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Much Ado About Elon Musk and Twitter
Free or censored, Twitter offers little to this world in crisis and suffering.

The Internet is all aflutter about the future of Twitter. Tesla CEO Elon Musk has bought the social media platform for $44 billion. Many liberals fear the twitter-sphere may soon become a conservative medium. It will be the new Fox news, where ideas may circulate freely without being canceled.

Twitter is a platform on which members can post mini-messages of 280 characters (a tweet) on their personal pages. These postings also appear as tweets on the pages of followers. Thus, those with thousands of followers (which so many try to do) will have a vast number of tweets appearing on their pages that far exceeds their capacity to absorb them.

However, the goal is not to read all tweets but to monitor a personal page for interesting tweets, pictures and memes. The Twitter experience is like constantly reading headlines to get a general idea of what is happening inside each person’s Twitter world.

Twitter has definitely impacted the world. Public figures use it to announce monumental things, programs, candidacies and decisions. The Trump presidency revolved around his tweets. However, Twitter has also joined the cancel culture, and its algorithms send conservatives to Twitter jail.

Is It a Victory?

By buying Twitter, Mr. Musk puts all options on the table as he promises a “politically neutral” digital town square. He will open up the “black box” of artificial intelligence tools and algorithms that many claim discriminate against them.

Many rejoice over Mr. Musk’s acquisition of Twitter as a victory for free speech and public discourse. On the left, liberals frame the debate as opening the door to undefined “hate speech” and “misinformation.”

However, in addition to the message, the debate should also be about the medium. It should address the platform’s harmful effects. This perspective is missing much to the detriment of the nation.

The Medium Delivers the Wrong Message

Twitter is not just any social media site oriented toward the frenetic intemperance of postmodern lifestyles. Its problem is being a superficial medium for the functions it has assumed. Complex issues should not be discussed through 280-character impulses. Announcements should be surrounded with decorum so that people might give them the importance they deserve.

The Twitter platform is everything that is not needed in today’s frenzied culture. Its 280-character mini-messages cannot delve deeply into the matters of the day. America needs serious commentary, not shallow remarks. Things should be pondered over time, not glossed over in seconds. People need to slow down and not rush through the day’s news.

Everything about Twitter invites people to irreflection, superficiality, rashness and selfishness. The platform capitalizes on the moment’s sensation and ever greater desires for more stimuli, likes and retweets.

A Portal for Inappropriate Content

Another problem with Twitter is its content. Many see the new management of Twitter as a victory for the conservatives who suffered censorship on the platform. Mr. Musk promises to open up Twitter to all who wish to tweet.

Indeed, the new Twitter may serve to spread the conservative message better. However, it is also a portal for most inappropriate content, obscene images and vulgar memes that corrupt their viewers and drag down the culture. The nature of the medium allows such things to appear on the screen instantly as posts and reposts circulate freely.

Thus, any celebration of Twitter’s new management must also recognize that bad content circulates on Twitter in addition to good. Such content harms young and old alike as they navigate cyberspace’s dangerous shallows.

Mr. Musk’s emphasis on “free speech absolutism” does nothing to address the immoral content that drowns so many people. Many others are addicted to the dopamine rush caused when users receive likes and retweets from others. The freeing of Twitter may have some limited benefits to the conservative cause. However, it also means an even broader uncensored license for all who will use it for immoral or stimulating messages and images.

Much Ado About Nothing

However, the most important reason why the new Twitter is much ado about nothing is the emptiness of the Twitter world. The shallow messages of social media cannot compare with social relationships in a community. Its pithy messages can never be a forum for real discussion. The dopamine rush of its likes is no substitute for happiness.

Twitter is so characteristic of these hollow times. The tweet is but a flitting shadow in the lives of countless individuals who waste their time in irreflection. The platform feeds those stimulus-driven lifestyles that prove to be exhausting and meaningless.

Free or censored, Twitter offers little to this world in crisis and suffering. The world needs the much deeper platforms found in the family, community and Church to help lost and wandering souls find their ways in the postmodern wasteland. These are the things that no tweet can replace.
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Has Mickey Mouse Morphed Into a Rat?

Civilizations decay when people feel uncomfortable inside the societies they establish. Nations die when national institutions crumble, and enduring traditions fade. They fall more from internal dissent and self-destruction than the blows of hostile barbarians. Thus, the ideals that inspire nations are more important than territory and even economic success.

A major breakdown of this sort is happening in America today. One symptom is the self-destruction of big business. This archetypal American institution was once part of a unified culture. Now, big companies are going woke and alienating vast sectors of the American public. Big business is in big trouble.

The Disney Fiasco

Disney is the representative case of big business gone rogue. It is no longer a secret. The iconic firm does not want to be Disney anymore. Mickey Mouse has morphed into a rat.

Disney has now shattered public trust by joining the ranks of woke big business by insisting that LGBTQ+ themes be part of elementary education in Florida. Under liberal pressure, Disney opposed the highly popular Parental Rights in Education Act that protects children from porno-sexual educational lessons. The Florida Legislature responded to Disney’s broadside by stripping Disney World’s Reedy Creek Improvement District of its near-autonomous government status through which it receives state benefits and subsidies.

All across the nation, the Disney battle is repeating. Big business, especially Big Tech, is using its clout to impose an ideology that works against its self-interest. Firms are disconnecting with the public to grovel to fringe groups and identity politics. Employees are revolting against management who refuse to join the mad rush to take a “woker than thou” attitude on social issues. Big business is a mess at a time of crisis that calls for unity.

The Return of the Culture Wars

The culture wars have returned with a vengeance. The Disney crisis exploded just when liberals thought they were free from the troublesome moral issues they tried to avoid at all costs.

Unlike past skirmishes where big business tried to sit out the fight, the Disney episode indicates a change in corporate strategy. Leftist zealots demand submission. Companies are caving into the cancel culture that is going after those who do not exhibit sufficient zeal for the “woke” cause.

Three things have changed in the national scenario, making this fight much more intense.

An Existential, not Economic Crisis

The first change is a shift in focus. It is not about money.

This is an existential, not economic crisis. Disney is not betraying its founding ideals for money; the cause is ideological. The company has everything to gain by clinging to the “wonderful world of Disney” that made it a legend. This vision presupposes certain moral and family values that serve as its infrastructure. Disney has lived off its myth that is interwoven into its theme parks and products.

Now, this focus is changed from within. The Disney establishment is sufficiently woke to be willing to sacrifice revenue and benefits. Its directors openly admit their desire to “queer” its programming to reflect the most liberal causes. They are even doubling down and confronting hostile reactions like the popular Florida measure protecting children.

This aggressive attitude is not limited to the left. The opposition has also experienced a similar willingness to sacrifice benefits and resources to uphold moral values. Florida had no fear of confronting Disney, one of its largest employers. Parents realize they must wake up to the threats of those endangering their children’s innocence.

These existential questions are much more powerful than economic considerations. The stakes are much higher.

The Fringing of the Mainstream

The second major shift in the new Culture War is that the left is changing the narrative. The sexual revolution of the sixties has caused devastating damage to America, but it has also failed to overwhelm the dominant culture it attacked. The persistence of hot-button sexual issues like abortion and the LGBTQ+ agenda demonstrates the failure of this revolution to capture the hearts and minds of countless Americans entirely.

The new narrative presents the “woke” revolution as the inevitable way forward. The left has recruited big business to pressure the public to embrace this new fiction by launching it all over the marketplace. At the same time, big business is encouraged to jettison anything traditional even if it hurts the bottom line.

Disney, for example, seeks to relegate the “unwoke” to the fringe by its scorn for all things moral. The overwhelming weight of big business creates the illusion that the “woke” fringe is mainstream. Even Walmart is moving in this direction. Today’s Culture War is defined by the fringing of the moral mainstream and the mainstreaming of the immoral fringe.

However, this program satisfies no one. Disney is abandoning the mainstream upon which it was built. More importantly, the mainstream is ditching Disney and all big businesses following its path. Many have referred to this break as a divorce between conservativism and big business. It is very messy.

