Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2930308 times)


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Biden’s Baby Formula Crisis Exposed: A Slap In The Face To Every Parent In America [VIDEOS]
Washington Post fact-checkers gave it 4 Pinocchios, so they keep on with their story trying to push this crazy agenda.
MAY 15, 2022

With Joe Biden and his criminal cronies installed into the White House with a stolen election, it’s been crisis after crisis after crisis.

At this point, thinking that everything going on is just from mistakes or missteps would be naive. They can’t get everything this wrong by accident. It’s got to be on purpose to destroy America just to fill their own pockets.

Florida Congresswoman Kat Cammack calls out the latest Biden Crisis, the Baby Formula shortage, in the video below.

Martha MacCallum: Oh, that we just showed everyone the pictures that you sent out of the shelf at the border facility and the shelf at a home grocery store. And then the Washington Post gave your picture, your tweet for Pinocchios. They said it’s not true. What do you say to them?

Kat Cammack: Well, I think that the fact-checkers need to be fact-checked. And listen, we all know that the Washington Post became an army of left-wing activists a long time ago. So they can keep on with their story, trying to push this crazy agenda. But we know that the facts are that the Biden administration and the FDA, they shut down our nation’s largest manufacturer of baby formula with no plan in place to backfill the 43% of the market share that they make up.

And again, the White House says they’ve been working on this for months with no plan. And just yesterday was the first time that Biden met with manufacturers convenient that they left out that they didn’t meet with Abbott, the manufacturer that Biden’s FDA shut down. They can’t get any phone calls returned from the FDA, no emails.

And as we saw in there and the FDA’s own press release, Abbott was cleared. And there was no connection between those tragic deaths of those two infants and the findings in their manufacturing facility. Now the White House won’t give any updates about manufacturing coming back online. I can tell you, it takes weeks and for the FDA to continue to wrap this all up in red tape. It’s a slap in the face to every parent in America right now.

I think I speak on behalf of all young mothers when I say this is unacceptable. Doesn’t matter if you’re Republican or Democrat. This is unacceptable. And no one is debating the morality of feeding children. I think we can all agree this is absolutely critical. But are we America first? Are we America last? That’s the question.

The answer is that they’re America Last and based on the comments I’ve seen, more and more people agree.

Here are just a few of them…

“How about exposing those behind prescription drug shortages too.”

“This was created to force parents into buying the Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos etc… synthetic baby food because no one would if there was a choice. This needs to be investigated as well. I’d be willing to bet that the money trail leads to the white house.”

“Totally unacceptable!!! Americans need to guard our borders at all costs and realize we’re at war with the liberal Democrats who don’t give 2 shites about us. we need to take back our country and IMPEACH every elected official in the democratic party.”

“Moms…PLEASE, go on the internet and find recipes on how to make formula. There are hundreds of them. Be sure to copy every recipe you find because these sites will probably disappear. Just look at the ingredients on the formula you use now and find a recipe close to it. Homemade is probably better anyway without all of the additives. Stock up…DON’T HOARD…the supplies needed. Also, get infant vitamins. Now is the time to look for books on homesteading and living off the land. Most of all, it’s time to pray!! Our children’s lives are on the line now; don’t be too humble to ask for God’s help; He’s our only hope!”
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:tello: "SHOCKING! I checked it out, and I am offended about the amazing penis illustration/demonstration. Sick sh!t right here!"

Why is Youtube hosting porn for kids?

John Horvat - Return to Order <>
Ron Culley
Sun, May 15 at 7:32 AM

Dear Mr. Ron Culley,

Youtube is allowing graphic sexual content for kids...against its own anti-obscene policy!

A sex-ed program, called Amaze, is posting videos on Youtube to teach children about immoral practices, including transgender body mutilations, pornography, masturbation, and abortion.

According to reports:

"Amaze Org [Amaze's Youtube name] is a predatory YouTube channel that says it aims to 'take the awkward' out of sex education for kids and boasts about its age-appropriate content for this digital generation of children. It has more than 220,000 subscribers and its free videos have a combined total of more than 60 million views.

"...The topics covered in the videos are gender identity, sexuality, abortion, birth control, puberty, masturbation, pornography and more. It’s all explicit and not appropriate for Children or Adults over 50.

"These animated videos, at first glance, look like any innocent cartoon that a child could stumble upon on YouTube or TV. ... But behind the innocent-looking exterior, they are teaching children that it is normal to watch porn because 'lots of people' do, 'and it's free!' "

CLICK HERE: sign the petition to tell Youtube to stop scandalizing children

This is only some of the material that Amaze Org provides. The videos also discusses abortion and how a minor can bypass parents' intervention against abortion, as well as other vulgar and graphic material that I cannot publish here.

Youtube's policy for children's content reads: "Content that targets young minors and families but contains sexual themes, violence, obscene, or other mature themes not suitable for young audiences, is not allowed on YouTube." So why is Youtube letting this channel run? ("Follow the MONEY!" -Tello )

Please sign our petition to Youtube, urging it to remove Amaze Org's profane children videos.

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Biden Team Has A New Hilarious Inflation Strategy
May 13, 2022

Cecilia Rouse, the White House’s top economic adviser, recently claimed that Americans are suffering from an economic crisis because Biden masterfully handled the COVID-19 epidemic.

Americans are up against ever-increasing costs in a market experiencing unprecedented inflation. However, Rouse said on CNN’s “New Day” this week, that the situation is actually a net benefit since addressing the epidemic effectively resulted in these economic problems.

The remarks came after Brianna Keilar, a CNN host, questioned Rouse about worries from some Democrats about Biden’s agenda. Specifically, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) and Larry Summers, a top economic adviser to Barack Obama and treasury secretary under Bill Clinton, have blamed Biden’s spending for the inflation problem.

