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The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on May 27, 2024, 02:10:58 PM »
Are there narcissists who are so far gone that they don't even know they're narcissists and perhaps even think their VICTIMS are the narcissists?


First off they are victims of narcissists.

Second the disorder is such that it is baked into their personality.

That’s why they call it a personality disorder.

It is a disorder to protect the victim (narcissist) from shame.

They don’t know they have it unless they are higher on the spectrum and self aware.

There are many who are unaware they are narcissists but aware of the abuse they inflict.

It is a maladaptive coping mechanism that was learned to survive the abuse from childhood.

Other people who have suffered under this abuse came out differently.

As a survivor myself of decades of covert abuse from psychopaths within my family I don’t have any idea why I’m so called “Normal” or neurotypical..

The psychological community has basically written off personality disorders as permanent accept for Borderline Personality Disorder.

If this has changed, I would like to know.

There are only a few who are trying to reverse this trajectory.

Follow Dr. Elinor Greenberg here if you’re interested in learning more about this.

It is their responsibility to do something about this mess and she is trying to do something about it.

Who narcissists say they are and who they are in reality never, ever is the truth.

Deep down they would know how evil they are, but they will never admit to that.

It serves them to gaslight us and project onto us.

If you are intent to keep someone your victim and have zero empathy inside you, would you not blame your victim for everything?

Stay safe and stay away from them please.

Who you're describing are all over Quora and in life in general.

I've addressed this issue a whole lot and get alot of backlash from it from the so-called victims. these same victims actually know they're dealing with a disordered person and still want to do real physical harm to them. do a search on Quora for narc groups and you'll see names something like “how to hurt the narc”, “how to get revenge on the narc” etc. .

Who in their right mind wants to torture a disordered person? yet these people claim to be victims who are nothing like the narc who hurt them?

Yes, some narcs don't know they're narcs and some are called “lesser” narcs bc they know they're different and something is not right.

Very commonly, yes. Although some self-aware narcissists have the ability to see the situation from a more objective lens.

The thing with narcissists is, they are so self-centered and have such a dominating ego, that they really cannot, for the most part, see past their own ego and self-interests.

What this translates into, is someone who does not understand that there are people with interests, feelings, opinions, wishes, outside themselves.

And if they do catch glimpses of such things, they don't care enough to hold onto the realization. They fall back onto thinking, everyone and everything, is an extension of them. The narcissist is the center of all things.

So, for instance, if the narcissist is in a relationship and they have to make a single sacrifice, a single compromise, then they will see themselves as the victim, even if the partner has made 100 sacrifices, 100 compromises, for every 1 made by the narcissist.

The narcissist simply can't see past the “me, me, me".

There is no “we", just “me" or “you serve me".

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on May 27, 2024, 01:44:24 PM »
What is the single most
dangerous aspect of being in a
relationship with a narcissist?

A narcissistic person is an unhealthy person, who does not view reality in a normal way. Being tied to one will ruin your life. It’s dangerous because life is precious.

1. They are often fearful,  ù a lot of fear and stress in the lives of their partners.

2. They often feel entitled to have their way. So they psychologically punish their partner until they get their way.

3. They are often fake, insincere, and able to lie easily. So there is never really honesty or trust with their partner.

4. They are very shallow, lacking in sensitivity which causes lack of intimacy, so the partner is very lonely.

5. They are often extremely controlling. So the partner eventually loses their identity and becomes a compliant robot in order to avoid conflict.

6. They are often very hierarchical in their thinking and relating to others, so they claim to be superior, and the partner feels inferior.

7. They are often bullies. So the partner becomes an emotional punching bag or whipping post.

8. They are often manipulative and everything they do has an “angle” that benefits them. So the partner is with someone who is not authentic or genuine
9. They are often self-referential, and unable to see others as individuals. So they make poor parents with bad boundaries, seeing their children as possessions or objects.

10. They often feel empty, like they can never get enough, they are never satisfied. So they make their partners feel empty too.

11. They often like to play the martyr when they do something for others. So they make the partner feel like they are obligated and owe them something.

12. They often have the emotional maturity of a 3 year old child. So the partner must become accustomed to violent temper tantrums.

