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Gun Control Hearing THIS WEEK

Pelosi smells blood.

After a week of escalating demands for gun control from the liberal media and Gun Control Inc. Republican members of Congress are now surrendering in droves to the anti-gun hysteria.

Sensing weakness in the Republican Caucus, Pelosi and the House Dems are moving to strike while the iron is hot and fast track a litany of gun control bills through Congress before you have a chance to knock some sense into your lawmakers.

According to trusted D.C. insiders, a gun control hearing will take place in the House Judiciary Committee this Thursday.

Your lawmakers need to hear from you, Ron.

So please click here to sign your petition to your Senators and Congressman today, and demand they hold the line against the impending gun control blitz.

Ron, based on the reports I’m getting from the Hill, the Democrats are set to introduce their most ambitious gun control package to date.

Here is what they are expected to target:
*** Banning standard capacity magazines. Leaving law-abiding citizens dangerously out-gunned by criminals.

*** Stripping adults under 21 of their Second Amendment Rights. Rendering young mothers and military age adults defenseless in the crime ridden streets of Biden’s America.

*** “Red Flag” Gun Confiscation. Federally funded snitch programs with the sole objective of mass gun confiscation with zero regard for due-process.

*** Banning so-called “Assault Weapons.” Outlawing the most popular semi-auto rifles in America, which are the guns of choice for hunters, collectors, sportsmen, and defenders of hearth and home.

*** Universal Gun Registration. Forcing every firearms transaction through the Brady NCIS gun registry, in turn, creating the required database of gun owners for an eventual Australia-style gun confiscation.

Ron, in the past the Democrats would have pushed a gun control package that was more palatable to so-called “moderates.”

But this time around they are going for broke.

The Democrats sense a turning of the tide in the Republican Caucasus, and are moving to exploit this moment of weakness.

And based on the week-kneed statements I’m seeing in the news from supposedly pro-gun politicians, I’m afraid the gun grabbers may be right.

As you know, in recent years we could depend on the U.S. Senate to be the last stop for the gun control bills advanced by Pelosi’s house.

But today, the D.C. swamp reeks with the foul stench of compromise.

With McConnell giving the green light for other Republicans to negotiate with YOUR Second Amendment Rights, I’m afraid the Senate can no longer be trusted.

Which is why we are launching a scorched earth political war to stop this draconian gun grab.

And it starts with every pro-gun American contacting their lawmakers and demanding they hold the line against any and all gun control.

So please do your part by signing your petition to your lawmakers today.

After you’ve signed, please make your most generous donation to your National Association for Gun Rights to help fund this most critical fight.

Do you remember 2013, Ron?

The media, the political class, and even the mainstream gun lobby wanted us to accept that gun control was inevitable.

But thanks to the inspiring activism of millions of NAGR members and supporters we defeated every single gun grab.

We did it then and we will do it again.

Now let’s get to work.

For Freedom,

Dudley Brown
National Association for Gun Rights

P.S. Republicans are dropping like flies and offering up gun control compromises to Congressional Democrats.

Pelosi and her anti-gun Comrades are looking to capitalize on this golden opportunity by moving to fast track an egregious gun control package through Congress.

The House Judiciary Committee will take up the bill this Thursday.

Fight back by signing your petition to your lawmakers TODAY.
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Courting theocracy

May 31, 2022

Ordinarily, the word “unprecedented” is hyperbole, similar to “Breaking news!” or “Greatest ever!” When used to describe the current danger to American democracy, however, it is all too appropriate. Never in the nation’s history have democratic institutions been so at risk under what would first appear to be banal circumstances.

There have been previous threats to America’s system of government, but each was spurred by a single overriding issue that created deep doubt as to whether democracy was up to resolving it. For the first 75 years of the nation’s existence, the United States wrestled with whether human slavery would be perpetuated or abolished, which left the Union teetering on the edge of dissolution. In 1861, it fell into Civil War and the succeeding decades were spent trying to reinvigorate democracy, first by bringing Black Americans into the political system, then, in a sad irony, by shutting them out of it.

In the 1930s, during the Great Depression, with unemployment in excess of 20 percent, many Americans looked to Europe and what seemed to be the enormous success of Adolph Hitler and Benito Mussolini in pulling their countries out of similar quagmires and wondered if fascism might not be a better system for the United States. As Ira Katznelson described in his brilliant book, “Fear Itself,” it was only the political genius of Franklin Roosevelt that prevented fascism from gaining perhaps unstoppable momentum here.

But slavery is no more — although racism, sadly, persists — and the economy, despite a job-crushing pandemic and high inflation, retains a solid base with unemployment matching a 20-year low. There is cause for dissatisfaction, surely, but if the past five years should have taught Americans anything, it is that the nation’s democratic institutions left it uniquely positioned to find solutions to even the most seemingly intractable problems.

It might appear odd, therefore, that a sizable segment of the American population seems willing, if not eager, to cast aside our most sacred traditions, not because of a threat from abroad or even, for all the chest thumping, one from within. At its core, these anti-democrats are using as their justification a claim to moral superiority, which overlaps with a desperate need to perpetuate minority rule.

The hypocrisy of those on this dubious high ground could not be more striking. Those who claim to be defending the lives of the unborn are all too willing to abandon those lives almost from the second they leave the womb. Those who claim to be defending liberty are content to see liberty be denied for their opponents. Those who scream about rigging elections and gaming the system spend a good deal of their time trying to rig elections and game the system. Those who decry cancel culture cheer the banning of books and restrictions on free expression in schools.

And, as the Supreme Court has repeatedly demonstrated in recent years, those who most vociferously defend religious liberty seek to impose their own religious beliefs on others.

In Masterpiece Bakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission, the court ruled that a vendor could refuse service to a gay couple on religious grounds. In a dissent on an emergency petition from Catholic health care workers in New York, Justice Neil Gorsuch favored granting them an exemption from the state’s vaccine mandate on the grounds that the vaccines had been developed from decades-old stem cells obtained from aborted fetuses. This despite directives from both the pope and the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops that taking the vaccine was both acceptable and advisable.

But it is in Justice Samuel Alito’s leaked draft opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization that the full agenda of the Supreme Court’s conservative majority became clear. Alito, in a 98-page opinion reeking with smug arrogance, belittled not only liberal justices who had defended a woman’s right to choose to have an abortion but also Republican appointees Harry Blackmun, David Souter, Sandra Day O’Conner and Anthony Kennedy for agreeing. He blithely tossed aside 50 years of precedent in Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey as “egregiously wrong” from the day they were decided, self-righteously comparing his opinion to the overturn of Plessy v. Ferguson by Brown v. Board of Education. It seems to have eluded him that Plessy took away a right that Brown restored, which is precisely the opposite of what he and his four colleagues would do in Dobbs.