A Silence-is-Violence Regime Descends Upon America

The final shift of perspective in the new Culture War is that the two sides are reaching points of extreme incompatibility. The relativistic and elastic rules big business played by for decades have changed. Many are starting to realize that the notion of a values-neutral market is a fiction that eventually imposes a radical liberal agenda upon everyone.

Thus, the left is forcing big business to show its true rainbow colors. For too long, some companies defended themselves by denial—for example, that there was no war on Christmas. Others tried to remain silent or waffle around issues to avoid losing consumers.

The left has adopted a “silence-is-violence” approach. It turns all who fail to shout out their woke bona fides into traitors to the liberal cause. It is eliminating every middle ground and place to hide for big business. The Disney mouse self-identifies now as a rat and demands everyone to accept and validate the transformation.

The conservatives have no choice but to react to the change in the rules of the game. However, more importantly, the new situation belies the fiction of a value-neutral society and economy. They were never neutral. Many are fighting back by denying cover to big business and rewarding firms who dare to take a moral stand.

The culture war that the left tried so hard to win in the nineties is back on the center stage. The battle isn’t going away. The rat is out of the bag.
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LISTEN: Audio Of Lindsey Graham Saying Biden Is ‘Best Person’ To Lead The Country After January 6

MAY 11, 2022

Audio has surfaced of Senator Lindsey Graham suggesting Joe Biden was the “best person” to lead the country after the January 6th riot at the Capitol.

The news comes from another audiotape released by New York Times reporters Jonathan Martin and Alexander Burns for their new book titled, “This Will Not Pass.”

Graham’s comments suggest those in attendance at the Capitol that day do not represent the Republican Party and that Biden would unify the nation and make us stronger. That didn’t exactly pan out.

“We will actually come out of this thing stronger. Moments like this reset. It’ll take a while. People will calm down,” Graham (R-SC) can be heard remarking.

“People will [say] ‘I don’t want to be associated with that.’ This is a group within a group,” he added.

Lindsey Graham Loves Him Some Biden
As the audio continues, it’s quite clear that Lindsey Graham, at that moment in time, is relieved that Biden will be entering the White House soon.

“Biden will be better, right?” asks a prodding Martin.

“Totally, he’ll be maybe the best person to have, right?” Graham replied. “I mean, how mad can you get at Joe Biden?”


In another audiotape released by the reporters, Graham places blame for the January 6 riot squarely on former President Trump’s shoulders saying he “misjudged the passion” of his supporters.

“He plays the TV game and he went too far here,” the Republican senator said. “That rally didn’t help, talking about primarying Liz [Cheney]. He created a sense of revenge.”

Graham’s prediction was a total flop. Biden, it turns out, is pretty easy to get mad at, especially if you’re looking in your wallet these days. And he certainly hasn’t united the country in any way, shape, or form.

A Quinnipiac poll from January indicates a plurality of Americans – 49% – believe President Biden is doing more to divide the country than unite it.

Graham Threatened Trump With 25th Amendment
Look, I’m willing to give the man his due. If not for a fiery response by Graham during the nomination process, Brett Kavanaugh might not be a Supreme Court justice and we wouldn’t see liberals foaming at the mouth over Roe v. Wade right now.

That said, Lindsey Graham’s response to the January 6 riot differed very little from the media’s at the time and is downright AOC-esque in retrospect.

I’m half expecting to hear audio of the Senator claiming Ted Cruz is guilty of attempted murder.

As The Political Insider covered in March, research from the same book indicated Graham had threatened the White House with the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office during the Capitol riot.

Graham reportedly told then-White House counsel Pat Cipollone that if Trump didn’t denounce the rioters more aggressively “we’ll be asking you for the 25th Amendment.”

Graham also apparently urged police officers to use their guns during the riot, pressing them to “take back the Senate!”

Graham, according to one report, was livid that senators had been forced to flee their chambers due to protesters that had entered the Capitol.

“What are you doing? Take back the Senate! You’ve got guns. Use them,” he told police personnel. “We give you guns for a reason … Use them.”

Capitol Police officer Lieutenant Michael Byrd did use his gun during the riot, shooting unarmed Air Force veteran Ashley Babbitt as she attempted to climb through broken glass into the chamber.

Graham also diverged from Trump more recently on the topic of granting pardons to individuals involved in non-violent actions during the Capitol riot.

“No, I don’t want to send any signal that it was OK to defile the Capitol,” Graham said in response to Trump making the suggestion. “I think it’s inappropriate … I don’t want to do anything that would make this more likely in the future.”

President Trump responded by calling Graham a ‘RINO’ and insisting he is “wrong” for opposing pardons.

“Well, Lindsey Graham’s wrong. I mean, Lindsey’s a nice guy, but he’s a RINO. Lindsey’s wrong,” Trump said in an interview.

RINO, of course, is an acronym for ‘Republican In Name Only,’ used frequently amongst conservatives for those GOP leaders who lack the intestinal fortitude to actually stand up for their professed values.

“Lindsey Graham doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about if he says that,” Trump added.

A statement from Graham’s office on the new audio indicates Biden is a changed man and that is why the senator’s prediction of him being a unifier fell flat.

“The Joe Biden we see as president is not the one we saw in the Senate,” a spokesman for Lindsey Graham said. “He’s pursued a far left agenda as President.”

There was absolutely every indication in the world during the campaign that Biden was morphing into the radical left-wing extremist he’s become.

That Graham thought it might be otherwise is baffling.
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[VIDEO] Sen Hawley Reacts to Biden Saying Our Nation’s Strength is “Inflation” During Disastrous Presser
May 11, 2022

Joe Biden is a senile old coot. We all know this, we see it every day, I get tired of saying it, and I am sure you’re tired of hearing it… but the last thing we can do is let it become “normal” and stop reporting on it.
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CDC Bought Phone Data to Track Americans And They Did it With Your Money
It’s not a new idea that we live in a terrifying dystopia in America today, but it gets worse.
May 6, 2022

According to documents the Convention of States obtained from Motherboard, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention bought a year of private citizens’ cell phone data for $420,000. The CDC used that data to track compliance with curfews

The federal agency argued that the data is “critical for ongoing response efforts, such as hourly monitoring of activity in curfew zones or detailed counts of visits to participating pharmacies for vaccine monitoring.” The agency also essentially said they can also use it for whatever they please. The CDC stated that it will also be sued for “agency-wide use and will support numerous CDC priorities.”

Although the type of data the CDC bought was aggregated – designed to follow trends that emerge from the movements of groups of people – researchers and other critics say such data can be used to track specific people.

Not only has Joe Biden established a “ministry of truth,” but they are also likely tracking your every move. We look with distain on countries like China for being draconian top-down dictatorships, but are we much better these days? We’ve allowed our government to lockdown cities, manipulate election laws, and silence dissent in the public square.

We’ve allowed angry mobs to burn down businesses and attack innocent victims in the streets from one side while the other’s actually mostly peaceful protest is dubbed an “insurrection.” We’ve allowed twisted sexual ideologies to be taught in our 5 year old children. Enough is enough.

America used to be a nation where individuals pursued virtue from youth to old age. It wasn’t without it’s demons, but there was a moral fiber that truly united our nation and distinguished it from other any in history. We were the land of the free, and it’s time to take back that freedom. Let’s no longer allow comfort, fear, and complacency to stop us from taking action. Petition, speak out, inform yourself, and be prepared with a defense however you can. If we all do our part, we can get this nation back on course.
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Nancy Pelosi Gets A Taste Of Her Own Medicine As Abortion Enthusiasts Turn The Tables On Her [VIDEOS]
"Speaker Pelosi, this will be your legacy, 35 years of your reign of terror..."
MAY 11, 2022

Although there hasn’t been a ruling yet, thanks to a leaked draft decision, it appears that the Supreme Court might have been on the brink of overturning Roe v. Wade. Again, there has been no final decision made, yet liberal activists and pro-abortionists are already protesting outside of the homes of the Supreme Court Justices.

While some believe protesting outside their homes is dangerous, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki stated, “I know there’s an outrage right now, I guess, about protests that have been peaceful to date.

