Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2930098 times)


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That's soooo 2019...

:troll2: :roughend: :mobbing:                            :motorbikeride:
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Oh come Mr Tellomon Tello me bananas ....


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ok so now yer not drinking but you still pose a credibility issue.

You can fool me. but to no ends cuz I DON'T CARE.


"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Ron Tello Culley

ISO CD Player Boom Box. Beg buy borrow or worse. It's a Halloween show at issue here.  Gonna be great, need your help right here. Good? Sugarloaf, go figure...
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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I like cake


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Sure ya do.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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thats almost cute


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  :tello:    "Almost" counts.

Try adding this up, Sweeties..

No Consent
4h  ·
Come see us out this Sunday when we play at the Iron Hog Saloon  (20848 National Trails Hwy, Oro Grande, CA 92368) from 12-4pm. It's an outdoor show on 2+ acres so there's plenty of room to spread on out. Come enjoy some delicious menudo starting at 9am until it sells out and ice cold beer!!!

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Ron Tello Culley
Wow! You guys really ARE somebody! You played me as if yer being all simple dudes, felafeling stupid and all. Nice cover, I like camo too!
Is it Rock and Roll yet?
Tyler, my 'Ween show is only complete after ya flip me a No Consent CD. Seriously, it's all show biz with a buzz.

Ron Tello Culley
I have Rob Zombie as back-up tunes. Think about this...

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Ron Tello Culley
Hey! This guy stole my Trade Secrets!

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Less questions.
More answers.

Puzzle me this my friends....

NFB 418

Give up?
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Luisa Jaquish Demorest
October 22 at 6:48 PM  ·
Montello, Nevada
Wow.. can't believe Biden just said "gook buddy"! Who caught that in the debate?
Patti Griffith
Wtheck is a gook buddy 🤔asking for a friend lmao 🤣
 · Reply · 1d
Trula Limardo Wright
Sure would hate to work in the oil industry if Biden gets in
 · Reply · 1d
Ty Corbin
Said he was raised in Scranton Pennsylvania then said raised in Delaware anyone catch that
 · Reply · 20h
Ron Tello Culley
I'm staying out of this. Hi guys and gals! Where can I buy a pistol around there?
 · Reply · 1m
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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6611 Replies

:kilt: :sing: :piano: :band: :leadguitar: :drummer: :conduct: :jester: :motorbikeride:       
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Free images. I'm cleaning out my soft drive....
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Now here comes a challenge.

I got a tiff with CS.
Shipping is a Beeotch.
Won't come/go to California.

So I sez "My town bus duzzint go to your warehouse. What?
Suppose I should hop a Northbound freight train with a Southbound attitude just so I can take a 30% discount on the item I want from you ? "

CS: " You've smuggled before; go on punk, do it again! Fricken RIDE! "

Thx for online shopping with xxxxxxxxxyy@yxoxoxox!!!-R-US.

:delivery:                                    :jester:
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CS knows me from eBay.
Figured. buying history precedes me.

It's the retina scan that does it.

KILL your webcam!!!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Inherent transgressions confessional.

1) There's me, and all that noise.

B) Redneck Sofa Races.