“I’m wondering whether Larry Summers and Joe Manchin were correct about spending and inflation, looking back,” Keilar inquired.

Rouse responded that she was “not sure what the correct is,” but stated that the current economic problems in the United States are directly linked to the epidemic. When Keilar inquired once again, Rouse pointed a finger at an effective pandemic response.

“What we’ve seen is that all developed nations are attempting to manage inflation, and they’ve had historically high rates of inflation,” Rouse said. “That’s been the consequence of mounting an effective response to the epidemic because while we supported consumers and firms, our supply chains couldn’t keep up with demand.”

“We are not alone; all developed countries are dealing with this,” she emphasized. “This is a result of having an effective pandemic response strategy.”

Inflation has been heading in the wrong direction with each passing month.

Last month’s consumer price index climbed 8.3 percent over April 2021, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, suggesting that inflation is at a nearly 40-year high. The rise in prices exceeded the Dow Jones prediction of 8.1 percentage points and was somewhat lower than the March figure of 8.5%.

Americans should anticipate spending an additional $5,200 this year (or roughly $433 per month) than last year for the same consumption basket owing to inflation, according to Bloomberg.
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DC Cook
Why would you walk into a grocery store and murder 10 people while knowing you'll spend the rest of your life in prison getting the crap beat out of you every day you are there?

Cassie Lough
No one will ever know!!

Stan Wnenta
Mental health in the new world order. When I was young, in NY(rural, not city), there was massive mental health facilities. Pilgrim State, Kings Park, Central Islip, where just a just a few. Google them. B I G. Back then, we had very few, if any, homeless, wandering nuts, etc.

Police would pick these people up, and bring them to these facilities, where they would get a “room”, meals, treatment. Many stayed long term, and if earned, where given day passes. The institutions really weren’t that bad, considering. I knew people that worked in them, and knew a few “residents”.

Then, the smarter then you or I folks said that you cannot do this anymore. And then, they closed them. Crime skyrocketed, sex crimes increased, senseless shootings, homeless, mumbling people became common. Our prison became overcrowded(I worked there),and we had to open multiple mental observation tiers, where we didn’t have the ability to really treat them properly.

Man they did some crazy, violent crimes., and a lot where released, because they weren’t responsible. Mental illness doesn’t exist anymore. It’s hate, racial, unhappy childhood, etc. We don’t face up to it, we make excuses for it. It’s not their fault, it was their teacher, parent, whatever. Let’s be PC, and not degrade a mass murderer. Poor guy.

Raymond Shaw
I'm deeply angered by this.

Mike Williams
Probably because he is NOT going to do actual prison time. This is a political hack, distracting the public from another Democratic action. He will be tried, convicted and sentenced. The news will eat this up and report it till we are sick of hearing about it. He will actually be sent to a country club prison for a few months until the news is blown over. Then he will be released and placed in witness protection with a new name and lifetime money in his account

DC Cook
Time will tell how this all turns out, so far all we know is the guy hated black people, and the two white people he shot simply got in his way preventing him from killing more black people. Does one have to be crazy to do this? No, just being a stupid fool is sometimes enough. Time will tell what the real motivation was. It makes me wonder what kind of family life this guy had? What will his friends say? We need more time to figure it all out, that is if we can ever truly know why people do the things they do.

Kenny Mann
May be an image of text that says 'HOw many d1sarmed v1ctims 1s it g01ng to take?'

Raymond Shaw
Has anyone ever noticed that many of the young shooters are the sons of government employees? Many times cops, teachers, and even judges.

Steve Button
Evil doesn’t care About consequences

DC Cook
Just now there has been another shooting in Cali at a church, one dead, 4 critical.

DC Cook
So you're saying everyone should be armed? That's an unrealistic outlook.

Rudy Pimentel
Its that time of year..April May June

Mike Williams
Rudy Pimentel right before mid terms.

Ron Tello Culley
Riot Season is upon us.

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May 10, 2022

Many news watchers have been struck by the sudden change in tone coming from U.S. officials in relation to the war in Ukraine in recent weeks.

The New York Times published an article claiming that intelligence shared by the U.S. had helped Ukraine kill Russian generals in some cases.

Another report came out this week with U.S. officials admitting to assisting Ukraine with intelligence that facilitated the sinking of the Russian cruiser Moskva.

While American politicians have been totally transparent about arming Ukraine, we are now in a new phase where they are apparently openly admitting to what could be considered acts of war against Russia.

As far as casus belli go, wars have been fought over much less than bragging about helping to kill the enemy.

The question is, why?

The Sinking of Moskva
On April 14th, after being struck by two Ukrainian Neptune anti-ship missiles, the Moskva – a flagship of the Russian Navy – sank.

If the Moskva sounds familiar, it should. It’s the same ship that the famous 13 Snake Island heroes famously told to “f**k off.” Initial propaganda claimed that all were killed defending the island.

Later, reports came out that they were captured and later released in a prisoner exchange.

Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said in regards to claims that the U.S. directly assisted with the attack:

“The Ukrainians have their intelligence capabilities to track and target Russian naval vessels, as they did in this case.”

So I suppose the argument could be made that we merely confirmed the ship’s identity. Then, as our government claims we didn’t know in advance, they would target the ship.

While I am no lover of the Pentagon, I find it hard to believe that we didn’t know precisely what Ukraine would do with our intelligence.

When Will It Cross the Line?
Current policy dictates that the United States will not share lethal targeting intelligence about any Russian civilian or military leaders. To date, Ukraine claims to have killed 12 Russian generals since the war started.

There are a few reasons this could be, to be fair.