And we certainly continue to encourage that outside of judges’ homes and that’s the president’s position.”  That statement was given just a day before activists started protesting outside of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s house.

That’s right, it appears that the Democrats and their agenda to blame the GOP for the document isn’t working. In the video, which is featured below, a group of pro-abortionists decided to protest outside of Pelosi’s San Francisco home.

A woman with a bullhorn declared, “We are here because the Democratic Party and the Democrats as a whole have been complicit in this whole thing.” She added, “We are here because this draft decision is what it is, it’s only a draft, and we will protest here, in front of the leadership of the Democratic Party, and in the streets from coast to coast, unceasingly, because we work to keep abortion legal – legal and accessible, not rare.”

The protester wasn’t finished as she also targeted former Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. “Hillary Clinton, who started the whole thing like abortion should be legal, but rare, as if abortion is a tragedy. We are here to say abortion is a basic right, a basic human right, and without this right, women are basically enslaved. And we will not stand for it.”

With their own base turning against them, the story of the protesters was even showcased on Fox News as one protester criticized Pelosi. “Speaker Pelosi, this will be your legacy, 35 years of your reign of terror. You had a supermajority under [former President] Obama under which this should have been your top priority. Why did you keep this on the table? Because this is your most effective fundraising tool. That’s why.”

While Pelosi has received some backlash, she remains adamant on the topic of abortion. On Monday she admitted, “While we have seen and heard extraordinary anguish in our communities, we have been moved by how so many have channeled their righteous anger into meaningful action: planning to march and mobilize to make their voices heard.”

Users online found the protests outside of Pelosi’s home comical with one writing, “Aahhh poor Nancy pants! You mean it wasn’t those mean Q anon people showing up at Nancy’s home? Nancy pants will retire, publicly, but privately, where is she going?”
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James Filippello
Retired Police lieutenant & Book Author
Apr 23

How do I respond when a cop asks me if they can search my vehicle?

I was a police officer for twenty-five years and made hundreds of car stops and completed quite a few searches, so listen to this retired patrol commander:

In the simplest of terms, if a police officer asks your permission to do something, they are not allowed to do this thing without your permission or consent.

Just say the words, "I do not consent to a search without a warrant."

The law gives the police broad powers to do many things, such as stop based on reasonable suspicion and arrest based on probable cause. In addition, they can seize property with a warrant or without a warrant if it is contraband and is in plain view.

Given all these things that the police are given the right and duty to do, doesn’t it seem odd that they would ask your permission to do something they are not allowed to do without your consent?

In the case of a search, whether it is your car, your home, or your briefcase, the police officer is not looking for evidence to exonerate you from some crime; they are looking for evidence to charge you with a crime. Therefore, I do not consent to a search without a warrant.

If the officer needs to search your car, the officer can apply for a search warrant. This, in many cases, can be done over the telephone; This is called a telephonic search warrant. If, on the other hand, the officer is on a hunting and fishing expedition, then they should fish somewhere else; this lake is closed!

It's not possible that allowing a search will somehow help you. Yes, you indeed have nothing to hide. But the officer should also have nothing to hide by putting the reason for the search in writing and getting a judge to approve it. I do not consent to a search without a warrant.


Class dismissed!

2020 Author of the book “One Cop’s Life” available on Amazon
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Pathetic Biden Gets Lost AGAIN: “Where Am I Heading?”

The following
entitled Pathetic Biden Gets Lost AGAIN: “Where Am I Heading?” is courtesy of the Dinesh D’Souza on Rumble

:tello: "GODDammit!!!! I don't want to live in THIS world anymore!!!
I'm staying in The Bunker until the ashes blow away!!!!"

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Biden Border Czar Was Just Asked The PERFECT Question That’ll Drop Jaws Everywhere reports, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was once again on the hot seat, LYING and trying to explain his inability to keep our border secure.

Republican West Virginia Senator Shelley Moore Capito relentlessly went after Mayorkas about the claims that the Biden administration has the border under control as it was revealed that ICE had a record-low number of deportations.

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Pusp L.
A humanist too Feb 23

"He came into my restaurant asking me for some money. I looked at him and asked him why don’t you have a job? You are strong & healthy from what it appears. And nothing was ever given to me for free.. right?

The man responded, “ I have a lot of felonies, and nobody wants to hire me because of that. I had to turn to the streets. I had to start stealing and robbing, in order to survive”

I was short staffed that day, so I asked him.. “do you want to work”?

His eyes opened up so wide and a big smile came across his face, and he said yes!! He said I will do anything for some food.

So for two weeks now, he has been on time for his two hour shift. He helps me with taking out the trash and doing dishes. I pay him at the end of each shift, and you know what he decides to do? Is to spend it in the restaurant on some nice warm food.

I try to offer it to him for free, but he refuses.. so I discount it all. He told me today that he enjoys to being able to finally pay for something, that it makes him feel good inside.

The moral of this story, is to do something nice for someone no matter what their situation is. Even if they are asking you for some spare change, because we really don’t know their story, or what they are going through. And everybody deserves a second chance.

:tello: "Except NOT those AZZH@LES in Montello who stabbed me in the back!!!"
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For "The Left", Children Are Either Obstacles or Tools
May 11, 2022

In the aftermath of a leaked Supreme Court draft majority decision prospectively overruling Roe v. Wade, the Left in the United States has gone into full-fledged panic mode.

That outsized panic has manifested as a variety of unconvincing or blatantly immoral arguments: the argument that abortion is a necessary adjunct to women's freedom -- as though contraception doesn't exist, and as though women are never responsible for their own sexual decisions and the consequences thereof; the argument that unless society provides for any number of government programs, abortion should not be prohibited -- as though the solution to lack of universal child care is the death of the child; the argument that conservatives will next attempt to outlaw interracial marriage -- an absurd slander on its face.

Underlying all of this is a perverse and inverted view of children's role in society. To the Left, children in the womb are utterly disposable; at best, women may choose to preserve their lives, but if not, they have no separate interests to be considered.

In fact, children are to be treated as potential obstacles: as Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said this week, "access to reproductive health care, including abortion, helped lead to increased labor force participation; it enabled many women to finish school. That increased their earning potential."

This explains why the Left has now embraced the language of "forced birth" to describe laws protecting the unborn: pregnancy is no longer seen as the possible biological outgrowth of sexual activity, but as a dramatic foreign imposition on women. The default, for the Left, is childlessness; pregnancy is somehow unnatural. Thus, the entire Democratic Party apparatus now refuses to countenance even the mildest restrictions on even late-term abortion.

Once children are born, the Left then sees them as sources of grief and pain for their parents. This, too, cuts in favor of abortion. As former President Barack Obama once stated about his daughters, "if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby."

Babies are life-sucking entities, depriving women of opportunity and freedom. Which explains why the Left has now embraced the argument that unless government somehow relieves parents of their responsibility to raise and care for their own children, abortion ought to be broadly available.

As children grow, the Left sees them as the center of recruitment efforts on behalf of their favored politics. Children should be indoctrinated in the ideas of racial essentialism and historic guilt, so as to turn them into political widgets on behalf of utopian social change; children should be confused about the nature of biological sex and gender, so as to justify the sexual attitudes of narcissistic adults. Hence the Left's outsized rage at Florida's Parental Rights in Education bill, which merely banned sexual orientation and gender theory indoctrination for children through third grade.

As the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus sang in 2021, "You think that we'll corrupt your kids, if our agenda goes unchecked. Funny, just this once, you're correct. We'll convert your children. Happens bit by bit." No wonder President Joe Biden told teachers two weeks ago, "They're all our children... They're not somebody else's children, they're like yours when they're in the classroom."

All of this is fundamentally indecent. Adulthood lies in one primary task: protecting and defending children. This means bearing children is a gift, not an obstacle; this means that children should not be treated as autonomous adults while adults escape responsibility for their own decisions.

This means raising children in line with values that ensure their stability and happiness -- even if that means a tougher life for adults. All of that begins with a basic supposition the Left refuses to countenance: that they are not the center of creation, but that their children ought to be.