* Vote "STUPID" and you will WIN!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Front-end Cooler comes as Standard Equipment!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Dee Levey
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  · 7h  ·
😡7am,loud music and announcer on LOUD speaker😳Spandex wearing bicyclists peddling their asses up Pine Knot😳7 FRICKING AM😥So apparently we CAN allow these events,BUT WE LOCALS CANNOT HAVE HALLOWEEN IN THE VILLAGE FOR OUR KIDS,(oddly this bicycle event is outdoors in the Village,and no one is wearing masks and that's ok,well shite Halloween is OUTDOORS and the kids WEAR MASKS but we CANNOT have Halloween in the Village?...HOW DOES THIS MAKE ANY DAMN SENSE?)WE ARE TOLD TO WEAR MASKS, WE ARE TOLD TO STAY 6 FT AWAY FROM EACH OTHER😡RULES FOR US LOCALS,BUT OTHERS CAN COME TO OUR COMMUNITY AND PEDDLE THEIR ASSES THRU OUR NEIGHBORHOODS AND DO AS THEY DAMN WELL PLEASE??? Who's idea was this? 😡
Heather Gaskins
Welcome to big bear it seems like its all about money and when they are here they spend money its bs and a dam shame what it has become up here
 · Reply · 7h
Dee Levey
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Heather Gaskins cyclists are probably the cheapest people that come to our community. In my experience over the years they don't spend a whole lot of money up here other than the entry fees they pay to come peddle their spandex asses through a neighborhood at 7 a.m. and Gather in groups of hundreds.
 · Reply · 7h
Mark Austin
Dee Levey they buy bananas. 😝
 · Reply · 7h
Rebecca Jo Gaines
I swear Halloween in the village should still go on. Screw the people who run this town. You can have all these other events but children can't just walk around and get candy.
 · Reply · 7h
Dee Levey
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Rebecca Jo Gaines the funny part is there is absolutely no law that says we can't have Halloween in the village🤔
 · Reply · 7h
Rebecca Jo Gaines
Dee Levey I know not one law. I see no masks everywhere in the village every weekend . What could they do nothing. I would still have Halloween in the village. Children look forward to every year.
 · Reply · 7h
Dee Levey
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Rebecca Jo Gaines the good news is last I heard many businesses in the village has chosen to still hand out candy and then a lot of organizations and neighborhoods have decided to do special things on Halloween for the kids💜 it just sickens me to my core to watch the people in our community be punished on a daily basis, but total strangers can come up here and run amok and do whatever in the hell they want to do. so apparently somebody's pockets are getting padded and it sure as hell isn't the pockets of the community??🤔
 · Reply · 7h
Rebecca Jo Gaines
Dee Levey me too Dee. Pisses me off because they have money. We felafeling count too. We pay taxes why is everything taken away from us. Hell we can't even enjoy our town anymore.
 · Reply · 7h
Debra Innes-Galante
Rebecca Jo Gaines all of us in Whispering Pines estate mobile home park is really looking forward to make all the little trick-or-treaters happy and safe the entrances will be blocked so the children will be safe and they can walk up and down all the streets with no worries looking forward to it
 · Reply · 7h
Debra Innes-Galante
Rebecca Jo Gaines please come to Whispering Pines estate Mobile home Park all my neighbors are stocking up lots of candies and blocking off the streets just like the village and hopefully the kids will have a good time and be safe at the same time
 · Reply · 7h
Rebecca Jo Gaines
Debra Innes-Galante thank you. Locals always step up.
 · Reply · 7h
Debra Innes-Galante
Pass the word around for our little trick or treaters I don't want them to miss out
 · Reply · 7h
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Rebecca Sadergaski
Greedy ass city!
 · Reply · 7h
Rebecca Jo Gaines
Rebecca Sadergaski they are. I hope in November they are all fired. Everything was taken away from kids this yr. But the tourist can do as they please because they have money.
 · Reply · 7h
Rebecca Sadergaski
So true!
 · Reply · 7h
Carol Pettyjohn
So that's the noise I've been hearing all morning! Well Good Morning Carol!
 · Reply · 7h
Dee Levey
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Carol Pettyjohn yes ma'am, it's ridiculous😡
 · Reply · 7h
Lyle DeVore
this is to the point where we the people need to stand up and say something and do something. No more well it’s a resort town and we need to bend over for the $$$??? We must be stricter and have it so that the people that do live here are not getting so screwed!! And if you live here I need to find a place to live good luck on that one everything is becoming air B&Bs all the properties are being purchased it so hard to find a rental right now it’s not even funny
