Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2930136 times)


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Good God, MAN!! More proof that MORONS run the Country...into the ground!!!!

Kamala Harris blasted for saying ‘work together’ repeatedly in ‘word salad’ speech #shorts

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Oh, DON'T look so surprised....
Exposed: Dr. Fauci Accepted Millions In Secret Payoffs
May 18, 2022

Over the last ten years, Big Pharma has paid out large sums of money to Dr. Francis Collins, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and other high-ranking officials with the National Institutes of Health, raising significant ethical concerns among members of Congress.

During a recent legal hearing with NIH director Dr. Lawrence Tabak, Rep. John Moolenaar (R-MI) brought up the issue, saying that firms offering tens of millions in bribes were also receiving government funding from agencies employing the individuals they were bribing, resulting in a significant conflict of interest.

“To me, the pinnacle of an apparent conflict of interest is the notion that individuals may derive a financial benefit from their research and the grants given to them,” Moolenaar said.

“Of course I can see why it might appear to be a conflict of interest,” Tabak replied. “However, because this sort of kickback arrangement is technically lawful, it is perfectly permissible.”

Open the Books, a transparency organization that filed an FOIA request in September 2021, discovered this corruption.
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Will somebody put this man to bed without a story?
After Ignoring Previous Mass Attack, Biden Goes to Buffalo to Push Gun Control
May 18, 2022

Over the weekend, a mass shooter opened fire in a shopping center in Buffalo, NY. The man was allegedly a racist, targeting a neighbor with a high population of black people. Immediately the media jumped on the story. Joe Biden himself dropped everything and went to the city. There, he offered no comfort or help. Instead, he used it to push politics.

Not that long ago, another maniac killed six people, including a child, in Waukesha. The man drove a truck into a Christmas parade, at the end of last year. Biden made little mention of this event. He never visited the city, nor offered help or a plan.

The reason? That slaying, done by a black man, different fit the left’s narrative. It did not involve a firearm and it would have painted a minority—and a criminal—in a bad light.

Now, Biden is jumping all over this recent crime—so he can push a false narrative about “assault weapons.”

President Joe Biden spoke in Buffalo Tuesday and pushed for an “assault weapons” ban in the wake of Saturday’s shooting, which killed ten people.

Biden said, “We can keep assault weapons off our streets. We’ve done it before. I did it when we passed the crime bill last time. And violence went down. Shooting went down.” […]

The NIJ report continued, “The ban’s effects on gun violence are likely to be small at best and perhaps too small for reliable measurement.”

The report put matters into perspective by pointing out that “assault weapons” were “rarely used in gun crimes even before the ban.” [Source: Breitbart]

Isn’t it odd how sudden Biden is concerned over the death of civilians? It seems he only bothers to get out of bed when he and his party can use it to push their agenda. Biden’s tired “solution” to crimes like this is to ban “assault weapons.”

Even though the facts don’t pan out. The previous ban did not affect gun violence, not on a level that could even be measured.

On top of that, people should be asking how gun owners would have altered the events of last weekend. Would this man had opened fire on these people, if he knew someone would be shooting back?

We all know New York is a blue state with strict gun control laws. Yet this man, a criminal, was able to get his hands on a gun. The only people “gun free” were the ones in his crosshairs.

Not that Biden cares all that much about that. This horrible crime is too valuable not to make it about race and gun control.

A man who doesn’t care one bit about Americans (given his economic policies) cares a lot about exploiting minorities—keeping them weak and helpless.

And making stale Political Hay.
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WOW! Top Biden Advisor Admits They Have Known About Baby Formula Shortage Since Last Year!
Again, not surprising but altogether insane and extremely harmful to society.

A top Biden administration official accidentally slipped up and revealed that they have known about the coming baby formula shortage dating all the way back to last year – contradicting claims made by Biden that they had no idea.

The top official at the Department of Health and Human Services noted that both his department and the Food and Drug Administration had known about the issue since last year.

When HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra was asked if he was “satisfied” with the government’s response to the issue. The HHS chief affirmed that the administration was moving with urgency and has been since “last year.”

“From everything I’ve known, the FDA has kept me apprised of this from last year,” he responded. “We have been moving as quickly as we can.”

Becerra’s acknowledgement that they knew about this potential issue exposed that the president was lying when claiming ignorance on the matter.

“I’ll answer the baby formula question because, all of a sudden, it’s on the front page of every newspaper,” Biden said in response to one reporter asking about the emergency.

Biden made it sound as if the emergency took them by surprise, as it did parents across the country.

Even the White House’s website says that on February 17, “the largest infant formula manufacturer in the country—Abbott Nutrition—initiated a voluntary recall of several lines of powdered formula.”

The White House offers the claim on the site that the federal government mobilized into action to get baby products onto the market as soon as they became aware it was an issue.

Meanwhile, some reports have claimed that the baby formula shortage had been ongoing since the COVID-19 pandemic due to supply chain issues caused in part by a lack of workers and baby formula plants shutting down for medical reasons.

A company called Datasembly ran an analysis which showed that “supply was ‘relatively stable for the first half of 2021. Then, the out-of-stock rate for baby formula hit 23% in January 2022 and has continued to climb.”

This implies that the shortages began prior to Abbott’s plant closing down in February.

“Inflation, supply chain shortages, and product recalls have brought an unprecedented amount of volatility for baby formula,” Datasembly founder and CEO Ben Reich also said in the report released in April. “We expect to continue to see the baby formula category being dramatically affected by these conditions.”

Either way, the Biden administration has made one thing clear – they were absolutely not prepared for this crisis.

“Joe Biden has now fully proven he is not only America Last but also Family Last,” American Principles Project President Terry Schilling said.

“At nearly every turn, his administration has actively undermined the interests of families. On education, for example, their focus has long been on woke indoctrination rather than real improvement — and when parents complained, the feds outrageously targeted them as ‘domestic terrorists,’” Schilling claimed.

The president of the pro-family think tank added that Biden’s failed response to the crisis is a hallmark of the left.

“So it should come as no surprise that Biden and Democrats failed to take seriously the risk of a baby formula shortage,” Schilling said.

“Perhaps they were too focused on preserving the legality of killing unborn babies to give the looming crisis their full attention,” he pondered.

“But they can be assured American parents have been paying attention, and there will most certainly be consequences when those parents hit the polls later this year,” Schilling said in reference to the upcoming midterm elections, which polls indicate will be a bloodbath for Democrats.
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Lawmaker confronts abortion doctor over horrific reality of abortion procedures. Her reaction says it all.
May 19, 2022 

An Alabama physician who performs abortions accused Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) of using "inflammatory language" Wednesday after he described the brutal reality of abortion procedures.

What happened?
During a tense House Judiciary Committee hearing, Roy asked Dr. Yashica Robinson — who operates one of three facilities in Alabama that provide abortions, according to — about her experience aborting unborn children.

"What is the latest you have performed an abortion in terms of weeks of the unborn child?" Roy asked directly.

Unfortunately, Robinson appeared uninterested in answering Roy's question.

"Yes, my name is Dr. Robinson and I provide abortion care in Alabama. So Alabama has restrictions —" she responded before Roy interjected.

"What is the answer to the question? The latest that you have performed an abortion?" the congressman asked again.

“I’m going to answer your question," Robinson responded. "So, unfortunately, my state is one of those states that has passed bans or restrictions on abortion care, which limits physicians like myself —"

"In other words, you’d like to do it later," Roy interjected again, before asking a third time, "What is the latest you have performed an abortion?"

Robinson finally answered, "Well, since I will always follow the law and I live in the state of Alabama, I provide abortion care up until 20 weeks gestational age."

After Robinson admitted to aborting 20-week-old unborn children, Roy pressed Robinson on abortion procedures.

"OK, so you performed an abortion at 20 weeks. The procedure for an abortion, when we’re talking about at 20 weeks, as I understand it, is dilation and extraction," he noted before asking his next question, "Have you performed abortions at that stage and, in doing so, have you had baby parts that you’ve had to discard or store in some capacity? Legs, arms, eyes?"

However, instead of answering the question, Robinson complained about Roy's choice of words.

"One of the things that you all have done throughout this hearing is use inflammatory language as you talk about —" Robinson said.

"No, it’s a question," Roy shot back. "Ma'am, ma'am, it’s a simple question. Have you had human parts, baby parts, arms, legs, as a result of an abortion performed, at the time you just acknowledged you perform abortions, up to 20 weeks?"

Robinson responded that she is a "proud abortion provider" and claimed "there is nothing that you can say that makes it difficult for me to talk about the care that I provide."

The Texas congressman said Robinson's repeated deflections and apparent refusal to discuss the horrors of abortion indicated that she did not want "to talk about the reality of what actually happens" in abortion procedures.

During her testimony, Robinson claimed abortion is "essential health care" and alleged that "racism and white supremacy" are behind the "abortion access crisis."
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Kari Lake’s Epic Annihilation Of Fake News, So Devastating They Didn’t Even Run The Story [VIDEOS]
This is absolutely brutal... She could end up being better than DeSantis.

MAY 19, 2022

Having garnered the endorsement of former President Donald Trump, Republican Kari Lake is currently seeking to become the new Governor of Arizona. Before entering the political arena, Lake was part of the mainstream media, reporting on the daily antics in D.C. But after watching the Southern border be overrun with illegal migrants thanks to the Biden administration, she decided to take a stand. And with that, both the Democrats and media have had a rather difficult time handling Lake when it came to interviews and the constant smear campaigns against her.

Taking part in an interview with The Republic, as can be seen in the video below, Lake took the time to inform the reporter about the people she was working for. “I offered my border policy to the Arizona Republic. Your management refused to take it unless I took out the word invasion, which tells me that you guys are on the side of the cartels.”

After being asked why she took the interview in the first place, the Republican answered, “Stacey, you been here ten months? You don’t understand Arizona. I’m sorry to say that. I’m out with people every day. I’m out with hundreds of people every day. Thousands of people sometimes. They’re fed up with what’s happening at our border?” She added, “I appreciate your time, but I’m really prepared for another hit piece from The Republic.

The good news is our polling is showing that every day you guys write a hit piece on me or every week. And it’s not sticking because the good people of Arizona, who I have a relationship with, and I’ve had a relationship with for 27 years, are not buying the garbage that you guys are peddling.”

Tired of the constant attacks against her, Lake reiterated what the Arizona people want and how the mainstream media has lost touch with the citizens. “You don’t understand the people because you haven’t had a relationship like I have for 27 years. And you’re here at ten months, acting like you know what the people of Arizona want when it comes to the border.

The people of Arizona want a secure state. The people of Arizona want to make sure their kids don’t get their hands on drugs. The people of Arizona want to make sure that the cartels no longer have operational control of our border.”

Declaring that she would be the next governor, Lake promised, “And we will, when I am governor, take back control of our border. We will finish President Trump’s wall. We will send our Arizona National Guard down to the border, and we will arm them. We’re not going to let people over, and when we find people, we’re going to send them back.”
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Trump: Is It An Act Or Not?
The man could be just playing to his audience.