Abortion is one of the most delicate and difficult issues with which both the court and the country must grapple. As much as either side is loath to admit it, each has a point. Alito’s opinion does not balance the nuances, however, but instead simply dismisses one side while fully embracing the other. His reasoning, as many legal analysts have pointed out, is contrived and transparently flawed — religious dogma dressed up as law.

There is a word for a system of government in which the dictates of religion override other freedoms and civil guarantees. Theocracy.

One pundit said that with this decision and those on voting rights, the United States has officially returned to the 19th century. Others have described the decision as a triumph for originalism, and however questionable that legal philosophy may be, it is difficult to view it as anything but advocating a return to the 18th century. But Alito goes back farther than that. The root of conservative Catholic education remains the scholasticism of Peter Abelard, a 12th century theologian who employed a similar version of Aristotelian logic in biblical analysis as does Alito in constitutional analysis. (This perhaps explains Alito using both 13th and 17th century sources as “precedents.”)

It would be one thing if Alito and his fellow conservatives were giving voice to the will of the people, which in theory is a precept of democracy. But instead, he is perpetrating the court’s march to theocracy with both a religious and political minority. Catholics, of course, have the right to worship as they please and to follow the dictates of their Church, but Catholics are only 20 percent of the population. And with the exception of George W. Bush’s victory over John Kerry in 2004, no Republican has won the popular vote since George H. W. Bush in 1988.

While tyranny of the majority may put democracy at risk, tyranny of the minority is no democracy at all. Americans rejected slavery and Americans rejected fascism. The current threat is more subtle, thus more insidious, and so it remains to be seen whether Americans will reject theocracy as well.
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Joe Rogan Knocks Down Gun Control, Weapon Bans:
‘Only Criminals Will Have Them’

MAY 31, 2022

In the face of mounting pressure following the Uvalde school shooting massacre, popular podcast host Joe Rogan stood strongly in opposition to strict gun control and weapons bans.

Rogan insisted during a Spotify podcast Thursday that “no one knows how to stop” something like what happened in Uvalde.

“What is the answer? Is the answer to take everyone’s guns?” he said, alluding to discussions ongoing amongst anti-gun lawmakers. “Well, they’re not gonna give their guns up.”

“Only criminals are gonna have guns,” Rogan added. “It’s not gonna be a good situation.”

Joe Rogan Opposes Gun Control
In addition to suggesting only criminals would be armed if gun control proponents have their way, Joe Rogan explained why government control of a constitutionally-guaranteed right is a very bad idea.

It isn’t smart “to take all the guns away from people and give all the power to the government,” he insisted.

“We see how they are with an armed populace, they still have a tendency towards totalitarianism,” Rogan explained.

Imagine how it would be with an unarmed populace.

We saw evidence of this when Australia’s media and government were celebrating draconian lockdowns on non-vaccinated citizens while the vaccinated were rewarded with things like “one hour” of extra recreational time.

The Criminals Will Get Their Guns
The podcast king added that “the more increased power and control you have over people, the easier it is for them to do what they do.”

Rogan went on to say that the government’s “natural inclination” is to try to gain power during times of crisis.

“And it’s a natural inclination, when you’re a person in power, to try to hold more power and acquire more power.”

Exactly as they did during the pandemic.

During a 2019 podcast interview with Pete Dominick, Rogan again addressed gun control and referenced the number of firearms in America.

“Even if you made guns illegal, even if you said you can’t have any bullets, you’ll all go to jail, there’s so many guns, you’re not getting them all. It’s not possible,” he said.

In 2018, he called out Hollywood hypocrites who advocate for gun control while glorifying violence in their movies and simultaneously protect themselves with armed guards.

Of course, the liberal media is highlighting that liberals on the internet are not pleased with Rogan.

Newsweek ran this headline: “Joe Rogan’s ‘Only Criminals’ Take on Gun Laws Condemned”

The UK’s Independent blared: “Joe Rogan branded a ‘moron’ after claiming it’s ‘wise’ not to take guns away from owners”

Though he’s quite different in recent years, another ‘shock jock’ of sorts, Howard Stern, once argued against gun control in a similar manner to Joe Rogan.

Stern, in a 2016 broadcast, said no amount of gun control could have prevented the Orlando terrorist attack at Pulse nightclub that year.

“The wolves are always planning,” he said at the time. “They’ll use boxcutters. They’ll use an airplane (and) fly it right into a building. They don’t need AR-15s.”

The wolves are always planning. And the criminals will always be able to get their guns. The only unarmed people, if Democrats have their way, will be you and I.
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I havent heard my number be called yet


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ZERO izzint a number.
It's the condition you are in.
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Flashback: Democrats Pushed Bill To Defund Police Officers In Schools In Favor Of Social Workers

MAY 31, 2022

Democrat lawmakers pushed for legislation that would ban federal funding for police officers in schools and instead hire counselors and social workers.

The bill – labeled the “Counseling Not Criminalization” Act – was introduced in July of 2020 by Democrat Senators Chris Murphy (NJ), Elizabeth Warren (MA), and Tina Smith (MN), along with ‘Squad’ House Representatives Ayanna Pressley (MA), Ilhan Omar (MN) and Jamaal Bowman (NY).

The Act states it would “prohibit the use of federal funds for maintaining police in schools.”

A fact sheet from Murphy’s office adds the bill is designed to “help schools hire counselors, social workers, and other support personnel instead of smee or police.”

Defund Police in Schools
The legislation pushed by Democrat lawmakers to defund police in schools was meant to establish a $2.5 billion grant program.

The funds would “hire the counselors, social workers, nurses, school psychologists, and other personnel they need to support students and create safe schools without smee or police.”

The Washington Post reports that the Uvalde school system’s security plan had a similar ring as it “included school counselors, social workers and special ‘threat assessment teams’ intended to evaluate students who appear to be a threat to themselves or others.”

Even with that system in place they write, “It’s not clear if [the shooter], who had no record of mental illness, had been on the school’s radar.”

Meanwhile, a resource officer, according to the latest reports, was not on the scene when the Uvalde massacre took place and the subsequent police response was severely inadequate, forcing border patrol agents to take down the suspect.

Most Passionate About Gun Control
It’s important to note that several of the lawmakers supporting the effort to defund police in schools were the most dramatically outspoken about inaction by Congress following the shooting in Uvalde.

Murphy hammered his Republican colleagues for not passing anti-gun legislation that he maintains – wrongly – would have stopped the shooting.

“Why do you spend all this time running for the United States Senate?” Murphy demanded.

“Why do you go through all the hassle of getting this job, of putting yourself in a position of authority if your answer, as the slaughter increases, as our kids run for their lives, (is) we do nothing?”