The Russian military isn’t well known for its resources, so there could be a leap that generals have to be present on the front lines to facilitate swift communication. This could be why there has been such success with taking out generals.

Or, it could be that we are sharing intelligence that is facilitating these strikes, which seems very Cold War Era-esque and smells a bit of proxy assassination. Both make for good suspense novels but are not suitable for real life.

The third option is that there has been no outsized success in killing Russian generals, and it is just a story– like the “Ghost of Kyiv” or the Snake Island 13.

Dangerous Rhetoric
During his trip to Germany, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin said the U.S. wants to:

“…see Russia weakened to the degree it cannot do the kinds of things that it has done in invading Ukraine.”

That’s a reasonably tall order, no matter how you feel about what is happening in Ukraine. Moreover, this rhetoric aligns with what we heard from the Democratic Congressional Delegation that visited Kyiv, vowing to stay in it until they win it.

Secretary Austin also said there would be a monthly ‘contact group’ created to discuss plans with western allies on the following steps:

“The contact group will be a vehicle for nations of goodwill to intensify our efforts, coordinate our assistance, and focus on winning today’s fight and the struggles to come.”

How much more intense can our military support be? It sure feels like we are fighting a proxy war with Russia.

So the following steps would be to dedicate American men and women to the ground in Ukraine, which I believe most Americans don’t want.

Careful What You Say
To be critical of our support of Ukraine is not easy, especially when we live in a political environment that demands extreme reactions. When Russia invaded, Iraq War veteran and former Democrat presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard tweeted:

“This war and suffering could have easily been avoided if Biden admin/NATO had simply acknowledged Russia’s legitimate security concerns regarding Ukraine’s becoming a member of NATO, which would mean US/NATO forces right on Russia’s border.”

Gabbard was promptly labeled treasonous by Senator Mitt Romney.

However, even the Pope agrees partly with Gabbard, who said in an interview that “barking of NATO at Russia’s door” more than likely instigated the war.

At the Conservative Political Action Conference, Gabbard said of her Democratic colleagues:

“They proclaim that we must go to war to spread democracy and freedom while they actively work to undermine our democratic republic and our freedoms right here at home.”

Careful, Tulsi, you might not be let back into the Democratic Club with talk like that; they might change up the secret handshake on you.

However, she does bring up an interesting point given the recent talk of a Disinformation Governance Board that smells oddly a lot like the Ministry of Truth from “1984.”

Secretary Austin said one more thing that I found very interesting:

“We all start today from a position of moral clarity. Russia is waging a war of choice to indulge the ambitions of one man.”

What would we have called the botched withdrawal of Afghanistan? Because for many of us who served, that felt like an act meant to indulge one man’s political ambitions.

And to that same end, what do we call this escalation of rhetoric towards Russia? What started as a very carefully worded campaign of support for Ukraine has evolved into words such as ‘win,’ ‘victory,’ and ‘whatever it takes.’

What are we trying to indulge and what price will we pay?

The post Why Are U.S. Officials Bragging About Acts of War Against Russia? appeared first on The Political Insider.
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Quote of the day

"If men can’t comment on abortion because they don’t have a uterus, why does the left comment on gun control?"

— Kevin Sorbo
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Obese Bill Gates’ Little Prick & The World Hell Organization Brutally Savaged By 3X Jabbed Journo [VIDEO]
"After having more jabs in the arm than a 90s rock star. He's tweeted about it. I've tested positive for COVID."

Numerous health organizations, pharmaceutical companies, and even governments aren’t done with COVID-19 as they continue to fight a virus that many have come to live with. But with the pandemic making companies like Pfizer billions and tech guru Bill Gates pushing the COVID-19 drug, it seems the government overreach might not be over as China descends into COVID-19 chaos, Gates discusses more jabs, and the World Health Organization continues to promote their outlandish ideas.

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Rep. Waltz: It’s Easier to Get a Crack Pipe Than Baby Formula In Biden’s America
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Liberal media blasts Elon Musk’s fight for free speech

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Congressmen: Whistleblower Evidence Shows Biden’s DOJ Is Targeting Parents With FBI Investigations
Biden's AG Merrick Garland lied about this under oath.
MAY 13, 2022

Despite sworn testimony by U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland that the U.S. Department of Justice isn’t targeting parents after he directed the department to do so last fall, a whistleblower has come forward to the House Judiciary Committee providing evidence that the FBI is in fact investigating parents.

In a letter to Garland, Republican U.S. Reps. Jim Jordan of Ohio and Mike Johnson of Louisiana wrote that they have evidence that contradicts testimony he gave before the committee last year.

Last October, Garland issued a memo about the “disturbing spike in harassment, intimidation, and threats of violence against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff,” directing the FBI and other federal law enforcement agents to monitor activities of parents and school boards nationwide.

He did so in response to the National School Boards Association requesting the federal government to use counterterrorism tools, including the Patriot Act, against parents. In an Oct. 20 email, the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division and Criminal Division announced it had created a new threat tag for its internal system to label parents, called, “EDUOFFICIALS,” the congressmen point out in their letter. The email directs all FBI personnel to apply this tag to all “school board-related threats.”

When questioned about the memo by the House Judiciary Committee last October, Garland said under oath, “I can’t imagine any circumstance in which the Patriot Act would be used in the circumstances of parents complaining about their children, nor can I imagine a circumstance where they would be labeled as domestic terrorism.”

After the memo was issued, a coalition of attorneys general immediately called on Garland to revoke it and produce documentation related to the memo’s directive. They maintain that Garland has provided no evidence of any spikes in threats against school personnel by parents and the DOJ targeting parents is an abuse of power and unconstitutional. They received no response to their letters or requests for information and sued in March.

