FDA BLA license on 8/23/2021 for its COVID 19 vaccine for use in individuals 16 and older.

At that time, FDA published a BLA package insert that included the approved new COVID-19 vaccine trade name Comirnaty and listed two new NDCs and images of labels with the new trade name. This is what’s important. These NDC will not be manufactured. Only NDCs for the subsequently BLA approved tri sucrose formulation will be produced.”

Knowing that the wording and terms can be confusing, Renz added, “What that means in English is that Pfizer is just admitting they didn’t make Comirnaty. They’re not going to make any Comirnaty. This whole Comirnaty licensing was a load of crap to try and convince people to get these jabs. And so when the military is saying that, you know, they can force these jabs on their soldiers because they’re licensed, they’re lying because they’re not available, and the military knows it. And the military is the one who’s contracted with Pfizer to get these jabs.”

As mentioned above, the attorney also explained how it made the COVID-19 jab in the military illegal. “See, one of the dirty secrets is everybody thinks that all this was done through DHHS, it appears now, and we’re just finding this out, that this is being done through the military so that they can dodge licensing and procurement requirements. It’s so corrupt. It’s mind-blowing. And this here demonstrates, because it’s clear under the law, you cannot force or mandate someone to take an emergency use authorized drug.”

Renz, having witnessed the fraud and corruption surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, admitted and warned, “The Biden administration is so corrupt from top to bottom. I mean, there should be impeachment. There should be trials. And there should probably be a lot of jail time for a lot of people.

You’re going to try and get this put on the childhood vaccine schedule, and you can’t go to school without getting it. They’re going to try and have that happen. So we have got to take a stand on this. We’ve got to stop this. It’s the safety of your kids, and it’s our future.”
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Targeted Depopulation Of Africa? “Hundreds of Millions Of People In Poorer Countries Are Gonna Die” [VIDEO]

A Surge of Strange 'Coincidences' Has Disrupted
the Food Supply
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Report: DNC Reschedules Fundraiser with Kamala Harris for Lack of Ticket Sales

 :lol: :pmsl: :rofl: :lmao: :muffled: :banana:

14 Jun 2022

The Democrat National Committee (DNC) reportedly had to reschedule its Woman’s Leadership Forum fundraiser on May 25 and 26 with Vice President Kamala Harris for lack of ticket sales.

“The event was rescheduled last minute for the autumn, when the event is traditionally held, after the event couldn’t sell enough tickets,” Status Coup News reported. “When the invites were sent out on May 5, it was hyped as an incredible opportunity to mingle in person after two years of virtual events and meetings.”

So the @dnc had to move a May fundraiser with VP Kamala Harris to the fall because "they couldn't sell enough tickets."

Tough sledding when even the donors aren't buying what you're selling.

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Buckle up, Wonderlings, and please keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times — on this day in 1884, the U.S.' first roller coaster debuted at New York's Coney Island. Dubbed the "Scenic Railway," the ride was a recreational play on the switchback railways used in coal mines. Two tracks running parallel to each other carried passengers at a whopping six miles per hour — all for the low price of a nickel. The ride was an immediate success and paved the way for Americans' need for speed. The Scenic Railway no longer exists at Coney Island, but another iconic wooden coaster, the Cyclone, which opened in 1927, still carries riders today.

Ride America’s Most Historic Roller Coasters
This summer, ride the coasters that add history to their thrills

On June 16, 1884, Sunday school teacher and part-time inventor LaMarcus Adna Thompson unveiled his greatest creation to the waiting crowds at Coney Island. Reportedly inspired by the switchback gravity-driven railways used in the coal mines of Pennsylvania, Thompson’s amusement ride featured two wooden structures that ran parallel to one another. Riders piled into cars sitting sideways and went up and down the wooden hills at the breakneck speed of 6 miles per hour, propelled only by gravity. The ride was so popular that it took in nearly $600 dollars a day, despite only costing a nickel to ride. Within three weeks, the ride had paid for itself. Dubbed the “Scenic Railway,” it was America’s first roller coaster.

The use of gravity, and the sound of joyous screams, are probably the only things that connect the Scenic Railway of yesteryear to the high-tech rollers coasters of today. Despite the fact that coasters are continuously getting taller and faster, there are still a few oldies-but-goodies out there.
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Biden Wants To Make Sure More Children Are Drugged And Castrated
The Matt Walsh Show
News Commentary

Today on the Matt Walsh Show, the Biden Administration celebrates Pride Month with executive orders meant to ensure that more children are drugged and castrated. Also, protestors interrupt a drag queen story hour and are now being investigated for a hate crime because of it. And Texas lawmakers send a letter to the White House asking for an official legal definition of the word “woman.” Based on my experience, they won’t get one. Ibram Kendi has a new book meant to indoctrinate children into the CRT cult. In our Daily Cancellation, George Washington University changes its “colonials” moniker for reasons that make no sense whatsoever.
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I Warned You About This Guy (Ep 1791)
The Dan Bongino Show
News Commentary

I warned you about this guy, and now those warnings are materializing. In this episode, I address those warnings and the latest big news drop about the economy.

