Author Topic: The Tello Files. (All things strange, witnessed, verifyable and/or credible (?)  (Read 2929813 times)


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"Many Americans are very much looking forward to no longer seeing Fauci on their TV screens, social media feeds, or favored news websites."

Republicans Are Calling For Fauci to Go to Prison

This past Monday, news broke that White House COVID-19 adviser Anthony Fauci plans to retire by the time Joe Biden’s presidential term comes to an end.

Fauci was quoted as saying COVID-19 will likely be around for a while, along with noting that he can’t do his current job forever.

News of Fauci’s planned retirement broke after years of controversy surrounding him. Many Americans have concerns about not just the White House adviser’s conflicting messages on the virus, but also his ties to gain-of-function research.

Amid all the disputes surrounding him, Republicans are pointing out why the White House adviser shouldn’t get to just fade away on his own terms once Biden’s out of office.

The GOP on Holding Fauci Accountable
Multiple Republican lawmakers believe Fauci should answer for various allegations against him.

These are allegations that tie Fauci to funding tortuous experiments against puppies, misleading Congress about his role in funding gain-of-function research, and otherwise backing COVID-19 measures that have since been determined to cause rampant societal issues.

Reps. Marjorie Green (R-GA) and Lauren Boebert (R-CO) both called for Fauci to face time behind bars, regardless of whether he chooses to retire from work. Many Republican voters agree with this sentiment as well.

With all the economic harm that stemmed from lockdowns and businesses going under, numerous Americans don’t have the luxury of retiring anymore. There’s a school of thought that says it’s not fair for Fauci to kick back and enjoy retirement as everyday people suffer from the policies he championed.

Throughout Fauci’s time as an adviser on COVID-19, he’s been repeatedly dismissive of his critics. He’s also displayed a similar attitude when confronted by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) about various evidence issues and inconsistencies with his claims.

Not Retiring After All?
On Tuesday, Fauci walked back Monday’s reports of his plans to retire.

According to the current White House adviser, retirement isn’t in the cards for him. Although, “at some time,” he may very well leave his current post working for the White House.

This past Tuesday, Fauci likewise set a deadline for when he expects to be finished working for the White House. The adviser explained that by the time 2025 gets here, he doesn’t see himself still working his current job.

Many Americans are very much looking forward to no longer seeing Fauci on their TV screens, social media feeds, or favored news websites.

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Homeland Security Quietly Ends Disinformation Governance Board

After receiving sharp public criticism over recent months, Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) finally put a quiet end to its Disinformation Governance Board on Monday.

The board was announced in April as a means of coordinating efforts to counter “misinformation” related to homeland security. The primary focus of the board was initially set on illegal immigration and foreign relations issues related to Russia.

A statement issued by DHS on Monday said the agency has been involved in briefings on “relevant disinformation-related activities.” It said that it is not yet ready to provide formal recommendations on how DHS could most effectively approach threats resulting from disinformation.

However, it said that it was continuing to work on “commitments to increase transparency and protect civil rights, civil liberties, and privacy.” It then went on to say that DHS has concluded there “is no need” for the proposed Disinformation Governance Board.

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), who has been a highly vocal opponent of the proposal of the creation of the board, posted the DHS statement to his Twitter account.

The key figure in the controversy surrounding the board was Nina Jankowicz, who was proposed to act as the board’s executive director. Even though she was to act as the DHS “czar” over regulating disinformation, she herself previously spread the false contents of the infamous Steele dossier concocted by the Hillary Clinton campaign to smear President Donald Trump.

Jankowicz also took a public stance in undermining the reporting on Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop by describing it as “Russian disinformation” in the runup to the 2020 presidential election.

Jankowicz resigned from the board in May amid harsh criticism. At that time, DHS announced that it was placing the implementation of the board’s work “on pause.”

Jankowicz said when she resigned that the board was necessary, in contrast to the agency’s statement this week. She said at the time that she was deeply disappointed that “mischaracterizations” had become a distraction from the board’s “vital work.”