 · Reply · 7h · Edited
Dee Levey
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Lyle DeVore the reason many rentals have become vacation rentals is because like the rest of us people are trying to keep their heads above water. and if they're blessed with the real estate to do so then God bless them. because I would give anything to have a rental property I could rent out as a vacation rental to keep my head above water until this nightmare is over. and the reason a lot of property owners have chosen the vacation route versus the full-time resident route is because sadly a large majority of renter's up here do the property owners very dirty. they don't pay their rent, they squat, they force the owner to evict them and right now owners can't evict anybody so until at least February all Property Owners with full-time residents that aren't paying their rent and using covid as an excuse are stuck. there is nothing they can do. they can't kick them out,they can't take them to court, they can't demand the rent money, so there's always two sides to every story. and a large majority of locals that live in Big Bear work like myself cleaning vacation rentals and managing vacation rentals. so without those rentals many of us will indeed lose our jobs. and this is after all a dual Resort Community. anybody who says there shouldn't be vacation rentals up here have lost their goddamn minds and they probably shouldn't live in a dual Resort tourist community.
 · Reply · 7h
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Mark Austin
Calling all bikers put on your leathers and your loud pipes it's your turn. And bring candy for the kids.
 · Reply · 7h
Dee Levey
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Mark Austin if I had bail money I'd go out in the middle of pine knot right now and block the goddamn Street😂😂😂😂😂
 · Reply · 7h
Mike Copley
Must be an essential event yeah right more of those are scheduled
 · Reply · 4h · Edited
Garcia Garcia
Half if not all these kids are already in school together. So why not allow trick o treating in the village?
 · Reply · 7h
Monique Leilani Martz
Even if Halloween did go on in the village its on a Saturday and will be crammed packed with tourist anyway. Taking my kids to maple ridge and trailer park.
 · Reply · 7h
Dee Levey
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Monique Leilani Martz I think you're missing the point. we locals are being treated like diseased minions in our own Community ,while total strangers can come up here and run amok through our village and our neighborhoods and it's no big deal🤔
 · Reply · 7h
Lyle DeVore
Monique Leilani Martz The church I go to the Believers Chappel is also going to be passing out candy for Halloween so that children can get their candy safely and not have to worry about going through neighborhoods that are dark and scary and who knows what we want to make sure that everybody has a safe Halloween that is what Jesus would do
 · Reply · 7h · Edited
Lyle DeVore
It’s all bull shite and we are being sheeple at this point I am in a revolt kinda set of mind! Trick or treating should not be stopped in any way!!! We are allowing this to happen? Time for we the people to stand up and go live our lives!!! Stop living in fear of catching that cold! Flu whatever it is. We have all recovered up here and have 200,000 visitors approximately every weekend on this mountain and nobody’s died up here in Big Bear stop being sheeple and wake up!
 · Reply · 7h · Edited
Dee Levey
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Lyle DeVore we all know covid-19 is real and we all know sadly some people have died from it,others get very sick and still others don't really get that sick at all. and as far as them telling us that the kids can't do trick-or-treat Halloween in the village, there's no law that says they cannot. and we all know that and many establishments have chosen to hand out candy anyway. the whole point is,why are the locals in our community held the one standard and total strangers can come up here and do whatever in the hell they want? this has nothing to do with being sheep. most of us are not sheep. most of us are rational thinking individuals who do what we do out of respect for other people. but when strangers are allowed to do the exact opposite of what we're all told we need to do, then there's a problem.
 · Reply · 7h
Lyle DeVore
Yes covid is a real flu, I’m not that great with words you certainly are I agree 100% that’s what I was trying to say I don’t think it’s fair that we should have to suffer because of profiting for the tourism. The church I go to the Believers Chappel is going to be handing out candy as well to make sure that everybody can get their candy and have a safe Halloween I’m not sure of all the information.