Quote: "The far Left is evolving right before your eyes into a violent mob that is now openly, openly calling for violence. We saw it with BLM and AntiFa during the George Floyd riots...Before that Democrats would kind of walk away from violence. They're not doing that any more." - Dan Bongino

If you are not cleaning your guns, you are buying new ones. Key words: Self. Defense."
-Ron Tello
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The Battle for the American Mind with Pete Hegseth

Charlie welcomes Fox News Host, Pete Hegseth, and author of the new, critically important book, "The Battle for the American Mind: Uprooting a Century of Miseducation." Charlie and Pete discuss the status of American "miseducation" including the 1619 Project, CRT, social emotional learning, and the corruption of nearly every educational institution across the country.

Quote: "We are at a moment in this country where we are in completely uncharted territory. Our schools, across the board, government schools, not just public - which should be known as government schools - but, elite schools, private schools, most Christian schools are teaching students to be self-loathing activists who know nothing about God and who believe America is an evil place." - Pete Hegseth on why he wrote this new book
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Biden’s Anti-Fossil Fuel
Policies Make New US Refineries Unlikely


American gas prices continue surging to new record highs on a daily basis even as crude oil prices have dropped below previous highs and despite the fact that U.S. refining margins have skyrocketed in recent weeks

Lower supplies from Russia and China and surging summer demand indicate no price relief is in sight for struggling Americans. Meanwhile, Joe Biden’s energy policies are making it more likely that there will not be any new refineries built in the U.S., according to Chevron CEO Mike Wirth, which means that there will be no supply increases to bring prices down in the future.

In an interview with Bloomberg, Wirth said that a new refinery requires capital commitments 10 years in advance and needs decades of production to offer a return on investment for shareholders. He added that Western governments are sending mixed signals in their policy discussions, basically saying they don’t want refined petroleum products.

The Biden White House is currently demanding that domestic producers pump more oil to increase gas supply while at the same time hammering American refiners and distributors for “price gouging.” The administration is also threatening to impose a “windfall profits” tax on gas retailers.

Wirth said that global fuel demand has rebounded with strength even though international air travel and China’s fuel consumption still lag at levels below where they were before the COVID-19 pandemic.

He added that U.S. gas supply tends to move slower than demand, as seen in 2020 and again this year. He noted that there hasn’t been a new refinery built in America since the 1970s, and said that his personal view is that under current conditions, “there will never be another new refinery built in the United States.”

Wirth noted that in the last two years some U.S. refineries have even closed and others have been repurposed to refine biofuels. Those trends are directly caused by federal policies that indicate long-term reduced demand for refined oil products.

He said that the government narrative that the oil industry is not growing domestic production as much as possible is inaccurate. He said that the Permian Basin production growth outlook has been raised by 15% this year alone.

Wirth went on to say that the big American oil companies need to meet with the Biden administration for an honest conversation about the “relationship between energy and economic prosperity, national security, and environmental protection.”
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Michigan Dem Calls for a ‘Drag Queen for Every School’
'Drag queens—not only are they not hurting our kids—drag queens make everything better,' said state AG Dana Nessel

June 15, 2022

Michigan attorney general Dana Nessel (D.) said Wednesday that drag queens ought to be in every school.

Nessel, who is best known for passing out drunk in the stands after two Bloody Marys at the 2021 Michigan-Michigan State football game, admitted she did not poll-test the idea before floating it at a civil rights conference in Lansing.

"A drag queen for every school! That is what would be fun for the kids and lift them up when they are having emotional issues," Nessel said. "Drag queens—not only are they not hurting our kids—drag queens make everything better! Drag queens are fun."

"So are Killer Clowns!" -Ron Tello


:tello: "They got it ALL wrong. It's DRAG RACING....ok?"
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“But, it’s never their fault. NEVER.”

‘Nap time, that’s Biden’s plan’: Ted Cruz fires back after @POTUS tweet mentions him by name

June 14, 2022

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas fired back on Tuesday after a tweet posted on President Joe Biden’s @POTUS Twitter account called Cruz out by name.