The part-time singer whose TikTok performances earned her the nickname of the “Mary Poppins of Disinformation” said when she resigned that she trusted that DHS would maintain its commitment to “building awareness of disinformation’s threats.”

:tello: "The bottom line is that the American People's backlash kicked your Nazi asses!"
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All the colors of the Rainbow, and they bleed!

Crayola is Under Fire For Pushing Transgenderism

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Ron Tello Culley
Stupid Tranny DICKS!

:tello: "In the parlance of eBay...I got PINKED!"

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Stupid. Tranny. Dicks.

How about it, Tessa?

Bad? Baseless? No Biggie?

I love it here on the OZRT.

What's the worst that can happen?

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:sam2gun: :mobbing:             :panic:    :troll2:                      :monalisa:
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Facebook is a DICK!

But us users still suck it.

It mostly goes before it comes.

That's why we wear masks!
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Chat: <verb> 1: mindless verbal communications between simple minds and other dolts.
2: The means via the spoken word for idiots to strut their ego.

:tello: "I don't chat. I speak, I listen and I expect an intelligent CONVERSATION to ensue.
Anything less is NOISE in my BOOK.

It's cataloged!"
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Cheap, shameless self promotion. (Everybody does it. Now it's my turn, again...)

One of my FAVE RAVE posts:

It's TRUE and complete!


"...featuring Ron Tello, the Builder-Owner-Operator-Roadie" of the "BIGGEST Drum Set in Nevada." I think he might not be exaggerating. He said the store isn't really open, because he hasn't finished straightening up from the big Christmas bash he held there. But I could walk around the store anyway. This year he's going to build a spook alley for Halloween, which he didn't do last year, but it was a big hit the year before."
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How long have you been playing?

September, 1972.

I'm NOT a musician; I don't read music. I'm a Drummer...I hit stuff and keep time with the Bass. I started out by banging my head against the wall to Creedence Clearwater and the rest was a convoluted history. I was Remo Ron So.Cal. and NOT on any web search engine. There's an evil plot to destroy me and it's working, goddammit. However, if ya g00gle Ron Tello, Nevada, you'll see that I dominate the first 4+ pages. Kinda funny how that worked out. "World Famous n nobody cares". You decide, I don't care anymore.

Eat Snacky Smores.
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But you already knew this, right?
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Funnily enough , if I google "numb nuts" you dominate the first 40 pages


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1639905 Alleged Views
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1640040 Actual Views?
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Joe B. House
Updated 9mo

What are the rules in a narcissistic home?

A while ago I answered a question around 30 obscure facts of living in a narcissistic home.

I think the answer fits this question well, and so have pasted the answer below:

You prefer to be away from home than being at home.
When you are going home, your gut clenches as if preparing for danger.
When you are at home you feel hyper-vigilent.
When you are at home you feel anxious.
You have a constant feeling of walking on egg-shells.
You forget the meaning of the word ‘harmony’.
Everyone who lives in the household suffers from psychological issues, such as depression/ anxiety/ suicidal thoughts…
People in the household often suffer from obscure physical symptoms, like mysterious rashes or chest pains.
People in the household often experience recurring nightmares.
People in the household sometimes feel there are demonic presences at home.
:tello: "True THAT!"
When visitors come, the narc is on best behaviours.
Visitors tend to think the narc is a great person.
However, if a visitor spends a lot of time at your home, they will start to see behind the narc’s mask.
No one matters in the household but the narc.
People structure their routine to avoid the narc at home. This is often subconscious.
The narc only talks about themselves.
The narc is only interested in how the people at home can serve them
The narc likes to keep track of people's movements — where they are and what they are doing at all times.
The narc expects you to do things for them when they ask, like give me the remote, fix the computer. They have no patience.
Nothing is ever the narc’s fault.
When things go wrong, the narc shifts blame to others in the household.
The narc shouts a lot.
The narc is regularly explosive and the mask drops all the time.
The narc always puts you down, then sometimes comes back around as the good guy to make things better. Sick.
If there is one TV, the narc decides what to watch.
The narc is very inconsiderate, in just about every way possible.
Where there is an important event like a birthday or graduation, they do something to make you feel bad and ruin the occasion.
You feel you don't matter.
You learn to accept you don't matter.
You’re lucky if you haven't lost your sanity.
Check out my YT channel, where I talk about narcissism - Joe B. House

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Joe B. House
Updated 8mo

What confuses a narcissist?