Counselors and social workers could benefit the mental health aspect of troubled kids, but there is also a frontline response that needs to be adequately addressed and funded. The incompetence of the Uvalde response is evidence of that need.

Bowman, as a Squad-by-proxy member, kicked up the rhetoric and, of course, accused Republicans of being responsible for the Uvalde murders.

“Republicans in the Senate helped kill a classroom of children,” he wrote. “This makes 214 mass shootings this year alone – all of which they are complicit in.”

Perhaps Democrats should ask themselves why schools have become easy targets ever since the implementation of the Gun-Free School Zones Act – signed into law in 1990 – rather than make every attempt to defund competent police sources from those institutions.

The legislation has since turned public schools into soft targets for deranged murderers.

Representative Thomas Massie (R-KY) introduced a bill last month to repeal the Gun-Free School Zones Act.

“Gun-free zones are ineffective and make our schools less safe. Since 1950, 98 percent of mass public shootings have occurred in places where citizens are banned from having guns,” Massie said.

He added: “Banks, churches, sports stadiums, and many of my colleagues in Congress are protected with firearms. Yet children inside the classroom are too frequently left vulnerable.”
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17 Quotes About Finding Joy in the Little Things

For many people, the journey to achieve and enjoy happiness is ongoing. But while deep contentment and satisfaction may take a while to develop and recognize, happiness also arises in a more spontaneous version: joy. Joy is all around us. Joy feels good, connects us to life’s everyday richness, and strengthens our capacity to experience enduring contentment.

Joy is an ephemeral spark and guidepost found in simple and surprising places. Many kinds of small exchanges and little things can make us feel free, lifted, and joyful. A surge of bright joy might fill our hearts when we hear a favorite song, catch a glimpse of a firefly’s ethereal glow, taste delicious food, or laugh with a loved one. Noticing and experiencing joy in our daily lives is an enlivening, fun, and illuminating practice. Some say individual moments of joy are actually the essence of the abiding happiness we seek.

Over time, acknowledging and savoring the joy we find in the little things can help us build a happy, grateful, and full life. In these 17 quotes, renowned teachers, athletes, poets, and others celebrate the simple sources of joy.


Perfect happiness is a beautiful sunset, the giggle of a grandchild, the first snowfall. It's the little things that make happy moments, not the grand events. Joy comes in sips, not gulps.
— Sharon Draper, author and teacher

The happiness of life is made up of minute fractions — the little soon forgotten charities of a kiss or smile, a kind look, a heartfelt compliment, and the countless infinitesimals of pleasurable and genial feeling.
— Samuel Taylor Coleridge, writer and theologian

Something as simple and ordinary as drinking a cup of tea can bring us great joy and help us feel our connection to the Earth… Drinking a cup of tea is a pleasure we can give ourselves every day.
— Thích Nh?t H?nh

I still get wildly enthusiastic about little things… I play with the leaves. I skip down the street and run
against the wind.
— Leo Buscaglia, professor and author

In the sweetness of friendship, let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.
— Khalil Gibran

The things that I see as I walk along the streets — a little flower that blooms in May, a lovely sunset at the end of a day, someone helping a stranger along the way — that's heaven to me.
— Sam Cooke, singer and songwriter

Each moment and whatever happens thrills me with joy,
— Walt Whitman

There's something about putting on a new pair of shoes or a new shirt that gives you a new joy.
— DeAndre Hopkins, football player

They were content with each good day as it came, taking pleasure in every meal, and in every word and song.
— J.R.R. Tolkien

There is not one little blade of grass, there is no color in this world that is not intended to make men rejoice.
— John Calvin, theologian

The sun looks down on nothing half so good as a household laughing together over a meal, or two friends talking over a pint of beer, or a man alone reading a book that interests him.
— C.S. Lewis

With coarse rice to eat, with water to drink, and my bended arm for a pillow — I have still joy in the midst of these things.
— Confucius

When you get the perfect parking space, hear your favorite song on the radio, approach a light that turns green, or find an empty seat on the bus or train, say thank you. These are all good things that you are receiving from life.
— Rhonda Byrne, author of "The Secret"

And joy is everywhere; it is in the earth's green covering of grass; in the blue serenity of the sky.
— Rabindranath Tagore, writer, composer, philosopher, and painter

I am convinced that we, as adults, must constantly cling to, affirm, and celebrate with our children those things we love; sunsets, laughter, the taste of a good meal, the warmth of a hickory fire shared by real friends, the joy of discovery and accomplishment, the constant surprises of life.
— Eliot Wigginton, writer and folklorist

I don't have to take a trip around the world or be on a yacht in the Mediterranean to have happiness. I can find it in the little things, like looking out into my backyard and seeing deer in the fields.
— Queen Latifah
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Poultry 9-11?
Another Food Facility
Hit By Fire

June 1, 2022

A fire Saturday night at a Minnesota commercial egg farm likely killed thousands of chickens in the latest agricultural fire hitting the American food supply chain.

The fire occurred at an egg production facility belonging to Forsman Farms in Stockholm Township, with firefighters arriving on the scene shortly after 10 p.m.

First responders said the main building at the facility suffered significant damage with lesser damage to surrounding support buildings. The report prepared by the Wright County Sheriff’s Office indicated the fire originated in the large barn that houses chickens and stores manure.

The official report estimated that there were probably around 200,000 chickens housed in the barn at the time of the fire. The initial report did not indicate a likelihood of criminal activity causing the fire.

A Forsman Farms spokesperson confirmed that many chickens died in the fire, but no people were injured. The company said that the major damage was contained to the main building at the facility and it is investigating the cause of the fire.

U.S. News and World Report claimed in a “fact check” that all of the agricultural fires in the U.S. this year have been the result of accidents. The outlet cited a segment on Tucker Carlson Tonight on Fox News in April in which Carlson hosted radio talk host Jason Rantz.

Rantz described the surge in fires “obviously suspicious” and said that they may be an “intentional way to disrupt the food supply.” The segment also reported the news of a plane crash at a Georgia facility of General Mills.

A Fox News statement following the Carlson segment said that the network only suggested that farm fire “incidents have been more frequent this year than in the past.”

A National Fire Protection Association spokesperson said earlier this month that the number of fires at farms this year “is not extreme at all and does not signal anything out of the ordinary.”

The corporate media has consistently reported that the unusual number of fires occurring at food production facilities throughout 2022 is nothing out of the ordinary. Any commenters who have questioned whether the number of incidents could affect the U.S. food supply chain have been dismissed as conspiracy theorists.

Incidentally, Forsman Farms is hosting a fried chicken dinner Potluck all week.
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Experts See Little Change Coming for Gun Control

June 1, 2022

This week’s fatal shooting of 19 elementary school students and two teachers in Uvalde, Texas, resulted in renewed calls from the left for stricter gun control. Many voices demand stripping law-abiding Americans of their 2nd Amendment rights as a knee-jerk reaction to the tragedy.