13. They often choose a partner because of the partner’s assets or positive attributes. So the partner was never really loved, or even known.

14. They often insidiously devalue a partner, carefully and surgically. So, the partner begins to believe that they are rather defective over time.

15. They are often judgemental and self righteous, regarding the lives of others. So the partner gets judged and shamed when she fails to do what the narcissist thinks she should do.

16. They are always behind their Dr. Jekyll mask in public. So the partner gets to be with Mr. Hyde behind closed doors. And Mr. Hyde is a monster.

Narcissists are so toxic that they should be distinguished from merely toxic people.

They’ll toss a wrench into the machinery of your self-esteem and cackle while they’re doing it. If you haven’t experienced it, you cannot possibly understand, and I would not wish this “education” on anyone.

The effects can ripple into your friendships, professional life, future intimate relationships, everything.

You will waste up to several thousand hours of your future life brooding and analyzing, time you’ll never get back. Your circuits for evaluating good vs evil will be scrambled, potentially causing you to ignore good people for a while, or bend an ear to bad ones.

Do not spend an extra second in the presence of a narcissist. Asking “What can I do to change her, make her regret doing X or Y” is like juggling hand grenades. These people are so dangerous that your only concern should be whether you leave on foot, by car, bus, train or plane.

Well you are basically opening yourself up to a person who has no other intention than to use you for their purpose and will do anything to achieve this goal!

The most dangerous aspect of that is this person has no shame, no guilt, no remorse and no consideration for you or your life during this process so you are practically in danger from anything at all times in their prescense!

The lying, manipulating, emotional abuse, gaslighting, cheating and etc are nothing compared to the fact this person actually gets pleasure out of doing the most evil and backstabbing hurtful things to someone whom they know actually cares about or loves them!

As crazy as it is and as crazy as some of the things they do, you may or may not be able to forgive them for some of these things over time with personal healing and etc.

But the one thing you can not forgive or overlook is the fact they did these things to you knowing you were genuine to them! In essence they mistook and took your kindness for weakness and used that against you in the most treacherous and manipulative manner!

And they would have continued to do this until you cut them out of your life! It's literally like having a bloodsucking leach attached to you and will not detach until you forcefully remove it and then dodge its return forever!

At the end of the day you lost time, effort, resources and emotional energy and these losses only matter to you, not them! So the most dangerous aspect of being in a relationship with a narcissist is that you were actually in a relationship with nothing more than a shapeshifter, a human mirror or honestly you were dating yourself or a clone!

The good memories you have also mean nothing to them and only exist in your head as a brutal reminder of the losses you can never regain or make up for!

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on May 27, 2024, 12:09:38 PM »
How does shame
mold a narcissist?

Shame plays a paradoxical role in shaping a narcissist. While appearing outwardly confident and grandiose, narcissists often harbor a deep-seated sense of shame they desperately try to conceal. This underlying shame is critical to their development and significantly influences their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.


1. Early Experiences and the Formation of Shame:

Narcissism often stems from early childhood experiences. While the exact causes are complex and varied, common themes include:

Invalidating Environments: Growing up in a household where their emotions were dismissed, ignored, or criticized, leaving them feeling inadequate and unworthy.

Conditional Love: Receiving love and attention only when they met specific expectations or performed well, teaching them that their worthiness was contingent upon external validation.

Abuse or Trauma: Experiencing emotional, physical, or sexual abuse leads to deep feelings of shame and a belief that they are inherently flawed or damaged.

2. The Shame Shield: Constructing a False Self:

To cope with this overwhelming sense of shame, narcissists develop a defense mechanism: constructing a false self. This false self is an idealized image of themselves – perfect, superior, and deserving of admiration.
It serves as a shield to protect them from experiencing the painful emotions of shame and vulnerability.

3. Maintaining the False Self: The Need for Narcissistic Supply:

The narcissist's false self is fragile and requires constant validation to be maintained. They seek out "narcissistic supply" – attention, admiration, and praise – to prop up their inflated self-image and avoid confronting their underlying shame. Any threat to their carefully crafted persona – criticism, failure, or rejection – can trigger intense guilt and lead to defensive reactions like rage, denial, or blame-shifting.