Originally Answered: What is the best method to confuse a narcissist?
I recently answered a similar post.

When they ask you to do something, say ‘no'. And stand your ground.

Let the narcissist think you are easy to manipulate and control, but when they try to control you, show you are impossible to control.

Don't give the narcissist any strong emotional reactions when they are mentally abusive (i.e. throwing subtle psychic jabs at you, offending you, or triangulating you). Just play it cool and indifferent.

When the narcissist gives you the silent treatment, don't react or plead for them to come back and explain what is going on. Play it right back at them and don't reach out, although this only really works if you are not that emotionally attached to them.

Ignore and avoid them lots. Use the interaction with the narcissist as an opportunity to practice avoidance, which can be very handy when dealing with toxic people.

Find out their insecurities and subtly strike at their insecurities, just like they do to you.

Discard the narcissist before they discard you, and do this before they have replacement supply lined up.

As you can see, there are many ways to confuse a narcissist and even make them miserable. Still, if you know you are dealing with a narc, my only suggestion is to walk away and go no contact if possible. It is exhausting and unhealthy to deal with them, and it can take a long time to recover from such an entanglement.

Check out my YT channel, where I talk about narcissism - Joe B. House
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Rising Above Narcissism
Answered by
 Jul 10

Why don't Narcissists get embarrassed of their temper tantrums and the obviousness of their lies and games? I dont understand

Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a shame-avoidant brain disorder. Those that suffer from it have a parent with NPD that was unable to emotionally attach to them, causing them trauma in their early infancy as the normal parental bonding didn’t occur. The child’s emotional development stays stunted at toddler years.

Their language and cognitive skills develop, as does their body, but emotionally they remain toddlers for life. It is like an intellectual disability, but for them it’s emotional.

As adult toddlers, they think they’re perfect, they don’t want to share, they’re jealous, and possessive, and competitive, and they lie to get what they want etc etc.

When they go into a rage or collapse, their mask is off and the toddler hurt by their parent comes out. This is their true self. And they have no reason to be embarrassed. They see themselves as always justified.

As for the games being obvious, that doesn’t matter. All that matters is that you stay for more games. It’s just the thrill of abusing and maintaining control. It’s a drug fix for them.
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15 Guests, 1 User

Users active in past 15 minutes:

Most Online Today: 32. Most Online Ever: 263 (January 17, 2020, 05:42:42 AM)

Yeah, and the anons are nowhere to be accountable.


That Jan 17 date was 1 day before my Birthday. There was no party here. WTF?
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Nevermind. I have my own plans in-house.....
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The Chinese Know We're in Cold War II. It's Time for Us to Understand the Same.
Jul 27, 2022

This week, the Chinese government announced its fierce opposition to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., visiting Taiwan. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian said that China was "fully prepared... If the U.S. is bent on going its own way, China will take firm and strong measures to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity." In response, the Biden administration announced its discomfort with Pelosi's visit: Biden told journalists that military officials thought the trip was "not a good idea."
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Mildred Kapowski

If you ignore a narcissist while he's ignoring you, what will happen?

Here’s what should happen: You should take it as an opportunity to understand that this is who this person is. Not really your friend. Not really your lover. Not really your “family”. Just someone who likes to play little, pathetic games to try to torture you. Please understand that you only win when you walk away.