Indiana Attorney General Todd Rokita, who led the coalition, said, “Rather than cooperate, the Biden administration has sought to conceal and downplay its culpability. What are they hiding? Why won’t they come clean?”

The answer from “brave whistleblowers,” Jordan said, is that the FBI has opened investigations in almost every region of the country related to all types of educational settings.

“The information we have received shows how, as a direct result of your directive, federal law enforcement is using counterterrorism resources to investigate protected First Amendment activity,” the congressmen wrote Garland.

In one investigation, the FBI opened a file on a mother involved with the Florida-based group Mom’s for Liberty, according to representatives. The file also notes the mom is a lawful gun owner. An FBI agent interviewed the mother, who said she was upset by her school board’s mask mandate and was hoping to replace the school board with new members through the electoral process.

Another investigation was launched into a father who opposed mask mandates, according to the congressmen. Yet another investigation was launched into a Republican official after a Democrat alleged the official was inciting violence for opposing a school district’s vaccine mandate.

The information, the congressmen said, “is startling. You have subjected these moms and dads to the opening of an FBI investigation about them, the establishment of the FBI case file that includes their political views, and the application of a ‘threat tag’ to their names as a direct result of their exercise of their fundamental constitutional right to speak and advocate for their children.”

The congressmen have directed Garland to provide materials to the committee immediately.

Moms for Liberty Founders Tiffany Justice and Tina Descovich issued a statement saying, “This whistleblower letter should be an alarm bell for every mom in our country. We now have proof of what many of us suspected and some of us knew: that the Department of Justice was using counter-terrorism authority under the PATRIOT Act to investigate parents of schoolchildren who were exercising their first amendment right to petition their local government for a redress of grievances.

“We at Moms for Liberty knew first-hand of the first example Jim Jordan cited, because she was – as the whistleblower letter says – one of our members. The mother was terrified. She had been contacted by the FBI. She had been told by the FBI not to say anything about that call. She had also been told that there were many other mothers being investigated.

“Once the federal government uses our own taxpayer money to harness federal resources and federal officials to investigate law-abiding parents who attend public meetings and speak their minds, everyone’s free speech is at risk. We have the right to ask questions of public officials and demand accountability from those in public office.”

Justice and Descovich said their organization is empowering mothers to understand their fundamental rights. But they also warn that while this happened to one of their members, it could also happen “to anyone.”
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Biden Cancels New Oil Leases As Gas Prices Hit Record Highs
MAY 13, 2022

President Joe Biden canceled three pending oil and gas drilling leases in Alaska and the Gulf of Mexico this week as gas prices hit record highs.

Biden has taken heavy fire for blocking new leases and pipelines as energy costs have surged but has defended his record. This latest development intensified that criticism.

“It’s day 477 of the Biden administration, we have record gas prices, and they have still not leased one acre of land to drill oil,” Rep. Dan Crenshaw, R-Texas, said.

The Department of Interior announced the decision late Wednesday, saying there was not enough industry interest in the areas. Experts argue the Biden administration’s fight to cancel all oil and gas leasing has made it risky and unappealing for the oil and gas industry to begin new investments in the U.S. The Alaska lease had difficulty receiving interest at certain points in the past before Biden took office.

“Canceling oil and gas leases is part of Biden’s ongoing punishing of the industry including threatening banks for lending and investment,” said Daniel Turner, executive director of the energy workers advocacy group, Power the Future. “We are all living the consequence: outrageously high prices and growing shortages.”

The decision comes just days after the U.S. hit record high gas prices. According to AAA, the national average gas price is currently $4.42, up from $3 per gallon the same time last year, when prices had already begun to rise. Federal inflation data released Wednesday also showed a slight decline in energy costs in April but still overall a major increase in energy prices in the past year.

Biden blocked all new oil and gas leasing on federal lands via executive order shortly after taking office, but a federal judge overturned that decision.

Earlier this week, the White House defended Biden’s work on energy costs.

“He’s also taken steps that are definitely smaller but meant to do anything possible, including issuing a waiver for E15 so that thousands of pumps in the Midwest could have gasoline that – and make it available to Americans so that that’s 10 cents less,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said. “He also has noted … that oil companies should also do their part in ensuring they’re not price gouging customers at the pump. As oil prices come down, so should gas prices at the pump. And that’s also something that we are going to continue to watch closely and continue to call on steps to be taken.”

Meanwhile, many Republicans blasted Biden for the decision.

“As gas prices hit an all-time high in the USA, [the president] cancelled a vital round of oil and gas lease sales this morning,” Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, said. “High gas prices are preventable. Democrats are putting woke politics ahead of American families.”

They also pointed to the record high gas prices.

“Yesterday Americans paid the highest price for gasoline in history,” Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., said. “At the same time Biden, just cancelled our largest pending American oil [and] gas lease sale”

Critics say Biden’s green agenda has Americans paying the price.

“Biden has repeatedly said he is doing everything in his power to lower gas prices, but then he pushes policies like this which cripple the industry’s ability to produce,” Turner said. “It also scares off any investment. Joe Biden made it clear in his campaign that he believes fossil fuels are the enemy. By making them scare and expensive he creates a narrative to push his green agenda.”
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Steven Michael King shared a post.
These pics dont show.... and on  purpose... SHELTER IN PLACE.... dont broadcast Cop positions .... COps need every advantage..... wait it out.... rumors of shots or whatever.... wait for conformation.... stay away from area obviously....and if you near, stay inside and wait for the all clear

Lewis Navarrette
They are not playing anymore.

Danielle Blankenship
how sad and scary for you guys in that area🙏

Steven Michael King
its called we stay inside and wait until we are very sure every thing has been completed and things are restored to safety....

Lesa Richmond
Yikes. Hope for a quick and safe out come for all.

