Author Topic: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition  (Read 123738 times)


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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #950 on: November 18, 2022, 11:44:28 AM »
Hello again Mr. Ron.
( And to all of my loyal readers.)
This is The Scoop:


I'm sure you've got an eye-full of info from the 2 links that I sent you.

What strikes me as most troubling with the Dylan Rounds case is THE INEFFECTIVENESS OF LAW ENFORCEMENT I have a sordid history of the same. The Public discussion and outcry is abundant on the Internet and on the street. There's also suggestions that Dirty Cops are involved in the Dylan Rounds disappearance and cover-up. No surprise there.

Here's the Reader's Digest version:

I have "The 11 Years File"; a collection of all of my Criminal Complaints from 2004 to 2015, to the Elko County Sheriff's Office.

All cases except 2 never went to trial. The 2 that did were dismissed.
The perps got away with it.

Savage long-term burglary, B and E, assault, attempted murder, grand theft auto and other Torts. They are all OK in Elko.

In December 2013 I used a gun in SELF DEFENSE. I trust you may have seen that in my "Elko Smash" blog. I shot an assailant in the foot.

Now get this: I was initially charged with Attempted Murder, bail $50K. I couldda made that. Shortly thereafter, charges were reduced to a weapons
charge. Bail: $100K. Didn't make that. But wait--it gets worse.

I spent 2014 in jail and the perp walked, with a bullet hole in his foot. He went on to commit more property crimes in Montello without consequence. Victims knew better than to rely on Elko to do their duty. Widespread suffering was the Order of The Day.

During my time on ice, I told my story to my Cellies. All were shocked to learn the details of my case.

At one point, a "Plant" was introduced into my cell, created a lie story and that put me in The Hole for 2 weeks, until I was shipped out to Sparks, Lakes Crossing, a relocation trip previously arranged by my Atty Gary Woodbury. He failed to get me bail reduction so he sent me to a Country Club jail for "Observation" only.

There, I was vocal about my plight. One night I was chatting with Dan Savelli, a staff Forensic personnel. We were friends. He agreed with me that things were not right.

Next day I was returned to Elko without serving the full 3 month tour.
I ended up in G Block, with the Chomos. Sort of a Protective Custody area, but from who?

My physical and dental health needs were largely ignored. I was addicted to Ibuprofen and lost 4 front teeth. I went on Trial looking like a Jack O Lantern.

When I was acquitted in December 2014, Judge Susan Porter ordered me to NOT return home without a Police escort/attendant. WHAT???
There were 2 excuses, both very lame... and by all reason...ILLEGAL!!!
By all appearances, Elko tried at every turn to oppress and suppress me and my tirades against Elko all the years before and at that present time. They tried vigorously to silence me without killing me first.

So, I got out of the their jail clutches, but that was not the end of their vile attempts to continue focking with me.

I went to the local branch of my bank, because I knew I had money and was not totally broke yet (I woefully mismanaged my one million inheritance, but hey...)

The teller was rude, told me my account was CLOSED, confiscated my card and in so many words told me to get lost.

What's wrong with THAT Elko picture?

I had earned money at Lakes thru their work program. I received a check at Elko, where the cops tried to strong-arm me to sign it over to them, I refused and it confounded them.
It was added to my property bag.

My Atty Gary Woodbury set me up at The Stockman's Hotel for a short time.
We took a stroll to the same Bank, where he was a life-long customer, to cash my check.

It was refused. Woody was outraged, protested and he too was encouraged to pound sand.
We went to his Loan Shark, I got my money and bought me a few more days at the Stockman's.

( Locally, I had no contacts who would give me shelter. Elko had no Homeless shelters. What did the Court reasonably expect me to do--DIE? )

It was there I phoned my Bio-Sister in California, and she assured me there was a place I could go, live, work and wait for the ban on my homeward return to be rescinded.

Then one day, SHE TURNED ON ME. Cold. No deal. No explanation.
My time at the Hotel was up, but I was fortunate to score a place with a former Cellie in town. I spent Christmas and New Years there.

During that short-term stay, I got online at the Library, contacted a Schoolmate with a Ranch in Tehachapi, Ca.
I took a bus there. Got set up with a room and a chores schedule. I did everything right.