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:tello: "What I see, it's OK to bust up shite, break laws in America and slide if the bad act is from The Left.

Well, I'm pissed off at the local cops cuz their phone and messaging system are a TOTAL FAIL. I need Law Enforcement here, and so I gotta get violent due to a lack of....wait...what?!!!

This is what happened in Montello. Goddammit!!!!

So yeah, I'm gonna go break some lame cop shite....
and The Biden Camp will let me get away with it..... yeah?"
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Protecting Children Online is More Important Than It’s Ever Been

By its very nature, the internet and online world can open up a lot of doors. However, not all of these doors lead to good places.

Social media sites can be used for friends to keep up with one another; however, they’re also equally as capable of being weaponized by predators.

In recent years, the threats that exist to children on the internet have been gathering national attention. This is especially the case as federal law enforcement officers come across more cases of extortion and other forms of predatory behavior directed toward teenagers.

If some real action isn’t taken to protect children online, things are going to get a lot uglier. Thankfully Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) has a plan to help keep children safe, according to PJ Media.

An Important Guide For Every Parent
It’s enough for parents just to know their kids need protection. What really makes the difference is ensuring that parents understand the best steps they can take to ensure the safety of their children.

It is for this reason that Blackburn has a specific guide put together that parents can use. This guide also comes after the congresswoman’s work with various professionals who are best equipped to give advice of this nature.

One of the most important steps parents can take to protect their children on the internet involves making sure their private information isn’t online. This means their full names, residences, and even real-time locations should be offline.

Parents should also ensure that their kids aren’t posting things online without their permission. Sometimes, children’s posts can unknowingly give things away to predators scouring the internet.

As parents work to keep their kids safe, they should also be aware of various parental controls that impact access to websites, online purchases, and more. Parents can use these controls as yet another barrier between their kids and online predators.

With the right tips and with consistency, parents will significantly reduce the likelihood of their children being targeted or hurt by bad people.

The COVID Factor
When various governments across the country chose to shut down and issue orders demanding people to stay at home, this played right into the hands of child predators.

Many people with bad intentions online had a major increase of children on phones, laptops, and iPads. Meanwhile, numerous parents were also on their own devices for work, leaving their kids largely unattended.

The rise in children being targeted by dangerous individuals online is a reminder of how much damage COVID mandates caused. Now, it’s up to parents to do everything in their power to keep their children free of harm.
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Left-wing attacks against border security, parents, people of faith, etc., also very plainly show what Democrats are.
Biden Held Accountable For Attacks on Charter Schools

We are living in crazy and dangerous times. In growing ways, the political left is carrying out various attacks with an endgame of forcing through their own agenda.

This is clear as Democrats support pro-crime policies that lead to chaos in communities. Left-wing attacks against border security, parents, people of faith, etc., also very plainly show what Democrats are.

However, one of the most insidious attacks of all from the left comes against children’s education. Democrats want to weaponize the education system; they want to use it to indoctrinate children into seeing radical leftist politics as the default.

This is why Democrats are pushing to make transgenderism and critical race theory curriculums for kindergarteners. Now, the White House is joining in by working to gut charter schools, per Washington Free Beacon.

Protecting Charter Schools in America
Biden’s attempt to gut charter schools comes in the form of revoking federal funding from ones that are “for-profit.”

If this plan goes through, the only way charter schools will regain federal funding is if they prove that public schools in the community are suffering from “over-enrollments.”

Now, it’s important to understand this is not only an attack on children’s education, but also a convoluted plot to lessen competition facing teachers’ unions. Teachers’ unions are in bed with public schools; however, the same cannot be said about for-profit charter schools.

House Republicans aren’t standing by as the president puts politics over kids’ education. Nearly two dozen GOP lawmakers penned a letter to the Education Department, noting the role that charter schools play in children’s options and overall learning.

Republicans in Congress also warned that minorities in various communities across America will be hurt by what the Biden administration is attempting to pull off.

Time and time again, Democrats claim to be defenders of minorities; yet, they’re trying to take out the very charter schools that minorities can and do benefit from.

As teachers’ unions rallied to keep public schools closed (without a care in the world for impacts on students), charter schools saw a 7% enrollment rise during 2020 and 2021.

The Biggest Fight For America
There are few battles of greater significance than those involving children. Children are the most innocent among us and they are the future.

It’s dangerous and predatory for Democrats to use children as pawns in a political game of chess. At this time, it remains deeply imperative for Republicans, conservatives, and patriots everywhere to defend children, their education, and their futures.
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:tello: "What am I seeing? The Manic fringe element stammering to kill the unborn,
but, ooops, if they happen to slip out, flock with their minds in school.

Is this correct to see it this way?"


Threats to burn the Eucharist . . .

Mat Staver, Liberty Counsel <>
Ron Culley

Wed, May 11 at 9:37 AM

The Senate will vote TODAY on a bill that will force abortion in every state, and even on religious hospitals, health care providers and pharmacists. If passed, the bill will even permit the gruesome "partial birth" abortion procedure.

Meanwhile, abortion extremists, who have been creating chaos outside Supreme Court and the Justices' homes, are now attacking CHURCHES and threatening to "burn the Eucharist" if the protesters don't retain the ability to murder the unborn.

We have prayed and worked for 50 years to overturn Roe v. Wade. But the abortion advocates are working overtime to perpetuate the continual shedding of blood. We CANNOT be silent! Please, take an immediate stand RIGHT NOW and fax Congress. Tell them to VOTE NO TO ALL FEDERAL ABORTION-ENABLING BILLS! Read on. — Mat



A pro-abortion activist group called "Ruth Sent Us" (RSU) has issued a directive to its members to disrupt the lives of Supreme Court Justices and their families in hope of changing their votes overturning Roe v. Wade.

RSU is named for late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who said publicly that abortion was to rid the world of the "undesirables." Justice Ginsburg was referring to Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, whose stated purpose in pushing contraceptives and abortion was to eliminate what she called "undesirables" or human "weeds."

Justice Ginsburg voiced her feelings on the subject in a 2009 interview with the New York Times, saying, "Frankly, I had thought that at that time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don't want to have too many of."

Liberty Counsel filed an amicus brief in the Dobbs abortion case, illustrating the Planned Parenthood founder's genocidal intentions when promoting abortion. Sanger wrote that immigrants, blacks and poor people were little more than human "weeds" that need exterminating. Justice Ginsburg apparently agreed. Our brief is cited in footnote 41 of the draft Supreme Court opinion.

Masses of pink-hatted women waving wire coat hangers and screaming obscenities now surround each of the Justice's houses, howling for the right to kill unborn children. Justice Alito, who is writing the majority opinion to overturn Roe, has moved to an undisclosed secure location.

Justice Kavanaugh had to move his young daughters away from the area.

Not content to simply attack and intimidate Supreme Court Justices, the abortion proponents are now attacking churches.

RSU issued another directive to disrupt Sunday services at churches on Mother's Day—and every Sunday—until they get their way.


When one woman on Twitter posted that she was praying "for the protection of the clergy and Mass-goers, the police/security, and for the safety and change-of-heart of the pro-abortion protestors," RSU delivered a shocking response:

Stuff your rosaries and your weaponized prayer. We will remain outraged after this weekend, so keep praying. We'll be burning the Eucharist to show our disgust...

Sunday morning, worshippers at Old St. Patrick's Cathedral in Manhattan were greeted by half-naked women screaming obscenities and interrupting the Mass.

Another half-clad woman tried to breach the church doors. When she could not, she pulled baby dolls from her crotch, making a show of strangling the dolls with ropes before bashing their heads on the pavement and laughing.

She screamed, "Look, I'm killing the babies," as she taunted church members who were guarding the cathedral doors. Other women gathered around the vulgar protester singing, "Thank God for abortion." Other churches fell victim to similar displays of evil the same day.

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) filed for cloture Monday, forcing a vote this week on a bill worse than Roe v. Wade that will override the states.

Even the gruesome "partial birth abortion" procedure would be permitted, in which the baby is partially out of the birth canal, the base of the skull is punctured and the brains are sucked out.