Everything from universal background checks and banning assault-style weapons to new age restrictions and even changing the Constitution appears to be fair game. However, the nation is divided politically and there is limited public pressure for such moves.

Because of this, experts say, there is little chance the left will get its way.

A national Gallup poll from earlier this year found that only 36% of Americans are unhappy with and want stricter gun control laws. The total of respondents satisfied (41%), dissatisfied and advocating less strict laws (13%), or dissatisfied and wanting no change (7%) totaled 61%.

More polling results, this time from a Pew Research Center survey, shows 38% agree with the Republican position on gun control and 37% agree with the Democratic stand.

Gallup research also shows a historical trend of public opinion swinging in favor of tighter gun measures after previous mass school shootings such as Columbine, Sandy Hook, and Parkland. These spikes in favor of stricter gun control, however, proved temporary.

On one thing the radical left is correct. There is no question the U.S. is a global outlier in its relationship with firearms. The birth and shaping of the nation is intricately linked to an armed citizenry, and for at least half of the country that relationship is a cultural bedrock.

The global Small Arms Survey finds 120 guns for every 100 Americans, over double the total of the second-place Falkland Islands. Roughly 46% of the world’s civilian guns are in the U.S., and Gallup polling shows about 44% of adults live in a home with a firearm.

Ask residents of Chicago or Washington D.C. how effective strict gun control laws are at curbing violence. Criminals line up for background checks nowhere on Earth, and they are unlikely to simply hand over illegal guns for the greater good. In other words, the radical elements will fail.
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A Uvalde Attack Timeline and Deterrence Reality Check
The politicization of the blood of innocents is disgraceful, especially when the victims are children.

“So great is the wickedness of some men, and the stupid servility of others, that one would be almost inclined to conclude that communities cannot be free.” Samuel Adams (1787)

Monday, we observed Memorial Day by honoring those who died in the uniformed service of our nation. My association with the National Medal of Honor Heritage Center includes the blessing of personal relationships with those who have received our nation’s highest military award for valor — for conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action at the risk of their lives “above and beyond the call of duty.”

With that as a backdrop, let’s consider questions about the controversial law enforcement officer (LEO) response to the assault in Uvalde, Texas.

Having profiled the evil lurking on the fringe of our society — in this case, resulting in the murder of 21 people, including 19 third and fourth grade children — before the blood had dried, legitimate questions were raised about the inaction of Uvalde LEOs.

It was almost 80 minutes after the sociopathic assailant entered through an unlocked door at the rear of the school (the first line of defense) and started his murderous assault — despite parents pleading with local police to enter the building and stop the attack, and 911 calls from children in the room where the assailant had barricaded himself — that the assailant was finally killed.

He was shot by a Border Patrol tactical unit officer who was working nearby when the call for help came. Several BP agents defied orders from the local police chief not to enter the classroom in a timeline that raises many questions about the failure to engage the assailant — failures at many levels before the assailant stepped on school grounds. The officer who shot the assailant was wounded but is in stable condition.

To be clear, the protocol for active shooter incidents in any setting is for LEOs to engage the assailant and shoot until he is dead. In this case, seven officers arrived on the scene within minutes of the assailant entering the building but retreated when fired upon.

Distinct from an active shooter scenario, the LEO protocol for a barricaded hostage situation, where hostages are not at imminent threat of being killed, is generally to secure the area, hold position, and wait for special tactical units. In this case, it is not understood why the Uvalde police commander believed this was a barricaded suspect rather than active shooter incident.

But Texas Department of Public Safety Director Steven McCraw was unequivocal in his condemnation of that decision: “From the benefit of hindsight, where I’m sitting now, of course it was not the right decision, it was the wrong decision. Period. There was no excuse for that.”

Among our readers are thousands of combat veterans and those from law enforcement and other professions, whose lives have been, at some point, subject to imminent lethal threat. And among them are Medal of Honor recipients whose valorous acts I know well. They can fully appreciate the words of former Secretary of Defense Gen. James Mattis: “There is nothing better than getting shot at and missed. It’s really great.”

I weigh their opinions about this case, and especially those of my career LEO colleagues, with the gravitas due. I know from my own years as a uniformed officer, and from the countless anecdotes of others, that it can be difficult to press forward in the face of danger. The “fight or flight” instincts are always at play, but for those who are well-trained, both in terms of their physical offensive capabilities and their mental sense of moral obligation to protect the innocent, retreat is not an option.

On the other hand, the flood of armchair punditry about the LEO actions in Uvalde carries no weight. At this point, there is still much that is NOT known about what justified the change in protocols, and in the coming days that will be fully investigated.

There can be a lot of “fog” under fire, and this was a deadly close-quarters fire scenario. On top of that, over the last three years, given the vilification of police by leftist politicians, that fog has gotten even thicker.

For context, LEOs risk their lives (and careers) countless times every day with every traffic stop and every response to a 911 call. They save countless lives every day, but there are few headlines acknowledging that.

Beyond the timeline questions, the critical question is deterrence — how do we stop future mass assaults?

Within hours of the Uvalde assault, predictably, leftist politicos, with Joe Biden leading the charge, paused their advocacy for the killing of the most innocent among us, roughly 2,200 children before birth every day, and did what they always do — used the blood of innocents as political fodder in their relentless assault on the Second Amendment, which assures the First Civil Right required to defend all others.

In his initial remarks on the assault, Biden complained, “When in God’s name will we do what we all know in our gut needs to be done?”

Answer: When Democrats focus on the actual problem, cultural entropy, rather than reflexively regurgitating political talking points about “gun control.” They no longer invoke “God’s name” other than for rhetorical effect.

Biden went to Uvalde Monday, where he and his “do something” chorus promoted their political agenda. They reflexively insisted this assault was the result of “gun violence” while avoiding any suggestion that, first and foremost, violence is a cultural problem.

But the harsh reality is that this violence, and that which claimed the lives of more than 21,000 other Americans last year, is primarily the result of generationally failed Democrat Party policies, resulting in cultural disintegration since the 1960s. We see this most acutely on Democrat-controlled urban poverty plantations — but it spills over in small towns like Uvalde.

So, what additional regulatory solutions might help to stop mass attacks?

Beyond the boilerplate anti-2A rhetoric, first up on the “do something” list would be promoting so-called “red flag” laws, which might slightly increase the possibility of identifying sociopaths before the exceedingly rare attacks on schools.

These attacks are exceedingly rare now, but before the Demos’ “Great Society” institutionalization of poverty and the cultural devolution that followed, they were virtually nonexistent.

But concerns about government abuse of such “interpretive regulations” is the primary obstacle, and that concern is wholly justified.