When they ignore you, it just gives you the opportunity to practice “no contact”. Unfortunately, the fact that they can ignore you to begin with suggests that this is a strategy they will likely use again (and again and again). This is a clear example of someone showing you who they are. Not who you thought they were…but who they really are.

If you are fortunate enough to have someone who ignores you consistently, you will be able to get really good at disengaging and moving on. You have two options. Continue to be emotionally crucified at every turn or take the opportunity to cut ties. Trust me. You need to use this as practice time- put your big girl/boy pants on and woman/man up to the fact that you are not dealing with someone who can be emotionally stable for you. If they could be stable for you, they are then clearly demonstrating that they don’t want to be. Take the hint.

It sucks. I know. We all know it. And I’m sorry this is out there for us all to deal with. Learn to emotionally release them during the silent treatments, if you can.
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Rising Above Narcissism

As a narcissist ages and grows old, how do they normally end up?

It is a pathetic and sorrowful thing to witness a narcissist as they age and deteriorate.

There are 3 things that the narcissist needs for their best possible survival. Narcissistic supply, ability to obtain that supply, and ability to maintain it too. Each of these requirements becomes more and more elusive, to the narcissist, as the years pass.

That is for obvious reasons such as physical aging, less energy and often other cognitive presentations that come with the disorder. The pathology increases and it will often morph into a more cerebral type narcissist.

(Please don't mistake that description for intelligence, necessarily. We're basically talking about the mastery of bullshit and not mastery of life's wisdom. There is little authentic wisdom in a narcissist.)

Once their appearance begins to wither, they will often begin to rely more on calculated psychological manipulations. They become more dangerous in that way. They are both practiced and engrained in the narcissistic pattern.

But, what is going on inside of them? Greatly increased fear and rage, my friend. Let me tell you something true. In the aging narcissist? Their own mortality becomes their primary and core fear. The narcissist's rage and rebellion against their own forthcoming irrelevance takes precedence, even over narcissistic supply. They feel like they are being erased. Slowly and torturously.

They live in terror of death. Each ache becomes a reminder and every small symptom of aging or disease becomes a potential terminal illness in their now hyper-paranoid minds. Who will care for them? I can assure you that death comes for the narcissist long before their body shuts down. Decades before, in some cases.

And, when their colleagues, "friends" and acquaintances begin to pass? They become even more frozen in fear. It's simply the narcissist running into reality. Narcissists have a very difficult time with reality, to say the least.

But, that is only the beginning. The rage? By that point it is literally eating them alive. However the rage becomes more of a cold one, on the exterior. But, that rage burns ever more firey and furiously on the inside of them. They just cannot tolerate other humans by having been disappointed so many times. The rage increases the more they become dependent on other people.

They reach a point where they have to fake humble themselves more often to get what they want. To get more pity. But, to even mimic "humility'' for a narcissist, is difficult. They loathe being seen as needy or weak. But they will certainly be the weakest and the most needy soul you ever did see -if it gets them what they want.

They would much prefer to be Grandiose in this particular arena and also make it clear to everyone around them how little they need them. (a lie) They would much prefer to choose when they use the fake humble act. But with aging? They are forced to depend on that mask of "humility" quite heavily. And they hate it with every fiber of their being.

(They hate us even more. Envy us even more. They think we're faking humility too. Yet, they can see we "fake it" better. Get better results. Of course that's because it's real for us.)

A healthy and humble person has developed meaningful relationships by that time in life while the narcissist has more people walking away. And, I can assure you that many leave the narcissist behind. This baffles the narcissist. Where did everyone go? It's not fair.

(Shut Up smee.)

So, they begin to want to take what we have even more. What's that? Everything. Everything that makes you what they are not. They want to take as many as they can, and keep them in the same agony that they suffer, to the end of life. They're not going down alone, of this you can be certain.

As for the external? It is so very important to the narcissist to appear "good." The chickens are coming home to roost and they are in turmoil. Scrambling to reanimate old supplies, making fools of themselves on social media, etc.