The margins in the Senate are razor thin. Sen. Schumer has indicated that he may attempt a "nuclear option" to eliminate the Senate filibuster, which would then require only 51 votes to force abortion in every state.

By eliminating the filibuster, Schumer and his party will be free to force all their other terrible bills, including the misnamed "Equality Act" (HR 5) and voter fraud legalization (HR 1 & HR 4).


God will not bless a nation drenched in the blood of murdered children. Your voice has more impact in light of the upcoming midterms. We must not remain silent. The senators must hear from you now!

Please, do not waste any time. Send your faxes NOW!

Meanwhile, Liberty Counsel continues to defend the right to life, the family and religious freedom across the country and before the U.S. Supreme Court, where we just achieved a rare 9-0 win in our Christian flag/free speech case. And our work defending the military, health care workers and others against Biden's unlawful shot orders also continues.

Mat Staver
Founder and Chairman
Liberty Counsel
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:tello: "If society is gonna kill somebody...

Hundreds of children died in Native American
boarding schools, report finds
May 11, 2022

(Photo of rows of graves sitting in brown dirt as a person encircles one with sage smoke
The Sherman Indian School Cemetery in Riverside, California on July 18, 2021. Photo: Cindy Yamanaka/MediaNews Group/The Riverside Press-Enterprise via Getty Images)

Native American children at the U.S.'s 408 federal Indian boarding schools suffered whippings, sexual abuse, manual labor and severe malnourishment between 1819 and 1969 as part of the American government's campaign to compel their assimilation, according to a report released Wednesday by the Interior Department.

The big picture: Interior Secretary Deb Haaland authorized an investigation into the U.S.'s Indian boarding school system after the discovery of Indigenous children's remains at an old Canadian residential school site renewed attention on Americas' history of genocide against Indigenous peoples. The probe has since identified marked or unmarked burial sites at roughly 53 different schools.

Details: The federal residential school system was founded as part of an effort to eradicate Indigenous languages and cultures.

(Code Word: GENOCIDE!!!! )

"Federal records indicate that the United States viewed official disruption to the Indian family unit as part of Federal Indian policy to assimilate Indian children," the report notes.

Initial research shows that hundreds of Indigenous children died throughout the system. The continued investigation is likely to reveal the actual number of deaths to be in the thousands or tens of thousands, the report notes.
The systematic "identity-alteration methodologies" employed by these schools included:

Forcing Native American children to use English names

Cutting their hair

Requiring standard uniforms

Barring cultural and religious practices as well as use of Native languages

These rules were often enforced through punishments that took the form of solitary confinement, whipping, withholding food and slapping.

The provision of care was "grossly inadequate." The Interior identified several "well-documented" instances of physical, sexual and emotional abuse; disease; malnourishment; overcrowding; and lack of health care.

Manual labor was also a common feature — in 1903 at the Mescalero Boarding School in New Mexico, Mescalero Apache boys sawed over 70,000 feet of lumber and made upward of 120,000 bricks.

Many children tried to escape but were found, brought back and punished, according to the report. The damage had long-term health effects.

Worth noting: "The deaths of Indian children while under the care of the Federal Government, or federally supported institutions, led to the breakup of Indian families and the erosion of Indian Tribes, Alaska Native Villages, and the Native Hawaiian Community," the report states.

"The Department must fully account for its role in this effort and renounce forced assimilation ... as a legitimate policy objective."
What they're saying: "I came from ancestors who endured the horrors of the Indian boarding school assimilation policies carried out by the same department that I now lead," a visibly emotional Haaland said Wednesday at a press conference.

"Many children like them never made it back to their homes. Each of those children is a missing family member, a person who was not able to live out their purpose on this earth."

"Recognizing the impacts of the federal Indian boarding school system cannot just be a historical reckoning," she added. "We must also chart a path forward to deal with these legacy issues to address the intergenerational impact ... and to promote spiritual and emotional healing in our communities."

What to watch: Haaland announced Wednesday the launch of a yearlong tour across the U.S. that will allow survivors the opportunity to share their stories and connect with trauma-informed support.

The document released Wednesday is volume one of the investigation, which will continue under Assistant Secretary for Indian Affairs Bryan Newland.
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) provides 24/7, free and confidential support for anyone in distress, in addition to prevention and crisis resources. Also available for online chat.

Editor's note: This story has been updated with comments from Interior Secretary Deb Haaland.

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Psaki Says Parents Unable To Obtain Baby Formula Should Just Feed Their Babies A Margarita, Put Them In Kickboxing Class

May 10th, 2022 -

WASHINGTON, D.C.—During a press conference aimed at praising the Commander-in-Chief's flawless track record, Press Secretary Jen Psaki begrudgingly took a question from some gloom-and-doom journalist describing parents' struggles in finding baby formula. Psaki guffawed, saying parents unable to obtain baby formula should just feed their babies a margarita and put them in kickboxing class.

The press secretary and future MSNBC host explained how margaritas and kickboxing are a perfect way to unwind after a long, tough day of having no food to eat.

"I know some parents see having no formula as less than ideal, but there are things you can do. Stop being a bunch of Debbie Downers," said Psaki while twirling a crystal goblet of finely-aged Chardonnay.

"Things aren't so bad! Inflation isn't even real; The Disinformation Governance Board just told me it's a fairy tale economists tell their children at bedtime. No formula for your infant? Big deal! Give it some caviar drizzled with whipped mangosteen honey on Himalayan spelt wafers for crying out loud!"

The Disinformation Governance Board issued a statement—in musical form—confirming that everything Psaki said about the Disinformation Governance Board was correct.

Following the press conference, progressive parents who voted for Biden obediently began dumping margaritas into baby bottles and signing up their infants for intensive kickboxing classes.
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Amazon To Enforce New One-Child Policy On All Female Employees

May 10th, 2022 -

SEATTLE—After a recent announcement that they will pay their female employees to acquire out-of-state abortions, Amazon took things a step further this week by announcing a new one-child policy for all female employees, effective immediately.

Employees were made aware of the new policy after being herded into a series of large briefing rooms like cattle. CEO Andy Jassy, joined by Executive Chairman Jeff Bezos, relayed the news remotely from an undisclosed location.

"As you know, Amazon is a big believer in women's healthcare—especially women's healthcare that keeps them doing their jobs without interruption," said Jassy before an audience of 600,000 workers.

"All employees who identify as female will be required to have an abortion if they already have a child at home. If you get pregnant, we will grant you one additional 15-minute break as long as you use that time to get an abortion and get back in the warehouse as soon as possible. You're welcome!"

"This new one-child policy is for your benefit. Who wants two kids? No one. And, more importantly, it will keep you productive. Now you can live your dreams of working for Amazon!"

Jassy performed a series of fist pumps to highlight how excited he was about abortion while Bezos watched silently from the shadows, nodding only occasionally.

At the end of the presentation, there was a brief Q&A session in which Bezos politely recused himself for having no good answers prepared.

Sarah Josephine, a member of the company's marketing team, reportedly asked, "What if we already have more than one kid?"

"Life comes at you fast," he said sympathetically. "Larger families will of course be grandfathered in. We don't expect you to terminate any child older than two years of age."

A number of employees have been critical of the one-child policy but Amazon HR has confirmed complaints were from men and that their opinions didn't matter.

"Some of the men looked like women but they must have been men because they were really upset," said HR representative Trevor Andrews. "I know Joan loves the new policy."

"I'm just so relieved that my company supports my independence from feminine responsibility," said Joan Edwards, a trans woman who can't get pregnant anyway.

"Finally, I feel heard."

At publishing time, Amazon employees attempted to unionize and have the policy removed but were fired and replaced with robots that will never get pregnant or love.
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Exclusive: Inside Planned Parenthood: The Underbelly Of The Human Sacrifice Operation
MAY 10, 2022

Since the Roe v Wade decision forty-nine years ago, sixty-three million American babies have been slaughtered before they were even born. That’s three thousand five hundred every single day. Of these sixty-three million murders, by far the largest single perpetrator is Planned Parenthood.