MAY 19, 2022

Ever see an interview with Donald Trump dating about 25 years ago? It’s interesting. Not only is his voice different, but his lexicon, his speech inflection, his tone and phrasing, and even his body language are a far cry from the man today. It’s not just that age has changed him. There’s more to it.
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Meet the head of WHO . . .

Mat Staver, LC Action Chairman <>
Ron Culley

Thu, May 19 at 1:12 PM

All of the freedom-ending, life-killing mandates that America experienced during the last two years—could get much worse.

Instead of runaway governors and mayors, Joe Biden wants to expand this authority and place it in the hands of the United Nations’ World Health Organization (WHO), which has a shocking track record and immunity from any lawsuit! No joke.

WHO will hold an important vote during its annual meeting in The Hague on May 22-28. If passed, WHO will have unilateral authority to declare a pandemic—even over the objections of a nation—dictate how it will be addressed and expand the control of this foreign body over 194 nations.

No one should wield this much power … especially considering the shocking ties of WHO to communism and terrorism! I’ll explain more below. We must demand members of Congress stop Biden from giving American sovereignty to WHO! — Mat


Joe Biden’s amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) will give WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus immense authority over global health, including in the United States. Tedros is not even trained as a medical doctor. His terminal degree is a Doctorate of Philosophy in Community Health … but it gets much darker..

There is a violent and powerful African communist party called the Tigray People’s Liberation Front. It is so extreme that it is listed in the Global Terrorism Database and credited with a dozen violent events targeting private citizens, religious people, the media and nongovernmental organizations. This group is responsible for the violent deaths of at least 318 people and many additional injuries.

This communist group is also linked to a change of power in Ethiopia that led to a crackdown on the media. The party criminalized criticism through “defamation,” and levied steep fines and up to three years in jail for any media convicted of “instigation of one nationality against another.” This resulted in independent media in the entire nation being reduced to fewer than 20 outlets.

And the head of WHO reportedly is a member of this violent terrorist group!

This is the person whose power the Biden administration is trying to expand and grant WHO the control to close down your job or business, shut down your schools, lock you in your home, pick which media you can listen to, choose what packages will be shipped to you, dictate what treatments you can get, limit where you can travel, determine which borders will be closed (state and nationally) and SO MUCH MORE!

This is like the fox guarding … a meatpacking plant! There is zero chance it will end up in anything but utter disaster and destruction of your freedom!

Make your voice heard loud and clear on Capitol Hill today. STOP THE U.N. TAKEOVER OF THE U.S. by sending your urgent faxes to demand members of Congress do everything in their power to protect American sovereignty.

Radicals and globalists were given too much power during the pandemic. They liked the control. While we decried the lockdowns, people like Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates saw the lockdowns as a good thing to reduce carbon emissions. Now they want world domination.

What is dangerous is that this agreement allows WHO to target any pockets of freedom with radical attacks. When Florida, Texas and South Dakota led on freedom, they were allowed to do so with few national or international consequences.

However, this agreement gives WHO the power to shut down travel even between states. WHO can drag resisters into an international court and even pressure other officials to impose travel bans and other restrictions.

Send your faxes now to members of Congress urging them to stop WHO from taking control of America.

Meanwhile, the Department of Health and Human Services is pushing to control “the negative impacts of misinformation and disinformation related to the pandemic” at the same time it is demanding race-based, CRT-style “access to medical countermeasures” and treatments in a letter from its assistant secretary for global affairs.

When you pair this with how the communist/terrorist group cracked down on the media in Ethiopia … it’s absolutely chilling. No wonder the Biden administration was doing everything it could to hide these details from you.

It's time to push back against WHO before it’s too late. The initial vote will be during WHO’s assembly, May 22-28. Send your urgent faxes to members of Congress to oppose giving American sovereignty to WHO.

Liberty Counsel Action has been on the frontlines helping you fight tyranny for YEARS. By the way, I want to share a victory. The Department of Homeland Security announced it is pausing the new “Disinformation Governance Board” and the head of the board, Nina Jankowicz, resigned yesterday. We can have a huge impact when we come together and push back!

We hope you will partner with us by giving your best gift to strengthen our voice against tyranny and support our mission by signing up for recurring monthly donations to roll back tyranny now.

Let it not be on our watch that freedom is erased.

Mat Staver, Chairman
Liberty Counsel Action
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If you weren’t aware, wearing rainbows all over your body is the best way to show love and support for your alphabet friends.
Shield Your Eyes: Disney Announces 2022 Gay Pride Collection
MAY 19, 2022

Gay month is rearing its ugly head June 1 and companies all across the globe are getting ready to vomit rainbows just about everywhere. Disney is no exception.

On Wednesday, Disney announced its new LGBT clothing and accessory line featuring baby items, kids' shirts, backpacks, socks, bracelets and more, according to a Fox Business report.

Woohoo! Get your credit cards ready to max out!!

If you weren’t aware, wearing rainbows all over your body is the best way to show love and support for your alphabet friends. Disney’s Pride Collection site makes this very clear. “The Disney Pride Collection was created by LGBTQIA+ employees and allies at The Walt Disney Company and is a reflection of their incredible contributions and place at the heart of the company. We stand in solidarity with our LGBTQIA+ community everywhere.”

The items released include Pixar, Star-Wars, and Marvel pride-themed gear. The shirts are not gender specific, they're just listed as “shirt for adults” or “shirt for kids.” There’s even a pet collar and leash set so that your dog can show its pride! Er, if your dog identifies as a dog. Anyway, Disney really does just think of everything!

It’s unsurprising that Disney included kids items in the release. Disney LOVES kids! So much so that they like to indoctrinate them in school and throughout their programing.

In February, the company released a cartoon series to teach preschoolers about “microaggressions.” March marked Disney’s plan to erase the terms “Boys,” “Girls,” “Ladies” and “Gentlemen” from park presentations, and added lesbian kisses in a new film. April’s fail was when Disney+ adopted a gay groomer show called “Love, Victor,” and now we’ve got this cringy new line of rainbow apparel. It’s no doubt that Disney’s agenda is woke.

In recent months, Disney has been in battle with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Florida government recently passed a bill called the Parental Rights in Education Bill, H.B. 1557 which has been dubbed as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. The actual bill restricts teachers in public school from teaching about sexual orientation and gender identity to kids up until fourth grade.

The bill is a step in the right direction, but it's sad that it's needed. There are schools that care about creating an alphabet community more than teaching the actual alphabet. The difference is LGB’s vs ABC’s.

Disney has made it clear that it is against the bill and doesn't give a mouse turd for the actual well-being of children.

The profits from The Disney Pride Collection will be donated to causes that support “LGBTQIA+ youth and families” to further indoctrinate and brainwash kids and families.
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School Board Member to Host 'Open Mic Night' For LGBTQ Kids - At Her Sex Shop
MAY 18, 2022

A school board director in Washington State is hosting an “open mic” night for LGBTQ youth “ages 0-18” – to be held at the adult sex shop she owns.

Still think this isn’t about getting to your kids?

According to this, Jenn Mason is the school board director for Bellingham School District in Bellingham, Washington. She also owns a local “all-ages” sex shop called “WinkWink,” where she sells sex toys, bondage gear, and lingerie, and where she hosts classes on sex and self-pleasuring.

Sorry you had to read that.

But it looks like Mason wasn’t content to simply own an adult…er, toy store (which, ironically, is billed as a "woman-owned, inclusive, all-ages, NOT CREEPY sex shop") and separately serve on the school board – now, she’s combining her for-profit enterprise and her need to indoctrinate other people's children by hosting an “open-mic night” for gay, queer and trans kids to share poetry, sing, whatever. The event is to be held at the sex shop. (To their very minimal credit, the school board says that neither it - nor the school strict - has anything to do with the event.)

But it’s totally fine! Mason says the kids will be “physically separated” from all her adult-themed paraphernalia by a curtain during the two-hour event.

Paraphernalia like this.

If you're uncomfortable with a local school board official hosting a gathering for children next to rubber genitalia and blow-up dolls, Mason wants you to know there's no pressure to show up.

“As this is a public event at a private business, anyone uncomfortable with the location may choose to not attend,” she said.

Which, hopefully, will be everyone. But then again, it’s Washington State.
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‘Wow!’ Even Abortion Activists Can't Explain the Difference Between Abortion & Murder
MAY 18, 2022

Note to self: If you’re testifying in front of Congress, make sure you know what you’re talking about — or at least know how to act like it.

During a House Judiciary Committee hearing on “Access to Abortion Services" on Wednesday, Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.) asked testifier Aimee Arrambide what the difference was between killing a two year old child and a child “eight inches up the birth canal.” The testifier was dumbfounded.

“Abortion should be allowed then, by your definition, for any reason, for any purpose, at any stage right?” Johnson asked.

"I trust people to make decisions about their body, and then when relevant, I think that they need to consult their medical practitioners and not Congress,” Arrambide responded.

Then Johnson really stumped Arrambide and left her only able to answer with a pre-rehearsed phrase.

He painted the picture plain and simple:

If it is not lawful and morally acceptable to take the life of a ten-year-old child … and a two-year-old child, same thing, that would be murder, we would all agree that’s wrong, then what is the principal distinction between the human being that is two years old, or nine months old, or one week old, or an hour old, than one that is eight inches further up the birth canal in the uterus? What’s the difference? Why is it OK in the latter cases and not the former cases?

Arrambide then sat in silence for a solid five seconds. We could clearly see her mind scrambling for the answer. I think I even saw her swallow her saliva to stall some more. She probably knew full well that there was no difference in the two cases and that both were murder, but she still froze. Admitting the truth would squash her testimony and presence on the hill entirely.

All she could articulate was “I trust people to determine what to do with their own bodies. Full Stop.”

Johnson let out a simple “wow,” which summed up what we were all thinking.

Go watch the clip above. I promise you’ll laugh.

This Arrambide chick is obsessed with abortion. Her Twitter cover photo is of people holding letters that spell out ABORTION = HEALTHCARE with a rainbow over the A and E. Her name is listed as “Aimee Arrambide (she/her)” She also works for a group called AVOW that aims to "secure unrestricted abortion access for every Texan."


In an answer to Rep. Dan Bishop (R-N.C.) during today's hearing, Arrambide also couldn’t define what a woman is. She even said that men can become pregnant and get abortions. YOWZAAAA. Someone must have skipped biology class.

Arrambide, like most of the left, doesn't seem to be able to think critically. All she could do was repeat the same, rehearsed talking points. There was zero thought in her reply. Just regurgitation.
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"You have not done a good job and everybody knows it,”
Tucker: Anyone who questions Biden’s ‘reckless and stupid’ economic policies is conveniently deemed ‘racist’
May 19, 2022

Fox News host Tucker Carlson simply eviscerated President Joe Biden and White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre for labeling anyone who disagrees with them on economic policy as racist while silencing free speech in an attempt to stave off a discussion over skyrocketing inflation.