4. Shame Projection: Shifting Blame to Others:

Narcissists have difficulty processing and accepting their shame. Instead, they often project it onto others. They may accuse others of being inadequate, flawed, or responsible for their shortcomings. This projection allows them to distance themselves from their shame and maintain their sense of superiority.

5. The Vicious Cycle: Shame Perpetuates Narcissism:

The narcissist's reliance on external validation and their inability to process shame create a vicious cycle. Their need for constant admiration drives them to engage in behaviors that ultimately push others away. This rejection reinforces their underlying shame, perpetuating the cycle of narcissistic behavior.

In essence, shame is both a root cause and a driving force behind narcissistic behavior. It's a deep-seated wound that the narcissist tries to conceal and compensate for through their grandiose facade and manipulative actions.

Narcissism is a shame-based disorder. Narcissists can't handle being shamed. Narcissists project their shame on you or on others. Narcissists don't want people to view them negatively. Narcissists think being wrong becomes weakness, which will be used against them. Narcissists don't understand that people can make mistakes, which is very common. Instead of rectifying their mistakes, they will blame, gaslight, deflect, lie, and deceive.

Narcissists project their shame on everyone. There is a reason why narcissists are so judgmental: narcissists believe people judge them like they judge people.

Narcissists have an inflated ego; they aren't going to admit the fact they have done wrong; if they do, then they experience extreme shame.

Narcissists wear masks to avoid being shamed; they just want to look perfect.

Narcissists are highly sensitive to shame and will go to great lengths to avoid feeling ashamed or being seen in a negative light.

When faced with criticism, disagreement, or being asked to change their behavior, narcissists often react with defensive behaviors like blaming others, acting victimized, or seeking revenge.

Narcissists have a fragile sense of self that depends on constant external validation and admiration from others. They see themselves as superior and entitled, and cannot tolerate feeling ashamed or inferior. Shame threatens to expose the narcissist's true insecurities and vulnerabilities, which they work hard to conceal.

To protect their ego, narcissists will often lash out at those who make them feel ashamed. They may accuse the other person of being abusive or in the wrong, even if the narcissist was the one acting inappropriately. Narcissists are masters at shifting blame and playing the victim to avoid taking responsibility for their actions.

Shame also drives narcissists to tightly control their image and relationships. They may be overprotective and controlling with their children, not out of genuine care, but to prevent the child from developing into an independent person who could make the narcissist feel ashamed. Narcissists want to maintain the illusion of perfection and will hide any flaws or wrongdoing from others.

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on May 27, 2024, 07:56:40 AM »
7 Things You Must
Never Do With a

1 hour ago
Always expect the worst from a narcissist.  Never believe a word they say but pay attention to what they do.  They hate being exposed because it reveals who they really are.  Keep away from them.  This video is spot on, Danish!

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on May 27, 2024, 05:56:35 AM »
How do narcissists feel when
they see their victim suffering?

Narcissists can't independently feel good about themselves and require you to feel bad about yourselves for them to prove they are the grandiose person they present to the world. Narcissists make you suffer to feel better about themselves. Deep inside, narcissists live an empty and miserable life; they just can't see you being happy and doing good. Narcissists will find ways to make your life bitter.

Narcissists want to make you suffer because it gives narcissistic supply. Narcissists believe that when you don't obey them or threaten their image, they will punish you to make you suffer. They think they haven't done anything wrong by making you suffer.

For narcissists, everything is about power, control, and authority at the cost of your feelings and relationships. Narcissists want to treat you like a slave; they enjoy seeing you suffer.

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on May 27, 2024, 05:45:18 AM »
Are narcissists bad people?

Ooh what a tightrope.

Are they GOOD people?

Absolutely not.

They lie (constantly), they sleep around causing physical and emotional damage, they steal your energy, love and things. They deceive and manipulate, they do not love yet dishonour that word as it falls from their lips. They do not reflect, feel meaningful remorse and they DO NOT CHANGE. (NPD).

It troubles me to say, of all abuses, and abusers, these ones walk a devious shadow life where they won't destroy with swift violence (cleanly, painlessly, with murderous mercy) but will wound you endlessly with a grin and a hug and a hope or 2 - again and again and again (until you do the only sensible thing, which is bolt and never look back).

