Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2929693 times)


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2 hot dogs please ... ketchup but hold the mustard


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F*k THAT, man.

Anchovie Pizza, hold the Pizza.

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Remember, Folks!

In America, we EAT fish,
not get killed by them.
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I dont think weve had too many deaths from Anchovy either

We did lose one woman when she got bitten on  the funnel by a finger web spider


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Michael Tobin
Ruin a movie by replacing one word in the title with "Foreskin."

Ron Tello Culley
2001: A Space Foreskin

Lynn Noelting Sylvester
Since it's only a one word title, I'll have to blend the 2 words. "Rumpleforeskin". I even made myself laugh when my mind went there!!! 🤣

Gail Stirling
The sound of foreskin.

Thomas McCrain
Willy Wonka and the Foreskin Factory

Dan Wright
A Wrinkle In Time, err, A Wrinkle In Foreskin.

Iolanda Scripca
Gone With The Foreskin..... It's a classic. 😃

Barbara Ann
The Good The Bad And The Foreskin.

Steve Worley
" oh foreskin where art thou?"

Princess Perfe Okojie
The Hitman Foreskin

Alison Hyde
A fish called foreskin

Graham Curreen
Full Metal Foreskin

Anne Fuhrken
The Shawshank Foreskin

Jerry Aguinaldo
Anne Fuhrken How about The Foreskin Redemption.

Thomas McCrain
The Wizard of Foreskin

Suzell Conkle
I don’t have to since I spent an evening or two in an adult, XXX theater.” . Geez, why am I doing admitting that ? !v

Patty Shrakes Phillips
Little foreskin on the prairie

Carol Williams
Silence of the foreskin

Linda Willey
The curious case of Benjamin foreskin

Sandy Gannon
Such an uncouth question.

Heath Roberson
Beauty and the foreskin

Claudia Fernandes Almeida
Nightmare on foreskin

Polly Vafiadou-Lawman
The Raiders of the Lost Foreskin.

Cheryl Hughes
Scent of a Foreskin

John Cook
Foreskin of the lambs

Rusty Van Zandt
The magnificent Foreskin

Nino LaMacchia
The last foreskin in paris

Rick Holmes
Father How Art Foreskin

Colin Fastlabend
A fistful of foreskins

Narelle Pittman
An Officer and a foreskin

Rick Holmes
Three Men and a Little Foreskin

Darren Callear
Foreskin Gump

Robert Langford
Honey I Shrunk the Kid's Foreskin

Caroline Hoey
The Last of The Foreskins

John Marilyn Blas
The Good the Bad the Foreskin

Naomi Delorey
Forskin Redemption

Jerry Aguinaldo
The Wild, Wild Foreskin

Brad Clark
SpongeBob Square foreskin...💥😉💥

Beverley Chapman
4 weddings and a foreskin

Jacqui Moore
There’s something about foreskin

Ella Rose
The Sound of Foreskins

Mitch Smith
American Foreskin Graffiti.

Teriye Itse
The Gray Foreskin

Art Angus
Along came a foreskin

Doug Krnasty
Back to the Foreskin!!!

Ron Tello Culley
What's eating Gilbert Foreskin?

Ron Tello Culley
Mad Max: Beyond Thunder-foreskin.

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Biden Admin Started Fire, Destroying Homes…
Now Victims Have to Pay!

Most of us might not have realized it, but back in May, the US Forest Service began a few controlled burns in the southwestern state of New Mexico. It’s not all that unusual for them, as controlled burns have proven to eliminate the likelihood of wildfires beginning and causing untold amounts of damage and danger.

However, things don’t always go as planned. In the case of two separate controlled burns, one in the area known as Calf’s Canyon and another in Hermit’s Peak, things got out of hand rather quickly, the Associated Press reported. According to Reuters, what began as a slow burn in the right direction soon raged into an inferno that took out some 530 square miles of privately owned meadows, forests, and 432 homes.

Of course, it was all an accident and one that the federal government under Democratic President Biden said they were deeply sorry for. Biden even made a special trip out to the area to speak with the victims, which are mostly “members of centuries-old Indo-Hispanic ranching communities,” according to a Reuters report.

During his June 11 remarks to them in the nearby Santa Fe, Biden said he and his federal government would be “covering 100 percent of the cost.”

And yet, now that the time has come to rebuild in earnest and get these people their homes and livelihoods back, it seems the cost is being laid at the victims’ feet.

Apparently, a federal statute requires cost-sharing in such instances that Biden didn’t mention or waive. And so, by federal law and according to the US Department of Agriculture, these now homeless victims are being told they will have to provide a significant portion of the cost to repair the damage caused by the fires.

Now, to be fair to Biden, his remarks in Santa Fe did come with a bit of an asterisk.