Then one morning at the end of one week, HE TURNED ON ME. Cold. Wanted me gone, with NO explanation. The man seemed genuinely terrified.

Within minutes, I went online, found a homeless shelter in nearby Lancaster. He took me there, gave me $40 and I never saw him again.

That's 2 Counts of aggravated WTF is happening to me?

SOMEBODY "GOT" TO THEM!!!  Elko? Sure, why not? Who else had a vested interest in ruining me?

I need these events investigated.


I did my time at The Shelter.. The "No Go Home" ban was lifted in February 2015 but I stayed there until their "Winter Shelter Program" ended in March.

My Common Law Wife came for me and we returned to Montello.
There I inventoried all of my stolen property, made a formal report to the cops, and again, NOTHING WAS DONE.

Elko Law does not care.

Being a Criminal in Elko County pays

Being a burglar in Elko county is a high paying job with little or no personal risk.
Ya, there might be a risk of having a landowner/homeowner shoot you, but being caught by law enforcement does not appear to be a risk at all.

Recently some of my family members had their shop broken into and during the burglary a vehicle was set on fire and a pistol was stolen along with a side by side, a 4-wheeler, and countless tools.

They called the Sheriff's department and requested an officer to come out and take a statement, begin an investigation, and follow up with attempting to catch the criminals. We were all assuming that meant getting fingerprints, doing an arson investigation, investigate possible suspects, and protect the victim. They collected a statement, nothing else.

The suspects are known to the officers/detectives, yet they have done nothing to interview, question or obtain search warrants for their residence. The way these type of cases work from the Sheriff's office point of view is "We will have to wait until we catch them redhanded". That is a scary proposition. What if next time they accomplish their goal and burn the entire house down with victims inside?

Crime is on the rise, drug activity is on the rise, victims are on the rise in large numbers across Elko County, and from where I sit, not much is being done to get these criminals off the street. All the while the victim sits alone and scarred waiting for something to happen. They have now armed themselves to protect their pursuit of life, liberty and happiness while the criminal walks free without fear of being held accountable.

I get up every day to go to work to earn a paycheck, medical benefits for me and my kids, and pay taxes for a sense of security and community. Maybe it's time to quit my job, get on government subsistence, get free health care and take what I want when I want it. Then maybe I will have the freedom that the criminals in this county get handed to them.
-Scott Stewart
[Published in the Opinion section of the Elko Daily Free Press 8/30/14]


Supplemental Reading:


Fast-Forward to 2022.

I have been living with my CL Wife since 2015 in Big Bear, California.
I was made aware of the Dylan Rounds case in July.
That's when I created a new blog:

I became personally involved with the DR case when I was alerted to this noise: Kurt Wadsworth talking shite about me online.

This is so wrong on many levels. And I'm angry again.

All along, podcasters and the Public were concerned about my House. Was it searched? Some say yes, others NO.

We went to find out. Also, to retrieve the keys that I had entrusted to Troy Wadsworth for caretaking purposes ever since 2015, and to fetch some tools and things there.

On October 14 we arrived outside of town, at Ty and Phyllis Corbin's Ranch, where their family friend Bria was staying by herself.

We were invited, welcomed and treated like Royalty.
I struck a deal with Bria about re-opening my House/Store.
It was a sound means to raise the funds I desperately need to pay my property taxes. I am no longer wealthy. Where did my Bank Money go?

October 15, we 3 went to my House. No Dylan. No tools I was looking for. Other things missing, again.

My bed was unkept and a woman's nightgown was in it. Evidence of a crime.
I took a few pictures of it, and of my Travel Trailer in the backyard, the one with the 2 missing wheels.

Bria took video, but was later "accidently" deleted.

On October 16, I got my keys back from Troy, finished loading the car, left the keys for Bria in a hiding place and left town.

Next day at home I contacted Bria to confirm the keys. Good. She said she had set about to make the Store come up.

Within the time of that week, the day unknown to me, I got the report that Bria's truck caught fire on the road, shortly after leaving my House, destroying everything, including the keys.
At the same time, The Corbin Ranch was heavily vandalized.

There was a huge controversy about it all.
Reports were made, results unknown.