The narcissist has no idea how foolish they look trying to mimic and prove they're a "good humble person." How absurd they look, mimicking a human trait that can only be authentic in those with human empathy. There is no real humility in a narcissist. Humility is the opposite of pride.

And The Narcissist will save a double dose of hatred for those whom they are forced to depend on. Primary SO, family, caretakers, etc. The ones who come too close as the narcissist disintegrates.

Most of all? If you examine closely, they are tired. Very, very tired of this thing we call "life." At best, they can only endure it. At worst, they set out to destroy everything in their path before their time expires.

Beware the aging narcissist.

Narcissists are disordered, that is true.

However they are quite aware of their own emptiness and failures. My narcissistic ex in a rare moment of clarity stated, "There's something missing in me." The expression on his face was one of authentic bewilderment. And, genuine sorrow for himself.

Why yes, something was and is missing in the narcissist. Empathy. The cornerstone of the disorder.

I didn't even bother trying to explain to him. It was the end of us that night and he physically left me the next morning. That night, I just laid there and cried.

Be him. I also told him that in the end? All that will be there for him is his own rage and resentment. That may sound (to some) a cruel thing to say. The way I see it? It was merely the truth.

The end of a narcissist is rage, fear, sorrow and pain beyond the description of these words. I believe personally that it's the most intense suffering a human being can endure on this earth prior to physical death.

And in death? There will be more than one person who knew the narcissist -and will feel only, relief.

Can you imagine that? Living an entire life on this Earth and more than one person being relieved when we die?

That is the end of a narcissist. 🦋

Good riddance, Blighter!
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John Q. Pubic

How does a narcissist have sex?

Prof. Rolf Yeurlig, Stampford University 1999-2008

Quite simply stated, "They F*** themselves while their partner is merely furniture.

(URL withheld for security reasons)

DISCLAIMER: :tello: I made that up!
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How many smees does it take to screw in a narcissistic lightbulb?

:smee!: :troll2:   :mobbing:   :nhj:     :panic:                                       :sick:
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One, but you'll have to wait....
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Should-Be Hero Cop Faces Prison in Wake of Anti-Police Attorney General

July 29, 2022

The left’s war on cops bears no end in sight, regardless of legitimate facts.

The near-constant barrage of disturbing images and stories of police officers assaulting innocent civilians can be seen daily on major news outlets with nearly identical descriptions. In most cases, left-wing news sources will report that the officer used excessive force and violently beat whoever was being arrested creating a mindset that all police officers should automatically be treated with an air of distrust and fear.

That’s exactly what is happening to former Hartford, Michigan police officer Matt Mistretta.

But what is the true story? Here are the facts.

At 1 a.m. on August 21, 2020, Officer Mistretta and his partner pulled over a white pickup truck for traveling over the speed limit under the suspicion of drunk driving on Red Arrow Highway. However, what should have been a routine stop quickly turned into something much darker when the two officers picked up an emergency frequency call reporting a nearby shooting.

Officer Mistretta’s backup officer quickly left to respond to the shooting victim, leaving Matt to attend to the two suspects in the truck. Minutes after, a second call came in revealing the truck’s driver was wanted in connection with the same shooting across town.

According to a 2020 study by the National Order of Fraternal Police, ambush attacks on police were up 91% compared to the same time the previous year. A 2021 study by the National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund reported a 38% increase in firearm-related fatalities from 2020.

“Here I am, as a single officer, with two suspects in the car, that I was just told shot someone in the face. He’s covered in blood,” Mistretta told Fox17.

Alone, Officer Mistretta approached the vehicle on the driver’s side where he noticed the vehicle had sustained significant damage. The driver, later identified as 21-year-old Lauro Espino, was shirtless, bleeding and distinctly smelled of alcohol while yelling incoherently at Mistretta.