They take all that could be good - love, opportunity, promises, faith, trust, reality, peace, loyalty, innocence, commitment and smash your understanding of all of this and more. They'll undo your very soul.

And they do it all knowingly and deny it all in a heartbeat. Smiling.

Pain and falsehood is willingly, cleverly, gleefully, administered and once they're done with you, having learned a few more tricks, they'll do it to another, and another and another.

They are terrorists, they terrorise quietly, wreck lives, lead others to dark depths unimaginable and leave them drowning, whilst staring from the shore. If no one is looking, whilst whispering sweet sonnets, they'll push you under just enough that you remain visible. Just.

If badness exists (and it does) I can think of few lives more wrapped in it than theirs.

Sadly, my answer needs to be yes. Although they do know right from wrong and potentially have a conscience - they have a profound ability to override it. They are VERY selfish, self-absorbed, spoiled, entitled, brat toddlers in an adult body. And unlike a toddler, they do have an adult brain that knows better.

They are pathological liars who often believe their own lies…so they rarely take ANY personal responsibility for their bad acts. And they BLAME everyone else for all of their problems and troubles (that THEY cause).

Because they are able to twist reality to fit what they want, they can be very dangerous to others, and really are capable of doing anything to anyone if they believe they can get away with it - and find scapegoats to blame.

So…”Are they bad people”?
You decide what you choose to call “bad”.

OMG when I saw this I just had to answer!


They are the worst people you will ever meet in your life. They serve NO positive purpose on this planet. They contribute nothing. They use people, take from people and their ultimate goal is to destroy anyone and everything that comes into their path. The have no good or positive intentions. Nothing positive will ever come out of their mouth.

Because when they are talking they are LYING! And I mean they will lie about everything. They will fabricate everything. Even the stories and smear campaign they have going on about you from the very beginning. Nothing in their lives is real. It is all a facade.

They don’t love.

They don’t know how to love. They pretend. They deliberately go out of their way to cut everyone in their lives up. Doesn’t matter who. They will cut up complete strangers just to make themselves feel better. They love nothing more than taking you from where you were when they met you to completely destroying you and everything you worked your entire life for.

It doesn’t matter what job they have. How much money they have. They will lie, cheat and steal from you. They will make false accusations to the police and any authority figure against you. Or any sucker who will listen. They will file fake restraining orders, take you to court, whatever it takes until your demise.

They would even love to see you dead.
That is how morbid they are. And tell you that you deserve to die.
Just so they can get sympathy from others at your own funeral. That’s just how sick and selfish they are! Everything they do is intentional and planned. So they will willfully knowing try everything to destroy you! And they will love every single minute of it.

So yes, they are scum that walk this earth horrible people. I can’t even call them human beings.

Narcissist misses the boat on being people altogether. People are connected to other people through empathy, shared emotions, and common ground.

Narcissist have themselves. They are dangerous. They have no love in their heart. Lack of love is a definition of evil.

If there could be a way to positively identify them there should be a bounty on them. They in the least should be required to wear a scarlet N and stay away from the women, children and cattle.

I reread this month's after writing it comes off a little harsh. But after helping people who are totally shattered by narcissistic abuse and experiencing it my self I can’t say that I blame me. Going through life stripped of you ability to enjoy it, is a terrible waste.

Actually, they are. I know that answer might sound like a simplification of a concept because I'm missing the nuances. I get it.

Yes, narcissists are bad people. Because if you look at the overall pattern, behavioral patterns, the consistency in their behavior and their personality, their objective is one, and that is to maintain their false self. But at what expense? At the expense of the person they are preying upon, hunting down, using, and abusing. In their fight with themselves, they sacrifice others without a second thought.

They use you like a doormat. They see you as a piece of furniture and replace you at any given moment. Yes, sometimes they are nice, but it's also for themselves. It serves their narrative, it serves their objective. It's not because of you.

Overall, their deeds are evil.

They ARE bad.   :devil:

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on May 26, 2024, 06:35:12 PM »
What can you say to a
narcissist to make them
see who they really are?

Buy a big juicy burger, and dump out everything, so you are holding just the bun inside the wrapper.