 · Reply · 7h · Edited
Rebecca Jo Gaines
Dee Levey amen Dee. My dear friend caught it her 90 yr old mom got it. I pray daily they get better. But children's costume have face coverings. Parents wear a mask. Children behave alot better than drunks. So bundle up enjoy Halloween and show these leaders most that don't live here that locals aren't taking it anymore.
 · Reply · 7h · Edited
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Marlene Sears
Open the Village 👻🎃??🎃👻for our local kids🎃👻🎃🤠🤡That’s what I say
 · Reply · 7h
Rebecca Jo Gaines
Marlene Sears if they can get drunk on the weekends at Octoberfest then children can get candy
 · Reply · 7h
Lyle DeVore
Marlene Sears well apparently there is no law stopping us from doing this and from what I understand from the information I read from Dee they are going to continue to have Halloween no matter what!!! So grab that candy and go have have fun, please be safe.
 · Reply · 7h · Edited
Marlene Sears
Sound like a plan 👻
 · Reply · 7h
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Greg Benson
 · Reply · 7h
Rebecca Jo Gaines
Greg Benson I did. Hope they all lose.
 · Reply · 7h
Courtney Norris
I was surprised to learn Lake Arrowhead has a little Halloween event going on there for kids during the daytime.
 · Reply · 7h
Jo Ann Thompson
I was thinking maybe it was just some bike club that agreed to get together, so did a little search. Took 2 seconds. Yep, it's an organized ride. Doesn't the city have to ok these?
2020 Grizzly 100 and MTB Gran Fondo
2020 Grizzly 100 and MTB Gran Fondo
2020 Grizzly 100 and MTB Gran Fondo
 · Reply · 7h
Dee Levey
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Jo Ann Thompson yes they sure do
 · Reply · 6h
Debi Ruh
This is BS. How do we fix this for the kids?!?!?!?!
 · Reply · 6h
Hazel Payne
And your right!!!!!!
 · Reply · 6h
Barbara Carroll
Well said 👍
 · Reply · 6h
Craig Moulton
Well folks could band together and still do something for the kids. There are parks to hold events.
 · Reply · 6h
Bud Cannarella
Halloween falls on a Saturday, it wouldn’t surprise me if the city council canceled the holiday because it would inconvenience the hoards of tourists that will be lining the streets and demanding free candy and services.
 · Reply · 5h
Dee Levey
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Bud Cannarella okay so let's pretend that was their logic. one would think they would reschedule it for a different day, maybe Thursday evening before the weekend or Sunday or Monday evening after all the tourists go home? But that's not what they did. They just straight cancelled it. Hell the damn 4th of July is even being rescheduled and we all know how many people that brings up here.But forget about our local kids😥..smdh
 · Reply · 5h
Janelle Scherer
I wonder how they are going to feel when we drive through the village with all of our Trump flags today!
 · Reply · 5h
Dee Levey
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Janelle Scherer you guys are nothing but peaceful. who gives a damn what anybody thinks🇺🇸?🇺🇸
 · Reply · 5h
Janelle Scherer
Dee Levey I bring my children and know others that do as well. If it was anything other then peaceful, we would not be there. It is a good group of people!
 · Reply · 5h
Roland William Stock Jr.
Lmfao sounds like a fun event wish I was there
 · Reply · 5h
Jasmine Rose
It wasn’t lmao
 · Reply · 1h
Rebecca Jo Gaines
Nobody said anything about our Biden event. But god help if children gather with face coverings to enjoy themselves
 · Reply · 5h
Matt Moran
Because those people are “rich” and come here to spend all their money while us locals slave away just to barely make rent and buy what’s left of the groceries they take from our stores. Like you guys have Walmart’s and targets and all kinds of shite where you live, buy your shite and put it in a cooler. It’s pretty obvious the city cares more about tourists then the hardworking people who keep this valley running.
 · Reply · 5h
Rebecca Jo Gaines
Matt Moran amen. Couldn't of said it better.
 · Reply · 5h
Chaunda Bastian
I have candy if anyone comes by my house. Wabash Lane and Clark. I think my Neighbor across the way will have some too. Rules up here for local are not equal to tourists, that for sure.
 · Reply · 5h
Rebecca Jo Gaines
Chaunda Bastian I bought candy too just in case. Had to hide it from my grown ass kids lol
 · Reply · 5h
Chaunda Bastian
I love it
 · Reply · 4h
Jeanne Cruz
For Someone Who Don't Care About Kids Enjoying Being Outside. Dressing Up In There Favorite Cartoon !!! Give These Kids Time To Enjoy Them Selfs!!! Quit Being A Fuddy Duddy !!