Ron Tello Culley
Where is this?

Kat Rogers
Ron Tello Culley pioneer camp/straightway In. Crestline

Ron Tello Culley
Collar the Mooks!

Betty Whieldon
Julie Paxton

Steven Michael King
suspect in custody 725

Ron Tello Culley
Film at 11?

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Ron Tello Culley
Shared with Public
Am I the only one who sees UFOs over Sugarloaf every night? They look like stars but they wiggle and stay in a stationary position all night. They don't flow with the real stars. They appear to the East, South-Southwest and directly overhead. Trust me on this one, I'm not trippin'.

Diane Franssen
Ummm I think it's the altitude 🤣

Ron Tello Culley
THX Tobey. I can always count on your unhelpfulness.😆

Jesse Orabuena
They'er watching 👀

Dee Levey
Jesse Orabuena not much to see up here😂, a few cracky chan's, and some burros🤔

Steven Michael King
maybe they want to abduct you!

Ron Tello Culley
Steven Michael King Nothing doing. I'm not that interesting anymore.

Steven Michael King
Ron Tello Culley I think the Space Aliens are more selective since more people are frustrated with planet Earth and wanting a fresh start

Ron Tello Culley
I'm getting sick of you Earthlings. ET, beam me up!

Steven Michael King
Ron Tello Culley do they have pizza?

Ron Tello Culley
Sure, and Beer enemas.

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shut up smee

Emphasis on the Teal. Up is a noun.
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Steven Michael King shared a link.
14m  ·
That Helicopter situation with the loudspeaker and Sheriff could have been close!.... my first thoughts of course were  "Oh My Gosh, they are after me again!.... How did they catch me steaking the pizza? I thought nobody saw me...".... So of course, I hid and ate all the evidence of my Stolen Pizzas as fast as I could!.... Lucky for me, one of the pizza had a bottle of wine next to it... which of course I stole that too!.... Came in handy chasing down all the evidence!.... That was Close!

Ron Tello Culley
Double posting is baaaad....

Steven Michael King
?// where is a duplicate? Iknow it did not post anbd had error message....

Ron Tello Culley
Alien glitch?
Unable to post comment.

Someone is typing a comment...

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Steven Michael King
stay tuned for fun memes being posted...  they Iz coming!

You sent
Tello Files-Grade quality?

You sent
Beer enemas...ON TAP!

Steven Michael King
just tagged know your from mountains group

You sent
yeah yeah I got that, and YOU!


I was getting error msg

so I deleted the one you talked on

Steven Michael King
were there any other duplicates that you saw?

You sent
just one and you broke my flow lol

Steven Michael King
so one is left up OK yes?

You sent

Steven Michael King
I really think if the Sherrif helicoptor is gonna get us all worked up... it should drop boxes of pizza after so we can unwind as our pulse goes back down...

You sent
No choppers here, just UFOs. Join us soon, I have a former NASA guy coming over for BBQ and scientific inquiries.

Steven Michael King
maybe they can pick me up and bring me back since Im now in Crestline near top town....I got the last few hundred to go to pay off the penalties from the car I baught that had back registration due... I keep it insured, registured, no new miles... got only 750 to go

You sent
sry you suck. maybe drive a UFO instead? Ask Elon for a test drive!

Steven Michael King
thumbs up
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:tello: "Where the F**K is The Military? They were sworn to protect against all enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC!!!!! This means JOE!!!!" And his rancid cabal of Evil!!!

Biden Cancels More Domestic Oil Production

Joe Biden announced more cancellations of oil and gas leases on federal land nationwide this week as gas prices hit a new record high.

On Wednesday, the Department of Interior canceled leases and plans for drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and in Alaska’s Cook Inlet. The cancellations eliminate the prospect of domestic energy production on more than 1 million acres. The department cited “conflicting court rulings” and “lack of industry interest” as reasons for the cancellations.

An “environmental advocate” told CBS News on condition of anonymity that the Biden administration does not want to be blamed by Republicans for rising fuel prices. That person said that as the most visible sign of inflation, gas prices are “killing” the White House.

The Biden administration only resumed issuing oil and gas leases last month after being ordered to do so by a federal court. However, it only made 20 percent of available land open for leasing and increased royalties by 50 percent.

White House “climate advisor” Gina McCarthy told MSNBC that Biden is still “absolutely committed” to stopping any additional drilling on federal land.

Even though the demand for energy continues to surge, the White House’s aggressive battle against fossil fuels has stifled investment that typically requires large capital and labor investments over the long-term.

After canceling access to billions of barrels of recoverable oil in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge upon taking office, Biden closed off another 7 million acres in Alaska last month.

The national average price for a gallon of gas hit an all-time high on Saturday at $4.45. Diesel fuel also set a new record at a national average cost of $5.56 per gallon.

Lipow Oil Associates president Andy Lipow told Fox Business that the average gas price could soon skyrocket past $4.50 per gallon.

Record fuel prices are hitting Americans as inflation overall continues to run at 40-year highs. The Department of Labor reported on Wednesday that the consumer price index for March indicated an increase over the last 12 months of 8.3 percent. Wholesale prices rose by 11 percent in March over last year.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden continues to blame COVID-19 and the Russians for the inflation hammering working Americans, even as he continues to cripple American productive capacity and spend money the country does not have.

:tello: "America Last is rapidly becoming AMERICA NOT."

"I depend on the Aliens intervening soon, and when they do.....

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The Tello Real Estate Group Presents

6 Bed 4 Bath Estate on 2.3 acres in Sugarloaf, Ca.
Motivated seller. Completely nuts.
$15,000 OBO. OWC. 5 day Escrow

Democrats will never find you here!!!
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Lotus buys 4 beers, 25 ouncers, for me and says: "Are gonna drink all of them tonight?"