“The United States is not in danger of becoming Venezuela next week, but we are moving closer to it. Inflation is a big part of the reason. Of all the economic crises the country can face, inflation is the most dangerous. Inflation doesn’t just make people poor. It totally destroys their confidence in their leaders, the authorities who issued the now worthless currency they’re using for toilet paper.

Inflation is not an act of God like a drought or hurricane. It’s an act of negligence, like drunk driving. It is proof that the people in charge are reckless and stupid. That’s why inflation tends to topple governments,” Carlson noted on his show Wednesday.

“Once you get inflation, there’s no pretending you’ve done a good job. You have not done a good job and everybody knows it,” he continued.

“So, you can see why the Biden administration is very worried about this. Joe Biden has historically low approval ratings. Voters say inflation is their top concern. Those two facts are directly related. Biden’s most pressing task right now is reassuring Americans that he understands they’re suffering under inflation and under a rapidly worsening economy, and he’s got a plan to fix it. If he can’t convince Americans of that, it may be a long time before we have another Democratic president,” Carlson added.

“Thankfully, Joe Biden has a plan, or at least a new publicist, a silver-tongued wordsmith/policy guru called Karine Jean-Pierre. It is Karine Jean-Pierre’s job to take this message of economic hope to the American people and save the Biden administration,” he snarked.

“It’s a new day, America. How do you feel? You still can’t afford to have your refrigerator fixed or go to the dentist. On the other hand, Karine Jean-Pierre has good news for you about herself. Karine Jean-Pierre has just reached a highly significant personal goal and understandably, she’s brimming with self-esteem. Congratulations, Karine Jean-Pierre.

Your promotion is America’s promotion. Hope it feels good. You’re going to want to hold on to that sensation, the one you’re now experiencing, and treasure it in the days ahead like a hand warmer as America becomes poorer than you ever imagined possible, and it is,” Carlson stated tearing into Jean-Pierre.

“As of tonight, parents across the country can’t find baby formula. Oh, no big deal. Well, it is actually a big deal because as a result of that, several children have just been hospitalized in the state of Tennessee.

Fertilizer prices, meanwhile, have hit record highs. That will mean food shortages around the world. Famine in some places, starvation. It’ll mean shortages here. Food inflation, Bloomberg reports, will ‘leave no household unscathed’ and then gas prices also just hit an all-time high. They’re not going down,” the conservative host asserted.
“So, that’s scary, but the scariest fact of all, we appear to be running out of energy. Congress never passed the Green New Deal, but we somehow got it anyway, and here are the results.

According to The Wall Street Journal, ‘From California to Texas to Indiana, electric grid operators are warning that power generating capacity is struggling to keep up with demand. That gap could lead to rolling blackouts during heat waves or other peak periods as soon as this year.’ In other words, turn on your air conditioning in August and it won’t work and neither will your lights,” Carlson contended.

“The Midcontinent Independent System operator, which oversees the energy grid in the Midwest, says it’s preparing to ‘take emergency measures in advance of capacity issues this summer.’ In other words, no more electricity. The North American Electric Reliability Corporation, which oversees energy output in the country, released an assessment this year saying the entire western U.S. is ‘at risk of energy emergencies due to the limited supply of electricity available for transfer,'” Carlson reported.

“So, this has never happened. It’s happening now. Why? Why is this happening? Well, according to The Wall Street Journal, ‘the challenge is that wind and solar farms, which are among the cheapest forms of power generation, don’t produce electricity at all times and need large batteries to store their output for later use,'” the Fox News host stated.

Following Jean-Pierre’s lame response to Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy when asked about taxes and inflation, Carlson nailed the press secretary over it.

“Now, you wouldn’t have thought it was possible to take talking points that stupid, that barely literate, that childish, and make them even dumber and yet, that’s exactly what she did. Are you still not convinced that Joe Biden knows how to handle inflation? Did that rattle your confidence rather than bolster it? Then honestly, there’s nothing we can do for you at this point. You’re beyond reach,” he noted.

“In fact, you know what you are, and you may have seen this coming – you’re a racist. That’s what we call people who continue to ask complicated, long questions about Joe Biden’s economic program. They’re racists, and getting rid of them is America’s greatest problem,” Carlson quipped.

“Free speech is white supremacy, says Chuck Todd. It’s white supremacy, free speech. Talking out of turn, reading your own script rather than the one that Chuck Todd provides you is white supremacy. That means if you’re upset about food shortages or blackouts, you’re a racist – racist, racist, racist,” he remarked.

“There you are complaining again about the precipitous decline in your standard of living. That’s always the first sign of a racist. Oh, you don’t like crime. You don’t like litter? You don’t like inflation? You’re against public urination in New York City? You know what you are? You’re a bigot, pal. Stop complaining. You and your free speech,” Carlson railed.

“Yeah, white supremacists just come out and kill them with the First Amendment. That’s what happens when you walk your dog in this country. That’s how bad it is. Racism against Gayle King’s family may be the single biggest problem America faces right now.

 In fact, it is. The problem is definitely not that we’re running out of energy to power civilization. That’s not a big deal at all and that’s why you probably didn’t read about the fact that the Interior Department just announced it is closing millions of acres to domestic energy production. Sorry, gone. Can’t have the energy there. It exists, but you can’t have it. You know what we can do, though? Buy it from Venezuela. Yes, we can,” Carlson said, addressing a statement from CBS journalist Gayle King on fearing racists.

“You know what we need to talk about? Karine Jean-Pierre just told you. You know what we need to have a conversation about, and by conversation we mean, ‘You shut up, I talk.’ We need to have a conversation about how racist you are, which is very racist,” he went on.

“So, if you can’t keep the lights on or go to the dentist, or if you’re one of the very few people, maybe three in the country who have noticed that honey prices have doubled since December. Why is that happening?

Shut up, racist,” Carlson concluded.
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Biden judicial nominee claims voter ID laws and border wall represent ‘white supremacy’
May 19, 2022

Biden’s nominee for the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York has an interesting take on the law.

Natasha Merle believes that commonsense Republican measures such as voter ID laws and a wall to bring stability to the collapsed and chaotic southern border have their roots in white supremacy, according to a Fox News report.

In other words, she’s a wonderful Democratic partisan, but her judicial chops leave much to be desired. Biden’s nomination of Merle, along with seven other federal judicial appointments, was announced with much fanfare in January, with the president saying he was fulfilling a “promise to ensure that the nation’s courts reflect the diversity that is one of our greatest assets as a country.”

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Baby formula bills pass the House as Republicans accuse Pelosi of ‘covering up’ the real issue
May 19, 2022

The U.S. House of Representatives approved two bills on Wednesday that supposedly address the nationwide baby formula shortage, neither of which appear to help put products back on the shelves in the near term.

The chamber approved one of the pieces of legislation on a bipartisan basis; the other went through on a party-line vote over opposition by Republicans who insisted that in a politics-as-usual way, the appropriation was just pouring more cash into an ineffective, unresponsive, bureaucracy.

“But even as Democrats praised the vote, it was unclear how quickly the bills would help families and increase the available supply,” The Hill asserted.

It’s also unclear what will happen when the measures reach the U.S. Senate.

In the meantime, the key Michigan baby formula plant that they had shut down in February over possible bacteria infections has obtained temporary approval from the FDA to ramp up, but products may not reach consumers for about two months.

“The House voted 414-9 to pass H.R. 7791, a measure that would allow low-income women to purchase more baby formula through the federal Women, Infant and Children (WIC) program,” Fox News reported about the non-controversial bill.

“In a more partisan vote, 231-192, the House passed H.R. 7790, the Infant Formula Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2022. The bill provides $28 million in emergency appropriations for the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to address the shortage of FDA-regulated infant formula and prevent further shortages, including efforts to ‘prevent fraudulent products from entering the United States market. Only 12 Republicans voted for H.R. 7790,'” the news outlet added.

U.S. Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.), the GOP second-in-command in the chamber, advised his colleagues to vote no on H.R. 7790.

“He said Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) proposed the legislation ‘in hopes of covering up the administration’s ineptitude by throwing additional money at the FDA with no plan to actually fix the problem, all while failing to hold the FDA accountable,” The Hill explained.

U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-Conn.) defended the bill she sponsored, explaining, in part, that “We must ensure that a lack of funding is not a barrier to getting safe formula to parents and babies. The bill before us does just that.”

U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.), the third-ranking House Republican as well as a new mom, previously said that she was alerting the Biden administration about the shortage since February, to no avail.

She has proposed her own bill that appears to contain more actionable, practical stipulations, although it is unlikely to gain traction with Pelosi holding the gavel.

“That bill would increase the supply of baby formula by lifting restrictions on the importation of infant formula and reducing barriers to innovation by new brands. The GOP bill would also establish oversight and accountability at the FDA to ensure that the agency can act quickly to maintain a healthy supply of baby formula in the future,” Fox News detailed.

As of last week, baby formula was reportedly 43 percent out of stock in America’s stores.

“Republicans said this week they would like to see the Agriculture Department spend existing funds to transport stocks of formula from areas where stocks are plentiful to the hardest-hit locations,” Bloomberg reported.

In the meantime, President Joe Biden has invoked the Defense Production Act to respond to the shortage, which includes accessing necessary ingredients for manufacturers and speeding up the importation of infant formula with the assistance of the military.

The two pieces of legislation moved through the House roughly a week after U.S. Rep. Kat Cammack (R-Fla.) claimed that Border Patrol agents tipped her off that officials were stockpiling baby formula in warehouses for the benefit of illegal aliens coming across the border.
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Oh, really? Nina Jankowicz complains criticism of her bias was ‘wildly of out context’
May 19, 2022

Former Disinformation Governance Board czar Nina Jankowicz is facing backlash for suggesting that she was run off the now-defunct board because of so-called “disinformation” and not because she’s a partisan actor.

Speaking on MSNBC late Wednesday, she said she’s always “prided myself over my career of being a really nuanced, reasonable person. … To say that I’m just a partisan actor was wildly out of context.”

This remark triggered intense pushback, with critics pointing to the dozens of examples disproving her claim: She pushed the Russia collusion delusion hoax and conspiracy theory, she smeared the New York Post’s reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop, and she dismissed concerns about the teaching of racial essentialism in schools, etc.

.@wiczipedia prove your non partisan by admitting the true origins of the Steele dossier, that the Hunter Biden’s laptop wasn’t Russian disinformation, and all the former national Intel people who signed that letter were wrong. That would be a great place to start.
— RicketyCrickit (@RicketyCrickit) May 19, 2022

Continuing her remarks, Jankowicz also defended the extremely controversial Disinformation Governance Board, claiming that despite its Orwellian name and the Biden administration’s track record, its intention had nothing to do with silencing dissent.