 · Reply · 4h
Paula Nelson-Glass
I would love to attend their meetings and actually speak up
 · Reply · 4h
John Duncan
I agree completely with you Dee.
 · Reply · 49m · Edited
Paula Wisnosky Lemmer
Ron Tello Culley
Halloween Rebellion on the Mountain!
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Ron Tello Culley

I'm with this Halloween 2020 craze! And now.... PUBLIC NOTICE: Halloween Yard Show is in production (on a low-key budget) at my location.
It's the best I can do with what I have. Not sure if the fog machine--on back order--will arrive on time, gonna do this no matter what.
Halloween Night, 8 to 9 pm, 662 San Bernardino Ave, Sugarloaf. Bring your video gear and scoop this!
I had candy in preparation here, but it was Reese's and I ate them all. Not sorry. Advertising is influential, yes? You are now informed, thx!
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All this is happening in Sugarloaf? .....Sweet


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No, not ALL.
Just this ditty I'm doing.
Could go viral.
Or get me killed.

"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Candy is BAD for children


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Sprouts are good
Unsweetned chocolate also
So 2020 was a good thing


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:tello: "Right, then..."

:wtf: :offtopic: :kilt: :dance: :leadguitar: :motorbikeride:        :ripzombie:  :zombieguy:   :mummy:
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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OFFICIAL PUBLIC AND PRIVATE NOTICE:   :judge:   :ni:     :troll2::groucho:                :notsmee:                               :mop:
O Yez O yez, now hear, and most likely disregard this:

See...I'm World Famous and nobody cares.
I'm all Gear and no talent.
And I always rehearse alone.

In retrospect, my presence on the Internet in my limited, un-shackled life has been much more than a Cozmic extention of my 6th Grade experience. It's so.. stinking of 'Reasonable Doubt' .

The. A. Now. How so? Why are you upset, Darling? Why me and what about those guys???

Stresses in life are not the issue you need to persue.
Go After the CAUSE... and THEN bust the chops of EFFECTS later.

It's still the end of the whirled. How's your comfort zone floating for ya? (Nice, now convince me!)

The Conventional "HYPE" on that is: "We all need to "Recycle"!

Recycle what...political/industrial/military/municipal/yo Mama yard waste?

I've taken a plunge into my past and recent Notes, Logs and Journals.

The images are the ugly truth in lying detail.

My new/recent/only lappy is a Spy.

They know MY name; they're working on spelling yours.

Name one thing sacred in this life, and see to it that a crossword puzzle picks up on that, for a fee.

I do have ALL the Answers.

Flock if I know why no body is asking.

Musta been the Programming.


"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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Well, I'm about to get upset
From watchin' my TV
Been checkin' out the news until my eyeballs fail to see
I mean to say that every day is just another rotten mess
And when it's gonna change, my friends, is anybody's guess

So I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'
Hopin' for the best
Even think I'll go to prayin'
Every time I hear 'em sayin'
That there's no way to delay that trouble comin' every day
No way to delay that trouble comin' every day

Wednesday I watched the riot, I seen the cops out on the street
Watched 'em throwin' rocks and stuff and chokin' in the heat
Listened to reports about the whisky passin' 'round
Seen the smoke and fire and the market burnin' down
Watched while everybody on his street would take a turn
To stomp and smash and bash and crash and slash and bust and burn

And I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'
Hopin' for the best
Even think I'll go to prayin'
Every time I hear 'em sayin'
That there's no way to delay that trouble comin' every day
No way to delay that trouble comin' every day

Well, you can cool it you can heat it
'Cause, baby, I don't need it
Take your TV tube and eat it
And all that phony stuff on sports and all the unconfirmed reports
You know I watched that rotten box until my head began to hurt
From checkin' out the way the newsmen say they get the dirt
Before the guys on channel so-and-so, further they assert
That any show they'll interrupt
To bring you news if it comes up
They say that if the place blows up
They'll be the first to tell
Because the boys they got downtown are workin' hard and doin' swell
And if anybody gets the news
Before it hits the street they say that no one blabs it faster
Their coverage can't be beat
And if another woman driver
Gets machine-gunned from her seat
They'll send some joker with a brownie and you'll see it all complete

So I'm watchin' and I'm waitin'
Hopin' for the best
Even think I'll go to prayin'
Every time I hear 'em sayin'
That there's no way to delay that trouble comin' every day
No way to delay that trouble comin' every day

Hey, you know something people?
I'm not black but there's a whole lots a times I wish I could say I'm not white