Next, the officer began to get Espino out of the truck to handcuff him while keeping his gun trained on the passenger. The suspect then became irritated and began to resist the arrest, prompting Mistretta to put his knee on Espiono’s back in order to keep an eye on the second suspect.

Ultimately, backup arrived and both men were taken into custody. Espino has since been convicted in the death of 17-year-old Jesus De La Rosa, who was hit by a car and killed.

This should be where the story ends, Officer Mistretta should have been applauded for his work taking a dangerous criminal off of Michigan’s streets and be called a hero…but Michigan’s Democrat Attorney General Dana Nessel saw a different picture.

Instead of praising Mistretta’s professionalism, which was never even questioned by the suspect, the attorney general’s office turned its daggers on him — slapping him with a felony misconduct charge and two assault and battery charges. Now he’s facing up to seven years in prison for being “too rough.”

The attorney general’s biased treatment of Mistretta is only one example in a sea of similar tactics deployed by the left to attack reputable police across the country. Instead of addressing the issue of rising crime due to anti-police policies, the left is concerned with protecting criminals, appeasing anti-police groups and leaving innocent Americans left out to dry.
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:tello: "Attention Lurkers! If you think I'm crazy, you gotta meet my friends.

Both of them."
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Well, something went wrong, so I killed it.
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It Gods way of punishing you for dissing Smee ....


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You leave God out of this you Pagan!!!
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I didnt bring him into it , he chose to participate ...

His son has some advice for you too ....


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See you in Church.

"This isn't an album.
It's an historic document."
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"Counting Calories
The Food Chain"

Any ideas on the subject, Fatso?
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Ron Tello Culley
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"Attention Lurkers! If you think I'm crazy, you gotta meet my friends.
Both of them."
UFO's: Fact or Friction? shut up smee, this is out of your League.

Ron Tello Culley
No "LIKES". Your silence is complacency, Yo!

Ron Tello Culley
You don't have to believe me. No. You need to come to my house and spend the night in Fake Terror!

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NO! You are NOT calling Children's Services...NO!

Children's Services is calling YOU! Yes.
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Ron Tello Culley
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1:44 AM PST
Wellshit itsraining. Storm. So?
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Showers and thunderstorms erupted

overnight over the high desert bringing some active weather into our area. The Body Count is rising. We are trying to cover it up ASAP!

Activity should wind down through this morning, firing up again by afternoon as deeper monsoon moisture and instability arrives. Expect partly to mostly cloudy skies out there today with scattered showers and thunderstorms, cooler with highs in the 70's. Showers and storms are possible again tonight with another decent round of afternoon convection likely tomorrow. If you have outdoor activities planned this weekend keep a watchful eye on the sky and head indoors if a thunderstorm approaches your area. Some storms will be capable of producing flash flooding rains, gusty winds, frequent lightning, and hail. A drier southwest flow will gradually return early next week pushing monsoon moisture to our east for a few days. Temperatures will remain close to average with highs in the 70's while overnight lows cool to the upper 40's and 50's. A southeasterly flow is forecast to return later in the week with afternoon thundershowers returning by next weekend.

But, HEY! I'm just a tool. What do I know? Weather or not, you are doomed.!
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Yeah, I can see it now....
The oceans rise and suddenly I live on Big Bear Island.

Somehow, I don't see the SUPPLY CHAIN coming here anymore.

Pretty cool, huh?

They'll find a boat!
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I gotta report:

Chocolate is worth more than bullets in my town.

I stay home a lot.
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Why do narcissists want to gaslight you?

Not only do they lack basic Object Constancy, but narcissists also lack the more developed Theory of Mind.

Theory of Mind develops at around the age of four years old. This is where we realise that we don't know what other people know. It's an important precursor to empathy, for to empathise, there has to be somebody else just like me. There has to be another mind.

Having retreated into fantasy well before this point, the narcissist thinks that there is only one mind - theirs.

Everyone knows what the narcissist thinks they should know, believes what the narcissist has assigned them to believe.