“All these sensationalist narratives about what people thought the board was going to do were completely wrong. It was a coordinating mechanism. It was meant to, you know, make sure that the very large agency that is the Department of Homeland Security, that people were talking to each other within it,” she said.

She then provided an example concerning alleged “disinformation” after a natural disaster.

“Lets say a foreign adversary like Iran or China perhaps would put out a narrative that says ‘oh, you know, here’s how you get out of this city,’ or ‘here’s where you can find disaster aid.’ That’s the sort of disinformation and misinformation that we were looking to support the department in addressing, to make sure that they had best practices, and most importantly to protect Americans’ freedom of speech, civil rights, civil liberties, and privacy while we are doing all that work,” she claimed.

The problem, critics say, is that both she and the Biden administration have demonstrated time and time again that to them, so-called “disinformation” refers or has referred to any dissenting idea or thought, even if the idea is backed by evidence.

“Disinformation” has referred to evidence-backed assertions that cloth masks are useless, that natural immunity is as protective as vaccine immunity, that this administration’s policies have exacerbated inflation, that spending even more money would exacerbate it further, that this administration is funding crack pipes for drug addicts, that this administration hasn’t actually created any new jobs, etc.

Concluding her remarks on MSNBC, Jankowicz then accused her critics of spreading “disinformation.”

“Frankly, it’s kind of ironic that the board itself was taken over by disinformation when it was meant to fight it,” she said, referencing her critics.

But critics say that she proved their point by automatically labeling their dissenting critiques “disinformation,” despite the critiques being backed by legitimate evidence.

Evidence such as the following clip in which Jankowicz applied the “disinformation” label to several factual ideas (such as the fact that biological men are men) and several opinions (such as the opinion that Vice President Kamala Harris “slept her way to the top”):

Her poor judgment vis-a-vis the definition of “disinformation” has many in the public, not just conservatives, convinced that she shouldn’t be in charge of a board tasked with rooting out “disinformation.”

In fact, to critics, such a board shouldn’t even exist in the first place, because government — any government — should never have the power to control the flow of information and ideas. Because when a government does obtain such power, totalitarianism invariably comes next …
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There Are 11 Million Unfilled Jobs In America – Where Are The Workers?

MAY 5, 2022

These days, storefronts are adorned with “Now Hiring” and “Help Wanted” signs. Local family-owned businesses and restaurants are announcing reduced business hours and even closures, often citing a lack of employees. And many post signs imploring customers to be patient as fewer workers mean longer wait times.

A new jobs report released this week shows there are now more than 11 million unfilled jobs in the U.S. Where have the workers gone? Thanks to the Biden administration, millions are staying at home, where they’re given financial incentives not to return to the workforce. What started off as temporary measures to alleviate the pains of the pandemic have instead become a nearly two-year economic reality.

Under the auspices of an ongoing national emergency, the Biden administration continues to extend welfare benefits. With no need to work, millions of Americans are foregoing a job with wages for a government paycheck. According to the latest labor statistics, there are nearly 3 million workers missing from the workforce compared to when the pandemic first began, and labor force participation rates are still falling. This is unsustainable.

In August 2021, the Biden administration announced a 25 percent increase in funding for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) — food stamps — adding $20 billion to the already staggering $79 billion in costs annually. With millions of Americans no longer needing to buy their own food, there is no urgency to find employment.

Meanwhile, the federal government has suspended work search requirements for able-bodied adults without dependents enrolled in the food stamp program. This further discourages potential jobseekers from obtaining the kind of employment that allows them to develop important skills, build self-esteem, and provide for their families. When businesses are struggling to hire employees, higher wages and benefits can only do so much — especially when the government pays as much or more.

The states, as the late U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis noted, serve as “laboratories” for our way of governing. It is here we discover what works and what doesn’t, what should be replicated on a national level and what should be avoided. On the matter of work, the stark differences in policy outcomes could not be clearer.

In Michigan, residents on unemployment are only obligated to conduct one job-seeking activity per week to receive unemployment insurance (UI) benefits for up to 20 weeks. The state’s unemployment rate stands at 5.1 percent. Compare this to Utah, which requires a person to submit four job-seeking activities per week. Utah’s unemployment rate stands at 2.3 percent.

With little help from the federal government, states are forced to take matters into their own hands. In Iowa, Gov. Kim Reynolds proposed cutting the number of weeks of unemployment benefits from 26 to 16 while increasing the number of job-seeking activities beneficiaries must do. Legislators are moving on this reform, and business leaders have heralded the bill as a desperately needed solution to ease the worker shortage.

Existing efforts to undo the damage caused by ever-extending federal benefits have been commendable. But much more must be done before it’s too late.

Never has it been more important to bring commonsense reforms to our safety net programs. We must establish and enforce work requirements for food stamps and unemployment insurance. This should include accountability measures that verify individuals are truly seeking employment, as well as caps on the duration of benefits for working-age, able-bodied adults.

We know that the dignity of work is so crucial to an individual’s confidence. Jobs build the skills necessary to advance in rewarding careers. They allow us to pursue our dreams of things like home ownership and caring for our families. And the longer people stay out of the workforce, the harder it will be for them to return once their benefits finally run out.

We must not wait. The COVID-19 pandemic created extraordinary circumstances that upended our entire economy. But, nearly two years later, we must demand a return to normalcy for our workforce. And if the Biden administration won’t do what it takes to get more people back to work, state leaders must act instead. Our country’s future depends upon it.
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Traffic Deaths Skyrocket:
Let’s Ban Cars!

May 20, 2022

No, it’s not your imagination. Everyone did forget how to drive during the pandemic.
Alarming new data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shows 42,915 people were killed in traffic accidents last year, so the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms today suggested a crackdown on automobiles.

“Maybe we should ban cars,” said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, sarcastically. “After the CDC reported more than 19,000 gun-related homicides in 2020, there was a renewed push to ban certain types of firearms as the solution. No sensible person could honestly believe that placing new restrictions on cars, or guns, would result in a dramatic reduction in tragedy.”

According to the NHTSA, last year’s traffic fatalities were up 10.5 percent over 2020 when 38,824 people were killed and even more over the 2019 count of 36,096. Gottlieb noted far more people died in car crashes than were murdered with firearms in 2020, and it is likely the pattern will continue for 2021. FBI crime data for 2021 will be released in September.

“If you apply the same rationale to cars that gun prohibitionists apply to guns,” Gottlieb suggested, “politicians would be demanding Draconian restrictions on cars and people who drive them. There would be efforts to ban ownership of any vehicle that could cruise along at more than 70 miles-per-hour. We would prohibit young adults from owning cars with automatic transmissions, and there would be efforts to ban big engines with more than six cylinders.

“I can imagine Joe Biden or some other anti-gunner demanding gas tanks hold no more than ten gallons of fuel on the argument that ‘nobody needs more than ten gallons to get back and forth to work’,” he added.

“Yes,” Gottlieb acknowledged, “it sounds absurd, but this is the same irrational approach Biden and other gun prohibitionists use to justify their efforts to ban semiautomatic rifles and pistols. Blaming cars or guns for the carelessness or criminal intent of the people using them isn’t just wrong, it is wrong-headed.

“Cars aren’t mentioned in the Bill of Rights,” he stated, “but owning firearms is a right specifically protected by the Second Amendment. People like Joe Biden should keep that in mind when proposing solutions to violent crime.”
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Governor Hochul Blames Buffalo Massacre on 1st and 2nd Amendment
May 19, 2022

New York Governor Kathy Hochul saw a madman commit a terrible crime … and judged the Bill of Rights guilty.

A few days ago, some waste of skin killed 10 innocent people in a racially motivated attack in Buffalo, N.Y. Only a few hours later–while the victims’ bodies were still cooling–New York Gov. Hochul blamed the tragedy on our free Internet and our nation’s gun laws. Notably absent in her rant was the actual perpetrator, as well as the people who knew the perpetrator was a danger to society and permitted him to walk free. Rather than allowing our judicial and law enforcement system to do its work, she called for government restrictions on social media and the right to keep and bear arms.

It’s a tactic so common among anti-gunners that you can set your watch by it, but that doesn’t make it any less disgusting. It’s a naked ploy to leverage America’s shock and horror at the evil displayed by the murderer against our most cherished freedoms. The National Shooting Sports Foundation‘s Larry Keane has everything you need to know.


MAY 17, 2022
By Larry Keane

The horrifying murders of 10 innocent lives in Buffalo, New York, by a racist hate-filled young man raises questions of why and how this criminal was able to commit crimes that defy understanding.

New York’s Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul didn’t waste a moment in calling for strict nationwide gun control laws. She made wild assumptions that the murderer obtained magazines from states other than New York. She later recanted this claim admitting she did not know where or how he obtained the magazines in his possession.

“We have some of the toughest laws in America on the books here, but the guns are coming in from other states or the enhanced magazine, which is exactly what happened here, the high-capacity magazine that led to the slaughter of people in my hometown,” Gov. Hochul told Dana Bash on CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday show. “So, we are dealing with it on the gun side but also on the social media side.

And the combination of the wild access to guns, unfettered, we need national laws to deal with this as well as the unfettered sharing of hate information on the internet, that is a lethal combination. We saw that on display here just hours ago yesterday.”

That wasn’t the case at all. Gov. Hochul should have instead waited for the facts. The murderer legally purchased the New York-compliant firearm used in his crimes after passing an FBI National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) verification. He illegally altered and modified the firearm. There was nothing in his criminal or mental health record that would have flagged him as a prohibited individual. Later reports revealed that there should have been.

Missed Opportunities
The murderer was previously known to law enforcement. Buffalo Police Commissioner Joseph Gramaglia told media the New York State Police verified that troopers responded to Susquehanna High School in Conklin, N.Y., “to investigate a report that a 17-year-old student had made a threatening statement.” The N.Y. State Police spokesperson did not identify the subject by name but said there was no target associated with the threat.

Commissioner Gramaglia added, “They investigated. They interviewed the subject, and they felt it was appropriate at that time to have that individual brought in for a mental health evaluation.”

The murderer was held for a day-and-a-half for a mental health evaluation but was subsequently released.

“As far as when we say ‘On the radar,’ there was nothing picked up on the state police intelligence, nothing that was picked up on the FBI intelligence,” Commissioner Gramaglia said. “Nobody called in. Nobody called any complaints.”

That’s despite reports that the murder made pointed and specific threats to the school and community less than a year ago.

“A school official reported that this very troubled young man had made statements indicating that he wanted to do a shooting, either at a graduation ceremony, or sometime after,” a government official familiar with the case told the Buffalo News.

“FBI officials confirmed the shooter allegedly wanted to commit a murder/suicide at the graduation of his high school in 2021 and was taken into custody by the New York State Police and given a mental evaluation,” ABC News reported.