Well, I seen the fires burnin' and the local people turnin'
On the merchants and the shops who used to sell their brooms and mops
And every other household item
Watched the mob just turn and bite 'em
And they say it served 'em right
Because a few of them are white
And it's the same across the nation, black and white discrimination
Yellin' "you can't understand me!"
And all that other jazz they hand me
In the papers and TV and all that mass stupidity
That seems to grow more every day
Each time you hear some nitwit say
He wants to go and do you in
'Cause the color of your skin
Just don't appeal to him
No matter if it's black or white because he's out for blood tonight

You know we gotta sit around at home and watch this thing begin
But I bet there won't be many left to see it really end
'Cause the fire in the street ain't like the fire in the heart
And in the eyes of all these people don't you know that this could start?
On any street, in any town, in any state if any clown
Decides that now's the time to fight
For some ideal he thinks is right
And if a million more agree, there ain't no great society
As it applies to you and me
Our country isn't free
And the law refuse to see if all that you can ever be
Is just a lousy janitor
Unless your uncle owns a store
You know that five in every four
Just won't amount to nothin' more
Than watchin' rats go across the floor
And make up songs about being poor

Blow your harmonica, son!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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:tello: "True story. The day of the Rodney King Riot...not an hour and a half after it started, I was at home in the Topanga Trailer Court, playing this tune for it's social and historic relevance.

Neighbour Barney walks in my crib, hearing this:

"Wednesday I watched the riot, I seen the cops out on the street
Watched 'em throwin' rocks and stuff and chokin' in the heat
Listened to reports about the whisky passin' 'round
Seen the smoke and fire and the market burnin' down
Watched while everybody on his street would take a turn
To stomp and smash and bash and crash and slash and bust and burn"

Barney exclaims to me:

" Wow, they got a song about it ALREADY???? "

I said no. " This is Frank Zappa, 1966.
Behold, History repeats itself again and NOW! "

Memorable moment in my life.

And you? """""
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"Trouble Every Day" (labeled in early prints as "Trouble Comin' Every Day") is a song by the Mothers of Invention, released on their 1966 debut album Freak Out!

Frank Zappa wrote the song in 1965 at 1819 Bellevue Avenue, Echo Park, Los Angeles, the residence of a methamphetamine chemist referred to by Zappa as "Wild Bill the Mannequin-felafeler"[3] after watching news coverage of the Watts Riots.[4] Originally dubbed "The Watts Riot Song",[4] its primary lyrical themes are racial violence, social injustice, and sensationalist journalism.[5] The musical style—featuring multiple guitar tracks and a harmonica—much more closely resembles blues than mainstream rock and roll.[6]

Producer Tom Wilson of MGM Records signed the Mothers to a record deal on March 1, 1966, having heard only this song and believing them to be a "white blues band".[7] Together, they released "Trouble Every Day" as a single with B-side "Who Are the Brain Police?"[8]

A re-arranged version appeared on the Mothers' 1974 live album Roxy & Elsewhere (and on the 1991 live album The Best Band You Never Heard in Your Life) as "More Trouble Every Day".[9] These subsequent versions were more up-tempo and usually featured a strong horn intro and punctuation.
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High Winds have overturned 12 Big-Rigs on I210/I15.

Lauren Peterson-Reid
NOT..a good day at work!!😕

David Arnold
Lauren Peterson-Reid I found 12 like this on 210 and 15.

Lauren Peterson-Reid
David Arnold OMG!!! Those poor drivers!
Has to be terrifying!!😮

David Arnold
Lauren Peterson-Reid There were 12 like this at the 210/15 Interchange

Lauren Peterson-Reid
David Arnold 😥

Sylvia Illman
Saw all of them

Ron Tello Culley
Perhaps Authorities will come to question you.
Witness testimony is not often accurate, but it's something to do..

Jeanne V. Ramos
I would not want to be one of those truck drivers. I would think other truck drivers would warn each other not to drive along this area in the high winds. I don’t understand why they would take this chance.

Stacy Allman
They don’t have a choice sometimes , when you work for the man , especially in these times !!!

Jeanne V. Ramos
sad but you’re probably right.