Planned Parenthood carries out about one third of the abortions in America, at hundreds of clinics around the country. Planned Parenthood and its leaders are some of the worst mass killers in the history of the world. They’re certainly the worst in the history of this country.

There is a systematic lie that Planned Parenthood tells the public. They get away with this lie because the press is in on it, and repeats their lies as unquestioned fact

The lie they tell is that abortions are just a “small part” of what Planned Parenthood does. That was the line they repeated over and over in 2015: Abortions are “just three percent” of their services. Of course, even if that was true, it wouldn’t matter, because abortion is baby murder, period, and it doesn’t matter if murder is just a tiny part of your life, because it is completely heinous.

But it’s also just a lie.

Planned Parenthood’s existence revolves around abortion. They game their numbers by counting a single abortion as one service, and then if somebody visits them for something like birth control, they count every single item in a bag they give them as a separate product.

If abortions were illegal in America, the vast majority of Planned Parenthoods would shut down. In fact, all of them might. They’d have no real reason to exist. Planned Parenthood’s political lobbying is about abortion.

The millions they get from left-wing foundations and George Soros and everyone else are about abortion. They open their mills in poor neighborhoods and near high schools to find vulnerable people to lure into aborting their own children.

Eleven years ago, Abby Johnson exposed the real business model of Planned Parenthood: Mass abortions on an industrial scale. Abby Johnson once worked at a Planned Parenthood. In fact, she ran one of their clinics as its director, facilitating abortions for thousands of women. She also had two abortions herself.

But remember, nobody is beyond redemption with the power of Christ. In September of 2009, Abby was called to assist in an abortion at thirteen weeks of gestation. She watched, via ultrasound, what an abortion really looks like. She saw that the child being aborted looked so much like the ultrasound images of her own daughter. She saw the baby squirming and twisting against the vacuum tube that was used to end its life.

After this, Abby couldn’t hide from the truth about what she was doing. She resigned from the clinic, and then became one of the most famous anti-abortion activists in America.

Abortion is the worst crime in the history of this country, and Abby Johnson knows exactly how it works. She revealed how at her own clinic, there were target quotas for abortions to perform, in order to bring in more revenue to the clinic after the 2008 financial crisis.

Abby is author of the book “Unplanned,” about her personal pro-life journey. That book was later adapted into a feature-length film. We highly recommend both the book and the movie, which directly expose the horrific truth about the abortion industrial complex.

Abby Johnson joins us, thank you for coming.

Tune in to this POWERFUL segment now at, & follow Abby Johnson’s journey as she defends the unborn at !

Watch the true story of Abby’s testimony “Unplanned” at !
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Florida is Taking Another Stride Forward in Children’s Education

The education of children is deeply impactful. It determines how young people will learn, grow, and come into themselves.

Sadly, children’s education has become a very divisive and polarizing issue. This all began when Democrats began turning classrooms into political rallies for critical race theory, transgenderism, and a host of other politically charged issues.

Naturally, this led to pushback from the right. Conservatives are rightfully unwilling to stand by as Democrats try to turn young, impressionable minds into future, leftist foot soldiers.

However, conservatives’ work to preserve children’s education isn’t only reactive; it’s also proactive.

In the state of Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) is ensuring that young people are aware of the horrors of communism, as documented by Red State.

Enriching the Education of Young Minds
At this time, DeSantis has signed legislation that deems the 7th of November as “Victims of Communism Day.”

Also, with this recognition comes a requirement for high schoolers to learn about communism and people who suffered under this oppression. Lessons on this subject matter are required to last for at least 45 minutes as well.

In a press release, DeSantis talked about the importance of not forgetting all the harm that communism has inflicted. As pointed out by the Florida governor, more than 100 million people lost their lives due to communist regimes.

For this to be ignored and swept under the rug would be a grave mistake.

Unlike third graders (and other young kids) who Democrats want to indoctrinate with critical race theory and transgenderism, high school students will be able to understand what they’re learning about communism.

Excellent Timing on Florida’s Part
Victims of Communism Day in Florida, along with lesson plans for high schoolers to learn about communism, couldn’t have come at a better time.

Right now, the Democrat Party is in the middle of working to transform America into a communist regime. This is why they want “universal basic income” and other programs that encourage utter reliance on the government.

It’s also why Democrats want to use classrooms to push controversial political theories on the youngest of minds.

However, in order for Democrats to remake America into a communist regime, they first have to tear it down. This explains why the White House made such messes of the economy, the supply chain, the southern border, etc. yet refuses to clean up these messes.

If there’s any hope for the next generation, patriots cannot stand by and allow young kids to be indoctrinated or ignorant about history.

:tello: "So, if we abort the children, there won't be any future generation to indoctrinate, therefore, communism fails. Right?"
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That makes sense!
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The Democrats’ Assault on Children is Getting Worse

When parents send their kids to school, they expect their kids to get a genuine education. This education is supposed to provide children with the skills and tools they’ll need to succeed in the world.

Unfortunately, schools are increasingly failing to do this. As a matter of fact, kids in schools are more often than not propagandized, rather than actually educated.

This is largely due to the Democrat Party and the warpath it’s on against children, as documented by The Federalist.

Working Against Kids’ Best Interests

Some of the ways that Democrats are hurting kids are through the education system. To this day, Democrats insist on teaching curriculums that involve radical racist ideology, such as critical race theory.

In pushing for this, Democrats argue there’s nothing wrong with telling kids that they’re either innately oppressed or automatically inflicting harm upon others, depending on their skin color. The Democrat Party of today is ultimately using children as vehicles to normalize their extreme agendas later down the line.

The same principle applies to Democrats insisting that small children be instructed about gender identity theories. To this very day, leftists remain irate that Florida has barred these sorts of topics from being taught to young people between kindergarten and third grade.

If that wasn’t bad enough, Democrats even remain guilty of pushing transgenderism on kids. As a disclaimer, the medical decisions that adults make for themselves are their business.

However, Democrats believe that children should be able to choose to take hormones — or undergo surgeries — that permanently alter childrens’ development.

In another devious twist, Democrats are branding this as “gender-affirming care” and claiming that anyone who opposes this for children is hateful towards LGBTQ+ people in general.

An Important Message For Parents

The Democrat Party of today does not see children as young people with their own futures and possibilities. Instead, Democrats view children as long-term routes of making radical left-wing agendas the new normal in 10 to 20 years.

At this point, it is imperative for parents to remain both vigilant and protective of their kids. By Democrats’ own admission, they believe children belong to teachers and the state, rather than their own mothers and fathers.
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'This won't stop us': Pastor refuses to back down after his church and others in area are vandalized, targeted apparently by pro-abortion faithful
May 11, 2022   

After a string of churches in the Houston area were vandalized and became targets of other criminal activity following last week's leaked Supreme Court draft decision that would overturn Roe v. Wade, a pastor of one of the congregations spoke out defiantly against the acts — apparently carried out by pro-abortion adherents.

What are the details?
A spray-painted message reading "Pro-Choice Is Pro-Life" was discovered on the main entrance and a side door of Houston's Holy Rosary Catholic Church on Monday morning, KRIV-TV reported.

"It's very unfortunate that people would desecrate the church like this, take their frustration out on the church," Father Peter Damian Harris told the station.

The church changed its hours due to the vandalism: Now it will open 30 minutes before confession and mass and close immediately after, KRIV said.

"It's very unfortunate, but I'd rather take the necessary precautions than run the risk of someone coming to desecrate our sacred space," Harris added to the station.

He also told KRIV he believes the vandalism at Holy Rosary is connected to vandalism at two Catholic churches in nearby Katy: St. Bartholomew the Apostle Catholic Church and St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church.

"Most definitely it's a result of the leak that came out last week, the Supreme Court," Harris noted to the station.

The tabernacle — often considered the most sacred item in Catholic churches as it contains communion wafers — was taken from St. Bartholomew sometime between Sunday evening and Monday morning, Katy magazine reported.

Harris added to KRIV that "someone tried to desecrate the eucharist" at St. Elizabeth.