A mental health evaluation alone isn’t enough to list someone as a prohibited individual, which would have flagged the murderer in the FBI’s NICS. The murderer, at the time of this investigation less than a year ago, was never brought in front of a judge for a mental health adjudication. Nor was he ever referred to law enforcement as being a danger to himself or others and subject to an Extreme Risk Protection Order, or “red-flag” law that New York has in place for just these sort of circumstances. Either would have prevented the murderer from obtaining his firearm.

Gun Control Fail
Gov. Hochul wasn’t alone in her calls for immediate, knee-jerk gun control calls without having all the facts. U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) tweeted the need to “pass commonsense gun safety measures.” Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) tweeted for gun control support, writing, “We are not powerless to help end this reoccurring violence unique to our nation. Reach out to organizations organizing to stop it; help bring about change.” He added a list of gun control groups.

U.S. Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) ran quickly with half-truths, parroting gun control talking points even when the facts of the tragedy didn’t align.

“You have to be 21 to buy a pistol in this country,” Rep. Kinzinger wrote on Twitter. “Can we all at least agree we should raise the age to 21 for ARs as well? Shouldn’t everyone have a background check? I think so. These are 90% issues, do it now and keep debating the rest.”

The sickening truth is that the alleged murderer chose to commit his crimes with this specific firearm to gain media notoriety. He allegedly wrote in his purported manifesto, “The effect it would have on social discourse, the extra media coverage they would provide, and the changes to gun laws that will be pushed will all help my case.”

He also allegedly indicated that he specifically chose to commit his terrible crimes in an area he believed his victims would be disarmed. He referenced New York’s strict gun control laws.

“Plus NY has heavy gun laws so it would ease me if I knew that any legally armed civilian was limited to 10 round magazines or cucked firearms.”

Citizens Reject Gun Control
Not every New Yorker is buying more gun control to protect them from deranged racist murderers. One Buffalo resident told Fox News, “It’s ridiculous. Something has to change. If more people were armed – and knew what they were doing with a gun – because it’s not the gun. It’s the person with the gun that don’t know how to act.”

Gov. Hochul and her fellow gun control politicians will likely press forward with gun control measures. They’ll do so with the mantra of “doing something” to protect their communities. Sadly, it is clear that gun control measures are disarming law-abiding citizens. Their gun control laws are leaving innocent people vulnerable to the most evil in society who have no respect for the law – or life.
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Biden Admin Names Replacements to Head ‘Disinformation’ Board
May 20, 2022

The Biden administration announced this week that it was putting its “Disinformation Governance Board” on ‘pause’ for the time being, with another report noting its goofy director, Nina Jankowicz, would be resigning.

But on Thursday, a new report noted that the Department of Homeland Security, under which the board will serve, announced the names of two new successors to Jankowicz who are expected to manage the new agency during the pause.
And, the Daily Caller notes, they could be even worse than Jankowicz:

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) hired the co-author of the PATRIOT Act, arguably the harshest crackdown on civil liberties in modern American history, and an official under former President Bill Clinton to head the Disinformation Governance Board during its “pause.”

The DHS shut the board down Monday after just several weeks and its head, Nina Jankowicz, wrote a resignation letter Tuesday, according to The Washington Post.

Jankowicz was scrutinized for pushing disinformation about Hunter Biden’s laptop and the now-discredited Steele Dossier, which Daniel Hoffman, a former CIA officer, said was possibly “part of a Russian espionage disinformation plot.” She also called Republicans who criticize critical race theory (CRT) “disinformers.” Videos of her singing as the “Mary Poppins of disinformation,” “f**king her way to the top” and satirical, sexualized renditions of Harry Potter themes have also raised eyebrows.

The department announced Wednesday former DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff and former U.S. Deputy Secretary General Jamie Gorelick under Clinton “will lead a thorough review and assessment” of the board that was “grossly and intentionally mischaracterized.”

Chertoff reportedly pushed disinformation about Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop, claiming Russians were behind the emails found inside, according to the Free Beacon. Chertoff served as the secretary of the DHS from 2005-2009, investigated the 9/11 attacks and co-authored the PATRIOT Act, which gave the government authority to tap phones to surveil for terrorism and conduct searches without a warrant.

Gorelick worked for the Clinton administration and was a member of the 9/11 Commission. She was also reportedly rumored to be failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s top choice for attorney general, and has worked for a wide range of clients, including Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, BP after its oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and Duke University after three lacrosse players were falsely accused of rape.

The review of the Disinformation Governance Board will determine how the board can monitor disinformation while “protecting free speech, civil rights, civil liberties and privacy” and how it can increase “transparency” with the public. It will be conducted by the “bipartisan Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC).”

A number of Republicans raised the alarm about the establishment of the board and Jankowicz’s past of being partisan to conservatives. Former DHS officials under the Trump administration agreed, saying the board was unneeded and “politicized” battling disinformation.

“The creation of the ‘Disinformation Governance Board’ in the Secretary’s office is unneeded and politicizes the Department’s mission. There is no operational reason to take this responsibility from largely non-political operating components and move this mission to the Secretary’s office filled with political appointees, including a politically charged individual with no government experience. The move represents a further politicization of the Department under this Administration,” Chad Wolf, former acting secretary of the DHS, told the Daily Caller.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas admitted that there was “no question” that they “could’ve done a better job at communicating” what the board does when it was announced.
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Watch: Biden’s Minister of Truth Breaks Silence After Resigning from DHS
May 20, 2022

Nina Jankowicz spoke with MSNBC on Wednesday in her first interview since she resigned as director of the Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board following intense criticisms of her previous comments and the Board’s mission.

Jankowicz dismissed topics such as Hunter Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation in the past and has been outspoken in her support for Democratic candidates and liberal journalists.

“I have prided myself over my career of being a really nuanced, reasonable person … To say that I am just a partisan actor was wildly out of context,” she told MSNBC’s Chris Hayes.

Jankowicz defended the Disinformation Governance Board’s mission, explaining the group was simply “a coordinating mechanism. It was meant to make sure that the very large agency, that is the Department of Homeland Security, that people were talking to each other within it.”

Jankowicz further revealed she received many death threats after announcing she had joined the board.

“Over the last three weeks I have — maybe had one or two days I didn’t report a violent threat, something like we’re coming for you and your family, you and your family should be sent to Russia to be killed, encouragement of me to commit suicide. All of those have been forwarded to the Department of Homeland Security services. And, you know, that’s — that’s not something that is American. That is not how we should be acting when we have disagreements about policy in this country,” she said. “I think we need to learn how to be adults in the room, and I don’t have time for that childishness. I’m not going to let it silence me. I’m going to go forward and — and continue building awareness about this threat in the future.”

For now, the Disinformation Governance Board is “paused”
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Is Arizona an Open Carry State?

Arizona is one of the most gun-friendly states in the country. In Arizona, open carry and concealed carry gun laws allow residents to purchase, own, and transport a firearm on them without any type of permit or license. However, there are quite a few nuances to the regulations—including age limits, restrictions for certain locations, and special circumstances—where a person carrying a gun can get themselves into legal trouble. Let’s take a closer look at Arizona’s gun laws and how they work.

Arizona Open Carry Laws 
An open carry state allows its residents to transport a firearm in a public place in a way that makes the firearm visible to those around them. The term “carry” means the gun is easily accessible to the person, either in a holster or sling. And in Arizona, you may legally openly carry a loaded gun.

Open carry does not allow a person to have the gun in their hands at all times. A police officer could consider that a reckless display or handling of a deadly weapon under Arizona ARS 13-2904, which is a Class 6 felony.

Arizona state law says anyone 18 and over can purchase, own, and open carry a firearm. However, only those 21 and over can purchase a handgun from a federally-licensed gun dealer.

Arizona Concealed Carry Laws   
According to Arizona carry laws, any resident 21 and over can legally own and carry a concealed handgun. A gun carried on a person’s body that is not visible at all to anyone around them is considered concealed carry.   

In Arizona, an adult 21 and over does not need a concealed carry weapon (CCW) permit to conceal carry a gun. However, some residents will still obtain a CCW permit to ensure they have legal backing in case any issues ever arise. Plus, a CCW permit allows Arizona residents to conceal carry their gun when visiting a National Park and when visiting other states that honor Arizona CCW permits.

Are There Places I Cannot Carry a Gun In Arizona?
Although Arizona allows permitless open and concealed carry, that does not mean you can take a gun everywhere. There are quite a few places throughout the state that prohibit firearms. These include:

Schools, colleges, and universities

Prisons, jails, and juvenile halls

Federal buildings

Airports past the TSA checkpoint

Voting polls on Election Day

Indian reservations

Hydroelectric and nuclear power plants

Most businesses that serve alcohol

Who Cannot Own a Gun in Arizona?   
There is a certain group of people who are not allowed to own or possess a gun in Arizona. Known as “prohibited possessors,” this group includes:

A defendant convicted of a felony crime or crime with a prison term of more than one year

A defendant facing charges for a crime that carries a prison sentence of more than one year

Anyone on parole

Someone currently serving time in a detention or correctional facility

Anyone on probation for domestic violence or a felony crime

Those involved with a restraining order

Understanding Arizona’s Gun Laws
Arizona is one of 31 open carry states in the country and is one of 20 states providing permitless carry for its citizens. Although Arizona protects its residents’ Second Amendment constitutional right to bear arms, understanding the state’s gun laws helps ensure gun owners stay on the right side of the law.

If you face charges of a gun infraction and believe they are a violation of your rights, contact Coolidge Law Firm today to schedule a consultation in Phoenix or Chandler.
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Ron Tello Culley
How come In N Out Burger is not in
Big Bear?
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Shawn Rigsby
Not enough business to meet their quota and can't guarantee fresh food .

Ron Tello Culley
Ouch! THX.

David Rasmussen
Shawn Rigsbyit's really cool when they bring the trailer up here though

Shawn Rigsby
David Rasmussen
I've never heard of that happening.
When was that ?

David Rasmussen
Shawn Rigsbybeen a couple years but they have had it at meadow Park a few times for special events/weekends

Joni Boren
How come In n out is not in Crestline?

Rebecca Hofer
Joni Boren I think we're the cliffhanger was is a great place for in and out

Randy Bon
Rebecca Hofer then there would be nothing but complaints about the traffic it will cause. 😂😂

Christina Leah
I ask the same thing about Del Taco and Rally’s 🙏

Cindy Ste Marie-Ivie
How about Mc Donald’s in RS

David Starinieri
Cindy Ste Marie-Ivie oh gawd no!

Robert Brown
Pretty simple.

Glenda Peglau

Crickett Dyke
Not enough people to support franchise and the traffic they generate would break BB! Hard enough to get around on a weekend. Go down the hill.

Sandy Trefethen
Not enough business? We would all make the same situation as others - cars OUT INTO THE STREET! That and chick- fil-a do the same!

Ron Tello Culley
They would take most of the business away from all the other fast food places, and their business would flourish.
However, yes, the traffic would be worse.

Jon Drake
It’s because their trucks wouldn’t be able to make it up consistently during winter and in n out is always consistent

Jeff Burleson
Jon Drake that is a great answer.