Consider the fact that Hillary Clinton’s lawyer was just acquitted for lying to the FBI about the connection between the fabricated Trump/Russia dossier and Clinton. Everyone knows that Clinton conspired with the highest level cadres in the FBI and CIA to take down a president. And yet there is no justice.

So, you ask, what does that have to do with “red flag” and other laws ostensibly designed to prohibit crimes committed with firearms?

Answer: If there is no accountability for the now-thoroughly documented collusion between Clinton and key FBI/CIA brass to take down Trump, I can assure you there will be no accountability for expanding or diverting a bureaucratic regulation designed to accomplish the political objectives of the Democrat Party.

Thus, Biden and his leftist ilk will use whatever means to incrementally reach their goal of deconstruction and repeal of the Second Amendment.

Indeed, using the Texas assault as fodder, Biden’s buddy, Canadian PM Justin “Blackface” Trudeau, just took a giant leap toward outlawing weapons. (No word if Trudeau will be asking his private protection detail to give up their firearms.)

Additionally, regarding red flag laws now on the books in 19 states, those laws allow the firearms of an individual to be confiscated, without due process, but do nothing further to prevent the individual from acquiring other methods for harming others. Recall that the most violent attack on a school occurred in 1927 when a Bath, Michigan, school board member murdered 45 people, including 38 elementary students — with a bomb.

Regarding such laws, political analyst David French notes, “In every one of the deadliest school shootings, the shooter exhibited behavior before the shooting that could have triggered a well-drafted red flag law.” He noted further that “well-drafted” means, “The law should contain abundant procedural safeguards, including imposing a burden of proof on the petitioner, hearing requirements, and a default expiration date unless the order is renewed through a clear showing of continued need.”

That’s nice in theory, but he completely discounts the systemic Beltway corruption that defies any accountability, as noted above.

And on the subject of the politicization of red flag laws, in California, the state Senate just voted to end mandatory reporting on students who threaten schools because it is racially insensitive. This, in effect, empowers school assailants.

However, I do think there are regulatory measures that should be implemented. Let me toss in this grenade: The sociopath in Uvalde purchased his rifle the day after he turned 18. There have been objections to increasing the legal age for the purchase of such rifles to 21 — the same age requirement for a handgun or a six-pack of beer. I do not object to this age increase — not that it would have stopped anyone from illegally obtaining a firearm, particularly in Texas, where deadly weapons regularly flow across the southern border. But it would have been a considerable speed bump in this case.

That being said, passing more laws, when existing laws are not enforced (despite the fact that criminals and sociopaths don’t obey laws), is much more convenient and politically expedient than formulating meaningful social solutions. Real solutions will address the core cultural issues that produce violent offenders — no amount of firearm regulation will prevent violence.

Allow me to offer a few more things to consider in the coming heated debates over “gun control”…

More people are bludgeoned to death with hammers annually than killed with AR-15 “assault rifles,” those semiautomatic sporting rifles that Demos and their Leftmedia talkingheads and scribes refer to as “weapons of war.”

Consider that 107,000 Americans died from drug overdoses last year, and a lot of those drugs, and the criminal thugs muling and selling them, crossed Biden’s open border. The U.S. murder rate is almost 80% less than the overdose rate.

In addition, there are more than 10,000 drunk-driver deaths annually, but that rate is at its lowest since 1982 because DUI laws are actually enforced — as Nancy Pelosi’s husband found out last weekend.

And here’s a reality check on both the violent assailants who use firearms and their victims: As I have documented previously, if you don’t have a violent criminal record, and are not associated with the violent sociopathic thug, drug, or gang subcultures that commit the vast majority of crimes in America, your chances of being shot or killed by an assailant are extraordinarily low — as low as in most Western European nations, where handgun ownership is outlawed.

Thus, if you’re a law-abiding citizen, your statistical probability of being killed by a drunk driver is substantially higher than being murdered by an assailant with a firearm. (Oddly, no one is demanding we ban automobiles (unless they use petroleum) or ask for a federal background check before purchasing a beer.)

Oh, and regarding the NRA annual meeting in Houston last week: Guns are allowed at those massive gatherings, yet no shootings ever occur. And outside those venues, for years, police agencies have reported a drop in crime when thousands of concealed-carry permit holders are in town. Further, no NRA member has ever been arrested for a mass shooting.

Guns are not the problem, and making law-abiding citizens helpless will not make outlaws harmless.

Finally, I’ll leave you with this observation from Lieutenant Governor Winsome Sears of Virginia, a Republican woman who is also black, which is to say she terrorizes the Demo status quo: “America is in a battle for her children. We weep for the breakdown of the family. We weep for fatherless homes. We weep for the lack of respect for fellow men. We weep over the countless Black men murdering each other. We weep at the onslaught against the liberty of thought and expression. Indeed we have left goodness, gentleness, and kindness behind, only to be left loathing, crudeness, greed, and sloth.”

Footnote: Regarding the demand that schools be more secure, Biden’s White House parrot Karine Jean Pierre responded: “I know there has been a conversation about hardening schools, that is not something [Biden] believes in.”
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Hollywood Actor Kevin Sorbo: I’m Not Taking Gun Safety Tips From A White House That Armed the Taliban

JUNE 1, 2022

Conservative Hollywood actor Kevin Sorbo suggested he’d pass on gun lectures from the administration that less than a year ago helped ‘arm’ the Taliban.

The “Hercules” and “Let There Be Light” star suggested the Biden White House could save their breath on gun safety speeches or sermons.

“I don’t need the administration that armed the Taliban lecturing me on gun safety,” he tweeted Tuesday.

Sorbo’s comment is a reference to the nearly billions of dollars in military equipment and training costs provided to security forces in Afghanistan since 2001, much of which was reportedly left behind after Biden’s disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal.

White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan admitted that “certainly a fair amount of it has fallen into the hands of the Taliban.”

The actual number though has been disputed in part because the figure includes the cost of training and housing Afghan police over a 20-year presence in the country.

Sorbo’s ‘gun safety’ comments come following a deadly school shooting in Uvalde, Texas that claimed the lives of 21 people – including 19 elementary-aged children.

It also comes just weeks after Democrats, who were apoplectic about their ‘right’ to abort babies, suddenly have decided pro-gun Republicans must not care about children if they defend their constitutional rights.

Sorbo offered up further commentary about the gun debate following the Uvalde tragedy.

“Last week the left said ‘If you ban abortions people will just get them illegally,'” he tweeted. “Now they want to ban guns? Won’t people just get them illegally then? How dare you politicize a tragedy to push your idiotic agenda.”

In another, he urged Americans not to “let people who surround themselves with armed security tell you that YOU can’t own a firearm to defend yourself.”