As for the guilty party responsible for spray-painting graffiti on his church's doors, Harris had a clear and defiant message.

"I'd rather you come inside and pray and have a conversation and not try to desecrate our sacred space," he told the station. "This won't stop us. It propels us to continue to be witnesses for Christ in the world."

Anything else?
On Sunday in Los Angeles, red-robed protesters disrupted morning mass at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels — but video captured one fed-up man climbing over a pew and confronting the protesters, stopping them dead in their tracks.

Indeed, reports circulated in regard to "credible threats" about protesters planning to disrupt Mother's Day weekend church services.
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Im still waiting on my seabird flavoured cones with wafers ....if shortage of wafers
is an issue ....a choc top will suffice ...

Dont make me re-order or crushed nuts could enter the equation


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DeSantis Creates A New Holiday That Democrats Will Hate

May 10, 2022

In Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis has passed a new bill designating Nov. 7th as “Victims of Communism Day.” He mentioned it on Twitter, calling the day’s purpose to “commemorate those who have suffered under communist regimes individuals of the devastation communist ideology has wrought worldwide, including a death toll of more than 100 million people.”

In the video shared through Twitter DeSantis said:
Today, I am signing HB 395, which will designate November 7th as the “Victims of Communism Day” in order to honor the over 100 million individuals who have been victims of communist governments throughout the world.

In 1993, the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation was created in accordance with a Joint Resolution of both houses of Congress, which was then passed into law by President Bill Clinton.

The Foundation applauded the passage of the legislation in Florida’s legislature earlier this year, noting that it would be joining Alabama, Texas, Utah, and Virginia as one of only eight states to designate itself as such. Illinois, Missouri, Arizona, Idaho, New Jersey, Arkansas, Pennsylvania , and South Carolina are also considering similar resolutions. (Note: This includes both red and blue states.)

The governor’s office also released a statement in connection with the decision:

HB 395 proclaims November 7th as the “Victims of Communism Day” and urges public schools to observe the occasion. High school students will be required to complete at least 45 minutes of training in their required U.S. Government class on matters relating to communist governments and how victims were harmed by these regimes. Starting in 2023-2024, instruction on these themes will be required.

Congratulations to the State of Florida for formally recognizing the dangers of Communism and designating a day to commemorate its countless victims. On April 7th, Missouri’s Senate approved unanimously to do likewise, and it appears that the legislation has just passed out of the House on May 6th, so Missouri may be following in Florida’s footsteps soon.
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Im still waiting on my seabird flavoured cones with wafers ....if shortage of wafers
is an issue ....a choc top will suffice ...

Dont make me re-order or crushed nuts could enter the equation
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Dont think it as a dream would turn out to be a nightmare for you ...

Im an expert in origami ... I would fold you into a ducks beak at the drop of a hat


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‘Apocalyptic’ Gas Prices – Biden’s Pump Pain Challenges Hollywood Zombie Fantasy
MAY 11, 2022

In the 2007 movie ‘I Am Legend’ features the character Robert Neville (Will Smith) as seemingly the sole survivor of a plague that turns people into mutant zombies. Signs of the chaos of the zombie apocalypse can be seen everywhere from deserted tanks, police cars and burned out buildings.

Clearly there was a rush on food, gas and other provisions as the plague spread. One scene in the film shows that gas in New York City was as high a $6.63 a gallon for regular unleaded.

ABC’s Good Morning America had a reporter go live from a gas station in NYC on Wednesday morning showing a gas station charging $6.19 a gallon for regular, just 44 cents cheaper than the fictional apocalypse. About a minute later in the broadcast GMA showed a gas station (no location given) at $6.59 a gallon, just 4 cents cheaper than the station in the film.

U.S. gas prices hit an all-time record on Tuesday. The average price for regular gas in the U.S. was $4.37 per gallon on Tuesday, according to AAA. Diesel prices also hit a record  $5.55 per gallon.

It would seem that Joe Biden is leading us to near apocalyptic gas prices. The green energy zombies are showing their influence.
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GWU Student Calls for Canceling ... George Washington
MAY 11, 2022

It’s about time somebody called out the racist hell that is … wait, I have it here somewhere … oh yeah, the racist hell that is George Washington University.

That somebody is GWU senior Caleb Francois, who has written a Washington Post op-ed calling for GW to change its name. There are two possible explanations for this piece:

1. It’s an extra credit attempt to show his professors he lapped up every woke nostrum and racialist complaint they vomited out, or

2. Francois has accepted money from a rival university to show prospective students and their parents that a GW diploma isn’t worth a sleeve of red Solo cups.

Either way, it’s not a serious argument – more sobbing whine than think piece.

Why isn’t the Father of our Country’s name good enough to grace a mediocre university in the city named after him? Francois has all the pat answers: 

As our nation’s history of slavery, Jim Crow, red lining and other discriminatory policies toward African Americans has never been fully addressed or atoned for, these pleas for racial justice are a reflection of a shifting paradigm in American politics in which compromise and intolerance are no longer an option.

That's quite a sentence, particularly the last bit about “intolerance and compromise.” Perhaps GW no longer teaches about irony.

But Francois is, I’m sure, in earnest when he says “systemic racism and inequality still present on campus.” His evidence:

“Today, with Black enrollment at about 10 percent, Black students on campus continue to struggle for community.” Blacks are 13% of the U.S. population. We shall overcome the 3% discrepancy that’s keeping black students from achieving “community,” whatever that is.
“Black professorship also remains low, especially in the university’s International Affairs program. Limited Black professors teaching African and African American courses and the continued neglect of Black academia and Black professorship create a campus culture in which European studies and White perspectives are favored over Black perspectives.

No African languages are taught at the university, and calls for reforms are often ignored.” When you’re right, you’re right. There’s no reason a college in the capital of the U.S. should lag behind the University of Nairobi in teaching African courses and languages.

“The Mount Vernon Campus, named for George Washington’s former slave plantation,” and the “controversial Winston Churchill Library,” and the James Madison memorial.

 “Every day, hundreds of Black students walk on a campus named after an enslaver of men and study at a site named after dark parts of history.” But by all means, let’s get more black students to attend this racist hellhole.

“These problems,” Francois explains, “are rooted in systemic racism, institutional inequality and white supremacy.”

But Francois is no helpless victim. He has a concrete plan to improve GW. Relax, it doesn’t involve original thought, academic rigor, personal resilience or anything more than identity-based highchair pounding:

There are at least four ways the university could achieve progress: Decolonized university curriculum, increased Black enrollment, the renaming of the university and the selection of an African American President.

Is that all? Done and done. I will follow with great interest the honors and laurels that accrue to Caleb Francois University.

:tello: "If it were up to me, I'd cancel Francois purely on the notion that he prolly couldn't find his way in or out of a sports locker room."
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I spose a box of Jaffas is out of the question


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Yeah, in the Locker Room. On your way there, show Francois how to get in.
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Yes, Safe Smoking Kits Include Free Crack Pipes. We Know Because We Got Them.
Free Beacon Investigates: Five cities, five free crack pipes

May 12, 2022

Crack pipes are distributed in safe-smoking kits up and down the East Coast, raising questions about the Biden administration's assertion that its multimillion-dollar harm reduction grant program wouldn't funnel taxpayer dollars to drug paraphernalia.

The findings are the result of Washington Free Beacon visits to five harm-reduction organizations and calls to over two dozen more. In fact, every organization we visited—facilities in Boston, New York City, Washington, D.C., Baltimore, and Richmond, Va.—included crack pipes in the kits.
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Things You Didn’t Know About Nature

May 11, 2022

Have you ever tried to take in the world outside of your door? When you look around, you’ve probably realized that there’s a lot to learn about nature. Most people probably miss out on some amazing facts about things they see every day. So sit back, relax, and get ready to learn something new! This article will discuss ten interesting facts about nature that you may not have known before. It will explore the wonders of the natural world and help you learn about some of its most fascinating aspects.
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The Democrat Antifa Army
is Back

When there is a good cause, protests and riots are perfectly fine and so is criminal behavior.