According to the White House transcript, he told the good people of New Mexico that since the federal government started the fires, “we have a responsibility… to deal with the communities who are put in – in such jeopardy.” And so he would cover “100 percent of the cost of debris removal and emergency protective measures for the next critical months.”

Note that he did not specifically mention that he would be covering the cost to repair what these people had lost…

However, he did add that further funding would be granted in the future under the Hermit’s Peak Fire Assistance Act. According to the White House, should the law pass, it would provide complete federal compensation for all losses.

The catch, of course, is that the law has not passed yet. And, in fact, it won’t likely even be voted on, let alone funded, until the fall.

So what do the families and fire victims get at the moment?

Well, they can apply for what was promised quick support through the USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service or NRCS. According to the Department of Agriculture, “minimal costs” are involved.

This was good news for 55-year-old rancher Daniel Encinias, especially since he didn’t carry home insurance. He needs to rebuild and return to his cattle as soon as possible. For the moment, he, his wife, their three teenage children, and 12 pets are all living out of a camping trailer right next to the ashes of his once 5-bedroom home.

But as Reuters reported, quick or minimal costs had nothing to do with reality. When he applied for assistance to fix his well, he was told that he needed to provide at least 25 percent of the cost based on that waiver Biden didn’t make on a little-known federal statute.

Furthermore, he was told by NRCS officials that it wouldn’t be until September before his application would even be considered. Then it could be another six to 12 months before actual recovery and restoration work began.

Luckily, as a hard-working rancher with many skills, including being a retired electrician, Encinias can do some of the work of rebuilding himself.

But even when it comes to feeding his cattle, he’s had to make major sacrifices. He’s now being forced to buy hay because his baler was destroyed in the fire, and he doesn’t have the funds to buy another.

And Encinias is one of hundreds who are in the same boat.

So much for these people being the “responsibility” of the federal government, huh?
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Ron Tello Culley

Shared with Public
Hwy 38. New flash flood mudslide below Stetson Ck. Mile Marker 24.70. El Dorado fire.

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Gordie Sunderland
1d  ·
Are you freakin serious??? So after leaving the drive thru today, I took my sandwich out of the bag and I see THIS!! Seriously? Oh not today, not today!! I went back to the restaurant, went INSIDE (already fuming), asked to speak to the manager and then threw the sandwich on the counter. I asked him for an explanation. He looked confused, so I pointed at the writing on the sandwich and demanded that he tells me why someone felt the need to write it on my sandwich. He answered, "because you ordered a BLT with cheese??” To which I replied “Oh” 😶
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Hell, they may even find evidence of a Crime!
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Ron Tello Culley
Oh BTW: If anyone thinks that being Ron Tello is easy, I'm here to tell you:


But YOU can't handle it!
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Meanwhile, in Big Bear...
AUGUST 16, 2022
8:32 PM PST
STATUS: The drought continues. (Who knew? LOL!)
Mudslide rains do not bring up the Lake Levels.
Especially if most of it is mud!

Sit down.
Shut up.
Make me a Sammich!
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:smee!: "Follow the money, Blighters!..."
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You really want an answer to that?


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Damn right! Let's see the money!!!
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And now in Environmental News:

KTLA 5 News
Officials are warning the public about toxic algae blooms at Big Bear Lake and Lake Elsinore. Children and dogs are the most at-risk.

Ron Tello Culley
Soylent Algae.

Ron Tello Culley
We have to warn them....somehow!

Eric Chappell
Had the same issue at multiple southern California lakes in the 80's. Need to get the barges back out and start cleaning.

Phyllis Smith Pessia
What a shame for our beautiful lakes. 😥
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What? I should post now?

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1673573 Views or something stupid..
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:tello: "OH Jesuz H God o'gods, please let Admin to be ON her Meds right now...."
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I so wanna rip into this right now......

but I ain't gonna cuz I don't wanna.

It's like I'm sparing your lives.

So keep living them, while they last!

Blog it!

("Tessa, can I see you in my Office, please...?")
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It's not what you Blighters think.

Tess-and-me are PROFESSIONALS.

But, yeah, then...after the lights went out...


And got away with it.

How cool is that?

Wouldda been cool if smee dint send me stinky panties as presumed evidence.
smee need discipline.
No one will give it to him. Not even a spanking.....

smee runs wild, you are to BLAME!

I'm OK with that!

One vowel edited by Admin to more properly reflect the situation with the lasso.
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Here's something funny:
smee is a ShapeShifter,
but he hazzint figured it out, yet.
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The Gould Files are Pending.
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Yeah, I know how to Work A Room.

You are in one now.

The EXITS are clearly marked.

Every one of them is bogus.

Looks like yer STUCK!!!