This info has been presented on YouTube podcasts, one of which I appeared on...Jim Terry TV.

On November 11, after much consternation, I contacted Elko Sheriff's Dispatch to report the crimes at my house.
Officer Stevens called me, recognizing my "Tello" identity. He said he was at my house at that time. ( I question that. Why was he in town at all? ) I asked him to take outdoor pictures and he said he would send me an email to begin an electronic reporting process..

On November 14, after no contact, I called again, being told Officer Stevens was off duty until Thursday 11/17.

Now, it is the 17th.
I called again, being told Stevens is off duty today.

See where this is going?

This is NOT The End.

To be continued......

Remember this:
No Store. No Income. No Tax Money. Loads of EVIL.


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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #951 on: November 18, 2022, 12:34:09 PM »
Check that.

Remember this:
No Keys. No Store. No Income. No Tax Money.
Loads of EVIL.
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #952 on: November 18, 2022, 05:39:01 PM »
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #953 on: November 18, 2022, 06:29:18 PM »
11:10 PM
You sent
Hi. I'm gratified to see that somebody likes my new post. I worked on it all day. It was for Duty Ron.

Awesome.  Will he believe it?

You sent
dunno. do you?
evidence in pocket!

I do. Born and raised in Utah.

You sent
I camped a year in Ogden. Mad shopping KSL spree. Most of what I bot was stolen. Reports fall on deaf ears with badges. I hope this flies with Ron.

It's  a problem here. Corruption.  Can't trust anyone

You sent
Where do we go, The Hague?

Dateline? Netflix?
No body cares

You sent
We do!

"They" have labeled "we" crazy.
No body listens

You sent
Who are "they"? Them?

Yes. Protests??

You sent
Media saturation at all available levels. Bold acts of Truth...

Interesting.  Out of the norm levels. What hasn't been tried?

You sent
I have not yet taken my case to the Nv. state atty general. Statutes of limitations NOT popped for me cuz county commissioner Wilde Brough failed to perform sworn duties to address my issues. Read about that? Click all the links!

You sent
Good night to you now.

Nice chatting.  Goodnite.

You sent

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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #954 on: November 18, 2022, 07:08:01 PM »
12:03 AM
Wow. I'm sorry you've been through all this. I've been told about corruption there too. Police getting pay offs. Absolutely disgusting. They need investigating. Is there a department that can do this? In the UK we have the IPCC that investigates police conduct.

You sent
Hi. Not sure there is a "higher up" dept. But I'm still chooglin'

I will look into it

You sent
pls do!


You sent

Internal affairs (often known as IA) is a division of a law enforcement agency that investigates incidents and possible suspicions of law-breaking and professional misconduct attributed to officers on the force. It is thus a mechanism of limited self-governance, "a police force policing itself".

You sent
I have not taken my case to the Nv State Atty General yet.

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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #955 on: November 18, 2022, 07:15:40 PM »
Bria Berry
Long history of incompetence here.

Ron Tello Culley

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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #956 on: November 18, 2022, 07:35:40 PM »
:tello: "Questions? Comments? Criticisms?"
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #957 on: November 19, 2022, 06:39:32 AM »
11:18 AM 11/18/22
Hi Ron sorry I haven’t been replying. Health issues continue to effect my days a lot.

I still can’t read your blogs 😩. 
I was listening the other night when you called in to Jim’s show. He’s not done with you at all.  He thought you were calling in to give him an update.  If I was you I would call him off air on his work number, not the show number. Tell him what’s going on with you.   I truly think he likes you. He’s said that a few times. He likes that you’re no bull shite and always tell it like it is. Also, any friend of Ty is a friend of Jim.

How’s things going for you?

You sent
Hi. Going ok, no big whoop. Sad you cant access my blogs. good stuff there. I hear ya about Jim, good idea. No news yet. Get well soon!

I think Kurt was all drunk talk when he spewed that bull shite.  I haven’t heard anything at all, although Salty’s channel got taken down for some reason. I have no idea why???  I’m not a member over there. He took my money for membership and then blocked me. I’m a nobody. For real. I just listen to these shows is all.

I ended up messaging you because Jim Terry told all his crew to go over to your FB page and show you some love.  I did that because I’d seen you on a few shows and liked your personality!