MAY 11, 2022

A good cause would be anything that the democrats believe in like racial justice, keeping republicans off the Supreme Court and pretty much any disagreement that they have about anything.

The largely ignored BLM and Antifa terrorists who used George Floyd as an excuse to storm the streets, burn down buildings, assault police and kill people are on alert again with the recent leak of the draft opinion by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito concerning the possible overturning of Roe v Wade.

Already we have seen the Antifa terrorists throw a molotov cocktail into the offices of a Wisconsin anti-abortion group, Family Action, and the terrorists appear to be active again in their favorite cities of Portland and Seattle.

In Portland, they were up to their usual crimes, smashing windows of local businesses, vandalism and setting fires.

And when you see signs from these violent lunatics that say things like “abort the Supreme Court” you can be assured that we are in for another summer of democrat violence that will be ignored by the leftist media and their co-conspiring politicians.
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Watch: Alito’s Neighbor Has Surprisingly Serene Answer to Angry Protests
May 11, 2022

A neighbor of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito found a way to tune out angry protesters who have flocked to her block in Northern Virginia after the jurist’s draft opinion overturning Roe v Wade was released.

Amid the noise from the street, and through an open window, the strains of the Christian hymn “‘Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus” could be heard as Alito’s neighbor played a piano Monday night. The neighbor told Standing for Freedom Center Editor-in-Chief John Wesley Reid that the act brought some solace despite the rage and chaos outside.

“I wanted to do something beautiful and thoughtful to counter the noise, the chaos, the sadness of those protesting life in front of an empty house,” the neighbor, who asked not to be identified, told Reid. “There is nothing more steadfast and measured than the joy of worshipping our Savior through precious hymns.”

Protests have taken place outside the homes of the five Supreme Court justices who signed onto Alito’s draft opinion, which would overturn the landmark 1973 decision that made the right to abortion a constitutional right. Protesters have also gathered outside the home of Chief Justice John Roberts, whose position on the opinion remains unknown.

On Monday night, about 60 protesters gathered outside Alito’s home led by activists with ShutDownDC, a leftist group that frequently protests for progressive causes.

“Abort the court! Abort the court!” protesters chanted as police from the city of Alexandria and Fairfax County looked on.

“F*** the Court and the legislature! We are not your incubator!” others chanted.

Other neighbors joined the protest, telling The Daily Wire they supported the demonstration in their own residential neighborhood.

“I am pro-choice because I really think that no one should dictate the woman’s right about her reproductive … system,” 77-year-old Aija Karlsons told The Daily Wire.

The leak of the draft and publication by Politico stunned the nation and reignited the long-running debate about abortion.
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Omar asks, ‘what law?’ then claims Justices ruled it was OK to break the law protecting judges
May 11, 2022

Despite the grave implications for the Supreme Court as an institution, Democrats clearly believe that it is not only acceptable for mobs to intimidate justices and their families in their homes, but they actually seem to welcome it.

Last week’s publication of a leaked draft document that has been interpreted as meaning the possible end of Roe v. Wade infuriated activists who raged at conservative justices, leading to them being doxed with maps to their houses being posted on social media. This resulted in sending swarms of leftists into their neighborhoods to menace them over the weekend, leading to Justice Samuel Alito, who wrote the opinion, and his family being moved to an undisclosed location out of concerns for their safety.

Despite outrage from conservatives over the lawless tactics, President Biden and the White House have refused to strongly condemn the mobs and outgoing press secretary Jen Psaki actually encouraged the thuggish behavior of her party’s shock troops who are terrorizing judges and their families although it is a federal crime.

As for other Democrats, Fox News and Fox Business correspondent Hillary Vaughn caught up with three high profile progressive lawmakers including two members of the “Squad” as well as Senator Elizabeth Warren whose angry speech in front of the Supreme Court last week poured gasoline on the fire.

In video footage from Vaughn’s chat with the Democrats which aired exclusively on Tuesday’s edition of “Tucker Carlson Tonight,” Rep. Rashida Tlaib said that she’s down with the mobs.

“I get interrupted and protested all the time,” the Michigan congresswoman said. “I welcome it in many ways as long as it is not violent rhetoric talking about you know, physical harm and all those things, I think it’s just really important to understand that that happens, we are in public service.”

Senator Warren told Vaughn, “This Supreme Court said back then protesters should be able to get right in people’s faces, now they are erecting barriers to try to keep protesters as far away from themselves as possible, I think that’s fundamentally wrong.”

Also weighing in was Somali-born Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar who appeared to be completely ignorant of the federal law prohibiting the intimidation of judges.

“What is the federal law, I’m sorry?” Omar said when confronted by Vaughn about the mobs, leading to the reporter educating her on U.S. Code 1507.

“Do you think that they should be prosecuted for breaking federal law?” Vaughn asked.

“The Supreme Court itself has heard this argument, and they have themselves said that it is protected by the First Amendment,” Omar responded.

According to U.S. Code 1507: “Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.”

The mobs will likely only become more emboldened as their Democrat cheerleaders shower them with love and it could be a long and ugly summer for the justices, conservatives in general and the United States as a whole which has been commandeered by a party of extremists with no respect for the nation’s longstanding institutions.
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Biden calls Trump the ‘great MAGA king,’ bashes Scott’s tax plan

President Biden on Wednesday labeled former President Trump the “great MAGA king” and bashed Republicans, notably Sen. Rick Scott (Fla.), for their plan to combat inflation.

“Under my predecessor — the great MAGA king — the deficit increased every single year he was president. The first year of my presidency, the first year, I reduced the deficit, literally reduced the deficit by $350 billion, first year,” he said in remarks at an International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers conference in Chicago.

Biden has been highlighting deficit reduction as a way to fight inflation in order to respond to criticism from Republicans that his American Rescue Plan, which had the price tag of $1.9 trillion and passed early last year, negatively impacted the economy.

“My Republican colleagues say these programs to help the working class and middle-class people, that, they say, that’s why we have inflation. They’re dead wrong,” Biden said on Wednesday.

He argued that “reducing the deficit is one of the main ways that we can ease inflationary pressures.”

The president brought up Scott’s proposed tax plan, which he has attacked recently while comparing it to his administration’s plan to combat inflation. Scott is the head of Senate Republicans’ campaign arm.

“I call it the ultra-MAGA plan, Make America Great Again plan,” he said of Scott’s proposal.

Biden and White House press secretary Jen Psaki this week have criticized the Republican Party for embracing what they call an “ultra-MAGA agenda.”

“Right now, the majority of our Republican friends just see things differently. They don’t want to solve inflation just by lowering the cost. They want to solve it by raising taxes and lowering your income,” Biden said. “If I didn’t see the actual document, I’d think I was making it up.”

“The ultra-MAGA Republicans’ proposal puts, here’s what it does, it puts social security, Medicare — this is the Republican plan now, the only one out there — and Medicaid on the chopping block every five years,” he added.

The proposal released by Scott earlier this year calls for imposing federal income taxes on Americans who currently pay none and sunsetting all federal legislation after five years, presumably including programs such as Social Security and Medicaid.

Biden and Scott have been fighting through statements this week. Biden on Tuesday said he thinks Scott “has a problem” in response to criticism from Scott that the president is “incapacitated and incoherent.”

The White House has previously gone after Scott, highlighting that aspects of his proposed plan would raise taxes on middle-class and lower-income Americans.

“I proposed a minimum tax for billionaires, but congressional Republicans have proposed the minimum tax for teachers, firefights and electricians,” Biden said on Wednesday.

Democratic House campaign arm adds two seats to battlefield map
Biden has also tied congressional Republicans to Scott’s plan, although other Republican lawmakers have either distanced themselves from Scott’s proposal or declined to embrace it.

The president on Wednesday also bashed Republicans for not supporting the PRO Act, which has stalled in Congress. The bill would stiffen penalties for employers who violate workers’ rights and strengthen protections for employees against retaliation.

“Let’s be clear, for our Republican friends, you can’t say you’re working, you’re for working for people and vote against the PRO Act. It’s not consistent,” Biden said.

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