I sez: "You corrupted me. I'd hate to disappoint you."

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:tello: "Buckle up Space Cadettes.
To The Moon, Alice!"

A Total Lunar Eclipse in Prime-Time
May 15, 2022

Finally a good reason to stay up on Sunday night: A total lunar eclipse.

Lunar watchers throughout the United States can experience some heavenly wonder as Earth’s shadow covers the moon during prime viewing hours the night of May 15. Those on the East Coast can watch our natural satellite start to turn an eerie copper-red color at around 11:30 p.m. Eastern time during one of the longest lunar eclipses in recent memory.

“For pretty much all of North America, this is a tremendous viewing opportunity,” said Madhulika Guhathakurta (no, we can't pronounce it either), an astrophysicist at NASA’s Goddard Spaceflight Center in Greenbelt, Md.

Where and when can I watch the lunar eclipse?
The eclipse will be visible for a large portion of the world, including those in the Americas, much of Europe and Africa, and parts of the Pacific. Joseph Rao, an associate astronomer at the Hayden Planetarium in New York, estimates that some 2.7 billion people should be able to catch at least part of the eclipse.

Not long after sunset, the left-hand side of the moon should start appearing dusky. But the main event kicks off about 10:28 p.m. Eastern time, when the moon enters Earth’s central shadow, known as the umbra. At that time, it will begin to look like something has taken a bite out of the moon.

When the moon is about three-quarters of the way into the umbra, it should start lighting up with a reddish hue, “like your electric range just when the coils begin to glow,” Mr. Rao said.

At 11:29 p.m., the moon will be in the deepest portion of the Earth’s shadow and the total eclipse will begin in earnest. The eclipse will peak shortly after midnight, at roughly 12:12 a.m., and remain that copper color until after 1 a.m. The moon will leave the umbra at 1:56 a.m., regaining its pearlescent hue as the work week begins.

Viewers farther west won’t have to strain to stay up quite as late, with the most stunning views of the red moon beginning about 8:29 p.m. Pacific time, the peak occurring just before 9:12 p.m., and the total eclipse ending by 9:54 p.m. Observers in Hawaii will be able to see the moon rise looking like a reddish ball, Mr. Rao said, while those in Europe and Africa will view the opposite effect, watching the moon drop below the horizon during the total eclipse.

The quirks of celestial mechanics mean that totality — when the moon is blood red and in the deepest shadow — lasts longer than average, roughly 1 hour and 25 minutes, giving skywatchers ample opportunity to savor the event. This makes it the longest total lunar eclipse visible for much of the United States since August 1989, Mr. Rao said.

For people in New York, weather forecasters put the chance of rain at 30 percent for Sunday night and suggested that conditions could be mostly cloudy ahead of the eclipse’s totality.

If you’re clouded out by poor weather, or not in the path of the eclipse, or NASA will be livestreaming the event on its website. You can also watch it in the video player embedded above. The Slooh online telescope will be hosting another livestream as well.

What do I need to watch the eclipse?
No fancy equipment is needed to view the otherworldly spectacle. If the weather is clear, just look up and locate the moon at night. Darker skies are better for catching the subtleties of the moon’s color change, but even those in cities will have fine views of the eclipse.

“Because it is happening at such a comfortable time, I would suggest trying to observe it from the beginning to the end,” Dr. Guhathakurta said.

Binoculars or a backyard telescope will help bring out the red color, she added. Viewers with access to such instruments should be able to watch Earth’s shadow pass over craters, valleys and mountains on the moon, and see such features take on that scarlet hue.

NASA’s Goddard center hosts maps and visualizations of both the moon during the eclipse and where on Earth the eclipse will be observable, so Dr. Guhathakurta suggested that those interested can acquaint themselves with details of the event beforehand and learn more about lunar topography.

How does a lunar eclipse work again?
Lunar eclipses occur when our planet comes between its two major heavenly companions, the sun and moon. Moonglow is actually reflected sunlight and so the lunar surface gradually darkens as the moon falls into Earth’s long shadow.

“When the moon goes into the shadow of the Earth, it should blackout and disappear,” Mr. Rao said. “Instead, it changes this eerie copper or reddish color.”

That’s because the Earth’s atmosphere is lensing sunlight around the edges of our planet. Everything other than the longest and reddest wavelengths are filtered out and the combined glow of all the world’s sunrises and sunsets gets projected on the otherwise gray moon.

If you were standing on the moon, you’d see the big black backlit plate of the Earth coming in front of the sun, Mr. Rao said. During totality, our planet would appear as a giant dark circle rimmed by a brilliant red ring, and the lunar surface around you would turn various shades of red, orange and brown.

NASA’s Surveyor III probe captured such a marvel on film during the April 24, 1967 lunar eclipse, but the resulting images are in black and white and extremely low resolution. But with many new missions headed to lunar orbit and the moon’s surface in the coming years, perhaps one of Earth’s robotic explorers will capture such a scene in color and high resolution.

When is the next lunar eclipse?
A second total lunar eclipse will occur later this year in the early morning of Nov. 8. Sign up for the Times Space and Astronomy Calendar to get a reminder on your personal digital calendar of this and other events.

It will be visible in Asia, Australia and the Pacific Ocean, as well as parts of Europe, North America and much of South America. That eclipse will be for early risers on the East Coast, who will have to get up at 4:09 a.m. to catch its beginning.

:tello: "I saw it. Looked like the Man on The Moon got bruised up from a Galactic Barroom fight. Or Ralph Kramden."
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The Honeymooners: Nostalgia is sometimes not so nice

When television was in its infancy in the 1950’s, a show never to be missed was The Honeymooners. I was a young child and recall the show to this day. However, in comparison to today’s sophistication and political correctness, I wonder how it achieved such popularity.