You sent
wow, thx. Salty down bc he violated the rules.
JT said he took down his fb page. It's still up, I posted on it, no reply

JT and Mr X are technically very challenged 😂😂. They think they really did take it down bahahahaha. They aren’t looking there for messages that’s a definite

You sent
lol, mr x accidently deleted the last Tuesday show, I called in a minute. Nothing big.

You can email him at

You sent
duly noted, thx!

X answers the emails in that account and passes to Jim what is for him directly

You sent
oh yeah right. I did do that

That’s all I know

You sent
good enuff. good day!!!

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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #958 on: December 04, 2022, 12:45:33 PM »
Salty3 Saturday | LIVE With Kurt Wadsworth | Plans To Search Locations

The Kayli one here is my former online informant. fresh material
for this Blog.

Her chats are identified by the screen name K.

She unfriended me 2 months ago.

I think she's a Salty spy.

I'm not damaged.

We are all enriched.

Go read the posts!
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #959 on: December 04, 2022, 02:52:02 PM »
Everybody has DIRT on them.

I concern myself with the topic of
where it came from.

Either, I got it all by self, and it's good,
I lost a Dirt Clod Fight.
Maybe even got in the cross-fire of a Mud Slinging Campaign.

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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #960 on: December 04, 2022, 09:10:01 PM »
Jim Replies Um No & X's Weekly Recap
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #961 on: December 05, 2022, 12:37:01 PM »
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #962 on: December 06, 2022, 08:22:02 AM »
Kurt Wadsworth, Ellen Berg, Ty Corbin & Jim Terry w/ Mr. X-Live from the Saddle Sore Bar!!!

Jim Terry TV - Live Call In !!
4.62K subscribers

1,992 views  Streamed live on Dec 1, 2022

Wow a random pop up.  Ellen called Jim and wanted to come on the show.  Questions were asked about Dylan Rounds.  Ty Corbin popped in on the phone while Kurt was live.  White Claw Robbie made an appearance.  Ron Tello remains in seclusion. We didn't know what to expect.  This is exactly why VIP+ exists!

3 days ago
Salty wadsworth might be Ellen and Kurts love child
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #963 on: December 06, 2022, 10:36:10 AM »
Jim Terry <>
Ron Tello

Sun, Dec 4 at 11:04 AM

Hi Ron.  This is X here.  Jim isnt on this email too often.

I tried to click on your blog but there is no access.  Best way to get Jim info is to call him.  I am not sure who K or any of these people are.


Show original message

Ron Tello <>
Jim Terry

Mon, Dec 5 at 3:05 PM

Hello X.
Get this:
Ya gotta try to access my blogs on other devices.
Admin mentioned there may be an ISP issue, I don't understand any of that.
I wanna continue my diatribe with you, but damn, GET TO MY BLOG!

That's the Main Event with my message to you.

In Brief: The Kayli girl...she is Showcased on my Dylan Blog.
Code name: K
She came to me on facebook in...maybe July?
She fed me loads of info, including the sound bite with Kurt trash talking me, and that was the moment I got involved with this atrocity.

Kayli dumped me, went radio silent on me about 2 months ago.

Recent show you did, speaking of "Double Agents".

Yeah that plays well.

She was Solid at the time, the Blog says so.

But I know some stuff.

Media, Human Behavior and Street Saavy.

My perspective on this continuing Drama-Rama is deep.

For example: All the Pod Players come off as being nothing less than
Free-Wheelin', Opportunistic Pseudo-Journalism Narcissists with a Profit Motive and two sets of books.

And some may either subscribe to Bully Magazine, or Contribute to it.

A dishonest Day Job.

Beats working for a living, I'm sure.

Hear me: I want you to know me as The Voice of Reason, seated in The Lotus Position on the sidelines of this Passion Play.

Notice how I have very little screen time, and yet my 15 minutes went a bit OverTime. That was nice, thank you.

OK, so Kayli was my DR Case source, stopped cold, and then pops up on Salty's stream.

See? Not an issue.
It's a Damage Report. Reality TV got nothing on this one.
Why not? Diversify! Bushwhacking.....