The narcissist is not interacting with people, they are playing with dolls.

However, the Toys are Revolting.

The narcissist has assigned you with a role, and a limited set of knowledge. Being a Bad Doll, you seem to know more than you should. But that's not the game. You're ruining the game. When you go back to knowing what you should know, you will become a Good Doll again (lack of Object Constancy).

I'm certainly not saying being a Good Doll will be a pleasant experience for you - it will not.

Using hatred as their tool the narcissist sets about making the world right. Gaslighting is one way of doing this. The narcissist is attempting to make you know only what you should know, only what you know in their fantasy version of you.

It is as though the narcissist has been playing with dolls, when suddenly one of the dolls says “no, I'm not a fireman, and I don't want to go into that building! It's dangerous! I'm a landscape Gardener and my name isn't Bob, it's Max!! And you set the building up to collapse on me! I saw you!”

The narcissist is enraged. You're just a stupid toy! You will do what you are told! The building is going to fall on you, you'll go to hospital and be crippled for life, that's the game!

If you transition from perfect lover to evil villain, that's the game!

If you go from evil villain to benign, though short term benefactor, that's the game!

You don't have characteristics of your own, you have whatever the narcissist assigns you for this particular game. The Narcissist decides the game, not you!

You're a f*cking toy!

Thus the narcissist, with single pointed determination has learned a bunch of tricks, neurolinguistic programming to smash human minds back into the game that is being played. If the narcissist says something didn't happen, that's because in their mind you don't know that it happened.

The narcissist knows what you know, but you are just a toy! You cannot fathom the unknowable God! You are not Good! You are Bad! Bad dolly! Naughty dolly!

Smack smack smack,

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It’s about control, having the upper hand and being in charge of the narrative. All things that a narcissist typically want.

They use it to make themselves look better to others or to make you look bad, incompetent, or crazy. But when they try gaslighting you around the same people all the time, those people generally catch on to what's happening.

Especially when the narc gets lost in the lies of the gaslighting, forgets they said one thing a month ago and retells the same thing again but with completely different details this time. Even if people around you don't acknowledge these obvious gaslighting situations at the moment, they do notice them, they just stay quiet to avoid conflict.

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Rise Beyond Narcissism ·

What is ironic about a narcissist?

That they put SO MUCH effort into appearing to be good, and kind, and having character… when it would be far easier to just be good, and kind, and have character.

That in all of their efforts to appear amazing, they end actually being horrible.

That in their efforts to avoid being abandoned, they drive everyone that cares about them away.

That they ultimately show their admiration by destroying the very people and they look up to.

That they repay those who actually love them, by betraying them in the worst imaginable way.

That every single thing that escapes their lying mouth is actually the complete opposite.

That in their attempt to fashion the perfect life, they render everything in ruins and die alone.
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Drummers Universe

David Hall 
What is the one biggest mistake you made learning to be a good drummer? Thx.

George Mccurdy
Not handling Studio business correctly.

David Reynolds
Believing that I was a good drummer. LOL and that was the end of advancement. The world is absolutely littered with inspiration no matter what level of player you are. There are numerous others out there that will destroy whatever you thought you were or at least whatever I thought I was. So always stay humble and seek out those that can inspire you

Erik Nelson Elvebak
David Reynolds I seek musicians on a platform called band mix. I call myself intermediate! When I see Expert with any drummer there it makes me laugh. Unless the picture attached is Mike Mangini! I haven't seen him yet!

Kevin Smith
Long ago as a young drummer I had to learn when NOT to play, creating space, respecting that beautiful pause. Once I did I got all the work I could want. Overplaying drummers are sometimes hated by the rest of the band

Ron Tello
I wasn't listening. What's the question?
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Critter Scam Alert

This is what we put up with...
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I could possibly start losing my mind tomorrow.

Not to discount those in the past who said I already did.

I love Life.

I hate you.

That's FAIR!
"The B@zturd Love Child of Comix & a News Organization"