“Ask yourself: How well are you going to sleep at night knowing that every five years Ted Cruz and other Congressional Republicans pushing ultra-MAGA policies are going to vote on whether you’ll have Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid? That’s their plan,” the tweet on Biden’s account declared.

“Nap time, that’s Biden’s plan,” Cruz responded.

The term MAGA is short for “Make America Great Again,” former President Donald Trump’s well-known campaign slogan.

Many others also reacted to the post from the @POTUS Twitter account.

“Tell me you’re looking for a new social media director without saying it,” Jonah Goldberg wrote.

“The president’s comms team….sorry, just going to say it: they really suck at this. Might as well be freeze dried this is so generic and lifeless. Does anybody over there have a pulse, fresh idea, or some kind of initiative? It’s embarrassing, get an adult in charge over there,” Andrew Donaldson commented.

“Actually, the existential threat to Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security is Biden’s program of unlimited low-wage immigration, unprotected open borders & mass amnesty. These extremist corporatist policies will eviscerate the safety net. One more reason working class fleeing Dems,” Stephen Miller tweeted.

“There’s still a baby formula shortage that Biden ignores & now a tampon shortage. Food is next. Inflation is through the roof with gas above $5 everywhere. THAT keeps Americans up at night, while it’s ignored by Biden who is desperately trying to make ‘ultra-MAGA’ happen,” Jason Rantz tweeted.

“Dems have the White House and Congress…and what have they done?” Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama tweeted, making a list that includes, “record gas prices,” “40+ year inflation high,” “worsening crisis at the southern border,” “a baby formula shortage,” “out of control crime rates,” and “evacuation of 2 US embassies.” Tuberville added, “But, it’s never their fault. NEVER.”
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Biden Has Now Officially Destroyed The Trump Economy

According to recent data published by Fortune on Monday, the stock market has lost all of its gains since President Joe Biden took office.

The S&P 500 declined sharply on Monday, closing 151 points below its January 2021 level. The Dow Jones Industrial Average and Nasdaq Composite dropped by 876 and 530 points, both significantly below where they had been when Biden took office.

In addition, the cryptocurrency market has also taken a hit. According to Fortune, Bitcoin dropped 15% in value and Ethereum dropped 16%.

Investors are struggling with an unstable economy. They’re unsure if, and by how much, the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates to combat growing prices, spurring worries of a recession.

As the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose to 8.6% over the last year, consumer prices reached their highest level in more than forty years.

In a CNBC interview on Thursday, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen rejected concerns about a recession and dismissed questions about whether she had been incorrect to downplay worries about inflation before.

“Don’t expect me to make the announcement. I won’t announce it. I don’t think we’re going to have a recession,” she added.

This does not align with reality as Americans struggle with record job losses and businesses closing their doors for good.

The stock market’s current roller-coaster ride is the result of the Biden Administration’s chaotic policies.

Biden’s $1.9 trillion stimulus plan is one of the reasons behind the record high inflation we have experienced.

Meanwhile, the national debt has increased by $7 trillion since Biden took office.

The common thread here is that Biden’s policies have direct consequences on the stock market and the economy, whether his team and friends will admit it or not.

America needs a strong president back in office, one who is not a far-left communist and one that believes in growing America’s economy for American citizens with whatever tools we have at our disposal.
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Biden Announces $1 Billion In Military Aid To Ukraine Despite Rumors Of Waning Western Support
What about helping Americans, Joe?!

JUNE 16, 2022

President Biden announced a $1 billion military aid package to Ukraine, including shipments of additional howitzers, ammunition, and coastal defense systems. This announcement comes after brutal fighting in the Donbas region sparked concerns from some that the war is unwinnable if it does not turn in Russia’s favor.

Initially, ‘experts’ like Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley said Ukraine would “…fall within 72 hours” of invasion. But, as we sit more than 100 days since the invasion, we hear a different tune from the Pentagon.

What Do The ‘Experts’ Say Now?
Intelligence officials believe the war is at a ‘critical stage.’ Essentially what happens in the Donbas region will determine the future of this war.

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Watch: Fauci, Paul Go to War in Scathing New Senate Committee Testimony

June 16, 2022

Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky and White House chief medical adviser Anthony Fauci have scrapped many times over the origins of and response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Biden Says The Economy Is As Vibrant And Healthy As He Is

June 14th, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Biden attempted to calm fears of a crashing economy and coming recession today assuring Americans the economy is every bit as vibrant and healthy as he is.

"You people have nothing to worry about. Best economic recovery ever! The economy is just as fit and healthy as Old Joe!" said Biden to a 12-year-old girl in the junior's clothing section of JCPenney he mistook for an MSNBC reporter. "If I wasn't the picture of health, do you think I could do this?" Biden then got in the push-up position but quickly forgot why he was down there and decided to go to sleep.