My House update: I have writer's block. It's my move: submit a Criminal Complaint to the Elko Cops.
If I time it right, I can severely RUIN Christmas in parts of Montello.
The "Private Parts".

Now then, the 12/1 show with Ellen Kurt, Ty........
Cute dropping my name. No traction.

Kurt's hostility towards me MUST be addressed!
Read my Blog if you get there.
I was on the air with this message.

This story is soooo off the rails.
The Decline of Western Civilization is not just a Movie Title.

Now you and Jim, invite me on. One-on-One: You, Jim and I. Bill it as "An Exclusive Event."
Build the hype and then shift gears. It's a Fireside Chat, not Drag Racing.

Your Ratings skyrocketed before cuzza me, remember?

Full throttle Philosophy and Fundraising on my part. Unleashed, let me set the record less crooked, never straight...

I could reveal shite to put everybody in retro-active jail, but no bloodshed was involved, lol. I already gave Elko County Jail a test drive. Off the Record: Death is a viable alternative.

That riff you said, telling Ellen to go to Tello's place. LOL.
Spontaneous. Clever. I do that too.

Look into my Goods.
(Google me. Call me.
909 XXX xxxx -beware the machine is broken.)

I believe my Wares are & can be important, or not.

You are in So.Cal. Pay a Visit in Big Bear! Bring beer.
Pleasure working with you.

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #964 on: December 06, 2022, 10:53:44 AM »
Ron Tello Culley
MEDIA CODE: Trivialize the sensational. Sensationalize the trivial. Please make a note of it.

3 days ago
Salty wadsworth might be Ellen and Kurts love child

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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #965 on: December 06, 2022, 12:45:08 PM »

Bria and Tello
Corbin Ranch
Montello, Nevada
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #966 on: December 07, 2022, 01:30:26 PM »
Salty3 Exposes The Dylan Rounds Distraction And Who Is Involved

New member
? I was wondering about Candice my self…. I’ve heard a few different theories from a few people about her that are unsettling and some unsettling truths

Tennessee Man
Member (2 months)
?It's sad that everyone has to be suspicious just to be safe.
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #967 on: December 07, 2022, 01:46:37 PM »
6:36 PM
You sent
Hi, Is this you on the Salty show?

Salty3 Exposes The Dylan Rounds Distraction And Who Is Involved
Write to Grant

Member (2 months)
?Grant sounds like a good old boy!

Member (2 months)
?yep that's same grant he got a hold of Ron Tello for Jim Terry

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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #968 on: December 07, 2022, 03:23:03 PM »
6:36 PM
You sent
Hi, Is this you on the Salty show?

Salty3 Exposes The Dylan Rounds Distraction And Who Is Involved
8:06 PM

You sent

Yes sir

You sent
what a HOOT! Thx for the shout out!

I got your back buddy

You sent

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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #969 on: December 07, 2022, 03:40:51 PM »
:tello: "Oh NOW the vid went PRIVATE.

We can't see it.

Salty is such a dick!"
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #970 on: December 07, 2022, 04:28:51 PM »
Recap; ya missed it.

There was this one part where Salty was listing off all the other Pod People who blocked him.

He's feeling the Pinch that folks are not too keen on him anymore,
and he's whinging about it. Acting like he did nothing wrong.

Meanwhile, in the scrolling chat, the Streamyard link was posted.

I clicked it, went in, actually got ON SCREEN.
No spoken word.

Just looking. Showing my mug, and I wasn't smoking, drinking or making funny faces.

After about 8 seconds, I clicked myself off.

Then Salty comments how Ron Tello was here and then went.

He got even MORE butt-hurt about being forsaken.

LOL, what a HOOT, ya hadda be there.

Can't now. Private Video.

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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #971 on: December 07, 2022, 05:17:15 PM »
The little things. The simple ways of life.
They add up.

My work here is done.