Steve Dwayne Copley
Hey you guys keep the wheels on the ground be safe

David Arnold

Christen Denise
It's sad for the truckers, because u just KNOW they knew what they were driving into that day, and still had to.keep truckin

David Arnold

Ron Tello Culley
Looks like a job for Jaime Davis!

Ron Tello Culley
" On the Hiway Thru Hell, closure is a distinctive possibility"
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Dear Admin/Tessa: I'm concerned about smee. You should do so too. Watch him/

He may be Stupid.

I invoke the "No stupid postings on this site" policy.

I'm seriously.

Where are you

and what are you doing

to/for/with Yibs??

If that be the case, then Smee will be on a watch list.

You, however, are royally screwed.


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The guy who wrote that song  ...Frank ....also invented the electric bug dispatcher device


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Yeahwhatevershutupaboutitalready.  :bigcalibre::notsmee:

:marvin:  I'm staying out of this, again....
Check out this jive:

I been trying to buy a cheap, effective wrist watch, on line, for the past 6 weeks.

The first one vanished in the transport wind, and a refund was cheerfully issued.
Now, this: (All data is copy and paste format. Read chronologically from bottom, up.)

Shipment Progress
Times are shown in the local timezone.
2:04 AM
Arrived at USPS Regional Destination Facility

11:19 AM
Insufficient Address
10:26 AM
Arrived at Post Office
10:25 AM
Arrived at USPS Facility
5:49 AM
Departed USPS Regional Facility
6:21 PM
Arrived at USPS Regional Destination Facility
6:21 PM
In Transit to Next Facility
12:00 AM
In Transit, Arriving On Time
12:00 AM
In Transit, Arriving On Time
4:59 AM
Departed USPS Regional Facility
1:17 AM
Arrived at USPS Regional Origin Facility
12:02 AM
Accepted at USPS Origin Facility
2:58 PM
Shipping Label Created, USPS Awaiting Item
In this Shipment
Olivia Pratt Men's Black Stainless-steel 3-dial Sport Watch

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Why do you keep giving incorrect delivery address? :lol: whats wrong with you

PS ....your postal service sounds far more efficient than ours ....
Our tracking wouldnt show at what point they felafelled up the delivery process


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See, my shipping address is clearly stated on ALL of my packages. Only, and counting, this is twice the same blunder happened and prevailed.
Human error or sabbotage?

What, you don't care?

Hand over your shopping card.

No more netsoup for you.

I'm carrying on without peer pressure.
I'll keep my incoming packages to the house a matter of national insecurity.

And now a word from our sponsor....
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Cheeky, but disciplined.

This is the world I made right here cuz it was viable. Then the Post Office shows up with cancelled egg stamps on their face and I'm, "Who's in charge there?"
I called.

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6638 Replies

:drummer: :motorbikeride:                                     :duckling:
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Why do you keep giving incorrect delivery address? :lol: whats wrong with you

PS ....your postal service sounds far more efficient than ours ....
Our tracking wouldnt show at what point they felafelled up the delivery process

Yeah but, did ya get your stuff?
I dint.

BIG diff.

What's wrong with you?

:marvin: Yeah, what's with that?
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No , but I only ordered it in January .... You cant rush these things

Australia post motto is "we deliver" they just dont say when


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That's sick!!!!

Good thing we have each other.
No fail!
I'm ok widdit until the flying Post Trucks attack with bubble wrap and styro-nuts.

Where does my world end and your third world begin?
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Dee Levey shared a post.
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Concerned? Did they say the "city" is concerned?🤣🤣🤣apparently the mayor and powers that be missed this "concerned memo"🤣 On sunday they had a lovely Public Gathering, no masks, no social distancing...what was it they were saying about concern?
City of Big Bear Lake - City Government
Yesterday at 5:04 PM  ·
City, County Continue to Seek Designation of Sub-Regions in San Bernardino County for State Tier System
With colder temperatures arriving, the City is increasingly concerned about the impact of the State's color-coded tier system ("Blueprint for a Safer Economy") on our local businesses. Because the Big Bear Valley is located in San Bernardino County - the largest county in the United States - we remain in the "Purple Tier", the most restrictive tier that prevents restaurants from operating indoors and limits a handful of other business activities.
San Bernardino County, the City of Big Bear Lake, and other cities within San Bernardino County have all submitted requests to Governor Newsom seeking the designation of sub-regions within our county. San Bernardino County is nearly twice as large as the next largest county in California, many times larger than all other California counties, and represents approximately 12% of the total land area in the State of California. San Bernardino County encompasses an area roughly equivalent to 20 counties in central California, all of which have individual tier designations.