The White House's gay-black Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre confirmed Biden's assertions after flipping through her notebook for 30 minutes to find the correct response. "Yes, the economy is very healthy," she said, "just like the president. I am gay and black."

Economists also insist the economy will be ok, just as long as someone can find a diaper for the economy to wear when it poops its pants and a special guide to help the economy find its way back to its basement when it forgets where it is.

At publishing time, Biden boasted he is even healthier than the economy as the economy is now dead.
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El Monte: "There appears to be no limit
to the insanity."

Actor James Woods Blasts Soros-Funded DA Over Deaths of Two Police Officers: 'Blood on His Hands'

June 16, 2022

Two Los Angeles-area police officers are dead after an ambush shooting by a felon who reportedly should have been behind bars.

The criminal is dead now, too, but so are El Monte, California, police Cpl. Michael Paredes and Officer Joseph Santana.

And Hollywood conservative James Woods is blasting the man he believes is responsible: Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascón.

According to KTTV-TV, the shooting took place Tuesday at a motel where police were responding to a reported stabbing.

The gunman was identified as Justin Flores, 35, a man who was on probation after pleading no contest to a charge in 2020 of being a felon in possession of a firearm, according to KNBC-TV. At the time, prosecutors dropped two other charges against Flores – being a felon in possession of ammunition and possession of methamphetamine, the station reported.

In a Twitter thread posted Wednesday, Fox News national correspondent Bill Melugin, citing law enforcement sources, reported that Flores had received the “absolute bare minimum” sentence for the firearms possession charge — two years’ probation.

Under California’s “three strikes” law, which requires prosecutors to take criminal defendants’ previous records into account when making prosecution decisions, Flores should have been sentenced to between two-and-a-half and three years in prison, Melugin reported.

Gascón, however, had refused to enforce the “three strikes” law, so Flores got the slap on the wrist of probation, according to Melugin.

An appeals court ruled on June 2 that the Democratic DA had overstated his authority and that he “is an elected official who must comply with the law, not a sovereign with absolute, unreviewable discretion.”

That came too late for Paredes and Santana.

And that had James Woods — and no doubt countless other Californians and Americans — absolutely livid.

Gascón is already the subject of a recall campaign, like the one that brought down his fellow progressive prosecutor Chesa Baudin in San Francisco last week, and Woods made a point of mentioning that.

“Let’s put it as simply as we can,” Woods wrote in a Twitter post linking to a Fox News article about the appeals court decision.

“If George Gascon obeyed the law these two El Monte police officers would be alive today,” he said.

“George Gascon has blood on his hands. Not only should he be recalled; he should be in prison.”

Plenty of social media users agreed with him – especially about the recall drive.

And then there was this:

“This is happening across the country, catch and release,” one user wrote.

That sums it up pretty well. As the country is dealing with a surge in violent crime, prosecutors whose campaigns are often financed by billionaire puppeteer George Soros have been laying waste to criminal justice systems in cities across the U.S.

Larry Krasner in Philadelphia, Alvin Bragg in Manhattan, Kim Foxx in Chicago and other so-called prosecutors have benefited from Soros donations only to bring lawlessness to their cities – and the citizens they’re supposed to protect.

As Chicago Tribune columnist John Kass wrote back in July 2020, describing that connection:

“These prosecutors are among the few politicians in America who have delivered on their promises. They promised to empty their jails through the social justice warrior policy of ‘decarceration.’ They also help give repeat, violent criminals little or no bond when arrested.

“And in many of the violent cities, the prosecutors have delivered on their promises, not to keep the violent in jail, but to let them out.”

Gascón also enjoys the backing of Soros, as an extensive, damning Heritage Foundation report in 2021 documented. But he might stand out even among this contemptibly contemptuous lot.

Not only was a felon free to murder two law enforcement officers, apparently thanks to the lax pro-criminal policies of the man in charge of law enforcement in Los Angeles County, but county taxpayers could be on the hook to pay for the funeral of the man who killed those officers.

A post in Melugin’s thread notes another of the district attorney’s policies: One in which the DA’s Bureau of Victim Services would “contact the families of individuals killed by police and provide support services including funeral, burial and mental health services immediately following the death regardless of the state of the investigation or charging decisions.”

There appears to be no limit to the insanity.

Meanwhile, another post in Melugin’s thread notes that the LA County DA’s office had issued a statement regarding the Flores case.

Flores’ original felony conviction stemmed from a 2011 burglary case that got him a two-year prison term, according to KNBC.