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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #972 on: December 09, 2022, 01:36:04 AM »
Dylan Rounds | What Is Really Going On
| Special Guest From Montello


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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #973 on: December 09, 2022, 09:59:13 PM »
Jim Terry vs. The Shack Lady- Live TONIGHT!!!!
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #974 on: December 10, 2022, 08:13:04 PM »
Stiffy returns. Teller Feller & other creators earning w/ Dylan Round & Jim Terry TV

Jim Terry TV - Live Call In !!
4.63K subscribers

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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #975 on: December 10, 2022, 09:44:20 PM »
2:37 AM
Hey Ron, I’ve checked out on this story. It’s ridiculous and I have nothing to do with it other than what caught my interest in the beginning because my nephew is EXACTLY like Dylan. Im not watching or paying attention to any of it anymore. There is so much stress and rumours floating around. Im choosing not to do it anymore. The only thing I’m doing is watching Jim’s show for entertainment. If he talks about Dylan Rounds I turn it off.

You sent
I understand. Celebrate Choices!

Ya good way to put it!  I got gobbled up in it for no reason.  I choose to look after me and not live in worry about something I have no connection too.
Thanks for understanding

You sent
I do that with everyone. Natural talent. See ya!😎

Cheers my friend

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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #976 on: December 11, 2022, 07:33:10 PM »
Rumour has it Dylan has mitgrated to Australia and living at Roo’s house


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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #977 on: December 11, 2022, 10:39:37 PM »
Good for him.
Roo dissed me and I'm bitter about it.

I still have those T and A pix she sent me in 2010.
Wanna buy them?
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #978 on: December 12, 2022, 09:55:27 AM »
YT Creators Earnings off Dylan Rounds & JT + Stiffy's Duck - Jim Terry TV (Friday Night Special)

3,301 views  Streamed live on Dec 9, 2022
What does Tyler Feller, Um No Thanks Investigates and many others have in common?  They all made money off the Dylan Rounds Case & Jim Terry.  We provide a breakdown 15 "creators" earnings including the #1 earner Tyler Feller.  This information was provided to JT TV by a viewer so Candice Cooley can see a break down.

Plus Stiffy returns.  Jim Terry challenges her boyfriend to have a duck eat out of his mouth for a Xbox.  Will it happen on Jim Terry TV?

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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #979 on: December 13, 2022, 04:20:22 AM »
Monday Afternoon Show - Jim Terry TV

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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #980 on: December 13, 2022, 11:00:59 PM »
Stick 'O Butter Showdown, Legless handstands & More!!!!JT TV -Live Call In!!!

Jim Terry TV -

1 waiting  Scheduled for Dec 13, 2022
You read that right.  Jim Terry TV is back!  Will "Just Mike" show and challenge "Gay Sloth" to the Stick O' Butter showdown?  Mike has stated he will shave his head BALD if he loses.  Mad Dog Scheduled to appear and perform his legless handstand.  Michelle joins the show.  Will Stiffy's duck return and eat food off the English Man's body?  So many questions will be answered.  Plus, Jim Terry and Mr. X unhinged.  Anything can happen on Jim Terry TV!
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #981 on: December 15, 2022, 02:45:37 AM »
:tello: "Salty is talking with me. An unexpected chat."

5:50 AM
How's things in Cali?

You sent
The Snowfall AFTERMATH. Big Bear Valley. How much snow did we get? Complete Valley tour. Sugarloaf. 12/13/2022

Looks like Park City. Where we got hammered

You sent
Park Hammer.
How did you get Kayli on your crew?

Same like all of them? They came over and stayed?

You sent
She was mine, then vanished. Suss.

Really? I didn't know that

You sent
Evidence: Code name: K
(you got to scroll around...)
DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition

I'll look into it

You sent
G'day M8

Good day Ron 😀

You sent

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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #982 on: December 16, 2022, 12:50:03 PM »
Special live with 2 special guests, JIM TERRY TV LIVE tonight and Mr x
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #983 on: December 16, 2022, 03:37:35 PM »
Jim Terry <>
Ron Tello

Thu, Dec 15 at 7:28 PM

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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #984 on: December 17, 2022, 07:06:29 AM »
Oz Round Table »The Oz Round Table boards »The Round Table
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #985 on: December 17, 2022, 11:49:15 AM »
Man with "NO LEGS" performs stunt and Ron Tello joins us live!!!

Jim Terry TV - Live Call In !!
4.66K subscribers

2,428 views  Streamed live 17 hours ago

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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #986 on: December 17, 2022, 11:52:57 AM »
I'm having great difficulty posting this item here.