Gun Misinformation
Not only is the administration that helped ‘arm’ the Taliban now lecturing on alleged gun violence, they’re spreading loads of misinformation on the topic.

President Biden has consistently promoted the false claim that the Second Amendment never allowed for cannon ownership.

In addition to the cannon screed, the President offered up other incredible statements like suggesting that a 9mm handgun is a “high-caliber weapon” in which a bullet “blows the lung out of the body.”

Neither, according to experts, is true.

Biden has also suggested high-powered firearms are not necessary for the common folk because ‘deer don’t have Kevlar vests.’

You may recall that Biden served as Vice President under Barack Obama and that administration also brought you Fast and Furious.

That scandal involved running guns to Mexico which were then lost and used by drug cartels.

One was used in the shooting death of border patrol agent Brian Terry, while others turned up at the scenes of violent crimes in Phoenix, as well as at least 11 other violent crimes across the country.

So yea, I’m with Sorbs on this one. Biden can save his little gun lectures for people who don’t know about his past in helping arm terrorist organizations and drug cartels.
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Terrance and Phillip will disagree
Canada’s Trudeau Vows To Ban All Handgun Sales, Pass Red Flag Law,
5-Round Magazine Capacity Limit

JUNE 1, 2022

In a scene that looks more like a dystopian film than real life, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau addressed Canada flanked by a black backdrop, Canadian flags, and a handful of masked followers bobbing their heads in support of his words.

Those words were to announce legislation on Monday that will freeze the sale, trade, and importation of all handguns in Canada. The sweeping gun control bill also includes additional ‘red flag’ provisions, harsher punishments for gun law violators, and includes a provision for “gender-based violence.”

This legislation comes just ahead of proposed gun control legislation in the United States.

Unfortunately for freedom-loving Canadians, there is no 2nd Amendment in the Canadian Constitution to prevent such legislation from passing.

“One Canadian killed by gun violence is one too many,” Trudeau said in his statement. “I’ve seen all too well the tragic cost that gun violence has in our communities across the country. Today, we’re proposing some of the strongest measures in Canadian history to keep guns out of our communities and build a safer future for everyone.”

According to Trudeau’s statement, the bill will:

Freeze all handgun sales in the country.

Take away gun licenses from anyone ‘involved’ in acts of domestic violence or criminal harassment.

Increase criminal penalties for gun smuggling.

Create a ‘red flag’ law.

Require all rifle magazines to be altered to only hold five rounds.

Opposition Party Calls Out Trudeau’s Tyranny

Conservatives opposed to these gun laws have pointed out that the new law will punish law-abiding gun owners. Maxime Bernier, the leader of the People’s Party of Canada, expressed his disapproval of the measure.

“Trudeau is exploiting a tragedy in another country to once again attack peaceful gun owners in Canada,” Bernier said. “This new crackdown will have zero impact on gang violence in our cities. Like all tyrants, he wants to completely disarm citizens.”

Bernier’s point can be reiterated anecdotally by a shooting in West Virginia that occurred over the weekend where an armed citizen fended off a potential mass shooting with her handgun.

Police in Charleston, WV told local news WRAL that a man with a criminal history became disgruntled after he was asked to stop speeding through the parking lot of an apartment complex where children were at play. The man returned with a rifle and began shooting at the holiday crowd.

That is when a woman pulled out her own pistol and shot and killed the attacker.

“This lady was carrying a lawful firearm,” Lt. Tony Hazelett with the Charleston Police Department said. “She’s just a member of the community who was carrying her firearm lawfully, and instead of running from the threat, she engaged with the threat and saved several lives last night.”

Prime Minister Trudeau insists that Canadians have no use for guns in their everyday lives.

Misinformation, Disinformation, or Deception?
Following Trudeau’s statement on Monday, one journalist can be seen questioning the Prime Minister on the Canadian equivalent of CSPAN. He asks Trudeau whether this legislation punishes lawful gun owners.

“I think people need to be careful about misinformation and disinformation in this,” Trudeau responded.

“We’ve specifically not targeted law abiding firearms owners because those who currently own and operate handguns safely are not targeted at all by this legislation.”

Yet, in the same breath he adds that, “we’re simply saying that we’re freezing the market and in the future it will not be possible to buy, sell, transfer or import handguns in Canada. There have been too many tragedies. Canadians need to see safer communities and this is a comprehensive multi-step act towards that.”

So, current lawful gun owners will not be “targeted,” but all future gun owners will, considering that there will be NO future handgun owners in Canada at all once this legislation passes (excepting law enforcement and hunters, presumably).

Trudeau’s statement also specifies there will be a “buyback” program for all “assault style rifles” which were banned by his government in 2020.

In case Americans are wondering what the left’s ultimate goal is for gun control, they do not have to look very far north to see.
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7 Old-Fashioned Jobs
That No Longer Exist

Gone is the soda jerk and milkman. The telegraphists and the bowling alley pinsetters are relics of the past. The haberdasher, town crier, and lowly VCR repairman have all gone the way of the lamplighter. And that’s just during the 20th century! Due to advances in technology and the evolution of society, many occupations that were once considered essential no longer exist in today’s job market. Here’s a look at common professions that have disappeared over the past few centuries.

This may explain why smee is unemployed.
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Stunning Defeat at the WHO

Jun 1, 2022

All 13 of Joe Biden’s proposed amendments designed to cede American sovereignty to the World Health Organization (WHO) were rejected. But Biden, Bill Gates and the WHO are continuing the push to establish WHO as a global cop over any “public health emergency.”

WHO already has far too much control over its 194 member nations. This includes the United States, thanks to George W. Bush, who signed America on to the 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR) following the original SARS scare.

Below I will outline the next steps the WHO plans to use to push new IHR amendments and even a new “Pandemic Treaty.”
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Biden Suffers Big Loss at WHO Meeting

Jun 1, 2022

Joe Biden lost a major battle at the World Health Organization’s (WHO) World Health Assembly last week. But the plan to cede American sovereignty to the United Nations and its associated globalist health group continues. We’ve managed to raise awareness among key members of Congress and several governors, but there is much more to do to save America from Biden’s and Bill Gates’ scheme to launch a New World Order. Read on. — Mat
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"The Racists are coming out of the woodwork,
and we're all out of wood"

Professor: Cops Didn’t Stop School Shooting Because Kids Were ‘Brown’

( – According to University of Pennsylvania Professor Anthea Butler, the police at the scene of the Robb Elementary School massacre last week in Uvalde, Texas, that left 19 school children and two teachers dead, didn’t take action to stop the killer for more than an hour because the school kids were “brown.”

In short, Professor Butler has accused the cops of being racists who were all too happy to see children of color die at the hands of a deranged killer.