Now, find a farm, and steal a big cow patty.

Insert this new beef product into the bun, add your narcissists favorite clowndiments, and wrap it back up.

Give it over to his entitled grabby little hands, and see how he likes the taste of betrayal.

Then tell him it’s bad enough that he’s a piece of shite, but cannibalism is over the line.

The point is, the narcissist will never accept what they are without deluding themselves into thinking it makes them special.

Narcissism really stinks.

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on May 26, 2024, 05:15:48 PM »

Where the narcissist continues to go wrong. The narcissist overplays their hand over and over again, thinking that no one will ever figure out who they are never realizing that people can see behind the mask, and not everyone that sees behind the mask, tells the narcissist that they know they are a narcissist.

The narcissist will find themselves isolated, desolate by themselves without a battery in their cell phone one day and they will look back at all the destruction and devastation all the relationships they have blown up and they will have a big price to pay. My hope is that you are healing you are moving forward.

You are becoming awakened and aware, educated and empowered and you are headed towards the pinnacle the mountain top of indifference where you no longer care about the narcissist or anybody from that period of time. Sending positive positive energy and abundance. Namaste.

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on May 26, 2024, 04:18:06 PM »
Why do narcissists feel
good when they know they
have upset you?

Narcissists have a mental disability.

Their emotional development is stunted to early childhood.

They can’t regulate how they feel, or sooth themselves, just like little kids. And they need other people to validate them, entertain them and attend to their responsibilities.

Any strengths or good qualities you have, especially empathy and the ability to give and receive love, will make narcissists extremely jealous. They aren’t capable of admiration or of feeling inspired; those higher-level emotions are beyond their reach.

They can’t love themselves, let alone anyone else.

All of this makes narcissists ashamed of themselves.

But they can’t tolerate shame, since tolerance requires emotional intelligence.

Because they can’t process it, they have to project it.

Everything is all your fault!

They go into meltdown like a tantruming toddler with a shrieking face and a loaded diaper.

And all they can do is scream, kick, and pass their sh!t onto you.

It’s gratifying for narcissists if they can upset you. It temporarily relieves them from the fill of envy they’re containing.

And if you’re upset, that means you’re suffering too now like narcissists always are, and it will be because you’ve absorbed the narcissist’s misery.

Never let a narcissist think they’ve upset you. Use a calm sense of logic to respond to them, just like you would with little children.

This will trigger them into exposing themselves: when they can’t rile you, their mask will slip and then they’ll malfunction and lose their composure; glitching, twisting and spitting out insults and accusations like a broken robot discharging nuts and bolts.

But don’t stoop down to their level. Remain elevated and stick to the high road. Yours is a level narcissists can never attain, so long as you play to your empathy and self-acceptance as the strengths they are.

And if some narcissist does keep on at you, just thank them for outing themselves and saving you the work, then keep it moving.

Because it confirms their belief that they have total control over you. In my personal experience, it seemed that she needed some sort of validation that I cared about her. ALL THE TIME! She would say and do things just to get a reaction out of me.

When it reached a point where I had nothing left to give, she started reaching out to her other sources for attention. I look back on it now and I know it wasn’t me. I gave her everything I had and it simply wasn’t enough. So, with all that said, know this…they will drain every single person that they possibly can and it never changes. I put up with the on and off again for 3 years and it almost killed me.

Don’t let them control you…it’s not worth it.

Narcissists find a twisted sense of satisfaction in upsetting others, and this is particularly evident during occasions like holidays. Their behavior during these times is not just about causing a stir; it's about deriving a perverse pleasure from knowing they've not only upset you but also ruined an experience you could have enjoyed. This satisfaction is deeply rooted in their psychological makeup.

The emotional development of a narcissist is often likened to that of a young child. They struggle with regulating their emotions and soothing themselves, much like little kids. They rely heavily on others to validate them, entertain them, and even attend to their responsibilities. This dependency mirrors the way a child looks to adults for support and affirmation.

When it comes to strengths or qualities like empathy and the ability to give and receive love, narcissists often feel intense jealousy. These are qualities they can't fully comprehend or experience. They're incapable of true admiration or feeling inspired, as these higher-level emotions are beyond their emotional reach. It's a sad reality that they can't love themselves, let alone anyone else.