Don’t say nostalgia, as if THAT can erase all past evil and chalk it up to, “It was an acceptable form of treatment between couples back then.” When we apply what we know about domestic violence and intimate partner violence today, we should be horrified, shocked and dismayed at the treatment of women in the 1950’s and the wife as slave and one to be abused,  as portrayed in this classic comedy which all family members laughed at and looked forward to each week!

Yes, I can take a joke about things that are truly funny. A review of many YouTube episodes of The Honeymooners revealed some funny stuff between Jackie Gleason and his sidekick, Art Carney. However, the married couple’s relationship can be viewed as questionable, and in some circles, abusive. My opinion is such shows give evil people evil ideas.

Speak up smee!

The character of Ralph Kramden is a know-it-all bus driver, who gets involved in one get rich quick scheme after another and who loves to dominate and bully his wife. In fact, it appears that his friendship with best friend Norton is far more intimate regarding personal closeness and compatibility than with his wife, Alice, the begrudging housewife who serves “the master.”

Alice Kramden is your typical ‘50’s housewife, BUT, she is no pushover. She frequently stands up to her husband’s verbal, physical and psychological abuse. Writers for Wikipedia attempt to explain away his bad behavior by saying, “Ralph is very short-tempered, frequently resorting to bellowing insults and hollow threats.” Hidden beneath the many layers of bluster, however, is “a soft-hearted man who loves his wife and is devoted to his best pal, Ed Norton.”

How can we be so sure of this?

We have a very insecure male who is barely scraping by to provide a living for his wife who is not at all ambitious, with the exception of lifting a fork. His world revolves around bowling and he doesn’t appear to care about bettering his situation in real meaningful ways. And so, he finds fault with smee and everyone else.

How often has the character of Alice been frustrated, angry, in tears or wanted to run away from her apartment prison? Although we may not have seen blatant physical abuse, there was plenty of physical gesturing/threats, pounding on or throwing inanimate objects, screaming and verbal threats.

Ralph’s mother in law constantly reminds him of his weight and that he is a bad provider to her daughter. The character of Alice apparently studied to be a secretary prior to marrying Ralph, and according to the storyline, she was one of 12 children with a father who never worked.

Talk about lost dreams for these two characters caught up in the life within a Brooklyn tenement. This series was supposed to mirror the working class of the 1950’s, but, were the innocent 1950’s really so bad? Was the working class so angry?

It appears to me, that current life is a lot more complicated, with far more sources of anger upon which abusers can blame their unacceptable behavior.

The Evolution:
Historically, the start of The Honeymooners began as a six-minute sketch on the DuMont Television Network and then as one of the featured sketches beginning in 1953 on the Jackie Gleason Show (a variety/comedy hour) moving to the CBS Network. The Gleason show was a rival for the ever popular, I Love Lucy show.

Several actresses were considered for The Honeymooners co-starring wife role. However, some of the actresses were blacklisted during the time of the McCarthy hearings. What an opportunity for Audrey Meadows. She sent Gleason her “wake up in the morning look” in a ripped house coat when she was considered too pretty for the role. As it turned out, Jackie Gleason was paid a whopping $65,000 per episode increased to $70,000 during the second season. Audrey Meadows received $2,000 per week. Weak!
Other Characters:

The other two characters of The Honeymooners included Ed Norton, skillfully portrayed by Art Carney, and his wife, Trixie, a rather nebulous person, portrayed by Joyce Randolph, a relatively minor role who was Alice’s best friend. Ed Norton was your average Joe working in the New York City sewer system. He was goofy, yet affable and loyal to a fault to his friend, Ralph.

Although his character supposedly went to typing school, he didn’t like contained spaces. Norton was proud to describe his job as, “A sub-supervisor in the subdivision of the department of subterranean sanitation. I just keep things moving.”

Back to Intimate Partner Violence… Is Ralph Kramden an Abuser?

I reviewed about a dozen episodes of the Honeymooners on YouTube. Although the viewer can make the case that Alice was very capable of giving it back to Ralph with biting sarcasm, what would be the consequence if she had not stood up for herself? Would Ralph eventually follow through with his gesture “to the Moon, Alice!” and make contact?

On the other hand, being submissive and following an intimate partner’s demands to the letter in no way shape or form guarantees safety. So what’s a woman to do? Anger and jealousy over perceived infractions will often continue to fuel the partner’s behavior. Alice does not have to do anything wrong in the eyes of the world. What Ralph perceives and does is what matters in the end with such toxic relationships.

A Few Examples of Ralph’s Verbal Abuse from Episodes of “The Honeymooners”

“Alice, you’re a riot…. I’d like to… (Waving fist); Boys and Girls Together episode;

“Just be careful Alice, Be careful… The life you save may be your own”; A Women’s Work is Never Done episode;

“Oh Boy, are you ‘gonna get yours… Just once… Pow” Peacemaker episode;

(Talking about not washing his bowling shirt or darning his socks) “… I’m gonna put in a new system right now. When I come home, if it isn’t done the way I say, you get one demerit. Do you know what happens to you when you get ten demerits…? A Woman’s Work is Never Done episode

Take my advice and do not let your kids watch The Honeymooners.

Parting Comments:
Alice/Audrey Meadows: Audrey Meadows was a lot more savvy than Alice. She was the only actor on the series who requested financial compensation and residuals be written into her contract for the viewing of shows over time. In real life, she served as Director of the First National Bank of Denver for 11 years, the first woman to hold such a position. She also was instrumental in the design of flight attendant uniforms and customer service policies at Continental Airlines (her late husband’s company).
Smart woman!!! She protected her financial interests and was a pioneer career woman too! Ralph would have been so jealous!
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What's the secret to the success at The Tello Files?