To be precise, Butler tweeted the following:

“So since no one else will ask, I will. Did those children die because most of them were Mexican American and the police didn’t give a damn about a school w predominately brown kids? I mean, because it’s Texas.. and if you think everyone who isn’t white is illegal.”

Yet, as George Washington University Law Professor Jonathan Turley points out, “Uvalde Police Chief Daniel Rodríguez is Latino as is Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District Police Chief Pedro Arredondo. Many of the officers at the scene were Latino and there were officers with children at the school and among the dead.”

In fact, a review of photos and video taken on the day of the school shooting shows that many, perhaps even a majority, of the police on the scene were themselves “people of color.”

One other aspect about Professor Butler: She is a contributor to MSNBC.

What is your opinion about University of Pennsylvania Professor Anthea Butler accusing the police at the scene of the Robb Elementary School massacre last week in Uvalde, Texas, that left 19 school children and two teachers dead, of not taking action to stop the killer for more than an hour because the school kids were “brown”? Please email your thoughts and views about Butler and her accusation by emailing Thank you
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"It is unclear if Biden will use his time in Texas to call for an assault weapons ban, but given his recent history, he will try to make Political Hay out of it, again."
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Gun Laws Will Not Fix a Problem of Culture and Spirit

June 1, 2022

Once again, the nation has witnessed a horrible, pointless act of violence, with innocent children the victims.

And, once again, we hear from liberals that the answer is gun control.

If we look at what generally characterizes the mindset of those — generally young men — who commit these acts, we see what generally characterizes the mindset that has taken hold of our whole culture.

Victimhood, blame and denial of personal responsibility.

Can this be an accident?

Kudos to The Wall Street Journal for having the courage to point to these incidents as signs of a "social and spiritual" problem in the country. "The rise of family dysfunction and the decline of mediating institutions such as churches and social clubs have consequences."

The signs of a society that is sick are all around us: the collapse of family, the collapse of interest in marriage and having children.

In 2021, 107,000 Americans died from drug overdoses, an all-time high and a 15% increase over the previous year.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, the suicide rate in the U.S. increased 35.2% from 1999 to 2018.

Suicide was the second leading cause of death among young people, ages 10-34, and the fourth leading cause of death among individuals ages 34-44.

A characteristic common to suicides and mass killings is that the perpetrators are disproportionately men.

Men — generally young men — commit indiscriminate mass murder, and men take their own lives at a rate almost four times higher than women.

So, men demonstrate in a most unpleasant way another truth that our liberal friends want to deny. Men are different from women — not just in physical makeup but also in spiritual, psychological makeup.

For whatever reason, our increasingly Godless, materialistic, morally empty culture seems to take a particularly heavy toll on men.

American Enterprise Institute scholar Nick Eberstadt has looked into the recent phenomenon of prime-age men — ages 25-54 — who have bailed out of the labor market. These are men who have stopped working and seeking work. The official label is NILF — not in the labor force.

According to Eberstadt, the total number of NILF men held steady in the 1940s and 1950s at around 1 million. Then in the late 1960s it exploded. There are now 7 million prime-age men who have withdrawn from the workforce.

According to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, the labor force participation rate of men — the percent of working age men in the work force — was 86.2% in January 1950. In April 2022, it was 68%.

The labor force participation rate for women has almost doubled over the same period — 33.4% in January of 1950 to 56.7% in April 2022.

We've gone from a culture centered on church to a culture centered on government.

According to Gallup, in 1950 over 70% of Americans belonged to a church. In 2020, it was 47%. Among those born between 1981 and 1996, it's 36%.

Over the same period, take of all levels of government from our GDP went from 22.6% to 43.4%.

Sanctity of life was devalued with Roe v. Wade. Military conscription was abolished around the same time, erasing any personal responsibility, beyond paying taxes, that men have to serve.

In this vacuous culture of entitlement and meaninglessness, lost young men periodically make their presence known through violent expressions, sometimes directed at others, sometimes toward themselves.

I do not pretend that this is simple. I certainly agree that security measures should be taken, particularly in schools.

George Washington warned the nation in his farewell address that there is no freedom without faith, tradition and personal responsibility.

The same liberals that have helped wipe this out now want more government in the way of new gun laws to solve what is a cultural and spiritual crisis.

Clearly, Morality has taken a back seat to Materialism. Blame it on The ADs!
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Man Tries Running To Boost Health And Oh No! He Now Has 7 New Injuries!

May 31st, 2022

BANGOR, ME—According to sources, local 36-year-old man Ryan Winkley recently decided to start running every day to improve his physical health, but oh no! After only one day he already has 7 new injuries!

"Well, it looks like my running career is already over," said Winkley. "Once I regain my ability to walk and run and turn my head both ways, maybe I'll resume. But for now, I need to sit back in my recliner and heal."

According to witnesses, the trouble began when he started jogging down his street and stepped on a little piece of gravel in a weird way, which caused him to completely blow out his knee. He then sniffed some pollen in the air, causing him to sneeze too hard and mess up his neck. Within three minutes, his back, shoulder, ankles, calves, and left elbow were completely unusable.

Experts are warning that any attempt to go for a run after the age of 35 could result in devastating bodily trauma. People in this age group are being urged to stick to the elliptical machine at the gym or maybe just settle for watching TV in a recliner.

At publishing time, Winkley sustained 3 additional injuries on the elliptical machine and 2 more in his recliner.
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Big Bear*Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Ginger Carol Zimmerman  ·

Good morning Dee,
Just wanted to thank you for all the good things that you do. You are very much appreciated!!

Dee Levey
Ginger Carol Zimmerman. You are more than welcome💜this group truly gives me purpose. If I can help or just make someone smile,I'm doing good🥰

Bam Bam Elby
Thank you Dee Levey 💜💜💜

Ron Tello Culley
Get out of our house, Ginger.

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Keven Field
John Holder I only had mc doanlds 2 times in my life.and I am 64

Janice Lewis
I suing too.....I wasn’t happy either

Jerri Crump
Must of got a bad toy!

Ron Tello Culley
Sometimes the toy tastes better.