This internal conflict leads to a deep-seated sense of shame within narcissists. But handling shame requires a level of emotional intelligence that they simply don't possess. Unable to process these feelings, they project their shortcomings onto others, often declaring, "Everything is all your fault!"

Their reactions can be compared to a toddler in the midst of a tantrum, overwhelmed and incapable of dealing with their emotions in a healthy way. They lash out, attempting to transfer their inner turmoil onto those around them.

When a narcissist manages to upset you, it serves as a temporary relief from the envy and misery they constantly harbor. It's as if your distress allows them to offload some of their emotional burden. In their twisted view, your suffering becomes a shared experience; you're now enduring the kind of pain they feel constantly.

Dealing with a narcissist requires a strategy akin to handling a small, upset child. Maintaining a calm, logical demeanor is key. Just as you would with a child, responding to their outbursts without emotional engagement can be effective.

This approach often leads to a narcissist exposing their true nature. Unable to provoke a reaction from you, their facade starts to crumble, revealing the chaos and insecurity underneath. They might lose their composure, spewing insults and accusations, much like a malfunctioning machine unable to control its output.

However, it's important to remain above their level of pettiness. By embracing your empathetic nature and self-acceptance, you stand on a moral ground that narcissists cannot reach. This isn't just about avoiding their traps; it's about affirming your own strengths and maintaining your dignity in the face of their attempts to drag you down to their level.

The Round Table / Re: Tales From The Narc Side
« Last post by tellomon on May 26, 2024, 03:25:39 PM »
Would a narcissist ever consider killing you
if you expose them?

The narcissist is already slowly killing you. They are callously using your body in which to store their negative feelings so that they don't have to deal with them. This fills you with shame to dangerous levels; it taxes your body greatly to have to process the extra negativity.

You constantly expose the narcissist by being honest and puncturing their fantasy world. In return they punish you for telling the truth. Even if you don't tell the truth, they'll still punish you because they grt constantly exposed by reality too.

You don't always have to expose a narcissist, as the people around them may not believe you, or care. You do have to get away though, as they are poisonous people. If you are determined to expose them because they're doing something henious, make sure you are safe first. Like a drowning man, they'll cling to anyone and take them down too. You want to be well away from the blast radius. Perhaps you could even do it anonymously, months or years later.

If you haven't fixed your own weaknesses, you'll simply find another one, and repeat the process. Its important to take responsibility for your part in the charade too.

Trying to make narcissists love you is suicide.

Most definitely and I speak from personal experience. In fact, you don't have to expose them for it to happen. All you have to do is annoy them at the wrong moment in time. I read about a narcissist recently who killed his girlfriend for stealing $4.00 from him.

Other prominent narcissists like Scott Peterson murdered his wife and unborn son because he wanted to have an affair. Charles Manson ordered his followers to murder people because he claimed the Beatles song Helter Skelter made him. Ted Bundy killed women simply because he enjoyed it. All of these men are believed to embody NPD.

My first husband who was a malignant narcissist, tried to kill me because I laughed at him. My last boyfriend who was diagnosed with NPD, held a gun to my head because I confronted him with concrete proof that he was having unprotected sex with strange men he met on Grindr.

Many people on Quora have shared their horror stories about surviving brutal attacks by narcissists. Anything, even trying to leave a relationship with one can provoke them.

To those innocents who believe that narcissists are just misunderstood people who like to look at themselves in the mirror, you need a reality check. There are many degrees of narcissism and while most may not commit murder, many of them do.

In fact, given the emotional immaturity, impulsivity, anger issues and total lack of empathy that is prevalent in NPD, I think it is possible for any narcissist to be capable of murder if they feel criticized or threatened.

Most likely, the only reason they don't is because they fear going to prison. Someone commented that narcissists aren't like sociopaths. They may, in fact, be a lot worse.

These are personality disorders and while most disordered people probably won't try to kill you, it needs to be recognized that they might. The majority of people who are murdered by their significant others never see it coming, do they? If they did, chances are they wouldn't be in the relationship.

If you have been threatened by a narcissist with violence, please take it seriously. They can and will kill if they feel justified.

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