Make yourself a drink!!!
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Call it in the next time I leave an open beer on the veranda.
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The longer smee plays dead, the more I get to blog to myself
because F yoo.

Remember the Fundraiser you ignored???
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Hypothetically: The UFO's over my House LIKE me,
said nothing about hating you.


(There's always one.....)

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OK, I Confess!

I walk with a cane cuz I'm drunk,
not cuz I'm a Cripple.

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Ron Tello Culley
It's OK to Reply. The FBI does not care about you.
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It's OK to reply because
I don't care about you.

You started it...
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Look it up.

It's your only explanation out of this...
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I'm DONE posting.

I want Teenage Panda Cheerleader JerkY!

Deliver or Die. smee!

Random jerky substitution by Admin
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And now, the continuing
Saga of Snoopy Coon

There's no one right way to say this:

He SOLVED his problem.
That's what it looks like.

The Rat Trap returned. Just showed up, outside, by the trash cans.
5 days ago.
(I needed the time to think about this.)

I have several thoughts on the matter.

Did he bring it back? Or another critter?

Consciousness of Guilt?
Shame and Remorse?
A Peace Offering?

Talking to me?

Between this, and the UFO plate is full.
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Beware of Big Bathroom Brother

Nine years ago, I warned readers about "eyelock biometric readers" adopted by Florida schools to track them on buses. Under the guise of fighting guns and vaping, countless schools this year are now installing surveillance sensors in bathrooms that can spy and record students' alleged "aggression" and red-flag "spoken key words."

Eight years ago, I warned readers about a company called Teaching Strategies Gold that created an "early childhood assessment system" for "social emotional, physical, language and cognitive development" that documents student behaviors with videos, audio files, journals and photos — which are then uploaded to a central database cloud. In Jefferson County, Colorado, TS Gold was used to monitor and shape preschoolers' bathroom trips, hand-washing habits and other "socially acceptable behavior."

Three years ago, I warned readers about a company called e-Hallpass and the increasing student health data mining hijacking America's schools. As I reported at the time, my then-high school sophomore son's public high school in Colorado Springs told every student to download e-Hallpass, which is seamlessly connected to every student's mandatory Google login, to track how much time students spend in the bathroom. It was done all in the name of "safety," of course, with no parental consent.

Biometric surveillance edu-technology has spread rapidly, with fingerprint and facial recognition tools proliferating worldwide on K-12 and college campuses as a result of the COVID global track-and-trace regime and pandemic profiteers. In 2020, I noted the spread of "electronic beacons" to track student movements and apps like Google's ClassDojo, which mines intimate student behavioral data and creates long-term psychological profiles that can be shared and sold to third parties unbeknownst to kids and their families. The Pioneer Institute reported that government at all levels had spent $30 billion in 2018 on such intrusive, brainwashing "social-emotional learning" surveillance in K-12.

Over the years, my incessant warnings about the Edutech surveillance machine have been mocked, belittled, attacked and ignored as baseless "paranoia" and "conspiracy"-mongering by the likes of the anti-right, anti-white, anti-parent Southern Poverty Law Center. But now, the truth is permeating the mainstream. As the school year ramps up, watchdogs have finally discovered insidious little behavior modification tools like e-Hallpass masquerading as protection measures.

The Arizona Informer tweeted this week that Pinnacle High School in Paradise Valley, Arizona, will use e-Hallpass to track social distancing and other student movements with no parental consent.

A Twitter user named @hannahposts wrote this week: "Looks like school is gonna make us use ehallpass, the program where we track how long, at what time, and how often each child goes to the restroom and store that information on third party servers run by a private for-profit company. ... If you're a parent and your kid's school uses e-hallpass, politely yet firmly ask for your kid to be opted out. If we have enough opt outs the system won't work."

Security researcher Peter Lowe, who is now belatedly awake to e-Hallpass, also tweeted important fundamental questions this week that every parent should be asking:

"Hey @Software4Ed, the privacy policy which you use for e-hallpass states that you release data to third parties 'working directly with Eduspire Solutions to support our software'. Which third parties are those? Can you provide a full list?"

And one online student petition calling for repeal of the e-Hallpass system at Lewisburg Area High School in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania, blew the whistle on how "E-hallpass knows your age, who your parents are, who your friends are, what classes you're taking, and what classes you're struggling in. That's a lot of very sensitive information the school is forcing you to give to this company, leaving it vulnerable for hackers to hold for ransom, or to sell to identity thieves so they can ruin your life."

Beware of Big Bathroom Brother. He's not in Beijing or Moscow or Pyongyang. He's here, clothed in public service and public safety, sacrificing your children's autonomy and serving the Silicon Valley masters of American "capitalism."
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Obviously another fine example of a failed Junk Thread......

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