Georgia Coalson
Jon Drake you are spot on...

Ryan Jones
Fresh beef patties is why. Think we haven't thought of this and passed the idea along lol

Marc Shumaker
Why would anyone want more fast food chains on the mountain?

Barry Williams
How about no fast food up here. There's plenty of McShit trash all over.

Tanya Cuilty Michel
Barry Williams agreed!

Dylan Devine
They actually said that they would never have a location in the mountains because they have to deliver fresh beef regularly via truck, but on the mountain roads they wouldn’t always be able to do that with big trucks, especially if it snows.

Maria Miceli Lischke
Get the Burger is very similar.

Autumn Washburn
Maria Miceli Lischke even better!!

Michael Guerrero
You really want that traffic ?

Autumn Washburn
I actually contacted In N Out a few years ago asking if it were in fact true about what people in our towns say in that they won't put an In N Out here because of freshness issues, shipments, not enough business etc. My email actually escalated all the way to their real estate development dept. And they said that the In N Out franchise has never told anybody in our mountain towns that they will not come here. That in fact they have never been approached about the possibility of an In N Out in our mountains. They said us mountain locals should voice as much as possible that we want an In N Out in our towns. And that their development dept doesn't see any reason why that wouldn't be a possibility.
So...don't believe the rumors 🤣 Get on the phone or computer and let the In N Out real estate development dept know that we want an In N Out in our mountains!

Christina Chumley
I would rather have something else other than McDonald's in Crestline although anything that was good there'd be a line.and never a line really at McDonald's 😏

Donald Platten
Christina Chumley that's because they are the worst
Haven't been there in years
Last time they got my order wrong and the employees were very rude

Christina Chumley
Donald Platten ya..I don't go there myself, but I never see a line and I go past a dozen times atleast every week

David Tolbert
Since all the ingredients are fresh. Its much more difficult to deliver in the mountains daily. Not worth unless they put 2 or 3 up here.

Phyllis Smith Pessia
Who in the world would want an In n Out anywhere???? I fail to see what the big deal is about them. And NO fast food is worth waiting in line for more than 15 minutes at the most. In n Out must put something in their food to make people think it's good. 🤣

Corey Watson
Phyllis Smith Pessia Get out. Get. Out.

Jeremy Wakefield
Phyllis Smith Pessia in and out is amazing get a pallet

Phyllis Smith Pessia
Jeremy Wakefield. To each his/her own. I have had their burgers and they are nothing to wait in line about, in my opinion. You guys like them, fine with me. You can have my share.

Jeremy Wakefield
Phyllis Smith Pessia 😂🤣😂 yet you probably wait in line for mcdicks

Phyllis Smith Pessia
Jeremy Wakefield No, I don't eat at McDonalds. I don't wait in line for any fast food. It's not worth it.

Cindy Simmons
Phyllis Smith Pessia my oldest grandson and his buddies have driven all the way to Medford from Tigard for In-n-Out burgers a few times🤪

Tree Mailhot
As the years go by, the businesses will add up. One day, big bear will be barely recognizable as the beautiful little mountain town it once was. Kind of like it already is

Noah Stern
OMG I miss this soooooo much! At least you have access. I'm in Ohio now and it will probably never come here 🙁

Noah Stern
at least we have hotheads I’m in the same boat

Rebecca Hofer
Noah Stern I'm now in ohio too lived on the mnt from age 15 to 40... I do but I don't miss it.

Sandy Mcclintock
Noah Stern Rebecca Hofer I'm in Tenn no in and out in this state. Could use one here

ChrisAnn Tomasso
Noah Stern consider yourself lucky... their food is nasty! Great company though.

Noah Stern
ChrisAnn Tomasso It's changed has it? the last time I ate there was 11 years ago.

Jimmy James Elerding
Mickey Ds fully sucks

Ron Tello Culley
Good God! I have created a monster!

Arla Varner Damron
In an Outs are built in cities based on high schools GPA...

Hollye Salmon Hollenbeck
Been trying to get In-N-Out up here as long as I have been up here and that’s over 30 years

Breanna Mercadefe
It’s too hard to guarantee the warehouse trucks with all the fresh ingredients would be able to get up the mountain.

Tricia Kelly
At least we have them DTM - three to choose from on my loop shopping, 210 near Lowes, 10 near Homedeopt exit, 215 on 5th street exit.. so easy with drive through. Late lunch today.

Kelly Fowler
I love me some in and out about once a month I live about 5 minutes away

Richard A. Miller
It's all about market share. There just isn't the population in Big Bear to warrant this restaurant.

Susan Fahrmeier
Richard A. Miller winter weather not conducive to daily deliveries

Richard A. Miller
Susan Fahrmeier That too.

Jackie Elaine
Great question! It would be a total success!!

Lee O. Roman
Bring a del taco first or a target

Tyson Diaz
That’s only for the flatlander

Jay Adamo
They should put one in Crestline and big bear.

Michael Davenport
Jay Adamo along with a chick filet and a crispy creams to top it off. ?

Carol Vooght
The demographic doesn't support it.

David Starinieri
Why do people want chain restaurants up here? We have awesome local owned mom and pop businesses.

River Anthonisen
David Starinieri in-and-out is still family owned to this day and not all businesses up here are local owned. I’d take in-and-out over McDonald’s any day

Michael Berg
Bc it’s not really good.

Bram van Steenbergen
No employees !

Mark Weaver
grill it your self @ home and bring it

Kathy Thurow
They can’t guarantee fresh meat daily, due to weather.

Steve Devotion
it would cause major traffic problems wherever they put it

Frank Gibson
Steve Devotion that is so true!

Mike Amos
Why? Their food is horrible.

Randy J Ladd
That’s what the mountain deck on your home , stater bros and a wood burning smoker are for. 🍔🥩🍖

Audrey Baker
They can't guarantee daily fresh veggies and buns. That's why!

Darian Rundall
Get The Burger in BB is pretty darn good.

Caleb Kerkvliet
You can’t grow palm trees in Big Bear.

Priscilla Moss
Caleb Kerkvliet best reason I've ever heard!

Breanna Mercadefe
I used to work there.
Comes down to projected numbers, the fact that the ingredients are freshly delivered from the warehouse at least 3 times a week and housing. My guess is the weather and potential issues that come with traffic make it unlikely they will ever open there.

Kaisi Berick
We have trash mcdonalds but not delicious in n out

Mike Severin
These are all great answers but the real reason is in. N. Out franchise makes you guarantee you will sell x amount of burgers every day. If you don’t you owe in n out money. There is no way to meet their demand up here.

Wendy Stuehmer Eggleston
Mike Severin I don’t think In n out is a franchise.

Cynthia Weis
Wendy Stuehmer Eggleston Family Owned Company

Mike Severin
Cynthia Weis you can. It takes a very large commitment

Christian Lanz
Mike Severin None of the In-n-Out locations are franchised. They won’t allow it.
Can You Finally Open an In-n-Out Burger Franchise in 2022?

Kyle Jones
It would be false advertising. You can't get in and out of big bear 😜

Jonathan Safa
Kyle Jones this guy

Kyle Jones
Jonathan Safa #DadJokes

Andy Duchateau
Already looked into it they can't deliver fresh produce in the mnts due to winter!!

Alice Smith
They aren’t franchised and they are centrally controlled and calculated as to where they open their stores. They make sure that they have adequate stock for the food delivery in a given area and that they aren’t competing against themselves

Andreas Quinones
Nowhere on the mountain is set up for that kind of traffic

Susan Fahrmeier
Cause they get their food deliveries and in the winter they can not be guaranteed to have daily access due to winter weather and traffic. Never will be an In n Out and could you imagine the traffic nightmares if there were

Barbara Key Hammill
KFC moved out. Maybe In-and-out did too.

Ernie Poulin
Gotta get fresh stuff daily. It would probably be more pricey getting that up the mountain every day

Patricia Lawrence Kirby
No competition

David Cowan
MacDonalds gets it done in crestline

David Davis
Because 5-guys are far better

Ron Tello Culley
Well then...far beit from me to chime in, but...I think the BB Airport would be a viable way to import the "Fresh Ingredients". and why not? A mid-size plane can carry cargo. I suppose there's rules and regs against food cargo at a Muni Airport. Check it out.

Conversely, I agree about the "Congestion" issue. Best to delete the whole idea. Sorry I brought it up. Too late. The damage is done and I enjoyed it, THX! ??
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Schizoaffective Disorder & Mental Health Support

Zach J George  ·
I had to unfriend my own brother sadly. He didn't answer my calls, texts or even care what I've been though. Goodbye brother thanks for nothing. — feeling sad.

Jenny Styma
My 4 siblings all hate me. It hurts, but my mental health has improved a lot since I stopped talking to them years ago.

Mel Sulzbach
My sister (only living blood relative) blocked me more than a year ago, social media and phone number.

Ron Tello Culley
Family Values are neither.

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Sexual misconduct claim against Elon Musk from 2016 surfaces
Woman Makes Sexual Misconduct Claim Against Elon Musk

The First take: How do we know the MSM and the Left are out to cancel Elon Musk? They are digging up whatever they can on the world's richest man. (We're not making excuses for the alleged behavior, just asking why something from 2016 is surfacing now?)
Politically motivated hit piece?

Elon Musk’s SpaceX, an aerospace company that he created, reportedly paid a woman $250,000 to settle a sexual misconduct claim against him stemming from an alleged incident several years ago.

Business Insider reported that a flight attendant who worked as a contractor for SpaceX’s corporate jet fleet accused Musk of exposing himself to her, touching her, and offering to buy her a horse in exchange for an erotic massage.

Musk said that there was “a lot more to this story” and that if he “were inclined to engage in sexual harassment, this is unlikely to be the first time in my entire 30-year career that it comes to light.”

Musk said that the story was a “politically motivated hit piece.”

Musk has warned repeatedly on Twitter in recent days that “political attacks on me will escalate dramatically in coming months” in response to him buying Twitter. “Watch their dirty tricks campaign against me unfold,” Musk added.

The flight attendant told her friend that Musk, who is the wealthiest man in the world, asked her to come to his room during the flight “for a full body massage” and that when she arrived, he was naked and that he propositioned her during the massage and offered to buy her a horse.

The flight attendant reportedly did not engage in any sexual acts and claims that work began to dry up after the alleged incident.

The flight attendant told her friend that she felt she was being “pushed out and punished for refusing to prostitute herself.”

The report said that SpaceX has in-house massage therapists as a perk for executives, and that the flight attendant was encouraged by superiors to get professional training.

“They encouraged her to get licensed as a masseuse, but on her own time, on her own dime,” the friend said. “They implied that she would get to fly more often if she were to do this because she’d be able to give Elon proper massages. I thought that was kind of strange because — you weren’t hired to be a masseuse. You were hired to be a flight attendant. And if Elon likes massages, then he should be paying for you to go to masseuse school. But she was just so happy and eager to have the job and be able to travel.”