Dee Levey
badge icon
Concerned my ass🤣🤣
Image may contain: one or more people, people walking, people standing and outdoor

Carol Pettyjohn
Yeah really!

Jey Allen
[insert Joker GIF here]

Rebecca Jo Gaines
The only thing these anatomical conundrums are concerned about is money

Kyle R Grover
Vote them out. Time to get signatures and recall them.

Ron Tello Culley
Never too late to scramble for the firehoses. America is always on fire.
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And whats more
Back in Feruary I ordered a live bat sammich
from a wet market in Wuhan , China

It took 2 months to get here and the bat was dead
and the bread was mouldy , and the little container of soy was missing
I had to eat meatloaf instead
because my sammich was like a bat out of hell

Its just not cricket


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ok you damn kids shut up and listen to me right now this is adults. Think: Commerce and prosperity and something to eat this week  And as IF this provocative life of mine (and will soon be abandoned) was my Job to mentally wrestle school kids, and at the end of the day standing before the Commissioners, PLEADING SELF DEFENSE... woe! I'd put a stop to this long ago if I wazzint Jumped. More about that earlier, say 2005 on-line...

All I'm asking is WHY the Doctrines of Self Defense were not inclusive to every school child's process?

I have no news for you.

Suck my Ratings.

:troll2:         :ni:                              :mop:
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And whats more
Back in Feruary I ordered a live bat sammich
from a wet market in Wuhan , China

It took 2 months to get here and the bat was dead
and the bread was mouldy , and the little container of soy was missing
I had to eat meatloaf instead
because my sammich was like a bat out of hell

Its just not cricket

:tello: " I surrender. You WIN. Smee is now the awesome kinda dude who now runs the I'll Handle This Non-Clinical Mental Rodeo and GIF Shop Department. I wasn't born to lose; I was assigned to observe bugs. Then I diversified.

One more Candy out of the fire. "
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I'm feeling a thot.

How sad (yeah prolly true) that I, yes...ME, has arrived at a notion: Follow or abandon this at will..or wont... saying that my age is predicated on the number of my internet posts, buys and failed email drafts since wat?

Back in the day (50 flukkin years ago ya little peckerheads!) the society at large was really militant about kids falling in line with the status quo. (Fascism Light in retrospect. ) Now the pain delivers. Your apps are gonna eat you, and I'm investing in that Movie!

So OK right, good?
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"


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We had Status Quo here to

But you could still do whatever you want


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I think this is a bit hack on the Roger account. Just duzzint feel organic and in the flow.
Men in Black can be Phillopinos too.

So what do I care about a hack? A lonely killer or obsessive nuisance?

Count me out of everything except my Homestead. I'm putting on a Show!

3/4/18, 4:57 PM

Roger Cacayorin
2 years ago
Hey Remo wats up
Roger Cacayorin
2 years ago
What up
Jan 29, 2020, 7:45 PM

Roger Cacayorin
39 weeks ago
Happy late Birthday my good buddy
8:49 PM

Roger Cacayorin
21 minutes ago
You sent
18 minutes ago
Hey man. this is special. 1-18-58. Recalculate. Wat u doin saturday?

Roger Cacayorin
16 minutes ago
Babysitting at night
You sent
15 minutes ago
Halloween man, remember? So what's on yer thinking hat for me?

Roger Cacayorin
13 minutes ago
Yes my sons having a halloween party.   Me n wife babysitting granddaughter !!
You sent
9 minutes ago
family yes. Me, no...I'm not doing homework or cleaning my room this week. No shite, I'm doing a Remo Ron Production in myn yard this Ween. I actually got money into it this time. The object is to get this act on video and then get in trouble from there. See..Remo Ron. You that. Oh, the main event is my hair. Yeah, I got it, bless me why?

And then Radio Silence.
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"