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James Vivid Conlin  ·

Why was my post about the drug house removed... im over you protecting these people on the mountain... what is wrong with the admins of this page... huh? Why protect thieves and druggies.... its absurd
Understand youre leaving a community voiceless where police presence is at the very minimum.. this is how we make everyone aware of issues... of course people know about them, but it is nice when the community is gathered behind one thing, not divided.... we can absolutely,  as a community, demand something be done... nothing is louder than an entire town demanding that police do something for the safety of the families within the community...
What hapoens when one of your kids picks up paraphernalia going to the bus... what happens when one of these tweaks exposes themselves to children AGAIN.... its hapoened multiple times and nothing is being done... how about the theft... what about the violence the invite..... example. The shooting that just hapoened... or the brick that was left on someones head in the street...
This needs to be delt with

Vincent Plant
Hey bro u gotta chill out man. Ur comments are takin down almost always by facebook. Facebook is corrupt AF and if u say anything that makes them think u are inciting violence or bullying or anything of the sort no matger what context its in 1 of two things happens.
They take the post down and warn the admins of possible suspension of the page
Or they warn the admins of suspension of page if not taken down.
Our previous admins dealt with the same thing. And as time goes on and liberal ran facebook continues to snowflake out and be woke... it gets worse every day. Our admin has been out of town all weekend and literally hasnt been doing anything fb related. So u sont even know what your talking.
Now...i get where ur comming from. 100 percent. But wigging out on facebook and then talking like ur threatening the admins makea you sound like a strait up phsyco. Sp bring it down a notch. No one here is protectong thugs tweekers and criminals. And no one is out to try and silience u
Well ....facebook is... but no one here on this mountain in their right mind is

James Vivid Conlin
Vincent Plant thats the last thing im doing. Im not threatening the admins... i asked why the posts have been removed... the comments left on a post i have no control over. I report the ones that are ridiculous 100% and threatening as well as the overly political comments....
Im seeking to make the community so loud that the police HAVE to do something.... the day someones child picks up a needle or has another druggy expose themselves....
Something just has to happen, man.
It is desperation at this point driving me.
I very regularly have to confront and chase these people away from my property and families property.
Perhaps a call in a change of leadershio at our police department would be the better route

Vincent Plant
James Vivid Conlin dude im with 100 percent on all that shite man. But i sae ur other post and i wanma be clear that no one here is trying shove a sock in ur mouth..
Ive been banned on fb so many times i cant even say i dislike something and use the "H" word.

James Vivid Conlin
Vincent Plant I get it, ive been targeted by facebook for a while now. Im just frustrated with how little is being done about the issues up here. Im sure most will agree with that.... the sitting by silently is just as bad as perpetuating an issue in my personal opinion, as well. I understand that the sheriffs hands are tied by law... but they also have the ability to report this to government agencies that can do something about it. Its a quagmire all around

Brandi Eastin
James Vivid Conlin I did not remove your post as Vincent Plant explained. Now, in THIS post you’re calling me out. Even after I posted last week NOT to do that.
You know nothing about me. You’re making multiple assumptions about me in this post, all of which are incorrect.
1. We don’t have a police department, we have a Sheriffs Department.
2. They are working on the issues you’ve presented.
3. Meet with them. Discuss how we as a community can assist in cleaning up this community then post it.
4. When you do meet with them I suggest coming at them with humility, compassion, and concern for the community in a non threatening way.
5. You’ll be surprised to know that all the current deputies agree with you!
6. Again, let me be clear…don’t come at me sideways in accusatory ways you have zero knowledge of. It’s really simple to message me.
7. Yes, I was in Colorado for 5 measly days to visit my kids and grandkids. Facebook is last on my list of things to do when I’m with them. Thanks to a very small team of volunteers I was able to take a long weekend away (which isn’t enough time) while they kept all of our pages/groups running as smoothly as possible.
8. I’m the only admin here because some of y’all are mean and unnecessarily come at admins. I have chosen not to have other admins and succumb them to the treatment I have received here.
9. When you setup a meeting with the Sheriffs Department let me know, I can possibly clear my schedule to go with you.
10. Make it a great day!

John Hopkins
Brandi Eastin very well put. 👌

Brandi Eastin
John Hopkins Thank you. I agree with OP completely!! However, we need to find different ways to type our points sometimes. It’s not always me, sometimes it’s the platform erasers. 😉

John Eric Sharpe
James Vivid Conlin I agree with you! Pretending these drug houses don't exist is making it so much worse. I believe our sheriff deputies are doing a great job and have seen them make many arrests but the criminals are out and back in the same houses the next day, selling drugs again in frustrating cycle. We need legal action to include San Bernardino County Sheriff @Shannon Dicus (up for re-election), our County 3rd District Supervisor Dawn Rowe, our CA State Assembly Rep Thurston "Smitty" Smith, and our CA State Senator Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh. The laws need to change!

John Hopkins
I don't think it was deleted because of the post itself. More than likely due to some of the comments. The ladies that run this page are very fair but some of the comments, none made by you were probably pushing the limits. Have a good day.

Ron Tello Culley
What kind of drugs? Do they deliver?😄
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10 Best Ways To Celebrate Pride Month

May 31st, 2022

Pride Month begins on June 1 and lasts until either homophobia is destroyed or the first day of July—whichever comes first.

Here are some great ways to celebrate:

1) Repent - The best thing you can do during Pride Month, or any month.

2) Read all the verses in your Bible that mention pride - Then, repent again.

3) Participate in the ceremonial exchanging of the Ukraine flag profile pic for the rainbow flag profile pic - It is a time-honored tradition.

4) Buy a Mustang - Become an honorary gay.

5) Put some frogs in water treated with government chemicals - This will make them gay.

6) Use the urinal right next to another dude - Don't make it weird; just do it.

7) Reclaim the rainbow as a symbol of God's promise to never flood the earth again - Then be really annoying by complimenting all the gay people for embracing the Noahic covenant.

8) Listen to some gay artists like George Michael, Elton John, or Maroon 5 - This will show you are an ally.

9) Go to your local library and host a "Sodom and Gomorrah Genesis 19 Reading Hour" for the little ones - We must honor our LGBTQ history.

10) Repent one more time just to be sure - You can't be too careful when you're living in a nation that blatantly defied God for decades after He blessed her and made her into the most prosperous nation on earth!
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Easily take out an aggressive attacker with one simple move.

There is a simple move that could disarm and take down any attacker no matter how big or aggressive they are...and anyone can do it.
This video shows you what you need to know, but please be warned, it contains graphic content.

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Can fact-based discovery be redeemed?

Science is in trouble. Real questions in desperate need of answers—especially those surrounding ethnicity, gender, climate change, smee and almost anything related to ‘health and safety’—are swiftly buckling to the fiery societal demands of what ought to be rather than what is.     

In Science in an Age of Unreason, legendary professor of psychology and biology, John Staddon, unveils the identity crisis afflicting today’s scientific community, and provides an actionable path to recovery. With intellectual depth and literary flair, Staddon answers pressing questions, including:

Is science, especially the science of evolution, a religion?
Can ethics be derived from science at all?
How sound is social science, particularly surrounding today’s most controversial topics?
How can passions be separated from facts?

(That's easy: Bi-Polarism)

Informed by decades of expertise, Science in an Age of Unreason is a clarion call to rebirth academia as a beacon of reason and truth in a society demanding its unconditional submission.

And get smee off my Front Page.

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


  • Knight of the RT
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