There's so much evil going on here,
and Admin is AWOL again.

I hate being human.
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #987 on: December 17, 2022, 12:15:51 PM »
If maybe there's a next Ron Terry Show, I'd advertise this:

They say it can't be done!

Ron Tello * Sober * Live

Jim Terry TV * BE HERE!!!
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #988 on: December 17, 2022, 12:45:56 PM »

Dylan Rounds is still missing.

Society is divided again.

Kurt Wadsworth has not solved the case or cleared out the Montello Tweakers.

Ron Tello remains in seclusion.

And nobody cares about you.

Film at 11.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #989 on: December 17, 2022, 12:54:40 PM »
Fear - I Don't Care About You

Ernest T
4 months ago
The lyrics speak volumes for what we’re dealing with today.

Ron Tello Culley
It lends credence to my youthful indiscretions.

Ron Tello Culley
Where's Ron Henderson now that I need him?

Ron Tello Culley
UFOs vs. straight jackets. I'm GAME for both!
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #990 on: December 17, 2022, 01:22:57 PM »
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #991 on: December 17, 2022, 01:47:04 PM »
Ron Tello Culley
I see no conflict of interests here.
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #992 on: December 17, 2022, 01:57:43 PM »

Friday night and the HATTERS are PISSED so we go LIVE!

Jim Terry TV - Live Call In !!
4.67K subscribers

25 waiting  Scheduled for Dec 16, 2022
We are so happy with the show and the following!!! Why other Youtube trash are pissed at us!!!

Ron Tello Culley
Oh, this too is gonna be stupid. Think I can help it? Let's see....
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #993 on: December 17, 2022, 03:52:35 PM »
Ron Tello Culley
Fock, I was on the air. W00T!

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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #994 on: December 18, 2022, 12:01:02 AM »


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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #995 on: December 18, 2022, 04:03:34 AM »
Save it for the Awards Ceremony.
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #996 on: December 18, 2022, 04:28:50 PM »
The Nightmare Continues - Michelle & Western Union (Jim Terry TV - Live Call In!!!)

Jim Terry TV - Live Call In !!
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #997 on: December 19, 2022, 09:47:28 AM »
Conspiracies Regarding Dylan Rounds And Online Cases Is There A Pattern | Connecting The Dots


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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #998 on: December 19, 2022, 11:45:12 AM »

Ron Tello Culley
Awwwshit! Salty made this vid PRIVATE AGAIN!!!! What a DICK!

Augie A. Leonard

Ron Tello Culley
Did you see it? The part when I was on?

Augie A. Leonard
On JT's? Yep, but now you need some kind content to provide, like a vid helping a (a much more elderly across a snowy street.) You know, something like that..

Ron Tello Culley
Philanthropy! I'd rather unravel the mystery of the missing Humanity on The Air.
This shite is a HotBed of savagery! But you already said that....

Augie A. Leonard
But somewhere along the line you'll have to get your hands dirty..

Ron Tello Culley
All of me, thank you!

Ron Tello Culley
No, wait! I was on the Salty show, the one advertised> JT was on early and Salty rudely gave Jim the Boot cuz he was alluding towards Kayli. I got on and spoke with her. It's all pretty fockin stupid.

Augie A. Leonard
Hmm, which episode was this? These folks are long winded.

Ron Tello Culley
The one posted above. Salty made it PRIVATE so the Truth stays in the can.
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Re: DYLAN ROUNDS: A Tello Files Special Edition
« Reply #999 on: December 19, 2022, 12:37:36 PM »
Augie A. Leonard
I watched the one where Salty got all pissy with this truck driver saying that he was a fake, phoney, fraud basically cause he thought this Trucky dude was named Graham, the Trucky was actually a guy named Grant.
And i got a time out on that one. (I said a few things towards Salty.
The other one was where that kangaroo rider named sea .org was getting crappy with this gal while talking about a government conspiracy.
Got timed out on that one too.
I said few things about Salty for not being a better host.
I like conspiracies like Theater Popcorn..

Ron Tello Culley
I know Grant. He's important to me.

Ron Tello Culley
I also met his Mom. Fabulous Old Hippie and I love her..

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"