Musk is reported to have personally attended a session with a mediator to resolve the issue with the flight attendant and the parties entered into “a severance agreement granting the attendant a $250,000 payment in exchange for a promise not to sue over the claims.”

The agreement also reportedly “included restrictive non-disclosure and non-disparagement clauses that bar the attendant from ever discussing the severance payment or disclosing any information of any kind about Musk and his businesses, including SpaceX and Tesla.”
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Wisconsin man eats his way to Guinness World Record with daily Big Macs for 50 years

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Divers Rescue Woman’s 100-Year-Old Wedding Ring From River: ‘A Total Miracle’

When Emma Lyon’s antique wedding ring flew off her finger while cheering on a rowing regatta earlier this month, she figured the century-old family heirloom was long gone in Bedford, England’s River Great Ouse.

“The ring belonged to my grandmother, who died in 2000 aged 100. She worked at a corn merchant on Caldwell Street and would sometimes get up early and take the family’s punt out on the river before work,” she said. “I did think that if we couldn’t find the ring, it had ended up in a fitting resting place.”

But days later, a team of local scuba divers came to the rescue and embarked on a mission to find the ring for her. After being pointed to where it got lost, diver Matt Peters saw the gold band at the bottom of the riverbed within minutes. “I am just so, so grateful to everyone from the scuba club who gave up their evening to help out and cannot believe that Matt was able to find it,” Lyon said. “It was a total miracle.”
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déjà vu night vision & UFO hunting

1,645 views Oct 7, 2017

déjà vu
1.81K subscribers
Welcome to déjà vu night vision and UFO hunting.

Uploads of night vision, infrared and full spectrum filming of objects passing above us night and day.

Equipment used for filming are a Canon 60D through a Twiggy L4A1 + P8079HP image intensified F350mm telescope.

Canon Rebel T3i + P8079HP intensifier through a 50mm lens.

Canon 1300D full spectrum conversion and 760nm infrared filter.

© Video work and ambient sounds by déjà vu. .

Please check out my second channel “dreamscape” for videos unrelated to night vision.
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Fauci Recommends Stopping Spread Of Monkeypox By Covering
Eyes, Ears, Mouth

May 19th, 2022

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Monkeypox pandemic has finally breached the shores of the United States, with the CDC confirming a staggering 1 infections so far. In response, America's favorite, most trusted doctor, Dr. Anthony Fauci, issued a statement recommending people stop the spread of Monkeypox by covering their eyes, ears, and mouth.

Fauci accepted 137 TV interviews and a book deal after issuing the guidelines essentially recommending people look the other way rather than investigate the source of this new outbreak.

"As I, the Science, have always said, lockdowns don't work. What really works is turning a blind eye to where this outbreak nonsense may or may not have leaked from," said Dr. Fauci to a fawning NBC news anchor trying to get his autograph. "And I'd like to add that there is no evidence the Monkeypox outbreak is connected to the NIH-funded Institute of Monkeypox Studies next door to patient zero."

Not all health professionals agree with Dr. Fauci's health order. Dr. Corry Larreia, a world-renowned monkey virologist and respected expert in finding the source of Monkeypox outbreaks, said Dr. Fauci was wrong and the outbreak should be investigated in full.

At publishing time, Dr. Larreia had been disbarred, lost his virology license along with his official stethoscope, was banned from his local book club, snubbed by Apple's Siri, and lost both of his hands in a tragic wood chipper accident.
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Elon Musk Replaces Horn Sound On All Teslas With ‘Let's Go Brandon’

May 19th, 2022

STARBASE, TX—After Tweeting today that he is leaving the Democrat Party and will be voting Republican in coming elections, many had questions regarding whether or not the Tesla line would be affected. His follow-up Tweet announced a mandatory software update on all Tesla products: effective tomorrow, the horns of all Tesla vehicles will blast “Let’s Go Brandon” instead of the traditional honking sound.

“Go to Controls > Software > Updates and follow the onscreen instructions for your vehicle to receive its required upgrade,” Musk said via Twitter. “Software update 2022.12.3.11 is in compliance with regulations enforcing that car horns cause enough auditory offense to startle and warn other drivers. You're welcome!”

Musk continued to elaborate through additional Tweets, adding that Tesla owners are required to complete this software update before their vehicles can restart for continued use.

At publishing time, Musk announced plans for antivirus technology to purge neuralink-equipped Tesla drivers of the “woke mind virus.”
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Experts Confirm Likelihood Of Surviving Apocalypse Directly Proportional To
How Many Items You've Purchased From Conservative Podcasts

May 19th, 2022

FAYETTEVILLE, AR—Researchers at the University of Arkansas have confirmed that the more products people order from conservative podcasts, the more likely they are to make it through the apocalypse.

"The survival gear these people possess is simply unmatched," said sociologist Dr. Bennett Hill. "There's not a military in the world equipped like a conservative podcast junkie."

The researchers presented participants with various survival scenarios to ascertain their level of preparedness. "You tell them there's no ammunition, they chuckle and pull out a 'Build-Your-Own Ammo American Hero Kit'," said Dr.Hill. "No water? They have a 'Davy Crockett Desalinator' to make ocean water potable. I'm telling you—generators, imperishable 'Patriot' food, everything. I asked one man how he would defend against electromagnetic pulse attacks, and he pulls out a 'Ben Shapiro's America-First Electronic Shield'. The zombies will have no chance."

In addition to those who listen exclusively to conservative podcasts, the team also included participants who purchase products from liberal, sports, and true crime podcasts. The sports subgroup kept 14 types of whey powder on hand, and the true-crime arm had plenty of hair dye and pairs of MeUndies—but both were otherwise poorly prepared. The liberal subgroup actually fared slightly better as they at least had a week's worth of meals on hand from Hello Fresh.

The researchers have recommended that if you are not one of those conservative-podcast-survivalist types, you should probably become friends with at least one—just in case.
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POLL: 52% Of Nation Now Desire To Ditch Republic, Establish Monarchy With Ultra MAGA King

May 19th, 2022

U.S.—The results of a CNN poll revealed that 52% of Americans are in favor of abolishing the nation's Democratic Republic in favor of a monarchy ruled by an Ultra MAGA King. Another 39%—mostly bureaucrats—are reportedly satisfied with the current system of government.

The poll findings, released Thursday, have alarmed both Democrats and Republicans in government who are reportedly "shook" that citizens don't appreciate them.

"I don't know why anyone would trade in an oppressive and corrupt totalitarian government for a monarchy ruled by divine right," said Rep Adam Schiff. "Frankly, I'm shocked people don't appreciate how much we lie to them about everything for their own good while raising their taxes and sending it to Ukraine."

"We do it because we care!"

Former presidential candidate Jeb Bush emerged from obscurity to call MAGA King Trump a "jerk" who has set a dangerous precedent of not betraying the people who voted for him.

"Please clap," he then added.

According to Trump, it doesn't matter what anyone thinks because he is already king. "I've been imbued with huge power from on high. Just tremendous power," he said. "Power that Sleepy Joe could only dream of—and, believe me, he does a lot because he's always sleepy."

Trump then spent an hour making fun of how old and dumb President Biden is, which effectively distracted him from assuming authority and doing anything. Experts claim this is what makes Trump so likable.

"Our MAGA King is so focused on making fun of people that he doesn't have time left over to actually do anything, which is perfect because that's when leaders mess things up," said average citizen Joe Pleasant of Vermont.

"He's going to do great things for this kingdom by leaving us all alone."
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Pride Flag Adds Big 'G' For Groomers

May 19th, 2022

WORLD—Notable LGBTQ+ organization G.O.L.D. unveiled an updated Pride Flag just in time for Pride Month in June. The new flag features a capitalized letter "G" to represent the oppressed minority known as "Groomers." This marks the first time a letter, rather than a color, has been added to the flag since it was first designed by artist Gilbert Baker in 1978.

The Groomer Flag was designed by Ronald Carson, a turbo-gender artist currently serving time in Michigan State Prison for pedophilia. Carson reportedly spent hours working with an intersex-inclusive flag variation before deciding to just add a "G" to it. Sources confirm he was paid over a thousand dollars for his work.

"This is an outstanding achievement, for both the LGBTQ+ community and for graphic design," said LGBTQ+ activist Chelby Danish. "Finally, groomers—both straight and gay—can feel truly seen. I mean, you can't miss it. The 'G' covers half the flag just like groomers dominate the conversation on LGBTQ+ issues every day."

Elementary school teachers and Disney workers have applauded the flag, grateful that the spotlight can shine on them and all the incredible work they've done to confuse children and induct them into gender ideology.

"If it weren't for us, gay, trans, and everything else would be a minority. We've worked to mold children into whatever will make them politically useful to us," said third-grade teacher Shelly Olbermann. "It helps that kids love rainbows."

According to sources, teachers across America are planning to hang the new flag up in their classrooms and then threaten their students to not tell anyone about it.
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Thrift Shop Rebrands As Vintage To Increase Prices 800%

May 19th, 2022

CLAREMONT, CA—A small thrift shop in downtown Claremont has rebranded itself as "vintage" to increase prices by up to 800%. Business experts are calling the rebrand a genius marketing move that will drive sales.

"My shop wasn't doing so well," said shop owner Amber Clarofil. "Our sales numbers were good but everything was so cheap that we couldn't break even. It was an unsustainable business model."

She continued, "That's why we rebranded as vintage to justify the massive price gouging I've always dreamed of."

According to sources, items that would normally sell for 1 or 2 dollars, such as used coffee pots or broken VCR sets, are now selling for hundreds of dollars. The store is also popular among collectors looking for broken toys and oversized t-shirts.

Clarofil claims the rebrand was simple. She simply wrote the word "vintage" on a piece of cardboard, taped it over the word "thrift," and then added two zeros to every price tag.

"I wish I'd thought of it sooner," said Clarofil. "I've already made a cool million."

Longtime visitors to the store from before the rebrand are reportedly suspicious of the new premium on items.

"I'm pretty sure this cracked coffee cup only cost 25 cents last week," said 93-year-old Joan Phillips who visits the store every day as part of her afternoon walk around town. "But I never buy anything anyway."

At publishing time, Amber Clarofil sold a used trade paperback of Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park for $3,500. The same book retails brand-new at Barnes and Noble for $8.99.
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Liberals Don't Think They're Divisive?

In the wake of the horrible Buffalo, New York, supermarket shooting, liberal journalists lunged at the opportunity to blame the mass murder on conservative and Republican messengers.

On CNN, S.E. Cupp was especially egregious in accusing the right-wingers of "amplifying" a "white replacement theory," claiming the Democrats expected the influx of immigrants (largely illegal) would eventually lead to red states turning blue. Whites are not being replaced. Democrats just hope they're outnumbered.