By selecting stories that appeal to a wide range of audience.

I feature the hole in your shoe more than the hole in the sidewalk.

You can pass the hole in the sidewalk (if you are alert and careful),
but you can't walk away from the hole in your shoe.

Stories that stick to your face rather than noise that annoys.

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The next time smee walks in, I'll be sure to greet him with an Invoice for the lost Jerky on the hoof, from the Aboriginal Cheerleader Playing Field, LLC.
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I understand that kangaroos are NOT an endangered species,
but OZRT Members are.


Right then....
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See? I'm not without compassion.

I just keep it in my other pair of pants.
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"Eye of The Beholder"
May 15, 2022

67.6K subscribers
One of the best remembered episodes of the original Twilight Zone was one written by the iconic Rod Serling himself. It’s reported that producer Buck Houghton, when he was first handed the script for “Eye of the Beholder,” he was terrified at trying to pull off a half hour episode where you don’t see anyone’s face until the last few minutes.

Houghton chose Douglas Heyes to direct the episode as he was well known for his technical direction and attention to detail. Heyes keeps the action moving constantly, so we never get a direct look at anyone’s face, just shadows as the camera moves in a sweeping motion, or a face is hidden, just out of view of the camera.

Most of the episode centers on Janet Tyler and is shot from her point of view as she lays in the hospital bed while her facial bandages are slowly unwrapped. For this shot, Heyes had a camera placed inside of a fish tank and then had bandages wrapped tightly around the tank to achieve the effect of Janet looking through the bandages.

The makeup, devised by the show’s go-to guy, William Tuttle, and designed with the help of director Heyes, is incredibly sad, creepy, and horrific all at the same time. It’s probably Tuttles’ most distinctive work on the Twilight Zone, right up there with “The Masks” and “To Serve Man.” It was also Tuttle’s greatest challenge as he had to apply the appliances to a dozen different actors.
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Ron Henderson
Where are you viewing these from, what city? That will give me the direction. And if you have a compass that would be more helpful. I’ve worked for NASA, JPL and Hughes aerospace?/microwave and seen many UFOs and Satellites.

Ron Henderson
Ron Henderson
You're not friends on Facebook
Bassist - Vocalist - Song Writer at V Child and Operations Manager at Transcore
Tue 1:38 PM
You sent
Hi, I wrote the thread on Rim Everything about UFOs over Sugarloaf. I checked out your credentials, I wonder if you would like to join me in viewing the show. Put an end to the idea that they are satellites. I say they are not.. I suggest a telescopic video should do well. What say?
Tue 4:57 PM
Ron Henderson
I’m leaving to Needles tomorrow. When I get back. Maybe Sunday?
They are not Satellites, not that low.
You can now message and call each other and see info like Active Status and when you've read messages.
Tue 5:21 PM
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Great! I'd love to see you. Call ahead: 909 547 xxxx Cheers!
Tue 6:02 PM
Ron Henderson
Tue 6:23 PM
You sent
Sun 5:56 PM
You sent
Hi again! Look us up at 662 San Bernardino Ave, south of Barton, west side of street. Park on east side of street. This has GOT to be a HOOT! Prepare to camp out if needed. Call me prior to your arrival for tidy up purposes. Cheers!
Sun 10:41 PM
You sent
The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)

We all have our own opinions. However when you personally experience a sighting or contact, there's no doubt in your mind what has happened.

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Good luck with that, M8!
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EDITORIAL: That last post has GOT to hurt.
I'm devastated about it.

That's MY Mobile Home....after taxes.
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And in other news....Tuesday May 17 is SHOWDOWN Day with the local gummint heads of skin @ The House of Tellos. (Ron & Lotus)


Soon, everybody will know. Or not.
Might even be National News if they get out of line. Or so, maybe...

word, or a wink n nod...

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I know my Rights.

Sad, under the Biden Regime, they are Unenforceable.

Luckily, I have tools.
   :drummer: :keelhaul: :eranium: :beerontap: :badfinger:

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"The last thing I want to do is the first thing in the morning."

-Ron Tello
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1532693 Views. Is that all you got?!!!

Shee-it. Lotus and I have an All Night Fry with a Morning Rush on Calender...
and then it's showtime for an hour, then done.

What you got?

Can you deliver a sample for future reference?
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back off smee

(Install Mr. Sticky here, if you dare...)
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Goddamm, if only meme makers had SPELL CHECK....SH!T.....  :keelhaul:
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I made memes that make sense and are spelled right....

Here's two now!
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:tello: "Oh, as IF this makes a difference:
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"The difference between Science and You is smee.
Adjust the equation and you get "US".

smeegation is mitigated by a factor of -what2.

I don't understand math, but I get the concept of Shop and a tape measure.

Explore the deep seas and look for smee creatures.
I can size them up with my tape. Prolly pan-size..."
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Contemporary torture of enemy combatant prisoners in OZ:


It's insults and degradation without the moisture.

A kinder, gentler romance with pain.

Better you should just talk and get the FK out, OK?
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Speaking about pan- size

Can I have a steak sammich please done
fried onions ....not burnt , just caramelised ...and a dash of ketchup

Maybe a beer to wash it down ....make it 2 beers


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Take Out, no Delivery.

While you're here, check-out our new
UF OH NO Ride.
Yer gonna lose yer ass on it! And come back for more against your will and wont.

We got you by the Brain Nuts, this one!

Sauce sold separately.

Ask about our 2 for 1 Coupon Special.
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Sauce sold seperately??? You are just trying to get in the gravy train