NEW: LA DA @GeorgeGascon office issues a statement regarding this case.
Their position is that placing a convicted felon gang member with a strike on his record on probation for possession of a gun by a felon was a “consistent” resolution at the time. @FoxNews

— Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) June 16, 2022

The home he burglarized belonged to his grandparents, according to the statement Melugin posted. And at the time of his sweetheart deal stemming from the 2020 arrest, Flores “did not have a documented history of violence.”

Well, he does now – or rather he would if he were not already dead, after engaging in murderous violence that killed two men whose careers were spent in preventing crime.

Of course, there’s no way for a human being to predict the future behavior of another human being. Gascón’s office can hardly be faulted for not realizing that the probation deal it gave Flores would turn into a death sentence for two police officers.

But all prosecutors had to do in the case was follow the law of the state of California – a law Gascón thought he had the power to override.

An appeals court has ruled differently, but it’s too late now for two law enforcement professionals, their families and their communities.

Is Gascón directly responsible for those deaths? No. That’s a criminal named Flores, who is now beyond the reach of earthly courts – his judgment is in Other hands.

But Woods, a once-prolific Twitter user who remains one of the few big names in Hollywood who champions conservative causes, is right about Gascón’s role in this tragedy:

It was Gascón’s progressive policies that made it possible. And for that, he, and every other progessive prosecutor, should pay.
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goddammit I am soooo pizzzed orf!!!!

This makes it "all better".....


157777777777 wouldda looked good on my portfolio....

:smee!: Port is where boats go. Folio is a paper product, right? Strewth!
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:tello: "Keep talking, smee. I need the human traffick.
BOTS be damned!"
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shut up smee.
If you don't, our gov will make you...

Breaking News
Biden’s Ministry Of Truth Is Blown Away by Damning Whistleblower Documents

At times, you’ll be shocked to the core by what’s going on in politics.

The Biden administration’s release of their newest strategy to combat “mis (dis?) information” by forming a Governance Board led by a leftist who claims to be a “expert” in the subject exemplifies this point more clearly than anything else.

To become a “expert” in the field of disinformation, how does one begin?

GOP Senators Josh Hawley and Charles Grassley’s material, now disclosed, not only raises the degree of alarm, but it also reveals the Biden administration’s Ministry of Truth’s full aims.

The new Disinformation Governance Board at the Department of Homeland Security has raised many issues, and Secretary Mayorkas has sought to allay those fears by appearing on various talk programs and even issuing a statement on the Board’s activities.

It was asserted by Mayorkas that the Board would solely concentrate on overseas sources of misinformation and would not target particular American people who happen to hold a different opinion than the far-left Biden administration.

“The Department is focused on disinformation that threatens the security of the American people, including disinformation spread by foreign states such as Russia, China, and Iran, or other adversaries such as transnational criminal organizations and human smuggling operations,” Mayorkas wrote.

Mayorkas, on the other hand, made sure to exclude any reference of the Board’s intention to only address misinformation coming from foreign sources.

Because of anti-disinformation regulations, the DHS may very simply monitor and track your locations based on the materials supplied by Sens. Hawley and Grassley.

Biden’s DHS and big tech corporations’ increasing degree of cooperation is also shown in the papers in question. In order to better detect and disclose instances of “disinformation,” the Board wanted to collaborate with social media businesses.

This cooperation would serve just one purpose: to erase the facts as we now know it, which the Biden administration regards as “disinformation.”

Sen. Hawley joined on Tucker Carlson’s show to clarify what the released whistleblower papers truly imply..

What could possibly be more terrifying than this?
NEW - DHS "disinformation board" reportedly pursued to "operationalize" partnerships with big tech to censor opposing viewpoints, whistleblower documents suggest.

Josh Hawley
Thanks to a patriotic whistleblower, we now know the Biden DHS was planning to coordinate with Big Tech to track Americans’ speech with its unconstitutional Disinformation Board

Christina Pushaw 🐊 🇺🇸
Whistleblower documents reveal the scope of Biden’s Ministry of Truth.

They lied to us again. It’s exactly what we thought it would be: A government censorship board working hand in hand with Big Tech to silence dissent.

Now, where’s the accountability?

Christina Pushaw 🐊 🇺🇸
In a surprise to nobody who’s been paying attention, a key goal of the Biden Ministry of Truth was (is?) to censor public discussion and scientific inquiry about covid vaccines and mask efficacy.

Senator Hawley Press Office
Senator Hawley discusses new whistleblower documents that expose shocking new details about the Dept. of Homeland Security’s plans to use the DHS Disinformation Governance Board to monitor Americans’ speech.

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