Cupp lit into "far-right wing media" (this mostly means Fox) and how "it stirs up racial animus, ethnic animus, religious animus. That is the intended effect of turning neighbor against neighbor and getting people angry and afraid."

Los Angeles Times TV critic Lorraine Ali launched into Tucker Carlson, who "has been ratcheting up the political tension for ages, especially since Biden assumed office, in ways that dovetail dangerously with the Buffalo shooter ... In fact, whipping up fear of The Other, then pretending nothing happened, is Carlson's sweet spot."

These attacks seem completely blind to the notion that their own liberal media outlets stir up racial animus, ethnic animus and religious animus. They turn neighbor against neighbor. They thrive on getting people angry and afraid. They have ratcheted up the political tension for ages.

Ask Larry Elder about the Los Angeles Times. He mocked them in February for an editorial headlined "The Vitriol in Politics Is Driving Good People Out of Public Service." He noted this was the same newspaper that publishes leftist columnist Erika D. Smith, who attacked Elder's gubernatorial campaign with the headline "Larry Elder Is the Black Face of White Supremacy. You've Been Warned." A state senator quoted in that column said Elder would be part of "going back to Jim Crow."

I think calling someone "Jim Crow" or the "Black face of white supremacy" is ... "whipping up fear of The Other."

Ali herself has raged against the "mainstream media" for not being divisive enough against Fox News and other conservative media. They "showed up to this poison-tipped knife fight with plastic sporks."

As for CNN, no one should claim with a straight face that their business model isn't keeping people angry and afraid. Christiane Amanpour recently interviewed ex-evangelical Frank Schaeffer, who compared the GOP to 1930s European fascists and current Islamic dictatorships: "What these people want is a Christian white nationalist version of what you have in Iran today and Saudi Arabia." Amanpour then hailed him as "hugely instructive."

It's still funny to recall a 2019 podcast where Ezra Klein attempted to nudge CNN's Brian Stelter into admitting that all cable news channels stoke anger in their viewers, and Stelter went into denial. That was just a Fox thing: "The idea we're going to make our viewers p—-ed — that is a Roger Ailes business model that was established 20 years ago. Nobody at CNN or MSNBC was thinking about that the way he was."

As for Cupp, it was about one year ago that she went on "Real Time with Bill Maher" and said the Republican Party "makes pornography of patriotism and practically fellates the Founding Fathers ... This is what it looks like when you'd rather rape democracy than come up with your own ideas."

There's nothing wrong with being combative. Being divisive is essential to politics: vote for Us, not Them. But there is something transparently ridiculous in crusading against "divisive vitriol" in politics while you spray it with a fire hose.
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Are Republicans a Bunch of Racists?

Are Republicans a bunch of racists? That's certainly the narrative that the corporate media is pushing as hard as it can. The context this time is the tragic killing spree in Buffalo, New York, carried out by a mentally deranged racist whose online manifesto includes a whole slew of racist and antisemitic conspiracies.

Are those sorts of things part of mainstream Republican thought? As an Indian American immigrant and a conservative Republican, this is not what I have experienced in any manner.

The racism charge today is based mostly on an alleged "great replacement theory," which the left claims a number of top Republicans and conservatives subscribe to. This theory, that a cabal of elites and Jews wants to flood America with a new immigrant minority to displace white Americans, is not something I have ever heard espoused.

What I have heard by both Republicans and Democrats is the common belief that increased immigration from developing nations, both legal and illegal, will resound to help Democrats' electoral chances. Far from being controversial, this has been the accepted wisdom of both political parties for many years. The concept is not even an American invention. "Demographics is destiny" is a widely accepted concept originating from a 19th-century French academic.

Far from being a right-wing notion, this concept has been espoused by the Center for American Progress, the Clinton-associated left-wing think tank that, in 2013, published a paper titled "Immigration Is Changing the Political Landscape in Key States." The summary of the piece stated: "Supporting real immigration reform that contains a pathway to citizenship for our nation's 11 million undocumented immigrants is the only way to maintain electoral strength in the future." The entire piece analyzed how increased Latin American and Asian immigration would help Democrats in a number of states. This was, again, conventional wisdom.

Both Asian and Latin American voters have traditionally favored Democrats. More of them will therefore help Democrats. That's been the theory. These are not new or controversial ideas. They were, in fact, well summarized in the widely cited 2002 book "The Emerging Democratic Majority" by liberal authors John Judis and Ruy Teixeira. A major part of their thesis was that the demographic changes in America, in part driven by immigration, were changing the electorate to favor the Democrats.

Nobody can really believe that these commonly held bipartisan beliefs are rooted in racism. They are, in fact, rooted in historical data. So where do all the racism charges come from? Many Republicans have repeated the basic "demographics is destiny" theory to rail against the nearly unfettered illegal immigration America is now facing. Their concerns have focused in part on the politics. Those pushing the charges of racism are leaving out some key details about this group.

The most prominent voices railing against illegal immigration are focused more than anything on the impact on working-class Americans of all colors from huge increases in relatively unskilled labor. Even most studies showing net economic benefits from immigration tend to admit that lower-skilled incumbent workers may be harmed by pressure to lower wages caused by a growing unskilled labor pool.

Which Americans are harmed most by this downward wage pressure? African Americans and Hispanics. It's quite a leap to say those concerned most with the well-being of existing American minorities are acting based on racist motivations, but that's the case many on the left are trying to make.

The most interesting aspect of today's obsession with race and immigration is that some of the conventional wisdom may actually be wrong. Recent elections are providing reason to question the entire "demographics is destiny" conventional wisdom altogether. Donald Trump made huge gains in his percentage of the Hispanic vote between 2016 and 2020. Hispanics favored Democrats by a 38-point margin in 2016 and only a 21-point margin in 2020, when nearly 4 in 10 Hispanic voters in America voted for Trump.

And maybe this is what's driving the hysteria. A party confident in its "demographics is destiny" future domination is realizing that the "enduring majority" future they imagined may be slipping away. The shift to date has been driven mostly by social and cultural policy. Many new Hispanic immigrants (and Asians, too) are more culturally conservative than the liberal base of the Democratic Party. If the populist wing of the Republican Party can stop tripping over itself and couple these cultural gains with a policy agenda that better fits working-class Americans of all backgrounds, then all bets are off. That's a five-alarm emergency for a partisan Democrat.

The vast majority of the American right today believes strongly in merit. The classic Martin Luther King Jr. "judge people on character and not skin color" notion is ascendant (while, ironically, this notion is now abandoned by the left). Conservatives have to repeat this as much as possible. On school admissions, on immigration and in every other policy area, this must be made clear. Along with that, there is a real political cost when any Republican does associate with the tiny fraction of the right who are driven by identity politics. The quickest way to prove that the "demographics are destiny" theory was right all along is for Republicans to be cavalier about these associations. Finally, when it comes to trade, immigration, tax policy, regulatory policy, energy policy and many other areas, the right has to be clearly driven by an agenda focused on the needs of regular Americans, including the Asian, Hispanic and Black Americans who are harmed by so many left-wing policies. If Republicans could ever pull that off, they truly would have an enduring majority.
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The Biden economy is a DUMPSTER FIRE!
Is The U.S. Already In a Recession? Many Analysts Think So
MAY 20, 2022

Then White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said in October that inflation increases “will be transitionary.” But today, they have surpassed 40-year highs, and many believe the U.S. is already entering a recession or soon will be.

Psaki said in a press briefing Oct. 8 that “experts, including the Federal Reserve, OECD, and others” expected “inflation rises will be transitory, that they will come back down next year.” She said, “one of the best things we can do” to bring inflation down “is pass his agenda,” referring to the Build Back Better and infrastructure bills that cost trillions of dollars.

More than seven months later, several business leaders say the U.S. already is in a recession or is heading into one after the Federal Reserve increased interest rates twice already this year and is expected to do so again.

Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk said the U.S. is probably already in a recession in a discussion with the hosts of the All-In podcast.

“We probably are in a recession and that recession will get worse,” Musk said. … “There will probably be some tough going for a year, 12 to 18 months is usually the amount of time that it takes for a correction to happen.”

One of the hosts, CEO of The Climate Corporation David Friedberg, said, “it feels like it started. Technically we need two quarters of negative growth to be in a recession. But it feels like we’re in one. Feels like it started. The software businesses that we invested in are like the canaries in the coal mine. And there’s a lot of dead canaries.”

Musk also said, “The obvious reason for inflation is the government printed a zillion amount of more money than it had. The government can’t just issue checks for an excessive revenue without there being inflation. Velocity of money held constant.

“It’s hard to tell what Biden’s doing, to be totally frank,” Musk added.

Last December, in response to being asked when the next recession would be, Musk said, “Predicting macroeconomics is challenging,” but “around spring or summer 2022, but not later than 2023.”

Deutsche Bank economists said last month that a recession is “far from inevitable” because consumers and companies are “flush” with cash, Bloomberg News reported. “The U.S. economy is expected to take a major hit from the extra Fed tightening by late next year and early 2024,” they said.

Aeveral financial analysts spoke this week about an impending recession. Former Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein told CBS News’ Face the Nation a recession is “a very, very high risk factor,” CNBC reported.

A Morgan Stanley Wealth Management CIO on Monday projected a recession is 27% more likely in the next 12 months. On Tuesday, former Wells Fargo CEO Charles Scharft said at a Wall Street Journal event, “It’s going to be hard to avoid some kind of recession.”

In April, inflation was reportedly 8.3%. However, many suggest it’s much higher, pointing to grocery and other costs being 20% more than they were last year and gas costing 50% more than it did a year ago in many parts of the country.

While Psaki pointed to 17 Nobel laureates having “conveyed in order to reduce the risk of inflation over the long term,” the spending bills needed to pass, it’s the federal government’s spending that’s creating inflation, critics argue.

“Mountains of money cause inflation,” Ron Surz, CEO of Target Date Solutions, argues in a report published by Nasdaq. “Inflation causes increases in interest rates, lowering bond prices” and increases interest rates, which “cause reductions in stock values.”

The federal government’s “all-in spending was approaching $13 trillion as of mid-2021. That’s more than the U.S. spent in its 13 most expensive wars combined,” he said.

This includes $5.2 trillion in COVID relief, $4.5 trillion for quantitative easing and $3 trillion for infrastructure. COVID-19-related funding cost more than World War II did in today’s dollars, $4.7 trillion, Surz added.

The Federal Reserve is “accountable to get inflation down to 2%, and that we have the tools and we have … the strong desire to get inflation under control,” Fed Chairman Jerome Powell told Marketplace. Getting inflation down to 2% “without having the economy go into recession,” or to keep “the labor market remaining fairly strong,” he said, “will also include some pain.”

“But ultimately the most painful thing would be if we were to fail to deal with it and inflation were to get entrenched in the economy at high levels, and we know what that’s like. And that’s just people losing the value of their paycheck to high inflation and, ultimately, we’d have to go through a much deeper downturn. And so we really need to avoid that.”
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